Friday, November 16, 2012

The Old Liberals Are Frozen

The Society of St. Pius X belongs to those few Catholic societies in Germany, who could hope for a future.

(  The Second Vatican Council has been a "great moment".

This was explained by the Munich Dogmatic Theologian, Fr. Bertram Stubenrauch (51) on the 13th of November in "Mittelbyerischen Zeitung".

He was quick to modify his statement:  "If one discusses the faith and considers it, as it should continue in the Church, it is always a special moment."

Does he think this only of the Left?

As to the question about the most important results of the Council the secular history remains unanimous.

The Council recognized that "God is for everyone who is."

Christians would "not have arrange the right, who is nearer to God or further away from him" -- he said.

With that he has implicitly declared that even Bishop Richard Williamson is in the heart of the Church.

The Old Liberals are Frozen

The Society of St. Pius X as far as that goes "is frozen on a certain point of the stream of history"  -- distorted Fr. Stubenrauch.

That is "forgetful".

In reality the Society of Pius X is one of the few Catholic societies in Germany which could hope to have a future.

Who is "narrow minded"?

He eagerly reads the Conciliar texts:  "They make the security of the faith detectable" -- said the emotional Fr. Stubenrauch and quickly continued, that this security is "not narrow minded."

Doesn't he want to distance himself from the narrow minded and incorrigible Old Liberalism with this statement?

Damning Judgement

The statement that the Council has "created obstacles", Fr. Stubenrauch responded with: "It's always been that way."

He didn't bring the evidence from Church history for this.

What is going to come from the Conciliar Church, "no man knows" -- he said with a damning judgment.

What Progress?

As to the question if   -- as the question was pitched to him by his interview partner --
if the "progress" went too slowly, Fr. Stubenrauch answered cooly: "no".

Because: "Who will answer for the reforms, if they lead again to conflicts and new schisms?"

And: "Anything which doesn't grow is an artificial religion."

Difficult questions not blocked

A third Vatican Council is not needed according to Fr. Stubenrauch: "The desire is expected in our hectic time."

He is for that which the Second Vatican Council has implemented, "now it will be implemented in peace and  the difficult questions won't be blocked."

Actually, that latter is exactly the situation in the Old Liberal concrete Church.

Link to original...

Germany Stuck in a Downward Spiral

© Paolo Margari,
The future belongs to lands who population is young and where many children are born.  No state can be made with homosexual madness and the abortion of children.

( German economy will be doing penance because of the age of its population till 2060-- more than other industrial lands.

That is the result of a far future study by the Paris based 'Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development' (OECD)

Fall Back to 10th Place

The German economy will only grow 1.1 percent till 2060 every year.

In the coming fifty years no other industrial country will lose so intensely its social significance than Germany.

The country will fall in the list of national economies from 5th place to 10th.

German Rest Home

The reason for this is the aging of the decadent and demoralized population.

The study shows that the portion of those over 65 years of age -- compared to the spread of age between 15 to 64 years -- will double to almost 65%.

 The share of Germany in world gross national production will fall from 2 to 4.8%.

It gets worse

The winners of the study are China, India and Indonesia.

Their economic weight results in great part from their significant populations.

The OECD insists then that these forecasts over such long periods of time are bound with significant uncertainties.

In other words:  It could be worse.

Link to

The Dregs Swim to the Top

Regarding the Ascent of the Green Party

The parties are part of democracy, because they allow people without ability and character to excel.

(  Democracy is a form of mass social existence in which the lower classes make a tin god of themselves.

With the erecting of a temple of self-divinization -- the propylaea -- the Democracy takes its beginning.

He is positions himself for deification.

The Mob Revolution

In these days such temples aren't called propylaea, but parliaments.

The political parties are  the components  of Democracies, because they offer possibilities for advancement, which reach disproportionate social heights, without being accompanied by corresponding accomplishments or necessary qualities of character.

The conquest of the central political positions of power is the successful completion of the stage of Mass Revolution.

This has penetrated in all areas of social life, decomposing them democratically.

The Mass Aborbs

The aim of democracy consists in undermining the established competition.

In its place a cornucopia of opportunities is made, which gives the masses "equal chances",  to position themselves as members of parliament or higher in order to secure for themselves the best possible positions.

The universities, television studios, the courts, the administrative apparatus and the executive can not long withstand the power of the democratic masses.

They will by and by be overwhelmed by the democratic mob.

Emancipation of Ignorance

Need brings creativity and urges the teaming mob to pull all registers.

Through this all science will be falsified, as well as pseudo-sciences will be founded.

New titles will be introduced for common dignitaries.

Beheading Society

One can scratch some money together in order to appear prosperous and extravagant .

Jobs and positions will be discovered which no one needs.

At the end of democratization comes social collapse.

The democratic monster beheads society, in which all of those who are well-informed are pushed aside and the know-it-all is put in his place.

This is from the blog  Dr. Andrej Poleev...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Things Were More Liberal and Free Then

Back When Leftists Were Open Predators

She was abused in the 70s as a child for pornographic shots.  Now she is demanding damages from her own mother.  The German smut magazine 'Spiegel' is also included in the scandal.
© Marco Bernardini,

(  The French actress Eva Ionesco (47) has sued her mother, the pornographer Irina Ionesco (77).

Irina Ionesco published naked shots of her then eleven year old daughter for the US-smut magazine 'Playboy' and 'Penthouse".

She was between four and twelve years old

Mrs. Ionesco demanded 200,000 euros in damages from a Paris court.

She also asked for the handing over of the naked photos, which had been taken between the ages of four and twelve.

The judgment is expected in mid-Decemenber.

Pedophile Networks

Even the former National Socialist and SS people founded German smut magazine 'Spiegel' printed a pedo-naked photo of Eva Ionesco in May of 1977.

Her attorney maintains that "pedophile netoworks' had a lot of influence then.

The victim was never as a child to her mother, but rather photographed as a "dressed up prostitute".   His client had been robbed of her childhood.

The mother of the attorney countered that by saying that the times then were "more Liberal and uninhibited".

400 Years of Capuchin Tradition Ended in Hesse

Decline and Fall:  Fifty years after the end of the Second Vatican Council, the lame and poisonous fruits have been yielded by the Conciliar Church.

( What was reported in April, happens now.

The Capuchin Cloister in the south Hessian city of Dieburg will extinguish its lights at the modern feast of Christ the King.

With that ends the 400 year history of the Cloister.

Today None Come

Currently there are still four monks in the place: the guardian, Fr. Berthold Oehler (61), Fr Joachim Wrede, Fr. Eckehard Krahl (76) and Br. Friedhelm Bielefeld (58).

The suit and tie priest Mathias Doll (69) -- who is active as a priest in Schmerlenbach near Aschaffenburg -- also belongs to the convent.

The website of the Diocese of Mainz cited the guardian of the dying cloister on November 7th:  "When one went away before, another came along."

Today none are coming.

Fall into the abyss

At the Council there were 850 German Capuchins.

Today there are about 150.  Most of them are of retirement age.

The Council was to "renew" the friars with its grandiose claims.

Galloping Collapse

The Capuchins have only four novices at this time in the German speaking areas.

The Capuchin Convent of St. Joseph in Munich will be the next to be closed.

Two other closings are planned.

Link to

Bishop Williamson Willing to Consecrate New Bishops

"For myself, I shall attempt to follow his Providence in the ordaining of priests - or in the consecrating of bishops. God’s will be done. "

Edit: This is the following letter from the Eleison Comments.  Bishop Williamson sounds like he's going to slowly move to the next step.  He wants to avoid dividing the Society:
After last week’s presentation of details of the “Marcellus Initiative” set up to facilitate donations to the cause of an « expelled » bishop, a few readers reasonably asked what the “Initiative” would be for. To begin with, it will cover his personal expenses of moving out of Wimbledon, maybe out of London, and then living elsewhere. Over and above those expenses, the word “Initiative” was chosen deliberately to leave options open. However, it is important that nobody should think that their donations will any time soon go to the setting up of a replacement for the Society of St Pius X or a substitute seminary. There are good reasons for not hurrying to do either.
As for an alternative to the SSPX, we must learn the lessons to be drawn from its present severe crisis. The Catholic Church runs on authority, from the Pope downwards, but our Revolutionary world has today so broken down men’s natural sense of authority that few know how to command, and most men obey either too little or too much. We have, so to speak, run out of that peasant common sense that enabled Catholic authority to function. Thus as God alone could establish Moses’ authority by a sensational chastisement of rebels (cf. Numbers XVI), so in our day surely God alone will be able to restore the Pope’s authority. Will it be by ”a rain of fire”, such as Our Lady of Akita forewarned in Japan in 1973 ? Be that as it may, oases of the Faith remain an immediate and practical possibility, and I will do my best to serve them.
Continued at Eleison Comments...

Monday, November 12, 2012

Hans Küng Foundation to Collaborate With Chicom Government for "Peace"

Tübingen/Peking ( The Tübingen theologian Hans Küng founded controversial project "Weltethos" [World Ethos], has extended itself to China.

At the end of October the University of Peking has opened its own "Weltethos-Institute".  There is a planned collaboration with the Tübingen Weltethos-Institute, along with the Eberhard Karls University.

The center will  inform people  by way of  science and instruction of a global social ethos and a common basis of people's values, excluding the true religion.

During the opening in China's capital, Küng said that an ethical orientation above peoples and religious boundaries is more important than ever before in a globalizing world.

The Rector of Tübingen University, Bernd Engler, spoke of a "new chapter in the cooperation between Germany and China".  The new institute may establish further bridges between Germany and China and participate in a better understanding between the cultures.

The Peking Research Center will be financed by German businessman Karl Schlecht,  who also enabled the Tübingen establishment and a Chinese mechanical engineering company.

Behind the world ethos research is the Weltethos Foundation, which was brought to life by Küng
in 1995.  The Foundation strives to make a consensus of religions in questions of values.

In that respect it works for the establishment of a new, worldwide value codex (Ethos), in which all religions are included.

These new world commandments are directed to brotherhood and peace.  In this respect ever individual may include his own personal image of God and his personal convictions, equally, in whichever religion he feels he belongs.

This idea is identical with the Freemasonry in 18th century established a world brotherhood without the benefit of a true religion based on Christ.

Seminal in this connection is the part of John 18:37.  There, Christ stood before PIlate accused by the high priests and scribes, he answered, " For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth."

About to the idea of a peace independent of the truth Christ addressed himself to this statement saying: "For that I was brought into the world, to give evidence for brotherhood."

For further reading:  The most recent entry was concerned principally with the phenomenon of Freemasonry and the penetration of these ideas into the Catholic Church.

Link to

Bishop Fellay: "Where is the Continuation in the Council?"

The General Superior of the Society of Pius X yesterday put his finger to the wounds of the ecclesiastical break of Tradition.

 ( During yesterday's feast of St. Martin, Bishop Fellay -- the General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X -- celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Parisian church of St. Nicolas-du-Chardonnet.

It is the largest house of God entrusted to the fathers of the Society.

Month of Suffering

The sermon of the Bishop was clear and to the point.

He referred to the time of the negotiations with the Vaticans proposed dogmatic statement as the "month of suffering, of disquiet and anguish for us."

The Society found itself in the same situation as Marcel Lefebvre found in 1974.

Pressure from Rome

It was then that Rome tried to bring great pressure through its local Bishops upon the still authorized seminary of Ecône to bring it in line with the Council.

Msgr Lefebvre resisted this on the 21st of November 1974 with a "declaration of intent".

Therein he repudiated the neo-Modernist and neo-Protestantic tendencies of the Council.

In Assisi?

Msgr. Fellay spoke in his sermon about the break with Tradition, which consummated itself after the Second Vatican in the Conciliar Church.

"Where is Continuity in the Council?" -- he asked.

His answer: "In Assisi? In the kissing of the Koran by John Paul II.?"

Link to

Friday, November 9, 2012

Bishop Fellay: Stays Firm, Dealing With Two Different Agendas

Edit: first they are told that the SSPX can be accepted as is and that no expectations would be included, then others are insisting that the Society must adhere to the principles of Vatican II. Then Archbishop Mueller, the new CDF, insists that the "talks are over". A few weeks after that, another statement is issued from Rome saying that the talks are not over.

We've pointed out in the past that there are two different agendas at work in Rome. It's interesting that most people seem unaware of this. We'll keep pointing it out. In the meantime, Bishop Fellay will continue to assert what the Society has always asserted and that it will not compromise those principles.

Undeniably, there are reports that there is a lot of pressure against this deal taking place from governments, Old Liberals within the Church structure who fear the growing legitimacy of Tradition in the Church, Jews and even members within the SSPX.

Here's the Bishop's statement and commentary from DICI:
This is the sort of information that reached me. Obviously it is not clear, when on the one hand you have official documents to which you have to say no, because they are asking us to accept the Council and that is not possible, and when on the other hand such reports are communicated to you. Nevertheless I made an initial response in which I said no. Someone telephoned me to tell me: “Could you not be a little more precise?” I wrote a second time. They were no more content than the first time. And so we come to March 16, when they presented to me a letter, saying, “This letter comes from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, but it is approved by the Pope.” If I had in my hands nothing but this letter, our relations with Rome would be finished, because this letter said that no one has the right to set the past Magisterium against the Magisterium of today. Therefore no one has the right to say that today the Roman authorities are in contradiction with those of yesterday. It also said that rejecting the September 14 document which was explicitly approved by the Pope was tantamount in fact to rejecting the authority of the Pope. There was even a reference to the canons that talk about schism and about excommunication for schism. The letter continued: “The Pope, in his kindness, is allowing you another month to reflect; if you wish to change your decision, tell the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about it.” Then it’s clear! There is nothing left to do. This letter that came to me by the official channel concludes the debate. It is over. But at the same time, I received informal advice that told me: “Yes, you will receive a harsh letter, but remain calm,” or actually: “don’t panic.”
Read it in its entirety here...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Organ Donors: Even Their Pulse Increases

© Fotomontage
Wagge: Images_of_Money, Flickr, CC
Herz: gemeinfrei
It wasn't possible for me to leave behind a legally binding wish, that I didn't want to give my organs. by Carmen Gorski.

( Since the 1st of November there is  a new transplant law in power.

The hospitals have regularly to ask every member over the age of 16, if, in the event of a so-called brain death, they will donate their organs or not.

There will be advisements sent on which the answer will be noted.

It was not possible

I personally didn't want to give any organs.

For that reason I contacted my health insurance and announced a legally binding deposition of my wishes.  I then learned that this was not possible.

At first it was explained to me that the computer is not programed for that.  Then it was said that it wasn't possible because of the confidentiality of data.

Yes, that is called, no

As I  then advised them that it was my own data and I relinquished the data protection, it was explained, there is a legal regulation,  where it is forbidden, to make the desired entry.

Upon my question as to the legal situation -- law and paragraph -- it was explained to me, that there was no legal regulation.

Then I explained that the entry therefore could actually be made.

No, one may not -- was the answer:  I have to first give a legal condition, to record my wish.  Actually, there wouldn't have been one.

The only way out

I contacted the insurance company 'Securvita', the 'Barmer Ersatzkasse' and the 'Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse' (AOK).  All the same.

It was regularly explained to me that I could check out on my identification that I don't want to donate any organs.

Only: An identification can in any case be lost in an accident -- and the data is never entered.

Because it is usually addressed to relatives or according to a patient testament -- was explained to me.

Why not at the insurer?

Only I well knew that the organ harvesting in clinics is not as rare as time.

Why can the institution, which is contacted because of payment in any case -- the insurance fund -- will not accept my wish,  to which it is obliged by law, which regularly in any case asks if I am an organ donor?

It seems to me that they ask a direct question to afford the advancement of as many donors as possible.

Resorting to fossilized cards?

It can't really be that in our today's IT- dominated society to return again to fossilized cards, whose data is never entered.

A national register or similar as in Austria is clearly not available.

On that point  the outcry of the Church is absent, which is known to every normal thinking person, that the brain dead aren't really dead.

That isn't a bone picker

The circulation functions in an apparently brain dead person even so with digestion.

There are typical pain reactions upon the removal of the organs.  The blood pressure increases.  The pulse increases.  There is sweat and tissue tension.

Often, sedatives are administered to the allegedly deceased when their organs are removed.

This isn't the case of picking bones, but clearly and simply state sanctioned murder.

Link to

Berlin Attorney General Receives List "Revealing" Operators

Edit: don't these people have more important things to do? hates and probably wants to see them go away.  Of course, they neglect details about the various accusers of which could be useful to an honest story.

Volker Beck loves
children @Gemeinfrei
Bruner Gmünder Verlag (Berlin) [A publisher of homosexual pornography.] has given a list of five Church associates who are closely associated with the "radical" website "".

Bonn ( The Bruno Gmünder Verlag (Berlin) has handed a list of names of five Church associates who are supposed to be closely associated with the website "". One lives in Germany, three in Austria, one in Switzerland, reported the Spiegel Online in consultation with the former religion instructor David Berger, now living in Berlin, who has been seeking out the figures behind the portal on his own. All five are associates of the Catholic Church.

Verlag Gmünder has offered previously a 15,000 Euro reward for information on the operator of "". According to Spiegel Online, over 600 letters from the publisher, of which 90 percent had been unusable, the rest were clearly helpful. The German Bishops Conference had distanced itself from the website, which describes itself as Catholic. Its secretary, Father Hans Langendorfer, had written to Green politician Volker Beck [A homosexual who has argued for the legalization of sex with children]: "It is our common goal, to bring this site to a quick end."

"" operator shows itself as an "Initiative of an international private group of Catholics in Germany and overseas, who are mainly active in the Church". The website shows itself to give provocations to Protestants, Homosexuals, but also, even against Catholic Bishops and Laity, who are aligned with Liberal thought. [They forgot Jews]

The press speaker of the German Bishops' Conference, Matthias Kopp, stressed in the meantime that the Bishops' Conference has on its own initiative established contact with individual bishops, if they are aware of individuals in contact with who are employed by the Diocese.

Four names were brought forth by "Spiegel" in connection with, said Kopp in a statement, which appeared in the Katholischen Nachrichten-Agentur (KNA). So, Prelate Georg May is in connection with the Polish Archdiocese of Breslau. Fr. Reto Nay is a priest in Switzerland. There is also a religion teacher, Hubert Hecker who has already been published in 2010 by The Mainz Pastor Hendrick Jolie, who was also identified by "Spiegel", has stressed himself, that had published his texts illegally, said Kopp.

Spiegel online also cited the Press Speaker of the Diocese of Mainz, Tobias Blum, with the words that Jolie in the mean time has been questioned about his connection with "He has denied being in contact with and has expressly distanced himself", says Blum.

Berger, [A homosexual who accused the Pope of being himself one, was exposed by] who had been dismissed by the Archdiocese of Cologne from his license to teach, explained on Sunday, that he knows a great deal about the technical aspects of the site. On some days, the server changes three times. There are suggestions from around that the operators are ecclesiastical associates.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Modernist Priest Demands Resignation of Archbishop

Edit: the Archdiocese intends to continue preaching the truth about homosexuality, but it will apparently do that without the help of Father Tegeder, the long-haired Old Liberal priest from the parish of St. Francis Cabrini who continues to promote Sodomy. This from the Start Tribune:

“The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis will continue to build up this community according to our principles, including giving voice and unwavering defense to the unborn, the poor and forgotten, the abused and the lonely. And we will continue to work to strengthen marriage, and defend it against all forms of its weakening, for the good of all society. We can do nothing less than continue to propose and do our best to live out what we believe.”

Meanwhile, the Rev. Mike Tegeder, a frequent critic of Nienstedt, who serves as pastor at two Minneapolis churches, submitted an e-mailed letter to The Star Tribune on Wednesday calling for Nienstedt to vacate his post.

“As a priest of the Archdiocese I would ask our Archbishop, John Nienstedt, to prayerfully consider stepping down from his office,” the letter states. “It would be healing for our state and our church and would show some magnanimity on his part.”

Jim Accurso, a spokesman with the archdiocese, said Wednesday afternoon the archdiocese was not aware of the letter but would take a look at it and possibly respond to it.
Source... H/t: Tom.

Woman Defies One Child Policy And Faces Hard Labor

Mao Hengfeng, given hard labour again for challenging one child law The dissident, one of the most famous in the country, was sentenced to 18 months of "re-education through labour". Her husband denounces: "she disappeared on 20 September and I just got news of her now". The sentence issued on the sidelines of the Communist Congress, ready to elect the new leadership.

Beijing (AsiaNews) -Beijing police have arrested and sentenced Mao Hengfeng to hard labour for the third time, one of the "champions" of the battle against the one child law and forced abortions in China. Her husband Wu Xuewei has denounced this latest arrest and reports that the woman was kidnapped by public security agents last Sept. 20 in the capital, where she had gone to seek justice for abuses suffered during her second imprisonment. The activist was reduced to a wheelchair as a result of police violence.

After this long period of detention, last week the authorities sentenced her to 18 months of "re-education through labour" for having "disturbed social order". The judgment was pronounced against the opening of the 18th Communist Party Congress, which opens tomorrow and is preparing to crown the "fifth generation" of Communist leaders.

Wu received notification but believes his wife innocence: "she is not guilty and has never violated any law. They fabricated allegations and evidence to imprison innocent people ". At the moment, her place of detention is unknown: she served her last sentence in the detention centre of Yangpu district, near Shanghai, where the couple lives.
Link to original...

Monday, November 5, 2012

News -- New Traditionalist School in Berlin

US Ambassador to Vatican Leaves

The Liberation Theology pick from the faculty of an extremely Leftist, disloyal and thoroughly Modernist, St. John's University in Collegeville, Minnesota is coming home, although he was born in Havana in Red Cuba.  According to RNS, the consciousness raising "Theology" professor is going to Ohio where he'll teach at the Catholic University of Dayton, Ohio.  He avoided being a beacon of truth during his time at the Vatican and focused instead on "dialogue" and social justice issues.

New Traditional School in Berlin

Germany.  The Traditional Institute of St. Philipp Neri in Berlin will start a new seminary with a school in Berlin.   It will be called Baronius Academy.  Today the facility will be adopted. Provost Gerad Goesche has canonically instituted the priestly training facility.  The Rector is the former SSPX Priest, Thomas Jatzkowski.  The study plan is readable on line.  Audio copies of the courses are available for a fee.

Money Works Not the Faith

Switzerland.  A painful and embarrassing "cuddle evening" in the so-called open church in the eastern Swiss city of St. Galen was supposed to have taken place on the 4th of September.  Swiss Church-tax organization 'kipa' wrote this.  The already planned evenings were cancelled.  The St. Gallen Reformed have put the meetings in question. They were planned by Catholic Project Director Thomas Joller.  Because of "cuddle evenings" several members have made contributions to Open Church.

Rome Pilgrimage: Secretary of State Manipulates Papal Letter

Staatssekretär Tarcisio Kardinal

© Catholic Church (England and Wales),
The new Vatican -- which is whipped into harness by the Old Liberals - is currently in the past,  now they are putting the thumb screws to the Traditionalists.

(  The Traditionalists have to "recognize" the New Mass.

That was in the words of greeting by Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone to the Pilgrims of the Traditional Pilgrimage "Una cum Papa Nostro".

Its high point was a Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite.  It took place on Saturday afternoon in St. Peter's Basilica.  The welcoming speech was read during the Mass.

The text appeared today at the Vatican newspaper 'L'Osservatore Romano'.

"Not Excluded"

Cardinal Bertone explained that the Pope had responded to the expectations of the Traditionalists with the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum'.

He cited from the accompanying letter of the Pope on the Motu Proprio, which was directed to the Bishops.

There it was said that "the celebration is not to be excluded according to the new Liturgical books".

And:  "A complete exclusion in any case would not even be in agreement with the recognition of the values and the sanctity of the rite in its new form." -- said the letter.

"Completely recognize"

In contrast to that the Cardinal formulated in his words of greeting that "the value and sanctity of the Ordinary Form is to be completely recognized".

He required to bring the unity of faith in the year to expression.

Only:  In the disintegrating Conciliar Church everyone believes what he wants.

Link to

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bishop Tawadoros per Los is the New Pope of the Copts

Pope Shenouda III
In Egypt, the Coptic Christian minority has elected a new Pope.  At a Liturgy in the Markus Cathedral of Cairo, Bishop Tawadros per Los was elected as the 118th church head.

Odds on the office have favored Bishop Raphael from the capital of Cairo and Tawadros from Beheria in the Nile Delta as well as the Monk Raphael Awa Mina.

A small boy, blindfolded, drew the name out of a glass bowl with the new Pope's name on it, which was sealed in red wax. Thus the Copts considered this also as "God's Will".  There were three candidates for the election.

The 60 year old from the Nile Delta will be solemnly installed on the 18th of November.  He follows in the footsteps of Pope Shenuda III after 40 years at the head of the largest Christian community in the Middle East.

Fear of Expulsion

The Copts make up about 10 percent of the 83 million Egyptians, of which the largest part are Sunni Muslims.  This also makes the Copts the largest Christian community in the Near East.

At present they are concerned about the impending Islamization of Egypt.  There are increasingly violent conflicts between the Copts and the Muslim majority.

Link to ... tageschau...

Flood Waters Threaten the Shrine of the Virgin of Lujan Patroness of Argentina

Argentina:  Flood in the Marian Pilgrimage site of Lujan.  The Basilica of the Virgin of Lucan (National Patroness) is standing under water.  Pope John Paul II had visited the miraculous image in 1982.

Buenos Aires ( After significant rainfalls, the religious structure at the national shrine of Lujan is threatened with flooding.  As the newspaper "Clarin" (Friday) reported, the Basilica of the Virgin of Lujan is under water.  The flood waters have even entered into the crypt.   According to details from the Rector of the Basilica, Jose Daniel Blanchoud, there are in any case no "valuable and historically important" objects in danger, because they are about 1.2 meters above water.

The administration of Lujan hopes that the water which has swelled the river Lujan will flow into the harbor in the coming days.  In any case, there is more rainfall forecast for this weekend for the province of Buenos Aires.

In 1982 Pope John Paul II had visited the icon of the Patroness of Argentina, the "Virgin of Lujan".  According to Tradition, the miraculous image came to the place in 1630 where it wanted to stay, it resisted later attempts to replace it, in order to find a new place.  The current Neo-Gothic Cathedral was consecrated in 1930.

According to reports from the Argentinian Bishops' Conference, 30,000 pilgrims come to the Patroness of the South American nation in a small city an hour away from Buenos Aires.  Reports say more than a million Catholics took part in a youth procession some weeks before. - A few weeks before this the Marian Pilgrimage site of Lourdes was flooded after strong rainfall.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Catholics Are Persecuted in Brussels

Der maltesische Katholik Tonio Borg
© European People’s Party, Flickr,CC BY
Welcome to the Anti-Christs:  In Brussels those who hate the Church run the next Catholic out of town 

(  At the EU Maltese Catholic Tonio Borg (55)  was going to be nominated to EU-Commissioner.

Inciting against him, the anti-Christian Non-Government Organization 'European Humanist Federation'.   This was reported by the Protestant site '' on November 3rd.

Borg is to be named the future EU-Commissar for Health. He is a practicing Catholic and current Foreign Minister of Malta.

Slander, Slander, Slander

The atheistic Church hater, who is for murdering children and homosexual decline, is defaming Borg with all barrels.

He is supposedly "not indisputably" for human rights -- they slander.

Borg has worked in the past -- in contrast to the 'European Humanist Federation' -- for the right to life of unborn children.

A Politician of Renewal

In 2004 Borg demanded that the murder of unborn children be forbidden in the Constitution of Malta.

Not only, but he's a canny critic of homosexual decadence.

He has spoken against the unjustifiable privileges for homosexuals in the Maltese Parliament.

Homosexual Intolerance Blooms

After his nomination as candidate for the office Borg is to stand for questioning before the European Parliament.

The intolerant homosexual organizations are calling a series of hate attacks against Catholics.

Borg was to be nominated as the new EU- Health Commissar from Malta, after his countryman John Dalli resigned from this office in October.

The Comrades Fight For Decadence

Immediately after Borg's candidacy became known the Comrades of the opposition Labour Party in Malta began to incite against him.  They insulted the critic of homosexuality as a "homophobe".

He has shown himself to be a convinced Catholic in the past thorugh his strict rejection of divorce and attention to the murder of unborn children.

The Church haters of the intolerant 'European Humanist Federation' have spoke repeatedly against the ruling of the EU-Constitution in Article 17 that the EU will hold regular dialog with the Church and other religious communities.

Link to

Msgr. Guido Pozzo Promoted to Archbishop as Pope's Almoner

Vatican Logic:  Because he hasn't arrived to his most recent post, he will be promoted to Archbishop.

(, Vatican)  Today at noon, Pope Benedict XVI. named the present Secretary of the Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei, Prelate Guido Pozzo (60), to his Almoner and promoted him to Archbishop.

This was reported by the Vatican press service.

This appointment had been announced already at the end of September by Andrea Tornielli.

Unimportant Function

Msgr. Pozzo will be the successor of the Spanish Bishop de Blanco Prieto (75).

He was the "Almoner to His Holiness" for five years.

This unimportant office is directly under the Pope.  It is an abuse of the Sacrament of Holy Orders to ordain someone a Bishop for it.

Active in the Souvenir Business

The Papal Almoner cares for the Pope's charitable giving and distributes financial assistance.

He is a member of the Papal Household.  Its occupant has am inactive place in the Papal Liturgies of the Pope.

The position also draws income from the marketing of papal blessings on decorative paper. These can be purchased in the souvenir stores around the Vatican.

In the last years, Archbishop Pozzo has been a Vatican discussion partner for the negotiations with the Society of St. Pius X.

Link to kreuz,net...

Bishop Williamson's First Move

Edit: Some of the speculation of what Bishop Williamson is going to do should be sorted out now. It remains to be seen how many gather under his banner, although he has encouraged those who are sympathetic to him to stay where they are. He and the rest of the Society are determined to keep as much unity as possible.  He's also asking for money.
IT SEEMS THAT, today, God wants a loose network of independent pockets of Catholic Resistance, gathered around the Mass, freely contacting one another, but with no structure of false obedience, which served to sink the mainstream Church in the 1960’s and is now sinking the Society of St. Pius X. If you agree, make contributions to the St. Marcel Initiative; they will certainly come in useful. For myself, once my situation stabilizes, I am ready to put my bishop’s powers at the disposal of whoever can make wise use of them. —His Excellency Bishop Richard Williamson, London, November 3, 2012

Link ... 

Cardinal Cañizares Celebrates Mass in St. Peter's in Immemorial Rite of All Ages

In St. Peter's Basilica there will be a Mass in the Old Rite for a second time since its reintroduction to the main altar, and the celebrant is the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Cardinal Canizares Llovera.

Vatican City ( As planned the Old Mass will be celebrated on the main altar for the second time since the freeing up of the Mass by Pope Benedict XVI.  The celebrant of the Pontifical High Mass will be the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Cardinal Canizares Llovera on November 3rd.  It would be the first time since the publication of the Papal permission "Summorum Pontificum" in July of 2007 that a Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship has celebrated Mass in the Old Rite.

In May of 2011 the Curial Cardinal Walter Brandmüller had celebrated High Mass on the main altar of St. Peter's Basilica in the Extraordinary Rite.   Since then a Pontifical Mass at the cathedral altar with Cardinal Llovera as celebrant was announced.   For unknown reasons Cardinal Brandmüller was replaced by the Spaniard.  The Old Rite has been regularly celebrated in a side chapel for a long time.

The Mass with Cardinal Llovera is taking place in association of a Pilgrimage associated with those attached to the Old Rite.  The co-organizer is the Italian branch of the society "Una Voce".  It is an association of Catholic laity, who are attached to the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite and have committed themselves to the preservation of the Gregorian Choral.

With the allowance "Summorum Pontificum" Benedict XVI had freed the Tridentine Mass on September 2007.   The latin language service in the Old Rite will be designated, as it was prescribe after the Council of Trent (1545-1563) in the Catholic Church for the whole world.  These Mass books were gradually replaced at first after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) by a new Liturgy,  which was to be celebrated in the respective national languages,  Latin was still allowed, however. [Actually, it was expected]

Friday, November 2, 2012

Polish Priest: Pope Benedict Wages a Tireless War Against This Evil

Homosexual Blasphemy
against Jesus Christ.

© stevendepolo, Flickr, CC BY
The Fog is Lifting

How is it that people in ecclesiastical positions of leadership succeed, who are deeply corrupt, false and blackmailable? 

(  There is a true homosexual lobby in the Catholic Church.  Fr. Dariusz Oko described this in the German periodical 'Theologisches'.

Fr. Oko is a research fellow of the Philosophy faculty of the Papal University of John Paul II in Cracow.

It will be unscrupulously lied about

In order for an evil as grave as the homosexual disorder to hide and be tolerated, there needs to be people in important positions -- wrote the priest.

He didn't speak of a homosexual lobby, but of a "homosexual mafia".  Fr. Oko cited then cited the current Polish Justice Ministery Jaroslav Gowin.

As a member of the Polish Senate he was confronted with the case of the Posener Homo-Archbishop Juliusz Paetz.

He felt then after some investigations the presence of a "type of Mafia".

These have denied brutal circumstances and fundamentals in the defense of their interests -- even the most public.

The Priestly Seminary as Seduction

Fr. Oko suggested that the problems for a homosexually distorted individual who wants to be a priest, already begin in the Seminary.

There the homosexual seminarist finds himself in the situation, which corresponds to that of a normal man, who will find himself living in close contact with appealing women.

It is "clearly very difficult" to protect chastity.

The Homosexual Power Grab

Fr. Oko knows that the colleagues of the inner-Church homosexual mafia who are aware of the danger,  camouflage themselves.

For that they will mutually support one another.

They form informal groups and attempt, above all to rule the place, where money and power are at home.

When they have taken over positions of responsibility, promote then persons, who are similar to themselves, or such, of those they know, that because of their weak characters will never make difficulties.

In these manners it happens that there are characters who attain ecclesiastical leadership positions, who are deeply corrupt, false and blackmailable.

The Perpetrators are Made Into Victims

Those who oppose the homosexual mafia, may -- says Fr. Oko -- will get into a difficult situation.

He mentioned the case of a Vicar who attempted to protect youth from molestation by a homosexual pastor.

In such a situation it was the accuser who was severely punished -- not the perpetrator.

And:  When a priest or a religious is molested by a superior or homosexual and seeks help at the next highest level, it can happen that he will meet a homosexual in a higher position.

Homosexuals Attack

Fr. Oko believes that Benedict XVI is leading a tireless struggle against this evil.

The Pope insists that a priest must be religiously normal,  for otherwise the renunciation of marriage and the choice of celibacy would not have any sense.

On the contrary:  "The doctrine of the Pope has met resistance:  homosexual groups int he Church defend themselves and attack."

This crisis also needs intellectual means, in order to be corrected.   Hence it consists of a homosexual heresy.


Bishop of Chur Strikes Back: Taking Legal Action Against Institutional Old Liberals

Edit: last week, the Bishop sent his Vicar General to talk to 'Adebar' and they ignored him.  Now things are getting real.  This could create a model for dealing with institutional Liberal organizations promoting things hostile to Catholicism throughout the Church.  Bishop Huonder is a courageous pathfinder, despite being attacked and maligned by his own Diocesan paper and subordinates, he's not letting go.


Satan governs:  The association counsels pregnant mothers on the selection of child butchers -- and receives money for that from Church-tax.

( Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur is taking legal measures against the so-called "Catholic National Church of Cantons" (Katholisches Landeskirche von Graubunden)

This was reported by his Diocesan website today.

Murderous Haste

The Canton "National Church" is a quasi-state institution, which is not administrated independently of the episcopal part of the Church-tax money.

It supports the dehumanizing pregnancy counseling association 'Adebar'.

In which a"National Church" member even occupies the board.

The blood of children flows

The association offers pregnant mothers a selection of child butchers.  It distributes the criminal 'after death pill' and the contraceptive coil.

For mothers under 16, they provide death passes which are required for a child to undergo an abortion in Switzerland.

In the the work of prevention and sexual education it contradicts the moral and ecclesiastical doctrine.

A legal review

For years the Bishop has unsuccessfully protested against the support of child murderers with money from Church-tax.  Now it will be handled publicly.

"That's where the Church has been brought into contact with an organization "Catholic National Church of the Cantons" against Her will, which works in contradiction of the Catholic Church in various regards, the Bishop of Chur has authorized his General Vicar with a concluding legal review"  -- it says in the statement.

There is a question if it will be allowed in Switzerland, that Church-tax bodies may support organizations contradicting its own established goals, which clearly contradict Church teaching.

The legal action related to this finding is being evaluated at this time.

Link to

Requiem: Liturgical Colors Express Theology

Edit: the following is a commentary on the season by the Canon Lawyer of Aachen, Father Gero Weishaupt in our translation.  Of course, the Holy Father is saying Mass today in black.

The Roman Rite provides the color black in both of its forms in Masses for Souls (also called Masses for the dead or Requiem, exsequies), where in the so-called ordinary form of the Roman Rite, purple may also be worn. Red is worn at the Requiem for a Cardinal. The color white is not designated. To wear it is an abuse. Because behind this color there is another believe and consequently a theology in relation to the state of the departed after the entrance of death.

While Catholic belief speaks for two thousand years (purgatory or Beatific Vision), there are currents in the Church, which speak of a "Resurrection of the Dead". The intermediate state is rejected. That's what the color white expresses. Here is shown once again,m that the faith itself is expressed in the manner of celebration (to which the Liturgical colors also belong). Liturgy is celebrated Dogma. Lex credendi lex orandi, says Prosper of Aquitane.

What and how I believe, I express in the form of prayers. The Liturgy also has in colors a symbolically expressive power and is therefore an expression of the faith. White expresses something else than black or (even in the Novus Ordo) violet. Whoever wears WHITE against ecclesiastical specifications, will express the resurrection of the dead. An intermediate state of the soul (Purgatory or the Beatific Vision) in expectation of the bodily resurrection at the return of Christ and the Last Judgement is denied.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

News Items -- Dissident Theologian's Talk Cancelled in San Diego!

Dissident Theologian's Talk Cancelled in San Diego -- New York Times? --   Uruguay Jesuits Pro-Life?! -- The Old Mass is Normal -- The Last Christian in Homs Murdered --  Bishop of Muenster Wants to Hire Adulterers

Dissident Theologian's Talk Cancelled

San Diego, USA. This is via Stella Borealis.  The dismayed National Catholic Reporter has indicated that the Catholic University of San Diego has canceled a visiting fellowship for a theologian who writes for the decadent Tablet Newspaper. Beattie is a theological adviser to the Marxist Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, the Catholic aid agency for England and Wales -- announced the withdrawal of the invitation in an email to friends and other theologians Thursday. The Cancellation was brought about by pressure from contributors.

New York Times: Ex-Homosexuals Say they can be cured.

The Old Mass is Normal

Vatican.  It is normal to celebrate the Old Mass.  Cardinal Antonio Canizares Llovera -- the Prefect of the Liturgy Congregation -- said this to the site ''.  The Prince of the Church will celebrate the Pontifical High Mass on November 3rd for the international pilgrimage 'Una cum Papa Nostro'.  There will be a Roman Rite there in two forms.  Thusly, it's normal to celebrate the Old Rite.  He has done this already many times himself.

Uruguay Jesuits are Pro-Life?!

Montevideo, Uruguay.  According to CNA/ETWN, the Society of Jesus in Uruguay has spoken out with "deep regret" against Father Jose Ignacio Gonzalez Faus, who supports the legalization of infant slaughter.  He was quoted by 'La Daria', where he supported the killing of a child up to the 12th week of a pregnancy.  Amazingly, the Jesuits of Uruguay distanced themselves from his comments saying, they "have  done nothing more than create confusion in people especially the way in which he approaches the issue of the legalization of abortion."

Last Christian of Homs is Murdered

Syria.  Yesterday, Elias Mansour (84) -- the last Christian in the Syrian city of Homs -- was murdered.  This was reported by the Mission news service 'Fides'.  Mansour refused to leave his house in the course of the evacuation of the city.  He cared for his handicapped son there.  Mansour's murderers are terrorists who are being supported by the West.

Now the Exception Becomes the Rule

Germany.  Bishop Felix Genn of Muenster is going to appoint adulterers to positions in the Church.  He said this yesterday to the 'Neu Ruhr/ Neuen Rhein Zeitung'.  He sees an allegedly "clear border" where adulterers can work in communications.  There is no possible position for bigamists.  IN reality there are a lot of adulterous religion teachers.   An adulterer may however occupy a post in a Catholic hospital as chief doctor.

A Corrupter of Holy Scripture

Caricature of Luther from the times
of the Protestant Revolt
A Little Late for Reformation Day

(  The stalwart Catholic apologist, Fr. Johann Nikolaus Weislinger (+1755), wrote in his book: "My way or the highway" in 1719:

"What concerns the German Bible, so every Lutheran should now know is that in Germany, German Bibles were had and read before Luther sprang and pitifully seduced and deceived our beloved fatherland with his villainous, prankish and interlaced Bible."

Before Luther there were 14 Complete Editions of the Bible

The historical critic confirmed this harsh criticism.

In 1522 Luther's German translation of the New Testament appeared in Wittenberg.

Before this point in time there were 14 complete High German editions of the Bible available.

Martin Luther the Poser

Of these Luther himself used three, as Protestant G.W. Hopf confirms:

-Augsburg 1477
-Nurnberg 1483
-Augsburg 1518

(Hopf, value of Lutheran Germanification of the Bible, 1847)

At the same time Luther boasted that he "had pulled the Bible from under the bench".

The Swiss Reformer Huldrych Zwingli (+1531) thought that such bragging should have been "flogged out".

Poorly translated

Luthers work showed itself soon to be unusually prone to error.

Already the Elsatian schismatic Martin Butzer (+1551) found a large number of mistakes in Luther's translation.

Other Protestants, like Christian Karl von Bunsen (+1860)   explained that the meaning of the original did not match in a hundred places.

No other was as mistaken about the original text.  It was regarded as the most imprecise of all translations.  Over 3,000 places needed correction.

Luther will be canonized

In 1885 a book appeared in Berlin with the following title:  "God's food and the Lutheran Bible translation -- two fundamentally diverse things."

Protestant yes men set themselves against any alteration out of exaggerated honor for Luther.

So wrote the Protestant preacher Mayer:  "M. Franke, who castigated many errors in Luther's Bible, has not condemned Lutherdom, but the Holy Ghost himself."  (Johann Nikolaus Weislinger, page 331)

Luther Against All

The erroneous teaching of the justification of men through faith in Christ alone led Luther to counterfeits of Holy Scripture and the intentional falsification of the written word of God.

His followers were led to only understand Holy Scripture as he misunderstood it.

"Guard yourself", warned Luther, "against all the teaching which need aught but these words (Law, Sin, Grace, Faith, Justice in the Letters of Paul), be they who they will,  even as if they were the same as Origin, Ambrose, Hironymus, Augustine and still higher."

The Classical Example

Through omissions, distortions, truncations, Luther gave Holy Scripture a Lutheran face, so that the Bible,  at least from the great mass of superficial readers, vouch for him.

In 2 Peter 1: 10 he simply removed for example in the sentence  "Wherefore, brethren, labour the more, that by good works you may make sure your calling and election" the words "good works".

The classical example of Lutheran written falsification is Romans 3:28.

There, St. Paul wrote: For we account a man to be justified by faith, without the works of the law."

Luther arbitrarily shoved the word "alone" out so that it meant: The man will be justified through faith alone without the works of the law."

Why? So that the people believed that Luther taught the same as St. Paul.

Questions Were Answered with Outbreaks of Fury

As he was reprimanded for such a manipulation of Holy Scripture, Luther answered:

"If you Papists [a priest of Nurnberg who broke from Luther] want to make the word "sola" --alone -- useless, quickly tell him therefore:  Doctor Martin Luther wants it that way and say: Papist and asses are one thing;  sic volo sic jubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas." [I want, then I command. Instead of reasoning my will applies!]

What would not be melded into his system, was thrown out, like the letters of James, the Hebrews and the Apocalypse of John.

Lutheran Exegesis

The book of Tobias as denoted as a comedy by Luther.

The wasting of Job was explained with:  "The Devil foisted some syphilis on him".

The book of Ecclesiastes "has neither books nor spurs and goes to stockings". [A play on the expression that you can't go to heaven with your boots and spurs.]

In Sirach 3, 5 a church teacher is introduced as a jokester.

"You Damn Jews"

Especially poor is Luther's talk about Moses as well as Jews in general and the Old Testament:

"Everyone who goes with Moses, must go with the devil, to the gallows with Moses.  The Ten Commandments don't apply to us Christians and the heathens, but the Jews alone."

(Volume 5.  Wittenberger Edition germ. fol. 212)

Or: "Pfui you there, pfui you there and where you are, you damn Jews!  Are you worth nothing that you see the Bible from outside.  Let alone that you read what's inside.

You should only read the bible,  which is under the pig's tail, and the letters fall out the same way, eat and drink. That would be a bible for such prophets."

(Tom. S. Jen. germ. fol. 83 adit. 1558)

The Prophet of Wittenberg handled Holy Scripture and its author so disgracefully.

From the book "Luther, as he lived, loved and died, portrayed according to a irrefutable report.  Polemic writing against the "los von Rom-Pastoren".  Eight, unchanged editions. Graz und Wien 1925.   Publishing House 'Styria'.  Available, here...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

143 Faculty Attack Archdiocese: Minnesota "Catholic" Universities Run Wild

Edit:  As if to demonstrate how deep the rot has entered, 143 faculty members from two affiliated "Catholic" schools have signed a document effectively rejecting the definitive teaching of the Catholic Church.

Will they get away with it too?  Maybe it's ok when Leftist faculty are openly disobedient?  In fact, St. John's University and St. Benedict haven't been Catholic in many years.

These institutions and their employees seem emboldened in light of the Abbey's own attempt at neutrality, to make a more definitive public statement in favor of what the Catechism of the Catholic Church has described as "intrinsically disordered".  The Archbishop has asked for obsequy from his priests and religious and has even forbidden the openly disobedient priest, Bob Pierson, from speaking in his Archdiocese.

The undersigned below,  constitute a substantial number of faculty members at Collegeville and St. Benedict's Benedictine Nunnery, seem convinced that their rebellion will have no consequences.

Note the faculty members who are in the Theology Department.  This kind of dissent from Catholic teaching doesn't grow up over night and has been going on for decades with the collusion of the people who continue to support this Monastery gone wild, as Lifesite News so aptly put it this summer.

Of course, they are insisting that "new scientific" knowledge has thrown light on this issue which we are obliged to obey, although they haven't effectively demonstrated how that is supposed to work.  What it is is plain modernism.  More ironic still since there is no scientific research supporting their claims underlying their support for gomorrist weddings.  On the contrary, there's an enormous amount of "scientific" evidence against such unions.

The Bishop's statement as follows:

We, the Catholic Bishops of Minnesota, believe it is critical in our time to speak in support of marriage as a lifelong commitment between one man and one woman in an enduring bond of love. God’s word in divine revelation declares that marriage is a union ordered to both the mutual good of the spouses and to the procreation and raising of children. As a sacred institution, marriage is a constant reminder of God’s love for the human race, as well as a reflection of the permanent, faithful, and fruitful bond of love between Christ and the Church. (See Genesis 1:27, 2:22-24; Ephesians 5:31-32.)
Our own State’s constant recognition of marriage is based on the evident fact that only the sexual union of a man and a woman has the natural capability to bring forth new life with the bearing of children. Both faith and reason agree, then, that marriage is an institution central to the life of human society, and touches profoundly on the common good. This committed relationship between one man and one woman calls forth the best of the spouses, not only for their own sake, but also for the well-being of their children and the community. It is neither possible for us to change the definition of marriage nor wise to attempt to do so.
We urge our State government, our fellow Catholics, and all people of good will in the State of Minnesota to support marriage, both in theory and in practical measures that safeguard, promote, and enhance marriage and family. One practical measure would be a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman. For further reading, see: Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan, by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 17 November 2009. See also the web site at

Here are the names of many people who are against the Archbishop's proposal and the Catholic Church's moral teachings, link, and we've highlighted the ones who are in the "Theology" department.  Shouldn't someone who so violently challenges the authority of the Archbishop and the Church's teachings have their licentiate to teach theology revoked?

Vincent Smiles, Theology Andy Holey, Computer Science Michael Livingston, Psychology John Merkle, Theology Tony Cunningham, Philosophy Lisa Platt, Psychology Lindsay Anderson, Nursing Mike Ross, Chemistry Janet Grochowski, Education Rodger Narloch, Psychology Henry Jakubowski, Chemistry Janelle Hinchley, First Year Seminar & Gender Studies James Poff, Biology Phil Chu, Biology Gordon Brown, Biology Parker Wheatley, Economics Carol Brash, Fine Arts Karyl Daughters, Communication Gladys White, Hispanic Studies Ernest Diedrich, Economics Bruce Campbell, Hispanic Studies Ozzie Mayers, English Stephen Stelzner, Psychology Derek Larson, History & Environmental Studies Brian Campbell, Music Pam Bacon, Psychology Linda Tennison, Psychology Carol Jansky, Biology Clayton Gearhart, Physics (emeritus) Jonathon Carlson, Library Ingrid Smiles, CSB Campus Ministry David Wuolu, Library Wendy Klepetar, Global Business Leadership Benjamin Faber, Psychology William Lamberts, Biology Scott Richardson, Modern and Classical Languagues Samuel Johnson, Fine Arts Bruce Thornton, Music Jessica O’Reilly, Sociology Jessica Harkins, English Sigrid Hedman-Dennis, Nursing Thomas Sibley, Mathematics Matt Callahan, English Patricia Bolanos, Hispanic Studies & Gender Studies Kathleen Costello, First Year Seminar Erica Stonestreet, Philosophy Allison Spenader, Education Kelly Kraemer, Peace Studies Jennifer Galovich, Mathematics Bret Benesh, Mathematics Matthew Harkins, English Yuko Shibata, Modern and Classical Languages & Asian Studies Luann Reif, Nursing Maureen McCarter, Modern and Classical Languages Janna LaFountaine, Exercise Science and Sports Studies Carrie Braun, Nursing Marcus Webster, Biology Cynthia Curran, History James Schnepf, Computer Science Martha Tomhave Blauvelt, Gender Studies Tess Kasling, Library Karen Erickson, Modern and Classical Languages David Malone, Library Elizabeth Wurdak, Biology Gary Prevost, Political Science Juliann Heller, Theology Susan Riley, History Christi Siver, Political Science Kathy Twohy, Nursing Patricia Kennedy, Theology Robert Hesse, Mathematics Andrea Shaker, Fine Arts John Miller, Computer Science Elaine Rutherford, Fine Arts Sarah Schaaf, Hispanic Studies Manuel Campos, Biology Luke Mancuso, English Madhu Mitra, English Charles Wright, Philosphy Angela Erickson-Grussing, Hispanic Studies David Mitchell, Biology Jillian Hiscock, Admissions Richard Bohannon, Environmental Studies John Olson, Economics Jacqueline Corral, Admissions Joy Ruis, Office for Education Abroad Sarah Pruett, ESC Coordinator Eleonora Bertranou, Hispanic Studies Jillian RIgg McKenzie, Admissions Brooke Horejsi, Fine Arts Programing Christina Shouse Tourino, English Molly Ewing, Library Edmund Sass, Education Kaarin S. Johnston, Theater Jeffrey Anderson, Peace Studies Patricia Kent, Music Tania Gomez, Hispanic Studies Kathleen Parker, Library Cindy Malone, English Corey Shouse Tourino, Hispanic Studies Shane Miller, Communication Jean Keller, Philosophy Rachelle Larson, Nursing Nicholas Jones, Chemistry Mark Mortrude, Education Wendy Sterba, Modern and Classical Languages Jean Ochu, Accounting and Finance David Bennetts, History Shannon Essler Petty, Education Leigh Dillard, Theater Diane Veale-Jones, Environmental Studies Nelsy Echarvez-Solano, Hispanic Studies Timothy Robinson, Philosophy Matt Lindstrom, Political Science Elena Sanchez Mora, Hispanic Studies Jean Lavigne, Environmental Studies Michael Opitz, English Gregory Walker, Music Jennifer Schaefer, Biology Megan Vetsch, Fine Arts Programing Angeline Dufner, English (Emeritus) Joe Rogers, Global Education Kenneth Jones, History Janet Neuwirth, Nursing Anna Mercedes, Theology Bridget Sitzer, Admissions Allan Bouley, Theology (Emeritus) Michael Roske, Abbey Woodworking Peggy Roske, CSB/SJU Archives Philip Kronebusch, Political Science Peggy Retka, Office for Education Abroad Kevin Knodl, Fine Arts Programing Manju Parikh, Political Science J. Scott Johnson, Political Science Elisabeth Wengler, History Roy Ketchum, Hispanic Studies Stephen Wagner, Philosophy Beth Pettitt, Biology Lisa Drontle, Music Julie Davis, History Todd Johnson, Physics Robert Kachelski, Psychology Gregory Schroeder, History

News Reports

German Submission Bishops Praise the World

Germany. The German Bishops have could have taken something from the Conciliar Fathers from other continents, something about "fear of the world" -- which is currently pulverizing the Church in Germany.  This is what Archbishop Robert Zollisch of Freiburg said to 'Katholischen Nachrichtagentur' over the World Bishops' Synod  closing on Sunday.  There were positions given about "the hostile world, from which we must be detached".  The German Church-tax Bishops are opposed, rather "going to the world".

Bishops Against Homosexual Depravity

Slovakia.  The Family Council of the Slovakian Bishops' Conference has asked the Parliament to vote against the privileging of homosexuality.  The Council warns that the homosexually disturubed  will lead to a "civil partnership in the law".  Homosexuality must not be put at the same level with a Papa-mama-baby-marriage.  The homosexually disturbed stand "in complete opposition to the sanctity of sexuality between husband and wife in marriage".  St. Paul has already addressed the loan which is due from homosexuals because of their aberration. The position recalled antique Rome, which fell because of its own immorality.

Wild Reactions

Germany.  On October 30th the former protestant Minister Andreas Theurer and his wife converted to the Church.  This was reported by the Lutheran news 'edp'.  Actually the two wanted to convert today on "Reformation Day", October 31st.  Actually that would have been felt by Protestants as a "monstrous provocation", explained Theurer.  Because of "wild reactions" the conversion was to take place on Monday.

The Poles Warn -- the Germans Downplay

Poland.  The website of the Archdiocese of Warsaw has warned against "Satanic practices", which will corrupt the youth on the so-called festival of Halloween.  It has spread occultism and sorcery.  On the other hand, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch has said on his Archdiocesan website that Halloween is next to the "carved  faces in pumpkins at scary parties" allegedly increases interest in the All Saint's Day and All Soul's Day feasts.  There is a time to have a "collective harvest wonder", he insisted.

Euphemisms About Mass Apostasy

Austria.  The decline of Christians in Europe is dependent above all on the decreasing numbers of births.  So the Old Liberal Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn took his own responsibility for this massive decline in the Church from the table, for the Church-tax News 'kathpress'.  A connection between the decline of births and the allowance by the Bishops of artificial contraception in the Mariatroster Declaration [Austrian Bishops rejected 'Humane Vitae' in 1968, although he was quick to excuse it early in September.] was not made by the Cardinal.   There is no cause for his resignation -- he smoothed over the problem beautifully.

Link to

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trappist Nuns In Syria Do Not Fear Fate of Trappists in Algeria

(Damascus)  They came to the near East in 2005 with the intention to live out the Christianization of the first centuries after Christ.   Their history is comparable to the Trappist monks of Tibhirine in Algeria, who in 1996 were murdered by a moderate Islamic group.  Xavier Beauvaus created a memorial for them and their martyrdom by the film "Of Men and Gods".

The comparison is more pressing when one things of the five Trappists, who left their peaceful and isolated Cloister in Valserena in Tuscany, Italy, in order to go to Syria.  A land whose internal situation had been already tense and in the midst of a civil war with thousands of deaths and flooded with hundreds of thousands of refugees.

Why have they decided to found a new Cloister in an unstable country like Syria?  "Because Christianity had developed here and spread from here to Asia Minor, Greece, Rome, Armenia, India and China", say the sisters.  "in the first centuries the mission was led by a living Monastic movement, which existed alone and independently of one another here and in Egypt."  The sisters recall St. Ephraem the Syrian, Saint Simeon the Stylite, St. John Chrysostom or St. John of Damascus, whose traces they follow.  "Going out from our Latin and Benedictine Tradition we want to follow the stream, because we are convinced of the rich fruits, which will come about in an exchange between the West and Eastern heritage of Christendom."

So the Cloister of Azeir exists amidst the civil war afflicted cities of Homs and Tartous in Central Asia. The sisters feel a mission in that, which resembles that of the monks of Tibhirine:  to help Christians and Muslims without respect to religion, to be a lighthouse of peace and harmony in the civil war,  which they did not foresee when the five Trappists set foot for the first time on Syrian soil. "Now we belong to these people.  The fate of the Syrians is our fate,"  says Abbess Monica to AsiaNews.

The nuns reported on their internet site established and independent of all propaganda of one of the other sides of the civil war and the fate of Syria's Christians.   Some of the letters of the last months could have been called out.  They described for everyone the suffering of the civilian population.  For them the Cloister is clearly a sign of hope, because it is "a place, where God is really present through the Eucharist and through the Church, through the prayer and the brotherly community.  It is a blessing for all."

"Why should we go away?" was the astonished response of the sisters.  "The people here ring our door.  They seek help, diverse help.   They ask for food, they seek consolation, young men have started to come to us, because they are seeking someone to help them to understand things, to reflect, to grow innerly."  The Cloister offers already numerous people sanctuary and accommodation, people, who are have been made refugees by government troops or the rebels, people who are pursued by one side or the other.  Even as a place for secret business, the Cloister is on hand.

"We are called to give a witness of our Christian hohpe, which is stronger than all worry.  Why should we go away from a place, where the people so desperately need this hope",  said the Abbess to Asia News.

Text: Religion en libertad/Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Valserena