Friday, March 15, 2013

Roberto de Mattei: Will Pope Francis Address the Causes of the Crisis? The Example of Hadrian VI.

What follows is the first opinion of the well-known tradition associated historian, Roberto de Mattei on the election of Pope Francis  (Francis):

The church has a new pope: Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The first non-European pope, the first Latin American pope, the first named Francis. The mass media will evaluate his past as a Cardinal, as archbishop of Buenos Aires and a simple priest to guess what the future of the church will be under his pontificate. Which revolution will he carry the flag for? Hans Küng describes him as the "best choice" (La Repubblica, 14.3.) But not until after the appointment of its staff and to its first keynote speeches will we be able to estimate the orientation of the pontificate of Pope Francis. For each pope, which is 1458 Cardinal Enea Piccolomini Silvia said at the moment of his election as pope with the name Pius II: “Forget Enea, listen to Pius.”

The History never repeats itself exactly the same in the past, but it helps to understand the present. In the 16th Century went through the Catholic Church a crisis that had never happened before. Humanism, with its immoral hedonism had infected the Roman Curia and the popes themselves. The corruption of Martin Luther's Protestant pseudo-reform had arisen, which Pope Leo X. who was from the family of the Medici, dismissed it as a "quarrel among monks." The heresy then immediately spread out, as after the death of Leo X. 1522, a German pope, Adrian of Utrecht, was unexpectedly chosen. He gave himself the name of Hadrian VI. The shortness of his pontificate, prevented him from bringing his projects to a conclusion. This is particularly true that, as well-known papal historian Ludwig von Pastor writes of the gigantic conflict against the many abuses which disfigured the Roman Curia, included almost the entire church. Even if his papacy had lasted longer, the evil was too deeply rooted in the Church, Pastor noted, than it would be necessary for a single pontificate to effect such a great change. All the evil that has been done for generations, could be overcome only by a long continuous work.

Hadrian VI. realized the extent of the problem and the responsibility the men of the Church who bore it. It is clear from the Instructio that on the apostolic nuncio Francesco Chieregati read on behalf of the Pope third January 1523 at the Diet of Nuremberg. Ludwig von Pastor emphasizes the extreme importance of this document, to learn not only about the ideas of the Pope for the renewal of the Church, but because it is as a text, never been in Church history never before.

After it initially rejects the Lutheran heresy, he treats the last and more important part of the instruction, the failure of the highest ecclesiastical authority against the revolutionaries.

We frankly confess that God lets it happen this persecution of His Church, because of the sins of the people and especially the priests and prelates. It is certain that the hand of God has not withdrawn, not because He can not save us, but because our sin separates us from him and therefore He does not hear us. The Scripture clearly teaches that the sins of the people have their origin in the sins of the clergy and therefore, as St. John Chrysostom explains, our Saviour, when He tried to clean the sick city of Jerusalem, he first went to the temple to punish the sins of the first priest, like a good doctor who cures the disease at its source. We have never sought the papal dignity, and would much rather have closed our eyes in the retreat of private life: We have waived the tiara, and only the fear of God, the legality of the election and the danger of a schism have led us to the office of the highest pastors to assume that we do not want to exercise in ambition, nor to enrich our families, but only to return the Holy Church, the bride of God to Her original beauty, to help the oppressed, to promote wise and able men to absolutely everything to do, what befits a good shepherd and true successor of Peter. However, no one should be surprised if we do not remove at a stroke all the abuses, because the disease is advanced and deeply rooted. It will therefore be taking one step after another, and confront the dangerous evils by the right drug, not to hasty reform to confuse everything even more. For, as Aristotle says, any sudden change is dangerous to common life.

The words of Adrian VI. help us to understand how the present crisis of the Church originated in doctrinal and moral defects of the men of the Church in the second half century since the Second Vatican Council. The Church is infallible. But Her members, the high ecclesiastical authorities, can make mistakes and must be willing to admit their guilt publicly. We know that. Adrian VI had the courage to tackle this critical examination of the past. How will the new pope counter the process of doctrinal and moral self-destruction of the Church and what position will he play against a modern world that is immersed in deep anti-Christian feeling? Only in the future will we be able to answer these questions, but it is certain that the cause of the darkness of our present time are in our recent past.

The story also tells us that Hadrian VI. was followed with the name of Clement VII (1523-1534) Giulio de Medici. Under his pontificate, the terrible sack of Rome took place on 6 May 1527 by the Lutheran mercenaries of the Emperor Charles V. The destruction and sacrileges that were committed then, and those of the year, exceeded the sack 410, can be barely described. There was particular brutality taken against religious and clergy: nuns raped, priests and monks killed or sold as slaves, destroyed churches, palaces and buildings, relics scattered and taken away. After the carnage famine and pestilence followed in quick succession. The citizens were decimated.

The Catholic people interpreted the event as a just punishment for their sins. Only after the terrible looting did life begin to fundamentally change. The climate of moral and religious relativism dissolved and in the general distress, a serious, sober and contrite air made throughout the holy city. This new atmosphere made the great religious revival of the Catholic Counter-Reformation of the 16th Century possible.

Link to Katholisches…

Image from here…



Thursday, March 14, 2013

Discalced Franciscan Does Penance at St. Peter’s During the Conclave

Credit: radiocristianidad
Edit: a lone pilgrim was praying in the rain in St. Peter’s square on a sewer grate while curious passers by watched (some joined him in prayer, and one priest even offered him grapes).  After finishing his prayers, he would go back to Assisi, to sleep outside there in the portico of the church.  Being interviewed by one journalist, he spoke of the end times.  Yet another journalist, interviewed the Friar and recorded his thoughts:

"Now times are very difficult for the church," said Massimo Coppo, who for more than 30 years has devoted his life to prayer and penitence for the church, following the example, he said, of St. Francis of Assisi.
Coppo arrived in Rome early Tuesday on the train from Assisi, where he is part of a community dedicated to St. Francis – and reforming the church. He's become something of a fixture at St. Peter's, but usually takes the train back to Assisi at night, where he sleeps under the porticos of the basilica.
"Tonight, I think I will stay," Coppo said, thanking a young priest who pressed a bag of grapes and crackers into his gnarled hands. "Here it is a mission of praying." He'd chosen his spot, kneeling atop the sewer drain, because, he explained, "When Francis came here to meet the pope, the story says that he also stayed in a stable with animals. So I want to stay here, as a sign of penance and also in prayer, so that our church may be clean and restored."
When I asked the question that is nearly ubiquitous in Rome at the moment – who would he like to see elected pope – Coppo skipped names and went straight to description.
"To me, I hope it will be a pope who is poor or who understands the poor. Many people are poor and becoming poor," he said. "A pope that speaks of eternity – of paradise – and even of hell in a world that doesn't like it.
"The revolutionary approach of Francis to poverty and suffering is the approach of the apostles, of the Bible," the soft-spoken pilgrim continued. "Sometimes, part of the church wants to please the world. It's not possible.”

Pope Francis’ Aesthetic Tastes Are Revealing

Edit: another feature of Pope Francis that might provide an indication of what his approach to the Liturgy and sacred art will be, are the things he likes.  According to Nick Squires, the Pope’s favorite “painting” is Marc Chagall’s Crucifiction:

His favorite film is Babette’s Feast:

A Review on Rotten Tomatoes:

The Danish/French Babette's Feast is based on a story by Isak Dinesen, also the source of the very different Out of Africa (1985). Stephane Audran plays Babette, a 19th century Parisian political refugee who seeks shelter in a rough Danish coastal town. Philippa (Bodil Kjer) and Martina (Birgitte Federspiel), the elderly daughters of the town's long-dead minister, take Babette in. As revealed in flashback, Philippa and Martina were once beautiful young women (played by Hanne Stensgaard and Vibeke Hastrup), who'd forsaken their chances at romance and fame, taking hollow refuge in religion. Babette holds a secret that may very well allow the older ladies to have a second chance at life. This is one of the great movies about food, but there are way too many surprises in Babette's Feast to allow us to reveal anything else at this point (except that Ingmar Bergman "regulars" Bibi Andersson and Jarl Kulle have significant cameo roles).. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi

The Pope’s First Mass is Versus Populum

Setting for Mass Versus Populum

Is the Cafeteria Open?

Edit: according to FatherZ, the new Pope is now saying Mass in the magnificent Sistine Chapel versus populum.  Once you start a ball rolling, it’s hard to stop.  One wonders what other changes will be taking place?  It looks like we’re going back to John Paul II and that Msgr Marini may be looking for a new job soon.

Some of us were brought back to 2006!

Here you can watch the Mass live on EWTN.

One reader asks, “is the cafeteria open?”  Thanks to him for that witty reposte.

Newsmax Poll on New Pope and State of the Church

Edit: currently with a little under 3,000 votes cast, most are Catholic, against birth control by a slim margin, overwhelmingly against priestesses, overwhelmingly favorable to the new Pope and overwhelmingly favorable toward the Catholic Church.

Cast your vote, here….

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope Francis: A Brighter Portrait [Update]

Update:  according to what we’ve heard from the Argentine journalist at Rorate Caeli, the Immemorial Masses offered within the vicinity of Buenos Aires, in fact, one close to the city center, another 20 miles away and the third within 60 miles, but none of them are within the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires itself.

When individual priests attempted to offer the Immemorial Mass, in this very conservative Archdiocese, they were ordered to stop.

We still don’t know what to make of the Society of the Good Pastor’s alleged presence in the Diocese

At any rate, it’s indisputable that when he was the ordinary, he not only didn’t promote the Traditional Mass, he thwarted it, against the spirit of the legislation, and it could be said in a spirit of disobedience to the wishes of the Holy Father and the legislation of Summoroum Pontificum.

Edit: this is a bit of an overwhelmingly positive look at the new Pope, with some cautionary notes.  Its interesting to note that despite a local Argentine journalists description of the new Pope as a man who did not implement Summorum Pontificum,  the new pope has, in fact, several locations, far more than most cities in North America, including the Society of the Good Shepherd.  Not only that, but he appears to have been a bit of a cold warrior, and is going to face some nasty reprisals against the Leftist press for his involvement.  Hopefully the links on all the locations will still work.  Each cross marks a Mass location in and around Buenos Aires.:

Ver Misa Tradicional Summorun Pontificum en Argentina. en un mapa ampliado

Buenos Aires is a city with almost three million inhabitants.  It has four Latin Mass locations within the city limits and reasonable driving distance.  It looks like two of them offer Mass daily, according to the map above, while one offers it at 12 on Sundays.  Further to the south at the Air Force base, Mass is offered only once a month.  You can click and drag around the window to look inside them.   It will be easier to look around if you access it directly on google.

(Vatican)The conclave brought a big surprise. What is surprising is the choice of the Argentine, Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio. The Archbishop of Buenos Aires is the first non-European, [St. Gregory III?]  the first Hispanic, the first Jesuit, on the See of the Prince of the Apostles Peter.  Surprisingly, he is also the first to take the name Francis, which he has chosen as pope. Although he is a Jesuit, the recent descendant of Italian immigrants, he is close to the new Community Communion and Liberation (CL) of Giussani. From the ranks of this community comes Milan's Archbishop Angelo Cardinal Scola who was actually considered "papabile”. Bergoglio is only one and a half years younger than Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger was when he was elected as pope in 2005. Contrary to expectations, the College of Cardinals would set clear signals that needs to be read, but no long pontificate, as had been adopted previously. On the 17th of December,  Pope Francis I ail be 77 years old.
The choice of name inevitably points to the "poverello", the “little poor one",  St. Francis of Assisi. No pope has previously held the name. One name says it all. Cardinal Bergoglio forbade the Argentine faithful who wanted to accompany him to the joy of his elevation to cardinal in Rome, to make the journey. [Forget about any of the spiritual benefits pilgrims would receive for their sacrifices and good intentions.] He asked them to donate the money to charity. Appointments to the Roman Curia were refused by the Jesuit. He traveled to Rome only when it was absolutely necessary.
Francis, however, was not just the stereotype, which is known today about him, but in addition to his evangelical poverty, he is an especially staunch defender of God and an indefatigable son of Holy Church. This at a time when there were many sectarian currents outside the Church and many believers joined these groups because of their dissatisfaction with the church.  St. Francis opposed them by offering an equally authentic counter model. Which included also, if necessary, to suffer emergencies in the Church,  from what did not correspond to Her real nature in this time by human weakness and ignorance.
The new pope was also the Bishop for Eastern Christians in Argentina. He has not celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, since the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. The implementation of the motu proprio in the archdiocese was "rather lukewarm," writes Messa in LatinoThe Remnant said that not much is known about his disposition to the traditional rite in a preliminary report. In his archdiocese there is a branch of the Old Ritual Institut du Bon Pasteur. He also was, however, so far, among others in the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.  As for questions in the Church's moral teachings and ecclesiastical discipline, he is considered to be like Pope Benedict XVI.. To legalize the killing of unborn children, the Cardinal said: In Argentina, "there is the death penalty." He turned and decided, without success, against the legalization of gay marriage by the Argentine government. [In one of the most Catholic countries in the New World.]
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi, a Jesuit like the new pope said in an initial statement that Francis is a Pope who will show a "style of simplicity and evangelical witness" and also a "continuity with Benedict XVI."
On fiscal policies he may be expected to criticize the excesses of capitalism. Bergoglio, although no Franciscans may be considered  as a Franciscan in his manner of living. He has neither a driver nor a stylish sedan. In Buenos Aires, he used a lot of public transport. In the conclave of 2005, he was as the “rival" of Benedict XVI. said to have tearfully asked the cardinals in the conclave not to choose him, but Joseph Ratzinger. His opponent is now to succeed. The pendulum has swung in the other side? Among the human vices he finds particularly offensive is careerism, especially in the church.
In the short speech to the assembled crowd at St. Peter's, he said, both in relation to his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI. and of himself as "bishop."  Francis clearly addressed his diocese as Bishop of Rome. How this will affect his understanding of the papacy, must be seen. What role will the collegiality on which was in the General Congregations much emphasis?
In 1973 to 1980 Bergolio was the Argentine Superior of the Province of Argentina of the Jesuit Order, and then vigorously opposed the Marxist liberation theology. Not least because of his resistance to some Marxist-inspired confreres and the resulting conflicts, he was transferred. [He fought with the good guys] In 1986 he received his doctorate in Germany, which is why he learned, alongside Spanish and Italian, very good German as well. Subsequently, he served as spiritual director and confessor at the Jesuit church of Cordoba. In 1992 he was appointed auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires by John Paul II.  In 1997 he was appointed Coadjutor, and he succeeded Cardinal Antonio Quarrancino by the Office of the Archbishop of Buenos Aires. By 2011 he was also Chairman of the Argentine Episcopal Conference.
In the General Congregations prior to the Conclave for the new pope, he spoke especially about the mercy of God and the joy of the faith. In Argentina it is the priest, acting in the slums, who are his favorites. Without Deviations of the Doctrine of the Faith he was trying to win all, even the most feeble, for Christ. The Church, said then Cardinal Bergoglio,  must "always reflect the merciful face of God."

Pope Francis, Now the Jesuits Are Control All Your Bases!

Edit: when we were watching the last election, it was with resignation.  Pope Benedict XVI was a possibility and probably the best possibility of them all, but there was much trepidation about what he’d do in the future.  Could we be, as one anonymous canonist remarks, be looking down the barrel of another Vatican Council?

At this point, the new Holy Father, Francis I, is not being met with a great deal of enthusiasm by traditionalists in Argentina.  Despite his intransigence on matters such as sexual morality where he opposed illicit unions, he has been unfriendly to tradition in his See.

This may mean, of course, the death of any reconciliation with the Society of St. Pius X, and even a complete abandonment of Benedict XVI’s project of restoration.

He’s already off to a bad start, (change is a bad thing in rituals and doctrine) taking an unusual name and appearing to the Sala window only in a white cassock without his mozetta as his predecessors had done.  At least he kept the Ferula Papalis, but I don’t think we can be hopeful that he will be restoring the papal coronation and tiara at any point.

Still, it’s not the end of the world. The Pope in white may be the greatest Pope we’ve ever had, greater even than St. Pius IX.  Or he may be the worst Pope we’ve ever had, only time will tell.

Anyway, don’t expect him to put much of a break on false ecumenism:

Update:  Here’s a comment from Rorate Caeli’s combos:

"I live in Buenos Aires. Bergoglio has destroyed the archdioceses, persecuting every single orthodox priest. He despises sacrality, and has de facto prohibited the application of Summorum Pontificum. He is an utter enemy of Tradition, ill-minded, almost maffiosi. This has to be a severe chastisement from God to us all."

Ed Peters Sees Canon Violation in Vatican Snub

Edit: Waaaaaaa! Team America isn’t welcome at the Vatican. I wonder if it means Cardinal Dolan won’t be the first high school wrestling coach to be the pope. Obviously, George Weigel has had some issues with this current papacy, since he doesn’t quite get the access now he once enjoyed under John Paul II, but Ed Peters finds another avenue to object to this state of things in the Vatican. It’s probably too much to expect that they were disinclined for doctrinal reasons?

George Weigel’s essay on the shut-down of the American press conferences is spot-on, in my view, and I post here only to add a canonical perspective on events.Law.1983 CIC 212 § 3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they [the Christian faithful, which includes cardinals] have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.Universi Dominici imposes secrecy concerning all matters directly or indirectly related to the election of the Roman Pontiff. UDG 10, 12, 48, etc.

Helium Prices Rise on the Increasing Possibility of a Schönborn Papacy

Cardinal Schönborn’s odds have gone up, as the Leftist press worldwide extols his alleged conservative credentials. His standing at Paddy Power has demonstrated great buoyancy. Meanwhile, the helium industry is gearing up for a ++Schönborn papacy, who if elected will not only create a lot of hot air among journalists, Catholic and secular alike, about how conservative he is, despite his penchant for Liturgical extremes, but will surely create a real demand for helium.


 At present, it’s not clear whether or not Dennis Rodman’s campaign for Cardinal Turkson is having an effect.


There are also suggestions in some confidential circles that instead of white smoke, they will release thousands of multicolored balloons if the Danube Cardinal is to channel some of that river water into the Tiber.

Link to  photo.

Radio Vatican is Now Live

Edit: with very nice music and hopefully we won’t have to listen to Father Reese, either.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

[Don’t] Get Your Conclave News from Vatican Radio, Not NBC or Whatnot

Update to the Update GMT 18:23:  Here’s decent coverage from them on the Vatican website:

Edit: don’t get stuck listening to crappy coverage from NBC, BBC or Nazi originated Spiegel.  Listen to the Vatican Broadcaster, as chaotic as it is.  Their site is horribly constructed and I can’t find live streaming, but here’s a link for an MP3:

You also may have to download a viewer/player in order to get into the Vatican Site.  There are various  sites to access live streaming, but the English ones appear to be broken.

Just listening to the morning news now, and it’s got Father Thomas Reese SJ, disgraced former editor of America on.  Can’t they find someone who’s Catholic?

Ok, forget Vatican Radio in English.  Here’s live streaming coverage on Youtube:

Conclave: The First Ballot is at 2PM

We could see white smoke as early as 2 PM EST today! Be sure to share this nifty pic created by

H/t: Catholicsistas

Monday, March 11, 2013

Hans Kung Fears Continuation of Benedict's Papacy

Benedikt XVI. will not sit in peace after his resignation, but will continue to co-administer in the Vatican, says Theologian [sic] Kung. There are many indications for that.

[Zeit] Benedikt XVI. will also continue to except size influence in important decisions in the Vatican - the Theologian Kung is sure of this. Benedikt has flipped all the switches in order to secure his position of power, said the Tubingen professor. For the new Pope this will be a great burden. He will be "hindered in every way by a shadow Pope. "

Benedikt XVI. had bid farewell to the Cardinalls on 28. February in the Vatican and said to his successor: "Among you is the future pope and I promise you my unqualified obedience and respect" he said, before he flew to his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo. in a few moments he would withdraw into a former monastery in the Vatican garden.

He is alarmed that Benedikt XVI. has his retirement residence so close to the center of power. Here it is so that Benedikt according to his press speaker to continue contact with his Cardinals. And also Benedikt's private secretary, Georg Gänswein - says Küng is "a puppet master" - in an influemtial position at the Prefecture of the Papal Household. Benedikt will have as a consequence many opportunities to have comprehensive influence.

Reforms indispensable

If the new pope should be ready for reforms, conservative Cardinals could always turn to the old Pope and build a powerful position. Küng himself considers reforms indispensable. Without reforms the Church may "run into a new ice age and is in danger of becoming an large sect of shrinking relevance."

The Conclave - the selection of the new pope - begins on Tuesday.

More Religious Art

Edit: Could it be that the Wu Tang Clan has become Catholic? This photo appeared on EWTN’s FB site. If anyone knows about the who, what and where, please share.

Come at me Bro!

A Contrast in Two Contenders: Scherer Lets Host Fall to the Floor --Scola Shows Commitment to Hermeneutic of Continuity

(Rome) On Sunday, the papal electors celebrated  Mass  in their titular churches in Rome and surroundings. Each cardinal is assigned a church in Rome with his elevation to Cardinal, for which he is officially the pastor. Each cardinal thus has a share in the pastoral care of the diocese of Rome, while at the same time it expresses the bond to the pope.
Among the celebrants were two cardinals who enter as candidates in the conclave: Cardinal Angelo Scola of Milan in his 6th of the Century titular church of Santi XII Apostoli in Rione Trevi and Odilo Scherer of Sao Paulo, Cardinal in his consecrated titular church of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale designed by Bernini in 1678, which served from 1870-1946 as a court orchestra for the Italian royal family. Thus, a situation may repeat itself as in the conclave of 1978 , in which  the two stood facing, the Cardinals Benelli (Florence) and Siri (Genoa) who reprsented opposing Church models. The contrast between the two camps in 2013 is not as accentuated as it was then, yet there are significant differences.

Cardinal Scherer "Eucharistic understanding"

Messa in Latino published some comments on the liturgies of the two. Cardinal Scherer was the "candidate of the Progressive chiselers and the ear of the Roman Curia." One could describe  Scherer  "modus celebrandi as just as careless and at the canonical limit for abuse."  "For example, without the Communion paten, although this could also be prescribed in the rubrics of the Novus Ordo. There is no reason to give it up, at least when a prince of the Church celebrates, because there certainly isn’t a lack of ministers. "
Failure to follow the Church's rules "has consequences: a Host consecrated by the Cardinal slipped from  from his hand and fell on the floor for lack of paten". This could happen to any priest. The consequences which were here caused by the negligent handling of the liturgical rules were serious as the Lord fell into the dust and lay on the ground.  How the celebrant reacts to this situation is in turn revealing regarding his Eucharistic understanding. "Cardinal Scherer picked up the consecrated Host and held it up and ready to go. This, picked up although in such cases any host particles and the ground should be cleaned in a special way, instead of kicking the particles of the body of Our Lord with your feet, allowing let them to easily step on them. “  [Video on Missa in Latino]

Cardinal Scola: Next Pope should (not 50) "great Popes" of the last 150 years follow

The celebration of Cardinal Scola was, however, "always looking, for the Novus Ordo, very solemn and dignified.” Only, "but pardonable negligence, that does not fault the celebrant: Is it possible that in a church in Rome there is not a pink chasuble available, although it was Laetare Sunday?", however, the celebration was similar to the "extremely sympathetic"  American Cardinal Dolan.
Cardinal Scola “captivated" especially through his preaching. In it he said: "Let us pray that the Holy Spirit gives His Church, the man who will follow the traces  of the great popes they presented in the past 150 years."
"150 years and not 50 years, which is remarkable," said Messa in Latino. The Cardinal struck  a wide berth, in which the post-conciliar period accounts for only one-third and also included the papacy of Pius IX. "A cautiously formulated, but solid commitment to the hermeneutic of continuity, which Pope Benedict XVI. taught as the way to Church renewal".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Archdiocese of Sao Paulo and Milan

Sunday, March 10, 2013

SSPX German District Superior Calls for Day of Fasting for a Good Outcome at Conclave

The District Superior of Germany, Father Franz Schmidberger, calls all believers to participate in a fast day, which is to be held in all the houses of the SSPX in Germany.

The intention of the fast day is the good outcome of the election of a pope.

From the circular letter to the brothers in the German district:

Stuttgart 9, March 2013

According to information from the Rome conclave begins on Tuesday, the 12th March. In order for all the communities of the Society in the German district of Monday or Tuesday to hold a day of fasting.

All the faithful are invited to join in this day of fasting.

On Tuesday, the "Votive Mass for election of a pope" can second classed as a votive Mass in red with Gloria, but no creed, and the commemoration of Lent.

With fraternal greetings,

Father Franz Schmidberger

Note: A fast day is completed according to the Catholic Church's law on a day in which you are taking only one full meal (preferably lunch). In the morning and in the evening just a little snack is allowed (in the morning a piece of dry bread and drink, dinner a bowl of soup with a piece of bread). Drinking does not break the fast.

Under the new Code (1983) obligatory fast days are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday ( this is unknown to many Catholics  due to the lack of preaching in parishes!).

The SSPX fasts in their homes, every Friday during Lent and the Ember Days.

Cardinal Kasper Leads a Progressive Coalition to Elect a Weak Pope

Edit: we were reporting earlier that wed hoped that Cardinal Kasper had turned away from his Old Liberal ways as a protege of the dissident Hans Kung.  He not only kept mostly silent, but moderated many of his former opinions, even encouraging his fellow Germans to obey the Holy Father at one point.
Now the wily Conciliarist smells blood in the water and is leading the progressive bloc in the Council to elect at least a man they can manipulate to further their agenda.  Here’s the translation from Giuseppi Nardi and his interpretation, which is very perceptive:

(Rome) Cardinal Walter Kasper, will participate in the conclave, though he is 80 years old, in two days. He will thus be the oldest papal elector. The German Cardinal, the most weighty representative of the progressive cardinals, is spinning the threads of an anti-Ratzinger Pontificate.
The former assistant to Hans Küng was removed in 1999 by John Paul II as the Bishop of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and transferred to Rome, where he was until 2010,  the President of the Pontifical Council on Promoting Christian Unity. The promotion was part of a smooth reconstruction of the German episcopate by repression of the progressive influence. As a "minister" of the Holy See, Kasper moderated his attitude, although he had not abandoned it. Within the Roman Curia, he was theologically the real opponent of Benedict XVI. Since his resignation announcement, it was difficult not to see the Cardinal as the most important representative of the progressive camp to advance amid the Conclave participants. It is a direction that is no longer numerically  great among the electors, but looks for allies.

Assistant to Hans Küng as head of the progressive cardinals

Little surprise, then, that the Left-Liberal Italian daily La Repubblica [They also do Vatican Insider] asked the Cardinal for an interview. That paper, which published the dubious rumor  by an allegedly scandalous shocking content of Vatileaks-final report, which allegedly prompted Pope Benedict to resign. The unproven sex-crime-and-Vatican rumor was spread worldwide. La Repubblica is currently one of those papers of similar political alignment that try to significantly influence the conclave from the outside.
The newspaper asked Cardinal Kasper what he would say to  Benedict XVI,  when he visits him after the conclave. The Cardinal did not  too shy to announce through the media today what he would eventually intend to say in person to the former Pope, but in any case, still Pope.  It’s hard to imagine less respect. Kasper's remarks reveal a certain nervousness that in Benedict XVI. the Cardinals could recognize maybe a preferred candidate to succeed him, or at least to prescribe and influence the  who his successor will be.

“Advice" as a warning - Kasper’s revolutionary plans

Kasper's response thus acts more on the conclave, then an imaginary conversation with Benedict XVI. after the conclave disguised as a "piece of advice" which corresponds to more of a warning. So what would the Cardinal tell his German compatriot?
"Many things. The first is a piece of advice. I would recommend him to let himself be used by anyone.The danger is too great that the church leadership suffers his influence. This must not happen. He has made his clear decision that requires a step back. He must, therefore, impose restraint. He must avoid to relate questions that church leaders and church politics to interfere. Then I would still be friendly with him, talk about what we both care about the most, theology. "
The newspaper stressed then that the German Pope, especially in the local church, sees an authoritarian figure who dictates from above, which is why in Germany particular worth is put on independence from Rome. As to the question of whether Kasper also sees it this way, the Cardinal contradicts, but rather calls for an unspecified democratization of the Catholic Church to Protestant model:
"It takes a new form of exercise of church leadership. This form is called collegiality, a more horizontal government. The collegiality of the bishops must extend through forms of representation to all parts of God's people. Such collegiality would go in the direction of the Second Vatican Council of the unity in diversity among all who believe in the gospel and greater dialogue with other religions. It is necessary to get away from the dryness of Roman centralism by the conviction that the center does not mean centralization.
The reform of the curia is a priority. At the same time it is also a big problem, because today there is a lack of internal dialogue in the Roman Curia. The departments of not talking to each other, there is no communication. This situation is changing.
In the General Congregations, we have not talked about Vatileaks. I think that the Curia should be revolutionized, and generally independent of Vatileaks. I believe that next to the word reform is a second word: transparency. The Curia must begin to stop fearing transparency. "

"Celibacy, women priests, homosexuality" and Kasper’s silence

According to La Repubblica move "celibacy, women priests, homosexuality [...]" the conscience of many believers back "issues" with emphasis in the public debate. " Cardinal Kasper also contradicts not a word in this case, if it is received in its response on another keyword:
“The banning of remarried divorcees from communion is a wound. I will not pretend to the previous track, but one thing is certain: there needs to be serious rethinking on this issue. It takes humility to approach the argument from case to case. The determination can be changed according to the diversity of the situation. "
Cardinal Kasper expresses no preferred candidate as the next pope: "I wish that there is no objection to anyone. We have to be open to everything, for every nationality and every geographical origin. "

Brazilian bishops have called on the progressive media, to create the right atmosphere for Cardinal Schemer

Meanwhile, it was revealed that large movements are in progress, the Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Cardinal Odilo Scherer is being brought in camp as a candidate of the “Left" position. Movements, in which the progressive classical types as Lehmann and Kasper, are connected. As at the largest Brazilian newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo reported on the  5th of March, the Brazilian Bishops' Conference has not only called the cardinals of the largest Latin American country to vote for Scherer, but also specifically asked the progressive mass media to create the right atmosphere for the election Scherer.
It is not only the ten percent of the old progressives who gather around Scherer in the conclave, but all “Liberal" cardinals who believe that the reconstruction of the church by Pope Benedict XVI went too far. Thus  an anti-Ratzinger successor is  secured to cancel the pontificate of Benedict XVI  in its "restorative" parts.  The alliance, which also includes parts of the Roman Curia. Those Curia who were, under Pope Paul VI and John Paul II, were greatly enhanced by a number of new councils, academies and commissions. The heads of some departments want to live a life of their own as much as possible, which is why they are traditionally interested with the progressives for a weak pope, which Cardinal Kasper indirectly expressed. Those who know him are convinced that Cardinal Kasper thinks there is a plan B  next to Scherer.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Screenshot Romereporters

For comments and corrections:


"Harlem Shake" Liturgy in Regensburg

Update:  Harlem Shake has been cancelled, but instead of announcing the resignation of the priest, the Vicar General of Regensburg has said that a discussion will be held in the church instead.  As one commenter said, why does this “discussion” have to be held inside the Church?

Edit: your trusty SSPX is ever vigilant for these kinds if things to help other Catholics who are faithful to Rome in the former Diocese of Archbishop Mueller.

( Pastor Michael Hirner of the Catholic Parish Church of Herz-Jesu in Teublutz (Diocese if Regensburg) is planning a desecration of its church.
On Facebook, the youth are called to get costumed and come to church on the 16th of March to dance a "Harlem Shake" (see photo) .

Here is a public invitation by Pastor Hirner on FB:

Teublutz, Freedom Place, Parish Church

Harlem Shake – Saturday 16. March 2pm, Teublitz Parish Church. We're going to do a Harlem Shake in the church. We will hold liturgy, in which the Harlem Shake will be danced. – We'll need a lot of participants for that - It would be really super if many could come. – Important!!!! Please bring masks and costumes of every kind along. We want to make a video and put it on YouTube.–

The Facebook site can be seen here as it is depicted.

As for the question of readers who might ask, "what is a Harlem Shake?"

Harlem Shake is a song with elements of Hip Hop and Trap Scene. This song, available for free on the Internet since 2012, is connected to this phenomenon:

In February of 2013, there was a video in which a part of the Harlem Shake can be heard in this example with 40,000 views:

Accordingly the course of this view is always the same: thus the video always runs the same course: a group which appears accidentally together (flashmob), which goes along in a relatively bored way on the usual activity, z.B. for example students in a classroom. Suddenly grotesquely masked youth begin to dance to the music of Harlem Shake, and in the next scene one sees the group dancing in jerky movements to the music.

Pastor Hirmer wants to conduct this clearly in the church. That will also involve the desecration of the church space at the same time.

We ask your support:

Write only in a polite and respectful way (despite Fr Hirmer's scandalous intentions)
Schreiben Sie wie immer höflich und nicht verletztend and point out this sacrilege.

Contact Info:

Kath. Pfarramt Herz Jesu
Schützenstraße 2 A
93158 Teublitz
+49 9471 9491

Also contact the Diocese of Regensburg to inquire about what those responsible intend to do:

93047 Regensburg
Telefon: 0941/597-01
Fax: 0941/597-1055

Saturday, March 9, 2013

High Prelate in Lebanon Urges Conclave to Re-Elect Pope Benedict XVI.

Edit: much has been bandied about in recent times about Benedict XVI’s daring move. Encouragingly, a few of the German journalists have been very sympathetic to him. Not only does this journalist see the potential for a long-term gain, but he cites an unnamed Prelate from Lebanon who, like us, believes that the Pope could and should be re-elected again.  Here’s the article which was captured by

A high prelate from Lebanon has proposed recently that the cardinals in the conclave should best of Benedict XVI. but simply choose again. - By Paul Badde / The World

Vatican ( / DieWelt) Rain in Rome. The conclave will commence on the 12th of March, according to the latest leak in the Vatican. 115 [114] Cardinals from around the world will then begin to choose the successor to Benedict XVI.. Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman had promised the message only for Friday evening at 19.00 clock. On Thursday, the last Cardinal had arrived from Vietnam. The rest of the international college had been in the days before in intensive regular plenary sessions in the Nervi Hall and in numerous meetings in the palaces and in the corridors of the Vatican, as in many places around St. Peter's the profile of a successor is exchanged - and the tasks that will fall upon the poor man.

The Cardinals themselves can not say a word, since they all had to swear before the plenum individually to strict secrecy. No wonder since the rumor mill has not churned this much in years. What became known before the imposition of the embargo on information was this: all the guests from the five continents in Rome will finally find out exactly what has happened in the last few months at the Vatican. The Cardinal Julián Herranz (82) from Spain, Jozef Tomko (89) from Slovakia and southern Italian Salvatore De Giorgi (82) who meticulously investigated the background of the vanished documents, which disappeared from the Pope’s table, on behalf of Pope Benedict, are therefore now already considered as the secret kingmakers.

Certainly, the three have, in any case, run more than one cardinal from the race. Since they meet in individual meetings with their brothers, their findings are by all means, no secret. The 300-page dossier, in which they have recorded the findings and results of their investigations is true only available to the next pope. However, many details of their investigations have obviously long since made themselves known already in the corridors of the Vatican - where many initiates don’t need their own investigations, to see the conditions in the image, which normally do not penetrate through the walls of the Vatican to the outside.

"The Curia has killed Benedict XVI.” is therefore not an unusual assessment these days in the alleys and streets surrounding St. Peter's. The future Pope must “clean from the ground up” in the Curia, confided the American Archbishop Charles Chaput (66) on Thursday for the Roman newspaper "Il Messaggero". This “pressing task" requires an energy that Benedict XVI. obviously could have managed, and therefore logically waived his office. He's made a mark on many by diverse calculations and plans toward this last step of his official resignation, although this was not only a personal option for himself, by an opportunity, which he saw bound in principle with this office for a long time.

"If the pope can see that he is absolutely unable, then surely he would resign," Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger has entrusted the chief editor, John Schießl, since 11 March 2002 of the Munich church newspaper. His step on 11 February sprang not only from his own personal well-being, but his understanding of the ministry of the Petrine ministry as a whole. Not all in the Catholic Church agree with this understanding of office, not even among the cardinals.

As opposed to the conclave of 2005, in which Joseph Ratzinger had been by far the best-known face, there're no clear favorites for the succession and also no clear camp between conservatives and progressives. This time the Cardinals from around the world are united and separated, especially on the question of how much they agree on this spectacular last step of Benedict XVI - or how much they reject it. Only after the election of a successor can the complex meaning of the resignation be therefore ascertained.

With his last step the pope was also playing his game va banque with the Holy Spirit. For his successor could again thwart all decrees, for which he has staked his future - or else he could connect him to an unprecedented double pontificate, as long as "Benedictus XVI. Emeritus” is still alive. Until this election but now especially the pundits and Pope-ologists like David Berger [likes to bathe in urine] have the floor, which claims to offer currently much sought after interviewees for "gay cliques and networks pink" in the Vatican. The network and server to Saint Peter then crash every few minutes, with the incredible amounts of data that are in beamed these days around the world to and from Rome. Meanwhile, journalists are already more numerous here than in the death of John Paul II. Its own media center had to be set up because the Sala Stampa’s emergency requirements are nowhere near enough.

The Sistine Chapel was already closed on Tuesday to begin the technical preparation for the conclave. With the seats, setting up the furnace in which the ballots are burned, the careful search for possible bugs and the like. The room must also be made electronically completely sterile, so not a cardinal can’t be tweeting the news about the new pope before the rise of white smoke outside.

A high prelate from Lebanon has recently proposed, it would be best if the cardinals in the conclave should elect Benedict XVI. again. Then there would be in the church a few less problems. This election of Benedict, he would necessarily accept and return immediately from Castel Gandolfo to Rome - as Peter when he was on the run from the burning of Rome, he met Jesus on the Via Appia, who only asked him: "Quo vadis?" Where are you going? After his return Benedict XVI. could immediately clamp down like never before. With such a mandate of the election of the frail old man would be the most powerful Pope of the history of the Church.

  Link to

Friday, March 8, 2013

Four Million Pilgrims Venerate Our Lady From Vladivostok to Fatima

(Czestochowa / Fatima) in Fatima, Portugal, the world's largest Pro-Life action hitherto extends from ocean to ocean. More than four million people took part in the pilgrimage for Life that stretched across the far end of the world in Vladivostock. Nine months ago, in June 2012 in Vladivostok, in the far east of Siberia, the pilgrimage began for the faithful reproduction of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Czestochowa, the famous Black Madonna. On her way she stopped in many countries, among many nations and languages. The pilgrimage led from the Pacific Ocean through the whole of Siberia, Central Asia, Eastern, Central, Southern and Western Europe to Fatima on the Atlantic Ocean. The miraculous image almost touched the whole of Catholic and Orthodox Europe.

The Pilgrimage for Life was conceived precisely to nine months. Its how long a pregnancy lasts. The aborted children do not even live this short period of life, to be born and to see the light of the world. That was Eva Kowalewska, the director of Human Life International Poland and main coordinator of pilgrimage for life’s idea from the beginning. The Polish Catholic developed the idea of a pilgrimage with Russian lifers with Orthodox Church affiliations. "The aim of the pilgrimage is to make as many people sensitive to the protection of life and the defense of the family," said Kowalewska. The organizers, however, rely primarily on divine assistance. Information and education is only part of the pilgrimage, but there is another side in prayer for the unborn and for an end to the scandal of abortion.

The Pilgrimage for Life covered 65,000 Kilomters, 24 countries were visited and more than four million people accompanied the Blessed Mother for a piece in prayer. A variety Orthodox and Catholic communities, parishes, and religious organizations have supported the prayer of action for life.

On 28 September, 2012 the pilgrimage brought the holy image to the German-speaking world, first to South Tyrol. From the 29th of September to the 14th of October they crossed Austria, then Liechtenstein, from 15-24th October, Switzerland, and finally from the 24th of October to the 2nd of November, the Federal Republic of Germany.

Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Spain and since the 2nd of March in Portugal, those are the countries visited. On the 9th of March they brought the picture of grace to the church of St. Mary of Nazareth on the Atlantic Ocean.

Link to original…

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Von Ozean zu Ozean

Any corrections concerns or comments, e-mail


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lou Ferrakhan Comes to Dissident Priest’s Chicago Parish

Edit: last week we noticed that the unstoppable Father Micheal Pfleger of Chicago had invited Louis Ferrakhan to his parish for an interfaith gathering on March 1st.  There is no sign of the ACLU or the SPLC and the usual professional whiners. Cardinal George at least has tacit approval of this event.   He wrote the following report in his usual understated way on his Facebook page:
Woke up just thanking God for His Goodness and Mercy this Morning! Minister Farrakhan gave such a Beautiful Message of Unity and Love last Night! He challenged us to come together and be made New in Christ! To lay down our weapons and use the gift of our Minds and Hearts. He reminded us of the Power of Light! I am so grateful for his friendship. He is my friend, my Brother and Mentor. I pray that the World will embraces his message and that we come together! 
Famous quotes:

"White people are potential humans - they haven't evolved yet.”
 Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2000

"They [the Jews] are the greatest controllers of black minds, black intelligence. They write the scripts - the foolish scripts on television that our people portray. They are the movie moguls that feature us in these silly, degrading, degenerate roles.

"The great recording companies that portray our people in such a filthy and low-rating way, yet they would not allow such a man as Michael Jackson to say one word that they thought would besmirch their reputation, but they put us before the world as clowns and as purveyors of filth. No, I will fight that.”
Meet The Press interview, October 1998

"The Jews have been so bad at politics they lost half their population in the Holocaust. They thought they could trust in Hitler, and they helped him get the Third Reich on the road." Saviours' Day speech, Chicago, February 1998

"Of course, they [the Jews] have a very small number of people but they are the most powerful in the world, they have the power to do good and they have the power to do evil ... Now what do the Jews do best? Well, they have been the best in finance that the world has ever known …

"They finance a lot of stuff in the world, and there's nothing wrong with that, but they are not good politicians, they are the worst politicians because they don't recognise really their friends and as well their enemies ... " Saviours' Day speech, Chicago, February 1998

"It seems like being gay or whatever sin you wish to be a part of is okay ... but I have the duty to lift that gay person up to the standard to ask if they want to live the life that God wants them to or live the lifestyle that they want to live." Boston speech, August 1997

"I believe that for the small numbers of Jewish people in the United States, they exercise a tremendous amount of influence on the affairs of government ...Yes, they exercise extraordinary control, and black people will never be free in this country until they are free of that kind of control ... " Meet The Press interview, April 1997

"I don't own Hollywood. Who depicted black people? Who writes the books? Who writes the plays, the songs that make us look less than human? Do you mean to tell me that Jews have never done any evil to black people? …

"Were they not involved in the slave trade? Yes, they were ... and to the extent that they were involved, somebody has to bring them to account. And I believe that has fallen on me." Interview with New York Amsterdam News, January 1994

Quotes stolen from the Guardian…

Lou Ferrakhan Photo...

Cardinal McCarrick’s “Pectoral Cross"

U.S. Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick's cross is seen as he attends a prayer at Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican March 6, 2013. Catholic cardinals said on Tuesday they wanted time to get to know each other before choosing the next pope and meanwhile would seek more information on a secret report on alleged corruption in the Vatican. REUTERS/Max Rossi

H/t: SV

Recycled Accusations at Ettal Benedictine Monastery?

Edit: perhaps this is like the Modernist Monastery in Collegeville? Or perhaps this is a recycled story designed to attack the Holy Father whose Diocese this was? Unfortunately, it will be unlikely that there will be any allowances or distinctions made for corporal punishment which was practiced virtually everywhere before 1980. Of course it doesn’t help that the story is covered by the anti-Clerical Suddeutsche Zeitung.

It was clear earlier that Cardinal Marx was allegedly covering up for one of the Ettal educators.

Cardinal Marx has been guilty of reemploying an abusive priest before, but there’s been no outcry about it. The Archbishop of Munich assigned one of the administrators of the infamous Sankt Polten seminary in Austria who was guilty of using child pornography to seduce his seminarians.

Of course, the Benedictine Monastery of Ettal isn’t know for its rigor, devotion or orthodoxy. Its abbot and another priest associated had been rehabilitated police raided the Monastery.  A recent report doesn’t appear to have thrown any more light on the problem:
A new report shows that monks in Ettal used violence and sexual assault systematically. Until the eighties, they were part of the pedagogical repertoire.

In the investigation into the abuse cases of the boarders at the Benedictine Abbey of Ettal, new results show that the monks have used systematic violence. According to experts' report , there was an oppressive system using violence and sexual abuse in the school.

Violence had been "specifically used as an educational tool," writes the Süddeutsche Zeitung , citing a study report, which the Bavarian monastery itself had commissioned. Sexual assault of the monks were part of this system of violence. The investigation report of the social science institute IPP will be presented on Thursday in Munich.

From a translation at Cathcon, read further...

Austrian Television Worried About Rebirth of Czarist Russia

A television program “Orientierung" by Austria’s national broadcaster ORF has addressed conservative Orthodox groups in Russia, which was concerned with the continuous counter wind against the Sodomite question.
What is good for the Church, is good for the State -- The movement “Holy Russia”
is defending against the desecration of Russian Sacredness and social perversion.
[Photo: Swajataja Rus]

[Edit: the article as follows from] “Orthodox Faith, absolute sovereignty and Russiandom -- these were the three pillars of Czarist Imperial Russia before the Revolution”.  It is ORF’s opinion that it will be brought about again by Putin.  A good sign for Russia!

As an indication for this, the homo-lobby is facing an upswing, take the conservative, orthodox groups like for instance, “Moscow is the Third Rome”, the movement “Holy Russia” or the orthodox “Flag Bearers”.

The ban on homo-propaganda in Russia with only a dissenting vote among the several hundred member Duma has horrified the homo-lobby and Left journalists --- also that of the Religion Department of the Leftist Austrian State Broadcaster.

Hard times are coming in Russia for gays, lesbians and other minorities.  The problem is, says a “religion expert” of the clearly even for Russia, Left Humanities Faculty (if Marxism is also taught as part of the curriculum?), that Liberalism and the secular Freemasonic State is in danger.

In the Duma it is completely understood what “Orthodoxy and the healthy popular feeling” expects.

In addition there is a law in preparation that the defamation of the feelings of the Faithful is penalized (up to two years imprisonment), included discussed is a law outlawing abortion.

“Aids and Hepatitis -- Gays Suffer this 40 Times More than normal Males.”

Dmitri Enteo, one of the “stars” (according to ORF) of the group “Moscow is the Third Rome”,  will also be quite clear:  “Our country was built upon the Orthodox Church and homosexuality destroys our home -- morally, ethically and demographically!  Propaganda for homosexuality means also an advertisement for AIDS and Hepatitis.  Gays suffer from this 40 times more frequently than normal men.  We do not want such a future for us and certainly not for our children!”

“The Goal of these … Sodomites, Gays and Lesbians is the decay of the Traditional Family”

Iwan Otrakowski, formerly a Captain in the Airborne Infantry, spent several years in the war in Chechnya, found a way to the Faith and became the founder of the movement “Holy Russia”:  “We are  a society of Orthodox Christians, who would like to serve God, the people and the Fatherland.  We want to be strong and moral.  We meet together for sport, train in operating weapons and go to church.  Thus we find our way to God.  Evil, jealously and hate fall away from us.  … The goal of these so-called Sodomites, gays and lesbians is the decay of the traditional family.   They provoke us, call us Orthodox Fascists, for that they are actually paid by the West, and if the Faith is defamed, we will turn to violence.  Not to demean people, but to bring them to reflection, so that they will not live in sin any more.”

Orthodox “Flagbearers”: “Homosexuality is a Sickness”

The Orthodox Flag Bearers also protested against gays and lesbians, in the summer of 2012 during the attempt of a gay march in Moscow.  Igor Morisnitshenko, Orthodox Flagbearer:  “We don’t want any gays and lesbians in Moscow.  Because Moscow is a city, which is holy to all Russians.  … Homosexuality should be punishable by the law and then: deportation.  Our country is great: to Magadan on the Kolimar.  There they should work, because work heals.  Homosexuality is a sickness which leads to despicable sins.”

Their attention was also drawn to a photo they burned, which showed the Pop-granny “Madonna” in underwear with spread legs, and described her as a witch.

Ecumenism With Orthodoxy and Not With the Zeitgeist Confessions!

Archpriest Vsevolod, chaplain accurately described the character of the Orthodox:  “The Orthodox Christian is a fighter, he must be to defend his homeland and his church.  Naturally within the bounds of the law.  An Orthodox Christian must be prepared to defend his homeland and his Faith with weapons in his hand.  Pacifism is an anti-Christian worldview and the Orthodox Church has always nurtured its faithful to be warriors.”

And: All of the churches of the world which are against homosexuality, it is said from the Moscow Patriarchate.  Western churches are only too cowardly to also say it.

One gladly hears the Humanities religious expert:  “The official position of the Orthodox Church toward homosexuality, for example,  does not differ essentially from that of conservative Catholics.”

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

To draw a contrasting program the Left’s papabile Vienna’s Archbishop, Cardinal Schönborn is cited, as he reported with a creased face about gays in the parish community of Stutzenhofen:  “As I have heard, he is a candidate who lives in a civil partnership, so I said: That won’t do, it is not compatible, Parish Counsellors have to hold the teaching  of the Church and the discipline of the Church” -- and then took, “impressed” by the gay, him under his wing.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Excommunicated Bishops Members of Chi-Com Parliament

Beijing (AsiaNews) - At least four illegitimate bishops - and some officially excommunicated - have been appointed or re-appointed members of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC), China's parliament, and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the two most important political structures of the People's Republic. Both summits, with thousands of participants are underway in the capital: the NPC began this morning, the CPPCC began on March 3.

The bishop of Shantou, Huang Bingzhang, illegitimately ordained and officially excommunicated by the Holy See in 2011, was appointed as a new member of the NPA.

Three other illegitimate bishops were chosen for the CPPCC: Ma Yinglin of Kunmin, president of the so-called "Chinese Bishops 'Conference" [not recognized by the Holy See]; Zhan Silu of Mindong, Vice-President of the Conference itself; Lei Shiyin of Leshan, vice-president of' Patriotic Association. Lei was also officially excommunicated by the Holy See in 2011.

Link to Asia News...