Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mind Bending Psycho-Confessionals: Jesuits Introduce Lay Psychologists to Confessionals in Linz

In Hitler's "hometown"  the modernist faction introductes an un-Catholic approach to Confession.
Waiting for the first victims: Pastoral shrinks in the confessional of the old Cathedral in Linz - whether they both play the role of the priest is not apparent [screen capture Kirchenzeitung Linz]


Despite  the desperation for  novelty,  Linz  remains the same: one just wants to suck up to the large heap of the consumers of Church contributions who have  little faith and make the Catholic faith unstable. Nevertheless, the reasons for the countless innovations (to innovations, etc.) are proven futile.
In a report  by "Linzer Church Newspaper" the designated secular newspaper of the Diocese of Linz says:
"In the new confessional in the old Cathedral   there aren't only priests are there to talk to  ... for consultation. There is also a psychologist inside offering advice."

The Psycho-Confessional

In the future, a person can not only chat with the priest in the so-called "confessional" of the old cathedral in Linz, but shrinks dig into the depths of souls there as well, if one  becomes consumed by earthly fears and desires. The existence of the soul in eternity would not be in the foreground of this modernist caricature.

The Jesuits Once Carried the Faith 

Under Emperor Ferdinand II, the Jesuits were still mainly a guarantee of the strengthening of the Catholic Faith, model vehicles of the beneficent Counter-Reformation in the inner-Austrian lands.
This has changed fundamentally: Large parts of the Jesuit Order have now the prescribed the neo-Protestant Zeitgeist "church"  and are the bearers of the Modernist movement within the Church.

The Modernist-Jesuits Mock the Sacrament of Confession

"If the sacrament of reconciliation is  to have a future, it needs new spaces and new forms," ​​said the European plain clothes Jesuit of the Old Cathedral in Linz, Fr. P. Michael Messner, whose psycho-confessional doesn't even include a minibar stocked with alcohol.
Also the obligatory couch, on which a patient can make himself comfortable  has been omitted. Despite or  really because of these innovations  the penitent can be hastened down the path to damnation more freely.

Uselessness of Plain Clothes Jesuits

These new forms of the "sacrament of reconciliation" apparently mean that  the priest is forced out of the confessional and a sunshine psychologist gives his two cents where he does not belong.
The priest's role, who for good reasons is subject to the Sacrament of Penance for the forgiveness of (repented) sins, will be laicized and  a signal for the uselessness of the clergy is established.
That God is degraded in psychology to the creation of the mortal soul, is probably the main reason why the shrink may give their two cents in the confessional in Linz.

"Psychologists are the Disease, 
 Whose Cure They Conceal"

These changes are  the expression of boundless hubris, which exactly causes  apostasy, which one then tries to cure with  still more innovations and waste.
This innovation always has  one thing in common: the believers (in this case, the confessional clients) would be removed from the influence of the heavenly.
Despite desperate attempts at innovation in the Tax Church in the land of Austria, everything remains the same: Faith "in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth" is not renewed, but is significantly flattened.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Archaeologists Discover 1,000 Year Old Pilgrimage Route in Ireland

On the small island of Ireland Caher, a traditional pilgrimage is held every 15 August,  but there are more finds.

 Dublin ( / CBA) on the Irish Atlantic island of Caher archeologists have discovered a 1000-year-old pilgrimage route. According to a report in the "Irish Times" (Tuesday), the curved line is marked on the southern and western edge of the island by a series of stone altars. This was identified by archival material, aerial photography and excavations, says archaeologist Michael Gibbons.

The small island (about 600 x 1200 meters) is located eight kilometers off the west coast of Ireland, is uninhabited and is called in Irish "City of Saints" (Cathair na Naomh). Each year numerous people traditionally flock on 15 August for the Feast of the Assumption on the sea route to Caher. The newly discovered route includes an additional tour on the island.

Caher has an early monastery with the ruins of a chapel and a hermitage from the seventh century and a sacred fountain in the north of the island. The island belongs, according to Gibbons, to the "most valuable" places of Ireland. It has remained largely "unaffected" by conservators.

(C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) / ~ kilgeever / caher.htm

Prefect Gerhard Ludwig Müller Rejects More Power for Bishops' Conferences

The President of a Bishops' Conference is no Vice Pope.

Vatican (Catholic news / CF / The prefect of the Vatican congregation, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, has turned strongly against decentralizing the Church on the level of the national bishop conferences. "The Catholic Church is made up of local churches, but it is one," said the Prefect for the Italian daily newspaper "Corriere della sera": "There are no 'national' churches." - The Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences are "coordinators, not vice-popes" stressed the Vatican defender of the Faith. While the papacy and the office of bishop have "divine right", the Patriarchs and Bishops' Conferences to facilities work according to "human rights". Of course, these conferences also have doctrinal authority in certain areas, for instance when preparing local catechisms, liturgical books or the management of universities and Catholic schools: "The Pope can not know everything that happens in the individual countries," said Archbishop Müller. One must "find a practical balance." Pope Francis had recently announced in his letter "Evangelii Gaudium" considering more powers for national Bishops' Conferences. '

Photo: Archbishop Müller - image source: M. citizens,

  Link to

Friday, December 27, 2013

Baroque Pilgrimage Church on the Santiago de la Compostela Struck by Lightning and Burnt to the Ground

Edit: here's a paraphrase of the burning of a pilgrimage church in the town of Muxía in the provnice of A Coruña, called "Nosa Senora de Barca". The town was earlier destroyed by the rampaging of Napoleon.

A fire reported Wednesday has left  the shrine to the Virgin of da Barca, Muxia, La Coruna almost completely destroyed, which has burned the roof and the interior and  damaged stones with which it was built. The flames began, according to early indications, due to a lightning strike on a transformer next to the church, which caught fire and the fire passed through the wires to the sacristy.
The 112 (911) received notice at 8:30 am this Christmas day. The fire brigade said there was fire in the sanctuary, an emblematic place of worship and pilgrimage in the Costa da Morte.

The area firefighters and effective voluntary groups in the area,  worked until 1pm to extinguish the flames, which were fanned by strong winds blowing in Muxia, and to the recover some figures and religious objects inside the church, which were damaged. "There would have been no human way to stop the fire. It was physically impossible," said the mayor of Muxia, Felix Porto to Cadena SER. Councilman making a statement about the "unrecoverable" the shrine.
Firefighters explained that the shrine has been "almost completely" burned and now the main risk is the collapse of part of the structure. They  stone walls and dome remains standing, but its structure is badly damaged and in danger of collapse.
The church's interior is completely burned and the central altarpiece has disappeared from the effect of fire. The side altars have been burned, though not in their entirety, and the only things saved from the flames were the pews or confessional areas of lesser cultural value.
The wind blowing in the area caused the fire would spread quickly and left the church almost completely engulfed in flames. The site has been handed to Heritage Technicians to assess the damage and the Judicial Police, in order to investigate the origin of the fire.
The shrine to the Virgin of da Barca is influenced by Baroque classicism.  The first surviving written document from it is dated from the year 1544. The chapel was rebuilt several times, until the early eighteenth century, in 1719 to  the present. Its austerity and simplicity is broken by the rich ornamentation of its altarpieces. The altarpiece, 1717, is the work of artist Miguel de Compostela Romay, Baroque and is dedicated to the Virgen de la Barca.

Link to El Pais....

Sad Christmas for Franciscans of the Immaculate -- Three More Mass Locations Closed Down Just Before Christmas

(Rome) The joy of Christmas 2013 has brought another sad note for the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Shortly before the Solemnity, the Apostolic Commissioner, Father Fidenzio Volpi OFM Cap  has closed up three more branches of the Order. Many Traditional Mass locations in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite were connected to the closings. The  faithful were faced with this fact just before the holidays, that they would be without priests and  Mass locations for Christmas.
Of the convents that were closed, one held two Marian shrines, that of Our Lady della Rovere in San Bartolomeo al Mare on the Italian Riviera and that of Our Lady of Pontelungo in Albenga and at the Church of Saint Leonard of Porto Maurizio in Imperia. The reason used by  the Apostolic Commissioner was that the Franciscans of the Immaculate have a missionary charism, which is why they should also be active in the mission and is displacing the brothers to the Third World countries. The papal commissioner has already directed the closure of other convents and the exile of leading religious representatives (see separate reports After Rebuilding the Desolation Follows - Commissioner Disbands Convents of the Franciscans of the Immaculate on and The Road to Exile - Purge of Franciscans of the Immaculata ).
All three branches and Mass sites were located in the diocese of Albenga-Imperia in Liguria. The diocese is led by Bishop Mario Oliveri, a traditional diocesan bishop, like Bishop Dominique Rey in the nearby French Diocese of Frejus-Toulon on the Cote d'Azur, who promotes the establishment of old and biritual communities and gives them the task of the care of souls.
The closure of the three religious houses by the papal commissioner came after Bishop Oliveri gave permission for the brothers to live in his diocese, also supporting them in continuing to be able to celebrate in the traditional Rite. The Bishop drew particular attention to the pastoral care of the faithful at the three  Mass sites. "Messa in Latino" refers to a "retaliatory action" against the bishop, if he "had dared to defend the Franciscans of the Immaculate."
Bishop Oliveri in 2008 was the world's first diocesan bishop, after the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, of Pope Benedict XVI to celebrate a Pontifical Mass from the throne. Seven Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate took their solemn profession in the Co-Cathedral of Imperia  before the bishop.
"The Commissioner and some brothers collaborating with him, have imposed a climate of intimidation and fear  in the Order," says a Catholic from Albenga in a letter to Libertà e Persona . "In dealing with the Franciscans of the Immaculate itself, there is little sense of 'mercy' and 'justice' and  even less 'brotherly love'. And what can we  ordinary believers do? We pray. But we should also write Pope Francis write personal, because only he can put an end to this destruction of this thriving Order ".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Santuario della Rovere NS / Santuario NS di Pontelungo
Trans: Tancred

Mass for Fourth Week of Advent Replaced by "Feast of Values" in Stuttgart

[Politically Correct] The abolition of best and most beautiful traditions  in Germany sometimes brings forth wondrous flowers. A high school [Gymnasium] in Stuttgart's Bad Cannstatt is celebrating  graduation on 20 December, a "Multicultural Celebration of the Feast of Values" rather than as a conventional Advent Mass. Ironically, the Catholic Church of Our Lady has even  made their church available for this ethical balderdash. Instead of the Mass of the  4th week of  Advent they committed to a celebration under the motto: "The 4th Thread, What Makes us Free?"  The organizer is the Ecumenical Student Council of Religion and Ethics.
According to the invitation letter from the Gottlieb-Daimler school to the parents, which was forwarded to PI, it reads (to enlarge click on the picture, with a brief summary below) :

So it is logically quite enthusiastically against racism and boasted that the almighty Cem Özdemir himself has awarded them the anti-racism plaque: "School without Racism--School with Courage". In general, the school represents itself as very liberal, whether they were to make  a silly short film, a Ju-Jutsu course or a learning tour of Stuttgart against racism. Such invaluable curriculum enrichments, without which the future intellectual elites of our country would not be socially acceptable and certainly not politically correct, are safely inculcated.
We ask ourselves, where is the much sought courage to keep one's own Christian traditions. Why does   no one have the courage to openly confess to rather than replacing Christian tradition by any favored ethical system? Why must everything be mixed in an ideal world mess, instead of showing some integrity?
Headmistress Verena KingGottlieb-Daimler-school
headmistress Verena King
Katowice Straße 8
70374 Stuttgart
Tel: 0711-952830-0
Fax:. 0711-952830-123

There was also a report taken up by Junge Freiheit with some more back ground on this event:

It was an ecumenical festival celebrated to the assembled students on the last school day before Christmas under the motto: "The Four Thread -- What Makes us Free?".

For this event students of Evangelical and Catholic religious instruction groups as well as the ethics class were called upon the make contributions, explained a letter of explanation by the school, which is published above by Politically Incorrect.   The result of these considerations was that the students were desired to present a multicultural religious service in the Catholic church.

The event was organized by members of the Ecumenical Department of Religion and Ethics at the school "where people from 20 different nations come to learn",  it says on the school's internet site.  "We accept no form of racism, antagonism to women or other discrimination.  We are attentive to appropriate speech."  It is unclear why the school had replaced a Christmas Mass with a "Multi-cultural Feast".  The administration has not made a statement available. (FA)
Translation: Tancred

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Researcher: The Influence of Pederasts on the Greens More Significant Than Expected

The so-called City Indians at a Party Meeting of the Green's in
Saarbrucken (1980): The Greens have to come to terms
with their past.  Photo: picture-alliance/Sven Simon

GÖTTINGEN. The Goettingen Institute for the Study of Democracy has submitted an interim report about  the entanglement of the Greens with pedophile circles. The Institute was commissioned to do so by the party. For the Greens it was  "entirely unavoidable  to recall, even though it may be painful and, 'electorally detrimental '"  is the conclusion the 118 page study drew. "The participants were to know exactly what they had actually debated and decided upon and which boundary lines have been left vague or had been consciously exceeded."
Indeed, the Greens were "neither the first nor have they been the only point of contact for pedophile activists", but due to their cultural claims and their organizational structure that the party offered "a special sounding board for the concerns of minorities and marginalized groups".  "Pro-Pedophile forces" had  been thus been capable for several years, "to feed their views and demands in the decision-making process of the country".
Paedophilia was never made it "ever in any way to  the core of the party or party identity development", but "it turned up  at least until the mid-1990s in the debate here and there once more in the party." The Greens can not, therefore, rely "on a particular zeitgeist, to only a few strays and marginal sectarians in their own ranks." The authors cautioned the participants against an "apologetic trivialization of their contributions."  Such are guild before the "victims of sexual abuse". (FA)
Trans: Tancred

Pope Francis' Angelus for 26 December -- St. Stephen and the True Meaning of Christmas: Bethlehem and Golgotha

 Francis: Religious freedom is often not realized in countries as they are guaranteed on paper. Persecution and discrimination: for a testimony. On the civilian level they need to be identified and eliminated.

By Armin Schwibach Rome ( / as) Angelus on the Feast of St. Stephen, Protomartyr. The Bible presents him as "a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit" (cf. Acts 6:5), said Pope Francis in his address before praying the Angelus, who was commissioned and worked with others for the service of the widows and poor of the first community of Jerusalem. Stephen died as Jesus and asked for forgiveness for his murderers (cf. 7.55 to 60).

In the atmosphere of Christmas full of joy, it might seem that this commemoration is somehow out of place, the Pope said. In the optics of faith, however, the feast of St. Stephen is in harmony with the deep meaning of Christmas. In martyrdom, "violence is defeated by love, death by life." The Church sees in the sacrifice of the martyrs their "birth to heaven." So we are celebrating today the "Baby Shower" of Stephen, of the Nativity of Christ which springs from the depths. "Jesus turned the death of those who love him as the dawn of new life."

In the martyrdom of Stephen, the same struggle between good and evil , between hatred and forgiveness, between gentleness and violence, which had its climax on the cross of Christ is represented. Thus the memory of the first martyr dispels the false picture of Christmas: "The fabulous and sweet image that does not exist in the Gospel." Liturgy brings out the real meaning of the Incarnation by connecting Bethlehem with Golgotha ​​and thus it recalls that the divine healing is encompassed in the fight against sin and goes through the narrow door of the Cross: "This is the way Jesus has clearly shown his disciples, how the gospel is testified today, ' And you shall be hated by all men for my name's sake: but he that shall persevere unto the end, he shall be saved."(Matt. 10:22).

Therefore Francis called for prayers especially for the persecuted Christians: "Let us be close to these brothers and sisters who have been, like Saint Stephen, unjustly accused and are the object of violence of various kinds. "The Pope was convinced that today there are more martyrs than in the first centuries of Christianity.

This takes place especially where freedom of religion is not yet guaranteed or fully realized, however, this also in countries and areas, which protects the freedom and human rights on paper, but in which the faithful and particularly the Christians encounter de facto restrictions and discrimination. Francis called the faithful in St. Peter's Square to to pray in silence for the persecuted Christians, and closed this prayer with a "Hail Mary". For the Christian, "it is no wonder, since Jesus had announced this as an opportunity to give testimony. Nevertheless, injustices must be exposed and eliminated eliminated on a civil level."

"Mary, Queen of Martyrs," the Pope concluded, "help to live Christmas with that fervor of faith, which shines in St. Stephen and all the martyrs of the Church". Link to

Soros Backed Feminist Group Attacks Cologne Cathedral During Christmas Mass

Edit: she's quickly stuffed and cuffed.  Why doesn't cathedral security have tasers?

Turkmeninstan's Thumbscrews for Christians

(Ashgabat) police and intelligence have conducted a raid against the believers of Protestants of the Mission organization Light of the East in Dashoguz, the third largest city of Turkmenistan . A special unit stormed two houses of prayer, searched them and confiscated all religious materials, including bibles. An official of the Department of Religious Affairs, who is also the imam of a local mosque at the same time, turned to the pastor of the Christian community with an invitation to convert to Islam, because his religion was "wrong". "Christianity is a mistake and not even a religion, but a myth," said the Imam.

The police threatened a Turkmen Christian with 15 days in prison and deportation because he had supported the Christian community. Of one group of Christians who were then in one of the two houses were rehearsing songs for the Sunday service, an official claimed that "the songs of praise to God are banned here [in Turkmenistan]". The number of Muslims in the is estimated at 89-93 percent (almost exclusively Sunni, about two percent of Shiites), while the Russian Orthodox Christians probably make up 6-10 percent. The remaining one percent are Catholics, Protestants, Jews and all other religions inlcusive.

The Norwegian website Forum18 documents cases of violations of religious freedom in Central Asia, reports that the number of fines and warnings against Christians in Turkmenistan are on the increase. It is not clear whether this is anti-Christian or anti-religious measures in general. Muslims receive only a limited number of exit permits to participate in the traditional Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca. The state seeks to exercise strict control.

The Pentecostal Community Light of the East is officially registered and recognized by the state since 2005. It was among the first non-Islamic and non-Russian Orthodox religious communities in Turkmenistan, where it has been allowed by the state to practice outside of the capital Ashgabat. For several weeks, however, the faithful of this community are increasingly the target of police abuses. Religious material was seized, and as the Christians were taken to the police headquarters to pick up their personal information, they were intimidated and threatened with punishment.

At the same time the number of prisoners increases who are imprisoned for crimes of opinion, especially because defense of religious freedom. In the second half of November, the Jehovah's Witness, Suhrab Rahmanberdiyyev, was sentenced to 18 months in prison because he is a conscientious objector. It is the ninth Jehovah's Witness, who ha been arrested and sentenced in Turkmenistan because of that. Of Rahmanberdiyyev it is known that he was beaten in jail because he refuses to identify himself as a Muslim and convert to Islam.

Text: Asianews / Giuseppe Nardi image: Asianews Trans: Tancred Link to Katholisches... AMGD

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Holy Christmas, Everyone


 Dominus dixit ad me: Filius meus es tu, ego hodie genui te. Quare fremueruunt gentes: et popouli meditati sunt inania?


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

"In Every Dictatorship The Past is Censured" -- From the Life of a Diocesan Priest Who Discovered the Immemorial Mass of All Ages

(Milan) Don Alberto Secci, born in 1963, ordained in 1988, is a priest of the Diocese of Novara on the border with Switzerland. Don Secci became famous when he announced with two other diocesan priests, that he was bringing the traditional form of the Roman Rite back according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI.. The result was great resistance from the diocesan leadership, the rest of the clergy and public hostility. Today he may celebrate the Old Rite and proclaim the undiminished faith - in a tiny mountain village with a few hundred inhabitants. In an interview, he talks about the crisis in the Church and the importance of tradition.
As the three priests announced their decision according to  Summorum Pontificum,  there was massive resistance in the diocesan leadership and the rest of the clergy of the diocese who immediately stirred up  sedition  of  the parishioners against their pastor. The priests became a national news story. The entire press of Italy reported about them. They were described as "stubborn" and denounced as "agents provocateurs"."We had become a scandal overnight, for the world and the diocese," said Don Secci. The Pope generously granted the Motu Proprio "and for that, the Church can't thank him enough," said the priest. However, Rome was unable to prevail against the selfishness of some bishops who consider their diocese as a private fief. Two Priests are active today in the Southern Alps at Domodossola Verbania and close to the Swiss border, a pastors. To expand its reach, they run the Internet apostolate Radicati nella Fede (Rooted in Faith) and  seek the instruction of the faithful in the Church's teaching of all time in their parish boundaries. In January, the fourth annual "Day of the Tradition" will take place, which Don Secci organizes once a year. The theme for 2014 is: "Winter in the Church after the Second Vatican Council". The topic is taken from the book by Cristina Siccardi (see separate article The Winter of the Church after the Second Vatican Council - The new book to an open question )  who will be present as a speaker.The interview with Don Alberto Secci was conducted by Riscossa Cristiana .
1) It is becoming increasingly apparent, even in relation to the celebration of the Holy Mass (Old Rite and New Rite) that there are two different ways to live the Catholic religion: priests and faithful, are oriented to lessons that are subject to the modern revolution, and other priests and faithful who adhere to the teachings and principles of the Church's tradition. How do you think it will be possible one day to resolve this dichotomy again?
Don Alberto Secci: It is necessary that those who have the grace to recognize this terrible dichotomy, have to choose for God, to live in complete catholicity  according to Catholic tradition. This is the crucial point. In Christianity there is nothing abstract. You said: "also in relation to the celebration of the Holy Mass in the traditional rite".  I'd rather say they remain Catholic, believers hold fast to the teachings and principles of the Church's tradition.. The believers who are  held by the revolution, however, have only a vague Christian inspiration and the only in the best cases. To be precise, you said: "in reference to the Mass."  Allow me to emphasize this "also". Why? Not in the sense, as if there were just the Mass, because the Doctrine of the  Faith is inseparable from the Mass and  connected to the entire apostolate. But it is much more in the sense that the Catholic life is the continuation of grace, which comes above all through the sacraments, and thus is the center of the Holy Mass, indeed a Mass without an ambiguous rite. Therefore, If  someone had the grace to understand the dramatic situation,  he would not trade his   conscience for personal acquiescence. One must look for a traditional Mass site and make this the comprehensive place of education in the faith, in the broadest sense of the word, not just intellectually. Small centers of the normal Catholic life, quite modest and perhaps even quite poor, but largely because of the graces that they convey. This will be the solution, God willing. It is our duty to decide whether we want to tread a path of grace and therefore, tradition by loving the Church in Her suffering. God is the solution to this mystery ailment. But God has already solved everything. We are to lovingly care about the Church and not "politically."

Monday, December 23, 2013

Gänswein: "Many" Pope Enthusiasts "Will Have Their Joy Stuck in Their Throats" -- Who Interprets Francis Correctly?

(Cologne / Rome) The interview of Archbishop Curia Georg Gänswein only appears in the January edition of "Cicero". It has already   reported several previously  known statements. Also, the Vatican expert Matteo Matzuzzi of "Il Foglio"  has commented about the Gänswein response. With the Pope Francis enthusiasts, for whom "the jubilation has been stuck in their throat", says the German Curial Archbishop and personal secretary of Benedict XVI since 2005.,   the virulence of nascent Church rebels in German speaking countries is increasing. They will remain disappointed, said Gänswein, because these are false hopes. Neither Archbishop Gänswein nor the article, however, go into the question to what extent Pope Francis might have abetted the nature of the rebellion with his unorthodox "pastoral" nature. Finally, the Pope has summoned none other than  the  chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch. Who interprets Pope Francis correctly? Why is it at all possible that conflicting positions can rely on him? In a Tornielli interview, referring to Matzuzzi, Pope Francis actually slows the flood of interpretations on the German rebel front. However, it is only a half-hearted correction because the Pope made no definitive position on the question of divorced and remarried. So the question remains open and continues to leave room for interpretation by both sides. The attitude of the Pope remains, through ambiguous, theologically poor precision, an ambivalent and  contradictory  opposition between teaching and pastoral care,  and thus causes a wellspring of new outbreaks of rebelliousness, that under Benedict XVI were almost suffocated. 
Gänswein's opinion, together with statements by Cardinal Kurt Koch, at any rate,  is a signal that a resistance is being organized in the German speaking countries against the rebel faction.


The Prefect of Francis and Secretary of BXVI raises his Voice in Germany

"Many of those who were enthusiastic about  Francis,  will have their jubilation stuck in their throats". These are the harsh words which  Monsignor Georg Gänswein, the Prefect of the Papal Household and Secretary of Emeritus  Pope Benedict XVI. expressed  in the January issue of the renowned German cultural magazine Cicero. He can look at the situation of the Church in Germany, where a significant part imposes demands against Rome  for rapid reform and an increase in the speed thereof. A turning point in the pastoral care of families as regards the sacraments is a starting point. It doesn't have to do with female Cardinals: whoever  thinks so, "is suffering under a bit of clericalism", as Francis had said in published interview for the  Third Sunday of Advent in a Tornielli interview. The discussion, however, could start at the Deaconess.

Gänswein Brakes

Gänswein brakes, however: "I hardly think the Pope the Pope will be compelled in his pontificate by certain German initiatives", thus referring   to the possibility of allowing women to the diaconate, an idea that was also  recently made by high-ranking wearers of the purple like Cardinal Walter Kasper . "Case closed", is the personal secretary of the Pope Emeritus' response to them.
During the recent Spring Plenary Meeting of the German Bishops' Conference in Trier,  the former president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said that it was his opinion, possibly to introduce the figure of the female deacon, who is capable of pastoral functions and fulfilling special liturgical services. There would be no dogmatic problems, as Cardinal Kasper adds: no consecration, it would suffice as a simple blessing.

False Hopes

Gänswein is very surprised and sees no changes on the horizon on this front, not even now that the Jesuit Pope, who has raised such high expectations in much of the world's episcopate, with whom he says he will  cooperate "in trust and harmony." The Prefect of the Papal Household is sharply critical of "some forces that want to monopolize the new Pope for their own interests."  Forces, which will remain disappointed, says Gänswein. It is sufficient to look at the handout of the Office of Family Pastoral Care of the Archdiocese of Freiburg, where the approval of remarried divorcees to the Sacraments is  being  suggested,  especially as regards  the re-admission to communion, in the name of Francis' so often mentioned mercy.

Papal Response to Cardinal Marx?

But it is the same pope who clarified in the Tornielli interview: "I spoke of baptism and the community, as spiritual food to go forward, as an aid and not as a bonus. Some have immediately thought of the sacraments for remarried divorcees, but I have not referred to specific cases., I only wanted to demonstrate a principle. " 
An indirect response for those too, who  with Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Munich-Freising, who accused the Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller accused of putting the discussion on the pastoral care of marriage with a view to the next Synod of Bishops in October 2014 in   chains and wanting to strangle it.

Cardinal Koch: "the Will of Jesus Christ" is Critical

These were  described as absurd polemics  a few days ago by the Swiss Cardinal Kurt Koch in a long interview. "For Archbishop Müller has done nothing other than the teaching of the Church to remember, and he has reiterated on what Cardinal Ratzinger has said himself as Prefect of the CDF to this problem area. Any serious examination of this problem comes to these teachings, which corresponds to the clear will of Jesus Christ, not over. "In what has  now become a customary opposition between teaching and pastoral today" can not be the way of the Church, as such a contrast contradicts the very essence of being Church. New Pastoral was are only to be found in the light of the truth of the doctrine," Cardinal Koch  is among other things the successor of Cardinal Kasper as President of the Pontifical Council Unity. A few days ago he met together with Patriarch of Moscow Kirill, during a visit to Russia.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred:
Link to katholisches...

Edit: Just a note about what the Archbishop said, it's an expression I had some trouble with, "wird Jubel im Hals steckenbleiben."  It literally means to jam or have something jammed down, or die in your throat.  It has a certain harshness to it, as pointed out by Mr. Nardi.  I guess a way to describe it is to be the person jumping up, thinking he has won an academy award, only to find out that his exuberance was not only premature, but completely wrong.  

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Head of Austrian Caritas Endorses President of Dissident Priest Group for Bishop

The anti-Roman Landau Religion Mobilizes for the anti-Roman Schüller-Religion

A poser priest  with a questionable career trajectory from a Jewish background, and now  endorses a heretical priest in his struggle to create a market for smugglers.
Caritas in Pinstripes: Michael Landau remains faithful to his anti-Rome Course f - a kind of prerequisite for a career in the Schönborn Church [Image: Encyclopedia Dramatica CC]

Human Traffickers Business

A clear winner of globalization is the illegal and highly organized business of human trafficking. The mafia gangs seem to have church-related servants who realize their campaigning for human trafficking with the aid of church funds. Thus Caritas has also used our Church funds in its portion of production and channeling of international refugees to  assist in  destroying the resident people, its culture and the Catholic religion.
This destruction is one of the essential tasks of Caritas, which is why it has also funded abortions:

The Social-Industrial Combine of Caritas

The most important for the socio-industrial combine of Caritas is not to alienate any human traffickers is because the charity needs  Human Trafficking-Industry people, who ship well-paying economic refugees here, so that they can then sneak benefits.

In this Way the Church is Made to Look Ridiculous, it is Intended:

An exodus of the few remaining Catholic faithful was the launched in 1939 by Arthur Seyss-Inquart, was also intended to give life to the Nazi Church-tax club:
Revenue from the Nazi church contribution Law of 1939 should be able to be freely used for socialist agendas and at the same time faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will be destroyed and the Masonic do-gooder will withdraw. This plan seems to be persistently followed by  Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
There is no other explanation that a priest performer of a Jewish family with a questionable meteoric career and the  Big Boss of the socialist do-gooder group "Caritas"  agitates for the anti-Roman Schüller-religion.

Caritas is the Opium of Heretical Priests

So, the big boss of the Social-Industrial combine Caritas, Fr. Michael Landau   confirmed on the occasion of his appointment as Caritas Austria CEO: Hw. Helmut Schüller would be an "excellent candidate for office of a bishop".
The poser priest Landau probably allowed himself a pre-Christmas April Fool's  by bringing a priest who has been charged as a  heretic into play, for office of a bishop. It is only by going back to Arthur Seyss-Inquart's Church-tax club that calls for a  bishop who calls for disobedience to the Vicar of Christ could ever  be conceivable. 
This alignment of the anti-Roman Landau religion with the anti-Roman Schüller-religion is a worst-case scenario for the Catholic faith in Austria. This seems to be something Cardinal Christoph Schönborn  has pulled all strings to strive for.

Stay Roman Catholic!

Whoever has a conscience,  will depart from the Nazi, Catholic faith destroying, Church-tax association founded in 1939  - and remain a Roman Catholic !

Trans: Tancred

NB: German speaking countries have a Church-tax system which in Austria's case was imposed in 1939 under the Nazis.  This sytem, has been a vehicle for the destruction of Catholicism in German countries, especially since the Second World War.  The Church-tax in this case is being used to fund Caritas, which is an abortion supporting, immigration promoting, organization.  If that's not insulting enough to the faithful Catholic, its current president, an alleged convert from a Jewish background, has praised the dissident founder of Call to Disobedience, a priestly version of USA Call to Action.  They promote disobedience to Catholic teachings on a range of issues from abortion, to women priests and celibacy.

"Lies! I Was Cheated" -- Pope Francis' Daring Statement About Mary

(Vatican) In the daily morning sermon at Domus Santae Marthae on the 20 December, Pope Francis portrayed the Blessed Virgin Mary as an icon of silence who bore the mystery of God within her.  But the Pope expressed hitherto completely new thoughts on the attitude of Mary on Calvary this past Friday.   Is Pope Francis forming Marian theology? Mary not as co-redeemer, but as a rebel? Or an all in one, as the world today likes? The Pope said:

Maria Accused God of Deceit?

"The Gospel tells us nothing: if she said a word or not ... She was quiet, but in her heart -  how much she said to the Lord!  'You told me then  - that's what we have read - that He will be great. You told me that You would give him the throne of his father David, that he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. And now I see Him there!' The Blessed Mother was human! And perhaps she would have  wanted  to say, 'lies! I have been cheated!'. John Paul II said this when he spoke of the Mother of God at one point. But she was  overshadowed with the silence of the mystery that she did not understand, and with this silence, she has accepted that this mystery can grow and flourish in the hope ".
This passage from the morning sermon by Pope Francis for  Holy Mass in the Domus Santa Marta was published by Italian editors of Vatican Radio. The German editors reported this sermon as on every day, but omitted this point, however.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Vandalism Against Catholic Symbols in Westphalia

Northern Westphalia: 40 crosses and statues destroyed.

Münster ( / idea)
A series of attacks against Christian symbols there has taken place in recent weeks in northern Westphalia: The  Münster police have registered since September a total of 40 cases in which religious statues, had the head was chopped off, bent or burned crosses and shrines and chapels were destroyed. This was announced by the press officer of the Münster police, Angela Lüttmann, on request, to the Protestant news agency Idea.


We assume that it is part of a series and thus a single  offender. There are no leads presently. It could be that the perpetrators acted out of pure destruction. It is also possible that they had religious reasons and therefore wanted to express their displeasure about Christianity. Since it is not inconceivable that it was about religiously motivated crime, Time determined and the state protection. Affected by the attacks are Ibbenbueren, Saerbeck, Hoerstel, Hopsten, Mettingen, Tecklenburg and Rheine.

 In most cases, there had been  roadside crosses on private property, according to the police spokeswoman. But it has also affected the Catholic St. Barbara's Church in Ibbenbüren-Dickenberg. There, standing on the church square is a statue of Saint Barbara, who is also the patron saint of miners, was beheaded. The vicar Paul Greiwe told Idea that he had never experienced this level of vandalism in such a short time. As the Münster State People's Daily (Rheine) reported that students of Ludgeri school in Mettingen (at Ibbenbüren) put a sign up against the destruction: They made ​​crosses during religious instruction and they hung them on  an undamaged procession house and wrote: "This is illegal. Stop with the vandalism. "

Trans: Tancred


Not only Burke -- Brotherly Purge of Francis the Merciful

(Rome) The Vaticanist Matteo Matzuzzi analyzed the reasons that led to the removal of Cardinal Burke from two Roman Congregations within a few days for the daily newspaper Il FoglioHe sees the main reason in a "completely opposite" understanding of the Church. An interview with Cardinal Burke, published on 12 December  by EWTN finally led  to the fracture. Cardinal Burke expresses  doubt as to whether the Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium could be regarded as part of the papal magisterium at all. The background is also the great influence that the cardinal wielded under Pope Benedict XVI.  on the appointment of bishops in the United States. Part of the American Church saw the opportunity to get rid of this influence under Pope Francis, and to assist them accordingly. Obviously, they met with success. Matzuzzi speaks of a "purge" against the clergy, who are closely related to  Pope Benedict's understanding  of the  Church.  Because of the inflationary celebration of Pope Francis as a "reincarnation" of the "benevolent" Pope John XXIII.,  Matzuzzi writes  of the connection not without a finer, deeper significance between the "cleansing" and the "benevolent Francis". And once again  this signifies the dislike of the new Pontiff against tradition.

The Murderers of God Among Us -- Femen Activism on St. Peter's Square as "Christmas Message"

(Paris) The enemies of the Church have struck again. Inna Shevchenko, best known advocate of the church desecrating  Femen and the new national symbol of Hollande's Socialist France  (see Femen Activist as a New Symbol of France - Hollande Jacobin (homosexual) Ideology in German)  over St. Peter's Square on Thursday. Of course, "topless" and "for abortion." She did it in the usual Femen Church-hate way.  The figure of hate for  political activism was not only the Catholic Church this time. "Christmas is Cancelled" was scrawled on Shevchenko's torso, which Femen   used as a certain kind of advertising medium by painting the slogan "Christmas is Canceled".

Hate Messages on Twitter

On the same day Femen sent a "Christmas message" on its Twitter. "Christmas is canceled: At the Vatican, Inna Shevchenko has publicly expelled the embryo of Jesus from the Virgin Mary."  Christ ended on the cross because  the powerful people of his time could not endure Him. Femen would murder Christ today as they officially announce. The murderers of God among us.
Femen blasphemous messageSince Femen is servant of  some political activism  available for a fee, there is the question of who pays money for such a blasphemous and inhuman messenger. From the squalor of FEMEN-operatives and  Inna Shevchenko  there is only silence.
Shevchenko had become well known because she "participated"  with the political action group Pussy Riot, condemned by a court in Russian,  by sawing a large votive crucifix with a chainsaw  in Kiev. The Cross recalled the millions of victims of the Communist dictatorship.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
images: L'Observatoire de la Christianophobia
Trans: Tancred

Schönborn's "Christmas Nonsense" in Milan -- Church Crisis Manufactured Between Rhetoric and Reality

(Vienna / Milan) The traditional  website  Messa in Latino has been critical of   the appearance of Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn in Milan. He who does not have a handle on his own diocese, can hardly give advice to others, thus the criticism.
Cardinal Schönborn had been invited by Archbishop Angelo Cardinal Scola to Milan. In a crowded cathedral, the Archbishop of Vienna spoke about evangelism in a big city.  Critics of the Austrian cardinal abroad  find clearer words than at home, where the presence disobedient priests, a laity indifferent to Catholic doctrine, liturgical sprawl and moral relativism are widespread. In fact, the Cardinal earned a lot of praise for his Milanese appearance  from almost all sides: "striking hot iron", "in touch with  this time" "strong words" it said in the report. "Fog, honey, applause from the left, and even applause from the right: the Cardinal seems again to have succeeded in squaring the circle, but the reality,"  looks different at home, so Messa in Latino .

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Feminists Attack Cathedral of Bologna -- Protest Against Rejection of Estrela Report

(Bologna) A group of militant feminists profaned the Cathedral of San Petronio in Bologna this past Monday. Masked with hoods that recall  the extreme left-wing Russian Anarchists ( see separate report ),  abortion and aberrosexual activists protested against the rejection of the Estrela Report by the European Parliament. Before the altar, the Church opponents unfurled a banner reading: "You Occupy the Counseling Centers - We Fill the Churches" and shouted in chorus: "Get the Church Out of Our Ovaries."
The Estrela report, which  the abortion and aberrosexual ideologues wanted to anchor as an official EU Directive, was rejected on the 10th December by the plenary of the European Parliament by a narrow margin. With the Estrela Report, named after the Portuguese Socialist Edite Estrela, the killing of unborn children in the EU would have been signed as a "women's right". The report also wanted to force all the EU Member States to legalize the artificial insemination of lesbians. The Austrian Green MEP and avowed lesbian Ulrike Lunacek had advocated significantly  in the relevant equality committee for the measure. The MEP responded to the rejection of tts report with a hysterical attack, as representative Lunacek scolded: "With the vote of the European Parliament, it bows to the pressure of ultra-conservative and reactionary politicians and non-governmental organizations". The Estrela Report also wanted to restrict the right of conscientious objection by doctors, pharmacists and medical staff in connection with abortion, contraception and artificial insemination. (see the Estrela report and its rejection of the opinion by representative Ewald Stadler ) [Will finish later, perhaps].
The radical feminist group unloaded their protest by desecration of the Diocesan Cathedral Church of Bologna. It blames the Church for the rejection of the Estrela Report. The Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra had asked the MPs ahead of the vote in the European Parliament to vote no.
In a statement, the feminist church vandals state:
"We will not accept  these medieval politics and morality, this dirty mixing of political and religious power, which leads us back to the time of deaths due to illegal abortions.
We will NEVER return back [emphasis in original].
We demand that the conscientious objection reference is [Italian abortion law] prohibited on the law 194 for all advisory bodies and public institutions, because it represents gender, class and racial discrimination, and a violation of our rights to health and self-determination.
And if the Pope publicly declared that the Church must give space to  women, we take the opportunity to  just speak to the Madonna because she has also taken a Conscientious Objector on the way to Bethlehem.
Conscious abortion is a right of all women.
Nobody touches on our free sexuality!
And if the lifers, Catholics and Conscientious Objectors penetrate into the public hospitals and counseling centers, then we penetrate with our bodies, our desires and our self-determination into the churches! "
Claiming that a ban on abortion is misogynistic because women will die from illegal abortions conducted in back rooms is  part of the standard repertoire of the abortion lobby, which has long since been debunked as a propaganda lie. Recently, the militant attacks of fanatical supporters of abortion on Catholic churches accumulate. Signs of coarsening and increasing hostility to the church (see the reports of  Argentine Catholics protect Cathedral From Feminist Attack -    Pope Francis burned in effigy , as well as Pro-Abortionists  Violate the Cathedral of Santiago de Chile and Putin meets with Pope Francis - Church Enemies Desecrate Church in Rome "Until the Last Pope is Overthrown" )
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Pro Life News
Trans: Tancred