Sunday, March 2, 2014

Confused Ideas of a “Christian” Minister -- From the Heart of Jesus to Homo Adoption

(Vienna) On the question of what Agriculture Minister Andrae Rupprechter means by a "Catholic marriage”  the  current Austrian Federal Minister replied first since December 2013: "My wife and I are ecclesiastically married, have two children - that's all. This does not mean that I have an old-fashioned family understanding. Unfortunately ... the child care system is backward here in comparison to Belgium - even in Vienna. The offering needs to be massively expanded. In my view,  the family the most important political task. "Child care out of the family, is what   the Christian Democrat  calls for  and plays it on the keyboard of the left.

Headlines on Oath  to the Heart of Jesus

Neo-Minister Rupprechter had arranged for the inauguration of the Austrian Federal Government for headlines because he took the vow   not only before God, but also mentioned the Sacred Heart of Jesus mentioned ( "So help me God, and before the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ" - Oath of Office of Agriculture Minister Rupprechter ). In his native Tyrol the Sacred Heart devotion has a long tradition and is directly related to the resistance against  Josephinism and the anti-Napeoleonischen wars of liberation.
However, the reference to the Heart of Jesus seems to have been something of a flash in the pan for the Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Minister. In an interview with the left-liberal daily Der Standard he expanded on the question whether Andreas Hofer was a role model for him:
"My role model in Tyrolean history is more of Michael Gaismair, who wrote as secretary of the Bishop of Brixen 500 years before, the first draft of the Tyrolean State Constitution. But I like the stoutness of  Andreas Hofer I suppose, of course."

Confusing World of Ideas Between Trotskyism Green Homo-Agenda and Christian Social Teaching

A statement that is in direct contradiction to his Sacred Heart devotion. Gaismaier, social revolutionary in the time of the Peasants' War, has since the 60s been a favorite of the neo-Marxist left, and was previously with the National Socialists.  Both employed him in conscious opposition against the Catholic Andreas Hofer. Rupprechter continues to rely  on the Christian social teaching. Again, the ideas of the Minister seem pretty confused. Because at the same time he speaks, he called for the adoption rights of children for homosexuals. He refers to the new Family Minister Sophie Karmazin and her statement: "Where children feel comfortable, is family. I think there are good examples that children can feel comfortable in gay partnerships. I represent  a much more liberal view than one would assume from   deep-rooted Tyrolean Catholics. "

Neo-relativist Rupprechter: In an “Open World View" There are no Contradictions

The ideological confusion of the Minister is even suspect to the Standard: "Why then do you always refer to yourself  again and again as conservative?" Rupprechter in the posture of a neo-relativists is of the belief that belief is daily and situational juggling : "I do not see any great contrast. Conservative means to maintain traditional values ​​- and that can also be done in an open world view ".
However, the Minister is optimistic that the ideological arbitrariness would prevail in his party soon: "The realignment of the party is in full swing - and I will bring an open approach."
Both Rupprechter and Karmazin belong to the Christian Democratic People's Party (ÖVP). The Austrian People's Party went to the elections of the previous year in September again forming a grand coalition with the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ), which has existed since 2007, and previously reigned from 1987 to 2000 in Austria.

Former Trotskyite - "I Have Learned a Lot of Political  Appreciation"

Perhaps this explains Rupp Rechters attitude with the aftermath of his anarchist past during his student days. At the time the  ÖVP ministers campaigned in the ranks of the Trotskyists. "Just as Jacques Chirac and President José Manuel Barroso also," he added half apologetically, half  proudly. "They were short phases, from which I have learned a lot of  political understanding.  It has  socialized me in that I was as a Green for the first hours of the occupation of Hamburg wetlands there -  which was less of a motivation than the outrage at  the government  driving over civil rights."
Of the Trotskyists in the Green movement to the Christian Democrats. Today Rupprechter would probably have a career in the Greens. Which he had at that time but  did not stay connected because the Greens referred to the EU at the time as “Moloch" and "have denigrated and fought against Austria's accession." That has now changed, yes.

"Problems" with Field Marshal Radetzky and Chancellor Dollfuss

That  surely  fits into the picture that Rupprechter also has "problems" with Austrian Field Marshal Josef Wenzel Graf Radetzky, world famous for the Radetzky March by Johann Strauss (father). The Minister of Tyrol  had the same kinds of problems, in spite of being “imprinted”  by the Christian social teaching, with the corporate Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss (1932-1934), who was shot in an attempted coup by the Nazis. These “aversions" round off the confusing picture of the new politically correct Austrian Minister of Agriculture.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Wikicommons (photomontage)
Trans: Tancred

Benedict XVI: Resignation Was Valid -- End of "Confusion Game" or New Media Hoax?

(Rome) The Vatican expert Andrea Tornielli published two sentences by Pope Benedict XVI., which were allegedly from a reply to a correspondence.  In it he declared that his resignation was "valid", it had been for no other reason than his age. "Speculation  about this is "absurd."  He also confirmed the authenticity of statements attributed to him, that was written to the heretical theologian Hans Küng.  Does the Church have two popes? Benedict XVI. signed himself as pope and used paper with the letterhead “Pope Emeritus".  Francis describes himself as "Bishop of Rome" and signs only with "Franciscus". The traditional blog "Chiesa e post concilio”   looks beyond the alleged letter of Benedict XVI. and sees a transparent maneuver by  the ruling Church leadership, to cause widespread doubts and discomfort  and to silence the faithful. Tornielli has not printed the alleged the letter.  Above all, it does not come to him to deny or correct the place of the Holy See. Least of all with things of such magnitude. But above all Tornielli is not to be confused with the Acta Apostolica Sedis. In short, the message is reminiscent of another media  hoax  last summer, reported as a great  mystery"  of an alleged visit to Benedict XVI. and the fact that he was supposed to have said, the Holy Spirit  advised him to resign (see separate report Benedict's resignation: "God told me" - Media Hoax of the “Great Mystery"? ). Tornielli was merely instrumental in this action, probably even  the misused tool of others, said "Chiesa e post concilio". We document the comment as a contribution to the current debate in the Church.

Tornielli quotes Some Sentences of Benedict XVI., Which Belong to "a Letter"

Chiesa e post concilio
The news has already made the rounds around the world. Tornielli published a "letter" of Benedict XVI., in which the "Pope Emeritus" explains and confirms his resignation's validity  that there is no other reason than "advanced age." He is also to have  confirmed Hans Küng (!) with the oft-quoted words about the "identity of perception" and his wish to want to be until the end of his days nothing more than a "worshiper".

I'm Sorry for Orwellian Despotism

I'm really sorry. Sorry to be treated by the so-called "Catholic journalists", but above all by the hierarchy as an imbecile (in the literal sense of the word). I'm tired of being mistreated, judged to be (with "Mercy") and sentenced and to be impeded in the utterance of doubt by arrogant and constant aggression. I am  sorry for this kind of "Orwellian despotism," in which only "war galleys" are included, that  "dominate". For the "nice words" about "service and humility," they just sound like hot air.
Some believers, it may be that they are a minority, are simply ignored or attacked mercilessly. To them it seems to be permitted, what the "Pope Emeritus" said of himself to the reactions when he offered the bishops of the SSPX an act of justice: total and unjustified hatred. The hatred manifests itself in very different forms: one of these is the indifference (the highest form of detestation) compared to the spiritual life and the soul of the faithful. Whether it is a believer or a lot, does not matter. Shameful is the sound, the disgust and aggression are treated with the those who "doubt". The allegations go far beyond a normal judgment and generalizations  about the exalted letters from "the despot" . Each argument is minimized, delegitimized, no matter who it submits. Arbitrary labels are missed, sometimes vile, just as it suits.

To Refresh The Memory: The Works of Mercy

Obviously, this "humble servant" have forgotten that in the church not important WHO says something, but WHAT he says. In addition, they seem to have forgotten just what the spiritual works of fashionably acclaimed mercy are:
  • Teach the ignorant
  • Encourage the doubtful
  • Comfort the afflicted
  • Rebuke the sinner
  • Bear wrongs patiently
  • To those who insult us, sincerely forgive
  • To pray for the living and the dead
So if justified criticism and legitimate doubts are expressed, then this must be clearly and unambiguously be clarified and resolved. When the believers are in the confusion, it is really to serve the duty of the holy shepherds their salvation, and to restore the right path. Chatter is not enough.
What do the articles of Tornielli  change in current situation? Nothing. The "Pope Emeritus" wrote him two lines that we do not want to call into question, from which he creates a message. The problem does not dissolve  with a simple denial. The "Pope Emeritus" should clarify the doubts with the facts. In this sense, I make a pressing appeal to him.

Why did not Benedict XVI  Pass the Papal Dignity?

If his resignation is valid, then he would do it again without any form of error which are sufficient to make him canonically invalid, then he renounces the papacy and the papal symbols and insignia, then it was abandoning but especially on being Pope , then he has resigned really and completely. If he really is in "full compliance" with Francis, then he officially denies his teaching position in relation to  Tradition, including the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum , which has already proven to have done so much good in the Church and which is now being  so openly rejected.
It's time to stop with the dictation. This seems to be a realm of chaos, instead of the Church. The despotism of the "galleys",  the "you do not know who I am" and "you must blindly obey" is over. The shepherds shall feed the sheep entrusted to them. They must do them  justice.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Chiesa e post concilio
Trans: Tancred
Link to katholisches...

Friday, February 28, 2014

Cardinal Joachim Meisner has Resigned -- Germany Will Miss His Voice -- Who Will His Successor Be?

(Cologne) Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner. The 80 year old Silesian was born on 25 December  in 1933 in Breslau. He was as archbishop one  of the most influential figures of the Catholic Church in Germany for the past 45 years. Meisner was for a long while a bishop. First, as Auxiliary Bishop of Erfurt from 1980 to 1989. Bishop of the divided  Berlin, then at the request of Pope John Paul II, almost simultaneously with the collapse of the Communist dictatorship and the end of the GDR to the Archdiocese of Cologne. With Cologne, Meisner stood at the head of the largest and most influential diocese in German speaking countries. A bishop's seat, which was connected in the Holy Roman Empire with the electoral dignity. Cologne has been a Great archbishopric since the time of Charlemagne. The archbishops first elected the Holy Roman Emperor. Since the fall of the Old Kingdom of the bishop's throne is connected to the dignity of Cardinal, which is why they have chosen Popes ever since.

Meisner Could Never Form  German Church, But Constituted an Important Counterpoint

It would be an exaggeration if one were to say, Cardinal Meisner had left his stamp on the German Church. He succeeded only in part, to a lesser extent. He was part of the attempt of Pope John Paul II at the restoration of a Catholic Church, which showed signs of disintegration in the post-Conciliar period in the German language area. Cardinal Meisner was busy trying to fill holes and form a counterweight to the oppositional tendencies among the German bishops. That his weight was strong but not decisive, the elections showed the chairman of the German Bisschofskonferenz. An office which he never reached. A Meisner majoritywas never established  in the German Bishops' Conference. When choosing the Bishop of Mainz, Cardinal Karl Lehmann 1987, he would not have a say. Through the Wall, the East German Bishops were forced to organize themselves in the Berlin Conference of Bishops. In 2008, he had to accept Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg, because he did not create a  strong minority.

Significant Elector for Pope Benedict XVI, Not for Francis

Nevertheless, Cardinal Meisner in recent decades under John Paul II and Benedict XVI. was a safe and reliable contact  in Rome. The choice of the German Pope, he had been jointly significant. Same does not apply to the election of Pope Saint Francis, which he showed clearly irritated immediately after the conclave.

Decline in Seas Becoming Stormy 

At the request of Benedict XVI. he remained significantly longer in office than is the case under Church law. He was the oldest active cardinal of the Catholic Church. By the end of 2008, he offered his resignation upon  reaching the age limit of 75 years for the first time. On Christmas Day 2013, he was 80 and was still a tower of strength. His departure takes place at a time where the the seas are truculent. Under Benedict XVI.   seemed to have been more calm  in the German Church. Cardinal Meisner was able to promote some of his auxiliary bishops to diocesan bishops. The resignation of Benedict and the election of Pope Francis showed that it had been a deceptive calm. Obviously progressive circles were resigned as a result of their marginalization. With the election of Argentine Pope they have scented morning air. Supposedly faithful bishops, even those that approached Meisner well-meaningly in office and dignity, even to the dignity of Cardinal, turn out to be disguised progressives. The German church shows a picture of disobedience and rebellion that is reminiscent of the time of the Second Vatican Council.

Stigma of the "Morning After" Pill Decision

Meisner himself took a controversial step, which overshadowed the end of his episcopate. A year ago, shortly before the resignation of Benedict XVI., he allowed hospitals in Catholic-run, at least one third of the entire Cologne hospital system, and Catholic doctors to dispense the morning-after pill. It was a unilateral decision that he secured its acceptance by the Bishops' Conference with a Machiavellian text. The morning after pill can also act as  an abortifacient. The opposite,  which Cardinal Meisner described, has not yet been confirmed by science.

Even in the Archdiocese of Cologne nothing desired by the Archbishop was put into effect. Under Pope Francis and in view of Meisner's age, some already ushered in the post-Meisner era. Meisner offered in many socio-political debates a safe reference point for Catholics and all people of good will. Meisner stood out from the other bishops also in that he knew how to speak in clear language. This was especially true after the untimely death of the Fulda Bishop Johannes Dyba.

Man of Clear Words Are Missing in Germany

Who will succeed him? Who will lead the most important German diocese, one of the largest dioceses in the world and, not least, one of the richest dioceses of the world church? A personal decision, which is of great importance for the German-speaking world, but also for the Universal Church. A decision that is entitled to Pope Francis.

It is hoped that Cardinal Meisner, as also the 80 year old Cardinal Walter Kasper, will prove to continue to raise his voice in the universal Church. One is related to the disposal of Cardinal Joachim Meisner fixed already: His voice is missing in Germany.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La cigueña de la torre

210,000 Signatures for King Philippe -- Not to Sign the Child Euthanasia Law

(Brussels) Philippe, King of the Belgians,  was presented with 210,000 signatures  by citizens who asked him not to sign the law for the child euthanasia.  
Without the signature of the King, the law can not attain legal force. Belgium would be the world's first country that allows euthanasia of children.
The example of his predecessors in similar situations is inconsistent. His uncle, King Baudouin (1951-1993), refused to sign the law legalizing abortion. To resolve the constitutional conflict and to prevent the abolition of the monarchy, he resigned for a day. On this day the law was put into force without his intervention.  Because he had no children, his younger brother Albert II was succeeded as King of the Belgians. He had   no qualms of conscience in 2002 to sign the euthanasia law in force. Reigning since 2013,  King Philippe is the son of Albert II.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons

The Destruction of a Papacy? -- Gänswein: Benedict XVI. Watches "Kommissar Rex"

(Rome) A year ago today the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI by came into force by eight o'clock in the evening. The Catholic Church reflects gratefully on his pontificate. An open wound, however, is still his spectacular resignation, which is without precedent in the history of the Church in this particular context. Benedict XVI. was then expected to become "invisible" to   the World   and to lead a life of prayer. Literally, he said on 14 February in his last great speech, that he "will remain hidden to the world." Thus, however, it will not work so well. For Pope Francis, Catholic journalists and not least Curia Archbishop Georg Gänswein it is a concern. If so, it is humanly understandable. But who really wants to know that Pope Benedict XVI.  is starting to look like  "Kommissar Rex"? The dismantling of a pontificate has many faces.

Vatican Countermeasures to Ongoing Speculation

It is his successor Pope Francis, who always brings him back into the public eye and his closest collaborators who talk too much about him. All to provide continuity and unity between the two popes. This in turn depends obviously on incessant speculation surrounding the resignation and the unusual situation of two popes, a ruling one and an emeritus together. Above all, it is the leadership style of Pope Francis which is responsible for  continuing, which  irritates faithful Catholics.

In the Catholic Church one tries to counteract the discussions, in striking contradiction to the desire of Benedict XVI. to live "hidden",  by presently dragging him into the public eye. There are Church leaders and Catholic journalists and media who put him there. The most recent example is the daily Avvenire of the Italian Bishops' Conference.

The Public Spread Day in the "Hidden" Pope

They did an interview with Curial Archbishop George  Gänswein and reported in much adieu that the Pope now enjoys watching watching films from "Don Camillo" to the TV dog detective show "Kommissar Rex". Even so, it looks like trivialization. The prefect of the Apostolic House of Pope Francis and personal secretary of Benedict XVI. told the Avvenire about the"everyday" of the Emeritus Pope. It consists of "prayer, books, music and one evening one or the other the film of Don Camillo or episodes of the TV series Don Matteo or Kommissar Rex". The day will begin with Holy Mass, the breviary and breakfast. The circadian rhythm was "quite human, not a Prussian barracks". The rest of the day consisted of pray, read, receipt of occasional visits and answering the numerous letters he  has received. The only distraction was a walk in the Vatican Gardens, in which he prays the rosary. The Pope live in the midst of his beloved books of theology. But he also read history books and biographies of great personalities. He also reads German and Italian newspapers, watches the evening news on the TV and he personally tries to reply to letters. "You can not imagine how many would like to visit and see him. I submit to him in any case, all requests. He then decides. The waiting list is now very long."

Pope Benedict I listen to music "mainly classical music, especially Mozart, but also Bruckner, Liszt, Bach, Schubert, Beethoven, Brahms. But even religious music: Gregorian and polyphonic. Should not miss the shots of the cathedral choir of his brother George. "Occasionally he also play the piano itself, especially the" beloved Mozart ".

Gänswein: Relationship to Successor is "Excellent"

Benedict is attentively following says  Gänswein,  international developments and those of the Church. Of course, what his successor Francis is doing, but he is interfering in any way. "The appointments he reads, if they are published in L'Osservatore Romano." His relationship with his successor has been "excellent". The two popes talk to each other in various ways: they call, write, they meet, they eat together.  Pope Francis has already come to a lunch at the monastery many times. Once, after Christmas, Pope Benedict was also a guest in Santa Marta.

To maintain a contrast between the two Popes, "is a favorite game of some journalists. I resent that. I have the grace with which to live and work with both of them. So I can be allowed to say, to know both fairly well. I do not see them competing but complementary. It is clear that the style, the gestures and the way of the government of Pope Francis is quite different than that of Pope Benedict. But you can not just build on an opposition. To do things differently, does not mean to it becomes inconsistent. One must always keep present what the Pope Emeritus wrote to Professor Hans Küng  and which Andrea Tornielli repeated, as he wrote of 'conformity of viewpoints and the heart of friendship' regarding Pope Francis." 

This explicit naming and interpretation of two controversial documents of the past few weeks, that  were given to Tornielli was all announced  as recently as last Monday that was  amazing after all. The question is: Cui bono? It reinforces the impression that behind the recent events: the presence of Benedict XVI. the extraordinary consistory, the alleged Tornielli letter and now the Gänswein interview, there is a common language. The resignation of a pope, the life of a retired, "retired" Pope as normality? All very "human".

Various "Sensitivity for Liturgy" an "Objective Fact"

Some undeniable differences between the two should not be read maliciously. So they are different, for example, the sensitivity to liturgy: "This is an objective fact and it is not offensive to say so. But even in this case, I repeat, it doesn't mean it's  contradictory. "True to his announcement, Pope Benedict was not included to   mix in the decisions of Pope Francis:" He takes note of what is written, what is said, what is decided. Passively ad extra and ad intra in an active way. He hears and reads what you could hear on the Consistory or the questionnaire that was sent out by the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. But he doesn't call anyone "up" to give advice or tips. He has retired. He no longer takes part in the government of the Church. That was not said once and then forgotten. It applies and will apply in the future. "

That Benedict XVI. also announced he would remain "hidden from the world", doesn't only seem to have been forgotten by Curia Archbishop Gänswein.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Tempi
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

See also Rorate...

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cardinal Kasper's Speech and "Die Zeit" -- Impressions of Strategic Planning

(Hamburg), the German weekly Die Zeit, which has little appreciation for Catholicity but excels as a  Journal for food and interior decorating, with its concern for gender-correct world order, published in its exclusive edition  excerpts from the speech by Cardinal Walter Kasper on the Thursday of the week just before the College of Cardinals gathered on the topic of remarried divorcees   (see separate report Cardinal Kasper to Remarried Divorcees: "New Ways" Work Like The Council - Pope Francis: "Thank you Thank you." ). The Cardinal knows just where to find influential allies and to whom he has to pay tribute.

Actually, the Cardinal should talk about family, because he was mentioned at the Consistory and he said it should also be discussed at the Synod of Bishops in the fall. However, in reality,  everything turned exclusively to one aspect of the overall question about sacrament of marriage, and then only to remarried divorcees.

Cardinal Kasper's exclusive: "Yes, but ..."

The 81 year old Cardinal urged the retention of Catholic doctrine, but for a change in Catholic practice and thus, yet again,  change of doctrine. A dialectical form of wanting to pull a fast one. Thus Kasper's speech  was a big "Yes, but ...".

"The German cardinal is quoted as saying:" Mercy is not a cheap grace that dispenses of repentance. But the sacraments are not a reward for good behavior and  for an elite, which excludes  those most in  need of the sacraments. "

"If a divorced re-married man regrets that he has failed in his first marriage, when he was struggling for strength, to live the second civil marriage   by faith,  can we then deny him the Sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion?"

"Fear has nothing to do with Christianity. We believe indeed in the forgiveness of sins. On the possibility to start anew. "

Cardinal Marx and Cardinal Schönborn "Excited" by Kasper-speech

Archbishop of Munich, Cardinal Marx was impressed by Kasper's speech. The speech was the "overture" to a discussion that will not end soon. Cardinal Marx was  the one whom Prefect  Müller had publicly challenged as he recalled the Catholic doctrine. According to the indissolubility of marriage,  it is  therefore impossible for the approval of remarried divorcees to receive Communion. 

It made Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Schönborn, "Impressed." In the current issue of the Vienna Archdiocesan newspaper, he calls Kasper's speech "dazzlingly formulated" and "excellent." It therefore speaks to "just where the familys'  shoe pinches,"  said Cardinal Schönborn. But it was only that Cardinal Kasper, had just focused on the overall question of "family" on a single topic, which also primarily affects only the West.

Strategic Planning and Capitulation

There the signs are showing that at least give the impression, as though the successes were according to  strategic planning. Such  was the case with the convocation of the Synod of Bishops,  the questionnaire to the Bishops and now the consistory were part of a deliberate mislabeling. It said "family" on it, but  from the beginning on it related to the unhinging of Catholic teaching on marriage in favor of a particular group of remarried divorcees. By  29 June 2013, Pope Francis called the Synod of Bishops, on 8 October 2013, he called for an October 2014 Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the topic of "family ministry." It is guessed now  by various quarters in Rome  that  the theme of divorced and remarried was part of a secret ballot surrender  for Jorge Mario Bergoglio  in conclave, which for the time being remains speculation. Whether he has obligations towards the main promoters of his election is actually valid  can not be claimed for certain. It is known in any case that Cardinal Bergoglio would not have agreed to anything he does not share himself.

 Exclusive Role of Kaspers and the Formation of His Opinion the Pope

So far, the Pope is silent on the "hot" topic. In the Tornielli interview last December he addressed German interpretations of his Apostolic Exhortation Gospel Gaudium, weakly, where Zollitsch is to have spoken of "new ways" for the remarried divorced.  About which he addressed nothing to the Pope. and  what he thought about it, the Pope did not say. Now he has written a short letter to "all the families" of the world from the Synod of Bishops, without, however,  saying anything substantial.  Not even  though he had already exclusively commissioned Cardinal Kasper as the only speaker for the Cardinal Consistory at that time. An assignment that gives an above-average importance and visibility to a certain opinion. Addressing the Cardinals, but also to the public. It's an assignment that has the smell of a preliminary decision. On 10 March the full text of Kasper's speech will be published   from the publisher Herder. One must already accept translations into other languages. Kaspers  speech is also presented as only direct opinion from the College of Cardinals to the public. The more than 70 speeches of other cardinals remain unknown. And this, even though it was "heated" as it is called in Rome,  were reactions to Kasper's foray. Die Zeit published excerpts for the German-speaking world. Comparable media caliber will follow tomorrow in other language areas. The soil is prepared. The danger of an actual or constructive schism of the German Church is  off the table. Their interests have arrived by Cardinal Kasper in Rome. Exclusively. "German" wishes in terms of remarried divorcees are well on the way to prevail. Pope Francis is silent. He sets the stage, provides the choreography and staging, without even himself saying a meaningful  word.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Radio Cristianidad
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cardinal Müller: "Remarried Divorced? The Teaching of the Church is Clear -- There Will be no Division Among the Cardinals"

(Rome)   The Church proclaims what has been entrusted to her by Christ, the indissolubility of marriage. New Ways? But it is not against the word of Jesus Christ.  The problem is not the issue of remarried divorcees, the problem is the divorce. Many Catholics do not adhere to the Magisterium? That is reprehensible. Briefly summarized here are the statements of Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, as he made them in his recent interview, a few days after the speech by Cardinal Walter Kasper on "new ways" for remarried divorcees before the College of Cardinals. Here is the full interview of the Prefect of the CDF.
Last Saturday Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig  Müller of the CDF, raised by Pope Francis to the cardinalate,  presented in Rome his most recent book "Poor for the Poor. The Mission of the Church " (original title Povera per i poveri ). Published in the Vatican publishing house it was addressed by Pope Francis in the foreword. The volume contained several articles of the German Cardinal, and not least by the "father" of liberation theology, Gustavo Gutierrez, a personal friend of the Prefect of the Faith.
The book was presented by Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga and Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi.The Archbishop of Tegucigalpa and coordinator of the C8-Cardinal Council recommended recently Müller via the German media to be "flexible" in terms of the sacrament of marriage. Therefore, the book launch presented an interesting combination.
In the context of the book presentation  Cardinal Müller answered some questions for Vatican Insider about the current discussion on the family and the sacrament of marriage. These issues will be the focus of the upcoming Synod of Bishops in October and were the focus of the ordinary cardinal consistory on Thursday and Friday last week. There, another  German Cardinal Walter Kasper held the only lecture on the discussion and formulated a yes to Catholic teaching on marriage, but. The doctrine entrusted by Christ would not change in the Church and the Church could not change, but ... And this "but" that had previously inspired and demanded by German bishops, now the whole discussion revolves around this. Can there ever be a "but", there should be such, if so, what content should this "but" have. Cardinal Kasper spoke of a second marriage being impossible in the Church, because the indissolubility of marriage according to Jesus, is considered. But he could but imagine the re-admission to Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried after a season of penance.  In contrast, this already excited pages of other strong objections at the Consistory of Cardinals, starting with the observation that for the Church "remarried divorcees" do not exist. The criticism prompted Pope Francis on the morning of the second day Consistory to pronounce unusual praise for Cardinal Kasper. The head of the Church was not bending to Kasper's points, but described it as fundamentally a "theology on its knees" and thus signaled special benevolence.
Can this happen to grant remarried divorcees Communion?
The divorce is not a way for the Church. The Church is for the indissolubility of marriage. I have written a lot, and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has written many documents, the Second Vatican Council has said a lot about marriage and the teaching of the Church is very clear.
So you conclude from that that remarried divorcees can be readmitted to Communion?
It's not about my opinion. We have the teaching of the Church, which is also expressed in the Catechism, in the Council of Trent, in the Vatican Council, in other explanations of our Congregation. Pastoral care can not have a different orientation than  doctrine. Doctrine and pastoral are one and the same. Jesus Christ as Shepherd and Jesus Christ as Master with His Word are not different people.
The Pope spoke of an intelligent, creative family ministry full of love: Can there be new ways?
New ways yes, but not against the will of Jesus. The mercy of God is in no way contrary to the righteousness of God. Marriage is a sacrament that creates an indissoluble bond between the two spouses. New ways need to deepen the knowledge of doctrine. Many  do not know this and think that marriage is a festival only celebrated in the Church. However, the spouses give their word, to live completely  together, in body, sexuality, in spirit, in Faith and God's Grace. We need to help those people who are in a very difficult situation, but if the marriage is indissoluble, we can not dissolve the marriage. Divorce is not a solution, because the dogma of the Church is not any theory of some theologian, but the teaching of the Church is nothing other than the word of Jesus Christ, which is very clear. I can not change the Church's teaching.
The questionnaire prepared by the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has been sent to all dioceses of the world, which brought to light that many Catholics in various countries, do not follow the Magisterium of the Church in many things: birth control, marriage ...
It is reprehensible that they do not know the teachings of the Church. We can not reduce the revelation and words of Jesus Christ not  because Catholics, and were there many, who do not know the reality. There are many who do not participate in Sunday Mass because they do not know what value it has for their lives and often do not know that there  is even a duty. But we can not say that  for that reason the Mass is less important! It would be paradoxical if the Church would say, because many do not know the truth, that in the future, the truth is no longer binding.
Can it come  to a split among the cardinals on these themes?
No, the Church's teaching is clear. We must strive to provide pastoral care for marriage, but not just for the divorced and remarried, but for those who live in matrimony. We can not always focus on this single question ourselves whether they are allowed to receive communion or not. The problems and the wounds are the divorce, the children who no longer have their parents but have to live with other than their biological parents: these are the problems.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Concilio e-mail Concilio
Trans: Tancred

Occultism Under a Catholic Name: Parodies of Native American Traditions Exploited by Radical Leftists to Destroy the Mass

[Minneapolis]  Being a radical in touch with indigenous traditions is a kind of garden industry involving lots of consumer items, sage, special mystical rocks, weird confab liturgies, guest appearances at schools and other perks. Whether these practices are legitimately Indian, or have more pecuniary or nefarious purposes is at question. Supposedly, the personages involved in this type of activity is surrounded by a panoply of myths and various objects  imbued with alleged magical properties. They provide an aura of authenticity for entrepreneurs, various groups of victims, particularly native Americans, who often hide their demands for special treatment, entitlements and subsidy behind clouds of mysticism and guilt.   Such is the case with the community of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha where new age practices, political correctness, heresy, occultism and liturgical abuses are blended together under a mostly non-native leadership who also in some cases cynically conceal their agenda under a Catholic banner.

It's not necessary to resort to faux mysticism to be an authentic Native American. Saint Kateri Tekakwitha herself was baptized as Catherine Tekakwitha and became fittingly known as Lily of the Mohawks (1656 – April 17, 1680). She  is a Saint, who was a virgin penitent and layman. Born in Auriesville (now part of New York), she survived smallpox and was left with scars on her face and body when cured. As an orphan, she was one of the few successes of the Jesuit missionary effort to the Mohawks, but her conversion yielded a great bounty.  She was baptized lived in constant prayer and sacrifice till the end of her life at the Jesuit mission village of Kahnawake, south of Montreal in New France, now Canada.

Despite having such a noble namesake, the Catholic Community of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, which was founded by a heretical, but unhumbled, Father James Notebaart and is now headed by Father Michael Tegeder, (More environmentalist and civil rights activist than priest, if he could be called a priest.) features a number of departures from approved practice of the Church under the auspices of the General Instructions of the Rubrics to the Mass.

Sage Smudging Ceremony

On April 7th 2012, Holy Saturday, Father Michael Tegeder presided over a Mass, if indeed it was a Mass, which contained and continues to contain many liturgical abuses, if not outright heresies along with various attempts at political correctness.  The Archdiocese has been informed:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cathedral of Cordoba Confiscated and Nationalize? -- Celebration from the Muslim Side

(Madrid) attacks against the Catholic Church have many faces. A recent venture appears in the style of the French Revolution as a snappy "joke”.  In the Spanish Andalusia Church opponents want to expropriate the famous Catholic cathedral of Cordoba and “nationalize" it. The southern Spanish city's cathedral is unique for architectural reasons. It has had an eventful history. Before the diocesan church was established  in 1236, it was used for several centuries an Islamic mosque, to be exact, the main mosque of the emirate and caliphate of Cordoba.
The Government of the Comunidad Autonoma de Analuciacan has legally examined whether there is a possibility of expropriation of the cathedral. The initiators of the expropriation action argue that the cathedral as a unique piece of architecture is a "World Heritage Site". But as such, it can not be owned by a religious community, and certainly not the Catholic Church, but must have its ownership  transferred to  the public. Modern robber barons in the name of the State,  have a lot of experience in which revolutionaries and their epigones of all ages.  Andalusia has been  governed  by a Leftist majority since the return to democracy. The provincial government originates without exception since 1982 from the ranks of the Socialist Party (PSOE).

First "Interfaith" House of God, Now Nationalization for "Cultural Reasons"

Cathedral of CordobaA few years ago the call came  to convert the Cathedral in deference to the Muslims to a place of interfaith worship. A claim, which was rejected by the Catholic Church. Therefore, the new venture aims to profanation and conversion of the church into a museum.
In their anti-clerical urge Spanish secularists making themselves spokesmen for Islamic interests under the heading "multiculturalism". The fact that the Cathedral was previously a mosque, will be brought largely  into play, that a non-denominational solution  had to be sought by the state for the church. A secular group initiated two weeks with an Internet petition, seeking  the expropriation of the Cathedral. They will  rob, nationalize and profane the Catholic Church. The Cathedral of Cordoba should be made into a museum and become a kind of second Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.

Spanish Leftist Petition Signed Mainly by  Muslims

The petition was signed by 88,000 people. "A strange alliance" as a spokesman for the Committee for the Protection of the cathedral said.  It was initiated by the petition of the Spanish Left, and "free-thinkers", but the majority of the signatures came from Muslims. Muslim groups and individuals have taken the ball and immediately mobilized for signing.
The petition has no legal relevance in itself. However, it was also signed by Maria Isabel Ambrosio, the competent Socialist government representative for the province of Cordoba. Ambrosio  also that gave a legal opinion in order to seek ways in which the cathedral could be expropriated and nationalized.
Against the Socialist expropriation a resistance is planning to upset it.  A few days ago they started collecting signatures for a petition on Internet. In it, the government of Andalusia is asked to take care of the real problems of the Andalusians, "instead of thinking about how to rob the Cathedral of Cordoba and expropriate."

Cathedral was Mosque, but the Mosque was Previously a Cathedral

With a plan of almost 180 meters long and 135 meters wide, the cathedral is one of the biggest constructions in the world. Today, it is fondly remembered in the context of multiculturalism and the increased immigration of Muslims to Europe to areas once occupied by Muslims which recalls  Catholic churches, because they had once been mosques. It is seldom mentioned, however, that these mosques were previously Churches that had been expropriated and converted by the Islamic conquerors. This also applies to the Cathedral of Cordoba. On a pagan temple of Emperor Constantine it  was already  a church at the time of the Great beginning of the 4th Century.  Around 550  the Visigoths built a new, magnificent diocesan church, which was dedicated to Saint  Vincent Martyr of Valencia.

Visigoth Diocesan Church was Desecrated in 786   and Expropriated by Muslims

When the Muslims conquered large parts of the Iberian Peninsula in 711, they forced in 714 a division of the cathedral. The Christians remained in only half of the diocesan church, while the other half was availed by the Muslims. A  difficult and conflict-ridden connivance to the detriment of Christians was the result. In 786 the new Muslim overlords had their dominion sufficiently secured so that they did not have to take more consideration for the Christian population. They confiscated the entire cathedral, they broke off the part and began to build a mosque in several phases, especially in the second half of the 10th Century, it  has been extended under the Caliph of Cordoba to  its gigantic proportions.
In 1236 Cordoba was recaptured for Castille during the Reconquista by King Ferdinand III.. The mosque was again converted into a Christian church and made  again into the diocesan church of the city. The largest renovation work was carried out in the 15 Century with the installation of a Gothic nave and early 16th Century by the construction of a Renaissance cathedral in Plateresque style. The Renaissance cathedral rises in the extent of one-sixth of the total mass high above the rest of the building complex.

Archaeologists have Uncovered Mosaics of Visigothic Church

Archaeological excavations in the 30s of the 20th Century, brought back parts, especially floor mosaics of the ancient Visigothic cathedral to light. It reminds one that the cathedral had  probably been a mosque for 450 years, but has been a christian church going back 800 years and was even before that  400 years.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / tempos
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Children Tell the Story of the Martyrdom of Young Claretian Seminarians in 1936 During the Spanish Civil War

(Madrid) In a sympathetic video,  the martyrdom of the Claretians in the Spanish Civil War is narrated by children for children. The Claretians are a community of priests founded by St. Anthony Mary Claret in Spain as a missionary congregation in 1849. Its official name is Cordis Mariae Filii (CMF), Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary .
In 1936 the Seminaries of Siguenza (Guadalajara) and Fernán Caballero (Ciudad Real) murders were carried out by Red combatants out of hatred for the Catholic faith. 14 young seminarians aged 20 to 26 years old, a young priest of the Order and a friar were murdered. The beatification of Father José María Ruiz Cano (29 years) and his 15 companions took place on  13 October 2013 .
A total of 271  Spanish Claretians fell victim to the Republican murder spree by Communist, Anarchist and  Socialist militias. The Order today operates in 64 countries with 19 bishops, 2,155 priests, 164 brothers, 5,553 students and 120 professed novices. The Order also has offices in Austria, Switzerland and the Federal Republic of Germany, where there is the provincial leadership in Würzburg.  They are active in the United States as well.

The Shroud of Turin is Real! -- Three New Dating Methods Point to the 1st Century

(Turin) The Shroud of Turin is a relic and therefore an object of worship for believers.  According to Catholic tradition, it is the linen cloth in which  Jesus' body was wrapped after his death on the cross and in which he was placed in the grave by Joseph of Arimathea. The Gospel narrated that on the third day an angel was standing by the open grave, though it was guarded by soldiers. Christ was resurrected with his body. Only his shroud was found in the empty grave. 
The linen cloth with the outlines of a wounded mann have fascinated people ever since and still poses a big mystery to science. Those who are far from the Church find it particularly difficult to deal with it.  They can not escape the fascination of the cloth. But  they can’t accept a supernatural origin. Since then, there have been many abstruse theories, such as the most recent theory aired in some of the major media, that the representation on the cloth was caused by a major earthquake.
Giulio Fanti, professor of chemical engineering at the University of Padua has just released together with Malfi Pierandrea a new book on the Turin grave cloth. The title is: La Shroud: primo secolo dopo Cristo ( The Shroud  First Century After Christ.! , Edizioni Segno, 425 pages, 20 euros). "Thanks to a project at the University of Padua, it was possible to develop on the basis of mechanical and opto-chemical analyzes, alternative dating methods for the grave Shroud of Turin. The results of these analyzes showed datings  which are all compatible with each other and the year 33 result in a fluctuation of a mean of 250 years after Christ " Vatican Insider  conducted an interview with Professor Giulio Fanti.
Why the exclamation mark in the title?
Fanti: In itself it’s an absurdity, because my dating could be wrong. However, I have intentionally set in response to what happened after the radiocarbon dating of 1988, when the scientists who participated in a published "final" result, which should no longer be debatable to some extent. But from a scientific point of view there is offered nothing that would not be debatable. And so it was, too. They were wrong. The scientists then could be photographed in front of a blackboard where they had written the result of their radiocarbon dating, which was provided with an exclamation mark. In response to this photo, I have now set as an exclamation mark in the title of our book: a small provocation.
The radiocarbon dating from 1988 decreed that the grave cloth came from the Middle Ages. You say that's not true. But could not be wrong and your new dating?
Fanti: We know that the radiocarbon dating from 1988 is wrong. This was verified by a series of articles in international journals. The former dating left some aspects out of consideration, as well as the phenomenon of fire.  According to the analysis of 1978 and 1988, the grave cloth was exposed to the monoterpene thymol, a very strong bactericide, however, the C-14 content changes, especially on old textiles. From a chemical point of view, therefore, you know: the grave cloth of a C-14 analysis should now again be subjected to the action of thymol would be reflected on the dating. I say this not to criticize what was done back then. However, the grave cloth may thus have rejuvenated in the course of twenty or thirty years. In light of what has happened in these recent decades: Who can tell us that the grave cloth was not stored in the first millennium with any preservative which has had significant impact? Today we know in any case that the radiocarbon date for the grave cloth poses systemic problems, because of the natural decay process is theoretically constant, but may have been changed by external events, of which we have no knowledge. Therefore, we have developed these alternative datings. I was able to systematize various methods scientifically and confirm this with what the American chemist Ray Rogers had established several years ago by an analysis: the grave cloth is older than the Middle Ages. I present in the book, three independent methods, but the results all agree with each other. All date the grave cloth much earlier than the radiocarbon analysis, and well before the Middle Ages, namely the first Century after Christ. Today, we have thus five different dating methods: the radiocarbon method, my three and those of Rogers.  Also, we could have been wrong. But four different independent methods, reach the same result, but then speak a clear language. As long as these results are not refuted, and I can not imagine how this should be possible, these results have scientific validity. So that has first Century after Christ the greatest probability as emergence period for the Turin grave cloth. This dating corresponds exactly to the time Jesus of Nazareth lived  in Palestine. We now await the reactions from the rest of the science world. So far we received only affirmative and affirmative responses, but no refutation.
But who is the man depicted on the grave cloth?
Fanti: If we stay in a scientific context, we can not give him a name. However it is interesting that all the indications - and there are a total of hundreds - at a certain point  it affirms a certain person and describes him. For example, to simply pick out a sign: The Romans crucified thousands of people, which is why the man of the grave cloth could be one of those many.  But this is not so, because the crucifixion of the man on the shroud was special, and it is hard to imagine that other crucifixions have just taken place, as they have already described in the first century: it is the head wounds of a crown of thorns, the crucifixion was a punishment in itself, in the case of Jesus, however, there was the punishment of flagellation,  because Pontius Pilate wanted to punish him really hard to release him, but  instead it was a double punishment. The man of the linen cloth also has the wounds of a hard-flagellation. This double punishment was unusual for the Romans, as illogical as the higher punishment was the death penalty anyway. Like these there are many other clues. In order not to believe,  a man must in view of the evidence and facts in abundance  muster all his will already. 
How can the representation of man have arisen on the linen cloth?
Fanti: Since there is still no way to repeat the process, the formation can not be explained with scientific clarity. At the current state of knowledge it seems to have been a burst of energy that came from the inside of the wrapped body.This energy was probably electrical and developed a special phenomenon, the coronal discharge is called (a myriad of micro-discharges between electrodes of a very high potential). While there are scientifically significant difficulties to imagine the environment in which this phenomenon could take place (very strong earthquake or lightning), everything is explained exactly from the perspective of the Catholic religion. The Resurrection, with the consequent exit from the shroud, which was mechanically transparent. This is not the "fantasy" of any slight believing fideists, but supported by plentiful scientific evidence. On one hand we have the testimony of eyewitnesses and a contemporary written document. And we have the grave Shroud of Turin as well. The results are compatible and are also scientifically sound matches.
What evidence do you mean in particular?
Fanti: For example, the human blood,  liquefied again in the shroud, as this was exposed to the humid atmosphere of the tomb. A phenomenon that is called fibrinolysis and has left the marks on the linen fabric without the slightest trace of blurring, which would, however, have been self-evident and inevitable if the wrapped corpse physically moved and would have been unwrapped from the linen cloth. There are two different layers of the grave cloth around the man's body recognizable: one that was more tightly wound during the emergence of the blood, a flatter, which goes back to the energy discharge through which the only “photograph" that Jesus left us about Himself and His painful Passion.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Müller Celebrates Mass in St. Peter's Basilica -- With the Bishops Tebartz-van Elst and Mixa

(Rome) Cardinal Müller knows as a longtime bishop of Regensburg in Bavaria, that you belong to God and to the gregariousness of  life. For this reason he planned a Holy Mass of thanksgiving for the occasion of his receiving the Cardinal's hat  on Monday  in St. Peter's Basilica and then to a festive gathering in the CDF.

 Last Saturday, Pope Francis had officially admitted him to the College of Cardinals. On Sunday, he concelebrated with 18 other new cardinals, at the Pontifical Mass of the Pope in St. Peter's Basilica. On Monday morning, the new Cardinal and Prefect of faith celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving on the second high altar of St. Peter's, called the cathedra altar under the gigantic Bernini wood reliquary of the papal throne. Present among the cardinals and bishops, there was also Müller's successor as Bishop of Regensburg, Gerhard Vorderholzer.

 There were also concelebrants  next to  Vorderholzer two victims of the anti-Church party: Bishop Emeritus of Augsburg Walter Mixa, and the almost-retired Bishop of Limburg, Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst. The Cardinal gave proof, that he does not share the reservations of some German Church circles. While Bishop Mixa, has been prohibited from public activity for  a long time, now operates as an Internet pastor, Bishop Tebartz van Elst has been for almost half a year in quarantine in the Lower Bavarian Metten Abbey. In his homily, Cardinal Müller, said that it was his first task as Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, to defend and spread the faith of the Catholic Church. Among the many faithful who attended the Thanksgiving Mass and celebrations which followed, were close family members, among others Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe, president of the Vatican bank IOR, Ernst von Freiyberg, former Bavarian Finance Minister Georg Fahrenschon. Numerous other representatives of the Church, politics, economy and culture, especially from Germany, including numerous prelates and former students of the former professor of Dogmatic Theology (1986-2002).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholichees...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Clerical Association of Saint Gregory the Great -- New Community of Tradition: Society of Good Shepherd Splintering

Edit:  stay tuned!

(Rome) within the traditional Institut du Bon Pasteur (Institute of the Good Shepherd), there have been times of disquiet. The calm was restored by Rome's intervention in the sense at the price that some priests and seminarians of the Institute have now established with the Clerical Association of Saint Gregory the Great, a new community. A canonical recognition is not yet available.

The Institute was canonically erected by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei in 2006. The founder and Superior General, Philippe Laguérie and the first members of the young Institute came from the Society of St. Pius X. A Visitation of the Institute in the spring of 2012 by the then and now renewed Secretary of the Commission Ecclesia Dei, today's Curial Archbishop Mario Pozzo, led to internal conflict in the institute. Among other things,  Rome had called for a more positive view in the formation of priests  with respect to  the Second Vatican Council  in the setting of Disputationes Theologicae and a change in the statutes in which the designation of the traditional Rite as "exclusive Rite" of the Institute, "the Institute's own rite" should be changed (see separate report Institut du Bon Pasteur has new Superior General - If it Comes to the Dividing of the Institute? ). 

Conflict was Sparked by the Interference of Rome

An internal conflict flared up about the identity of the institution. A majority of younger members of the institute struggled at the general chapter  in that year against Roman interference and selected on 5 July a new General Council headed by Abbé Roch Perrel. The deselected founder and former Superior General Laguérie fought with the support of Rome in the election. He warned against internal   battles and a rebellion against Rome. The election was declared invalid and Laguérie was reinstated as Superior General. Under the supervision of Ecclesia Dei  a new General Chapter took place on 12 September 2013 which held that again the Superior General  Abbé Laguérie was elected for a six year period. (see separate report Father Philippe Laguerie Again Superior General of the Institut du Bon Pasteur ).

But what has happened since with the group of priests and seminarians who made 2012 resistance? The majority acquiesced to the decisions of Rome.

Four appeals to Rome - two "answers"

However, four priests of the Institute went to the Apostolic Signatura in Rome with four requests  on various issues. Meanwhile, there are answers to two appeals before.

The first appeal concerned the right to inspect certain documents to the common questions.  The decision of the Church court was negative (Protocol No. 48339/13 CA Pictavien, electionis, Rev.dus St. Carusi - Pontificia Commissio Ecclesia Dei, 17 September 2013). The second appeal was directed against the repeat of the election of the General Council and the interventions to make in the electoral body, "that would have led to a contradiction even in Burkina Faso," as the Clerical Association of Saint Gregory the Great, noted in a written statement. It was initially partially approved. 

Appeals Archived Because of "Lack of Money" and "Time Limit Exceeded"

On 11 December, 2013 however,  the  appellants were informed in a letter dated 30 November that the appeal had been archived.  By reason of  exceeding the deadline and financial aspects. The applicant had lack of income, because for months he no longer  received grants from his Institute, then he requested the allocation of a public defender, which was refused. The rejection was not transmitted until 30 days after the deadline and at the same time succinctly explains that it had been archived due to exceeding the deadline of appeals. The procedure is reminiscent of an elegant little tricking. That it was moored to a question of money,  makes recent acclamations of  the recently emphasized "Church of the poor" more bitter than funny.

Other signals are interpreted by the priests and seminarians that resisted the intervention of Rome not very positively. By circular dated 11 November 2013 it was communicated to the priests of the Institute, that Jean-Pierre Cardinal Ricard, archbishop of Bordeaux  would be the canonical reference point for the Institute. In the Diocese there is the general headquarters and other facilities of the Institute. From the circular it is not entirely clear whether Cardinal Ricard is in a sense a kind of "permanent Visitor" or "Commissar" of the Institute. The Masonic magazine Franc-Maçonnerie magazines from the September October 2013 reported that the cardinal urged priests of his archdiocese   to continue to go to the lodge meetings, because in allusion to Pope Francis, the Freemasonry was in the "existential periphery". [Bishop Pontier member of Grand Orient.]

Clerical Association of Saint Gregory the Great - Five  Priorities

The appellants  wanted to exhaust all ways, and also by the answers as they write, to be able to recognize a "Wink of Providence." "After everyone has checked to see, we came to the conclusion that it was time to leave." The group decided to stay together and to form their own community in order to preserve the identity of the Institut de Bon Pasteur in another form.

They founded the Clerical Association of Saint Gregory the Great, in order to make their "contribution to the Catholic tradition." The new altrituelle Community lists five priorities of their work:

1) The formation of seminarians in fidelity to the Church's tradition.
2) The website Disputationes Theologicae, which is published in French and Italian, as an organ of a "constructive criticism". [Guess what's going up on the blogroll?]
3) Communal prayer life, "especially for the triumph of faith for the Church and for souls, who are exposed to great trial and particularly the persistent need of prayer."
4) The maintenance of the traditional Mass "on a large reliance on the fruits of the Holy Victim of the Altar."
5) The use of the confessional, a service that  the priests of the Clerics Association of Saint Gregory the Great offer to dioceses.

Those who signed the explanation were  two priests Abbé Louis-Numa Julien (France) and Don Stefano Carusi (Italy) and the Polish seminarians Łukasz Zaruski and Bartholomew K. Krzych.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Feast of St. Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church

Edit: St. Peter Damian had his feast extended to the 23rd of February by Pius IX in 1923 at which time the Pope also pronounced the great reformer a Doctor of the Entire Church.  No doubt this Doctor could prescribe some medicine for the Church today.  Some may want to sweep the Saint under the rug or at least severely mute the author of Liber Gomorrhianus’ witness.  We found this appropriate citation:

“This vice strives to destroy the walls of one’s heavenly motherland and rebuild those of devastated Sodom. Indeed, it violates temperance, kills purity, stifles chastity and annihilates virginity ... with the sword of a most infamous union. It infects, stains and pollutes everything; it leaves nothing pure, there is nothing but filth ... This vice expels one from the choir of the ecclesiastical host and obliges one to join the energumens and those who work in league with the devil; it separates the soul from God and links it with the demons. This most pestiferous queen of the Sodomites [which is homosexuality] makes those who obey her tyrannical laws repugnant to men and hateful to God ... It humiliates at church, condemns at court, defiles in secret, dishonors in public, gnaws at the person’s conscience like a worm and burns his flesh like fire... 
     “The miserable flesh burns with the fire of lust, the cold intelligence trembles under the rancor of suspicion, and the unfortunate man’s heart is possessed by hellish chaos, and his pains of conscience are as great as the tortures in punishment he will suffer ... Indeed, this scourge destroys the foundations of faith, weakens the force of hope, dissipates the bonds of charity, annihilates justice, undermines fortitude, ... and dulls the edge of prudence. 
     “What else shall I say? It expels all the forces of virtue from the temple of the human heart and, pulling the door from its hinges, introduces into it all the barbarity of vice ... In effect, the one whom ... this atrocious beast [of homosexuality] has swallowed down its bloody throat is prevented, by the weight of his chains, from practicing all good works and is precipitated into the very abysses of its uttermost wickedness. Thus, as soon as someone has fallen into this chasm of extreme perdition, he is exiled from the heavenly motherland, separated from the Body of Christ, confounded by the authority of the whole Church, condemned by the judgment of all the Holy Fathers, despised by men on earth, and reproved by the society of heavenly citizens. He creates for himself an earth of iron and a sky of bronze ... He cannot be happy while he lives nor have hope when he dies, because in life he is obliged to suffer the ignominy of men’s derision and later, the torment of eternal condemnation” (Liber Gomorrhianus, in PL 145, col. 159-178).