Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Founder of Leftist Victim Exploitation Group Was Member of Hitler Youth: Led Attack on Archbishop's Palace

The longtime chief researcher and co-founder of the "Austrian Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance" (DOeW) was one of the ringleaders in the storming of the Archbishop's Palace in Vienna by Hitler Youth.
Even the Red Moral Guardians of the DOeW have Their Brown Spots

Feast of the Holy Rosary

On 7 October 1938 the Church opened St. Stephen's Cathedral for the annual Feast of the Holy Rosary. There around 2,000 young people expected, and  8,000 to 10,000 came.
As previously announced, the solemn celebration was led  by the reigning Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Innitzer.
From the Pilgrim pulpit he asked for understanding for his March statement in which he had attempted an awkward aggiornamento with the Zeitgeist.
More quickly than the current Archbishop of Vienna, he realized that the fundamentals of the faith can not be  modified and relativized to fit the Zeitgeist, and had the courage to correct his earlier mistake and called the faithful to resist the (national) Socialist Zeitgeist of 1938 in a conscious nod to the leader principle:
"One is your Fuhrer, your Fuhrer is Christ, if you keep loyal to Him, you will never be lost."
After Mass the young people gathered on the Stephansplatz and swore their faithfulness to God.

"Dear Führer be so Nice, N' Show Yourself on the Window Sill!"

In imitation of the  the (these lines were always wrongly perceived as mockery of Hitler by the author) Call! "Dear Fuherer be so nice, n' show yourself at the window sill" was chanted: "We want to see our Bishop!" Who appeared promptly and in foreshadowing, and called for an end to the unplanned rallies against the National Socialists which were highly dangerous for the participants.

Hunt for the Archbishop

On the evening of the following day, members of the Hitler Youth in gathered in front of the the Archbishop's palace to jeer, and threw stones at the windows of the Archbishop.
What followed was that 50 Hitler Youth broke the doors and entered the rooms in the house of Cardinal Innitzer, who had  been brought to safety just in time. In the hotel on the other side of the Stephansplatz, the later pastor of Altottakring, Cathedral Curate Fr. John Krawarik was thrown out a window and seriously injured.
The signs of the devastation can be seen in the Archbishop's Palace which still exist.

Later DOeW-wire Jedlicka was One of the Ringleaders of the Hitler Youth

One of the ringleaders of the Hitler Youth was apparently the founder of Zeit (geist) history at the University of Vienna and co-founder of the "Austrian Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance," Ludwig Jedlicka.
Kurt Diemann-Dichtl writes in his book "Always faithful. Another Neustadt Book" (Mauerbach: Eugene Ketterl Verlag, 1999) on page 59 f:
  • "Noticed Nearby: Jedlicka was one of the ringleaders of the Hitler Youth during their attack on the Archbishop's Palace in Vienna on 8 October 1938. "
The author of this article has since been deceased, so Kurt Dieman has classified is as persecution of the Nazi era, speaking to the passage and to the source's truth.
Jedlicka told him, Kurt Diemann, told him this personally and also on further prompting confirmed it explicitly.

The DOeW - a Strange Society

The SPÖ related organization was founded in 1971 with the help of the Red BAWAG [Socialist Credit Union] and Red OGB,  "Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance" is a strange society of communist glorification (like the Red "Spain" fighters) and active anti-FPÖ propaganda, meanwhile with the collaboration of some pseudo-bourgeois fig leaves from the ranks of the ÖVP [Christian Democrats].
Exponents of the extreme left which is close to the Vienna anarchist scene are or were in DOeW, operating: like active left-wing extremist Wolfgang Purtscheller,  whose circle of friends has carried out a terrorist attack on Ebergassing from the fringes of"TATblatt" and also Purtscheller's crony, Andreas Peham .
Andreas Peham is a former president of the Communist Students Association (KSV) and appears as a "Fake Doctor from the DOeW, as it is known "that a non-academic gave himself a doctorate and appeared or appears respectively under the pseudonym  (Dr.) Heribert SCHIEDEL."
That one had thought in the SPÖ only 26 years after the end of World War seriously about starting a DOeW, may also have to do with the high rate of "Former" (National-Socialists, see also: "One time for Adolf you, votes for Adolf this year too - the brown spots of the SPÖ!"). By 1971 the left wing is likely to have partially enforced the left.

Jedlicka's successor in DOeW comes from Nazi family

The Jedlicka's successor from 1983 to 2004, Dr. Wolfgang Neugebauer, was a doctoral student  of  Jedlicka's and wrote his thesis on "History of the Social Democratic Youth Movement in Austria" and comes from a Nazi family.
Neugebauer's father  had his consecration as SS First Lieutenant in the SS Division "Das Reich" , which is said to have massacred 600 civilians in Oradour / France in the summer of 1944. Allegedly Neugebauer's father, however, was at that time training in the Cadet School in Bad Tolz -  the SS First Lieutenant Friedrich Peter,   Kreisky-Coalitioner was also ostensibly not involved in the massacres by his SS division.
In an interview with the ex-KSV-functionary and "Profil" journalist Christa Zöchling , Neugebauer admits, however, that he would not today [2006]  preclude his father's involvement in the massacre.
Neugebauer himself is a loyal Red Party soldier, national-socialist ideas he finds predominantly in non-SPÖ members: In the brochure "value unworthy life" from BIZEPS - Disability Advice Centre is an appearance of Neugebauer's not so subtle tastelessness: the Jewish, Social Democratic Viennese Councillor Julius Tandler , who advocated the elimination, long before the National Socialists coined the phrase, "life unworthy of life". Neugebauer referred to him  as a "through and through humanist voice for the spirit of welfare of Vienna".
In the National Socialist euthanasia station Hartheim castle near Linz, Tandler's ideas were implemented into reality by the National Socialists.


The incidents mentioned in Oradour-sur-Glane are - as noted repeatedly by readers - more than controversial. The place might have been a stronghold of the French partisans, allegedly including weapons and ammunition depots. Previously, there had been numerous attacks on members of German military formations by French partisans. So fighting was taken up on behalf of the Sturmbannfuehrer brutally tortured and murdered by partisans, whose skeletal remains had only been recently found, after France had released the location of his grave space after a long silence. Likewise, there were medics who had also been tethered in their car and burned alive. There are also reports that women and children who had been imprisoned in a church during the raids were  killed by an explosion of ammunition located therein by partisans and not killed by German troops. A critical exposition can be found in the article " Gauck in Oradour - The Great Lie of the Do-Gooders ", which refers to the visit of President Gauck and contradicts the "standard" representation of German war crimes. Previously, the German Federal President had consciously avoided visiting Oradour.[Supplement 11 October 2013]

Translated by Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com from kreuz.net...


Romano Guadini, the Teacher, Bergolio (Sadly) Never Had

(Rome) in the official biography of Pope Francis, which the Vatican published after his election to the website of the Holy See, there is an inaccuracy which we have already pointed out months ago. Now, the Vatican expert Sandro Magister came back to it because the statement has not been corrected. It is: "In March 1986, he goes [Jorge Mario Bergoglio] to Germany to complete his dissertation."

The statement was interesting because the new Pope's stay in Germany is of particular interest. Many media outlets in the German speaking, therefore, broadcast the message widely in the first weeks after the election. The completion of a thesis at a German University had a familiarity with German culture, to suggest knowledge of local conditions and an especially a good knowledge of German. At least for 1986, this could be accepted. The self-amputation of German as a language of science is now so far advanced that this may not necessarily be assumed for the year 2013. It is now well known that Pope Francis speaks "only" Spanish and Italian.

The reason why Magister has returned to the inaccuracy, is a publication of the Osservatore Romano of the 19th of October, in which the information was still adjusted incorrectly. In reference to the publication of a book of the writings of Romano Guardini on Saint Bonaventure, a portion of the book presentation by Professor Silvano Zucal, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Trent was printed, which previously had appeared in the Catholic newspaper Avvenire.

"That really unprecedented fate of Romano Guardini is to have been a kind of 'master' to three popes. Paul VI. personally sponsored the first translations starting with the little book The Good, The Conscience of the Whole, which he recommended to his pupils of the Catholic University Youth Society. Benedict XVI. understood himself even as a kind of spiritual and intellectual disciple of the great thinker. And Pope Francis, finally, spent almost two years in Germany to read Guardini and study ... ".

In reality, as the Philosophical-Theological College St. George of the Jesuit Order in Frankfurt explained after the election of Pope Francis, Bergoglio came in 1986 for a short time actually to St. Georgen, "in order to discuss with some professors the project for a dissertation," which did not come to pass.

"It was not, nearly two years, 'but a few months'. And especially not a doctorate, not even close to the end, because the thesis was in the planning stages," said Magister.

He continued: "That Guardini could be regarded as a 'master' of Pope Bergoglio is a thesis that sounds very novel."

In the Civiltà Cattolica interview of Pope Francis, in which he devotes extensive space to his favorite authors, the name Guardini does not occur. Neither did he mention him in his other writings and speeches.

"Above all, there is a large distance between the point of view of Bergoglios and that of the great German-Italian theologian, both in the liturgy (On the other hand, where there is very strong influence on Joseph Ratzinger), and in the critique of modern society and the conception of personal conscience (which is the book Giovanni Battista Montini had translated, has nothing to do with the superficial definition of conscience in the letter of the Pope on St. Francis and then talking with Eugenio Scalfari). The work, which the Pope read and admired by Guardini, was The Lord . In that he thought to deepen his thinking, at which he then did not succeed," said Magister.

Text: Settimo Cielo / Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Prefect Mueller: Remarried and Divorced May Not Go to Communion -- Rejection of Contradictory Demands and Orthodox Praxis

(Rome) Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the Roman Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, has reaffirmed the Church's existing teaching on the indissolubility of marriage again. He was quoted in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano which had already been published back in June in the Daily Mail ( see separate report ). This gives his remarks importance not only for the German-speaking world, but for the world Church.

Archbishop Mueller states in it that there is no possibility of admitting remarried divorcees to the sacraments. On this question there can be no exceptions, one can not even leave the decision to the person concerned, or justify it by a decision of conscience referring to "mercy".

Pope Francis' statements, which were made late July on the flight back from World Youth Day had spoken in terms of a "period of grace" for remarried Catholics, which was widely interpreted as an imminent change of course for the Church in these matters, as well as the Freiburg manipulations( see separate report ) had caused a considerable stir and confusion within the Catholic Church. With his detailed opinion, the Prefect of the Congregation relates with clarity the position and reaffirmed Catholic doctrine on the sacrament of marriage. The essay is an obvious answer to the Freiburg circular and especially to the German Church's increasingly vociferous desires and demands for "flexible" soltions from the tradition of the faith.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Sacri Pal azzi

Cabby With English Flag: State Accuses Him of Discrimination Against Minorities.

Correction: The cabby's name is Denise, and is female. Thanks
(London) The District Council accused  Denis Said of violating the Equal Opportunity Act. So that foreign customers do not feel "offended": "Crazy England!" The taxi driver risks losing his license. He has namely dared to put  a sticker on his taxi  a  in the size of 10 x 15 centimeters with the English flag, with the words "Local Driver" displayed. The discrimination lies in the words and above all in the cross, because the English flag has the Cross of St. George, a red cross on a white background.
The 56-year-old Denis Said moved to Newton Abbot, a city in the county of Devon, where he has been a cabby for 16 years. Now he was been cited by the city council for discrimination: "In this particular case the English flag and the words, "Local Driver" penalize 'those in their daily lives, who don't identify with either of the two elements."  This outrageous statement was made by Teignbridge District Council of Devon, who also stated: "We want to ensure all appropriate services by applying the Equality Act of 2010 in order to protect all cultures in our society."

A Controversial Law

Said would have violated the Equality Act, according to public administration,   which  outlaws all state, political, religious or identity-symbols since 2010. Because of this law, employees have already been discharged from public service because they were wearing a cross around his neck. Likewise, Catholic adoption agencies were closed down because they refused to distribute children to homosexuals.
A law that was intended to protect minorities from discrimination, discriminates in fact any identity, starting with the native English identity. According to the Equality Act of 2010 one may be British anywhere in the world, but not English in England. A national, local culture or even a dominant culture is explicitly punishable as provided by law.
The authorities have determined  accordingly: If Denis Said does not remove the English flag from his car, the license for his taxi cab  will not be renewed next February. The English taxi driver has said, to no avail, that  he was assured that he had never heard a complaint from anyone. The withdrawal of the license would be a death warrant for him, as it is Said's only source of income.

Political Bypass or Selective Destruction of Identity?

In his petition against the decision, Said argued that in showing the English flag, there was nothing offensive: "The Council assumed that I was a racist just because I display the flag of my country. That is simply not true. I'm English and I'm a rider from the area here, which, after all, says something in a taxi company, right? Where is the problem? I do not discriminate against anyone who gets into my car, but drive him to where he wants to go up. "
He hasn't even had many foreign passengers in his area. Since the decision, however, he asks his foreign passengers if they would feel insulted or attacked by the English flag and the words "Local Driver". "Nobody felt offended in the slightest. They were downright amazed at my question. One even said to me, 'Your country has gone mad.' "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: vekron99@hotmail.com 

NB: we weren't able to find this story in English, so the citations of the Mr. Said will be a little off, but accurate.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Who Advises the Pope? -- The "Privy Council" of Pope Francis

(Vatican) Who advises the Pope? The question is the most talked about whenever the Pope is mentioned since last March. It has been busy because the pontificate raises many questions. The advisers of the Pope could contribute to the unraveling. The progressive Vaticanist Marco Tosatti has published his travel log on Vatican Insider his reading.

Impulsive Pope: Did Francis Interrupt Prefect Müller During Mass, Because He Immediately Wanted to Talk to Him?

The Vaticanist Tosatti was the one recently in the newspaper La Stampa who told of an ​​episode he received that apparently left even this die-hard progressive shivering, "always assuming that it is true," he added. The subjunctive is imperative because the message went through several corners and has found no confirmation from another source. Tosatti attended a Sunday Mass at the German National Church dell'Anima Santa Maria in Rome in the second half of September.  He then learned that Pope Francis is supposed to have called at the Congregation at the end of June to speak on the spot to the Prefect Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller. But he was then celebrating a Mass for German seminarians in a nearby chapel. The Pope had insisted that the Archbishop interrupt the celebration and talk to him. An official of the Congregation was rushed to the chapel and informed Müller about the dictates of the Pope. He had interrupted the celebration and went into the sacristy to take a phone call with the Pope. The major concerns of the Pope? He told me  of an investigation against a Cardinal underway at the CDF against an old friend of the Pope. The Pope ordered the Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith, Müller, to immediately discontinue the investigation and close the case immediately.

Should the incident have happened, then it would indeed be shocking. Tosatti released it despite his reservations.

Whoever Finds the Ear of Pope Francis?

According to Tosatti it is "certainly" Monsignor Fabian Fedacchio Leaniz who is among the "consultants" of the Pope. The prelate has been working at the Congregation for Bishops, but works unofficially, "without assignment" but "effectively" for the post of secretary of the Pope.

Regarded as friend and adviser from the first hour in the Conclave, the Brazilian Cardinal Claudio Hummes is Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Clergy. Hummes quickly let it be known that he had been involved, according to his own intervention, and instrumental in the election of Pope Bergoglio. Accordingly, he went to the side of the new Pope at the central loggia on the facade of St. Peter's, as he was shown to the world for the first time.

Less obvious is the role of the former Primate of England, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor. The Cardinal was allowed, as he was born in 1932, to participate in the conclave.  His reservations about Benedict XVI. were known. With Pope Francis, the Briton is understood to be, however, excellent. The new Pope, says Tosatti "often" gets council from him. The same also does the Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain. Because he knows the good rapport of the Cardinal with the Pope, the Cardinal was an important contact person.

Then there's the Honduran Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga. The Salesian was appointed by Pope Francis to the C8 Cardinals Council and represents Central America. He could also be called to Rome and take over the management of a Congregation. Since 2007, the Cardinal has good German skills already as President of Caritas Internationalis. Maradiaga was, after his appointment to the newly created eight-member Cardinalsrat, the most enthusiastic and talkative, to perform a "fundamental reform" of the Roman Curia. A sign that the Honduran is among the eight cardinals (excluding the Chilean Cardinal Ossa) is closest to the thinking of the new pope. His word is to have great weight with Pope Francis, says Tosatti. This has to do not only with aspects of content, but also with the common language and common Latin American origin.

Therefore, Archbishop Emeritus of Santiago, Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa also fits in this category. The Cardinal from the neighboring country of Argentina was an elector in the March conclave. On the 5th of September he completed his 80th Year and retired from the circle of papal electors. But not from the circle of papal consultants.

A conspicuous number of non-friends of Benedict XVI.

The "Privy Council" of the Pope, as Tosatti has called the circle of men who have direct access to the Pope and whose word counts for him is also the Italian Giuseppe Cardinal Bertello, the President of the Governorate of Vatican City. Cardinal Bertello until 2007 was nuncio to Italy and San Marino. Actually, he had then hoped to be Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, but Benedict XVI. preferred the French-Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet. Also, when you post "Red Pope", the head of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples did not come to Bertello in train, but Cardinal Fernando Filoni. For Bertello remained under Benedict XVI. next to the dignity of Cardinal "only" in a ranking administrative task. Now he belongs to the group of advisers of Pope Francis.

This circle is "udite, udite" [Hush, hush] as Tosatti notes, also there is the Curial Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who was sent packing with a loud noise as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States to Washington DC.. Viganò was not then a noted "friend" of Benedict XVI.. Another outspoken opponent of Pope Benedict has an ear: the former papal master of ceremonies, Curial Archbishop Piero Marini, whom Pope Benedict XVI. dismissed in 2007 from his function. Despite elevation to archbishop and one post of his choice, Piero Marini opted for the post of President of the International Eucharistic Congresses. Marini has never forgiven him the dismissal as master of ceremonies. And he also made ​​no secret, as when Francis was elected as Pope, Piero Marini rejoiced to be finally rid of Benedict XVI..

Do the Heads of the Liturgy Consultants Have the Handwriting of Piero Marini?

The liturgical sensibility and the desire of Benedict XVI. to reclaim the sacredness of worship, gave Piero Marini no pleasure. Something he has in common with Pope Francis. The liturgy was previously not an issue for the new Pope. At least not in his speeches. The situation is different in the decisions in the field of Liturgy, as recently, another Vatican expert, Sandro Magister pointed out. Piero Marini's handwriting wants many changes with the complete replacement of all consultants for the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Papal See. The liturgical renewal staff of Benedict XVI. was beheaded without exception.

To Pope Francis' circle of advisors, according to Tosatti, belong the Spaniard Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru. The Opus Dei Bishop, a professor at the Opus Dei University of the Holy Cross in Rome and Canon Lawyer, was appointed by the new Pope to the be the coordinator of the commission of inquiry into the Vatican bank IOR.

Enterprising Francesca Chaoqui in the circle of Papal Consultants? - Multiple Meetings with Pope

Astonishment is likely about who has already been allowed to sit "several times" at the table of the Pope in the Domus Santa Marta, one of whom "recently" means the enterprising Francesca Immacolata Chaoqui (see report Francesca Chaouqui: always on the go, lobbyist, Nuzzi-admirer, new Papal Commissioner ). Each time she was in the company of other people who wanted to be presented to the Pope. A privilege, which Pope Francis clearly guards, since at the Vatican his employees do not have access to the Pope, as only recently the weekly magazine Focus reported. A "distant" attitude toward his subordinates is summarized in one of the recent sensational interviews in an unflattering manner with "leprosy".

The appointment of lobbyist Francesca Chaouqui as the member of the new Commission for Financial and Economic Affairs of the Holy made for astonished head shaking (Chaouqui to see their own reports below). Sandro Magister wrote in vain against the appointment Chaouquis equally pointing to the problem, as against the equally controversial appointment of Monsignor Battista Ricca, director of Santa Marta, the special representative of the Pope in the Vatican Bank.

Those who believed that Pope Francis could withdraw a decision made, learned their lesson. This includes the fact that the new Pope, despite public doubts about the suitability of Chaouquis for her office with far-reaching emergency powers, met with the Italo-Moroccan "many times sociably",  says Tosatti.

And Then the Phone: "Some Journalists"

Finally, the Vatican expert mentions the phone that the Pope uses with "extreme impartiality". The "secret", who the Pope likes for advice, is greater here. "However, it seems that some journalists are among them, old friends of the former Cardinal," said Tosatti. The Vaticanist does not call him, but one of the "old friends” should,  the Argentine writer Jorge Milias (see report Jorge Milias 'regrets' that private telephone conversations with Francis Pope have been published ).

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Silk Thread From Freiburg. Archbishop Zollitsch Advises Tebartz van Elst to Suicide

by Peter Stephan

In earlier times, the Turkish sultans sent to high-ranking personalities who were sentenced to death, a silk thread - stylishly usually in a small jewelry box. After receiving, the condemned was strangled by a servant or soldier. This method offered the very great advantage that the sultans could vacate brothers and nephews out of the way to secure their rule, without shedding their royal blood. Occasionally, even the convicted had the opportunity to escape the strangling by suicide. If the blood flowed, this was thus the responsibility of the individuals affected.

The practice is to get rid of unwelcome people by murder or solicitation to commit suicide, has been significantly refined in our society today, especially in the post-Conciliar, 'Love Church', which looks back with particular horror at the terrifying practices of the pre-Conciliar, 'Power Church'. With witch hunts, the Inquisition and poison murders à la Borgia, they want to have nothing more to do. Yes, we have exploited even these downright atrocities to justify the enforcement of a completely new Church image. Gross misinterpretation and exaggeration of the historical facts are thereby considered acceptable. Finally, it's for a good cause.

That the end justifies the means, especially when it comes to the noble goal of their own assurance of domination, not only numerous bishops, but also understood by the employees in the Chancery, the functionaries of the ZdK [German Bishops' Central Committee], the parish councils and many other "engaged" Catholics. Their victims are mostly faithful priests and pastors, as well as followers of the Traditional Rite. The 'progressive' average Catholic keeps his distance from such people, because in secular society it would be considered reasonable and enlightened and therefore to be ashamed of an authentically lived and practiced faith (which he himself lacks of religious education usually no longer recognized or understood). The functionaries and higher officials in turn fear the criticism of the media - and thus the scolding of the media-political class of hearing. One would like to continue to stand in the middle of society, that is: the socio-political establishment belonging - as once the Jerusalem Temple aristocracy.

Nothing would be as unbearable for the majority of the German episcopate, as at a reception in the Chancellery to address an intercession of Jews about the Old Mass, the extravagance of a brother's Office or the backward views of the Pope. Because the sectarian mood can pass quickly. Quickly and could result in a conflagration. Several years ago, in the case Mixa, it went up quickly to 40,000 euros, in a Piranesi engraving which had been (mis)invested. In the causa Tebartz van Elst one takes offense at what is already 30 million for a diocesan center with a two and a half bedroom apartment, which has been successfully re-interpreted by the media to swank episcopal residence. What's next? The many millions, spent by former Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, which in his case was sunk into the completely ridiculous and self-centered redesign of his cathedral - which made Freiburgers so angry, because the funds for the renovation of the cathedral tower are missing? The nearly 20 million, by Cardinal Marx, for the purchase and renovation of his second residence in Rome has been let off free? The 40 million which Gebhard Fürst spent on a diocesan center in Rottenburg - a building that exudes the charm of an oversized District Savings Bank in contrast to the highly successful architectural Limburg Vicarage? And how it looks once the millions to be addressed, the outputs of the German bodies Catholicism for a totally bloated government - or for institutions such as the LCY, the aim now only is to undermine the Church from within and to destroy all which has been built up in this country over generations and half a millennium? There is no fear that you will be expelled from the cosiness of the German church tax haven in the end? What a horrible idea if future bishops must prepare their meals from fungi, which they themselves have collected in the forest! However, not seeing as how Bishop Jaschke flirts on a talk show about humility, but to be truly satisfied? If the German clergy his modesty can not demonstrate through the expensive transformation of sanctuaries and the acquisition of new vestments, but is forced to resort to the existing (high) altars and ancient vestments (which are usually infinitely nicer)?

To avoid this inconvenience, leading representatives of the German Bishops' Conference have decided to sacrifice another pawn. After Walter Mixa, is now Tebartz van Elst's turn. As in the days of the sultans, it comes to secure their own domination how one gets rid of a pesky brother. Naturally this is not accomplished by sending a silk cord. The post-Conciliar love Church prefers character assassination, they are practiced and shoulder to shoulder with the anti-clerical media according to its traditional pattern. Tebartz is no longer acceptable as a bishop according to all that gradually comes to light is one thing. The other, however, is the way how he is systematically demonized and publicly executed. The extent of this manipulative and slanderous propaganda has long since reached the level of, "enforcer" or, "People's Observer". Witch hunt, Inquisition and Borgia intrigue are celebrated - in a new guise - and back with a vengeance.

And as if that is not enough, Robert Zollitsch insisted a few days ago. Very publicly he literally states: "I could not imagine that I could continue living." Of course he did this in an undertone that should have brought his concerns to his stumbling colleague. But it is worthwhile to pay attention to the exact meaning of the words. Zollitsch did not say, "I couldn't imagine, as I could go on living that way." The little word "that way" would be related to the way of life and brought the possibility of a correction to the expression. One can recollect, repent and live on in other ways. The word "there" means in this context, however, a time from which a new, irreversible situation arises - a situation that makes it impossible for Tebartz's afterlife according to Zollitsch. Maybe Zollitsch doesn't know the difference in meaning between modal and time clauses, but as chairman of the Bishops' conference, he should choose his words more carefully. With what he said, he has finally sent his brother in office the silk cord, his concerned tone, like the jewelry box, in which the cord is hidden.

However, Zollitsch and the other officials of the bodies Catholicism ought to foresee. The German Church-tax system is hanging itself by a silk thread. And unlike the silk cords used for strangling, this could tear in the not too distant future. The journalistic pack has long tasted blood in the air. The tactics observed in wolves to isolate a weak animal from the herd, in order to then tear him to pieces has proved successful. In the long term, each Bishop with a decidedly Catholic profile will be attacked. The strategy of the other members of the herd, to save his own skin by delivering others to the wolves will not work.

And who knows! Maybe one day it will even come to the point that tabloids will be the new vox populi in the appointment of bishops creating a list of three from which - after a suitability interview at ZdK - Spiegel appoints a candidate. He is then formally appointed by the Bundeskanzellor - and if need be can be deducted from her again. The sending of silk lines will be a thing of the past.

Prof. Peter Stephan studied History, Church History and Art History and is adjunct professor of Art History at the University of Freiburg in Breisgau. He also teaches as a professor of architectural theory at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Image: Wikicommons (Mona Katholisches.info days)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
  Link to katholisches... 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

"Focus" on Growing Resistance Against Pope Francis -- "This Pope Makes Our Church Kaputt"

(Rome) Focus correspondent Eva Kallinger and Focus editor Gregory Dolak writes in the new edition of the weekly magazine on the "revolt against the Pope"  . While Pope Francis was preparing "fundamental change" in  the Church, there is " growing resistance to his brash nature." And not just in the Vatican, but also among bishops and Catholic groups around the world. There is also a "creeping nostalgia" detectable for Benedict XVI..
The two journalists report of "enthusiastic Masses" in St. Peter's Square and a "measurable" increase in church attendance and confessions. A statement that has been variously asserted last spring, immediately after the election, siince it could hardly be measurable empirically. Since then it has hardly been heard.  The participants at the Wednesday catachesis have measurably increased.  Whether "Francesco" is the new fashion in names for newborn boys, the statistics of the coming years will show.

Atmosphere in the Vatican "Lousy" because "Brash Style" of the new Pope

In any event, according to Focus in the Vatican "the euphoria about the new pope, however, is long gone." The mood is described as "lousy". Publicly they say there is trust, but no one does. The reason is obvious, because everyone was confused, "because nobody knows what will happen tomorrow with him and the Church."
The recent low point was the criticism of the Pope in the Vatican to its employees through the media. Vatican employees felt alienated by the infamous interview  with Eugenio Scalfari for the daily newspaper La Repubblica. The Pope blustered before the enthusiastically listening atheist Scalfari: "The leaders of the Church were often narcissistically, surrounded by sycophants and egged on by their courtiers to slander. The Court is the leprosy of the papacy. . . "
"The Curia - a troop of lepers" asks Focus . Several thousand men and women, priests and religious, the years, often decades, performing their silent and faithful service to the Church and the Pope. Pope Francis hardly meant those  members of the Curia, who had made life difficult for  Benedict XVI. with their intrigues and their boycott.. They belong to the so celebrated  new pontificate and have been  favored by the emergence of rank and standing.
The image of the gentle Pope, who acts collegially, is not confirmed in Rome. "Not only in the Vatican is there resistance to this.  Around the globe, as critics report in Rome, the discomfort grows," says Focus .

U.S. bishops see "Acute Risk of Loss Without Profits"

In the U.S., there was anger by the Pope's interviews, especially with his "liberal sayings" about gays, abortion and contraception. The bishops, including "publicly" one of the Bergoglio electors, Cardinal Timothy Dolan," fear they will lose believers to the Evangelicals. Focus did not write this, but among U.S. bishops there is talk of the "acute risk of loss without profits ".
The weekly magazine cites opposition to Pope Francis in Latin America. There, priests and lay people have often fought "for years against communist and Church-critical populists."  You feel overwhelmed by  Pope Francis'  perceived "left-swing".

Poland: "If This Continues, This Pope Will Make Our Church Kaputt"

Focus summarizes the mood of the Polish clergy and episcopate with the words: "If this continues, this Pope will make our Church kaputt," says a Vatican-insider, about local concerns. "
The official motto of the Church in Germany is "Celebrate". Focus journalists have so far perceived as much. You do, however, find even north of the Alps, rumblings, because the reforms are  too slow to go for the "German bishops" who have "spearhead the demand for reforms."  Since last 13 March, satisfaction prevails here, that the  "brakeman" John Paul II and Benedict XVI. have finally been gotten rid of. But we are wanting to see some action. The expectations are so screwed up, the "minimal solutions" expected are to celibacy, women priests and remarried divorcees. And then what?

Hans Küng and the Rif Eskimos and Notker Wolf About Papal "bomblets"

Focus also questioned the apparently inevitable Hans Küng, who can dish out his broadsides against everything that has even the appearance of a Catholic Church. His words say much about as much about Catholicism, as a lone Berber in the Rif mountains could tell about the customs and traditions of Eskimos. They should therefore be mentioned.
Abbot Primate Notker Wolf thrilled at the Pope and his own, hardly decipherable ciphers: "The Pope exactly delivers  bomblets that are needed in our time, which are bomblets that come from the Gospel, and there are many."

"Creeping Nostalgia" for Benedict XVI. - Lack of Theological Depth

Focus also reports of a "creeping nostalgia" for Benedict XVI. Citing  a Curia employee: "The German Pope inspired us with his arguments". Thus, it is now over.
Focus also reported a lack of theological discussions, i.e. theological depth of this pontificate. One criticism voiced  especially at Catholic universities around the world, but "only unofficially of course."

"New Modesty?" Francis has "Whole Floor" in Santa Marta, "Big as Old Pope's Apartment"

The Focus editors leave the Vatican "bubble". "What do you mean new modesty," a Curia employee is quoted. The Pope, who refused the papal apartment, "Evidence is now he has a whole floor in the Vatican guesthouse Santa Marta".  Considering the large chapel in the Apostolic Palace, the Pope's new apartment  "is not much smaller than the old place."  Even the house rules meet with criticism and incomprehension. Pope Francis said he wanted "not to lock" out  and place himself among the people to talk to everyone. The reality, says Focus , looks different: "For in Santa Marta, one must not approach the Pope and not even greet him."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: La cigüeña de la torre
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Friday, October 18, 2013

Priebke's Coffin Spat Upon -- Hate Must Have Limits, But Catholic Subservience Also

Edit: never mind that the celebrant, Father Abrahamowicz, is a convert from Judaism himself, and not in good standing with the SSPX, but they are supporting Father's decision to bury Priebke anyway. Indeed, Abrahamowicz says Priebke wasn't a National Socialist, either.

Must the SSPX be one of the few forces left in the world to combat these villains?

(Rome) The ugly face of hatred was extremely visible during the death and burial of Erich Priebke. Revenge and hatred to be driven as far as to deny the enemy a grave, does not honor the victims of the enemy. Especially when it has nothing to do with justice.

The pictures with kicks and punches against the coffin containing the Pribke's body, which was spat on, are just plain disgusting. They show the grimace of a world without mercy and forgiveness, a world without Christ and without Christianity. That this ugly face appeared around one of the most important Christian acts, a funeral, therefore, seems to be a coincidence. Before the parade of right-wing groups that could exploit Priebke's funeral, perhaps, they wanted to preserve "the memory of the victims, the families of the victims" and anti-fascist society. What came instead were violent left-wing extremists and the eternal mob that longs to this day after crucifixion.

"Moralizing in Top Form" of the Media

Numerous journalists ran to moralize in top form, but the Nazis could arise once again, almost 70 years after the war, to be defeated. At least in their minds. The opportunities have become scarce. Priebke had to be 100 years old to once again offer the crowd of leftist swells this special kick.

Spiegel and the ORF were outraged about the SSPX, who agreed to hold the funeral Mass for Priebke. Thus, says Austrian state radio and the Hamburg weekly magazine, this only confirms the already known affinity between SSPX and the extremist right. That the SSPX had only buried Priebke, therefore, because the responsible parish priest had not complied with (from the Bishop of Rome himself? From the Pope ) to be excused from his obligation from above or could not fulfill, there was simply a dereliction.

Noteworthy is the phenomenon that the moral radicalism is gaining impetus with temporal distance from the events and generational change to those personally unaffected. As Kappler, the commander of the hostages died, from 1944 to 1978, he could be buried in peace and public. Now that a subordinate has died, this is no longer possible in 2013. The tentacled and spewing demonstrators and the perpetrators of violence in Albano Laziale were born after 1945. The stylized media of 2013 and any political bullies can be drawn even to a funeral to "fight the right". Sophocles' Antigone dealt already 500 years before Christ with the moral question of denying someone a grave.

Civilized Society Refuses Burial to the Dead: How Could This Happen?

The question is not, how can there be a Catholic funeral for someone like Erich Priebke. The question must be: How could it happen that a civilized society that the authorities, intellectuals and media put the legality of the funeral of a person in question? Truly no benefit, much more irreverence. However, as reverent as is the Catholic Church in the face of this, which understands the drama of the moment of death and accompanies it. At least then, if they do not exclude themselves out of concern for political correctness.

An Austrian Catholic website went wrote because of the funeral of Priebke an excessively entitled "The Rampage of the SSPX." Just as hatred should have limits, even Catholic genuflections should have limits. The opposite of a rampage is the case, as the official explanation of the SSPX shows: "A Christian who has been baptized and has received the sacraments of confession and the Eucharist, has, whatever may be his fault and his sins forever, if he dies reconciled to God and the Church, the right to the celebration of Holy Mass and burial. With this declaration we reaffirm our rejection of any form of anti-Semitism or racial hatred, but also all other forms of hatred. The Catholic religion is for mercy and forgiveness." 

Where Diocese Has Failed, the SSPX has Fulfilled Their Priestly Duty

The Society priests bore due respect, that at least they have complied with the priestly duty and did what was supposed to be self-evident. The SSPX knew that their readiness would only expose them to new criticism. It certainly would have been wiser and more selfish to give up. Despite the risks involved, they have fulfilled their priestly obligation without respect of persons. This honors and shames the diocese of Rome and its bishop.

And all of us had signed the guest book: not to spit on a dead man, because we all have a rendezvous with death in front of us and it would be better if everyone were to worry about how he pleads with his Creator. And each of us has to hope that he finds a priest who hears his confession, gives him Extreme Unction and Holy Communion and buries him. Because of the disturbing decision of the "Ordinary" of the Diocese of Rome is what calls this security into question. If Priebke is denied for reasons of political expediency today what every Catholic deserves, then tomorrow others could be denied for reasons not very different from other such "opportunities". Political correctness is a pennon in the wind, that constantly blows in direction of the wind.

The Ugly Images of Hate

The funeral Mass at the Priory of St. Pius X should take place without media publicity, but be open to the public. But the left mayor of the city made known the time and place, and found himself before the Priorate to cheer on the counter-demonstrators. After protesters tried to storm the site, access was blocked off.

The video shows how a left-wing extremist mob attacked the priest Don Curzio Nitoglio who wanted to enter the priory of the SSPX. The protesters thought he was the celebrant. The heinous insults that were hurled at him, can not be reproduced here. A document of sacrilegious shame. Also belonging to the images of hate, of the hostages who were shot in the Ardeatine caves, is also the 35 German soldiers and Italian victims killed in the bombing by communist partisans.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Tempi (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Hired Prostitutes Attack Archbishop of Brussels

(Brussels) Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Brussels-Malines was again attacked by pseudo-feminists of FEMEN. As of last April the disturbed, paid "political activists" came from the red light district to a meeting, in which Monsignor Leonard participated in as a speaker. The reaction of the Archbishop, now already familiar with the methods of the extremists, robbed FEMEN of some of the peak of their performance.

In the red light district hired "political activists" are hired to appear topless and again target the brave Archbishop of Brussels-Mechelen. There are probably lush cash payments for the FEMEN-strippers in the background in Belgium (see separate report Who's behind FEMEN protest and their anti-Christian activities? Paid activists from the red light district). The incident occurred last Friday night in Brussels during a meeting of the Catholic St. Michael's College.

Attack against Archbishop Leonard

While the former French minister and member of the Pontifical Family Council, Christine Boutin spoke, topless FEMEN stormed onto the stage and wrapped her with a rainbow flag. The FEMEN activists were accompanied by a bunch of left-wing extremists, which were meant to serve as a sort of bodyguard and extras in the stylized media appearance. After they had interrupted Madame Minister, they hurled a pie at Archbishop Leonard's face. The Archbishop stole the show from the horde by tasting the cake with a subtle smile.

The First Aggression

The first attack against Archbishop Leonard by FEMEN occurred last April during a podium discussion at the University of Brussels. The women shouted sodomophilic slogans and poured water on the archbishop. He said nothing, but reposed himself in prayer.

The European Bishops' Conference lent their support to the Brussels Pastor with their solidarity. The FEMEN activists were described by the bishops as "completely implausible and without any sense of decency." That Archbishop Leonard's discussion with an atheist was disturbed by FEMEN, was proof that the Church has standing in the debate in a pluralistic society, while FEMEN tries to prevent this.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: RTBF (Screenshot)
 Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Birth of a Nation: Bicentennial of the Battle of Leipzig

By Dieter Stein

Battle of Leipzig: Paintings of Vladimir Moshkov, 1815 Photo: Wikimedia

More than 6,000 participants will parade on Sunday in Leipzig-Markham in historical uniforms. It is the culmination of the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Nations on 19 October 1813, after three days of bloody struggle ended. It was then the biggest battle in world history, involving a total of about half a million soldiers. About 90,000 were killed or wounded.

It is our through the 20th Century that our shifted perspective that this date has faded in the collective memory. The First and Second World War battles with material and modern weapons of mass destruction have pushed themselves in front. And we tend to forget where our roots are. For our history and the emergence of the German national idea, the Battle of Leipzig is in fact a crucial turning point.

Moving away from a no longer viable medieval order

The Holy Roman Empire of the German nation, fragmented into many small units, had more than 300 countries before Napoleon's troops occupied it. Under the rule of the French dictator, he forcibly reduced the number to 60. Napoleon provoked the Germans to radical reforms and to move away from a no longer viable medieval order.[sic]

The French Revolution was answered with a German one. On the battlefield of Leipzig, the foundation for the unification of German states was placed in a modern nation-state, whose idea until half a century later, in 1871, was implemented in the small German solution under Bismarck.

The idea of ​​German unity was not supported by the majority support from the outset. Parts benefited too much from the fragmentation of the whole. This tendency would revive again and again - most recently after the founding of the German states East and West Germany in 1949, as some of the political class were willing to put up with the final division. It was only the peaceful revolution in 1989 - perhaps not coincidentally - started with demonstrations in Leipzig, that national unity was put back on the agenda.

Not even a commemorative stamp

As enjoyable as many initiatives at the regional level are, and reminiscent of the great historical date of the Battle of Nations, it was reported by Central German Broadcasting in a sort of "live ticker" on the events 200 years ago as if we had lived in the year 1813.

But the most distressing and an expression of our political and historical amnesia, is that the representatives of the country - President, Chancellor, Federal - have not found a way to commemorate the event. Not even a stamp! A national official ceremony attended by representatives of former enemies and allies would have been the least.

Junge Freiheit 43/13 Edit: it was also the continuation of the persecution of the Catholic Church in these countries after Napoleon as well.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"No Catholic Likes to Criticize the Pope, But We Could no Longer RemainSilent" -- Interview with Palmaro and Gnocchi

(Milan) This  9th of October, Philosophy of Law Professor Mario Palmaro and journalist Alessandro Gnocchi published this in the daily newspaper "Il Foglio", a tough but clear-cut criticism of the pontificate of Pope Francis up to now ( see separate report  in German). A text which has been interpreted as a "charge" and "admonition" of the Pope. The article caused a stir, found much approval, but  fell off the rails because of its "too hard" criticism. Not only that, even on the day of publication, both were terminated after ten years of collaboration with Radio Maria Italy. Program Director, Don Livio Fanzaga, justified the drastic decision because criticism of the Pope is "incompatible" to the position of a facilitator of Radio Maria.The station had "clear principles": it  is "loyal to the Pope and his teaching and his pastoral guidelines". So it had been under John Paul II and Benedict XVI., and it has been also under Francis. The daily newspaper "Libero" gave an interview to the two Catholics fired.
Let's start with the article: What the Pope has said or done, that two Catholic journalists don't like?
There are two problematic aspects: form and content. Francis adopted a behavior and a style  that is leading to the unraveling  of the papacy in its formal structure, which tends to lead towards a  dissolution of the Pope to one bishop among many, and not the "sweetness of Christ on earth", of which Saint Catherine of Sienna speaks. 

At the level of content not only ambiguity is found in the interviews of the Civiltà Cattolica and the Repubblica, but objective philosophical and doctrinal errors. 
We speak to each other as fellow journalists: We discuss the classic case of a non-message. Here are two baptized Catholics who have heard for months what the Pope says and for months experienced discomfort, while that's obviously what they hear  are very large steps away from what the doctrine says. At the end, after all, it is their job to write and comment, write and comment on them. Thus, it provides not only a basic rule of information, but also the Church law. The letter to Scalfari, the interview with Scalfari, the interview with the Civilta Cattolica , are only the most recent, glaring examples. They went around the world, they led to calls for revolution, they amazed thousands upon thousands of Catholics, and thus souls, and no one has something to say? 
In contrast, there is a unanimous  choir of jubilation, extending to certain conservative Catholics like Enzo Bianchi, Hans Küng to the open church haters like Pannella.
You have criticized the interview granted to Eugenio Scalfari. The interview was not right or the interviewer?
The choice Eugenio Scalfaris is unprecedented and leaves many Catholics stunned. He is not only a Laicist or a non-believer, but a historical antagonist of catholicity. The daily La Repubblica is the symbol of a radical chic culture that has made ​​divorce and abortion the supporting pillars of a new nihilistic society in which there is no room for Christ and the Sacraments. It would have been otherwise had Scalfari to met him in a discreet way to talk with a view to his own good and in the hope of his conversion.
In connection with the Pope's interview Civilta Cattolica, you say that it puts the propositions of the  teaching on abortion and mercy in opposition. What does that mean?
The first form of charity is the truth. The good doctor does not conceal from the patient the severity of his illness, in order  that he can cure it. God wants to forgive us  ceaselessly, but he expects us to repent, to acknowledge it, that we have sinned. A church that is silent on  morality, not clashing with the world, it would be lacking in charity toward sinners. It is easy to say that the 300 dead off Lampedusa  is "a shame". Much harder it is to say that 300 aborted children is a far greater shame.
And for this and other reasons, you have the "Normalists" criticized the Catholics who, in contrast to the secular press wish to realize a revolution against the Church's Magisterium. But what has changed in reality?
We have a very simple reason for why we describe these as Normalists. These gentlemen do in six months none other than to conceal the errors of Pope Francis: the conscience of ethics, bioethics, to the religious life. With all respect to good will and good intention, they do enormous damage, because they - by saying it is all quite normal and there had been no change, and  say there is catholicity where it does not exist - with an end to ease the bare statements of the Pope as Catholic. These poor ones are given the illusion, that the media is moderately stronger than Bergoglio and think that their subsequent corrections reach those addressees. In reality they do not understand anything about how the machinery of mass media works today. They are not able to correct the Pope, but the Pope is the one who absorbs it.
But even if the Pope should make un-Catholic statements, then why do the Normalists do these things as if they don't see them at all?
Because the focus of the problem is no less than the Pope. The proper way Catholics see him is as the leader of the Church through history and it would never actually have to criticize. To make it more understandable: if the interview in the Civiltà Cattolica had been by a theologian or even a bishop, it would have long since been criticized in all parts were not fitting.
But aside from the interviews haven't you also criticized the interpretation of the Pope to the Second Vatican Council. Is not that too harsh criticism?
We stick to the facts: With the Second Vatican Council, the Church openly declared to be open to the world and to want to respond to its expectations. A revolution that has produced their results in these decades: the seminary have emptied themselves, in many [probably most] of them un-Catholic teachings are common, and are even professors' chairs, such as desired by Carlo Maria Martini, to be given to unbelievers.
You have portrayed Bergoglio also as having an exaggerated feeling with the mass media. Are you not thinking that it rather strengthens the image of the Church?
For this purpose, the answer is always McLuhan: The media creates an illusion that is the facsimile of the Mystical Body, and which he calls "a stunning appearance of the Antichrist."
But yesterday [11 October 2013]  the Pope insisted in his homily to the fact that the devil is a reality and not a metaphor and said, "Whoever is not with Jesus is against Jesus, there are no half-measures". Does not that contradict your image of a "progressive Pope"?
During these months, Pope Francis has said many things Catholic. But that's normal: he is the Pope. In our article we have only compared what Francis Pope says about conscience with what Pope John Paul II in the Encyclical 1993 Veritatis Splendor wrote. Well, one says the exact opposite of the other, and we think that no matter how convoluted a turn of  brain, you can't say that they are basically saying the same thing. No one has commented on what we have written. No one has refuted us even a single line. A friendly gentleman told us publicly even to go to confession. [LOL] Of course this gentleman does not know that that has already happened, we said these things in the confessional and the confessor received the answer that he thinks exactly the same, but he can not say it. This gentleman should also know how many letters and phone calls we have received from Catholics who simply could not take it any more and thanked for what we have written.
These considerations have gotten you fired at Radio Maria. Was this decision to avoid this adventure, or had you already factored it in before?
We had thought about it, but we could no longer remain silent. We were friends with Father Livio Fanzaga before this incident and are there even now. He is the program director and he determines the line. If this line specifies that you must not ever criticize the Pope, when he talks about football, then two such as we obviously out of place. We're also allowed to say that we do not share this line. You can not stifle the intelligence and can not censor more than legitimate questions from the outset. That does the Catholic world  no good and it does the Church no good. If something creates a certain bitterness, then the fact that the call came after ten years of working two hours after the article appeared, without even a moment to think about it. Ten years in which we had the freedom to say whatever we felt it necessary even about hot topics. This rashness hurts.
Do you think that this expulsion was decided somewhere else?
That one would have to ask Father Livio, who is a good priest and a good man.
However, can you stay at a Catholic station and yet criticize the Pope?
Of course, provided that the criticism is not contrary to the teaching of the Church. If Paul of Tarsus had not criticized the first pope, then we Catholics today would be circumcised, because Saint Peter wanted to raise the standard. If Saint Catherine had not rebuked the Popes, the Pope would still be sitting in Avignon Pope today.
The Pope seeks dialogue with many people with various militant atheists. You can expect his phone call? That he would like to hear the reasons of two staunch Catholics and perhaps intervened to get you back  broadcasting on the radio?
We think that it would be much better if the Pope dedicated himself to his office: to encourage his flock in the true faith, the Catholics due again that they know the catechism and the Doctrine of the Faith, and to work for it, so that those who are far away are converted.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Una Fides
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Way to Exile -- Purge Against Franciscans of the Immaculate

(Florence) The dismantling of the Franciscans of the Immaculate continues. Two of the best known members of the order, Father Serafino Lanzetta Mary and Father Paolo Maria Siano were discharged from their previous tasks. Coordinamento Toscano formed in the wake of Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum is speaking of "purge" and "exile". Father Lanzettta was transferred to Austria, Father Siano to Africa.

Father and Father Paolo Serafino are among the most prominent participants in the discussion initiated by Benedict XVI. in the discussion of the Second Vatican Council and its interpretation. Both participated in the apostolate in lengthy and notable lecturing activity. Father Serafino M. Lanzetta participated as speaker at annual conferences for all Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum and he himself organized such meetings in the context of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Father Paolo M. Siano is a renowned Church Historian. Recently on the 10th of September, he presented his latest book in Rome about Freemasonry ( see separate report ). He dealt extensively with the spiritual roots and positions of the Lodges and their incompatibility with the Catholic faith. Similarly, the harmful influence of the Lodges and their fight against the Catholic Church.

Request to be Allowed to Continue to Celebrate the Old Rite as a Dividing Line?

With the approval of Pope Francis, the Congregation of Religious had placed the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate under provisional administration of the Holy See last July. From the 11th of August all the priests of the Order are prohibited from celebrating the Traditional Rite. Everyone must seek a special permit, which allows a precise filing of each individual. Father Serafino and Father Paolo immediately sought the special permission and therefore were not presented the desired page. The Apostolic Commissioner granted permission, but with conditions.

Father Serafino is a young priest and promising theologian. His most recent book release includes Iuxta Modum, in which he mentions tradition as the only possible interpretation of the Second Vatican Council. Together with the Founder and Superior General, Father Manelli, he oversaw the publication of several conference proceedings of the Order, on topics such as Hell and The Second Vatican Council: a Pastoral Council. Historical-philosophical-theological Analysis. Under Pope Benedict XVI. he was welcome author in L'Osservatore Romano . In 2011 he was among those who warned against the "Spirit of Assisi".

The Famous Moral Theologian and Confessor Father Lanzetta to Austria

Father Lanzetta is mainly known, however, for his pastoral zeal, his devotion to Mary, and his work as a confessor. He has now been removed as pastor of Ognissanti in Florence, a Parish of the Order and one of their most important religious centers and has to also had to give up his teaching as a moral theologian at the Seminary of Mary Mediatrix. Originally it was effective immediately on the 4th of October that he was to leave Florence. Because of a bureaucratic settlement he may stay until the 21st of October. As an exile he was assigned to Kitzbühel in Tyrol, where is the only monastery of the Order in the German speaking area. In the absence of German language skills for a confessor a double turning point.

The Church Historian and Freemason Expert Father Siano Banished to Africa

Father Paolo M. Siano, whose recent publications on Freemasonry, as expected, could not remain without response, was transferred to Africa.

When the news became known on traditional internet sites in Italy, there was a flood of comments in which believers disappointed, appalled and disgusted feel of the procedure against the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Many commentators questioned the frequent calls to "Mercy" by Francis Pope and point towards the fact that the action against the Order has his endorsement and he even refused the Order the opportunity to file a protest. As Chiesa e Postconcilio (Post-Conciliar Church) states:

"Probably Pope Francis sees in the Franciscans of the Immaculate what he has called Pelagian. In the strange diction and liturgical 'sensibility' of the Pope it is probably: the Franciscans of the Immaculate celebrate the Old Mass, so they are nostalgic, because why else would you need the old, where the new is available, that which is exactly suitable, as Franciscans of the Immaculate deal intensively with the causes of the Church crisis, arranged on the coat tails of Benedict XVI and also suitably make heard their criticism of the Second Vatican Council but that is an 'ideological struggle' and that he does not understand. It is strange and painful just how one-sided is the perception of the Pope."

Text: Giuseppe
Nardi Image: Corsia dei Servi/SAT2000 (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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