Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Church and School Are Shelled: 9 Children Killed and 27 Wounded

(Damascus) Islamist rebels have fired two shells into the predominantly Christian district of Al-Qassaa of Damascus. The Christians' Holy Cross Church and St. John's School were struck. Nine children have died, 27 were injured.

As the news agency Sana reported, the children were in a school bus that had just arrived from school in order to bring them to class. The nearby school and the church were also struck.

According to witnesses, the shells fell in the Holy Cross Church and the St. John School. Already on the 7th of October, the Islamists had shelled the church and next to a Christian school. Samaan, a Christian from Al-Qassaa reports that the Islamists "always work this way. They fire shells, then wait a month and then shoot it again."

In kindergarten, there were no casualties in October, because the attack took place on a Sunday. It was apparently the church and potential church visitors. The attack on the school was on a work day this time and caused a bloodbath.

There is still fighting around the Syrian capital, although Assad made a concession to the rebels in order to include all sides in the Geneva II Peace Conference. In Qudsaya is not being fought over presently. The city is located west of Damascus. It is in rebel hands, but is surrounded by government troops. The concession by President Assad to stop the fighting, freed the trapped people from a hopeless situation. The agreement includes that trucks with food such as flour, wheat, water and milk powder may be brought into the city.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Tempi
Trans: vekron99@hotmail.com
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"Moderate" Will be the New President of the US Bishops' Conference -- Archbishop Chaput Bypassed

(New York) Archbishop Joseph Edward Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky is the new chairman of the American Bishops Conference (USCCB). The choice of a "moderate" President and the departure after the election of the Deputy Chairman, and thus likely next chairman in three years, indicates the end of the ascent of the bishops, who were close to the renewal of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI. and trying to adapt to the new conditions under a new pontificate.

With the election of Archbishop Kurtz, the bishops are following tradition, where standing Vice President of the expiring term in office is followed in becoming the new President. Otherwise, it was three years ago, when the bishops broke with this iron law of the US Bishops' Conference by the election of Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York. In 2010, the election of a liberal President was prevented. A fundamental choice of direction in a moment of confrontation with the Catholic Church and the leftist U.S. Government under President Barack Obama, who had taken office in Janaury 2009.

The term of office of the President of the U.S. Bishops' Conference lasts only three years. Re-election of the retiring President is not provided for.

But times have changed now. Obama was reelected, but that's not critical. There is a striking climate for change in the election of Pope Francis. Archbishop Kurtz is considered a "moderate" between "conservative" and "liberal" bishops. He was elected with 127 votes in the first ballot. The interest in the direction of struggle seems limited in the new situation.

The significant election result for the new President does not mean that he did not have competitors. Placed second with 25 votes Archbishop Daniel Cardinal Di Nardo of Galveston-Houston, a member of the "conservative" wing. The rest was distributed, each with a few more votes to eight candidates.

There was also a new Vice President elected. Two conservative bishops went to the ballot. The aforementioned Cardinal Di Nardo and Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia. Chaput belongs to the group of those bishops who are "creative conservatives". Who have taken during the pontificate of Benedict XVI a special leadership role in the public debate. Cardinal Di Nardo was elected by 147 votes with 87 votes against Archbishop Chaput. Chaput was the one who spoke last July that faithful Catholics would find it difficult to understand Pope Francis.

The election of Archbishop Kurtz  as President and the defeat of Archbishop Chaput as Vice President can be seen as an effort of the majority of the U.S. bishops to maintain or manufacture a degree of compliance with the new pontificate. Under these circumstances, the result for the Archbishop of Philadelphia is remarkable.

At the General Assembly of the USCCB, the Apostolic Nuncio to the U.S., Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò emphasized the invitation of Pope Francis to tread the path of a "low church" which is based on "the love of Christ" and should be "built upon a coherent line of life and faith". That is the "royal road" of the people "to raise awareness of the truth of our message," as it says in a press release of the Episcopal Conference.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Vatican insider / Wikicommons (assembly)

Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos to Una Voce: "Pope Francis Has no Intention to Limit the Old Rite"

(Rome), Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos took part in the Annual General Meeting of the International Federation Una Voce  (FIUV) in Rome. In his speech he referred to  the Franciscans of the Immaculate . The Cardinal tried to appease the case  of the traditional Franciscan Order, which was triggered by a radical intervention of  the Congregation of Religious in July,  and said Pope Francis would  only insist on the Novus Ordo " because of internal disagreements" as Catholic World News reported.
The former Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy and former President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei assured that Pope Francis has absolutely no intention to limit the celebration of Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman rite. The cardinal is quoted as saying to Una Voce delegates: "I met Francis Pope recently and he told me that he has no problems with the old rite nor problems with groups and associations such as yours, which are promoting it."
As to questions by the FIUV delegates to the tensions surrounding the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate the cardinal told them that the Pope this order only because of the persistence of internal disputes  over  the new rite, but not because of an unfavorable opinion of the traditional liturgy.
The elected at the AGM FIUV new chairman, the Attorney James Bogle said: "We are very grateful to His Eminence Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, His Eminence Cardinal Brandmüller, and to Archbishop Pozzo for taking part in our General Assembly of the International Federation Una Voce". Opposite CWN Bogle said: "We are very pleased with the way the celebration of the traditional Mass is now going worldwide. We are obviously very grateful to Benedict XVI and also our present Pope Francis for all the support that they have given us in our right to worship in the traditional Roman rite."
A video offers a glimpse into images in the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, previously, evangelizing, missionary alternately, with the traditional rite and with numerous vocations. As to how the further development after the intervention of the Congregation of Religions and Pope Francis will be, it remains to be seen.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: FIUV
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Monday, November 11, 2013

Cardinal Kasper Advocates More Apologies and Pretended Unity for 500th Anniversary of Protestant Revolt

500 years schism: Cardinal Kasper hopes 2017 "common worship and confession of guilt"

(Mainz) In 2017 the Lutherans are to celebrate  Reformation 500 years of schism initiated in 1517.  [If any are left.] The former president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity , Cardinal Walter Kasper, is encouraging  that the Lutheran churches and the Catholic Church "should celebrate common worship" in 2017.  In this "worship" both sides should put aside their doctrinal commitments. Cardinal Kasper said on Friday in Münster: "In this we should take a confession of guilt that we have not met the requirement of unity." The "two churches" should "thank the  ecumenical movement and promise" to decide to continue along those  lines.  A proposal has already been submitted by the Cardinal in the summer of 2012 as part of Ratzinger Student Circle at Castel Gandolfo. The two sides are put at the same level and suggested to share in the same "fault", without any discussion of substantive differences and questions.

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Pope Francis Deplores "Corrupt Priests"

Rome, 11:11:13 (Kipa) Pope Francis deplores hypocrisy and vanity among believers and priests. "Corrupt Christians" and "corrupt priests" who do not follow the spirit of the Gospel, but the worldly vanity, would bring a lot of "bad" about the Church, Francis said on Monday during his daily morning Mass at the Vatican.

"We all know someone who is in such a situation," the Pope said. These people have lived a "double life".
With one hand they should give money to the church, while with the other they rob state and the poor. Those people who do not repent of their sin and presentiment to be good Christians, according to Jesus, deserve to be thrown with a millstone around their neck of the sea, Francis said in the chapel of the guest house Santa Marta. Jesus isn't speaking  about forgiveness. (Kipa / cic / bal)

The Great Kapellmeister Domenico Cardinal Bartolucci is Dead

(Vatican) The Church musician Domenico Cardinal Bartoluccci is dead, who was born near Florence in 1917, the Cardinal was  head of the choir of the Sistine Chapel  from 1956 to 1997. For decades, he forged the Church music at the papal liturgies. In 2009, he gave a well receivedd interview about the liturgy. Cardinal Bartolucci was one of the priests of the Catholic Church, despite the liturgical reform of 1969/1970, who still celebrated in the Old Rite and it steadfastly clung to it till the end of his life. In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI elevated him to cardinal.
At 14, he composed his first motets, oratorios and cantatas, was organist of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, and was ordained a priest in 1939 by Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa. After a period as Director of Music in Florence, church music studies in Rome and in the pastoral care of a parish priest in his home diocese Montefoscoli, his calling was to Rome. Bartolucci was first deputy choirmaster at the Basilica of St. John Lateran, from 1947, he was  choirmaster at the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and from 1952 deputy director of the Sistine Chapel Choir at St. Peter's Basilica.  In 1956 Pope Pius XII appointed him, finally, as the choir director of the famous choir that sings in the celebrations of the Pope.

Keeper of the Church Musical Heritage of the West

The priest, composer, choir conductor and orchestra director is one of the most famous musicians of the 20th  Century Church. For his personal merits Pope Benedict XVI elevated him. on 20 November 2010, to the rank of Cardinal.The award for Domenico Bartolucci was a precise signal by Benedict XVI. as part of his efforts to restore the consciousness of the sacredness of the liturgy. The Church Music is a not insignificant part of it. Besides the maintenance of Gregorian chant, Bartolucci was mainly a custodian of the church musical work of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina. In general, he saw his role as the preservation and maintenance of the large church musical heritage of the West.
On the occasion of his 85th Birthday, Paul Cardinal Poupard, then President of the Pontifical Council for Culture said: "Maestro Bartolucci has succeeded as a real Christian artist, making perceptible the Gospel of the risen Christ with his music and his work as a choirmaster in an engaging and fascinating way the world of spirit, and the message of the Christian faith. "

Cardinal Bartolucci Celebrated Only in the Old Rite in His LIfe

His personal attitude played a role in the '90s and led to his dismissal as head of the Sistine Chapel Choir. A decision that was frowned upon by the then Prefect of the Congregation, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. As Pope, he was  demonstratively responsible for the rehabilitation Bartoluccis, especially with the 2010 survey in the cardinal's rank. The appointment of a cardinal priest, who personally rejected the liturgical reform, ensured some discontent in Church circles, which was mitigated by the fact that Monsignor Bartolucci was already 93 years old and no longer entitled to elect a pope.
In 2009 Domenico Bartolucci, then not cardinal, gave an interview which received international attention. On the occasion of his death, we would like to call this interview in remembrance and recommend to read: "What do we do with liturgists who do not know the theology?" - Interview with Msgr Domenico Bartolucci the em. Choirmaster of the Sistine Chapel .
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: 30Giorni

Post-Modern Latin?

Someone on Facebook recently directed me to this blogpost:


And I thought the following expression of post-modern gobbledygook was fun!:

We should listen to the intertextual, multivocalities of postcolonial others outside of Western culture in order to learn about the phallogocentric biases that mediate our identities.

Someone then asked me to translate this to Latin and such was a very enjoyable exercise. Remember, one must translate not what a text says, but what a text means, and post-moderns should be able to appreciate that distinction precisely because they're constantly on the look out for meaning.

Anyway, here's my rendition in Latin:

Exaudiamus oportet textus et voces et modos cogitandi alienorum extra mundum Europaeorum quo melius inclinationes nefandas, quibus iniuste feminarum viri dominentur et quibus nosmetipsos non recte intelligamus, discamus.

Now, what do we find when we translate back to English? Something a bit more intelligible:

It behooves us to listen to the texts, voices, and modes of thought of those outside the world of Europeans so that we may better learn the wicked inclinations by which men unjustly exercise power over women and by which we incorrectly understand ourselves.

And so, in the final analysis, postmodern discourse is just like Holy Mass and the other sacraments: It's better in Latin.

"Denziger Catholics" and "Ideological Christians"? New Pigeonholes, But the Problem Remains

(Rome) A letter and discussion is cause for  worry  and some restlessness among Catholics worldwide. It is first of all a very personal letter from Mexican Catholic and nine-time mother, Lucrecia Rego de Planas to Pope Francis. And on the other, a perceptive analysis of two Catholic intellectuals from Italy, the legal philosopher  Palmaro, and journalist  Alessandro Gnocchi.  The letter and article have received great approval. Many Catholics feel  it has expressed their own thoughts, fears and feelings.  Palmaro and Gnocchi were also dismissed from Radio Maria and there were some intense and sometimes understated criticism.  Being uncomfortable with the criticism falls to an almost categorical refusal to face up to a substantive discussion.  Was he Pope right in his controversial statements? These statements are Catholic? What does this mean for the Church and its doctrine? What impact  do these statements have on Catholics in the world? 

The legal philosopher Corrado Gnerre who teaches, among other things, at the European University of Rome Philosophical Anthropology spoke against this criticism of the criticism of Pope Francis, which ignores the content on the points raised.  In the example of a response by the Catholic journalist Antonio Socci, "which is no answer",  Gnerre shows how this discussion is the same as a  a denial of reality,  and therefore, solves nothing and helps no one. The question is still in the air: Did Pope Francis produce substantial problems by some statements: yes or no? Some suspect it was up to an incomplete mastery of the Italian language. Even then consequences would be offered. An ostrich attitude on this question may be convenient, but it's good for nothing, such the thesis Gnerres.

From "Denzinger-Catholics" to "Moralistic Catholics", Some More Labels, Yet the Problems Are the Same

by Corrado Gnerre
In our time, biodiversity is celebrated. The conviction prevails  that diversity is generally beautiful, the more the better, the more colorful, the more fascinating ... In short, as they say in my area, a Pizza with all the toppings: the more you put on it, the more you enjoy it!
Even in the Church one lives in this atmosphere in some way. Were it  a symphonic atmosphere, there would be nothing wrong with it, because the symphony is "unity in diversity". Diversity in manner, but unity in doctrine. This has always been so in the Church. Rather, it's ever been its hallmark. But that is not what we are experiencing today. We can  not even deceive ourselves: it's not. Not the symphony is celebrated today, but the opposition, otherness, and that is something else entirely.

If Words Have Any Meaning, How Are They Interpreted That Way?

For the past several days we have had  to discover that there are also "the ideological and moralistic Catholics" [a painful discovery no doubt.] . If we interpret the words according to their literal meaning, then such a discovery should have been made ​​long ago, in fact. If words have any meaning namely, the ideological Catholic would have to be the one who turns his own faith in ideology, and ideology is again the claim to transform reality into an intellectual and subjective construction. The father of the ideology is the way of the rationalist René Descartes. 
And if words really have a meaning, then the moralistic Catholic would have to be the one who transformed the natural and supernatural morality in human ethics, or in other words, that which replaced the law by rules . Those rules, which are based only on the weakness of human opinions and socio-cultural contexts.
So these days we had to discover not only the existence "of the ideological and moralistic Catholics", as if it were a novelty. We had to also discover that you have under these labels to understand something completely different than really mean the words, so that one has in reality that  we understand the Catholics who hold true to the tradition (i.e. the living and eternal God, in history and thus quite different from ideology) and those who remain  faithful to morality (ie the obeying of the living and eternal God in history, and thus very different from moralism).

The Orientation is Lost, Nothing More and Nothing Less

But why this confusion? For a very simple reason: because the orientation is lost, nothing more and nothing less. Due to the loss of consciousness of the truth and especially the fact that the truth must be  "information" (in the formal  sense), is everything, not just  diversity for its own sake, and thus dissolves  the meaning of the words.
Thus we neglect the problem and focus instead on method and form. Take the case of Gnocchi and Palmaro. I will not go into the question of method, because even I could may be able to have vague ideas in this respect, namely whether Gnocchi and Palmaro have done well, or not so, to write certain things. What I do reject is that the discussion was  primarily limited to whether they were disrespectful or not,  that not one critic - and I repeat no one - dares to prove if what they wrote was wrong .
The recent contribution of the Catholic journalist Antonio Socci of the 24th of October in the daily newspaper Il Foglio, only  complicated the thing. He has written a lot, but ultimately said nothing. He has informed us that Benedict XVI. a master of the Logos was. Good. He has informed us that Paul VI. has written many interesting things about the fidelity to tradition. Very well. He has informed us that all are in continuity. We hope so. He garnished everything so that he attracted a number of intellectuals and theologians  Gnostic fashion as they like Eugenio Scalfari, lend an ear. This pleases us. He has informed us about many beautiful things ... but the problem he has not provided a solution.

Is Pope Francis' Statement on Conscience Compatible with the Church's teaching? Yes or No

For example, he does not explain how the statements of Pope Francis on conscience in his talks with the founder of the newspaper La Repubblica are in agreement, and I did not even say  with the whole Denzinger, but at least in line with the encyclical Veritatis Splendor  by John Paul II. Apodictically he just announced that it is, without explaining it. And if he is convinced of it only because Pope Francis is a son of St. Ignatius, this is not such a strong case ... if it's true, and it is true, then Cardinal Martini was also a Jesuit. If Socci is convinced that what Pope Francis says is always in keeping with the Logos is because he is the Pope, in line with that Logos, which - as Socci writes himself - reduces  Christianity to emotions and  feelings - always according to opinion of Socci - as the charismatic groups tend to do, but then Socci should inform them about which opinion of the charismatic groups Pope Francis holds. His Holiness has always praised and supported them.

"Denzinger-Catholic" is Not Offensive, but a Superfluous Labeling

But we return back to the "biodiversity" that brings everything in line and all harmonized in the dialectic and struggle, as the wolf with the lamb and the leopard with the gazelle. And so back to  Socci's essay. The Lefebvrian (the author of these lines is neither Lefebvrian nor otherwise associated with the label) to be described as  Denzinger-Catholics may be pejorative, but it is not necessarily. But put the question of elegance of expression aside and consider the substance of the statement. A Denzinger-Catholic is  to say,  that  Catholic who looks to the totality of the Magisterium. But this is - and Socci  should know it - for a Catholic is not an option but an obligation, because there is only one teacher, and that is in an unbroken continuity. What is meant is that continuity which is so important also in Socci's own words, and he  wants to express by making citations by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI. This brings us back to the usual point: You throw some  out to attack someone (in this case, the duo Gnocchi and Palmaro), but without really explaining anything.

There are moralists, but not moralistic Catholics

So we come to another point. The Catholic moralist would therefore insist on too much of morality. But have we ever asked ourselves what actually is morality in the field of Catholic theology? The God- Logos is a God who is not about good and evil, but is constitutive good. Therefore, the moral law of God is not an arbitrary decision, but his own nature. The Ten Commandments, for example, are nothing else than the codified nature of God.  TO Obey the law of God, therefore, is to partake of His nature, embracing God.  On the other hand, it is not possible to decide for God, but not to observe his law. There is nothing moralistic  in all this, because for moralism morality is something abstract and an intellectual decision that fails in a particular way, but might as well turn in a different way. The Saints, however, have understood that there is no God without the moral law and no moral law without God, because God is a living God. Those to be called moralists who pay attention to the moral law and to urge others to do likewise, means contradict the saints. What else should we say about a saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who insisted so unyieldingly.  Jesus is very clear: "He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. " (Matt. 5:19).
In this sense, Benedict XVI insisted so strongly on the so-called non-negotiable principles, because of dealing with human life depends also on how to deal with all the other big issues that dominate our time. As  Benedict XVI. designated  the gender ideology as a serious attack against  peace and as a major challenge that is facing the Church. In connection with human life it is reflected in witness and expression for them of the love alone, the truth alone, life alone and the life alone.

An appeal: Do We Want to Discuss Content or Not?

I 'm making an appeal: do we or do we not have to think about and discuss content, instead of insulting definitions to fill the space and catalog Catholics? Do we want to address and solve problems or not? To say it would be enough to follow their own subjective ideas of good and evil, to save themselves, to say that you can not lose regardless, the faith of Christ, to say that God is not Catholic, to say that it is not the primary goal of Christians to convert others, that they also may be saved ... all this talk, is there a problem or not? That is the question!
In the fable of Pinocchio, it was a simple cricket that spoke  (to mention the Entomology, since we started with  Biodiversity), and he was crushed. He spoke, but he fulfilled his duty. He  posed the right questions. Pinocchio told him  to be quiet because he was only a measly cricket and crushed him. But he did not solve the problems with this ... not even his doubts and his "father".
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: vekron99@hotmail.com
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Friday, November 8, 2013

Courageous French Mayor and His Council Refuse to be Intimidated by Gomorrist Law in France

(Paris) In France the mayor wrote a letter to the citizens of his town in which he told them: "I can not believe in gay marriage. Should I be forced, I am resigning." The community is Fontgombault. There is a world-famous Benedictine abbey, which maintains the traditional rite of the Catholic Church and is bound to tradition.

In late spring, the socialist parliamentary majority decided for the legalization of "gay marriage" despite massive resistance from a broad civil rights movement. Since then, the mayors of France are under pressure. If a gay couple wants to get married, they have to make a fundamental decision. To break any resistance, the government of President Hollande has issued corresponding penalties for the same. Should a mayor refuse to honor a sodomite couple, it threatens him not only impeachment and a fine of 75,000 euros but even five years in prison.

"There is a Natural Law That Stands Above the Laws of Man"

Jacques Tissier, the Catholic mayor of Fontgombault has made his decision. He wants to withdraw: "There is a natural law that stands above the laws of man." The decision of the mayor is shared by the entire council. Municipal Government and council want to resign, should the community be forced to have to perform a "marriage" of two homosexuals. A similar decision has been taken by the entire council on this last 24th of October.

Since the legislature has expressly denied the mayors of the freedom of conscience, there are only two options: either to be dismissed and face a fine or go to jail.

Jacques Tissier sees the denial of freedom of conscience, a serious violation of religious freedom. In addition, the "gay marriage" is an absurdity because it is two same-sex persons categorically impossible to conceive new life of their own will, but just based on the basic transmission of life is the essence of marriage.

The daily Nouvelle Republique reported that the decision of the mayor had been referred to by some as "scandalous" and "shocking".

Mayor Tissier called on those who have "problems" with his decision to contact him directly and talk to him.

The Mayor Has Already Received "negative" Attention: After the Earthquake in Haiti, he Prayed for the Victims

Tissier, has been the mayor of Fontgombault since 1977, hit the headlines in 2010. After the earthquake in Haiti, he asked the council to pray the Our Father and a Hail Mary with him before the meeting for the victims of the earthquake. In the country where for over 100 years, the secularism is the official state doctrine, it was an outrageous affront.

Church opponents and proponents of "gay marriage" already called to the fact that gay couples are moving especially to Fointgombault and there are to force the mayor and the council to resign by the requirement of "marriage".

The legalization of "gay marriage" has troubled thousands of French mayors. You have to resist the introduction of the new law in the platform of Maries Pour l'Enfance (Mayors for childhood). There are already criminal complaints against some mayors who have refused to honor "gay marriage" already. Just as against Jean-Michel Colo., mayor of the French town of Arcangues since 1983.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Commune de Fontgombault
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Versus Populum -- The New Church is Directed Towards the People of God

The "Spirit" of the Council

In the wake of the Jacobin Conciliar Spirit, the high altar is exchanged for a dining table. Christ is moved from the center

The high altar (and thus the sacrifice of Golgotha) was pushed to the back by a so-called people's altar (which often looks like a kitchen table), as the east darker from now on.

Completely without necessity an extremely financially expensive piece of furniture was placed between the high altar and the community, which is the spitting image of a Masonic a master's table. Further below you will find depictions of the Masonic altar, which looks like its apparent twin brother, to be confused with the so-called people's altar.

The priest turns his back on Christ

Since the implementation of a suitable people's altar, the priest turns his ass to the altar and attracts the attention of the audience to himself. Through this priestly dominance, everything is presently focused on the priest: on his sex life, his disobedience, his inability in group dynamic etc.

Jesus Christ is barely present in the new Mass, since the sacrifice is offered in the new church facing the audience (versus populum).

It was a masterpiece performance of the Jacobin Conciliar Spirit to bring in almost all the churches a Masonic table in Catholic churches, forcing the priest to turn away from God and to turn toward God's people (versus populum).

The person of the priest binds the attention of the community and distracts them from God. This is the tragedy of the modern priest - if this tragedy is not intended: the modern priest obstructs the view of Christ. The community will not be raised to God, but lowered from.

From the new Catholic churches, lodges were un-Catholic temples in which disobedience, breaking celibacy and self-aggrandizement are to be preached and man emancipated from God. In the modern aggiornamento Church, the priest turns propagandistically to the emancipated group (versus populum), talks a lot of nonsense and suppresses the truth.

Thus the mass is cut from the truth, Jacobin Church people do not get bored, an atmospheric activity of games and  satanic self-celebration is entered into in the new Mass instead of being in the presence of the Victim.


Example 1 of a Masonic Master Table that could be immediately used as a folk altar (or will be):

Example 2 of a Masonic Master Table that could be immediately used as a folk altar (or will be):

 Example 3 of a Masonic Master Table that could be immediately used as a folk altar (or will be):

Link to Kreuz.net...

Translation: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


The New "Chief Ghostwriter" of the Pope

(Vatican) The new coordinator of the Pope's staff, who are involved in the drafting of speeches, sermons, and written documents, is called Paolo Luca Braida. He takes on the task of Giampiero Gloder, whom Pope Francis has named as Bishop and new president of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy. He received his episcopal consecration from the Pope personally.

Many heads and hands interact with each theme and subject in the development of the papal texts that are part of the Ordinary Magisterium. The responsiblity for their coordination in the two last years of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. rested upon Monsignor Giampiero Gloder, who comes from a small Bavarian town founded by settlers in the Middle Ages, a German language island in northern Italy. Although there hasn't been spoken German for 70 years, but at least the two "Bavarians" have hit it off nonetheless.

Personnel Modification Brought new Coordinator of the "Speech Writers"

With the staff restructuring of the Roman Curia, Pope Francis wanted an employee of his choice for this task. He found it in Bishop Paolo Luca Braida, born in 1959, ordained in 1987, incardinated in the Italian diocese of Lodi. Braida has been working at the Roman Curia since 1991. Since 2008 he has been a member of the Apostolic Chamber and since 2010 head of the Italian Section of the Secretariat of State. For some time he has also been involved in drafting papal speeches, so his appointment came as no surprise. Conveniently, he also lives in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the guest house of the Vatican, which is being gradually transformed into the new Apostolic Palace. Not only by internal conversion work, but also by the gradual relocation of the Pope's closest collaborators there. The number of permanent residents is increasing.

Archbishop Paolo Sardi, the coordinator of the papal speeches of Pope John Paul II, who took that of over from Paul VI., is today a Cardinal. When traveling abroad, and on pastoral visits the local bishops have the option to deposit in advance of certain concerns that are incorporated where possible in the speeches. Different clarifications fall to the coordinator. Moreover, each Pope places a different accent.

Each Pope Has Different Accents, Benedict XVI. Wrote Important Speeches Himself by Hand

And every pope has written personally important speeches. Others are designed to the specifications of the Pope by others and brought to the pope in the final version, if time permits. Benedict XVI. was known to write many things for himself, and this by hand. The official speeches that are part of the Ordinary Magisterium are then reviewed by the Congregation. This task is the responsibility of Archbishop Francis Ladaria Ferrer, a Spanish Jesuit and Secretary of the Roman Congregation under Pope Francis.

Pope Francis Holds Spontaneous Speeches Like the Cemetery in Rome

With Pope Francis he replaces all prearranged drafts when he lectures, partially deletes and makes additions, or replaces completely by a spontaneous sermon.

In the Sermon on All Saints Roman cemetery at Campo Verano, master of ceremonies Guido Marini, had a prepared homily written down, but the Pope did not really look much at them, but spoke mostly free. The Press Office of the Vatican had put journalists on notice that the version issued as usual has no validity. Under the spontaneity the theological precision suffers, as well as the example of the Cemetery Sermon makes clear. In Rome it it is met with shrugging: "The Pope is just like that."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Diocese of Lodi

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Putin to Visit Pope Francis -- To Forge a New "Holy Alliance"?

(Moscow / Vatican) Russia's President Vladimir Putin will pay a visit to Pope Francis. The audience is set for Monday, the 25th of November. The meeting was strongly desired by the Russian head of state. The diplomats of the Kremlin made inquiries a few weeks ago at the Vatican to include a trip to Rome during Putin's trip to Italy, which leads him to Trieste. The wish was granted immediately by the Vatican. On the same day, the man in the Kremlin will also pay a courtesy visit to the Italian Head of State, as required by diplomatic convention. But the real destination is Pope Francis.

Putin is not just seeking a photo-op, which would immortalize him next to the head of the Catholic Church. Russia seeks to establish a new network of strategic partnerships for several years. This was exemplified with the rapprochement between the Russian Orthodox and the Catholic Church under Pope Benedict XVI., an approach that is reinforced by the reigning Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill. However, the approach involves not only the Church but also the political level. And reveals that this is not just a purely political question.

Moscow in Search of Strategic Allies

In Moscow there is a quest for similarities and potential allies for a counterweight to the United States. A power struggle under very different circumstances. It's about national interests, geopolitics, and influence. But it is also a dimly recognizable counter-model to the new Western state doctrine of relativism. At this level, Putin calls out to the West. He did this by supporting the opponents of gay marriage in France and by Russia's refusal to fall under the U.S. Cartel. In addition to a national antagonism, a new ideology has entered. A contrast that will take place globally as the different language programs broadcast by Russian television show. There are  English and a Spanish editors to supply much of the world with counter-information to Western broadcasters.

The promising contacts by Benedict XVI arose between Moscow and the Vatican, should the Kremlin so desire, will be be expanded. The opportunity to continue leading the way with Pope Francis is apparent. Putin wants to personally attend the last decisive exploratory visit on the 25th November. Syria will only be a topic of discussion to demonstrate similarities. Russia has signaled in the Middle East it is ready to take on the role of protector of the Christians, whom the West seems to be willing to give up on other interests. 

Recognized Role of Russia: Open Letter from Francis to Putin

Early September, Pope Francis signaled that Russia must play an important role with an open letter to Putin, facing the G20 summit in St. Petersburg. Specifically, it was about the Syrian conflict. This was followed by prompt cooperation in the diplomatic field between the Vatican and Russia to defuse the conflict by securing Syrian President Assad's assent to destroy chemical weapons. The fate of Christians in the Middle East will be discussed at the meeting. Pope Francis has so far avoided any gesture that could be exploited in any way in an anti-Islamic manner by the West or from Russia. Unlike the West, he avoided any mention and even praise for the "Arab spring", in whose lee the Islamists in the Middle East experienced an unexpected increase in power. But he also avoided any invitation to the old protective forces to work beyond diplomatic activities for the protection of Christians in the Orient.

A new "Holy Alliance"? - Argentine Pope is no Longer in East-West Logic of the Cold War

In Russia, there is quite an interest to forge a kind of "Holy Alliance". Moscow has set aside a lot of the old resentment against the West and its representatives. What seemed unthinkable for the Moscow Patriarch with a Polish Pope, was already possible under a German pope. Then a Pope from Argentina is definitively not in the old East-West logic in which the Catholic Church was seen as part of the North Atlantic Alliance by Russia. This is also why new opportunities of approach are seen in the East.

Opportunities that could possibly lead to long-silent and gradually prepared meeting between a pope and a patriarch of Moscow. The trail leads to Moscow on a common defense of non-negotiable values.

Papal Gesture of Goodwill for Orthodox

Pope Francis shown his hand already in several benevolent gestures toward Orthodoxy. On the return flight from Rio de Janeiro, he expressed his admiration for the Orthodox liturgy, which is to have more strongly preserved the sacred. In his Civiltà Cattolica interview, he said of the Orthodox: "From them you can learn even more the meaning of episcopal collegiality and the tradition of Synodality".

On November 12th the "Foreign Minister" of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, has already come to Rome. The occasion is the presentation of a book with contributions of the Russian philologist Sergei Averintsev (1937-2004), who was a member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences as an Orthodox. Hilarion's stay in Rome, are seen also as preparatory talks proceeding the 25th of November.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Murdered Christians: "Why Does Not the World Raise Their Voice?" -- Islamists Plunder Saint Symeon Monastery

Edit: now we probably begin to understand more of what motivated the men who travelled thousands of miles on foot to fight the Turk.

(Damascus) In the meantime details about the murder of 45 Christians in Sadad are becoming known. A whole family was thrown alive into a well by the Islamists, where they died. Islamist rebels in the north also targeted the "Rock of Symeon" from the 5th Century. The "rock of Simeon" in Arabic, Kalat Siman, is a large monastery with cathedral from the early Byzantine period. It originated as a spiritual center in the place where the saint Symeon the Stylite lived on a column until his death after 37 years. Symeon Stylites died in 459 and became the first pillar saint in Church history.

During his lifetime he was sought by thousands of pilgrims, seeking advice and assistance, as Symeon was not had a reputation for holiness, but God worked many miracles through him. Even Emperor Theodosius II (401-450) climbed up the column in order to ask him for advice. The rush of pilgrims was also so great after his death, that the Byzantine Emperor Zeno (425-491) established the Symeon Cloister on the road to Antioch, 35 km to the north west of Aleppo. During his reign the mighty cathedral and the monastery was built as a pilgrimage center. At the center of the great crossroads is the 15-18 meter high pillar on which according to tradition the saint had lived on a wooden platform.

Saint Symeon the Stylite Islamic conquest in 1164

After the conquest of Islam had rolled over it several times , the monastery was near the border between the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic sphere. In the 10th Century, the monastery was fortified because of the increasing Islamic pressure. 1164 saw the conquest by the Seljuk Turks and the Muslim decline.

The jihadists of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant control part of the city of Aleppo have recently put the Cathedral of Saint Symeon the Stylite in the crosshairs. They destroyed what was left to destroy that was recognizably Christian and dragged away what was more valuable, reported Le veilleur de Nineveh. The impressive ruins are a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

"How Can You Commit Such Inhuman and Brutal Acts?"

The area of ​​Aleppo near the Turkish border is in a dramatic situation, as the Christian Claude Z. says: "The situation is critical: we have had no electricity for ten days, there is a lack of food, rebels and army are fighting and the Islamist terrorists have introduced Sharia law in the areas they where they control part of the city. "

As Kirche in Not [The Catholic relief organization in German Zone] has reported, 30 of the 45 CHristians killed in Sadad were found in two mass graves. Many of the dead showed signs of abuse. Among them were old people, women and the disabled. Six members of a family, including a 90-year-old woman were thrown alive into a well by the Islamists , where they perished miserably.

The Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antioch, Gregory III. Laham said, "How can one commit such inhuman and bestial acts to older people and their families? I do not understand: Why does not the world raise their voice against such brutality. Extremism and fanaticism have overtaken Syria. What has happened in Sadad exemplifies what experience of all Christians in Syria is."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons
Tancred: vekron99@hotmail.com

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Creeping Apostasy Among Christians" -- Cardinal Sarah Criticizes "Financially Powerful Groups"

(Trieste) Cardinal Robert Sarah raises the alarm. Among the believers a "creeping apostasy" is in progress. The wake up call comes from the president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, at a meeting of European Bishops' Conferences COMECE in Trieste.

"Even among the baptized and the disciples of Christ, there is now a sort of creeping apostasty', a rejection of God and the Christian faith in politics, in business, in the ethical and moral realm and in the post-modern Western culture." These words were submitted by Cardinal Robert Sarah, president of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, who spoke on Tuesday at a meeting of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community in Trieste on charity.

"We involuntarily breathe in fully teachings, which are against the people, and produce a new politics, which has an effect of erosion, obliteration, destruction and serious aggression, slowly but constant, especially on the person, his life, his family, his work and interpersonal relationships. We do not even have the time to live, love and worship. This is an extraordinary challenge for the Church and the ministry of charity. The Church also speaks out against the various forms of suffering, of which the victims is man," said the cardinal.

"A humanism without God coupled with a heightened subjectivity, which are ideologies that are now promoted by the media and extremely influential and financially powerful groups, who hide behind the guise of international aid and even operate in the Church and in our charitable organizations" said the Cardinal.

For the Church, says the President of Cor Unum, "the Christian values ​​that guide it, and the identity of charitable Church activity are not negotiable. Any ideology that is contrary to the divine teaching is rejected, any economic or cultural support, which is linked to ideological constraints which contradicts the Christian image of humanity is to be rejected," said the cardinal, with a view to international organizations like the United Nations and specialized agencies in the International Monetary Fund, but also the EU, individual government and government-related humanitarian organizations.

Last June, another Cardinal, Raymond Leo Burke, already held a remarkable speech in which he touched on the dictatorship of relativism and its encroachment, and even criticized organizations within the Catholic Church .

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Vatican Insider Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Novus Horror Missae: The Downside of VIP Masses -- From Abortion to Birth Name

(Rome) Horror Mass.: If the real thing is not understood and therefore "boring", it will have to be helped by special individual and creative design. The actress, dancer and former porn actress Carmen Russo (54) was on the 19th of October at the parish church of San Lorenzo in Formello, Rome, to baptize their daughter Maria. The Baptism was celebrated by Don Santino Spartà, the "pastor" of the VIP scene. The baptism was for show, including a dance performance by Carmen Russo with her husband at the altar. Don Santino was dressed with his clerics, and only a white floor length surplice through which  street pants showed and a floor length stole. No chasuble.

The liturgical and secular celebrations are separated by time and place from each other, so the vaudeville dance act of the parents had to be included. No amount of indifference was spared for the sanctity of the liturgy. The altar and the sanctuary are in the holy Liturgy, the mystical Calvary, the realization of the sacrifice on the cross of Jesus Christ and not a stage for human exhibitionism, nor an Ikea table on which everything can taken down and put away.

The  given godmother is the well-known showgirl Valeria Marini (46) who wrote an embarrassing autobiography which hit the book market in 2008. In it she is described to have aborted her first child in 1981 at the age of 14, having lost another child through violent quarrel with her future partner and to have finally received their "wish child", she then arranged also to have an abortion because in the summer because it otherwise "would not be able to come out on the Yacht." (see separate report (in German), the Banality of the Killing - A Yacht, Two Abortions, Infertility ). Valeria Marini stands for the banality of the killing of unborn children. Two weeks ago she was in a tight glitter dress as godmother at the altar. A critical word against abortion was not previously heard, it is still a "practical" means. You never know.

The baptism of little Maria, now a child of God, is valid after all.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Messa in Latino Trans: vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Signs of the Time: Decline of the West in Sweden

Such Apostolic Vigor!
Edit: Sweden has just elected Uppsala's first female "bishop".  How underwhelming. These people may not have any credibility, but they control the buildings and generally have a great deal of support from the morally vacuous nation of Sweden. She has absolutely no conviction in her stated position as a Christian leader. There are a few other things which go without saying here.

[Political Refugee From The Global Village] On October 1, four candidates to be Archbishop of Uppsala, the highest position in the (Lutheran) Church of Sweden, were interviewed by church officials in front of the media and, among other questions, were asked, “Does Jesus provide a truer picture of God than Muhammad?” Only one of the candidates said that He does. (This candidate came second.) The woman who got the job, Antje Jackelén, answered: 
“One cannot reduce the whole of religious theology, that is to say the question of how different religions relate to one another, to a yes-and-no question. It amounts to doing violence to a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be found there.”
I would have thought the question could easily have been answered skirting the subject of Muhammad altogether and talking about the divinity of Jesus. Even Hans Kung would agree that Jesus is essential to salvation.

Continue to Refugee here....

Militant Bishop's Widow and Pope Friend, Clelia Luro is Dead

(Buenos Aires) Clelia Luro, the militant widow of former Catholic bishop Jeronimo Podesta is dead, the former bishop of the Diocese of Avellaneda, Argentina turned to the end of the 60s to Marxist Liberation Theology and the Soviet paradise of the workers and peasants. In 1967 the Vatican had urged him to resignation as diocesan bishop and made titular bishop. In 1971 Podesta turned his back on the Church and married his secretary, Clelia Luro. As "Tabernacle Bolshevik" Podesta worked, flattered, as a former Catholic bishop, in the Soviet-directed Christian Peace Conference (CFRP). In this medium, the Catholic left two fought for the abolition of celibacy, and for the "general" priesthood instead of the "ministerial priesthood" and a rebuilding of the Church in base communities.

Luro: "Bergoglio called me every Sunday"

As Podesta died in 2000 in great poverty, Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio was the only member of the Argentine episcopacy who visited him. Since then, there had been a cordial relationship between the Archbishop and current Pope, with Podesta's widow. The two phoned each other once a week. A habit that Cardinal Bergoglio at least partially retained as Pope Francis. Luro, however, could not make friends with Pope Benedict XVI.. Luro wrote him several letters, even in her own name, other times in the name of this or that progressive "base community". However, she ran to Benedict XVI. with her demands for the abolition of celibacy, approval of remarried divorcees to the sacraments and the "democratization" of the Church and that does not open doors.

Clelia Luro died in hospital in Buenos Aires. She got to know Bishop Jeronimo Podesta in 1966. The then 39 year-old mother of six children lived separated from her husband. She went along with the bishop in a new relationship that caused Podesta after a long double life to give up the priesthood and episcopacy. Under Pope Paul VI. thousands of priests turned away from their calling, and were transported back to the lay state. Luro, meanwhile, had divorced. In 1972 they married. In one of the letters to Pope Benedict XVI. she emphasized that the known liberation theologian Archbishop Helder Camara of Olindo and Recife had "blessed" their marriage.

Podesta was Especially Important to Bergoglios Upon his Death 

A few days before the election of Pope Francis, Luro said in an interview: "A month before his death Jeronimo said to me, 'Clelia, I will speak with the Archbishop.'" The woman asked him why he wanted to do this since the predecessor of Bergoglio had refused any conversation. "He is a very intelligent Jesuit, he will listen to me," replied her Podesta. "The two spoke two hours together. Jeronimo was very happy then," so went Luros' story.

As Podesta was dying in San Camillo Hospital, Archbishop Bergoglio prematurely ended a commitment and rushed to the hospital. He gave Podesta Extreme Unction. The former bishop was no longer conscious, "but he held my hand firmly," Archbishop Bergoglio said according to her.

"I know what it meant for Jeronimo to be near Bergoglio at his departure from this life," said Luro. The Archbishop had told the nurses in the hospital. "Don't send Clelia away, let her be there with him to the end." "Before I was allowed to stay with my husband only 15 minutes. Since then sympathy and gratitude for Bergoglio has grown in me ... He is a man of gestures, and some believe because of these gestures," said Luro.

Luro "Prophecy": Pope Francis Will "Soon" to Abolish Priestly Celibacy

Luro was a crusader for her own right. But the Pope also served in this. In early July, Luro was spoke to the German-speaking world, as she told the press a few months after the papal election of the Austrian daily, Die Presse to be sure that Pope Francis will abolish celibacy priest "soon." As the widow of a former priest and bishop, the fight against celibacy was a hobbyhorse for Luros, as previously also that of her husband, which she rode up to her death.

In the beginning of early 2012, he published an interview book with his friend, the Rabbi of Buenos Aires, Abraham Skorka, "About Heaven and Earth" (the German edition was not published until after his election to the papacy), the then Cardinal Bergoglio said about priest celibacy: "It is an issue that will be discussed in Western Catholicism at the insistence of some organizations. Currently it holds fast to the discipline of celibacy. Some say with a certain pragmatism that we lose workers. Suppose western Catholicism would reconsider the issue of celibacy, so I think it would do it for cultural reasons (as in the East) and not so much as a universal option. At the moment I am in favor of maintaining celibacy, with all the pros and cons that it brings with it, because there are ten centuries with more positive than negative experiences ... The tradition has its weight and validity. The Catholic priest chose celibacy gradually. In 1100 some elected to, others were not ... it's a matter of discipline, not of faith. You can change it. Personally, I never came to mind to marry."

"Repent, Observe Celibacy" and Not a Double Life - Archbishop Bergoglio and Celibacy

What the Archbishop of Buenos Aires did not brook, was a priest living a double life. "If someone comes to me and tells me that he has impregnated a woman, I listen to him, I try to calm him down and slowly, slowly I make him understand that the natural law comes before his right as a priest. Consequently, he must give up his priesthood and to accept his child, even if he should decide not to marry the woman. For just as this child has the right to have a mother, so it also has the right to have a father with a face. I take care of his papers in Rome, but he must give up everything. Now, if a priest tells me that he was carried away that he made a mistake, then I will help him to deal better with passion. There are priests, some better, but not others. Unfortunately, some won't even to say it to the bishop. "With the better," said Cardinal Bergoglio, "repent and observe celibacy. The double life is not good for us, I do not like, it means yielding to falsehood. Sometimes I tell them, 'If you are unable to tolerate it, then make a decision,'" said Cardinal Bergoglio in his conversation with Rabbi Skorka in the book.

So was Clelia Luros' assertion last summer merely wishful thinking? How Pope Francis responded in telephone conversations with the window, of the particularly joyful interview after his election, is not known, nor when the Pope called for the last time. The two telephoned anyway on the 7th of September according to Luro. It was then she accused Gustavo Gutierrez, the "Father" of liberation theology, of having treated her husband poorly in the 90s once (see own contribution Cardinal Cipriani: "Müller is a Bit Naive" - Impulsive Clelia Luro: Has Liberation Theology Really Changed? ).

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Picture: Priest Renta
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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The Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI., the "Lobby" and Their Destructive Mischief

(Paris) The French magazine Catholica had a conversation with the priest Ariel Gualdo di Stefano Levi, a Jewish convert who became a Catholic priest. The conversation had been already published last 28th of June in number 120 of the magazine. Nevertheless, take a look at what Levi di Gualdo has to say, he who is known for his direct and unvarnished analysis. The conversation was about how a lobby, says Levi di Gualdo, often triggered aggressive and oppressive media campaigns against the Pope during the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.. Since the surrender of the German Pope, however, complete silence prevails. The lobby seems to have reached their goal and may, as the priests of the diocese of Rome, continue undisturbed in their decomposing mischief.

In the years after the Second Vatican Council, says Levi di Gualdo, there has been a return to the situation that prevailed before the Council of Trent. A situation which is characterized by decay and worrying infighting. The resignation of Benedict XVI. represented an unprecedented event, the culmination of a crisis which coincided with the 50th anniversary celebrations of the Council. No coincidence, as the priest says. Especially when you consider that this Council actually was meant to rejuvenate the Church institutions and wanted to give believers new vigor. The resignation of Benedict XVI. remains hard to decipher. Many would, in this connection with unruliness, because many tensions and power struggles have become gradually visible, says Catholica.

Among the authors who comment on the situation of the Church, is counted the Roman priest Ariel Levi Stefano di Gualdo "because of his clear language." He is the author of several books. Including a book about the "Zionist Century" and the 2012 published memoir "And Satan Made ​​Himself Triune" against the "satanic triad" of relativism, individualism and disobedience (see separate report from "Egomaniacal" Council for Homosexualization of the Church - Ariel Levi di Gualdos ). In 2013 a pamphlet by him appeared between the resignation of Benedict XVI. and the election of Pope Francis, called "Quanta cura in Cordibus Nostris. An encyclical in the form of a motu proprio" on the Pontificate of the Pope named Benedict XVII. In the "Encyclical" Ariel Levi di Gualdo outlined the principles that would be necessary for a fundamental renewal of the Church in his view.

Catholica: In your latest book you write about the role of certain Roman dicastries behind many serious scandals. Could you explain this situation in more detail and especially explain where the lack of some curial services is troubling and where are the compromises?

Levi di Gualdo: In this book I explain that we have indeed made the Second Vatican Council, but are then returned to the practice over the years in the period before the Council of Trent, with all their corrupt machinations, their moral decay and their concern for internal power struggles. Now that for half-a-century dialogue and collegiality has been discussed ad nauseum, previously unknown forms of clericalism and authoritarianism have occurred. The progressive master of dialogue and collegiality uses aggression and coercion against anyone who is not as "religiously correct" as he thinks. One can always ridicule the dogmas of faith, can always deconstruct it according to an anthropocentric logic, but woe to those who criticized the "holy" and "infallible" character of the Magisterium of some theologians, who are imbued with Hegelianism and the theology of Karl Rahner, a thinking that leads them to the side of modernism and heterodoxies of any kind: this one is ostracized by the united cliques in both the Roman Curia and in the Pontifical Universities.

It should be added that since 1970, homosexual clergy were admitted whose number has grown considerably over the years by cooption. Today they form a veritable mafia style lobby, powerful and ready to destroy anyone who gets in the way.

There are processes in view for the revaluation of values ​​ - the good is made into evil, virtue is wrong and vice is vice versa - that are so advanced that sound doctrine is converted into heterodoxy, if any of these clergy will be revealed to the competent authority with evidence and witnesses, the sentencing of one of them would be enough to jeopardize their whole system. So you saw in many cases that innocent people were punished and excluded, and the guilty who were protected, even though they themselves were guilty of serious moral transgressions. If it proved to be opportune to remove someone from the Roman Curia, they were taken by the bishops and protected in the dioceses which have formed influential circles, mainly surrounded by homosexuals. Again, this system is as corrupt, as it is impossible to do otherwise, because if a culprit is punished, he would take revenge and carry away all the other members of the mafia in his downfall. One must therefore protect him, no matter what the cost. The overall impression is of a contradiction in the government of the Church: that is evident in the proposals of some Prelates.

Catholica: What do you think are the reasons that restrict the freedom of ecclesiastical authority in this way?

Levi di Gualdo: It is paradoxical that the appointment of people just increased during the pontificate of "theologian Pope" in key positions of Church leadership, who are in stark contrast to the theological premises of Benedict XVI: prelates of dubious theology or a weak profile given the current challenges of the new evangelization. A common set of attributes characterizes it: behind an outward humility lies a preference, but is a preference for their own person but not the Church. I do not know how you will assess this pontificate in a few decades so glowing with its teaching, which is contradicted by the presence of such persons.

Currently, however, I wonder how the hidden influence of some could be so powerful (in the style of power brokers) works to make our Peter so powerless, to be a sailor without a crew in a leaky ship sailing through the stormy waves and winds.

But it is certain that in the Gospel there can be no room for misunderstanding: God will not judge us by our words, but by the wisdom of our works (Matt. 11:19). We will have to answer for ourselves before God for the talents He has given us, and possibly also for the talent that we have buried for fear of thieves (Matt. 25:14 ff). I believe that the Pope has a talent from God as sovereign that is both difficult but also precious and fruitful to use: "You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church." A talent that requires that the person receiving it, has to engage in particular for the fact that "the gates of Hell will not prevail against it" (Mt 16:18).

Without a doubt, the historians, when they study this pontificate, which took place in such a difficult and painful era, deep in this context of decadence that weighs on the church, will provide evidence that Benedict was trying with great effort, in the best sense, to act for the Church of Christ, in the context of what was allowed him to do in the circumstances. The masses will surely not shout upon his death, "Santo Subito". But it is likely that not in a few decades he will be called "Santo sicuro" and will certainly be canonized [...].

Text / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Fides et Forma Trans from German: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com Link to Katholisches... Here's another translation from the original French Rorate...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Horror Mass: "Circus Liturgy" in Solothurn -- The Simony of Circus Priest Heller

(Zurich) Horror Missae. The liturgical abuse took place in December of 2012. But the Advent season is approaching and with it the danger of a repetition of this liturgical elefantism in a china shop. Children's Relief Bethlehem opened up their Christmas fundraising campaign with a "worship in the circus tent" in Circus GO (Gasser Olympia) in Solothurn  .

Contortionists and belly dancers were mustered for the "Circus Liturgy", which was celebrated by Canon and Cathedral Pastor Paul Rutz with "Circus Priest" Ernst Heller. The body of Christ was carried from the table at the circus gala in a wooden bowl and distributed to the gala participants (worshippers) seated at tables.

"The collection in the Christmas worship services was to support the financial foundation for securing work in the Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem," as the Children's Aid Bethlehem writes. Paul Rutz, Resident since 2006, is canon for the area of Solothun in the diocese of Basel and Cathedral Pastor of Solothurn, retired since last June due to age. He is also Vice President of the Children's Relief Bethlehem. Already in December 2011, the Mass was celebrated in Solothurn by the two priests in a "Circus Liturgy" for the Children's Aid Bethlehem. It could not be ascertained if there is one planned for 2013.

"Circus pastor" Ernst Heller from the canton of Lucerne is in charge of the traveler people (Gypsies). After the completion of the Catechetical Institute Lucerne, he worked as a catechist and studied theology from 1977 to 1979 in Lucerne and Chur. In 1980 he was ordained a priest and worked in parish ministry. He was also appointed to the circus and fairground chaplain in 1999. There is nothing wrong so far. Since August 2005, he occupied the office full time and obviously quite arbitrarily.

According to his own report, he hasn't received a "consistent salary" from the Catholic Church, which is why he receives "honorarium fees". On his own website, you can order the "circus priest's" quite unorthodox "book" and learn also about the "honoraria". Costs at a baptism for a "priest" according to Heller's fee table, costs 500-1,000 Swiss francs plus VAT. A wedding ceremony costs 1,000-2,000 Swiss francs, an annual memorial service and "liturgical celebrations" cost CHF 500-1,000, a funeral service with burial 800-2000 CHF. The prices are for individuals. "Donation fees" for legal entities must be requested separately. Same price for the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria, Italy and France, but in Euros, in each case for a half day. A full day costs a premium of 50 percent. Travel expenses will be charged separately with Swiss francs per kilometer journey. The circus pastor even charges "cancellation fees". If the cancellation occurs 30 days prior to the occasion, it calculates 50 percent, then 100 percent. These "fees" are strictly prohibited canonically.

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