Sunday, June 2, 2013

Vatican Participates in Satanic Art Exhibition to "Dialog"

Giacomo Grosso - The Supreme Meeting - 1895
Edit: came across mention of the Venice Bienalle which is featuring artists which have been "sponsored" by the Vatican in the Guardian two days ago.  Since then, Father Ray Blake has given a fairly unenthusiastic review.  The Vatican is spending 750,000 Euro on this exhibition which features masters of decadence like Courboursier, and the money being spent (granted, from independent sources), features modern forms of self-expression which are difficult to credit with actually being art.  What's even more frightening is that Cardinal Ravasi plans on encouraging the increasing involvement of these immoral expressions in Church settings.  It's easy to see that the Cardinal has little appreciation for the incompatibility these expressions have with the Church's message, as reported in The Independent:
AC & Frieda Harris - Thoth Tarot "the devil" - Artwork exhibited at the Venice Biennale

"Our presence at the Biennale is the first step in a long journey that involves not only the building of churches in a contemporary style, but the creation of new liturgical objects," Cardinal Ravasi said. He confirmed that contemporary artists will be paid to design new altars, baptismal fonts, tabernacles and lecterns. [God help us]
Among his favourite architects, he said, are the Spanish Santiago Calatrava and the Japanese Tadao Ando, as well as past Modernist masters, Le Corbusier and Alvar Aalto. "We will get artists from all continents involved and in particular we need women artists; they have another language." A plan to fill one of the rooms of the pavilion in Venice with work by the Colombian-born sculptor Doris Salcedo, featuring flowers of the Amazon, was thwarted by incessant rain over the last week in the Italian city, he said.
It's difficult, moreover, to justify the Church's involvement in such an event, particularly in light of the overt Satanic dimensions of the Bienalle, which has been typically hostile to Catholicism in the past, is no less so now that the Vatican has decided to participate.  Blogger  Francesco Colafemmina at Fides et Forma blog actually points out the diabolical nature of the event by the presence of Tarot Cards designed by Aleister Crowley, whose name he only abbreviates as AC, so evil is this man's reputation. Colafemmina writes:

In this capacity, however, the Biennale will host some tarot cards painted by C.and Frieda Harris.  I quote the statement of the Ordo Templi Orientis (the entity created by AC esoteric initiation) published on its website:
"The international headquarters of the OTO and the Warburg Institute organized the inclusion of nine paintings of the Thoth Tarot (Thoth tarot cards NDT) of AC and Frieda Harris. [...] The Biennale is the first occasion on which he so many paintings of the Tarot will be exposed to the public for such a long period - about 5 months.  The participation at the Biennale has reached 400,000 viewers, so this occasion will be a way to introduce Thoth Tarot at a wide and sophisticated audience. We would like to thank Massimiliano Gioni and his assistant-curator Helga Just Christoffersen for the inclusion of the works, and the Warburg Institute, for having made possible the loan of works. It also adds that this year's Biennale includes works by two other  Thelemite painters (the pseudo-religion): Harry Smith and Xul Solar. "
I wonder, quite simply, how the Holy See may once again justify its  presence  in a similar measure from the decadent taste and irreverent fin de siècle. We are mutatis mutandis at the same level of 1895, the Patriarch Sarto Interdict, when the Biennale hosted the work of Giacomo Grosso "The Supreme Meeting." [Except fin de siècle artists were actually talented.] Set in a Church, it showed a girlie spread on a coffin ... After more than a century, we are still at the same point. But the struggle has become more thin, overtly occult, esoteric and ambiguous communications relaxations by a Vatican preaching more or less good and falling badly, very badly indeed.

For our part, we remember meeting ++Ravasi a few years ago at an art event associated with a certain decadent Basilica which features the same kinds of diabolical associations.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Will Catholic Church be Sold to Freemasons? -- Vierzon: Instead of Muslims, Freemasons?

Edit: the church doesn’t look like it will require much renovation to become a Lodge.  She’s a bewt!  Unlike the United States, the local people are actually concerned that their church, which could have been purchased by a Catholic religious order, is likely going to be sold to Freemasons.

(Paris) The Catholic Church Saint Eloi in Vierzon was sold as the responsible Pastor, Alain Krauth, confirmed. To whom it was sold, the priest does not want to make known.
In October 2012 Pastor Krauth had announced that pastoral care team, pastoral council and parish finance committee had agreed to sell Vierzon, which belongs to the parish church of St Eloi. The beautiful church dates from 1950 and is located in a district which declining Catholics and Muslims increasingly share. An Islamic community was also the first prospective for the purchase of the church, to convert it into a mosque. Pastor Krauth had no objection to such a sale. Because it was time, said Abbé Krauth, to "forget about" the conflicts of the past. [Are they really in the past, considering the last 5 years, especially?] Today it is about "social justice" and "mutual understanding," said the priest in a press release that was distributed by the competent press office of the Archdiocese of Bourges. Krauth defended his position  by referring to  the Second Vatican Council and the Assisi meeting of 1986. The only concern of the pastor is to "prevent" that the Church “is not sold” to a community or group  "with radical ideas, no matter to what religion they belong” .
The secrecy is a source of speculation, which received new sustenance  by an article in the daily newspaper Le Berry Republicain.  The newspaper wrote: "A Communist mayor who buys a church in order to resell them to a Masonic Lodge is truly an exceptional scenario."
In the new parish paper, the diocese of Bourges confirmed the sale of the Church only with the simple words:  "The time has come to part with it."  The name of the buyer was not disclosed. The last Holy Mass is, according to Parish Journal, celebrated in the church on the 22nd of June.
When asked by Le Berry Republicain Patrick Lemaréchal, the financial officer of the diocese, confirmed that the church was sold to the community of Vierzon. The city has a right of first refusal and was interested in the construction of a multipurpose hall, said the Finance Officer.
The excitement in the previous year about a possible purchase by the Muslims and the conversion into a mosque died down after the interested Muslim group had withdrawn their offer.
Since then, a Catholic group showed interest in buying the church, to keep them in Christian hands. It is the Confrerie de Saint Eloi , which is  active mainly in France, Belgium and the Rhineland. The newspaper writes of an "obscure brotherhood" that is collecting the money to maintain the church. In contrast, Pastor Krauth was up in arms, fearing that it could be a traditionalist or right-wing group. Olivier Bidou, the deputy chairman of the Brotherhood declined to comment.
In April, Communist-run government of the 30,000-inhabitant city decided in the interest of the “communal amity,” to buy the church, to smooth the tensions associated with the sale.
Mayor Nicolas Sansu, projecting a list of a leftist candidates, even declared that  "no purchase agreement has been signed." He also announced that the city had a potential buyer for the church. You just waiting for the meeting with the Archbishop to discuss the purchase.
The opposition is skeptical.  It suspects that behind the "potential buyer” is the local Masonic Lodge Amis de la liberté of the Grand Orient of France from the Rue Marcel-Etiennne. The person sitting one the Council who is a Freemason is said to have arranged the matter. The mayor has, maintains the opposition, a close contact with the Lodge of Vierzon in recent months. The lodge is on the search for a new headquarters for their temple. Even the church of Saint Eloi seems to be an option.
The mayor is excited about the media interest. Le Berry Republicain quoted him as saying: “they can talk about Freemasonry all they want, but for the moment nothing is certain and nothing is decided yet."
At the Grand Orient, it means you know nothing. The Grand Lodge stresses that “there is nothing illegal about the possibility that Freemasons buy a public building."
In the next few days some decisions will be made and then the public will have to be informed in detail about the sale and the buyer.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Confrerie de Saint Eli

Link to katholisches... contact: AMGD

Pope Francis Receives the Old Ritual Bishop of Campos -- When Will the Reception for the Bishops of the SSPX?

(Vatican) Francis Pope received Areas Bishop Rífan with great cordiality of the Apostolic Personal Administration of St. John Mary Vianney in Campos, Brazil. The administration is the only territorial jurisdiction of the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, which was erected in 2002 by Pope John Paul II.  the Personal Administration has about 150 parishes. The establishment goes back to Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer (1904-1991), who failed to administrate the post-conciliar reform in his diocese. In 1988 he was excommunicated together with Archbishop Lefebvre because of the illicit episcopal consecration of four priests of the SSPX.
Founded by Castro Mayer The Priestly  Association of St. John Mary Vianney SSJV ministered the ancient rite of the Mass even after his resignation as diocesan bishop. The bishops of the SSPX consecrated Bishop Licinio Rangel in 1991 as Superior of the SSJV. In 2002 Pope John Paul II  recognized the parallel situation in the Diocese of Campos by establishing a traditional Personal Administration with its own bishop, and a new ritual  next to the diocese with their bishop.  Bishop Rifan is the second bishop of the administration.
The Apostolic Personal Administration was also particularly interested in finding a canonical solution for the SSPX, should an agreement between the Holy See and the same should arise. Until then, the question of when the bishops of the SSPX will be received with this obvious warmth remains in Rome.
Link to katholisches...
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Rorate Caeli
Trans: Tancred

Yet Another Evil Old Liberal Cardinal Advocates Aberromarriage

Edit: Rorate Caeli says that the first Cardinal has been the retired Cardinal Daneels is the first to have expressed himself so openly on the subject of aberromarriage.  Of course, Cardinal Daneels employs a not very subtle equivocation, yet he isn't the first to have spoken so frankly.  The decadent Dutch enabler of sexual abuse isn't the first promoter of the sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance.  Cardinal Zollitsch did so last month in a very public statement largely ignore by the Catho-sphere, which opted instead to focus on his advocacy for women Deacons, a much smaller offense.

"He says to obey the law and not oppose gay marriage. 'We need to understand: The Church has never objected to the fact that there is a sort of 'marriage' between homosexuals – however  we're talking about a sort of marriage. This is not the same as the true marriage between a man and a woman, so we need to find another word for the dictionary. However, insofar as it is legal - that it has been rendered legitimate by law - the Church has nothing to say about it. (...) If a state opens civil marriage to homosexuals, then it the problem of that state.'

We reported ++Zolitsch's very damning statement on April 29th, where he advocated blessing these decadent unions:

Other reform proposals that Archbishop Zollitsch  would check and implement where possible, relate to Blessing Celebrations for same-sex couples and the possibility that women may preach in Sunday services.
Image borrowed from...Fides et Forma.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Today's Humour

We found this on AMU's Classic Department's website:

Not only do we have a robust core curriculum at Ave Maria University, but most of our students fulfill the language study requirement by taking Latin. A very considerable number – especially in light of the fact that we are a Catholic, not a protestant university – do Greek as well. 

To which we respond thus:

Insofar as Ave Maria University is a Catholic and not a Protestant institution:

...the administration does not permit earth-worshipping lesbian witches to put on sacerdotal vestments and to try to confect the Sacrament. It regrets that the Church even allows such persons to become nuns, and happily not for very much longer.

...all the choir members are paid, for this is not Methodist endeavour.

...all students begin learning Latin before learning Greek, for the administration is most suspicious of the tendency of the lingua Gaeculorum to ferment heresy. Those who prefer Greek to Latin are officially warned by the Holy Inquisition that their views on various subjects are, if not erroneous, then at least unfit for pious ears.

...women are encouraged to wear unseemly chapel veils instead of hats, for hats are A) protestant; and, B) a potential incitement to distraction and thoughts of royal weddings at Holy Mass.

...the mandates of the federal government required by law are given the attention they are deemed to merit, and thus promptly disregarded.

...the "meat" served in the cafeteria never meets the canonical requirements for fleshmeats; wherefore, the University saves great sums of money and the whole university community observes perpetual abstinence.

...faculty members are regularly encouraged to aspire to the ideal of a Josephite marriage, yet also have a dozen children. Those whose families are less than six are privately accounted guilty of following the letter of Humanae Vitae, but not its spirit.

...female students are admitted, solely so that the University can remain financially solvent. Should the University's financial situation change, the faculty intend to become as exclusively male and patriarchal as the Roman Curia, the universe, and the most holy and undivided Trinity.

...faculty are not permitted to wear tweed, unless they are officially members of the Society of Charles, King and Martyr; in which case, they would never chose to wear tweed anyway.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

324 Cardinals and Bishops and Summorum Pontificum -- The Silent Victory March of the Traditional Liturgy

[Katholisches] Since the coming into force of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI. in 2007,  324 Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church have celebrated the Holy Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite or have attended such (those before the effective date are not covered).

Since our last publication of the directory beginning of January 2012 , which contained the names of 254 cardinals and bishops,  70 high prelates were also added.

A largely self-evident situation with the Motu Proprio and the "Old Mass" is had by the bishops in France, the USA and Australia, where many pastors already celebrated even in the traditional form of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or such attended and offered the Sacraments.

In German-speaking countries, some bishops seem  more reluctant to do so. Among the currently reigning diocesan bishops in the Federal Republic of Germany,  only four have celebrated the Holy Mass in the extraordinary form or attended such, of which, however, only two have been added in recent months.  In Austria and Switzerland, alas, still only one. The Principality of Liechtenstein looks completely different because, as the only bishop in the country, Archbishop Wolfgang Haas promotes the right of both forms of the Roman rite equally.

The Spanish blog Acción Liturgica has published the following list, also supplementing and correcting some information. Thank you for any information on additions and corrections.

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY: Cardinal Walter Brandmüller (former President of the Pontifical Commission of Historians), Ackermann (Bishop of Trier), Dick (retired auxiliary bishop of Cologne), Hanke (Bishop of Eichstätt), Mixa (retired bishop of Augsburg), Ostermann (em . Auxiliary Bishop of Münster), Overbeck (Bishop of Essen), Ziegelbauer (former Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg), Zdarsa (Bishop of Augsburg)

AUSTRIA: Cardinal Stickler (+2007), Laun (Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg), Louis Marie Black (Bishop of Linz)

SWITZERLAND: Farine (Auxiliary Bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg), Genoud (Bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg, +2010), Huonder (Bishop of Chur), Perisset (Apostolic Nuncio in the Federal Republic of Germany)

LIECHTENSTEIN: Haas (Archbishop of Vaduz)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA: Nsue Edjang (Bishop of Ebebiyin)

ARGENTINA: Baseotto (retired Bishop Castrense de Argentina), Fenoy (Bishop of San Miguel), Laise (retired Bishop of San Luis), Sánchez Sorondo (Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences)

AUSTRALIA: Cardinal Pell (Archbishop of Sydney), Coleridge (Archbishop of Camberra), Hart (Archbishop of Melbourne), Hickey (Archbishop of Perth), Wilson (Archbishop of Adelaide), Elliot (Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne), Grech (Bishop of Sandhurst , +2010), Jarret (Bishop of Lismore), Long (Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne), Mathys (Bishop of Armidale), Porteus (Archbishop of Sidney), Prowse (Bishop of Sale), Tomlinson (Bishop of Sandhurst)

BELGIUM: Leonard (Archbishop of Brussels-Malines, primate of Belgium), Harpigny (Bishop of Tournai)

BENIN: N'Koue (Bishop of Natitingou)

BRAZIL: Pena (retired Archbishop of Niteroi), Rezende Dias (Archbishop of Niteroi) Taveira Correa (Archbishop of Belem do Pará), Tempesta (Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro), RIFAN Areas (Bishop of the Apostolic Administration of San Juan María Vianney) Bergamin (Bishop of Nova Iguaçu), Canindé Palhano (Bishop of Senhor do Bomfim), Costa Souza (Bishop of Rio de Janeiro), Da Silva (retired auxiliary bishop of Fortaleza), Da Silva Brito (Auxiliary Bishop of Rio de Janeiro), Ferreria Paz (Bishop of Campos), De Castro honem (Weibischof of Rio de Janeiro), Fontes de Matos (Bishop of Palmira dos Indios), Guimaraes Gomez (former Bishop of Campos), Gouvea Matosso (Bishop of Nova Friburgo ), Marchiori (Bishop of Apucarana), Monteiro Guimaraes (Bishop of Garanhuns), Lopes de Faria (retired Bishop of Diamantina, +2009), Paixao (Auxiliary Bishop of Salvador-Bahia), Pestana Filho (retired Bishop of Anápolis, + 2011), Romer (former Auxiliary Bishop of Rio of Janeiro), Silva Matthes (retired Bishop of Franca), Sivieri (Propriá Bishop of Sergipe), Soares da Costa (Auxiliary Bishop of Aracaju), Stringhini (Bishop of Franca, now Bishop Mogi das Cruzes) Ubiratan Lopez (Bishop of Itaguai)

CHILE: Cardinal Medina Estévez (Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship), Piñera Carvallo (retired Archbishop of La Serena), Duarte Garcia de Cortazar (Bishop of Valparaiso), Bishop González Errazuriz (Bishop of San Bernardo)

CHINA: Cardinal Zen (former Archbishop of Hong Kong), Cardinal Tong Hon (Bishop of Hong Kong)

DENMARK: Kozon (Bishop of Copenhagen)

FRANCE: Cardinal Barbarin (Archbishop of Lyon), Cardinal Ricard (Archbishop of Bordeaux), Cardinal Ving-Trois (Archbishop of Paris, former Chairman of the French Episcopal Conference), Aubertin (Archbishop of Tours), Bacqué (titular archbishop, nuncio to the Netherlands ), Carré (Archbishop of Montellier), Cattenoz (Archbishop of Avignon), D'Ornellas (Archbishop of Rennes), Le Gall (Archbishop of Toulouse), Madec (Archbishop Emeritus of Toulon), Maillard (Archbishop of Bourges), Thomazeau (Archbishop of Montpellier), Aillet (Bishop of Bayonne), Aumonier (Bishop of Versailles), Bagnard (Bishop of Belley-Ars), Batut (bishop of Lyon), Beau (Weibischof of Paris), Boivineau (Bishop of Annecy) Bonfils (retired Auxiliary Bishop of Nice and Apostolic Administrator of Ajaccio), Brouwet (Auxiliary Bishop of Nanterre, now Bishop of Lourdes) Casts (Bishop of Lucon), Centène (Bishop of Vannes), De Dinechin (Bishop of Paris), De Kerimel (Bishop of Grenoble), Delmas (Bishop of Angers), Dubost (Bishop of Evry), Dufour (Bishop of Limoges), Fikart (retired Auxiliary Bishop of Paris), Fort (Bishop of Orleans), Fréchard (retired bishop of Auch ), Gaidon (retired Bishop of Cahors, +2011), Gaschignard (Bishop of d'Aire-Dax), Guillaume (Bishop Emeritus of Saint-Die), Kalist (Bishop of Limoges), Kratz (Auxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg), Le Begue de Germiny (Bishop of Blois), Lebrun (Bishop of Saint-Etienne), Mathieu (Bishop of Saint-Die), Nahmias (Auxiliary Bishop of Paris, now Bishop of Meaux), Pansard (Bishop of Chartres), Rey (Bishop of Frejus-Toulon), Riocreux (Bishop of Pontoise), Scherrer (Bishop of Laval), Séguy (former Bishop of Autun), Wintzer (Bishop of Poitiers)

GABON: Mvé Engone (Archbishop of Libreville), Bischof Madega (Bishop of Port-Gentil, now Bishop of Mouila)

GREAT BRITAIN: Cardinal O'Brien (retired Archbishop of Edinburgh, Primate of Scotland) Conti (Archbishop of Glasgow), McDonald (retired Archbishop of Southwark), Longley (Archbishop of Birmingham), Kevin (former Archbishop of Southwark) Arnold (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), brain (Bishop of Salford), Cunningham (Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle), Davies (bishop of Shewsbury), Doyle (Bishop of Northampton), Drainey (Bishop of Middlesbrough), Gilbert (Bishop of Aberdeen) , Hopes (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Kenney (Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), McGough (Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), McMahon (Bishop of Nottigham), Moran (retired Bishop of Aberdeen), Pargeter (retired Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), Sherrington (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Stack (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Williams (Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool)

HAITI: Gayot (retired Archbishop of Cap-Haitien, +2010)

ITALY: Cardinal Antonelli (retired Archbishop of Florence), Cardinal Bagnasco (Archbishop of Genoa, President of the Italian Episcopal Conference), Cardinal Bartolucci (former choirmaster of the Sistine Chapel), Cardinal Caffarra (Archbishop of Bologna), Cardinal De Paolis (Director of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs), Cardinal Piovanelli (retired Archbishop of Florence), Cardinal Poggi (former Papal Librarian, +2010), Cardinal Scola (archbishop of Milan), Accerbi (Titular Archbishop Prelate of the Sovereign Order of Malta), Appignanesi (em . Archbishop of Potenza), Bassetti (Archbishop of Perugia), Berloco (Titular Archbishop, Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium), Betori (Archbishop of Florence), Boccardo (Archbishop of Spoleto-Norcia), Brugnaro (Archbishop of Camerino-San Severino), De Magistris (Major Penitentiary Emeritus), Fisichella (Archbishop Curia, President of the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization), Molinari (Archbishop of L'Aquila), Negri (Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro, now Archbishop of Ferrara), Pozzo (Archbishop Curia, Pontifical Almoner) Ambrosio (Bishop of Piacenza), Cancian (Bishop of Città di Castello), Cerrato (Bishop of Ivrea), Giovanetti (retired Bishop of Fiesole), Giusti (Bishop of Livorno), Lambiasi (Bishop of Rimini), Miglio (Bishop Ivrea, now Archbishop of Cagliari), Mistrorigo (retired Bishop of Treviso), Oliveri (Bishop of Albenga-Imperia), Rabitti (retired Archbishop of Ferrara), Raspanti (Bishop of Acireale) Ravignani (retired Bishop of Trieste) , Reali (Bishop of Porto-Santa Rufina), Sigismondi (Bishop of Foligno), Scanavino (Bishop of Orvieto), Tardelli (Bishop of San Miniato), centimeters (Bishop of Verona)

IRELAND: Martin (Archbishop of Dublin), Magee (Bishop of Cobh), Moriarty (retired Bishop of Kildare y Leighlin)

CANADA: Roussin (Archbishop Emeritus of Vancouver), Miller (Archbishop of Vancouver), Prendergast (Archbishop of Ottawa). Blais (Auxiliary Bishop of Quebec) LaRocque (retired Bishop of London, Ontario) Lemay (Auxiliary Bishop of Quebec)

KAZAKHSTAN: Schneider (Auxiliary Bishop of Astana)

COLOMBIA: Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos (President Emeritus of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei), Lopez Hurtado (Bishop of Girardot), Ramirez Gomez (former Bishop of Garzon)

CROATIA: Pozaić (Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb)

LITHUANIA: Bartulis (Bishop of Vilnius)

MEXICO: Sandoval Iniguez (retired Archbishop of Guadalajara), Suárez Inda (Archbishop of Morelia)

MONACO: Barsi (Archbishop of Monaco)

NIGERIA: Cardinal Arinze (Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship), Ochiagha (retired Bishop of Orlu), Tochukwu Ukwuoma (Bishop of Orlu)

NEW ZEALAND: Meeking (retired Bishop of Christchurch)

NETHERLANDS: Punt (Bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam), Van Burgsteden (retired Bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam)

PARAGUAY: Livieres (Bishop of Ciudad del Este)

PHILIPPINES: Lagdameo (Archbishop of Jaro), Palma (Archbishop of Cebu), Escaler (retired Bishop of Ipil), De Gregorio (Administrator of the Apostolic Prelature of Batanes), Hobayan (retired Bishop of Cazarman), Tobias (Bishop of Novaliches ), Vergara (Bishop of Pasig)

POLAND: Cardinal Dziwisz (Archbishop of Krakow), Cardinal Nycz (Archbishop of Warsaw), Golebiewski (Archbishop of Breslau), Zscysinski (Archbishop of Lublin, + 2011), Balcerek (auxiliary bishop of Poznan), Czaja (Bishop of Opole), Depo (Bishop of Zamosc Lubaczow, now archbishop of Czestochowa), Dziuba (Bishop of Lowicz), Gorny (Bishop of Rzeszów), Małysiak (retired auxiliary bishop of Krakow), Mizinski (Auxiliary Bishop of Lublin), Pieronek (retired Auxiliary Bishop of Sosnowiec ), Rys (Auxiliary Bishop of Cracow), Stobrawa (Auxiliary Bishop of Opole), Szkodon (Auxiliary Bishop of Krakow)

PUERTO RICO: Corrada del Rio (Bishop of Mayaguez), Torres Oliveira (former Bishop of Ponce)

RUSSIA: Pezzi (Archbishop of Moscow)

SLOVAKIA: Bezák (retired Archbishop of Trnava)

SLOVENIA: Cardinal Rode (retired Archbishop of Ljubljana, em prefect of the religious congregation.)

SPAIN: Cardinal Cañizares Llovera (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship), Martínez Sistach (Archbishop of Barcelona), Herranz Casado (. Curia, Archbishop, em-President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts), Navarrete Cortés (former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University, +2010) Rodriguez Plaza (archbishop of Toledo and primate of Spain), Ureña Pastor (Archbishop of Zaragoza), Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru (Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts) Cases Andreu (Bishop of Canarias), Fernández González (Bishop of Cordoba), Iceta Gavicagogeascoa (Bishop of Bilbao), Yanguas Sanz (Bishop of Cuenca)

SRI LANKA: Cardinal Ranjith (Archbishop of Colombo)

CZECH REPUBLIC: Baxant (Bishop of Leitmeritz)

HUNGARY: Farhat (Nuncio to Austria), Lajos Varga (Auxiliary Bishop of Vac)

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Cardinal Tree (Major Penitentiary Emeritus), Burke (Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura), Cardinal Egan (retired Archbishop of New York), Cardinal Foley (Grand Master of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, +2011), Cardinal George (Archbishop of Chicago), Cardinal Levada (Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation), Cardinal O'Malley (Archbishop of Boston), Cardinal Wuerl (Archbishop of Washington), Aquila (Archbishop of Denver), Brown (Titular Archbishop of Aquileia and Apostolic Nuncio in Ireland) Brunett (Archbishop of Seattle), Carlson (Archbishop of Saint Louis), Coackley (Archbishop of Oklahoma), Di Noia (Curia, Archbishop, Vice President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei), Hugues (retired Archbishop of New Orleans), Kevin (em . Archbishop of Southwark), Kurtz (Archbishop of Louisville) Myers (Archbishop of Newark), Nienstedt (Archbishop of Saint Paul, Minneapolis), Pilarczyk (retired Archbishop of Cicinnati), Sartain (Archbishop of Seattle), Vigneron (Archbishop of Detroit ), Wenski (Archbishop of Miami), Backer (Bishop of Birmingham), Bambera (Bishop of Scranton), Barre (Bishop of Allentown), Bevard Bishop of Saint Thomas), Blair (bishop of Toledo in Ohio), Boyea (Bishop of Lansing), Bruskewitz (retired Bishop of Lincoln), Burbidge (Bishop of Raleigh), Callahan (Bishop of LaCrosse), Conley (Auxiliary Bishop of Denver), Conlon (Bishop of Joillet) Cordileone (Bishop of Oakland, now Archbishop of San Francisco), Corrada (Bishop of Tyler), Cummins (retired from Oakland), D'Arcy (Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend), Daniels (Bishop of Grand Falls), Dewane (Bishop of Venice), Di Lorenzo (Bishop of Richmond), DiMarzio (Bishop of Brooklyn), Doran (Bishop of Rockford), Etienne (Bishop of Cheyenne), Farrell (Bishop of Dallas), Finn (bishop of Kansas City), Foley (former Bishop of Birmingham), Gainer (Bishop of Lexington), García (Bishop of Monterey), Hermann (Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis), Hurley (Bishop of Grand Rapids), Keleher (retired Bishop of Kansas City), Kicanas (Bishop of Tucson), Loverde (Bichof of Arlington), Madera Uribe (former Bishop of Fresno), Matano (Bishop of Burlington), McFadden (Bishop of Harrisburg), McManus (Bishop of Worcester), Morlino (Bishop of Madison), Murphy (Bishop of Rockville Centre), Nevares (Auxiliary Bishop of Phoenix), Olmsted (Bishop of Phoenix), Paprocki (Bishop of Springfield in Illinois), Perry (Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago), Provost (Bishop of Lake Charles), Reiss (Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit), Rhoades (Bishop of Harrisburg) , Rice (Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis), Ricken (Bishop of Green Bay), Sample (Bishop of Marquette), Serra setting (Bishop of Paterson), Silva (Bishop of Honolulu), Slattery (Bishop of Tulsa), Timlin (retired bishop from Scranton), Tobin (Bishop of Providence), Waltersheid (Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburg), Van Johnston (Bishop of Springfield in Missouri).

There are also the bishops of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X: Fellay, De Galarreta and Tisier de Mallerais since early 2009, and thus after the adoption of the motu proprio by order of Pope Benedict XVI., the Excommunication of 1988 was withdrawn from them by the Bishops' Congregation.

The most recent publication in January 2012, Williamson was also counted, but his status is completely unclear since his discharge from the SSPX.

Text: Accion Liturgica / Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Una Voce Mallorca
Trans: Tancred

Russian-Ukrainian Volunteer Corp Wishes to Enter the Syrian Conflict

[Stimme Russlands] In the Russian-Ukrainian Volunteer Corp, which is being formed to support Syria's President Al-Assad in the struggle against extremists, there has already been a response of several thousand men.   This was  explained by the one who started forming the Corp, retired Colonel Sergei Rasumoski, who heads the "All-Ukrainian Union of Homeless Officers".

Rasumowski had published a video address on the creation of a volunteer force.  He directed his appeal "to all veterans of military services in the Soviet Union, to the entire Russian and Ukrainian officer corp."  Ukrainian authorities have not responded to the Colonel on this initiative.

Source Russian Voice...

Culturally Sensitive Historical Falsification in Vienna: Siege of Vienna by the Turks Stricken From the History Books

Edit:  In view of the 560th anniversary of the fall of Constantinople to the Turk in 1453 yesterday, this story appears providentially.

History is vitally important, but the powers that be would prefer to forget certain episodes and mandate others, whose denial can lead to being murdered, losing one's livelihood, public disgrace and long prison sentences.  

Here's a trial balloon being sent up in Austria. It will be interesting to see how the people take it.

There were similar attempts in England to avoid teaching about the "Holocaust" so as not to offend Muslims, or rather, as it was later spun, teachers could opt out of teaching the subject, in order to avoid inciting "anti-Semitic" thinking among Muslim students.

[Vienna.] As to addressing the defensive battle of Vienna against the Ottoman attackers or the Turkish wars in the 16th and 17th century, young Austrians could soon shrug helplessly:

Out of consideration for immigrants of Turkish origin, it was suggested by the principle that her Viennese elementary school's teachers not to treat the subject in the classroom. For those who do not comply, the threat of the dismissal, said the Zeitung Krone. After all, the Turks might be offended if they are reminded of their defeats in school. For Austrian history, the Turkish wars, however, are of immense importance. Vienna stood alone [Poles? Bavarians and Germans too?] against a major Turkish siege twice - and beat the attacker back both times. Parents are outraged by the effrontery of the Viennese school principal, Krone Zeitung also speaks of the "falsification of history".

Link to katholisches...

The above translated article first appeared 4/13.

I think it's also vitally important to linke Ewald Städler's address to the Turkish Ambassador in the Austrian Parlement in this context.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

State Court Fines Christian Homeschoolers in Germany

Edit: considering the previous story, which featured a chaotic and spiritually poisonous setting for what appear to be Catholic school children, we thought this story was also apropos in light of Germany's government controlled education monopoly.

Couple does not want their nine children to be raised by strangers.

Fritzlar / Homberg ( / idea ) A Christian couple from the North Hessian town of Homberg has been fighting for 20 years against compulsory education. Because Thomas (51) and Marit Foam (47) teach their children at home illegally, the district court sentenced Fritzlar to a fine of 700 Euros on the 22nd of May. The prosecution had required a sentence of six months, since he is a repeat offender. Already twice before the parents have been sentenced to fines. They justify their homeschooling with  their religious faith. They could not take the responsibility to  place their children in someone else's hands or into the "dubious surroundings" of a school. In addition, the father has criticized the early childhood sex education and the teaching of evolution in biology classes, the statements which contradict  the statements of the Bible.

The couple has nine children, three of which are of school age. The five oldest are 17-25 years old, the youngest is two years old. The older children were taught by their parents, who have then each attended  the last school year and made top grades with elementary or secondary school.

 Daughter Marit (25) considers the behavior of her parents "very good," she told the local press. She works as an administrative professional employees in Homberger City Hall and takes part in a training course as a business administrator. For good performance, she receives a scholarship.

The couple announced in the courtroom that they wanted to take action against the judge saying: "We will carry on as before."  They want to decide on educational goals and the educational climate.

Will state agencies regulate?

At the trial, an employee of the School Board had stated that her office was moved to make a civil complaint because of the  violation of the compulsory education. The youth welfare office has had parents certify in writing not to endanger the child's welfare. The family live in orderly conditions. Also, the home schooling is orientated to the school curriculum.   Judge Marion Riechers also read a letter from the youth office to the school office. This shows that both offices do not want to criminalize the parents. According to the Ministry of Culture in Wiesbaden in Hessen, three families teach their children at home for religious reasons.

Dance Flash Mob in Church

On the 25th of August 2012, the Diocese of Speyer organized a Mass server day in Kaiserslautern.

This provided the idea to hold a dance flashmob in the Church.

You can see here in the video, where the priest is fully vested and froclicking around in the sanctuary. (At 2:00 minutes a closeup)

A side note: The Priest that hops in the sanctuary in front of the other two clerics is Carsten Leinhäuser.

On his personal blog, he wrote to the SSPX in 2009:

"For days, I have a kind of" spiritual heartburn": As soon as I turn on the news, it made me mad! What I have read about the SSPX, that's just too much!".

"I also wonder where the ramifications of this is: If the SSPX is brought back into the boat of the Catholic Church, despite these stark thematic and theological contradictions - why can not the Protestant Brothers and Sisters." The "few" contradictions can be but also set aside somehow. And at least it is not alleged about me on their part, that I play with the devil when I celebrate the Eucharist."

"If the lifting of the excommunication was an act of love and grace - then why can't we not also be more generous with the divorced and remarried? THIS is a real problem that I continually encounter in ministry: Because there are people who have a profound spiritual life and suffer like dogs under the Communion ban."

Even more frightening his evaluation about the original, totally Catholic Sacrifice of the Mass shaped for well over a thousand years from tradition and confirmed by the Council of Trent:

"I personally have no problem with the Tridentine rite - even if I can do very little with it on the spiritual level."

Anyone who sees this video course will understand that the sacred worship of the atonement of Christ can not be brought into conformity with the ideas of Pastor Carsten.

In all these perversions and abuses of the liturgy, one must always ask: Do the Cardinals in Rome, the Pope, know what is happening in local churches?

The impression will not be lost that Rome lives in a kind of parallel world: on St. Peter's Square, thousands of people pay homage to the Pope with cheers at every large audience. Since you have come to the unavoidable impression: the Church crisis is not so bad.

For this reason regularly publishes photos that show what is repeated hundreds of times in all the parishes. This is the reality at the grassroots: Human-centered Pop-Masses and "Jesus is our brother" theology.

But this has nothing in common with a solemn papal office in St. Peter's, to which thousands of pilgrims to Rome come.

It is not a question that the altar should not be merry! Quite the contrary! Just ask yourself over and over again, what is it in every community in Germany has a practical parish hall? Parties yes, but please not in church! And certainly not in the pop-dance chasuble around the altar!

If you want to contact the Leinhäuser priest directly to question him on this "dance flash mob" in the Church: (Please write, as always, politely and clearly, despite the degrading of the Blessed Sacrament.)


Contact Tancred:

Cues of History -- Cardinal Siri About the Congruence of Progressivism and Relativism

(Genoa) In 1975  Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, Archbishop of Genoa (1946-1987) published in the  his diocese newspaper some thoughts on church development. The then 52-year old cardinal was in 1958 considered as the favorite and preferred successor of Pius XII. to the papal throne. In the conclave of 1963 he was the victim of Cardinal Montini, the future Pope Paul VI.
"[...] You read magazines and books that openly contradict what has defined the Council of Trent; accepted forms of thought that were explicitly condemned in the encyclical Pascendi of St. Pius X., condemned as much in his decree Lamentabili; rehabilitated Loisy; draws the historical value of the history books of the Scriptures in doubt, raises the destructive theories of Protestants like Bultman to a standard; listens indifferently to sets of authors beyond the Alps even if they attack the center of divine revelation, the divinity of Christ. If one rampantly circumvents the  principles, one naturally gets the ecclesiastical morals and discipline that one wants. Considered under this general perspective that progressivism is to treat the revealed truth as relative, to change it as soon as possible and to give man a freedom with which in a short time he knows not what he should do, and in the face of the Absolute. Once arrived on this line, “progressivism” is congruent with  "relativism" and nothing is left to the “adored" man, not even his hopes! Of course, not all people who are considered progressive, share these contexts. But they do accept the consequences and the logical conclusions of them, which they know nothing. If they have a fault - God will judge! - then it consists in not by asking why its what they fanatically take sides."
Cardinal Giuseppe Siri in the Rivista Diocesana Genovese January 1975.
Text: Cordialiter / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Cordialiter
Trans: Tancred

Link to katholisches…

George Weigel’s writeup on Cardinal Siri strikes me as condescending. Frankly, I have a hard time reading anything this man writes.

Some Humour

The following is an edited version of a poem by a traditionalist Catholic on Facebook. Please pray for his intentions. 'Tis a pity that the poetry recited at President Obama's inauguration was not as good as this.

Woman is vain and Eve the world's woe 
for she corruption in Adam did sow; 
when he, seduc'd by that serpent-mouth'd coquette, 
did the seed of sin upon this world set. 

Yet, recall Lucrece, the fair maiden self-slain, 
who thought to live in sin's to live in vain. 
Where hath Dante placed her? Among the wise, 
for even God admir'd her fair eyes. 
And Catharine, the great daughter of Dominic, 
who taught St. Peter's son when he was sick, 
and mov'd the papal court of cheese, whores, and wine, 
and made it to feast on the things divine. 
And Hedwig, that oft forgotten wife saint, 
and she who did the Little Flower paint. 
And the mother of Dominic, Lady Jane: 
Who can say that that woman liv'd in vain? 
Whose blessed womb bore the mouth to conquer 
all the the ways of most pernicious error. 

Wherefore, some women wiser are, 
with radiance brighter than Phoebus' car; 
and not some ugly, pious, plain Janes I mean, 
who always in some Quaker dress are seen. 
No, I mean ladies both virtuous and fair, 
who rouge use and have well treated hair; 
but not so much time to that art is giv'n, 
that they forget that yet their soul is liv'n, 
but balenc'd 'twixt plain Jane and vain coquette; 
thou shalt have such if thou have patience yet. 
Make St. Joseph thy friend and to him pray 
that God give thee a blessed wedding day. 
Happy as Collantine shalt thou be-- 
Nay more! For he did not Our Lady see!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

One Million Demonstrate in Paris Against "Same-sex Marriage" -- The Wondrous Numbers Games of the Media

(Paris) in the French capital, a mass rally was held on Sunday again Manif pour tous against the introduction of "gay marriage" and for the protection of the family instead. Again gathered more than a million people and covered in a peaceful protest march through Paris.

As mentioned in the previous rallies, the major media tried to ignore the rally, where they obviously downplay the frightening numbers of participants or to discredit the events. Of a million men, women, old and young, especially many young people and many families with their children were made by opinion-forming media in other countries into, "tens of thousands" (Tageschau, ARD), "tens of thousands of participants" (ORF [Austrian Broadcasting]). The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation was obviously not quite clear on the participation and internally never got sorted out. At first it was described as several thousand, then it was then "hundreds of thousands" and finally just "150,000" protesters.

How, as was the evidently wrong number of "150,000" participants concluded, all of which was reported in the leading media in France today? Riposte Catholique provides as an equally conclusive humorous explanation for the mysterious figure shrink game.

Everything is explained, says the Catholic website, through a simple "misunderstanding". Given the renewed mass participation in the protest against the socialist government and its social policy, the Home Office evidently sought a computing unit that somehow reduces the numbers of the protesters on to a "tolerable" level for the government and the media.

The organizers of the Manif pour tous count in Franks in France, while obviously expect the Prefecture of Paris and the Ministry of Interior count in Euros. According to the current exchange rate, € corresponds to 6.55057 francs. Therefore, the alleged by the prefecture 150,000 demonstrators is in reality resulting in 982,585 participants, which is considerably closer to the actual extent of participation that really was above a million.

Just a question of the arithmetic unit.

Link to katholisches...

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Riposte Catholique
Trans: Tancred

British Diocesan Priests on Retreat at Society of St. Peter in Wigratzbad

(Wigratzbad) In April, the traditionally associated Fraternity held retreats at their seminary in Wigratzbat for 15 diocesan priests from various parts of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Northern Ireland). The four-day retreat was under the theme "The priest and the Eucharist in the Current Magisterium of the Church."

The occasion for this retreat was the tenth anniversary of the "groundbreaking encyclical" by John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia of May 2003, says the Fraternity of St. Peter. The retreat preacher was Father Arnaud de Malleray FSSP, the spiritual assistant of the lay association of the Fraternity, which is called the Confraternity of Saint Peter. He spoke in his lectures on the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of the priest, the essence of the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, the sacrificial character of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and the Liturgy.

The conferences illuminated key messages, important doctrinal documents of recent times, as the Dogmatic Constitutions Presbytero Ordinis and Sacrosanctum Concilium , the Encyclical Mysterium Fidei of Paul VI., the encyclical Mediator Dei of Pius XII. and other texts.

The British priests experienced in Wigratzbad the spiritual atmosphere of the Marian pilgrimage site with its opportunities for perpetual adoration and to meet the residents of the Seminary of St. Peter. The Bishop of Portsmouth, Bishop Philip Egan, in whose diocese the Fraternity of St. Peter is active, had advertised the retreat in the circular to its priests.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Peter Brotherhood
Trans: Tancred ADMG

Cardinal Dolan Finally Admits to Paying for Birth Control and Abortion

Edit: he's been denying a lot of things and admitting them, but seems to get away with it.
The archdiocese of New York has been paying for the supply of contraception and abortion services to thousands of its unionized employees for over a decade according to a new report. 
Some 3,000 full-time workers at ArchCare, also known as the Catholic Health Care System, receive coverage for contraception and voluntary pregnancy termination through their membership in 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East, a powerful health care workers union. 
The New York Times has reported that the diocese headed by America’s leading cleric Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan has been reluctantly funding contraception and abortion coverage for years.

Read more... Irish Central...

Why Pope Won't Fire Marini: "Put the Treasure of Tradition to Use"

Pope Francis and the Liturgy: Episcopal Indiscretions - Why Guido Marini Was Not Fired

(Rome) Italy's bishops met from the 20th to the 24th of May in their Spring General Assembly. Pope Francis previously received bishops in their ad limina visit. On the 13th of May this was the case for the bishops of Apulia, who then became talkative about what the Pope had said them.

Talkative bishops of Apulia - Two Encyclicals in Preparation

Then there was the "revelation" of the Bishop of Molfetta, Monsignor Luigi Martella, that two encyclicals were in preparation at the Vatican. An encyclical on faith, signed by Pope Francis, but written by Pope Benedict XVI., retired and living in a monastery in the Vatican, the retired German Pope was about to write this encyclical at the time was about to write this encyclical to an end.

The message of an encyclical written by four hands caused so much attention in the media that Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi was forced to make a disclaimer on May 24th: "I deny that the retired Pope is writing an encyclical on faith, which is then to be signed by Pope Francis." Father Lombardi reaffirmed that Benedict XVI. has left the far matured project of such an encyclical in his resignation. "And his successor has picked it up and it seems like he's going to finish it, if I also don't know this still not to announce until the time of publication," said the Vatican spokesman, who also laid emphasis on the statement: "The Pope Emeritus has no role in the completion of the project taken up by Pope Francis."

Besides Encyclical on Faith also about Poverty

A second encyclical on poverty, on the other hand, is entirely the work of the reigning Pope, as Pope Francis had confided to the Bishop of Molfetta and the other bishops of Apulia. This was addressed by Vatican spokesman Lombardi only curtly: "We make one encyclical after another" in order to say: One step at a time.

But there was also the Liturgy by Apulian bishops concerned indiscretions, such as the Vatican expert Sandro Magister reported.

No bureaucratization of the Church

Thus, the Archbishop of Bari, Monsignor Francesco Cacucci, after the audience with the Pope at Vatican Radio, told the Italian editor that Pope Francis had asked the bishops, "to have at relationship with the liturgy with simplicity and to live without superstructure". Literally Archbishop Cacucci said on the question of what the Pope had told the bishops of content: "It affected mainly the need to be a simple and poor preacher of the Gospel. And then he told us with great simplicity that it is important that we have a relationship with the liturgy and to live the faith with simplicity and without superstructure because we will probably experience a bureaucratization, to an exaggerated extent, also in the Church."

Bishops Complain to Pope That Traditionalists Split the Church

Then was the turn of Monsignor Domenico Padovano, the Bishop of Conversano-Monopoli, who told his clergy that the Apulian bishops have complained to the Pope. But what led the bishops of the southern Italian region to complain? About induced abortion, the collapose of the faith, divorce, corruption, organized crime causing suffering, indiscipline and the "completely normal" spread of heresies among theologians and the people? No, nothing like that. The bishops had, so the Archbishop of Padovano, complained to the Pope that the participants in the traditional Mass are causing a split in the Church.

And What is the Pope to Have Answered? The Pope Exhorted the Bishops to Put the Treasure of Tradition to Use

Following the presentation by Bishop Padovano, Pope Francis encouraged them to watch over extreme positions of certain traditionalist groups, but also - and probably the most surprising for the plaintiffs - to make use themselves of the treasure of tradition and they should let it live together in the Church with the renewal.

To explain this last point more precisely, the Pope used an example.

The Pope rejects "many" Demands for Marini's Immediate Dismissal

Behold: You say that my papal master of ceremonies [Msgr Guido Marini] is of a traditionalist character. And many have asked me about my choice to remove him from office and be replaced. I said no, just that I prefer him to even benefit me by his traditional formation and at the same time, so he is formed in the same way by my emancipated formation.
Provided always that the words of Pope Francis were translated properly, they offer a revealing insight into the liturgical thinking and celebration style of the reigning Pope. Above all, they explain how the hasty rumor surfaced immediately after his election, one of his first acts of Pope Francis will be that Pope Benedict XVI.'s appointed master of ceremonies, Monsignor Guido Marini, is fired.

A rumor came about thus, because authoritative Church circles, expected the immediate recall Guido Marini, to pressure the new Pope and project their wish to appear sure of success and their desire manifestly projected onto the new Pope and openly declared themselves in the Vatican. Unsuccessfully, as it turned out.

Who are the "many" who by choice Bergoglios the end of the liturgical renewal Benedict hoped?

But who are the "many" of whom Pope Francis spoke, and who obviously have direct access to the Pope? "Many," who had characterized the choice of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio as an end to Benedict XVI., hoped to push forward the effect of liturgical renewal.

Monsignor Guido Marini from the school of Cardinal Siri, had been appointed as papal master of ceremonies in 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI., to implement the liturgical renewal which should effect the entire Church through the papal role model. Specifically, it was to push back anthropocentric biases and realign a theocentric orientation and thus to make worship the urgent task of the liturgy.

Magister doubt: have the Apulian bishops understood the admonition of Pope Francis?

However, Magister has doubts whether the Apulian bishops have understood the meaning of the Pope's traditional words themselves. Another of them, the bishop of Cerignola-Ascoli Satriano, Monsignor Felice Di Molfetta, wrote on 15 May, a message to his diocese on the meeting with the Pope. In it, he announces:

"I have not failed to congratulate the Pope to his manner of celebration: one of style marked by "noble simplicity", like him, the Council has decided where he showed a special attention to the subject to the them, to which on his side of considerations shows no lack of high theological and pastoral manner, that were shared by all the brothers present."

Bishop Di Molfetta and liturgical forms of blindness

Bishop Di Molfetta wrote further about a liturgy of an "interest of the Holy Father for this vital aspect of the Petrine ministry." Pope Francis has "in view of certain phenomena in the recent past, in which not a few forms of drift were registered on the liturgical level, in which he asked we bishops by addressing us some concrete examples of the relationship with the liturgical action, there the action of God, as true believers to live beyond any inflated ceremonialism, in complete awareness that, the noble simplicity 'of which the Council speaks is not a botch, but is beauty, beauty writ large."

Bishop Di Molfetta partially addressed the admonition of Pope Francis to the bishops, who complained about the traditional Catholic. He underrates that part entirely. "Aberrations" is all he can recognize in the desire to rediscover the "Old Mass" and the goal of Pope Benedict's liturgical renewal. Make use of the advantage of the "treasure of tradition", which Pope Francis urged the bishops, there is not to be found in the letter of the Bishop of Cerignola-Ascoli Satriano in his diocese a single word.

Dogged resistance to Summorum Pontificum

Bishop Di Molfetta's swipe against Pope Benedict XVI., however, is not unexpected. Di Molfetta, former Secretary of the Liturgical Commission of the Italian Bishops' Conference under John Paul II and a few days after the election of Benedict XVI. and elected Chairman of the Commission, was a dogged opponent of the liturgical renewal of the previous Pope, especially the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of 2007, with the return of the traditional "Tridentine" Mass as an extraordinary form of the Roman Rite to general rights of citizenship in the Church.

Di Molfetta tried in advance to avoid the Motu Proprio by a corresponding call to the Italian Bishops' Conference. When this failed, he urged the Bishops' Conference together with several other bishops including Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto and Archbishop Paolo Romeo of Palermo, to make the implementation of Summorum Pontificum impossible through restrictive rules. He justified his position by saying that the ecclesiology of the Old Rite is "incompatible" with that of the Second Vatican Council. So that confirmed the hermeneutics of rupture, against which Benedict XVI., however said was "incompatible" with the understanding of the Catholic Church. The Italian Episcopal Conference rejected Di Molfetta's proposals after especially Cardinals Ruini (then Cardinal Vicar of Rome and former Chairman of the Bishops' Conference) had placed themselves on the side of the Pope, Scola (then Venice, today Milan) and Caffarra (Bologna).

Magister sees in di Molfetta statements, one of the many attempts by the progressive camp to co-opt Pope Francis. A phenomenon that has been observed at various levels since his election, on whose validity the Vatican expert casts doubt.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: CTV screenshot Trans: Tancred ADMG

Monday, May 27, 2013

Copts Demand Justice for Egyptian Christians

Egypt: there is no concern or relief for the indigenous people of Egypt in the face of continued US-backed support for Muslim Brotherhood in the region.

Voting Till You Get the Right Result -- Schönborn's Unacceptable Comparison

(London) Vatican Radio reports: "The Anglican Church has announced plans to test the recognition of the Episcopal ordination of women again." In other words, in the Anglican "Church of England" the motto is "democracy instead of truth" voted on as long as needed until the result desired by progressive circles results.

Vienna Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn said in mid-May, in a speech at London's Royal Albert Hall for an Anglican organized Ecumenical Leadership Conference of a "peculiar similarity" between the election of Pope Francis and the choice of Justin Welby as the Archbishop of Canterbury and thus the Primate of the Anglican Communion. He described the "similarity" even as "a small miracle" and as a "sign of the Lord" .

The comparison of the Conclave with the election of the president of the Anglican Communion by the Austrian Cardinal seems more "strange". Observers of the development of the "Church of England" and the Anglican Communion speak of hard battles as a direction was found for a sufficient majority for a candidate. The majority determined, and wanted a new "Primate", which is precisely a moderate progressive. No conservative, but not a candidate who accepts homosexuals as bishops. At least not now.

The current goal in ascendent liberal circles is namely the enforcement of women bishops. Welby meets all the criteria of what is currently considered moderately progressive in the "Church of England": He explicitly rejects homosexual bishops, but spoke even before his election explicitly for the admission of women to the episcopate.

Welby's choice was the result of calculated, painstaking negotiations, of tactics, the massive lobbying majority of majority shoppers, of compromise and lengthy inventions by democratic majority, i.e., human rules. The Holy Spirit can hardly recognize it.

The Archbishop of Vienna's statement on the election of Welby and equating it with the election of Pope Francis is all the more incomprehensible because his statements on the simultaneous connection with the Conclave, relatives the work of the Holy Spirit in the Sistine Chapel.

Text: Martha Weinzl Image: RV Trans: Tancred

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Catholic Parish in Vienna Invites You to Interreligious Dialogue - an Islamist Dictates Who Can Speak: Catholics Uninvited

Edit: so much that's wrong with cultural life in the West is contained in this story.

(Vienna) During the event, "Long Night of Churches" the Archdiocese of Vienna invited a panel discussion, "dialogue and coexistence of different cultures and religions - a real possibility or illusion," in the Catholic Church in Danube City of Vienna. The Catholic parish had invited four speakers: Islamist Iman Tarafa Baghajati of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Protestant Superintendent, Thomas Henne Field, the Buddhist Marina Gong Myo Jahn and the only Catholic speaker, the Secretary of the Vienna Akademikerbund, Christian Zeitz. Against the participation of Zeitz, a man of clear words, who is known for his criticism of Islam, the Islamist Baghajati, protested and threatened to boycott the event, should the invitation for Zeitz be upheld. The Protestant Superintendent joined willingly to the Islamist protest. The Catholic parish caved. Seitz was uninvited. What the Islamist and in his wake, the Protestant Superintendent, mean by "dialogue and coexistence," they vividly demonstrated with their boycott threat, which was tantamount to exclusion and a muzzle.

Link katholisches...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

New Liturgical Movement --- Worthy Celebration of the Novus Ordo Opens the Way to the Old Mass

(Rome) Some thoughts from Cordialiter to return to the traditional form of Roman Rite, the prerequisites and the relationship between a dignified celebration of the Novus Ordo and this return.

Some years ago the traditional Abbé Claude Barthe was connected militant association Paix Liturgique for an interview. In it he said that the traditional Mass can not hope to return on a broad basis without a favorable climate in ordinary parishes. In this sense, he expressed the hope that the rite of Paul VI. will be celebrated as traditionally as possible and in accordance with the guidelines of the Second Vatican Council (ad Deum, kneeling Communion, Roman canon, Gregorian chant, etc.), thereby creating that friendly environment for the transition to the Tridentine rite.

I agree with Abbe Barthe, because experience shows that many of those who are in the past have focused around a worthy celebration of the Missal of Paul VI, have taken the step to the Roman Rite through the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum to the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite or are going to see it through. We think only of those like Don Alfredo Morselli, Don Nicola Bux, Father Stefano Manelli and many others. If all priests were celebrating the new Mass in its expected traditional sense, the Tridentine Mass would be today again the "ordinary" form of the Roman rite.

Moreover, it is, without a miracle, probably unthinkable that a priest who is used to torment the Sacred Liturgy by various abuses and disrespect, would suddenly decide to move to the traditional Mass.

Translation: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Una Fides Translation: Tancred ADMG

French Police Threaten Anti-Gomorrah Protestors in France

Edit: thousands of police to manage thousands of protesters? Once again the press underscores France's disgust with this degrading situation. The police also threaten the protesters children, encouraging the protesters to keep them home. We can't guarantee your safety...

[Yahoo] Tens of thousands marched through Paris on Sunday to protest a new gay marriage law, with police on high alert amid warnings hardliners could infiltrate the demonstration and cause trouble.

One of President Francois Hollande's campaign pledges, the bill allowing same-sex marriage and adoption was voted into law on May 18 following months of protests across a country that has been bitterly divided over the issue.

"Yes to human dignity", one banner read as protesters blowing whistles and horns marched. One man dressed in black, holding a scythe and wearing a mask of Hollande stood behind a coffin in which lay a mannequin dressed as Marianne, the emblem of France.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

In 2013 Pope Francis Can Fill 20 Newly Vacant Church Provinces and Name 12 Cardinals

(Vatican) Pope Francis  has today accepted the resignation put forward on grounds of age resignation of Cardinal Julio Terrazas Sandoval CSsR as Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The Cardinal of the Redemptorist order is already the third cardinal and Conclave participant.  The Pope has accepted his resignation in the two months of his deadline. The new Pope has shown little willingness to extend the terms of office beyond the intended minimum set in canon law.
Only a week ago, on 18 May the Pope accepted the resignation of Cardinal José da Cruz Policarpo as Patriarch of Lisbon.  On April 5th Pope Francis had accepted the request of Cardinal Audrys Backis as the Archbishop of Vilnius. All three Cardinals are in the 77th or 78th year of their lives. Pope Benedict XVI. had granted them an extension of the term of office. At least the resignation of Backis and Policarpo was "no loss" for the church, as the Church Historian Francisco de la Cigoña remarked.
Church law provides that diocesan bishops and members of the Roman Curia must offer their resignations at the age of 75 Years of age to the Pope. It  doesn't operate as an age limit. The scheme will offer the opportunity to the Pope to decide on officials theoretically appointed for life, without notice. If the Pope does not act on the request, the request must be renewed in the interval of two years.
While Pope Benedict XVI. tended to extend the terms of office, especially when they were archbishops and even more if they were cardinals, Pope Francis is seeming to follow a different line. The three Cardinals  will continue until the age of 80 years to be of an age eligible to vote in a conclave. When retired, they are no longer in active employment as Cardinals, however they are so de facto excluded from among the papabili.
On the 25th of December, Cardinal Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne is 80, Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone on the 2nd of December had his  79th,  the Vietnamese Cardinal Pham Minh Man was born in 1934. Since his birth is not known, the 31st of December applies as the date.
In total there are 18 cardinals who could have their resignations accepted by the Pope at any time, including with Cardinal Meisner and Cardinal Lehmann, who are also Germans. So the Pope has the opportunity to fill aout 20 new leading ecclesiastical provinces and make important decisions in the Roman Curia.
By the end of the year there will be 12 places  free to reach the number of  voters for Pope at 120  limited by Pope Paul VI.. It is therefore believed that Pope Francis probably could convene his first extraordinary consistory in autumn, to create new cardinals.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Blog Papa Ratzinger
Translation: Tancred