Sunday, January 19, 2014

"The Catholic Church is the Enemy" The Dictatorship of Relativism -- Document of the International Theological Commission

(Rome) on 16 January 2014   the Pontifical International Theological Commission published an extensive and remarkable document  "The Triune God, Unity of People. Christian Monotheism Against Violence ".  [It's not finished being translated] It is the result of five years of work that has been reviewed and approved by the Prefect of the CDF, the Cardinal designate Gerhard Ludwig Müller. "I'm afraid to make a reliable forecast, if I assume that this long and complex document finds few readers, and low media coverage and therefore will soon be forgotten," said the religious sociologist Massimo Introvigne. "This is bad: because this great work, desired and ordered by Benedict XVI.  and now completed under Pope Francis, is of really remarkable quality, which answers and denounces point by point the  unprecedented aggression against the Church by the prevailing anti-clerical culture ," said Introvigne.
"Catholic Christianity" is the "intransigent obstacle"  in this fight. The document describes the Catholic church as an enemy of the prevailing secular current, setting the tone with dogged, influential forces. This is not only in universities, but also in much of the media.
How should the church be destroyed? By making her responsible for all the worst atrocities in history. Blame is their absolute truth claim, which is guaranteed by God the Creator. A truth that can be known by reason and by the nature. This Catholic rejection of relativism and monotheism are to blame for bigotry and intolerance.

Because of their Claim to Truth, the Church is to Blame for all the Crimes of Humanity

A total relativism, says the document, seeking  for a unity of thinking, which each and everyone would have to submit. A thinking that leads to the dictatorship of relativism that attacks anyone who thinks that there is the truth. The truth is instead referred to "explicitly as a radical threat to the autonomy of the subject" and an opening to freedom. This was especially so because everyone is entitled to objective and universal truth that applies to everyone and is accessible to the human mind, is immediately challenged with an exclusive claim by a subject or group. This would, according to critics, lead to the justification of hegemony over man,   that it does not give. Truth is thus brought in inseparable connection to power, so they each claim and it is seen as a template for conflict and violence between people.
For the dictatorship of relativism, the Church was the main responsible for this violence because it teaches monotheism.But if there is only one God, then there is only one truth. If there is, however, different gods, then there are also different truths. Only the polytheism guarantee relativism. The new ideology thus represents a radical reversal compared to the previous history of religion represents, and the secular, the previously considered monotheism as progress towards polytheism. This "reversal of the modern frame is unexpected: now monotheism is considered archaic and despotic, polytheism as creative and tolerant."

Commission rejects Equating  Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Certainly Christians have succumbed to the temptation of violence over the course  of history,  but significantly less than others, and especially far less than the anti-Christian ideologies. However, to make the Christians but also responsible for the massacres that were committed by other religions, harkens back to either category, which has been discussed by the history of religion for some time: the category of the "three great monotheistic religions." Although this expresses some truth, but treats Judaism, Islam and Christianity as a whole, although they represent three totally different realities. However, the dictatorship of relativism sums it under the heading of "monotheism". Even Islamist suicide bombers can then be dialectically pushed to Christianity.
It belongs to the special merits of the new document to reject the generalized classification of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as the big three "monotheistic religions".It's particularly meritorious, because an undifferentiated equation is also common in parts of the Catholic world.
The purpose behind why the new radical secularism picks this reworked old theory is not inter-religious dialogue, which it was originally intended, but to attack religion, whose main purpose again,  is the attack against Christianity and to be exact, the attack against the Catholic Church. "We can not but hide the fact that in an intellectually relevant part of our western society, the aggressiveness with which this 'theorem' is put forward, is mainly focused on a radical indictment of Christianity," says the document. "The systematic identification of Catholic Christianity as an entrenched obstacle in the fight against monotheism," the widespread religious violence in the world leave, despite not a little remarkable.

Refutes Allegations of Relativists Point by Point

The document has refuted point by point the accusations of the relativists. This includes the interpretation of some warlike and bloody events of the Old Testament, for which the proof is provided that they fit into a specific historical context, are to be read as metaphors for the struggle against the devil and moral evil, and especially that they were then overcome by the message of the Gospel. In a not very easy to read part of the document, which follows the Magisterium of Benedict XVI., it is pointed out that in Christianity, a distinction between religion and politics was permitted for the first time in history, so that the autonomy of politics is established and overcame the temptation of theocracy. 
The document also rejects the claim that polytheism is tolerant. In the cultural climate of polytheist religions, the most horrible massacres against the followers of other religions were committed. The equation of polytheism with tolerance sounds downright foolish. Even "the polytheistic religion of the Roman Empire, despite the extraordinary modernity of its understanding of citizenship  and its multi-ethnic and multi-religious figure, persecuted Christianity with specific hardness, which had made itself guilty  of only refusing the adulation of the emperor as a divine figure."  The Christian response was the nonviolent witness and the willingness to accept martyrdom, as the document recalls.

Modern violent ideologies are the polytheism of today

Femen attack on Altar in Cologne CathedralA fortiori the modern ideologies were bearers "of a growing and worrying lifestyle and behaviors," which are characterized by "spontaneous, immediate and destructive" force. A violence that is self-conscious of their less and less and even "ethically justified" by law and approved. The ideologies, especially the destructive 20th Century, represent, in fact, the new polytheism, in which "the man who is disposed to the good Creator God hostile in his possession" as He "to become a" perverse God "is who misuses his power over his fellow man. From the polytheism of the Nazi double of the "perverse God," is the result of original sin does not bode well for the peaceful coexistence of people can come, as the document notes.

The Goal is the Elimination of God and the Denial of Freedom in the Name of Freedom

The aggression against the Catholic Church and Christians is based on the "prejudice that is typical of the rationalist model, according to which there is also an existential and social level, only one form to affirm the truth: the denial of freedom or the elimination of the opponent. "It derives a target of eliminating God from and sometimes ingratiating, sometimes violent enforcement of atheism, including the consequent denial of freedom.
The removal of God on the basis of a "naturalistic" reason, often combined with a "biological" solution of human freedom. According to this perspective, our brains have only thought of God. A process that is associated with a particular "stage of evolution".

Eliminate Religion as a "Pathology" to Make Room for the "Perverse God"

The religion is therefore a pathology, that must be purged. The future that is formed by the ideologies of humanity, is a future of violence and death. "Today we live in," concludes the document, "a time of persecution" of the Church. This persecution must be borne, in anticipation of the "hoped-for conversion for all." For the patience to endure this tribulation, we are indebted to many brothers and sisters who are already suffering because of their Christian faith. They give the decisive answer to the question of the meaning of Christian mission for all. They are already opening the way with their courage  to a different future in the relationship between religion and violence among people. The document refers to the need, to call upon  the Virgin Mary to intercede in a special way, as she is the indispensable guardian of the new time and its spiritual fruits.
The German translation of the document is currently only available to the introduction. The overall translation is soon to be submitted.
Text: NBQ / Giuseppe Nardi
image: archdiocese of Cologne
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Priest and President of the Rotary Club Rhön Presents a Cheque to a Forbidden Organization

The Fulda professor of Pastoral Theology and Homiletics Dr. Richard Hartmann has in his capacity as President of the Rotary Club Rhön, presented the President of the Regional Group of Donum Vitae, Ms. Hohmann, a check for 3.000, - €, reports Osthessen-News. 
So it is that the elected representative of the Catholic Church has supported a group officially banned by the church.
Heinz Josef Algermissen, Bishop of Fulda, has been a member of Rotary International for a long time.
In the so-called service clubs, including Rotary International is one, there is a strict duty of confidentiality about memberships and internals.
"Under the premise of this secrecy is there not the substantial risk  that an organization insinuates itself in the Church, which has expressly excluded the religious from their program, e.g. the appointment of bishops and the spiritual orientation," asks the Zusammenschluss Papstreuer Vereinigungen.. [Consortium of Associations Loyal to Rome]
Google search shows, incidentally, that many bishops are moved to  cultivate association with Rotary Clubs. The question is asked: who influences whom. Are the Rotarians becoming Catholic, or the bishops Rotarians? 
Text: Linus Schneider
Trans: Tancred

Friday, January 17, 2014

French Education Minister Visits Kindergarten to Tell Boys They Can Be Girls: Man Dumps Tons of Manure in Front of Parliament

French Minister indoctrinate young children in kindergarten with the gender ideology(Paris), France's Minister is going to kindergartens  in order to explain to the boys that they should play with dolls and the girls that they want to play with the beginning of the program of "ABCs of Equality" . This is an attempt to work "against gender stereotypes" in the age group of three to six year old children. Minister of Education Vincent Peillon and women's rights minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem form  the ideological spearhead of the socialist government, who are going to kindergartens to start yet another  new government program.
The fight against "gender stereotypes" is officially underway in France. In order to put  the ideological re-education in effect, it already starts with small children in preschool. The state takes over the education of children and wants to start as soon as possible with a one-sided indoctrination. The program is based on   gender ideology, which states that  the biological sex is not decisive, but the perceived gender. The left-liberal "liberation struggle" will "liberate" man and woman allegedly from  socially "enforced" gender roles.

Book Recommendation: "Father Wearing a Skirt"

The socialist government program aims to "educate for a culture of equality between the sexes" and  "eliminate prejudices and stereotypes that can be the basis for discrimination."
The government has set up a special website to spread among the teachers "appropriate" instructional material for the support of the ideological perspective of the Socialist Party (PS). The largest teachers' union, which belongs to the left trade union cartel, supports the government and recommends that the teaching staff to use books that are "deconstructing gender stereotypes".  For that reason, books are recommended like "I Have Two Dads Who Love Each Other" or "Father Wearing a Skirt".
Minister Peillon (see separate report France: Jewish Education Minister: "We need to replace Catholic Religion by a Republican Religion" ) and Minister Vallaud-Belkacem (see separate report France: Website of the Government for Abortion and Against Pro-Lifers [German]) are both socialists and firmly anchored in the Masonic network  (see report Hollande's "Charter of Laïcité" Identical with Masonic Proposal - Pure Coincidence ). The two Ministers continued their "struggle" in kindergarten on Monday  "against all forms of self-censorship" and continued by holding highly charged ideological speeches to children aged 3-6 years: "both boys and girls can play with toy cars." Or: "Today, there are many women who make war and are therefore called soldiers." Or, "Are they only reserved to be dancing girls? Can a woman be a bricklayer? Can a boy play with dolls?"  Of course, the minister told the children and encouraged them explicitly to do so.

Euthanasia, abortion, divorce

The fight against "gender stereotypes" is not the only ideological battle front of  Francois Hollande's government.On the day after his two ministers marched out for the first time out in a kindergarten ideologically to coerce infants, the President announced a plan to introduce euthanasia. For the next 13 February, the socialist ruling party summoned their senators to discuss for the introduction of a bill for a "dignified death".
The abortion law will again be debated in the French parliament on January 20th. The government also wants to raise the unpunished killing of unborn children to a "human rights like the others."  According to the Estrela Report, which failed two times at the level in the European Parliament, France's Socialists want to continue the way single-handedly.
Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, is the originatress of the famous-infamous Loi Taubira "Marriage pour tous" , in which "gay marriage" was legalized in 2013, according to the journalist and author Sophie Coignard of the female Grand Lodge 'Grande Loge Féminine de France' (GLFF). A year ago Taubira issued instructions to immediately recognize that children born  abroad  to surrogate mothers are French citizens. A first step towards the legalization of surrogacy which is banned in France surrogacy, which is urged by aberrosexualist organizations. The atheist from French Guiana will now impose the quick divorce as well. If a divorce is based on consensus, they will in future be recognized by court clerks with an informal act.

Protest Against Government Policy

"The killing of an unborn child will be reduced to a trivial solution, to which one could have access at any time," said Archbishop André Cardinal Vingt-Trois of Paris, criticizing the new abortion plans of the government. Regarding the express divorce, he said: "This is a serious way to conceal the harmful consequences for society. Because people are acting as if there were no consequences."
Meanwhile   a man unloaded several tons of manure to protest against President Francois Hollande outside Parliament in Paris. On 2 February the civil rights movement Manif pour tous is back on the streets in Paris to protest against government policies.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Catholic Moral Teaching? The German Collision Course Between Bishops and Professors

(Bonn) German moral and pastoral theologians spring to the side of Zollitsch and Marx in their struggle against Catholic moral teaching. In the course of the confrontation of the  German bishops with Rome, the bishops had been defeated. Despite the "wish" of a group of bishops expressed to Pope Francis, not to raise Gerhard Ludwig Müller  Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith to Cardinal, the German Prefect will obtain his biretta on 22  February.
"The church needs to change its stance on sexual morality. The year is 2014 AD.  It's been  years since we entered the third millennium. It's really impossible that Rome still thinks of celibacy and marriage as alternatives that give meaning to life. "In short, old habits are finally halted,  its necessary to turn to the new,  to the moderns, what people want and do anyway.  These and others like them voice  the black and white  opinion of leading representatives of the Association of German Moral Theologians and the Conference of the German-speaking Pastoral Theologians (Use of inclusive language to include women). 
In the first case it is according to its own definition a  congregation of those teaching at German universities and research-and emeritus professors of moral theology. In the second, it includes the same faculty members of the departments of Pastoral Theology from all over German-speaking countries, including the Netherlands.

"Collective Answer" German Moral and Pastoral Theologians Conform in Line with Zollitsch & Marx

"20 moral and pastoral theologians" replied jointly to the Roman questionnaire on the preparatory document of the Synod of Bishops on the topic of family. Involved are moral and pastoral theologians from various universities. emeritus professors of Münster, Mainz, Graz, Benediktbeuren, Tilburg, Dortmund, as well as the promoters of school sex education John Gründel (Munich) and Hans Kramer (Bochum). Among the resources is to be found the Viennese moral theologian Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel , who is married to the director of the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Vienna, Veronika Prüller-Jagenteufel,  as well as Eberhard Schockenhoff of Freiburg in Breisgau, the Jesuit Josef Schuster of St. Georgen. More surprising in this circle is the pastoral theologian and Cistercian Norbert Stigler of the University of Heiligenkreuz [They're supposed to be good...] near Vienna.

Official Statement by SSPX to Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller's Charge of Schism

Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, soon to be a cardinal of the Catholic Church and Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, announced on 22 December 2013 during an interview with the Italian daily Corriere della Sera, in which he claimed that it would a "sacramental de facto excommunication" continues for the SSPX  "due to their schism".
To this false claim, the Society of St. Pius X. clarifies its position:

This statement by Archbishop Müller is nothing new;  it repeats what he already said in October 2012, in the interview that he granted to the German radio network NDR:  “From a pastoral perspective, the door is still open,” while clarifying:  “No compromise is possible on the level of the Catholic faith, in particular as it was correctly formulated by the Second Vatican Council.  Vatican II is not in contradiction with the whole of the Church’s tradition;  strictly speaking it is opposed to certain erroneous interpretations of the Catholic faith.  We cannot negotiate the Catholic faith;  no compromise is possible.”  And he insisted:  “The Society of St Pius X knows the requirements that it must accept.  I think that from now on there will be no new discussions.”  Quite obviously, the Society of St Pius X denies no article of the Creed and professes the entire Catholic faith;  to call this into question is to make a false accusation.  It only opposes all the novelties which have been altering the Catholic faith for the last fifty years.

Austria: More Leaving Church Under Pope Francis Than Under Benedict XVI

(Vienna) in Austria in 2013, there were more than leaving the church than in 2012. Nearly 55,000 Catholics have left the Catholic Church as a corporate body under public law. Thus more Austrians left the Church in the first year of the pontificate of Pope Francis, than in the last year of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. The church leaders wonder about this phenomenon, which they had not expected.
"We would have expected better numbers," said the Bishop of Linz Vicar William Viehböck. Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. there was  relief heard from not a few official church authorities in Austria. The reasons are to be sought in the different understanding of the Church. The election of Pope Francis was greeted with cheers. Since then everything will "different" and "better". But the harsh reality has caught up to the diocese now.

No "Bergoglio Effect" -Church Leaders Puzzle

After the election of the new Pope a "a palpable mood swing" had occurred,  says Viehböck. The "mood" does not seem to be of the desired type. A "mood" seems to be no solid foundation for the Church. At the management level, one tries to maintain optimism and push the "Bergoglio effect" to the next year. Negative events would prove to act  even "faster" than positive, says Vicar Viehböck consolingly.
The increase in leaving the Church does not fit the image. It dampens the alleged "change of mood". By leaving the numbers regularly leaving the Church  seen driven by   progressive church policy   in recent years. The withdrawals were attributed to real and fictitious scandals or  the "conservatives" were blamed. Once the fault was because Bishop Kurt Krenn was appointed Bishop of Sankt Pölten, then the alleged "abuse scandal" of Vienna's Archbishop Cardinal Hans Hermann Gröer or because Pope Benedict XVI. wanted to appoint the "hardliner" Pastor Gerhard Maria Wagner as Auxiliary Bishop of Linz.

Numbers of People Leaving Church Exploited by  Progressive Church Policy

The new figures refute this transparent, but black and white image, thanks to support of the media. In recent years  leaving the church had been interpreted by "appointed" sides as an "outcry" against "the log jam" and "backwardness", yet there is currently a conspicuous silence. Church districts which are faithful have been demanding a fact-based analysis for years.  The individualization and dissolution of Church affiliation will be only be promoted rather than stopped by the progressive agenda with destruction of the liturgy, attenuated evangelization efforts and a staff that is no longer really Catholic, but speak in the name of the Church in public.
The increase in withdrawals is 4.8 percent. The percentage of Catholics in Austria's population has thus declined   to a record low. From a Church perspective an exit from the Church is not possible. Through a serious act that violates church doctrine and order, believers can suffer excommunication and therefore the exclusion from the ecclesial community. [Especially if they don't want to support the Liberal Tax-Church regime with its poorly managed healthcare facilities, liturgical abuses and shoddy catechesis.] This need not be explicitly imposed, but occurs automatically upon the act.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Catholic Church in Austria
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Did German Bishops Recently Attempt to Prevent Müller's Appointment as Cardinal? German Press Calls him the "New Ottaviani"

One or more German bishops may have until recently tried to sway Francis' sentiment against the appointment of Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller as cardinal, reports the "Passau Neue Presse"

Vatican ( According to the "Passau Neue Presse" one or more German bishops had last attempted to sway Francis' sentiment against appointing the CDF Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller a cardinal. The "Passau Neue Presse" relies for this proposition on "information from Church circles". Pope Francis had overruled these objections against Archbishop Müller. The elevation to cardinal should, therefore, be taken as a direction decision of the Pope.

The Pope is supposed to have been presented two newspaper publications in which Müller was evaluated rather negatively. On the one hand this was an article in the weekly newspaper "Die Zeit", in which the Archbishop has been called "the most stubborn adversary" of Pope Francis. On the other hand, a contribution by Hans Küng in the "Passau Neue Presse", in which Müller was referred to as a "new Cardinal Ottaviani," who feels called to, "impose his conservative opinion of the faith on the Pope, the Council and to the whole Church."

Link to

True Story: Bishop Threatens Priest Who Exposes Aberrosexual Colleagues

Edit: in the following Voris thing, there are no names mentioned, although some are alluded to.   One thing is for sure, it's the diocese where no virtue goes unpunished.  It sounds all-too-familiar.

Prayer Vigil in Papal Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore for Immemorial Mass of All Ages

The Virgin Mary, Salus Populi Romani
(Rome) Following the deletion of the monthly Mass in the Old Rite in the Patriarchal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore  the Roman Coetus Summorum Pontificum, which is located at the papal basilica, is calling a prayer vigil.The Coetus  has already turned with an appeal to Pope Francis,  to reinstate the celebration in the traditional rite of the Roman Church. This concern also applies to the prayer vigil on the 25th of January at 4 O'clock in the basilica before the miraculous image of Our Lady with the Child Jesus, Salus Populi Romani .
The faithful reaffirm not wanting to interfere in the internal affairs of religious communities and institutions. However, they are complaining of unjustified "censorship" of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and the baseless "closure" and "oppression" of Mass locations for traditional Catholics (see separate report Santa Maria Maggiore: Mass Abolished in the Old Rite - Call of the faithful to the Pope ).
They complain in particular that the souls whose salvation and rescue is the supreme task of the "holy hierarchy and at its head, the Sumus Pontifex",  who are being deprived of the necessary grace of the wellspring that nourishes them spiritually even since the foundation of the Holy Church, through Jesus Christ,  which was continuously available to the faithful and by the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum which Pope Benedict XVI reconfirmed in 2007.

Ghettoisation of  Traditional Faithful Contradicts the Papal Claim

The abolition of the Holy Mass in the Old Rite celebrated regularly for the last fourteen years and in association with the veneration of Mary at the Papal Basilica, says the Coetus,  contradicts the "benevolence" that has come the groups of the tradition through the reigning Pope's blessing  last autumn for the Second International Pilgrimage of  Tradition  that had gathered at the tomb of the Apostle Peter  in the Vatican Basilica. "Thus are  the faithful to tradition  to be sent into the ghetto, if not despised and rejected outright" said Coetus in its appeal.
This is also contrary to the message of "understanding and inclusion", that Pope Francis has made the basis of his pastoral care. "It seems incredible that  'Admission' is to be given to all except those who love the Church and the Pope, and are loyal to and represent nothing more than the Catholic faith like the Holy Church has always taught."

Appeal to Pope Francis and Prayer Vigil for Abolished Mass Locations  in the Old Rite

"For this reason we have asked the Holy Father for his intervention and to organize in anticipation of his actions on Saturday, a prayer vigil  on 25 January 4 O'clock  with rosary for the grace that the celebration in the Old Rite is restored through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Salus Populi Romani, at this church and the restoration of the now abolished Mass locations (Which were abolished to the great detriment of the faithful) ."
 Coetus turns with this invitation to "all Catholics of good will".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Trans: Tancred

The Combat of an Exorcist Today -- What the Devil Must Disclose

(Rome) An exorcist is at the forefront in the fight against the devil. One of them is Father Francesco Bamonte. He is an exorcist of the diocese of the Pope. "A typical behavior of the devil during the exorcism is to often talk about destruction and annihilation. All that is beautiful, good, healthy, pure, harmonious is mocked and threatened with extinction and destruction," says the exorcist. Particularly striking was the hatred of the devil against the sacrament of marriage, family ties and affection. "He reacts very violently when one blesses the marriage of two married people or if they are invited to renew their wedding vows," says Father Bamonte. 
Francesco Bamonte belongs to the young Order of the Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at (ICMS) founded in 1991. The Cordis Mariae immaculati Servi are an Order of diocesan right. Born in 1960, Father Bamote was ordained a priest in 1990. Since 2012 he has been Chairman of the Italian Association of Exorcists . 
Immediately after his ordination to the Order, he turned to especially the Sacrament of Penance and in this regard to help  the victims of occult practices. In 1997 he became a member of the International Association of Exorcists. Since 2005 he is a lecturer at the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University in Rome, where he directs the course on Exorcism and Deliverance PrayerAt the request of the bishops of various Italian and foreign dioceses, he instructs seminarians on the subject of occultism and exorcism and their consequent pastoral issues. He also supports priests who are appointed as exorcists in their diocese by the bishop. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

The New Cardinals: Whom Pope Francis Desired, Whom Not

(Vatican) At the end of the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis announced the names of the new cardinals earlier than expected, that on 22 February he will raise cardinals during his first extraordinary conistoriums of  his pontificate. There will be 19 new cardinals, 16 of which will be eligible to vote in a conclave and thus are under 80 . What can be read out of the appointments? In which direction is the  Argentine Pope aiming?

No More "Automatic" Cardinals 

The appointments follow largely what had already predicted (see separate report , The New Cardinals by Pope Francis - Essay on  Topography ). The list of newly appointed cardinals shows that Pope Francis does not intend to observe the Archbishop seats  that are connected from ancient times to the dignity of Cardinal. At least not those of the so-called First World. The Pope makes his decisions as he wants, as as an autocratic ruler. So in engaging the Petrine ministry he shall serve it more extensively than his predecessors, especially Pope Benedict XVI. The certainty with which the  archbishops had previously automatically counted on the dignity of cardinal, no longer exists. This will affect especially Italy, the USA and Belgium this time. Among those unrecognized is the Archbishop of Turin, Monsignor Cesare Nosiglia. Italy will no longer have in future eight resident cardinals   in the conclave. This does not mean that it might not happen to the archbishop of Lyon, Vienna, Munich or Barcelona tomorrow.

South Axis

Second, the pope is moving the axis in the direction of the church senate to the southern hemisphere. He has taken the first step,   should he maintain the cut, the next conclave will be much of Latin America, Africa and Asia. Those not  considered  included the Eastern Churches united with Rome, especially the martyred churches of the Middle East, but also the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Direction of decision: for the  Ratzingerianer Sanctioned Moraglia (Venice) and Leonard (Brussels)

Third,  the first appointment round shows a directional decision. Pope Francis is continuing his distance towards the understanding of the Church Benedict XVI.. What the German theologian Pope accomplished against fierce opposition, the renewal of the Catholic Church by returning to the essentials, especially in the liturgy, the two thousand years of tradition, and the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council away from decomposing experiments and destructive fractures towards a recovery of the continuity, the new Pope wants to cancel possible. After restructuring the staff  of the Roman Curia, which is still in progress, the Ratzingerianers have also been significantly excluded in the cardinal appointments. This refers to those church leaders who were close in a special way to the predecessor Pope in representing his line. This is especially true for the Patriarch Francesco Moraglia of Venice and Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard of Mechelen-Brussels. Especially in Belgium, where the church is suffering from the sustained bombardment by radical opponents of the Church, and Archbishop Leonard has already had to endure numerous scandalous attacks against his person, including two Femen attacks, this recognition would have been a signal of his  support and assistance in the Cardinal's stand. Pope Francis has since appointed  the less exposed Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster as cardinal, who had been recently reprimanded for the toleration of "homo-Mass" by the Congregation, speaks against Archbishop Leonard not for the fact that he heads a European diocese, but his "conservative" disposition.

The "Protégé" and the Church Policy of Francis

It has already been speculated that the Pope could use the cardinal surveys to also drive Italian church policy, though he had just explained the withdrawal of the Pope from the Catholic Bishops' Conference applied to his program. While traditional seats like the Archbishop of Turin and Venice in particular came up empty-handed, the one because he is Italian, the other because he belongs to the Italians and in the wrong direction, an Italian bishop was raised to cardinal, heading no "cardinalatial" diocese. Archbishop Gualtiero Bassetti of Perugia is Vice-President of the Italian Bishops' Conference for Central Italy and is considered a "protégé" of the Pope. Although Pope Francis suggested to waive his prerogative to appoint the chairman and the secretary of the Italian Episcopal Conference, he appointed recently not only a new secretary, but did it against any practice in complete isolation. He appointed Archbishop Bassetti,  a member of the Congregation for Bishops, and his elevation to the cardinal  state nowadays suggests that he soon wants to replace the current President of the Italian Bishops' Conference  appointed by  Benedict XVI., Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco by Bassetti. 
Archbishop Bassetti took part in a 2011 liturgy by the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest in a celebration of Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, in which two sisters of the Institute took their  perpetual vows with his blessing. In the same year he celebrated Holy Sacrifice of the Mass itself in the Old Latin in Perugia, where the Franciscans of the Immaculate assisted him at the altar.
The same as in Italy with the affront Patriarch Moraglia and the appointment of Archbishop Massetti happened in the Philippines. Instead appointing  Archbishop Jose S. Palma vo Cebu to  the chief shepherd of the largest Archdiocese and Chairman of the Philippine Bishops' Conference of the Catholic-rich island nation, Pope Francis chose the Pastor of a subordinated Archdiocese, which has never been connected to the dignity of Cardinal.
With Bishop Chibly Langlois from the Caribbean island of Haiti we find a purple bearer who doesn't even possess an archbishopric.

Monsignor Capovilla and the Signal-like Award for the Council

Among the three "personally" appointed cardinals,  priests and theologians  who have already completed their 80th year of life and are no longer eligible to vote in the conclave, falls on mainly to the 98 year old Archbishop Loris Francesco Capovilla, the talkative former personal secretary of Pope John XXIII. Pope Francis had asked him only a month after his election to Rome to meet with him. In addition to the out of protocol canonization of Pope John XXIII. is this another award for the Second Vatican Council? Emeritus Archbishop of Pamplona, ​​Monsignor Fernando Sebastián Aguilar CMF, however, is the Pope's person of trust with regard to the Church in Spain.

The List of New Cardinals

Roman Curia
  • Pietro Parolin, Titular Archbishop of Acquapendente, Secretary of State
  • Lorenzo Baldisseri, Titular Archbishop Diocletiana, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops
  • Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Archbishop, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith
  • Beniamino Stella, Titular Archbishop of Midila, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy
Resident cardinals
  • Europe
  • Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster (United Kingdom)
  • Gualtiero Bassetti, Archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve (Italy)
  • North America
  • Gérald Cyprien Lacroix Archbishop of Québec (Canada)
  • Latin America
  • Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano, Archbishop of Managua (Nicaragua)
  • Orani João Tempesta OCIS, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
  • Mario Aurelio Poli, Archbishop of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • Ricardo Ezzati Andrello SDB, Archbishop of Santiago del Cile (Chile)
  • Chibly Langlois, Bishop of Les Cayes (Haiti)
  • Africa
  • Jean-Pierre Kutwa, Archbishop of Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
  • Philippe Ouedraogo Nakellentuba, Archbishop of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
  • Asia
  • Andrew Yeom Soo Young, Archbishop of Seoul (Korea)
  • Orlando B. Quevedo, OMI, Archbishop of Cotabato (Philippines)

The Pope, not easily forget

  As expected,  the French Dominican Jean-Louis Bruguès who had fallen from grace with Pope Francis. The Pope from Argentina has already dismissed him from the Congregation of Education and sent him to the post of Librarian and Archivist of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Father Bruguès had opposed the appointment of Victor Manuel Fernandez as the Rector of the Catholic University of Buenos Aires. But the then  then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, wanted him to have this post. Fernandez is considered a special faithful companion of the current Pope and his speechwriter. Pope Francis does not forget so easily.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Anonymous Attacks Website of Madrid

You can read phrases like "not submissive and devout. I love free, cute and crazy" and it includes all kinds of videos and satirical images.

Edit: this just in from David with some google translating and editing to augment our rudimentary Spanish.

[Madrid] A series of emails sent this morning to very first time that include your email address in the word 'debian', an operating system and a distribution of free software widely used by computer 'hackers' known in Internet parlance as 'hackerese', warned that the web site of the Archdiocese of Granada had just been 'hacked'.

A page is 'hacked' when hackers manage to bypass all security checks and write what they see fit and remove the content provided.

This computer attack is claimed by #Anonymous, a movement to engage and counter, in his own words, certain behaviors of governments, administrations, or in this case, the Archdiocese of Granada.

In the case of Granada, and the publication of the book archifamoso criticizes entitled 'Marry and be Submissive' [ ‘Cásate y sé sumisa’]. "Although they currently still have not managed to compromise the homepage, they have done so in several sub-navigation menus. For example, they have posted a video entitled 'Compulsory Motherhood', the author is known as Fulminant Red.

There are also several satirical images in which the Archbishop of Granada is ridiculed in his greeting of parishioners. And in other menus # Anonymous salutes invites you to record that you have entered 'into the kitchen' from the website of the Archdiocese of Granada.

Link to ...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Neo-Nazi Antifa Claim Responsibility for Burning Churches: Freiburg Prosecutor Can't be Bothered

Antifa gloat about burning churches and targeting their organs, which are often made from irreplaceable parts, a tremendous cultural loss, not to mention the works of art contained within the churches themselves.

I can't even round up the usual suspects on
this one.

Freiburg ( / idea)  With undisguised sympathy, the radical leftist group "Autonome Antifa Freiburg" reported arson attacks on churches in South Baden. On their website it says: "In Eimeldingen (in Lörrach) there was a fire on 26 November where the organ completely destroyed without the flaming rascal getting caught. In Uhlingen, birch village (near Waldshut) a sympathetic arsonist caused tremendous damage to the organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Margaret. " These crimes have been designated by the Antifa as "blessed acts" and were "in the spirit of Pope John XXIII", who once said: "Tradition means: guard the fire, do not keep the ashes." The police have received several references to the glorification of crime, said a spokesman for the Freiburg Prosecutor on request of the Protestant news agency idea.

It is being investigated whether they could bring criminal proceedings against the authors. "Tasteless publication" is still not a criminal offense. Similar reports had already been spread by the "Antifa". Two years ago, the prosecutor had come to the view that it constitutes "a tasteless publication," which, however, is "not criminally relevant". There was no request for a specific identifiable offense. The mention of institutions such as "the Church" or church buildings is not sufficient as a criminal offense.[What if they'd said Mosque or Jewish Schul?]

Moreover, it was not possible to determine the unknown author of the publication. According to police reports, the page is of an autonomous Antifa originating from an Icelandic company was made ​​available. A request for mutual legal assistance the prosecutor appears to be hopeless. Just because the "antifa" appears to have used a Freiburger info store as a contact, does not mean that this is responsible for the content of the message, said the Prosecutor's office.

Edit:  Well, it's a good thing they're not burning Synagogues and Mosques! Some will remember that Federal authorities were moving heaven and earth to find the identity of those responsible for, after the German speaking world's #1 Catholic website ridiculed an aberrosexual entertainer after he died.

Link to kathnet...

Photo still stolen from....


Cardinal Appointments in Latin America Predominate. None from United States

Take that Gringos!
Edit: Only one Cardinal from Africa?  There are new "American" Cardinals, just not from the United States. The CV of Archbishop Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano should be interesting, and no hat for the Belgian Primate, André-Joseph Léonard, a steadfast witness to Catholic teaching and therefore a persistent target for leftist activists.

16 Voting Cardinals:

1 – Abp. Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State.
2 – Abp. Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary of the Synod of Bishops.
3 – Abp. Gerhard Ludwig Műller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
4 – Abp. Beniamino Stella, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy
5 – Abp. Vincent Gerard Nichols, Westminster (England and Wales).
6 – Abp. Leopoldo José Brenes Solórzano, Managua (Nicaragua).
7 – Abp. Gérald Cyprien Lacroix, Québec (Canada).
8 – Abp. Jean-Pierre Kutwa, Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire).
9 – Abp. Orani João Tempesta, O.Cist., Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
10 – Abp. Gualtiero Bassetti, Perugia-Città della Pieve (Italy).
11 – Abp. Mario Aurelio Poli, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
12 – Abp. Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, Seoul (Korea).
13 – Abp. Ricardo Ezzati Andrello, S.D.B., Santiago de Chile.
14 – Abp. Philippe Nakellentuba Ouédraogo, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).[Africa]
15 – Abp. Orlando B. Quevedo, O.M.I., Cotabato (Philippines).
16 – Bp. Chibly Langlois, Les Cayes (Haiti).

Cardinals over 80:

1 – Abp. Loris Francesco Capovilla, Titular of Mesembria (former secretary to John XXII). 2 – Abp. Fernando Sebastián Aguilar, C.M.F., Emeritus of Pamplona (Spain). 3 – Abp. Kelvin Edward Felix, Emeritus of Castries (St. Lucia)

List borrowed from Southern Orders...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Franciscans of the Immaculate Require "Permit" to Say Mass: Life Under the Commissar

(Rome) "It takes a permit." A letter from a Franciscan of the Immaculate describes the life  subject to approval, that the brothers have to lead,  since they were placed under provisional administration.
In 1990,  the Order was   recognized  at the diocesan level and 1998  by Rome, the Orden internally moved from the Old Rite  under Pope Benedict XVI. f  to the Old Rite and  for  pastoral care it was specified by the Pope as bi-ritual, since 11 July 2013 it has been under provisional administration by the Congregation of Religious. Acting Administrator is the Capuchin Father, Fidenzio Volpi, "a skilled and proven man of power (who  is known to move  between the internal equilibria of the Superior Conference of Male Religious Communities of  Italy - CISM ), with mephistophelian smile and biting repartee, "  said Messa in Latino .

"We Are no Longer  Able to Print and Disseminate Our Own Books"

 The Franciscan of the Immaculate Conception described in his letter that he passed by   the office of Order internal publishing,  Casa Mariana, in Frigento recently. "My heart beat. I felt in me an unusual emptiness and dismay at the thought that we can no longer write for our own publishing house, and are not even allowed to distribute the books of our own publishing company in our convents.
I look at the house. In there are our books. Many of them we have written, and much more contributions to our religious journals: Fides Catholica , Annales Franciscani , Immculata Mediatrix ... Many books have been translated by us from  Latin, others we have from Italian, the language most used in the order, translated into other languages. 

That  is our life inside, years of study, sweat and sacrifice. The Apostolic Commissioner has ruled that we are no longer authorized to use them. What sin do they represent?

"But it Needs a Permit"

I took courage and rang the bell at the door. A sister opens and I ask her about the new liturgical calendar of the Order, because we didn't have one in the monastery. 
"I can not give you one Father, you know that it requires a permit," replied my sister, kind and understanding. 
What could be sinful about a liturgical calendar? 
"But it needs a permit." 
Exactly the permit. 
"From the Apostolic Commissioner of course!"

"Our Life is Made by Applications, Special Permits'"

Since we have been under provisional administration,  our life is governed by applications for "special permits" to the Commissioner. You are to provide  a copy in writing  and are granted permission only by expressed personal validation .
A permit is needed to use the books of the Order from the Order's  own publishing house and be able to impart them. Any "public dissemination" is prohibited. 
 A  permit is required to celebrate the Holy Mass in the traditional Rite. 
 A permit is required to use the Roman Ritual for the Old Rite. 
 A permit is required for the Liturgy of the Hours to celebrate it in the Vetus Ordo. 
A  permit is required to celebrate the Holy Mass with the Sisters of the Order, for both the Old and the New Rite. 
A permit is required to conduct a meeting of the lay community of the Order or of the Third Order. 
A permit is required  to carry out a "Day for Maria" (a day of prayer, which is performed by the Order on pilgrimage or in parish churches and is open to all). 
A  permit is required to visit our Founder. It is strongly advised not to make such a request at all, which is actually not approved anyway. 
A permit is required for any initiative in the Order. "
Even more permits are needed of the founders of religious orders: 
"Our Founder even needs explicit permission to be treated at the hospital. He needs an explicit authorization in order to move from one convent to another. He was blamed on the official website of the Order publicly for the fact that he had at first dared to visit the convent of Teramo. In reality, the Apostolic Commissioner had even given the permission to do so." A grueling guerrilla war.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: A Catholic Life / Phatmass
Trans: Tancred

Friday, January 10, 2014

Priest Announces Violation of His Vows on German Television and Acknowledges Daughter

A Celibacy Breaking Careerist Senses a Change in the Winds?

 Oberhaid / Ludwigsburg (Catholic news / CBA). Stefan Hartmann (59), a Catholic priest since 2001 in the Franconian Oberhaid wants to publicly confess on Friday to his 19-year-old daughter. The SWR announces on its website and refers to the talk show "Nachtcafe" at 10pm. As a guest of the program Hartmann wanted to report that "he is infinitely happy about his great daughter-friend and proud of her." The doctoral theologian additionally says of the SWR announcement that he had denied his child for years in order not to risk his Church career. "The long silence was cowardly and nothing good came of it," the priest is quoted as saying. Today, he serves the Church still, but confesses to openly living a lie, for which he begs your pardon. He was encouraged to go public by Pope Francis, says Hartmann. In addition, he was making an objective discussion of the obligation to celibacy for diocesan priests. The Pope did not want go into the solitude of the Apostolic Palace, "which can easily be as hard as the loneliness of rectories, which are often too large," says the priest. The priest emphasized that he wouldn't want to call into question the meaning of the celibate life of many priests and religious. The administration of the Archdiocese of Bamberg has been informed about the situation of the priest, said press office on request. Disciplinary consequences are not being considered at this point. Hartmann was born in Oberhausen in 1954. After studying psychology, philosophy and theology, he was ordained in 1982 in Trier, Germany. He has also served as a spa and hospital chaplain in Bad Säckingen and as university chaplain at the Catholic University Community in Vienna. Since September 2001 he has been active in the Archdiocese of Bamberg.

 Source: © CBA. All rights reservedPhoto: Roman collar - Source: Kath News

Thursday, January 9, 2014

As 800th Anniversary of the Founding of the Dominicans Nears, Birthplace of Thomism is Closed

Empty Halls of the Dominicans
(Rome) The Dominican Order is one of the most glorious orders of the Catholic Church.  Officially recognized as a religious order in 1215, its members devoted themselves to living in poverty as preachers of the Community of Saint Dominic to combat the Cathar heresy and for the conversion of the Cathars. Just before the Order could celebrate its 800th anniversary, one monastery after another must be closed due to shortage of young workers.  Including traditional-worthy  houses in Graz, Florence, and in Friesach the oldest monastery in the German-speaking areas and in Naples even the monastery of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
The monastery in Graz, Austria has been abandoned after 547 years. The history of the monastery was as changeable as the times. Founded in 1466, a move took place in the 16th Century. The oldest Dominican Church is an urban parish church today. The new monastery was lost in the "Cloister Storm" of the Enlightenment and was expropriated in 1807 by the Emperor. The former Dominican monastery now houses a convention center whose premises can be rented. The Dominicans then were referred to a third location in the city and took over the also abolished Augustinian Hermitage at Münzgraben. In 1832 they had to hand it over to the Jesuits, but were able to return in 1857. In 2012  the decision of the South German-Austrian Province of the Order of St. Albert, was made to dissolve the monastery and in the summer of 2013 it was abandoned.

Oldest Dominican Convent in the German Area Only "Pastoral Station"

The oldest Dominican monastery in the German-speaking world, the monastery in Carinthia Friesach,  was founded in 1216 just one year after the order was recognized, has been dissolved in 2010 by the Province of the Order. Friesach still exists as a Dominican pastoral station. In Austria there is thus nothing more than one Dominican monastery, the one in Vienna. In the Province of Southern Germany-Austria also gives you some monastery convents in Freiburg im Breisgau, Munich and Augsburg.
The prestigious convent of Naples was closed. San Domenico Maggior has been  a spiritual center of scholasticism since 1302. St. Thomas Aquinas took the Dominican habit at the age of 19 there in Naples. In this monastery he wrote a large part of his Summa contra Gentiles in 1259, founded a general study in 1272  which is  what we now know as the Faculty of Theology, and in 1274 wrote the third part of the Summa Theologiae.  The  great saint lived till 1274 in the convent of Naples, when he set out for the Council of Lyons. He could not come back because he died on the voyage.
His theology remained in the monastery  and developed from there a positive effect on the church. The Second Vatican Council strongly recommends the Saints as  teachers ( Optatam Totius, No. 16 ) and to follow the footsteps of the Holy ( Gravissimum educationis, No. 10 ). Church law especially recommends following "the doctrine of St. Thomas" to follow (for the formation of clergy Can. 251.3 ).

Monastery of Saint Thomas Aquinas Will be Closed Down - Not an Isolated Case

But now to the monastery where St. Thomas entered, had been formed,  lived and worked, will be abandoned. A similar decision was taken by the provincial chapter of the Order. The monastery church of San Domenico Maggiore, in the historic center is one of the main churches of Naples. The graves of leaders over 800 years are in it. Many artists such as Titian and Caravaggio have designed their interiors. The Monastery was for centuries the seat of the Province of the Order Regni utriusque Siciliae that covered all of Southern Italy and Sicily, equipped with a Faculty of Theology and a rich library. In this monastery renowned theological and philosophical journals were published. It was only 23 years ago that was Philosophical Institute St. Thomas Aquinas was established. "The fact that after 800 years, this center with such a heritage is put to quite an unspectacular  end, is something incredible in itself," says Mauro Faverzani of Corrispondenza Romana .
"A tragic incident, but not an isolated case," said Faverzani. Almost at the same time, the closure of the monastery of San Marco in Florence, it was decided by another Dominican Province, where the Order had been since 1436. Another center of asceticism, of art, of intellectual debate, which housed the co-patron of the St. Antoninus of Florence, as well as Maxim the Greek, whom the Orthodox venerate as a saints, but also Savonarola, Cosimo de 'Medici, Pico della Mirandola and the St. Philip Neri. Part of the monastery, the first renowned library of modern times, which was opened to the public in general, as an apothecary of European importance. Now this monastery is also dissolved, although only recently extensive and costly renovations were performed. The Provincial Government is of the opinion that two convents in Florence (the other is located at the Church of Santa Maria Novella), is a "luxury". However, an abandoned site is to be managed by the future surviving pastoral location. Reference is made to the lack of friars.
In Rome there are also two convents in two monasteries, which are close together, both are only a few brothers. Nevertheless, it holds by the Rule on both, addressed by Fratres ibique habitualiter degentes   (Constitutions No. 260.1).

On "Spirit of the Council" Follows "Bureaucratic Spirit" - Serious   Research Isn't Undertaken

"In order to justify what is unjustifiable,   bureaucratic thinking has also entered into the spiritual realm," said Corrispondenza Romana . In the interviews given by Dominicans in Florence, therefore, is much talk of "reorganization", "rationalization", "redeployment of resources" as they give to themselves  a business mentality. Believers have now directed an appeal to the General Master of the Order, to take back "the legitimate, but spiritually and culturally deadly decision." The General Master will soon visit all three Italian Dominican Provinces.
The Dominican Order was not only the first order, which powerfully inhaled the "spirit of the Council", but also to the first order, but is among the first that spread this "spirit" abroad with enthusiasm. Leading representatives of the Nouvelle Theology came from the Order of Preachers. Declining vocations, empty seminaries and now the shutting down of the monasteries shows how lethal the "Spirit of the Council" is.

Way Out of Crisis is about Return to the Charism of the Founder

The progressive stream carried by the "Spirit of the Council"  in the Church responded to the crisis "both structurally" with the dissolution of cloisters and the closure of the monasteries. A root cause analysis, as to how it could come to such a disastrous development  within 50 years, has not been accomplished . Thus, a serious search is bypassed for a remedy. There are Dominican forces, which show that there is another way and a return to the charism of the Founder is not only possible, but also represents the way out of the crisis. They are isolated in Europe, but stronger in parts of North America.
Text: CR / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred