Thursday, August 2, 2012

Old Liberal Bishop Trautman of Erie Resigns!

Edit: We found out about this from the German Traditionalist site,, who picked up on the nickname of the Bishop, "Trautsperson", which he earned for being an advocate of inclusive language.

Does anyone know anything about Bishop Lawrence Brandt?  Most people are aware of the inclusive language, enemy of Traditionalism in one of the most desolate Diocese in the Western world.
Pope Benedict XVI has picked a canon lawyer in the Greensburg diocese to succeed retiring Erie Bishop Donald Trautman. 
Monsignor Lawrence Persico is the vicar general, meaning he's second only to Greensburg Bishop Lawrence Brandt in heading the four-county diocese east of Pittsburgh.
Trautman, who is now 76, sent his mandatory letter of resignation when he turned 75 last year but has continued to lead about 220,000 Roman Catholics in the 13-county Erie diocese in northwestern Pennsylvania. 
Persico, who is 61, was ordained in 1977 and has served as a canon lawyer under Brandt and two previous Greensburg bishops, William Connare and Anthony Bosco.
Pope Benedict elevated Persico to monsignor two years ago and he's been vice president of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference since 2006. 
It was not immediately clear when Persico will be installed as Trautman's successor.
Link to Sacramento Bee... 

Read more here:



"In Medjogorje the Gospa Waits" -- for the Homo-Porn Cardinal

Edit: Just to head you off at the pass, the accusation being made below that this Cardinal is protecting the Austrian abortion industry and promoting homosexuality is well documented.'s opinion of the intelligence of Neoconservatives you can infer for yourself.

A Pious Entrance for the Stupid Neoconservatives

Kirche in Medjugorje
© gnuckx, Flickr, CC
The Viennese Cardinal --- who protects sodomy and the violence of abortion -- has renewed his defense of the Medjugorje time bomb.

(, Medjugorje)  The Old Liberal Vienese homosexual-pornography Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has a flowery word of greeting to a youth festival to the false Marian apparition site Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

This was reported by the Archdiocese of Vienna.

Interfering in the Affairs of a Foreign Diocese

The youth festival took place this week.

With the words of greeting, Cardinal Schönborn stabbed his colleague who has forbidden pilgrimages to the false apparition site.

The Loving Closeness of the Lie

Yet still the Cardinal sent the youthful apparitionists his blessing which he inserted effeminately in a disordered way:

"It fills me with joy and admiration that you take all the trouble you to come to this so hot and secluded place where you do not expect a sea beach, no pool, but where a mother is waiting for you, Our Lady who each of you knows and loves. "

The prince of the church wishes the young people at the false apparition site, the experience of the "so loving closeness" of the Gospa.

The Biggest Hoax in Europe

With the statement that Medjugorje is supposedly, "the largest confessional in Europe" the homo-porn Cardinal said, that confession in the Conciliar Church has been abolished in most European countries.

He expressed his hopes for the youth that they have "a wonderful time in the community of the Church, which is living and brings us home".

 They will like being sent "by the Gospa and her Son".

Link to

Lawsuit Against Conservative Archbishop Flounders

Edit: a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of conservative Archbishop Finn owned a computer with child pornography on it.  That's a fact.  Yet there is no description or understanding how they got there.  Like many other priests accused of such things, he was assumed to be guilty and suffered immediate consequences, and his superiors who were in the process of investigating the claim, were likewise accused of negligence. The appearance of digital images on a computer without demonstrable proof that it got there for this priest's "enjoyment" should not be enough to destroy a man's reputation, let alone a Catholic Archbishop's reputation.

There are a lot of questions, which are never posed in any of the coverage we've seen so far in this case.

How did the knowledge of the images' presence find their way to the Diocesan authorities?  Who sent them?

Apparently, the Judge has more sense than Anderson and Associates.  This case and others like it coming to light are an indication that this current assault on the Catholic Church, to the general exclusion of other institutions in society, on behalf of rare cases of child abuse, is starting to provide diminishing returns.

Also, most of the accusations stem from the years of moral relativism's triumph in 1968 when trendy revolutionaries were taking over and gutting Monasteries, Seminaries and churches for their own self-gratification and lust for power.  Many lefty j(There are now few Catholic religious in positions of authority, since they've been virtually hounded out of education) ournalists chaffed at the suggestion when the Pope made it, but it's absolutely true and those who scoff at it are unwilling to look at the actual data which justifies the claim.

Peruvian University Blames Opus Dei For its Woes

The only really cool thing about Davinci Code

Edit: We wish!

Sounds like people are starting to get fed up with all the false advertising.

Are you being legitimately accused of failing to live up to the mission statement of your organization and actively working, for your own reasons, to debase its stock in the cultural, artistic, intellectual and economic marketplace?

We know, let's blame a boogieman!

Btw, there's nothing wrong with the use of a flagella provided that  it is used under spiritual direction or as part of a religious order's disciplina.  It's not done so much to inflict pain,  but as a reminder and a spiritual exercise just like praying the rosary or kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle of your local church as part of a healthy spiritual habitus.
(Reuters) - One of Peru's top universities says it thinks maneuvers by the conservative Roman Catholic group Opus Dei are behind the school's high-profile falling out with the Vatican. 

In a dispute that could drag Peru and the Vatican into a diplomatic spat, the Catholic Church ordered the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) in a July letter to drop the words "pontifical" and "Catholic" from the official name it has been using for more than 60 years.

The university, which was founded in 1917 and is widely regarded as the country's most progressive institution of higher education, has refused to comply with the order. The Vatican says it will press its case with Peru's foreign ministry. 

Vatican representatives say they have spent years trying to persuade the university to comply with Church laws and that a large financial donation the school received should be managed in accordance with those.

For our part, we didn't know about the Opus Dei kid's show.  That would be awesome!  Give the coverage on the Spanish Civil War that no one actually learns about in school and tell the real story of Opus Dei and St. Josemaria in a matter of fact approach?

Link to Telegraph, Opus Dei children's show.... 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Is Cardinal Kurt Koch Intentionally Leading People Into Error?

The Joker- President of the Office for Unity has compared the Society of St. Pius X with Martin Luther -- the Church Father of the Conciliar Church -- of all things.
Kardinal Kurt Koch
© +ecumenix, Flickr, CC

(  There is "not a hermeneutic of pure continuity" in the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council by the Pope.

This oft repeated expression was made by the Old Liberal curial Cardinal Kurt Koch -- who is the President of the Pontifical Council for Unity -- to the German 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur'.

Empty Mist Instead of Catholic Doctrine

An interpretation of the "hermeneutic of pure continuity" would apparently be a substitution by the Traditionalists -- maundered the Cardinal.

In reality the Old Believers have maintained that the Pastoral Council represents a break with the Doctrine of the Church.

The Cardinal made a lot of mist:  The Pope sees "a connection of renewal and continuity in the sense that the Council desired and needed a renewal of the Church but not a new Church."

Wants a Class of a Class

Cardinal Koch styled the documents of the Pastoral Council with the same comb, although they arranged are in four large Constitutions, nine decrees and three statutes.

On may -- apparently a "purely formal" -- distinction between the documents.

In any case the Cardinal fabricated then "a problem, as the Council of Trent (1545-1563) had only enacted decrees and no constitutions."

What the Cardinal didn't say:  The Council of Trent formulated "anathemas",  which condemned errors in sentences as clear as glass.

Dogmatically Unbinding

At the Pastoral Council Cardinal Koch saw "hardly any difference" in the "binding with regard to its content".

That means: the Pastoral Council  itself had imputed a lower dogmatic value binding character.

He attempted to enhance the Decree on Ecumenism that it apparently has its dogmatic formulations in the non-dogmatic Constitution of the Church.

The Ecumenism-Cardinal Insults the Protestants

As far as the reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X, Cardinal Koch sees difficulties in that they see errors in the Pastoral Council.

"That Councils can also contain errors, is in any case an error which goes back to Martin Luther"  -- said the Cardinal critically on the fabrications of the Protestants.

The Old Believers must "really ask, where they actually stand" themselves -- as he leveled a broadside against the inventor of Protestantism.

Actually Cardinal Koch shows himself as more papal than the Pope.

Because the Pastoral Council did not avail itself of the infallibility of a dogmatic Council -- which Luther denied.

Take Care, Cardinal Koch

The Lefebrist website '' posed the question today, "if the Cardinal is leading people with intention into error".

The hapless Cardinal needs remedial Catechism:  A Council is infallible, when it defines a doctrine of the Faith.

This is the point that Martin Luther contested.

On the contrary the Church has never insisted that "everything, which is within the text of a Council is infallible."

Dogmatized the Pastoral Council After the Fact

The Pastoral Council understands itself as a Pastoral Council.

For that reason it could "not raise the claim of binding character."

The founder of the Society, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (+1991),  had frequently pointed out that one said during the Council , that it wasn't necessary to express with dogmatic precision what would merely be treated as a Pastoral Council.

Actually:  "After the Council then one would begin to make the texts dogmatic, as Cardinal Koch had done."

The Conciliar Church is a Divided Kingdom

Cardinal Koch also contradicted a statement by Cardinal Walter Brandmueller in the past May.

The later attested that the Conciliar documents over inter-religious dialog and apparent religious freedom had  no "dogmatically binding content".

Link to

Poles Resist Invasion of Decadent Secularism

Edit:  A few days ago, we aired a story from the German Catholic commerce website about how Polish youth was taking to the streets against the encroachments of an alien and pernicious ideology.  Now the major news services are putting their finish on the story about an American prostitute who identifies herself with the Mother of God.

In some parts of the world, notably the United States, this kind of depravity insulting the womanhood of the nation is passed over as something you may or may not be interested in.  There aren't a lot of people interested in protecting the purity of the nation and the youth.

In Poland things are somewhat different.  It is the Polish youth who are fighting, like their grandsires, against the decadence, the materialism and narcissism of an alien culture.  This is also one of the most sacred days of the year for Poles.

August 1st is also the memorial of the Warsaw uprising when the Poles rose up against the occupying German Army.  This is a different sort of occupation.

Related News Stories:

411 writes:

Billboards promoting the concert have been vandalized with the sign of the Polish Home Army, the largest underground army in the Nazi-Occupied Europe. 

BBC, one of the most depraved news services in Europe, never the less admits:

Every year, at 1700 on 1 August, sirens wail across Warsaw and people stand still to pay their respects to the victims of the 63-day uprising, our correspondent says.
Conservative opposition MP Stanislaw Pieta has appealed to the government not to allow the concert to go ahead in Warsaw's National Stadium, Polish Radio reports.
Concert organisers have agreed to a proposal by city officials to show a short film about the uprising in the stadium before the show, in an attempt to appease the protesters.

The Telegraph is the most balanced and sympathetic:

Madonna is facing protests from Polish war veterans and conservative Catholics because her Warsaw concert tonight clashes with the anniversary of the largest and bloodiest battles in the country's history.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Church Desecrated in Ohio

Edit: he who plants seeds of hatred against the Catholic Church, as the Leftist press has, reaps desecrated and damaged churches.

The Rev. Dave Ireland points to damage on a 1,000-pound, marble statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The statue and the two St. Anthony statues in the background were pushed from their pedestals over the weekend. They are now in storage to be repaired. Police are looking for suspects in the vandalism.

SOUTH EUCLID, Ohio  --Three statues on the grounds of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, including a 1,000-pound, life-size, marble Blessed Virgin Mary, were found early Sunday pushed off their pedestals.
"When we found her, she was lying face-first in the grass and dirt," said Sacred Heart's pastor, the Rev. Dave Ireland. "I don't know how you could get the strength to push it over."
The nose and parts of the veil got chipped in the fall, said Ireland.

The Feast of Saint Peter in Chains

Edit:  it's a great feast, also known as Lammas, and commemorates the miracle of St. Peter being freed from his chains in prison by an angel so he could continue his mission.

If there's an analogy there, or a spiritual message you can come away with upon meditating on this miracle, thank God for it.

The significance of this feast seems to point at our current Peter and his own struggles with things as they are.

Here's the collect stolen from societas-regnum-christi:

O God, Who didst loose the blessed apostle Peter from his bonds and didst send him forth unharmed; loose, we pray Thee, the chains of our sins, and in Thy great mercy keep us from all evil. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Photo folio...

Monday, July 30, 2012

American magnates ordered assassination of Russian Imperial family - historian

Edit: Will they name names?

Moscow, July 27, Interfax - PhD in History and author of six books about Nicholas II Pyotr Multatuli is convinced that assassination of the last Russian emperor's family was ordered in the USA. 

"The crime was initiated by the Bolshevik government in Moscow, mainly by the head of the All Russian Central Executive Committee Yakov Sverdlov, and Shaya Goloshchekin, Yakov Yurovsky, Alexander Beloborodov executed it in the Urals. The details were cleared out when the White Army came into Yekaterinburg. There was an investigation and investigator Nikolay Sokolov played an important part in it, he managed to take the materials out to Europe," Multatuli was quoted as saying by the Argumenty i Fakty daily.

In 1922, Sokolov decrypted secret talks between Sverdlov and Yurovsky where it was mentioned that the USA gave an order "to liquidate the whole family." The order was conveyed to Moscow through American mission that then was located in Vologda. 

A community of transnational capital was formed in the USA in the early 20th century, representatives of certain financial and industrial circles were its members. Its headquarters was located in New York. The community strove to establish world hegemony and set up unipolar world, the edition writes.

Besides financial and industrial component, the community had mystical and occult character. There were its followers all around the world. These people could not realize their plans without eliminating autocratic Orthodox Russia. Therefor the monarch aroused organization's irreconcilable animosity, the author writes. 

Link to inter-fax....

Neo-Conservative French Bishop More Eager to Accomodate Ecumenism Than Catholicism

Edit: despite great demand, Bishop d'Ornellas refuses to supply the people with access to a Traditional Latin Mass as prescribed by Summorum Pontificum.  Yet the decadent Diocese is ready to do their best to accommodate halal and kosher meals for non-Catholics in the name of inter-religious dialog. 

We received the following report from and a thoughtful reader which we translated with google. 

"When we go on holiday in Britain, usually we go to Mass at the very welcoming Chapel of St. Anne (St. Malo). This place of worship is served by the Society of St. Pius X to which we have only sympathy. 
The climate a little heavy around the SSPX recently led us to seek yet another traditional place of worship. It's simple, outside of the apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King, in Rennes, there is nothing! Yet I can assure you there, especially in the Rance estuary, between Dinard / St Briac Saint-Malo/Cancale and a potential supply of faithful of the SSPX (in Rennes, Saint Malo and St. Mary's School of the Holy Father, not to mention Lanvallay in the neighboring diocese of Saint-Brieuc) is not enough to satisfy, especially in the summer. 
In short, we chose to do some sightseeing and liturgical masses alternating holidays with the apostolate of ICRSP in Rennes, the Mass in Gregorian chant of the Cathedral of Saint-Malo, a legacy of the wonderful canon Orhant who led control of the cathedral for many years, and probably the SSPX August 15. 
Our first choice was there and Rennes, what a shock! A chapel in a neighborhood eccentric, in a sorry state and packed even though friends told us that during the school year, there are still more people. 
I know you have already repeatedly addressed the issue Rennes in your letters but I think you should come back. Would not that because the faithful with whom I discussed at the exit of the Mass have taught me that the mayor of Rennes had announced the construction of a subway station near the chapel and they not know what would happen to them during this project due to start in September and could last two years. 
Before the ad limina visits, I think a letter explaining liturgical Peace that ultimately the Motu Proprio of Benedict XVI is still lacking in an honest application as important as the Archdiocese of Rennes could do good to the followers of Archbishop d'Ornellas as those of other dioceses where Catholics are still traditional sensitivity and always treated as second-class Catholics. ". 
It is with pleasure, alas! we respond to the request of our readers and carry back our attention to the diocese entrusted to Bishop d'Ornellas. In fact, we could take almost verbatim our 287 Letter of June 17, 2011 as the situation is frozen. 
1) Our drive begins by pointing out the existence of a high potential of faithful attached to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite between Dinard and Saint-Malo, especially in summer. This is so true that a request for implementation of the Motu Proprio was made ​​pastor of Dinard in ... 2009. Without success, since the priest had wished to seek a petition Episcopal - yet canonically useless - which never came. 
In fact, the reigning Archbishop d'Ornellas, there is no more possibility of regular celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in Dinard that there has to Redon, Vitre or Châteaubourg, even , as was the case for the latter parish, the application file ends up being sent to Rome. From the mold of Paris, Mgr d'Ornellas is on principle opposed to any initiative, as well as liturgical or doctrinal spiritual, traditional color. Italian Vatican expert Sandro Magister also recently associated the name of Bishop d'Ornellas to that of Cardinal Vingt-Trois to evoke the French prelates refused to consider, unlike the Pope, "the traditionalist world - very much alive in France, there component not included in its Lefebvrist - more as a resource than a problem. " 
If we add to this that Monsignor d'Ornellas is renowned in all areas, and to everyone, just the opposite of dialogue, to put it lightly (1), few faithful dare to ask for hearing ... Hence the judgment of applications (formally expressed) in the diocese. Anyway, as he says and rehearsed by a clergy submitted more than an accomplice, the Episcopal line is that demand is satisfied since there is the chapel of St. Francis. 
2) The Chapel of St. Francis is the historic site of the application of the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei of 1988 in the diocese of Rennes. For a dozen years, one of the celebrants were Father Anthony Perrero, La Salette missionary called to God in 2010. It is he who has gradually passed the torch to the Institute of Christ the King, establishing over time a close relationship with the Institute. 
In his will, Father Perrero had expressed his wish that his funeral be celebrated at St. Francis according to the traditional liturgy. A vow which Mgr d'Ornellas replied with a bad grace, celebrating a Mass in Latin, Paul VI, awkward - especially reading sections aloud - and preaching against the extraordinary form that would deprive the faithful recitation of the Our ​​Father ... A hurtful attitude and shocking not only for the faithful of St. Francis but also for pilgrims who discovered thanks to La Salette Father Perrero, often foreign to the extraordinary form, and his brother priests who came with him in his final resting place. 
3) Meanwhile, as noted by our colleague Riposte Catholic Diocese of Rennes practice interreligious dialogue at a level rarely seen. From 17 to 22 July, a session devoted to Judaism interdiocesan was organized in order to "discover the Christians inexhaustible spiritual wealth" of it. Yes, you read well, the target of these days were primarily Christians, "young and old, priests, seminarians, catechists, Catholic school teachers, lay responsibility in the Church." It is well beyond what is usually done in the dioceses on behalf of the declaration Nostra Aetate,especially as the registration form states that "all meals will be kosher" (and why the Halal meat was it not foreseen?). 
Even without considering the merit of such an initiative, we can only frown upon reading the key words for this event - "Distinguish not separate and unite without confounding" - as they are in glaring contrast with the ostracism are victims, in the diocese of Rennes, Catholics attached to the traditional liturgy. [It's ok to ostracize traditionalists, but you must accommodate other religions even if you compromise your own]
In his letter to the bishops of 7 July 2007 accompanying the promulgation of Summorum Pontificum, Pope Benedict does not he called all his brother bishops, including Bishop d'Ornellas therefore, to "make every effort to ensure that all those who truly desire unity have the opportunity to remain in that unity "and to let them into their heart" everything that the faith itself made ​​up "? 
4) To return to our reader mail, we can confirm, from reading the website of the city of Rennes, in 2019, at least if the work knows no time, the station Mabilais of line B local subway will open right in front of the court of St. Francis. According to documents available online, the early work of structural work should not occur before 2013. There is not yet an emergency but it is legitimate that we ask ourselves the question of continuity of worship at St. Francis during this long project. This question of the place of worship is not a problem in itself, all the churches of Rennes, once very Catholic, are far from being met (hence the result: this year there has been no ordained priest in the diocese, the clergy is endangered) but could be complicated in a global context episcopal opposition to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. This is not the first time we'd see the enemies of peace enjoy problematic material to break what has developed in sometimes heroic ... 
5) However, the underground work or not, the issue of implementation of the Motu Proprio in the diocese of Rennes exceeds, by far the simplest case of the faithful of the Saint-François. The survey (see our letter 289 ) made ​​for us by JLM Studies Institute in May 2011 has revealed two of three practitioners of the diocese attend at least monthly in the Extraordinary Form of the Mass if it was proposed in their parish. To meet this demand there is still only one place of mass Summorum Pontificum and not a single priest in the whole diocese of Rennes does not apply (however timidly: a mass or a mass per month per week) or can implement the Motu Proprio ... 
The SSPX has, meanwhile, three places of worship, and also the priory of Lanvallay shining over the diocese. And evidence of a situation decidedly far from pacified, Rennes is home to the largest center sedevacantist of France: three Sunday services are offered in a chapel that can hold up to 400 people. 
Obviously, there are many sheep in the diocese of Rennes, the question is: is there a pastor willing to accommodate them? 
(1) In our Letter 287 , "No progress in the diocese of Rennes," we said about the Archbishop: The intellectual Pierre d'Ornellas, belonging - as other senior clerics in Paris, as Antoine Guggenheim - at the Institute of Our Lady of Life, Venasque, was one of several private secretaries who succeeded to Cardinal Lustiger. He was then director of the Cathedral School, a position of extreme confidence, and finally auxiliary bishop in 1997. In politics Parisian "refocusing" of the time, he was one of the most powerful arm, especially the more careful to preserve the young clerics in the capital of any fundamentalist virus. The priests formed by Archbishop d'Ornellas were destined to become an exemplary, like Cardinal Lustiger was fond of telling them, "the first generation that would finally understood the Council." 
He thus became, with Archbishop Vingt-Trois, the closest collaborator of the Archbishop, but in a very different style, forcefully, to the point of succeeding to achieve unanimity, which is rare among the clergy, but against ... him. Its importance in the high clergy of France she will be appointed directly to a metropolitan see, Rennes. 
In his honor, should be noted that Bishop d'Ornellas took strong moral and public positions, which constitute a substantial improvement over the strategy of "burying" that prevailed in the 1970s and who made ​​that the Veil law could pass without any mobilization Episcopal. 
In total, a man of strong (and bad) character, Bishop of Rennes Ornellas intends to make, at a time when the Church is emerging in an indispensable reconciliation built on a true charity and pragmatic, a division of militant and combative 'third way', neither progressive nor -, ever! - Traditionalist. 

Petition For Pope Benedict to Say the Traditional Mass Publicly

Young people want a Liturgy that inspires them to be extraordinary Catholics -- not a Liturgy in which they can be ordinary and commonplace -kreuz.,net [whoever he may be]

(  The Brazilian Attorney Ottavio Demasi has started an Internet Petition.  It aims to move Pope Benedict XVI to publicly celebrate the Rite of 1962.  The petition has been running since early July.  Demasi is active in a southern Brazilian city of 20,000 on the edge of Sao Paulo.

The Only Real Mass

The signatories have the opportunity to justify why they have signed the petition.

Jonathan Sipangkui from Malaysia writes: "Because I am a Catholic".

Or Gabriela Parra from Brazil:

"I have signed because it is the only true Mass, which we have.  The other is a great lie, which was established by evil men, who wanted to destroy the Catholic Church."

Only the Mass Can Defeat the Enemy

Nathan Allen from the USA maintains that it would have been unthinkable for every Catholic before 1969, that the Pope would need a special reason to offer a Holy Mass according to a Mass book, which all of his predecessors had used.

Actually "because we find ourselves in the special situation, in which the enemies of the Church are in its highest positions" was another reason given by Allen.

"The Roman Mass is the offering of the cross and the greatest weapon the Church has against all heresies."

And: "Only the true Mass can defend the Church from so many enemies both within and without."

Activism Instead of Prayer

Elizabeth Fitzmaurice from the USA writes, that she only visits the New Mass in exceptional circumstances:

"I fight the whole time during that, to bring myself to prayer."

Because:  "The New Mass was designed to keep the people occupied, occupied, to keep them occupied, so  that they can't experience prayer, silence and contemplation."

John Polhamus from the USA continued:

"Young people want a Liturgy which inspires them to become extraordinary Catholics -- no Liturgy, which leaves them ordinary and commonplace."

Auxiliary Bishop Laun of Salzburg Does 180 on Homosexuality

Austria.  German speaking homosexual websites are overjoyed over the most recent statements by Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun of Salzburg.  The prelate had previously warned about this on '', that homosexual is seen as the worst sin above all. He even cultivated the illusion for them, with "your loving relationship with one another".  With his commentary, Msgr Laun is relieved of being the "archconservative hater of homosexuals" -- happily declare the homosexual sites. The one time homosexual critic, he has now "turned around 180 degrees" .  The Auxiliary Bishop stands supposedly in line with the Catechism, ready however on the ground for a "overcome" the same, wrote Wolfgan Bergmann -- anti-Church business manager of the anti-Catholic publication "Standard". In total, the homosexual sites have taken note that the Conciliar Church is garnering attention for its "homosexual friendly tone".

Link to...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Danish Bishop Offers Pontifical High Mass in Germany

Bischof Kozon bei einem früheren Pontifikalamt

From Copenhagen to Neustadt

28 Jul 2010

[] On the morning of Sunday the 29th , the regular celebration of Sunday Mass in the Old Rite was celebrated in Neutstadt, Pfalz, by Msgr Czelslaw Kozon, the Diocesan Bishop of Kopenhagen.  Bishop Kozon is a student friend of the Cathedral Rector Dr. Norbert Weis, who is celebrates the traditional Rite in the Catholic area in the Monastery of Neustadt.

It is beautiful, and we would have gladly pointed out this Mass celebration earlier, if we only had experienced it earlier.

In any event the question is posed with greater urgency why till has no serving German Diocesan Bishop  not see the situation, to realize the Episcopal Mass for the Traditional faithful of his Diocese in this visible form:  regardless whether it had been that these faithful had been marked as outsiders,  who do not really belong and whom the German Bishop ordinarily greets them from afar?   Will  your Excellency be bullied at the next arrival of the Bishop Conference because of infractions against the German Catholic code of conduct, if he allows a Pontifical Mass according to the books of 1962?   Is the grey eminence of Langedorf really concerned about more than just Summorum Pontificum?  Or will one be mercifully spared the tender mercies of the Bishops of the Lehman-generation, to still experience the Liturgical bankruptcy of their life's work?

Link to

Catholic Westminster Plays With Olympic Torch

Edit: Linen on the Hedgrow asks what part the Magic Circle Bishops of England played in the Olympics. We suggest at least a humble part as evidenced by these photos of torch passing at Westminster Cathedral recently.

Crescat also called it "the Ceremony that must not be named".

Maximus Meyer compares it to Isengard, and Father Z expresses his displeasure by citing a writer from suggesting that the English have decided they are no longer hobbits, but orcs.

Max Meyer's retelling of the poem "And did those feet in ancient time" goes:

The Satanic mills & demonic foundries of England... 
O Jerusalem, how vast and treacherous the distance betweenProud Albion and your gates of pearly sheen!

At Westminster Cathedral, Archbishop Vincent Nichols presided over a Mass where the Olympic Torch preceded the crucifix to the altar.

Photos from "Papal Visit"

Feast of Saint Olav Haraldsson

Edit:  It was St. Olav's single minded determination to eliminate paganism in his land and he strove so hard, that a sudden and powerful reaction rose up against him among the old clans and the rebels called upon the Danish King Cnute for aid.   St. Olaf was exiled to Kiev but returned with an army and died in battle shortly thereafter.

A Cathedral was built on his grave at Nidaros where he was canonized by Bishop Grimkell.

What St. Olaf failed to accomplish in life, he completed after his death.  His heroic Viking's death became a source of spiritual inspiration and his cult grew.

There's a pilgrimage site which is growing in popularity and a Catholic Confraternity associated with it.

The sainted King Olav Haraldsson was buried in Trondheim in 1030. Nidaros Cathedral was erected over his grave, and for four centuries this city was a pilgrimage site for pilgrims seeking consolation, help and healing.
The old Pilgrims' Route between Oslo and Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim was reopened the summer of 1997. Since then many pilgrims have wandered to this ancient pilgrimage site.
For further information, visit Pilgrims' ways to Nidaros and The confraternity of St. James in Norway.
From 1153 to 1537, Trondheim was the seat of the country's archbishop and the spiritual centre of an area including Greenland, the Faroe Islands, the Orkney Islands and the Isle of Man.
Today, Trondheim is a modern city that is a major centre of learning and one of the best research environments in Europe.

Turkey Rules One of The Oldest Monasteries in the East

(Ankara) The appellate court in Ankara decided at the last moment against the monastery, which now loses up to 28 acres of its grounds, as the Turkish government and the economic existence of the monastery is withdrawn. Thus, at least at the national level Mor Gabriel is decided to the detriment of the ongoing dispute since 2008. Like so many anti-minority judgments which are applied can only be continued or appealed at EU level or before the European Court of Human Rights.
The legal land dispute has demoralized the tiny Syrian-Orthodox Community within and outside of Turkey since 2008, which touches upon Mor Gabriel, touches the last important spiritual center of this faith communion in the northern Mesopotamian area of origin of Tur Abdin.  Plaintiffs against More Gabriel were also the surrounding Kurdish inhabitants of three villages, who live with about 2,000 Aramaic Christians, and makes their existence even more difficult amidst the overwhelming Muslim majority in the Kurdish region.
The most recent and initial final judgment is also a direct affront to all those who had campaigned in Turkey and abroad to preserve the property rights of Mor Gabriel: In Turkey, in June 2012 some 300 intellectuals, expressed public solidarity with Mor Gabriel. Around the same time, the German Bundestag had adopted at the request of the ruling factions of the CDU / CSU and FDP, a decision to protect the monastery.
Text: AGA / Linus Schneider
Picture: AGA

Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's official, there's still been no answer received by the Vatican.

Edit: the usual well-wishers wish it were otherwise, but here it is.  The decision still hangs in the balance.

Vatican. [] The Society of St. Pius X has still not delivered an answer to the last edition of the Dogmatic Preamble.  This was spread around in a report from Andrea Tornielli yesterday, and just confirmed by the speaker of the Vatican Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, for journalists.

Detroit Priest Campaigns For Pro-Abort Congressman on Radio

Edit: Some things never change.  Sometimes, Liberal prelates and priests have their hands slapped for their indefensible political mongering for the Left, but they usually return to their business after a brief wait.  That certainly has been true of Chicago's Father Pfleger.   It's no less true for Fr. Norman Thomas, a creature of the dissident homosexual Bishop Thomas Gumbleton.

What Father Thomas is doing now is appearing on the radio and endorsing the pro-abort, homosexual promoting, Democratic Congressman Hansen Clarke on a CBS affiliate WWJ 950AM.

Father Thomas has been long active on behalf of Democratic, and therefore Socialist, causes.  This was the case when, despite complaints from local Catholics, the Diocese refused to do something about it, and the former Vice President was permitted, despite the gross liturgical abuse involved, to speak "after" the homily for 15 minutes.  Here's an excerpt from the Detroit News, which chronicles the attempt of local laity to address the issue to no avail.
   To be sure, Sacred Heart is no typical parish, which makes this event particularly significant. Its pastor is Fr. Norman Thomas, a veteran of both politics and controversy. Fr. Thomas is one of four priest-advisers to the Catholic Caucus, the aggressively liberal lobbying group formed nine years ago by Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton. 
   Yes, that was Fr. Thomas’ smiling face you saw repeatedly on TV last year in those paid political advertisements endorsing Geoffrey Fieger for governor. If you have a really long memory, you will recall that Fr. Norman Thomas almost a dozen years ago was repeatedly quoted in the local newspapers criticizing Cardinal Edmund Szoka for his closing of 26 parishes in Detroit. You could say he’s an independent sort of guy, accustomed to defying authority.
So it seemed obvious that Gore’s visit was going to be thoroughly political. And it was.
Yet, from start to finish in this unfortunate fiasco, Cardinal Maida, through his various spokesmen, defended Gore’s right to be at Sacred Heart. Complainers were told, correctly, that the church welcomes everyone to the altar of God. But some of those who called to complain were told emphatically that Gore was not going to speak in the church and that this was not a special mass, but a regular 10:30 Sunday morning mass.
Events showed that Gore was not a visitor but the central figure in the two-hour event. Gore arrived at least 30 minutes late, and Fr. Thomas held up the proceedings for his arrival. When Gore and his contingent of politicians arrived, Fr. Thomas met them at the back of the church. Gore and the pastor then proceeded side by side to the front of the church, where Gore sat in the front row. 
Gore spoke at the pulpit during mass after the homily for a good 15 to 20 minutes, which is a violation of liturgical law, which says only an ordained person may speak at the time of the homily. News clips of his talk were broadcast around the country, including photos of Gore on the pulpit and outside the church with several priests. 
   There was virtually no response to this sacrilege from the Catholic or pro-life community. I counted only 14 protesters, including me, who were forced to stand 500 feet away.
   What can someone like me say to my seven children who all know what abortion is?

Father Thomas belongs to a variety of odd groups which are no doubt, receiving that CCHD money to muddy the waters and further denude this Diocese of any catholicity.

Fr. Thomas was also the Chairperson of the Eastern Market Task Force, and is the Vice Chairperson of the Detroit Catholic Pastoral Alliance, and Chairperson of the Urban Parish Coalition, and a member of the Interfaith Committee for Workers Issues, Board Member of Wayne County Catholic Social Services, Board Member of Sacred Heart/St. Elizabeth and Chene Providence Community Development Corporations, Chairperson of the Sweat-free World Campaign, and 2005 Urban League Distinguished Warrior Award.

Father Thomas can be contacted at:  313-831-1356 ext. 10

Friday, July 27, 2012

Poland: Catholic Youth Accuse "Madonna" of Blasphemy

Edit: first she's booed in Paris and her audience wants their money back.  Now a Polish youth organization is planning a substantial protest against her appearance in Warsaw on August 1st, on the anniversary of the 1944 uprising against the Germans.  Madonna is an invader of a different sort.

Student organization "Crusade of the Youth" is accusing Madonna of blasphemy.  45,000 Poles joined up Friday to protest against the concert on the Internet.

Warsaw (  in Poland, there are protests against a concert planned for next Wednesday by pop star Madonna.  As the Polish news agency KAI reports on Friday the Catholic student organization "Crusade of Youth" has asked the Warsaw city council to ban the show.  They accuse Madonna among other things, of blasphemy.  45,000 Poles joined Friday's protest agains the student organization of the concert.

Meanwhile, three Catholic priests called on the faithful to pray for a cancellation of the show. The concert was the main aim of Madonna's, to mock God and Christianity, according to a joint appeal by the Rev. Andrzej Grefkowicz and Pawel Wiecek Robert Pajak and the Jesuits.[Really?] Previously, the Catholic Association of the Journalists of Poland, Madonna had turned against the appearance of the new National Stadium. The spokesman of the Polish Bishops' Conference, Jozef Kloch does not wish to take a position in the dispute.

There is also criticism that the concert on the anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising which takes place on 1 August 1944. Every year on this day of some estimated 200,000 Poles are remembered to have been killed by German occupiers during the suppression of the revolt. The organizers of the concert met the critics with the assistance of the City Council. Prior to Madonna's appearance a two-minute film about the Warsaw uprising will be shown. The Veterans Association of the combatants of the Warsaw uprising, however, will observe a minute's silence.

(C) 2012 Catholic News Agency KNA Inc. All rights reserved. Photo: (c) Wikipeda / Madonna 1990 / Alan Light

Redemptorist Monastery Demolished in Essen

The total demolition takes place.  Soon the gruesome work will be complete.  by Fritz Kraussmann.

(  The former Bochumer Redemptorist Cloister 'Maria Hilf' serves now as a picture of desolation.

The destruction was planned for a long time.

Already on the 3rd of March 2010, said Father Johannes Roemelt - the Superior of the German Redemptorists -- to the 'Westdeutschen Allgemeinen Zeitung', that the renting of the cloister buildings to another order is impossible.

The Conciliar Church has brought about the destruction of the Faith.

The Tower as the Last Epitaph

What the Nationalist Socialists couldn't accomplish during the Second World War, is being completed by the Conciliar Church.

The Cloister which had been completely rebuilt after the war will be destroyed by the Redemptorists and the Diocese of Essen.

Only the 144 year old church tower stands alone amid the desolation of ruins, where until recently an old cloister building stood, which -- like the 144 year old church "Maria Hilf" -- showed no structural deficiencies.

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