Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Mysterious Staff of the Cardinal Chamberlain

During the sedevacant the Cardinal Chamberlain carries his own insignia.

Rome (kath.net/un) The photographs and video recordings of the closing of the papal apartments show Cardinal Chamberlain Tarcisio Bertone with a golden staff with dark red velour coating.  Upon his naming as Camerlengo of the Church, Cardinal Bertone was handed this staff with the following words:  “Accipe baculum in signup jurisdictions et auctoritatis.  In nominee Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen -- Take this staff as a sign of jurisdiction and authority.  In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

He entrusted the Cardinal Chamberlain immediately after this ceremony as his representative, the Vicechamberlain of the Roman Church.  During the lifetime of the Pope, the staff remains with the Vicecamerlego -- this stems from the time, when the worthies were in the office of the Governor of Rome and occupied a “bastone del governo” (Staff of Government).  The Cardinal Chamberlain takes the staff to himself when the Pope is dead or resigned.

At all important functions of the Sedivacant, beginning with the sealing of the Apostolic Palace, are his own.  So it can be said that he is entrusted with the worldly affairs of the Church during the time when there is no pope with a high decree of power.


Noteworthy Words of the Nuncio About the True Council

Die Pummerin läutet zum Abschied von Papst Benedikt XVI. [Bild: kreuz-net]
Pontifical High Mass in the Cathedral of St. Stephen in Vienna at the end of the Pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.  

On the evening of the 28th of January in the year of the Lord 2013, a Pontifical Mass for the end Benedict XVI’s Pontificate was given in a completely filled Cathedral and Metropolitan Church, St. Stephen in Vienna by the Apostolic Nuncio of Austria, Archbishop Peter Zurbriggen for the end.

The Liturgy -- the Novus Ordo -- was meagre;  the vestments were unlovely; the musical arrangements could have been better arranged; what was certainly a noteworthy cause for joy were the words of the Nuncio, who praised the deeds of Benedict XVI. and at the same time remained in no way thoroughly empty and inert.

In the German National Church in Rome, at the grave of Pope Hadrian VI.: there is an inscription which reads significantly, that even the best man of the time, in which he is put, will leave an important mark on his efforts.  Zurbriggen noted that this is applicable in a certain way also for Benedict XVI., who was called to the Papal throne in difficult times for the Church.

The Nuncio cited Benedict’s speech on the present Dictatorship of Relativism, against which the Pope has ever encouraged to reach for Christ, that very trust in God, to which Jeremiah also called upon, from which the reading of the Mass was chosen.

Interpretation of Vatican II

The three Encyclicals of the Pope were mentioned, his work on “Jesus of Nazareth” and Benedict’s efforts toward the correct understanding of Liturgy and for the correct interpretation of the Second Vatican Council,  which also must not be meant as a break,  according to which it is completely different, as it has been near to the almost 2,000 years before that.

So it is also even misleading to speak of a Pre-Conciliar and a Post-Conciliar Church.  Every false interpretation of the Council has brought us to each crisis, in which the Church today finds itself, as the Nuncio clearly formulated: and he still significantly noted, that for us, the true value of the Council, and every true and valid Council, will only then be solved, when the modernist rubbish heaped till now has been thrown out.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, shortly before the Consecration, the Nuncio stopped, as the solemn silence within the Gothic Cathedral the bells began to toll to signal the beginning of the elevation, at the same time of the voluntary end of this Pontificate. Tears welled up in the eyes of some.  Doubtless a historical moment.

Link to kreuz.net..

Monday, March 4, 2013

Damian Thompson Breaks a Lance For Sodom

Edit: does being sinful in any regard make you exempt from stating the Church's teachings, even if you have been a Liberal for most of your career? If anyone is hypocritical, it's Thompson, who embarks on an ecclesiastical hissy fit of dramatic proportions in an all-too familiar conditioned response to fallen churchmen. How much longer before Damian out and swims the Thames in a fit of rage?

Here's an excerpt from the increasingly anti-Catholic Torygraph:

I'm deeply unimpressed by Cardinal Keith O'Brien's vague and guarded admission that "there have been times that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal". Does he really think he can leave it at that? After raging against gay marriage with a ferocity that was – I suspect – intended to make the English bishops look wimpish and therefore butter up the Vatican?

Scottish Catholics in particular have the right to ask: What the hell do you mean by "sexual conduct"?

And what are we supposed to make of this? "In recent days certain allegations which have been made against me have become public. Initially, their anonymous and non-specific nature led me to contest them."

H/t: Pewsitter


The Conclave to Begin on the 11th of March -- 115 Electors as in 2005

(Vatican) The Swiss Guard was removed, the window of the papal apartment remained closed on Sunday. In St. Peter's Square in Rome no public Angelus was recited. Believers prayed yesterday the Rosary and the Angelus by themselves on the main square of  Christendom. During worship the Pope and Bishop of Rome is no longer mentioned in the Eucharistic Prayer. Since this morning, 9.30  the first General Congregation of the Sacred College has been meeting for the beginning of the interregnum.
Many cardinals have yet to meet in Rome. Once the number is correct, they will decide the start of the papal election. There are signs, however, everything indicates that the Conclave will be brought forward by a few days, and will begin on Monday, 11 March. The earliest possible start would have been 15th March at the earliest.  In a short time before his resignation, Benedict XVI. enacted a Motu Proprio to enable the cardinals, when completely assembled, to set an earlier date.
They will make use of it. The Cardinals will be celebrating Holy Mass in a week in the morning in St. Peter’s,  Pro eligendo Romano Pontifice, celebrated by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Dean of Cardinals. Afterwards, the papal electors, the College of Cardinals will issue in procession and the invocation of the Holy Spirit with the Pentecostal hymn Veni Creator Spiritus in the Sistine Chapel, where they will be enclosed until the election of a new pope and hermetically sealed from the outside world.
As with  2005, the 2013 conclave of 117 cardinals has  exactly 115 who will participate. This is the highest number of papal electors in Church history. At least 77 votes will be required for the election of the new Pope.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Vatican Insider

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jesus Instead of Jihad -- Every Year Six Million Muslims Convert to Christianity

(Cairo / Abuja) Islamist violence is rapidly increasing in Africa.  Muslim terrorist groups increasingly operate in countries which were, until recently,  calm and stable as the Islamist wildfire spreads. The sociologist Massimo Introvigne was the OSCE Representative against persecution and discrimination of Christians in 2011.  He sees a targeted strategy beyond the phenomenon of Islamic violence. "The Islamists are convinced that the decisive battle about whether the world is Muslim or Christian will take place in Africa."  Even more important to Introvigne is, "that Islam is going to lose this battle. So it responds with bombs. "
It was the Libyan Islamic scholar and director of a training center for Imams and preacher of the Koran, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Qataani, who already proposed to raise the alarm a few years ago in an interview with the Arab-Muslim television channel Al-Jazeera. He did it with a highly explosive statement largely ignored in the West: "In Africa alone, every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity, 16,000 every day, six million a year."  Introvigne confirmed the figures, which are now the same as in 2006, when Al-Qataani raised the alarm. African Christianity has a great inner strength. The contact of Muslims to Christianity led millions of Muslims to be baptized. One could say that they "fled" leave Islam. Despite the associated dangers to life and limb

Motion conversion from Islam to Christianity not only in Africa

The conversion movement from Islam to Christianity is found not only to take place in Africa. The baptism of the former Egyptian Muslim, Magdi Allam by Pope Benedict XVI. at the Easter Vigil in 2008 was the most spectacular and most visible element of this movement.  In addition Allam adopted, like many Muslim converts,  a typical Christian name. He opted for Cristiano. This refers to the personal name Christian. In his case, however,  Allam gave a broader message that will say: Magdi "the Christian" Allam, not the Muslim.
Empirical studies are not available. Careful observers, like the sociologist Introvigne, can based on various criteria of that largely unnoticed phenomenon, however is pouring in  approximate numbers. According to the British Times 15 percent  of immigrants to Europe have abandoned Islam and Muslims have become Christians. In the UK the number is now estimated at 200,000. In France, every year about 15,000 Muslims become Christians. Some 10,000 of them Catholics, the rest Protestants of various denominations, especially of independent churches.

Growth of Islam only by high birth rate in Islamic states - Christianity is growing by adult baptisms

In Africa, such as Sheikh Al-Qataani complained to Al-Jazeera, "Islam has always been the main religion. There were times when 30 African languages were ​​written in Arabic script. "Today's size relationship between Islam and Christianity makes it clear how much Islam has declined in recent years. Al-Qataani stated in his interview that there was  a direct comparison between Islam and the Catholic Church, "other Christian denominations were not added into the count”. With the increase in the number of Christians and the millions of Muslims who convert to Christianity, said Sheikh Al-Qataani: "These are huge numbers."
Introvigne confirms the conversion movement against the initially expressed assumption Al Qataani could have estimated the numbers intentionally increased to arouse the Islamic world. "The global growth of Islam is almost exclusively from the high birth rates in Muslim countries where thanks to Western medicine, infant mortality could be reduced substantially," said Introvigne. Outside the Islamic States of Islam is clearly in decline. The growth of Christianity in contrast, results mainly adult baptisms. The Evangelical Wolfgang Simpson wrote: "Over the past two decades, more Muslims came to Christ than in all previous centuries."

Father Joseph Hergets evangelization of Muslims

Priests, like the Austrian Lazarist Father Josef Herget, the founder of the Institute St. Justin in Mariazell, are among the silent but still active missionaries who lead the Muslims from Islam to Christ. They live dangerously. Father Herget wrote back in 1975, when the issue of Islam in the West has been given little weight, his master's thesis on the topic: Christian Preaching in the Islamic World. Another, the Egyptian Coptic priest and Islamic Scholar Zakaria Botros was described by the Arab-Islamic newspaper Al-Insan al-Jadid as the "number one enemy of Islam.”  Botros’ broadcast via satellite from the U.S., in which he explains from a Christian perspective, the problematic parts of the Koran (Jihad, status of women, stonings, etc.) may lead to secret mass conversions among Muslims. His mastery of the Arabic language and his knowledge of Islamic sources allow him to contact directly to an Arab-Muslim audience in the Middle East.
The conversions were initiated, as many viewers of Channel Botros Alfady,  after initial outrage it was clear that the Ulema are not able to convincingly answer Botros’ broadcasts. Botros like Hergets is dealing with Islam differently from the usual Western criticism that focuses on political and social issues and often betrays a condescending bigoted undertone. This form of criticism is also a cause for the fact that many in the West ignore the Christians of the Middle East and North Africa. Such criticism, which is seen as prejudiced, external interference, to close to the majority of Muslims. They usually respond downright irritated or filling not least on the ranks of Islamist movements,  militias and terrorist groups because too many politically charged issues come into play, in which the West is not perceived as the morally superior side, but mutated into an enemy. Botros and Herget, to stay with the two representatives of the evangelization of Muslims, on the other hand,point to salvation. This is the crucial difference that they will open the hearts of many Muslims, and at the same time offer a way out of a spiral of violence with harsh confrontations.

Radical Islam can be defused only by religion, not secularism, materialism and feminism

Raymond Ibrahim wrote in the National Review: "Many Western critics fail to appreciate that, to disempower Islam (radical or otherwise), something theocentric and spiritually satisfying — not secularism, democracy, capitalism, materialism, feminism, etc. — must be offered in its place. The falsehoods of Islam can only be challenged and supplanted by the truths of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And so "Father Zakaria Botros has been fighting fire with fire" and so must we." 
People seem to bear no longer the direct or indirect violence. Roman Silantjew, secretary of the Interreligious Council of Russia, said that in the successor states of the former Soviet Union, two million Muslims converted to Christianity.  One of the main reasons for this is the desire for peace that they recognize in Christianity.

Two million converts in Russia, 250,000 in Malaysia, 80,000 in Algeria

In Algeria, there were approximately 80,000 Muslims who were baptized, which prompted the country's government to enact laws against Christian proselytism. In these years, Moroccan media continued its complaint against the baptism of tens of thousands Berber. People see in war and crisis zones, how Islam is and they decide for Christ, as the representative of an evangelical community in Sudan said.
In Malaysia, said the Mufti of Perak of 250,000 Muslims that have submitted officially to the authority the application for change of religion to Christianity. Such a change is only allowed for members of ethnic minorities. On the number of Malays who were baptized in secret, there is no information.

People recognize Christianity as a religion of peace, Islam as a religion of violence

Protestant and Pentecostal communities are very decisive. Sometimes they are irresponsible to the distress of the indigenous Christian churches in Islamic countries who are victims of Islamist reprisals. The Catholic Church is more reserved. The Egyptian Jesuit Samir Khalil Samir, a leading expert in the Islamic world and the Pope's adviser, complained that the Catholic clergy "discourages for fear or misunderstood, 'ecumenism ', sometimes even to advise against conversions" in Islamic states. It’s not different  in European countries. The situation is admittedly says Khalil, not easy. Free Church communities "come and go, the Church has lasted 2000 years, it is here today and it will be tomorrow."  Free Church groups, because of their small structures  are barely palpable. likewise because they are in not officially recorded in most countries. Therefore, they are not vulnerable to attack. Quite different is the situation of the Catholic Church and the Eastern Churches. You are officially registered. The authorities know all the Christian places and know the families that belong to Church. They are vulnerable to attack because of its visibility and not only in a particular country, but also in other countries.

Differences between evangelical communities and the Catholic Church

The indigenous churches were accustomed coexistence with Muslims for centuries and in a certain form. A form which allows a convert to Islam, but not vice versa toward Christianity. The long time and the Islamic sword they had resigned themselves to defend their own area but not to reach from it. It is a form of self-defense, which is firmly entrenched in the mentality of the Eastern Christians, and could only be overcome slowly. Overcoming, which Christians very much require, is often given to life-threatening situations.
Missionaries from the outside would have, however, often lack the necessary familiarity with the cultural sensitivities, which could lead to dangerous confusion among the Muslim population. Between these extremes, it was necessary to find ways of evangelization. Working in this field are several Catholic initiatives, such as those of the Austrian Father Josef Herget and his Catechetical education.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Dad News

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Libyan Islamists Prey on Christians -- Christians Graves are Desecrated

Libya (Benghazi) Islamists do continue to hunt for Christians working in the North African country. They are summarily accused of  proselytism. The recent incident takes place in the Mediterranean city of Benghazi, the capital of Cyrenaica. In the second largest city of Libya 48 Egyptian Christians were arrested, as Asianews reported. These are Orthodox Copts, who were reported by Libyan Islamists. The Christians, merchants and traders who visited the market of Benghazi, are alleged to have conducted religious images and representations of themselves. A  video seized from the police  shows how Christians are being held in a small room of Salafists. They appear physically exhausted. Many wounds and abrasions are visible. The Islamists have shaved all Christians bald.
The incident has caused displeasure among the inhabitants of Benghazi. Only in October, it had risen against the Salafi militias accused of perpetrating the attack on the American consulate, where the U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed.
The authorities reported on Thursday that Egyptian Christians had not been arrested for religious reasons, but for violation of immigration laws. Only in mid-February, four Christians were arrested, an Egyptian, a South African, a Swede and a South Korean with U.S. citizenship. They are accused of having spread Bibles and other Christian materials.
Islamists destroy Christian gravesThe spread of Islamic extremism is affecting the Catholic orders, which have been active in part for a long time on the territory of modern Libya. They have built hospitals and work with elderly people. Only in January the Islamists have succeeded in forcing the Franciscan Sisters of the Child Jesus of Barce and the Ursuline Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Beida, to leave the country. In October 2012, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Spoleto were forced to leave Libya due to the constant threats and attacks by the Islamists, as Father Dominique Rézeau reported.
"Not a day goes by without Christian graves being desecrated and destroyed," lamented Bruno Daimasso to the magazine Tempi, the gardener of the Italian cemetery in Tripoli. "The remains of the Christians are torn from their graves and scattered in the cemetery," as Jeune Afriquereported. "The Libyan authorities have arrived, took photos and did nothing," said Daimasso.
According to Dominique Rézeau there are officially some 200,000 Christians who lived in Libya before the fall of Gaddafi, and three percent of the population, since the so-called Arab Spring, "only a few are thousand left." As the Vicar Apostolic Bishop Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli confirmed, the churches in the Kyreinaika are indeed still open, the situation for Christians is however "very critical.

Schülerkreis Will Continue With Holy Father

München (kath.net/KNA) The. Schülerkreis around Benedikt XVI. Will continue its meetings with the emeritus Pope. This is what the Schülerkreis head Father Stephan Horn to Munich Church Radio. The Schülerkreis is very close to Benedict which has had a meeting every year.

The next meeting for this year is already planned, explains Horn: "We had hoped at least to celebrate Holy Mass with him in Castel Gandolfo in Rome." Even Cardinal Christoph Schönborn from Vienna as well as Kurt Cardinal Koch from Basel are to have already said they will come.

Horn, who was the assistant of Joseph Ratzinger at the University of Regensburg explains that the emeritus Pope will continue his hobbies in retirement: "He will certainly not go swimming like the previous Holy Father, John Paul II,"said Horn, "he always liked
to go on walks. Then he will surely continue to study Holy Scripture, meditate, pray and play the piano."

In addition, Horn expects that the retiring Pope will continue writing, because this excites him. His already begun Faith Encyclopedia and will apparently be published.

The regular meetings which began in 1977 which earlier included academic students to regular events, which the former Professor Ratzinger did not give up even as Pope. Every year he meets with several dozen theologians who were awarded doctorates with him, were made doctors by him, or worked as assistants to him.

The meeting always takes place behind closes doors and were a kind of withdrawal to old times where the Pope would discuss ordered scientific themes answered in questions and asked. In the past years it has addresses questions like Darwin and Evolution, Islam, Ecumenism, the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) or the New Evangelization.

(C) 2013 KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cardinals: Liturgical Abuses Weaken the Faith

If Holy Mass is not celebrated according to the norms of the Church leads to the weakening of the Faith, say Curial Cardinals Raymond Burke and Antonio Canizares Llovera.

Rom (kath.net/jg) Liturgical abuses enfeeble faith in God, lead to egoism and make for a decline in Mass attendance. Cardinals Raymond Burke and Antonio Canizares Llovera. They received support from liturgical expert Fr. Nicola Bux. Both Cardinals addressed the presentation of Father Bux's new book.

Unfortunately, many priests and Bishops regard liturgical departures from the prescriptions as unimportant, while they are actually serious abuses, said Cardinal Burke, the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura.

Cardinal Canizares offered this view: "The participation in a Eucharistic celebration can enfeeble faith, if the Liturgy is not celebrated according to the norms of the Church," he said. This is true for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Mass, added the former Prefect for Worship and Order of the Sacraments.

Many modern Catholics are of the view that Holy Mass is something they would do in common. Actually, this is something in which Jesus handles it, says Bux.

Cardinal Herranz, The Pope’s Investigator -- From Medjugorje to the “Bubble” of Vatileaks

(Vatican) Much has been written in recent days about the Vatican Secret Dossier, and even more speculation. It's about the final report of the Commission of Inquiry consisting of three cardinals Pope Benedict XVI. had used to investigate the issue which became known as the "Vatileaks document theft scandal that led to the arrest of the papal chamberlain Paolo Gabriele.
When the Holy See announced that the cardinals will be granted access to the report before the conclave, but this will not continue to be published, the journalists have had an editorial high season. And the more unreliable, the more speculation shot up like a tangle of weeds that Benedict XVI. had resigned because of this report. In a document that is not to be made available in the foreseeable future, anyone can interpret into it what he wants. Even some Catholic journalists could not keep themselves in check, and thought to have to ride the wave that showered the church with garbage.
The head of the pontifical commission, Cardinal Julián Herranz, a member of Opus Dei, canon law expert, physician and psychiatrist had only once previously only taken a position on the matter. He did this in an interview with the Spanish daily El Pais on 19 Published in February. A look at this week utilized to see things beyond contrived media excitement, the right scale.
Julián Herranz was born in 1930 in Andalusia. Ordained a priest in 1955, he has worked since 1960 at the Roman Curia. In 1990 Pope John Paul II appointed him an Archbishop in the  Curia and created him a cardinal in 2003. He is Chairman Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and the Disciplinary Commission of the Roman Curia. Cardinal Herranz was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. in the Commission to examine the phenomenon of Medjugorje. Although the final report for church recognition of the Herzegovina as "place of pilgrimage” seems as of yet not ready for the Pope. The Spaniard celebrated the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite after the adoption of the motu proprio Summorum Pontifical, and was a member of the Pontifical Ecclesia Dei commission.
You have led the commission regarding Vatileaks, on the 17th December, the Pope received its final report. There has been much speculation about the contents of this report, which one imagines is extremely serious, to the extent that many are of the opinion that it had been crucial for the resignation of the Pope.
This matter has been enormously inflated. I assure you that in my capacity as Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry that a bubble was constructed from it, the air will soon be out on its own. In the Vatican, it is relatively common, to form committees of this kind. You have the task of examining how things are in a certain area. It goes and talks to people, looks at the things that sees things that go and those who do not, the lights and the shadows, it made notes, and finally the results are reported to the competent authority. It then comes to the competent authority to make the decisions it deems appropriate.
The matter has conveyed a bad impression of the church.
But it's just a soap bubble, an anecdote. The willingness to want to see nests of vipers, mafia groups fighting each other, internal jealousies and hatred, all this is absolutely wrong. I have been working for more than half a century in the Vatican, and I can say that I admire many of my colleagues, for their capacity for devotion and sacrifice. There will be black sheep, as in all families, which I will not argue, but we speak of the least corrupt and most transparent government, there is. More than any international organization and any secular government. I have been following the media attention, I am a hermit, and I read what happens in the world and see that we speak of the least corrupt government that has been exemplary in many respects.
[...] In fact, they created a bubble of mysterious things. It comes with a lot of imagination. It is clear that there is no government, family or organized group that has not even an intimate area that is removed from the public. In any government, there are far more dark areas of intelligence and decisions that a president makes, without making them public, far more than in the Vatican secret areas.
The case of Vatileaks has not really scarred the Pope?
No. I assure you that this is just an anecdote compared to the decisions of the Holy Father and the problems of the Church. The fundamental problem of the church is the need for a new evangelization. The church suffered a terrible persecution. 80 percent of people worldwide who have been persecuted in the past year because of their beliefs were Christians, and other institutions say this, not the Church itself.  So it happens in India, Pakistan, Africa. In other places, they are discriminated against, as if they had wrong, reprehensible opinions. And then there are more toxic forms of persecution.
In the developed countries?
Yes, for example
In Europe, the Church has certainly lost a lot of power.
Anyone looking at the Church as a power monger, is wrong from the outset. The message of the Church is persecuted there, where there is an absolutist stance. Where religious freedom is not granted. It is estimated that last year were around 100,000 Christians persecuted, imprisoned or murdered. For three years, a family of mother, Asia Bibi in Pakistan is in prison and there are only a few secular bodies who raise their voices. Again, these things cause one anguish. And the Pope is aware that the waves of the ocean is in a state of flux and that the ship needs a solid hand control.
What qualities should the man who presents himself as the new Pope to the control?
Two things. In the first place it is necessary that there is a man who loves Christ. That he knows and loves Christ as the founder of the Church.
But this property is met by all the cardinals?
Of course, but not in the same way. All Cardinals can talk, but it is to see who speaks best. There are different degrees of holiness in the people. It is not irrelevant to whether someone has the monastic vocation, as Celestine V, or if another is a friend of Christ in the same way, but aware, is what happens in the world, what ideological and cultural trends in the world waves hit.
And the second property?
That he is prepared to explain his love for God others.
So a good communicator.
Exactly. The carry forward the new evangelization, white publicize Christ in the world.
Is age important?
Yes, these are indeed secondary issues, but of great importance. Age, health, language skills, ability to travel and perhaps nationality.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: AciPrensa

Thursday, February 28, 2013

March 1st the Feast of St. David

Edit: Saint David is the Patron Saint of Wales, and March 1st is his feast.  Locally, the Archbishop of Liverpool, near Wales, just retired.  Here’s an excerpt from Catholic Encyclopedia:
Bishop and Confessor, patron of Wales. He is usually represented standing on a little hill, with a dove on his shoulder. From time immemorial the Welsh have worn a leek on St. David's day, in memory of a battle against the Saxons, at which it is said they wore leeks in their hats, by St. David's advice, to distinguish them from their enemies. He is commemorated on 1 March. The earliest mention of St. David is found in a tenth-century manuscript Of the "Annales Cambriae", which assigns his death to A.D. 601. Many other writers, from Geoffrey of Monmouth down to Father Richard Stanton, hold that he died about 544, but their opinion is based solely on data given in various late "lives" of St. David, and there seems no good reason for setting aside the definite statement of the "Annales Cambriae", which is now generally accepted. Little else that can claim to be historical is known about St. David. The tradition that he was born at Henvynyw (Vetus-Menevia) in Cardiganshire is not improbable. He was prominent at the Synod of Brevi (Llandewi Brefi in Cardiganshire), which has been identified with the important Roman military station, Loventium. Shortly afterwards, in 569, he presided over another synod held at a place called Lucus Victoriae. He was Bishop (probably not Archbishop) of Menevia, the Roman port Menapia in Pembrokeshire, later known as St. David's, then the chief point of departure for Ireland. St. David was canonized by Pope Callistus II in the year 1120.

Link to New Advent…

The photo is from here...

Benedict XVI for Pope Again!

Pope on his last motorcade.
 [Bild: Maurizio Lupi]
Edit: here’s some coverage of the last speech by kreuz.net.  It really captures the people’s love for the Holy Father in Rome and in his Fatherland.

The Holy Father bid farewell to hundreds of thousands of the Faithful on St. Peter’s Square in his last General Audience as Pope.

The visibly moved, but also exhausted Holy Father was pleased about the throng of believers present:  “I see, that the Church lives!  The Church is not my property, it’s not your property, it is the Church of the Lord, who will never let it fall!”
„Bendetto XVI di nuovo Papa!“ - “Benedict XVI Pope Again!”,
an understandable desire. [Photo: Thomas Drahorad]

“Un Papa non è solo nella guida della barca di Pietro”

Pope Benedict thanked God firstly, but he also thanked those, “who had helped him and remained true to him”:  among the estimable Cardinals, with colleagues, the Secretary of State, with the Curia.  He emphasized  “la mia Diocesi”,  as he mentioned his own Diocese in Rome:  every individual is included in the Holy Father’s prayer.

Thanks to the Faithful and Address to his Countrymen

The Faithful thanked Pope Benedict XVI. for his Pontificate, “Benedetto” cries honor the Holy Father, the Chapel Horn Ensemble of Traunstein, where the Pope went himself to School, played the Bayernhymne (Bavarian Athemn).

I’m addressing my countrymen “I thank you [finally] all, that you have greeted my decision, which I have made before the Lord for the good of the Church, with respect and understanding.  For my part I will accompany the Church on my way with prayer. …

A warm “Vergelt’s Gott” [Bavarian Expression for, God Bless], I say to all brothers and sisters of the German tongue -- you, dear friends, who have come to the last General Audience of my Pontificate, and those at home.

The Lord always carries the Church, he leads it also in difficult times.  This view may never be forgotten.  We must be ever certain, the Lord is near us and surrounds us with His love.

In prayer we remain, dear friends, close to one another, and in prayer the Lord is near to us.  So I greet you all with my whole heart! The Lord blew you and the Church in our Lands!”

"You are our beloved Pope -- and will always be so!”

Some Italians in the square held up a sign which read:

„Carissimo Papa Benedetto.
Tu es Petrus
Tu sei la nostra roccia,
Tu sei la roccia della chiesa
Tu sei il nostro amato Papa
e lo serai per sempre!“

Here is the website of the Vatican with the Holy Father’s speech: L'UDIENZA GENERALE, 27.02.2013

No more Catholic Doctors at Catholic Hospitals

(Cologne) Rudolf Schmidt, Chairman of the Association of Catholic Physicians welcomes the clear stance of the bishops in the "morning after pill" and asserts that now there will be  no  more Catholic doctors  at Catholic hospitals any  more. He responded to the question of whether there were still Catholic doctors who would be concerned  because of the abortifacient effect of the "morning after pill for Germany radio: "So, I assume that the women who have to go to the doctor in that case, would not find such a colleague. Do you understand? In Catholic hospitals there will be those colleagues who act strictly according to the old rule,  who will not even be in the hospitals. So, I have no doubts about that. "
Text: Linus Schneider

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sufi Dancers in the Church

 Edit: the abomination of desolation. This report comes from the German District of the SSPX.

Incomprehensible but completely in the spirit of the Council, which is stated in the Constitution “Nostra Aetate”:

The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth,(5) who has spoken to men

We learn how this “adoration” appears in practice from the Augustinian Church in Würzburg. There the Islamic Sufis dance at the beginning of Lent!

The Augustinian Church looks like a museum or a gathering hall after its renovation, than a Church. But as the “Dance of the Sufis” takes place, its formal desecration a church is complete.

Why the Bishop of Würzburg is also “silent” here remains a mystery.

In the announcement on the homepage is is described as an “Ensemble for Islamic Music”:

In the context of the 12th Würzburg Lenten Courses in the Augustinian Church, there will be traditional Islamic Dervishes dancing on Saturday (7:30). The course of the evening will be in the hands of Seref Dalyanoglu, who is also the representative for the Dervishes and other musicians of the Ensemble for Islamic Music.

Worse still is a participant's obituary of the event. It had not only been a dance, “but much more a special form of prayer to God by the Sufis”.

 Source is piusbruderschaft.de, with more photos...

Gary Wills Denies Infallible Dogma on Colbert

Edit: Gary Wills might be a Unitarian posing as a Catholic to sell books, but his claims are as absurd as are his claims to categorically absurd. He denies several points of Catholic Dogma during the interview: inerrancy of scripture, the priesthood, and very notably, the dogma of transubstantiation. He even speciously accuses St. Augustine of not believing in it, which is manifestly false.

 A patheos blogger does some groundwork below the video:

I’ve never read any of Wills’ works, but I’ve read enough of St. Augustine to know that his assertion rings hollow. A quick search on the interwebs reveals a treasure trove of quotes from Augustine’s oeuvre to make Joe Six-Pack pretty comfortable in deciding that I’ll stick with Augustine (and Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Cyril of Jerusalem, etc.) and ignore the self-deceiving sophistry of Wills. Take a gander at the Augustine citations found on Early Christians on the Holy Eucharist, from the Apologetics Toolkit hosted by a website out of Columbia University. Here is the thought that Wills centered his comments around Augustine upon, assuming the rest of us are ignorant of the breadth of commentary on the subject written by the Doctor of Grace, St. Augustine, Explanations on the Psalms, A.D. 392-418, [98, 9]:

`Unless he shall have eaten My flesh he shall not have eternal life. [John 6:54-55]‘ [Some] understood this foolishly, and thought of it carnally, and supposed that the Lord was going to cut off some parts of His Body to give them … But He instructed them, and said to them: `It is the spirit that gives life; but the flesh profits nothing: the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life’ [John 6:64]. Understand spiritually what I said. You are not to eat this Body which you see, nor to drink that Blood which which will be poured out by those who will crucify Me. I have commended to you a certain Sacrament; spiritually understood, it will give you life. And even if it is necessary that this be celebrated visibly, it must still be understood invisibly.

Imkamp Called to the Archive of the CDF

Edit: he’s one of the most conservative Prelates in Germany, his Masses are often packed and he delivers great sermons.

Ziemetshausen (KNA) Wilhelm Imkamp, pilgrimage director in Swabia’s Maria Vesperbild, is the newest member of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith in the Vatican.  The 61 year old Prelate announced on Monday in Ziemteshausen that he had been summoned by Prefect Gerhard Ludwig Müller to the board.

Already at the end of January he was awarded his doctorate in Theology as a regular member of the Pontifical Theological Academy in Rome.  It is one of eleven academies in the field of Catholic Church Government in Rome and serves as a “think tank”, which unifies the various theological schools of thought.  According to the Papal Yearbook, there are 25 more regular members.  The naming is in effective for life.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Benedictine Monastery Continues to Promote Homoheresy

Edit: the Guesthouse Master at the Modernist Monastery in Collegeville is speaking publicly against chastity and the teachings of the Catholic Faith. When he’s not attacking the Archbishop’s efforts to defend the Catholic Family, he’s promoting nude retreats, and getting away with it despite repeated warnings from the local ordinary.
Courageous  [sic] priest joins us in February to uphold church teaching on the fundamental call to show respect and compassion for LGBTQ persons. 
Fr. Bob Pierson, a Benedictine priest out of the Collegeville MN Abbey in Minnesota, stood forth publicly last summer to emphasize the primacy of the informed conscience in respect to voting on Minnesota's marriage amendment. Since then he's been barred from several dioceses in Minnesota. He'll join us in this QCF conversation to speak also of the church teaching to show respect, love and compassion to our LGBTQ sisters and brothers, and to resist unjust discrimination. How is the whole church challenged by these teachings? 
The conversation begins at 9:00 EASTERN, Tuesday, February 26, 2013. Attendace is free, as usual, and all are invited to submit live questions and comments during the hour.
February 26th, 2013 9:00 PM   through   10:00 PM
Link to “DignityUSA” site...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Cardinal Barbarin Prays in the Grand Mosque of Lyon

(Lyon) The Archbishop of Lyon, Philippe Cardinal Barbarin visited the Grand Mosque of Lyon and prayed here for the release of a seven member French family, which has been abducted in Cameroon and are being held as hostages.  “Will Allah hear the prayers more than our Lord Jesus Christ?” asked the French internet site Riposte Catholique.

Kamel Kabtane, the director of the Grand Mosque of Lyon posted on his web site with “Cardinal Barbarin, Primate of France, visited on the 21st of February 2013 in the afternoon, the Grand Mosque of Lyon to pray with the Moslem community for seven French hostages, among whom are four children.  The prayer too place in the presence of a large public.  Following the recitation by the Rector of the Grand Mosque, Kamel Kabtane of the Koran, he called on the community to pray for a quick release of the hostages.  The Cardinal showed himself to be moved by the brotherly gathering in the mosque of Lyon and prayed with them.

The ceremony was concluded by the Imam of the mosque,  which had included a prayer calling for peace and brotherhood among people, against unjust wars, which affect innocent people.”

The entrance of Cardinal Barbarin to the mosque was not the first.  As Riposte Catholique writes, the Cardinal recited the Koran in 2010 at the end of Holy Mass and said the Shahada, the Islamic profession of Faith, in another place in 2011.  The Secretary of the Archbishop, Renaud de Kermadec, spoke finally of a misunderstood statement in the Cardinal’s address at a meeting of Interreligious Dialogue.

From katholisches...

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Riposte Catholique

Damian Thompson’s Fangs Come Out : Celibacy

The Fourth Estate Continues its Assault on Behalf of Powers and Principalities.

Edit: noting the increasingly and unsurprising hostility of the Telegraph in recent times is interesting, especially in reading Damian Thompson’s diatribe against priestly celibacy.  The boyish, single and industrious editor is now insisting that something which has worked for centuries no longer works.  Like the most annoying heathen media personality, he’s taking a very censorious tone indeed.

We’ve noted earlier that he’s been slyly pushing the envelope on the Gomorrah front for a while.  Did Damian Thompson receive Holy Orders recently?

Thompson insists that having a married clergy was an ancient tradition of the Church, but what he fails to note is that clerical celibacy is of Apostolic origin, as Cardinal Levada himself insists.  Indeed, the Apostles, though married, took up their staffs and followed Christ, leaving their families behind.

He writes:

Yesterday, Cardinal O’Brien was in the headlines for a different reason. He has been reported to the Vatican for alleged “inappropriate acts” with three priests and one ex-priest of his diocese. The papal ambassador to Britain, Archbishop Antonio Mennini, has forwarded the allegations to Rome.

It’s important to say that the Cardinal has not been charged with an offence. But the juxtaposition of these allegations with his claim that universal celibacy is an unrealistic ideal illustrates the sexual tension that is pulling apart the Catholic priesthood. To put it bluntly, the new Pope must confront the suffocating hypocrisy of the Vatican and Bishops’ Conferences on this subject. For example, I’ve never heard a bishop acknowledge what is obvious to so many of us: that in certain large cities in the Western world, a majority of Catholic priests are gay, albeit celibate. If the Vatican were to enforce its current ruling that homosexuals per se are unsuitable for the priesthood, then it would have innumerable empty urban churches on its hands. And furious parishioners, too, since discreetly gay men often make wonderful priests. On the other hand, you don’t have to be a homophobe to wonder whether it’s healthy to have such an imbalance between the sexual instincts of priests and their flocks.

Cardinal Dolan Questioned Before Conclave

Edit: in fine agitprop fashion, the media enters the usual slurs. If the occurrence of a crime, which happens in every other aspect of society at a greater rate than it happens within the Catholic Church, has happened on the watch of this Cardinal or that one, taints his career, perhaps that should go for the media as well?

The enemy is powerful and isn’t interested in anything less than complete subjugation of the Catholic Church to the world. It doesn’t matter that Cardinal Dolan has made conciliatory, if cowardly, gestures at St. Francis Xavier Parish in New York, the enemy only regards concessions as weakness. It doesn’t matter whether or not Cardinal Dolan has many positions which are inconsistent with a census Catholicus, or that he has given aid and comfort to the enemy’s political aims during political elections, he still represents the Catholic Faith, however humanly.

Cardinal Dolan, the archbishop of New York, has become the latest cardinal to be questioned over his handling of sex abuse by priests and victims in Ireland, US and Belgium.

Of the 116 cardinals who will gather beneath Michelangelo’s frescoed ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, several are embroiled in controversies connected to the Church’s systemic failure to tackle sex abuse against children by paedophile priests.

The question marks over the cardinals’ management of sex abuse cases are an embarrassment for the Holy See, just as Benedict prepares to resign the papacy next Thursday.

Link to Telegraph...

Someone else who really needs no introduction is Cardinal Mahony, who, despite his own moral challenges and failures in presenting the Catholic Faith throughout the years, is drawing support from his fellow Old Liberal Bishops, in this case, Cardinal Levada.

Levada Thinks Mahony should Vote for Pope

The former archbishop of San Francisco said Monday that Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony has a rightful place among Vatican officials who will choose the next pope, even though Mahony has been battered in recent days by disclosures about his role in covering up clergy sex abuse.

The comments by Cardinal William Levada, a high-ranking Vatican official until recently, came in the wake of a grass-roots campaign to shame Mahony into refraining from participating because of his role protecting sexually abusive priests.

Mahony left for Rome over the weekend after recently released church documents showed he had covered up for other priests who raped and molested children.

Link to ABC News…. With breathtaking shamelessness, Cardinal Mahony writes on his personal blog, as the anti-Catholic ABC writes:

On Monday, Mahony took to social media and his own personal blog to write about persecution and forgiving one's enemies. He said he has a special prayer group for people who "cannot forgive me for my past hurts and offenses," including members of the media, attorneys, protesters and those who "hate and despise me.”

In order for forgiveness to be given, doesn’t there have to be penance as well as contrition?

St. Thomas Aquinas writes in the Summa:

I answer that, As stated above (Objection 2; 84, 10, ad 4), to repent is to deplore something one has done. Now it has been stated above (84, 9) that sorrow or sadness is twofold. First, it denotes a passion of the sensitive appetite, and in this sense penance is not a virtue, but a passion. Secondly, it denotes an act of the will, and in this way it implies choice, and if this be right, it must, of necessity, be an act of virtue. For it is stated in Ethic. ii, 6 that virtue is a habit of choosing according to right reason. Now it belongs to right reason than one should grieve for a proper object of grief as one ought to grieve, and for an end for which one ought to grieve. And this is observed in the penance of which we are speaking now; since the penitent assumes a moderated grief for his past sins, with the intention of removing them. Hence it is evident that the penance of which we are speaking now, is either a virtue or the act of a virtue.
Meanwhile, the German Bishops continue their assault on the Catholic Church in their anti-Roman trajectory by “sparking a debate” about the use of an abortifacient against rape.

Catholic schools will be forced to teach about gay marriage

Edit: some may remember when an intemperate Prime Minister threatened the Catholic Church and lectured them about the need to keep with the times.  These aren’t just idle threats, it now seems.

Read correspondence between bishops and Equalities Minister

20 February 2013, 9:00
This week the bishops' conference of England and Wales published its correspondence with Maria Miller, Minister for Women and Equalities, on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill.
The Government rejected proposed amendments by the Church to its gay marriage Bill, and said the new definition of marriage will have to be taught in Catholic schools.
The Church suggested a number of amendments to the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill during a meeting with Culture Minister Maria Miller in January.
In a letter to Archbishop Smith that was released yesterday, Ms Miller said teachers in Catholic schools will need to reflect the fact that 'marriage is open to both opposite and same sex couples.' She said, however that 'the discussion or criticism of same sex marriage [in schools] would not be ‘of itself' discrimination under the current law,' and that this would only be the case if this took place 'in an inappropriate manner or context' which resulted in discrimination.

Cardinal Keith O’Brien Resigns

He’s not going to the Conclave, either.

Edit: one down, three to go. (There are more than that, but you get the idea)  In his defense, he was outspoken against immorality, and received a great deal of public criticism because of it.  It’s also unfortunate that his resignation will take place in the context of his good remarks, and that this will overshadow the hostility he bore for faithful Catholics in his Diocese.

Also, his statement is very humble, in contrast to others.

It brings to mind another high ranking Cardinal, Cardinal Billot, who resigned in 1911.  Although Cardinal O’Brien hasn’t resigned his distinction as ++Bilot had.

Britain's most senior Roman Catholic cleric resigned today following allegations he behaved in an "inappropriate" way with other priests, and said he would not be going to the Vatican to take part in the election for Pope Benedict's replacement. 
Cardinal Keith O'Brien, who had been expected to take part in the conclave, said he had tendered his resignation to Pope Benedict some months ago as he was turning 75 and because he was suffering from "indifferent health". 
The pope, who himself is stepping down on February 28 because of ill health, had decided to accept O'Brien's resignation before he left the role, O'Brien, the archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, said in a statement.
Link to Indian Express...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Should Scandalous Old Liberal Cardinals Vote in the Conclave?

Archbishop Weakland, helping and the like.
Edit: it’s been a frequent lament here that it’s never really the truly Old Liberal Bishops who get rough treatment when abuse claims come around.  Even Archbishop Weakland had been allowed to sort of retain some semblance of dignity in his disgrace by having a hideous bronze statue made of himself in the presence of children.  That’s ironic, but there’s also a pattern developing in recent time which does not fit, exactly.

Now, there have been some interesting revelations over the past weeks in the wake of the Conclave involving very high profile senior clergy who are often darlings of the media barons of the Left.

 First there was Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles who was severely reprimanded by the present Archbishop of Los Angeles, Archbishop Gomes.  Cardinal Mahony has been undermining the Church’s presence in society for most if not all of his tenure during the last decades, and was a frequent target of criticism from the Wanderer, among others for his defense of clerical homosexuals and persecution of conservative clergy.  Indeed, there is a suggestion that he may not participate in the Conclave, here, here, and petition here.

Then there enter Archbishop Mueller of Regensburg Germany, whose heterodox theological perspectives were criticized early on, even before he became the new Doctrine Gardener.  The now highly placed Archbishop, who didn’t receive his Cardinal’s hat, was recently slapped hard and publicly by Cardinal Bertone when he attempted to reinstate the teaching license of a formerly Pontifical university in Peru.

As if that weren’t enough, a soon to be retired, Old Liberal Cardinal O’Brien, has been accused of indecent acts by three priests and one retired priest.   This story seemed to surface with a vengeance in the light of the Cardinal’s revellations  about married priests, he thinks we should have them, and his statements against homosexuality.

The Cardinal even missed Mass this morning.

In addition to this, is a kind of anonymous denunciation on a free website on the internet for Cardinal Daneels.  It’s hard to believe that with all of the skeletons in his closet, well, he had pictures of skeletons in his closet, the exhumation of remains as reported by Cathcon:

Some photos of the exhumation of Julie and Melissa  
Up to 100 photos showing the exhumation of the bodies of the children, but also exchanges of reports between magistrates in the Dutroux affair and large parts of the judicial file were found. The fact is that these documents were only intended for the judicial authorities and, a priori, had nothing to do with the church, explained RTL journalist.

This is not the first leak of elements of the judicial record of Dutroux according to Solimando Antonio. He recalls that Cdrom of the Dutroux investigation was sent to several editors, some who had decided to publish it. According to Het Laatste Nieuws, the presence of those confidential files and reports to the archdiocese will once again support defenders of the theory of a paedophile network ... Even if, as a reminder, the court has ruled that it does not accept this theory.
There’s been nothing in the news since then about why these documents were in the Cardinal’s possession, but there’s much more in his past and present which implicates him.  Here’s the article, link:

Cardinal Danneels must not take part in the conclave! 
Does this man have the moral authority to elect a new pope of the Catholic Church? NO, NO and NO!!! Take a look at a few of his "achievements" and judge for yourself:
Appointment and protection of Roger Vangheluwe, child molestor and bishop of Brugge 
When he learnt about the child abuse he tried to cover it up. These were his words to the victim: "shouldn't you try to ask for forgiveness" (!!). He was actually suggesting that the victim would ask his aggressor for forgiveness! The tapes of the conversation were broadcast in all the Belgian media. 
Approval of sexually explicit text books in Catholic schools 
During his time as archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel, a scandal broke out about sexually explicit school books. Children of 12 years old in Catholic schools were being taught how to masturbate and try out homosexual acts. When confronted with these facts, he simply refused to receive the shocked parents and didn't take any action to stop the use of these books. 
Turning a blind eye against blatant abuses 
Fr. Luc Versteylen sj is a very famous person in Belgium. He's the founder of the extreme-leftwing (communist) political party Agalev and for many years led a sort of christian cultic sect in Viersel. In this house, mostly unmarried adolescents were encouraged to explore their sexuality. Fr. Versteylen himself is known to cohabitate with a woman, thereby publicly ignoring his priestly chastity vows. He recently also admitted to raping one of his female sect-members. Danneels never, ever took action against this man. One can confidently say that most Catholics in Belgium know of first-hand examples of priests ignoring their celibacy vows - these things are publically known. Some of these priests are even so proud of it that they like to be interviewed about it in the national newspapers. Yet bishops, whose duty it should be to maintain order, hardly ever took (take) action. 
Good friends with the freemasonry 
The freemasonry, an extremely powerful secret organisation priding itself with facilitating the legalisation of abortion, euthanasia and gay marriage in Belgium, is the biggest enemy of the Catholic Church. Instead of waging war against these demons, Danneels was good friends with them! He even went to give a lecture in one of their temples in 2008. If that is already out in the open, how much more relations may he have had which we know nothing about. 
Condoms? No problem!
Danneels is clearly one of the most left-wing cardinals in the Church. He wants change, that's for sure. He knows how far he can go, but never formally trespasses the line. One perfect example: preservatives are morally legitimate if they are used by a married couple of which one of the two partners is sero-positive. While this is technically true, one can wonder whether it's up to someone in his position to make this kind of statements. He knows all too well how this will be transmitted in popular media: Danneels opposes the pope on birth control issue. Danneels is not stupid. He does this intentionally; he intentionally creates confusion amongst his faithful, while it's his duty to guard and protect his flock as a good sheperd.

His Holiness?

The image was stolen from Southern Orders.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Benedict XVI. Made Changes to the Enthronement Rite of the New Pope -- Ferula Papalis and Tiara?

(Vatican)  Osservatore Romano  published an interview with the Minister of Cermonies of the Pope, Msgr Guido Marini in its Saturday edition. On the 18th of February Pope Benedict XVI. received Msgr Marini in audience. On this occasion he made “in the power of his Apostolic authority” some changes in the Ordo rituum pro minister Petrini initio Romae episcopi.

In the interview Msgr Marini explained the proposed changes by the Pope. What was not also mentioned regarding the use of the Ferula Papalis is that Pope Paul replaced it with a cross staff that was characteristic of the pontificate of John Paul II. Pope Benedict XVI. returned the old practice with Palm Sunday of 2008, initially by using the Ferula of Pius XI, then from 2009 a lighter custom made Ferula was found for him. Will the Tiara be reserved, a visible expression of papal authority even if it is only placed on special occasions on the statue of the Apostle Peter and first Pope?

First: What is the Ordo Rituum per ministerii Petrini initio Romae episcopi?

As the introduction to the Ordo under Nr. 2 says, it deals with the Rituale, which the papal celebration of the Bishop of Rome  upon the occupation of his See and the places it governs.

In other words the book contains all of the liturgical texts for the celebrations of the new Pope from the moment of the solemn proclamation of his election to his visit to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.

The Ordo was approbated by Benedict XVI. with the rescript Ex audientia Summi Pontificis of 20 April 2005, on the day after his election as Pontifex Maximus. I must also add that the office for the Liturgical celebration of the Pope required at that time great subject knowledge and a large work for study and preparation, in order to bring the Ordo in its form.
Holy Father With Ferula

The Pope has now approved some changes in the same way. Can you tell us the reason?

It seems to me that I can describe two in particular.

First of all the Pope once experienced the celebration at the beginning of his Pontificate in 2005.

This experience and the consequent employment with that ended some interventions from him for the improvement of the texts in the sense of a harmonic development. Second, he wanted to continue in this line, that he had taken the steps toward changes in the papal Liturgy.

In other words: for the better celebration of Holy Mass to distinguish it from other rites which are not directly connected.

I refer for example to the rite of canonization, of the Resurrexit on Easter Sunday and the conferring of the Palium to new Metropolitan Bishops.

What will happen in practice?

As already indicated, the celebration of the inauguration of the Bishop of Rome will be ordered just as also with the enthronement in the Lateran Basilica the typical rites before and outside of Holy Mass and no more within the same. What the celebration of the inauguration of the Bishop of Rome involves, so all of the Cardinals will participate in the oath of obedience.

In this way the gestures which the electing Cardinals will perform during the election in the Sixtine Chapel, will again retain a public dimension and with that include all members of the College of Cardinals and at the same time is an expression of his Catholicity.

It doesn’t involve a novelty, which all well remember at the act of obedience in the beginning of the pontificate of John Paul II, in which all the Cardinals at the time participated. It suffices to think on the famous and moving picture, the embrace of Pope Wojtyla showed with the former Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as with Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski.

In the interview Msgr. Marini refers to the rite of obedience as reported by Cathcon:

When Pope Benedict celebrated his inaugural Mass in 2005, 12 people were chosen to represent all Catholics: three cardinals, a bishop, a diocesan priest, a transitional deacon, a male religious, a female religious, a married couple and a young man and a young woman recently confirmed.

Among the first acts of the new bishop of Rome, is provided for in the visit to the two papal basilicas of Saint Paul Outside the Walls and St. Mary Major. Are there also some changes in this regard?

In contrast to what was has been envisaged for the Ordo, new pope does not have to do this immediately after the election, but can make it as he deems an appropriate time and do in an appropriate form, be it with a Mass, with the Liturgy of the Hours or special liturgical form, what previously had been required.

Is there anything new in the field of music?

The former Ordo allowed for mostly a new musical repertoire, which was composed on the occasion of the drafting of the Ordo.

The current Benedict XVI approbated version provides more freedom in the choice of the sung parts and allows the rich musical treasure of the Church's history to bring to bear.

Einleitung und Übersetzung: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Wikicommons