Sunday, February 23, 2014

[Update] Pedophiles - As If! -- Catholic Institutions are 16 Times Safer for Children

Dangerous For Children
(Rome / Geneva) [Unfortunately, erroneously reproduced figures, make an update necessary.  Were specified by a reader error of too many pedophile priests: see text corrections and as  supplemented] This UN Children's Rights Committee made a frontal assault against the Catholic Church and took to the work-up of sexual abuses of minors by clerics as a reason. An abuse of the abuse, which the UN "experts" contributed. There are enough people who are willing to raise their index finger against the Catholic Church and are only too happy to see their hostility to the Church justified by the allegation of pedophilia. However, neither the media nor the international institutions are willing to put the facts in the overall social context and give the complete figures. A unilateral selective perception determines the image as if pedophiles  exclusively or primarily come from  the Church. Those who think this is unintentional are naive. 
Certain lawyers in the U.S. have earned a fortune from  "pedophile" priests. The dioceses that have been held liable and asked to pay had to pay billions of dollars. But that's not all anti-Catholic directors, novelists and the above-mentioned UN Children's Rights Committee  rushing in principle to manipulate "pedophile priests" against the Catholic Church and stage a new one of those black legends against Popish Rome.

Catholic Institution 16 Times Safer for Children Than Society in General

The sociologist and former OSCE representative against the discrimination and persecution of Christians, Massimo Introvigne and the psychologist Roberto Marchesini wanted to find out. In their new book "Pedophilia. A Battle That is Won by the Church"  (Pedofilia. Un battaglia che la Chiesa sta Vincendo, publishing Sugarco, € 16, -) the two authors  have  evaluated  the topic of pedophilia on the basis of statistical surveys. The result is amazing, judging from the public generated impression. The facilities of the Catholic Church  intended for children and young people are the safest places in society.
The numbers speak for themselves: Other Christian denominations, schools, non-Catholic sport associations, youth associations have statistically more sexual assaults on, or at least as many, but from the media we hear little or rarely of it: except blatant abuse scandals.

"Temple of PoliticalCorrectness" Relieved Catholic Priesthood

The American Bishops' Conference, as the the scandal began to roll and then spread to other countries, requested the John Jay College of New York, one of the world's most prestigious centers of criminology, and the City University of New York , a "Temple of political correctness" (Introvigne)  to examine the phenomenon of pedophilia in the Church. The answer: since 1950, [Update] 0.11 percent of Catholic priests have been condemned in the U.S. for sexual assault.  A larger number was reported to the police, but acquitted despite a general willingness to accept a debt in the course of pedophilia scandals. One indication of that, many innocent priests were  accused and slandered in the course of a medial generated  hysteria and a whole retinue of lawyers and clients wanted to capitalize.  In particular, the ratio was overwhelmingly positive, with regard to the propriety and correctness of an overwhelming part of  Catholic priests. This has not altered, that some perpetrators are already dead and therefore could not be held accountable.
[Update] The exact numbers of the study of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice on the subject of pedophilia in the U.S. and particularly among Catholic priests: Since 1950, 4.392 Catholic Priests (4 percent of the entire priesthood) have been accused in the U.S. for sexual contacts with minors  (contained therein are very different cases of verbal harassment to rape). 958 cases (0.87 per cent) were under investigation for pedophilia. Overall (1.06 per cent) were indicted by the prosecutor and slightly more  than 1,000 priests were filed suit against. A total of just over 100 priests  were sentenced   (or 0.11 percent).  A total of 54 priests (or 0.049 percent) were convicted of pedophilia. This corresponds to an average over the whole period of one each year.  81 percent of priests charged with sexual contact with minors had a homosexual inclination. The criminological institute also presented a massive decline in cases since the introduction of countermeasures from 2002, especially under Benedict XVI.
Similar studies among the major Protestant denominations in the United States have showed that there the incidence of cases of pedophilia are four to ten times higher.  Two-thirds of all cases of pedophilia occur in the U.S. in the narrower group of relatives or acquaintances. One-third in non-domestic sector in the broad sense of the word. The figures give an idea of the scale, which was reduced to an anti-Catholic campaign on the Catholic Church. It is therefore clear that the campaign was not against pedophilia, but against the Catholic Church. According to estimates by the World Health Organization, approximately 150 million girls and 73 million boys are abused by pedophiles worldwide. Two million children are kept in the status of sex slaves. Worldwide, the number of Internet sites with pedophile content is estimated at 30,000, on which images of 12 million children are shown. Pedophilia is a big business and has a magnitude in comparison to the portion of pedophile priests, as bad as he may be,  a factor of one thousandth.

Countermeasures of the Catholic Church exemplary

The psychologist Marchesini begins his analysis of the phenomenon with the infamous Kinsey Report , which caused a sensation in the 50's and 60's. [The Kinsey Report actually involved the sexual abuse of children for its data.]  Introvigne and Marchesini openly speak of  the responsibility and the heinous guilt that  clearly belongs  not only to pedophile priests, but also some supervisors who  covered for them. However, they provide evidence that the counter-measures undertaken by the Catholic Church, especially during the pontificate of Benedict XVI, have been taken to work and the problem could be eliminated effectively in many countries.
The measures taken have even   made the church  a model for other institutions to follow in its  example. Nevertheless, the Church remains the preferred target of a politically correct lobby, which continues, with almost methodical [to say nothing of unethical] meticulousness to cite decades-old cases and so  generate an air of hostility against the Church, reminiscent of the clichés of witch hunt.

SNAP, the Victim Club for Their Own Pockets

The main actor in the indictment  is the U.S. organization SNAP. The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests receives preferential treatment by the New York Times. This always ensures new, global access to other media, who rely on the "reputable" sources. The association, which makes money from the abuse scandal, claims to support the victims of priests. In fact, the organization had in 2012, under pressure from diocesan lawyers, to disclose its finances. It was revealed  of the society  that in 2007, the peak of the processes that followed the scandal, although millions were collected, they had spent but   only $ 593 for all of the victims. Main sponsors of the association are law firms who enriched themselves with the trials of the dioceses. The Association "recommends" victims who turn to it, to its generous sponsors among the law firms.
In 2011 the man who was SNAP chairman, who worked for the organization itself, was  sentenced in Louisiana for possession of child pornography to two years in prison.

Smear Campaign Orchestrated "Pedophile Priests" as the Biggest Scandal "Since the Shoah"

But the smear campaign remains unilaterally directed only against the Catholic Church. The pedophilia of others seem like trivialities and  trifles, while "the occasional pedophile   among the Catholic clergy was the worst  that  has happened in the world since the Holocaust," said Introvigne.
A more detailed study by the John Jay College revealed that there is a distinction between convicted and sentenced. Of the two percent convicted since 1950  because of sexual acts  priests only 15 percent can be called pedophiles. The study itself came to the conclusion that the media wrongly gave the public the impression as if it were in principle that Catholic priests belong to a category that was "dangerous to children". But that, according to the study of the criminological institute was "wrong".

Prejudice Against Catholic Church to be Cherished and Cared For

In the U.S., neither the Protestant communities, the Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Jews, public schools, private schools, non-religious bodies, or the Boy Scouts who have even undertaken rudimentarily what the Catholic Church has done as countermeasures. She has opened her archives to allow detailed investigations. Statistically speaking, Catholic parishes, Catholic schools and Catholic institutions are in principle,  sixteen times safer than the aggregate of American society. Clear numbers, clear proportions, but so many do not want to hear. There is simply nothing but prejudices. The photomontage is by Frank Kopperschläger and was found on the "Red Flag" of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany found (MLPD).  This is not understood by way of "experts."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Red Flag (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Theologians Have Approved Paul VI "Miracle": Dom Luigi Villa's Unanswered Criticism

Vatican Insider is reporting from its confidential sources that a miracle has been confirmed.  Theologians from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints unanimously approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of Giovanni Battista Montini, Pope Paul VI earlier this week. The  “inexplicable” healing has been confirmed by the medical consultation headed by Professor Patrizio Polisca, who will have to be examined by the dicastery’s cardinals and bishops before receiving final approval from Pope Francis. If, as authoritative sources from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints tell Vatican Insider, these latest steps will be concluded quickly, and Montini could be beatified within the next few months.

The Postulator of the Cause, Fr. Antonio Marrazzo, had selected a special case from among many which early medical examinations described as “inexplicable”. On 20 December 2012, shortly before Benedict XVI’s historic resignation, he proclaimed the heroic virtue of Paul VI, concluding the canonical process. For Paul VI to be beatified, all that was needed was for one approved miracle. 

 The miracle which Marrazzo presented to the Congregation’s consultation involved the healing of an unborn child from  California in the early 90’s.  Doctors had found a serious defect in the fetus and high risk of brain damage which the surgery implied, they advised the mother to abort. The woman  decided to have the child, entrusting the fate of the child to the intercession of Paul VI, the Pope who wrote Encyclical  “Humanae vitae”  in 1968. She did so despite being told that without a shadow of a doubt her child would be born with serious physical and mental handicaps.

But the child was born with no defects. Doctors waited to see whether problems would arise during the child’s adolescence before confirming that the child was completely healed. The Postulator of the Pope Paul VI’s cause said this was an extraordinary and supernatural event which took place through the intercession of the late Pope. It was in line with his Magisterium and the contents of the “Humanae Vitae” encyclical, i.e. the defense of life, “but also the defense of the family, because that document discusses married love, not just unborn life. This healing is apparently in line with the Pope's teaching.”

Friday, February 21, 2014

Hollande Honors the Fallen of the First World War in Grande Mosque -- "Forgets" About Christians

(Paris), France's Socialist President visited the Great Mosque of Paris for a visit to secure the votes of Muslim constituents  for the local elections in March. All presidents in the world are participating in honoring the fallen of the wars, especially now, since the outbreak of the First World War is approaching its centennial.   Only Hollande is instrumentalizing it  to divide the dead according to their religious affiliation in two classes and to honor only the Muslims among them, but not Christians.

VIP visit to the Great Mosque of Paris

On Tuesday, the French President went to the Great Mosque of Paris to unveil a memorial to the 70,000 Muslim soldiers who had fallen from the colonial territories of France for the Grand Nation. The mosque was erected in the Maghreb style  after the First World War as a recognition for the fallen Muslims and bestowed for the first time visibility for Islam   in Paris.
"The Republic it indebted to them," said Hollande and directed attention to  the present: "Islam and its message of openness are perfectly compatible with the values ​​of the Republic in France." Here, the Socialist head of state did not forget to add that "discrimination, inequality and racism" would have to be "fought", because they would form the basis of "anti-Islamic rhetoric and reality".

Campaign Appearance

The daily Le Figaro commented that the principle laudable initiative for the country to honor Fallen, in fact, is mostly indebted to  the approaching municipal and European elections. More than 80 percent of the Muslim electorate in France in 2012 chose Hollande. The mood will have changed by an unfavorable economic development and the "gay marriage". Hollande's Socialist Party strategists fear the loss of what previously seemed to be sure votes.
The expression of honor for the fallen Muslims in France was a long cherished desire of the Muslim organizations in the Grande Mosque. Hollande pushed the date out again and again. The approaching elections have now encouraged him to act.

No ceremony for fallen Christians

In France, a debate has broken out about why Hollande  has divided the fallen into two categories. Once to Muslims, according to their religion, and once to the  French with no religious affiliation. A tribute to the Catholics who have fallen for France and surpass the number of Muslims many times, is not on the program of the presidential office. In a lively debate on various blogs, many French are asking whether only Muslims are allowed to have a religion. Muslims may be, according to Hollande French and  Muslims. Catholics or Protestants, however, may only be French, but not Christians. A blogger asked, "Will Francois Hollande   now also visit the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to pay homage to the Catholic soldiers and for the honor of those fallen for France in World War I? We already know the answer. It is because of the aversion of the President against Christianity, of course, 'No?'"
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Avignon pour Hollande
Trans: Tancred

84 Cardinals and Bishops Who Have Celebrated Immemorial Mass of All Ages Under Pope Francis

(Rome) Since the election of Pope Francis over the past eleven months  the following Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church have participated in the Holy Mass in the traditional form of the Roman Rite (Extraordinary Form in accordance with the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI.) Celebrates or attended as such.
The Spanish blog Acción LITURGICA published the following list:
Cardinal Barbarin, Archbishop of Lyon, France
Cardinal Bartolucci, Italy (+ 2013)
Cardinal Brandmüller, Germany
Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, U.S.
Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, Colombia
Cardinal DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, USA
Cardinal Sandoval, Archbishop Emeritus of Guadalajara, Mexico
Cardinal Zen, Bishop of Hong Kong, People's Republic of China
Titular Archbishop Pozzo of Bagnoregio, secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia The, Italy
Archbishop Coleridge of Brisbane, Australia
archbishop Negri of Ferrara, Italy
Titular Archbishop Bacqué of Gradisca and emeritus Apostolic Nuncio, France
Archbishop Aquila of Denver, USA
Archbishop Arguelles of Lipa, Philippines
Archbishop Kurtz of Louisville, chairman of the American Bishops' Conference, USA
Archbishop Leonard of Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium
Archbishop Carre of Montpellier, France
Archbishop Suárez Inda of Morelia, Mexico
Archbishop McMahon of Nottingham, UK [Corr. Reader informs that HE's actually a bishop.]
Archbishop Lucas of Omaha, United States
Archbishop Prendergast of Ottawa, Canada
Archbishop Wintzer of Poitiers, France
Archbishop Sample from Portland, United States
Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco, USA
Archbishop Goh Seng Chiye of Singapore, Singapore
Archbishop Aubertin of Tours, France
Archbishop Crepaldi of Trieste, Italy
Archbishop Haas of Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Archbishop Miller from Vancouver, Canada
Archbishop Brown, Apostolic Nuncio for Ireland
Bishop of Aire y Gaschignard Dax, France
Herbreteau Bishop of Agen, France
Bishop of Germay from Ajaccio, France
Zdarsa Bishop of Augsburg, Germany
Bishop Benoit-Gonnin of Beauvois-Noyon-Senlis, France
Bishop Caggiano of Bridgeport, USA
Bishop Jugis of Charlotte, USA
Bishop Pansard of Chartres, France
Bishop Huonder of Chur, Switzerland
Bishop Livieres of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
Bishop Foys of Covington, United States
Bishop Rey of Frejus -Toulon, France
Bishop Finn of Kansas City, USA.
Delville bishop of Liege, Belgium
Kalist bishop of Limoges, France
Bishop Conley Lincoln, USA
Bishop Hying of Milwaukee, USA
Bishop Jarrett of Lismore, Australia
Bishop Casts of Luçon, France
Bishop Libaschi of Manchester, USA
Bishop Ginoux of Montauban, France
Bishop Madega of Mouila, Gabon
Bishop Serra setting of Paterson, USA
Bishop Parkes of Pensacola-Tallahassee, United States
Bishop Egan of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Bishop Lebrun of Saint Etienne, France
Bishop Administrator Áreas RIFAN the Apostolic Administrion San Juan María Vianney Brazil
Bishop Tardelli of San Miniato, Italy
Bishop Davies of Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
Bishop Bartulis of Siauliai, Lithuania
Bishop Paprocki of Springfield, USA
Bishop Slattery of Tulsa, USA
Bishop Aumonier of Versailles, France
Bishop Schneider from Astana, Kazakhstan
Bishop Perry of Chicago, U.S.
Bishop Reiss of Detroit, USA
Hanchon Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, USA
Bishop Gutierrez Valencia from Guadalajara, Mexico
Bishop González González from Guadalajara, Mexico
Bishop Gleisner Wobbe of La Serena, Chile
Bishop Martínez Camino of Madrid, Spain
Elliot Bishop of Melbourne, Australia
Beau Bishop of Paris, France
Auxiliary Bishop of Porto Pino Castillo Viejo, Ecuador
Costa Souza Bishop of Rio of Janeiro, Brazil
Bishop Lajos from Vac, Hungary
Auxiliary Bishop César Costa of Sao Sebastiao do Rio of Janeiro, Brazil
Em Military Bishop Baseotto of Argentina
Em Meeking Bishop of Christchurch, New Zealand
Em Dick Bishop of Cologne, Germany
Em Giovannetti Bishop of Fiesole, Italy
Em Bishop of Funchal Faria, Portugal
Em Bishop Bruskewitz of Lincoln, USA
Em Bishop Timlin of Scranton, USA

Nicaraguan Cardinal Maxes Out on Humility at Press Junket on Way to Rome

Edit:  look at his humble blue jeans!  And every second of going through customs like an ordinary guy followed by hoards of press men.

H/t: Mundabor.

Will Washington Archdiocese Leave Faithful Indian Priest in the Cold?

Father Brian Coehlo
Edit: we sure are glad that Canonist Ed Peters and Cardinal Wuerl will be here to clear things up like they did last time with Father Marcel Guarnizo when the media storm occurred. This is obviously a faithful priest.

In a dramatic bedside confrontation, a Catholic hospital chaplain refused to give the last rites to a heart attack patient after he admitted he was gay, the patient claimed in an interview with The Washington Post.

The patient, Ronald Plishka, a 63-year-old retired travel agent, said the Rev. Brian Coehlo had been reciting Communion prayers and administering last rites to him at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C.

But Plishka said that when they started talking about Pope Francis, and he revealed he was gay, the chaplain refused to continue, and Plishka ended up swearing at him.

Read Latest Breaking News from 

A biography for the priest from the diocesan website reads:

Father Brian A. Coelho, named parochial vicar at St. Mary Parish in Landover Hills, was born in India and attended seminary there prior to entering the Archdiocese of Washington's Redemptoris Mater Seminary. A member of the Neocatechumenal Way, he was ordained May 26, 2007. He earlier served as a parochial vicar at St. Mary of the Mills in Laurel and at St. Elizabeth Parish, Rockville.

Photo from pewsitter...

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pope's General Audience: "Lack of Consciousness of Sin is Based in a Lack of Consciousness of God"

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
the new life in Christ, which we receive through the sacraments of Christian initiation can be weakened by the frailty of human nature, even be lost  by sin. Therefore, Christ has the Church, which continues His work of salvation, has given the two sacraments of healing: the sacrament of Penance and Anointing of the Sick. In the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation we receive the forgiveness of sins. This is not the fruit of our toil, but gift of the Holy Spirit, who immerses us in  mercy and grace which flows from the open heart of the crucified and risen Christ. This takes place in the community of believers, the Church where the Holy Spirit is present. Therefore, it is not sufficient merely to ask the Lord quietly in the heart for forgiveness. It is necessary to confess one's sins to the servant of the Church. The priest represents not only God, but the community of the Church, which gives the penitent reconciliation and accompanies him on the path of conversion. Too often we forget this sacrament or push it aside - for convenience, out of shame or because of a lack of consciousness of sin, that is based in a lack of consciousness of God. We make ourselves the measure of things, close ourselves to God and to others, and our conscience ultimately dies from it. Let us use  the treasure which the Lord has entrusted to His Church in the Sacrament of Penance.
A warm welcome I say to the pilgrims from German-speaking countries. In the sacrament of penance and reconciliation we experience God's merciful love, which gives us strength for penance and new life. Let us confidently go to confession so that we may renew the divine love and reconcile  with God, with ourselves and with others. I cordially bless you all.
NB: this is a translation from the German, which differs significantly from the English translation at the Vatican website, which doesn't even look Catholic.

The Ackermen: Throw Sexual Ethic Overboard, Tomorrow Doctrine?

(Trier) The "shocking" statements by Bishop Ackermann of Trier are currently in the ears and  bode little good for Germany's Catholic Church to expect. Whoever  today is willing readily to throw almost all of the sexual ethics of the Church over board, tomorrow will be ready to betray the whole of Catholic doctrine.  This conclusion was reached by Catholic journalist Mauro Faverzani, who reported for Corrispondenza Romana on the controversial Ackermann interview. Bishop Ackermann and in slightly different wording of Munich's Cardinal Reinhard Marx,   "wash my fur, but do not make me wet" seem to have found a new use for the saying. Given these and other omissions of bishops of the German-speaking countries, in Switzerland and Austria, things are quite similar, the question arises: Where  the Nuncios find only those bishops?


The Twisted and "Rewritten" Moral Teaching of the Church

The shocking words of Bishop Stephan Ackermann, Bishop of Trier, with the destructive effects of an overflowing   river causing suffering and pain: after they have broken through the dams of faith, they have devastated the Catholic doctrine, hurt the sensibility of the faithful and  confused everyone. All this with the usual complicity of an interview, this time by the daily newspaper "Allgemeine Zeitung".

Bishop Ackermann wants to throw Catholic sexual ethics overboard

According to a recent survey, the Catholics of the German dioceses would consider the sexual ethics of the Church as unworldly. Asked for an opinion, made Bishop Ackermann no secret of wanting to throw in the truest sense of the word, the entire rules and commandments overboard: "We need to strengthen the sense of responsibility of people, but then also respect their decision of conscience". One marvels and wonders when and where Jesus Christ may have probably taught his disciples. On the question of the admission of divorced remarried to the sacraments the bishop said: "We are here to make suggestions," just as if not to be all set since always clear and distinct.
For premarital sex Ackermann said almost apologetically: "We can not completely change the Catholic doctrine, but develop criteria by which we say: In this and this particular case it is justifiable. . It's not that there is only the ideal on the one hand and the condemnation on the other side "Obviously, playing what the Catholic Church teaches, for the German bishop not matter ... to family planning and contraception, he said:" The distinction by natural and artificial contraception is somehow artificial. I'm afraid that no one understands more. "

Appeal to a Sense of Responsibility and Respect Decisions

And as for homosexuality should the Church, according to Ackermann, appeal to the sense of responsibility of the individual: "The Christian view of man goes by the polarity of the sexes, but we can not simply say that homosexuality is unnatural."  But homosexuality should not be lived in promiscuity and gratification. Where the bishop may have only won his findings? Although the church emphasize the uniqueness of marriage between man and woman, but if a registered partnership, distinguishing by loyalty and responsibility, "then we can not ignore this responsibility," said the Bishop of Trier. After all, it is amazing, the blessing of homosexual couples as among the Protestants is  still yet  "not our solution." Truly a disconcerting bishop.
Priestly celibacy is still canonically "no dogma", but he was in favor of maintaining it. As for the future, however,  he  says he could not predict,  weakly added  the bishop immediately.

"Excessive Benevolence" for Project "Gay and Catholic"

What is certain, however, today, is the ambiguous and provocative behavior of the German Church, especially in matters of morality. On this theme,  the German Dioceses have put on the accelerator pedal and keep trying to stir up new conflicts to give rise to fault lines and tear open breaches. A sentire cum ecclesiam with the German side is no longer apparent.  Not surprisingly it's just in Germany and indeed in Frankfurt am Main in the parish of Maria Hilf there is a presently self-constituted community of homosexual believers. The whole thing runs under the motto "Gay and Catholic," but also stands open for "lesbian, bisexual, and transgender." The result was the "Project" to "reduce pain" those who had been inflicted on homosexuals by the teaching of the Church. The Church authorities are accused of a lack of understanding and only because it teaches what is the teaching of the Church as it was entrusted by tradition and written for Her  by God. The outlandish Frankfurt "experiment" was endorsed by the Emeritus  Bishop of Limburg, Franz Kamphaus. The homo-believers and the associations supporting the Catholic ground staff in Frankfurt cared not a whit to the heavy criticism that has been voiced by his successor, Bishop Franz-Peter van Elst Tebartz against the special community. [At last, some insight as to the true reason for Bishop van Elst's treatment by the "Catholic" press, as insidiously in the service of the enemy as always.]

There were Columns of Flame from Satan Coming Through "Cracks"  in the Church: Paul VI.

For the theologian Gregory Schorberger took all the more extreme, even excessive benevolence of the gay community and catholic project. In his dissertation he described it as important that homosexual believers possess a recognized place where they know they are also accepted by the local clergy. There are already efforts to set up similar special communities in other German dioceses. In 1972, Pope Paul VI. in a prophetic moment, described the cracks through which the "smoke of Satan" had entered the church. These columns show itself as large cracks and the smoke was only the first sign of that destructive activity of the infernal flames that caused these cracks.
Introduction / Translation: Corrispondenza Romana / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Pope Writes Forward to Cardinal Designat Müller's Book on the Topic of Poverty

Francis writes among other things: Yet when an economic power only produces value ​​for individuals and it deprives others, it creates inequality

Rome / Milan ( / CBA) Pope Francis has contributed a preface to  a new book by the Curia Cardinal-designate Gerhard Ludwig Müller. The work of the Prefect of the Congregation is entitled "Arm for the Poor" which will be presented on Tuesday in Rome.

  In the essay, which is published in advance in the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera" (Wednesday), it is said that money is to be a "good way" to enlarge the freedom and capabilities of the people and to allow it toward  good works in the world. However, if an economic power only produces value only ​​for individuals and it deprives others, it creates inequality.
In this case, the money loses its initial positive value, says Francis. It then ultimately turns against the people. Money and economic power would become an instrument that "turns people away from  people and restricts them to a self-centered and selfish horizon. In contrast, solidarity is asked for that it becomes  a "vital virtue to life." 

The Pope urged a new connection between profit and solidarity. There was a "fertile cycle between profit and gift-giving, the attempts to break and occlude sin."  Christians should "rediscover this valuable and original unit of profit and solidarity,to live it and proclaim to all." 

The word poverty spontaneously resolves upon discomfort and refers to something bad, writes Francis. The West identifies poverty with the lack of economic power, but there are is also physical, mental, social and moral poverty. [Liturgical poverty, too] Human life depends not only of goods. 

People should be able to count on each other. It should be clear that each person is valuable.    Rather, social life in which public welfare remains not only an empty and abstract word should be questioned. This could only be achieved through genuine repentance, wrote Pope Francis. 

In the Summer of 2012  Pope Benedict XVI. (2005-2013) brought a native of Mainz, the dogmatist and Regensburg Bishop Müller to Rome and made ​​him his principal theological consultant and head of the central authority of the Curia. Müller knows the Church and Theology in Latin America well, and was one of the first prefects Pope Francis confirmed in office.

 During the World Youth Day Rio 2013 visited Pope Francis at his own request Rios slum Varginha 

(C) 2013 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Fontgambault: "Outraged" Remove Monks from List of Eligible Voters

(Paris) The small village Fontgombault in Berry in central France is known mainly by Old Ritual Benedictines. But even by its militant Catholic mayor.  Despite secular state doctrine, he begins council meetings with a prayer. Fontgombault forms a separate municipality and has 258 voters. 70 voters are the monks of the abbey. This drives some Church enemies to fits of rage. Especially since Jacques Tissier, the longtime mayor of Fontgombault, took a stand against the new "gay marriage"  law.  The opponents of the mayor now want to exclude monks from the voters' lists   to influence the upcoming municipal election.

Mayor: "There is a Natural Law that Stands Above the Laws of Man"

In May 2013, the "gay marriage" in France had been pressed against fierce opposition from the people of the socialist government. Jacques Tissier, since 1977, Mayor of Fontgombault and practicing Catholic, said last November in a newspaper interview: "There is a natural law that stands above the laws of man."   On 24 October, the council had unanimously adopted a decision  at his request that municipal government and local council resign en bloc, should the  community  be forced to have to perform a "marriage" of two homosexuals. It is known that the mayor will consult the abbot of the monastery before important decisions. 
By the decision  proponents of "gay marriage" and Church opponents became aware of the small village. They have publicly called upon homosexuals to become "married" in the City Hall of the central French community  for the purpose of forcing the resignation of the "scandalous" the mayor with his "shocking" views. But so far, no one has undertaken to put this challenge into action. So Jacques Tissier and his Catholic council majority still administrate the tranquil ten and a half square kilometer site.

Local Elections: Change Voter Lists to Create a New Majority

On 23 and 30   March, however, there will be local elections in France. The dismissal of the mayor was not successful and the prospect of a different majority do not seem to be very great. So Tissier's political opponents and the monks who have been constituted as "list of outraged", to  reduce the weight of the Catholics on the route of administration, by  denying monks the right to vote.

"We Have had Enough of the Catholic Robes"

The electoral  group "Outraged of  Fontgombault " claims that some of the monks are not eligible to vote. "The monks have been too long a political weight in our community. That has to change. We have had enough of the Catholic robes," says André Antigny, the leader of the "Outraged" in the anti-clerical tone, who competes as a mayoral candidate for his party. Six years ago, he had unsuccessfully challenged  Tissier. Now he is looking for another way. He turned to the court of Chateauroux and requesting the removal of monks from the voter lists Fontgombault.

Strong Growth in Abbey: Already Five Daughter Houses

The judges gave that the "outraged" Antigny was not entirely in the right, but ordered the deletion of ten monks anyway. At least four percent of the electorate. The measure was justified by the fact that these monks would no longer live in Fontgombault, but at the Abbey of Saint-Paul de Wisques. From the Abbey Fontgombault there have been five daughter houses founded because of the numerous growth in the past 40 years which created four abbeys and a priory. The Benedictine Abbey of Wisques is the latest foundation. To be precise, the Old Ritual monks of Fontgombault were asked by the monks of New Rite Wisques to take over the abbey, as their convent had a lack of  vocations and became too small.
The lawyer for the abbey Fontgombault appealed against the court's decision because the relocation of the monks to Wiques is not yet definitive. The revival of the local abbey is on 10 October 2013 is done, but the composition of the local new convention is not yet definitive. The monks are therefore still registered in the town Fontgombault.

"Monks Hinder the Laicism of our Community"

The "List of Outraged" emerged after the council decision of 24 October against "gay marriage" law.  It is the merger of the old Left and anti-Clericals of the village under a new name. Traditionally, there are two monks in the local council."That's only fair," says Mayor Tissier. "We attach great importance to this presence. The Abbey is a quarter of our community. Thus, the monks are underrepresented even significantly with two representatives, but 'Outraged" is of a completely different opinion.  Antigny: "The monks hinder the laicism [secularism] of our community."
The lawyer of the Abbey lodged an appeal with the Court of Cassation in Paris.   He received the reply: "The only objective of the 'Outraged' is to eliminate voters from the opposing camp. But that contradicts the letter and spirit of our democracy. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Abbey de Fontgombault
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Re: No Sacraments for the Remarried and Divorced

Emeritus Cardinal Re does not consider it possible to revise this legal requirement of the Church, for "an objective situation can not be changed".

Vatican City ( / KNA) The emeritus Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re (80) does not believe that Pope Francis will remove the exclusion of remarried divorcees from the ecclesiastical sacraments. He does not consider it possible to revise this canonical rule, Re on Tuesday said to the Internet site Vatican Insider. "An objective situation can not be changed," said the former prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, who served as the highest-ranking cardinal the conclave for the election of Francis.

However, Francis  is  keen to improve the Church's pastoral care of the divorced and remarried, the cardinal stressed. This should be aimed to encourage those affected in their faith and to enable them to live in prayer, and with regular attendance at Sunday Mass. Currently being worked on are ways to make the Church's closeness to these people  more visible. [Scary, Divorcee Liturgies?]

Concern for the family is counted among the main topics of this pope.

The second major concern of the Pope was to strengthen the collegiality with the bishops, says Re, who also headed the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. But Francis would simplify the processes in the Synod of Bishops to make the interaction of the synod efficient. With regard to the reform of the Curia, over which the committee appointed by Francis of eight advisory Cardinals currently meeting at the Vatican, Re said it would take time and an intense reflection.

Re noted in the interview the positive balance of the first year pontificate. All over the world suggests  broad sympathy for Pope Francis, especially in the southern hemisphere. Francis had changed the style of the papacy, the Cardinal.

Link to
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Budapest Defenestration

Köszönöm Magyarország! (Danke Ungarn!)

Hungary's anti-Communist, Patriotic and Christian party, Jobbik, appropriated US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland's comment: "%#$@ the EU!" -- to make a rallying cry against the deeply hated EU-Dictatorship.

An EU Dictatorship Should Not Follow the Soviet One:  A Hungarian MP Throws
the Symbol of Hungary's Repression Out of the Parliament of Budapest. [Photo youtube-

Hungary's Right to Self-Determination

The Member of the Hungarian Parliament, Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy of the "Movement for a Better Hungary" (Jobbik), removed on 13February 2014 from the meeting hall of the Hungarian parliament a foreign body, which is apparently represented by an EU flag.
The blue color of this away from the Hungarian Parliament dirt flap with twelve yellow pentagrams reminiscent of the blue of the "Blue Masonry" and the Johannismaurerei [Lower Lodges], which forms the basis for the hell of Hochgradfreimaurerei [High Level Masonry].

Parliament Totalitarianism

Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy had his microphone simply turned off during his speech in the Hungarian Parliament  because he did not, like all the other pseudo-deputies, grovel for the Eurototalitarian intercessions like all other European pseudo-parliaments.
This courageous and freedom-loving husband, Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy also had his microphone turned off, because freedom of expression has no place in  totalitarian Europe.
Then Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy left the Chamber, together with a blue dirty mud rag (see video ) and disposed of this power mad  hazardous waste on the foul stinking dung heap of history.

The Budapest Defenestration

The Budapest Defenestration unleashed. Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy still in the Chamber:
"We need to apply the right to self-determination. To break with the EU, I call on all to defend themselves against the colonization. The people should fight back and remove those symbols that have to do with this colonization ... "
Members of Parliament, the microphone was turned off. Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy continued without the microphone:

"Long live Hungary! Long live the homeland! We remove the icon of high treason! "

Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy removed one of those blue mud rags stored in the Hungarian Parliament,  which is nothing more than a symbol of colonialism.

"By Defenestration  we carry the EU flag to its proper place. This flag has no place in the sacred buildings of the legislature. We won't  give any ground to the restriction of the Hungarian freedom  ... I ask everyone in this country to defend the freedom of Hungary and to remove the symbols of colonialism, slavery and loss of sovereignty  ... Attention, a dangerous object is flying out of the window! "
Dr. Tamás Gaudi-Nagy threw the blue mud rag with twelve yellow pentagrams from a window of the Hungarian Parliament.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Cardinal Maradiaga: "One May Also Criticize This Pope, But With Love"

(Rome) since Monday morning the C8 Cardinal Council will be meeting for the third time. Cardinal Maradiaga, the coordinator of the Council has also said in advance that one may criticize "this Pope, but with love."
Pope Francis appointed  eight Cardinals in April 2013  to consult with them in regarding the reform of the Curia and the leadership of the Church. Their meeting  will last until Wednesday evening. On Thursday  a four-day meeting of the entire College of Cardinals begins. The first two days as a regular, then as an extraordinary consistory with the inclusion to the College of newly appointed cardinals by the Pope.
Ahead of the meeting  C8 Cardinal Maradiaga has confirmed what was already suspected: "We will listen to the commission for Vatican Bank IO and economic affairs" (see separate report Vatican intensive: C8 Council and Consistory for "Hot" Topic of the Family ).
Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa in Honduras is the coordinator of the C8 Council.  According to the media, he has recently been referred to as "Vice-Pope" because he has been particularly self-assured as the coordinator since the election of Pope Francis and his appointment.
"The work of our Commission have begun in October. It is a serious job to be accomplished, which is why one must have patience. It is a work that will bring its fruits, but a hasty society must have patience. The things of the Lord will take time," said the cardinal  in an interview for Tgcom24 . "Even the Pope has said that we should live according to the words of the New Testament. Therefore, we have to work with discretion. This means that it is necessary to listen, to pray, to converse and then decide. We are in this process," said Maradiaga.
The Honduran cardinal was asked whether one should criticize "this pope"  because of  some issue. "I remember a lot of Pope Paul VI. He took the view that one can criticize the Church, but like a child criticizes his mother. In the same way, I thnk you can criticize this pope, but with love," said Cardinal Maradiaga. 
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: AsiaNews
Trans: Tancred

Edit: We couldn't find this article translated at yet, so here it is, but with a note.  Not to be contentious, but we noticed that Paul VI may not have minded criticism of the Church so much, however intemperate and unrealistic it was, but he hated being criticized, even gently:

Then the Holy Father said to me, further:
"It is true, is it not, that you condemn me?" 
I had the strong impression that it all came back rather to his person, that he was personally hurt: 
"You condemn me, so what ought I to do? Must I hand in my resignation and let you take my place?" 
"Oh!" I put my head in my hands. 
"Holy Father, do not say such things. No, no, no, no!" I then said: 
"Holy Father, let me continue. You have the solution of the problem in your hands. You need say only one word to the bishops: receive fraternally, with understanding and charity all those groups of traditionalists, all those who wish to keep the prayer of former days, the sacraments as before, the catechism as before. Receive them, give them places of worship, settle with them so that they can pray and remain in relation with you, in intimate relation with their bishops. You need say only one word to the bishops and everything will return to order and at that moment we shall have no more problems. Things will return to order. As for the seminary, I myself shall have no difficulty in going to the bishops and asking them to implant my priests in their dioceses: things will be done normally. I myself am very willing to renew relations with a commission you could name from the Congregation of Religious to come to the seminary. But clearly we shall keep and wish to continue the practice of Tradition. We should be allowed to maintain that practice. But I want to return to normal and official relations with the Holy See and with the Congregations. Beyond that I want nothing.”

Cardinal C8 to Advise Pope Over Curia Reform

Edit: Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn reforming the Church, one balloon at a time.

Topics are twelve Vatican Councils - Subsequent Cardinal surveys to make Consistory "less European"

Vatican City ( / KAP) The Vatican has begun a three-day meeting of the Cardinal Council for the reform of the Curia on Monday. The eight cardinals of the so-called C8 Council, among them the Archbishop of Munich Reinhard Marx [And +++Sean], are consulting together with Pope Francis about a realignment of ecclesiastical government headquarters. The focus this time are the twelve Pontifical Councils.

As the meeting  of the College of Cardinals closes its general meeting on Thursday, Pope Francis' most important advisors will address the course of the reform efforts. In the plenary session, attended by Cardinal Christoph Schonborn , the Pope wants to present his previous initiatives and reform ideas.

 On Saturday Francis will confer office   19 church leaders  from his first consistory to the College of Cardinals, including 16 bishops under 80 years, who may therefore be able to also participate in a papal election. Among the electorate is the prefect of the CDF, Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

 The effect of the future appointments mean that the  Church Senate is to become "less European" and it is geared more to Latin America.   Nearly one-third (6 of 19) of the New comes from the Americas south of the Rio Grande.

In the two previous conferences the C8  focused on the work of the Synod of Bishops and the nine congregations. The C8 Council had already been used by Pope Francis a month after his election, to advise him on Church authorities and to make recommendations for a reform of the Curia to him.

Copyright 2014 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria

Limburg Report Provides for New Speculations

According to a preliminary report of the "Spiegel" the investigation report is be delivered on Wednesday  at the same time it will go to Pope Francis and to the chairman of the German Bishops Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch,

Hamburg / Limburg ( / KNA) New speculations on the investigation report on the construction of the Bishops residence on the Limburg Cathedral Hill. According to a previous report by  "Spiegel" published  Sunday, it will be given to Pope Francis and to the chairman of the German Bishops Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch   at the same time on Wednesday. The Pope will not let the matter lie long, said the boulevard magazine, citing unnamed sources in the Vatican Secretariat of State.

The report, prepared under the chairmanship of Paderborn Auxiliary Bishop Manfred Grothe, is an important step in view of the further employment of the Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst.  This criticism was partly because of the cost of the Episcopal House of at least 31 million Euros. Tebartz van Elst is believed to be  currently, indefinitely outside of his diocese pending the Pope's decision.

 As "Spiegel" reported further, Tebartz van Elst has made a statement through his lawyer already that "extensive comments" elaborate on the allegations. The report itself will, however, will not contain comments on the evaluation,  it said.

The spokesman of the German Bishops Conference, Matthias Kopp, interviewed by  the magazine  the Catholic News Agency (KNA) with the words, "for the next few weeks"  there will be an "aggreement to the procedure for inspection and discussion of the report , which should take account of all interests fair statement," by the German Council of Bishops.  For this reason, they will not engage in speculation about timelines or content.

When and how the diocese of Limburg should be informed about the discussions at the Vatican on the report, according to diocese spokesman Stefan Schnelle is still open. "I hope we get the report available for inspection prior to publication, so that we can make an interpretation," said Schnelle to KNA.  First, however, it's Rome's turn. 

At the current whereabouts of Tebartz van Elst he could not say anything, the spokesman said. The bishop had retired to await the decision of the Pope in the Lower Bavarian Benedictine Monastery of Metten, but he has returned often in the past back to his Diocese.  In the middle of Janaury, he made a "purely private visit" to Rome.

You can get a look at the Bishop's residence. The bone of contention as it were. Tour of the diocesan center of St. Nicholas in Limburg - Amateur video from 05.09.2013 locally

 (C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH.All rights reserved. Limburg Cathedral Hill Photo (c) Diocese of Limburg

15 New Subdeacons Ordained in the FSSP

(Wigratzbad) 15 seminarians are receiving the subdiaconate for the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) on the first two Saturdays in February. The clergy of the Institute of tradition is characterized by a very good and thorough training.
Nine candidates of the Seminary of Wigratzbad were on  consecrated on 15 February  by Archbishop Haas of Vaduz in the parish church of Deuchelried in Wangen im Allgäu to the subdiaconate. There are four Frenchmen, two Canadians, one Colombian, a candidate of the Dominican Republic and one Austrian. At the same time Archbishop Haas confered 21 seminarians minor orders.
Already on 1 February six candidates had been consecrated in Denton in  Nebraska to subdiaconate   Bishop Fabian Wendelin Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln, carried out the consecrations in the Seminary of the Fraternity in Lincoln.
The Fraternity of St. Peter, an Institute of Tradition,  is as a whole is characterized by a very well-educated clergy that stands out not only in the worthy celebration of the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, the serious administration of the sacraments, but also in catechesis and pastoral care. The Fraternity of St. Peter has published pictures of the Subdiaconal Ordination in Deuchelried .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Rorate Caeli
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Commemoration in Immemorial Rite for Kaiser Karl I. and Kaiserin Zita of Austria-Hungary

(Nancy) In Nancy, the capital of the ancient Duchy of Lorraine Holy Mass in the Immemorial Rite of All Ages was celebrated in the Basilica of Saint Epvre  of in commemoration of the Blessed Emperor Karl I of Austria and his wife, the servant of God, Empress Zita on February 8th. The celebrant was Abbé Cyrille Debris, diocesan priest of the diocese of Rouen. Name and coat of arms of the Duchy is found in the name of the Imperial House of Habsburg-Lorraine and adjacent to the Habsburg lion and the Austrian shield .
Abbé Debris is postulator for the beatification of the Empress Zita.  At the celebration of Mass Abbé Florent Husson also took part, the chaplain of the chaplaincy to the Blessed Emperor Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen and parish administrator of the Church of Mary Immaculate of Nancy.
In Nancy, in  German Nanzig, like the Mosel in French from the nearby Luxembourg on the Saarland into the German speaking part of Lotharingia some still do call it that, Archduke Imre of Austria and his wife Archduchess Kathleen members of the Imperial House, were  present.  Archduke Imre of Habsburg-Lorraine is a great-grandson of the last Austrian emperor. Also present was a relic of Blessed Emperor, which was venerated by the faithful. 

Emperor Charles Died 35 Years Old in 1922 on Madeira - In 2004 He Was Beatified

Emperor Charles I was born in 1887 in the Lower Austrian Danube as great-nephew of Emperor Franz Joseph I.. In 1907 he married Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma. In 1914, he became heir to the throne upon  the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Crown Prince and heir to the throne. The assassination of the Austrian heir to the throne was the cause of the outbreak of the First World War, which was in the air for some time because of economic and political interests. After the death of Emperor Franz Joseph I in 1916,  he acceded to the throne and tried to make a separate peace without the German Empire unsuccessfully  since the leaders of the Entente relied on a victorious peace. From the Entente driven resolution, a number of peoples of Austria-Hungary were constituted as independent states. On 11 November 1918 the Emperor declared  in the wake of military defeat and the revolutionary atmosphere of upheaval,  his renunciation of all official business in the Austrian half of the empire, then on 13 November also in the Hungarian half of the empire. However, he did not enact an official abdication.
On 24 March 1919 he withdrew his declaration of renunciation shortly before his transition into the Swiss exile his waivers and raised in protest against his dismissal. Attempts to restore the monarchy in Austria and Hungary failed. In 1921, the Emperor was exiled by the Entente to the Portuguese island of Madeira, where he at first arrived on April 1st, 1922, dying at only 35 years of age  of pneumonia. In 2004 he was beatified by Pope John Paul II.  The Blessed is buried in the church of Nossa Senhora in Monte in Madeira. His heart was transferred according to the old Habsburg tradition to the Benedictine monastery of Muri in the canton of Aargau. A transfer of the body in the Imperial Crypt in Vienna, where the grave of the Imperial House lays is not provided because of the devotion of the people of Madeira. In the Imperial Crypt, however, lies his deceased wife, Empress Zita who was buried there in 1989.
For the beatification particularly the Kaiser Karl Prayer League strove for world peace, whose chairman is the emeritus Archbishop, Fernand Franck of Luxembourg today. The beatification was promoted especially by the recently deceased Bishop Kurt Krenn of Sankt Pölten, who for many years was chairman of the prayer league.
The Basilica in Nancy, in which the Holy Mass was celebrated, is named after the Frankish Saint Aper, who at the beginning of the 6th Century was bishop of Toul. The saint is known in the French as Saint Epvre, to the Germans as Santa Effert.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Histoire & Patrimoine Bleurvillois
Trans: Tancred