Friday, March 29, 2013

Traditionalist Lawrence Auster Has Ended His Life as a Catholic

Edit: sometimes death can reveal friends we never knew, and throw light on a life of bright and perspicacious industry, lived out on a crystal page of light. Life can also show God’s providence for those who are paying attention. But it’s almost as if the conservative writer and God had planned things this way. Lawrence Auster was a Jewish convert to Christianity by way of the Anglican Church on Holy Thursday 15 years ago.

He received Extreme Unction and the Sacraments as he was received into the Catholic Church on Monday.

His blog will remain on line for those who did not get to know him while he was alive.
Lawrence Auster died today at 3:56 a.m., Eastern Daylight Time, at a hospice in West Chester, Pennsylvania. His death came after more than a week of rapidly worsening distress and physical collapse caused by the pancreatic cancer he endured for almost three years.
On Monday evening, after arriving at the hospice in the late afternoon, Mr. Auster read and responded to a few emails. He then closed his battered and medicine-stained Lenovo laptop for the last time. “That’s enough for now,” he said, holding his hands over the computer as if sated by an unfinished meal.
He did not expect that to be the last.
But the blogging career that stands out on the Internet and in the history of American letters as a tour de force of philosophical and cultural insight was over. Mr. Auster entered a state of sedated and sometimes pained sleep the next day, after a night of agony. He spoke no more than a few words during the next two days and died peacefully this morning after about ten hours of unusually quiet and mostly undisturbed rest.
Link to Thinking Housewife…

Link to Orthosphere with articles on Lawrence Auster.

H/T: Professor Arndt.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fr.Malloy of a Shepherd’s Voice Blog Is Dead

Edit:  let us not forsake him in death who was so zealous for souls and pray for him.
Our dear Fr. Malloy has fought his last fight. He went home to the Lord early on Wednesday morning. Readers of this blog know that he had been suffering from congestive heart failure as well as a number of other ailments natural to a man of 91.
Father's bearing of his condition was a marvelous thing to see. He was perfectly lucid right to the last, and more than once he said he was ready to go. He never complained and was amazingly cheerful. After a conversation with his Doctor he agreed to go on a respirator for a few days to see if that would help his condition, after which they would take him off, and let his body take its course. He was taken off the respirator Tuesday morning, and almost immediatly began to grow weaker.
I saw him on Tuesday night, and he was quite weak physically, but not spiritually. 
The nurse had something nice to him about how easy he was to work with, and I said "Boy, Father, see what a great patient you are!" He smiled and replied with good natured sarcasm, which was his standard reponse to when anyone gave him a compliment: "Yeah, sure!" He passed away about 12 hours later.

Link to A Shepherd’s Voice...

Pope Francis Has Not Been Enthroned in His Basilica

Edit: While Pope Francis seems to be on the brink of committing a liturgical abuse in his Holy Thursday Liturgy at a juvenile detention center, and has congratulated the Archbishop of Canterbury  on his own enthronement, the Argentine pope has some unfinished business in addition to that, and perhaps it will be left that way too. Pope Francis has not yet taken possession of his Cathedral, St. John Lateran.  Usually, the seat is occupied in a solemn enthronement Mass not too many days after the inauguration.

Could this be part of Francis attempt to unthrone the Papacy and present himself only as a primus inter pares to the world than Christ’s Vicar on Earth?  Certainly it is the case that his election has been met with almost delirious approval on the part of many undesirable personalities in the modern Church.

A faithful commenter reports:

The Ordo Rituum pro Ministerii Petrini Initio Romae Episcopi thus approved in 2005 contains not only the rite of the Mass of the Inauguration, but also that of the Mass of the Enthronement of the new Pope on the Cathedra Romana, the chair of the Bishop of Rome, in the Lateran Basilica, Rome's cathedral and the Roman Catholic Church's primary Basilica, outranking even the Vatican Basilica. Popes usually take possession of the Lateran Basilica within a few days of the inauguration of the pontificate. Pope Benedict XVI did so on 7 May 2005. This rite, known in Latin as the incathedratio, is the last ceremony marking the accession of a new Supreme Pontiff.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Is Cardinal Kasper Excommunicated?

[] The Cardinals were sworn under oath, during the Conclave, and thereafter to keep absolute silence, both in terms of the course of the conclave and the voting.

Cardinal Kasper seems to see it differently: The Swabian newspaper addressed the prelate who talks out of school and  openly declared that he had already chosen Jorge Bergoglio  in the first round of voting.

Does the Swabian Cardinal now merit an ecclesiastical punishment?
SZ: Your Eminence, when you came out of the conclave. How did you feel about the new Pope Francis?
Kasper: Cardinal Bergoglio from the beginning was my candidate, I voted for him from the beginning of the conclave. It represents a new beginning in the church, for a humble and fraternal church that is there for people who return to their source, the Gospel. His name as Pope, Francis, is a program, it is reminiscent of the St. Francis of Assisi, who has heard the call of Christ: "Build my church again!” [Not to tear it down as Cardinal Kasper has done for practically his entire career.]
Source: Schwä
The grotesque of the situation is the fact that the newspaper he never asks. Sua sponte Schwabe never asked who he has personally voting for. The question: "What do you think of the Pope?" can be answered fully satisfactorily without this indiscretion.
When the cardinal made any such,  he then left off to reconstruct the course of events of the conclave in a striking fashion.
Unlike the Archbishop of Vienna Cardinal Kasper Schoenborn stressed for example, at a press conference immediately after the election, that he could only answer questions that relate to things after the election of the new Pope.
In addition, the response of Cardinal Kasper has another - like the Schwabe says - “flavor”.  Does that not sound as having a bit of panache? I, Cardinal Kasper, have made the right choice from the beginning. He has been "my" candidate.
The fact is that Cardinal Kasper has made a statement, which is illegal according to the promise given under oath. One should not think that this oath was unknown to people around the world. Even the Spiegel focuses on the secrecy sworn on the Bible in its own article: swearing on the Bible against secret treachery . It says: "In case of breach of the oath those guilty are threatened with excommunication."
Must  a Prince of the Church call this kind of secrecy into question: If your Eminence treat an oath on the Bible like this, how will your Eminence handle it in confession?

Link to

Byproduct of Modernist Abbey Pleads Guilty to Molestation

Mr. Feeney minored in “theology” at St. John’s University.
Edit: as aforementioned, a devious predator has been sentenced with extensive contacts to a Modernist Monastery.  Now it looks like he’s going to be going to prison for a long time.

In a related story, Father Jerome Tupa, a pornographic “artist” has displayed his work at a St. Joseph Parish after the Palm Sunday Vigil.

An alumnus of the St. John's University, Mathew David Feeney, run by the Monastery of St. John's Abbey, according to Pine Curtain, was recently accused of sexually abusing two boys he promised would go to Hollywood in the capacity of his talent agency, Walden Entertainment.

[Fox News] Former Twin Cities talent agent Matthew Feeney pleaded guilty to molesting children in Washington County Court Monday.

Two brothers who were working with Feeney accused the agent of touching them inappropriately. His plea means Feeney's young victims won't have to go through a trial in May, when prosecutors will ask a judge to give Feeney nine years in prison.

He admitted touching the youngest brother who was nine at the time when he slept over at his house, and admitted to molesting the older brother when he was 16.

The youngest victim, now 12, was in court. His mother spoke out in defense of her son.

"He said, ‘I hope he spends every day in prison wondering what is going to happen to him, like I used to wonder what he was going to do to me," the victim's mother said.

There was no plea deal in terms of Feeney's sentence. State guidelines call for up to nine years in prison for someone with a history like Feeney's. He was also convicted 20 years ago of three cases of sexually abusing boys when he was a Catholic church youth director and worked at a catholic youth camp.

Feeney's attorney will argue for a shorter sentence than that, but did not specify the length.

"No sentence is long enough because he'll just get out and do it again," the victim's mother said.

The time Feeney did in court Monday does may not be the end of it. He's also accused of molesting the son of a relative in Massachusetts, and due in court on those charges later this month.

Read more: Feeney pleads guilty to molesting children - KMSP-TV

For retreat and information on Jerome Tupa’s work, contact Father Bob Pierson at the retreat house:

  Reservation information: or call the Guesthouse at 320-363-2573.

The Exclusion -- The jus exclusivae

Franz Joseph I., Austrian Emperor by God’s Grace, hindered a pro-French Pope in 1903.  The tool for that is a right of veto.
Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro: With the Insignia
of honors and Grand Cross of the Bailli of the Maltese Order 

Tempora mutantur: at the conclave 110 years ago the Austrian Empire still had a weighty word, because a prompt right of veto followed.

Pope Leo XIII closed his eyes at last on the 20th of July on 1903.  Then the choice of a new Pope in the course of a conclave was the order of the day.  This began on the 31st of July.

64 Voting Cardinals

The 64 eligible cardinals were:  39 Italians, seven Frenchmen, five Spaniards, including even five from Austria-Hungary, three from Germany.  There was one each from Portugal, Belgium, England, the USA and Australia.  In Rome there were 62, because Cardinal Patrick Maran from Sydney couldn’t be there at the appointed time.  For Pietro Michelangenlo Celesia, Archbishop of Palermo,  it wasn’t possible to come for reasons of sickness.

The five Princes of the Church from the Double-Monarchy were Kolos Ferenc Vaszary (Gran Esztergom), Leo Freiherr Skrbensky (Prague), Jan Puzyna (Cracow), Johannes Katschathaler, as the Archbishop of Salzburg Primate of the Germans, and last Anton Grscha, Archbishop of Vienna.

Course of the Election

For a valid election a requirement of two thirds majority (of those present) accounting for 42.  On the 1st of Augustin at 10 o’clock in the morning was the first vote.  As expected, Cardinal Rampola reaped the most votes (24), in the second round he pulled 29 votes after that.

Now the opponents of Rampolla --  who were in the first line of Austria-Hungary -- sounded the alarm, because Rampolla was a red cape for the Double-Monarchy.  Under his aegis the Holy See would turn away from the Archcatholic House of Habsburg and to the French Republic, to which the latter was connected to Czarist Russia,  which was at that time oppressing Catholic Poland.

The ius exclusivae

It was time for Vienna to play its trump, the jus exclusivae, namely the right of certain Catholic Princes, to prevent a non-desirable Papal claimant.  The exclusion, by which the ius exclusive shortly became known by,  belonged  to, besides the Emperor of Austria, the King of Spain as well as the French government as the successor of the King of France and Navarre.

It is false to say as it is introduced  hither and yon (see Google) that Franz Joseph asserted his privilege  (which was fundamentally also due to the Magyars for their fight as athletes of Christ against the Turks) in his quality as King of Hungary.  Were this so, then the Monarch would have certainly, as the Prince Primate of Hungary, therefore the Archbishop of Estergom, as the one who delivered the veto.

Cardinal Rampolla can not be chosen

In this consideration Franz Josef I. had assigned Cardinal Puzyna a so-called secretum to carry to Rome , which contained the written veto to be cast against Rampolla. Puzyna cast the veto just before the third session (2nd August), which read:

“Called by the highest commission of this office, I consider it my honor, to convey to the Dean of the Holy College in an official way and let it be conveyed the following:  His Apostolic Majesty the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary intend, to serve his ancient right and privilege, namely to assert a veto against the selection of His Eminence of the Cardinal Lords, Mariano Rampola del Tinder."

Guiseppe Sarto Becomes Pius X

With that Rampolla was out of the running, two days later, Guiseppe Sarto, the Patriarch of Venice, was elected as the new Supreme Head of the Church.  He took the name Pius X., Austro-Hungary had asserted itself.  Once more the old saying was valid: AEIOU -- Alles Erdreich is Oestereich untertan.

Indeed, Pius X. shortly released the Constitution Commissum Nobis on the 20th of January, 1904.  The content was a cold shower for Vienna, because from then on, any worldly power which asserts for consideration the jus exclusivae is threatened with excommunication latae sententiae.  With that the ancient privilege declared by Franz Joseph would be in the past.

This article referenced the following:

Erich Körner Lakatos:
Palais des Beaux Arts? Normannen in der Karibik?
Vierzig historische Nischen

Edition Octopust, 2012, 369 Seiten, 17,80 Euro
Münster: Verl.-Haus Monsenstein und Vannerda

Link to….

Sect Expert Discusses Pedophilia and Violence in Satanic Cults

Cult expert Brigitte Hahn: "We need a much greater awareness of the issue." By Andreas Otto (KNA) 

Münster ( / KNA) The Münster sect expert Brigitte Hahn warns of the danger by Satanists. In their ceremonies they would expose children to extreme sexual and other violence, says the head of the "Working Group Ritual Violence” of the dioceses Essen, Münster and Osnabrück on Monday in an interview with the Catholic News Agency (KNA) in Munster. She called for a much greater awareness of the issue.

KNA: Ms. Hahn, you have a few days before a major conference on organized satanic cults.  Because of strong demand many experts could not attend. How widespread is the problem? 
Hahn: There are no solid figures, but substantial evidence. In 2005 there were less than 1,000 psychotherapists covered by health insurance in Münster and Dortmund were questioned. 120 have reported  clients who have had experiences with Satanic rituals. Polls in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland gave similar responses. My findings are based on numerous exit questionaires.

KNA: What happens when the rituals? 
Hahn: The sect regards itself as a chosen race and an elite society that worships Satan. All the rituals are done in his honor. The focus is on  violence, the more suffering and violence someone endures, the closer you are to Satan. According to this ideology, there are ceremonies in which children suffer extremes of sexual and other violence.

KNA: That sounds more like pedophilia and sexual excesses that are ideologically exaggerated ... 
Hahn: First and foremost it is about the ideology around Satan. Their business involves the sect but with illegal actions. They offer their children for sexual use and participate in drug and human trafficking. In addition to the enormous sums earned there, the sect offers the opportunity to blackmail the customers and bring them into their hand.

KNA: When and where are satanic rituals? 
Hahn: Preferably at night in private homes, castles and forests. And unfortunately, they are trying to use as churches.

KNA: How can you tell Satanists? 
Hahn: They tend not to openly reveal themselves and  hide behind a totally bourgeois existence.

KNA: Are the children found out in day care and schools? 
Hahn: Even the children will be coached to not talk about the sect. But symptoms may indicate a Satanic background: High absenteeism, fatigue, confused impression, forgotten things, bruising or a sexualized behavior. The crux: With such distinctive peculiarities, the parents, who may be members of the sect must intervene, according to the law. The sect retains absolute control over the children. The effect is that the children are punished horribly - and if they still continue to remain conspicuous, from kindergarten they are withdrawn or simply enrolled into another school.

CBA: Are there any missionary efforts? 
Hahn: Most people seeking advice were born into the sect. Moreover, there are children, adolescents and adults who have been recruited. An example from my consulting work: A teenager was approached on the football team, moving first to small offenses and later to serious crimes up to the killing of a person.

KNA: What can one do against such sects? 
Hahn: Above all, we need a much greater awareness of the issue. Many in the field of social worker come into contact with people who report on ritual violence. Satanic sects in the destruction of our democratic-Christian value system is the target. Therefore, all social entities are required to take  action. Even the Church. We need the political will to investigate these reports. For dropouts from these sects, we need expert therapists and doctors, qualified accommodation and trained police officers.

KNA: Why is the Catholic Church in great demand? 
Hahn: The Catholic Church has  extensive outreach for the help for runaways and dropouts. Chaplains, volunteers, social workers, doctors, psychologists and counselors already support dropouts in many ways. Moreover, the Catholic Church is a particular target of Satanic sects. Our values ​​like charity, compassion, human dignity and the protection of human rights are to be destroyed. The satanic sects steal communion wafers, chalices and other sacred items. They are desecrated by being used in heinous acts. 

CBA: How do Satanists spread their ideology? 
Hahn: There are books available in bookstores and lots of information on the Internet. And in the sects themselves, members learn what they have to have to do. They learn that being the "Highest" the deputy of Satan, they have to obey absolutely.

CBA: Is there a way out of the cult? 
Hahn: Yes, there is a way out. Dropouts just need a good social environment and many professional people to accompany this difficult path and not to get confused by relapses. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Archbishop Müller Expects a Response from SSPX on Preamble

(Vatikan) The Vatican expects from the Society of St. Pius X, according to Gerhard Ludwig Müller, an unequivocal recognition of Church teaching. Every Pope pope has to confirm that all of the councils belong up to and including The Vatican Council. (1962-1965), said the Prefect of the CDF this Monday for KNA. The German District of the Society has again published for this reason A short overview, which describes what post conciliar positions they can't accept.

Moscow Patriarchate Warns Anglican Church Against Deviations From Christian Values

Edit he’s not asking, he’s telling him.  These radicals will talk all day about ecumenism, until it actually does something to unify Christians.  They’d much rather divide Christians and keep them in Schism.  There are a few characters in the Bible who were like that.

If anything, it looks like the Orthodox are growing closer to the Catholic Church, as the Patriarch of Constantinople suggested the plausibility that the Great Schism could be drawing to a close.
Russian Church hopes new head of Anglican Church will not allow female bishops, same-sex marriage

Moscow, March 25, Interfax - The Moscow Patriarchate expects Justin Welby, the new Archbishop of Canterbury, to adhere to the norms of Christian morals and the church system. He didn’t strike a conciliatory tone, no.

"We know that the Anglican Church is now going through a difficult time and various views, positions, and parties co-exist in it. However, we really hope that the traditional understanding of Christian morals and the church system will prevail in this polemic," Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations, said during a meeting between Welby and representatives of the Orthodox Churches who attended his enthronement.

The introduction of the institution of female bishops will lead to the elimination of even a theoretical possibility of the Moscow Patriarchate recognizing the church hierarchy of the Anglican Church, the communications service of the Department for External Church Relations reported on Saturday. [I should think women’s ordination had already done that long ago.]

"I would like you to know about that and take our opinion into account when this issue arises again," Metropolitan Hilarion said.

Metropolitan Hilarion also said he is hoping Justin Welby will firmly defend the traditional biblical understanding of marriage as a union between a man and a woman "to prevent secular society from forcing on the Church of England the recognition of some forms of cohabitation which were never considered marriage by Christian churches."

Welby responded by saying he appreciates the comment, adding that the position of the Church of England on the issue of marriage is absolutely clear and it has recently confirmed that marriage is a life-long union between a man and a woman.

Link to Interfax-Religion...

There Was Also a Protest For Marriage in England

Edit: but the gaystapo was out in force.   These brave souls were showing solidarity with the protest on behalf of marriage which rocked Paris on Palm Sunday and drew close to 2 million protesters.

Link to Anglican Mainstream...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cardinal Dolan Gives Sacrilegious Communion to Biden?

Eternal damnation can be funny...

 Edit: so much for all that talk about the evils of abortion.
Vice President Joe Biden attended mass and received communion on Sunday at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York where the mass was celebrated by Cardinal Timothy Dolan. 
At a time when the administration is being sued by Dolan and the Catholic Bishop’s Conference over the Obama health care provision on birth control, the meeting was seen as an attempt to create a new dialogue. 
An Irish American Catholic, Biden receiving communion was also seen as significant. Dolan’s predecessor Cardinal Edward Egan refused to give communion to those who differed with the church on the abortion issue.
H/t: Pewsitter

Link to source…Irish Central...

Cardinal Piacenza in Intensive Care -- Iron Defender of True Priesthood

(Vatican) Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, prefect of the Congregation for Clergy tipped yesterday during the Palm Sunday liturgy in St. Peter's Square from his chair and was immediately taken to the intensive care unit of the Gemelli Hospital. According to initial information, his health was "stable." His whereabouts remain under medical supervision in the Department was merely a "precautionary measure, in order to perform further checks.”

It was not bad luck that the Cardinal yesterday along with his chair tipped over. His health is obviously serious if it was a heart attack has not been confirmed. A papal master of ceremonies helped him yesterday immediately. But the same ambulance was called immediately and ordered the transport.

Cardinal Piacenza downed during papal Mass on chair

Cardinal Piacenza, 69 years old, comes from Liguria and is a student of Giuseppe Cardinal Siri. The head of the Congregation for Clergy is one of the most esteemed and influential Dicasteries of the Roman Curia.

Born on 15 September 1944 in Genoa, he joined the Archbishop's Seminary of the Ligurian capital in 1964. On the 21st of December 1969 he was ordained by the then Archbishop of Genoa, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, as a priest. Till 1975 he worked in the parish ministry, he was until 1978 the archdiocesan seminary as chaplain. In 1976 he received his doctorate summa cum laude from the Pontifical Lateran University in canon law.

This then decided him upon his academic career. Until 1990, he taught dogmatic theology at Didascaleion, the Theological Institute for laity of the Archdiocese of Genoa. In the last five years, he was its rector, while he also taught at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences in Liguria. From 1978 to 1990 he was also a professor of canon law at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy.

A man a man whose reputation became speedily that of one who worked efficiently

Piacenza has the reputation of working extremely efficiently. In the archdiocese of Genoa he was soon responsible for a range of tasks, from media representatives to a judge of the ecclesiastical court. In 1986, he also taught religion at a Humanistic Gymnasium in the city and was chaplain of its convent.

For the Archbishop, he took care of the formation of the spiritual life and led several times led visitations of religious congregations, held all kinds of spiritual recollections and retreats for priests, seminarians, and religious congregations and wrote also several books on the necessity of a permanent spiritual formation of the clergy, or to issues of relations between Church and state.

In 1990 he was appointed to the Roman Curia, and was on duty at the Congregation for Clergy. In 1997 he became Head of Department and in 2000 its Undersecretary. On the 13th of October 2003, Pope John Paul II appointed him President of the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church, and raised him to the rank of bishop. On the 15th of November he was received by the then Archbishop of Genoa and now Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone of Genoa, and consecrate bishop in the cathedral.

On the 28th of August 2004, he was appointed President of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology. During the three-year term at the helm of the two commissions he proposed a number of new initiatives. For public attention, especially the performance of an opera composed by him, in two acts on the Beatitudes, which was ran mainly in eastern Central Europe and Eastern Europe.

John Paul II summoned him to Rome, he was above all a man of Benedict XVI.

He was called by John Paul II to Rome, but it was to Pope Benedict XVI. to whom Piacenza was particularly connected. The formed in the school of priests Cardinal Siri was never modernist tendencies. He clung to the traditional vision of the priesthood and defended Catholic orthodoxy. He was therefore the right man for Pope Benedict XVI. He had previously appointed the Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Claudio Cardinal Hummes, to the new Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy. One of those appointments that are in Rome considered to belong to the category of “promotions out of the way”.

The domesticated Liberation Theologian Hummes came from a diocese with a strong pastoral, but less than dogmatic zeal. Before Hummes boarded the plane, to take up his appointment as chief of the Dicastery for the Clergy, he told the press that celibacy was "not a dogma." Even before his plane landed in Rome, he had him sign a prescribed denial. He has screwed up his debut, so that there was almost no room for own his initiatives remaining. So that would also was safe, so in return on Pope Benedict XVI.’s sideCuria Bishop Piacenza rose to the Archbishop.

The Priest is a "witness of the Absolute”, and attacks against celibacy come from thinking alien to the Faith

In the year of the priest, which took place from 19 June 2009 to 11th in June 2010, was organized by the Congregation for the International event "Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of Priests" who then bore the signature of the Secretary and not the Prefect. On 19 June 2009, the then Archbishop Piacenza Curia said in an interview with L'Osservatore Romano, the priest is a "witness of the Absolute." The attacks on priestly celibacy were for Monsignor Piacenza the product "of contexts and mentalities that are completely alien to the Faith, which often in time and form come from most hidden forces lead to a progressive weakening" and seeks one of the most central effective witnesses of Christian discipleship.

Cardinal Hummes was strong enough with the help of some curial positions and some Bishops' Conferences and papal initiatives to slow it or even prevent it. This includes the conclusion of the Year for Priests planned appointment of the Curé of Ars, St. John Mary Vianney, the patron saint of priests. The idea was to get a pre-Vatican II priest as a model, which went too far for a number of bishops, who  tolerated in some dioceses the almost endemic phenomenon of priests engaged in liturgical abuse, living in concubinage and preaching heresies.

Cardinal Hummes replaced by Piacenza, when trying to prevent Cure of Ars patron of priests

Less than two months after midway point before the completion of the Year for Priests, Pope Benedict XVI intimated quite unequivocally that Cardinal Hummes 75 that he expects his resignation on time because he had reached the age limit.

On the 7th of October 2010 Curia Archbishop Piacenza succeeded Hummes as Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy. Benedict XVI. created him in summary proceedings on 20 November 2010 a Cardinal. His titular church in Rome is San Paolo of the Three Fountains.

Last year, Cardinal Piacenza was suggested as a possible new Secretary of State, should replace Cardinal Bertone.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Image: Vatican Insider

From Katholisches...

Undead Female “Religious" Hope for an Indulgent Pope to Aid Their Evil Deeds

Edit: someone has to cause an intervention to address these religious’ issues with addiction, anger, Marxism and sexism. They are clearly in denial about their hatred for the Church and God.

(New York) America's rebellious sisters see a glimmer of hope. At least, they have launched a trial to test whether the new pope takes the rod back from the wall which Pope Benedict XVI had used against them. They are hoping for the "mercy" of Pope Francis, but an act of humility and obedience is completely missing. The sisters have softened but have not budged from their disobedience.

For the new Pope the proud sisters have instead compiled a long list of demands and also the same judgement on the Church and the papacy of Benedict XVI. They "hope with many,” for "another reception and treatment" in the Church, not be be "2nd Class” any longer. The list has called for another “investigation", extends to the remarried divorcees, in whose ranks is to be found also a sister of the Pope, to the homosexual, by modernist theologians up to the rebel priests and of course last but not certainly not least, themselves, the rebel sisters of women religious umbrella organization LCWR, who the Pope has placed in 2012 under provisional administration.

After an apostolic visitation, the Vatican stated that the companies belonging to the LCWR, the U.S. women religious pursued to varying degrees, feminist, esoteric and humanitarian goals that had wandered far from the Catholic doctrine. Their commitment to the "weakest" is partly so selective that on behalf of the "right" of women to abortion they will defend abortion advocates and demonstrate against Pro-lifers.

The rebels believe "hope” to be allowed among other things, because the new pope himself comes from a order. From the mouth of one of the ringleaders, Sr. Nancy Sylvester of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Monroe, Michigan (the sisters have their long ago lost their habit) it sounds like this: "I'm really confident about what he [Pope Francis] has already done and for his entire resume: he is a Pope with experience in line with the religious world." Sr. Simone Campbell, who is known for her speech at the convention of the Democratic Party in the 2012, where the candidacy of Barack Obama has been decided, said generously: "The world has great thirst for a spiritual guide, a 'real' spiritual leader, and I hope that the new pope is really this and not managed by internal political struggles, our business is based there and that is not a question of faith.”

It’s quite different from the view of the American bishops. The chairman of the committee responsible, Archbishop Peter Sartain of Seattle, said in a press conference that they have no reason to believe that anything will change under the new Pope to the position of the Holy See over the breakaway sisters.

The break goes deep through the Church in the United States. The urge to see the Church as a better humanitarian association with some ethical premises, is widely used in progressive circles. The reason Archbishop Sartain sees in this particular pressure is to avoid questions of doctrine or only selectively appeal to them, in order to avoid even the question of concrete consequences.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Image: Riposte Catholique

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hebe de Bonafinis to Pope Francis -- Ridicule or Does a Marxist Shell Betray a Catholic Heart?

(Rome / Buenos Aires) Pope Francis has been met with great sympathy personally and throughout the world. Some Vatikanistas and Catholic media have done back flips. While the new Pope in Castel Gandolfo met his predecessor and beside a lunch forty five minutes in private with Benedict XVI., there was  a  headline which read  “Francis even convinced the leader of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo” making the rounds. That sounds really exciting, after all, belongs to the Argentine Hebe de Bonafini of the most famous figures of radical left, the slogans "Socialismo o muerte" (socialism or death)  still fall freely from those lips.
Only in 2008 had Hebe de Bonafini with others occupied the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, to put pressure on the government not to cut its subsidies for projects of Leftist mothers. After all, the Madres de Plaza de Mayo are now a widespread network of left-wing organizations, foundations and institutions.  Atheist Left, political battles and Church just don't fit together, so it is not surprising that during the unspeakable occupation of the cathedral it came to sacrilegious acts.

Church Occupier and sharpest critic of Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the Church

If Bonafini ever dropped by the cathedral,  then it was only in the form of political protest marches and even anti-clerical slogans. She was one who also protested the most bitterly against the Archbishop of Buenos Aires. When she spoke of Cardinal Bergoglio, then known under the accusatory chants of the radical left Argentina, "You kept silent when they were taken away." This refers to arrests and disappearances of political opponents during the military dictatorship from 1976 to 1982. The logic is intoned and remembered, not least, of the attacks on Pope Pius XII. The moral club forces the  attack automatically on the defensive.
Hebe de Bonafini was born in 1928, the mother of Jorge Omar and Raul Alfredo, who were killed in 1977 and 1978 together with her daughter Maria Elena Cepeda Bugnone during the military dictatorship. She is so far left that  the former terrorist and guerrilla Horacio Verbitsky, who wanted to implicate Jorge Mario Bergoglio after the election as Pope  with the military junta, and thus discredit him, is only a "slave of the U.S.”. Therefore, some time ago, some of the other mothers separated from her and formed a separate organization with almost the same name. The still sprightly Hebe never made a secret of the fact that her heart was for Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and basically swallowed whole every path that leads to Socialism and the revolution.

Enormous enthusiasm for Pope Argentina’s poor forces response from radical Left

Could Pope Francis have converted actually such a hardcore revolutionary? It would be a miracle. Immediately after the election of the Archbishop of Buenos Aires as the new head of the Church she had thrown to the media just a sarcastic “amen” when asked what she thought about it.  It is probably the enormous excitement of Argentina’s poor over the election of Pope Francis, who the militant Hebe de Bonafini who habitually supposes to speak in the "name of the poor", can not be ignored. So she has resorted to pen and paper and written a letter to the Pope.
Should everything have changed so suddenly? Some Catholic journalists have this opinion, apparently without noticing the barely concealed mockery of Revolucionaria that their concerns, that its political program had been better disposed by Rome, but at the same time seems to make fun of the new pope. In her well-remembered, more for the public than for the Pope's letter as it justifies its alteration of meaning as follows: "I did not know of your commitment to the poor." And further, that she had been surprised in the truest sense of the word, "of the many testimonies the people from the Villas ", the slums of Buenos Aires that they "tell of their friendship” with Cardinal Bergoglio, the current Pope Francis. One marvels and wonders if the top nut of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo has not been living in the past 20 years as Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Since she was probably too busy with many of those revolutionary events and simply had  no time to worry about what the "class enemy" because actually says and does.

"Don Francisco: I hear tell many comrades from your work in the Villas."

The letter address the Catholic Church’s leader with simply "Don Francisco". More, she could not seem to rise to anything more, and it will not insult the Pope. "Don Francisco, I did not know your pastoral work, I just knew that  the top leader of the Argentine church lived at the cathedral. Today I listen to my great surprise, to many comrades, of your dedication and your work tell the Villas. "
"And that makes me happy and I feel infinite confidence, to hope for a change in the Vatican." Hebe de Bonafini would not be true to herself, if she did not raise the same political demands. She claimed to the Pope to have a list of all the priests and bishops who were disappeared in the Third World or killed, so that the Church might commemorate them and their struggle. It can be assumed that the list should contain only those names that were close to the political struggle of the radical left or to be appropriated by this. The Pasionaria can not seriously mean to inform the church about Her own sons.

The Pasionaria: "Don Francisco, and if you meet the Pope at the Vatican ..."

Then there is a political statement that seems aimed more at their own followers if they meet the pope they should “with their whole hearts” it prompts them "to fight for the Church of the poor” as in "our great Latin American homeland San Jose de Martin and Simon Bolivar did for thousands of people who have paid for their efforts to overcome poverty with their lives,  was the great dream of our sons the desparecidos.” were the two generals, the Masonic San Martin and Bolivar were certainly no friends of Church, quoted by Bonfini. While San Martin died in exile in France as a Freemason and agnostic, he rejecting ecclesiastical assistance, Bolivar was converted and died a faithful son "Our Holy Roman Apostolic Mother Church" as the Testaments of the show.
But lest anyone get the wrong idea  (except some euphoric Vaticanist) that even the avowed Marxist could perhaps become Catholics, including Hebe de Bonafini, her letter ends with the ironic words: "Thank you Don Francisco, and when you meet the Pope in the  Vatican, tell him of my concerns and the millions of other mothers. "
But maybe start in the heart of Hebe de Bonafini, the  hammer and sickle really has transformed into a cross. And, who knows, maybe they will even invite the Pope in the Vatican. Should he go to Argentina, he will certainly be received.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Izquierda Reaccionaria

A Million Frenchmen Protest Against Gomorrah Again

Michel Euler/Associated Press

Edit: not much publicity this time either. This time the protest is getting a bit on the violent side with the police using tear gas.  In January, millions of Frenchmen took to the streets to oppose the destruction of their society.   Reported by the New York Times, CBS, the Guardian.  They all assume that there is a “shrinking majority” of people opposed to this legislation, but other polls suggest differently. They also complain that the march turned violent, but failed to report that the police threw gas irrespective of the children in the way.  Hopefully this reverberates in other places.

Galliawatch is calling this the French Spring.
Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in central Paris on Sunday protesting against a draft law that allows same-sex couples to marry and adopt children, BBC reported. 
The lower house of the French parliament, dominated by President Francois Hollande’s Socialist Party and its allies, adopted the bill last month and the Senate is set to debate on the draft law in April. 
Protesters at first gathered along a major street leading to the Arc de Triomphe, but later hundreds of demonstrators spilled over onto the Champs Elysees prompting police to use tear gas and batons.

Link to source... 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Palm Sunday: Papal Liturgy Will be the Same

(Vatican) The Vatican publishing house has printed the booklet distributed to the faithful for the celebration of the Pope's Palm Sunday liturgy. Cantuale Antonianum drew a comparison with the previous years papal liturgy under Pope Benedict XVI., because there were fears that the painstakingly developed  liturgical renewal of Benedict XVI. would be undone. The handwriting of the papal master of ceremonies Monsignor Guido Marini is still unmistakable. The liturgy is thus “completely identical” to Cantuale Antonianum, except of course the vintage year (2013 Palm Sunday liturgy , Palm Sunday liturgy in 2012 ).
There is only one eye-stinging difference. The parts of the preface or the blessing sung by the celebrant contain no notes in the booklet for the Palm Sunday, 2013. Therein it is concluded in the Cantuale Antonianum that the Pope would not  sing. The Holy See has this notofficially expressed their opinion and therefore has not stated the reasons for it. Cantuale Antonianum voices the suspicion that Pope Francis can not sing. "What remains is speculative for now," said the site.
To another physical aspect Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombadi has not yet taken a position. Pope Francis has  celebrated by him in the celebration of the Eucharist at the major elevation of the prayer made at the Body and Blood of Christ does not genuflect. The fact confused and led to numerous inquiries.

Singing and knee problems the pope?

In the booklet for the solemn Pontifical Mass for the inauguration on 19 March was expressly noted that the Pope after the elevation "kneels in adoration." Pope Francis occurred yet, as previously, only one bow. Also in the magazine for the Palm Sunday liturgy is again recorded in both places that the Pope after the conversion words "kneels in adoration." For this too must a physical disability will be accepted which makes a genuflection possible, especially since the genuflection is prescribed and Pope Benedict XVI. is able to execute it despite his almost 86 years and his painful hip problems. A simple explanation by the "Newsroom" of the Holy See would provide clarity.
"Even if the Pope does not sing and can't kneel down, this is not to say that the priests should imitate him in it, said Cantuale Antonianum because the papal liturgy should generally be a role model for priests. "Human limitations should not be a reason for others to liturgical fractures. It's not about a question of style, but the substance, said the website, which is mainly dedicated to questions of liturgy and church music.
On Palm Sunday again, the antiphon Pueri Hebraeorum will be sung during the procession on St. Peter's Square. "A beautiful example that should be imitated in the parishes .” The following is the recording  from the Palm Sunday  procession in 2011 The verses are sung in Italian.

Liturgical Abuse at Pisa Seminary

(Pisa) A serious liturgical abuse occurs in the Italian city of Pisa with its famous leaning tower next to the cathedral. The Archdiocesan seminary is open to the public for  Holy Mass every Wednesday. On this day, the seminary organized  a contribution to youth ministry, a “Bible class", to learn about the Bible. The Mass is not  celebrated in the seminary chapel, but next door in "a horrendous chapel which is connected to a student's home. I've never seen such an ugly chapel,  that I can not even describe it, it is so ugly,” says Ester Ledda of the website Papale Papale.
The seminarians wear "instead of cassocks, horrendous shirts that would put even Monsignor Ravasi into a state of shock." The celebrant, “who, contrary to the homily, amazingly rushed the Eucharistic Prayer", he invited cleric and lay, to the following Communion: “Communion can be taken under both kinds: first the bread and then the wine. You must get the Sacred Host from me and then dip into the chalice, which the deacon holds. "
"I was speechless," said Ledda. A lot of people are present, it is a coming and going, beginning with the priest to the deacon, then with the host in the hand from one place to another. “Which was immersed in the blood of Christ's bleeding body, drops of His blood trickling down. One holds his hand under it, which he then wipes his trousers, others go with the immersed wafer back to her place, and take it there after first seating themselves. The drops fall on the way to the floor. "
Readers have confirmed the report by PapalePapale of the "Eucharistic Self Service" from personal experience.
The rector of the seminary, Don Roberto Filippini is one of the 63 signatories of the "Letter to the Christians", the Italian version of the priest-rebels. Likewise, the former chaplain of the seminary, Don Severino Dianich.
The militant Jewish convert and Catholic priest Ariel Levi di Gualdo reported the seminary of Pisa on PapalePapale: "Over the past two years, several former seminarians, good guys, turned to me asking if I could recommend you a Catholic seminary. They had been forced to leave this modernist-philoprotestantische nest because they were guilty of being Catholic. In the present state of things, we can say that  Pisa is no seminary, but a chicken ranch, in which the bad  priests are made by bad teachers and all that under the pale shadow of the archbishop, whose weakness has long been known.  What are these seminarians, with an underdeveloped or immature understanding value of the sacred  tomorrow as a priest? Nothing. "
Levi di Gualdo recalls the ecclesiastical rules which categorically forbid  that the believer takes to himself the Lord's body and the chalice of the blood of Christ, that  it was forbidden  to believers and that passing the body of Christ and the Chalice, is strictly prohibited and  that a believer may take the consecrated Host himself immersing it in the blood of Christ or the blood-soaked body of Christ is also prohibited: No. 160 of the General Regulations for Roman Missal, No. 9 of the instruction Donum Inaestimabile the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and the No. 94 and No. 104 of the Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum same Congregation, to name just the most recent documents.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: PapalePapale

Diocese of Graz Silences Faithful Priest

"The Bishops of Austria have failed."
Because of his statements on homosexuality and Islam a priest of the Diocese Graz-Seckau will not lead the liturgical celebrations for his parish on Easter.

Graz ( / pm) "Pastor Karl Tropper (St. Veit am Vogau) has proved particularly concerned with certain important issues like “homosexuality” and “Islam" ‘repeating unreasonably simplistic and statements offensive in a tone." So reasoned Spokesman Georg Plank for the Diocese Graz-Seckau in a recent statement, why Vicar General Henry Schnuderl will in the short term take over liturgical celebrations for the week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday instead of the local pastor. "The central message of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ" should not be obscured by conflicts. Pastor Tropper “will enter on permanent leave on 31 August 2013.”

The statements made by Rev. Tropper prevented, "a necessarily nuanced discussion on these complex issues. The relatively milder diagnosis of the pastor for a mitigating diagnosis due to ‘the stubbornness of age stubbornness' is no longer in the overall assessment.”

Link to…

 Here’s an interview from Kleine Zeitung:

Pastor, like an Amen in prayer, you renew a rant every spring against Islam or against homosexuals. Recently, you even wrote in the parish bulletin about gay perverts. Why?

KARL TROPPER: They're perverts. When you can’t say so, you have to go into retirement as a pastor.

Is it the right way, even in the Church proclaim such weird opinions about homosexuality and Islam? KARL TROPPER: Who will say otherwise, if I do not? All priests should do this. The bishops in Austria and Germany are failures, they haven’t understood what is brewing. In 50 years, Vienna will be a Muslim city, the Votive Church [a large parish near downtown Vienna], a large mosque.

Back to the current case: Why does the Catholic Church just weigh just as hard with homosexuality? KARL TROPPER: It is a huge injustice. And it is perverse.

 The diocese has declared consequences in the past few years. The diocesan bishop had warned you last year in writing. Did he rebuke you in this particular instance?

KARL TROPPER: He said, I can not write anymore. But in this particular case I was even relieved by the prosecution (Note: There were two criminal charges of incitement [verhetzung], both cases were dropped by the prosecution).

They will no longer allow your opinions to be public?

KARL TROPPER: I only speak through my lawyer.

Give a sermon in the church with your attorney? ...

KARL TROPPER: you can even write something.

You are not afraid of canonical consequences?

KARL TROPPER: What have I done wrong?

You insult minorities, fulminate against other religions. Excuse me, if not?


Because you stir up?


Do not you think that you scare many churchgoers with such statements?

KARL TROPPER: All right, no one is forced to come to church.

Scandinavia: Growing Church and Ever More Seminarians

NB: innocent until otherwise proven. Flowers can indeed grow in inhosptable places and help can come unlooked from afar.

Vienna (  The Catholic Church in Scandinavia grows, and even the numbers of home grown priests climbs:  as reported by a communique from Stift Heiligenkreuz on the Spring convocation of the Northern Bishop Conference it reads, there are already 60 young men from the region, who are seminarians from Scandinavia studying for the priesthood.  Many of them are converts from the Lutheran National Church.

According to cautious estimates, there are at present in the seven Diocese of Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and islands about 500,000 Catholics.  The number grows rapidly; the trend is counter to the rest of Europe.  The reasons for this are mobility, growing numbers of refugees, conversions as well as a large number of baptisms.

According to the communique the general convocation was held to approve the statutes for seminary rectors.  In the text, the Bishops also stressed their thanks to Benedict XVI. and blessings for the successor Francis.  The Northern Bishops Conference meets till Wednesday in the University of Heilegenkreuz.

Copyright 2013 Katholische Presseagentur, Wien, Österreich ( Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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Friday, March 22, 2013

Cardinal: Canonization of John Paul II Possible by October

Lissabon ( The Emeritus Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins expects the canonization of John Paul II. (1978-2005) this year still. The former Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints explained to the Lisbon boulevard magazine der "Correio da Manha" (Tuesday), that there is no certainty in these things. It is however "probable" that Pope Wojtyla will be canonized in October.

Martins explained that it is the 35th year since the beginning of the Pontificate of
Johannes Paul II. The Polish Pope was elected the head of the Catholic Church on the 16th of October 1978. The test of the alleged miracle to validate John Paul II which began a few days after his beatification in May of 2011 is in it's end phase according to the Cardinal. Some doctors have already stated that there is no scientific explanation for the for the unexplained healing of the healing of sick people.

Martins did not give further details about the miraculous healings. The Congregatio for Canonization and Beatification have on hand hundreds of reports of alleged miracles by the intercession of John Paul II.   The recognition of a miracle is a preparation for a canonization.  It must happen after his beatification on the 1st of May 2011.

Since the end of December it has been speculated about that the Wojtyla-Pope will be canonized in the next October.  His 26 year Pontificate was the second longest in the history of the Church, whose beatification was the shortest of modern Church history.  The healing of a French Nun of Parkinson’s had been recognized as a miracle in June of 2005.

The canonization is the solemn declaration of the Pope over the exemplary Christian life of a person and about his ultimate acceptance by God.  After the canonization in the course of a Liturgy, the person concerned may be honored worldwide.

An Italian song about Pope John Paul II., “A man, who came from afar."

(C) 2013 KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

B’nai B’rith “Memorial Liturgy” in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires With Cardinal Bergoglio

(Buenos Aires) Hardly had he been elected, when the attempt was made to insinuate Pope Francis' involvement with the military dictatorship (1976-1982). The intention was quite arrested by the categories of "politically correct” thinking, which many European media and public figures are incapable of thinking beyond. In the Left-Liberal spectrum of roles is clear from the outset and always that: the military dictatorship is rejected, because the enemy is always on the right.

Far more generous if you look at the other side, where all sorts of leftist romped, armed terrorist groups, not only resisted against the military dictatorship, but not insignificantly as combatants for Marxism, partly with Soviet support, the reason for this was that it was against the military dictatorship.

"Entanglement" of Pope Francis with military dictatorship reveals just how liberals tick

It seems at present, that even the ideologues and ideologies that do not deserve it, be "cleansed" in an infusion of the persecuted innocent persecuted by the generals, should have anything to do with the Catholic Church. Not everyone, be he Franciscan or Jesuit being pursued at that time in Argentina was a faithful son of Holy Church. Many had swapped the cross for a Kalashnikov.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio had resisted them and has remained true to his priestly vocation. As the Good Shepherd, he fought for the imprisoned brethren, of which he was suspected for years, completely unjustly as being an informer. One reason why the election of this new pope caused the German Jesuits little enthusiasm. A suspicion, which incidentally has now been withdrawn by one of the then imprisoned Jesuits imprisoned by the Junta, Father Francis Jalics.

Explanation needed for "Holocaust memorial liturgy" of B'nai B'rith in Catholic Cathedral

Because of the military dictatorship Pope Francis has no need for explanation. At least, however, a " commemoration of the [Reichs] Kristallnacht “ appears to require some explanation, which was organized with the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith on the 12th along with the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires on November of 2012 to "commemorate six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust." The commemoration of the Jewish Lodge, officially even called a "commemorative liturgy", took place in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, as the then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio participated actively.

B'nai B'rith does not belong to official Freemasonry, although there are some overlaps and human forms of cooperation. The "Sons of the Covenant” [Söhne des Bundes], the German translation of the name originated in 1843 at a time when Jews were often rejected in Masonic lodges, so they formed their own parallel lodges, which in contrast to Freemasonry, are not a secret society. The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith may therefore, with all the differences, referred to as a kind of Jewish form of Freemasonry with its own rites and identification. The individual branches are therefore called lodges. The lodges of a country are gathered in the District Grand Lodge. This Jewish order was founded to represent Jewish interests in political terms. It also wants to promote the ethics of the brothers, which is very similar to that of Freemasonry. In the USA, almost ten percent of all male Jews of the lodge, appropriate weight, a corresponding number in the associated lodges.

Why did the Jewish Lodge organize a Jewish memorial for Jewish victims in Catholic churches?

Argentine Catholic organizations wondered how it was possible that a Jewish organization, also a lodge, might hold a memorial service in the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. The Archdiocese might have helped out differently because of space problems. But why was a liturgical space was made available in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament of Christ Himself? As Cardinal Bergoglio was keynote speaker at the event, it is clear who made ​​the misappropriation, Pagina Catolica even speaks of the possible "desecration" of the Cathedral. In fact, with the "memorial liturgy" a kind of worship was celebrated. Since the event has been running for several years, there are already rehearsed rites similar acts. Before the altar there sat several representatives of Christian denominations (Lutheran, Prebyterianer, Methodist) next to the Cardinal. The official program book with the symbol of B'nai B'rith and the coat of arms of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires is called an "Inter-religious Liturgy." Six candles symbolize in this Holocaust memorial ritual each of the six million Jewish victims. Rabbi Alejandro Avruj lit each candle along with the representative of a Christian denomination or a Jewish organization. The last of the six candles he lit together with Cardinal Bergoglio.

Cardinal Bergoglio has cultivated close contacts with B'nai B'rith with an annual series of meetings and mutual invitations, where the cardinal especially emphasized his praise for the social commitment of the Jewish Lodge. For this reason, the Jewish representatives of the Grand Lodge officially opened on the 19th of March at the inauguration ceremony of Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square in part and the next day at the reception for the religious leaders in the Vatican, including the Director of B'nai B'rith-Committee for UN Affairs, David J. Michaels.

Under Archbishop Bergoglio it became customary in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires since 1994 that B'nai B'rith, performs its annual memorial service held for the Jewish victims of Nazism in Argentina's Catholic churches. In 2005, the Acto de Recordación de la Noche de los Cristales Rotos was held in the Catholic church of San Nicolas de Bari. Even then Cardinal Bergoglio was present, as a photo of Rabbi Felipe Yafe shows. In 2009 in the Catholic parish church of Santa Catalina de Siena, also in the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. In 2008 the memorial was on the 70th Anniversary of Kristallnacht, also exclusively for Jewish victims of the Shoah, in the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, in the presence of the Israeli, German and Austrian ambassador. In 2007, the ceremony was held in the San Ignacio Church of Buenos Aires.

Inter-religious ritual compatible with Catholic understanding?

After a meeting between Cardinal Bergoglio and Mario Wilhelm on the 4th of June, the Argentine president of B'nai B’rith and Boris Kalnicki, who is in B'nai B'rith responsible for inter-religious dialogue, said in a press statement for the Jewish organization that the "traditional commemoration of Kristallnacht" again will take place in 2012 and will “include a generous cooperation of Cardinal." The event was organized for the 8th November “at a church, decided at upon at a later time". It was finally not just any church, but the Diocesan church itself. The fact that the event takes place in a Catholic church, was self-evident for B'nai B’irith.

In 2011 the place for the Kristallnacht commemoration was in the cathedral church of the Diocese of San Isidro instead. For most of the Diocesan Commission for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue, B'nai B'rith Argentina, an Argentine Jewish-Christian brotherhood and fellowship Lamroth Hakol, organized to hold a commemoration on the 10th November with texts by Rabbi Leon Klenicki and the Catholic theologian Eugene Fischer for their own "Interfaith liturgy", "with witnesses, songs and references to the night of the 9th November 1938 in Germany and Austria, the 20th which is regarded as the beginning of the Jewish Holocaust of the 20th Century or the Shoah." It was also the basis of the "memorial liturgy" 2012.

The question is not why the Jews commemorate those events in Argentina. But the question is, why is the Catholic Church in Argentina which is not directly related to these events in faraway Europe 70 years ago apply, which - as explicitly emphasized B'nai B'rith - by no means all of the victims, but only the Jewish victims of National Socialism. Why then is this Jewish memorial to Jewish victims held in a Catholic church?

Kathredale occupied twice by political groups

In any case, it has been moved to the Cathedral of Buenos Aires. It has been occupied by political groups in the last five years. When the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Bergoglio was already in Rome and just begun in the conclave, 200 activists of the leftist Movimiento Popular La Dignidad (MPLD) occupied the Cathedral of Buenos Aires, as the Spanish church historian Francisco Fernandez de la Cigena reported. The Parish Priest had to cancel the celebration of Holy mass. In 2008 the cathedral had been abused for political purposes. At that time, the cathedral church was occupied by the leftist Madres de Plaza de Mayo. In both cases, the protest was addressed against cuts in government funding for projects in which the respective occupying groups were associated with the church in no way.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bilder: Todocorrientes/La Nacion/Pagina Catolica/Info Catolica

Cologne Cathedral Rector Rejects Interfaith Prayer

[Katholisches] Der Kölner Dompropst Norbert Feldhoff lehnt den Vorschlag eines Ramadangebets im Kölner Dom als Geste der Verständigung zwischen Christen und Muslimen ab. „Unter Berücksichtigung des muslimischen wäre das gar nicht möglich“, sagte er in einem Radio-Interview. The Cologne Cathedral Rector Norbert Feldhof has rejected the proposal for a Ramadan prayer as a gesture of understanding between Muslims and Christians. "In view of Muslim self-conception it is really not possible," he said in a radio interview.

By Linus Schneider