Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Slovakia: Constitutional Amendment Against "Gay Marriage" -- Historic Alliance Between the Left and Right

(Bratislava) in Slovakia an historic agreement between the political left and the political right has been made. "We will anchor in the Constitution that marriage can exist only between a man and a woman," says Jan Figel, Vice President of the Slovak Parliament. "It is a response to the attempt to seek to impose gender theory on us.".
Last 24 February  the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and the Christian Democrat, Jan Figel (KDH) agreed on a constitutional amendment. The two leaders of the Socialists and Christian Democrats were considering to establish  marriage as a union between a man and a woman in the Constitution. "The constitutional amendment prohibits the legalization of marriage between same sex people," said Figel.

Hidden Gender Theory in EU and UN Documents

The initiative to protect marriage by the Constitution is based on a request of the KDH. The initiative is a response to the growing pressure to try to impose the gender theory Slovakia. "The initiative is a response to the proposal to implement the strategy for the enforcement of human rights in Slovakia, where the gender theory is hidden," said Figel. However, a true human right of marriage is between a man and a woman. In order to protect this human right, Figel has been trying for months to get a two-thirds majority in Parliament. "We want that marriage  is no longer called into question  or threatened," said the KDH politician.
This opinion is shared by a clear majority of the population. The breakthrough came when the Socialist Prime Minister, decided to to stick to the population and not the pressure exerted by the EU and the UN. Fico is applying straight to the office of the people's elected president.

Agreement Between the Christian Democrats and Socialists

Already in 2012, the electoral program of the socialist-led government focused on supporting the family. Even then,   marriage was enshrined as a union between a man and a woman in the election program. With this line, which is different from that of the socialist president of France, Fico had success to date.
The Eastern Central Europe thus defines an open counter-position to the west. Croatia decided in a referendum to enshrine marriage as a union between a man and a woman in the Constitution. Romania recently rejected "gay marriage". Slovakia wants also to change  its Constitution in this sense. The corresponding amendment has been introduced by Fico.

On 29 March first vote in Parliament

In 2010, the then center-right coalition had proposed the drawing up of marriage in the Constitution. However, due to the resistance of the Liberals it did not happen. Now an agreement on the block boundaries could be reached between the Socialists and Christian Democrats. 40 out of 150 MPs had already signed the original KDH request.First, the behavior of the socialist deputies remained unclear.
In order to pass a judicial reform, Fico needed the votes of the Christian Democrats. In the negotiations for the consent agreement was reached on the constitutional amendment in favor of marriage and family. This Figel can currently expect 96 votes for his initiative. He hopes, however, still be able to win more MPs for the change.

Main Opponents: Liberal, Big Media and Homo-network

 "The Liberal Party, as well as all major media in the country," remain the main opponents of the constitutional amendment, There is also the international aberro network that exerts pressure against the agreement. The first parliamentary vote takes place on 29 March, the decisive vote in May. "Maybe before the European elections," said Figel.
Figel is of the opinion that the former Communist countries are more sensitive to ideological monopolization. It can not be that a certain ideology should be imposed on all. "We have a clear idea of ​​marriage and family," said Figel, "and we do not want to be lectured to from outside".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Müller About Cardinal Kasper: “Can only speak for himself"

(Rome) The German editors of Vatican Radio streamed an interview on Monday  with Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith. In connection with the  Consistory Cardinal Kasper's running discussion on divorced and remarried, Cardinal Müller said that he was the Prefect of the Congregation sharing in the Magisterium of the Pope, "while others who talk here, even if they are of the cardinal rank, simply speak only for themselves personally and do not  make an official statement. "
Vatican Radio: Your Eminence, the Pope wants a debate. He wants it to take place in two synods on marriage and family. How do you see the role of the CDF in this upcoming debate?
Cardinal Müller: The CDF will  participate at  this point, but of course in all matters of Catholic doctrine on the level of the truths of faith. I think it is important for the public perception to overcome the narrowing now to only on one subject, as if that would be the solution of all. There is much about getting back centrally to usher the Church's teaching of marriage and family to the consciousness of the Catholic faith, because only when we talk about the success of  marriage and  family have we contributed to this, can we make a positive difference.
Vatican Radio: In public opinion, they are so often perceived or presented as the brakeman or the naysayers when it comes to the Initiatives of the Pope. Does it touch you personally?
Cardinal Müller: Of course, this is now a propaganda that is made specifically to me to construct a contrast to what the Prefect of the CDF or the congregation as a whole, it is only the primus inter pares, has to do. This is clearly just defined by the statutes. However,  also means that we ensure that the Pope is not appropriated for specific goals. It's just interesting that now the time so many groups rely on the Pope, who previously almost invariably rejected the papacy. In this respect, it comes to us in any case that we serve the Pope and the Church, and we are not  served by the Pope. 
Vatican Radio: The debate I just mentioned which has indeed been initiated  by the Pope,   included your participatition too. There are circles, especially in the Italian media, "Il Foglio", a newspaper even went so far  as to say it, there was a campaign against Cardinal Kasper for several days. What is their stake in the debate? What do you demand in the upcoming debate, which far transcends even  the congregations in the Vatican?
Cardinal Müller: I'm not involved as a private theologian, but it is in this function, the CDF is indeed the only one of the Roman congregations, which immediately has a share in providing the Magisterium of the Pope, while others who register here, even if they are of the cardinal rank,  are simply speaking personally for themselves and not to make an official statement.
Vatican Radio: Let's go one step further. It's not just cardinals, who are  participating but there is still a questionnaire, which has indeed generated an attitude of great expectations. Now once it is asked positively: What can the international involvement and suggestions have in the debate, what can its positive contribution be?
Cardinal Müller: Yes it can be positive, I believe,  in its contribution,  very much in  that  Catholics again deal with their own faith and not simply isolate this or that exception from the liturgy,  or  the Church's teaching. We need to see the relationship of preaching and pastoral care of the teaching of the Church but also Diakonia. Can I choose, am  I very socially engaged  or am I doing charitable works at the church, but the worship of God or the celebration of the Sacraments, which doesn’t matter to  me so personally. But the questionnaire as such is no dogma, which is worth as much and just means  as  much as the quality of the questions and the relationship that is given or is not given.
Vatican Radio: You are a man of clear words, which we have just heard. I think it also goes back far in history. Is this the role of the CDF to speak or rather is it  Gerhard Ludwig Müller who speaks?
Cardinal Müller: The CDF has a clear mandate to promote the Catholic faith, but also to protect.  But that is no other than the task  the Pope himself received from Jesus Christ and here we must mention I do not sit back in  comfort and ease to flirt with public opinion. That’s fine if you have the wind at your back and is inflated to a great size.   But I think this temptation must be resisted by every bishop and every priest, whether there is a desire to  hear it or not.
Text: Vatican Radio
Image: Il Foglio

Link to Katholisches….


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Syria: Islamists Descend on Christian Town

About 80 dead - 670 families from Kasab fled to the port city of Latakia Kasab ( / idea ) In north-west Syria, Islamist rebels have attacked the predominantly Christian town of Kasab. The reports are from the Christian Hilfsbund (Bad Homburg) working there in the Orient, citing eyewitnesses. As the director of federal assistance, Andreas Baumann, the Protestant news agency 'idea' said it has so far the area on the Syrian-Turkish border has been relatively quiet and safe. In the 3500 population city and twelve surrounding villages, there live mainly Christian Armenians. Even Armenian refugees from the city of Aleppo and other parts of the country have sought refuge there from the fighting. On 21 March an offensive had been launched by the Islamists. 670 Christian families then fled or were evacuated by the Syrian military - more than 60 kilometers south from the port city of Latakia. They lived there with relatives or in churches. Partner organizations of Christian auxiliary Federal supplied them with food.

Turkey Syrian Shoots Down Syrian Jet.

Baumann showed himself very concerned about the development. Government troops had tried in vain to repel the insurgents. So far, 80 people have been killed. Rebels had beheaded 13 Armenians. In the fighting, the Turkish military had shot down a Syrian fighter aircraft, according to the media reports it had penetrated Turkish airspace. According to Baumann it is believed that the rebels had advanced from Turkish soil to Kasab. The place is located just three kilometers from the Turkish border. Meanwhile, Latakia was being attacked with rockets, Baumann said. The Armenians are considered as the oldest Christian nation in the world. During the First World War they were the victims of genocide by the then Ottoman Empire, now Turkey. He noted an estimated 300,000 to 1.5 million Armenians fell victim. Turkey denies this genocide. Of the 21 million inhabitants of Syria, 90 percent are Muslim and 6.3 percent Christian, of which three percent are Catholics and Orthodox, plus small groups of Protestants before the Civil War. The rest of the population consists of non-religious people or followers of other religions. The Christians enjoyed relative freedom of belief under the regime of President Bashar al-Assad; they are hunted by the insurgents as his allies.

  Link to


No Immemorial Mass of All Ages for the Franciscans of the Immaculate, Either

Edit: we just received another, more recent update on the Franciscans of the Immaculate.  Remember when all those people were saying that the FFI would have the option to say the Mass if they sent in requests?  All the requests have been ignored.  As the following shows, there are two hermeneutics at work here.  One which opens new religious houses and the other which closes them.

Correction from the comments section:

Actually I think there are possibly 3 (out of a former 33?) TLMs allowed in Italy. There is one in Cornwall and one allowed at a parish in New York far as I know. Others have been denied through.

March 10 2014

The Stakes are High for the Franciscans of the Immaculate 

by Maurizio Grosso

Since the beginning of the external “commissioning” of the Institute of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, the new authorities have continuously repeated the same refrain: "Are you on the side of Father Stefano Manelli or on the side of the Pope?" ... "If on one side there is Fr. Stefano and on the other the Pope, whom do you choose?" It was an external commissioning which started out on the wrong foot, and it soon caused the capitulation of any undertaking for unity.

In the name of the authority enjoyed by the Commissioner, the Capuchin Father Fidenzio Volpi wished to pressure the brothers, not so that they might recognize their mistakes and thereby correct them, but so that they might embrace the new line of thought proposed by him and abandon fidelity to the Founding  Fathers. The Friars have not yet been officially notified of the infamous "reasons" for the necessity of an external commissioner. Were there serious crimes? No. This was merely a "benevolent attention that expresses the maternal care of the Church.” Such were the words of those “in the know,” who have constantly repeated the same lullaby, which at times has been extremely contradictory.

Dissident Nuns Promoting Women's Ordination on Pilgrimages to Roman Dicastries: Future Church

Christine Shenk with Heretical Roy Bourgeois
Edit: check out the fawning interview at the Vatican Radio website.

(Vatican Radio) Rediscovering and re-evaluating the role of women in the first centuries of Christianity. That’s the goal of a pilgrimage taking place in Rome this week under the auspices of a U.S. based Catholic group seeking greater leadership roles for women in the Church today. Members of the Future Church group have also been meeting with officials at different Vatican dicasteries, sharing suggestions on how to follow up on Pope Francis’ call to increase the participation of women in Church and in society.

For the fourth year in a row Future Church has organized the pilgrimage to visit some of Rome’s ancient basilicas and catacombs, following in the footsteps of many influential early Christian women whose contribution to the spreading of the Gospel has largely been lost over the centuries. Among those organizing the annual event is the former executive director of Future Church, Sr Christine Schenk of the Congregation of St Joseph [Call to Action too]. She spoke with Philippa Hitchen about what she describes as a journey of discovery and healing for the men and women embarking on this pilgrimage….


Text from page .... 
of the Vatican Radio website 

Future Church's goals:

   * Just, open and collaborative structures for Catholic worship, organization and governance.
     * A return to the Church’s early tradition of both married and celibate priests.
     * A return to the Church’s earliest   tradition, modeled on the inclusive practice of Jesus, of recognizing      both female and male leaders of faith communities.
     * Regular access to the Eucharist, the center of Catholic life and worship, for all Catholics.
Future Church's activities grow from a spirituality based on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Eucharist, the Spirit-filled beliefs of the faithful, and the teachings of Vatican II.
Our work falls under four basic initiatives.

Photo credit at evil CTA site...

Monday, March 24, 2014

There is no Exoneration for the Innocent Franciscans of the Immaculate to Date

Edit: The following a translation of an article by Federico Catani  we've received and edited slightly, recapping the situation as it stood in February and continues today:

“Lies have short legs” and time continues to give reason to popular wisdom. A few days ago, Msgr. Jose Rodriguez Carballo, secretary of the Roman Congregation that is concerned with religious life, has released in a press conference some affirmations regarding the question of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. The aim? To defend at all costs a congregation (that is the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated life and Societies of Apostolic life) that is already considered an accomplice before the whole world, if not in actuality sent, for the destruction of one of the most flourishing and holy Institutes of pontifical right, erected by the will of the future saint Pope John Paul II. Naturally climbing up a slippery slope is not easy, and sooner or later one is bound to slip, and in fact his affirmations are failing desperately in many ways. The first to notice this was Sandro Magister who had brought the numbers at hand to light,  the figures that have been manipulated by the ex-general of the Friars Minor to justify an external commissioner has given birth to the banner of injustice and of falsity. In fact, the total, to be benevolent, was numbered to be of about fifty religious, which has miraculously been transformed in the hands of Carballo (or by someone for him) to 74% of friars of the Institute (regarding this, read the precisely documented article of Lorenzo Bertocchi). Another journalist that has awakened to this deceitfulness is Marco Tosattione one of the few vaticanists that have not been seduced by the dominant methods in use in these parts for almost a year now.

There is however one other affirmation of Carballo, passed by unobserved from the excellent pen of Magister, that is destined to contradict itself with the facts at hand, and that is the circumstantiation that the external commissioning would not have been caused primarily by the adoption of the Old Rite of the Mass. Nevertheless anyone having had read the questionnaire sent out by the apostolic Visitor Msgr. Vito Todisco to the religious of the FFI (only to the perpetually professed, about 200) would not need long to understand that main accusation was principally the adoption of the Old Rite (see here). It’s very true that the questionnaire seemed already to underline the forced introduction of the rite on the part of the founder Father Stefano Manelli, or at least this is how he was calumniously accused by a small group of disobedient friars. Although unfortunately, that with this type of attitude the founder had never either recalled or reprimanded or excluded these friars for  not having ever celebrated it. This, however, the Congregation came to understand much too late or if they had understood right away, had maliciously left it unmentioned for other reasons. So when they became aware that this accusation didn’t hold up anymore, they desperately looked for another primary accusation: and behold! the tale of the movable goods and the passing of the immovable goods to the relatives of Father Manelli. Nevertheless   this was also a baseless accusation that has finished in failure, insomuch that the same commissioner, with his profound humiliation had to officially deny the defamation (see here).

Now one may ask what else  these destroyers of the order must now invent about the FFI. Among others, besides that of the Corrispondenza Romana, which has begun another collection of signatures against the vaticans handling of the circumstances of the poor religious and other journalist, like Antonio Socci (see here, and here), who are taking.

*Note of the sea of falsity and injustices which are coalescing a cheap spectacle for all in the Church of mercy, towards a religious order that is absolutely CATHOLIC. We must wait to see but we already know that the truth sooner or later will come to light!

First Male Cloister in Thailand Established

Chiang Mai (AsiaNews) - At last, Thailand's Catholic Church opened the country's first Benedictine monastery. The inauguration ceremony was held in the presence of Mgr Francis Xavier Vira Arpondratana, bishop of Chiang Mai.
The event was an "historic" moment because the new structure is the first male monastery in the "Land of Smiles," already home to seven female monasteries (Carmelites and Poor Clares).
Held on 18 January, the ceremony saw the presence of Mgr Antonio Mattiazzo, archbishop of Padua, who had suggested and supported the project after receiving a positive response from Abbot Stéphane Huynh, head of the Benedictine Monastery in Thien An (Hue) in Vietnam.
Vietnam is already home to three Benedictine monasteries, which are literally "bursting" in terms of vocations. However, Vietnamese authorities do not seem very keen on authorising a fourth one. For this reason, setting up a new monastery in neighbouring Thailand seemed a good idea.
The new monastery is located just outside Chiang Mai, a city in northern Thailand. It has ten cells for monks, eight guestrooms and a chapel on the ground floor.
The five resident monks, all from Vietnam (including Abbot Stéphane who retired because of age and decided to come to live in the newly founded Thai structure), follow the old rule of Saint Benedict, alternating moments of prayer with work, growing maize, rice and fruit trees.
The importance of the Benedictine institution, which is a sign of the growth and vitality of the Vietnamese Church, is the first concrete step in the "new evangelisation," since its importance does not lie primarily in its educational or social role, as it does in its monastic and contemplative life, which are also the bases of Buddhism.
For Thais, a monk is in fact a "man of God", dedicated to prayers and meditation.

The necessity which drove the monks from Vietnam will lead to new evangelization in a Buddhist country.  Of the 70 million inhabitants of Thailand, there are only a half-million Christians, mainly Catholics. 93 Percent are Buddhists, 4.5 percent are Muslims.  It is not an academic or social apostolate which will be undertaken by the first male religious establishment in Thailand, but the monastic life of prayer.  A form which is very dear to Thailand’s Buddhists.

Text: Asianews/GiuseppeNardi
Photo: Asia News
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The West Runs for "Gay Rights" and Stammers at the Islamic Terror of Boko Haram

(Abuja) Ignatius Kaigama, the Archbishop of Jos and President of the Nigerian Bishops' Conference responded to the European criticism of Nigeria and defended the support for the new federal law against "gay marriage".  Last January, the Bishops thanked President Goodluck Jonathan  for the new law for the protection of marriage and against  "gay marriage". Since then, the Church of Nigeria has been in the crossfire of criticism. And for many a western Church leader, it is embarrassing to have to defend it.

Values ​​of the Bible Can Never be  Discrimination

Archbishop Kaigama stressed that the position of the Church in Nigeria corresponds exactly to the teaching of the Catholic Church.  He said, "We defend the moral values ​​of the Bible, the tradition of the Nigerian people."  "The defense of the moral value of the Bible can never be discrimination," said the chairman of the Bishops' Conference of the most populous African country.
The archbishop also criticized the one-sidedness of the West, "though always with you when it comes to the so-called gay rights in Nigeria" you run, but to the ongoing terror attacks by the Islamic militia Boko Haram you only stammer. "Constantly new violence, burned and mutilated bodies, women and children who are killed in a terrible rhythm: this is the emergency afflicting our country," but nothing from Europe on this. But for  "gay rights"  the EU, the European Parliament and other international institutions will mobilize.

"Even women Who Can not Read, Use the Morning After Pill From the Westl"

"In all the villages of Nigeria, there are women who have no education and girls who do not attend school. They can not read or write, but they have the morning after pill . When they are questioned, they know which pill they have when to take abort. How can that be? Who tells them that and gives them the morning after pill,  pushing it into her hand? It is the western governmental and non-governmental organizations that impose their ideas on us. And these 'values' mean birth control. This is worth   much money and effort from the West. And why do they do that? To ensure that our government gets international economic aid, they must accept this Western policy. But that is called coercion. A culture and a mentality is imposed that is not ours, for we Nigerians not despise life."   They attempt this by way of  an ideological indoctrination but specifically from the outside to manipulate the minds of the people in Nigeria.

"We Won't Give in to the West   Just Because it Has Money to Blackmail Us"

To the law against "gay marriage" said Archbishop Kaigama: "We say very clearly: We don't hate anybody. We respect homosexuals as people, and we support them when their rights are violated as a human beings. The Church has there then and defends them. But we also say quite clearly that homosexual acts are contrary to nature. They flatly contradict what we defend. Powerful organizations who blackmail our government would like us to legalize gay marriage.  And when they say that there are occasional homosexual tendencies in Africa, we say quite clearly that they are aberrations. We respect the dignity of marriage between a man and a woman. We will not give in to the West, just because it has money with which it can put pressure on us,"  said Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Friday, March 21, 2014

Chosen and Not Chosen in Rome -- Pope Taps Cardinal Marx -- Cardinal Scola Gets Cold Shoulder

(Rome) The decisions  were made by Pope Francis alone.  So Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin learned  just like everyone else, from the media that the Pope had built a new super-ministry for all economic, financial and administrative matters. And above all, so that  the Secretary of State had its responsibilities   withdrawn from these areas. The pope confirmed some cardinals, while other prominent cardinals were not considered, including his opponent in the conclave, Cardinal Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan.
With the establishment of a new Congregation for economic matters, called the   Economic Secretary, and a new controlling body for all economic and administrative activities of the Vatican, Economic Council ,  for which  Pope Francis summoned the traditional [sic] Cardinal George Pell from Australia to Rome  and Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich, the most influential European Church leader, to be very closely connected to him. Other Cardinals came less off lightly.

Economic Area Removed from The Secretary of State

By reorganizing the Cardinals Angelo Scola (Milan), Odilo Scherer (Sao Paulo) and Antonio Maria Rouco Varela (Madrid) were recalled from their previous positions in Economic Affairs of Rome. Among the seven lay memebers of the new Economic Council there isn't a woman. The enterprising Francesca Chaouqui was not accepted.
Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin had not been informed of the establishment of a new Economic Congregation. Pope Francis continues to  make his decisions alone.
On 8 March, shortly before departure on the retreat of the Roman Curia, Pope Francis named  the eight cardinals and seven layity for the new Economic Council. The appointment was made ​​ad quinquennium. The basis of the appointments is the Motu proprio, Fidelis dispensator of 24 Februar 2014.

Cardinal Secretary of State Parolin Learned From the Media About the New Office 

Although it has been explicitly enshrined in the Motu proprio, that even bishops can belong to the new body, Pope Francis appointed only cardinals. At its head is the German Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising. He was transferred to the post of "Coordinator", ie President. A few days after this Roman announcement, Cardinal Marx was elected in Münster also as the new chairman of the German Bishops' Conference.

The Appointees

The other Cardinals are:
  • the Peruvian Juan Luis Cardinal Cipriani Thorne, Archbishop of Lima and former opponent of Bergoglio's among Latin American cardinals;
  • the American Daniel Cardinal Di Nardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston;
  • South African Cardinal Wilfried Fox Napier, Archbishop of Durban;
  • Frenchman Jean-Pierre Ricard, Archbishop of Bordeaux;
  • the Mexican Norberto Cardinal Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of Mexico;
  • the Chinese Cardinal John Tong Hon, Bishop of Hong Kong;
  • the Italian Cardinal Agostino Vallini, Cardinal Vicar of Rome.
The seven laymen are:
  • Joseph FX Zahra of the Maltese, as vice-coordinator;
  • Frenchman Jean-Baptiste de Franssu;
  • the Canadian John Kyle;
  • the Spaniard Enrique Cueto Llano;
  • the German Jochen Messemer;
  • Italian Francesco Vermiglio;
  • the Singaporean George Yeo, former foreign minister of his country.
In a note from the Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi announced that the Cardinals Cipriani Thorne, Napier, Ricard, Rivera, and Tong Hon Vallini and Cardinal Pell, the new Prefect of the Economic Secretariat,  previously belonged to a study group on the topic. The Cardinals Pell (new Prefect) and Marx (new Coordinator) both belong to the C8- Cardinals Advisory, which was institutionalized by  the Apostolic Constitution Pastor bonus. 

The non-Chosen: Cardinal Scola, The Opponent in the Conclave

Father Lombardi did not mention that other cardinals who also previously belonged to the study group, were not  adopted into the new body. After all, they were   Cardinals, who had previously possessed influence, like  the German Cardinal Joachim Meisner (emeritus Archbishop of Cologne), Cardinal Rouco Varela (Madrid) and the American George Francis. It was only a year ago when   Cardinal Tong Hon of Hong Kong and the Cardinal Polycarp Pengo of Africa  and the Indian Telesphore Toppo had been appointed, who were not taken. The disregard of Cardinal Scola, Archbishop of Milan and opponent Bergoglios particularly stands out in the conclave. Similarly, the Archbishops of Caracas, Cardinal Urosa Savino and Sao Paulo, Cardinal Scherer. Scherer and Toppo were also recently removed by Pope Francis from the Cardinal Commission for the Vatican Bank.

Enterprising Francesca Charouqui not Confirmed

The appointments were announced on the Day of the Woman, what journalists brought equal attention to the fact that no woman is among the appointees. Zahra, Franssu, Llano, Messemer and Yeo belonged to the Commission established by Pope Francis last summer  for the reorganization of economic and administrative affairs of the Vatican. The controversial Francesca Chaouqui also belonged to this Commission which will not, however,  employ her.
The Vatican expert Sandro Magister sees this as a sign that the star of her mentor, the Spanish Opus Dei prelate Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda is on the decline again. Vallejo Balda was supposed to be representative of Cardinal Pell in the new Economic Office. At the end   Pope Francis simply preferred his secretary, the Maltese Alfred Xuereb.

Auditor-General with a Strong Position

About the new institutions in the field of economy, finance and administration enthroned at the Vatican, the new figure is the General Auditor. He has not yet been appointed. As the vice-coordinator of the Economic Council , Zahra, the Boston Globe   said, is Auditor-General to carry out the year review and be equipped with the skills, to carry out checks at any time, inspections and special surveys. Zahra also stressed that the new Economic Secretariat was equated to the State Secretariat.
Thus the new Pontifical Council like the State Secretariat reports directly to the Pope, withdrawing the   responsibility of the latter. Cardinal Secretary of State Parolin was only made aware, like all others,  of the construction of the new "Ministry" by the media.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mel Gibson Forms Alliance With Leftist, Pro-Abort, Feminist Media Outlet to Save Image

[Los Angeles]  This comes from Hollywood gossip rag, TheWrap, which has uncovered some unsavory connections.  It's about Mel Gibson who is back in the news again after an impassioned plea for forgiveness from a former detractor,  Allison Hope Weiner, a freelance journalist who has her own show on  TheLip,  has miraculously changed her mind about the fabulously wealthy "ultra conservative" Gibson.  Weiner has even talked about Gibson coming to her Seder.  He's truly won her over.

Yet, if this  looks as though it's another upbeat public relations miracle, proving once and for all that Mel is reformed and has cast off his old ways since being a blacklisted, Catholic film maker and actor in Hollywood, think again.

There is more. Alison Hope Weiner not only works on the team of LipTV,  which is not only partly owned by Gibson, but  his son, Will Gibson, is its producer and long-time friend Michael Lustig is the  founder.  Lustig gave a favorable deposition for him during his custody battle with the mother of his daughter, Oksana Grigorievna.

The two were also seen clowning around on a hotel balcony at Cannes during when the film, The Beaver made its appearance.

LipTV may be eager to give its support, but it is also very Leftist, which has some scratching their heads.   Gibson has owned a share in this enterprise for two years during which it has produced shows in support of abortion, attacking conservative pro-life groups and the prostitute group Femen.

The investment has been made through Gibson's Icon Entertainment  for an amount 1.5 million dollars according to one source close to Gibson.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cardinal Raymond Burke: "We Need Catholics Without Compromise"

(Rome) The Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura spoke with unmistakable clarity : "It takes uncompromising Catholics" to oppose the killing of unborn children, artificial insemination and the gender ideology. In an exceptional and very long interview with the monthly magazine Radici Cristiane by Roberto de Mattei, the Cardinal treated in a  Catholic manner, the burning and controversial issues of the current debate over which, anti-Church circles exercise an increasingly radical   cultural hegemony and how  the thinking of Europeans is veritably brainwashed, which  begins in kindergarten. There is no more time to watch idly or to talk about compromise.  Nor is it legitimate to resign.[!] The tacit resignation in the face of a psychological, moral and spiritual destruction thus constitutes a form of compromise with evil, says the Cardinal.
The traditional Cardinal from the U.S. calls on the parents and teachers to decide to act against things  included in the school programs and curricula, which means the "injured innocence of children". These include programs that already want to teach four or five year old children that marriage could have "different forms".
Catholics Should Stand up Against Perversions of Relativism
An end to the silence, an end to the anxiety, an end to the  cowardice. It is necessary to bear witness to the truth of Christ to affirm the natural right to call the healthy Catholic doctrine into memory and stand up to the rampant perversions of relativism and secularism against the Church, against life and against the family, the cardinal said.
A certain laxity in the past decades have fostered the emergence and enforcement of false ideas. The fight against truth, beauty and goodness is in its present severity would have been unthinkable, if the half-heartedness had not come  into the Church, the cardinal said. "A real Catholic believes  entirely in every truth taught by the Church without compromise. The term  of , 'partial catholicity' and 'part catholic' is a contradiction in terms, " said Cardinal Burke.
"Confident No" to Abortion More Necessary Than Ever
Today it is   more than ever necessary   "to confidently say no to abortion and the contraceptive mentality".  In this sense,it was even more so a " resounding no to Communion for politicians, who act against the moral law,  in order, to prevent sacrilege through consistent action  and to protect the faithful from a public scandal."
The schools and the families should have no hesitation to "fight against the dictatorship of decadent gender theory. Parents need to watch over the education of their children so that they are educated regarding human sexuality to the truth and to be protected from false messages that are to be implemented by schools and the media," said Burke.  Parents should avoid having their children participate in classes and extracurricular activities that  undermine the truth about the nature of man as man and wife. "
Resist "Decadent Gender Theory"
The Cardinal treated  the problem of genetic manipulation in the interview: "It is important to emphasize that the resistance of the Church against in-vitro techniques is based on the conception of the natural law and not to a specific Catholic doctrine. Right reason protects the inviolability of human dignity and the procreation of man. "
Against abortion and "gay marriage" the Cardinal  urged the raising of  "the loud voice of protest" and to take to the streets against those governments that violate the natural law. The March for Life in different countries is a very useful tool for it.
Obama Accelerated Spread Perverse Theories
The Obama administration has, said Cardinal Burke, "brought an acceleration of  perverse theories". The policy of "U.S. presidents have become progressively more hostile to  Christian civilization. Many faithful Catholics have responded to the ever more increasing persecution. Unfortunately, there is still  the impression that a considerable part of the population is not really aware  of what is happening at present. "
In France, the population has responded most clearly: "The logo of Manif pour tous is very strong. It aims at the truth. What   the French have implemented  is a model for other countries. The citizens must be ready to act," said Cardinal Burke.
The complete eight-page interview can be obtained from the magazine Radici Cristiane, in Italian.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Radici Cristiane
Trans: Tancred

Pipe Ceremony Calls Down Occult Spirits at Minnesota Liturgy

[Minneapolis]  This is part two of a series of short videos featuring liturgical abuses by a dissident priest, Father Micahel Tegeder and Deacon Joseph Damiani.  The Archdiocese is well aware that this takes place every Sunday.  The Ojibway outreach, which looks more like a platform for nostalgic hippies to relive their past, has been in action since it was founded by Father Notebaart.

It's also a recipient of Catholic Outreach funds.

American Indians have been participating at Holy Mass for centuries without the benefit of such showmanship and shamanistic intervention.  The pipe ceremony is intended to "call down spirits", but just what spirits are being called down?

The following is a continuation of videos taken on Holy Saturday of 2012.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

German Papal Advisor: "No Mission to the Jews" --- Good Friday Prayers for the Jews "Problematic"

(Bonn / Rome) The German Fundamental Theologian  Gregor Maria Hoff is the new advisor to Pope Francis on Judaism. Last 20 February he was appointed Advisor of the Pontifical Commission for Religiosu Relations with Jews founded in 1974 by Pope Paul VI.. Hoff is Professor of Fundamental Theology and Ecumenical Theology at the Catholic Theological Faculty of Paris-Lodron University in Salzburg. He already belongs to the Sub-Commission for Religious Relations with Judaism of the German Bishops' Conference. This is  followed by the appointment  to Rome, where he takes the place of the Aachen theologians for Ecumenism, Hans Hermann Henrix. The preliminary discussions, said Hoff in an interview with the Deutsche Welle, had already begun in mid-2013, soon after the election of Pope Francis.
Gregor Maria Hoff Papal Consultor to Judaism
The Commission, which was created in the aftermath of the Conciliar Constitution of Nostra Aetate  in 1965, is concerned among other things, with the preparation of the Pope's trip to the Holy Land. Otherwise the task belongs, says Hoff,   to  the Commission, especially that of drawing "significant documents" that bring "expression to the positions of the church, the pope and the Vatican to Judaism".
One of the topics with which Hoff is concerned as the Fundamental Theologian and now as Pope Consultor, is the question of "whether the evangelization of the Jews may be an issue for the Church." Because, says Hoff apodictically : "The Catholic Church is operating no mission to the Jews." Pope Francis is supposed to have said, says Hoff, in his Apostolic Letter Gospel Gaudium   "emphasizes that God continues to act in the people of the Old Covenant, therefore that God in his covenant first chose the Jewish people of Israel." Other issues facing the theologian and ecumenicist concerns, "Trinity and monotheism."
2015: 50th Anniversary of Nostra Atetate - Francis "Rethinks" Good Friday "Hopefully"
The Roman Commission would have to deal with the  "fifty year anniversary" of Nostra Aetate, which is celebrated in 2015. This conciliar Constitution had "meant a very large incision". Because "since then the relations between the Catholic Church and Judaism have changed dramatically," said Hoff. This applies "especially in Germany," where the relations are  "very good and intense".
During the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. there were "even irritations", due to the reformulation of the Good Friday prayer for the traditional rite. Hoff holds the new version as "problematic" and "hopes" himself "that he thinks this phrase will be revised again by Pope Francis."  It doesn't mean it's a "real burden" in places.  The relationships were "so good" that one "such irritation can be settled  between us."
The "importance of the State of Israel's existence," because of the "theological significance of the country" imposed "election of the Jewish people" and the "question of the existence of the State of Palestine as well as the human rights issues"... "is a very sensitive matter, which touches part of the theological issues," said Hoff.
Pope to Visit Israel, not the Holy Land
Hoff in his interview with Deutsche Welle never spoke of  a trip of Pope Francis to the "Holy Land", but only about a "trip to Israel." On this trip "to Israel"  it will be shown, which accents the Pope "will set".  "Francis will certainly be good for the Catholic-Jewish relations," assured the German Fundamental Theologian and pope consultant. This would have been previously shown in his "very strong personal relations with the Jewish community in Buenos Aires".
Hoff believes that the Pope would bring in "Israel" a "certain" climate in the talks and will make a "programmatic" statement with the contents: "God continues to act in the people of the Old Covenant." 
Otherwise would the Pope in the Middle East issue take any particular position. He would then only be "lost in the nettles" said Hoff.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Strasbourg Cathedral
Trans: Tancred

Jaques de Molay -- Exactly 700 Years Ago Today the Last Grand Master of the Templars was Burned

(Paris) exactly 700 years ago, on 18 March 1314, Jacques de Molay was burned in Paris at the stake as a heretic.  Jacob of Molay was the twenty-third and last Grand Master of the Knights Templar. The Order of Christ pauperes commilitones templique Salomonici Hierosalemitanis , the "poor comrades of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem" was created in 1118 in the wake of the Crusades and united for the first time the ideals of chivalry with those of monasticism. For their motto, the Templars chose the psalm verse " Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed tuo da gloriam nomini! (Not to us, O' Lord, not to us but to thy name give glory). "
The monk Knights were one of the most efficient, most legendary though to this day, the most controversial phenomena of Church history. The Muslims had already ruled the Holy Land for centuries.  As Christian pilgrims could no longer freely visit the holy places and learned of the destruction of the Holy Places, they prepared for the liberation of that area, which until the early seventh Century had belonged to the Eastern Roman Empire. However, Eastern Rome was too weak to defend themselves against the thronging Islamic armies. Initial impetus for the Crusades was a cry for help from Eastern Rome after the defeat of Byzantium by the Seljuks. A cry for help, which did not remain unheard in the West. In addition, the population of the Holy Land was still Christian at that time  to a considerable extent.

Military Hospitaller Order linked Chivalry and Monasticism

The protection of pilgrims was the first and primary objective of the Order. Even before, the Templars were Hospitallers, who took in  the pilgrims. Their vulnerability before Islamic attacks necessitated a whole new form of organization to arise, which took over its own military protection even in the Knights Templar. It was a form of organization, which was then followed by other orders, such as the older Order of St. John (Malta) and the Teutonic Order . The order won by numerous foundations and by a gallant alignment rapidly developed  through   an assembly of the Christian elite of Europe.  Its  military actions were carried out with more or less success.
Red Templar CrossFrom Europe to the Holy Land, it built a well-organized network of offices and hospices, to ensure protection and care of the departure of Christian pilgrims to the Holy Places. There were also organizational structures in Europe,  the costs  for the management of the Order’s properties, which significantly increased the hospice network and offices in the Holy Land, including the standing army were disputed. The headquarters of the Order was in Paris.

Protection of the Holy Land and Reconquista

In addition to the Holy Land, the Order also took part in the Reconquista, taking the Iberian Peninsula back from the Muslims. The main countries of the Knights Templar were contemporary France and England. Heartland was there then-border area between France and the Holy Roman Empire. Even Jacob of Molay was from this area. He was born was around 1244 in the Free County of Burgundy, which at that time did not yet belong to France, but the Reich. The chapter of the Crusader States  fell after 200 years of cost and supply shortage  under the blows of the Islamic troops. The Templars held until September 1302 with their final stronghold, a small island off the Syrian coast.
The high point of the Order of Knights of the Holy Land was the end of the 13th Century. The Hospitallers and the German Teutonic Order had developed territorial establishments  (Cyprus, Rhodes, Prussia, the Baltic countries) and it found new tasks.

Philip IV of France and the Threat of State Bankruptcy

Knights TemplarThe end of the powerful Templar Order, he was ultimately also fatal. France's King Philip IV the Fair (1285-1314) stood under the threat of  bankruptcy. Through the proclamation of a Crusade with simultaneous elimination of the Templar Order, he could make use of their assets and restore the state budget. A system of  thievery, which should apply to the foundation of Territorial States throughout history again and again. In contrast to the Church, the Order, however, was an armed force. So they  were battle-tested against the Muslims were so naively disposed to their opponents at home. The Papacy was weakened and fell into increasingly direct dependence of the French King. Since 1309, the Popes lived for several decades in the Avignon exile.

Weak Pope and Charges of Heresy

King Philip IV was successor,   Pope Clement V (1305-1314), a personal friend, who wanted to initiate the  approval of a trial of the Templars. In 1307  Philip IV of France was to arrest all Templars that could be taken down without resistance. The Order was then to have been put on trial for heresy. Even today, it seems to breathtaking to read the contrived indictment of the Order. The confessions were the  basis on which the conviction took place,  which were extorted by torture. Grand Master Molay confessed at the end of October 1307 after severe torture. On the 24th of December, however, in December of the same year he recanted his confession and implored his innocence. A position that he would not leave. Efforts  of Clement V to save the Order in any form, failed. Too weak to resist the king, he finally convened a council at Vienne, after 1310, Philip IV had begun in France with the demonstrative, public burning of Templars. The Pope put to death no Templar in his worldly dominion, which should underline that the oppression of the Order was originated by the King of France. The Council condemned  the Order in 1312  in a sensational trial. In the struggle between the papal and royal power, the Pope was subject and had to save his own authority, to some extent,  the Order was “put to the sword." Dante Alighieri put him in Hell for his "Divine Comedy."

Abolition of the Order - Molay Closing Words “Before God and the World"

Combustion of Grand Master de Molay in ParisWith the bull Vox in excelso Clement V dissolved the order on 22 March 1312. After the Council, many brave knights of the Order recanted their forced confessions and protested their innocence. Thus  they were  burned as unrepentant heretics. . On 18 March 1314  Grand Master Jaques de Molay discussed  the judgment. At the end of the trial Molay then once and again reaffirmed with a loud voice, "before God and the world," his innocence and his unbroken loyalty to the Catholic Faith: "On the threshold of death, where even the slightest lie weighs heavy, I confess in face of heaven and earth, that I have committed a great sin against me and mine, and made ​​me  bitterly guilty of death  because  to save my life and to escape the excesses of torture, especially by flattering words of the king and the Pope, I was enticed to witness against my Orders and myself. But now, even though I know what fate awaits me, I will not lie to the old pile and by explaining that the order was always orthodox and pure of iniquities, I renounce happily  my life. " 1 On the evening of the same day,   Jacob de Molay  and the Master of the Order of Normandy on the Île de la Cité in Paris, the small island in the Seine, on which also stood the Cathedral of Notre-Dame du Paris, was  burned. A small plaque commemorates the scandalous miscarriage of justice.

The stigma and the unresolved legacy of the Templars

Other Masters of the Order remained imprisoned until their death. Alone on the Iberian Peninsula, where the Order in the Reconquista had done faithful service, there were acquittals. In Aragon in 1316 and in Portugal in 1319, the King founded the Order of Montesa and the Order of the Knights of Christ , in which the Knights Templar from all over Europe, as long as they were able to escape the persecution, gained admission and they were revealed to be Templars also in the symbolism, like the red cross of the Order. Both of the orders no longer exist today.
The failure of secular and ecclesiastical authority found  its visible peak in the execution Molay. It stands as an unrecognized flaw in Church history until today. It’s one reason why the Church never allowed the restoration of the Templars. While the Order of Malta and the Teutonic Order, to name the most famous, continuously persisted and therefore even today have their place in the Church, the Church rejects the renewal or restoration of the Templars. Completely without justification, Freemasonry competes with the legacy of the Knights Templar   in the anti-ecclesiastical sense. One more reason why the word Templar has long occupied a negative tone  in Catholic circles. In 2007, the Holy See,  made the acts of the trial of the Templars accessible. The study of documents confirmed the assumption that it was a legal scandal greatest magnitude.

Today, there are a number of recognized lay organizations, which rely on the tradition of the Knights Templar, without being able to claim to be successors.  Alongside this, however, there are also a variety of non-recognized associations which are aligned, in some cases, as anti-Catholic, Masonic or even Satanic.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

“In Order to Understand the ‘Aggiornamento’, One Must Dig Deeply.” -- All of the Journals of John XXIII. to be Published

(Rome) Pope John XXIII. (1958-1963) who after years of silence is getting  new attention. This has led to the coincidence of two events: 50 years of Vatican II and the election of Pope Francis, whom some associate significantly with the counciliar Pope. These include the former secretary of Pope Roncalli, Monsignor Loris Capovilla,  who received his cardinal’s hat  from Pope Francis.  Cardinal Capovilla claimed recently that Pope Francis had originally even wanted to be called John XXIV.  This is a version that is doubted in Rome, but fits well in a particular image.
The elevation of the 93 year old Capovilla to cardinal as well as the wonderfully  loose canonization of John XXIII. next 27 April is regarded as Church policy efforts to satisfy those on the "progressive" side of the Church.  The pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI are particularly criticized  as a "restoration attempt.”  Monsignor Capovilla is devoted to his literary work, especially the life and work of Pope Roncalli and in this context the Second Vatican Council .

Church Political Rehabilitation of the Conciliar Spirit against "Restoration"

The common canonization of Pope John Paul II  and the Conciliar Pope,  makes for less of a  "happy medium"  but the thwarting of  the canonization of the Polish Pope, whose process was so far advanced with the recognition of a miracle would have caused too much irritation with a delay.
In view of the unexpected canonization of John XXIII. the new and complete edition of all the diaries of Pope Roncalli has now been published. Copies of the annotated and edited edition will receive a selection of major libraries and all the Apostolic Nunciature of the world.

In order to understand the "secret" of "aggiornamento", one must dig "very low" in his life

John XXIII. left numerous personal records, including especially his appointment calendars, diaries and notes.Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro, then Archbishop of Bologna, and one of the progressive spokesman for the council said that one to the "secret" John XXIII., That is his program of " aggiornamento to understand "the Church," very low "in its life before he became Pope "dig" should.
Last Saturday, a ten-volume new work was presented at the named after the council Pope hall of the Curia of Bergamo, collecting diaries and diary Roncalli since his youth. The publication was printed in an edition of 300 copies and will be distributed to selected individuals and libraries. Nunciatures at all, the most prestigious libraries and certain libraries in symbolic places such as Tübingen and Louvain, Hiroshima and Nagasaki

"School of Bologna" is Responsible

The publication was carried out by the Foundation Giovanni XXIII of Bergamo, the Diocese of Bergamo and the Institute of Religious Sciences of Bologna, is related  school of Bologna is related to a progressive interpretation of the Council.  The head of the school of Bologna, the Church Historian Alberto Melloni then also will be one of the speakers at the presentation. The Republic of Italy promoted the publication as a contribution to "national heritage".
The ten volumes are primarily based on the archives of the School of Bologna, the Holy See, the postulation for the canonization process and now headed by Cardinal Capovilla. When presenting, smaller excerpts were presented, including a diary during his time as nuncio in Turkey (1935-1944) about the Turkish people:
"I love them in Jesus crucified and it is painful that Christians speak so ill about them and thus prove how little the gospel has penetrated into their souls. I love them, because the part of my office is, as a father, as a shepherd and as Apostolic Delegate: I love them because I believe they are called to salvation. I know that the spirit of many of my Western Catholic children is against me. But this has neither disturbed me nor discouraged me "(entry of 27 July 1936).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons

Monday, March 17, 2014

Medjugorje 206 Tour Group Continues Intransigent Disobedience, Montanist Celebrity from Steubenville Ohio Endorses

Edit: never mind that there are Magisterial proclamations against this site, forbidding Catholics from attending pilgrimages.  Never mind that it's heartily endorsed by the Vienna Cardinal, no less, who ignored the local ordinary's admonitions to stay away.  There's money to be made!  We've been made aware of this that a famous EWTN celebrity convert who continues to endorse Medjugorje through the 206 Tour Group,  both of whom are  ignoring Church teaching.  This is a point by point description of the situation which we've not edited in the slightest from ME.

1.) In 1996, the secretary of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) wrote: Official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, understood as a place of authentic Marian apparitions, are not permitted to be organized either on the parish or on the diocesan level, because that would be in contradiction to what the Bishops of former Yugoslavia affirmed in their fore mentioned Declaration.
So while pilgrimages to Medjugorje are permitted, they could not be organized by Church bodies (parishes, dioceses) with the understanding that Medjugorje is “a place of authentic Marian apparitions.”
2.) In late October 2014, Cardinal Muller of the CDF issued a letter stating that priests AND the lay faithful "are not permitted to participate in meetings, conferences or public celebrations during which the credibility of such 'apparitions' would be taken for granted." That obviously includes pilgrimages which encourage belief in the apparitions.
Source: A group called "206 Tours" specializes in providing Catholics with pilgrimages to Catholic holy sites. In a January 18th Facebook update, 206 Tours clearly stated that they will continue to promote Medjugorje pilgrimages despite the CDF letter.
Source: Enter Dr. Scott Hahn of EWTN/Franciscan University fame. Dr. Hahn is paid by 206 Tours to help lead pilgrimages. This is evident through a simple Google search or a perusal of the 206 Tours Facebook page. My concern is that, because 206 Tours caters to so many Catholic customers and makes its money off of Catholic holy places, it is unethical for this group to defy the Church on this matter, and it is therefore also unethical for Dr. Hahn to help promote and lend an appearance of legitimacy to this group.

EWTN contact information:

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