Saturday, May 17, 2014

Missionary Bishop Kräutler: Praying for Vocations? "I'm Not Game For That"

(Vienna) Praying for vocations to the priesthood for the left-friendly Austrian missionary Bishop Erwin Kräutler is like yesterday's snow. This had been the "concept" of Benedict XVI..

Kräutler insists in an interview with the daily newspaper Die Presse on "regional solutions to the celibacy issue". To such things, Pope Francis, who had received Kräutler last April 4th at the Vatican, showed himself to be "very open". The Pope wished for "proposals" on the celibacy question.

Kräutler have proposed to the Pope, "to decouple celibacy and Eucharist". That a Eucharistic celebration depending on a celibate priest was a "problem": "I'm not game for that," said Kräutler a daily newspaper.

Although Kräutler did not know whether Pope Francis will then implement his solutions, he was nevertheless very satisfied, because: "This process has never been allowed. Benedict XVI. has said, we pray for priestly vocations. This Pope is different. He wants to put in motion a process. "Under Francis doors are opening up, so said the Old Liberal missionary bishop from Austria.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
  Link to Katholisches...

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Easy World of Some Prelates -- Looking Away and Adjusting to the Powers of the World

From Giuseppe Nardi
(Rome) The incomprehensible words of Bishop Nunzio Galantino, the Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference has unleashed resentment and disappointment among Catholics worldwide.  Particularly irritating is   the true fact that Bishop Galantino was appointed by Pope Francis and is the strong man in the Bishops' Conference.   Is it not the Pope who continuously criticized careerism and comfort? But what other than comfort, could there be if bishops refrain from the defense of Catholic doctrine and make dialectical tricks to bring themselves into line with the world? Bishop Galantino constructed in an interview with the Italian newspaper Quotidiano Nazionale (QN) a contrast between ethical questions that he played off against each other (see separate report Bergoglio Effect: Secretary of the Bishops' Conference Distances Himself from Pro-Lifers ). He opposed the commitment to the right for the life of children against concern for employment and health.
The bishop revealed that the opposition to abortion has become annoying to  part of the Church hierarchy because it strains  a congenial relationship of the Catholic Church with the ruling forces. Not only the left-wing parties, but also increasingly the bourgeois parties exclude any discussion of abortion legislation. Rather, the consent to abortion has become  a condition for government funding or even for licensing  as is done  in the U.S.. Government by Obama

The powerful want  child murder? Hooray We Cave In

Bishop Galantino  spoke openly about  what not a few bishops have long implied indirectly. The right to life issue and the Pro-Lifers disturb the good relations with those less and less influenced by Christianity in power, politics and the media. To express this, the new Secretary General of the startled Italian Episcopal Conference by not hesitating to caricature the Pro-Lifers in a condescending manner. That and the new Chairman of the American Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Joseph Edward Kurtz kneeling in front of abortion clinics praying the rosary, would be passed over in silence by Galantino. He, for one, will not do it. Not only that, those who do it, disturb the influential prelates. Probably because they are a constant reminder to the conscience.

Padre Pio and the Power of Prayer

Does  Bishop Galantino  not believe  in the power of prayer when he finds it so inappropriate and  makes derogatory judgments on those who pray against abortion? "Prayer is the best weapon we have. It is the key that opens the heart of God ", however, was what St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina said.
"Bishop Galantino, maybe you should just sit through a prayer vigil where people witness to the faith witness against the greatest crime in human history, while others are comfortably sitting at home," said Pro-Lifers Michele Majno in Riscossa Cristiana . "In addition to the smooth and slick passers by there will always be some stubborn 'Catholics who hold the rosary between their fingers and pray, rather than discuss some documents on socio-political issues, married priests, communion for remarried divorcees, tacit acceptance of abortion and vocal recognition of homosexuality, because they know that priests do not marry, sacramental marriage is indissoluble, and that homosexuality and the murder of innocent children are abominations that cry out for God's vengeance, "  said Majano.

Many bishops in Europe have remained silent too long

Bishop Galantino invented instead the assertion that he seems to have brought over one to one from Pope Francis, that the Church, so to speak has talked  too much   about abortion and could not constantly continue so one-sidedly.

From the words it is clearly apparent that life issues seem to get on Galantino's nerves.  The mass murder of unborn children isn't bothering him, but that there are Catholics who still point it out, although the rulers of this world have but decided on  their laws and therefore want to kill undisturbed. 

Actually,  Bishop Galantino has claimed the exact opposite to be true. Many representatives of the Church, except the Popes (only since Pope Francis whose  pontificate's  papal attitude seems on the whole ambivalent) have been silent for decades on the subject of right to life. If they take a stand, then it is quite stealthily, so there's not too many to remember. An indictment against the biggest, industrially organized mass murder in human history you do not get to hear from the vast majority. It is much faster to enumerate the few bishops who have seriously  raised their personal voice against child murder with conviction, not as the tentative opinions, or roundabout explanations of the Episcopal Conferences.

Demonstrate with Abortion Lobbyists - Distancing from Pro-Lifers?

Bishop Ludwig Maria Schwarz of Linz, that Austrian diocese, which is a prime example of undersierable internal developments in the church in the German speaking areas, traveled to Vienna in order to participate last Wednesday at a "vigil" in front of the Federal Chancellery. He thus demonstrated against government cuts for NGOs for development cooperation. "We have a duty to provide assistance," rightly said the bishop. However, for the bishop it is not a problem   to show solidarity without distinction with organizations whose "development aid" participates in the promotion of abortion (keyword "reproductive health") . 
Bishop Schwarz, however, was not seen on the street in order to demonstrate for the right to life  or to pray in front of an abortion clinic. An opportunity  would be available in Linz on Saturday, 17 May, where Human Life International Austria and the club Yes to Life invites you to a prayer vigil and among other things to the General Hospital of the city and the rosary for the right to life of mother and child pray against infanticide.

Questions to the Bishops

Bishop Galantinos "slip" was a few days after in Rome 4 March for Life was held in which more than 50,000 people took part, to demonstrate for life and against abortion. The lifers have thus provided evidence that the street does not belong only to those who demonstrate for the death. Is Galantinos  message to be understood in response to the March for Life? Therefore some questions to the bishops of the West:
1) Are the tens of thousands of people, priests, religious, children, adults, women, men and the elderly (including those who came in wheelchairs and on crutches), who drew representatives demonstrating marching for two hours in Rome's  Republic Square to St. Peter's Square  finally finding political recognition? Will the bishops relate a clear position, not only abstract,  for life, but specifically against the daily threat of abortion and the abolition of abortion murder laws?
2) From the 5th to the 19th of October, 2014, the Vatican Synod of Bishops will be held on the theme: "The pastoral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization." In the chapter Code of Canon Law (CIC) states to synodal assemblies (Canon 346.2): ​​"Convened for the Extraordinary General Synod has to deal with matters that require a timely resolution." Do the concerns of lifers belong to the "affairs" that "require timely resolution"  (this is really a matter of life or death)?
3) The Pope said at the Angelus in St. Peter's Square to the 50,000 participants in the March for life in Rome (which  made   all the great Catholic lay associations and movements stand out  by their absence): "Good luck and forward".  When will the bishops follow the example of Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke and go at the first opportunity on the street to take part in the March for Life prayer vigils in their country and in front of abortion clinics and  appeal uncompromisingly for the right to life?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Riscossa Cristiana / Diocese of Linz (Screenshot) / La cigüeña de la torre
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela Desecrated by Shinto and Buddhist Rites

(Madrid) The famous cathedral of Santiago de Compostela was desecrated by Buddhist and Shinto rites  The Catholic Church prohibits in their churches every act of worship of another religion. Through the implementation of a strange rite a Catholic church is profaned, and requires a special rite to fix this desecration.
Nevertheless, it came as part of an event organized by the local tourist association  "Japanese Week in Santiago", the  desecration of the world famous place of pilgrimage cathedral by Buddhist monks and Shinto priests, who presented ritual songs and dances.

Tourism Association Organized "Japanese Week" and  Allowed Buddhist and Shinto Dance in Cathedral

From the 9th to the 13th of  May, Japan was presented in Santiago with a variety of events all year.  It featured  Japanese art, music and cuisine. On May 13th, the last day of the theme week, the event took place in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela called "The Spirit of Japan".  The program announced the event as "Songs and Dances of Buddhist monks and Shinto priests of the prefecture of Wakayama."
But how is it possible that the cathedral of  the Archbishop  could permit the  Tourist Office to make it available, ​​moreover even for ritual acts of foreign religions? This is what Catholics are currently asking. For the tourist office  Santiago de Compostela all religions are equal,  so for that reason  religious programs can take place in a religious context, specifically Buddhist and Shinto rites in a Catholic church.

Holy Mass in a Side Chapel - Idolatry Before the High Altar

While Holy Mass was celebrated in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel of the Cathedral,  the main nave of the church in front of the main altar  was opened to Buddhist monks and Shinto priests for their rites.
The even was not mentioned on the website of the cathedral church, but without the consent of those responsible,   the event could not have taken place. There is also no indication that the procedure  required by the Church after a profanation, that is a  purification rite, will be  performed with a new consecration.
Are really all religions equal and a church  is only a syncretic container dedicated  to fit  in   all religions? What does Archbishop Julián Barrio   of Santiago de Compostela mean by this?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bergolio-Effect: Secretary of the Italian Bishop's Conference Betrays Pro-Lifers for Secular Approval

(Rome) The appointed  new Secretary Generaly of the Italian Episcopal Conference hand picked by Pope Francis, Bishop Nunzio Galatino of Cassano  all'Jonio flattered the abortion lobby and distanced himself from Pro-Lifers in an interview on Monday. "I do not identify myself with the motionless faces of those who pray the rosary in front of the clinics that perform abortions."  We waited for a denial for 24 hours, says the editor of the Catholic website Nuova Bussola Quotidiana . But this denial did not come. "We have to accept it. This statement, which discloses a lack of humanity, one would expect only from the worst secularists, but it really comes from Monsignor Galantino."
The  secretary hand picked by Pope Francis  and since then practically the most powerful man in the Italian Episcopal Conference  is revealing a  "clerical arrogance"  which speaks of  "compassion" (for the women)   and contempt  for ( neighbors) life," said Riccardo Cascioli.
Pope Francis with Bishop Galantino
The governor of the Pope in Italy distances himself not only from the prayerful Pro-Lifers in front of the abortion clinics that already save hundreds of children from certain death and as many women, who they were able to keep  from making the biggest mistake of their lives. In the interview he kept a  distance from the fundamental right to life. "We have concentrated solely on a no to abortion and euthanasia in the past," said Galantino, but forget that "it comes into  existence, develops."  Therefore, an end to the resistance on behalf of  innocents, an end to the resistance against euthanasia and especially an end to the Rosary before clinics. Instead, "better quality of life for the people in their right to health and work," said the secretary of the Bishops' Conference.
"Besides the fact that it already if is no 'right to health' but possibly a right to medical treatment, Galantino  constructs an opposition that goes in deadly manner to the detriment of the child," said Cascioli. But this would in any case be something almost all  could support and propagate. The Church is the only really serious hotbed of resistance to the brutality of "progress". Only an "abstract ideological point of view" can dilute the right to life and dissolve it into a "right to health" and in a "right to work". "The truth is that you no longer want to talk about a thing that has become as  politically troublesome  a thing as abortion," said Cascioli. Not coincidentally, "Msgr Galantino even seems to be afraid, because  he instead speaks of the 'termination of pregnancy'. and  'this pratice', when he means abortion."
Galantino thus is ultimately only following Pope Francis, who distanced himself in Civiltà Cattolica interview in September by commitment to the protection of life and the Pro-Lifers, whom he accused of "obsession."   No abortion lobbyist,  could have said it "better". How now then are the statements for the protection of life  by the Pope? He also avoids meticulously  calling  things by their name and with the distancing from the "non-negotiable values", he gave them to understand that the protection of life was good and right, but ultimately has no priority.
"In addition, I would like to know who  all the bishops and priests who have spoken in these years constantly on abortion and euthanasia have been. I must have been distracted, but I know of so few in the sense that I can list them.  When John Paul II and Benedict XVI. talked about it - but certainly not exclusively - it is because they had to oppose a Church that has completely lost the sense of the "Gospel of Life", as the statement of Galantino confirmed in a startling way," said Cascioli.
"It would be nice if the Secretary of the Bishops 'Conference would at least try to think about the words said by  Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta: 'The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing, it which is the direct murder by the hand of the mother herself. Because if a mother can kill her own child, then there is nothing that would prevent me from killing you, and keep you  from killing me."
The pressure to conform seems to dominate the bishops. The urge to conform, to belong to  the mainstream society  seems overwhelming. Today, no one wants someone who "judges", so there are also no standards, at least not universal Christian standards any more because the standards that the world presents  as authentic, contradict the teachings of Christ. "And who would even dare to pray in front of clinics where innocent children are killed, who will not only be left by their own bishops  in the lurch, that has been happening in Europe for years, but even insulted and offended. They are the same bishops, who call heathens to the pulpit, so that they can teach Christians. Because the only ones evaluated in this new, 'non-judgmental' view who are so condemned, are Catholics.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
images: NBQ

Breaking: Soviet Romero to Be Beatified

Edit: the Reds are invading heaven now, too.  The Patron Saint of Wealth Redistribution.

Breaking: A decision regarding Archbishop Oscar Romero's beatification could be announced soon, say two reports. Both originate from Bishop Gregorio Rosa Chavez, auxiliary bishop of San Salvador, who met with Pope Francis about the canonization process on Friday, and presented with the pope with a letter from all the Salvadoran bishops regarding Monsenor Romero, the martyred archbishop of San Salvador. The first report, from Prensa Latina, is below. The second, from Radio Vaticana's German site, is here:

in German.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Magadan in Russia: Yesterday a Place of Death -- Today Also a Place of Life

(Moscow) Magadan is a city in Russia, which was established as the administrative center for the Soviet Gulag system. The Catholic Chaplain Father Michael Shields works there.  Magadan is  a synonym  for death to  Russians.   Today, however, in the Russian city of nearly 100,000 inhabitants, there is life, because Father Michael is defeating  abortion. "Our program here is great, which I am always reminded of  when I see these children laugh and play,” says the priest of the Order of the Little Brothers of Jesus (IPFI).
Every year hundreds of thousands of children do not see the light of day because they are killed in the womb. This is the brutal legacy of Communism, still overhangs Russia more than 20 years after its collapse.  In 1920 the Communist Soviet Empire was the first country in the world that allowed the child murder. It was the first country in the world, which regarded  murder as "liberation" and the killing of innocent children is portrayed as "humane" act for "progress."
For every 10 children born, 13 children are killed. For the Communists, a life was worth nothing, abortion has been used as a means of birth control. Abortion as a macabre "contraceptive". Through the efforts of democratic governments to counteract it,  the ratio has improved in recent years. The rapid demographic collapse of Russia was halted in 2010.  However, the number of children killed is immense with almost one million.

At the Heart of the Gulag System is The Church of the Nativity 

Magadan is a port town in the far east of Russia. The city on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was a military district until 1991. The average temperature here even in summer  reaches about 15 ° Celsius. But in winter it sinks to minus 25 degrees. The living conditions are tough, so the Soviets built a warehouse and administrative center right here  for the concentration camp. Here, many Christians have suffered and many were killed. Here today Father Michael Shields is pastor. The Catholic parish church is dedicated to the birth of Jesus. The Church of the Nativity is  a center of life for Magadan.
Father Michael belongs to the order of the Little Brothers of Jesus, which was also founded in 1933 in an inhospitable location on the model of St. Charles de Foucauld in the Sahara desert in Algeria. In 1994, Father Michael left Alaska to go to Russia. "The cold I already knew." He already knew then   though of the many broken and killed human lives, the genocide of his own people, that had been done by  Communism. "But first I have understood here the true extent of this tragedy," he says today.
Almost every woman over 30 years had already had an abortion. Some women even ten or fifteen times. For the Catholic religious order,    the lack of respect for human life is the direct result of an ideology that denies human dignity. Magadan was a concentration camp in 1929 and from 1932 to 1954 an administrative center of the largest concentration camp complex the world has ever seen. In the Gulag, several million people have died and a very large numb have been locked away: "therefore stands  Magadan means death in Russia."

We Make People Aware that Life is Sacred

Step by step, it is Father Michael who managed to replace the non-culture of death by a culture of life and to convince the women to share their pain and guilt about the children killed, with  God. This resulted in Rachel's Vineyard, where annual retreats take place. Quite a few women light candles before the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help for their "unborn" children. "One in five women have been here and have lit 47 candles," said Father Michael.
The Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need offers support to all the girls and women, all mothers, moral, spiritual and economic assistance in parish.  Father Michael has tried quite specifically to help with clothing, food, drugs with his parish. "There are not a few women who can be tempted from economic hardships to abortion. We are trying to raise the consciousness that a human life, even of this small,  unborn,  but already existing child, is sacred and inviolable from conception until natural death,” said Father Michael.
"In Magadan to have a child,  sometimes means the loss of everything.  Some mothers don’t even  literally have a roof over their head. "There are about fifteen women, mostly young girls who are currently supported each month by Father Michael. "For the unborn child, we give where necessary, up to three years of financial aid. But anyone, whoever comes, receives support from us,” said the Catholic religious. "We have so far rescued 65 children, of whom we know for sure. We have accepted many newborns and infants because they had health problems. And we have helped many mothers to build a life. Our program here is great, which is always newly present to me when I see these kids play and laugh. I love them all."

"The More People Who Love God and Glorify Him, the More Graces He Bestows"

The parish also has a small apartment in which to live for a shorter or longer period of time for giving birth and new mothers. There are several doctors around who know the American priest in the meantime, to help him in his apostolate of life by treating mothers and children for free. Father Michael recommends that all pregnant women come as soon as possible to receive an ultrasound. "To see the child, and no matter how small it is, makes it a reality. And to hear his heart beat, creates a very strong bond, which immediately awakens the maternal instinct. Or a simple gesture, like shopping for baby dresses can help to understand that here there already grows a new life, an independent life, a new man with his face, his eyes, his mouth and his smile. And that it is her child, the child of that woman. Many of them have never even had  a mother figure at her side, which is indispensable in order to learn to be a mother. "
Through the efforts  of the Church and of Father Michael Magadan is being transformed from a place of death  into a place of life. "I believe this is because the number of believers is growing. The more people believe and glorify God, the greater the love of life and the more grace is to be offered. Because God is love and life. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: tempos / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

11 Year Old Christian Girl Raped for Three Days -- Two Muslims Arrested

(Islamabad)  An 11 year old Christian girl, Maria Sarfraz was kidnapped and raped for three days by several men.  In the meantime, two Muslims were arrested as alleged perpetrators Since then, the family of the victim and the other Christian families have been  menaced with arson attacks and death threats.
As the Pakistan Christian Post reported, Maria Sarfraz was abducted from Sheikhupura in Punjab on the way to school. In another city, the abducted girl was held captive and repeatedly raped by several men. After the girl's father, Andrew Sarfaz, had reported her as a  missing person to the police, the girl was  located on April 28 and   liberated.

Raped for Three Days

According to medical opinion, Mary was raped for three days by different men. The police arrested two Muslims, Muhammad Safdar and Muhammad Mehoob on suspicion of kidnapping and rape. Friends of the men have been putting pressure on the victim’s familyand other Christian families of Sheikhupura in the meantime. That if they do not withdraw the accusation, the homes of Christians would be burned down.
According to the latest report of the Pakistan Movement for Solidarity and Peace, every year more than 700 Christian and 300 Hindu girls and women abducted, forcibly Islamized and forced to marry a Muslim in Pakistan. Since the police and judiciary are unable or unwilling to take action against the perpetrators, most will not be held accountable. For this reason there is always a new kidnapping because the perpetrators feel safe.

Due to Inaction of the Police and Justice There Are Always New Cases

Initially  in April, a group of Muslim men in Mally ki  in Sialkot district (Punjab) raped a   Christian girl  who was only 7 years old.  The girl survived, but is seriously injured. The police did not arrest the perpetrators but supported them in the abduction of Iqbal Masih, the father of the rape victim, "to force the family to withdraw the accusation," said the Pakistan Christian Post .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

A Word on the Blogroll

Edit:  I have a number of Sedevacantist friends.  I have Sedevacanists in my blogroll.  It’s not my job to police them.

I like Stephen Heiner as a person and consider him a friend.  He produces useful things and has interesting things to say.  I like The Thinking Housewife.  Again, she’s thoughtful.  I have no idea who Novus Ordo Watch is, but he’s always been helpful and friendly to me, taking pains to point out where I’ve gotten my facts wrong, or mistranslated something.

They’ve all treated me and my friends in various ways with a great deal more Christian charity than the Neocatholics at Patheos and other establicoids who seem more interested in promoting themselves, their emotive errors, cashing in on the apologetics gravy train and attack those who don’t agree with them with more open malice at times than Bolsheviks.

I love Bishop Williamson.

If I link to someone, it doesn’t mean I endorse them personally, the views of their blog or even agree with everything they’ve written, but as long as they don’t post occult material, are interested in a spirited if respectful tenor of discussion and don’t post pornography, I don’t see what else can be legitimately expected of me.

I also have blogs I roll which aren’t even Catholic, but political in nature, as well as two or three Traditional Anglican and Orthodox blogs.

Such is the state of things at this Catholic website which is loyal to the Magisterium and the current occupant of the papal throne, the Bishop of Rome.

Monday, May 12, 2014

363 Cardinals and Bishops Who’ve Said the Immemorial Mass Since Summorum Pontificum

Update 05/21/14 :   Bishop John A. Boissonneau, auxiliary Bishop of Toronto wasn’t in the list.  
Update 15:53:  Bishop McGratten of Peterborough, Canada

Here’s a list from Acción Litúrgica. A list of Cardinals and Bishops who have officiated or attended liturgies with the Immemorial Roman Rite, after the entry into force of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum . Any corrections gladly appreciated.

Previously, the list was a bit shorter.

GERMANY: Cardinal Brandmüller (President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Historical Sciences).  Bishop Ackermann  (Bishop of Trier), Bishop Dick (Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Cologne), Bishop Hanke (Bishop of Eichsttät), König (Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn), Bishop Mixa (Bishop of Augsburg),  Ostermann (Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Münster), Overbeck ( Bishop of Essen), Zdarsa (Bishop of Augsburg), and Ziegelbauer (Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg) .

ARGENTINA: Baseotto  (Bishop Emeritus Military of Argentina), Fenoy (Bishop of San Miguel), Laise (Bishop Emeritus of San Luis) and Sánchez Sorondo (Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences).

AUSTRALIA: Cardinal Pell (Archbishop of Sydney). Archbishops Coleridge (Archbishop of Brisbane), Hart (Archbishop of Melbourne), Hickey (Archbishop of Perth) and Wilson (Archbishop of Adelaide). Bishops Elliot (Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne), Grech (Bishop of Sandhurst, +2010), Jarrett (Bishop of Lismore), Long (Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne), Mathys (Bishop of Armidale), Porteus (Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney), Prowse (Bishop of Sale) and Tomlinson (Bishop of Sandhurst).

AUSTRIA: Cardinal Stickler (Archivist Emeritus of the Vatican, +2007). Bishop Laun (Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg).

BELGIUM: Archbishop Leonard (Archbishop of Brussels and Primate of Belgium). Bishop Harpigny (Bishop of Tournai).

BENIN: Bishop N'Koue (Bishop of NATITINGOU).

BRAZIL: Archbishops Pena (Archbishop of Niterói, Emeritus in 2011), Rezende Dias (Archbishop of Niterói), Taveira Correa (Archbishop of Belem do Pará) and Tempesta (Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, created cardinal in 2014). Areas raffle Bishops (Bishop Apostolic Administration of St. John Vianney Marían), Bergamin (Bishop of Nova Iguaçu), Canindé Palhano (Bishop of Senhor do Bomfim), Costa Souza (Auxiliary Bishop of Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro), Da Silva ( Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Fortaleza), Da Silva Brito (Auxiliary Bishop of Rio de Janeiro) Forge Peace (Bishop of Campos dos Goytacazes), Homem De Castro (Auxiliary Bishop of Rio de Janeiro), Fontes de Matos (Bishop of Palmira dos Indios ) Guimarâes Gomez (Bishop Emeritus of Campos dos Goytacazes) Gouvêa Matosso (Bishop of Nova Friburgo), Marchiori (Bishop of Apucarana), Monteiro Guimarães (Bishop of Garanhuns), Lopes de Faria (Bishop Emeritus of Diamantina, +2009) Paixao (Auxiliary Bishop of Salvador-Bahía), Pestana Filho (Bishop Emeritus of Annapolis, +2011), Romer (Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Rio de Janeiro), Silva Matthes (Bishop Emeritus of Franca), Sivieri (Bishop of Propriá-Sergipe) Soares da Costa (Auxiliary Bishop of Aracaju) Stringhini (Bishop of Franca, now Bishop of Mogi das Cruzes), Ubiratan Lopez (Bishop of Itaguaí).

CANADA: Cardinals Collins (Archbishop of Toronto) and Lacroix (Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada). Archbishops Roussin (Archbishop of Vancouver, Emeritus in 2009), Miller (Archbishop of Vancouver), Prendergast (Archbishop of Ottawa). Bishops Blais (Auxiliary Bishop of Quebec), Daniels (Bishop of Grand Falls), Fabbro (Bishop of London, Ontario), LaRocque (Bishop Emeritus of Alexandria-Cornwall, Ontario),   Lemay (Auxiliary Bishop of Quebec [Now Bishop of Amos]).

CHILE: Cardinal Medina Estévez (Prefect Emeritus of Worship). Archbishop Piñera Carvallo (Archbishop Emeritus of La Serena). Duarte Garcia de Cortazar Bishops (Bishop of Valparaíso), Gleisner Wobbe (Auxiliary Bishop of La Serena), and González Errazuriz (Bishop of San Bernardo).

CHINA: Cardinal Tong Hon (Bishop of Hong Kong), Cardinal Zen (Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong).

COLOMBIA: Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos (President Emeritus of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei). Bishops Hurtado López (Bishop of Girardot) and Ramírez Gómez (Bishop Emeritus of Garzón, President of the Ecclesiastical Court).

CROATIA: Bishop Pozaic (Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb).

DENMARK: Bishop Kozon (Bishop of Copenhagen).

ECUADOR : Bishop Pine Castle (Auxiliary Bishop of Portoviejo).

SLOVAKIA: Bezák Archbishop (Archbishop of Trnava).

SLOVENIA: Cardinal Rode (Prefect for Consecrated Life).

Official SSPX Comment on Future Interactions with Rome

Avoiding a false spirit of resistance

April 02, 2014 
Certainly there is a crisis in the Church, but how should we go about resisting it? What is the Catholic spirit for such circumstances and how has this been consistently practiced by the SSPX in recent years?
In the image above, Archbishop Lefebvre ascends the steps into St. Peter's Basilica during the Credo Pilgrimage of 1975.
We are happy to feature another editorial of Fr. Michel Simoulin from the April issue of Le Seignadou (The Sign of God), newsletter of the SSPX's priory in Montreal de l'Aude, France. [see the last editorial: Why I love the SSPX]


The great question that we, and above all our superiors, have to face is doubtless the following, as a friend so well put it:
Is there no danger for the Faith if we accept to place ourselves under an authority, be it a Pope or a bishop, that for the last 50 years has worked unfailingly for the destruction of this Faith, without first coming to terms on the doctrinal questions at stake?"
The first answer is obviously: of course, the danger is great and real, we are all aware of this, and we have always said so and even insisted upon it. It is easy to refer to all the studies we have done on the Council, the New Catechism,John XXIII and John Paul II, for example. It is very obvious that if no “agreement” has yet been concluded, as Bishop Fellay so clearly explained, it is precisely because we do not wish to submit unconditionally to an authority without being sure that it wishes our good and will allow us to continue serving the Tradition of the Church without forcing us to accept Vatican II unconditionally.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Lethargy of the Guardians of the Faith

The Catholic philosopher Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977), known as a student of Edmund Husserl and a decided opponent of both Communism and National Socialism, defended in his published in book form, "The Devastated Vineyard" (Imprimatur Ordinariate Regensburg 1972)the Faith against time errors, but also ruptures from the inside. Not for nothing did Pope Pius XII. call him a "Doctor of the Church of the 20th century".

The first chapter of that work is about the lethargy - better failure - attributed to the Catholic bishops.

Devastated Vineyard,  via Publisher Sarto House

"The Power of Evil Lives on the Cowardice of Good"

The first part of this section is all about this motto, in the words of St. Don Bosco. Hildebrand explicitly points out that it is primarily those bishops he has in mind, who destroy the Church or want to turn into something else entirely: "I think of the much more numerous bishops who have no such intentions, but when action is necessary against heretical theologians or pastors or against a blasphemous disfigurement of the cult - they do not make any use of their authority. "These bishops close their eyes to the abuses and ignore all appeals that remind them of their duty to take action against the Church destroyer.."

They give the impression that they are afraid of something.

What are the bishops afraid of?

They fear being "attacked by the press or the mass media and being labelled as reactionary, narrow-minded, to be medieval different."

But the ultimate fear, which would be needed in terms of their own salvation, they do not know: "You fear men more than God."

The cause of this sickness of time (cowardice): "aggiornamento" (assimilation)

This disease is prevalent in the secular realm, "But that it has also penetrated into the church, is one of those terrible symptoms that the struggle against the spirit of the world has been replace under the slogan of aggiornamento aligned to a pacing with the zeitgeist. One must think of the hireling who leaves his flock to the wolves - if you think about the lethargy of so many bishops and religious superiors who are themselves still orthodox [in the sense of orthodox], but do not have the courage to intervene against the most flagrant heresy and abuses of all kinds in their dioceses or in their orders."

Question: What is the status since the publication of this book to the orthodoxy of most bishops? Some make proposals that clearly contradict the teachings of the Church - for example, they allow adulterers to Holy Communion. Or also, calling for are seeking respect for gomorrists: Are these bishops privately perhaps orthodox and just surrender in the face of public pressure against Tradition and the Magisterium?

The false victims of episcopal measures

But against those believers who fight for orthodoxy, who therefore do what these bishops refrain from doing as hirelings, take an authoritative and rigorous attitude. It was said in a letter from a high place, which was directed to an active group of fighters for the faith: "You have no other task than to be obedient to comply with all orders of your bishop."

The boundaries of ecclesiastical obedience

To make a claim to Catholics, is attached in those times in which no heresies in the Church happen without being condemned by Rome immediately. But they would be "unconscionable at a time in which heresies go uncondemned as they make their mischief in the Church and even bishops suffer from them without being deposed."

Conclusion The fidelity to the true doctrine of the Church is the parent of the devotion to the bishop.

Trans: Tancred

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Pope Has Interest in Resolving SSPX Situation

Edit: With an excommunication!!!  Just kidding.   Jeff Cullbreath suggested this a few days ago.  The meeting was short but cordial.  So, the reconciliation isn't dead after all as so many from various points of view have wished for and reported.
Rorate has learned and can exclusively confirm that Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X (Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint Pie X - FSSPX / SSPX), was received by Pope Francis in the Domus Sanctae Marthae sometime in the past few months. In order to protect our sources, we cannot detail the date and persons involved in the meeting, but only generally locate it in time - if the current pontificate so far can be divided into two halves, the meeting took place in the second half.

We can also add as part of this exclusive information that it was not a merely fortuitous event - that is to say, many off-the-record meetings with His Holiness have taken place since his election precisely because his being at Saint Martha's House make him much more accessible and available than many previous pontiffs. No, that was not the case at all - the pope was previously duly informed and duly met Bishop Fellay. The meeting was apparently short and cordial.

The Pope has a true interest in resolving this situation, it seems to be understood by our sources.
Link ...

Friday, May 9, 2014

In 2014 Joan d'Arc is Burnt at the Stake Again -- In the Past for Heresy, Today "Homophobia"

(Paris) The  585th year of the Feast  of Jeanne d'Arc,   will be commemorated in Orleans. The 17 year-old girl who was chosen this year to represent the Holy and great figure of French national history,  was   pilloried  due to "Homophobia"  because she  thinks  the civil rights movement Manif pour tous is cool. In 2014 there has been  a case made in Orleans against  Johanna. There were no longer  Englishmen raising the pretext of heresy, but their French compatriots under the pretext of homophobia.
The Feast is celebrated from 29 April to 9 May  in Orleans for  the 585th  anniversary of its liberation by Jeanne d' Arc this year. The young girl had  raised the resistance of France by divine inspiration and even led and freed Orléans in 1429 from the English. By these same, she was later accused of "heresy", sentenced to death by a kangaroo Court and burned at the stake in innocence.  In 1920 she was canonized by the Catholic Church.
Medieval balls and historical parades which are held annually to commemorate the liberation of the liberation  where each year  the Saint is represented by a 17 year old girl from the city. In 2014 Félicité Lemaire de Marne was chosen.

Boycott and Jacobean Inquisition

The Festival, which has its highlights on May 8 and 9, was however overshadowed by fierce accusations this year.  The young practising Catholic Félicité was accused of "homophobia".    Christophe de sport Guilloux, the Socialist representative in parliament and member of the group HES (Homosexuality and Socialism) published on the 6th of May, the article: "why I will boycott the Joan of Arc 2014". The enraged de sport Guilloux cited as reason, because the civil rights movement Manif pour tous and the Veilleurs were found on the 17 year old's Facebook page   under their "Favorites". Both movements have arisen from the resistance of the Socialist law to legalize the "gay marriage" in France.
The member therefore accused the girl of "homophobia". It was "unacceptable" for the role of Jeanne d ' arc, because she "represents all citizens of Orleans", says the Socialist. The 17-year-old, who has been denounced, tried to defend herself: "I am neither homophobic nor hostile to the Government. But I have my beliefs."

The New Case and the Apology

But the Inquisition considers  these words were insufficient. Rather than bring peace in the matter, there were increasing attacks. Politicians and homosexual associations blustered, and threatened the mobilization of self-proclaimed 'civil society'  and the media stood outside the door of the student, who didn't know how it came to pass.
At the end, there was pressure from the Organizing Committee that got cold feet. They did not wish to  become embroiled in a "political conflict", it concerns a  "Feast", it was said. Finally Félicité  deleted Manif pour tous and other "suspicious" groups from her Favorites list. But that was not enough for  the modern Jacobins. The girl had to cede to the pillory and a public statement with a mea culpa, that she had been "reckless".
Modern "tolerance" has no culture,   because it wants to celebrate the feast of a Catholic Saint, but promotes anti-Catholicism. And it is unrelenting and as old as the saying goes: if you're not willing, I'll make you...
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Pope Francis Kisses Hand of Aberrosexual Activist

  (Vatican) Two days ago, the Salesians of Don Michele De Paolis was received by Pope Francis on May 6.  The 93 years old priest concelebrated Holy Mass in the morning with the Pope in the guest house Santa Marta.  The founder and now the Honorary President of Emmaus Community in the Apulian city of Foggia  then met  for "a few minutes" with the Pope  At the end the Pope kissed  his visitor's  hand.   The scene has been a bit irritating and in itself bizarre.  What Pope  actually kisses people on the hand?

  Don De Paolis and his companion gave the pontiff a chalice and a paten made of olive wood.  A friendly gesture and a gift, if not suitable, according to  prescriptions by the Church for use at Mass.  But such "little things" have never bothered Don Michele De Paolis, who also presented the Pope   his most recent book entitled: "An Inconvenient Priest" (Un prete scomodo), plus a prayer request.  Pope Francis, still not quite familiar with the Italian language, ​​unintentionally mixed up "scomodo" with "incomodo" which means "A Priest Makes the Circumstances".  What some Catholics from Puglia think is quite correct.  The real surprise, however, came at the end of the short encounter, when the Pope kissed Don De Paolis on the hand. A gesture  revealing the humility of a great man to another of the same stature," as the Left-leaning internet daily L'immediato gushed.

  Pope Francis: "Everything is possible.   Talk to Cardinal Maradiaga "

"Don Michele" as the priest is called by all, reported on his Facebook page about the meeting with the Pope.   "I concelebrated with the Pope Francis.  I read the Gospel  After the celebration, the Pope greeted those present in another room.  We, I and my companions were the last."   "Last "," marginalized, "" marginalized ", "outcast" is  the standard vocabulary of self-understanding which is the unmistakably recognizeable in the vocabulary of the radical Left.   In fact, the contacts are very good in this direction.   Apulia is governed by professed homosexual and Communist Nichi Vendola since 2005. 

 De Paolis continued on his Facebook entry with what he told the pope: "We want so much for us an audience of Emmaus.   Is that possible? '  "Anything is possible.  Talk to  Cardinal Maradiaga and he shall prepare everything.'  And then (unbelievably) he kissed my hand!    I  hugged him  and wept." His emotion is understandable.   One should nevertheless beware of falling in the direction of this  lexical trap,  this anarcho-Catholicism.  It  juggles with emotional terms, while its diction is to think Marxist.  Clueless outsiders can be easily lulled  into it themselves.   The "ideological" Christianity which Pope Francis had already repeatedly criticized as  head of the Church was incarnate in the person before him. . But instead of a warning, he kissed the Southern Italian "Don Gallo" on the hand (to Don Gallo see the report Don Gallo, the Priest who Denied Almost Everything - Goes to the Grave in Scandal ). 

 An Ideological Christianity

  Don Michele De Paolis is almost a cliché of   priests, who  would be expected behind the title he has chosen for his book.  The "inconvenient" priest violates the unmistakable identifying feature of rules and dogmas and floats within the Church "usually against the current."  De Paolis who came from a wealthy family  (born 1921) is described by friends as an "extremely complex" personality.  When the war ended, he entered the Salesian order, was several years in the mission to Central America, moved politically far to the left and made  liberation theology his own.   He had a  predisposition to it which he brought already from Europe.

 Everything happens on an interpersonal level, from, is socially motivated, the "enemy is right" and so one never quite knows whether  there is   a priest, a social worker or a political activist before him.  Whether it is  abortion, euthanasia and homosexuality he has an "authentic answer, not hiding behind the dogmas," as it says in a review of his book.

The decisive factor is that even among his own, he just always clearly knows that he does not belong, so  one distances oneself.   Here is the "free", undogmatic, human, "true", "prophetic" do-it-yourself Church, there the dark, dogmatic, Inhuman, obsessed with gaining power official Church.  It is the adaptation of the Marxist view of the constantly angry workers against the exploitation by capital.  It is the world of the "authentic man" who is constantly angry with the "injustice" in the world.   What is "unfair", coincides again with the Marxist world view.   Any doubt is entitled, according to Don Michele and requires a response.   At the same time he adds in a dialectical circular argument: "None of us has the truth."

The secular-anti-clerical "Credo" by Don Michele

 On his Facebook page, can be found his personal "Credo" of the elderly, but tireless (No pasaran) Priest:  "I feel secular, as a humble believer, always looking for a willing, unselfish, in selfless service in the Christian,community and society, on the side of the last. I feel anticlerical, that is of belonging to no caste, any category; I do not feel as an official religion.  I try to give people peace and joy that is located in the most dramatic situations of existence: infidels, unchurched, divorced, on the way to  an abortion, homosexuals,   desperate, the variety of the marginalized. Seeking the light of the Gospel in the Church on controversial issues, such as the celibacy of priests, women priests, pedophilia, disease and the end of life." Not only homosexuality, but also pedophilia?

Among the favorites of the secular anti-clerical priest is the atheist Eugenio Scalfari, who gives the path to a march outside of the Church in politics and culture on the Apennine Peninsula.

The Church's Position on Homosexuality is "Maximum Hypocrisy"

 In 2010  Don Michele De Paolis founded along with "respectful atheists", homosexuals and Gabriele Scalfarotto a gay group AGeDO (Faith and Homosexuality). Scalfarotto is a "tough campaigner in the battle for the rights of LGBT people."   Don Michele is with him to fight this battle and win," said the LGBT group Christians of Palermo.   On  homosexuality and homosexuals these priests of the  left has clear ideas: "Today the Church's attitude to homosexuals is strict, inhuman and has caused much suffering by claiming that homosexuality is sin.   Some church people say, 'It is acceptable to be gay, but they must not have any relationships, they can not love each other'!    The maximum is hypocrisy.  This is like talking to a plant, and saying, you can not bloom, you may not bear fruit.'   That already is against nature!" Said the priest in an interview with the LGBT group Bethel of Genoa.

"Not Everyone in the Church Suffers from Homophobia"

Don Michele De Paolis is a "fighter against all the prejudices that must be eradicated from the minds and hearts of many people he meets along the way as a priest. That is the least that anyone can do every day, whether it is religious or not religious, says Don Michele."  And anyway, says De Paolis,  in the  "holy Church of God, not everyone is  suffering from homophobia."  Therefore, the priest wrote in an article for the LGBT group from Lecce: "Those who want   to make you 'heterosexuals', as it is called,  would be force you to act contrary to nature and to make you unhappy psychopaths.   We need to put into our heads that God our Father wants us, his children, to be happy, by making fruitful the gifts that He has placed us in our 'nature'!  (...) You have the right  to go looking for a partner.  And be quite unconcerned: where agape is, is God.   Live your love with joy.   And with our mother Church we must have patience. Her attitude to homosexuals will change.   In this sense numerous initiatives have already  been engaged. "

Danger of "Fundamentalism": "Not to Take Literally What is in The Bible"

In another essay, De Paolis wrote in connection with homosexuality: "We must liberate our thinking from a risk: fundamentalism, that is, to take literally what the Bible says. The new obedience to the gospel is free, responsible and conscious.  Instead of wasting energy in endless religious polemics, it aims to  a new Christian spirituality of joyful acceptance of yourself forming  gratitude to God, knowing that homosexual love is His gift, which is not less than the heterosexual. "

 Pope Francis kissed the anarcho priest's hand. What did he mean by that?

Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
 Image: L'immediato (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred


Catholic High School Newspaper Appeals to Occult

Bishop Cretin
Edit: Cretin-Derham Hall is a Catholic high school in Saint Paul, Minnesota. The school was named for the first Bishop of the Diocese. Would he approve of such nonsense and idle wickedness?

It has a school newspaper, and a horoscope section. Not that the Catechism is widely read, certainly not among Catholic schoolchildren in Saint Paul, but here it is:

2115 God can reveal the future to his prophets or to other saints. Still, a sound Christian attitude consists in putting oneself confidently into the hands of Providence for whatever concerns the future, and giving up all unhealthy curiosity about it. Improvidence, however, can constitute a lack of responsibility. [305]

2116 All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future. [Cf. Deut 18:10; Jer 29:8] Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.

2117 All practices of magic or sorcery, by which one attempts to tame occult powers, so as to place them at one's service and have a supernatural power over others - even if this were for the sake of restoring their health - are gravely contrary to the virtue of religion. These practices are even more to be condemned when accompanied by the intention of harming someone, or when they have recourse to the intervention of demons. Wearing charms is also reprehensible. Spiritism often implies divination or magical practices; the Church for her part warns the faithful against it. Recourse to so-called traditional cures does not justify either the invocation of evil powers or the exploitation of another's credulity.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Austrian "Bling" Pastor Toni Faber Excites Furor About His Modernist Loft

Dompastor's Designer Chic

Edit: when he's not endorsing for the Freemasons or abusing the Liturgy, buying pornographic art, or honoring famous Communists,  he's relaxing in his sumptuous loft apartment.  A comparable apartment in New York probably  couldn't  be rented for less than $5,000 a month. He even has a personal hairdresser. 

The Vienna Cathedral Priest Toni Faber has always thrown open his door for the media. But now he is likely to have finally shot himself in the foot. He invited the "Standard" to his Viennese luxury apartment. The photos of the apartment have enraged tempers.

Vienna ( The media "friendly" Viennese cathedral minister Toni Faber has probably, finally, shot himself in the foot. After a discussion about lifestyle in which the newspaper has published several photos of Faber's luxurious penthouse apartment, the waves have gone high. Some comments in the social media has been weighed criticism in the newspaper. "Better living with Toni Faber," was tweeted by ORF anchorman Armin Wolf. "Nice to see that the Church-tax is invested so stylishly," it read on Facebook. And poster "Wakman" even described the 100-square meter (1076 square feet) loft apartment as "Faber Manor". For Faber himself the "service apartment" is no problem. To  "Der Standard" he says, "Whenever we (...) invite the media  to the apartment, then there will automatically be the envious, which is one reason why I say quite openly:.. This is a service apartment. The fittings and Art, however, I financed with my private money that I have earned in the last 25 years." According to the newspaper, Cardinal Schönborn is said to be less than pleased about the publication of the photos.

Michael Prüller, his press secretary, explained to the newspaper: "It is debatable whether it is the duty of a minister to present his apartment to the media, but for me this is a storm in a teacup because this is a normal service apartment... the Cathedral Priest live so long and has paid operating costs, as he works." Also, no Church-tax money was used for this, as the house is located in the possession of the Cathedral Parish.

The pictures are at: