Friday, April 25, 2014

Canonization of a Missionary, And Rejection of Mission?

(Rome) Pope Francis celebrated on Thursday in the Roman Jesuit church of St Ignatius of Loyola in Campo Marzio, a Mass of Thanksgiving for the Canonization of the Jesuit missionary José de Anchieta (1534-1597). The new saint is venerated as the "Apostle of Brazil". His canonization was "pro gratia" without a regular canonization process, because such would be impracticable because of the large temporal distance. The missionary and founder of Sao Paulo in Brazil has a reputation for holiness and is venerated in the Portuguese-speaking country in Latin America by the faithful people as "national saint".

Young Jesuit Missionary Zeal with Brazil

Only 19 years old, he had set out as a missionary in the New World. There he received the priesthood in 1566. The Holy José de Anchieta worked all his life as a missionary and is worshiped as such. Pope Francis said, literally, that the new saints of such religious zeal was animated, that he "could form a nation", today's Brazil.
All the more surprising that Pope Francis, the words mission, missionary or proselytizing never mentioned in his sermon was. Instead, he reiterated its condemnation of the "proselytism". Literally, the Pope said: "The Church does not grow by proselytizing, but by the charisma and appeal of the witnesses and the joy."  The testimony arising from the "joy" that will to proclaim. "Without this joy without this joy, you can not start a Church. It is an apostolic joy that radiates and spreads. "

"Proselytism" No, Mission: Unspoken, Joy: Yes

In his interview with the atheist Eugenio Scalfari the Pope had said that "proselytism is a huge stupidity". He included not only an aggressive mission form as  some Protestant groups are accused of being, a rejection, but overall of mission, he said to Scalfari "I do not want to convert" (see the Full Interview of Atheist Scalfari with Pope Francis - Is There No Objective Good? ).
We now know that Scalfari formulated the answers of the Pope himself. However,  the atheist doyen of the prevailing left-liberal mainstream is assured to have this content exactly reproduced in summary as the Pope had told him (backgrounds for Pope Interview - Scalfari: "I Formulated The Pope's Answers Myself" ). 

Otherwise he later spoke two weeks later for World Mission Sunday at the General Audience of 16 October 2013 (see No to Conversions, Yes For Mission - The Pope Contradict Himself? ). The Church has a task, and it is called "mission". In this specifically Christian category and related language Pope Francis, however,  strongly criticizes  "proselytism", "poaching" of other faiths, but speaks simultaneously of a "charism" and "spread" by the "joy" of the "testimony"

What is the Message of the Pope?

In the absence of conclusive presented concept the interpretation of the Pope's words remain  uncertain and there are a variety of questions. For example: Is it a general waiver of mission? What does Pope Francis with "proselytism", that  "there is no way for the growth of Church"? If you want the church to wait passively until other faiths or atheists - attracted by the testimony - ask for  inclusion in the Community Church   but isn't active in any way in  missionary work?    The elimination of the Jewish mission is in fact already a fact, the renunciation of the Protestant mission is mostly accomplished: now there follows a general waiver of mission because the other faiths "already"  believe? Or does the Pope simply redeem  the "old" language regime and replace it with a new one? Joy as a synonym for mission? Why doesn't  he say it?
The papal statements confuse especially in connection with the canonization of José de Anchieta, it resulted solely from his mission and zeal for souls in Brazil. He wanted to proclaim Christ and wanted to evangelize. Had he otherwise remained in Europe, would he have joined another Order and led somewhere a contemplative religious and priestly life?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Bamberg Pastor Asks Pope Francis for "Release" From Celibacy

(Bamberg) Stefan Hartmann (59), Catholic priest and pastor of Oberhaid in Upper Franconia (Archdiocese of Bamberg) wants to be "released" from celibacy. Yesterday he posted   a letter he sent to Pope Francis on his Facebook page.

He Gave a "Premature" Vow of Celibacy

The priest  explains to   the Catholic Church leader that he had given his promise of celibacy  "prematurely"  in 1981.  Celibacy does not comply with his "constitution". After "long evaluation" of his conscience and in view of his "personal situation" and "consciousness" of his "weakness" and his "mistakes," he is making the request for release from celibacy while maintaining his priesthood. Last January, Hartmann had explained on the television show "Höhe der Zeit" [Up To Date] broadcast all over Germany that he has  a daughter. In 1982 he was ordained a priest.

Relationship with Community Officer

Then he started a relationship with his church officer. Retrieved from "love" he never speaks, as a matter a timeeditor (Christ & the world) noticed. 

 He got a lot of obligatory "praise for his honesty, from the community and from the Facebook community", said Die Zeit  which knew to report it, mixing up honesty and dishonesty.   Hartmann belongs to a kind of  Hardliner.   He did not draw the necessary conclusions from his actions and ought to  be unfrocked. For example, in order to take care of his daughter. Other secularized priests became  external Church opponents. Hartmann wants to stay inside the same and rebuild the Church according to his  weakness. The applause of the media is certainly with him.

"Voluntary" Celibacy Nonsense

The priest breaks the vow of celibacy, leads a double life, does not draw the appropriate conclusions, but wants unapologetic adaptation not only for special treatment for himself, but even the whole ecclesiastical order to his "weakness". Because celibacy is just an "anachronism", which should be abolished thinks Hartmann. He speaks generously about not wanting to abolish celibacy,  but the  introduction of "voluntary"  celibacy, which is admittedly utter nonsense. This would elevate married clergy to a standard, which excludes whomever wants to just live as a  celibate priest, from  marriage. But as is known no one is forced into marriage by the Catholic Church. God had given  love, "not celibacy" which  celibacy opponents bring in their assault on the constitution of the Church as a fairly primitive denominator. That Jesus set aside celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom as a special act of love, is suppressed at all costs.
Jesus added, because He knew the people, even in the 21st century: "The one who can accept this should accept it." [Mathew 19:11] Today, all sorts of people jostling in front of the celibacy debate which  doesn't   affected them.  Were they silent, the quality of the discussion would gain much thereby. The priesthood and the religious life are voluntary acts, only obligatory to  those who are called. And to this appeal is included celibacy and chastity. Anything else would be a form of fraud, to oneself,  to God and to man.
The affected Archdiocese of Bamberg is silent. It sees no need for action, because Pastor Hartmann has only performed this escapade  once 24 years ago.  Hartmann himself knows better whether the Pope will offer a release from his vow of celibacy because of his "weakness" and his "constitution".   Strength of character looks different.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: BR (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, April 24, 2014

King, Crusader, Saint and Penitent -- Today, Louis IX. Was Born 800 Years Ago in France

(Paris) "Every period of history has its representative man. Saint Louis IX. summarizes the entire Middle Ages.  He was a legislator, a hero and a saint. Marcus Aurelius embodied power united with philosophy, Louis IX.  power united with holiness. And it is just the latter that goes to the foreground for him."  The words of François-René de Chateaubriand may be slightly frenchified.  But worth considering the significance in dealing with history and representing these figures, they are nonetheless. 
This coming April 25 is the 800th birthday of a holy king, glory of the Church and of Christendom, a model of a Christian ruler, a real monarch according to the will of God:  St. Louis IX. of France (1214-1270). A king who, in the Christian Middle Ages, embodied in his person, that which is referred to as "sweet springtime of faith".
He was the son of Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castile, daughter, granddaughter, wife, sister and aunt of kings. Blanka was the daughter of King Alfonso IX. of Castile, the stormer of the battlements in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212) that paved the way for the reconquest of the southern Iberian Peninsula. She was the granddaughter of King Sancho III of Castile, niece of English kings Richard the Lionheart and John Lackland, wife of King Louis VIII of France, sister of King Henry of Castile, aunt of King Sancho II of Portugal and St. Ferdinand III., King of Leon and Castile and mother of King Charles I of Naples and Sicily and of Saint Louis IX., King of France. A high aristocratic, European network, in which, despite the emergence of principalities and kingdoms, possessing a population of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds still a largely intact early medieval Germanic unit was expressed on sovereign level.

Born in 1214 in the Fateful Battle of France Bouvines

St. Louis was born at Castle Poissy about 30 kilometers from Paris on 25 April 1214. At that time his grandfather  King Philip II Augustus of France still lived, the winner in the decisive Battle of Bouvines for France (1214) against the Anglo-German coalition in which he saved the fate of France, stopped the expansion of England  on the continent and the Empire let go from the Guelphs on to the Staufer.
The Childhood of St. Louis was a mirror image of honesty and wisdom. His father, who also combined chivalrous courage with the zeal for religion, was honored with the nickname "the Lion". He took pains in a special way for the education of his son and gave him excellent teachers and educators, says Matthias II of Montmorency, the Constable of France, and thus  was the highest-ranking nobleman in the service of the king; William of Barres, the Count of Rochefort, who was honored after the Battle of Bouvines as the "Bravest of the bravest" and Clement of Metz.  All three had been commanders of his grandfather and father. But they were also educated men and educated the Crown Prince in the humanistic disciplines and mediated the King above all by a love for the Church.
His mother, Blanche of Castile spared no effort to bring him to a Godly life and to be a wise king. Tradition has her sentence: "My son, I wish you would prefer  the grave, than be  stained with a single mortal sin." Towards the end of her life, Blanka moved back to the Cistercian Abbey of Maubuisson she founded, where she led a life of prayer and penance until her death in 1252.

Anointing and Coronation at the Age of Twelve

With the early death of his father, who died at the age of 40  in Montpellier on the way back from the crusade against the heretical Albigenses, the young saint came to the throne still a minor. The regency was led by his mother.  It was due to the loyalty of Matthias II of Montmorency, the commander of the army, that the throne was not lost at this critical stage to rebellious nobles who instigated internal conflicts to exploit the youth of the king for their aggrandizement.
On November 30, 1226 Louis IX was anointed in Reims at the age of twelve years as  king and crowned. Louis went from the internal struggles to victory and quickly  earned respect with his courage and prudence.

Happy Marriage with Margaret of Provence

On May 27, 1235 he married Margaret of Provence (1221-1295), the daughter of Raymond Berengar V, Count of Provence and grandson of King Alfonso II of Aragon. Her mother was Beatrice of Savoy, the daughter of Count Thomas I of Savoy and Beatrice of Geneva. "The grace of God and nature," as it is called in contemporary sources, had gifted the Queen in every respect with perfection. Throughout a long and harmonious married life the royal couple received eleven children, six sons and five daughters.
Margaret accompanied her young man on his first expedition to Africa to the  Sixth Crusade, according to the German reckoning. After the death of her husband, the queen in 1270 moved back to a Poor Clare Monastery of their native Provence, where she died on December 20, 1295 in the odor of sanctity. She became known as the "mother of the poor". Her funeral procession to the Abbey Daint Denis, where lay the graves of the Kings, where she was buried at her husband's side, was accompanied by a large crowd of beggars and poor, whom she honored.

Education of Children in the Faith

St. Louis raised his children personally together with Margaret. At the heart of his educational activity was the contempt of worldly vanities and love for "Beau Sire Dieu".The royal family took part in the daily Mass and praying the Marian hours of prayer. After dinner,  at Compline they were in the chapel praying together, then the king gathered the family in his room and gave a spiritual direction. Every Friday the royal family kept the law of fasting and abstinence from meat and alcohol. On Fridays the King never wore his crown, because Jesus Christ  had to wear the crown of thorns to ridicule.
A series of spiritual writings of the king have been preserved, including instructions to his daughter Isabella, Queen of Navarre. These texts are considered as exemplary spiritual teachings that are incorporated into some manuals of moral theology.

Wise Ruler

Louis was not only a wise educator of his children, but also an admirable ruler who led government affairs with great prudence. During his reign, France experienced a long period of peace and prosperity. He managed provide for the moral renewal of his country by trying to lift  its way of life and customs. He punished misconduct by severely, especially cursing. The penalties for this were so severe that Pope Clement IV requested the king to mitigate them. He tried to eliminate the bad habit of the duel, which cost much senseless blood because of vanity and other trifles. The same he tried against the gambling, the whole family fell into the worst trouble, against the brothels and other evils by which he saw poisoned the souls of his sub-aunts.

Chief Justice and Fair Administrator

Saint Louis IX. placed special emphasis on honesty in the administration of the state and the application of  laws.The judges appointed by him and officials prohibited the acquisition of state owned enterprises and the employment of children and close relatives. The king created a new Court of judges selected by him, whose task was to examine judgments of the ordinary courts in order to avoid injustice. If an error or an abuse happened, he gave himself at first  a penance as chief judge of the kingdom, and then punished the culprits. He forced a possible res furtiva refund or a restoration for those damages that had been wrongly convicted. Guilt was for the king always a personal guilt. If a judge or an official hired impeccable behavior in his office to prove he was reciprocated well  and rewarded by the king.
When he came to an area, it happened more than once that the king himself sat in judgment, to show his judges what a just and wise judge is.

Zeal for the True Faith

The king tried not just to fix a moral breakdown, but also to eradicate  heresy and to defend the faith. Louis was a great friend and supporter of the young Order of the Dominicans and the Franciscans, he looked for an instrument of Providence to save the soul of the people from apostasy. He joined the Franciscan Order as a Tertiary. In secret without showing outward visibility, he wore under the royal robes up to his death, the gross habit of Saint Francis of Assisi. Frequently and happily he invited great theologians and saints for dinner like St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure.
He acquired by Emperor Baldwin II of Constantinople the relic of the Crown of Thorns. In Paris he had the Sainte Chapelle built for their dignified storage.  It is a jewel of Gothic architecture.

The Sixth Crusade (Seventh)

 In 1245 Ludwig was so severely ill that his speedy death was already considered certain. Throughout France prayers were intoned for the king. With Holy Mass, prayer vigils, processions and other spiritual exercises assailed heaven for the king's health. The king himself lived to swear a vow to  break into the Holy Land and liberate the Holy Sepulcher. In fact, he experienced his unexpected recovery and  set out for Lyons on 1248, where he met Pope Innocent IV and received his  Apostolic Blessing. From Aigues-Mortes he drove  with his crusade army in the direction Lake Orient. It was the 25th of August.
His wife Margaret  accompanied Louis IX. in 1249 and his two brothers, Robert of Artois and Charles of Anjou. In 1249 he succeeded in conquering the important Egyptian port city of Damietta in the Nile Delta. However, 1250 was followed by the defeat in al-Mansura, which had been caused by an awkward maneuver by his brother Robert of Artois.The king suffered  humiliating captivity. After 31 days he was released by payment of 200,000 gold ducats, favored by the unexpected death of Sultan Turan Shah, who had been murdered by his Mamluk bodyguard. King Louis IX.remained another four years in the Orient, where he also won the Muslim's high esteem due to his wisdom and his incomparable bearing.  Some Muslim parties even  wanted to raise him to  Sultan. His wife Margaret was always at his side. Because of the birth of a son and the news of his mother Blanka's death, the King and Queen returned from Acre  to France, where they arrived on September 5, 1254. In the Holy Land his crusade had not changed the status quo  in favor of the Christians.

Seventh Crusade and death of the King [Eighth]

In July 1270 Louis struck out again from Aigues-Mortes on a crusade that led him to Tunis. However, plague and dysentery decimated the Christian army before it could be used properly. On August 25, the king also fell victim. Before his brother Charles of Anjou led back the remains of the Crusader army to Sicily, he concluded a treaty with the Muslim Caliph of Tunis that secured him the possession of Malta and the island of Pantelleria located off the Tunisian coast.

The Relics of St. Louis IX.

The mortal remains of the king were brought from Sicily to France and ready to collect there by his son Philip III. His heart, however, remained in Sicily and was buried at Palermo in the Cathedral of Monreale. In 1297 Louis IX was canonized by Pope Boniface VIII. the difference was made primarily by the testimony of John of Joinville, Seneschal of Normandy. Johann was a confidant and companion in arms of Louis. In 1299 he published at the request of Louis's great-niece, Queen Joan of Navarre, a biography of the holy King, considered the first French-language biography in the modern sense.
While Chateaubriand looked at the connection of sovereign power and philosophy in Marcus Aurelius, he wrote that Louis IX. had a combination of sovereign power and holiness. This makes for Louis the emblematic figure of the Middle Ages.  Pope Leo XIII. said that at that time "the philosophy of the Gospel governed the States." The inserts Hélio Viana in his life image of St. Louis added: "Never was the state greater than when it is at the service of the Church. Never so much does the Church complete its mission, as when it forms a culture."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / Ars Cristiana
Trans: Tancred

Basel Becoming Center for Al Qaeda as Islamic Power Grows

(Bern) Switzerland too, the model country of the peaceful coexistence of different ethnic groups and compensation of indigenous ethnic group of successful compensation has a problem with mass immigration: Islamism. The Islamist agitation is particularly serious for Switzerland, as the Confederates  have tried to practice strict neutrality for 200 years. But Islamists have little consideration, not for European borders, customs and sensitivities. This forces the Swiss government  to increased vigilance. Keeping tabs  mainly on Islamist circles in the canton of Basel.
The industrial center of the  Swiss Confederation has experienced in recent years a significant influx of Muslims.  As the Basler Zeitung reported in its current edition, the imam of the Arrahma Mosque on Mühlhauserstraße is an Islamist point of contact. As the Federal Intelligence Service (FIS), the Swiss State Treasury Department, that  the Imam has equated  Christians with animals.

Call to Jihad and  Demand to be Recognized as a "National Church"

The same Islam, which calls  “jihad”, for "Holy War” in Basel, wants to be  a “National Church” Switzerland like the Reformed and the Catholic Church.   And he can count on support numerous self-proclaimed Islamic understanders in Switzerland.
Recently in Switzerland   two Kurds from Iraq were brought to justice. A 35-year-old welfare recipient and her younger brother. Both are accused of belonging to Al-Qaeda terror network. They had pitched their tents in Basel. There they would, according to the indictment, direct the "foreign department” of the Didi New Center.  For the prosecution hiding behind the innocuous sounding name base of the international network of Islamist terrorism. The Swiss Intelligence views the Oslo resident  Mullah Krekar as  the head of a "criminal" organization.

Internet Platform Basel Islamists for Al-Qaeda Propaganda

Other features of the Didi Nwe Center included the provision of "safe" chat rooms, so that Islamists were able to communicate with each other undisturbed. This included an online Sharia Academy . The Swiss Federal Prosecutor is certain to have collected sufficient evidence to be able to demonstrate that the Internet platform of Didi Nwe Center was used to disseminate messages, propaganda and information from Al-Qaeda.
Basel has a large Muslim, especially Turkish, community and is “very auspiciously”  established in the tri-border region. This allows the liberty of quick crossing of the borders between Switzerland, Germany and France in any direction. Especially with Germany’s too prominent Turkish community, facilitates the contacts.  Basel had "obviously a central function with a certain appeal,”  the press spokesman for FIS told the Federal Intelligence Service. 

Hate Preacher: "Christians are Animals" - “Kill Infidels"

The state security services monitors Islamic activities  in Basel. In December 2013 hate sermons against unbelievers, especially Christians and Jews were given in the Faysal Mosque. In November, at an information network of the Islamic Central Switzerland called (ICCS) in Basel for the killing of Jews and Christians. The ICCS distributed two different versions of the Quran. To Muslims, the version is distributed with the call for killing, however, they are missing in the German version.
The Swiss and the German Federal Intelligence Service already observed the Basler Said-i Nursi-Mosque in Kleinhueningen together. There are members which apparently include  a Middle Eastern Islamist militia from several European countries, which is classified as a terrorist organization. The head of the mosque is considered number three in the network that wants to impose by force of arms an Islamist state in Turkey.
The Islamist activities in and around Basel show that the Rhine town is an important place in the coordinate system of the Islamists in Europe. The Swiss security authorities are of the opinion that the trouble - at the price of increasing complexity - is  so far   under control. How long this will be the cease, however, no one can say.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: ICCS (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Horror Missae: Gregorian Liturgical Ballet

Edit: from the Catholic Conclave.  There's always something novel they can do.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Canonization Without Miracles and Church Politicis -- Capovilla: Says John XXIII. Not the "Sweet-Natured Pope"

Good Pope John
Edit: an uncanonical canonization for an pastoral Council.

(Rome) John XXIII., the Pope who convened the Second Vatican Council and is to be canonized without a miracle in a few days by Pope Francis.  He was commonly known in the collective memory as the "good" and "sweet-natured" Pope .  In contrast, his personal secretary Loris Capovilla is protesting: "Please, don't call him the good-natured Pope. '"

 Capovilla's Elevation to Cardinal in Honor of the Council

 Monsignor Loris Capovilla was the personal secretary of John XXIII. during his pontificate.  This past February 22nd, Pope Francis made him a cardinal.  Capovilla, born in 1915, has become since then the oldest living Cardinal.

He's been 50 years fighting against this appellation of John XXIII., as the "Good Pope" or "sweet-natured Pope," Cardinal Capovilla has been giving  a few interviews  for the canonization of Pope Roncalli.   The figure of John XXIII. says Capovilla,   is being overwhelmed by this "good nature", said Capovilla, because Pope Roncalli was "very determined" and had been primarily  "for the Church and the world and  peace, of great importance.  His greatest importance is connected to the Second Vatican Council," said Capovilla in the newspaper Eco di Bergamo.

Johannes XXIV. oder Franziskus?  

 Again the almost century-old cardinal insisted with particular emphasis, on the similarity between John XXIII. and Pope Francis. Francis reminds  people "very" much of Pope Roncalli, says Capovilla.   The Argentine cardinal had wanted to call himself for a moment even John XXIV.  "Pope Francis and John are very similar.  Cardinal Bergoglio had thought to take the name John.  He wanted to be the successor of John XXIII.    But he also thought of Francis.  Then he spoke to the Brazilian Cardinal Damasceno and advised him to adopt a name that speaks for the poor and of poverty. So Bergoglio has opted for Francis.  But Pope John was in his thoughts."


Canonizations as Motivated by Church Politics?

Pope Francis, it can also be said,  that he very rarely mentions the turning point in history of  the Second Vatican Council is a point of distinction.    This includes the collection of Cardinal Loris Capovilla on February 22, whose merit it is mainly to have been the secretary of John XXIII.   and to have been  a   tireless exponent of the "epochal significance" of Vatican II.  This primarily involves the canonization of John XXIII.  on April 27, bypassing the canonically prescribed standards.  Two events with which Pope Francis contends in the large intra-church conflict, on the one hand  John XXIII and Paul VI., on the other hand, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.   The canonization of John XXIII.  is ultimately a product of chance  in internal  Church circles, which is directly related to the canonization of John Paul II.

The no Longer Preventable Raising of John Paul II to the Altars

Shortly after Cardinal Bergoglio was elected Pope, the Congregation of Saints convened on the 2nd of July, 2013  to acknowledge the miracle that paved the way for the canonization of the Polish Pope.   The schedule was at the time of the election already fixed.  This was only a formality, since the examination and approval of the miracle had already taken place by both medical as well as theological side.    Thus, it was clear that the canonization would take place within a year.  Only an administrative act by  the new pope,   would have been able to prevent what would, however, his opposition in substantial parts of the church, and not only of Poland would have been  introduced with  the John Paul II as a reference point. The idea that he of all people should raise John Paul II to the altars  is a visible gain in the validity  of his understanding of the Church seems not to have been savored by the Argentine Pope.

Causa Johannes XXIII.:  Neutralize the "Poles" Canonize the Council

So  Pope Francis quickly placed  it on the agenda of the Congregation of Saints.   However, there is for the Roncalli Pope to date, no recognized miracle.   When Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to Pope Francis went to tell him the decision of the Congregation on the Polish Pope, John Paul II,  the new pope also unexpectedly decided to canonize the Council Pope. 

 How this could happen without a miracle, has been rather met with an ashamed silence  in Rome.   The official media of the Holy See has never broached the subject and most accredited to the Vatican press journalists have somewhat averted both eyes, because it is the "sweet-natured Pope", who, after all, convened the Council.

Both large Postconciliar "Souls" of the Church Equal? –   Only Superficially

On 27 April, in a sense, both big "souls" of the Catholic Church, who represented a contrasting understanding of the Church since the Council, are raised to the altars.   Thus the impression.  The sarting point, however, was that the canonization of John Paul II was already too advanced at the time of the election of Pope Francis to put it on the back burner still.  However, for Pius IX und Pius XII. and Pius XII.   this has been the case for decades. The beatification of Pius IX. in 2000   had become possible only in a church-political maneuver.  It was wrested in return for the beatification of John XXIII.   
The double canonization of popes on April 27, 2014 will go down in the first place as an object lesson  ecclesiastically politically motivated decisions in the history of the Church.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi    
Picture: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Monday, April 21, 2014

La Times Correspondent Cites EF: Is Carnival Time Really Over?

Edit: in addition to citing wdtprs, Latimes correspondent,  Michael McGough, wrote an article dated on the 16th of April. 

We'd also draw attention to the continued influence of Archbishop George Gänswein , who recently was cited in the German papers, downplaying the predictions of dissident groups' eventual triumph over the papacy and suggesting that many who rejoice now will sorrow later on.  

But is "Carnival time" really over as he suggests?

For all its fascination with Pope Francis, the secular media haven’t paid much attention to a papal appointment that has stirred up the Catholic blogosphere. The no-frills pope has “confirmed” (reappointed) Msgr. Guido Marini as Master of Pontifical Liturgical Ceremonies. Marini is the bespectacled priest who attends the pope at Masses and other rites.
Why is this news? Marini was Pope Benedict XVI’s collaborator in reviving elaborate “Roman” vestments (as distinguished from the simpler “Gothic” style favored after Vatican II) and other Renaissance trappings. Coincidentally, he replaced another cleric named Marini — Piero Marini — who was blamed by Catholic traditionalists for the insufficient pomp and excessive innovations of Pope John Paul II’s liturgies. 
As I explained in a column several years ago: “The pope’s aides say that his choice of vestments is designed to demonstrate continuity with the church’s past. Liberals are more inclined to see it as a slap at the spirit of Vatican II.”
He continues by citing Eponymous Flower here:
In an interview before Marini’s official reappointment, Francis said: “You say that my papal master of ceremonies is of a traditionalist character. And many have asked me about my choice to remove him from office and be replaced. I said no, just that I prefer him to even benefit me by his traditional formation and at the same time, so he is formed in the same way by my emancipated formation.” 
Marini may not be able to persuade Francis to dress Renaissance-style, but he may be able to dissuade him from wearing tacky ultra-modern vestments.

 Link to Latimes...

Protest Day Against Gender-Ideology in France -- Participation Doubles

(Paris) On March 31, the second day of protest to the French parent initiative Journée de l'école de retrait (Jre) took place, which is supported by Printemps francais. In protest against the socialist re-education policy on the basis of gender ideology the parents are keeping   their children  out of school  one day a month. The initiative is one of the actions that have arisen in the course of the protest of the civil rights movement Manif pour tous against "gay marriage".
On  the first day of protest 17,924 students stayed at home, then  on March 31, there were 31,548, almost twice as many. The parents' initiative may include only those cases that have officially joined the initiative. The actual number of students who were kept  home deliberately by  the parents, is therefore estimated  to be even higher.

Twice as Many Children Kept From School

The second protest of the Journée de l'école de retrait was  a  "great success" said the initiator, the writer and filmmaker Farida Belghoul. "The participation grows. The reprisals scare the families less and less. The more time passes, the more parents despise the illegal and senseless pressure from national school board. The stronger the identity of the parents, the more they are connected to their traditions and the more heroism they demonstrate  by taking part in the protest days. "
44.8 percent of students who were kept at home, attend kindergarten, 40.2 percent of primary school. These figures confirm that the parents' main concerns were the government indoctrinating the youngest, says Belghoul.

No to "ABC of Equality"

Farida Belghoul and Béatrice Bourges are the two women who have organized the unusual parents protest, which is directed against the state school program ABCD de l'égalité (ABCs of Equality), which was introduced by the Hollande government  in the autumn of 2013. It it supposed, according to information provided by the government, to "eliminate prejudices and stereotypes" because this could be the supposed starting point for "discrimination". The gender ideologues have so interpreted this   that children are to be "educated" as early as the age of six to "choose their sexual orientation." There is no natural sex and not  merely a husband and wife. The sex could be "selected" by themselves and indeed,  from any of a variety of "gender". The socialist re-education program provides on the one hand, for the destruction of marriage, family and sex as "artificial constructs" and at the same time provide for the promotion of aberrosexuality for"Marriages", "family" and gender. These textbooks are employed like "Father Wears a Skirt" or "Bill's New Dress".

"Irrational Movement" is Becoming Increasingly Popular

France's Education Minister Vincent Peillon, socialist and Freemason, has been trying for months to downplay the resistance against the state sexualization and re-education program. Participation in the protest was  something he only considers to bee "marginal" and the initiators of an "irrational movement."  But more and more parents are joining the protest and are rejecting the government's attempt to "keep changing the mentality of the students" with the coercive authority of the state, as Peillon  had stated as an objective of the government initiative "ABCs of Equality" in a letter to the school directors.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Jre

Pope Francis, Frei Betto and the "Accident" at Osservatore Romano

What, No Habit?

(Rome) Some Catholic media are eager to want to prepare a moment of "joy" for the Pope at every opportunity. One could sometimes be confused with the behavior of cajoling or adulation. The Osservatore Romano stumbled about it, because it responded with great zeal a few days ago.

First it was the Austrian Mission Bishop Erwin Kräutler, who always strives at home to stay remarkably close to the to the Left "half of the empire." He did publicly declared what he had discussed with Pope Francis in a private audience and raised here by blurred dividing lines the impression that the Pope shares his opinion to a certain extent. The latter remains unproven, as it to is neither a statement of the Pope's nor a statement of the Vatican.

Then followed the Brazilian Frei Betto, who prides himself, to have the best contacts with the Cuban regime among all the Liberation Theologians. This gave the same consenting impression of the Pope, as previously Amazon Bishop Kräutler had, and wished for his part, a "rehabilitation" of the atheist idol Giordano Bruno. Again, there was no statement of the Pope and no opinion from the Vatican, which would confirm or deny free Betto's assertion.

The two incidents conveyed the impression together with previous similar incidents that Pope Francis demands no stop to such high-handedness in public. An attitude that raises further questions about them, is whether the Pope is simply indifferent to what others spread about his actual or perceived views. Or if they all report truthfully and the Pope actually raises towards them the impression of approval. Which raises the fundamental question of what position the Pope really takes. But that seems to be the biggest mystery of the entire pontificate.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Jesus Wept Over Jerusalem: What is the Jerusalem of Today? -- by Roberto de Mattei

(Rome) Some thoughts by he famous historian Roberto de Mattei on Good Friday. From the site "Dominus flevit" on the Mount of Olives, where Jesus  saw Jerusalem and wept over it as He was preparing a triumphal entry, from this very place   Roberto de Mattei  attempts this  Good Friday to present his view of the world and especially the Church  today.

Easter: Jesus weeps over Jerusalem

by Roberto de Mattei
Actually it should be a moment of greatest joy: Jesus enters into Jerusalem, where He received the encouragement and the enthusiasm of the crowd. Today, He is the most popular man in Jerusalem. But Jesus can not be deceived by the flattery. The world applauded him, but He does not like the fact He does not boast of this success. During the triumphal descent to the temple, Jesus viewed the city of Jerusalem from the height of the western slope of the Mount of Olives, where the places of his impending suffering was: the neat building of the temple of Herod the sparkling residence, the sober square of the fortress Antonia, the seat of the Roman garrison.
Et ut appropinquavit, videns Civitatem flevit super illam (Lk 19,41). When Jesus saw the city of Jerusalem, he suddenly wept over it.  He Who weeps there is not any man, nor a supreme secular authority: It is the second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Word made ​​flesh, the God-man, in whom is summarized the entirety of history. His  weeping has a meaning that relates to the history of all centuries. Jesus wept as a child in the manger of Bethlehem. Bethany witnessed the tears which He shed on the death of Lazarus. The tears accompany His passion. But this time it is a different weeping. He weeps over the city that was before him like no  other city:  it is Jerusalem, the Holy City of the chosen people, the spiritual center of the world. Jesus weeps because of the punishment that awaits Jerusalem, but the main reason of his tears are the sins that are insulting God, they are the reason for that penalty.
The smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God and obscured the eyes of the high priest. Through tears and sobs Jesus said: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, if even you, had only recognized on this day, what brings you peace. But now  they are hidden before thine eyes"(Lk 19,42) That's like saying: If you only knew the things I know about you, then you would no doubt  weep, just as I weep  now. But all this is hidden from you, as a punishment for your sins. Why do you not cry, do not regret and will not  have taken advantage of your penitence and your pain. In the Hosanna cries of the crowd, Jesus responds with the prophecy of the inevitable punishment for the unfaithful city: "For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a Wall about you and  encompass you and hem you in on every side. They will crush you and your children within you, and no stone will be left in you over the other, because you did not recognize the time of grace."  (Luke 19.43-44).
Jesus knows the terrible trials that await Him. But that is not why He is crying.  He does not cry for himself, because of the pains that await Him, the suffering that awaits Him, He weeps over the fate of the Holy City. Can there be a greater proof of love for Jerusalem? Nevertheless, this boundless love can not turn away the infinite justice of God. God is not only infinitely merciful, but also infinitely just, because He is infinitely holy. And Jerusalem will not be spared because of its sins.
Today, there is another city, about which there is need to cry. It is the city of which we spoke in the Third Secret of Fatima. That "big, half-ruined city", which the Pope crosses, "half-pressed trembling with halting step, with pain and sorrow," and "for the souls of the corpses" he prays, " for those he encounters on his way." What does this mysterious city that is half in ruins mean? Does it mean a city, a culture, or even the Church of Christ? Only the future will reveal the dramatic mystery. Today is the hour of tears. The tears bring the seriousness of the tragic and dramatic situation expressed in the houses the world.
It is not the hour of euphoria and illusions, but neither of the irreverent sarcasm or useless controversies among Christians. It is the moment of mourning and weeping. The tears arise from the pain. And if the tears are a gift, so the pain is a feeling that needs to be nurtured by knowing the things that concern us:  therefore let us waiver not to exert our reason, but we base our faith in reason and we enlighten our reason with our faith. May the Mother of God grant us this grace in the hour of the Passion of Christ and the Church.
Text: Corrispondenza Romana
translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Ars Cristiana
Translation: Tancred

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cardinal Kasper Answers Critics of His Lecture: SSPX German District

[]  There has been global criticism among faithful, conservative and traditional Catholics about the pastoral lecture of  divorced and "remarried" by Walter Cardinal Kasper, the Cardinal replied yesterday with a half-page letter to the editor in the "Tagespost" on some of these criticisms.

The crucial passage from the letter to the editor refers to his proposal to allow "remarried" divorced to the sacrament of penance, the Cardinal writes in the letter.

"The decisive statement in this presentation is: 'Penance and the Sacrament of Penance are the way to connect both aspects. Commitment to the word of the Lord, and the never-ending mercy of God' (p. 65) It turns to the question  which has not been answered by the critics: Are you allowed to refuse absolution in such a situation in which the penitent has repented and testified honestly and in good will with their best efforts to live by faith? Is it not possible with God that someone could fall into a hole from which there is no way out? If that is impossible with God, then why not in the Church ...? "

Cardinal's sentences clearly demonstrated an awareness of precisely the crucial point of the whole discussion. Of course, the Church has never denied absolution to a man who has "repented honestly and testified in good will with their best efforts to live by faith." Yet the question here is, what it means, that the penitent has repented honestly? For sincere repentance it means  that he separates himself from sin and possesses  a firm resolve  never to repeat the sin, which without the help and grace of God is not possible of course.

However, this means with respect to the divorced and "remarried" that the partners decide to separate or if this is for important reasons (e.g. due to the children) is not possible, to refrain from the conjugal act in the future and to live together as brothers and sister. This is exactly what the Church has recommended for centuries for people living in such a situation. Cardinal Kasper, however, would like to eliminate this clear and visible sign of remorse and repentance, and it is based in substantial part of the criticism of his lecture, which he never responded to in his letter to the editors at any point.

Link to 

Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Masses for Remarried Divorced and Aberrosexuals with Communion "For Everyone"

(Vienna) A "disobedient" priest and a suspended deacon "anticipate the Vatican." They have announced that they will be offering this  summer of  their own "services for remarried divorcees, gays, lesbians and single mothers" as Die Kleine Zeitung Graz reported.
The whole thing takes place in the Diocese of Graz-Seckau in Pfarrverband Kirchberg an der Raab-St. Margaret in the Austrian province of Styria. Bernhard Preiss, the pastor of the parish association, is one of the "disobedient" priests of the Pfarrers Initiative of the former Vienna Vicar General and Caritas Director, Helmut Schüller.

"Disobedient" Pastor and Suspended Deacon  

For Preiss and his deacon there are "signs of change". Starting this  summer the Parish Community will offer  a "service" for "remarried divorcees, homosexuals and single mothers", in which "all can receive Communion." The initiator and organizer is Deacon Gottfried Url, who defers together with pastor Preiß,  to Pope Francis. Deacon Url is actually no longer a Deacon because he was suspended from duty. He is himself  divorced and remarried and is thus is engaged in his own self-interest.
"I have now read many texts of the Pope - and everywhere  Francis writes of compassion and solidarity", said Url who is quoted by the Kleine Zeitung and draws  arbitrary and just as far-reaching conclusions. "My office has been made quiescent, but when I'm asked, I help", is how Url describes his idiosyncratic understanding of obedience. He "assists" at funerals, Easter food blessings or, "this year at the Easter Vigil in Loipersdorf".

Second Marriage "No Contradiction" Main Thing "First Partner is Financially not Left Hanging"

The fact that a second marriage is not contrary to the ideal of lifelong  bond  is something  of which the deacon is "convinced" for obvious reasons. The teaching of Christ on the sacrament of marriage does not seem essential to the "deacon".  What is "Important"   for him is only, "not to alienate first partner  and not to leave him financially in the lurch." Marriage teaching for him is just a product of Church history, which is why he also does not have to respect this.

"Spring Awakening in the Church" by Pope Francis

Pastor Preiß sees in  Pope Francis a "Spring awakening in the Church." In the new parish Journal 2 /2014 of the parish association, he writes: "Spring Awakening means that new impulses, the Sun of love and fertile rain of trust are also effective in the Church."   The new "Spring Awakening"  Preiß presents in direct connection with the Second Vatican Council, which had overcome "a 400-year long period of intransigence and control.". The Church's doctrine and its defense is reduced by the "disobedient" pastor to  "fears, institutional thinking, ideologies, stubbornness, habits, and questions of power." John XXIII. had  "reformed" the Church by the "vernacular", "people's altar", the "appreciation of laymen versus the Cleric (Priest) in the Church" and the "priesthood of all people." But then  "the reinforced rather re-enforced  reactionary forces."  Now, however, "only with Pope Francis, once again we hear other sounds from Rome."
The Austrian bishops returned from Rome "thrilled and full of praise." Cardinal Schönborn had admitted that they had yet  been too "timid" in Rome for "local church autonomy" and "decentralization". Preiss quotes the Cardinal with the words: "I struck    my bishop 's breast: We have surely trusted too little,  to say what our situation required and how we see things."  "A good, albeit late acknowledgment," says  the rebel Preiss who feels himself confirmed. According to Preiss also quotes the words of the Honduran Cardinal Maradiaga, who criticized  Cardinal Prefect Müller: "The world is my brother is not so. You should be a little flexible when you hear other voices. "

From "Carnival Mass" to "Homo-Liturgy"

For Pastor Preiß there is no Mass, but only "Worship". In  last March 2 he called on all "worshipers" to come "masked" as to the "Carnival Mass" because "God loves to laugh."
Url turns with his "service" to all of those who are "Excluded", he arbitrarily says. The "services" to be held "alternately in Kirchberg and St. Margaret" and  four times a year "on the first Sunday" in season. The first date is going to be 22 June at Kirchberg.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: My district (screenshot)
Trans Tancred

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Midwest Puppets of Doom Liturgy

Edit: no matter how many times people tell you this stuff is purely, mostly mythical or rare, it just keeps returning and doesn't go away.  Like an untreated cancer, it festers and grows. This is purely revolutionary, and if any care is given, the treatment is largely cosmetic and ephemeral.  As soon as the bad authoritarian Bishop and his henchmen are gone, the dog returns to his vomit.

If anyone still cares, we didn't bother contacting the Diocese, because they're well aware that dissent runs rampant and unchecked.  You can call Father John Paul Erickson at the Archdiocese Worship Office to complain, e-mail or call (651) 290-1633.

This is the Soho Parish of St. Joan of Arc in Minneapolis Minnesota, which is headed by Fr. Jim DeBruycker, Pastor,,\.  The "Liturgy" was celebrated for Palm Sunday with giant puppets of doom as it was reported by the  Red  Minneapolis Star and Tribune.

Almost 40 Years of This

Also contact to complain:

4537 3rd Ave. So.
Minneapolis, MN 55419

Phone: 612.823.8205
Fax: 612.825.7028

And when they're not abusing the Liturgy, they're stomping on Catholic doctrine and practice.

See wdtprs also...