Friday, September 28, 2012

Reconstruction of "Ecclesia Dei" Continues -- Secretary Guido Pozzo as New Almoner of the Pope?

(Vatican) On the head of the Papal Commission of Ecclesia Dei there is still another shakeup.  On the 2nd of July Pope Benedict XVI named the German Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller as new Prefect of the CDF and also as President of Ecclesia Dei.  Already on the 26th of June the American Curial Bishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia OP was named Vice President of the Papal Commission, responsible for the communities attached to tradition and the continuing discussions of reconciliation for the Society of St. Pius X.  Presently the secretary of the Commission till now, Msgr. Guido Pozzo will be called to be the new Papal Almoner.

Since 2009, Msgr. Pozzo has been the Coordinator of Traditional Communities

Msgr. Pozzo was, since July 8th 2009, the number two in the Papal Commission Ecclesia Dei. On the same day Pope Benedict aligned the Commission with the Motu Proprio Ecclesiae unitatem, to the CDF.   Since then the Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith is automatically also the Ecclesia Dei Commission.  The structure of 2009 succeeded already with a view to the foreseeable reconciliation talks with the Society which began in October of the same year.

Within a few Months there will be a complete change in the leadership of Ecclesia Dei Commission 

If the current structure of the Commission signals the end of a chapter or a further attempt at a settlement with the Society founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is still not foreseen.  Within a few months the entire leadership of Ecclesia Dei Commission will be exchanged.  Curial Bishop Di Noia will thus be the leader in charge of Curial offices of  Tradition.  His appointment in early summer was hailed by several as an outspoken declaration and gesture toward the Society and those attached to Tradition.  Then the summer break began with concrete work in his new office.  On his writing desk there has been, since June, the running  situation on the talks with the Society.  He is also, however, the first point of contact for all traditional communities in canonical union with Rome.

The Current Almoner, Archbishop de Blanco Prieto Requests Delivery From Benedict XVI.

The Spanish Curial Bishop and the current Director of the Apostolic Almoner Authority, the Eleemosynaria Apostolica, Msgr. Felix del Blanco Prieto, asked the Pope at the completion of his 75th year to be delivered from his office, which he has occupied since 2007.  The request may be accepted by Pope Benedict in the coming days, as Andrea Tonrielli reports.  In this position will step the Italian, Pozzo, who in the last three years has coordinated the dialog between the Holy See and the Society will little success.

Msgr. Pozzo was born in 1951, born in harbor city, stamped with a central European feel, Trieste on the upper Adriatic.  He was ordained a Diocesan priest in 1977.  In 1987 he entered in the service of the Rooman Curia, concretely with the Congregation of the Doctrine and the Faith,  which was then headed by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger.  He taught at the Lateran University and was the accompanying Secretary of the International Theological Commission.

The Office of the Almoner Counts as the Oldest in the Church

The exchange in the administration of the Almoner means an elevation of position.  The Almoner of the Pope has the rank of Archbishop.  He is a member of the Papal family and has his place at the side of the Prefect of the Papal House in all ceremonies and audiences.  His offices goes back to the first centuries of the Church, as the Deacono and one or more family members of the Pope cared for the distribution of alms.  The charitable office was substantially mentioned in a Bull of Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) with the note that it had existed since antiquity.  The Apostolic Administration of Alms was then created in the 13th century by Pope Gregory X.  Since the Pontificate of Leo XIII the Almoner also cares for the Apostolic blessings granted by the Pope.  The Curial Archbishop signs the  notification on parchment and forwards it to the addressee.

The current occupant of the office, Msgr Blanco Prieto, is in the service of the Diplomatic Corps.  Following service in various lands in the Nunciature, he was called to service in the Roman Curia and awarded the honorary office.   There are calls for hep from throughout the entire world to the almoner.  Too be considered, they receive endorsement from a parish priest.  The office evaluates the request and grants help.  "We are not there, to promote great works or projects, as noble as they might be.  There are other means it.  We are there to directly help individuals.  It is a small, but concrete help,"  says Msgr. Blanco Prieto to Osservatore Romano.

Text: Vatican Insider/Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Vatican Insider

No Settlement With the SSPX

The stated terms which were personally addressed by Pope Benedict XVI -- as the Pope well knows -- unacceptable to the Society. 
Bishop Tissier de Mallerais

( On June 30th the Pope sent a personally addressed and signed letter to the Society of St. Pius X.

This is according to Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais on 16 September in the Prior6y of the 1,200 population town Faye-d'Anjoy in the west French Department Maine-et-Loire.

The corresponding points of the report appeared transcribed in the French forum ''.

The Terms

The Papal document was addressed to the General Superior of the Society, Bishop Bernard Fellay.

The Pope wrote within that in order for there to be possible a "complete settlement" in the Church, the Second Vatican Council and the post-Conciliar Magisterium must "really" be accepted.

"There won't be any settlement"

For Msgr Tissier the demand to recognize the Second Vatican Council is unacceptable and with it the conclusion of the discussions with the Vatican:

"We could accept it in any case."

The Pastoral Council contains many texts in which one finds good things:

"But that is not the kernel of the Council."

The Society could not sign the current proposal of the Dogmatic Preamble forthwith.

Yet Msgr Tissier believes that the Vatican will also be "stubborn" in the future to make the Pastoral Council toothsome to the Society.

Link to

Photo: © Jim, the Photographer, Flickr, CC

Modernist Abbey's Football Coach Silent About Sexual Predators

Edit: St. John's Abbey is a decadent religious house of Benedictines, numbering approximately 153 professed monks and belong to the American Cassinese Congregation, founded in 1856 by Abbot Boniface Wimmer, located near the township of Collegeville, and affiliated with one of the oldest Universities in Minnesota.

We'd written something up earlier this year about the winningest coach in football at the most Modernist Monastery in North America if not the world, St. John's Abbey, and how the press contacted John Gagliardi about the Joe Paterno case. They couldn't have asked a better person, since John Gagliardi knows exactly what it's like to cover for sexual predators from his own professional back ground. Here's the article with some links from Pine Curtain:

[Pine Curtain] According to an upcoming report, Saint John’s University football coach John Gagliardi recently admitted that he has been aware of sexual misconduct at Saint John’s since the 1950′s.

In fact, it was Gagliardi’s report to Father Dunstan Tucker which led to a perpetrating faculty member’s swift exit from Saint John’s after a high school recruit (and potentially a minor) from Florida confided in Gagliardi that he had been molested by the faculty member following a tour of the campus.

According to Gagliardi, the perpetrating faculty member later took a job at high school in Saint Paul, Minnesota. It is unclear what steps, if any, Gagliardi took to protect the students at that high school.

Compare this revelation with statements Gagliardi made during an interview regarding the sexual abuse scandal at Penn State that was published on November 9, 2011:

“You don’t want to believe it could happen. Thank God, I’ve never run into that situation. There are some horrible people out there.” [ View]

Gagliardi HAS run into “that situation” before and yet he remains silent, despite his knowledge that at least one of his star football players was a victim of sexual misconduct by a priest at Saint John’s Abbey in the 1980′s. That perpetrating priest remains on campus today and according to the abbey’s web site, is “free to move about campus with some exceptions … free to use the library, the bookstore and to walk the roads and byways on the campus.” [View ]

As this site’s webmaster wrote in January of 2012 [ View ], Gagliardi’s silence regarding misconduct at Saint John’s is a problem — and his comments regarding Penn State scandal, [ View ] Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky appear to be even more hypocritical.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Catholic Religious Led Astray by the Occult Enneagram

Germany has its Benedictine Zen master, Willigis Jäger, Spain its Enneagram Jesuit masters. The Jesuit Father Josep Lluís Iriberri and "his team" lead the retreat house Cova de Sant Ignasi in Barcelona in the "Fundamentals of the Enneagram" field. The cross is no longer taught, but "personal development" in the sign of esoteric Enneagram. Symbol and teaching are an essential characteristic of Gnosticism, completely in the dark, or rather, are not aware wrapped in a dark impalpable, to give them the sense of mystery and meaning of a arcane knowledge. In fact, some facts can be observed in its contrivance. The occult symbol was of Greek origin  Russian writers and mystic Georges Gurdjieff (1870 -1947) "introduced", you could probably just as well say, invented.

Georges Gurdjeff's "Fourth Way"
Gurdjieff claimed that he developed in the teaching of the Fourth Way to have discovered the symbol in the remains of an abidingly unknown monastery of an equally unspecified Sufi brotherhood. Since Gurdjieff publicized the symbol, many other esoteric authors have picked it up and used it in different ways for psychological and spiritual personality typing.
Two Roman dicasteries, the Papal Cultural Council and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue have with the joint document: Living Jesus Christ, The Water Bearer. Considerations for New Age from a Christian perspective , of 3 February 2003 rejected the underlying also the different Enneagram teaching of character analysis and explicitly warn against the use of these esoteric "tools" that are offered by various groups on the Internet.
Rome's warning of return "of Gnostic ideas" under the guise of New Age
The Roman document reads: "John Paul II warns against, a return of ancient Gnostic ideas under the guise of the so-called New Age: We can not delude ourselves that this would lead to a renewal of religion. It is just a new form of Gnosticism that is practiced on a mentality that, in the name of a profound knowledge of God, results in distorting His Word and replacing it with purely human words. Gnosticism has never completely left the realm of Christianity. Instead, it has always existed side by side with Christianity, sometimes in the shape of a philosophical movement, but more often by assuming the character of a religion or mock religion that stands in appearance or even declared contrary to everything that belongs to the essence of Christianity' (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, 1994, p 90). One example is the Enneagram and its nine types of character analysis, which, when used as a means of spiritual growth, with the result of an ambiguity in the doctrine and life of the Christian faith.
Spanish Jesuit publications in this esoteric doctrine of Enneagram retard personality development. This is of little concert at all to the Catalan Jesuit Lluís Iriberri, who describes his own Enneagram teaching in the same breath as the famous Spiritual Exercises of his order's founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola. But these esoteric teachings of Gurdjieff have as much to do with the simultaneously appearing voelkisch-nationalistic and esoteric teachings of Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels as they have to do with Christianity.
The distribution of the Enneagram by Jesuit teaching since 1971
The Jesuit dissemination of the Enneagram goes back to 1971, when the Chilean psychotherapist Claudio Naranjo, a leading exponent of Gestalt therapy and developers of Gurdjieff's Fourth Way at the Jesuit seminary in Berkeley, California offered an "Introduction". The event was attended by the "medium" Helen Palmer and the Jesuit Robert Ochs, who became the main promoters of this esoteric doctrine. Father Ochs was held exercises for in May 1972 in an eight-day intensive seminar with yoga and oriental exercises a more brothers of his order in the doctrine. Ochs was a student of Father Father Patrick O'Leary, Father Jerry Hair, Father Colin Maloney, Father Tad Dunne and Father Richard Riso. Father O'Leary has spread the Enneagram teaching since then at international level, religious, Father Hair teaches the Enneagram in retreat houses, Father Maloney brought the teachings to the Jesuits in Canada, Father Dunne teaches the Enneagram in connection with the "spiritual life", Fr Riso left the Jesuits and founded the Enneagram Institute, based in New York, Paris, Tokyo and Zurich.
The Jesuits not only belong to the "discipleship" of the Enneagram. A Known representative is American Franciscan Richard Rohr, author of the 1989 published book, The Enneagram. The 9 Faces of the Soul and the American Benedictine Sister Suzanne Zuercher, Secretary General of the Council Benedictine communities in the United States and Director of the St. Scholastica Academy. Both Rohr and Zuercher were "initiated" by Father Ochs in Chicago into the Enneagram theory.
Father Ochs, Father O'Leary and the Dominican Beesing Mary, OP withdrew way back a long time in order to examine the compatibility of the new "method" with the Christian faith. Sister Beesing published a book in 1984, with which she proposed a "Christian" Enneagram theory. The achievement, so it was then called from of the adherents of the Enneagram in the Catholic orders, was to have been the "cleansing" of occult elements.
Jesuit Mitchell Pacwa warns of the dangers of substitute religion
In this context, the Jesuit Father Mitchell Pacwa should be mentioned, who also attended the intensive seminar in 1972 at Chicago, when the Enneagram theory initially spread. He realized the error and the danger of this doctrine. Today he is a recognized expert on as well as one of the most chief cationers against this substitute religion. He thinks it is a contradiction in itself, to say that one can "liberate" the Enneagram theory of its occult roots and "clean" to use them in Christianity. According to his experience it would be "all", who delve into the Enneagram, take the next step to practice Zen, Transcendental Meditation, numerology, tarot, astrology, or other non-Christian practices. The Enneagram does not lead away to a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, but away from it, says Father Pacwa. The Jesuit described the Enneagram teaching as "esoteric Gnostic infiltration" in the Catholic Church. As early as 1997, he warned of the "catastrophe": "No Jesuit in my class, except me, who followed the Enneagram theory is still a Jesuit. They have given up their priesthood." Father Pacwa was also consulted on the preparation of the aforementioned Roman document.
Followers of the Enneagram can be found as well in Protestant circles, including Ecumenical Working Group Enneagram the first chairman of the Protestant pastor and "Enneagram teacher" Andreas Ebert in Munich, who worked together with Rorh to publish the book 'The Enneagram The 9 Faces of the Soul'. The Franciscan, Rohr, is common in German-speaking countries, including at Pentecost 2011 for the Benedictine Abbey Münsterschwarzsach. This closes the circle back to the aforementioned Zen Master Willigis Jäger. The department co-hosted with the World Working Group meeting, the Enneagram "Whit Symposium: God has many names. Pentecost experience with Father Richard Rohr ".
Willigis Jäger incidentally, was issued a speech-writing and performance ban in 2001 by the current Pope Benedict XVI. as Prefect of the CDF. The Abbot and convent community cared so little. They stood behind their "enlightened" Zen Master, who was only restricted to the monastery, but further to the Benedictine convent where he belongs and thus only can indulge his ideas unhindered.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Picture: La cigüeña de la torre

Link to original...katholisches... 

Bishop Tissier de Mallerais confirms: Rome-SSPX: With the Pope's own signature: Vatican II and the post-conciliar Magisterium must be accepted in full

Update: Vatican Insider Mistake, reported and clarifying at Rorate Caeli.
A transcript of a conference given by the French bishop of the Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX / SSPX), Bp. Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, in the priory of Saint L.M.G. de Montfort (Maine-et-Loire, France), on September 16, 2012, was made public by French forum Un évêque s'est levé. The main excerpts, according to the available transcript, dealing with the Rome-SSPX negotiations are the following:
A transcript of a conference given by the French bishop of the Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX / SSPX), Bp. Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, in the priory of Saint L.M.G. de Montfort (Maine-et-Loire, France), on September 16, 2012, was made public by French forum Un évêque s'est levé. The main excerpts, according to the available transcript, dealing with the Rome-SSPX negotiations are the following:
"[T]he agreement considered in 2011-2012 lasted for six months, it has not been blessed by the Blessed Virgin. (We had prayed rosary after rosary, and we keep doing that, that is very good.) But the Blessed Virgin was clearly not behind this idea. She did not walk this path, because on June 30 (it's a secret that I reveal to you, but it will be made public), on June 30, 2012, the Pope wrote with his own hand a letter to our Superior General, Bp. [Bernard] Fellay, signed personally: 'I confirm to you in fact [that], in order [for you] to be truly reintegrated into the Church [Tissier: let us move beyond this expression], it is necessary to truly accept the Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar Magisterium."
It is, as a matter of principle, a stopping point, because we could not accept it anyway; we would not sign it anyway. One can enter into details, because the Council is so vast one can find good things in it, but this is not the essence of the Council."
"Evidently, we could not sign it. Because we are required to sign it, the agreements do not move forward. I would say that [if] on this point there is no agreement, there will be no agreement.
"This is all I can tell you, I do not think Rome will let us go. The Modernist Rome will come close to us [once again], it is inevitable. They are determined, they are persistent, they want to lead us to the Council, therefore pray. Personally, I would never sign things like that, that is clear."
"...[T]he entire phrase 'the Holy Father does not intend to leave aside an indispensable condition' [in the Secretariat of State's draft] was cancelled by Benedict XVI and replaced with, [in his own handwriting], 'For a future recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, the full acknowledgment of the Second Vatican Council and of the Magisterium of Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and of the same Benedict XVI is an indispensable condition."
It is unclear if this same content was merely mentioned by Pope Benedict XVI with a reference to the 2009 note in the June 30, 2012, letter mentioned by Tissier de Mallerais, or if it the 2012 letter has more precise demands on the matter.
[French forum content also reported by Andrea Tornielli for La Stampa - in Italian]

 Originally posted at:

 Read the remainder at Catholic Family News...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Archbishop Müller Continues to Attack the SSPX

Faith Goat in the Glass House

It's not the Protestants, but the SSPX which are for him "so to say in schism"

With the naming of the Regensburg Ketzer Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Benedict XVI has sent a clear sign:  The declared Reform of the Reform was a diversionary maneuver  in order to fool Catholics. The Pope put the important posts in Old Liberal hands. -kreuznet [I don't necessarily support this position that the Holy Father has used Reform of the Reform to fool people, but I find it increasingly hard to deny it.]


 (  The faith goat of the Pope, Ketzer-Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller has continued to slaver against the Society of St. Pius X.


\He gave an interview to Ingo Brüggenjürgen, the chief director of the Old Liberal, Cologne 'Domradio'.


Schidbauer oder Schmidburger? 


Brüggenjürgen posed a question about the Society, which portrayed his complete cluelessness as to what day it is.

In an interview "of Schmidbauer" he gave "harsh words" -- he made a fool of himself: "Will you excommunicate or something?"

There is no Schmidbauer in the Society.  It is also unclear what "harsh words" Brüggenjürgen supposed.

Perhaps he was reading from the most recent interview with Father Franz Schmidberger -- Mathematician and German District Superior of the Society.

In that he spoke in the margins and with great respect about the usual heresies of Msgr Müller.

What is "that"?

Msgr Müller clearly is unaware of the video.  After a short pause he continued to speak about it never the less.

Everyone "that reads"  can imagine for himself, how far "that" is from reality, he said out of the blue.

He wants to comment on "that" not "with the same words":  "I believe it's not worth the effort."

Father Schmidberger or others of his charges are not the judges in questions of the Faith -- he defended his heresies.

Heretic to Heretic

The Archbishop maintains that the Society has supposedly "distanced itself from the Church".

It even sits, "so to speak, in a glass house of schism".

One October 11, 2011, Msgr Müller had included the Protestagays, who deny the Papal and Episcopal office as well as the seven Sacraments and propagate abortion and homosexual-concubinage,  -- as a part of the Church.

He defends his own career

Finally, the careerist criticized the Society's critique of him on his promotion.

"If the Holy Father selects his immediate collaborators in the Dicasteries, then I believe that it is befitting that such people not criticize the decision of the Pope."

Kreuz,net... link...

Liturgical Abuse: Ultra Cool Beach Mass in Germany

Eucharistic Celebration on the beach -- with towel and mat.

Germany. [] On the 9th of September the youth church "Church4you" organized a New Eucharistic Celebration on the beech in at the local swimming lake.  The youth were told to bring a towel and sitting mats. The priest celebrated in green shorts, an orange t-shirt and a yellow stole.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Church-tax: German Bishops Overstepped their Authority

Bonna locuta est - causa finita non est

Edit: Archbishop Gerhard Mueller just might have stepped too far this time. The media reports are making the German Bishops look terrible, and Canon Lawyer Father Gero Weishaupt, whose work appears here below via, has devised some canonical solutions for committed German Catholics who feel uncomfortable supporting the many Diocesan initiatives which go against Catholic teaching and practice.

Canon Lawyers:  The faithful may file grievances against the Decree of the German Bishops' Conference to the Papal Counsel for Legal Texts --- Document of the DBK is in contradiction to the Vatican's document from 2006.

Rome (  The discouragement of German Catholics about the decree of the German Bishops' Conference has still as big and the debate over it continues -- against some Bishops' wishes.   There is confusion at the present with respect to the question, which Vatican dicastery had  really "blessed" the document. It is also unclear if Pope Benedict XVI had even signed it.

According to the Bishops Conference the document had been recognized by the Bishops' Congregation.  FAZ reports that had there been personal approval by the CDF  under the German Archbishop Gerhard Mueller and Pope Benedict, a suggestion, which in any case is not anywhere in the official documents of the DBK.  At least the general vaidation by the Pope will be questioned by Vatican observers in Rome, in any case called into question, where Benedict XVI has been a significant critic of the German system.

About the competence for such particular laws there is the legally pertinent apostolic constition "Pastor Bonus"  for information.   There it says in article 82:  "The Congregation deals with matters pertaining to the celebration of particular councils as well as the erection of conferences of bishops and the recognitio of their statutes. It receives the acts of these bodies and, in consultation with the dicasteries concerned, it examines the decrees which require the recognitio of the Apostolic See"

How does that apply to the faithful in Germany?  Canon lawyers, who view the conclusions of the DBK critically have given the advice to resist against it.  It is recommended to write a registered letter, sending it to the Nunciature in Germany to the Papal Counsel for the Interpretation of Legal Texts (00120 Citta Del Vaticano, Vatican City).

As an alternative it can be sent directly to (this Counsel), and indeed referring to the Apostolic Constitution "Pastor Bonus" where it reads in article 158, the following: 
 At the request of those interested, this Council determines whether particular laws and general decrees issued by legislators below the level of the supreme authority are in agreement or not with the universal laws of the Church.

As KATH.NET has learned the Papal Counsell for Legal Texts has a great interest in this that the questions will be clarified.  If the Counsel has already has already previously been appraised is unclear at the moment.  Already in its clarification of 2006, 'ACTUS FORMALIS DEFECTIONIS AB ECCLESIA CATHOLICA" it had clearly laid out the following:

"The  apostasy from the Catholic Church must, in order to be validly represented as an actus formalis defectinis ab Ecclesia, also has to be made concrete with respect to the foreseen cited canonical exceptions in: a) an inner conviction, to leave the Catholic Church; b) the following through and outer demonstration of this decision; c) the adoption of a decision against Church authority."

At least point a) is a clear contradiction of the declaration of the German Bishops' Conference.  The reason is simple:  In Germany the number of Catholics is growing, who are no longer prepared, in their consciences, to transfer Church-tax to Diocese, who clearlt agitate against the Catholic Church's teaching g and discipline with this money in either concealed or open projects or groups.  It is  patently clear that at least in this group, none of these Catholics wish to leave the Church, but quite the opposite.

Critics on the document of the Bishops are also coming from the worldly media.  This is what the "Sudddeutsche" in a commentary last Monday:  "The signal from outside is catastrophic however:  It doesn't apply to people who are leaving, it's all abut the church finances.  It is not applied in the first line n people who are going, who apostatize,  the quarrelsome, who have become estranged, for whom the Church stand -- rather it is accounted to secure the institution."

Even Catholic bloggers have shown themselves not afrighted  by the document from Bonn and showed some humor.  The following joke is circulating:  "Hey, did you know who the patron saint of the German Bishops' Conference is?  Naturally, St. Mathew, patron saint of tax collectors ;-)"

Das Vatikanschreiben (Write the Vatican) ACTUS FORMALIS DEFECTIONIS AB ECCLESIA CATHOLICA im Wortlaut 

The Pope Will Not be Saying the Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite

Edit:  at least the new CDF doesn't have to sign the Preamble.

Since the publication of 'Summorum Pontificum' the Pope has limited himself to writing mid-range books and promoting preachers of homosexuality and teachers of error into key positions.
Poster With Caption Changed

( On November 3rd thousands of pilgrims from all over the world are coming to a Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite in St. Peter's.

The one to celebrate the High Mass is still not known.

The usually well-informed blog '' indicated in mid-September that the pilgrimage would go down in the history of the Church, if the rumors about the celebrant were true.

Observers indicated to this with the allusion  that Pope Benedict XVI -- whose "Reform of the Reform" had some sand in the gearbox -- could use this opportunity to say his first Pontifical Mass in the Old Rite as Pope.

The time will be moved

 On November 3rd Benedict XVI will celebrate the New Mass for the deceased Cardinals and Bishops from the course of years.

With that it is clear that he will not be the celebrant at the High Altar, which will take place on the same day in the afternoon.

At least he won't come

The planners must at least have no fear that the Pope will not command his teacher of error and Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith, Archbishop Ludwig Müller to say the High Mass that afternoon.

Because Msgr Müller -- who doesn't understand the Liturgy any more than Dogmatic theology -- would not be in a position to celebrate the Mass in the Rite of the Roman Church.

Link to

Rebuilding Catholic Culture: Church Music and the Fad of ‘Folk’ Style

Edit: We've heard of stories where a Liberal priest has changed his ways, but Liberal nuns never seem to abandon their tedious catch phrases and rote incantations about openness, diversity and caring. But here's a nun who couldn't take it any more, who stood up against the... err, well, you get the picture in an article from CNA:

By Sr. Joan L. Roccasalvo, C.S.J. *
I will never forget that moment! Flinging off his eyeglasses, he glared at me, “Sister, what have you done to our music!” I froze.
It was my first year at NYU as a graduate student of musicology, and I was enrolled in Professor Gustave Reese’s course, Medieval and Renaissance Music. He was the world’s leading authority on these two musical periods. An American Jew, a Renaissance Man, he loved the sacred music of the pre-conciliar Church. In a sense, he was its custodian. For him, musical analysis was de rigueur except for the Ave maris stella, “a honey of a piece.” When Reese blurted out his question to me, it seemed as if he had been storing it up for years. How could we have banished its musical culture, the most consequential result of the post-conciliar Church?
Effect of Music on the Human Spirit
From ancient times, people of every race and color have held that music, more than any other art form, is the most intimate expression of human feeling. According to the Ancients, music imitates the states of the soul and has the mysterious, even magical power, to influence a person’s behavior and to form moral character. We are affected by the kinds of music we experience. On the day of John F. Kennedy’s funeral in 1963, Beethoven’s second movement of the “Eroica” Symphony accompanied the cortege on its way to Washington’s St. Matthew’s Cathedral. Beethoven had dedicated the symphony “to the memory of a fallen hero.”
The Fathers of the Church agree with the Ancients. Sacred music proposes to lift up the the whole person to Christ likeness. Throughout the centuries, men and women have become converts through the beauty of liturgical music.
The Decline of Quality
Common sense dictates that not all music qualifies as suitable for divine worship, for the chosen music sets the atmosphere for the liturgy. The music expresses, reflects, and mediates the saving mysteries of Jesus in symbolic ways. It is the locus where the human and sensory realities meet the divine and spiritual. According to Sing to the Lord, the musical judgment of sacred music requires musical competence, (and) only artistically sound music will be effective and endure over time. To admit to the Liturgy the cheap, trite, or the musical cliché often found in secular popular songs is to cheapen the Liturgy, to expose it to ridicule, and to invite failure (USCCB, Sing to the Lord, #135).
The deciding factor about sacred music is its quality. Quality has two meanings: (1) Quality as the essential and objective character of something, and quality in man-made things, the condition for excellence; we value quality of life, quality time with family and friends, and quality of character; (2) Quality in man-made things, the condition for excellence; we choose quality in food and in clothing. In a long but important comment by Barbara Tuchman, Quality is the investment of the best skill and effort to produce the finest and most admirable result possible. Its presence of absence in some degree characterizes every man-made object, service, skilled or unskilled–laying bricks, painting a picture, ironing shirts, practicing medicine, shoe making, scholarship, writing a book. You do it well or you do it half-well. Materials are sound and durable or they are sleazy. The presence or absence of quality characterizes every man-made object and service, skilled or unskilled. Quality is achieving or reaching for the highest standard as against the sloppy or fraudulent. It is honesty of purpose as against catering to cheap or sentiment. It does not allow compromise with the second-rate but reaches for the highest standards. Quality can be attained without genius (Barbara Tuchman, “The Decline of Quality,” New York Times Magazine (November 2, 1980, 38-39).
Link to kathnews...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Will German Bishops Now Demand Pro-Life Ethic from German Politicos?

Edit: now that the German Bishops have assured themselves of a relatively easy income by threatening to effectively excommunicate anyone who doesn't pay the German Church-tax, will they be putting their collective feet down in other areas as well?

How about divorced and remarried, or Catholic politicians who support abortion?

For example, there is the Socialist Vice President Wolfgang Thierse, who had the umbrage to receive Communion in the hand encouraged disobedience to John Paul II's wishes about abortion:

The German newspaper "Frankfurter Allgemeine" and public radio station "WDR" have published extracts of a stern letter in which the Pope orders the German bishops to decree an end to the service of public advisers who help women who want an abortion. "It is right to put an end to complicity in the granting of licenses to kill," Archbishop Johannes Dyba of Fulda said.
The revelations have elicited an immediate reaction from political quarters. Social Democrat Wolfgang Thierse, president of the Bundestag, criticized the Pope's decision and expressed the implicit hope that the bishops will have the courage to disobey.
This is not the first time John Paul II has expressed strong criticism of German legislation on abortion. The interruption of pregnancy is free and unrestricted in Germany during the first three months, but the woman who wants to abort must consult a visit a pregnancy consultation center, that is, a place with social workers, psychologists, doctors and religious experts, where the woman is offered material and social aid to raise and educate the child, should she decide to carry the pregnancy to term
. Link to Zenit article...

Homosexual Icon of San Francisco Arrested Again for Chid Pornography

What Are You Doing For Larry Brinkin Week?

Edit: A Jewish homosexual from San Francisco who is the darling of a political movement for decades has fallen afoul of the Police. The accused had been using child pornography for years and his transgressions are just now coming to light. Despite Larry Brinkin's high-profile as a leader of the so-called gay rights movement, and the nature of his crime, there has been relatively little coverage in the media at present.

This recent trial has raised serious concerns about the medieval culture of secrecy surrounding the gay rights movement, and the lack of accountability.  Perhaps what they need is more government oversight?

One compares this event to the recent guilty verdict against Kansas Bishop Finn who is said to have been covering up for a priest's admitted pornography addiction, which received national and international coverage.

It's also easy to look abroad at Ireand whose own pubic has its own irrational hate-hate relationship with the Catholic Church is also willing to deal unfairly in this same manner. When Senator David Norris's got caught using his power to cover for and please for his boyfriend who'd been arrested for child molestation in Israel, the Irish public was indifferent to this. It actually took a charge of embezzlement to oust the homosexual Taoseich candidate. These revelations also didn't get a lot of coverage outside of Ireland as the Senator quietly dropped out of the race.

Even in Germany recently, no one has said anything about the untouchable Old Liberal Cardinal Marx, who recently helped reassign another homosexual child porn user to parish work in the Archdiocese of Munich. We predict that the cool media reception to this story is Cardinal Marx's own Old Liberal, 1968 inclinations that protect him from the kind of media storm that drove his colleague, a man he personally stabbed in the back, Bishop Walter Mixa, out of his office. Certainly, striking a student is considerably less severe than giving a sexual predator and user of pornography a job where he is in a position of power of other people with access to children. Also, let us not forget over 500 cases of abuse at an Austrian Orphanage over many years. Trust us, if it had been truly Catholic, you'd have heard about it.

To date, there's been no response from the numerous homosexual advocacy organizations or the city of San Francisco, distancing themselves from a man who even has a week named after him in February as a champion of "gay" rights. Despite the years this has been going on, seems strange no one knew. Of course, considering that other co-religionists of Brinkin were avid pederasts, such as NAMBLA member Allen Ginsberg, there are surely others who are in the know and didn't say anything. Perhaps we can talk of media "coverup"? Perhaps these moral relativists are silent, because this is their true face? Here's a piece from PJMedia:

This article and some of its links contains some very graphic and monstrous detail.
Larry Brinkin, the high-profile gay activist who was arrested earlier this summer on child pornography charges, was booked in jail again today after police obtained even more evidence allegedly linking him to child porn.
Sgt. Michael Andraychak tells us that Brinkin, 66, turned himself in today at about 10:30 a.m. at the Hall of Justice after police secured a $240,000 arrest warrant for him. He was booked on two felony counts of possession and distribution of child pornography. He is expected to be arraigned in court tomorrow.
See Also: SFPD's Details of First Arrest Warrant Brinkin was first arrested in June after police were tipped off that the well-respected community leader had been using the e-mail address to view images of children as young as perhaps a year old being sodomized by and performing oral sex on adult men, accompanied by highly racist commentary.
Link to PJMedia...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

New General Prior of Carthusians

Stat crux dum volvitur orbis

He was a late vocation to the Carthusians.  Previously he was occupied much with Fatima and appearances of the Mother of God.

( Dom François Marie Velut O. Carth. was selected on this Friday 10:00 as the 73rd General Prior of the Carthusians.

The election was unanimous.

Member of another Order

The newly elected was christened Michel Velut on the 30th of December 1948.

From 1970 to 1989 he was a member of the community of "the Little Brothers of the Heart of Jesus",  which was inspired by St. Charles de Foucauld (+1916).

He was called Brother Michel of the Holy Trinity.

A  Fatima Expert

Brother Michel, according to the blog '' has researched Marian apparitions over many years.

In a four year research phase he devoted himself to the Third Secret of Fatima and published several books about it.

On the occasion of a Vatican symposium on Fatima, he gave a lecture on the 24th of November 1985.

At 41 he Became a Carthusian

In December 1989 he left his community and entered the Grande Chatreuse -- the mother cloister of the Carthusians -- in the French Alps by Grenoble.

He postponed his simple vows until the 25th of December in 1991.

Later he took the office of Procurator, which cared for the material affairs of the Carthusians and keeping straight its contacts with the world.

Finally, he became Secretary of the Order.

Exchange in the Charterhouse of Portes

In June 2001 he became Prior and Novice Master in the Charterhouse of Portes (Chartreuse Notre-Dame de Portes).

It is located in the vicinity of the 300 population village of Benonces -- between Lyon and Genf.

He has held this office up until Friday.

Portes is the first foundation of the Grande Chartreuse.  Because of its members, it is also called the "Charterhouse of the Saints".

Dom Velut has led his community to a certain blossoming.

The Whole Life is in Celebration

The Italian blog '' cited the new General Prior with the following words:

"Despite the great strain, the freedom of the Carthusian life gives the feeling that all of life is a holiday."

Link to

Karaganda Cathedral: Marred by Cramner Table

Edit: things are ok as long as people in upper management stay away.  Whose idea was it to send Cardinal Sodano, anyway?

The Reform of the Reform Didn't Happen

Cardinal Sodano Consecrates Wrong Altar
The joy was of short duration.  Photos show that the Old Liberal Ex-Secretary of State Angelo Cardinal Sodano consecrated a liturgical ironing board at the blessing of the Cathedral of Karaganda.

(  Photographs which were published at the website of the Archdiocese of Moscow have brought this to light.

In the new Cathedral of Karaganda there is a high altar and a moveable super table, which has been placed on a carpet.

The summit of irony:  On the 9th of September at the blessing of the Cathedral it wasn't the high altar, but the dinner table that was consecrated.

The high altar served as a credence table during the ceremony.

The original project of the Auxiliary Bishop was sidelined

The 500,000 population city ofo Karaganda lays in the heart of Kazakhstan.

The new Cathedral was constructed from 2004 to 2012.  The well known Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider as the former Auxiliary of Karaganda took a leading  part in the construction.

The Auxiliary Bishop was in any case reassigned to the 749,000 population city of Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan in February 2011.

He is a lone crusader for reform of the secularized Catholic liturgy.

For that reason he had foreseen only the high altar in the original planning of the Church.  The removal of the Auxiliary Bishop probably altered the plans in the short term.

Great Astonishment

On the website '' the reader 'Peter' rang his hands with an explanatioon why in the new construction of the choir there were two altars one after the other.

Reader 'Marko Ivančičević sees "liturgical ignorance" at work.

One is simply oriented to a Church mutilated by the Pastoral Council, where the high altar has become enclosed by a liturgy block.

Link to original.. with more photos.

Communion in the Hand is a Calvinist Innovation

Edit: a brief video featuring John Paul II's extreme displeasure at the practice, which he only begrudgingly agreed to to appease his bishops.  Say what you will, it's still quite an endorsement.

More News : Rock Abbot Re-Elected to Benedictine Order

Abbot Notker Re-elected -- Abortionist Nina Hagen plays at event with Cardinal Woelki -- Cameldolese General Chapter

Rock Star or Abbot?

Old Liberal Remains Abbot Primate of the Benedictines

Italy.  [] On Friday 250 Abbots of the Benedictine Confederation re-elected Abbot Notker Wolf (72) as Abbot Primate. He has had this office since the year 2000 inclusive and has been elected for still another four years. Abbot Wolf represents about 7,350 Benedictines and 15,400 nuns.

Diversity is a value in itself? In the Criminal Museum There is a Diversity of Instruments of Torture
Abortion Fiend Nina Hagen

Germany. On the Saturday before last there were about 20,000 eager spectators at the Berine Alexanderplatz for a "Festival of Churches". The rock singer and defender of the violence of abortion, Nina Hagen, gave a free concert. For an additional eent there was an ecumenical service with the Old Liberal Homo-Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, the Evangelical Lay-Bishop Markus Droge and the Greek Orthodoox Metropolitan Augoustinos. There were about 170 booths supposedly informing about the "diversity" of the Christian community.

Cameldolese Begin their General Chapter

Italy. On the 18th September the General Chapther of the Catholic eremitical order the Carmeldolese began. This was according to the website ''. The order of eremites was founded by St. Romuald of Camaldoli (+1027). The General Chapter took place in Rome.

Hans-Joachim Sander is Grateful for Criticism of Gas Chamber Theories

Austria: [] The discussion about the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X apparently  promotes the timeliness of the failed Pastoral Council.  Salzburg Dogmatic theologian Hans Joachim Sander said this on Thursday in Hamburg according to Austrian news agency 'kathpress'.  Sander referred to the  gas chamber discussion by Pius Bishop Richard Williamson as a "Gift from God, because with his anti-semitism, he brought the restoration of the Society to clear unity with the-Church to failure."

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Priest Caught in Liturgical Abuses Sues to Have Video Removed

Edit: the SSPX German District has even offered to buy this parish a hall where they can celebrate Carnival (Mardigras).

It's also interesting to note that these kinds of vandals have a sense of shame and appear concerned about the effect such campaigns as this will have on their already flagging reputations.

(Katholisches, Stuttgart)  The Society of St. Pius X has published a video n their website, on which depicts Dean Schanzle from Ochsenhausen and a carnival society which blasphemed the Most Holy and defiled the  sanctuary.  The Deann would like the publication withdrawn by way of a legal complaint.

In 2013 Dean Schanzle may again damage the All Holy and the sanctuary again with a carnival society.   He said to the 'Schwäbischen Zeitung':  "A fool's Mass will be offered again in Fasnets-Hochburg. We receive people there who otherwise aren't church goers."

The Society of St. Pius X is refusing to remove the video frm its site, which according to their account doesn't violate any intellectual property right.    The action is born "of the pilgrimage church of Ochsenhausen, which is neither the private property of Dean Schanzle nor that of the parish community.   Every Liturgical service belongs to the whole Catholic Church, not only t a particular parish community",  say the remarks there on's page.

Msgr Georg Gänswein Long-shot for Diocese of Regensburg

This weekend the careerist and teacher of error, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller is leaving Regensburg. An unexpected guest took part in the festivities.
Prälat Georg Gänswein –
current secretary of Benedikt XVI.

© premiosciacca, Flickr, CC

 (, Regensburg) This Sunday the teacher of error and new defender of the Faith of Pope Benedict's grace, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller officially departs as Bishop of Regensburg.

The event is the occasion of a feast and a closing Pontifical Mass in Regensburg Cathedral.

Today, this Saturday, Msgr Müller will open the former private house of Pope Benedict XVI in the 2700 population community of Pentling, which borders on north eastern Regensburg as a meeting place for the Neoconservative.

The Unexpected Guest

More interestingly Prelate Geoorg Gänswein, the private secretary of the Pope, was present for the festivities.

He has no close relatives in Regensburg.

For that reason there have been the presence of rumors whereby he appears as a likely candidate for the empty Diocesan post.

Roman observers consider this option to be improbable.

The Wish-candidate of the Enemies of the Church

The media bosses of the anti-cllerical 'Schwäbische Zeitung'  have already indicated their wish candidate.

Thus the schmier paper mentioned Cathedral Dean Lorenz Wolf (56).  He is the chief of the 'Catholic Office" in Munich.

The 'Catholic Office' is a point of contact between Bavarian politics and the Church.

Cathedral Dean Wolf had already been tapped as the likely Bishop of Augsburg after the Putsch against Bishop Walter Mixa.

A Mitre at Any Price

As other names, the newspaper named Munich Auxiliary Bishop Wolfgang Bishof (51).

The Director of the Schwabian pilgrimage site Maria Vesperbild, Prelate Wilhelm Imkamp may also have an appetite for the office of Bishop.

With the invitation of Berlin's homo-Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, he has shown that he is thoroughly prepared to walk over bodies to snatch up a mitre.

Link to

Episcopal Consecration Celebrated "Facing God" in Italy

(Rome) The news is not new, yet it is subsequently newsworthy. On the occasion of the consecration of the new bishop of the Diocese of Carpi, Italy, Monsignor Francesco Cavina removed the main altar from the chancel and celebrated ad Dominum Cathedral of Imola. This report on tradition is associated website Messa in Latino. The consecration was in the presence of Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State.

The consecration took place on 22 January 2012 in the Cathedral of St. Cassian instead. It must have been a one-time process that is still remarkable, and not least because of the importance of the event. Two weeks ago, Pope Benedict XVI. also celebrated the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in the Sistine Chapel ad Dominum.
Destruction of the High Altar

Back in 2006 there was an episcopal ordination in Italy ad orientem, as on 25 June 2006, the new Archbishop of Oristano was ordained in the local cathedral. The consecration was before the then President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Camillo Ruini. The Parish Priest Msgr Costantino Usai had decided to end the "provisional solution" of a popular shrine. He justified the decision to the cathedral chapter, among other things, that the initiative that had been was not caused by the Second Vatican Council. The main altar is hindering the full enjoyment of the great dynamic power of the liturgy, and it runs the risk of a reduction in the danger of self-celebration in itself. The outgoing Archbishop Monsignor Pier Giuliano Tiddia had welcomed the decision.

As the newly appointed Archbishop Msgr Ignazio Sanna was consecrated and enthroned, he was forced to celebrate ad Dominum. Immediately after his enthronement the new Archbishop explained then that the "experiment" ad orientem is "not successful" and "this form of celebration" will lead back "to a pre-Conciliar dimension", "which, as I must assure, does not correspond to the sensibility of the people of God." The people's altar was rebuilt, this time the high altar was permanently bricked up and broken off from the possibility of another "restoration trial".

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Images: Messa in Latino / Fides et Forma

Friday, September 21, 2012

Cardinal Marx of Munich Reassigns Child-abuser to Parish Work

Edit: you'll possibly remember the St. Polten, Austria debacle which closed a seminary and involved a corrective suspension of two priests both its Rector, Father Ulrich Kuechl and the Sub-regent, Doctor Wolfgang Rothe. has learned that Father Rothe is being reassigned to a parish by the Old Liberal Cardinal of Munich. We think the double standard in this matter will continue and the Liberal regime which abets such outrages will facilitate the "clean up" while the Church itself will continue to suffer their poor management and bad faith.
Germany. The priest who stumbled into a homosexual scandal, the Ex-subregent of St. Polten in Austria, Father Wolfgang Rothe, is going to be a Parish Vicar in Munich. The Old Liberal Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising has signed the decree of appointment on July 9th. Father Rothe will assume the position in September. He is the Parish Vicar in a Munich Parish organization "Transfituration of Christ -- St. Micheal". He was last active as a chaplain in a convalescent home.

It's been an interesting summer for reassignments and such. Bishop Finn of Kansas City was recently tried and found guilty for the misdemeanor offense of "failing to report child abuse". This was widely hailed by many as a symbol of the clergy's protected status and the continuing corruption in the Church. There were a few bloggers even on the traditional side who uncritically accepted the New York Times, professional victim side of all this.

It will be interesting indeed to see if it makes any difference to them that this wasn't just a case of homosexual seminarians and their professors (sad that many don't find that shocking enough to end a priest's career) having a frolic, but as Micheal Rose reported when it happened, these seminarians and priests had more than 40,000 pornographic images including ones that featured the sexual abuse of children. It is an indisputable fact that not only did the seminary rector Father Kueschel and the ex-subregent, Father Rothe know about the photos of children being abused sexually, but they even used them for their own gratification while abusing their own seminarians. Here's an excerpt from Micheal Rose:
The photos showed seminarians and priests from Austria’s Sankt Poelten seminary fondling and kissing one another and engaging in sex games. Profil also reported that some 40,000 pornographic images and films were downloaded to the seminary’s computers, including photographs depicting acts of pedophilia and bestiality.
Consequently, German-language media outlets have been saturated this week with reports of the Austrian seminary scandal chock o’block full of lurid details in what has become the Catholic Church’s Abu Ghraib. Headlines such as "Seminary orgy rocks Church in Austria" (Irish Examiner), "Church probes perverse pictures" (Toronto Star), and "Porn case could torpedo bishop" (The Guardian), made news from Britain to Australia to America.
The scandal immediately prompted the resignation of two seminary officials, an internal investigation by the Austrian bishops conference, and calls for a criminal investigation since the scandal involves a large cache of child pornography—illegal in Austria as in most other countries.

Cardinal Brandmüller Admitted to Hospital

[Katholisches] Walter Cardinal Brandmüller (83) has been admitted to hospital because of heart pain. This was reported by Francisco de la Cigoña. Born in Ansbach in the year 1929, the German Church historian and theologian was called to the College of Cardinals in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. On May 15th 2011, he celebrated the first Pontifical High Mass in St. Peters in Rome since 1970. He was President of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences of leading Historians of the Catholic Church. He is counted as one of the most acclaimed members of the College of Cardinals and is a promoter of the Liturgical renewal of the Catholic Church and the rediscovery of the classical form of the Roman Rite.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: La cigüeña de la torre

Paris Hilton: "Most gays have aids"

 Edit:  I've often thought that the real reason "traditionalists" don't like is that they're homosexually inclined and whatever beliefs they have about Catholic doctrine and Liturgy, they're not disinterested enough to look past justifiable criticisms of their unnatural inclinations.

Miss Hilton, whatever her natural revulsion to this vice may be, has since apologized profusely to the media deities so as not to offend he/she who must not be offended.

The freeing power of the truth:  the healthy intuition of the people know it:  " "Ewww! Gay guys are the horniest people in the world."

( Parish Whitney Hilton (31) is an American businesswoman, actress and fashion setter.  She is a practicing Catholic.

Yesterday it she managed to bring the homo-media gasping with despair for breath and begging for an oxygen tent.

The reason:  in the beginning of September Miss Hilton said about homosexuals what everyone is thinking.

 Illegal survey in a taxi

  A New York taxi driver illegally took note of a conversation between her and a homosexual who was riding with her.

The shameless homosexual sex-fiend is said to have shown the lady his mobile telephone, where he was seeking other homosexual sex-fiends.

Besides that, he spoke about an AIDS infected homosexual, whose goal was to infect other men with the illness.

She said what everyone thinks

That's when Miss Hilton expressed her revulsion and her detestation over homosexual decadence.

She condemned the homosexually disturbed individual with healthy folk feeling: "Ewww! Gay guys are the horniest people in the world."

She concluded:  "They're disgusting. Dude, most of them probably have AIDS ... I would be so scared if I were a gay guy. You'll like, die of AIDS."

 Link to

A New Oratory in Aufhausen Germany

Wherever the anti-Christian German Kirchensteuer-apparatus (Church-tax) can't budge it, there are even the fruits of Grace in Germany.

(  On the 15th of September the Vatican has erected the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philipp Neri near the 1,700 population community of Aufhausen near Regensburg.

It is known as the the Society of the Brothers of the Precious Blood (FSS).

The new Oratory works together with the female Society the Servants of the Precious Blood (SAS).

Around these communities "A circle of friends of the Spiritual Family of the Precious Blood" has formed.

Already 12 Members

The Community counts at present twelve brothers: two priests, three theology students, four lay brothers and three candidates.

The two priests are Father Winfried Wermter and Father Piotr Lipinski.

After them are the clerics and lay brothers Frater Thomas Sedlmeier, Frater Marek Michna, Frater Josef Felder, Frater Marian Brodowksi and Frater Gunther Scheder who are members of the new Oratory.

There was an Oratory in Aufhausen once before

The Oratory in Aufhausen is a Congregation of Pontifical Right.

It is connected in its tradition to a community, founded in 1672 by the Pastor Johann Georg Seidenbusch in 1672 together with his assistant priests.

From that grew the first Oratory in the German speaking world.

Consecrated upon the title "Maria Schnee" [Snows of Mary] became a pilgrimage church.

The community wasn't nullified during the secularization of Bavaria and received the title "Royal Institute of Neri" (till 1829).

 The last provost died in 1886.

The old tradition is brought back to life

In 1890 the Benedictines from the Lower Bavarian cloister of Metten took over the empty buildings in 1890.

They established a new structure and a priory, which was given up in 1978 again.

Since 2006  the community of the Brothers of the Sacred Blood have lived in Aufhausen have well revivified the old tradition of the Oratory.

Link to

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Old Liberal German Bishops Threaten "Excommunication" to Those Who Won't Pay

Edit: the Kirchensteuer (Church-tax) issue has been a contentious one in German speaking areas as the Old Liberal Church structure uses it to promote its less-than-Catholic policies.  At this point, the German Bishops are willing to use their flagging spiritual authority to keep the money and their power.  Rome appears to have acquiesced in the worst possible way.  This is a disaster.  Here's the article we've hurriedly translated from the German District of the SSPX's website:

Bonn ( During his Germany Visit in 2011 Pope Benedict called people to attention making an appeal in his so-called Freiburg speech to "worldliness" in the Church. True openness to the world is only made possible by a corresponding release and emancipation from structural coercion. At the same time, Church-steuer (tax) became a topic of discussion in the media. Today (20 Sept) the German Bishops' Conference has published in a press release, which actually goes against the desire of the Pope, to refuse all Sacraments, to those who are indeed Catholic --- but do not want to pay Kirchensteuer (Church tax).

 Already on the 13th of March 2006 the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts had pointed out the glaring conflict in Germany. It was then that Rome recalled that leaving the State designation can not be automatically compared to defection from the Catholic Church. As "withdrawal from State" is handled as a separation from the Church, in so far as in the Bundesrepublik of Germany it is a Body of Public Law and whose members are bound to pay taxes by the state.

 A separation from this Body is, as Rome presently has described it, is not bound by the punishment of excommunication. Therefore a baptized Catholic, who is effectively wishes to separate from the Church as a visible institution, to his current local Bishop or at least to his pastor, that he completely or partially rejects the Faith of the Church or does not want to place himself under the hierarchical order of the Church. That means therefore, that also in Germany the membership in the Church is not identical with membership in the state regulated Body of Public Law. (In the description of the written Papal Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts of the 13th of March 2006; is based on a document to the Society in the Newsletter of March 2012 recommendations to the faithful, who have left the State Body and to announce to the Parish office affiliation.)
Exactly the opposite was announced in the Decree of the German Bishops' Conference on the 20th of September. Though one does not incur automatic excommunication any longer, it probably constitutes a "compromise" with the Roman position, but the leaving the Church in the form of its government situation has the same legal consequences as excommunication. These legal consequences are mentioned decree of the German Bishops' Conference in Point II 1. described:

"The person who has left the Church

- may not receive the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation and
Last Rites -- except for the danger of death

-  can not be vested in any ecclesiastical offices and may not participate in functions in
the Church,

- can not be a Godfather or a sponsor for Confirmation,

- can not be a member in either parish or Diocesan Councils.

- loses the active and passive right of voting in the Church.

-can not be a member in public Church societies."

In clear English: whoever doesn't pay, doesn't get the Sacraments.

Everyone who leaves the official state body, should receive a document (zum Pastoralen Schreiben der DBK).

That this is effectively the same thing as an excommunication, is shown especially in a further clarification of the decree, which touches on the Church burial of a "person who has left the Church".

This can not only be refused if the person "has shown before her death any sign of remorse." It raises the question of what the sign of repentance of the person is? Has she paid no church tax?

Rome has approved the decree, so this compromise has solely avoided the concept of "excommunication."
This is represents a complete abandonment of the position of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts of 2006 rand represents no  detachment from worldly constraints and clearer witness to the faith, but has announced the massive incorporation into the state system.

Which position of the Gospel are the German bishops pointing to now? Is it  Mt 10:8 "Freely you have received, freely give"?  Or one could one also but equally recall  Matthew 6:24: "You can not serve God and Mammon"?

One must find one in any case: In the case of counseling pregnant women, Pope John Paul II  demonstrated more backbone, determination and authority to the German bishops,  than the present German Pope Benedict XVI. in the matter of church tax.

"Am Gelde hängt,
zum Gelde drängt
doch alles." (Faust)
Link to German District Site....

The Feast of San Gennaro September 19th

Here is the miracle of the liquification:

Russian Church Sanctifies North Pole

This is from Mystagogy blog and Barents Observer, about the Russian Church blessing the Arctic:
The capsual includes a small plate with the inscription: “With the blessing of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All of the Rus, the consecration of the North Pole marks the 1150 years of Russian Statehood”, a press release from the Church reads.
The Church consecration took place as part of the major ongoing Arctic-2012 expedition, a mission organized by the Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. The capsual was dropped to sea by Bishop Iakov of Naryan-Mar in a ceremony attended by both expedition leader Vladimir Sokolov and ship Captain Oleg Shchapin.
As previously reported, the Arctic expedition left Murmansk with the nuclear powered icebreaker “Rossiya” on 8 September. On 13 September, the vessel reached the Pole point, and the expedition subsequently continued through Arctic waters towards the site where the drifting Russian research station “North Pole-39” will be replaced by a new facility.
Read further, at link to Mystogogy...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

SSPX German District Head: "Why Doesn't Cardinal Müller Sign the Preamble?"

Old Believers vs. Vatican

Edit: Missing from the account is the fact that Father Schmidberger doesn't believe that the Holy Father will excommunicate the Society again. From our own perspective it seems clear that the Society can wait out the decadent elements of the hierarchy in Europe and America whose numbers and influence are fading quickly while the Society and confreres in "good standing" with the Church grow ever stronger by the month.  Time is definitely on the Society's side in these negotiations.

Of course, who knows what the Holy Father will do when he receives Bishop Fellay's response.
Benedict XVI wants that the Lefebvrists accept while only denouncing the particular formulations of the Catastrophe-Council.  Under this qualification they are  liable to be pilloried themselves.

( In a video interview for the site '' Father Franz Schmidberger -- the German District Superior of the Society of St. Pius X --  have summarzied the qualifications which the Vatican has set forth for the "normalization" of the Society.

There won't be a second Society

The Society may be able to put the errors of the Second Vatican Council "in the pillory".

They will be able to use the old Missal exclusively.

And they requested a Vatican assurance that the Bishops of the Society will be chosen in the future from their ranks.

Query to the Pope

Father Schmidberger explained that the last version of the Dogmatic Preamble -- which the Vatican presented to the Society on the 13th of June --  was the proposed text he received.

It naturally had additions included, "which presented a problem for us".

Because of that the Society asked the Pope if this version was his or one of  his collaborators.

In his answer, the Pope assured them that the new requests were his own requests.

"That really won't work"

The new proposals contained -- said Father Schmidberger -- the recognition of the liceity of the New Mass and the recognition of the Second Vatican Council.

The Society may only discuss the nuances or one or some of the other formulations.

They still must be prepared to see the Pastoral Council in an unbroken line with the Dogmatic Councils.

Father Schmidberger's commentary:  "That doesn't work, naturally.  There are breaks, which are not to be denied."

Anormal situation

He stressed that the Vatican would have to rescind these, if they wished to normalize the relations with the Society.

The current situation of the Society is "anormal".

Actually this situation -- which is pressing for a normalization -- is not the fault of the Society.

The discussions with Rome should have shown -- that the Society is seeking normalization and depend on the Pope.

Zig-zag Personal Politics

The controversial Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, was described by Father Schmidberger as not very "well disposed" to the Society.

He has favored an "almost hostile disposition" to the Society.

The new Vice President of the Commission "Ecclesia Dei", Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, is viewed by the District Superioor as a "balance" to the Head of the Congregation.

Why does Msgr Müller not sign the Dogmatic Preamble?

Father Schmidberger criticized the 'heterodox doctrine" of the Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith.

He exchanged Transubstantiation with a theory of transfinalization, where the bread and wine in the Mass merely takes on a new quality.

He also doesn't possess a "very clear position" on the Virginity of Mary.

Such People Support the Pope

Finally, Father Schmidberger criticized the naming of Archbishop Arthur rooche as Secretary of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith.

Msgr Rche is a sharp opponent of the Motu Proprio 'Summoroum Pontificum'.

He had done everything in his Diocese in Leeds England to hinder the Old Mass.

+Roche's Vandalism
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