Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Old Liberal Bishop Fires Pastor for Being Actually Catholic: He Refused Calvinist Hand Communion

Old Liberal Bishop and Father Sterninger Foto © wranafoto
Edit: gasp, he put too much emphasis on the Blessed Virgin Mary!

[Neudau] Conservative minister was recalled after crash with parts of his parish at his own request. In a letter to the people, Kapellari hopes for a new beginning, Sterninger will not return to the Eastern Styria after a break.

Six weeks after taking over as pastor, Conrad Sternfeininger of Neudau, Burgau and Woerth's term is already over. Between the prevailing stresses as a conservative clergyman and much of the parish there had been a lot of tension. Now Bishop Egon Kapellari has responded and the priest - on its own request, as it is being described - is dismissed. In a letter to the parish Kapellari hopes for a new beginning, Sterninger will not return to the Eastern Styria after his break. The recent Neudauer Sunday Mass was held Auxiliary Bishop Franz Lackner.

As a "demagogue and self-promoter" is how Franz Glaser, Mayor of Burgau-Neudauberg, described the priest. He got upset with absurd images, refused people Communion in the hand. "He wanted an exaggeration of Mary," says Neudaus local Chief Wolfgang Dolesch. The resistance was massive. [Was it really?]

In a letter to the parish councils to Kapellari had turned, it was followed by a crisis summit on site. The church then declared reason was a top priority, Dean Josef Reichshoffer speaks of a "diocesan intervention".

Sterninger himself wanted to give an opinion. The search for a successor, writes Kapellari, will not be known for a month.

Link to original Neudau Paper...

Minnesota Archbishop Held Viper to His Breast

Edit: as some people know, it's open season on conservative clergy (Just scroll down), in spite of themselves and their best efforts to put baddies in office, they seem to be routinely betrayed by their own employees with alarming frequency.  Father McDonaugh is an Old Liberal we thought had been relegated to some remote and insignificant post at a Monastery scrubbing latrines, but no, he'd been given a sensitive job to monitor the Diocese Sex-Abuse program.  Fox, here's the chicken coop.  Anyway, whatever poor judgments the Archbishop may have made, we don't know, but what we've noticed is that he's being systematically attacked and national attention is being drawn to his work as Archbishop, we think, because said in an address to Catholics that homosexuality is of the devil.  Let's not forget that Cardinal Marx of Munich recently hired a priest who was caught with child pornography on his computer for parish work, and where is the press now?  Nowhere.

No sooner did this appear in the national news, than the old machinery of the press rose up in vengeance against him. Can a Catholic Bishop not teach Catholicism in his own Diocese without being attacked and undermined by his own servants?

Stella Borealis recently posted an article a few days ago where he highlighted some more than glaring associations and indications about what kind of person the "whistle blower" Jennifer Haselburger is.  The article appears in the anti-Church Star and Tribune newspaper as a mounting media storm threatens to unseat a fairly conservative Archbishop and several clergy.  Despite the newspaper's anti-clerical bias, there are details within the article which we feel reveal this woman's intelligence and her Old Liberal allegiances.

First of all, she attended St. Catherine's University as an English Major.  One of her mentors, a Sister Thomasine Sampson was a non-habit wearing nun who exhorted Haseburger to live out her principles.
Sister Thomasine, retired from the habit, on the right.
Literature is a deeply political subject these days and is dominated by Leftists, as is true of the Liberal Arts in general. The tribune article cites a former Army officer's and attorney, Larry Frost, who endorses Haselburger as a devoted Catholic. He describes her as highly intelligent and savvy, in response to critics who say she is simple minded.   Major Frost might have been in Military Intelligence, but this qualifies him as a judge of a committed Catholic?  We doubt that.

Her mentor was an allegedly Catholic feminist professr at the University of St. Catherine's, Anne Maloney, who somehow manages to find the integrity to continue working at that institution which has been Catholic-in-name-only for a very long time.   This feminist instructor at the fake Catholic school has so much integrity, she won't even take her husband's last name.

More interestingly, of course, and consistent with her current behavior, is Hasseburger's apparent disparagement of Father Paul Marx of Human Life International. When the Pro-Life champion came to hold a Mass for Life at the Cathedral, the then Old Liberal Archbishop, Harry Flynn, publicly denounced Father Marx as an anti-Semite, even as groups promoting aberrosexuality gathered outside of the St. Paul Cathedral to disrupt Father Marx's Mass, and perform indecent acts.  This is the Mass in which the Archbishop refused to be the celebrant.  Being a ++Harry Flynn Catholic is a byword for dissidence.

The first inkling she got that Haselberger was a committed Catholic came in the wake of a controversy that involved then-Archbishop Harry Flynn. 
Though she says she has forgotten what it was about, a flurry of news reports from the period say that he had initially agreed to say mass in St. Paul for a meeting of a group opposed to abortion, but backed out after learning that its founder had made what many considered anti-Semitic statements.
Maloney was identified as a Flynn supporter, and Haselberger told her that her grandmother applauded her for supporting him. Shortly after that, Maloney said, Haselberger asked for her counsel in restarting the Students for Life club on campus.
The Archbishop unjustly denounced Father Paul Marx as an anti-Semite and Haseberger supported this.

Some will remember that ++Flynn had to be summoned back to Rome on two separate occasions to discontinue his practice of endorsing sodomy by giving sacrilegious communion to the so-called Rainbow Sash Movement members.

If St. Catherine's weren't bad enough, she also received her licentiate in canon law from the evil University of Leuven.
She went on to obtain a licentiate in canon law from Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. The "Catholic University of Leuven a few years ago dropped the "Catholic" from their name. American priests had longed ceased to send their seminarians there because the school was rapdidly ceasing to be Catholic, and they could get better educations for their men in Rome.
While rooting around in the Archdiocese's vault, she uncovered an autographed picture of convicted pederast Oscar Wilde which was addressed to the Americanist Archbishop, John Ireland, who has wrought so much destruction in the American Church. She displays the photography of the child molester and sexual predator on her office wall.

The Oscar Wilde Encyclopedia reads:

Queensberry's legal team proposed that the libel was published for the public good, but it was only when the prosecution moved on to sexual matters that Wilde noticeably baulked. He was challenged on the reason given for not kissing a young servant; Wilde had replied, "He was a particularly plain boy--unfortunately ugly--I pitied him for it."[14] The defendant's lawyers pressed him on the point. Wilde hesitated, complaining of Carson's insults and attempts to unnerve him. The prosecution eventually dropped the case, after the defence threatened to bring rent boys to the stand to testify to Wilde's corruption and influence over Queensberry's son, effectively crippling the case.

It was on this foray that she also discovered alleged child pornography as well:

Several years later she made another discovery in a church vault while she was reviewing files on a Mahtomedi priest seeking a new post. That’s when she ran across the alleged pornography that had been copied from one of the priest’s computers in 2004. Haselberger tried to persuade her superiors to report the matter to police, but they said the matter had been investigated before and told her to return the materials to the vault.

Haselberger reported the incident to the Ramsey County Attorney’s office and resigned in April 2012, then spoke publicly about the issue with reporters from Minnesota Public Radio. St. Paul police initially had closed the case without filing charges. But they reopened it last week after the matter became public and new evidence surfaced. Prosecutors in Ramsey and Washington counties say they will consider criminal charges if the investigation warrants them.

“She has either done a very stupid thing [She's not that bright] or a very brave thing, and I’d like to believe it’s the latter,” said Steve Cribari, a law professor at the University of Minnesota who is believed to be the first American lay person to obtain his licentiate in canon law, in 1977. But as a former federal public defender, he cautioned that there are more allegations against priests that are unfounded than one might think.

“We’re in a kind of reverse inquisition, aren’t we, in a lot of this,’’ Cribari said. “If the hierarchy doesn’t demonstrate it is pure, clean and absolutely altruistically motivated, then we all … vilify them. And I’m not sure that’s right,” Cribari said. “This is still the United States and you are still innocent until proven guilty in our courts.”

Photograph of Sister Sampson was stolen from dissident website.

Also, there was no similarly persistent campaign when there were more accusations of sexual abuse and also a large sodomist cabal in Miami, for example.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Scandal: Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Pozzo Leave Hall During Sandro Magister Lecture

(Rome) to a scandal occurred in Rome during the presentation of the conference proceedings on the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum on the 10th of October at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) during proceedings of the presentation of collected papers of the Third Conference on Summorum Pontificum, which had taken place in 2011. Raymond Cardinal Burke, Professor Giovanni Turco and the Vaticanist Sandro Magister three speakers were present.

Cardinal Burke recalled in his address to the "real reasons" why Pope Benedict XVI. in 2007, issued the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum: "to guarantee the right of all believers for this Rite, and for mutual enrichment between the new and the old." We could understand the comments as a criticism of Pope Francis, in his Civilta Cattolica interview of the motives of Benedict XVI. downplaying the granting of Summorum Pontificum and trying to reinterpret it.

The Cardinal also recalled Benedict's suffering, which he expressed in his letter to all the bishops, with the declared purpose and meaning of the Motu Proprio. A condition that was related to the liturgy and with the changes. An affliction that I witnessed and felt even in small and large seminar on the cardinal.

Cardinal Burke Recalled the "Real Reasons" for Summorum Pontificum

Giovanni Turco, Professor of Political Philosophy talked about the importance of Summorum Pontificum as the right of every believer "to have the non-suppression of the traditional rite." He also spoke about the over hasty and sloppy abolition of Latin and its translation into the national languages, pointing to translation errors corresponding in real doctrinal error.

Magister Effected Polite but Harsh Criticism of Decisions in the Liturgy by Pope Francis

Finally, Sandro Magister gave his contribution as a lecture on which Katholisches.info already reported (see separate report Pope Francis and the Liturgy - "Pure Functional Access" Reservations to Tradition, weakness in the knees before the Lord ). Master analyzed in a critical manner, the previous decisions of Pope Francis in the Liturgy: The ban for celebration in the old rite by the Franciscans of the Immaculate, the dismissal of all five consultants for the Office of Papal Liturgical Celebrations, who were close to the liturgical understanding of Benedict XVI., the refusal to genuflect in the Holy Mass at the words of consecration, although from papal Mass to papal Mass always newly master of ceremonies Guido Marini always included the two relevant points and finally the halting by CDF, that they no longer check the bizarre special forms in the Mass of the Neocatechumenal Way, as Benedict XVI. had ordered. Magister has also expressed the opinion that the Pope is "friendly" to everyone, "except with the traditionalists."

"Scandal Currently The Dominant Characteristic of Climate in Rome"

The lecture finally came to a scandal. Magister so openly expressed his criticism of Pope Francis, that Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Pozzo had to leave the room. "The response of Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Pozzo is indicative of the currently prevailing climate in Rome," the website Chiesa e Postconcilio (Church and Post-Conciliar). "Was it because of the time for both of them or was it simply a precaution, because of the polite but harsh criticism by Magister of Pope Francis? The withdrawal of a Cardinal during a major event is something glaring. All interpretations are allowed, "said the Spanish Catholic blogger Francisco de la Cigoña.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Giovani e Tradizione
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bishop Tebartz-van Elst Flies to Rome -- What is Really Behind the Limburg Conflict?

Edit: anyone reading this should be able to recognize the basic pattern being established, and that the same indicators are present in other parts of the world. There is a single diabolical force at work destroying the Church from within.

(Limburg) The Limburg Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz van Elst is on the flight to Rome. The already long simmering conflict over his person has its starting point not in the perceived or actual cost of the episcopal residence. It is of an older date and of an entirely different nature. Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo who was himself sent to Limburg to investigate matters finally said: "That there exists also a media campaign is not to be overlooked. The faithful also notice this. The cause of the current conflicts but are much deeper. In my conversations, I have noticed that the latent tensions have existed already for decades and are now manifesting themselves. "Curial Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller described the accusations against the bishop of Limburg even "self-perpetuating lies". So what is real?

The "Synodal Church" of Limburg - 60 Years of Progressive Listing

When former Auxiliary Bishop of Münster came to Limburg in 2008, he found the heritage of the bishops Wilhelm Kempf (1949-1981) and Franz Kamphaus (1982-2008). The diocese on the Lahn was completely in this hands of the progressive camp during the 60s. Die Zeit called Kempf in 1973 a "regional edition of John XXIII." and recognized him thus as one of the leading "representatives" of the "two opposing camps in the Catholic Church." Kempf and Kamphaus were, to put it more precisely, "representatives" of the "spirit of the Council", not the Council itself, and certainly not the Church's tradition. Bishop Kempf did not oppose the theologian Hans Kessler, as this in his book Salvation as Liberation put Christi's Divinity and ​​the mystery of salvation into question. Kempf even took a liking to those non-binding notions which came into fashion in the 60s.

In place of "ecclesiastical paternalism" continued Kempf "co-responsibility of the laity and priests, not legitimized by offices, but through democratic elections" as Die Zeit as always thrilled, reported in 1973. What was meant was that the so-called Limburger "Synodal Way," with the specific election by parish councils, district assemblies and a diocesan congregation, plus a Diocesan Synodal Constitution. The search for ideas proved not to be difficult, "democratization" and "participation" were buzzwords of the time and finally took one look over the fence to the Protestants in order to find itself in synodical fraternity. That later a fraternity came of this association was only consequential.

Kempf to Kamphaus: Persevering in the state system for the killing unborn children

Bishop Franz Kamphaus was the ideal replacement for the Kempf-diocese. In the progressive milieu in which Kempf was like John XXIII., today Kamphau would be described as the "regional version of Pope Francis," were he not retired for years. Kamphaus gained fame through his insistence to participate in the state system of killing unborn children. In 1999 John Paul II called, after a long back and forth, for a definitive exit of German dioceses from state pregnancy conflict counseling, which meant an involvement in the abortion industry. "Enlightened" Catholics who did not mind the blood on their hands, defied the papal instruction and founded the still existing club Donum Vitae ( see separate report ). Limburg was the only diocese in which the bishop defied the Pope. John Paul II finally gave the then Auxiliary Bishop of Limburg special powers to carry out the exit of the diocese from the government extension system. Kampfhaus then offered John Paul II his resignation demonstratively, but Rome refused it. Such a break, according to the recommendations from Germany, should be urgently avoided to evoke no schism.

Kamphaus remained in place, and also had much experience in the Church eating out. In 2007, on the completion of his 75th year, Benedict XVI. did not hesitate one second to make him emeritus.

Bishop For Functionary Crew is an Intruder - a Clash of Conflicting Understanding of the Church

 Kempf and Kamphaus left a diocese that was structurally firmly in the hands of the progressive camp, firmly in the grip image of the Zeit Article of 1973. The new Bishop appointed by Benedict XVI., Tebartz van Elst was an intruder from the outset, like an alien species in a largely enclosed habitat. A "progressive" habitat with a "conservative" foreign body. This history is necessary to elucidate the actual context in which the whole current "Limburger conflict" going on.

In Limburg since 2008 there were successive strikes of a contrary understanding against the Church. The partisanship of the media is most easily explained because of the smell of the barn parties. If it is now about Germany's borders in the news about is that there are "many years criticizing an authoritarian style of leadership" of the incumbent Limburg Bishop, as is the fact that there are these "critics" to take absolutely literally, far less the accusation of "authoritarian leadership style." For the proponents of the "synodal" the Catholic Church understanding of authority is in itself unreasonable.

The question of protection of life played a central role from the beginning. The attitude of the rebellious club Donum Vitae is considered a point of intersection in Limburg. Bishop Tebartz van Elst of Limburg stood on the "wrong" side of the establishment from the first day. He insisted that Donum Vitae is incompatible with the Church. This also explains the involvement of the ZdK Chairman Alois Glück against the bishop. Fortune smiled on the founder of Donum Vitae, which has since been in open conflict with the Catholic Church, with all the consequences that hardly anyone dares to speak in church in Germany.

Cost Issues for Diocesan Bishop, Including Center Apartment Forced Issues?

The campaign against the unwanted bishop is not moored of course on substantive issues, that would be under Benedict XVI. would have been pointless anyway an onerous goal. Instead, they discovered a far more promising, because “neutral", battleground. The cost of the renovation of the episcopal palace in Limburg. Bishop Kempf made a demonstration of his humility, left in the episcopal residence and moved to the seminary. The return after decades proved more costly than in other dioceses. Existent alongside the Limburg Cathedral is a mix of old building renovation and new construction. On the cost side, Bishop Tebartz van Elst did not seem to care. He also doesn't necessarily have to. Especially not since the inflated official apparatuses of German dioceses where everything there is subject to specialists and experts. However, concerning 31 million, of which the finance committee of the Diocese now talks, is not the impression manipulated by the critics, only to a small part, the Bishop's house. It's about a building complex comprising a diocesan center and other facilities. The finance committee, which now matches the chorus of critics, however, seem to have been asleep for years.

In times of financial crisis and even with the gesture of pressure on the neck by Pope Francis, it will soon succeed in any case to put the bishop into the corner of the accused. The exploitation of envy complexes in parts of the population comes cheaply. The end justifies the means for the Bishop’s opponents.

Cost Criticism on Sandy Soil - Monetary Policy of the Spokesmen of the Bishop’s Critics

The criticism is built on sandy soil, is shown with a view to the spokesman of the Bishop's critics. For this purpose, Frankfurt’s Metropolitan Dean John Eltz has invoked, including supported signature collection of "Frankfurter Catholics" against their bishop. It doesn't help that Dean zu Eltz who accuses the Bishop of "luxury addiction" of "wasting money" and of meticulously riding the cost issue, for his part showed a Christian bookstore in Frankfurt the door because he wants to rent the premises of the building as lucrative church property. If so, according to Dean van Eltz "everything" revolves around money for Bishop Tebartz van Elst, it does not seem to be any different for him, however. And by this, he unmasked his own face, for with his criticism of Limburg Bishop actually stands in the same place: it is primarily a church-political power struggle in order to then tactical resupply and for the collection of auxiliary troops, personnel, interpersonal aspects and joined also to the high renovation and construction costs.

With the exorbitant costs appearing - be careful, because the numbers seem to inflate rapidly in parallel with the escalation of the conflict - ', it is not to quibble for Bishop Tebartz van Elst made himself vulnerable. Since he does little that "disappoints" curious visitors at the open day were, because they found no "golden water taps", but a relatively tight complex. The bishop had granted all access to the new episcopal residence to his critics to take place through inspection, which took the wind out of their sails. After all, brother Paul Terwitte recalled that each kilometer of motorway costs 40 million euros. His colleague, Cardinal Archbishop Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising in 2008 came out with at least eight million euros of renovation costs for his episcopal palace. The order is important to note. Apart from that the Bishop of Limburg seems to be surrounded by bad advisers. After the costs appeared, not once has any asked for them.

Alliances to Destroy "Ratzingerianers"

What is important is that alliances have been found, a conservative force, but above all to destroy "Ratzingerianer" from the ranks of the bishops. There are found brothers in the episcopate, which cut into the chair of their confrere, like the said Cardinal Marx, as well as the chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Emeritus of Freiburg. Under Pope Francis one sees a change in the winds. If it was initially only an intra-church power struggle of local importance, the matter quickly would have received a completely different dimension, as the rumor made the rounds, Bishop Tebartz van Elst could be next succeeding Cardinal Joachim Meisner, Archbishop of Cologne and thus a potential candidate for the Office of the President of the German Bishops' Conference and probably also Cardinal. [Men like him are our last hope.] A development that some will prevent under all circumstances to take place.

The list of "hunted" conservative bishops who were chased from their offices in the German-speaking areas by scandals, sometimes unsavory smear campaigns, is already long. It all started with the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Hans Hermann Groër (1995), was continued against the Bishop of Chur Wolfgang Haas (1997), who was at least assigned by Rome as Archbishop of Vaduz, followed by Bishop Kurt Krenn of St. Pölten (2004) and Bishop Walter Mixa of Augsburg (2010).

List of Bishops of a Martyr Church's Brutal Political Struggle

However different the situation might have been, they still all share one thing in common, behind them there was always a battle by progressive Church circles who wanted to prevent a resurgence of the forces faithful to the Church. And in each, an unholy alliance was newly formed with unchurched secular media, which generated the necessary public pressure. The role and weight distribution is unique: all "fired" bishops were in the eyes of the hunters, "conservative." The hunters were always progressive. It must be said, given the motivations of the persecutors of martyred bishops.

Also mentioned in this context that prevented appointment of Rev. Gerhard Maria Wagner as Auxiliary Bishop of Linz (2009), a diocese, which is controlled by the prototype of a de facto "bishop-less" diocese, by a progressive, green-catechism functionary apparachiks, in house Liberal clergy who are assigned to leadership positions. Also, there is a prototype for numerous good faith initiatives and Catholics and priests faithful to the Church, but they were made leaderless by the prevention of Bishop Wagner. It can be claimed that the prevailing progressive circles just want to maintain or achieve this lack of leadership on the other side.

Now Bishop Tebartz van Elst is no Bishop Krenn, but that should not blind us to certain commonalities that we think we see on the other side, on the side of his critics and hunters. The longer the list of successful bishops who are forced out of office, the more arrogant is the party of the hunt. It presents the impression already that is made unpopular, if necessary, through a targeted and coordinated campaign by progressives, that "superior" Bishops can be thrown out again. A devastating impression that the understanding of the Church can be clearly placed in the latently schismatic part of the Church. In this regard, it would be more desirable than that Tebartz van Elst, Bishop of Limburg remains. The signs are, however, not for that. The Hunting Party is powerful. Bishop Tebartz van Elst is seated on a flight to Rome. This will bring clarity. But what?

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmailcom

Link to katholisches...


Friday, October 11, 2013

"Extraordinary Initiative" --- Archbishop of Santiago de Chile Erects Second Chapel of Perpetual Adoration

Cathedral of Santiago, Chile

(Santiago de Chile) The Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, Riccardo Ezzati Andrello SDB installed perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in a chapel of his archdiocese. It is already the second adoration chapel, which was built in the past two months in the Chilean capital.

Archbishop Ezzati wants to promote his initiative and recover, which belongs to the first and most importantly to the task of the people an attitude of believers: the worship of God. An obligation that has been often consigned to oblivion in the past.

"An excellent initiative of the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile. We men have left Christ alone in the tabernacle for too long. The doors of many churches are closed or they are open, but no one goes into it. We go inside, and it was awesome for a few minutes and we greeted the Lord. The Lord is not alone, He is in every tabernacle surrounded by angels, who worship Him, except for the people, but not out of duty, reverently bending the knee and prostrate themselves before their King, the only true, good, wise and just ruler.

"With these words the Spanish church historian and Catholic blogger Francisco de la Cigoña welcomed the initiative of the Chilean Primate.

Archbishop Ezzati Andrello has been Chairman of the Chilean Episcopal Conference since 2010 Chairman, appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. as Archbishop of Santiago de Chile. He is considered as a candidate for the dignity of Cardinal. A ceremony is since last 5th of September is possible according to Church practice, as his predecessor Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz Ossa on this day has turned 80.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Wikicommons Translation: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Link to katholisches... AMGD

Once Apologetics Was an Honorable Pursuit

This is what a Catholic
Apologist Looks Like
Edit: Once upon a time lay apologetics was somewhat respectable. There were men of the stature of Joseph de Maistre, the sincere convert Orestes Brownson in the 19th century, and in the 20th century there were some lesser lights, but there was much volume, if not actual brilliance. Then we have those who have attempted to fill, or have been nominated by someone to fill, their shoes.

So, after being treated graciously by Michael Voris.  (Voris even recommends Shea's books, which is something we'd never do)  Shea goes on in his slandering, lying, dishonorable habitude.  This man just can't help but lie:

(Mark Shea): "Bah. Voris attempted to complain that prayer, fasting, almgiving and the works of mercy were "too vague" (and here he got in the sneer "like Vatican II"). Precisely my difficulty here is that so much of what he does is not admonishing sinners. It is expressing rage and often (as last niight) accusing innocent people like Fr. Robert Barron of being sinners and ginning up a mob against them. Poison."

1. Voris never says prayer, fasting and almsgiving is too vague.  This is yet another lie from Shea.

Also, Voris doesn't sneer at Vatican II, he might disagree with many of the interpretations employed by evil Lefty academics, but agree or not, Voris accepts the documents of Vatican II as a valid act of the Church.

2. Notice how Shea doesn't really discuss Voris' very legitimate criticism of Father Barron. Our guess is that Shea is incapable of addressing the problem because he's not only an intellectual lightweight, but also unwilling to admit he's wrong, and so resorts to making personal attacks on Voris.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of low information Catholics who hang on Shea's word.  It doesn't matter if Shea is disrespectful to priests, as he often is, directing his rather voluminous quantities of digestive fluid on them or whether he's slandering various lay Catholics, many of whom aren't traditionalist by the way.

Here's basically what Voris said about Father Barron, who is everything that's wrong with Catholic education:

 If you want to go to the Apostle of Dollars and Cents website, here:


Pope Warns Against the Power of the Devil: "Take these things seriously"

(Vatican Radio) Christians must always guard against the deceit of the devil, said Pope Francis at Friday’s morning Mass in Casa Santa Marta. The Pope underlined that Christians cannot follow the victory of Jesus over evil “halfway”, nor confuse or relativize truth in the battle against the devil.

Jesus casts out demons, and then someone offers explanations “to diminish the power of the Lord,” he said. The Pope focused his homily on the day’s Gospel and immediately underlined that there is always the temptation to want to diminish the figure of Jesus, as if he were “a healer at most” and so as not to take him “so seriously”. It is an attitude, he observed, that has “reached our present day”.

“There are some priests who, when they read this Gospel passage, this and others, say: ‘But, Jesus healed a person with a mental illness’. They do not read this, no? It is true that at that time, they could confuse epilepsy with demonic possession; but it is also true that there was the devil! And we do not have the right to simplify the matter, as if to say: ‘All of these (people) were not possessed; they were mentally ill’. No! The presence of the devil is on the first page of the Bible, and the Bible ends as well with the presence of the devil, with the victory of God over the devil.”

Text from page ...

Scalia on Satan....

Pope Francis Raises Angela of Foligno to the Altars

The Mystic (1248-1309) was a married mother of several children and a member of the Franciscan Third Order. During a pilgrimage to Assisi in 1285, she had a spiritual awakening.

Vatican City (kath.net / KNA) The Catholic Church gets a new saint: Francis Pope extended the local worship of Angela of Foligno (1248-1309) officially to the entire world church, and added the Italian to the catalog of saints. As the Vatican announced on Friday, the Pope approved a corresponding submission by the prefect of the Vatican Congregation of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato. Angela of Foligno was thus raised, 320 years after her beatification, without a formal canonization process for the glory of the altars. Pope Innocent X. had beatified her in 1693.

Probably born in 1248 in central Italy, Angela Foligno was known for her mystical experiences, whom a related Franciscan Brother Arnaldo chronicled. The married mother of several children, she belonged to the Franciscan branch for non-clergy, called the Third Order. During a pilgrimage to Assisi in 1285, she had a spiritual awakening. Then she sold her possessions gathered like-minded people around and dedicated herself to the poor and lepers.

As the Vatican also announced, they brought the canonization of the Italian, Maria Assunta Caterina Marchetti (1871-1948) closer. She co-founded the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo. The Vatican has recognized an inexplicable healing, a miracle worked through her ​​intercession. The canonization therefore must be approved only by the competent Commission of Cardinals and the Pope. Furthermore, the Vatican recognized six other people for heroic virtues too: this is the first important step in the canonization process. (C) 2013 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH All rights reserved. Link to kathnet...

New Auxiliary for the Embattled Archdiocese of St. Paul


Edit: the new Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota will be young, and even on the conservative side, he will certainly not be hostile to tradition, if not openly friendly and encouraging Sources say that the new Auxiliary Bishop will be Father Andrew Cozzens.  He's a very nice man and not to be confused with the heterodox apostle of the CTA, Father Donald Cozzens.

Bishop Cozzens was given the task of explaining Indulgences to the Catholics of the Archdiocese.

Photograph stolen from the "Catholic" Spirit.

These things are important because it is felt here that the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and St. Paul are a test market for the direction of the American Church.  It was, incidentally, one of the first places in the world that had the Protestant innovation of Mass said the wrong way at the Parish of St. Helena in Minneapolis back in the 30s.  It is also not far from St. Paul that one of the most pernicious institutions in the Church still hosts a collection of Liturgical tinkerers in "Benedictine" Collegeville.

The CTA types will definitely complain about this appointment.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

"Just friends"

A woman recently told one of my housemates that she "only wanted to be friends," even though they had gone on only one date. I told him he ought to retort thus:

"What is this just friends? There is nothing higher than friendship, for friendship is the bond that joins together the very Persons of the Trinity! And in fact, because your views of friendship are so impoverished, you clearly have no idea of what friendship is. I therefore deem you unworthy of it!"

"Nothing Changes!" -- Vatican Speaker Denies Changes Regarding Remarried Divorcees

Cardinal Lehman
(Freiburg / Rome) The disobedient advances of the sedevacantists of the Archdiocese of Freiburg have caused quite a stir with the approval of admitting remarried divorcees to Communion. The key word is magical for many journalists. The former Communist, now Democratic Left channel of the Italian State RAI broadcasting released the message already at 6:45 pm in the morning news. Rome responded with a clarification by the Press Office: "Nothing changes"

Freiburg Won't "Go it Alone" - Schismatic Lehmann-Church Explores Boundaries of the Church

The reactions of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and from the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising show that the Freiburg is apparently means that it is "going it alone" in its provocation. Part of the German-speaking Church has found itself for some time in a state of latent schism. At intervals, "open schism is rehearsed" ( Messa in Latino ), but of course not completed, because then the whole benefice and revenue from the Church-tax would be lost. The advances serve rather to explore how far one can go in latent schism currently in order to take the Church down just a bit more.

The "German" breach which was to be beaten into the walls of the Vatican, even enraged some tempers at the Tiber. The theme of remarried divorcees was on the agenda of the meeting of the new C8 Cardinal Council. Pope Francis has already announced that the next Synod of Bishops will deal with the issue. Everyone understands that German pressure and even unilateral action, however, is not appreciated in Rome.

Vatican spokesman: "Local Pastoral Office, but Not an Official Expression of Diocesan Authority"

Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi waved it aside from the daily press briefing: "It changes nothing! There is no news for remarried divorcees." The "Document", is addressed to the director of the Vatican Press Office "comes from a local ministry office" and not the bishop. There had been a "rush to judgment", which made a lot of noise, but is "not an official expression of the diocesan authority", according to the Vatican spokesman.

Emeritus Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg will be Apostolic Administrator until the appointment of a successor, "was not consulted and not answer for this document," said Father Lombardi. For the Vatican Freiburg is a diocese among thousands. Nevertheless, the explosive force of the inroads is aware and knows that lurking behind the door are not only imitators in all the dioceses in the German language area, but also beyond.

Cardinal De Paolis, "Bishops Were Called to Order, as They Contradicted the Cornerstones of the Doctrine of the Faith"

Velasio Cardinal De Paolis, a noted canonist, he was President of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs till 2011 and is currently the apostolic delegate for the Legionaries of Christ, was surprised by the German advance. "It is amazing that such a proposal of a diocese is of such importance as Freiburg. Long ago, several bishops were called to order, because they issued instructions that contradicted the cornerstones of the Doctrine of the Faith, which were endorsed by the former Holy Office in the years of Joseph Ratzinger. "

"The current rules prohibit, therefore, the continuation of allowing remarried divorcees access to the sacraments," said the cardinal. "In order to receive absolution in confession and thus access to the Eucharist, one must be in a state of grace of God. The remarried divorcees are in a situation which is contrary to the law of God for marriage. The priest must therefore refuse communion," said Cardinal De Paolis.

"Statements of the Pope to be interpreted in Light of the Traditional Magisterium" - Progressives See Their Chance

But why was the appeal made in Freiburg to Pope Francis, the cardinal was asked. And his answer: "All statements of the Pope on the issue are to be interpreted in the light of the traditional Magisterium," said Velasio Cardinal De Paolis.

This prevents those, who are alien to such terms such as "divine law" and "the cornerstone of the Doctrine of the Faith", who see an opportunity. A progressive Vaticanist at Vatican Insider wrote on the subject: "But with an innovator such as Pope Francis it is not the time for crusading ultimatums. The Synod on the Family is talking about marriage, nothing about remarried divorcees, and couples who live together. The acceptance of progressives in the Curia is not excluded in the Church, but the place to change the standards is surely not a local pastoral office'. In the coming months we will see better whether, Freiburg case 'is classified as a slip or as a diocesan 'prophesy' for a change for the world Church."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Cardinal Rating
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Would This Were the End of the Lay Apostolic Magisterium: Pennies from Heaven

Update:  For those who are wondering if there will be a recording of this.  Michael Matt TV-3 was on the jorb and his guys were assiduously recording the event for posterity.

Edit: in the bowels of the parish church of St. Augustine's, built in the depths of the 1929 Correction, above the slaughter houses, to the rails along the flowing river, along the charming boardwalks and neatly kept lawns and gables of the old working class neighborhood, a "debate" just took place in the presence of about 500 men, some from as far away as Spain, Ohio, points north and south.   Present were Michael Voris, President of Church Militant, Michael Matt, editor of the Remnant, Dave Deavel, a Fellow at St. Thomas University and Mark Shea, a catechist who is an apologist for the rotting and decaying ecclesiastical structures in the United States.

What was supposed to have been a debate was really more of an intervention, maybe a divine intervention, where the people ranged against each other, however poorly they presented themselves, or how well, was overwhelmed by the persistence of Christ's words and the holy dogmas of the Catholic Church.

Indeed, the stated reason for the debate wasn't important.  It wasn't a debate, really.  The questions offered, or the way they were presented were disgracefully emotional and practically incoherent.  Yet Voris is not only a professional television presenter, he is also a trained theologian.  Thus, he spoke clearly, persuasively and had facts at his disposal that gradually withered his opponent's position to ridicule.

You might say it was a slaughter, and being the home of a slaughter house, South Saint Paul is also, coincidentally, the home of the  murderous elected representative Betty McCollum and the apostate from Catholicism and former governor, Tim Pawlenty.  Both of them are sadly products of Catholic education.

In South Saint Paul,  on warm spring days, the stench of the yards would waft over the bluffs, with an assault to the mind of death and decay. In mind of such poetic circumstances it is difficult to maintain that the Church is in a "New Springtime", or that dogmas can be changed after 1,900 years as certain luminaries were trying to maintain.  And yet there are other causes for alarm not restricted merely to Catholics leaving the Church, or politicians who vote for abortion. Catholics who believe what the Church teaches are not only ridiculed by those who don't, but worse things, perhaps.

Plates of partially cooked, overwhelmingly spicy brats were mostly eaten by the captivated men. Some surely would have given their birthrights for a half-cooked brat. There was even an Archdiocesan spokesman there to offer a woeful and inadequate apology, if not an explanation, for why they're not subordinate enough to the spirit of the age.

The audience was also visibly divided and the mood of merriment and humor occasionally became hostile, even hateful as beer flowed into plastic cups.

At one point, the Parish Pastor, Father John Echert speculated if Mark Shea might think he were in Hell, and well he might be. It was in this mood that the "debate" continued as both Michael Voris and Michael Matt attempted to explain the significance of the Catholic Faith, but this wasn't acceptable to some in the room, who groaned, tittered and sneered.

Some, especially among the apologetics mafia, perhaps fearing a downturn in the economic fortunes of their families, manning money changing tables in the back, were visibly angry, occasionally interrupting Voris or Michael Matt, who were attempting to make clear the terrible state of the Church by discussing statistics, appealing to anecdotal stories and history.  But as much as they disliked what was being said, there were times when the concentration of 500 men built to a feverish pitch in the discomfort of the basement where the infernal temperatures caused tempers to flare.  Perhaps too, in its grotesquery, coupled with a relentless stupidity and pity, like Christ's Passion, as guards and the vulgar mob jeered and spat at Him. As He struggled under the weight of the cross to redeem those who despise Him.  There was a spiritual dimension present, in spite of the charnal setting, the horrendous food, the growing heat, the gross forms at the podium and in the audience, there was still a kind of angelic presence in the din, both good and evil.

It was a scene worthy of the brutal treatment of Flannery O'Connor whom bad Catholics like to quote, or worse still, by Evelyn Waugh who would have mercilessly portrayed the posturing of the debaters, the foggy lack of clarity, the tired digression and the words, the endless words.

But not all was lost. During question and answer, one brave voice, a Spaniard from the sound of him, asked what we as men should do to address what all agreed was the decay of the Church throughout the world. What was needed?

As Michael Voris attacked the Mundelein Seminary Rector, the publicly acclaimed but heterodox Father Barron, for supporting a novel opinion regarding the fewness of the saved, what must have been some  goblin in the crowd let out a cry.  Voris' opponent, quickly receding the background replied with a derisive wave of his hand, "If there's a problem in the Church, it's NOT Father Barron."
So shall it be at the end of the world. The angels shall go out, and shall separate the wicked from among the just.

It was then that Michael Matt talked about the importance of doctrine, of the oft argued against, hidden, denied dogma of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, that is, no salvation outside of the Catholic Church. He was impassioned about it and the room grew increasingly silent, like the darkness and silence that must have covered the world when He died.

Despite a last second interruption by Father Grebner, who attempted to talk about how Lumen Gentium says Protestants CAN be saved, even he seemed overcome by the moment, and attempted to describe how Lumen Gentium actually says only few are saved.

Everything else seemed to shrink in the room and was dominated by the thrice defined dogma, and the dark spirits in the air seemed to shrink away, while all-too-fallible laymen pondered the mystery of salvation and the constancy of the Church's teaching, and its true mission.  It's not enough to say we fast, pray and keep watch.  Without the Catholic Faith it is impossible to please God.  What must we do?

And he said to them: Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover. And the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God. But they going forth preached everywhere: the Lord working withal, and confirming the word with signs that followed.

Note: a detente of sorts was achieved at the end, but who knows how long it will last or if it will even be improved upon.  Certain apologists go back to their vomit.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

“Conspiracy” Against Cardinal Cipriani Thorne in Rome

(Lima) Harsh words is what one of the most prominent representatives of the Church in Latin America, the Peruvian Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorn Cipriani, Archbishop of Lima and Primate of Peru, used in an interview with the Peruvian newspaper La Republica about an attempt to discredit him, which is in full swing from outside and inside the Church.

In July, Bishop Gabino Miranda Melgarjo, the Auxiliary Bishop of Ayacucho Ayacucho had been deposed by Pope Francis and returned to the lay state. The harsh measure was justified by "sins against the sixth commandment." Specifically, the accusation of pedophilia was brought against the bishop. While the allegation is proven for Rome, Cardinal Cipriani Thorne, is still behind Archbishop Miranda. Miranda is regarded as the closest confidant of Cardinal Cipriani in the Peruvian Episcopate. The Cardinal speaks of a "strategy to discredit" his person. It is known that Cardinal Cipriani Thorne doesn’t have only friends in the Latin American episcopate. The "Catholic rock" in Latin America isn’t just opposed by unchurched circles, but also the colorful spectrum of progressive Church circles of the American subcontinent.

For the Cardinal, the is evidence to the contrary, the presumption of innocence. He accuses Rome of having granted the defendants no way to exonerate themselves. Miranda, who was Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Ayacucho Ayacucho since 2004, categorically rejects the accusation of pedophilia by itself. The investigation of the Peruvian prosecutors are still in progress.

Cardinal Cipriani sees a “conspiracy” in the dismissal of Bishop Miranda, which is in reality directed at him. His recent trip to Rome had been "taken advantage of by certain forces". The Church "will never be an accomplice of silence." What happens within the Church, however, was "surprising" and "needs to be clarified," said the Cardinal, who belongs to Opus Dei.

Cardinal Cipriani is regarded as the best known and most distinguished "conservative" Church leaders in Latin America. It was during his tenure as bishop that he has repeatedly been the target of smear campaigns, like in 2001 when then-President Alejandro Toledo forged documents played to the Vatican to discredit Cardinal Cipriani. Or 2011 as the anti-Church media launched a campaign of denigration against the Cardinal. At that time, the spokesman of the Archdiocese of Lima, Ricardo Sánchez Serra said that really was against the attitude of the Cardinal in his defense of the Church and its teachings, to his commitment to the protection of life, for the family and for marriage between a man and a woman. At that time the Cardinal was protected by Pope Benedict XVI.

End of March Cardinal Cipriani Thorne defended the new pope against the accusation of wanting "Revolutionary" (see the interview Francis Pope A merciful Without Compromising the Doctrine of the Faith - Interview with Cardinal Cipriani Thorne ).

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Marco Longer
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Will Green Party Chief Apologize to Bishop Mixa?

Mixa's "controversial" statement hit the mark! We recall what happened in February 2010 when a hysterical outcry in the media land, after the then-Bishop of Augsburg Walter Mixa had declared: "The so-called sexual revolution, in the course of particularly progressive moral critics is also certainly not innocent attempting the legalization of sexual relations between adults and minors,” the Catholic Shepherd mentioned not only the actual connection between sexual revolution and pedocriminal abuse, he also criticized the dubious dealings of many in the media with sexuality." We have in recent decades just in the media, witnessed an increasing sexualisation of the public that where abnormal sexual inclinations are also promoted rather than limited.” With both statements the Bishop of Augsburg hit the mark, but in the press was running in circles - and also the “Spiegel" turned out as expected against Mixa's statements. The most audacious was and not for the first time, was the Green Party leader Claudia Roth, who likes to agitate for their lives against the Catholic Church. (Roth had insulted Bishop Mixa previously as a "wacky, divisive Oberfundy" because - says Roth - he has denigrated women as "breeding machines." In reality, he behaved exactly the opposite.. Had the then Catholic Chief Shepherd of Augsburg in the context of Kita debate declared mothers were not breeding machines, which is why they should not rush to give their babies to in-home care.)

Back to the topic of sexual abuse of children and minors: In an interview with the "Augsburger Allgemeine" of February 2, 2010, Bishop Mixa was accused by the Green Politician in an absurd "logic” according to which he "makes a mockery of the victims” in an almost “unprecedented” way. The newspaper introduced her interview by saying, “The Church leader taunts the victim if he would give a sexualization of society as the blame for the incident, said Green Party leader Claudia Roth in an interview with our newspaper." The politician really said: "It is not only outrageous, but also an unprecedented insult to the victims of sexual abuse, if others are to be blamed for this scandal within the Catholic Church.” With his "unfortunate comments” instead the bishop called into question, adds Roth, "to what extent is there a credible interest in the Catholic Church educate and be relentlessly self-critical about the terrifying level of abuse cases." The Greens leader then called upon the Catholic Church in Germany, "to distance themselves in the strongest was from these rationalizations of their bishop." How about now, if the cheeky Roth finally distance themselves from their unwarranted attacks on Bishop Mixa and would apologize to him as fairness and moral responsibility require? Or has the months-long debate about the Greens share of responsibility for pedosexual crimes passed her by without a trace? - That would be even more devastating!

Source: Christian Forum
 Photo: Reichstag in Berlin - Picture source: Marcela Commons, CC
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Saturday, October 5, 2013

SSPX Criticizes Pope Francis' Approach to Dialogue

Berlin (Catholic news / CBA). The "Chief Dogmatist" of the traditionalist Society of Pius X in Germany, Father Matthias Gaudron, has rejected the opening of the Catholic Church to other religions by Pope Francis. The talks between the Vatican and the Society are currently on ice, the theologian said Friday in an interview with Spiegel Online. He expressed criticism of the Pope's statements on homosexuality and his warning against faith as an ideology. The Catholic Church in Germany will collapse according to Gaudron in 15 to 20 years, because it has no new priests and the faithful are declining in numbers. "Many say the Church would regain members if only they would open up. But if that were so, then people would still flock en masse to the Protestant Churches," Gaudron said. He suggested the unengaging have no strength and can not inspire. Gaudron considered as "very problematic" the the Pope's rejection of an exaggerated search for security in the faith. "If the only dogmatic certainty was that God is in man, I think that's a bit little," he said. "The Pope can not change the truth of the Creed." Pope Francis had warned in an interview against seeking in "an exaggerated manner the security in doctrine", also one should not look to the "bitter lost past". "In this way, faith is one ideology among many."

On the topic of homosexuality Gaudron believes the Pope held a contradictory position. On one hand, he claimed that he accepted the teaching of the Catholic Church. On the other hand, Francis awakened the impression that it was okay to be gay. "Either I stick to the theory, I can not approve of homosexuality, or I'll have it. But then I am no longer Catholic." Gaudron appealed to the Pope to guarantee the right of priests to celebrate the Old Mass. That the talks between the Vatican and the Society are currently on ice, the theologian also shifts to the Prefect of the Congregation of Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller. "He does not like us. He acts hostile towards us, since he is in Rome. "The Society of St. Pius X. was founded in 1969 by French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991). It rejects the reforms of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). Contentious issues are especially in the liturgy, ecumenism and religious freedom. In 1975 Rome withdrew canonical approval from it. After illicit ordinations by Lefebvre in 1976 he was prohibited the exercise of his episcopal office. By 1988 he consecrated, without papal consent, four priests as bishops of his Society, all five were charged with excommunication. Pope Benedict XVI. in 2009 as a gesture of reconciliation lifted the excommunication of the bishops of the SSPX. Since the end of 2009, there were several rounds of talks with the Vatican representatives to the Society on disputed doctrinal issues. Since spring 2012, the process has been apparently stalled.

Source: © CBA. All rights reserved Photo: Holy Mass in the SSPX - Source: fsspx.info

Why Canonize a Pope Whose Teaching Office You Contradict?

(Rome) Recently the Catholic art and cultural critic Francesco Colafemmina posed a provocative question recently in response to Pope Francis' interview with atheist Eugenio Scalfari. This refers to the canonization of Pope John Paul II by Pope Francis. Colafemmina refers to the encyclical Veritas Splendor, which John Paul II published on the 6th of August in 1993 in the fifteenth year of his pontificate. The cultural critic sees in the statements of Pope Francis on conscience an open contradiction to the previous church teaching.

Specifically, he cites as an example, paragraph 32 of the encyclical said. The full text of the encyclical Veritatis Splendor can be found on the website of the Holy See. The statements of Pope Francis can be found in the post Sandro Magister: Turning and Breaking of Pope Francis - Gap Between John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

Excerpt from the Encyclical Veritatis Spendor of John Paul II in 1993 on the Conscience:

32. Certain currents of modern thought have gone so far as to "exalt freedom to such an extent that it becomes an absolute, which would then be the source of values". This is the direction taken by doctrines which have lost the sense of the transcendent which are explicitly atheist. The individual conscience is accorded the status of a supreme tribunal of moral judgment which hands down categorical and infallible decisions about good and evil. To the affirmation that one has a duty to follow one's conscience is unduly added the affirmation that one's moral judgment is true merely by the fact that it has its origin in the conscience. But in this way the inescapable claims of truth disappear, yielding their place to a criterion of sincerity, authenticity and "being at peace with oneself", so much so that some have come to adopt a radically subjectivistic conception of moral judgment.

As is immediately evident, "the crisis of truth" is not unconnected with this development. Once the idea of a universal truth about the good, knowable by human reason, is lost, inevitably the notion of conscience also changes. Conscience is no longer considered in its primordial reality as an act of a person's intelligence, the function of which is to apply the universal knowledge of the good in a specific situation and thus to express a judgment about the right conduct to be chosen here and now. Instead, there is a tendency to grant to the individual conscience the prerogative of independently determining the criteria of good and evil and then acting accordingly. Such an outlook is quite congenial to an individualist ethic, wherein each individual is faced with his own truth, different from the truth of others. Taken to its extreme consequences, this individualism leads to a denial of the very idea of human nature.

These different notions are at the origin of currents of thought which posit a radical opposition between moral law and conscience, and between nature and freedom.

Text: Fides et Forma / Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Fides et Forma
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Commemoration Mass for Pope Pius XII in St. Peter's -- When Will the Canonization Process Proceed?

(Vatican) On the 12th of October Maria Jose Cardinal Saraiva will celebrate Holy Mass in memory of Pope Pius XII. Holy in St. Peter's Basilica. Four years ago, Pope Benedict XVI elevated him to the Venerable Servant of God. When will the beatification process continue? The Church also has a question of political developments, such as the miracleless canonization of Pope John XXIII Council. points to the timely commemoration of 50 years of the Second Vatican Council.

On the 9th of October 1958, he died 55 years ago, the last Preconciliar Pope, as the Pastor Angelicus was called. On the 18th of October in 1967, nine years after his death and the death of his successor in the Chair of Peter, Pope John XXIII., the process of beatification and canonization of Pius XII was opened at the diocesan level.

On the 19th of December 2009, the second phase of the process involved numerous delays and political interventions reached its conclusion with the elevation of the deceased to the rank of Venerable Servant of God. Pope Benedict XVI., who wanted to advance the beatification, but then ordered a re-examination of the entire archived material under Jewish pressure, signed a decree in the fifth year of his pontificate, which recognized Pope Pius XII's heroic virtues.

The method has been overshadowed since the 60s by artificially nourished doubts about the alleged "silence" of the Pope against the Nazi persecution of the Jews. "Criticism, which was vociferously supported by an equally progressive, hypocritical faction within the Catholic Church," said Messa in Latino.

Hochhuth's silence about the background to the idea of ​​"The Deputy"

The starting point of a defamation campaign against Pius XII. was first performed in the 1963 play The Deputy by Rolf Hochhuth. Because of persistent silence, Hochhuth is still unclear how exactly he came to his theses. The assertion that the Pope was standing by watching the Nazi extermination of the Jews, comes from the propaganda of the Soviet Intelligence Service and came from the Soviet controlled East German Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany. What connection is there between the starting point of Hochhuth and Moscow, however, has not yet been clarified. The play, translated into several languages, has created the image of the late Pope influenced lasting until today.

The systematic scientific study of the pontificate of Pius XII. has refuted the accusation. Instead, it brought a new set of documents to light of the personal intervention of the Pope to the rescue of Jews. The Israeli historian Gary Krupp came to the conclusion that Pius XII. during the Second World War "did everything in his power to protect and defend the Jews." According to Krupp's archival research, Pius XII. saved more Jews than all the leaders of the world. "And this from a city under siege, and not from a comfortable chair in London or Washington." wrote Krupp, who has compiled 76,000 pages of original documents in support of his thesis.

Contribution of historians to relax in relation to Israel Pius XII.

The relationship between Israel and the figure of Pius XII. has now eased considerably. Not least was this helped by Benedict XVI. with the order for an investigation. On the German side, Hochhuts publicity legend for a "silent" Pope in the face of mass murder is contradicted especially by Michael Hesemann. According to Hesemann the Pope alone rescued more than 11,000 Jews in Rome during the life of the war. Among them was the former Chief Rabbi of Rome, Eugenio Zolli (born in Israel as Anton Zoller), who had himself baptized after the war and was received into the Catholic Church. Hesemann relies on some of it in the archives of the documents of the German national church in Rome.

Also, the Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem in Israel changed the caption for Pius XII., a first step towards rehabilitation of the Pope to the Jewish people. When the beatification process will be resumed, however, is unclear. The question is the subject of a fierce struggle between various currents within the Church. Church policy issues may have a significant influence on the beatification and canonization process sometimes. The canonization of Pope Pius IX., the Syllabus Pope, became possible when John Paul II in the Holy Year 2000, also beatified Pope John XXIII.

Political Church Circles in Beatification and Canonization from Pius IX. to John Paul II

The same is taking place currently on the 27th of April, 2014 with the canonization of John Paul II. His canonization should be "neutralized" in Church politics by the simultaneous canonization of John XXIII. Although the council Pope no regular canonization process came to a conclusion. The "completion" of the canonization of the Polish Pope, who was rejected by a part of the Church is, from both sides "satisfactory" and prevents, that the raising to the altars could be construed as a statement of the direction for the Church and the current pontificate.

The canonization of John XXIII. without the recognized second miracle opened a vulnerable flank for the Church, which at the present, however, does not matter because of the role media popularity plays for Pope Francis.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Venite ad me
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Will the Heretic Hans Küng Euthanize Himself?

In an interview with Swiss Television, Küng said he was
ashamed to belong to the Catholic Church [Screen Shot SGR SSR]

Model Heretic

Originally from Switzerland, the shoe salesman's son, assigned as an ostensibly Catholic theologian, had his permission to teach withdrawn, because of continuing to spread of heresy in 1980, by Pope John Paul II, whose canonization progresses in the Church.

In an interview with a Swiss radio station on the 20th of December 1979, Küng was completely surprised "of such an action," which puts him in the vicinity of “heretics” (said the interviewer).

Küng is considered to be the mouthpiece of the modernists who seek the protestantization of the Church.

At the same time, the examples of his person shows how far the “Catholic” university has removed from the theology of Catholicism and the (Catholic) Church.

Inferior Opponent to Cardinal Ratzinger

Küng has been hyped by the Left to be the contra-part of Cardinal Ratzinger. Küng, who was transferred early and without teaching certificate at the known Left University in Tubingen as professor of fundamental theology, had already after 1960 made his demand for the abolition of celibacy, who called ecumenism, the destruction of Catholic teaching content, the killing of children in the womb and the ordination of women and promoting the lay chalice.

Demands, which ever since then have been repeated like a neoprotestanten mantra.

Surprisingly, Küng did not transform to the Protestantism of Luther’s fiery anti-Semitism, who has so long ago fulfilled all of  his demands.

When Cardinal Ratzinger was elected Pope, Küng had, according to his staff "became ashen, is supposed to have had beaten over the head with his hands." No later than the election of Pope Benedict XVI., he spoke an opinion on the work of Kung.

Visual impairment and Parkinson’s

According to his own report, Küng is suffering from Parkinsons, and could barely write or even read any more due to an eye injury.

Although he was not suicidal, he was “lived long”.

Since now his imagined volume of his memoirs is thus also the last, he would be retiring from public life.

Even Abortion as Publicity Stunt

To enable the advertisement of this last work of the die hard theologian, Küng has addressed himself to suicide attackers (for his own behalf).

What is "a scholar who can not read and write," asks Küng of himself.

The suicide pills of Swiss euthanasia institutions have particularly impressed him. Perhaps he will even be the protagonist of a "self-abortion camp" inspired by a U.S. TV station - with live broadcast of course.

Shallow Grave in Tübingen

Küng has already even picked the shallow grave.

At one time the Church buried the bodies of suicides and representatives of the "dishonorable professions” (like executioners) just outside the church cemetery, for good reason.

SSPX as a Last Resort Before the Descent into Hell

If God deems to treat kindly with Küng, He might send him a priest of the SSPX for confession. As a last attempt to return him from his God forsaken way.

Link to Kreuz.net... Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com


Guillaume Ferluc: "It is Not Possible to Exile the Old Mass Back to the Closet Any More"

Edit: Guillaume Ferluc is an organizer with the Traditional Pilgrimage to Rome. Here's an interview which has appeared in German, but nowhere else on line in English.  Rather than scan the Remnant, we just translated this:

(Rome) After the surprising success of the First International Pilgrimage if Tradition to Rome last year, is the Second International Pilgrimage, from the 24th-27th Held in Rome in October 2013, already in the intensive preparation phase. The American journal The Remnant published an interview with Guillaume Ferluc, the Secretary of the Coetus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum (CISP), Who Organizes Pilgrimages.

How Far Has the Organization Progressed?

We have just completed the writing of the final program with the announcement of the celebrant of the Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Saturday, the 26th of October at 11 clock:

Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, which day coincides exactly on the of the 61st Anniversary of his ordination. The presence of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos on this day is a great pleasure and an honor for us, for all the people of Summorum Pontificum. As President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, the Cardinal had no shortage of pity for the rights of believers and priests who are connected to the traditional Liturgy, and adhered with great enthusiasm and loyalty to the publication of the Motu Proprio of Pope Benedict XVI. As the first point to note is the general dynamics of the pilgrimage that this year a great calm reigns over all the pilgrims, the religious and the individual institutions of Coetus. Last year there had been some the impression that we would speak out of nowhere to represent a new reality, they were a little surprised, even though they belong to the same traditional family. The surprise was perhaps also the fact that we ourselves were unable to to convey our initiative sufficiently. Also, they had little time to prepare for the pilgrimage. This year there is a greater openness on the part of all who deem it an important witness to our Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Faith. Roman in the sense, to express to him "ad Petri sedem, cum Petro et sub Petro". Of course there is also resistance, especially by those Church leaders who, because of Pope Benedict XVI's resignation from office would like to take advantage of in order to put the Mass of St. Pius V back in the closet.

Besides Bishop Athanasius Schneider will also Msgr Rifan, the Ordinary of the Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney of Campos in Brazil as celebrant: Why him exactly?

We see in Msgr Rifan a reality that we want to have more in the Church today, that is a bishop who has the mission to celebrate the traditional Liturgy of the Church, to teach and to preserve, but also the ability and the duty to ordain priests in and for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. In order to advance our religious practice to our parishes to visit the Mass in the traditional rite, we need priests and therefore seminaries that train them in a logical sequence and also bishops, who can ordain. As Monsignor Rifan is currently the only bishop whose pastoral use is exactly that, it seemed natural to have him with us. In addition, we received excellent testimonials from the recent World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, where Msgr Rifan held the catechesis for the traditional youth from Juventutem, a group that supports their apostolate to the traditional liturgy. The Church was packed, the Pontifical Liturgy was very worthy and they appreciated the sermons. Who would have dared to think not so long ago that hundreds of young Catholics in Brazil would participate for three days of preaching and witness the Masses, and could confess to priests who are connected to the tradition of the Church? And all with the official imprimatur of the Apostolic, Roman Church? Sure, someone could argue that it was only one of 300 bishops, but there already is an important goal that has been reached. Also the place was very impressive. The place allocated for Catechesis was the old Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro, a place full of history and faith of past generations and therefore of special symbolic significance. World Youth Day shows in a special way how much the traditional Liturgy attracts the youth. Therefore, we can not stay in our little fort, but must go to meet all who seek a greater solemnity and greater holiness in their lives of faith.

A Recent Report stated that a Mass in the Extraordinary Form is to take place even in the Helsinki Cathedral regularly.

Further proof of growth in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and that the new priests who celebrate their first Mass in the Extraordinary Form [Immemorial Mass of All Ages], increasing from year to year. And not just those connected to Ecclesia Dei Institutes, but also among those being educated in the diocesan priests seminaries. It's a way for many priests to express their affiliation to what we do, what we call Generation Benedict XVI., just as you spoke of the John Paul II generation. This generation of Pope Benedict could also be called the generation of Summorum Pontificum. Starting next year, the majority of the newly ordained priests will belong to those who entered the seminaries after the publication of Summorum Pontificum. And here we are, as I believe, going to experience further growth of the traditional Liturgy. Of course, we hope that these priests will also make use of their rights and celebrate the Traditional Rite in their future parishes. It is also to mention the beautiful practice that many priests consecrated to the Ecclesia Dei Institutes celebrate their first Mass in their home parish and home diocese. I am thinking of Father Massimo Botta of the Fraternity of St. Peter, his first Mass on June 23rd, 2013 was celebrated in the Cathedral of Velletri and therefore the Old Mass was permitted to return, where had no longer been celebrated for 40 years.

What would be in your opinion, the challenges related in the traditional world of the new pontificate? We are convinced that the history of the Church didn't just end in 1962, just as It did not end with the pontificate of Pope Benedict [...] In the traditional liturgy is the partecipatio actuosa in which the faithful engage in a humble participation, from silence, worship, kneeling, petitioning and thanksgiving. Many conversations are not unlike that of a man in difficulty asking for help, a man who suffers. And we think the fact that among the many great holy priests, there were many simple priests and religious, from the Holy Curé of Ars, at Don Orione or Padre Pio. [...] it was always related to a liturgy in which all belonged, from the farmer to housewife, people who had certainly not studied Latin at the Sorbonne, or at any other school of high culture, but felt nevertheless as an integrated part of the Liturgy, because this cult was offered to God.

There is another challenge to take: to refute those who think erroneously, Pope Benedict had resurrected a dead man, and do not want to be carried out for us in the peripheries of the Church, but even outside the Church. For almost 50 years those faithful, religious and priests who are connected to tradition have been ridiculed, despised and ostracized. On the 7th of July in 2007, Pope Benedict XVI. brought this situation to an end, which had oppressed many souls, by sewing together the torn dress the church. It is up to us, to reject every attempt to put a new tear in the unity of the Church, and to be real members of the flock. We are well aware we are not to be the whole herd and we are happy to accept being just one among a hundred sheep, [sic] but we believe that we deserve no less attention and care from our pastors than the others. Some fear our "ideology", but I can reassure them. We have no "ideology" but the love for Jesus in the Eucharist, the Cross and the Resurrection.

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: CISP
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

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