Friday, June 14, 2013

"Venerabilis", Website for Indecent Encounters Between Priests in Italy

(Rome) It is not easy to talk about some things, but  Pope Francis' statement of a gay lobby in the Catholic Church draws waves. As the Catholic writer, Vittorio Messori made ​​known, there is a page on the Internet called Venerabilis which is run by  a fraternity of Homo-Sensitive Roman Catholic Priests.
The homo Sensitive  priestly society claims to be a loose association of gay and homophile Catholic priests. The website serves as a gay dating site, so that aberrosexual priests can find contact among themselves, or homosexual laity can meet like-minded priests and vice versa. This page offers chat rooms in five languages, including in German, a Twitter service to the Catholic Church and some news from a "homo sensitive" view. The ads are unique. Anyone who registers on the Venerabilis and gives a personal ad or responds to one, seeks homosexual sexual contact.
The site is operated by Italian aberrosexuals. The Italian chatroom is the most visited, followed by Spain and France.

Sex contacts for priests, seminarians, religious and lay people committed

Whether it is priests who are the operators, can not be said with certainty. However, Messori has no doubt. In the German chat room, you can read messages like: "Good day, I live in Germany and seeking contact with like-minded men (priests)", including e-mail address. Or: "I, too, am seeking a devout Catholic (within the Church as a committed layman) to like-minded people in the name of love ...". "I'm looking for a friend. A priest like me. "
In the Italian chat one gets  even more to the point. This recent entry contact on the 12th of June  is: "My name is Luca from Milan and would like to meet a priest with serious intentions to associate with him."  On the 23rd of May an "Anonymous" wrote, "Good day, I am 67 years old, I had friendships with priests who were important for my spiritual, personal and sexual life ... I would like to be contacted by priests in Rome again and to experience these feelings, PS: I am a teacher and guarantee discretion for me and for everyone who answers me. " Or "I'm a married man of 50 years, looking for gay priests for a discrete friendship in the area of ​​(name of city)." On 15 May: "Hi, my name is Marco from (city name), an ex-seminarian seeking young priest."
Since the 1st of May  the aberro-brotherhood, which calls itself Fraternitas Sacerdotalis. is  a "meeting place" in order to meet "personally" and at "no risk". And in fact, Rome Feltrinelli bookstore in Largo Argentina  has a "6- 8pm" at the cafeteria or in the department "Philosophy and Religion". "For the seminarians of the Jesuit university Gregorian University and the Dominican Angelicum from 11 to 12 clock in the same place. "

Zero tolerance of pedophilia. When is there also going to be zero tolerance towards aberrosexuality?

When Pope Francis reitrated the zero tolerance policy of Pope Benedict XVI. against pedophilia in April, the Catholic intellectual Roberto de Mattei said: "zero tolerance against homosexuality" The historian recalled a meeting on the 12th of April 2010 in Chile, and drew attention to the Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone who addressed scientific studies  on an evident connection between sexual abuse of minors, and homosexuality. There is, says de Mattei, an urgent need to combat  the hedonistic and relativistic culture which has ripped into the church relativistic, for  homosexuality or homosexual tendencies in seminaries are even considered to be "irrelevant".
"Opposite, 'structures of sin' is silence not allowed. It is compulsory to tear the veil of hypocrisy, even if some will view this as a defilement of the Church. The dirt is sin, not the combat against it," says the historian, who quoted the holy Peter Damian (1007-1072): "This vice should not be viewed as a normal burden, because it involves significantly other vices. It kills namely, the body, destroys the soul, contaminating the flesh, choking the light of the intellect, drives away the Holy Spirit from the temple of the soul, leading to inciting a demon of lust, seduced into error ... ".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Venerable Screenshot

Link to katholisches...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

First Communion "Star Wars" Mass with Light Saber Blessing

Hohenbrunn (Catholic news). There is a tremendous departure presently in southern Germany, which had its source in association with four parishes (St. Stephen in Putzbrunn, Ortisei in Sunnyvale, St. Magdalena in Ottobrun and St. Stephen in Hohenbrunn), from the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. It wasn't Darth Vader who gave the blessing to the first communion children. This was personally undertaken by Pastor Christoph Nobs with a bright green laser sword at the celebration of a Star Wars First Communion Mass. The idea for the stars-War Communion came from Nicolas Gkotses community director. Star Wars had been a theme for the children in their religious instruction and so he tried to communicate the gospel in this way in a timely manner. - "May the force be with you!"

 Source: Lightsaber blessing hi-mü

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Back to your regular dose of humour...

Back in the days when Anglicanorum Coetibus had been released but none of the Ordinariates had yet been set up, I did some internet research and noticed that the Episcopal/Anglican parishes that might come into the Ordinariate tended to describe themselves in similar ways online. The Muse then pushed a button and the following parody flowed from my fingertips.

Welcome to St Thomas of Canterbury Anglicatholic Church, where we’re formal, friendly, and faithful both to the Bishop of Rome and the Anglican tradition of worship.

On an average Sunday here at STCAC, the worshiper will find a great number of services to satisfy both his canonical obligation and Christian duty to worship God in the beauty of his holiness, decently and in order, at both the Divine Office and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. For those who prefer to observe the traditional Eucharistic fast from midnight or who may need to work later in the day, we offer two low Masses, the first according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite at 5:30 AM and the other according to Sarum Use at 6:15 AM. While we have obtained permission from the Sacred Congregation in Rome for the lessons at these services to be read in the vernacular, such permission is superfluous for they are muttered so silently that no one can hear them. For those who prefer sung services, Matins or Morning Prayer begins promptly at 8:30 followed by the Great Litany in Advent, Septuagesima, Lent, and on other days of fasting or abstinence. At Matins and Lauds we typically follow Sarum Use translated into the hieratic style of the Prayer Book by the Reverend Palmer, but modified in accordance with Pope St. Pius X’s 1911 reforms of the weekly psalter. At High Mass which follows, we typically celebrate according to Sarum Use enriched with certain beloved prayers from the Prayer Book tradition, including the Prayer for the Whole State of Christ’s Church (always changing indifferently to impartially), the Comfortable Words, the Confession, the Absolution, and the Peace, all immediately after the Sermon, as well as Archbishop Cranmer’s Post-Communion. In times of penitence, the celebrant uses the Roman Canon in silence, whilst on other days he says a modified Prayer Book Canon, adding prayers for the Pope, the Sovereign, the Bishop, and the dead, as well as an elaborate and explicit epiclesis. We likewise typically follow the Roman colour scheme at these services, with the addition of blue vestments for feasts of Our Lady, yellow for feasts of Confessors, and ashen grey for Passiontide. High Mass is always followed by the chanting of the Angelus as well as prayers for the ascension of the House of Wittelsbach to the throne of St. Edward.

On most Sundays and Holy Days of the year, we reassemble as a community of faith for an organ recital at 4:45 PM followed by sung Evening Prayer or Vespers at 5:15 PM. This service usually follows that prescribed by the 1662 Prayer Book with an added first versicle for the Supreme Pontiff: God bless the Pope: And let not the Gates of Hell prevail against him. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament usually follows. On those days when we add a solemn Compline after Benediction, the Nunc Dimittis at Evening Prayer is replaced either by the Phos Hilarion or the New Testament Canticle of the 1975 Liturgia Horarum taken from the Authorized Version. The clergy who assist in choir at our evening services always wear cassock, gown, tippet, bands, and catercap, in accordance with the tradition of the Anglican patrimony.

In addition to our weekly cycle of liturgies, our parish also enjoys a rich devotional life. On Wednesdays at noon, please join us for public recitation of the rosary. On Fridays throughout the year and all ferial days of Lent, we pray the Stations of the Cross at 3 PM followed by Evensong. On Fridays in Lent, thereafter follows a soup supper and book study. Finally, on Saturday mornings after Mass, our local chapter of the Archconfraternity prays a perpetual novena to both St. Philomena and St. Charles, King and Martyr. Because we are Christians in full communion with the See of Rome, Bible study is officially discouraged but not forbidden.

Childcare is available for all children under the age of five at the principle services each Sunday and major Holy Day. Those adults who feel called to volunteer in the nursery are encouraged to join our local chapter of the Confraternity of St. Nicholas of Myra, patron of children, harlots, and apothecaries. 

Because STCAC is a growing community welcoming of all people, we invite you to join us as we work together to build God’s Kingdom on earth. With your help, we hope in time to have more registered laity than clergy, staff, and paid choir members combined. 

Eucharistic Miracle in Sri Lanka? Buddhist Vandals are Forgiven by Cardinal Ranjith

(Colombo) A group of Buddhists devastated the Catholic Church of St. Francis Xavier in Angulana, in the Archdiocese of Colombo in Sri Lanka. The vandals smashed a 143 year old statue of Mary. However, their goal was the Blessed Sacrament. The perpetrators tore the tabernacle with the Blessed Sacrament from the altar, broke it up and set it on fire. According to police, at least 30 liters of kerosene were poured over the tabernacle, to put it on fire. However, by some miracle the consecrated Hosts did not burn in the tabernacle which was damaged but remained intact.

When the sacristan discovered the vandalism, he rang the church bells, so that the faithful flocked together. The Catholics of the Archdiocese of Colombo are shocked by the incident.

Many look to the integrity of the consecrated hosts as a miraculous intervention. A Eucharistic miracle, which should demonstrate the power of God, and shame the attacker, as it happened in Lanciano, Bolsena and many other places over the past 2000 years? "A great miracle has happened, mediated by Jesus in our country and it will give the attackers a message: No one can destroy Christ and His love. No one can harm Him," were the quoted voices of local Catholics by Asianews.

Pastor Christo Viraj Fernando and his chaplain Kasun Fernando condemned the violence. At the same time, they called on the faithful to remain calm, to thank God for the wonderful integrity of the consecrated Hosts to pray for the conversion of the perpetrators and to forgive them.

Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo has initiated investigations. The intact Hosts were brought to safety in order to allow the police, but also the church to inspect them. The Cardinal will perform the reconsecration as competent bishop for a church desecration according to church canons, before the church can be reopened for worship.

The incident occurred on 5 June at about 10 clock in the evening. Initially, Buddhist extremists were thought of as they have attacked Christians for months in Sri Lanka, but it may also be an attack from the Islamic minority. The attacks usually are a result of Buddhist extremist organizations Bodu Bala Sena and Sinhala Ravaya. A new phenomenon, the police and the public are faced with new challenges. Previously religiously motivated violence were a rarity on the island.

On Monday, the police arrested four teenagers. They are said to have done the deed while intoxicated. The facts did not correspond to the first suggestion, that there were two Buddhists and two Catholic perpetrators. According to police, all four perpetrators were Buddhists. Cardinal Ranjith has shown them the spirit of Christian love in public, such as the Sunday Times reported from Sri Lanka.

Text: Asianews / Giuseppe Nardi Image: Tamil Week Trans: Tanc

Russian Pro-Morality Bill Passes: The West is Aghast

Edit: in case you haven't seen this.
MOSCOW, June 11 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s lower house of parliament on Tuesday gave its final approval for a controversial “anti-gay” bill, with only one of the 436 lawmakers present abstaining and no votes against, after a day of clashes outside the building and dozens of arrests by police. 
The bill seeks to ban the “the promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships,” making such acts punishable by a fine of up to 1 million rubles ($30,000). 
The first draft of the bill, passed by the State Duma on January 25, used the term “homosexuality” but this was replaced by the term “non-traditional sexual relationships,” in the final version Tuesday.
Link read further... 

A similar movement collapsed in Romania, however. (Surely, EU membership  threats loom somewhere on the horizon, and well, Romanians aren't Hungarians, they're not even Russians.) I found the following from the aforelinked blog, at a Political Refugee in the Global Village, which shows the determined lack of direction and conviction which typically stymies most people, unfortunately, especially churchmen, from making definitive and clear cut statements.  Auden may have struggled with sin, but he wasn't a "practicing homosexual" and he certainly didn't quibble about calling a sin a sin, either.  Understandably, as those of us with strong connections to people suffering from various kinds of sins in the Dictatorship of Relativism, we tend to waffle.  I think Auden would have objected to being called out thusly. Italics ours:

I hope this constitutional amendment  becomes law but doubt it will, simply for fear of foreign opinion.  

I do not want to be pharisaical or victimise homosexuals. As the cliché goes, many of my best friends are homosexuals (they really are). We are all fallen creatures, thoroughly imperfect, but because we break the rules this does not mean the rules about fornication, adultery and divorce  are wrong. I prefer what W.H. Auden, a practicing homosexual and a practicing Christian, said: 'Of course its a sin and we must hope that God will forgive us.'  Homosexual marriage would be a public recognition by the law that what Christianity teaches about sexual life was out of date and bigoted. It would also mean that marriage had changed in its essential meaning.  

Romanians used to be shocked by homosexuality (as by smoking joints and other things which are pretty normal further West). Now they are learning slowly from the EU that Christian teaching on the matter is bigoted. In other words, the old doctrine is a sin against the new human rights religion which seems to complement but is, in fact, replacing Christianity. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Milwaukee's Archbishop Listeki to Direct Mormon Tabernacle Choir

Edit: This is from the planner's facebook group.  We've heard of Cardinal Gibbons going into protestant churches to preach on Sundays about the glories of Americanism, but this is really... comical.  Of course, some will remember when he helped unveil Archbishop Weakland's bronze "defender of children" statue.  Milwaukee is so lucky.
On Monday, June 17, 2013, Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki will trade in his bishop’s staff for a baton and add “music conductor” to his list of jobs, as he guest conducts the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at the Milwaukee Theater, 400 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, 7:30 p.m.  
The 360-member chorus of men and women, and 65 members of the Orchestra at Temple Square, all volunteers, has performed at World’s Fairs and expositions, at inaugurations of U.S. presidents, in acclaimed concert halls from Australia and Europe to Asia and the Middle East, and on television broadcasts. With their incomparable voices and their shared faith in God, they are a significant presence in the world of music as they give service through song.

Pope Francis Admits "Gay Lobby" in the Hierarchy

Edit: here's an article from France 24 on this subject.  The pope is appointing at least three Cardinals who've had problems with this issue in the past.  Cardinal Marx himself has even appointed a priest dismissed for accessing child pornography in the infamous Sankt Polten Seminary scandal,  to parish work.  These Old Liberal celebrity predators never seem to get in trouble with the media bosses for their coverups.
AFP - Pope Francis has admitted the existence of a "gay lobby" inside the Vatican's secretive administration, the Curia, according to sources cited Tuesday by religious media. 
"In the Curia, there are truly some saints, but there is also a current of corruption," the 76-year-old is quoted as having said during an audience last Thursday with CLAR (the Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious Men and Women). 
"There is talk of a 'gay lobby' and it's true, it exists," he said. 
The Argentine pope has made reforming the Roman Curia -- the heavily criticised and intrigue-filled administration of the Catholic Church -- a keystone of his papacy, but said it would be "difficult". 
"I cannot carry out the reforms myself," he said, explaining that he was "disorganised".
For that reason, the task will be handled by a commission of eight cardinals from around the world whom Francis appointed in April to help him govern the Catholic Church, set to meet for the first time in October.

We cite the following:

  • Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello of Italy, President of the Government of the Vatican City State;
  • Cardinal Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa of Chile, the retired archbishop of Santiago;
  • Cardinal Oswald Gracias of India, archbishop of Bombay (Mumbai);
  • Cardinal Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the archbishop of Kinshasa
  • O'Malley;
  • Marx;
  • Cardinal George Pell of Australia, the archbishop of Sydney;
  • Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga of Honduras, the archbishop of Tegucigalpa.

Corpus Christi in Norway: "Never is Man so Great as When He Kneels Before God"

(Oslo) Accion Liturgica has published images of the Corpus Christi procession in Bergen, Norway, which was attended by over a thousand Catholics. Attention was given to the fact that almost all participants knelt before the Blessed Sacrament. "An exemplary attitude, as it is virtually impossible to encounter in Catholic Spain," said the page. The knee laziness of Catholics is not only found in Spain and is representing one of the key indicators of a general relaxation of the life of faith. This is not altered by the fact that among the Catholics of Norway, of which 80 percent is Lutheran, of a land in which Catholics are only two percent of the population, and immigrants from Poland or Latin America.

  Link to Katholisches...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rumors of a Coup in the News and Internet to Unseat Hollande Government

Published at 12:01AM, June 6 2013
Edit: the French Army hasn't been paid in months, and the sounds of discontent can be heard, bringing with them rumors that the Hollande government should be done away with. There have been several uprisings in France, in addition to May of 1968. Many Frenchmen feel that since that time, they have had enough of the Revolution and want stability.  Perhaps Catholic France wasn't as dead as many suppose?  Here are some of the highlights from La Voix de la Russie:

Movement Bloch. Addressing fellow citizens in a letter published on Francetvinfoin, a group of young officers who define themselves as such, have sworn oaths to belong to a different corps of the French army, pledged to defend their countrymen and the interests of France. Referring to Marc Bloch, these young officers rely on the spirit of resistance within the army, who has became their ideal today. For the record, we read in the letter that the Movement "Bloch denounced the maladministration of the army and the neglect of the French elite in the 1930s. Bloch was also an exemplary officer during two world wars, and part of the Resistance till when he was shot by the Nazis. We claim him because he was a true soldier and a lucid analyst through that precipitated the defeat in France." As a Dreyfusard, it's rather difficult, to say nothing of ironic, to link him to French Traditionalist Catholics, but that won't stop anyone from doing so. Still, it's easy to associate cries for the stability of the nation's defense with the reaction, and with legitimism in France.

Destruction of the French army. Already during 2011,we have read that 10,000 soldiers were deprived of their pay. "Premiums for dangerous missions are not paid, which represents a significant shortfall", complained the soldiers' families. In 2012, there are thousands of soldiers who have not yet received their salaries for the month of December, which could only tap into their savings to pay for Christmas. Regularly, many soldiers receive 150 euros a month to live. Debt, many people have been thrown into a catastrophic financial situation from bank overdrafts and having to live with their parents. The worst is that these civil servants are forbidden to give their personal opinion on the situation subject to disciplinary sanctions. Invideo posted on its website, which also evokes the secret defiance Lys Noir, General General Vincent Desportes explains that "in Mali, the Army fought with 40-year old equipment and with vehicles without air conditioning. Only 10% of the Army is up to standard. The French army is in the hands of the United States. That the United States will soon drop the need to save France and the French army because when you do not have defenses, you are attacked. The version of the White Paper in 2013 shows that the army will not be modernized."

Among the Spring demonstrators for France are the Veilleurs (Those keeping vigil, scroll down) who were arrested by the police, there are children of soldiers of the French army and many Catholics. These children of soldiers whose parents are responsible for sacrifice for France can not now accept and swallow that in their country they are treated like criminals. "The Veilleurs and 750 demonstrators were arrested during the French Spring" they say. Although the discourse in the online magazine Arsenal seems to go far in the hope of a military coup, it does not hide in how much of a deep malaise, the society is actually divided.

Prayer for the Muslims, Part 3

A Prayer of St. Germanus of Constantinople

O most holy Theotokos, do thou hold the helm of the Church’s hierarchy, bringing them to quiet harbors, sheltered from the breakers of heresy and scandal. Clothe thy beloved priests with the festal garments of justice, joy, and a tried, inviolate, and earnest faith. In peace and progress, guide the scepter of the orthodox emperors who cling to thee above all purple and splendor of gold, above all jewels and precious stones, as to their diadem and royal robe and as to the most durable ornament of their kingdom. With divine might, overthrow the hostile, foreign peoples deceived by Mohamed, who cease not to blaspheme thee and the God born of thee, and stretch them prostrate at thy feet. In time of war give aid unto that army which ever relieth upon thine assistance. Endue those peoples subjected unto us with strength that they may persevere, according to God’s command, in the happy service of obedience unto us. With the triumphs of conquest, crown Constantinople, this city of thine own, whose tower and foundations thou art, with thy protection and strength. Amen.

(Migne PG 98: 307-310. This translation based upon the one given in Friethoff’s A Complete Mariology, p. 276)

Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before thy altar. We are thine and thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united with thee, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to thy most sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known thee; many too, despising thy precepts, have rejected thee. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to thy Sacred Heart. Be thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken thee, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned thee; grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. Be thou King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one shepherd. Be thou King of all those who are still involved in the darkness of idolatry or of Islamism, and refuse not to call them all into the light and kingdom of God. Turn thine eyes of mercy toward the children of that race, once thy chosen people. Of old they called down upon themselves the Blood of the Savior; may it now descend upon them a laver of redemption and of life. Grant, O Lord, to thy Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with on cry: Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to It be glory and honor forever. Amen.

(Indulgence of 300 days, each time. Pope Pius XI, July 11, 1926)

SSPX Superior-General Bp. Fellay interviewed by SSPX magazine on the 25th anniversary of 1988 Ordinations. "Of course I remain open to contacts from Rome"

Edit: as we've maintained throughout, for good or ill, Bishop Fellay is open to reconciliation.

1. What was your initial reaction when you learned that Archbishop Lefebvre had chosen you to be one of the priests to be consecrated?

 My first reaction was to think there must be others better than me; if possible, let this chalice pass from me! My second reaction was for my fellow priests, my brothers in the priesthood, "pro fratribus" because it is obvious that it is a big cross. It is a question of dedication for the others.

2. Can you recall your emotions and state of mind on June 30, 1988, after having received consecration from the hands of the Archbishop?

 I don't recall much about my own feelings or emotions. What I remember was how the whole congregation was electrified. The atmosphere was absolutely electric. I've never seen that in my whole life. This I do remember. It was during the ceremony as well as after; a great joy, nothing else. It was overwhelming.

3. In his Spiritual Journey, Archbishop Lefebvre describes a vision he had in the Cathedral of Dakar. Can you discuss how the 1988 Consecrations would seem to be a fulfillment of that vision?

Amazingly, I would say that I don't even make the connection between both. In fact, I don't think there is any. I don't think the measure of having bishops is directly related to the work itself. It's only a survival measure. It's not the essential of the work, which is to form and build priests according to the heart of Jesus. This is the main thing. Link to Rorate Caeli...

Saturday, June 8, 2013

New Bishop of Liege Celebrates "Old Mass" After Appointment

(Brussels) On the 31st of May Pope Francis appointed Monsignor Jean-Pierre Delville appointed bishop of Liege, who then celebrated a High Mass few days after his appointment in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. The new bishop of the diocese, which also includes the territory of the German-speaking community in the area of eastern Belgium, Eupen and St. Vith, has already celebrated the "Old Rite" several times in the as the blog Belgicatho reported.

The consecration of the new bishop will take place on the 14th of July in the Cathedral of Liege. The Bishop was born on the 29th of April, 1961 in Delville in the capital of his diocese. In 1980 he was consecrated as bishop of his home diocese. He succeeds Bishop Aloysius Jousten. Link to katholisches...

Father Gabriele Amorth Affirms the Importance of Exorcism -- Criticizes the Bishops Who Don't Name Exorcists

(Rome) The well-known exorcist Gabriele Amorth affirmed recently the importance of exorcism in a lecture evening of Lepanto Foundation in Rome. Father Amorth, an exorcist in the diocese of the Pope since 1986, is a student of Father Candido Amantini, another well-known exorcist, whose beatification process is underway. Father Amorth is also Honorary President of the International Association of Exorcists. The exorcist had choice words for those who deny the existence of the devil, especially the clergy, who do not oppose adequately de-Christianization of society. Because the author of this de-Christianization was the devil himself.

Father Amorth leveled sharp criticism in this context against bishops who appoint no Exorcist and "thereby inflict serious damage to souls." Satan is trying to raise the people against God. He entices them to deny the truth and rebel against God's law, "even though the law of God is the best and ideal law for the people." The "anti-faith statement" of the devil and his followers can be summarized in three points: "Do what thou wilt", "no one has to decide on you" and "you are your own God."

The devil "knows us, he circles us and tempts us in our weaknesses: one must therefore know his own weaknesses and avoid the dangers that are offered today in various ways, especially through television and the Internet". The well-known exorcist warned against spiritualistic practices, each contact with magicians, soothsayers and all who claim to dispose supernatural powers or a "secret knowledge". The vast majority of them are charlatans, so you should avoid them so as not to "stupidly be hoodwinked and to have been cheated out of one's own money." But some have "actually been able to get in touch with negative forces" and it's never done for the benefit of the people.

It works against this "to have a fundamentally sincere reverence for sacred images and objects," said Amorth. "Decisive" it is "that in everything and for everyone that the answer to all our questions can only be God, because all things were created through Him and to Him," warns the exorcist of the Diocese of Rome.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches....

Friday, June 7, 2013

Prominent Lutheran Pastor Thinks Germany Needs the Moral Guidance of a King

Edit: could Prince Philip be slated to head the Lutheran Ordinariate's German District?  Will there be a German Ordinariate?  We'd like to think such an obviously traditionally minded, man of Prussia would be at home in no other place than the Catholic Church.  He cites the "feel good" factor of reinstating the Monarchy.   

 Of course, cousin Crown Prince Wilhelm has married a Catholic.  

Germans might not know it, but they desperately need the moral guidance of a re-instated royal family, the great-great grandson of the last Kaiser, Prince Philip Kiril of Prussia, told The Local's Jessica Ware in an exclusive interview.

“Subconsciously, I think young Germans wants something they can orientate towards,” said Prince Philip. The 45-year-old father of six may work as a Protestant vicar, but he has become one of the loudest voices out of those who want to see Germany revive its monarchy.

Since Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated in 1918, the country has been without a monarchy. But Prince Philip believes that a royal family with divine right conferred by God could offer Germany what it is missing. 

“When a leader answers to himself, and not God, an atheist-led country ends in disaster. Look at Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin,” he told The Local. Religion, “tames the selfishness naturally present in all of us.”

For the prince, a country guided by politicians and a ceremonial president means not only is there no strong family to look up to, nor is there anyone to rally up enthusiasm for family life. “A presidential head of state is not enough...what Germany needs is moral guidance and a friendlier face,” which, he added, “people do not get, and shouldn't expect, from politicians.”

Indeed, this appears to be what increasing amount of young Germans want, after a survey for news agency DPA revealed last month that as many as one in three 18-24-year-olds would like the Kaiser back on the throne. Jump to the over-50s, and this figure dropped to one in six.

“Looking up to a king or queen would be much better for Germany's young people than to pop stars or football players,” Prince Philip said. He lamented that people were putting too much value on consumerism and material goods instead of having children – something desperately needed as Germany faces a demographic implosion.

“I am astonished that so many young people said they would be in favour,” he admitted, acknowledging that general public opinion towards the monarchy in Germany was not that positive. 

Muslims Attack Catholic Seminary: Rector and Seminarians Wounded

Edit: we're straining to recall when Catholics have visited violence on a Muslim seminary.

(Dhaka) Several dozen Islamists attacked a Catholic seminary in northern Bangladesh. The Rector, Father Uzzal and several seminarians were injured. The incident took place yesterday, Thursday, in Bolakipur in the Diocese of Dinajpur.

Previously, Muslims had already attacked the majority Catholic village of Tivipara-Bagja. They plundered the village and robbed the cattle. They also threatened this past May to burn the village down. Women and children of the area have taken flight to nearby Catholic mission stations.

Since the beginning of the month, attacks by Muslims against Christians have increased. On the 5th of June the parish of Tumilia had been the object of an attack in which the Pastor, Abel, together with the religious, were injured and robbed. Link to katholisches...

Comments to Tancred:

Cardinal Lehman Against the Increase of the 'Old Mass'

He believes "a stronger juxtaposition of both liturgical forms today is not useful, also because it is not grown from below" Cologne ( / CBA) At the "Eucharistic Congress" of German Catholics in Cologne, Cardinal Karl Lehmann of Mainz turned against the increased celebration of the "Tridentine rite" in Latin. "I have the impression that the whole enthusiasm for the Latin has a lot to do with prestige and false pretenses of a supposed cultural elite," the Bishop of Mainz said the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger". He has always considered such motives rather skeptically, said the Cardinal.

He defended the liturgical reform after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) as a "gold piece". After a partial withdrawal of the ban under Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. now provides a wider range of Masses in the Old Rite. According to Lehmann, the popularity has increased but not to the same degree. He considers "a stronger juxtaposition of both liturgical forms today to be not useful, also because it is not grown from below," added the Cardinal. "The trend is more in the direction of the renewed Mass."

To the revision arranged byBenedict XVI. in the words of consecration in the Mass, said Lehmann, one must "now wait for the times and that everyone can perhaps relax a bit." Following the request of the former Pope, it is no longer pressing to the central point of the Mass, that the blood of Jesus has been spilled "for all" people, but "for many." According to Lehmann, the dispute over the "for all" or was "for many" so far "in the atmospheric spell of whether the traditionalists hope too much from Rome. "If one says that God's will is for salvation of all people, the translation of the words of consecration should no longer be no question of such great urgency and drama," said the Cardinal. Even Pope Benedict XVI. himself concedes that both translations are theologically appropriate and legitimate, it was "not entirely clear why then, only the translation should strictly be allowed." In addition, Lehmann called for an in-depth exchange of expression "for all": "'We are all in the sky', is overly simplistic."

Congress in Cologne Old Mass in St. Peter's Basilica with Cardinal Brandmüller

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Italy Ratifies "Convention of Instanbul" -- Step to Gender-Ideology

Edit: do the Turkish people know what their politicians are up to? Ironically, the Italians signed this document on the day before Constantinople fell to the Turks in 1453.

(Rome), the Italian Parliament has ratified the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence on May 28th, better known as the Convention of Istanbul. The convention  has been signed by 24 European countries on the 11th of May, 2011, including Germany and Austria. The Convention has so far only been ratified by Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, Portugal.

In 81 articles, the Convention served the language of gender ideology. An ideology that used common words, but means something else. My goal is the abolition of the natural sex of man and woman. To cancel the two natural genders, many "genders" will be constructed. A natural given gender is rejected. A man is not by nature a man or woman, but only by reason of his will. The individual decides whether he is straight. A self-designation, which can change as needed, and the legislature and the community have fo kindly accept without protest. Otherwise discrimination would exist.

The woman is therefore in the confused language of the Convention, not an equal legal person, because she is a person, but because she is of the female sex. The applicable legal system, the equality of all persons before the law is broken in the name of equality. The woman becomes a kind of protected category that requires special ad hoc rules to ensure her "equality", but certainly to attempt to overcome the natural gender order of husband and wife. Womanhood is to overcome the biological womanhood.

The gender emphasis reveals the underlying intention of adding more "protected categories" such as homosexuals or transgender, and thus sexual preferences under the covers, including the perversity that everything possible, but certainly it does not constitute a state agenda, to raise it the institutional level and to promote.

Italy, with five states have ratified the treaty. So in order to be put in effect, it requires at least ten states to ratify. Will Germany and Austria follow?

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

The SSPX A Story of Farewells

(Vienna) The moral theologian of the Society of St. Pius X. and Prior of Vienna, Father Waldemar Schulz, have published in the journal of his parish-church an essay about the current situation of the Society of St. Pius X. and aptly describes the "resistance" and elaborates in particular, that the history of the SSPX is a "history of goodbyes." In the essay is to be found in its entirety at, where he also describes the risk of criticism addiction, anger and fanaticism:

"Thus, there really is a risk going overboard with mercy, justice, and wisdom and losting love of truth, the Church and souls. Yet there are signs, where the danger could be seen - fatally hindered but very often already progressively astray backpedaling in these ideas - namely when the deep peace of the soul is lost in the face of excessive passion, when strong criticism addiction to great anger, yes, a certain fanaticism captures the soul and fills the heart, so that one is constantly occupied with these problems and they begin to absorb more and more every thought, all meditation, absorb all the powers of people who constantly circle about these problems." Text: Linus Schneider Link to katholisches...

Ad Features Blasphemous Dipping Host into Sauce

(Melbourne) With a blasphemous ad, an Australian food distrubutor is advertizing its dipping sauce. The advertisement shows a Bishop who is giving Communion. A communicant takes the Host half in her mouth, then pulls out a jar of sauce and dunks the Host in, in order to make it "more tasty". The sacrilegious tastelessness makes clear the general acceptance in secular circles, that in contrast to other religions like Judaism and Islam, Christianity can be insulted with impunity.

The evil ad was eventually pulled.
THE controversial online ad showing a sacramental wafer being dipped into a jar of yeast spread during a Catholic mass has been withdrawn days after its release. 
The ad was produced to promote the AussieMite spread and had caused widespread anger among Catholics. At the time, its creator, Mick Hunter from Sydney agency Grown-Ups, said the ad was "probably a bit sacrilegious" and made in the hope of going "a bit viral". But in a statement released through its Facebook page, AussieMite said it never intended to cause offence. 
"We sincerely apologise for any offence caused. It was never the intention to do so, but we recognise that for some it did. 
"We have listened to your comments and removed any and all instances of the campaign from our social media channels. Furthermore, we have requested for the ad to be removed from all other channels. 
"We are a small family-owned company looking to establish ourselves and a product we believe in and love. 
"We sincerely hope that this will not dissuade you from buying AussieMite in the future." 
AussieMite founder Roger Ramsey said he had been shocked by the reaction. He said a death threat had been left on the company's telephone message bank but he had not taken it seriously. "I didn't think there would be such an emotional reaction," he said. "It was only intended to be tongue in cheek and a bit of fun. "   
Our intentions have always been to do good not create division. Our values our concerned with the health and well-being of the consumer." 
Time heals all wounds. The positive thing is that by and large the vast majority of the Catholic and other Christian communities have embraced the apology and are prepared to move on."

Apparently, there was also a death threat from one of the several million Catholics who lives in Australia.  We probably don't have to imagine how many there would have been had Jewish or Islamic sensibilities been offended.

Prayer for the Muslims, Part 2

Happily, it is not only the Anglican liturgical tradition that gives us beautiful prayers for the conversion of our enemies. Consider these Mass propers approved by Pope Paul VI for the Novus Ordo Missae:

Introit: Look upon the covenant and let the poor and needy give praise unto thy Name. Arise, O God, maintain thine own cause, and forget not the voice of them that seek thee.

Collect: O God, who in thy inscrutable providence desireth to bind together thy Church by the sufferings of thy Son; Grant to the faithful assaulted daily by persecution for thy Name’s sake, the spirit of long-suffering and charity, that they may be found witnesses, both faithful and true, of thy promises, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

Super Oblata: Receive, we beseech thee, O Lord, our humble prayers and victims, and grant that they that serve thee faithfully, yet undergo the daily persecutions of men, may rejoice that they are bound together by the sacrifice of thy Son, and let them know and feel that their names are written in the Book of Life, with all thine elect in the heavens, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Communion Anthem: Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake, saith the Lord. Rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven.

Post-Communion: By the might of this Sacrament strengthen the faithful in thy truth, O Lord, and grant to them hedged in on every side by tribulation, that carrying the Cross in the footsteps of thy Son, they may ever wax valiant and boast in the name of Christian, even in the midst of their persecutors, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Missale Romanum 1970, Votive Mass 15, Pro Christianis Persecutione Vexatis)

Of course, the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite also directs us towards the same end:

Let us pray also for the heathen that Almighty God remove the iniquity from their hearts, that they abandon their idols and turn unto the living and true God, and his only Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and God.

Let us pray. Almighty and everlasting God, who desirest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live, mercifully receive our prayer and free the heathen from the worship of idols and add them to thy holy Church, to the praise and glory of thy Name, through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

(From Feria VI in Passione Domini)

Collect: Almighty and everlasting God, in whose hand are the powers of all rulers and the judgments of all kingdoms, regard the help of Christendom, that the heathen which trust only in their brutality may be trampled out by the might of thy right hand, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Secret: O Lord, gaze upon the sacrifice which we offer unto thee and deign to deliver all them that fight for thee from the wickedness of the heathen and keep them in the safety of thy tender care, through our Lord Jesus Christ...Amen.

Post-Communion: O God our defender, look and save all them that fight for thee from the menace of the heathen, that every trial and tribulation having been done away, they may serve thee with free minds, through our Lord Jesus Christ...Amen.

(From the votive Mass Pro Ecclesiae Defensione)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest May Take Over Deserted Former Papal Seminary

(Alghero) The traditional Institute of Christ the King and High Priest (ICRSS) is negotiating with the Government of the Italian Mediterranean island of Sardinia for the purchase of the former Pontifical Seminary of Cuglieri (not to be confused with the Sardinian town of Cagliari). The region had bought the seminar after its abandonment in 1976 but since then it has not been used. For cost reasons, they want to sell it.
Canonically erected in 1990, the Old Rite Institute of Christ the King in submitted an offer to take over the entire building complex in April 2012, as it has experienced strong growth due to many vocations.
In the Sardinian Parliament a parliamentary motion was introduced, with which the government has been asked why the transfer to the Institute has not yet been done. Una Vox Cagliariits is suspicions that after the posting of the sale, the regional government has been pressured  by the bishops of Alghero and Oristano to prevent the establishment of the traditional institution on the island. How Messa in Latino reported, other bishops had initially welcomed the establishment of a branch of the ICRSS. But their approval was withdrawn under pressure from the bishops of Alghero and Oristano. Meanwhile, the believers of Cuglieri have started a petition for the handing over of the seminar complex to the traditional priest affiliated institution.
Cuglieri (Sardinian Cullieri) in Sardinia: block local bishops of Alghero and Oristano, that the Institute of Christ the King can take over the former seminarThe 3000 population community of Cuglieri (Sardinian Cullieri) is located in Central Sardinia and belongs to the province of Oristano (Sardinian Aristanis) and the diocese of Alghero (Aligehra Sardinian, Catalan Alguer). The place is just ten kilometers from the Mediterranean coast.
The bishops of Sardinia asked the Pope for financial support after the First World War for the construction of a joint seminary for the island.  In 1924 Pope Pius XI. met the request and the seminary was built at the expense of the Holy See, which is why it was given the honorary title "Pontifical Seminary."  The seminary was inaugurated in 1927 was built in the Pisan style of the 1300s and is similar in appearance to a medieval monastery. The simple style fitted well into the landscape of the houses that are built, modest and sober. The management of the houwse was handed over to the Jesuits. In 1970 the seminary was moved to Cagliari. Six years later the empty building was purchased by the Region of Sardinia.

Text: Paix Liturgique / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Una Fides

Link to Katholisches....

3 Billion in Reparations Paid to Church for Damages Caused by Communism

WARSAW, Poland – A Czech cardinal welcomed final court approval of government plans to pay billions of dollars to churches in compensation for their losses under communist rule.

On June 3, the Constitutional Court cleared the way for the implementation of a 2012 law that says 56 percent of assets, valued at $3.8 billion, will be returned to Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and Jewish communities, with $3 billion paid out over a 30-year period as compensation for the rest of the properties. During that same period, annual government grants to churches will also be phased out.

“This ruling on the law for property settlements closes one of the infamous chapters in our history,” said Cardinal Dominik Duka of Prague. “Our society can congratulate itself (that) it has finally resolved this problem and remedied the damage done to churches under communism.”

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bishops AWOL on the Death of the Boy Scouts: One Catholic Parish is Clear

Edit: while the USCCB, and its constellation of cockroaches, brood parasites and hyenas, have issued its usual mealy-mouthed statement on issues of the day, other organizations have been less compromising.  As Stella Borealis reports, at least one parish. St. Agnes, in St. Paul, Minnesota has made a rather unequivocal statement and disolved its association with the Boy Scouts of America.  Here's what Father Mark Moriarty  said, citing a need to protect the innocence of children:

The Boy Scouts of America National Council recently voted  to approve a resolution to change the membership policy:  “No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of  America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference  alone. “ 
 After discussing the unfortunate state of affairs  with the leadership of Troop 592 and Pack 592, as head of  the chartering institution, I have decided to withdraw the sponsorship role of Saint Agnes.  
The Troop and Pack leadership have, in turn, decided to dissolve their association  with the BSA.  The last 592 Troop and Pack meeting will take place on  Monday, June 10th. At that gathering we will have an official striking of the Troop and Pack flags, which will then be  placed in the parish archives in the hopes that they may  someday be used again in more favorable circumstances. 
Michael Voris is one of the few Catholic bloggers to have addressed the issue.

Cardinal Husar's Views on Aberromarriage

Edit: the retired  Lubomyr Cardinal Husar was born in Lviv on February 26th 1933.  He resigned in 2011 due to ill health and is currently Archeparch Emeritus.   To the credit of the Holy See he was ordained a Bishop in 1977 by Major Archbishop Josyf Slipyj without papal permission.  There were no excommunications. 

He was made apostolic administrator of the Ukrainian Greek Major-Archeparchy of Lviv in December of 2000.  In January of 2001, the Ukrainian Greek synod elected him Major Archbishop.  On February 21st Pope John Paul II created and proclaimed Husar Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sofia a Via Boccea.    He participated in the papal conclave of 2005.

The Cardinal has been known for years as an Old Liberal with controversial positions on various issues and so we've decided to feature some of his writings in a series without a lot of comment.  We feel they speak for themselves. It's interesting that the current Patriarch has distanced himself somewhat from ++Husar's irenicism. The book is Conversations with Lubomyr Cardinal Husar: Towards a Post-confessional Christianity by Antoine Arjakovsky, Ukrainian Catholic University Press, 2007.

He might be surprised to learn he agrees with a certain depraved American pop star.

Much has been said about the recognition of homosexual

Homosexuality to my mind is nothing new. The only problem is
that it has become very vocal, out of proportion, to my mind. Nobody
is responsible for one’s homosexuality. They simply are born that way.
And they have to face this reality, unfortunately, as it is. I feel very
sorry for these people because they are unable to experience conjugal
love, which is love that is fruitful. God created men and women for
them to have children together. Homosexuals cannot accomplish that;
in this sense their love remains sterile. If they insist on living together,
fine. But they cannot pretend that this is marriage. I also have serious
doubts about their capacity to raise children, because then a child will
grow up with homosexual tendencies. But the problem has become
terribly noisy as if half of the world consisted of homosexuals. They
are a tiny minority in humanity. And we should recognize their suf-
fering, their rights, and that’s it.

Link to source...

Dying ELCA Lutheran Denomination Holds Concord with the World Above The Church: Ordains Aberrobishop

Edit:  Most of the official state broadcasters are enthusiastic and fail to hide their happiness.  Of course, since it's a relatively small and shrinking denomination, front page news has not been achieved.  It will be even more interesting to see if any Catholic Bishops hail this by ringing their cathedral bells.  Of course this should be a death blow to ecumenism.
(CNN)– For more than two decades, the Rev. R. Guy Erwin couldn't officially be a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. On Friday, he was elected a bishop. 
Erwin's election signals a shift not only for the ELCA – the nation's seventh largest church – but also for American Christianity. Only one other mainline Protestant denomination, the Episcopal Church, has elected openly gay and lesbian bishops. 
“In these days such milestones seem to be coming at an ever-faster rate," Erwin told CNN, "and eventually what seems revolutionary now will seem normal and predictable."
 Even NCR reported this:

In addition, financial support for the denomination hit an all-time low of about $60 million in 2009, the church announced. ELCA Treasurer Christina Jackson-Skelton said the economic recession and “disagreements within congregations” about the decision on gay clergy had contributed to the decline.

Prayer for the Muslims, Part 1

Contrary to what one would think, the Anglican Patrimony has actually produced quite a number of beautiful prayers for the conversion of the Muslims from the heathenish religion of Mohammed. Give the recent events in England, we must all redouble our efforts, prayers, and penances that the glory of Christ, God’s definitive answer to man’s problems, may dawn upon “the peoples that walk in darkness” and “the shadow of death.” The following are some jewels of English composition:

O God, who in thy wonderful providence orderest all things, we humbly beseech thee to snatch that land which thine only begotten Son hath consecrated with his own Blood from the hands of the enemies of the Cross of Christ, and restore it to Christian worship, mercifully directing in the way of everlasting peace the fervent prayers of the faithful to its deliverance, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. (Sarum Use)

O merciful God, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live: Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Hereticks, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy word; and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen. (1662 BCP)

Almighty and everlasting God, who desirest not the death of sinners, but rather that they may turn to thee and live: Mercifully receive our prayer, and deliver the heathen from idolatry, and gather them into thy holy Church, to the praise and glory of thy Name ; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. (Canadian BCP)

O God, who hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, and didst send thy blessed Son Jesus Christ to preach peace to them that are afar off, and to them that are nigh: Grant that the people who sit in darkness and the shadow of death may feel after thee and find thee; and hasten, O Lord, the fulfilment of thy promise, to pour out thy Spirit upon all flesh; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Scottish BCP)

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, who in thy goodness hast caused the light of the Gospel to shine in our land; Extend thy mercy, we beseech thee, to the nations of the world that still walk in darkness. Enlighten the Moslems with the knowledge of thy truth; and grant that the Gospel of salvation may be known in all lands, that the heart of the peoples may be turned unto thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Scottish BCP)

The Devil's Servants in Religion

Edit:  Father Barron is often horrible, or just uninspiring, of dubious orthodoxy.  Of course, an Episcopalian woman dressing up as a bishop is a slow moving and easy target, but here's an excerpt:

But Bishop Jefferts Schori reads it as a tale of patriarchal oppression and intolerance. She preaches, "But Paul is annoyed, perhaps, for being put in his place, and he responds by depriving her of her gift of spiritual awareness. Paul can't abide something he won't see as beautiful or holy, so he tries to destroy it." The Bishop correctly points out that the girl was saying true things about Paul and his friends, but demons say true things all the time in the New Testament. Think of the dark spirits who consistently confess that Jesus is the Holy One of God. That a Christian bishop would characterize the demonic possession of a young girl as something "beautiful and holy" simply beggars belief. 
But things get even more bizarre. We are told in Acts that the girl's owners are furious that Paul has effectively robbed them of their principal source of income and that they therefore stir up controversy and get him thrown in prison. But on the Bishop's reading, Paul is just getting what he deserved: "That's pretty much where he put himself by his own refusal to recognize that she too shares in God's nature, just as much as he does -- maybe more so!" She seems to rejoice that a mid-first-century Philippian version of the liberal thought police had the good sense to imprison the patriarchal Paul for his deep intolerance of fallen spirits! You see why this sermon reminded me of that New Yorker cartoon. 
That night in prison, we are told, Paul and Silas sang hymns of praise to God and preached the Gospel to their jailors. Jefferts Schori reads this, strangely, as Paul coming to his senses at last, remembering God, dropping the annoyance he felt toward the girl, and embracing the spirit of compassion. Wouldn't it be a lot simpler and clearer to say that Paul, who had never "forgotten God," quite consistently showed compassion both toward the possessed girl and the unevangelized jailor, delivering the former and preaching the Gospel to the latter?

Aberromarriage Bill Struck Down in Illinois, For Now

St. Charles Lwanga and Compansions
Edit: the war on the family continues.  These avid democratic fighters may suffer setbacks, but they’ll keep on voting until they get it.  Even Obama couldn’t get it on the current agenda to spirit this through.  The Catholic Church (Except for Father Pfluger and others like him.) and conservative black churches have been instrumental in blocking this.  Continuing to identify the legitimization of non-reproductive sexual deviants with legitimate marriage as a civil rights issue may have damaged their cause, as National Review suggests.

[Washington Post] A bill that would legalize gay marriage failed to come to a vote in the Illinois state House on Friday, after proponents were reportedly unable to secure enough votes to send it to Gov. Pat Quinn (D) for his signature. With the legislature adjourning, the measure will have to wait until the fall. 
The state Senate previously passed the bill by a wide margin, but the votes were not there in the House, despite an unusual move by President Obama to endorse the legislation
The legislative session came to an end Friday, but supporters of the bill say they will try to pass it when the legislature returns in the fall.
Image for the Feast of St. Charles Lawanga and Companions on June 3rd from Father Blake.

Monday, June 3, 2013

US Recreates Ottoman Empire

Edit: This is from Maximilian Hanlon.  We’ve made the suggestion before.   This isn’t from the Onion. It’s certainly gaining traction as reports of unrest in Turkey increase as it sends ripples across the Islamic World, here, here, here...

Each of these United States military interventions occurred in an area that had been part of the Ottoman Empire, and where a secular regime was replaced by an Islamist one. So far, the German policy of keeping hidden its leadership role in its attempt to reconstitute the Ottoman Empire has succeeded.
Since the mid-1990s the United States has intervened militarily in several internal armed conflicts in Europe and the Middle East: bombing Serbs and Serbia in support of Izetbegovic's Moslem Regime in Bosnia in 1995, bombing Serbs and Serbia in support of KLA Moslems of Kosovo in 1999, bombing Libya's Gaddafi regime in support of rebels in 2010. Each intervention was justified to Americans as motivated by humanitarian concerns: to protect Bosnian Moslems from genocidal Serbs, to protect Kosovo Moslems from genocidal Serbs, and to protect Libyans from their murderous dictator Muammar Gaddafi.
Other reasons for these interventions were also offered: to gain for the United States a strategic foothold in the Balkans, to defeat communism in Yugoslavia, to demonstrate to the world's Moslems that the United States is not anti-Moslem, to redefine the role of NATO in the post-Cold War era, among others.
Each of these United States military interventions occurred in an area that had been part of the Ottoman Empire. In each, a secular regime was ultimately replaced by an Islamist one favoring sharia law and the creation of a world-wide Caliphate. The countries that experienced the "Arab Spring" of the 2010s without the help of American military intervention, Tunisia and Egypt, had also been part of the Ottoman Empire, and also ended up with Islamist regimes.

Read further at Gatestone Institute….

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Some advice to a friend in Canada

I sent the following message to a certain someone recently:

Dear Steve,

I don't think it's right or good that you're not married yet. Why don't you take out an add in a local newspaper that reads as follows:

A marriageable bachelor who makes $X/year seeks a nubile, callipygian, pneumatic woman. Must be a practicing Catholic under 25 who knows how to keep house and her place. Must love children and want to bear them. Ideally virginally intact.

If you don't know what nubile, callipygian, or pneumatic mean, look them up now. Their definitions will make you laugh. And because you live in Canada, a place with far too many transgendered folks, you may want to specify that you're looking for a female woman.

With Love,