Monday, April 14, 2014

Papal Praise For Kasper and Progressive Anathema Against Doctrine of the Faith

Haw-Haw, I Love This Guy!
What is brewing in the preparation of the Synod of Bishops on behind the scenes together? Is the convening of the Synod of Bishops only a  pretext to cap the sacrament of marriage? Are the remarried divorcees only the first step to a "new morality"? Was this topic remarried divorcees a secret ballot surrender  in the case Jorge Mario Bergoglios? The answer to these questions is not available. It is possible, however, to summarize the events of the past month and a half.
(Rome) A few days ago, Pope Francis joined the office of the Under Secretary of the Synod of Bishops  for the first time with the Episcopal dignity. In an accompanying letter to the Secretary of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Pope who wants to strengthen "collegiality" in the Church as "signs of the times". An intention, which is clearly expressed to the bishop by the imposition of cardinal status on the secretary  and the appointment of the Under Secretary. This is also a step towards the preparation of the first Synod of Bishops of this pontificate, which will take place in early October and will be looked to in the Church with mixed feelings. It's about the fear that a synodal coup could, if not in this first part of the Synod of Bishops, then in the second part, which is scheduled for autumn 2015, bypass parts of Catholic teaching on marriage and undermine the sacrament of marriage. The formula was supplied by the German theologian and Cardinal Walter Kasper. It is understandable given: Changing the formal doctrine untouched by a new practice. Specifically on the Kaspers program is the approval of remarried divorcees to the sacraments. Since the individual lives in a permanent state of public sin that remarried divorcees are excluded from receiving communion. If it goes according  to the Episcopal Conferences of Germany and Switzerland to the reception of communion will be possible under one or the other new formulae.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Modernist Benedictine "Monastery" to Host Rabbi Promoting Aberrosexuality April 28th

Edit:  St. John's Abbey at Collegeville is probably one of the most vile and evil places in the world, made so much more so by the fact that they misrepresent themselves as good, as Catholic.

They habitually return to lap up their vomit. No public reprimand will change the way they think or the patterns long established here since before the Council, they will continue attacking the Church from behind a Catholic name. No matter how many outrages they've done, many of which are publicly known, as well as the endemic failure this institution suffers in terms of its decline in numbers and fervor, no one really stops them, they suffer no visitation, no interdict,  but they enjoy full recognition by the Catholic Church, despite all of their frequent outrages and insults to Christ.

It's not enough to say that they will die out. Average age of the monks is nearing 70. Shouldn't something be done for their souls, and the souls of the many students who are placed in their spiritual care year after year by largely unsuspecting families?

Rabbi Rachel Timoner will present the free lecture, “Listening for the Spirit of God in Our Pursuit of Justice: Spirituality and Justice in the Jewish Tradition,” at 7:30 p.m. April 28 in Quad 170 at St. John’s University. 
The lecture, sponsored by the Jay Phillips Center for Interfaith Learning, will explore God as spirit, spiritual practices that help nurture the spirit’s gifts and how it relates to creating a better world. 
Timoner is the associate rabbi at Leo Baeck Temple in Los Angeles, where she focuses on social justice, spiritual life and lifelong learning.
She worked for 13 years with social justice organizations, and was honored by the San Francisco Examiner for helping to break the isolation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth.
Link to SCT... 

Contact Modernist Monastery:
Address: 31802 County Road 159, Collegeville, MN 56321
Phone:(320) 363-2011
E-mail: Brother David Allen

Of course this doesn't happen in isolation, a parish in South Minneapolis, frequently hosts such speakers, like the following "Rabbi" who claims she receives inspiration from the "Holy Spirit".

Statement by Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, on the new pastoral approach to marriage according to Cardinal Kasper

[DICI] What will happen at the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops that is to be held October 5 – 19, 2014, dedicated to “the pastoral challenges for the family in the context of evangelization?” This question is asked with great concern, since during the last Consistory, on February 20, 2014, Cardinal Walter Kasper, at the request of Pope Francis and with his emphatic support, presented the topic of the next Synod by making supposedly pastoral overtures that were doctrinally scandalous.
This presentation, which was initially supposed to remain secret, was published in the press, and the agitated debates that it sparked among the members of the Consistory ended up being revealed as well.  One university professor dared to speak about a veritable “cultural revolution” (Roberto de Mattei), and one journalist described as a “paradigm shift” the fact that Cardinal Kasper proposes that divorced-and-“remarried” Catholics could go to Communion, even without their earlier marriage being annulled:  “at present that is not the case, based on Jesus’ very severe and explicit words about divorce.” (Sandro Magister)
Some prelates have spoken up against this change, such as Cardinal Carlo Caffara, Archbishop of Bologna, who asked:  “What about the first ratified and consummated marriage?  If the Church admits [the divorced-and-“remarried”] to the Eucharist, she must however render a judgment about the legitimacy of the second union.  That is only logical.  But then -as I asked-what about the first marriage?  The second, they say, cannot be a true second marriage, because bigamy goes against the Lord’s words.  And what about the first one? Is it dissolved?  But the Popes have always taught that the power of the Pope cannot go that far:  the Pope has no authority over a ratified and consummated marriage.  The solution proposed (by Cardinal Kasper) leads one to think that the first marriage remains, but there is also a second form of cohabitation that the Church legitimizes….  The fundamental question is therefore simple:  what about the first marriage?  But no one gives an answer.”  (Il Foglio, March 15, 2014)
One could add the serious objections formulated by Cardinals Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Walter Brandmüller, Angelo Bagnasco, Robert Sarah, Giovanni Battista Re, Mauro Piacenza, Angelo Scola, Camillo Ruini….  But these objections, too, remain unanswered.
We cannot wait, without speaking up, for the Synod to be held next October in the disastrous spirit that Cardinal Kasper wants to give to it.  The attached study, entitled “The New Pastoral Approach to marriage according to Cardinal Kasper” shows the gross errors contained in his presentation.  Not to denounce them would amount to leaving the door open to the dangers pointed out by Cardinal Caffarra:  “Therefore there would be such a thing as extramarital human sexuality that the Church considers legitimate.  But that negates the central pillar of the Church’s teaching on sexuality.  At that point someone might wonder:  then why not approve of extramarital cohabitation?  Or relations between homosexuals?”  (Ibid.)
Whereas in recent months many families have demonstrated courageously against civil laws that, everywhere, are undermining the natural, Christian family, it is simply scandalous to see these same laws surreptitiously supported by churchmen who wish to align Catholic doctrine and morality with the morals of a de-Christianized society, instead of seeking to convert souls.  A pastoral approach that scoffs at the explicit teaching of Christ on the indissolubility of marriage is not merciful but insulting to God, who grants His grace sufficiently to everyone; and it is cruel toward the souls who, when placed in difficult situations, receive the grace that they need in order to live a Christian life and even to grow in virtue, to the point of heroism.
Menzingen, April 12, 2014
+Bernard Fellay
Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X

Friday, April 11, 2014

Abolish Celibacy and Rehabilitate Giordano Bruno --- Bishop Kräutler and Frei Betto With Pope Francis

Frei Betto, Suit and Tie Dominican.
(Vatican) A phenomenon of the pontificate of Pope Francis is the 360 degree statements by Church members.   After encounters with the Pope in secret they appear before the cameras to promote their personal agenda to do this, however, citing the Pope. What  Pope Francis actually said or supports, you can not check yourself. The procedure, which is the opposite of the once-vaunted ecclesiastical discretion, duly presents confusion. Two of the most recent examples: On April 4, Bishop Erwin Kräutler and on 10 April the Brazilian liberation theologian Frei  Betto were received by the Pope. Both were then very talkative.

Bishop Kräutler on the Shortage of Priests: Married Men  Must be Consecrated

On 4 April, the Austrian Mission Bishop Erwin Kräutler was received by Pope Francis. Bishop Kräutler (born 1939) has since been   Bishop of the Xingu Territorialprälatur in the Brazilian Amazon since 1981, where he succeeded his uncle Erich Kräutler of the same Order. Erwin Kräutler is also Chairman of the Indian Missionary Council of Brazilian Bishops' Conference. The bishop is a member of the Order of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood (CPPS). According to the Bishop, whose Order has produced  good priests in the German language,  is active in his commitment to the rainforest and the Amazon Indians darlings to the left crowd. He is said to be assisting  Pope Francis   in the drafting of an encyclical on the subject of ecology.
After the private audience with the Pope Bishop Kräutler stepped in front of the public and stated in the Salzburger Nachrichten on April 8, he and the Pope had spoken on the admission of viri probati of married men to the priesthood.According to him Kräutler Pope Francis had agreed and said that he could well imagine that married men are ordained to the priesthood, when the bishops agree. This brought Kräutler again a discussion in progress, which was actually considered as completed. Since the Argentine pontificate these and other issues of progressive Wishlist appear again and again. Last summer it was the then nuncio to Venezuela, the just of Pope Francis as the new Secretary appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin, the lostrat the discussion about the abolition of mandatory celibacy, without taking itself a party.

Pope: Bishops should agree and propose solutions

According Kräutlers words of Pope Francis would make the bishops' conferences on this issue have a crucial role.You should decide if they deem it appropriate to dedicate even married men. He, Kräutler, had in its geographically large diocese too little priest available. In many places, only a Mass could two or three times a year are celebrated.Always Loud Kräutlers representation of the Pope had given to understand that Rome could not decide everything, but the "national and regional episcopal conferences" to agree on reforms and Rome should submit proposals to the solution.  Kräutler told the Pope of a Mexican diocese in which there are few priests, but 330 deacons, but  they can not  celebrate Holy Mass. The question is how to go on in this situation.
In the Diocese of what Kräutler not said it is the Mexican Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas. A problem diocese outside of any standard in which it really lacks everything except deacons.

Leftists Attack Memorial for Austrian Catholic Politician

Political Catholicism

  Left journalists and left Political Historians are putting their class enemy, Engelbert Dollfuss in the crosshairs.  According to their presentation, the Church and the OVP are helping to pipe their journalistic  historical revisionism.
[Bild: kreuz-net] Plaque for  the Catholic Chancellor murdered by the National Socialists, Dollfuss  Heinrichs bei Weitra,  who prevented in 1934 the Social Democrats and National Socialist Dictatorships [image:]
Die Stürmer  - a Left Ideal  The anti-Catholic, pro-Jewish newspaper "Der Standard" launched in early February 2014 again a campaign against an Austrian Catholic politician.

The anti-Catholic, pro-Jewish newspaper "Der Standard" launched a campaign against Austrian Cathlic politicisn early in February 2014.   Now  the leftist memorial stone stormers from  "Der Standard" have put  a war memorial with a memorial stone of Heinrich Dollfuss in Lower Austria  at Weitra in their sights.

On February 12, 2014   mth (probably Marie-Theres Egyed) and pm (probably Peter Mayr) launched a media attack on the " Dollfuss Plaque at Weitra ".

Prevents Socialist Dictatorship

The Catholic Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss is considered a favorite target of Left Austrian historical revisionism as he narrowly prevented the planned transformation of Austria into a Socialist dictatorship by timely interference.   On 12 February 1934, the gendarmerie in Linz "hotel" Schiff, in which the supposedly peace-loving Socialists had created an extensive armory, opened fire on the police at the direction of Richard Bernasek.   That was the signal for the outbreak of the Red rebels, and thus the beginning of the February coup of the Left.

Battle alliance of "Social Democrats" with the National-Socialists

Bernasek was arrested a few days later freed by collaborating with the National-Socialist jailer along with National Socialists, housed at the expense of the NSDAP.     Bernasek wrote in April 1934 in Munich that he had tried to bring about a martial alliance with the National Socialists encouraged "by their strong Socialist tendency, which is apparent and clearly expressed among the masses of the NSDAP  and also in the ranks of the SA.". (Quote from: Richard Bernasek: The tragedy of the Austrian Social Democracy, in: Austria, the Powder Keg of Europe, Zurich 1934, p 258)

Memorial Plaque "Disputed"

The writers argued in the introduction though, to treat concerns about Engelbert Dollfuss  "for further discussions," then found locally but apparently there was no one who could confirm this. Actually the board interviewed   the locals about the plaque  describing it as "controversial" and "perfectly fine".

 Only Florian Wenninger, a staff member of the Institute of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna, here saw something "action worthy".

In the episode was shocked with the Un-issue the diocese in St. Pölten, but had already been the local bishop "conform to the system" reacts at the St. Pölten Prandtauerkirche on shouting anti-Catholic media and removed a Altarausmalung at the expense of the church.

The Plaque Remains

Disappointed,  Marie-Therees Egyed and Peter Mayr  latched on to "Der Standard" edition of 9 April 2014 (" Dollfuss Plaque at Weitra: Panel Remains, Kruck Cross is Removed "): "With the idyll in the Lower Austrian Heinrichs it's over.  It's a shame there is a plaque next to the front gate."

 So it goes for the erroneous wishful thinking of the two left-wing journalists.

As to any concern  about this in the area, there is nothing to recall.  In the village you can see really no interest in action.

This the "Standard" can only admit to and can only report that the ÖVP Mayor, Otmar Kowar has  received numerous letters about the local area and "from all over Austria" that the plaque should remain.

Farsighted Mayor

Mayor Kowar has noticed in the wake of media propaganda that knowledge is fading about the interwar period, and about Chancellor Dollfuss and he plans an information event for the locals. A good proposal.

Otherwise he seems to prohibit influence from Vienna on his community - a good ÖVP tradition.

"... But the cross is gone"

The left-wing journalist presents the reader with one of the demands as quasi accomplished: The plaque would remain, but the "Cross is coming off," the accompanying text would be changed.
 Whether "Der Standard"  wanted to manipulate this, we do not know.   Anyway, the council, on whose decision the monument was built in the interwar period, is responsible.  And as long as they haven't  made a decision,  not even "Der Standard" can report.

The Background and the Parties

The authors of "Der Standard's" campaign include Marie-Theres Egyed and Peter Mayr.

Marie-Theres Egyed, born in 1982, has only after superannuating at Univ. Oliver Rathkolb  (see: " The Hi-Hi-Hi-Historical Commission of the Red Party Historian Oliver Rathkolb") completed her thesis at the Vienna University. She is, according to "Standard's" report "neither noble nor catholic, nor monarchist ".   This is easy to notice.

 The   Socialist Party historian  Oliver Rathkolb       was active for a long time working in the "Bruno Kreisky Archives Foundation."   That was apparently the necessary "qualification"   worth pursuing to sort out Vienna's streets on behalf of SPÖ City Council Mailath-Pokorny.

She  also found many that were Catholic: For example,   St. Capistrano, St. Charles Borromeo, Hw. Abraham a Santa Clara, Marco d'Aviano, Kardinal Innitzer oder Bundeskanzler Seipel. Abraham of Santa Clara, Marco d'Aviano, Cardinal Innitzer or Chancellor Seipel.

 The red Nazi collaborator Karl Renner , who had campaigned for connection to the Nazi Germany, he excluded.

"Der Standard's" second author, Peter Mayr is a chucked out member of the Vienna  CV-Alliance  (Austrian Cartellverband, which is a Catholic organization formed during the Kulturkampf to fight against the persecution of Catholics in the World)  Joint publications with journalists from the left-wing sector (such as Wolfgang Purtscheller whose friends had blown up power lines in  Ebergassing) were co-founded because of his exclusion.

 Florian Wenninger and Lucile Dreidemy (a French native) were at the Institute of Contemporary History at the University of Vienna and are currently working on projects with Oliver Rathkolb.

Dr. Ludwig Jedlicka, who by his own admission (reported by Prof. Kurt Dieman)  took a decisive part in the Hitler Youth's Storming of  the Archbishop's palace in 1938.

The intention of the article could also be an related to the appearance in autumn of a book about Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss on Lucile Dreidemy.  Its contents based on the title is easy to predict.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nato-General: "Without Faith I Couldn't Be a Soldier"

Faith is not only a pragmatic help in crisis, but first and foremost, a gift. The general said: "In concrete terms, the regular practice of the faith  has helped me in the difficult operations."

Brussels ( / CBA) for NATO-General Josef Blotz (photo) his belief is  inseparable from his military career. "Without being  a Christian, I could not be a soldier," said Blotz, one of the highest-ranking German generals of the Brussels NATO headquarters on Sunday in an interview with the Catholic News Agency (KNA). Faith is not only a pragmatic help in crisis, but first and foremost a gift. The general said: "In concrete terms, the regular practice of my faith it has helped me in the difficult operations."  In Afghanistan he had tried to  hear Mass every Sunday.

Blotz admitted at the same time that there is a strong tension between a soldier between the Christian prohibition against killing and which is not excluded by extreme situations: "For me it is ultimately the picture of the 'miles protector', the soldier protector  is an apt description for my job."  Blotz has already taken part in several missions abroad; among other things, he was twice in Afghanistan. 

The soldier protects others from danger. For this purpose, the use of force could be necessary, and also  putting yourself in danger.  Blotz was four years a member of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK). He is a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Union of Catholic soldiers (GKS). 

(C) 2014 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Josef Blotz Photo © Wikipedia / ISAF Headquarters Public Affairs Office (Photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Mark O'Donald / Released). This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Trans: Tancred


Bishop Tebartz-van Elst Contradicts Bishop's Report

Vatican Has Lost its Investiture Struggle

In the press release of the 26th of March 2014, Rome has stated that Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst has tendered his resignation.  -- Thus the anti-Clerical media and the anti-Roman laity decide over Episcopal appointments.

In the Diocese of Limburg Enemies of the Church
and the Faith Have Imposed Themselves Even Against
The Pope [Photo: (cc) K_Engel]

"Press Release in Reference to the Diocese of Limburg

With regard to the administration of the Diocese of Limburg, Germany, the Congregation for Bishops has studied in detail the report of that Commission, which was established by the will of the bishop and the cathedral chapter for making detailed investigations with regard to the responsibilities involved in the construction of the diocesan Centre "St. Nicholas". Given the fact that a situation has come in the diocese of Limburg   that prevents a fruitful exercise of the episcopal office by   Msgr. Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst, the Holy See has, on the date of 20 October  2013, accepted the resignation offered by the bishop,  and appointed an apostolic administrator  in the person of His Exc. Manfred Grothe. The outgoing bishop, Rt. Tebartz van Elst, will be in due time entrusted with another task. The Holy Father asks the clergy and the faithful of the diocese of Limburg, to accept the decision of the Holy See and be willing to strive on the way back to a climate of compassion and reconciliation.

 From the Vatican, March 26th 2014  

Unnecessary pseudo-transparency 

The second white flag was hoisted by the unnecessary German Bishops' Conference: The internal church report for the renewal of the diocesan see  in Limburg was inexplicably released:

Press Release 

 Diocese of Limburg: published audit report on the construction projects on the Limburg Cathedral Hill 

The report retained since February 14, 2014 report 

 Introductory Remarks
 Final report in text 

The third white flag is from the diocese of Limburg:  It plans to release the Diocese  Finance Report

Diocese wants to disclose assets

Counter-statement of SE Tebartz van Elst A reply to the audit report can be found at: Opinion on the report of the examination committee of the German Bishops' Conference [kathtube] Which follows in English, here:

Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter van Elst has criticized Tebartz the report of the German Bishops' Conference - The opinion in his own words

Limburg (  Regarding contradiction to statements of DBK-test report that were made in statements by the Bishop Emeritus (since March 27th) of Limburg, Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst, which were reported on Wednesday evening by a variety of media. With remarks on five subject areas as well as the St. Georg work he refers unexpected counter-position to the report of the German Bishops' Conference. 

Opinion of Bishop Franz-Peter van Elst Tebartz the report of the examination of the German Bishops Conference in text 

1 Complex: Regarding the imputed discrepancy between the understanding of the bishop and the data compared from His Eminence Cardinal Lajolo (. NG. p. 46; p. 51 para 25 and 29; p.103) is as follows:

Already in October 2013, I had responded to  the questions asked me, submitted under No. l |  6. that I was truthfully informed  during a conversation with His Eminence Cardinal Lajolo, on 10 September 2013, that the differentiated total sum calculation was not available.  In the previous meetings of the Financial Board of Directors of the  Episcopal chair it was of the necessity and the effort to discuss again and again, possible depreciation be taken into account, which would then lead to reductions in terms of the construction cost total.

In the report referred to by the meeting of the Board of Directors of assets on 28 August 2013, after I had a discussion  about which informed regarding expansion of the scope of credit, I wasn't present for  the report because I  was at a meeting with the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, His Eminence Marc Cardinal Ouellet in Rome.

Also the assertion of the report, according to the signing of the minutes of the meeting of the Finance Board of 28 August 2013 was made by me on 11 September 2013, can not be cited as proof of my knowledge of the differentiated sum of total construction costs. The conversation with His Eminence Cardinal Lajolo took place the day before and on the day the minutes of the meeting of 28 August 2013  were delivered to me Vicar General Dr. Kaspar, so that only at that time  that an assessment on my part in any detail was possible.

Rome's approval was shown to be a unnecessary precaution, however, by  the representative of the Holy See in Germany, who was Archbishop Jean-Claude Périsset, since the start of construction in 2010/2011, who was informed several times by Vicar General Dr. Kaspar (see the attached in the appendix letter of attorney Professor ignor forward November 5 2013, and my answer to the specific questions that were put to me in October 2013 by the Congregation for Bishops, see here: Nr. | .5, 6).

2 Complex:

As far as canonical concerns are expressed, they are based on compliance with the written form (see test report p 15 and p 37) and related to  the respect of the business meeting.Both objects formal nature fell under the responsibility of the Vicar General. As a non-expert in the field of church administration since  my expertise is in pastoral theology, I had to leave the responsibility for this to the Vicar General, Dr. Kaspar, the "as the only (besides the Managing Director of the  Diocese) was found to have a comprehensive insight into the asset structure the Episcopal chair."(cf., audit report p. 50 para. 21).

Incidentally, the path taken represents a continuation of the preceding exercise of the cathedral chapter in this field.

 3 Complex: 

On the alleged ultimate responsibility of the bishop in the report, I understand this has always been so that they themselves as the successors of the apostles are to head the Church by the Lord   (witness to the truth),  not just as an expression of administrative detail and total competence. A differing understanding would invest the dignity of the Episcopate with criteria where it is seen  primarily as an administrative professional, engineering and accounting profession, instead of focusing on its doctrinal, pastoral, spiritual and charitable mission.

4 Complex:

The responsibilities of the Vicar General (see p 35, p 39 and p 101): At the beginning of my episcopal ministry in the diocese of Limburg in January 2008, I arrived in a situation that was in many ways unordered,   primarily of a personal aspect of administration.  This prompted me not least on the explicit advice of my predecessor in the episcopate, Bishop Emeritus Dr. Franz Kamphaus, back in September 2009, recommending  Vicar General Dr. Franz Kaspar for the social and public recognition of his management experience and his standing in the office of vicar general.

He urged for greater administrative efficiency that directly allocated the building department and care for art  in the Diocese which had become detached from  integration to the financial department.

He also stressed the role of the diocesan  economist in the diocese, contrary to the previous practice of the appointment of the head of the finance department with this responsibility.
He has taken in its jurisdiction and the banking business. Based on the construction of the Bishop's house, he has operated the change from the second design (architect Hamm) to the design of Professor Schattner as essential. 

Regarding the art assigned in the bishop's house, he took the initiative to engage the artists Professor Johannes Schreiter (glass window), Karl-Matthew Winter ( Features of the chapel) and Professor Thomas Duttenhofer (gate), with which he had complete personally awareness.

 Among the existing historic furniture from storage, he had acquired furniture on his own initiative and without my knowledge. 

As to  the supposition of the requirement of secrecy it is known, that  the relevant provisions in the service contracts between the Diocese and the Episcopal chair are identical (see the attached in the annex two service contracts). Also, in practice, there was no divergent handling by me.

 Specific issues in the diocese of Limburg, which was characterized before my arrival by indiscretions (see letter from Professor Christoph Mackler of 20 August 2008 on the construction of the cathedral chapter, see also audit report S . 100), it nevertheless suggested to repeatedly refer to a self-evident confidentiality obligation. Because also the previous history of the construction of the  the Bishop's House demonstrates  how difficult transparency was to come by,  which  came out later only with difficulty. 

Deciding to undertake the settlement with KPMG (see p 69 and p 88 ), struck me as a forward-looking measure (outsourcing) as well as to counter the allegation of a mere internal self-control.

Moreover, the administrative capacity of the Episcopal Ordinariate was not enough to accomplish this task.

 5 Complex: 

On listing the drivers of cost  and cost-increasing issues (pp. 79-82) is noted: 

 In the audit report a  representation of the total cost, which is exaggerated in a methodological error, that  names the absolute amounts  as constituting additional costs, while they  are proven to be the total cost of individual positions. The  impression  thus is created that leads to orders of magnitude, which must irritate. 

For each of the points mentioned in the report,  a position could be taken by the responsible employees. As for the responsibility as a bishop, while the constraint has to be seen that I, as bishop, am neither a financial nor a construction expert.  In so far as the specific information with the individual items mentioned in the report for which I was  personally responsible, I have this spoken on this  in the discussions 4 and 5 March 2014 at the Congregation for Bishops. On the background of my predicament with experiences of other construction projects in the Diocese, I was involved with from the beginning in terms of the quality and sustainability to be considered in the overall project. 

Digression to the St. Georg work (p. 32f.): 

True, the report notes that "the judgment, that the statutory  purpose of the work in 2011 can not be met, which falls to the bishop. (Cf. 5:32). The report's authors consider a need to clarify whether the Episcopal See’s  funds were used for the specific purpose of the founding. You see in the abolition decree of the bishop there is a restriction of the original purpose. 

For this purpose, however, it is different from the external  repeal Decree of 27 September 2011, the minutes of the Board of Directors of the assets Episcopal chair of 2 November 2011 shows that even after the dissolution of the St. Georg Work, that the assets devolving to the Episcopal See will and must be used furthermore for "religious, charitable or benevolent purposes". 

This shows that there is nothing in the foundation's intention of the St. Georg work that has changed, regardless of the question whether the work's foundation in the immediate postwar period foresaw the construction of a diocesan meeting center. The open question of law in this context, the demand by the authors of the report to clarify,  considers the fact that there can be no accusations of an intentional violation of the purpose (See minutes of the VVR November 2, 2011). 

The person responsible for the decision, Vicar General and Diocesan Economist Dr. Franz Kaspar, was in fact obviously aware that the founding intention of the work is still covered by the assets of the Episcopal See and is guaranteed.  I was sure of this certainty

The opinion in its text as a PDF file:

Link to

Edit: the good Bishop has since apologized of course.  We haven't seen the apology, but are certain that all of this is sensible and unnecessarily complicated by the media's nastiness.


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Catholic Animism? Priest and Deacon of Archdiocese Adore Earth Mother "Rocks"

Thou Shalt Have no Other Gods Before Me 

Edit: this is a continuation of videos documenting some liturgical abuses and occult rituals on Holy Saturday in 2012 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.   The Archdiocese is well aware this has been going on for years and has not done anything about it.  These sorts of abuses happen there every week.

In this video, a priest and deacon in good standing with the Archdiocese, engage in occult pagan rituals.   The rocks here being blessed  by Deacon Joseph Damiani and Father Michael Tegeder, are in the animistic American Indian parlance, "grandmothers" or "grandfathers", depending in some cases on the gender of the person idolizing them. They are said to be the bones of the "Earth Mother" and are heated up by fire for the use in sweat lodges and accompanying spirit journeys.   

These pagan rituals are justified by appealing to "inculturation", but how these practices are justified to be imposed on a Catholic Mass as is the case here, is impossible to imagine.  It looks a lot more like a violation of the First and Second Commandments.

It's such a relief that they're in good standing with the Archdiocese!


Pope Francis Unexpectedly Meets Franciscans of the Immaculate

Edit: one might say providentially.  See Rorate report too.
(Rome) A surprising encounter witnessed Pope Francis last 6 April. This Sunday he attended the  Roman city parish of San Gregorio Magno in the suburbs Magliana and came across the Franciscans of the Immaculate, whose until recently blossoming order's suppression has been overshadowed by the Argentine pontificate.
The Salus Populi Romani icon  is particularly dear to Pope Francis. On the morning after his election, he left the   the Vatican unannounced to head down to the Patriarchal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and to venerate the Mother of God before the holy image.

Pope Given a Copy of the Icon of Mary Salus Populi Romani

Pope Francis is expected but certainly not  an exact  copy of the miraculous image he'd been given last Sunday. At the end of  Holy Mass in the Magliana, the Pope was presented with a copy of the icon. Still less did the Church leader expect  to encounter in his parish visit  the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception,or at least the family of Father Stefano Maria Manelli, the founder of   this extraordinary order, that was like  a beacon of hope in the Catholic religious landscape of the West until the summer of the previous year. Since then, the Order has experienced dark times.

Family of Founder Manelli Presented to the Pope

After the Holy Mass members of the Manelli family most notably  the couple Pio and Anna Maria Manelli,  presented the Pope the icon in memory of the parents or grandparents Settimio and Licia Manelli.  Settimio (1886-1978) and Licia Manelli (1907-2004) are the parents of 21 children. A son, Father Stefano Maria Manelli,  is the founder of the religious family of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, he was the Superior General  until the summer of 2013.  His younger brother Pio, named after Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who was the spiritual father of his parents, lives with his large family in the parish which Pope Francis visited. Pio and Anna Maria Manelli have nine children. Six of them belong to the Order founded by her uncle Stefano Maria. Two sons are in the Franciscans of the Immaculate, four daughters Franciscans of the Immaculate. The parents or grandparents Settimio and Licia Manelli were recognized by the Church as a servants of God. Their beatification process is underway.
The Manelli family is firmly rooted in the Roman suburban parish, which the Pope visited. Last  October 30th    Father Stefano Manelli offered a Mass of Thanksgiving for his ordination 58 years ago in the parish church of San Gregorio Magno along with many brothers and sisters of his Order. It was a celebration that had to be expressly approved by the Apostolic Commissioner, Father Fidenzio Volpi.   After the dismissal of Father Manelli as Superior General and the entire Order.   Line Father Volpi was used by the Congregation of Religious as a delegate of the Holy See. He has since been alone under the management of the whole Order.

Traditional Rite and Love of Tradition Were Young Religious  Order's Undoing

The radical intervention against  the flowering,  pastorally bi-ritual, with the old rite internally within the Order with a strong inclination to the Catholic tradition,  is a central feature of the current pontificate.  The  current  prohibition against celebrating the traditional rite and to be able to act according to  tradition, was has disturbed its relationship with the reigning Pope  in the Order promoted  by Pope Benedict  with the benevolence of the Church. 
It is still unclear why the young religious with many vocations were placed under provisional administration. The Congregation of Religious clearly despised  the Order for  the sole reason because it had changed from the new rite to the old rite,  and unlike most religious in the West could attract many vocations.

Daughter in Law of the Servant of God Painted Icon for the Pope

It was the parish priest of San Gregorio Magno,   who presented  the family Manelli to the Pope  and drew attention to the servants of God Settimio and Licia Manelli.  Literally,  he said  when he introduced  Pio and Anna Maria Manelli: "Having a large family in the parish, is a special gift nowadays. In addition, this family has produced many priests and religious. A blessing that should not remain hidden."
Anna Maria Manelli, the daughter in law of the Servant of God and sister in law of the Founder of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, had made ​​the copy of the icon of Mary herself. Together with her ​​husband,  Pio,  she handed the Pope a copy of the icon Salus Populi Romani.

Appeal  to  the Pope to Get  the Order of St. Francis of Immaculate  "out From the Crypt"

In  the ensuing  personal conversation they begged Pope Francis, if  the Franciscans of the Immaculate could again be "taken  from the crypt", to which the Order has been exiled by the actions of the Congregation of Religious. It was an allusion to the preaching of the Pope, who had previously spoken in his Homily on the Raising of Lazarus from the dead, the Lord commanded, rise out of the grave.

"Soon, Soon"

Pope Francis smiled visibly surprised at the unexpected confrontation with the question of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, patted the hands of the couple in thanks for the icon, and  the cheek of the icon painter and said, "Soon, soon".
"What exactly this 'soon' means, one does not know," said Sandro Magister the Vaticanist.  At least the most optimistic now hope for an early and peaceful end to the provisional administration of the Order.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Is Catholic Teaching Tolerated in Charlotte or Not? Blameless Dominican Sister Put on Indefinite Leave for Doing Her Job

Edit: Imagine if St. Paul had been put on indefinite leave by St. Peter in the light of this:

Romans 1:26-27: For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged the natural sexual relations for unnatural ones,  and likewise the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed in their passions for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Although Sister Jane Dominic Laurel has received some belated support from the Diocese of Charlotte,  it should not be forgotten that the Diocese was eager to apologize for her to the professionally orchestrated campaign against her rather tame remarks.  Despite this, she is still being sent on an indefinite sabbatical.  Must the approval of the wicked be sought after too?  Here is Diocesan PR man kowtowing to the consensus:
Diocese spokesman David Hains acknowledged after the meeting that the Rev. Matthew Kauth, the school’s chaplain, apologized to the parents for a March 21 speech by Sister Jane Dominic Laurel that was not the one he expected her to give. 
Hains also said the high school committed to developing new policies that would better scrutinize visiting speakers in the future. He said the school also wants to do a better job of communicating with parents ahead of time when such speeches will deal with sensitive subjects such as sexuality. “Parents should have been better informed,” Hains said. 
During her speech, Laurel quoted studies that said gays and lesbians are not born with same-sex attractions, and that children in single-parent homes have a greater chance of becoming homosexual, Hains and others said. Diocese spokesman David Hains acknowledged after the meeting that the Rev. Matthew Kauth, the school’s chaplain, apologized to the parents for a March 21 speech by Sister Jane Dominic Laurel that was not the one he expected her to give. 
Hains also said the high school committed to developing new policies that would better scrutinize visiting speakers in the future. He said the school also wants to do a better job of communicating with parents ahead of time when such speeches will deal with sensitive subjects such as sexuality. “Parents should have been better informed,” Hains said. -

Now Lifesite News is telling us that Sister is being "supported" by the Diocese.  Looks like the Diocese wants to please everyone here.  Maybe two masters can be served?

See more at...

Monday, April 7, 2014

"Conservatives" Virtually Silent as Faithful Hound of God Arrested in the Vineyard of the Lord

Edit: you shouldn't have to wonder when a decision is made, whether or not it's being made with any justice, or even concern for Catholic teaching.  In response to a nun's frank discussion about Catholic moral teaching, some people complained, and rather than ignore them, the local bishop has decided to silence her instead, to silence the words of God Himsel and the teachings of His Church.

Sometimes, oftentimes, Catholic hierarchic, like the wicked steward in the Gospels, murder God's messengers, while turning a blind eye to and even praising those who are material supports to the crime of infanticide. 

The good are being thrown under a bus.

Rorate Caeli also said it. A religious sister of the conservative Nashville Dominicans is thrown under the bus by her superior and low and behold, there's total silence on the part of "conservative" Catholics as she's degraded and maligned not only by the world, but by her superior in religion.  Maybe they're too busy praising Aronofsky's cinematic disfigurement of the Noah story from the Bible?
[Charlotte, NC] A Dominican nun from Aquinas College outraged students at a North Carolina high school after making anti-gay remarks. 
Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, assistant professor of theology and member of the Saint Cecilia Congregation of Dominican Sisters of Nashville, Tenn., spoke during a student assembly at Charlotte Catholic High School on March 21 where students said she criticized gays and lesbians in addition to making subversive comments about single and divorced parents.
Some teachers even left the assembly in tears, the Charlotte Observer reported.
 Meanwhile, a Catholic college which might have helped remedy some of this confusion is about to close.

New Adoption Privileges for Aberrosexual Females in Holland

 (Amsterdam) The Netherlands is expanding the possibility to form various forms of "family" by extending the right to adopt children.   This will make it easier to set up a "family".  The special right of aberrosexual females for the adoption of children has now been acknowledged, says  the Dutch news agency ANP on the 1st of April, but not as an April Fool's joke.  In the Netherlands, new regulations have come into force with which lesbians are privileged. They allow lesbians to adopt the children of their partner in  a special process.
The revision allows both women in a sexual relationship can now be officially called "parents" of children recognize the need to go through without a normal, lengthy and costly adoption process.The same rule does not apply to aberrosexual men, as    the exercise of parental rights of women take priority and can not be transferred to third parties.
The Dutch aberro organization Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum (COC) adopted the new regulation  enthusiastically. It speaks of a "revolutionary action" and stated that twenty aberro female couples  are said to have immediately made use of the first day into force.
The Netherlands was the first country in 2001, which enacted a law on the equality of aberrosexual couples with civil marriage, and equal rights and obligations of heterosexual couples extended to aberrosexual couples, including the right to adopt children. The amendment to the privileged adoption process for aberrosexual females  is a further success of the militant LGBT lobby. However, it is also opens up another step towards the moral abyss that in the name of ideological slogan "family for all".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Manif pour tous

Rome's Conduct With Traditional Communities -- Society of St. Peter and Franciscans of the Immaculata

(Rome)  The conduct of Rome with traditional communities is completely varied.   A significant aspect of this whether one  is under an Order or the Institute. What difference does it matter whether it's an Old Ritual community of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei established in 1988, or religious congregation, depends on a comparison of the visitations of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception and the Fraternity of St. Peter. In the North American District of the Fraternity of St. Peter, a proper Apostolic Visitation will be held. The routine operation has been arranged by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, to which the Society belongs. As Rorate Caeli reported, a three-member visitor delegation  was appointed. The main visitor is Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur, co-visitators are Abbot Hervé Courau from the Benedictine Abbey of Notre-Dame de Triors in France and the Bishop Emeritus Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln in the United States.

Huonder Bishop, Bishop Bruskewitz and Abbot Courau as Visitors

Both Bishop Huonder  and Bishop Bruskewitz are  closely linked to the FSSP. They  have already presided over ordinations of the Society more than once and have celebrated in the old rite.  Bishop Huonder established the first traditional parish in the German-speaking world the and appointed a  Society of St. Peter priest as  the pastor. In the diocese of Lincoln, the Society erected their seminary in 1994 during the episcopate of Bishop Bruskewitz (1992-2012) in North America. Abott Courau heads  a traditional  Benedictine abbey in France. Notre-Dame de Triors is a subsidiary foundation Fontgombault. Abbot Courau visited the Cistercian Abbey of Heiligenkreuz near Vienna in the Autumn of 2013, where he celebrated in the traditional rite with the monks of the monastery who served at the altar.
In the case of the Fraternity of St. Peter it is an ordinary visitation. When the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception extraordinary visitation was arranged in 2012 by the Congregation of Religious, is where the differences in treatment begin. The Fraternity of St. Peter is under the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei for Orders and Communities of the Old Rite. The appointed visitators are connected to the traditional rite. The starting point of the visit is supported by brotherly love and basically benevolent, as expected by the canon law.

Hostile Attitude of the Congregation of Religious Against Franciscans of the Immaculate

The situation was quite different with the Franciscans of the Immaculate. They are under the Congregation for Religious  because they were established in 1990 as  new rite Order. Following a gradual development under Pope Benedict XVI they had returned to the Immemorial Rite. The Congregation of Religious appointed a Visitor with Monsignor Vito Angelo Todisco   who was openly hostile to  the Order. He himself had briefly belonged to the Order at a young age, but  had left and since repeatedly remarked disparagingly upon the Franciscan community of Father Stefano Maria Manelli. The basic intention of the Congregation of Religious was obviously directed from a bias in the very beginning  against the Order.  They culminated after July 2013, since with  the abdication of Benedict XVI,  the biggest obstacle had been removed to a radical intervention and the provisional administration of the Order. The Apostolic Commissioner, the Capuchin Fidenzio Volpi has since been working systematically towards the eradication of the traditional charism of the Order, to beat it back into a new ritual Order and thus to be "normalized".
The Franciscans of the Immaculate sought contact with the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, but they were not under it. The request, in the fall of last year, the request to establish a new old ritual Order under the supervision of Ecclesia Dei after the establishment of the provisional administration and the banning of the old rite was not previously considered by the Congregation of Religious. The open revelation of these brothers  was followed instead by the Commissar making more purges. 
"Keep all  institutes  and communities of Ecclesia Dei in your prayers"  this call ends Rorate Caeli the report on the appointment of the Visitors of the Fraternity of St. Peter.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Rorate Caeli


Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Prayed Rosary With the Chains" -- Nguyen Huu Cau Freed After 40 Years in Prison

(Saigon) Persecuted by the communist regime, he used the chains that robbed him of   freedom to pray the rosary. Nguyen Huu Cau converted to Christ in prison. A few days ago he was released after more than 37 years in prison and a prison camp. "In 1986, I was baptized at the Easter Vigil by the Jesuit Joseph Nguyen". Cau described in an interview with Catholic News the hard fate of Vietnamese Catholics. The Jesuit priest was the one who told him about Christ in custody   and taught him the catechism. Since then, "I have prayed the Rosary every day seven times  and Stations of the Cross five times," said Nguyen Huu Cau-.
After futile attempts reeducation, Cau was released  last 22 March. 32 years spent as  the "enemy of the people" in prison and more than five years in a concentration camp. After his release, he said: "I thank God that He has forgiven my jailers."
Due to severe torture during his detention, Nguyen Huu Cau-is now deaf and almost blind. "In prison, I've gotten to know Christ and found to faith."

Prison camp Z30A K2 in the jungle

Cau was born in 1947. He served in the South Vietnamese army and became a captain. As such, he fought against the Communists of North Vietnam and the South Vietnamese Communists. When the Communists won in 1975, he was arrested and disappeared for several years in a concentration camp. In 1980 he was released from the camp, but in 1982 re-arrested because he had made hints on manuscripts of his poetry, that could have been criticism of the Communist regime.

From the Death Penalty to Life Imprisonment

In 1983 he was convicted of "sabotage" and damage to the reputation of the party and sentenced by the government as "an enemy of the people" to death. Later the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. For 32 years   Cau had been in the prison camp Z30A K2  in the middle of the jungle. He wrote more than 500 letters  to the Communist regime and called for the resumption of his trial. He never received a response. On 22 March 2014 he was released from prison 39 years after his first arrest. The release was due to an amnesty granted by Vietnam's State President Truong Tan Sang because of the precarious health of Nguyen Huu Cau-.

The Hardest Rosary of the World

 Cau prayed the Rosary "on the chain to which I was chained. It had 90 rings. I have made from the chain that took my freedom, my own personal rosary. From Father Joseph Nguyen Cong Doan, who was himself a prisoner, "I got to know the love of God. So I could even compose a song that is dedicated to the Holy Cross, which has carried me in an earthly captivity." Father Nguyen works today at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Jerusalem.

Forgiveness for His Tormentors

Before his conversion, Nguyen-Huu Cau kept his hatred against the Communist regime and against his tormentors alive. He hoped someday to be able to take revenge for what they did to him. Several times he thought at the time of suicide to escape captivity. "But the love of God and the Blessed Mother have changed me. I feel no hatred more for my tormentors. The Holy Trinity and Mary helped me to overcome my strife with my fate. Have prevented me from being killed  while in custody all these years. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred