Thursday, March 21, 2013

Papal Throne Gone -- Reducing the Size of his Apartment

(Vatican) Some inside and outside the church are cheering the spending review of Pope Francis. Every gesture simplifies the institution and more on the Papststum to the faithful. The political and religious leaders of the world pay tribute to the "revolution" of the new Pope and offer their "respect". Obama informed in writing of his willingness to cooperate. Brazil's state president, also politically left listing, speaks of a "great Pope" and joking after the first audience: "If the Pope is Argentinian, then God is Brazilian.”

The others, especially within the Church, observe with reticence and concern that the new pope might confuse poverty with pauperism and his person with the papacy. He has stripped and depleted his person, all the more to welcome and honor him. He has stripped in self-centeredness, however, misconstruing Peter, the Vicar of Christ on earth, then he stripped the composition expressed by the Office of the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the visible Church and of its mission to serve God and to glorify him.

Bergoglio's style between joy and sorrow

The new "Bergoglo Style" as journalists call it euphorically, will also gain entrance to the papal apartment. As Curial Archbishop Georg Gänswein among others introduced the new Pope to the premises of the Pope on the top floor of the Apostolic Palace where from where Sunday's Angelus was to be prayed, the first reaction of the new master of the house was: “There’s room here for 300 people." The house will now be reduced by conversions. Whoever knows the pictures of the apartment from the times of John Paul II and Benedict XVI., knows that it is set up so modestly that it is more of a simple service apartment than similar to a royal palace, than the living quarters of the king.

Yesterday, however, was quite different, a "far-reaching break with protocol," said Vatican insider. Francis received the representatives “of the Churches and Ecclesial Communities and different religions" in the Clementine Hall, the papal audience hall," who had come to Rome to his inauguration. But he left the papal throne and the platform on which it was to remove it from the floor and replace it with a simple chair. The Pope met with the sectarian and religious leaders on the same level as an equal among equals, though, as primus inter pares. It is not yet clear whether the “throne disposal", according to the Italian media reports, is permanently or as circumstances required, was to deal with the religious leaders.

Throne without equal among equals The Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, is preparing meanwhile for the Pope's visit in the town synagogue. Di Segni had repeatedly lashed out during the pontificate of Benedict XVI., especially in the context of Pope Pius XII., but also because of the Good Friday prayer and the Williamson case. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, has invited Francis to a joint pilgrimage to the Holy Land to the 50th 2014 Anniversary to commemorate the embrace between Patriarch Athenagoras (1948-1972) and Paul VI. (1963-1978). Several common points between the two were discussed, the patriarch suggested theological discussions, where the pope would address a common commitment to preserving the environment. In November, a visit of the Pope in the Phanar, the Orthodox Vatican in Istanbul was also discussed. On the 25th of November 2009, Benedict XVI. wrote to Bartholomew: "The Church understands the Petrine ministry as a gift of the Lord to His Church." The Ecumenical Patriarch was yesterday at the audience a place of honor was assigned to be the first among the delegations to the right of the Pope, but clearly distinct from the others by a distance.

There was criticism of the participation in Communion by the abortionists Biden and Pelosi.

But there is no lack of criticism: U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and the faction leader of the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, both Catholics, were present at the inauguration ceremony on St. Peter's Square for Holy Communion. From various quarters, particularly from the U.S., there was fierce criticism. Both politicians are pro-abortion. The Catholic priest Frank Pavone, founder of the movement of Priests for Life, who strives for the full protection of life, especially where it is most at risk in the womb by abortion, in old age by euthanasia had, even before the inauguration, had made the Vatican aware that the two representatives of the U.S. government and the U.S. Parliament should be excluded from communion. "The Holy Communion means union and they are not in communion with the Church on key issues such as the right to life," said Father Pavone.

The exclusion from receiving communion has troubled the Church, if only for logistical reasons. In 2008, during the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. to the U.S. Pelosi, then Speaker of the House, the former Senator and current Secretary of State John Kerry and Senator Chris Dodd, all Catholics and pro-abortion were introduced to Communion. According to Catholic understanding someone commits a sacrilege receiving the Communion, though he would not receive them.

Jesuits Ask Pope to offer "any help" because he now "will need advice, ideas and people"

Father Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, the Superior General of the Jesuits, to whom the new pope listened, offered Francis "every means which the Society of Jesus has, as it will certainly need in his new position, advice, ideas and people.”

"Humility guarantees the presence of the Lord: if someone is self-satisfied and has all the answers for all the questions, then that is proof that God is not with him. Complacency will be present in all false prophets among the religious leaders who are in error, who use religion for their own ego, "Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio writes in the book Above the Heavens and the Earth, which he wrote with the Jewish Rabbi Abraham Skorka in 2010 in Argentina.

Is there a "government program" in common with Rabbi Abraham Skorka in the book?

Within Bergoglio speaks of politics, religion, interfaith dialogue, fundamentalist atheists, Holocaust and capitalism. An anticipatory sketch of his pontificate: the relationship to political power, the dialogue with other religions and non-believers while opening up to remarried divorcees and other irregular forms of life, no openness to gay "marriage", euthanasia and abortion. And the reorganization of the Roman Curia, which should be leaner and performed collegially.

In 2009, he wrote the foreword for a thriller, which is set in the first century in Jerusalem. He will already be travel there as the successor of the Apostle Peter, in the next year with the Successor of the Apostle Andrew, whom he yesterday called "my brother". Bergoglio is already used to a close relationship with Jews in Buenos Aires. Of Muslims, the new pope said at a reception in the Sala Clementina without a throne: "I greet [...] especially the Muslims, who adore the one, merciful God, and call living in prayer.”

The Pope presented himself to them as an equal among equals. A new phase of dialogue seems to have begun.

Link to katholisches...

L.A. Public Schools Coverup Child Sex Abuse

Edit: they’re not the only people in a degenerate, relativistic society who are engaged in such behavior. Such acts were not dealt with accordingly in earlier times.

Senior LAUSD officials were allegedly aware of parent complaints in 2009 about a Wilmington teacher who was charged in January with abusing children over an extended period of time, say attorneys who represent alleged victims. 
The latest allegations concern the case of Robert Pimentel, 57, who has been charged with molesting 12 students at De La Torre Elementary School. Pimentel has pleaded not guilty. 
Los Angeles Unified School District officials had previously acknowledged Pimentel’s principal was aware of allegations in 2002 and 2008. The principal’s alleged failure to act was cited as reason for her removal by L.A. schools Supt. John Deasy. Both Pimental and Principal Irene L. Hinojosa resigned as the district was preparing to fire them.
Link ...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pope and Patriarch of Constantinople Will Travel Together to Jerusalem

Pope Francis has accepted the Orthodox Leader’s offer to make a common trip to Jerusalem, in addition  he will publicly visit the See of the Patriarchate in Constantinople.

Athens/Vatican City (  Pope Francis (76) and Bartholomew I (73) of Constantinople will make a common trip to Jerusalem. next year.  The Pope has accepted the corresponding proposal of the Greek Orthodox Head, reports the Greek news site "NewsIt" this Wednesday.  This trip will commemorate the historic meeting between Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI. 50 years before.  Their meeting in Jerusalem lead to the lifting of the mutual excommunications, which had stood since the schism of 1054.

At the same time Bartholomew I. invited the Roman Pope according to the report, to visit the Phanar, the seat of the Patriarch in Constantinople.  Francis has also accepted this visit.  An official invitation still has to go through diplomatic channels, it says.  Both Church leaders had met in the context of an ecumenical meeting for the new Pope in the Vatican on Wednesday.

Additionally, the two Church leaders, “NewsIt” says, agreed to develop common initiatives for the protection of the environment.   Patriarch Bartholomew I. urged that Francis and he might go together to open a planned event in 2015 for the defense of creation on Mount Athos.  The outcome should be shown in an exhibition in the Quirinal Palace.

Bartholomew I. is known for his ecological engagement. For this reason, he is also known by the media as the “Green Patriarch”.  Francis had mentioned the protection of the environment in the sermon for his inaugural Mass.  Francis of Assisi (1181/82- 1226), for whom he chose his name, is the Patron Saint of environmentalism.

Initially reported by Rome Reports:


Edit: it was confirmed at the Daily Mail.

 H/t: Roman Catholic Imperialist.

Pro-Abort US Democrats Receive Sacrilegious Communion at Papal Innauguration

"Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. 30 For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many have fallen asleep." --1 Cor. 11:27-30
Edit: Father Pavone promised an uproar if this happened. Let’s see the uproar now, please. Washington times reports:

Vice President Joseph R. Biden and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi both received Communion during the Mass to celebrate the installation of Pope Francis in spite of their pro-choice position on abortion. 
The vice president’s office confirmed Tuesday night that both he and Mrs. Pelosi took Communion during the Mass at St. Peter’s Square in Rome. 
Some [All] Catholics argue that politicians whose positions on abortion and contraception conflict with church teachings should not receive communion.  

This occurred despite the fact that when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he was against pro-abort politicians there receiving Holy Communion.  Neither one of these heretical politicians have commented on their crime so far.

According to the Puffington Post, Nancy Pelosi was specifically addressed by Pope Benedict:

When Pelosi met Benedict in 2009, the Vatican released a statement saying the pope spoke to her about the "requirement of the natural moral law and the Church’s consistent teaching on the dignity of human life from conception to natural death which enjoin all Catholics." Biden also met Benedict in 2011, but the details of their conversation were not released.

Read more: Follow: @washtimes on Twitter Even EWTN knows this is problem:

 Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion: General Principles Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Prefect, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [Note: The following memorandum was sent by Cardinal Ratzinger to Cardinal McCarrick and was made public in the first week of July 2004.]

 1. Presenting oneself to receive Holy Communion should be a conscious decision, based on a reasoned judgment regarding one’s worthiness to do so, according to the Church’s objective criteria, asking such questions as: "Am I in full communion with the Catholic Church? Am I guilty of grave sin? Have I incurred a penalty (e.g. excommunication, interdict) that forbids me to receive Holy Communion? Have I prepared myself by fasting for at least an hour?" The practice of indiscriminately presenting oneself to receive Holy Communion, merely as a consequence of being present at Mass, is an abuse that must be corrected (cf. Instruction "Redemptionis Sacramentum," nos. 81, 83).

 2. The Church teaches that abortion or euthanasia is a grave sin. The Encyclical Letter Evangelium vitae, with reference to judicial decisions or civil laws that authorize or promote abortion or euthanasia, states that there is a "grave and clear obligation to oppose them by conscientious objection. [...] In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to 'take part in a propaganda campaign in favour of such a law or vote for it'" (no. 73). Christians have a "grave obligation of conscience not to cooperate formally in practices which, even if permitted by civil legislation, are contrary to God’s law. Indeed, from the moral standpoint, it is never licit to cooperate formally in evil. [...] This cooperation can never be justified either by invoking respect for the freedom of others or by appealing to the fact that civil law permits it or requires it" (no. 74).

 3. Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. For example, if a Catholic were to be at odds with the Holy Father on the application of capital punishment or on the decision to wage war, he would not for that reason be considered unworthy to present himself to receive Holy Communion. While the Church exhorts civil authorities to seek peace, not war, and to exercise discretion and mercy in imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to take up arms to repel an aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment. There may be a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia.

 4. Apart from an individual's judgment about his worthiness to present himself to receive the Holy Eucharist, the minister of Holy Communion may find himself in the situation where he must refuse to distribute Holy Communion to someone, such as in cases of a declared excommunication, a declared interdict, or an obstinate persistence in manifest grave sin (cf. can. 915).

 5. Regarding the grave sin of abortion or euthanasia, when a person’s formal cooperation becomes manifest (understood, in the case of a Catholic politician, as his consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws), his Pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church’s teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist.

6. When "these precautionary measures have not had their effect or in which they were not possible," and the person in question, with obstinate persistence, still presents himself to receive the Holy Eucharist, "the minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it" (cf. Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts Declaration "Holy Communion and Divorced, Civilly Remarried Catholics" [2002], nos. 3-4). This decision, properly speaking, is not a sanction or a penalty. Nor is the minister of Holy Communion passing judgment on the person’s subjective guilt, but rather is reacting to the person’s public unworthiness to receive Holy Communion due to an objective situation of sin. [N.B. A Catholic would be guilty of formal cooperation in evil, and so unworthy to present himself for Holy Communion, if he were to deliberately vote for a candidate precisely because of the candidate’s permissive stand on abortion and/or euthanasia. When a Catholic does not share a candidate’s stand in favor of abortion and/or euthanasia, but votes for that candidate for other reasons, it is considered remote material cooperation, which can be permitted in the presence of proportionate reasons.]

State Council of Colombia Abolitions Abortion Decree -- No Law Exists

(Bogota) The State Council of Colombia has repealed the government decree, with which the killing of unborn children by abortion had been done with impunity. By the Decree 4444 of 2006, the President allowed infanticide in exceptional cases, which had been addressed by the Constitutional Court in a judgment of the same year: in the risk to the mother's life, and in malformation of the fetus, during pregnancy due to rape. Already in 2009 the decree was suspended.

The State Council did not address the decision of the Constitutional Court for decriminalization of abortion in exceptional cases. That he would not. But he lifted the presidential decree on the grounds that to solve the issue a properly concluded gekommenes state law is indispensable.

Only when a law exists, may the Government dissolve them with corresponding decrees, the State Council said.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: InfoCatolica

Link to Katholisches...

Come and See: The Humble Simplicity of the Franciscan Liturgy

Via Catholic Conclave.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Populus Summorum Pontificum -- Traditional Mass Pilgrimage Returns to Rome

(Rome) The Coetus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum (CISP) organized in 2013 an international pilgrimage of tradition Ad Petri Sedem to Rome. After the fruitful success of the first international pilgrimage, the "Populus Summorum Pontificum will again return to Rome in order to make the eternal youth and beauty of the traditional liturgy shine at the grave of the Apostles Peter". As in 2012 the first pilgrimage will reach its solemn climax again in a Pontifical High Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.

The 2nd International pilgrimage will take place from the 24th to 27th of October 2013 for the conclusion of Pope Benedict XVI.’s Year of Faith. Cardinal Angelo Comastri, archpriest of St. Peter's, confirmed on 14 March, on Saturday, that the tradition associated pilgrims can celebrate on the 26th of October at 11 clock in the Papal Basilica over the grave of the holy Apostle Peter, the Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

Coetus Internationalis of Summorum Pontificum, which have different associations to Ecclesia Dei about the organization of the International Una Voce performed the pilgrimage collaborated together in 2012, to participate "in the establishment of the universal Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit." The Coetus Internationalis accepted the invitation of Cardinal Antonio Canizares Lovera, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. At the end of the third he November 2012 celebrated the first International Pilgrimage Pontifikalamtes the Tridentine rite, he called on the organizers' seguir adelante ", to continue on this path.

The July 2012 resulting Coetus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum is led by a committee. The President is Guido Capoccia, he succeeds Riccardo Turrini Vita in this role on the 31st December, was appointed a judge of the Court of Appeal was of the Vatican State, Secretary General remains Guillaume Ferluc and the spiritual assistant Abbé Claude Barthe.

Contact opportunity for priests, communities, parishes and groups:

 Kontaktmöglichkeit für Gemeinschaften Pfarreien Priester Gruppen für die 2. Internationale Wallfahrt der Tradition Ad Petri Sedes nach Rom Oktober 2013


Damian Thompson’s Fangs Come Out Again

Edit: earlier today we were saddened to learn that New Catholic’s mother had taken ill and that he was no longer going to be able to contribute, therefore, as often to his blog.

But one professional Catholic took it as an opportunity to make a cheap shot:

Yeah, well, , a period of silence from you would be welcome after your hissy fit as soon as the new Pope was announced.

New Catholic asks you to weigh in with Daily Telegraph Editor Tony Gallagher at and let him know, charitably, what you think. He's also on Twitter @gallaghereditor.

Father Guarnizo Explodes Vatileaks Suggestion Behind Pope’s Resignation

Edit: this is from Restore D.C.-Catholicism, which is publishing an interview with the courageous Father Guarnizo in Rome about the Vatileaks, who was himself the victim of a Soviet-style campaign of slander and character assassination, even on the part of his own superiors.  As it turns out, there were no leaks or original documents behind the stories attempting to discredit Benedict XVI.’s papacy and the journalist who originated the story even admitted as much.  Of course, the paper founded by Communist Antonio Gramsci is behind the whole thing. interviewd Father Marcel Guarnizo a few days ago regarding the "leaked vatileak dossier" debacle.  I present that interview below.  One comment.  At one point you'll hear Father remark that the Vatican Curia is much more reliable than some of the local Catholic Conferences.  I think Father is way too charitable - to the local conferences, that is.  The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops has been downright inimical to the True Faith, having had the paw prints of both the late Cardinal Bernardin and Saul Alinsky all over its founding.  It's high time to throw that monstrosity in the dung heap.

Will Archbishop Gänswein be Appointed to Cologne?

(Vatican)  Pope Francis has made his first appointments.  Following the practice of the Holy See, he confirmed the second secretary of his predecessor, the priest Alfred Xuereb from Malta in office. It is customary that the first secretary resigns with the end of a pontificate and is replaced by a confidant of the new pope. The second secretary of the predecessor is however retained for a transitional period in order to have a smooth transition. In a second moment, as a rule, he will be replaced by the new Pope. Pope Francis has not appointed an first secretary.
Pope Benedict XVI. appointed his first secretary, Monsignor Georg Gänswein in fall 2012, as Prefect of the Apostolic House. As such, he could, if confirmed by the new Pope,  continue performing his duties at the Vatican. The prefect has no influence on the decisions of the Pope, but he coordinates all visits and meetings with outsiders from  leaders to ordinary believers. Msgr Gänswein also remains personal secretary of Pope Benedict XVI., Who currently lives in Castel Gandolfo.
Now, reports the online daily news Cattoliche is that Msgr Gänswein could be appointed as Coadjutor Archbishop of Joachim Cardinal Meisner with right of succession. The secretary of Pope Benedict XVI. could be the next Archbishop of Cologne. It falls on the parallels with Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the first secretary of Pope John Paul II, who Pope Benedict XVI. was appointed  on 1 June 2005, two months after the death of his predecessor to be Archbishop of Krakow,  the seat of a metropolitan, which had been previously occupied by the late Pope. On 2006 Archbishop Dziwisz was elevated to Cardinal status. Cologne is also an archbishop seat that is traditionally associated with the Cardinal. Cardinal Meisner is at the end of his 80th year.
Pope Francis has also followed the practice, all of the Roman Curia Dikasterienleiter confirmed with the usual formula for donec aliter provideatur until is to make different choices. Therefore nothing can be read in his personal politics for the time being.
Before jumping to higher applies Monsignor Lorenzo Baldisseri, the former nuncio to Brazil and hitherto secretary of the Congregation for Bishops and Secretary of the College of Cardinals, which is why he played a special role in the conclave. As Pope, Francis, just elected, received the white Pileolus of the Pope, he put on his purple Cardinal’s pileolus  on Msgr. Baldisseri. This spontaneous gesture is seen as a sign that the Curia, that the Archbishop will be raised by the next Conclave to the Cardinal rank. The elevation of Cardinal Conclave Secretary certainly has a tradition in the church. Benedict XVI. created the then secretary Curia Archbishop Francesco Monterisi, not the first consistory, but later.
An appeal to the Curia could affect Monsignor Nicola Girasoli, the nuncio in the West Indies. He has been friends with the new pope for some time and until 2005, worked for six years as a Counsellor at the Nunciature in Buenos Aires.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mozetta Returns --- Was it All a Misunderstanding?

(Vatican) A bright red mozetta  was recently delivered to the Vatican by the Pontifical Household. It was ordered just this morning  in haste at the tailor Gammarelli in Rome.
Tomorrow morning there will be the solemn Pontifical Mass for the beginning of the Petrine ministry of the Bishop of Rome. An inauguration ceremony has replaced the usual once since John Paul I. 1978 replaced the usual  coronation of the Pope with the tiara. "In all probability, the only possible reason to explain the order is that  it will be worn by Pope Francis at the inauguration. It is believed that this will be at the tribute ceremony, where the Pope accepts "the promise obedience of the cardinals,” as Messa in Latino reported.

Papal Mozetta Hurriedly ordered and delivered in the Vatican 

Will  the cover  combined with the choir dress of the pope back sooner than expected? Will its owner be the occupant of the Petrine Office?  Tomorrow we will have clarity. Pope Francis had the papal Mozetta that is not any piece of clothing, but a liturgical robe, rejected with rude words when master of ceremonies Monsignor Guido Marini tried to attire him for his first appearance after the Habemus Papam at the loggia of St. Peter's. The loud confrontation with Monsignor Marini was witnessed by many in attendance. The rejection by the Pope was all the more surprising to see, as the master of ceremonies only did his duty and Francis had worn the Mozetta since his episcopal ordination around 1992, including most recently, those of cardinals during the conclave in the Sistine Chapel. Was it all a misunderstanding in a highly emotional moment for the new Pope after his election?

Will Pope Francis wear tomorrow the vestment he rejected at his election?

Pope as Cardinal Francis with Kardinalsmozetta Peter's SquareMessa in Latino,  who was notified of a near dismissal of the Benedict XVI appointed  master of ceremonies, takes note with satisfaction that Monsignor Marini in any case will direct the inauguration ceremony and coordinate with the altar server Franciscans of La Verna who were summoned to Rome.
The Pontifical Ceremonies has with meticulous precision and dedication prepared everything in detail on the model and the provisions of Pope Benedict XVI. Lauds Regiae and the Pontifical Mass will be celebrated in Latin, the language of the Church. The readings, the Responsorial and the supplications are in different languages ​​including Arabic and Chinese. The Gospel is presented only in Greek, the language of the Church of the East, not in the sacral language, as Pope Benedict XVI. had introduced for solemn papal conventions. It seems to have been the desire to abbreviate the ceremony somewhat. With the same intent, the procession will account for the offertory.

Monsignor Marini XVI had prepared a solemn Pontifical Mass according to the specifications of Benedict.

For the Offertory,  the Sistine Chapel will sing the four voiced,  Palestrina motet Tu es Pastor Ovium which was specially composed for the 1585 coronation of the popes.
Monsignor Marini has compiled Latin / Italian / English program notes  for the inauguration, which was printed for the next day at the Vatican publishing house and will be given to all believers and the present leaders, the diplomatic corps and representatives of the Eastern churches, other denominations and religions . In the Eucharist, the Roman Eucharistic Prayer will be used. After the elevation of the Body and Blood of Christ is explicitly recorded that "the Holy Father kneel in adoration."

Pope will bow in adoration after elevation of the Body and Blood of Christ, the knee?

Pope Francis had in his two Masses in the Sistine Chapel in the parish of Santa Anna, and each made only one bow.
The Communion is kneeling on the tongue, as Pope Benedict XVI. had restored under the current rules of the Church. Pope Francis, however, has not as yet not participated in the Communion. In the Sistine Chapel and Santa Anna he gave Holy Communion, only to the two who were serving as deacons.

No Communion by the Pope

With the Te Deum sung, the liturgical part of the celebration closes.
Gammarelli Tailor is a traditional company, since 1798. Under the Blessed Pope Pius IX. it was in the papal tailor in the  19th. All of the robes of all popes since the Blessed John XXIII. were tailored by them.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Messa in Latino

Invitation to Pope Francis to Visit Econe?

(Rome) Pope Benedict XVI. had launched talks between the Society of St. Pius X. and the Holy See. A few months after his election he received Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior General of the Society of Castel Gandolfo. Despite his patient efforts during an eight-year pontificate his desire to bridge the gap and a canonical recognition of the Society did not materialize.

On the 21st of February, Benedict XVI again lifted one of the [many] CDF “ultimatums” for 22 February for an answer from the SSPX to the "doctrinal preamble" of June 2012. He left the decision as to the fate of the Society to his successor.

While the radical left’s fight on the political level in their fight against the Church continues unfazed against Pope Francis, the Modernists in the tattered, left side of the Church from Hans Küng and Leonardo Boff, applaud the new Vicar of Christ on earth and to suborn him as much as possible. Behind this strikingly flaunted joy just conceals another form of criticism of Pope Benedict XVI. and his pontificate. By praising his successor, they put down the image of their favorite bogeyman, Benedict.

Of course, it's also about an unvarnished attempt by praise for the new Pope to show their own positions in a hospitable light. Leonardo Boff says in a Spiegel interview, the new pope was set for a gay-friendly and adoption rights for homosexuals. His rejection of gay marriage in Argentina had been obtained only after pressure from Rome. Also a form of wanting to control a pontificate from the outside. But the reality is different. The opinions of the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires against the introduction of gay marriage are just as authentic as the resulting conflict with the Argentine government of President Kirchner. Proof that Boff's representation doesn’t correspond to the truth is an internal letter of 22 June 2010 by the then Cardinal Bergoglio to the cloistered convents of Carmelite nuns in Argentina. In this letter he condemns degenerate "marriage" in the strongest terms, and asks the nuns to pray intensely to the Argentine senators not to vote at that time for the law being drafted by Parliament.

So much for the aging modernists. But what about the SSPX?

The relationship of the newly elected Pope Francis and the SSPX founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was recently attended by the American priest, Father John Zuhlsdorf and the Italian site Cantuale Antonianum.

A further contribution to the discussion was yielded in the meantime on the traditional Cordialiter site. Under the contribution "Pope Francis Trip to Econe” it reads:

"In the future we might receive a nice surprise, an apostolic journey of Pope Francis to Econe (Switzerland) to sign the historic peace agreement in the stronghold of Lefebvrians. That would be really a nice and concrete gesture of brotherly love. I do not think it is a non-realizable dream. It is now known that the Archbishop of Buenos Aires used to have warm relations with the Pius Brothers and I believe that if Monsignor Bernard Fellay would invite Pope Francis to Econe, the Pope might even accept the invitation. These days, we have seen that he is a spontaneous person, who can not be pressed into templates, ready even for unfamiliar and unpredictable gestures. I think that he would not let the clamor of the progressives intimidate him. Imagine the pope in the stronghold of the SSPX. That would truly be a historic meeting.

In the meantime it would be advisable for the SSPX to initiate friendly gestures such like Patriarch of Moscow. There would be nothing wrong there, if Monsignor Fellay and Patriarch Kirill would meet for dinner to talk about the dramatic would amicably spiritual situation in Europe and to other important issues for Christianity. That would not in any way contradict the doctrinal content of the encyclical Mortalium Animos by the great Pope Pius XI. If Bishop Fellay was photographed while he and the Patriarch of Moscow, was shaking his hand and the news spread that the two were friends, this would strengthen the position of the SSPX considerably. The modernists, they could not attack as much, since they might run otherwise the risk of damaging the diplomatic relations with the Orthodox, where they are known to take over a more friendly and respectful attitude as against the SSPX. “

Translation: Tancred
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Bild: Cordialiter
 Corrections? AMGD

Judas’ Words Echo Through the Centuries

Edit: interesting that so many commentators are creating a false dichotomy between poverty and glorious liturgy and the beauty of the Church. It summons up an image of Judas and the incredulous disciples:

And when Jesus was in Bethania, in the house of Simon the leper, There came to him a woman having an alabaster box of precious ointment, and poured it on his head as he was at table. And the disciples seeing it, had indignation, saying: To what purpose is this waste? For this might have been sold for much, and given to the poor. And Jesus knowing it, said to them: Why do you trouble this woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me.

For the poor you have always with you: but me you have not always. For she in pouring this ointment upon my body, hath done it for my burial. Amen I say to you, wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, that also which she hath done, shall be told for a memory of her. Then went one of the twelve, who was called Judas Iscariot, to the chief priests, And said to them: What will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you? But they appointed him thirty pieces of silver.

FatherZ expresses this misgiving as he discusses his own ministry in Holy Mass and his own coming to terms with its “trappings”. Indeed, the caricature of humility and poverty from the media, and others who should know better, when they talks about Pope Francis’ simplifications when St. Francis himself spared no expense for the beauty of his church, vestments and appointments. FatherZ passionately writes:

Back when I resisted the liturgical kissing of my hand when being handed a chain, spoon or chalice, I had made the mistake of imagining myself to be more humble by that resistance. That was a mistake. Ironically, my resistance to those gestures turned the gestures into being about me. Submission to the gestures, on the other hand, erases the priest’s own person and helps him to be what he needs to be in that moment: priest, victim, alter Christus. The trappings, the rubrics, the gestures erase the priest’s poor person. Resisting these things runs the risk of making them all about the priest again.

In a sense, I had made the objection of Judas about the precious nard which the woman brought to the Lord. Jesus responded that the precious stuff should be kept for His Body, which was to be sacrificed. People who object that we should have only poor liturgy are falling into the argument of Judas. We must submit to the precious and sublime in recognition of the truth of what is going on. To pit the sublime and complex and precious and beautiful against the low, simple and humble is schizophrenic and not Catholic.

There is no real conflict of the humble and the sublime in liturgical worship
Link to painting a stained glass store.

Which Coat of Arms Really Expresses the Reality of the Papacy?

 Christ the King!
Elected Official.

This discussion has been invoked in part thanks to a post at Orbis Catholicus.

Image with Papal Tiara from Michael Y. Medvedev.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Media Takes the Side of Communists in Argentine War to Attack Pope

Edit: stories attempting to downplay Papa Bergoglio’s relationship to Argentina’s anti-Communist leadership during 70s and into the 80s doesn’t look very credible.  And who gets to decide it was a “dirty war”?  The allegedly conservative boulevard mag the  Daily Mail? Since when do they take the side of Communist insurgents?

Rome ( while he German media is currently whipping up a “black legend” against the newly elected Pope Francis, there are new details about the role of the former Jesuit Provincial Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983).  This is according to the periodical “peril”of an interview immediately after the Papal election on the internet site, that they had conducted already in 2010 with the former Cardinal.

In that Bergolio describes how he had gained entrance into the house of the former military dictator General Jorge Videla (87), in order to appeal for clergy who had been imprisoned and abducted by the military.  At that time the Jesuit Provincial Bergolio contacted the military chaplain who said Mass regularly in Vidal’s residence.

They arranged that the priest would claim a sudden illness and Bergolio was then  proposed as a replacement priest for the Mass in the General’s house.  The plan worked, and the Jesuit celebrated Mass with the entire Vidal family.  Finally he asked the General in a personal discussion, to appeal for the imprisoned priests.

This and other contacts to Vidal as well as to Admiral Emilio Massera would be portrayed by journalists 30 years after the events, as intimate contacts to those in power.  Bergoglio had publicly explained and founded his disposition and motives during the time of the unjust regime
 [sic]. At least twice he was a witness at a court trial to this fact, and in the “peril” interview he described further details.  Never the less, his reputation was damaged -- and in 2005 there had been adverse accusations which meant that Bergoglio would not become Pope at the Conclave.

The polemics against the Cardinal received support at that time from assertions of journalist Horacio Verbitsky, that Bergoglio is supposed to have not protected Jesuit priests Francisco Jalics and Orlando Yorio from persecution by the military.  Bergoglio contradicted, he is supposed to have warned and urged them, to bring themselves to the safety of the Provincial headquarters.  Both did not obey and decided for the path of open resistance -- and its dangers, to be arrested.  As this happened,  he appealed for them afterward.  Both were released after some months.  One of the two died in the meantime; the other one received a formal pardon.

Bergoglio comported himself in his situation like some Bishops of the Evangelical Church in the former DDR, who considered the radical ways of some pastors against the Communist regime as indeed imprudent,  but then also tried to help them, as the power of the state worked against them.  In contrast to the revelation of the misdeeds of the DDR, there is no archival evidence for support in Argentina. So in many cases it is statement against statement.

It is a fact that many Catholic Bishops in Argentina then sympathized with the military and were silent about the human rights abuses. [Good for them]  Only some of them intervened for those persecuted.   The former Jesuit Superior Bergoglio is considered, as also Nobel Peace Prize Winner and human rights activist Adolfo Perez Esquivel (81)  stressed recently,  a noteworthy exception.

[That’s why he was passionately advocating a just war for the Junta in the Falklands?]

SSPX Building in Philippines

In Iloilo City, the “heart of the Philippines”,  a Noviciate of St. Bernard has been started.  It will be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  At the place of the future main altar, there will be a Miraculous Medal placed in the ground.

The building has taken place not without difficulties.  Hardly had the excavation foundation been laid down, and indeed with floods of water in the torrential downpour.  Prior Coenraad Daniels will not, however, be influenced by a few drops.  The pit was pumped out and the project continued.

The church will be completed in two years.  According to the words of the Prior the building of the church will be of immense important for the life in the Novitiate.   The consecrated souls will find themselves at home there.

On the circular letter of the building in the Asian District.

The Society of St. Pius X is active on five continents in 62 countries.  (Numbers in German)

More pictures available on the SSPX German site.

Faithful in the entire world who are attached to the Society of St. Pius X: 600,000. (According to Cardinal  Castrillón, President der Commission Ecclesia Dei, Declaration of 16. May 2007 to the Bishops to CELAM)

Richard III Was Catholic and He Should be Buried as One

Edit: we said it first in September as soon as it was possible it could have been him. Indeed, a proper Mass for him still isn’t impossible.
By John-Paul Ford Rojas7:26PM GMT 17 Mar 2013 
[Telegraph] Dr John Ashdown-Hill argued that the monarch, killed in 1485 before the Reformation, was “a very religious man”. He suggested that the split from Rome that took place a few decades later might never have happened were it not for Richard’s defeat at the hands of the Tudors.

The king’s skeletal remains were discovered under a car park in Leicester earlier this year and he is now expected to be buried at the city’s Anglican cathedral – since it is the nearest consecrated ground.

But the decision has proved controversial with many arguing he should be re-interred at York Minster because of his strong ties to the region. There has also been the question of his religious affiliation.

Dr Ashdown-Hill told the BBC: “There is a lot of evidence that Richard III had a very serious personal faith. If Richard III had not have died, maybe the Anglican church would never have existed.”

Maybe this Mass would look like this:

Cardinal Kasper Pushes For Women Deacons

 Edit: he’s been quiet since being reprimanded and sidelined by Pope Benedict during the creation of the Ordinariate.  Now he’s feeling his oats, and his time is short.  Here’s an article from the anti-Catholic, Nazi continuations magazine, Spiegel:

[Spiegel] Trier - At the spring meeting of the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Walter Kasper has proposed a new diaconal Office for Women. He spoke of a Church deacon who undertakes pastoral, charitable, catechetical and certain liturgical services. Such an office is different from the post of male deacon, said Kasper. The church deacon will be commissioned by blessing, not by a sacramental consecration.

"I think if there is such a position that is not easily attached to the classic office of deacon, it would have a lot more flexibility," the retired Cardinal said on Wednesday in Trier. The occasion was a study day in which the bishops discussed how they could incorporate women in the Catholic Church more thoroughly.

They committed themselves to "the proportion of women in leadership positions that require ordination to increase significantly," said Bishop Franz-Josef Bode. Currently, women in the Catholic Church at the top management level make up 13 percent. At the central level, this may be 19 percent. The figures show: "Women are still under-represented." After five years, the bishops wanted to examine how their intent had been implemented, said Bodo.

Women in the priesthood earn a rejection from Kasper. "I think that it changes nothing that women can not be ordained to the priesthood." This was "the unbroken tradition of the Eastern Church as in the Western Church." Women are however, employed in all other parts of the Church with honor full time. "Every German parish would collapse if the women would not cooperate.”

The Movement We are Church called on the margins of the Spring Plenary for women priests again. "Are the key positions in the Church only through the Office," said Annegret Laakmann Officer. "We want to be priests, bishops and Popes." According to the view of the movement, there need to be more positions for women in the administration of the Church are not being addressed. "It's a matter of course, that women with similar qualifications get these positions," said Laakmann. The talks had been "a placebo”.

wit / dpa

Communion is Still Kneeling and on the Tongue

Edit: got a frantic report in cap letters from Southern Orders.  It’s different but looks ok.  The Holy Father wears an amice.   Perhaps Msgr. Marini still reigns?  We haven’t seen the whole thing yet, so would appreciate any comments you may have.

Infernal Spanish Marxists Ridicule the Cross in Malaga Spain

Edit: this is a report from Katholisches. The video they published on their site isn
t reproduced for various reasons, so instead we published a real procession above, the kind which which these Spanish Marxists mock.  This is clearly part of a campaign in a war on the Woman and a mockery of Her Sons sacrifice on the Cross.
(Madrid) on 8 March organized a group of radical feminists in Malaga (Spain), the imitation of a procession. Under the title "El coño Insumiso" (not the submissive ...   a vulgar term for vagina), the women went into a sacrilegious  demonstration through the streets and described themselves as "victims of the repression." In fact, they paid homage to profanity and insulted the Church and the ecclesiastical hierarchy with chants and banners, and  mocked the Catholic priests or nuns in disguises. Instead of a miraculous image they carried a giant vagina made of styrofoam. In a statement, they accused any of their  potential critics of hypocrisy. In allusion to a held in the southern Spanish city of Malaga Passion procession declared feminists, "Who carries a bloodied figure through the streets and celebrates a sort of pain cult that we do not share, has no right to get upset about it, if we had a female sex organ by the street. 
The the feminists accused the Church in chants to be science-and anti-progressive, to promote religious wars, to ally themselves with fascism, sexual repression and facilitate the oppression of women. "We refuse, however, the guilt complex" that the Church teaches and call for "resistance” say the radical feminists.

The Popes Will Meet

Edit: the following just came from Katholisches.

On Saturday, the 23rd of March, Pope Francis will visit his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI in Castel Gandolfo as announced

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Italian Blog Quotes Pope, “The time for carnival items is over”.

Is this good-bye Msgr. Marini?

Edit: this is Cathcon’s translation of Katholisches which picks up a lot of stuff in the Italian press and presents it for a Catholic audience in Germany. Here, they’ve quoted the very reliable blog, Missa in Latino, with one person apparently overhearing the Pope tell Msgr. Marini that "The time for carnival items is over”.

It’s also apparent that Msgr. Marini, Pope Benedict’s Master of Ceremonies, is going to be fired.
Monsignor Guido Marini, the Master of Ceremonies of Pope Benedict XVI. and all previous Masters of Ceremony face redundancy. This is reported by the tradition-orientated Messa in Latino . Pope Francis will get for his inauguration ceremony and the associated Pontifical Mass, the Franciscans of La Verna. "A further signal of the Jesuit Bergoglio to present himself as Franciscan on which the media places great value " said Messa in Latino .

Can only panic ensue because of the nature of the statement for which no exact source can be specified? Only a form of incitement associated with traditionalists against the new Pope, as the Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi recently lamented? Traditionalist Catholics are confused by some gestures of the Pope. The return of the "plywood altar" (Paul Badde) as people's altar in the Sistine Chapel was perceived partly with horror.

The Master of Ceremonies of the Pope is associated with the Roman Curia and the leadership of the church as much as a hermit on a high mountain. He is responsible for the central part of the liturgy, from which alone can come the renewal of the Church. If Monsignor Marini should actually be dismissed and it looks like even the first to be dismissed, then the recently so vehemently demanded conversion of the Roman Curia would start with a completely wrong step.
Link to Cathcon...

A Gloating Cardinal Mahony Disparages Pope Benedict

Edit: why isn’t he on a plane back to California and Folsom Prison? Some may have noted that Pope Francis publicly stripped Cardinal Law of his office. Hopefully, he applies discipline equally, for Cardinal Mahony cost the Catholic Church in the United States, just in terms of capital, far more than Cardinal Law by about 150 million Dollars.

There is not much of an outcry for the fifth estate to put this man away either.

 Of course, who does CNN go to to get expert clarification? National Catholic Reporter. H/t: Alison

Friday, March 15, 2013

Epoch Making: Patriarch of Constantinople WIll Come to Popes Inaugural Mass

For the first time since the Great Schism, ecumenical patriarch to attend pope's inaugural Mass

The metropolitans of Argentina and Italy will accompany Bartholomew. Moscow Patriarchate hopes in closer cooperation with Rome but excludes for now a meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill.

Istanbul (AsiaNews) - The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew I will attend Pope Francis's inaugural Mass. The Ecumenical Patriarchate Press Office informed AsiaNews about the decision, noting that this is the first time such an event occurs since the Catholic-Orthodox split in 1054, an important sign for Christian unity.

The ecumenical patriarch will be accompanied by Ioannis Zizioulas, metropolitan of Pergamon and co-president of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Church, as well as Tarassios, Orthodox Metropolitan of Argentina, and Gennadios, Orthodox Metropolitan of Italy.

Relations between Catholics and Orthodox have been improving since the Second Vatican Council through mutual visits, acts of friendship and theological dialogue.

Under Benedict XVI, the dialogue picked up in earnest after a lull. In trying to promote it, the pope suggested ways to express the primacy of Peter's successor that could be acceptable to the Orthodox, finding his inspiration from the undivided Church of the first millennium.

Catholic ecumenism has met however with great resistance from the Russian Orthodox Church and the Moscow Patriarchate, seat of the 'Third Rome'.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church's Department for External Relations, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, said on Thursday that a meeting between the pope and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow was "possible but the place and timing will depend on how quickly we will overcome the consequences of the conflicts from the turn of 1980s and 1990s".

The issue of the Ukrainian Catholic Church is at the core of the "conflicts" to which Hilarion was referring. Although it was unbanned following the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was left without its original churches, which had been seized by the Communists under Soviet rule and later transferred to the Orthodox Church.

Still, "on several occasions, Pope Francis has shown spiritual sympathy towards the Orthodox Church and a desire for closer contacts," Hilarion said.

It is his hope that under the new pontificate "relations of alliance will develop and that our ties will be strengthened."

H/t: Badger Catholic

Mellow Out Subcaths, Free Speech is a Democratic Virtue

Update:  Mark Shea has apologized for slandering Michael Voris, who was simply reporting the news and not making any negative statements about the Holy Father at all.  Well!

Edit:  after reading a blog post recently urging a non-descript group of intransigents, integralists, seminarians, mothers of five at home and people of the remnant, to “calm down”,  I thought it would be interesting to address the subject of public browbeating typical of certain people who attempt to vilify that group known as “Traditionalists”,  loosely described as a group of individuals who embrace the rites and doctrines of the Catholic Church as they have been practiced throughout the ages.  First off, assuming that most of the people are firm advocates of the Second Vatican Council, we should perhaps step back from vilifying a group of people and consider the importance of free expression, religious freedom of speech and  assume that we're supposed to be adults capable of forming our own judgments, even if they are incorrect.  But hey, it's a lot easier to kick a dog we think won't bite!

Part of the problem with these rushes to judgment, even if we're criticizing people we think no one regards as human beings, is that the individuality of each one is forgotten.  This is important, for there are almost as many reactions to this papal election as there are different members of the alleged "trad" group being vilified.  The responses range from palpable anger, despair, grief, resignation, cautious optimism, joy, legitimate concern,  to outright enthusiasm for this Pope.  Of course, it also helps that bloggers are so vague in their accusations, this enables many others, even self-identified traditionalists who proceed to beat themselves up with recriminations, can join in with their own particular image of the fire breathing, unfriendly, mean spirited traditionalist that they've learned to despise.

Ultimately, this kind of attempt at public shaming has the intention, whether expressed or not, of silencing legitimate criticism.  You're kicking the barking dog, or even giving him sleeping pills so a thief can get in and out undetected with the goods.

This sort of thing brings to mind a certain kind of cliquey blogger, but one blogger in particular, some blogs are more passive in their appraisal of traditionalists, but there are other blogs who shrug off not only any pretense of restraint, factuality or a love for persons, but they go right for good old fashioned slander, like Mark Shea does.

But in addressing this issue of individuals and groups, let's not assume that the people offended don't have a legitimate point to make.  Let's not blame the victim of bad behavior for calling out as so many have before only to suffer this:
And which of you, if he ask his father bread, will he give him a stone? or a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?

Indeed, rather than blaming those who are suffering and recognize the familiar signs of the things which have scandalized them, why not blame the agents of such crimes?   Is there really anything wrong with having a "questioning faith" if your name isn't Hans Kung, Roger Cardinal Mahony or Sister Joan Chittister?

Just to point it out, most people in the world are deliriously happy about the new pontiff, but in some areas it seems that he has profoundly distressed a section of Catholic Church who has made extensive use of the Pope's opening up of the Mass of All Ages to the entire world with his Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum in 2007 in Argentina.  There have been numerous responses to Rorate Caeli's expose on the situation in Buenos Aires, most of them are as hysterical and uncharitable as the post accusing intransigents of doing.

In fact, according to Rorate Coeli's journalist, the Holy Father did not implement the legislation in his See and even went to extents to suppress it by refusing to allow his priests to say it.  This goes against what else we've heard from Giuseppi Nardi at Katholisches, that the Institute of the Good Shepherd has a Mass location in his See, but we have been unable to confirm that at present.

But then there are other "trads" like Father Gruner, who believe that we are on the eve of a Fatima Papacy.  Father Gruner has been in contact with the Holy Father in the past and is beside himself.

Of course, focusing on the alleged problem of people with legitimate or perhaps, ill-formed and misplaced grievances in good will, we should be considering where the true problems lie instead:

SSPX DICI on Papa Bergolio in Argentina


DICI obtained the opinion of Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, District Superior of South America, on the evening of the Pope’s election.

Cardinal Bergoglio wishes to be a poor man among the poor. He cultivates a militant humility, but can prove humiliating for the Church. His appearance in the loggia of St. Peter’s in a simple cassock without his rochet and mozzetta is a perfect illustration. He is a fine politician… And idealistic apostle of the poverty of the 70’s, he is completely turned towards the people, the poor, but without being a disciple of the theology of liberation.
Very conscious of the dilapidated state of his clergy, he did nothing to fix things. Never has the seminary of Buenos Aires had as few seminarians as today. It is a disaster, as have been the liturgies presided over by the “Cardinal of the Poor.” With him, we risk to see once again the masses of Paul VI’s pontificate, a far cry from Benedict XVI’s efforts to restore to their honor the worthy liturgical ceremonies.

He was firmly opposed to abortion. But while he wrote a beautiful letter to the Carmelites of Buenos Aires against the homosexual “marriage” bill – which was unfortunately voted through in the end – he had a regrettable discourse read during the protest against this bill, in which the name of Our Lord was not pronounced even once, while the Evangelistic pastor who spoke before him to excite the crowd delivered a more courageous discourse…(see DICI #219, July 24, 2010).

During an ecumenical meeting, he knelt to receive the blessing of two pastors.
He is a man of consensus, who hates confrontations. He kept his distance from the Catholics who denounced the blasphemous expositions that were held in Buenos Aires.

I have met him 5 or 6 times and he has always received me with benevolence, seeking to grant me what I wished, without going out of his way to overcome obstacles….

(sources : SSPX – DICI #272, March 15, 2013)

The Pope’s New Coat of Arms Restores Tiara?

A Fanciful Aspiration?
Edit: a Pope who doesn’t  speak English, who in turns plays the pilgrim Pope, then the Mystic Pope, a connoisseur of decadent art, then sending signals by venerating the relics of St. Pope Pius V, and now putting the tiara back on his coat of arms which the previous Holy Father, Benedict XVI had removed.

H/t to Orbis Catholicus…

And from Charles Coulombe:

Will the Next Pope Be Crowned?

The announcement of Pope Benedict XVI on February 11, 2013 that he would leave the Papacy (he could notresign it, as there is no earthly authority into whose hands he could do so; he renounced the See of St. Peter and the Diocese of Rome, and abdicated as Sovereign of the Vatican City State) on February 28 sent shock-waves throughout the world, and continues to do so at this writing. The fact that he will still be alive, though not participating, immediately alters many of the traditional features of the Sede Vacante — those dealing with ceremonial side of Papal death will be omitted, though something will have to be decided about such things as the ritual destruction of Benedict’s official ring. The Conclave shall duly elect Benedict’s successor, and the new Pontificate shall begin.
Apart from the next Pope’s record in diocesan or curial administration, much will be told about the course he intends to follow by his choices for the rites with which his Papacy will begin — what was traditionally called acoronation, and has been referred to in the last three Pontificates as an “installation” or “inauguration.” Pay close attention to what transpires on that day in early or mid-March; you will learn a great deal about the course of the Church in the next few years.
For the past several centuries, the coronation was a long ceremony, taking about six hours to complete. When Paul VI was elected, he shortened it considerably, by removing many of the small gestures, some of the repeated actions, and the like. He was however crowned with a Tiara as were his predecessors (albeit — in keeping with his unique aesthetics — a rather ugly one lacking the traditional ornamentation). Paul laid it on the altar of St. Peter’s at the end of Vatican II, in a gesture that was seen as bespeaking humility by some and as virtual abdication by others. Because of the changes he made in the Papal Court (ending most hereditary and lay offices, though a few remain), Paul made it impossible, just as he had with Papal funerals, for the sort of Coronation that he and his predecessors enjoyed to be performed again (cynics noted that while calling for a greater role for laity in the Church at large, he sharply reduced their standing in the ceremonial life of the Vatican). Nevertheless, it is certain that he intended for his successors to have some sort of coronation. In 1975 Apostolic Constitution, Romano Pontifici Eligendo, Paul explicitly declared, “the new pontiff is to be crowned by the senior cardinal deacon.”