Monday, November 4, 2013

Archbishop Alois Kothgasser to Retire at 75

(Salzburg / Rome)Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Archbishop of Salzburg Alois Kothgasser. The Primas Germaniae had completed his 75th year in July 2012. On this occasion he offered his resignation according to the provisions of canon law. Pope Benedict XVI. did not accept it because he left typically left resident archbishops for two years in office. The new Pope has now accepted the request. Last year, Archbishop Kothgasser was urged to leave from office. The question of succession is of great importance for Austria. Salzburg is one of two Austrian church provinces. Archdiocese of Salzburg subjects the bishoprics of Innsbruck, Feldkirch, Gurk-Klagenfurt and Graz-Seckau. The age of the archbishop's seat also is also a significant feature in the appointment of the successor. Conversely, as in the younger dioceses, it is the Holy See, where three candidates are proposed submitted by the cathedral chapter. For this there are the twelve canons who choose the new archbishop, who - although not cardinals - may carry the purple Legatus natus. And he must then as Primas Germaniae wear his rank everywhere as opposed to the other "born legates", not just within his diocese. Refer to the replacement of the Archdiocese of Salzburg's report Who will be the new Archbishop of Salzburg? Austria and the "white" heresy. [In German, but forthcoming.] Link to Katholisches...

Edit: the rank of "born legate" belongs to some of the major sees like Prague and Salzburg, which confer the rank by virtue of the Diocese.

60 Million Euro Church Tax For Porno- and Esoteric Store Weltbild

Edit: it's like an infestation of cockroaches. They just won't go away.

(Augsburg) The Archdiocese of Munich and Freising is till now the second-largest shareholder, will put 30 million euro of Church tax into  the little Catholic publishing and mail order firm, Weltbild. The Diocese of Augsburg will pay 15 million in church tax, although you would actually bail out as a shareholder. The diocese not been involved in Welbild, Mainz and Hildesheim, will now be a new partner and pump together with the Catholic Chaplaincy of  Soldiers Berlin ,15 million Church tax into the company.
Weltbild is one of the largest porn and esoteric-order companies in Germany and was already been heavily criticized by laymen, Protestant Christians and Pope Benedict XVI.. At times, the product range is partially adjusted, then after criticism has faded, the full load of porn and esoteric comes back in the catalog and in the stores. Porn bestsellers like Shades of Grey - Geheimes Verlangen   are  actively sold and advertised. This approach was recently endorsed  even by the Vice-Chairman Prelate Fuchs for the Tagespost (Edition July 15th, 2012).
In addition to the criticism of the product range, the Group is also criticized as an employer.  Recently, 140 people were dismissed from the customer service area on the one hand, but on the other side vacancies were advertised with an expensive branding campaign.
Even the retail book trade in the cities does not speak well of Weltbild. Of the booksellers, the displacement of their business is viewed critically by the Group. Normal booksellers have no church tax for their businesses, and personnel don't receive any grants.
Text: Linus Schneider
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gomorrists, Atheists, Abortionists Can Advertise in England, but Not Christians

(London) Whether atheists, abortion lobbyists or militant homosexual organizations, they can advertise in England they want. Except those who oppose the Gomorrah agenda. The municipal company that is responsible for public transport in London, won't allow the Bus Campaign to accept a Christian organization. The Christian Association draws attention to the possibility that there is also a life without homosexuality and that for those affected a withdrawal from homosexuality is possible.

The municipal transport company is otherwise not squeamish in the adoption of advertising contracts. In 2008, the first anti-Christian campaign was advertised on the famous red London double-decker bus. The slogan was: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life." The atheists and pedophile promoters have mimicked his approach. Various Christian communities and parishes protested against the Atheist Bus Campaign also referring to the fact that it is discriminatory and disrespectful. Unsuccessful.

TV advertising for abortion

Since then a lot has changed. For the worse. 2010, the first TV commercial was aired in England, advertising for the killing of unborn children: "Are you late," a voice said and urged pregnant women to turn to the abortion clinics of the abortion lobbyists Marie Stopes International.

The Christians were protesting again. Especially the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales: "Abortion is not a consumer service. Such advertising corrupts the respect for life and is highly detrimental to women. "The result? The ad ran on. The television station justified the commercial as a form of social commitment to "combat the taboo of abortion."

Six months ago, there was another bus Campaign, this time to apply for homosexuality. The action came from Stonewall and ran under the heading "Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Charity". This time the saying was: "Some people are gay. Get over it!" On the red buses and the British were to be happy about it. The saying propagates a false tolerance, but contained nothing offensive.In October theCore Issues Trust, a Christian organization to support homosexuals who want to come out of homosexuality, was also to start a bus Campaign. But in this case the Transport for London (TFL), from the Society for the London public transport, rejected it. Christians have recently asked, "Why can the GLBT express their opinion, but we can not?" The managing director of Core Issues Trust, Mike Davidson, filed a complaint on the grounds of manifest disadvantage and discrimination. Davidson requested in a petition for the immediate suspension of the homo-advertising by Stonewall since there is not presently a final judgment.

Therapists expelled from professional association - will soon be behind bars?

Davidson himself was formerly a militant gay activist. By Christian faith, he recognized homosexuality as immoral and found the exit. Today, he helps other people to get out of homosexuality. For this purpose he founded Core Issues Trust. The militant gay organizations do not speak well of Davidson since his departure. The Spiegel, which he holds as part of the homo lobby, can not bear it. Davidson has been accused of homophobia, a slogan which is to prevent any discussion and is used by Gomorrah militants as an instrument of character assassination against critics.

The persecution against unpopular opinions is relentless. Davidson, a renowned psychotherapist once unhesitatingly recommend for the acceptance of homosexuality. This was not a problem. Since it became known that he considers homosexuality a sexual behavior disorder, he was expelled from the Professional Association of Psychotherapists. Although it does not appear that anyone had objected to his activities.

The same fate now threatens the doctor and psychotherapist Leslie Pilkington. The Professional Association of British psychotherapists has initiated proceedings against them. A journalist who did not reveal herself as such, but as "a Christian and a homosexual," by which she asked for "help" to get out of homosexuality. He recorded the conversation secretly and published it. The conversation was serious and businesslike. But the fact that someone was being helped from homosexuality, is a scandal for the Professional Association of Psychotherapists. For homosexuality can be, according to some ideologues, only be silent about or promoted. There is no third way. [Actually, you can be punished just for being silent.]

Only in those days would Healing on the Streets (host), a Christian organization that recommends prayer as therapy, be asked to remove their advertising posters from the walls of houses with which they advertise to their concerns.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trams: Tancred

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pope Francis Celebrates Surprise "ad Deum" Mass --- Greeting From Secretary of State Parolin?

(Vatican) Francis Pope celebrated a surprise Holy Mass last Thursday over the grave of Pope John Paul II, which has drawn some attention. The Pope has celebrated ad Deum for the first time.

The celebration was held in the side chapel of St. Peter's Basilica, in which the body of John Paul II was reburied after his beatification, from the Crypt of the Popes below the main nave. There's no people's altar in the side chape. Such, however, Pope Francis could have been put back as easily as he had placed it in the Sistine Chapel, when he celebrated on the day after his election for the cardinals gathered for his first Mass as pope.

Attention was paid to the direciton of celebration because Pope Francis, when compared to his predecessor Benedict XVI., is considered little sensitive to liturgy and looks with some distrust on the part of the Church, which is committed to the traditional liturgy and tradition.

At the celebration is ad Deum completely normal for all Privatzelebrationen in St. Peter's Basilica, which take place on the side altars. The clothing of his concelebrants leads to a lack of liturgical sensibility open mind. "The act of the pope is neither blatantly something special. And yet it is of importance. If he does not ad Deum would want to celebrate, a word from him would have been enough to get put down a table, forgiveness, a refectory. So we consider it merit and as a gesture of good will," said Messa in Latino.

The Spanish Catholic Church historian and blogger Francisco de la Cigoña wonders if it is a signal to the traditionalists. The gesture would be, says de la Cigoña, in continuity with the greeting message to the Second International Pilgrimage to Rome, which had its culmination in the Pontifical Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite in St. Peter on October 26th.

De la Cigoña was astonished here that the greeting message was signed by the new Secretary of State, Curial Archbishop Pietro Parolin on behalf of the Pope, although he could not take possession of his post for health reasons. It's a sign that the offices of the State Secretariat to continue working in a familiar form, though the Church is currently without a Secretary of State. Monsignor Parolin is still for convalescence in his home in northern Italy. What appears so far is the first and only official act of Archbishop Parolin, it probably had been asked like this for by the Pope himself. Otherwise, the procedure is hardly explicable, says de la Cigoña.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Messa in Latino / Osservatore Romano

Link katholisches... AMGD

Friday, November 1, 2013

Father Barron's Hope of Universal Salvation is Wrong and Heretical

And I saw a great white throne, and one sitting upon it, from whose face the earth and heaven fled away, and there was no place found for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing in the presence of the throne, and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books, according to their works.  And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and hell gave up their dead that were in them; and they were judged every one according to their works.  And hell and death were cast into the pool of fire. This is the second death.  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the pool of fire.

Edit: There are some people out there who are already making false statements about Father Barron's disinformation and frankly modernist conception of Hell, which he doesn't actually believe is a physical place.

Hell is a place of terrible proportions and frequently mentioned in the Scriptures, and the history of the Church.  It's always described as very densely populated.  Catholics have always believed this way, but now there are those who are trying, against the evidence, to suggest otherwise.

Most people go to Hell.  It was widely considered that as it is written, "wide is the path of destruction",  that Hell was full of sinners.  It was and remains a real place of torment.  Yet as is usually the case with many among the apologetics mafia, that's not good enough, how our forefathers believed.  Yet as in all ages, there are many who want to believe false doctrines and follow false teachers.

Their ears are itching after novelties. Not a few people  want to oppose a modern view never held by Catholics, that Hell might be empty.  One of the poisons administered is to suggest that if Hell is so full, it would make us despair.   Clearly men are incapable of being a sign of contradiction, of accepting the hard sayings, and suffering and trusting God's word.

After this many of his disciples went back; and walked no more with him.

 Dante populated Hell with friends and enemies alike in his Divine Comedy,  there were points it seemed  that the whole world was going to Hell, but this didn't stop Dante believing or hoping in his own salvation, or perhaps those close to him.  Most Catholics had no trouble believing these two, non-contradictory ideas about Hell, God's mercy and his justice.   Pope Benedict XVI. especially taught that  there is a place called Hell, again in contrast to those timely fashions:
Pope Benedict XVI stated: "Jesus came to tell us that he wants us all in heaven and that hell, of which so little is said in our time, exists and is eternal for those who close their hearts to his love. "[Holy See, website]
As to the idea that Hell might not have any human beings in it, which *is* a statement of universal salvation, a clearly heretical doctrine, Theologian Ludwig Ott writes:
God, by his eternal decree, has predestined certain persons, in anticipation of their [unrepented mortal] sins, to eternal reprobation [or punishment].[Cf Is Hell Empty?]
Meanwhile, on some parts of the internet, Voris legitimate exception to Father Barron's all-too-familiar heterodoxy remains unchallenged.

 Also, there is nothing in Spe Salvi which says that Hell may be empty.

“Often, when it is the king or some other monarch or potentate that he (the judge) has to deal with, he finds that there is no soundness in the soul whatever; he finds it scourged and scarred by the various acts of perjury and wrong-doing ...; it is twisted and warped by lies and vanity, and nothing is straight because truth has had no part in its development. Power, luxury, pride, and debauchery have left it so full of disproportion and ugliness that when he has inspected it (he) sends it straight to prison, where on its arrival it will undergo the appropriate punishment ... Sometimes, though, the eye of the judge lights on a different soul which has lived in purity and truth ... then he is struck with admiration and sends him to the isles of the blessed” [Cf. Spe Salvi, Gorgias 525a-526c.]

Image of Hieronymous Bosch from Indianapolis Institute of Art.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Every Fourth Christian Has Fled and Been Driven From Syria -- 45 Christians Murdered by Islamists in Sadad

(Damascus) There were some two million Christians living in Syria at the beginning of the Civil War. At least 450,000 Christians have fled the country since March 2011 because of the war. According to Gregory III. Laham, Patriarch of the Melkites Greek Catholic Church united with Rome, every fourth Christian has been expelled from his home. The violence of the Islamists exaggerating the Christians to flee, the Patriarch of Antioch and the whole East told the BBC.

"The Christians will Survive"

There is not an exact number of Christians who've fled. According to Open Doors there are even many more Syrian Christians on the run. Patriarch Gregory III. Laham still firmly believes that "the Christian community will survive." As mentioned on an earlier occasion repeated the head of the Melkite that Christians are an important part of Syria for two thousand years. "They will again be an important building block for the country's reconstruction after the war, and do not need Assad to survive in Syria." Words with which the church leader wants to indicate to all warring parties that Christians are not a party in this conflict.

Islamists Have Killed 45 Christians in Sadad Because of Their Faith

In the Syrian Civil War 115,000 people have so far been killed, mainly civilians, including many Christians. The Christians are a favorite target, especially for the Islamists and al-Qaeda terrorists. The latest example is the attack on the Christian city Sadad. Today, Archbishop Boutros Selwanos Alnemeh, the Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Homs and Hama announced that "perpetrated the greatest massacre of Christians since the outbreak of the war" by the Islamists in Sadad. In the city of "innocent civilians were murdered simply because they are Christians. A total of 45 Christians were killed, including women and children. Most were buried in a mass grave," said the Archbishop.

30 are seriously wounded and ten are missing in the Christian community in the city. "1,500 families will be held by the Islamists as hostages and human shields," said the Metropolitan.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches... AMGD

Papal Nuncio to Indonesia: The Differences Between True and False Reform

(Jakarta) on the 15th of October Archbishop Antonio Filipazzi, the Apostolic Nuncio to Indonesia, just opened a meeting there on the 50th Anniversary of the promulgation of the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium of the Second Vatican Council. In the celebration of Holy Mass to begin the meeting, he delivered a sermon to be reproduced in excerpts. In it he talked about the primacy and beauty of the liturgy and criteria to distinguish true and false reform.

Nothing has Precedence Over the Liturgy

First, the nuncio stressed the importance of the Mass. It is neither a "secondary" nor a "purely formal" act or just an "accessory" for meetings and conferences. Rather, "the celebration of the liturgy even has priority over study, it remains infinitely greater and more important than all our thoughts about them." The Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium recalls the words: "From this it follows that every liturgical celebration, because it is an action of Christ the priest and of His Body which is the Church, is a sacred action surpassing all others; no other action of the Church can equal its efficacy by the same title and to the same degree."(SC 7). Nuncio Filipazzi urged cultivation and promotion of this awareness. The sacred liturgy should therefore "never be reduced to an arbitrarily manipulable object", as Pope Benedict XVI. has stressed. "Unfortunately it is perhaps that the liturgy seen is seen as an object that is to be reformed, and not as a subject capable of renewing Christian life - - even by us pastors and experts" (Speech to the staff of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, Sant'Anselmo, 6 May 2011).

"We must approach the liturgy, be it when we celebrate it, as well as when we study it with the awed attitude of Moses, when he approached the burning bush, signs of the presence of the living God," said the Nuncio.

Neither the Holy Mass should be regarded as a mere formal gesture that set, because it is just as common in church meetings. Instead, the Council's Constitution recall that "the liturgy of the peak, where the action of the Church tends, and also the source from which all her power flows" (SC 10). "From this source of grace celebrated the sacred mysteries of the Church is also the light and the strength to think about the liturgy," Archbishop Filipuzzi. "The just shall live by faith" (Rom 1:17), St. Paul quoted in Romans, the prophet Habakkuk and remind us that the faith is the principle that everything must enlighten and guide our lives, because it related to the "impact of the liturgy on the reality that God and the salvation of concern," the nuncio. The deepening of the study of liturgy could therefore only be performed by the "light of faith".

"This session we will start on the anniversary of St. Teresa of Avila, Virgin and Doctor of the Church. The commemoration of the saints highlights an important dimension of the liturgy, which is pronounced in every Holy Mass at the end of the Preface: And so we join the angels and saints, and we sing the praise of your glory: Holy, Holy, Holy God, God of power and might. Heaven and Earth are Full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.

Earthly Liturgy as an Anticipation of the Heavenly Liturgy

The conciliar Constitution brings this dimension of the liturgy follows the expression: "In the earthly liturgy we take part in a foretaste of that heavenly liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which we journey as pilgrims, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God, a minister of the holies and of the true tabernacle; we sing a hymn to the Lord's glory with all the warriors of the heavenly army; venerating the memory of the saints, we hope for some part and fellowship with them; we eagerly await the Saviour, Our Lord Jesus Christ, until He, our life, shall appear and we too will appear with Him in glory."(SC 8).

In the liturgy, the sky opens to the earth (cf. Benedict XVI., Esor. Ap. Sacramentum Caritatis, 35), God shows himself to us in all His majesty, and we encounter Christ. See the glory of God in the creation of the world as St. Paul calls to mind and as the Church in prayer says. Therein lies the beauty of the Divine Liturgy, the earthly liturgy of the Church, "a beauty that is inherent in the liturgy and does not depend on our efforts to make it beautiful by human agents that do not conform to the liturgy," said the Nuncio. The intrinsic beauty of the sacred celebrations acts of itself, "and not to have celebrated in our way through, as we think of the liturgy, so that it radiates this divine beauty."

The mentality has spread that thinks the liturgy is made "interesting" by Inventiveness

"Unfortunately, the mentality and the resulting practice has spread, according to which the liturgy must constantly change, adapt to different communities and should be made interesting by our inventiveness. Celebrations that spring from such thinking as this will not show the real beauty of the Church! Already the craving for new tools to make the liturgy interesting, have already shown how fickle and fleeting this contrived beauty is which is created by us," said the Nuncio. "The Holy Spirit enlightens the work of this conference and the liturgical life of Indonesia, so that the true nature of the beauty of the liturgy is always better recognized and understood, and all the priests and believers are trying to make them shine in every celebration," said Archbishop Filipuzzi.

The Nuncio then asked how the saints, for example, St. Teresa of Avila, can help ain the understanding of the liturgy today. The life and work of Saint Teresa of Avila was performed in a time that was marked both by the appearance of Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation, and on the other hand the Catholic reform, and thus, the response of the Catholic Church on the need for renewal in the Church, which mainly concretized in the Council of Trent and in the work of many saints of that century. At the time of the holy Carmelite, therefore, there were two forms of "reform" present: a reform that broke up the visible unity of Christ's Church, and reform, on the other hand, producing a new flowering of Christian life, which has rich whose benefits for us.

Church History knows many examples of true and false reforms "History shows us that in almost every era in the Church encountered true and false reforms. Rather, even within each process for the renewal of ecclesial life, mixing elements of true reform and other, such that it impoverished and defaced the face of the Church. It is therefore necessary to clarify the criteria for identifying to distinguish between the true and the false reform.

These criteria can not be subjective or simply pragmatic, but must be criteria of faith, because the Church is a divine-human reality that can be truly realized only with the light of divine revelation. If we consider the two thousand years of experience of the Church, we can identify some criteria.

Any genuine renewal of the Church must take place in full accordance with the teachings of the Church, it must be done in respect of the hierarchical structure and the order of the Church, it must benefit the community and unity of the Church, it must preserve the heritage of spirituality and piety of the past, it must resist the urge of fallen human nature and especially also the influences of the secular mentality, and with an attitude of patience and humility," said the Nuncio.

"Light and Shadow" Since the Council - St. Teresa of Avila, however, Only Light

"These are the criteria that should guide the implementation of what the Second Vatican Council established 50 years ago in the liturgy. This half century saw light and shadow, positive and negative aspects of the liturgical life of the Church. It is also was associated that the instructions of the Council were not always implemented according to the principles of a true Church reform.

If we look at the life and work of Saint Teresa of Jesus, we see the full realization of the requirements for a true renewal of the church. At the end of her life, she could exclaim with good reason, I am a daughter of the Church, "and therefore she gave the Church impetus for a real and lasting renewal. We ask her for her intercession, so that the considerations of these days, but especially the liturgical life of the Christian community in Indonesia, will be conducted always of those true criteria. " Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Cantuale Antonianum / Vatican Trans: Tancred Link to Katholisches...

Reformation Day: Luther's Pact With the Devil

Luther's Pact With the Devil
Martin Bucer laments: The greater part of the people seem only to have embraced the gospel in order to shake off the yoke of discipline and the obligation of fasting and penance, which rested upon them in popery, and that they may live according to their own pleasure, enjoying their lusts and lawless appetites without control. That was the reason they lent a willing ear to the teaching of justification by faith alone and not by good works, for the latter of which they had no relish." [(Bucer, De Regn. I, c. I, 4) Cf The Facts About Luther, Msgr Patrick F. O'Hare, LL.D., Tan Books Reprint, 1987,  P. 91.]

Such violence  done to good doctrine, politics and sound morals by Luther's Revolt, was also leveled against art, and continues to be accomplished today as this article about a Tate Museum exhibit reveals appropriately in the Guardian for today, being Reformation Day in some circles:

Two images haunt me from Tate Britain's survey of attacks on art in Britain since the Reformation. One is a painfully realistic, lifesize stone figure of the dead Christ, eyes closed, chest emaciated, body taut. This terrifying portrait of death is a radical and dangerous work of art. It was carved by an unknown sculptor in the early 16th century then apparently buried, as an idolatrous object, just a few years later when Henry VIII rejected the Pope and dissolved Britain's monasteries.
  1. Art Under Attack: Histories of British Iconoclasm
  2. Tate Britain,
  4. London
  5. SW1P
  1. Starts 2 October 2013
  2. Until 5 January 2014
  3. Venue website
The other is a portrait that was bought by the artists Jake and Dinos Chapman just so they could deface it. They've added bloody marks, made the mouth ugly and the eyes mad. We're supposed to think this is hilarious.
Art Under Attack: Histories of British Iconoclasm wants to make us think, but I found myself asking the wrong questions and drawing the wrong conclusions. The exhibition fumbles with ideas about "iconoclasm", or the deliberate destruction of art: can art vandalism be art? Is there a perverse humour or truth or beauty in a suffragette slashing Velázquez's Venus or the IRA blowing up Nelson's Pillar in Dublin?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vatican in the Crosshairs of the NSA? Cardinal Bergolio Watched Since 2005 Conclave

(Vatican) According to the weekly magazine Panorama, comparable to the German magazine Focus, the American NSA and the Vatican spy have intercepted phone calls intercepted and read emails. Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi puts a good face on a bad game.

"We know nothing about it and above all we do not have any worries in this respect." With these words, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi tried to downplay reports that the National Security Agency of the USA also systematically monitors the Vatican. These significant technical eavesdropping techniques have even been used against the Pope . According to Panorama against Benedict XVI. and now against Pope Francis, but probably already against John Paul II.

In Italy, as has been confirmed officially, between the 10th of December 2012, and the 8th of January 2013, 46 million phone calls between the U.S. and Italy were recorded by the NSA. Among them are the phone calls to and from the Vatican. Despite the denial of Father Lombardi, there are no illusions at the Vatican. Actually, no one assumes that the Vatican had been excluded from the coverage monitoring. The discussion circles in this context are concerned especially whether the whole preparations for the conclave or of the resignation announcement of Pope Benedict XVI. were also overheard. Just overheard? The distinction between the passive to the active player is fluid in espionage. According to the USA it was about the "national security" and is defined in terms of "national interests" and the particular ideological orientation of the government in Washington.

Italian observers are convinced that the monitoring of course did not only include the period of 10 December to 8 January, but before and after, and probably also applies now.

According to Panorama the Domus Internationalis Paolo VI was among the objects being monitored, and the second guest room of the Vatican, where Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio usually stayed when he was in Rome. As mentioned in the Wikileaks releases is known to the Vatican, Cardinal Bergoglio has been monitored at least since the 2005 conclave, as he was the opposing candidate of Benedict XVI.

Still according to the Panorama report not only were incoming and outgoing phone calls in the Vatican monitored, but also those to cardinals and bishops outside the Vatican were classified and assigned by the NSA to four categories: leadership intentions, threats to financial system, Foreign Policy Objectives, Human Rights.

Among other things, the filling of leadership positions of the Vatican Bank IOR aroused the interest of the American. A few days after Pope Benedict XVI. announced his resignation, a new board president, German banker Ernst von Freyberg, was appointed by the competent Commission of Cardinals for the Vatican Bank with the approval of the Pope. Since the resignation of the Director General Freyberg shall exercise this interim office also from the 1st of July.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

H/t to Eye Witness also.  We saw this last night and got around to just translating it and must confess that Voice of Russia and Al Jazeera are not savory sources we like at all, since they have a suspicious point of view.  We have more trust, such as it is, for Panorama.


Bishop Rejects Heathen Commercial Festival of Halloween

(Rome) Diocese prohibits Halloween Party at Castle Church in its possession. "The Feast of All Saints must in no way be replaced by Halloween," says the diocese. "Halloween is a mixture of heathenism and commercialism that is rejected in both components equally." Children are done  no good with the illusory world of  "ghosts, monsters, witches and vampires without Christ." The view needs to be focused  on the Christian feast of All Saints and All Souls, who are the heralds of the real world.
At Castle Rossena, which is owned by the Diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, a Halloween party was to take place. The event was planned by a youth branch  of Catholic Action. After the protest by Pastor Ennio Munari Roncina,  Bishop Massimo Camisasca stepped in and canceled the festival. The bishop then published a statement in which he condemned Halloween.
The bishop recalled the importance of the Christian Feast of All Saints and All Souls Day on the 1st and 2nd of November. The Solemnity of All Saints' Day is a celebration of joy and light, said the Bishop. The feast of all the brothers and sisters who have been brought to heaven throughout history, where they can see God face to face in eternal bliss and are our role models. With the  Feast of All Souls we remember all our deceased. It reminds us that all is not with death, but there is a life after death. A knowledge that should govern our lives till death.
These festivals should in no way be replaced by Halloween. The spread of this Pagan spectacle is an indication for the loss of the right understanding of Christian festivals and too little devotion, to intoxicating escapism into a world of illusion, which is also supported primarily by commercial interests. In contrast, the Christian Feast of All Saints and All Souls is the real world and real people and their lives, says the Bishop.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / Diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla (assembly)
Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches...


Imam Destroys Marian Statue -- "We Tolerate None But Allah"

(Damascus) Islamist rebels have destroyed a statue of Mary in Syria. "Only God can be worshiped in this country." A video shows Imam Omar Gharba how he destroyed a statue of the Mother of God in Idlib province, a city under the control of Islamist militias. "We will not tolerate anyone except Allah."

Wahhabi Imam Destroyed Statue

A Wahabi Imam (Wahabism is the most radical form of Islam and is regarded officially as state doctrine in Saudi Arabia) let himself be filmed in the act with the cry Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest) destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary. The incident occurred in the city Yaaqoubiya in the Syrian province of Idlib, near the border with Turkey.

"Only Allah"

The city is Yaaqoubiya in the Levant is controlled by the Islamist militia Islamic State of Iraq and is associated with Al-Qaeda. The militia is responsible for the destruction of many churches in Syria. The video was released on Monday on the Internet. Omar Gharba includes a statement that "only Allah is worshiped in the land of the Levant, and only the law of Allah is allowed." That Christianity alone worships God, the Mother of God but worshiped, is a distinction of the Wahabit does not seem to know.

The Destruction

During his statement, the Islamist held the statue constantly in his hand: "We accept nothing but Allah's religion and the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad." Then he smashed the statue of Mary to the cheers of enthusiastic Islamist bystanders.

 Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Screenshot
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is Euthanasia the Only Answer to Bad Conditions in Prisons? -- Ten Belgian Prisoners Want to be Killed

(Brussels) Belgium:  the Catholic Austrian Netherlands for euthanasia Eldorado? Ten Belgian prisoners have applied for euthanasia. One will get it.  One Belgian senator and a journalist ask: "Did we not abolish the death penalty abolished in 1996?"
The judges have it Frank, granted to a prisoner, to "liberate" by euthanasia in liability fate.  Frank, however, does not meet the conditions set by the Belgian euthanasia law requirements. He is neither in the "final stages of an incurable disease" yet he suffers "unbearable pain". Yet since the euthanasia law has entered into force  in Belgium  it is allowed  to legally carry someone into the afterlife, creating a ever increasing gray area. Doctors, judges, authorities have interpreted the law in an increasingly "generous"  from.
What was granted in 2002 with the claim that  only  allow it only very narrowly defined and well-defined circumstances, the legalized killing, has developed a long uncontrolled momentum.

 Belgian Death

A total of ten Belgian prisoners have sought euthanasia in the "detention facility" . This was reported by the Belgian television program Panorama this October 20th. They broadcast a report on euthanasia in Belgium prisons.

Authorized Death

So far, only a single Belgian prisoner has been granted euthanasia, according to the doctor Francis Van Mol, who is the Director General of the Health Service in Belgian prisons. The prisoner called Frank VDB  had applied for euthanasia in 2012.  And it was granted to him. The lethal injection has not yet been given. The journalist Dirk Leestmans interviewed Frank for Panorama . Frank said, he does not want to be released from prison, because he considers himself "dangerous". In prison, however, he has suffered under the deprivation of liberty. He considers it "unbearable suffering" to be locked in a cell.

"Escape" from Prison

The same reasoning was described by nine other prisoners, who were also seeking  "freedom" by being killed. This cause was made known  by  the Belgian Senator Louis Ide. He brought it to the public, that in Belgium prisons prisoners will be killed rather to stay locked up as in the cell. The situation in the prisons was "intolerable" said the Senator, not the lives of these prisoners. Overcrowding, inadequate facilities, no way to work and no prospect of a future that may be the reasons, the prisoners  prefer to leave in death, instead of the "Hell" a bank of the oars  in the prison system, said  the senator ."Who would ever endure, to be confined for 23 hours a day to just two square meters, which is what is available to a prisoner in Belgian prisons," said Senator Ide. The application is made obviously  from despair.

Legitimate Questions

Even the journalist Leestmans is at the end of his report, questions whether euthanasia requests of prisoners are not caused by intolerable living conditions in Belgian prisons: "Is Frank asking about being killed because he is sick, or because the conditions of life in prison as are bad? Is there no other way to relieve Frank's suffering than to kill him? Was not the death penalty abolished in Belgium in 1996? "

Not Terminally Ill

Also of the other nine prisoners who have applied for euthanasia, no one is in the final stages of a disease. To be precise, no one is really sick. Death is the only perspective of a prisoner in a civilized country? Or should euthanasia free detention places that are needed urgently for the many new additions? Euthanasia as part of the austerity measures of the state?
"Recently, the law will also apply to people who are not sick at all, but claim unbearable suffering ',"  said Leestmans in his report.
In the meantime  numerous studies and media reports state that the Belgian euthanasia law is abused in a startling way.  And  this happens everywhere. Obviously, the abuse has reached the prison, should Frank really  be killed.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Is the Vatican Going to Erect a New Congregation for Laity? Idea of Cardinal Maradiaga. Also of Pope Francis?

(Rome) The Coordinator of Pope Francis's C8 Cardinal Council wishes to establish a congregation of the Roman Curia for the laity: "There is the Congregation for Bishops, one for the priests and for the religious. But there is not one for the laity who are the most numerous."

The statement comes from Archbishop Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga of Honduras Tegucugalpa. He was made Coordinator of the 8 member council by Pope Francis, which advises the Pope on the reform of the Curia and the leadership of the Church. Cardinal Maradiaga previously called for the reform of the Roman Curia in a statement and is considered among the eight cardinals who desires the most far-reaching changes. Now he again took position and indeed in Logrono in Spain, where he was staying for a visit.

The Central American cardinal declared that "the departments in the Vatican will be adjusted". There has been "only a Pontifical Council for the Laity, but a Congregation for Bishops, another for the priests, another for the religious, but there is none for the laity, who are the most numerous." According to Cardinal Maradiaga a path of reform of the Curia should lead to appreciation of the laity, that their own congregation should be built. In this Congregation various Pontifical Councils could be incorporated, the Council for the Family to the Council for Health Pastoral Care.

Pope Francis considers "clericalism" to be a disease of the Church. A position that his predecessors represented and attempting to oppose the jostle of married men, homosexuals and women entering the sanctuary and in which he attempted to highlight the mission of Christians and their place. Absolutely with some successes, except in the progressive camp, where there is an urge to clericalism throughout the whole Church. Through the clericalization of everything, the declericalization of the Church will be accomplished. Women priests have issued a rejection of Pope Francis.

Following Cardinal Maradiaga's direction, provided they give the opinion of the Pope again and not just the personal opinion of the Cardinal, then the establishment of a lay congregation could be a possible way.

Pope Francis has confirmed the chairman and the secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity in office until the regular end of their term. President is Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, Secretary Bishop Josef Clemens, have both been in office since 2003. However, this term already ends with the year.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Sacri Palazzi
Trans: Tancred

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"Prophesies" of Two Cardinals: The "Death" of Benedict XVI and the Election of Francis

(Rome) A Cardinal "prophesied" in all seriousness, that Pope Benedict XVI. would die within the next twelve months. He is still alive, but resigned as pope. A macabre "prophecy" that came true. Another Cardinal took the words seriously and informed then Benedict XVI verbally and in writing about it.

Today, progressive parts of the Church are jubilant, especially in Italy, and claim with the election of Pope Francis, that another "prophecy" had come true: the "dream" of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini of "another" Church. Is it just a confusion of spirits to pomposity or are both "prophecies" related to an obscure politico-ecclesiastical shift in the Church? The latter is at least not ruled out by Messa in Latino.

Famiglia Cristiana is the top-selling Catholic newspaper in Italy. It is not a progressive agitator rag, but they are clearly characterized by a progressive flip side, as it were by the "normal progressivism" a Christendom-lite as found in almost all official diocesan Church media and also in a number of religious publications. The weekly magazine Famiglia Cristiana is published by the Society of St. Paul the Apostle, a religious foundation of Don Alberione.

The Cardinal, who "Predicted" Pope Francis and the "Council of Milan"

The cover story of the latest issue of Famiglia Cristiana was devoted to the former Archbishop of Milan, Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, deceased in 2012. The occasion was the first anniversary of his death. Even the title page presents "alarming, shocking and as a harbinger of worse premonitions," said Messa in Latino. Why? The title is meaningful: "The Cardinal Who Heralded Pope Francis. A year after his Death, his Dream of a New Church is a Reality."

The presentation says little about Pope Francis, but a lot about those who now feel upswing in the Church. Messa in Latino wrote: "Only now I understand what a high prelate said to me a few days after the funeral of Cardinal Martini. I want to try to reproduce the content as literally as possible: 'The funeral at which I saw such a large turnout of cardinals, bishops and priests, was a Council: The Council of Milan! This is the Church.  In Rome, they will have to take note of that!' Those were his words. And indeed they have been taken note of five months later. Pope Benedict XVI., the successor of Peter and Vicar of Christ on earth tendered his resignation. The last act of the head of a Church that had suffered from a serious love for the Church and for Its impossible unity, he endured coercion and harassment of different kinds that will ever be known as Via Crucis of Pope Benedict XVI remaining engraved in our memory," said Messa in Latino.

Via Crucis of Pope Benedict XVI.

The surrender of the German Pope, so singular in the history of the Church, still remains a mystery and employs more so with a view of the state of the Church and its current development. Was Benedict XVI's resignation perhaps engineered? He talked about having more concretely suggested a resignation was under consideration after his trip to Mexico in early 2012.

But in February Cardinal Paolo Romeo, Archbishop of Palermo and no Ratzingerianer was to burst a "bomb". "Cardinal Ratzinger's prophesied death," he wrote on the 10th of February 2012, almost exactly a year to the day before the announcement of his resignation, in the daily newspaper Der Standard. Numerous media took the message. The daily newspaper Il Fatto Quotidiano published an article on the same day with the title: "Conspiracy Against Benedict XVI. Within 12 months he Will Die," triggered speculation.

"Within 12 months, He Will Die" or Renouncing His Throne

Pope Benedict XVI. would not be dead "inside" of exactly twelve months, but renounced his throne, which the government of the Church came out with at about the same time.

What was it then? In the first half of January 2012, the Colombian Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos sent Pope Benedict XVI. a confidential letter from the Cardinal and a statement of the facts. A letter written by the Cardinal in German. Not so much a tribute to the native language of the Pope, but more to significantly restrict the circle of uninvited fellow readers. In it, he revealed what Italian Cardinal Romeo learned in several meetings in November 2011 during his trip to China by himself: "His discussion partners thought with horror, that this was an assassination plot against the Pope," wrote Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos. In the letter is to be found explicitly, the word "murder plot". The statement of facts bears the date of 30 December 2011 and was sent to the Pope and the Secretary of State in the first days of January, wrote the Colombian Cardinal. To play it safe, Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos informed Pope Benedict XVI in mid-January in person at a private audience.

Cardinal Romeo's "Strange Journey" to China

The statement of facts transmitted by Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos was divided into three parts. The third part was titled: "The Successor of Pope Benedict XVI" This was the reconstruction of "strange journey" ( Fatto Quotidiano ) of Cardinal Romeo to China. The former Vatican diplomat Romeo is considered an influential man in the Church because of his contacts with the diplomatic corps and Cardinal Sodano and his position in the Italian episcopate. A man from a house of wealthy parents and in children, who is extroverted and enthusiastic about technology. His trip to China was suspicious because he met no representatives of the Church in China, but Italian businessmen working in China and partly living there. Officially, he said, he was dispatched by the Pope to clarify the links between the Vatican and the People's Republic. The Vatican knew nothing of such a mission.

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi immediately denied the press reports in February 2012. He called them "so incredible that they can not be commented upon." Even As "absurd and frivolous".

The press at the time reported about the "Death of a Pope." "Maybe a physical death was not necessarily meant, but simply the resignation of Benedict," says Messa in Latino .

A Resignation, would not be Allowed and a Strange Announcement of this Resignation

"We do not know what has actually taken place around the resignation of Benedict XVI.," said Messa in Latino. "We're seeing signals and trying to interpret them. We see a resignation, the need not have happened and which stands unique in the history of the Church. We see a strange announcement of this resignation by Cardinal Romeo. And we see a letter from Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, who took the matter so seriously that he informed the Pope and recited it to him personally. We see the denial of Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi. But poor Father Lombardi had much to explain about everything, as we know. We have seen the election of Pope Francis, about which no one had expected. The choice of the direct opponent of Benedict XVI. in the conclave of 2005, which at that time, was wished by the failing Cardinal Martini in order to prevent Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope. And we see the progressive part of the Church cheering, who feel themselves on the rise. It may be a lot of optimism, and yet there must be signals that suggest to them this optimism. Therefore, we know one thing, and say quietly to all those who today, had so much hope yesterday, who wish for "Sister persecution" as Gamaliel said to those who wish for millstones tied around necks, "And now, therefore, I say to you, refrain from these men, and let them alone; for if this council or this work be of men, it will come to nought; [39] But if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it, lest perhaps you be found even to fight against God."(Acts 5,38 f), so says the traditional blog Messa in Latino.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Concilio e Postconcilio
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Some pertinent links:

Graz University Professor Makes Death Threats Against the Pope

Serious Death Threat Against Cardinal Bertone

Previously, there were palpable threats in the wake of reports about Father Oko's investigation of sexual predators and Communists in the clergy.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Intolerant Tolerance -- Archbishop Leonard's Visit to Catholic Religious Instruction Refused

(Brussels) Laizisismus al la Belge . Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Brussels-Mechelen has been conducting pastoral visits since the beginning in many deaneries and parishes in Walloon Brabant. In Baisy-Thy parents on behalf of state neutrality obligation refused him to visit the Catholic religious instruction at the school. The pastoral visits are an occasion, in addition to the Holy Mass, are meetings in the parish church with the priests of the place, the Catholic organizations and groups, and the faithful. The Archbishop also visits the Catholic schools and kindergartens, but also the Catholic religious instruction taking place in public schools.

It was not possible to visit at the School of Baisy-Thy, the visit to religious instruction planned for the past 22 October at the state school. Some parents protested against this. The visit of a representative of religion in a public school violates the principle of neutrality of the state, they argued.

Finally, the Archbishop decided not to go to the school, which program is unproblematic in other places. To avoid further controversy and because the mayor, Gérard Couronné, feared riots of some parents, the mayor himself agreed with the Archbishop, to waive the intended visit to the grade school the 5th and 6th Classes. "We go everywhere where we are welcome", said Archbishop Leonard through his spokesman to the press.

The incident shows how the alleged "tolerance" of laicism [secularism] is intolerant. In Belgium, a radical fight by the enemies of the Catholic Church is in progress, with radical attempts to marginalize the Church from public life. Against this background, it is has also been seen that Archbishop Leonard has twice this year already been paid visits by the activists of FEMEN (see separate report on the first attack and the second attack ). Why always against the Primate of Belgium? The FEMEN activism works on demand. You can order it in some ways ( see separate report on FEMEN forthcoming). Who pays, decides. In Belgium there are obviously forces which are willing to pay for public aggression against the Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: L'Obersevatoire de la Christianophobia Trans: Tancred

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Is Cardinal Schönborn an Apron Chaser?

Thursday 24 October 2013

Archbishop of Vienna, the son of a deserter and Freemason stands is in demand at the Jewish B'nai B'rith Lodge.

Cardinal Schönborn's friends at the Lodge [Image: "Heute", free newspaper, 24 October 2013, p 5]

The "Red Cardinal" König and the Soviet Bigwig

But Cardinal Schönborn is not the first Archbishop of Vienna, who has been close to Republican Lodges.

For example, there is Cardinal König, who had opened wide the flood gates to socialist influence on the Catholic Church in Austria, is said to have belonged to Freemasonry.

That gave him the name "Red Cardinal".

The statement in Professor DDr. Robert Prantners memoirs "Between Ballhausplatz and the Vatican" remains unchallenged to this day, stated on page 174: "On the grave of the open bier Cardinal König lay at his feet one, honorific apron the Fremasonic Fraternal chain'." Some would want to see this as confirmation of these rumors.

Just like the "Red Cardinal" that Fat Cat and social climbing SPÖ Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky received support and high accolades from the Jewish Lodge.

Schönborn and the Lodge

The current Archbishop of Vienna, is the son of Hugo Damian Schonborn, an army deserter and Freemason. However, the paternal influence is estimated to be rather low, since he had left his family in the lurch at an early time.

Now Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has been included among the "friends" of the Jewish B'nai B'rith lodge brothers.

Allegedly this is because of his commitment to ensure that the Jews may continue to circumcise their male children without their consent, while that of African tribesmen of girls has been banned as mutilation.

To avoid misunderstandings

Just like exercises for unteachable students? Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. etc., etc.

Link to

German Secular Court Rules That German Catholics Must Pay Church Tax to Remain Members

Edit: this just came out from BBC. They usually don't get the facts straight, but after a year, things have taken place just as Doctor Andreas Janker has predicted, and he and Harmut Zapp's case has been ruled against. While there is general criticism of the Church-tax overall, Network of German Priests, an association of conservative, or say, truly Catholic German priests has been critical of a regime which imposes a Leftist agenda which is not Catholic.
All Germans who are officially registered as Catholics, Protestants or Jews pay a religious tax, worth an extra 8-9% of their income tax bill. This had been challenged by a retired law professor who said he wanted to remain a Catholic but not pay the tax. Last week, a new bishops' decree warned that anyone not paying the tax would be denied the right to religious rites.
Link to BBC...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Spaemann: Priests May Deny Dogmas, but Believers Can't Refuse the Church Tax

Edit: in light of recent events with Bishop Tebartz van Elst and the German Bishop's complicity in distributing pornography with Catholic's donations, enforced through the church-tax, this statement by philosopher Robert Spaemann on September 9th of 2011 really cuts to the quick.

( / KNA) The philosopher Robert Spaemann has criticized the church tax. "It is scandalous in our church tax, that he who pays no more church tax, is excommunicated," the Catholic said this for the newspaper "Die Welt" (Friday). "You can deny the resurrection of Jesus, but then you are not suspended as a priest. Yet when it comes to money, it gets serious. This coupling of church membership and church tax must fall. "[How about suspending heretical priests, instead?]

Spaemann also welcomed the speeches held by the Pope on his visit to Germany and his plea for the Church's detachment from the world. "As Archbishop of Munich, Joseph Ratzinger once told me on a walk: You know, what the biggest problem of the Church in Germany is? She has too much money."

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Pope Francis Reminds Jews About Pius XII's Sacrifices And Suffering Christians in the World Today

(Vatican) Pope Francis received representatives of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in audience today. On this occasion, the Catholic Pontiff recalled the "suffering exclusion and real persecution" of many Christians around the world. He also reiterated his condemnation of "any form of anti-Semitism." The Pope expressed his "appreciation" for the work of the Simon Wiesenthal Center , "to combat all forms of racism, intolerance and anti-Semitism, to keep alive the memory of the Shoah, and to promote mutual understanding through education and social commitment".

Pope Francis reaffirmed the importance to pass on to younger generations, "not only the knowledge of the history of Jewish-Catholic dialogue about the difficulties experienced and the progress made in recent decades." It is applicable "above all" in order "to convey passion for the encounter with the other and get to know, through the promotion of an active and responsible involvement of our youth." The Pope also said: "I encourage you to continue the to value you in the joint effort to convey, to reject walls and build bridges between our cultures and faith traditions."

Four Meetings with Jewish Organizations in Four Months -  No to Anti-Semitism Four Times

In addition to a larger number of messages and letters to Jewish institutions it was the fourth meeting with senior Jewish officials within four months, in which Pope Francis issued a clear rejection of anti-Semitism and emphasized Catholic-Jewish friendship emphasized.

We kicked off the audience for the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultatations (IJCIC) last June. At that time, the Pope described the Jews as "elder brothers" of Christians and said, "Because of our common roots, a Christian can not be an anti-Semite" He stressed the long friendship between Christians and Jews, and encouraged continuation on this path.

On the 2nd of September, Francis received the leadership of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) under the WJC President Ronald Lauder. The Pope reiterated his statements made ​​in June and added, "To be a good Christian, it is necessary to understand Jewish tradition and history."

Francis recalls Catholics helping Jews during the War under the Direction of Pope Pius XII.

On the 11th of October the Pope received a delegation from the Jewish Community of Rome, whom he addresses as "beloved friends". The "oldest" Jewish community in "Western Europe", had often experienced "misunderstanding and real injustices" in the past two thousand years. "But with God's help" we have made ​​"friendly and brotherly relations for many decades," the Pope said. He recalls the help of many Catholics for the Jews during the Second World War and the fact that "many monasteries, institutes and papal basilicas at the request of the Pope" accepted Jews.

In this context, Pope Francis identified this as "grace, a grace because it was" that he could afford as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, a contribution to the "closeness and friendship" with the Jewish community.

It was shortly after his inauguration into office on March 22nd that a first meeting of the new pope with a Jewish delegation took place. Israeli President, Shimon Peres was the first head of state Pope Francis received in audience after his election. The meeting was held last April 30th.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: L'Osservatore Romano
Trans: Tancred

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Note: Simon Wiesenthal himself was a terrible fraud. Even Israeil intelligence thought so. AMGD

Thursday, October 24, 2013

German Bishops Will Pump Almost a Billion Euro into Its Porno and Esoteric Book Store Weltbild

(Augsburg) The Diocese of Augsburg is ordering liquidity support of 15 million euros for the battered Weltbild publishing group in which it holds a 11.7 percent interest. This was decided by the Diocesan Advisory Committee and the Diocesan Tax Committee, on the initiative of Bishop Konrad Zdarsa.

The envisaged contribution of the diocese to "restructuring of the publishing group" is numerially far in excess of Augusburg's shareholder share, they say. But now we hear that the other partners have provided assistance in view as Augsburger Allgemeine has reported.

Prelate Fuchs, Vice-chairman of Weltbild, declared, after previously strong criticism of the German Bishops' porn business became very loud, on 07-15-2012 according to the Tagespost ( see separate report "German Bishop's Porno Business Continues to Hum") that they would continue operating in the business of pornography, especially violent pornography. The disgusting "novel" Shades of Gray - Geiheimes Verlangen is still available in Weltbild and is sold there without age verification.

Text: Linus Schneider Image: screenshot 24.10.2013 12:00 clock Trans: Tancred

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"Missionaries for Europe" -- New Traditionalist Initiative for the New Evangelization of Old Europe

(Toulon) The traditional bishop of Frejus-Toulon, Dominique Rey has launched a new initiative for vocations and evangelization.

The decline in vocations to the priesthood on the old continent and the need for new evangelization of Europe are inextricably linked. The Bishop of Provence is looking for new initiatives. Promoting the tradition belongs as much to is as the mission to Muslims. The most recent initiative is the opening of a training house for future priests, missionaries from America, who are trained for the new evangelization of Europe. They are coming after their ordinations in European dioceses, in the specific case, particularly to be put to use in France.

The Patron of the new facility is Saint Alberto Hurtado. With the academic year 2014/2015, the new seminary will begin operation. The sponsorship of the Bishop Rey is being entrusted to The Fradernidad St. Jose Custodia (FSJC), a religious community dedicated to Saint Joseph in Chile.

The Order was founded by Federico Alcamán Riffo, a Chilean priest, who acts mainly through popular missions, he also founded a branch because of the vocations awakened a women's branch in 1999 and a men's branch in 2002. The charism of the Order is the mission of the particular care of the Divine Liturgy, which takes place in both forms of the Roman Rite and in the dissemination and promotion of the kingdom of Christ. Since 2006, the Order has been operating in the U.S. with the new evangelization. Since 2010, it also maintains an office in the diocese of Frejus-Toulon.

Priestly Fraternity of San Jose

The seminarians of the house of St. Alberto Hurtado are trained in both forms of the Roman Rite at the Seminary of the Diocese of Frejus-Toulon and in the house itself. The Diocese of Frejus-Toulon in France has the largest number of diocesan vocations. The reason for this is the orthodox approach of the bishop and his openness to the traditional rite.

It has already set up a website set up in Spanish, which is aimed directly at young men in America who feel a vocation to the priesthood.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi

Image: Sacra Litugia

Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches... AMGD

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Limburg: Bishop Tebbartz-van-Elst -- Administrative Dismissal in Stages

Edit: the world press is striking a jubilant chord as it lies. Again, the real reason for the dismissal doesn't have anything to do with the alleged misappropriation of funds.  If that were the case, most of the German speaking Bishops would be dismissed.

(Limburg) Pope Francis has made a decision in the case of the Bishop of Limburg. The question is: What exactly is it to be interpreted? After talking round in Rome with the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Robert Zollitsch, the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, and finally Bishop Tebartz van Elst himself, plus other contact names and conversations that took place behind the scenes it became evident that it was the Pope who was "comprehensively and objectively informed," as stated in the official press release from the Holy See.

A "time out" for the bishop has been mentioned and that the Pope is supposed to be "giving support" to the Limburg Pastor. The tenor seems almost as if the papal decision failed to be "positive" for Bishop Tebartz van Elst.

The facts: Bishop Tebartz van Elst can "at the present time not exercise his episcopal ministry", the Pope "considers it advisable," the bishop should "be granted a time outside the diocese" and is appointing "during the absence of the diocesan bishop," Wiesbaden's Dean Wolfgang Rösch "as of today" will be Vicar General of the diocese "with pertinent authority." In this situation, the "results" of the "examination in view of the construction of the bishop's" are supposed to be awaited. The evaluation will bring an "affirmation of responsibilities in this regard."

The bishop felt himself "encouraged" by a 20-minute audience with the Pope. Church officials close to him in Rome spoke of the meeting was a "good" run.

What is the decision of the Pope in plain language? That Pope has suspended Bishop Francis Tebartz van Elst. And it seems unlikely you can interpret the subtleties of ecclesiastical language properly, that there will be a return to the episcopate for him. Rather, it seems to be an expulsion in stages, with an open side door, which was decided in Rome. The undersigned would be pleased, if it were reconsidered.

The wolves howled and got their next victim? It really seems so. So, there is nothing new under the German sun. From a certain point of escalation serves only the "image" and the "recovery of trust". With Bishop Tebartz van Elst, the list of German bishops sold out in the last 20 years is probably longer by another name. And they invariably affect bishops who were assigned to the "conservative" part of the Church in the wider sense of the word. A list with an unpleasant "aroma".

The money question was smugly played with cinematic titles like "Bishop of bling" in the foreground seems only advanced into the whole question. Because the question of money is not the problem isolated to a person, supposedly the Bishop of Limburg, but even to the whole German Church. The grave that the German church and religion in Germany itself is shoveling, 6 billion EUR 1 heavy and that's yearly. But the ear of those so clairaudient critics within the Church of Bishop Tebartz van Elst suddenly grows deaf. So deaf as they were, as Pope Benedict XVI. challenged the German Church to detach from the world to clear the way for a New Evangelization of Germany.

And here is the full text of the press statement of the Vatican:


The Holy Father has been fully and objectively informed about the situation in the diocese of Limburg at present time.

In the diocese there has been a situation in which the Bishop, Rt. Rev. Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst, can not exercise his episcopal ministry at the present time..

According to the "fraternal visit" by His Eminence Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo last September, the German Bishops' Conference, pursuant to an agreement between the bishop and the Limburg Cathedral Chapter, a committee used to carry out a detailed examination in view of the construction of the Diocesan Centre. Pending the results of the said examination and the related affirmation of responsibilities in this regard, the Holy See considers it advisable, SE Mons. Franz-Peter van Elst Tebartz to allow a time of outside of the Diocese.

Upon decision of the Holy See about the Bishop of Limburg till 1 January 2014, the appointment of Fr. Mr. Dean Wolfgang Rösch Vicar General, is already effective in place as of today. Fr. Roesch is Vicar General for the diocese of Limburg to manage it during the absence of the diocesan bishop under the powers associated with that office.

From the Vatican, 23 October 2013

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Wikicommons Trans: Tancred

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