Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Irish Orphanage: AP Admits It Was False

Edit: we were right about this too, but just for the record.  The Irish media is attempting to stir up moral panic against the Catholic Church.  It was clearly a very transparent attack and  was given a great deal of credit by a large number of the usual Patheos bloggers, and at least one truly vindictive, ex-Catholic, Orthodox. Rod Dreher even tried to defend the honor of an Old Liberal Irish Prelate, the kind who have been instrumentalizing the abuse crisis for their own liberalizing and pro-homosexual tendencies.  The American Conservative has tendencies of its own, but it's not the place to go into them now.

In any event, it took Patheos and the AP until this week to acknowledge the error.

A few stalwart Catholics, ourselves included, questioned the report.

Meanwhile, there's another orphanage in Austria at which 500 girls were sexually abused over a period of many years involving a massive coverup by the establishment there.  So far, there's absolute silence.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

2,300 ISIS Fighters From Europe -- And What If They Return?

"European" Islamists at War
Since in the course of centuries not a few quarrels and hostilities have arisen between Christians and Moslems, this sacred synod urges all to forget the past and to work sincerely for mutual understanding and to preserve as well as to promote together for the benefit of all mankind social justice and moral welfare, as well as peace and freedom. -Nostra Aetate

(Baghdad) The Islamists of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) march forward.   In Christian areas in Mosul they have interrupted the electricity and water supply, as the news agency    Aina reports.   The access to the water for inhabited places like the Assyrian settlements  Bartella and Qaraqosh they control and require payments.  One liter of water costs six dollars.  The price goes up almost daily. It's unaffordable for many residents.   A new preliminary form of the poll tax, which Christians have to  pay to the Islamist "caliphate".   It's a form to break any resistance.

 Are Saddam's chemical weapons still in Iraq?

According to the Wall Street Journal, the jihadists have also taken Al Muthanna, where Saddam Hussein was producing chemical weapons and have occupied it.  According to American security sources, however, the Islamists were not in a position to deploy the complicated weapons.  The only people who would be harmed by the chemical weapons operated by Islamists, would be themselves," says  the Wall Street Journal, quoting an American officer. Even more than this naive assumption, the question arises as to why, just 45 kilometers away from Baghdad in Al Muthanna,  there are chemical weapons are stored.

Thousands of Islamists from Europe to fight in the Middle East

There are not only Iraqis in the ranks of the ISIS, but Syrians, Saudis, Chechens, Afghans, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Somalis, Tunisians, Egyptians, Algerians are fighting as well.  Among them are also "European" units.  Europol estimates the number of fighters at 2,300 that have set out from Europe to fight in the Middle East for the ISIS jihad.  How much are from Germany or Austria, and Switzerland, no one knows exactly.   According to Europol, the United Kingdom is the country from which  most jihadists have set out.

And if the ISIS-fighters return to Europe?

According Lahoor Talabani, head of the anti-terrorist unit of the autonomous Kurdish government in northern Iraq,  to start, there are at least 450 British citizens who have joined the ISIS.  The task force associated with Al-Qaida controls today, says Talabani,  a contiguous area with an east-west distance of at least 500 kilometers.   An area in which the border between Iraq and Syria is no longer important because it extends over both countries.  After the conquest of Fallujah in January and now Mosul and Tikrit also, the ISIS has pushed up to within a few miles of Baghdad.

For Talabani fighters from Europe are a problem not only for Iraq but for Europe as well, because ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi "if they survive their current engagement, they can be used for an attack against England."   The situation will deteriorate rapidly if the West doesn't do anything. "Talabani hopes for air support from the West, as  requested by Iraq's Prime Minister Al Maliki.  However, U.S. President Obama seems unenthusiastic, to again return to the land that had been conquered in 2003.    Obama had made the campaign promise to leave Iraq and that had helped him win the 2008 presidential election.

From Stone Age  The Taliban Have Long Been Digitized 

Meanwhile,   the time in which the Islamists sent messages with videotapes is long  in the past. Today they skillfully use the limitless possibilities of  communication on the Internet.  There are no more video messages from Afghan caves.   Instead, the Islamists have their own websites, using the latest technological standards and publishing their texts, messages and photos on Facebook.  From the "Stone Age-Taliban," as it was called disparagingly still around 2000, they have become a  "digitized Taliban".  Their  global loudspeaker is the Internet.

They have no problems to post on Twitter and Facebook about their actions.  The enemy may read along.   However, they are aimed at mobilizing influence in the Islamic world.  The Internet offers the possibility to simultaneously use information and disinformation. Syria's president has accused all rebels of being terrorists.  But the West has supported the rebels and claimed a part is democratic.   This offers the Islamists enormous leeway to present themselves as anti-Assad-front and as "good" rebels.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Tempi Photo: Tempi
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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The Society of St. Pius X Nears 600 Priests

Edit: from the Society's US Site featuring the ordination of 7 new priests and 5 deacons.  There were over 1,000 laity in attendance for this glorious event.  The harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few, and in a Church which has become a vocational desert in the years following the New Springtime, there are oases.

As of Friday, June 13th, the Society of St. Pius X has 12 reasons for rejoicing. For on that day, in continuance of the SSPX's mission to form priests, Bishop Bernard Fellay ordained 7 new alter Christi and 5 deacons at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, Minnesota.

The seminary has published on its website not only a gallery of images of the ordinations, but also a list of the First Masses that the newly-ordained priests will be offering. Also available via DICI is an audio recording of Bishop Fellay's ordination sermon.

For our part, we offer a photo gallery of Bishop Fellay while at Winona, which can be viewed below.
Please keep these new priests and deacons of the Roman Catholic Church in your prayers, that they may faithfully serve their Divine Master in His vineyard for the salvation of souls.
 Edit: also, in Zaitzkofen/Oberpfalz. On Saturday, the 28th of June, Bishop Tissier de Mallerais will ordain five priests and three deacons.  The ceremony will begin in the castle garden at 9 in the morning. In addition to those named above, Bishop de Galarreta will ordain eight seminarians and a religious to the grace of the priesthood and seven others to the rank of deacons of Holy Mother the Church in Ecône. This will bring the society in the near future to more than 600 priests.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Question of Priorities? -- Corpus Christi Procession Without PopeFrancis

(Rome) Rome witnessed yesterday a papally orphaned Corpus Christi procession. The Vatican released a short term program change through Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi yesterday for the Feast of Corpus Christi. While Italy has long since abolished the feast of Corpus Domini as a day of celebration and is therefore transmitted in Italian parishes to the following Sunday in the liturgical liturgical calendar by the Vatican. The Solemnity of is, however, celebrated on the vigil of Corpus Christi in front of the Patriarchal Church of San Giovanni Laterano.
At the end of the Pontifial Mass celebrated by Pope Francis, the Pope did not take part in the traditional Corpus Christi procession with the Blessed Sacrament. Instead, the Pope, who has had several problems with over-exertion in the past few months, was brought directly in a car to the Patriarchal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, there to await the procession that leads from one to the other papal basilica. . Pope Francis then issued the solemn blessing. The procession was led by the Cardinal Vicar Agostino Vallini, who represents the Pope in governing the diocese of Rome.
Pope Francis Kneeling to DJ at Charismatic Conference

Participation Not "Opportune" Because of Calabria Visit

The Vatican spokesman Lombardi officially announced that the Pope "has deemed it opportune to give up the long walk between the two basilicas with a view to his next commitments," special mention was made of the trip to Cassano all'Jonio in Calabria, which took place yesterday. "Risum teneatis" was offered by the website Messa in Latino.

At the same time, the Vatican spokesman continued, "it was prefered that the Pope, not cover the procession in an open vehicle, so according to the spirit of today's celebrated festival, the attention of the faithful would be focused instead on the Blessed Sacrament exposed and carried in the procession." "Risum teneatis" Messa in Latino again intervened. "Despite the incredible concealment by the press-service of the Vatican, we hoped confidently and with Christian hope that the Holy Father, maybe perhaps a little fortified by vitamins, that in the year of Our Lord 2014 he would at least participate in the last part of the procession. Unfortunately this was not so! "

Mother cried: "For the first time a pope has left his flock"

A mother was with her children on the Via Merulana and wept. A TV crew from La7, taking notice of the scene, asked the woman: "The Pope stayed away from the Corpus Christi procession, while during Holy Mass he never knelt and after the Mass at St. John Lateran he ducked into a car till Santa Maria Maggiore to reappear for the blessing ... I am Roman, this is the first time a pope has left his flock in the Corpus Christi procession, is this Pope is so 'humble' that he is humbler than Jesus Christ? "
Pope Benedict at Corpus Christi Procession

Seriously Ill John Paul II Never Lacked Suffering

In fact, the absence of the Pope and the thin grounds that the Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi delivered, was irritating. Actually Pope Francis seems much more "humble", taking into consideration the words of the Roman mother, than his predecessors. "Who could not remember Pope John Paul II, the physically handicapped, yet with great devotion worshipping his Lord in the procession through the streets of Urbe. Or, Pope Benedict XVI. with his frailties, who did not shrink from it as vain, but was driven in a private vehicle in the procession, at which he knelt to worship the holy of holies," said Messa in Latino.

When Did Pope Francis Kneel?

In fact, since the beginning of the pontificate, there is a question of when Pope Francis kneels. An official explanation as to why the Pope does not genuflect at the consecration of the Lord, has not been offered up until today. Francis knelt during personal prayer when he visited the miraculous image of the Virgin in Santa Maria Maggiore, he knelt in prayer on June 1 in the football stadium in Rome, when he attended the meeting of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and he knelt on Holy Thursday at the washing of the feet of people of different creed and religion. He does not genuflect at the consecration and does not kneel before the Eucharistic Lord. The only exception is for the prayer vigil for peace for Syria previously on September 7, 2013. There was a Eucharistic adoration on St. Peter's Square, at the first part of which Pope Francis participated. To this end, he also had the Salus Populi Romani, the miraculous image of Santa Maria Maggiore brought out, before which he prayed kneeling.

The visit to Calabria and the shift of power in the Bishops' Conference

Bishop Nunzio Galantino, the new strong "man of the Pope" in the Italian Episcopal Conference
The visit, limited to a few hours to Cassano dell'Jonio, was to call out the Mafia. A legitimate and important concern for the affected population. Can the "control" of the Mafia, however, take precedence over the first duties of the Pope, the worship of God. Is the drive to Cassano dell'Jonio more important than the Blessed Sacrament? Thus the question must be answered as to why the Pope actually drove to Calabria.

On December 28, 2013, Pope Francis appointed the Bishop of Cassano dell'Jonio, Monsignor Nunzio Galatino, the new Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference. Although Francis had declared the direct autonomy of the Bishops' Conference of the Pope, which leads automatically to decoupling from the chair, he has grasped increasingly in the following months, the Episcopal Conference with an authoritarian hand, than his predecessor. This includes the appointment of Msgr Galatinos. The Secretary-General had always been a confidant of the delegates appointed by the Pope, who represent him in the office of president. Bishop Galantino was, however, appointed him Executive President of the Bishops' Conference over the incumbant Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco named by Benedict XVI. Cardinal Bagnasco had learned of the appointment, which is equivalent to his actual disempowerment, from the media. The new strong man of the Italian Episcopal Conference, the man of the Pope, is Bishop Nunzio Galantino. Galantino himself stood out as exceedingly negative. He seems to take the controversial statements and gestures of Pope Francis literally. In early May he distanced himself brusquely and in a disappointing way to the Pro-Lifers (see separate contribution Bergoglio Effect: Secretary of the Bishops' Conference Distances Himself From Pro-Lifers ).

Pontifical Request for "Forgiveness"

Already the appointment Galatinos was completely unusual and downright curious looking. Pope Francis begged the diocese of Cassano dell'Jonio to "pardon" him, saying that he was making their Bishop, the General Secretary of the Bishops' Conference. It was already an agreed upon papal wish that Galatino remained also the bishop of his diocese. Cassano dell'Jonio with nearly 100,000 believers is one of the most numerous small dioceses, as they are frequently maintained in Italy for historical reasons. Even more: Pope Francis was asking the faithful of the Calabrian Diocese, of course, only rhetorically for "permission" to use their bishop and otherwise. The Pope wrote a letter specifically to the faithful of Cassano dell'Jonio to post the everyday decision and offer a wordy justification. "It has the impression that the Pope had to ask permission in Mafia Land, that he may decide something," wrote one commentator called No Mafia on the website of the daily newspaper Quotidiano della Calabria.

"Gesture of humility" or The Bizarre Scenario of a "Pope-King"?

Of this may of course be no question. In Rome we saw that behind the baroquely ornate gesture of humility, a rather quite successful diversion, which drew the focus on the unusual and the rather brutal intervention of a "pope-king" (Sandro Magister) in the Bishops' Conference, with the dismissal of the previous Secretary-General Mariano Crociata and the de facto disempowerment of Cardinal Bagnasco.
So also the Pope's visit to the Diocese of Cassano dell'Jonio officially stands under the motto "I come to ask for forgiveness." So there was Bishop Galatino making known throughout his diocese in March: "He comes to ask us for forgiveness." It's a statement that Bishop Galatino repeated several times. His exact words were: "The Pope's visit will be an opportunity to - look us in the eye after he has already done it in writing - to be 'understood' and to learn 'forgiveness' and, as he told me himself on Thursday [27 März 2014] repeated several times asking for forgiveness.'" A rather bizarre scenario.
Already in his letter, with which he informed the diocese of the appointment of Galantino to General Secretary, the head of the Church wrote: "I have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person, but I hope that I'll be able to do soon." The program has been amended several times. Now, a visit to the prison of Castrovillari is also provided for. There sits a the entire family of little Cocò, a three year old child, who had been executed on January 16 Clan War like a mafia boss, and then burned. Pope Francis had mentioned him at the Angelus of 26 January. The family of Cocò, parents, grandmothers and siblings are sitting in prison for drug trafficking. In Castrovillari prison a Romanian is also also incarcerated, who was found guilty of murdering the priest Don Lazzaro Longobardi on March 2. A "martyr of charity" to whom the Pope was alerted by Bishop Galantino.

The human need for the sacred, worship, prayer and penance, were given gestures with strong sociological connotations in the past few months. The trip to Calabria is being loaded up, in addition to the primary reason, as strange "apology tour" with sociological accessories.

Sacredness or Sociology: A Matter of Priorities?

So the fact remains that the Corpus Christi procession in Rome, the city of the Popes, was first orphaned in recent history. Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament found no Vicar of Christ who was kneeling in front of Him and accompanied Him. The Successor of Peter spared himself, for a pastoral visit to a small diocese whose significance is at best "third-rate". The people there will be happy rightly about the visit, but the question arises as to the priorities. The "existential margins" may be important, but certainly not more important than the Blessed Sacrament, and liturgical actions.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: RnS/Papa Ratzinger Picture: RnS / Papa Ratzinger
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Pope Denies Papal Infallibility

Edit: just kidding! Perhaps he will show some mercy to Faithful Catholics, and leave the Franciscans of the Immaculate be?

» 06/21/2014
Pope to the prisoners of Castrovillari:

I, too, make mistakes and need forgiveness

The meeting with the detainees and prisoners in the jail of Castrovillari is the first gesture of Pope Francis in his pastoral visit to the Diocese of Cassano all'Jonio (Calabria). The Pope met with victims of mafia violence, in particular the family members of little Cocò, three years old, killed by mobsters last January. All the detainees were moved, and beseeched Francis' prayers for their children. The encounter with God who "always forgives, always accompanies, always understands", as a basis for social reintegration.

Castrovillari (AsiaNews) - "I, too, make mistakes and I need forgiveness": by identifying himself thus with the fate of the prisoners, Pope Francis began a visit to the Diocese of Cassano all'Jonio in Calabria, a region infamous for crime, the mafia and drug trafficking. Breaking away from the traditional protocol of visits, which provides that he first meet and talk with authorities, the Pontiff instead went first to the "Rosetta Sisca" prison and met with among 200 prisoners, both men and women, in addition to the prison guards and family members of mafia victims.

Among these were the grandmother and aunt of Cocò Campolongo, the three-year old boy killed along with his uncle, a protected witness, and the latter's partner on January 16. Francis had mentioned them in the Angelus of January 26.

The Pope wanted to hold the meeting with prisoners privately, without the presence of journalists and TV cameras. The Bishop of Cassano, Mons. Nunzio Galantino, upon exiting the prison, and speaking to journalists, said that meeting with members of Cocò's family was the most moving moment, where the Pontiff assured them of his prayers for them and for all victims of mafia violence. "It should never happen again," Francis said, "that a child be the victim of such violence." Mons. Galantino, Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), said the Pope greeted the incarcerated women one by one: "They were all crying," he said, "and they recommended their children to his prayers".

The prison of Castrovillari also holds Nelus Dudu, a 27-year-old Romanian who on March 2 at Sibari killed Fr. Lazzaro Longobardi, who had welcomed, fed and clothed him.

In his speech, the Pontiff confessed that he had wanted to have this visit as a "first step" to "express the closeness of the Pope and the Church to every man and every woman who is in jail, in every part of the world. Jesus said: 'I was in prison and you visited me' (Mt 25:36)".

He also stressed that in prison life it is not enough to speak of "fundamental human rights", of "the conditions of serving one's sentence". It is also necessary to commit to "an effective reintegration into society". "When this aim is neglected," he continued, "the execution of the sentence is degraded into a mere punishment and social retaliation, which in turn is bad for the individual and for society".

The path cannot be "only human"; it also requires "an encounter with God". And he invited all to let themselves be "looked upon by God who loves us, who is able to understand us and to forgive our mistakes. The Lord is a master of reintegration: he takes us by the hand and brings us back into the social community. The Lord always forgives, always accompanies, always understands; it is up us to let ourselves be understood, to let ourselves be forgiven, to let ourselves be accompanied."

In conclusion, the Pope implored the prisoners' prayers for his ministry: "I, too, make mistakes, I, too, need forgiveness and penance".

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kasab The City of the Armenians is Liberated --- All Churches Destroyed by the Islamists

(Damascus) On the 14th and 15th of June the Syrian army regained control of Kasab.  The city, inhabited by Armenians city in northwestern Syria, is less than three kilometers from the Turkish border and 17 kilometers from the Mediterranean. It had been captured in March by anti-Assad rebels.

 As the Armenian Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX Catholic Tarmouni explained,   the advancing Syrian soldiers provided a picture of devastation. Alle Kirchen der Stadt wurden von den Islamisten zerstört. All the churches of the city were destroyed by the Islamists.   The crosses were torn from the churches, the icons damaged or burned, statues smashed.  The churches were burned down and the walls smeared with Islamist slogans and the Koranic suras.

 The reclaiming of Kasab  was attended by the regular Syrian associations, self-defense units formed by Syrian Armenians in part and associations of the Shiite Hezbollah from Lebanon.

 Islamists Systematically Destroyed Christian Symbols

  Desecrated icons of Kasab

 On March 21, the attack of the Islamists had begun. Particularly active was   the Al-Qaida Salafist associated Al-Nusra Brigade. The Islamists moved from the border mountains of Turkey into the city.  More than 700 families were evacuated from the city. What remained were units of the Syrian army and the young Armenian men who formed a self-defense militia to defend the churches of the town.  After heavy fighting, however, they had to retreat before the overwhelming power of the Islamists. Now they have returned to their liberated city.

  The Armenian Catholic Patriarch called on the refugee population to return to Kasab and participate in the reconstruction of the city.  The Armenians of Kasab are mainly engaged in agriculture. The city has a symbolic character for the Armenians.   Since 1915 they have had  been expelled by the Turks in the great genocide of Cilicia, and Kasab is the last Armenian enclave of this area.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi  
 Picture: Ora per Siria
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Subjected to Gender Ideologists

Edit: and yet here's an article at Life-Site which cites an Austrian Bishop, Laun of Salzburg, who cites Pope Francis as being opposed to the gender ideology.

(Rome) The Prefect of the Congregation of Religious, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, appointed last May 19 has assigned Dorothean Sister Fernanda Barbiero as the Apostolic Visitator for the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (for visitation see Salus animarum suprema lex - Will he Smashing of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Begin Now Too? ). The male branch of this religious community has been under provisional administration since July 2013. "Commissioner" Fernanda Barbiero comes from the same cultural milieu as Marinella Perroni, who teaches New Testament at the Benedictine College, Saint Anselm in Rome. Barbiero and Perroni are members of Coordinamento Theologe Italiane (Italian Coordination Centre Theologians, CTI). Perroni is even one of the founders and has led it for years as president. Barbiero and Perroni are "convinced feminists," as an article in the Journal of pastoral issues "Vita Pastorale" states.

First pioneer of the "Christian Socialism," then the "Gender Theology"

Marinella Perroni, New Testament Scholar at Benedictine University of Saint Anselm in Rome, feminist, gender-theologian, and on the board of the abortion favorable Women's Initiative SNOQ
In the article Perroni referred approvingly the struggle of Christians "for  Christian Roots" only "as a rearguard action" and a "backward-looking strategy." Perroni is a staunch advocate of a "pluralistic world" and the "Conciliar Church". In the 70s  the theologian dreamt of  a new catechetical "faith-literacy course", which was developed as a literacy model in Brazil by Paulo Freire  and his "Pedagogy of the Oppressed".
Who was Paulo Freire? The educationalist Freire referred to himself as a "Christian Socialist", who took the ideas of Marxist "liberation theology" as his own and created a syncretic form of Christianity and Gramsci-Marxism. That was the model on which to Marinella Perroni thought the new catechesis should be based. Perroni was ecumenically stamped by Taizé, in the 80's she was a pioneer of gender theory. She promoted  gender as an "interpretive key for historical analysis." This brought her a tribute from the feminist online journal inGenere  as "one of the most important representatives of the gender-theology '."

Gender Theory "The Big Change" - Abortion as "Women's Rights"

Sister Fernanda Barbiero, "Commissioner" of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, with Perroni CTI Member
It's about the same gender theory that after the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995 experienced a politico-ideological triumph in Beijing, at the UN conference, where Sister Barbiero was hailed as "the big change".  It is therefore no coincidence that Marinella Perroni showed little sympathy for Pope Benedict XVI.. .The German pope had, according to the theologian, been "guilty" of "intervening forcefully against the gender theory" and to have "called homosexuals as enemies of peace."  Perroni was part of the governing body of the  Women's Initiative   SNOQ begun in 2011 that arose as a left protest movement against the then Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who was accused of "sexism". SNOQ defends the legal killing of unborn children as "women's rights".   It was no problem for the gender theologian Perroni.

Masonic provocation: Symbiosis of Church and Lodge in the Character of "Human Rights"

Freemasons gathered in 2009 in the church ruins of San Galgano in central Italy
A few days ago Perroni appeared in the  company of other great "prophets" of the Conciliar Church, with Alberto Melloni, the undisputed head of the "School of Bologna."  Both were speakers at a meeting of the Masonic Grand Orient of Italy (GOI) about the "Secret Council" (see the report of the secret council - Second Vatican and Freemasonry ). Grandmaster Stefano Bisi went so far as to describe the character of  the "encounter and dialogue," as a fusion of the Catholic Church and Freemasonry in the name of encouraging "human rights and freedoms".
Corrispondenza Romana writes: "It is the eternal temptation that always returns, this time in the form of an open provocation". Grandmaster Stefano Bisi said at the meeting: "I would be really  glad to know what Pope Francis thinks of Freemasonry" and he invoked the same, by no means a random date, for which the Grand Master of the Grand Orient would want a papal signal, the anniversary of  the 1870 breach in the Porta Pia which defeated the Roman city walls,  representing the end of the Papal States and is commemorated  by the Freemasons every year as a holiday. "The next September 20th is to be celebrated because of another breach, a breach that is being used to break down walls that separate the different worlds, who would like to meet. There is a great need for connections. That was also the message of the Second Vatican Council," said the Grand Master.

Grand Orient  Makes Pope Francis and Conciliar Church Its Palace

"You can not accuse the Grand Master not to have  spoken clearly," said Corrispondenza Romana . "The extreme clarity is in the message that's sent out with the meeting and published on the website of the Grand Orient."  It says of the Second Vatican Council: This leap "forward of the Church into the modern society appeals to  Freemasonry, today as then,  which is renewed  today, just as it did during those contentious years,  following with interest the changes that are emerging across the Tiber [in the Vatican]. "Vatican II" presented a unique time of dialogue without a doubt  and mutual understanding, which fall at this stage appears to have begun  a new Conciliar era, where everybody has opportunities to link back to it." Grandmaster Bisi and the Grand Orient are pulling out all the stops to make Pope Francis and the "Church of Vatican II" its palace.

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Delivered to Gender Theologian?

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
Deprived of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Old Rite and the Order line: religious congregation leads to a bull in a china shop.
Given these facts, there is the question of what exactly Marinella Perroni was referring when she recently said in an interview that "big news is possible today, but it needs a serious director" in the Church? The fact is that the cultural humus on which Perroni and the new "Commissioner" of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate thrive, "is a whole different story,has completely different roots, very different charisms and very different objectives,"  than the traditional  Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, who have already been robbed of the Old Mass and which  some  now want to inflict a "realignment" upon them in the sense of re-education. The gender theologians have a markedly ideological flip side, the face which presents a  reality as different as the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conceptioncan can only produce misunderstanding and suffering. The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception with its ​​missionary and  contemplative branch are bound by the traditional Rite,  Catholic tradition, and not  least also the inalienable right to life of unborn children.
The responsibility for this lies with the Congregation of Religious that is handing on "pastoral custody" with the subtlety of an elephant in a china shop on its behalf and  is definitely positioned on a particular side.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana / CTI / GOI / Cronache spawn
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Cardinal Ouellet Celebrates the Immemorial Mass for the First Time -- 25 Years of the Abbey of Le Barroux

(Rome) The prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, on Friday, will celebrate a Pontifical High Mass on June 27 at the  Benedictine Abbey of Le Barroux in France in the traditional rite.
The occasion was to commemorate the reconciliation 25 years ago  of the Benedictine Monastery of Sainte-Madeleine du Barroux with Rome. Since then  the Abbey  reports to   the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei . On June 27, the traditional Benedictine Abbey will celebrate this reconciliation, their elevation to the abbey, at which her late founder, Dom Gerard Calvet was raised to Abbot in 2008 and the consecration of the abbey church.

Abbot Gerard Calvet Could Not Accept Liturgical Reform

Born in 1927 Calvet entered   the Olivetans Order, a branch of the Benedictines, in 1950 and was ordained a priest in 1956. As a missionary, he worked for several years in Brazil. The monk saw a serious rupture in   the liturgical reform of 1965/1969, which he could not follow. He left with the permission of the abbot of his monastery Tournay and has lived since 1969 as a hermit in the Vaucluse department in the French Alps.
When young men joined him, who also wanted to live the traditional liturgy and Benedictine Spirituality, Calvet appealed in 1973 with his Convent to the Fraternity of St. Pius X. This led to a break with his Abbey and the Benedictine Congregation of Subiaco.  In 1978 Calvet began with the construction of his own monastery in Provence Le Barroux in the diocese of Avignon. In 1986, a subsidiary was founded in Brazil.

After a Few Fractures, Stability

Dom Calvet did not   follow Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1988 on the path of illicit episcopal ordinations. He broke the connection with the SSPX and Rome accepted the offer of reconciliation. It was step that split the community of Le Barroux. A part of the Convention separated from Dom Calvet, including the Brazilian subsidiary that was founded.

Daughter Founding in Aquitaine

In 1989,  Cardinal Augustin Mayer gave the Calvets abbatial blessing and the same year also the consecration of the abbey church was by Cardinal Edouard Gagnon. In 1995 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger aleo visited the traditional Abbey. In 2002,  the Monastery of Sainte-Marie de la Garde in Aquitaine was founded as  a new subsidiary. Today's Priory will  be an independent abbey in the future. 

Since 2003 monastery's fortunes have been passed to  Louis-Marie de Geyer d'Orth, the second abbot of Le Barroux. A few months after the death of old abbot Calvet Le Barroux was in the 2008 Benedictine Confederation added. The Abbey  now has 55 monks, while the Priory of Sainte-Marie de la Garde 13 monks.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons

Freemasons and Catholic Bishops Meet in Belfast

Edit: speaks for itself, no?  Of course, you would expect the Bishops' Conference not to offer any objections to this questionable meeting.

[Irish Bishops' Conference] Senior representatives of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland met today (Tuesday) with a delegation of Catholic clergy in Belfast, including Bishop of Down and Connor, Most Reverend Noel Treanor.
It is the second time this year the Loyal Order has met formally with Catholic Church representatives in the city, having previously held preliminary discussions along with the Royal Black Institution in February.

Among the attendees at the meeting were the Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, Edward Stevenson.

Issues discussed included the Haass proposals, parading, and shared concerns regarding child poverty and educational underachievement in the Province.

Both parties agreed the two-hour meeting was beneficial in terms of developing mutual respect and understanding for both traditions, and committed themselves to further engagement.

Bishop Treanor was accompanied by Reverend Timothy Bartlett, Secretary to the Northern Bishops and Reverend Michael Sheehan, Administrator of Saint Patrick’s Parish, Donegall Street, Belfast.

Other senior Orange representatives included Deputy Grand Master, Reverend Alistair Smyth; Grand Secretary Drew Nelson; Grand Master of the County Grand Orange Lodge of Belfast, George Chittick; and Director of Services, Dr David Hume.

Link to story from Irish Bishops' Conference...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Secret Council -- Second Vatican Council and Freemasonry

(Rome)  Freemasons will also address  the Second Vatican Council on its 50th anniversary. In Rome, no less than the official Grand Orient of Italy has offered a book presentation on June 12, entitled "The Secret Council “. The book of the same name  was presented by journalist Ignazio Ingrao, employee of  Italian state television RAI and a Vaticanist for the weekly magazine Panorama . The subtitle of the book reads: "mystery, intrigue and power games of the event that has changed the face of the Church”.  The book is published by the Catholic publishing house Piemme  of the Pauline  Sisters.

Illustrious Masonic Progressive Roundtable

The Grand Orient, which  is very sensitive to the topic Second Vatican Council, gathered an illustrious progressive roundtable. The "secret council” which is so important  to the most influential Italian obedience   that the Grand Master personally went into action. A separate chapter ("Freemasons at the Council") is dedicated to the aproned brothers. Neither book nor chapters are an indictment, but more of a "home game" as the Grand Master said.  Next  to the author, Ignazio Ingrao, sat Stefano Bisi the new Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy,  Alberto Melloni is head of the progressive "school of Bologna", which still holds, not least with the help of the German Bishops Conference, a near monopoly in the official interpretation of the Council and propagated the thesis of a positive break from the preconciliar period. The gender theologian, Marinella Perroni, a New Testament Scholar at the Pontifical Benedictine University of  Saint Anselm in Rome has an affinity to this camp. The presentation was in the hands of the left-Catholic journalist Marco Polite. A remarkable dialogical networking existed between progressive parts of the Catholic Church and Freemasonry.

“Anticipate” the Church of Tomorrow 

The Grand Orient of Italy, writes on its website about the book: "To understand a so innovative and paradigmatic event as the Second Vatican Council was, and not to do that through an official version, but by testimonies and previously unpublished documents, offers the possibility to go to the roots of what is happening today in the Catholic Church.  To study the Council of yesterday  will help us anticipate the church of tomorrow. Pope Francis has picked up the testimony of his predecessors [Pope John XXIII. and Paul VI.]  and taken the strong and determined commitment to implement the Council. The church in  dialogue, which is aligned to the margins, as the Argentine Pope wants it, is the model that the Council Fathers wanted to carry out. "

The Secret Council of Ignazio IngraoCouncil Almost a “Home Game" for Freemasons?

At the end of the book presentation, Grandmaster Bisi said: "It would be really happy to know what Pope Francis thinks of Freemasonry". In his speech, the Grand Master was pleased about the "open dialogue" of parts of the Church on issues such as "human rights". "The Council” has  here "extraordinary achievements”.  Sometimes the dialogue about the Council appeared to him as a "home game", "I am deeply convinced that there can be fruitful contacts between the Catholic Church and other faiths in the field of human rights and freedom. I think it's time to one more than to separate and I am convinced that a valuable point of encounter and dialogue can be found. "Alluding to the 20th September, in which Freemasonry celebrates its annual victory of the state over the Church, the Grand Master said: "The next September 20th is to be celebrated because of another breach, a breach that is used to break down walls that separate the different worlds, who would like to meet. There is a great need for connections. That was also the message of the Second Vatican Council, which has opened a new era in the Catholic world 50 years ago. A message that is now charged by the pontificate of Bergoglio with a new and very strong innovative thrust that comes from the will of the church to model in their physiognomy new, a review of the pastoral care of interpersonal relationships, an appreciation of the methods that were initiated by those extraordinary meetings, which took place from 1962 to 1965 under Popes John XXIII. and Paul VI.  in an open and democratic debate and intense listening to the society. "
The journalist Stefano Bisi has been since April 6, 2014, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy , and thus succeeds Gustavo Raffi. Bisi comes from the Socialist-Masonic milieu of Tuscany and Umbria. The Grand Orient of Italy, founded in Milan in 1805 goes back to Napoleon's stepson, Eugene Beauharnais, the first Grand Master who was  vice-king of Italy, that was a vassal state of France.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Grande Oriente d’Italia
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Monday, June 16, 2014

Murderer May Have Hated Catholic Clergy

Edit: some people are going to the point of practically justifying the murder. He did manage to select victims who actually look like Catholic priests. At this point, there is no word as to what the alleged murderer, now in custody, had as a motive for the killing.

We've occasionally overheard people justifying the murderous impulses of deranged and politically motivated criminals in this light. It's ghoulish of course, but what do we expect?

Phoenix [CBS5] The person who brutally attacked two Phoenix priests might have a lot of anger toward people and things associated with religion, a Phoenix Police Department spokesman said.

Police also said they are looking for a man who was seen entering a residence attached to Mother of Mercy Mission Catholic Church, where one Phoenix priest was shot and killed and another badly beaten Wednesday night.

The violent nature of the crimes - the Rev. Kenneth Walker was shot multiple times and the Rev. Joseph Terra was brutally beaten - leads police to believe the attacker is angry at churches, priests or religion in general, said Sgt. Darren Burch of the department's Silent Witness program.


Roberto de Mattei: Catholic Resistance Against Abortion and For the Family

(Rome) in Italy in recent years a radical upheaval in the right to life scene in progress. The situation is different in each country for cultural and historical reasons. Nevertheless, the Italian example offers, with references to the U.S. and France, some interesting elements for the German-speaking world, where the situation in the individual countries also have similarities and differences.

Beginning in 2011 the Italian March for Life, the pro-life movement, has regained its ability to act and has been freed from the suffocating embrace of a mere fig leaf function for (Christian Democratic) policy and the Bishops' Conference. The new pro-life movement is completely independent. Regardless of party, regardless of the Bishops' Conference and it's independent of other organizations.

The March for Life in Italy goes back to the initiative of traditionalist Catholics, including the recently departed legal philosopher Mario Palmaro. Traditional Catholics also gave the initial impetus for the French civil rights movement Manif pour tous. And the founder of the March for Life, the largest March for Life was buried in the Old Rite in Washington in 2012. This is no accident, as Roberto de Mattei says.

It's not only the right to life, but the family was in total released for departure, is now discussed in the context of building a movement to defend the family. The view is primarily beyond the Alps to the west, where in France with the civil rights movement Manif pour tous a movement has risen within a very short time with a mass basis.

Opinions differ about the ways in which the goal could be achieved. Recently, the repetition of was Family Day suggested, as it took place on 12 May 2007. In contrast, now one of the initiators of March for Life, the well-known historian Roberto de Mattei has asked to speak. "It will not be the Bishops’ Conference and the policy makers that nurture the Pro-life movement.“ Fact is that the family is besieged and attacked from all sides. Here are the further remarks of Roberto de Mattei on 11 June published in the daily newspaper Il Foglio and is indirectly a response to Martin Lohmann and his controversial invitation of Donum vitae to represent the March for Life in Berlin.

by Roberto de Mattei

The family is under unprecedented attack, not only in Italy but worldwide. This process, which was initiated by the '68 revolution, had its symbolic beginning in our country with the referendum of 12 May 1974, which confirmed the divorce law Fortuna Baslini of 1970. The way was thus paved for the next stages, which then led to the legalization of the new family law, abortion, artificial insemination and the recent attempt to institutionalize the homosexual partnership and to suppress dissenting voices with the new offense homophobia.“

The Family rooted in human nature, developed antibodies

The adoption of the quick divorce by the Chamber of Deputies, with which the times are reduced for the dissolution of marriage at six months, shows the direction the Renzi government will take. The institution of the family is shattered, but because it is rooted directly in the nature of man, it produces Anti-Bodies.

Over the past 40 years it has spontaneously formed defenses in response to movements in the world. The oldest is the American March for Life, which has gathered in Washington since January 22, 1974, every year with hundreds of thousands of participants and represents the diamond’s point of the anti-abortion movement in the United States.

The most recent is the French Manif pour tous , which was formed in September 2012 in Paris and in less than two years, millions of people took to the streets to protest against the aberrosexual pseudo-marriage.

Both of these movements are the most significant popular demonstrations in defense of life and the family.

What the March for Life and Manif pour tous Does

In Italy, the Catholic Bishops' Conference initiated Family Day on May 12, 2007 with the goal of adopting better social policies for the family by the Parliament. The initiative was a great success, but without consequences.

Since 2011, however, a spontaneous initiative of several small but mighty associations of of the March for Life have developed, where in Rome 50,000 people gathered on May 4 this year, took to the streets to bring to expression their unconditional No to abortion, without exception and without compromise.

What are the similarities and what are the differences between these various initiatives? The great strength of the March for Life and the Manif pour tous is to be powerful mobilizations although completely independent from political power or the Church hierarchy exert a profound influence on the political and religious institutions of their countries.

If the bishops of the United States belong till now the world's most determined defenders of life, to refuse Catholic abortion supporters Communion, then this is due to the fact that they are getting massive backing from the March for Life and they are at the same time also forced to give a positive witness. The Manif pour tous is non-denominational and politically independent, just like the March for Life, but receives the support of many bishops at the individual level. This has helped to create a psychological and cultural climate that led to Hollande’s crushing defeat in the recent elections to the European Parliament.

Regardless of politics and the Bishops' Conference

In Italy, where there is an entrenched Christian Democratic tradition, for the first points of contact are the bishops or the parties, all the initiatives that arose in the course of time, almost always emanate from political or ecclesiastical structures. The Forum of Family Associations, which officially organized Family Day in 2007, was directly dependent on the Bishops' Conference. It is sufficient to remember that the head of the Office for Family Pastoral of the Episcopal Conference or its representatives are involved, according to statutes. Also well known is the connection of the Movimento per la Vita by Carlo Casini to the Bishops' Conference of the MPV, according Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, it receives 600,000 euros a year, and almost half of the total budget.

The Family Day 2007, which was mainly due to the political intelligence of Cardinal Ruini has arisen within a year and died again, just because it was an initiative from above, lacking the roots in the Catholic people and the Catholic Associations.

Standard-bearer non-negotiable values
The success of the March for Life stems from the use from a variety of large and small realities that are present in all living branches of the society, from the parishes to the Internet. Without the support of the political parties, the bishops or the largest Catholic movements from Communion and Liberation to Neocatechumenate who can lead a compact and numerous army into the field for the March for Life. It is a base which needs to be represented by free and independent men and women, the standard-bearers of non-negotiable principles and hence ideas and are not led by power interests. That's the power of the March for Life.

Not from above, by political or ecclesiastical machinations can be something really built solidly for the defense of life and family, but from the bottom with the help of those myriads of groups, associations and circles, which are usually unknown and unnoticed by the media, who, however, are consolidated and form a compact block. Within this movement, and not as an alternative, it exists and can develop a serious opposition, which is not merely a facade, that opposes those who want to destroy the family.

Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi

image: Corrispondenza Romana

Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Link to Katholisches… AMGD

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Cardinal Kasper Feels Left Out: Lutherans Snub Joint Declaration on Justification

It’s a big pain that the hard-won basic text for justification is not mentioned by the EKD.

Berlin (kath.net / KNA) The former Vatican Ecumenical Head Cardinal Walter Kasper has criticized the statement of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) on the doctrine of justification. The “basic text published in May didn’t mention a single word on the pact singed in 1999 by Catholics and Lutherans "Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" (GER), said Kasper this weekend in Berlin. "I could not believe it, it hurt me," said the retired German Cardinal.

For the upcoming anniversary of the Reformation of the EKD promises "no good,” said Kasper. He expressed the hope that this is not the last word on the question by the EKD. The paper is titled “Justification and Freedom. Reformation 500 years in 2017." In the theological question of justification, is, to put it simply, a matter of whether the sin which hinders the relationship between God and man can be brought back to order by grace alone or by human participation.

The former President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity spoke on this at a meeting of the Christian community "Chemin Neuf" (New Way), which celebrated its 20-years of engagement in Berlin. The former president of the Lutheran World Federation, Bishop Emeritus of the Brunswick, Christian Krause, said of GER, which is a central Lutheran-Catholic consensus document, had been controversial "only in Germany" within the Lutheran churches before signing. Krause continuing said, for the Catholic Church it was not an easy question to answer, as they are confronted with the anniversary of the Reformation, which has been prepared with great effort.

Kasper explained that the Catholic Church would "participate, if we are invited" in the celebrations. This is where the ball lay, but on the side of the EKD. In his view, the churches could "celebrate what has been given us in recent decades,” in 2017. They should "not forget what we have already formulated together.”

Link to kath.net...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Catholics of Iraq Plead to Pope for Help

The Christians in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul overrun by Islamists have asked Pope Francis and the universal Church for help.

Vatican City (kath.net / KNA) The Christians in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul overrun by Islamists have asked Pope Francis and the universal Church for help. At the same time Archbishop Emil Nona Shimoun announced, according to a statement of the Vatican's Congregation for Eastern Churches on Friday, to keep churches, schools and other facilities for refugees of all religions open.

The head of the Congregation of Eastern Churches, Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, reportedly telephoned on Thursday to the Chaldean Archbishop Nona and his Syrian Catholic counterpart, Yohanna Petros Moshe. Sandri complained then, that in Mosul "in these tragic hours, Christians and Muslims have been forced to flee from their homes and their city in order to survive." The region is associated with the biblical figure of Abraham, “is experiencing an exodus of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children again." Further, the cardinal declared solidarity with the Baghdad resident Chaldean Patriarch Raphael I Louis Sako. He pointed to his use of dialogue and national reconciliation. Pray for peace for the Middle East and the whole world Link to kath.net...

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Church Has Always Condemned: Practicing Aberrosexuality

From a collection of texts that show unequivocally, the constant and irrevocable condemnation of aberrosexuality of the Church as taught by the Church Fathers and Doctors of the Church up to the present time.

The texts are taken from the publication:

"The Church and Homosexuality". The Reasons For an Immutable Conviction. Edited by Roberto de Mattei . With a preface by Cardinal Alfons Stickler M. . Christiana-Verlag (Stein am Rhein) 1996. Available at the Sarto-Verlag.

Peter, leader of the apostles:

"And reducing the cities of the Sodomites, and of the Gomorrhites, into ashes, condemned them to be overthrown, making them an example to those that should after act wickedly." (2 Pet.) (p. 15)

Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles:

"Do not be deceived! Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals will inherit the kingdom of God "(1 Cor 6:9-10). (p. 15)

St. Augustine (354-430), Doctor of the Church universal:

"The atrocities that are contrary to nature, as the Sodomites, are abhorrent and an offense anywhere, anytime ..." (p. 19)

Emperor Theodosius (347-395):

"All those who have the shameful habit, to let their own male body play a female role, should atone for such a serious offense in the avenging flames." (p. 19)

Emperor Justinian (327-365):

"We have arranged (...), to arrest those who cling tenaciously to such unseemly and ungodly acts, and to punish them with death." (p. 23)

Pope Gregory the Great (540-604):

"It was just that the sodomites, that were burning with perversity, originating from the stench of the lusts of the flesh, perished by fire and brimstone." (p. 23)

St. Peter Damian (1007-1072):

"This vice must not be regarded as an ordinary vice, since it outperforms all other vices in perilousness. It kills the body, ravages the soul, defiles the flesh. " (p. 27)

Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274). Angelic Doctor:

"The sins against nature, by which injures the order of nature itself, is a compete injustice toward God, against nature of its order." (p. 31)

St. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), Doctor of the Church and patron saint of Italy:

"Those who commit the cursed sin against nature, are blind fools, ignorant of the rot and the misery in which they are stuck." (p. 31)

St. Bernardine of Siena (1380-1440), the great Franciscan reformer:

"More agony is suffered by one who has lived with this vice of sodomy, as this is the greatest sin there is." (p. 35)

St. Pius V (1504-1572):

"This horrific crime fills us with bitter pain and shakes us deeply; it urges us, therefore, to suppress this crime with the greatest possible zeal." (p. 35)

Peter Canisius, SJ, Doctor of the Church (1521-1597), author of the first catechism:

"The Sodomites violated the natural law and the divine law." (p. 43)

Pope Pius X (1835-1914):

"In the Catechism of St.. Pius X 'sodomy is classified under the sins before that cry out to God for vengeance,' the sin against nature (No. 966). " (p. 43)

Pope John Paul II:

"Morally unacceptable is the legal approval of homosexual practice. By decision of the European Parliament there is an attempt to legitimize a moral disorder. "

(p. 47)

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI.)

"When the Church rejects erroneous opinions regarding homosexuality, they defended rather the freedom and dignity of man, than that they would restrict it." (p. 47)

See also...

Link to kreuz.net...
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

[Update] Manif pour tous President Invited to Meet Pope Francis in Vatican

(Vatican) Pope Francis received Ludovine de la Rochere, the President of the French civil rights movement Manif pour tous  yesterday. The Catholic Church leader had invited the plucky French during the morning Mass in the guest house Santa Marta. The meeting took place shortly after. 
This past January 24,  France's controversial President, François Hollande was received at the Vatican. On this occasion Ludovine de la Rochere picked up her pen and wrote a long letter to the Pope, to describe the situation in France. At that time, a Catholic initiative had collected more than 100,000 signatures on a petition within a few hours, which asked  the Pope Francis, to broach issues against President Hollande in which the government acted in flagrant contradiction to Catholic teaching. As far as known, these issues directed to Pope Francis  were not  addressed to  Hollande.  In any case, there  was an invitation for de la Rochere to the Vatican.
Manif pour tous emerged in late 2012 from the protest of millions of Frenchmen against the socialist, openly anti-Christian policy of the Hollande government. Manif pour tous is the answer to Marriage pour tous, and the law legalizing "gay marriage". Manif pour tous fights for  the defense of the family, the right of a child, to have a father and a mother, against adoption rights for homosexuals and against the gender ideology of the government.

Five Minutes for Manif Pour Tous President

[Update] now published in the Osservatore Romano there is a photo of the meeting between Pope Francis and Ludovine de la Rochere.  Famille chrétienne  de la Rochere said the following: "We had written to the Pope at that time, that the movement Manif pour tous will necessarily  oppose the threat of further legislation by the government. And we have asked the Pope to grant us a sign of support and encouragement. "
From that came the Vatican's invitation to Ludovine de la Rochere.  Pope Francis granted the Manif pour tous President five minutes. A surprisingly short time, considering that the invitation from the Vatican and Pope Francis was  made with Ludovine de la Rochere, certainly the  most important figures of  France today.
In a nutshell,  de la Rochere tried to report to the pope that  "the family is under attack from all sides" in France. As  Famille chrétienne writes,  the Pope replied that he'll think about the best way to send a message to the French.
Ludovine de la Rochere thanked him for the invitation, gave the Pope a Manif pour tous vest with the famous logo of the movement.  It shows without any text, a stylized family, father, mother and two children, who hold each other's hands. The wearing of the vest or sweaters with the logo in the public  will result in incarceration or be denied entrance into public places in France, such is the Jacobin tolerance".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Manif pour tous
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches…

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Oremus: FSSP Priest Shot and Killed in Phoenix at Mater Misericordia

A 28-year-old priest was shot and killed and another wounded at a Catholic church Wednesday night near the state Capitol, a Phoenix police spokesman said.
Police were responding to a burglary call shortly after 9 p.m. near 16th Avenue and Monroe Street at the Mater Misericordiae (Mother of Mercy) Mission, Sgt. Steve Martos said.
The Diocese of Phoenix released a statement early Thursday morning identifying the slain priest as Father Kenneth Walker, who is listed as associate pastor at the Mother of Mercy Mission.