Thursday, November 28, 2013

An Excommunicated Saint: James of the Mark -- Exemplare Against the Worldliness of the Church

(Rome) In their recent article, the Catholic historian Cristina Siccardi sketches the life of a saint largely unknown today, however, he was a well known and pervasive  significance during his lifetime. His personal life was that of a penitent, it consisted of radical poverty, humility and mortification. Outwardly he was an eloquent preacher, the people were roused, and led to conversion by God. As he put on the robe of Saint Francis of Assisi at the age of 22, his life was one of the salvation of souls and the fight against the heresies of his time. From then on, he  took off his shoes and sandals and  went barefoot in summer and in winter for life. An example of radical detachment from the world.  He appears for the first time in Corrispondenza Romana.

An excommunicated saint: Giacomo della Marca

by Cristina Siccardi
The time that preceded the Protestant Reformation [Revolt] was marked by the solid and magnificent work of some preachers, among whom was one who was truly great and was even excommunicated. His name was James of the Mark (Giacomo della Marca, 1393-1476). His liturgical memorial falls on the 28th of November. Between the 14th and 15th Century the church was corrupted from the inside out, while defrauded many heretics faith and doctrine. While the ground was prepared, on which the heresiarch Luther could act, this intrepid preacher at least brought a little order.

The life of a penitent

James of the Mark was born in Monteprandone in Ascoli Piceno as Domenico Gangala, had an area that Emperor Charles the Great 774 transferred the supremacy of the Pope. At the age of 22 years, James moved to Santa Maria degli Angeli in Assisi, the coarse habit of the Franciscans, which he received from the hand of St. Bernardine of Siena. His life was marked by extreme penance. He underwent in his life as a penitent seven forty days of fasting times of the year, while his meals consisted on the other days of a bowl of beans that have been boiled in water.
Because of his life of penance, he had poor health and was prone to illness - he received  last rites six times  - he still held on to his deprivation of life as an itinerant preacher. The only thing he feared in his life was  that physical pain distracted him and kept him from prayer.

Disciple of Saint Bernhardins of Siena

Due to the catechesis of Saint Bernardino he was formed to be  a more efficient preacher, like St John Capistrano, Blessed Albert of Sarteano or the Blessed Matthew of Girgenti,  James altered vocal technique and gestures, but also the content and structure of his sermon. The treatment of ethical and political issues was preferred and used for material from the texts of moral theology and canon law. He made ample use of Exempla, examples which were often presented in a dramatic way. Mostly he used the vernacular. He campaigned for the spread of the devotion to the Sacred Name of Jesus and insisted on some commonly recurring themes in his sermons, therefore: superstitious practices, abundance and luxury, games of chance, cursing and usury (He coined the idea of ​​the Monti di Pietà, to free the victims of usurers (out of this fight against the usurer, European banking originally arose from the Franciscan Monti di Pietà,))

The Life of a Wandering Preacher of Repentance

James' sermons are like thunder, the wake up call even for the most stubborn minds. They feed from the Scriptures, which he often quoted, but the Saint also fetched suggestions  from Dante's Divine Comedy. No one takes a nap or can be distracted by his own thoughts when he attends his sermons of extraordinary penetrating power, which also had a theatrical touch, but very often reach their true and ultimately single goal: to convert.
James of the Mark is  an unusual Franciscan. He stands out because of his gentility. A confident and determined, he knew to unite love and fire of divine judgment. He was a stern but compassionate theologian and inquisitor. His sermons unleashed not only rousing approval and enthusiasm among the faithful, but also lead to concrete reforms of the then so important to people's lives, statutes of several cities and establishing numerous brotherhoods, which he laid the first foundations of the Catholic Association. From 1423 to 1425 he preached a series of sermons in the area of ​​Jesi, where the heresy of the Fraticelli sparead that had emerged from the heretical Spiritual Franciscans. In 1426 he was  commissioned by Pope Martin V to preach in the whole of Italy  against this sect and gave him the brother of John Capistrano to help.

Salvation of Souls and Fight the Heresies

In 1432 he was sent to Central Europe and the successes were not long in coming. At the end of 1435, the Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg, who was also King of Hungary, called him to  his residence in Tata (German Totis), located on the road between Vienna and Budapest today, barely 70 kilometers away from the capital of Hungary. James of the Mark  became a consultant to the Emperor  at the meeting with the delegation of the Council of Basel and the representatives of the Kingdom of Bohemia, where the Hussite heresy was still virulent. From then on, his fight against heresy stretched over the whole territory of today's Bosnia to Slovakia, where he preached against the Hussites, who came  there on their flight  from Bohemia there.

Imperial Consultants, Papal Nuncio, Conciliar Legate

In August 1436 the Pope appointed him Inquisitor of Austria and Hungary and gave him broad powers. This included the right to build new monasteries in these countries. The support of the Emperor and the Pope, and the title of a legate at the Council of Basel, however, are not enough to secure him  inviolability. He experienced severe persecution by the local clergy who felt disturbed by his sometimes vicious life.  There were attempts to kill him several times, and the Archdeacon of Bacs (now on the border with Serbia) even excommunicated him. James of the Mark also took on the task to preach in favor of the crusade against the Turks. To this end, he was appointed in 1443 by Pope Eugene IV  as the Apostolic Nuncio.

Beatified in 1664 and Canonized in 1723

Finally, they wanted to make him even as Archbishop of Milan, but he refused. Among the activities at the end of his life, is the construction of the library in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Monteprandone, which he had founded in 1449 in his birthplace. The Saint succeeded there to collect 200 codices, which became the workshop of the preacher, in which he prepared his sermons. Even today there are his drafts and notes, his Exempla, his references to the Scriptures and to the theological and canonical texts. In 1476 he died in Naples, where he was buried. In 1664 Pope Urban VIII beatified him and in 1723 Pope Benedict XIII.  canonized him. In 2001  his remains were removed from Naples to "his" monastery in Monteprandone.
He dedicated his whole life to interior personal repentance and to  the control of external errors and thereby the salvation of souls. Today, under the tyranny of relativism, Giacomo della Marca, the Holy would not be seen as a fighter for the faith, but probably as fanatical troublemaker, to be excommunicated as a "nuisance", as someone already tried in his time.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred


Pope Francis Critique To Priests Out of Touch With Reality: Don't Turn the Confessional Into a "Torture Chamber"

(Vatican) The times have changed. Previously, the progressives have accused the Popes of "being out of touch with reality". Pope Francis is viewed by the faithful Catholic of being out of touch with reality. How so? We continue the study of the Apostolic Letter Gospel Gaudium continued by Pope Francis. So far, this appeared Gospel Gaudium - Clear Words to Live Right (John Paul II) and Francis the Pope, who Abolishes the Papacy - The Revolution The Cardinals Wanted . [Coming up]
The word "sin" is mentioned many times. However, the context in which it is mentioned, is complex and would require a separate in-depth analysis. Thus, there are in addition to the personal sin there is  "social" sin that emerges in different places. How, then, can one  overcome sin and obtain salvation, is not mentioned. The words "repent" and "repentance" are missing completely. The word "conversion" occurs only once as a quotation from an instruction of the CDF. The word "repentance" on the other hand is repeated often. How this reversal is to be completed, however, remains open. The word "confession"  [or Penance] is not found in the papal document. Thus, the decisive act of reconciliation  with God through conversion, repentance, confession and penance remains unexpressed. It seems to play no role in the "joyful" evangelization.
But not only is there no mention of confession: The only indirect mention of  confession in Evangelii Gaudium occurs negatively in the form of criticism. The Pope mentioned  the "confessional" once in 44. In this context, he tells the priest, "that confession can not be a torture chamber." In reading this point, the only indirect mention of  confession, the question arises: "Yes, where does this pope live?" The statement is characterized by being out of touch with reality. The reality is the exact opposite, that the introduction to the catechesis in confession and instruction of the faithful for decades, hardly plays any role that the children are guided without confession to First Communion in the Western world in many places that the confessionals are torn out of many churches were that many priests do not hear confessions any  more that  "Confession and Consultation" is offered in some parishes in the "confessional" but  there is a  pastoral assistant sitting. The list about the decline of the Sacrament of Penance could be continued for long. The confession seems to fit so little into a "happy" Christianity that its last mention  must be placed under a negative sign.
The out of touch character of that statement by Pope Francis is reminiscent of yet other, equally unrealistic remarks of the Pope at  the end of September. At that time Pope Francis held as his "main concern" whether priests had already had the children of unmarried mothers baptized.
It was the same Pope, last Holy Thursday, two weeks after his election, who is said to have said in a private conversation with priests of the diocese of Rome: "I insist: Let the doors of the churches open, and people will come, and turn on the light in the confessionals, to show that you are there and you will see that a queue forms in front of it. "One of the many contradictions of this pontificate. Where the statement of Holy Thursday still does not officially occupy   part of the Magisterium, while Evangelii Gaudium does.
44. Moreover, pastors and the lay faithful who accompany their brothers and sisters in faith or on a journey of openness to God must always remember what the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches quite clearly: “Imputability and responsibility for an action can be diminished or even nullified by ignorance, inadvertence, duress, fear, habit, inordinate attachments, and other psychological or social factors”.[49] Consequently, without detracting from the evangelical ideal, they need to accompany with mercy and patience the eventual stages of personal growth as these progressively occur.[50] I want to remind priests that the confessional must not be a torture chamber but rather an encounter with the Lord’s mercy which spurs us on to do our best. A small step, in the midst of great human limitations, can be more pleasing to God than a life which appears outwardly in order but moves through the day without confronting great difficulties. Everyone needs to be touched by the comfort and attraction of God’s saving love, which is mysteriously at work in each person, above and beyond their faults and failings.
Link to Encyclical...

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Formiche
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

State Sponsored Child Pornography in Switzerland -- Sex Box For Kindergarten, Sex Box for the Prostitute

Edit: the following contains adult content. We're leery about publishing it, but it has to be talked about.  Almost no one else is.

(Bern) In Switzerland, the pedophile is allowed in the schools. At least indirectly in this the case. The Swiss compulsory school sex education should serve  "enlightenment", but the negative consequences of this forced and early sexualization of children are known. Now the sex box comes in the Swiss classroom. This is not a slippery gift from a sex shop, but an "educational" tools for kindergarten teachers to forcibly perform "sex education" on pre-school age to young children.
The Sex Box is currently being used on a trial basis in some cantons. What  currently only applies to the Canton of Basel-City and some municipalities in the cantons of Appenzell and St. Gallen, are to be used in the whole of Switzerland by 2014. The sexualization initiative comes from the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) of the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs in co-operation with the Ministry of Education (Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research).

The Sex Box of College of Education  Lucerne and Abortion Lobbyist Planned Parenthood

Those responsible for the content are the Health Promotion Center of Lucerne University  College of Education. Its website, -  Sex Education and School provides  insight into the networks and intellectual foundations of  "compulsory sexual education" as  compulsory school sexualization is called in Switzerland. The supreme stooge for the Swiss school sex education program is with the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), an international abortion lobbyist. It defines  "understanding" for its definition of "sex education" as follows:
"Sex education as a right-based approach equips young people with basic knowledge and skills, competencies and values ​​from which are necessary, both physically, mentally and emotionally to experience their sexuality and the joy." (IPPF European Network, 2006a , p 9).
The usual concept of a "responsible" search for pleasure / enjoyment has to be conducted under  the most possible exclusion of children and real love and commitment to the partner. Pregnancies have to be prevented or aborted. Marriage and family are negligible sizes.
"Continuous sex education throughout compulsory education fulfills the important measures for health-promoting aspect of sustainability. The school allows students to acquire the necessary for a satisfactory, responsible and self-determined sex and relationship life skills. "
According "education" of sexuality must begin as early as possible, because "children are sexual beings from birth  with needs, desires, sexual acts and experiences that result from it."  Darwinism sends greetings: The diction of "sexual nature" refers to the man in the animal world. The children are seen as animals that supposedly can not help in their instinctive action than to satisfy their needs and impulses.

Sexualization of kindergarten children, masturbation and homosexuality for 6-10 year olds

These practical instructions for the sexualization of children are to be delivered in kindergarten:  Playing doctor, pleasurable exploration of her own body, role play, family, getting married, kissing, "possibly sexual intercourse", "intimate friendships", the children are encouraged to subscribe the sex organs. In the next stage, that of the 6-10 year-olds, the children are thus already confronted with masturbation, contraception, condoms and "sexual orientation", for example homosexuality. The relationship between a man and a woman is put on the same level with sexual identity disorders. Even seduction to these specific disorders. The teachers are encouraged to be ready to respond to the supposedly "classical" questions of the children. But of course, assistance in answering is available.  The "educators" of Lucerne University of Education are of the opinion that 6-10-year Swiss children pose such questions  as: "When are you ready to **** for the first time?".   Either Swiss children have no childhood or Swiss educators responsible for school sex education at the Center of Sex Education [Kompetenzzentrum Sexualpädagogik] and School of Lucerne have particularly rotten brains.
You can already imagine the rest: The 13-15 year olds are exposed to homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality "and indeed made familiar with methods of contraception, abortion and the"  different expressions of sexuality " in that order. Teachers should respond to alleged questions like: "How can I become a good lover", "How do I get a girl to orgasm", "Which is the best position for sexual intercourse" (perhaps among men), "Swallowing?" The Swiss educators place the value of semen, indeed, on a high level of education for the children in their care. Of course, the crucial element such as chastity or values ​​such as self-giving love instead of sex, procreation, loving affection are completely absent.

The Pedophile's Shadow Over Kindergartens and Classrooms

The pedophile  is moving at moment  into the nursery and school classes in which he uses the premature sexualization of children. Pedophiles, heterosexuals, homosexuals, however,  lie in wait for fresh meat. The sexualization as an alleged "value" drives them into the arms of the children outright. The suggestion that there is a "limit" that lies where force is used or something done that does not please his other degenerates in the face of such a sexualization program is a purely nominally defensive hurdle. A  sexualized child is tempted to "try".   Paedophilia is thus the constant companion of these state sexualization programs.
The Sex Box contains models of a penis and a vagina . These manuals, which explain that the children should be encouraged to touch, and  be "playful" (which abuse childlike innocence) to "discover the bodies of others." As an aid, the book "Lisa and Jan" is used in the drawings depict graphic sexual acts: A girl masturbating herself while another girl is watching it and mimics, a boy who masturbated another boy and numerous other drawings. The emphasis of all drawings is on the sex organs and explicit poses. Nothing is left to the imagination, everything is explicit. In plain English, the book "Lisa and Jan" is state child pornography being hypocritically packaged. The children are led to a sex slaughterhouse.  The consequences are well known: inability to form relationships, increase in abortions and sexually transmitted diseases, loss of fruitfulness, decomposition of moral thinking and interpersonal relationship in general, increase of homosexuality, pedophilia and all kinds of sexual perversions and increase in sex addiction.

Pederasts and Homosexuals Developed School Sex Education Programs - Why?

The two authors of the book, Uwe Sielert and Frank Herrath were students of Helmut Kentler (1928-2008), who attempted to the play  the negative associations of pedophilia. The self-confessed homosexual and pederast with three adopted sons, was a "fatherly friend" to one of the two authors. From Kentler comes the phrase, "sex with children is not abuse, but a child's right!"  The sex educator Sielert did not call in response to the pedophile scandal among Germany's Greens for a self-critical inventory of primarily of pedophiles and homosexuals designed school sex education programs, but: "We need more people to promote sexual self-determination of children and young people. "
The Child Protection Foundation Switzerland (!), however, has issued a clearance certificate for the book "Lisa and Jan" i and recommends  the book for children over 5 years of age. This Foundation with misleading names is self-editor of the book, in children from 0-6 years  are encouraged to play doctor, engage in auto-eroticism as an early form of self-gratification.

Instead of a Plush Bear a Plush Vagina for Eleven Year Olds - Swiss Education Fantasies

The Sex Box also contains another book, "That's me. From head to foot . " It includes drawings, the two men show cheek to cheek, then a woman kissing another. The "education" of homosexuality is particularly important for  state pornographers particularly. After protests by parents against the Sex Box Pierre Felder, the Director of Elementary Schools Education Department, attempted to calm the canton of Basel City.  What he understands sounded like this: "The models of the sexual organs are made of fur and are by no means for the kindergarten children [...], but only at the middle schools."  Fields and his staff are obviously convinced that an eleven year old child is to go from teddy bears to  "different kinds" of plush items.

Elternintitiave defends himself against sex box according to WHO guidelines

The Swiss Sex Box follows the guidelines of the European Department  of the World Health Organization(WHO), which laid down the  Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe. This makes the WHO "Play Doctor" with the children, including "masturbation awareness" for toddlers. There are many parents protesting against the Sex Box. In Switzerland, the religious instruction is just a voluntary extra subject, the state child pornography however is a compulsory subject. A parent initiative already collected 92,000 signatures against the Sex Box to be passed to the Conference of Cantonal responsible for education.
There was an ever so distant time when the children were told age appropriate fables and fairy tales read aloud with noble princes and beautiful princesses. Stories which enchanted the children and had an educational value. Anyone who has children or can observe up close, knows what kids want. In them the innocent longing still lives for good, according to an intact family with father and mother, a world more secure and of loving affection, which enables them to become responsible citizens of the society.

Sex Box for kindergarten and school class - sex box for street prostitution

Sex Box is the way not only Swiss "school sex education". It bears the same name of the first street prostitution initiative of the Social Department of Zurich. The city of Zurich has set up a "first official line course"  for city prostitution. In Sex Boxes the "Free" can be have well-ordered pleasure with prostitutes.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

People Don't Want "Gay Marriage" --- Referendum in Croatia

(Agram) Next Sunday a referendum will take place in Croatia for a referendum "gay marriage", which makes for intense discussions. The polls predict a victory for the defense of marriage and family and opponents of "gay marriage" ahead of the flock is especially to the Catholic Church.

The referendum aims to preemptively commit a ban in the Constitution to the legalization of "gay marriage". The pollsters assume a clear lead of those who are for this constitutional amendment.

According to a post yesterday in the Croatian daily newspaper poll, there is a large majority of 68 percent, who are going to vote on Sunday for the constitutional amendment that is to formalize the marriage exclusively as a union between a man and a woman in the Croatian Constitution.

Only 27 percent of Croats are speaking out against the referendum. Five percent are undecided. The referendum was initiated by a group of organizations that are close to the Catholic Church. In May, the group collected more than 750,000 signatures and thus crossed the hurdle to initiate the first referendum in the history of Croatia. This initiative was supported already in the collection of signatures of nearly 20 percent of the total electorate.

As the speaker of the ballot initiative declared, it is the goal of the organizer to prevent that "one day there will be legalized gay marriage in Croatia". The group was driven mainly by events in France, where a socialist majority in parliament, without consulting the citizens and despite strong protests from the citizenry, introduced "gay marriage".

The Catholic Church in Croatia has called for a "Yes" vote, but also across the lines of religious minorities, such as the Orthodox Serbs and the Bosnian Muslims. The bourgeois and right-wing parties have also called for a "Yes". The Socialist government and the Left parties, a significant part of the media, the universities and the cultural elite reject the initiative and really want to introduce the "gay marriage".

Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: Wikicommons

Trans: Tancred Link to Katholisches... AMGD

Largest Muslim Gathering of Norway Demands the Stoning of Adulterers and Homosexuals

(Oslo) A video showing the largest  Islamic Assembly took place in Norway, which the Muslims are aiming for their own representation in Parliament. The Assembly voted unanimously for the stoning of women accused of adultery, and for the stoning of homosexuals.
The incident dates back to last March, but  is becoming known just now. The video does not show any underground Muslims in a hidden basement, beyond the state's authority. Quite the contrary. The video shows the assembly of an official Islamic center in the Norwegian capital Oslo. This is not  a banned Islamist group meeting secretly. The film images show a regular meeting of ordinary Muslims  living in Norway, many of whom already have Norwegian citizenship. The three-day meeting, entitled Peace Conference Scandinavia 2013 by Net Islam took place from  23-25th March in which about 4000 Muslims took part. Islam Net , of course, according to website is an umbrella organization of Norwegian Muslims.

"Are you Satisfied with the Stoning of Adulterers and Homosexuals?"

In part of the session focused on issues such as separation of men and women, stoning of women and homosexuals. The organizer of the meeting, Fahad Ullah Qureshi of Islam Net, asked the audience whether they favor or oppose it.
One question is: "How many of you are happy with any written in the Koran and the Sunna penalties, be it  killing, whether stoning for adultery, or what ever, that they come directly from Allah and his Prophet, that it happens to be the best punishment for people and that it is applicable in this world? Who agrees? "The majority of Muslims present advocated it. As the pictures show, the result is even unanimous.

"Are you Radical Muslims?"

Another question is: "Are you radical Muslims?". No one perceives himself as such and says, yes. The question of whether homosexuals are to be stoned, is receives a popular plebiscite. Again, the moderator asks, "And now, what will they say of us, that we are extremists?" The Assembly provides evidence that positions that are rejected as extremist in the West and also by Christianity, are not extremist in Islam, but an expression of true Islam.
The death penalty is in many Islamic states, cite the Koran in force. You will be arrested  for apostasy, but can also be imposed for adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, betrayal and other occasions.

"Islam is the Truth" - Calls for Muslim Representation in Parliament

A young Muslim asks why in Islam men and women must be separated from each other, while this is not the case with the Christians or Jews. The moderator replied: "The answer is simple: Islam is the truth that Christianity and Judaism are not the truth."
The video was posted by organizer Islam Net Posted, itself. The organization was officially brought together  to  demand a separate representation in the Norwegian Parliament.  The event organized by Islam Net  was the largest Islamic gathering in Norway.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: AsiaNews
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Putin With Pope Francis --- Enemies of the Church Desecrate Church in Rome "Till the Last Pope is Overthrown"

(Vatican / Moscow) On Monday, Pope Francis receives Russian President Vladimir Putin in audience. According to the official release to meeting by the Holy See, the situation in the Middle East and the Christians there was the focus for the 35-minute conversation, which took place in a "cordial atmosphere".  In addition to the help and protection of the Syrian Christians from their Islamist rivals, the Catholic community in Russia  was a topic of conversation. Unlike Western leaders, Putin had no difficulty expressing gestures of personal piety. During the meeting,  a church desecration took place in Rome by left-wing extremists who protested "against Putin and the Church."
The Russian head of state did not extend a future invitation. The Kremlin will not anticipate the Moscow Patriarchate on this issue."Conversations for a meeting between the Patriarch and the Pope are in progress," said Metropolitan Hilarion  a few days ago in Rome. A third country was envisaged as a  place of meeting.

Gestures of Piety From  Russia's President Putin

Pope Francis gave Putin a mosaic that shows the Vatican Gardens. Putin gave the Pope an icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir. When the icon was presented to the Pope, it was a personal gesture of the Russian President, who crossed himself at the sight of the orthodox type icon.  Pope Francis, surprised by this gesture, followed the example of piety and crossed himself also in the Latin way,
Putin bowed before the icon and kissed the sacred representation. Even this gesture of pious affection was followed by  Pope Francis. Gestures that astonished the head of state of Russia in particular. Firstly, because one of the Russian leader had lived in the atheism of "real socialism" for a long time. On the other hand, because Western heads of state and head of government in the name of an alleged "neutrality" avoid  any personal commitment while in office. Putin was not afraid to express his faith in Christ and the All Holy  Theotokos in a public gesture of personal piety.
"Maybe the Pope could take one example, and kneel a little more before the Blessed Sacrament (during the Holy Mass and in Eucharistic Adoration) instead of standing," wrote Messa in Latino .

Sacrilege in Rome During Presidential Visit

During the meeting between Putin and Pope Francis, there was a serious act of blasphemy. Left-wing extremists of the Autonomous Scene broke into a church, unfurled a polemical and obscene banner, portrayed in the style of the  extreme left  political activists of Pussy Riot, and demanded their release.
The church desecration underlines that the extremists are not merely making  a political protest against Putin, but also specifically to express hostility to Christians. The fact that an Orthodox church in Moscow or a Catholic church was indiscriminately  desecrated a Rome shows definite hatred against Christianity. While in Russia, the desecration of a church is a criminal offense, the perpetrators in the west, so also in Rome, are hoping for "mild" judges who "understand" the show of "youthful" political zeal and the smashing of statues of Mary, the destruction of crosses as "too small" to cover those half-naked appearances in churches and obscene banners for prosecution.

Fight "Until the Last Pope, the Last Tsar and the Last King is Overthrown"

For blasphemous "act of protest" in Rome, the left-wing extremists wrote on her blog: "And let's not forget the role of the church, which measures interspersed with which the freedom of women and LGBTQI person to be circumcised.We are therefore convinced that the Holy Roman Church and the Orthodox Church find points of contact: an agreement between the Patriarchs at the expense of our body is always found. We will not stop and continue the fight until the last pope, the last Tsar and the last king is overthrown."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: tempos / Messa in latino
Trans: Tancred

Islamists Attack Cherubim Monastery with Giant Jesus Statue, Which Stopped the War for Three Days

(Damascus) Islamist rebels have launched an offensive north of Damascus to Deir Atieh. In the city with a population of 25,000 there is a strong Christian minority. On 22 November the attack began with two suicide bombings. With the second attack wave, the hospital was taken and the patients and staff were taken hostage. The Islamists took time to destroy a museum with thousands of archaeological finds.

Christians in Prison

The Greek Orthodox Church is concerned about the fate of Christians in Deir Atieh. The churches of the city were targeted by the Islamists. The same applies to Alawi mosques. Civilians have been abused by Islamists in the street fighting being used as human shields. The attacks seem to be made according to a certain scheme. Conquest of the hospital, destruction of Christian and Alawite places of worship and hostage-taking. Also, in Deir Atieh the Christians of the city, which the Islamists were getting hold of, were prevented from escaping the city and held hostage. A Greek Orthodox priest succeeded in fleeing under adventurous circumstances, so that he could report on the situation in Deir Atieh.

Jesus statue

The Islamist attack on Deir Atieh is part of a larger offensive against the Qalamun Mountains after the Syrian army managed to retake the strategically important town of Qara. There is the city Sadnaya with several monasteries dating back to the first millennium AD. The rebels tried to take the monastery Cherubim, which is located at the highest elevation in Saidnaya. The monastery at about 2000 meters above sea level dates back to its origin from the Byzantine period. Above the monastery a 39 meter high statue of Jesus Christ was consecrated and erected on October 14th. In order to deliver the statue, the Christians had reached a truce of three days between the army and rebels. Meanwhile, the Islamists seem to have, however, changed opinion. The monastery is no longer considered a combat-free zone for them.

Repelled Attack

With the battle cry of Allahu Akbar, Islamists stormed the monastery, which was guarded by a small unit of the Syrian army with a tank. They were able to fend off the attack. "Currently, the location is quiet. We were attacked for two days. The rebels continued here also include snipers. The attack was repulsed, "said one soldier.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Tempi Trans: Tancred Link to Katholisches....

Bishop Zdarsa Pays a Visit to FSSP Seminary in Wigratzbad

(Wigratzbad) On 21 November endowed Bishop Konrad Zdarsa of Augsburg paid a visit to the traditional seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) in Wigratzbad. It was the first visit by the diocesan Bishop, after the hunt and the resignation of Bishop Walter Mixa, who succeeded him in 2010. Wigratzbad located in the south of the Diocese of Augsburg, near Lake Constance.
Bishop Zdarsa celebrated solemn vespers with the priests and seminarians of the Fraternity of St. Peter, a solemn Vespers in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, which was held in the parish church of Opfenbach. Then the bishop visited the seminary. Regent Father Patrick Fay des Choisinet showed him the building and introduced him to the seminary community. The visit included a dinner in honor for the bishop.  It offered an opportunity to become aquatinted and exchange ideas.
The predecessor of Bishop Zdarsa, Bishop Mixa visited the seminary in 2008.
Wigratzbad also has a shrine and witnessed the establishment of the Catholic television station K-TV by Pastor Hans Buschor from the diocese of Sankt Gallen.

More pictures of the event at Katholisches...

Monday, November 25, 2013

Brother Leonard Mary, MICM, Has Passed Away

Brother Leonard Mary, M.I.C.M., died Saturday, November 23, at around 10:30 PM.
Known in the world as Fred Farrell, Brother Leonard Mary was one of the earliest disciples of Father Feeney at the original Saint Benedict Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In fact, of all the members of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Sister Catherine excepted), he is the one who knew Father the longest. He served in the armed forces in World War II, in the Pacific theater, learning the Japanese language while serving.
Brother Leonard Mary lived for decades at Saint Therese’s House (now Saint Benedict’s Abbey) in Still River Massachusetts, working at various apostolates of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In 1981, he relocated to California with one other brother and founded “Saint Benedict Center West” and Saint Joseph House of Studies. He was also very influential in the lay apostolate, Catholic Treasures.
He is the author of The Church of Salvation.
The funeral Mass will be at Saint Ann’s House in Still River, and his burial in the graveyard of Saint Benedict’s Abbey. Details are pending.
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From a Sermon by Cardinal Leo Burke

(Rome) On St. Stephen's Day, the 26th of December, 2010, Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Roman parish of Santa Maria di Nazareth in the suburbs. Monsignor Gino Reali, Bishop of the diocese of Porto-Santa Rufina, had invited him. Some statements in the Cardinal's sermon ought to be recalled:

"After the Ecumenical Second Vatican Council, but not because of the council, the nature of the reform of the Rite of Mass has significantly darkened in a sense, the divine action in the Holy Mass which is the union of heaven and earth, has led some to mistakenly thinking that the Holy Liturgy is an action that we have fabricated in a certain way and with which we can therefore experiment.

The truth of the Divine Liturgy is but entirely different. The Sacred Liturgy is in fact the action of His mystical body living through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ. It is His gift to us, which we must we accept, appreciate and preserve according to the instructions of our pastors and especially the Holy Father, the Vicar of Christ on earth, and therefore, the shepherd of the universal Church. We are called to assume in our time in the doctrine and order which our Holy Father Benedict XVI. has given us in his Apostolic Letter Summorum Pontificum, which he wanted to restore the shape of the rite to bring to expression the complete and efficient the truth of the Divine Liturgy.

[...] By following the teaching of the Holy Father, we celebrate the Roman Rite correctly in the Extraordinary Form to help us perfectly penetrate into the knowledge of the Mystery of faith, the mystery of God's love for us, and by pure and to respond to this mystery by unselfish love for God and neighbor. "

Text: Cordialiter / Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Cordialiter

Trans: Tancred

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German Bishops Test the Situation and Want to Extort the Pope

Guest commentary by Winfried Boniface

(Stuttgart) Coercive pressure by a significantly de-Christianized society, political extortion by the state governments turn off the money tap for Catholic hospitals and institutions (the morning-after pill decision of Cologne after the Green Health Minister waved the rod is in recent memory) for insubordination; a lay apparatus in the Church service, which is not infrequently Protestant to the bone after celebrating 50 years of the Council; a part of the clergy, who after decades of attacking the sacramental priesthood, are working as imperceptibly as possible for the "general" priesthood of the baptized; frustrated faithful Catholics, priests and religious, who are tired of being neglected or treated as pariahs because they interfere with the Bishops and Ordinaries attempting to give themselves a world-compatible appearance.

A small, honestly answered test of faith predominantly of priests, full-time church staff, parish councils and Catholic associations would probably unearth a frightening picture. Bishops incidentally are not the exception. Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the Catholic Church has no more power for influencing the society of German-speaking countries, its appearance is distorted and  Catholic doctrine is confused by many voices. The de-Christianization here follows no law of nature. It has causes, an origin and strands of retraceable historical development. Much of it is the responsibility of the Church due to the mistaken thesis of the need to reflect the diversity of society in the Church, rather than as a Church to be a homogeneous, solid faith and a decisive factor in society. Something like this, the situation of the Church in German lands represent a Church where everything has to be taken "with joy" in  platitudes and pretending to see "a chance",  even if it is something ever so far from the Church.

Besiege Rome Without Armies,  But With Six Billion Euros

And who is surprised that the German bishops attempt open revolt. They do it on the subject of remarried divorcees and while raising their voices loudly against their former brother, the former Bishop of Regensburg and present Prefect of the CDF in Rome, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller. He doesn’t particularly like the current rebels much anyway. The rebellion is directed in reality against the Pope as the Vicar of Christ, the Church's teaching and discipline.

The German bishops have long ago lost their armies, but they can try to extort the Curia and the Pope with a bulging wallet (6 billion euros in 2012, church tax). Maybe even with a small threat of schism in the package? In fact, they have already done this on a small scale. An Austrian archbishop and cardinal have some experience with this. The bishops have their knowledge of rebellion in the German language area. The declarations of bishops in  Koenigsteiner, Mariatroster (Austria) and Solothurn (Switzerland)   send their regards. A disobedience that was is still not overcome today and spreads its poisonous blooms. This also explains why the bishops are so passive, compared to the disobedient priests around the former Monsignor Helmut Schüller.

Benedict XVI.’s Attempt To Make The German Church Less Worldly Meant a Break

It needed not the media favorite Francis to be reminded by a pope to poverty, although such a desecrated impression by the media was conveyed to the masses. The dramatic call by Pope Benedict XVI. in the Freiburg Concert Hall in September 2011, that the German church should become less worldly is unknown in modern church history. But the German church apparatus refused, any discussion was suffocated immediately and a good part of the bishops broke, if not openly, behind the scenes with the Pope. He had been already more tolerated than loved, as long as he did not too meddle too much in German affairs. Ultimately, however, he was in the way of the pandering to the Bundesrepublik cartel.

New Pope, New Attempt

The extortion of Benedict XVI. on the issue of remarried divorcees was a complete non-starter. Cardinal Lehmann knew that. When Pope Francis, the fleet footed Latin American, which by his Romanesque origins seemed to lack German dogmatism, gives cause for hope. And you're ready, behind the media fueled enthusiasm, to put the Argentine to the carrot and the stick, like the angry reactions to the reaffirmation of Catholic doctrine in matters of marriage sacrament shown by Archbishop Müller. The proverbial checkbook policy of the German Federal Government has its parallel in the German church. And that, unfortunately, is not always to the advantage of the Church. The Rhenish alliance, which called the shots at the Council, knew to gather votes in the Third World.

It is becoming apparent that much will depend on the employees in the looming tug of war that threatens to surround the Pope. The Roman Curia, which some residential bishops so would like to weaken or at least to bruise has yet to fulfill important tasks. Pope Francis has been exposed to some danger in recent months by some over-zealous and some little sense of the importance and dimension of the papacy. He has opened doors that were closed with good reason. The German bishops are now trying penetrate with their list of demands for the Church. Pope Francis does not seem impervious to advice, so the hope is that it gives the right consultants his ear, as was the case in recent weeks. Whether it was only a wave motion that knows the tides, is yet to be seen.

Much Will Depend on Vatican Employees, Even More For Those who Pray

Francis may not have been aware of some dangers. However, it is time that he becomes aware of them. The rumblings among Germany's bishops will be brought hopefully to his ears. We can only hope that he finds better counselors than those who told him last summer, to submit to questions in two Scalfari articles and the need to recommend a "dialogue" with the atheist opponents of the Church. A "dialogue" which, while it harvested much fruitless applause, yet caused substantially abundant confusion.

The Pope who is being assaulted with a breakaway rush of rebellious German bishops like Reinhard Cardinal Marx (Munich-Freising), who is also tragically a member of the C8 Cardinal Advisors, or the bishops Stephan Ackermann (Trier) and Gebhard Fürst (Rottenburg-Stuttgart), to call a few by name, have some work to do. Whether and how he will be able to repel the intent of this Fronde and to preserve the Catholic doctrine intact, will be decided by how he will go down in Church history. The despised and oppressed faithful Catholics should be ready to talk. They will be very persuasive, especially in prayer, atonement and sacrifice, but also by their voice to the world to participate in this struggle to fight off and defend the Church.

Picture: Papa Benedetto
Trans: Tancred

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Leftist Kulturkampf Against Young Blessed --- Who Always Seems to "Offend"

(Rome) Who owns the school? A particular political direction? How does indoctrination take place in the school? Or in other words: why does a particular political spectrum put so much value to the state and the state's control, which allows control of the school and  in order to control citizens  by the state? A small example from Italy, which is exemplary. The history of northern Italy is not the history of Italy, much less the history of Germany or Austria, Switzerland is the exception anyway. Nevertheless, parallels will be readily apparent. Names and historical contexts change, but a certain methodology remains the same. It's about the history of sovereignty
On 5 October Rolando Rivi was beatified ( see separate report ). The only 14-year-old high school student was murdered by Communist partisans on 10 April 1945 out of hatred for the faith, a few days before the war ended. Kidnapping and execution of the young seminarians took place in the Italian Emilia, in the so-called "Triangle of Death", which was controlled at the end of the war by Communist associations. Armed groups, who were  fighting against fascism and the German occupation forces, but not for freedom and democracy, but for the establishment of a Soviet Republic. A truth of this political side is not  heard happily today  and is largely concealed in the formation of public opinion. That was also the reason why the beatification of the young martyr,  just 68 years after his murder was possible.
But the Left is always outraged and their censorship always works. In Rio Saliceto in Rivis' home,  an exhibition about the young Blessed was shown on the occasion of the beatification. The compulsory education of Rio Saliceto interrupted regular classes for visits to the exhibition. The visit was part of Catholic religious education and was directed, anyway.  only to students who are registered for religious education.

The Rationale

The exhibition  was held in the parish hall "which  some parents wanted  to see as an insult to the Resistance" as the local press reported.  Since the Resistance is called in Italy the partisan resistance "against Nazi fascism." The  main support of armed resistance were Communist organizations.
Under pressure from the parents, the school director ended the exhibition visits. Before school he had a leaflet in which he justified the decision with "lack of time", "to question the exhibition from a historic and didactic point of view in the larger context."
Giuseppe Pagliani, group spokesman for the citizen's  opposition in the council,  sees the decision as merely "another episode of intolerance and censorship to dim the memory of the young martyr, because you want to hide the crimes of the Communist partisans."   There are aspects of resistance, "for which they can only be ashamed. Therefore, you do not want that the students learn that there were communist partisans, who cold-bloodedly murdered a boy of 14 years, while shouting,  'tomorrow we have one priest less.'"  The school's decision is all the greater when, Anne Frank is mentioned. But the memory is a caricature, if it takes place under the ideological sign.

Left censorship

In the "Red Emilia" it always come back to these cases of censorship, as Giuseppe Pagliani. Rolando Rivi was a nuisance for the Communists in 1945 and he is a nuisance for them even today. "The Communist trade union CGIL and Partisan Association ANPI have engaged pressure  for years  to block any attempt to name a street or a place after Rivi.  Efforts were made in several places, including the cities of Reggio Emilia and Modena," said Pagliani. The intention is clear: The general aim was to prevent the name of one of the many innocent victims of the Communist partisans from being known and receiving public importance. "Since Rivi has been beatified, his tragic story is but better known. More and more people learn of what has been concealed. Thus, those who are  influenced by communism like the  Emilia region, have to face their own history, " said Pagliani.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Una Fides
Trans: Tancred

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"Who in the Catholic Camp Makes Common Cause With the Enemy?" Palmaro and Gnocchi After the Telephone Call of the Pope

(Rome) The traditionalist legal philosopher Mario Palmaro, upon whom Pope Francis bestowed a phone call on All Saints Day, and the journalist Alessandro Gnocchi, deal in their recent essay with the criticism of "Denzinger", which has been in vogue. It refers to the "Enchiridion Symbolorum" which is first published in 1854 by Heinrich Denzinger, Würzburg dogmatic theologian, as a collection of the most important teaching documents of the Catholic Church. Palmaro and Gnocchi distinguish a deep-seated aversion to this dogmatic precision, which always distinguished the Church, and considered the reasons for this aversion. The starting point here is the interview that Pope Francis had granted to the atheist Eugenio Scalfari, now deleted from the Vatican website. It is an interview that caused a lot of confusion by its content, by the uncritical absorption in some Catholic circles, by defending it against internal Church criticism and not least, because of the way it was handled by the Vatican, such as the statements of Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi and the full publication without comment by the Osservatore Romano and the website of the Holy See. The two Catholic journalists were sympathetic to the recent criticism of Pope Francis in the "Spirit of the World". Consequently, however, those who make "common cause with the enemy" in the Catholic camp should also be called out by name, who makes the Catholic camp "common cause with the enemy," according to the invitation to the Pope, because the confusion is great that many Catholics no longer know what is actually Catholic and no it is hard to distinguish friend from enemy any longer. So it shall be, that Catholics, often without realizing it, defend uncatholic positions against other Catholics who hold to the Catholic doctrine.

Pope Francis thanked Mario Palmaro for the criticism that he "needs" in a telephone conversation. Radio Maria Italy had dismissed the two Catholic journalists for their comments critical of the papacy. Whether they will be reinstated after the Pope's call, is not known. Program Director Father Livio Fanzaga justified the expulsion in recent weeks several times with counter criticism of the "Denzinger-Catholics".

Palmaro and Gnocchi's essay appeared on 20 November in the daily newspaper "Il Foglio". The intertitles were chosen by the editors.

The "Denzinger" and Half-Worldly

by Mario Palmaro and Alessandro Gnocchi

It was recorded "with joy," as is customary in the Church today, defended without ifs and buts, hermeneutisized as needed and eventually deleted from the website of the Vatican, where it was published for one and a half months: the discussion of the interview Pope Francis gave to Eugenio Scalfari. It was established with a simple click on the file. It is reliable as a whole, said the director of the Vatican Press Office, Father Lombardi, but not in some single site, even if the controversial passage on the conscience is "completely compatible with the Catechism of the Catholic Church."

"Broker no Horse Trading with God's Faithfulness" or the Church as Equidistant Mediator Between God and the World?

Although it is now stored in the file folders for a mere chronicle of events, the incident remains an indicator of a degree of confusion, which is too much even for a field hospital. It's strange that no one asked the question before, and as a precaution, if the interviewer of the Voltaire-press was a patient who came to be healed, or a not particularly well-camouflaged poisoner. Seeing what the concern of the secular interlocutor was, is a question that referred to as fundamental by Pope Francis himself in his sermon in Santa Marta last Monday. Expounding on a passage from the Book of Maccabees, the Pope warned against using the faithfulness of God to engage in horse trading, because the spirit of the world negotiates everything. But the actual state of the postmodern Church has presents itself for decades more as a neutral place for mediation instead of a fortress which is determined to resist the world. It seems to be a place where many complacent standards, methods and tools to use with which both the flattery of the world are understood also as the complaints toward the Church.

The tension of a justified rigor, which under Benedict XVI had begun to return and along with asceticism and prayer protecting from the siren songs of the world, seems to evaporate. Today, it is sufficient to call the razor-sharp but loving precision in memory, with which the Church is always expressed to faith, doctrine and morals, to be disparaged as the ideologized specialist of the Logos. Woe to those who dare to mention the great work of a deserving pioneer of dogmatic theology of Henry Denzinger: he is immediately accused of wanting to replace the gospel with the Enchiridion Symbolorum, that crystal clear compendium of the main texts of the Magisterium, which should serve as a dam, where the world challenges, provokes, negotiates and corrupts. Constantly updated over the decades, the "Denzinger" is named after its first editor, one of the safest points of reference for those who want to know and practice the always valid thinking of the Church. But he is not liked. He irritates and annoys.

Aversion to "Denzinger"? Karl Rahner Knows Why

To find out the reason for this aversion, it is sufficient to read Wikipedia. In a pathetic single line it says in the Italian version: "The great fundamental theologian, the Jesuit Karl Rahner, warned students and scholars of the danger of a reductionist, Denzinger theology." When you consider that the inventor of the theory of the "anonymous Christians" has replaced St. Thomas Aquinas in the Church of today as Doctor Communis, the general dislike of the "Denzinger" of course becomes understandable, which is a severe judge against anyone who the likes to abandon it for some quite personal encounter with the Gospel. Somehow, the issue of personal conscience is coming back to the surface, which Rahner, a brother of Pope Francis, that concepts are believed with difficulty that has been made into a ​​school without a doubt and that: Everyone follows his own conscience, whether it because he thinks he has to be Christian or non-Christian, or because he thinks he's an atheist or a believer, such an individual is accepted and accepted by God and can reach that eternal life, which we call in our Christian faith, the professed goal is for all people. In other words, the grace and justification, the unity and communion with God, the way to have eternal life, everything is just a hurdle only people's bad conscience.

Before the Gospel such a thought can't be anything else, than a revision shying away from the compelling austerity of "Denzinger", which is the compelling austerity of the Church. The Catholic Faith can not just be settled by a personal encounter with the Gospel itself. The Dominican Roger Thomas Calmel explains the why in the "Short Apologetics of the Eternal Church": "There is a strong interaction between the Scriptures and the Conciliar texts and the Catechism. So we change from the reading of the Old and New Testaments to the definitions of the Councils or the popes in order to understand the exact content of the true meaning of the holy texts. Then we return from the Councils and the Catechism back to the Scriptures to never lose the living, concrete, supernatural, inexhaustible text from the eyes, the necessary precision and the depth of the mystery is expressed in the texts of the Church's Magisterium."

Truth of Faith Incomprehensible for Modern People?

The war against the "Denzinger" and thus against the harmonious exposition and concretization of the eternally valid teaching of the Church, has come a long way. It is no coincidence, says Rahner, that the "pronouncements of the traditional faith are not suitable to a large extent, at least as regards the first and most important thing: the proclamation of the faith." Specifications such as "God consists of three persons" or "we are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ," were "for the modern man simply incomprehensible". They would convey the same impression as the mythology of a religion of yesteryear. According to the Jesuit theologian, Jesus, who Lazarus was raised from the dead, has the same taste for modern man as Heracles, Hydra, or Theseus, who defeated the Minotaur. Therefore, nothing else than to reform the Annunciation remains, to adapt to the wavelength of modernity and to transpose the words for the needs of the new audience.

Giuseppe Siri, a cardinal, who was elected pope, grasped the question with a brilliant clarity when, he wrote in "Gethsemane": "With the beginning of secularization the great death began: the world contains the forces for full development of the human and is also the environment in which the purpose of human life must be achieved, and it would therefore be sufficient to abolish the distinction between the sacred and the profane, between the Church and the world." The diagnosis was thought to be acquiescence, as confirmed by Edward Schillebeeckx, who said in 1970: "In Christ, it is now possible to say Amen to the reality of the world and to consider it as a cult, because since the appearance of Jesus the perfection of God lives on earth."

Church as a Field Hospital: But in Effect, There Are The Doctors Who Cure the Patient and Those who Euthanize Him

If the world is the object of the new cult, it is obviously impossible to encounter her in any conflict. The American bishops, who resist Barack Obama, so of course do not follow Rahner and Schillebeeckx. But hundreds of Jesuits with their Catholic universities and hundreds of rebellious nuns say Amen to the U.S. President and perform the worship of the world. The real problem of the field hospital, it is therefore to identify and distinguish who it distributes the salutary medicine and on the other hand who euthanizes the patient.

If it is true that the worldly spirit even tempts God's faithfulness to negotiate, as the Pope said in his homily, then you should also have the courage to say who makes common cause with the enemy in the Catholic camp. It is not possible to point the finger to the flattery of the world, but to tolerate Rahner, who says: "With the progress of the history of grace, the world will become more independent, mature, profane and must think to realize itself. This growing historical worldliness (...) is not a misfortune that obstinately resists grace and the Church, but in the way grace slowly realizes itself in creation."

In the wake of ambiguous and obsessive "primacy of the word" and the Lutheran sola fide, the church has come so far that it is reflected in the perverted horizon of Pelagianism, denies the sin and celebrates the world.

The result is in any case a weakening of tradition and its mission as Mater et Magistra. The free conscience, subjectivism, the sola scriptura, take control and undermine the importance of the bishops and the Pope. The logical framework of this operation is, however, feebly expssed because it is tradition that precedes the word and defines it. It is the Church that determines what the Holy texts are and how they are to be interpreted. A fact that makes it ultimately impossible to label Christianity as a "religion of the book," a misunderstood term that has entered from Protestantism to the Catholic Church. The church is historically and logically in written advance and therefore, Cardinal Siri said, "whoever makes tradition subjective, undermines the Scriptures."

The Eternal and Unique Beauty of the Catholic Church

The eternal and unique beauty of the catholicity consists in the ability to put together all these elements and harmonize. In the constant tension between reason and mystery, between worldly desire and heavenly, there is an impression in patience, in which the magmatic and formless creature prays to rise again like a butterfly from pupa. For to know the doctrine, he is called to love and follow by one agrees with its forms and definitions, and she accepts. There are prayers according to formulations that were formulated by unfathomable inspiration, but with precision, from others. Then it fulminates, away from feelings, digressions, unnecessary speeches and without one iota too much, what is granted by the happiness on this earth, a whisper, a practice and life instead of prattling: "Whoever gives many speeches does not benefit the soul", teaches the Imitation of Christ, "but a good life gives strength to the spirit".

The Annunciation to Mary by St. Luke the Evangelist, would not produce in the praying soul the same tension for the God bearer, as St. Ambrose preached, had not the Council of Ephesus in 431 so permeated and defined the truth in teaching the Virgin as Theotokos, Mother of God. There it is, if anyone does not confess that Emmanuel is God in truth and the Holy Virgin is therefore Theotokos because she gave birth to the incarnate, Who came from word of God according to the flesh, let him be anathema. The Christians loved nothing more than this clarity. "All the people of the city waited from morning to evening on the decision of the Holy Synod," says the Saint Cyril of Alexandria, who was instrumentally involved in bringing about the decision. "When we stepped out of the church, we were escorted to our accommodation. It was evening, the whole town was illuminated, women went ahead with incense. Those that flew to His name, the Lord showed His omnipotence."

To those who read it, who read it in a loving interaction with Scripture, which is told in "Denzinger" these testimonies of history and thus nourishes the righteous life, which in turn nourishes the spirit. This is the life of the Church, which flows through the centuries and gives them shape, it is the tradition, which always anew and imperiously, knocks on the soul and calls it to make a decision.

There is no Alternative to the Fight Against the Spirit of the World

There is no alternative to the fight against the spirit of the world. The temptation, even to negotiate the faith and faithfulness of God, one can only oppose the immutability and eternal validity of the Magisterium. For its entire life, the church has done this by disputing the world of time and space, the two dimensions in which tradition unfolds. The definitions that are collected in "Denzinger" were passed without change over the centuries, they came up with no change to the farthest ends of the earth and of faith. These pages, which you can so easily purchase in bookstores today, put the most adventurous way back through all the continents, as Arold Innis told in his epic work of Empire and Communications (Oxford 1950). They traveled on parchment, "heavy support", suitable for the preservation of unchangeable and eternally valid religious truth as opposed to what went on papyrus and paper, "ephemeral carriers", as they are preferred in secular bureaucracy, transitory and illusory.

Thus the Church of Rome has announced the kingdom of Christ and won from soul to soul for souls of simple and more sophisticated intelligence, but all require the same food. If the Blessed John Henry Newman had not seen the truth expressed in constant statements in space and time, he would never have had the strength and the desire to leave the Anglican community in order to belong to the Church of Rome. In his Apologia, explained the Cardinal, as he only made ​​the big move back home when he became aware that the arguments of the Anglicans against the Council Fathers of Trent were the same that were also raised against the Fathers of Chalcedon, and that to condemn the popes of the 16th century, meant to also condemn the Popes of the 5th Century. The drama of religion, the struggle between truth and error was always the same. The principles and procedure of the Church today are the same as those of the Church of that time. The principles and procedure of the heretics of that time are the same as those of the Protestants of today. "I have noted with horror," said Newman.

But the Church can not have a soul alone before a truth, which could frighten. Each offers them the strict and gentle caress of the Rite. The tradition of the people is becoming through a sacred poem, in its catholicity, which has its heavenly expression in the Eucharistic Celebration as Domenico Giuliotti writes: "It is the Holy Mass, and not the Divine Comedy, which is really sacred', applied to the heavens and the earth have on hand (...) God, the Trinity, and all the angels form the argument. The conversion, which renews the Incarnation, is the highlight of this immense mystery. And the priest is at the same Thaumaturge and Poet". The radiance of the heavens to the earth, tradition and liturgy are almost consubstantial even in the method by which the people have contributed to their formation. While one is the repertory of thought, purified from all that is purported not to be definitely divine, the other is the composition of gestures and words unchanging, free from all that is human.

The Church has always Forgave the Sinner. Forgives Sin Today?

There are two approaches to the same world where everyone always gets what is due to him, wherever he is located and in whatever age he lives. On earth there is nothing fairer. John Henry Newman explained this with gentle precision in his novel Loss and Gain (London, 1848), when he describes the thoughts and impressions of the young main character who attends a Catholic Mass for the first time. At that time, the same doctrine and the same liturgy were good for all, for the saints and for sinners, for the living and for the dead, for the Romans and the barbarians. There was still not that complaint, which Nicolas Gomez Davila should perceive later: "The Church once forgave sinners, now It has decided to forgive sins."

Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: publisher / Polis (assembly)
Trans: Tancred

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