Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Alois Gluck: The Pastoral Council Has Broken With the Mass

The Peter Priest Bernard Deneke is speaking against his slander, which has been disseminated against him by quality medium 'Südwestrundfunk'.

(kreuz.net, Mannheim)  Last Friday Father Bernward Deneke of the Society of St. Peter celebrated Mass at the Mannheim Katholikentag in the actual Roman Rite.

For that reason he was decked by the public broadcaster 'SWR' on Sunday with a pan.

Never said that

According to reports from 'SWR' Fr. Deneke described the Old Mass in his sermon as "the only true form of Mass celebration".

"He is in horror of a normal church service,"  stated the broadcaster.

Father denied this today at 'gloria.tv'.

He had never made the statement ascribed to him.

The minister was preaching, as to how the faithful connect through the sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Communion with Christ, the vine.

Another False Report

Alois Gluck -- the President of the Central Committee of German Catholics -- was allowed another false report in the same 'SWR' broadcast.

The poorly informed man insisted that the Old Mass celebrated by Father Deneke did not take place in the context of Katholikentags.

In reality the Mass was announced in the program.

And still another false report

Gluck also said that the Parish of Maria Hilf in Mannheim "in any case" celebrates the Old Mass.

That is also false.

Because there are no regular Old Masses in Mannheim.

Gluck falls into the abyss

Finally Gluck explained that the New Eucharistic celebration had broken with the Holy Mass introduced by Jesus Christ.

Because in the Old Mass of All Times it happens in a way "that is of a completely different understanding of the people of God" or a "completely different understanding of the celebration of the Eucharist" as in the Novus Ordo.

The Old Mass is a rejection of the Pastoral Council -- for those whom the Mass was celebrated -- and it has "for that reason" no place in a Katholikentagsprogramm.

If that is right, then the contrary is also true:  the Pastoral Council has broken with the Mass of all Times.

Link to original...kreuz.net...

Turks Decide to Turn Hagia Sophia in Nicea into Mosque

The church in question was built in the sixth century by Emperor Justinian I. It is located in the Turkish city of Iznik—in earlier history called Nicea.

Nicea is where two Ecumenical Councils were held—in 325 and 787. The latter council was held in the very church of Holy Sophia. In Nicea the Symbol of Faith was composed and accepted, and still bears the name “Nicene Creed”. Here the Arian heresy was dealt a decisive blow, reports Pravda.ru.

The church of Holy Sophia received the fathers of the Ecumenical council who condemned iconoclasm. That this church in particular has been turned into a mosque is a wound for the entire Christian world. Adding insult to injury is the fact that this church was built as a scaled-down Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
Read further....

Benedict XVI: "It would be easier for me not to recognize the Society"

The struggle for Unity

The SSPX is at a crossroads. The Pope is pusing for a decision -- with or against the Vatican. 

(kreuz.net) The structure Rome is offering the Society of St. Pius X is "unbelievably convenient". General Superior Bishop Bernard Fellay said this at the end of a sermon in Vienna. A section of the sermon is on the videoportal 'gloria.tv'.

"We remain, what we are"

After the upcoming possible recognition there would be no noticeable difference compared to now, says Msgr Fellay:

"We will remain what we are."

The guarantee of the freedom of the Society is something Bishop Fellay views as a problem.  At the moment several points are unclear.

There is a fear that the Vatican will attempt to manipulate the SSPX.

Bishops want to prevent the reconciliation

Bishop Fellay recognized that the offer to the Society is also controversial in the official Church.

At the same time he assures that the Pope personally desires that the reconciliation with the Society will take place.

There could be no doubt:  "But it is also surely not what all in the Church desire".

"Much Pressure"

Msgr Fellay does not know the further course of the negotiations.

It could be that the Pope will decide within days or weeks.

Or  the proceedings could be sent back to the CDF.

There is "much pressure" in the Vatican.

The Pope is preparing for some blows

Bishop Fellay cited what the Pope has said about the situation of the Society.

Benedict XVI said:  "I know that it would  be easier for me and the Society, to leave things in their current situation."

The Holy Father knows that after he "will receive blows" for a reconciliation.

With or Against Rome?

Finally, Bishop Fellay explained that the current "seemingly comfortable" situation is coming to an end for the Society.

The current way will not contine:  "It will be a with or  against Rome from this point on."

Both will be hard.

Link to kreuz.net...

Cardinal Says Dignitatis Humanae and Nostra Aetate Are Non-Binding

Edit: this blurb is from Rorate Caeli, which recognizes what was said in earlier weeks by Cardinal Levada, who had said that the Holy Father was willing to concede points on Vatican II as far as the SSPX is concerned.

What this should do is take the wind out of the sails of those critics within the SSPX who are insisting that the Society will not have the opportunity to speak critically on Vatican II and it will also challenge those critics who frequently attack Catholics who are concerned about the binding nature of Vatican II and what doctrines are obliged for us to believe.

All one needs do now the next time one is criticized for questioning Vatican II is to cite Cardinals Levada, Brandmuller and Msgr Bux. All one needs to do when one says that Vatican II's doctrines won't be permitted to be criticized in the Church is to point to +Brandmuller. There he is, doing just that.

In an interview to Radio Vaticana, Abp. Marchetto answered several questions, including the following: Q. – Let us return to the hermeneutic of discontinuity, of rupture, and the hermeneutic of reform: which one prevails today within the Church?

A. – Unfortunately, I must say, the one of rupture prevails. I would rather add that it is acknowledged today that not only the extreme fringe - of what was the majority in the Council -, but also the Traditionalist movements say the same thing. For them also there was a rupture. Therefore, there is still much work to be done.

Catholic News Service recorded some interesting words by Card. Brandmüller, who was also present:

In the book, Cardinal Brandmuller said the SSPX and the Old Catholics who rejected the papal infallibility teaching of the First Vatican Council "have in common a rejection of the legitimate developments of the doctrine and life of the church." While the cardinal described the Old Catholics as having an "insignificant role" in global Christianity today, he said the vitality of the SSPX forces the church "to demonstrate that their protests are unjustified. One can only hope this will happen." Asked about the passage in the book, Cardinal Brandmuller told reporters, "We hope that the Holy Father's attempt to reunify the church succeeds." ...

"There is a huge difference between a great constitution," like the Vatican II constitutions on the church, the liturgy and divine revelation, "and simple declarations," like the Vatican II declarations on Christian education and the mass media. "Strangely enough, the two most controversial documents" for the SSPX -- those on religious freedom [Dignitatis humanae] and on relations with non-Christians [Nostra aetate] -- "do not have a binding doctrinal content, so one can dialogue about them," the cardinal said. "So I don't understand why our friends in the Society of St. Pius X concentrate almost exclusively on these two texts. And I'm sorry that they do so, because these are the two that are most easy to accept if we consider their canonical nature" as non-binding, he said.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Norway: The State Church to be Abolished

Edit:the State Church of Norway is going not so much with a bang, but with an interfaith whimper.

Oslo (kathnews/RV). In Norway the centuries long tradition of the Evangelical Lutheran State Church has come to an end. On Monday the parliament voted on a constitutional amendment which is the establishment for a new church law. It was expected to pass by a wide margin. Already the parliamentary committee for the church, education and science were unanimous. The new will see among other things, that appointees of the state in the future will name Norwegian church Bishops and provosts. The state is no longer "confession bound"; the status of the Lutheran recognition as the "official religion" will be abolished. Even church tax in its present form will be abolished. Ministers are no longer required to be church members.

Church Members Welcome the Development

Trude Evanshaug, speaker for the Church Council explained that this goal has been worked towards for a long time. "We desired this change, because we live in a diverse society, and many residence of this country are not church members. The new law is a sing for the equality of all faith communities," she said to Norwegian public television. For people themselves there won't be any significant changes forthcoming, and even the feast days (holidays) won't change. Jens-Petter Johnsen, the director of the Church Council states that it enables a future legal status in the church, to develop independently. "That is the best as well for the state as also foor the church and the population", said Johnson.

The state can engage with more conviction for human rights now, and the church will receive more space for its own initiatives. In a common announcement by the parliamentary committee and the Church it is what one has known all along as "State Church", that will become a more open and democratic people's church. Svein Harberg, President of the Council, spoke of a "historic" step. "The Norwegian church will then be a faith community just like any other", he said. The new law underscores the fundamental values of Norwegian peace in the Christian and humanistic heritage. The religious activity of the church is now no longer the subject of the state, actually it has this purpose to support the church as a faith community.
Link to original...kath.news...

Former SOLT Seminary Rector Found Guilty

Edit: the Diocese and SOLT are being forced to pay $946,000 ., for the sexual assault of a boy at gunpoint by one of SOLT's former seminary rectors.  It makes sense to put this in the context of SOLT's story about Father Corapi and the alleged irregularities of his life.

“John Fiala is not a puppet,” said prosecutor Brandon Birmingham. “He is a puppeteer.”

Fiala was arrested September 2010 in Lawrence, Kan., and extradited to Edwards County, Texas, on four counts of sex crimes against children. The indictment in Edwards County is still pending.

From August 1998 until mid 2001, Fiala served as spiritual director to the SOLT (Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity) community, which maintains a religious house in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. He did not have a parish assignment in the diocese.

Fiala was an associate pastor at St. Joseph Parish in Shawnee from Aug. 31, 2001, to January 2002. He helped at a parish in Holton, Kan., from January to April 2002, according to the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.

No sexual abuse charges have been filed against

Ex-priest found guilty of plotting death of accuser - KansasCity.com

Power Struggle in the Vatican -- Benedict XVI's Plan to Finish it -- New Secretary of State?

Edit: A book appearing in Italian has caused much disquiet in the Vatican and has angered Benedict XVI. Everything revolves upon the recent appearance of "Sua Santita" (Your Holiness) by Gianluigi Nuzzi. Within there are numerous letters direct from the Pope or his personal secretary Msgr Georg Gänswein, confidential letters. Regarding the breach of trust and the damage to the private sphere, it has infuriated the Pope. The Vatican announced last Saturday that it plans to proceed legally with respect of a "theft" and "receiving of stolen goods". Legal steps have already been considered both within and outside of the Vatican.

Code name "maria" -- behind the data leak in the staff surrounding Cardinal Sodano is suspected

The Journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi insists that "Maria" is his source. Behind the code name there are several personalities, who -- so says the author -- documents what the Vatican would have kept damned up, in order to bring the Church State's suppressed facts into the light.

What is sold to the public as a "noble deed" in the "struggle against dark powers" is seen quite differently in the Vatican. Behind the publication of the confidential documents is placed a power struggle of the old guard, who were in control before the appointment of the non-diplomat Cardinal Tarscio Bertone as Secretary of State. The main source for the data skimming are suspected to be associates of Bertone's predecessor Cardinal Sodano.

Bertone's Appointment was not Digested by the "Old Guard"

Cardinal Sodano originated in contrast too his successor from the renowned Diplomatic Academy in the Piazza Minerva in Rome. Not that Cardinal Sodano himself is to be considered as an initiator, very probably however, his closest associates. The public dissemination of the leaks has only one goal: to discredit the current occupant of the Cardinal Secretary and also to strike at Pope Benedict through that.

Many of the letters published in Nuzzi's book are top secret. The Secretary of the Pope will, after he has read them, then conduct them from the Papal residence to the Secretary of State. There someone intercepted them made photocopies and disseminated these. The leak has been looked for throughout the hierarchy of the Church State. The perpetrators or perpetrator had at least an intentional or unintentional cover. Only then will it be known how they moved about in the smallest city state in the world.

The Investigation Commission Reckons Quick Discovery

An ad hoc investigation commission under the direction of Cardinal Julian Herranz, Josef Tomko and Salvatore de Giorgi should place a name on the lea and bring to light, who did this "monstrous" and "criminal breach of confidence". The machinations are already in motion. It will be determined that the responsible will be very quickly discovered. The circle of persons, and the access to secret documents in the archive of the Secretary of State is very small.

Diplomats Against Salesians

The new governing style of Cardinal Bertone in the Secretariat finds its way and can be summed up under the formula "less diplomacy and more Gospel", which pushes the old team to anger. In addition to that there were several errors that the new Cardinal Secretary of State committed, especially in the first five years of the reign of Pope Benedict XVI. It was not enough for Cardinal Bertone to be the prophetic and intellectual to support the momentum of the Pope and make it visible within the Church and outside. Above all, he carried within the Roman Curia a Salesian preference to items that traditionally were in the hands of Vatican Diplomacy. The Cardinal Secretary of State is himself a Salesian of Don Bosco. He desire to surround himself with people he trusts, of course. The newly appointed were distinguished with academic qualifications, but it's the additional fact that they have no diplomatic experience. For that reason the cleft between the new and the old guard has been deepened. The appointment of the Bishop of Savona, Domenico Calcagno, as apostolic administrator of the Holy See, Bishop of Vercelli, Giuseppe Versaldi, prefect for the Economic Affairs and the rector of the Salesian University, Enrico Dal Covolo, at the Pontifical Lateran University. All three qualified for these tasks undoubtedly raised the ire of the old team. And it seems that the anger was so great that they felt it would be necessary to have a new Secretary of State. In this mood were the nominations of the Pope himself, which touched on his closest circle, as an object of criticism. There were the new secretaries, of course, brought their own way of working, and the women who lead the papal household. John Paul II had to be nuns, preferably Benedict XVI. consecrated laymen of Memores Domini, as the Vatikanist Paolo Rodari notes.

Viganò's Case Made the Struggle Public

The case exemplifies Viganò's grave internal struggle and let him be openly visible to the outside for the first time. This was followed in rapid succession and are thus likely to be directly related. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a faithful follower of the former Secretary of State Cardinal Sodano, Secretary of the Governorate since 2009, the Papal State, was removed in October 2011 before the expiration of his term of office of the Roman Curia. Viganò, number two in the administrative office of the Papal States, wanted to become the new governor and compete to succeed Cardinal Lajolo. Instead, he was deported to the post of nuncio to the United States of America. The ambassadorship is one of the most prestigious in the world, but Viganò did not want his "deportation" to take place without a word. Probably in the hope of being able to prevent his transfer, the first "bomb" was placed by the Curial Archbishop himself Er wrote several letters, among other things, to the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone and Pope Benedict XVI., In which he called the names of those from whom he claimed that they had placed him in a bad light "to polish him off" with the goal to leave him out. The letter to Cardinal Bertone was leaked to the media and then read in a television broadcast by journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, who has since published a book. The cost to Viganò in the U.S. was so ill-timed. Especially now that the bishops are locked in a bitter confrontation against President Obama for religious freedom.

The "Old Guard" Campaigned for Vignano

Viganò maintained in the letter that he had been removed because he wanted to take action against "lazy apples" who had allegedly doing business for themselves behind the Pope's back. He did not forget to note that these "apples" stood close to the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone. But there is nothing more could be done. The Pope had decided that Viganò after his two strongly worded letters which immediately appeared in the media, and probably because of it, should leave Rome. He had to go although in his favor, and ultimately against Secretary of State Bertone, several important cardinals had offered support who invariably belonged to the old guard of John Paul II and who had prevailed mainly in the last years of his pontificate. Among them was Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the former prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, who was regarded in 2006 as a possible successor to Sodano as Cardinal Secretary of State, Cardinal Georges Cottier, theologian of the Pontifical House, and especially Cardinal Agostino Cacciavillan who sent the Pope an urgent letter, and is also a close companion of Cardinal Sodano.

Benedict XVI's determined advocate of transparency is intended to be discredited as "coverup man".

One purpose of the publicly leaked documents is also to discredit Pope Benedict XVI. The Pope, who more than any other, has been an advocate from the very beginning of his pontificate and has internally insisted on the tackling on several occasions the unpleasant and painful affairs openly and aggressively, and this was not only demanded of the pedophile scandal, but exemplified by the new rules that should target indiscretions could be conceived in distorted manners like "patching" and "coverup". Whoever committed this breach of trust proved himself to be aware of the anti-religious sentiments of many journalists. "New Guard" did not give expected backing to the Pope.

The truth is quite different than it appears

Behind the backs of the Pope two groups contribute to the Roman Curia in a bitter struggle against each other: the old guard, which Benedict XVI. wanted to overthrow after his election and the new guard, which he gave his confidence, but that expectation has not really paid out. The hoped-for support and strengthen the reform and renewal plan that Pope Benedict XVI. envision for the Church and with whom he wants to equip the church for the third millennium did not materialize. These include a profound reorientation as those in Europe to abandon the traditional idea of ​​a national church. It seems different, heterodox old forces want desperately to hold on to. To some extent they also include the paradox of "grassroots" groups that adorn themselves with the label of radical to the old forces that desperately want to hold on. The pope sees the other hand, as a faithful Catholic minority in Europe and ventures in contrast to the say-so of bishops and lay representatives. He sees that his task is to strengthen the minority and not indulge in the fiction of a national church, which no longer exists.

The Pope actually victims of intrigue - appointment of a new Cardinal Secretary of State?

Pope Benedict XVI. is the real victim of scheming game with this. But the pope is different than commonly assumed, a strong man of action. His understanding of many things is distinguished only by prevailing ideas. At the Roman Curia things are undergoing structural alterations, including the appointment of a new Cardinal Secretary of State. As a candidate for the office of the Vatican's "prime minister" there is the French Curial Archbishop Dominique Mamberti. Mamberti, currently Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Secretariat of State, and thus is the "foreign minister" of the Holy See is one of the Diplomatic Corps. He is said to possess the ability to work well with both factions too. This peace is what the Pope desires in order to free the back for its renewal program. Thus lie ahead with the appointment of a new prefect of the Congregation in two key changes. his plans for a fundamental transformation of the Roman Curia.

The Pope Plans a Fundamental Transformation of the Roman Curia

Pope Benedict XVI. Last Wednesday, took advantage of a meeting with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, to speak about the future of the SSPX, was to receive the Regensburg Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller in audience. Personnel decisions have not been on either of the items. Which is why all there are still other names included for the Secretary of State and the CDF.
German Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Petrus Translation: Tancred Link to katholisches...

Father Corapi

Edit: because Gerard at Fisheaters says it best.

Which actions are you talking about? The legal actions he took concerning his fate? Or are you referring to the rumors and gossip floating around that he denies and no one has actually provided proof of? It's amazing to me how many people have decided to take those accusations as Gospel truth purely on faith and then complain and whine bitterly when someone isn't so rash or gullible.

I'm sorry, if I don't suddenly act all pious regarding a small religious order that's been depending on him financially for years and when he's inconvenient because of his preaching, they conveniently want him to reimburse them for the payoff for his murder-minded catamite confrere.

People wonder why he didn't want to live in community with homicidal homosexuals? Don't let that get in the way of anyone's character assassination. It's amazing how alleged "trads" become as emotionally stupid and illogical as the most foolish of neo-Catholics when they decide they want to pile on the ruination of someone's name. It's as evil as anything I've witnessed. The proof of the diabolic aspect is the fact that BECAUSE I don't pile on and tow the line, then I'm the one who is attacked next.

Some people think Corapi is innocent. Some people don't know and suspend judgement. Some people are sure he's guilty and gleeful and everyone had better tow the line on that, for no other reason than you are being a buzzkill for their figurative bloodlust.

Enemies of the Church Don't Shrink From Using Violence

Not a Synagogue?  That's ok, then.

The hate filled media pogrom against the Church is bearing fruits:  In NS-Germany a Church is repeatedly damaged on different occasions.

(kreuz.net)  A view at the desolation greeted the visitoors on Thursday to the Catholic church oof St. Micheal in Oberndorf.

This was according to the website 'schwarzwaelder-bote.de' on the 18th of May.

Oberndorf am Neckar is a 14,500 population city in the vicinity of Rottweil in Baden-Wurttemberg.

In the Holiest Place

Unknown perpetrators raged above all in the altar space. (not really a sanctuary)

The Easter candle lay broken into individual pieces and strewn all over the floor.

There are two large puddles in the altar space.

The criminals sprayed water from spray cans taken from an adjoining room and in various places water was poured from the Eastern water font.

Were the Perpetrators Minors?

The church was attacked just before Easter.

Then one of the church vandals trod on an altar cloth and left a foot imprint.

"It wasn't especially large",  said the site, citing lay representative Helga Dlugosch.

She suspected that the crime had been committed by minors.

Vandalism Even DURING the Liturgy

Miss Dlugosch regularly appears in a grey alb with a green stole as a sash on the altar.

In this attire she plays the Deacness or standing co-celebratrix.

At the changing of bread and wine, she stands with her hands folded inclining herself in the direction of the altar.


Suppress Now: Jesuits Continue to Evade their Duty

How Jesuits Act When Liberation Theology is

Edit: There's an old maxim that the corruption of the best is the worst.  That's the case with the increasingly decadent and conforming Jesuit Society.

And you people complain about the Society of St. Pius X?

The writer William Blatty  , who wrote 'The Exorcist', has responded to them by invoking canon law.  The Jesuits have invited a pro-abortion speaker to have a position of honor speaking at their commencement ceremony.  It's nothing short of scandalous.  Imagine, having such a defining moment besmirched by the appearance of a Marxist operative like Sibelius.

Yet the Jesuits seem as determined as ever to ignore their duty as much as they ignore anyone else who tries to remind them of how much they've departed from their true function.

We were unable to get a statement from James Martin SJ as of yet.  He's too busy defending elitist, big charity nuns.

Even the Washington Archdiocese thought this was a bad thing.  How about an interdict?

We aren't the only ones calling for an exorcism, except, we're serious.  They really do need it and a quick visitation by Dominican Inquisitors.

CDF Favorite Calls Dissidents "Parasites"

Edit: where a Cardinal Bernadin or a Cardinal Schonborn have given an ear, advice and credibility to these groups, other Bishops are more critical.

Regensburg Bishop Müller has leveled serious criticisms against "We Are Church" groups:  "It can not be that people who bring nothing into being themselves, attach themselves to large events and become parasitic forms of existence.

Mannheim (kath.net) The Bishop of Regensburg Gerhard Ludwig Müller leveled sharp criticisms against various anti-Rman "We Are Church" groups.  These groups bring nothing into being and attach themselves to large events.  They are a "parasitic form of existence".  "It can not be that people, who bring nothing into being themselves, attach themselves to large events and become parasitic forms of existence,"  explained Müller.  The Church may not be a "social form" but must become "evangelical form".  Pressure should also not be exerted by decibel levels or applause.

Link to kath.net...

Blasphemous Pop Singer Condemned in Philippines

Edit: Philippines Bishop shows how to guard his flock from ravening wolves.

MANILA, Philippines—Religious groups on Friday urged that the Manila concert of American pop singer Lady Gaga be banned to prevent her from influencing young Filipinos.
Catholic leaders called on followers of the Church to boycott Lady Gaga’s concert, which, they said, would promote godlessness.
“Her attitude seems to promote godlessness, offensive to any religion,” Sorsogon Bishop Arturo Bastes, a member of the Permanent Council of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, told reporters.
Bastes said some of Lady Gaga’s songs were blasphemous. “People have the duty to discern the quality of entertainment,” he said. “Christians must exercise self-censorship to avoid shows that are harmful to their faith.”
Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo called on the government to follow the leads of South Korea and Indonesia and ban Lady Gaga’s concert.

Photo credit....Wolf Web

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Old Liberals Among Themselves: Dialog Would be Accidental at Katholikentag

Edit: there's only one blog in English we know of right now putting anything out on the lay festival of Katholikentag in Mannheim.  They're predictably sanguine about it and seem aware of the reservations a real Catholic might have about it, but aren't concerned about the large event drawing thousands of people.

It's basically like one of those church block parties with corporate sponsorship, involving infernal bedlam, not much concern about personal sin and agendas completely alien to the Catholic Faith.
More Infernal Rock Venue than
Sacred Liturgy
© sbamueller, Flickr, CC

Archbishop Zollitsch is  preparing "Lord's Super" for Adulterers

"The President of the German Catholic Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch,  says the Catholic Church is going to reconsider its relationship with those who are remarried and divorced."  One has to reconsider how the >>pastoral mercy<< could look in this area, he said on Saturday in the context of the Katholikentags in Mannheim.  It asks the question how ministers will approach the separated and how their participation  will look in spiritual life like the Lord's Supper.  The indissolubility of marriage will not come into question, said [Msgr] Zollitsch."

From an article by German 'dapd'.

The Old Liberals are Speechless

"I am concerned about the silence on this text [the description of "Mannheim Breakout" of the German Lay Group 'Central Committee of German Catholics;] .  It has an empty series of statements one after the other, mostly unrelated to each other.  Everything is somehow right and no one can really say anything against it, but it actually has no content.  No limits, no keenness, no clarity.  They don't want to formulate, they want participation.  They don't want to carry, they want to carry together.  That shows a willingness to partner,  that which conceals the acceptance of responsibility.  Only no one will step on feet, only do not make any statements of which someone might disapprove.

From a commentary  by the German radio director of 'Radi Vatican', Father Bernd Hagenkord on 'blog.radiovatikan.de'.

David Berger dreams of "rose red flower carpets"

"But Pope Benedict and those like him, like perhaps some of the Society of St. Pius X have nothing else better to do than to relive the whole masquerade of  the liturgical and the pastoral 19th century.   When they really valued Catholicism  whose glisten has long faded.  When they hide in dreams heavy with incense of brocade decorated Corpus Christi processions over rose red flower carpets."

From a reader's letter by the homosexually disturbed David Berger who takes urine showers on 'zeit.de'

Satan at the Anti-Katholiken- Day

"The Green Politician Volker Beck criticized the handling in the Catholic Church of homosexuals and divorced colleagues.  That they leave because of their sexuality or a divorce, is a violation of Equal Rights Laws, said the Parlimentarian business leader of the Green Bundestagfaktion on Saturday at the Katholikentag in Mannheim."

From an article by the agency 'dapd'.

On Friday One Goes to Mosque

"Church interns fancy the them ecumenism above all things as the order of the day.  On the afternoon hundred Catholics accepted the invitation of the Mannheim Sultan-Selim-Mosque for Friday prayers.  In the evening an ecumenical service with members of various Christian churches stood on the program."

From an article in 'focus.de'

The We-Are-of-the-Same-Opinion-Dialog

"In the times of collaborating creeds  every unpleasantness of internal business should be avoided.  The entitled "breakthrough" is directed within, inside to the heremtic language and power games of the hegemons of  the names of Milieucatholicism.  The world remains outside, dialog would be an accident.  Why for example is there no debate between "Wir Sind Kirche" (We Are Church) and 'Pro Missa Tridentina?'?  Why for example among the countless podia not a place for a summit meeting of some SSPX members and Memorandumtheologie exponents?  What laboratory could be where greenhouse air is breathed.  The suspicion is indemonstrable:  Only weak arguments see the light of debate.  Only dull knives are used against the butter of courageous ways of thinking.  What only remains in sultry Mannheim at the Katholikentag is this,  one last time before the collapse of the facade:  environmental proection, feminism, multi-religiosity, desacralization and monopoly-theology.

From a commentary of the cultural journalist Alexander Kissler at 'theuropean.de'

Stuck in the Underwear 

"Zdk President Alois Gluck graced the discussion [at Katholikentag]  as a moodel >>for the culture of discussion in our Church<<.  Gluck: >>There is no tear through this Katholikentag!<<  From the view of Catholic laity  inner-Church discussions stand questions like the pastoral handling of marriages of mixed confessions and remarried divorced stood in the foreground.  From that there is a >>pressing desire<< to adopt the them of sexual morality.  The merging of communities prepare the engaged couples at its base as a great concern.  >>It is important that the Church remains in place and present in the environment  to people.<<"

From an article in German 'Katholischen Nachrichtenagentur'.

In the End, Count the Contents

"Although it is still too early to make an evaluation of the content,  it is noteworthy:  The organizers of the even have still not attached such an importance to human life as in this year.  Nine booths with the signs >>Way to a culture of life<<.   Even if the organizers are concerned with the environment and protecting the climate,  but now it is clear::  So much public consideration abut the >>Ecology of people<< (Benedict XVI) has never happened before.  Of course:  in the end, count the contents.

Commentary by Stefan Rehder on Saturday for the Catholic news "Tagespost"

Monika Grütters discriminates

 "For credible reforms things are admittedly valid: Anything that hangs out on the right side is disgusting and should never be socially acceptable. The awakening of new spiritual communities can be effective in individual cases, but much of it wears a tendency to sectarianism in itself. There can be no expectation of a "breakout"  from "Dark Catholics" who demand a radical Christianity,  so they have something discriminatory.  Instead of that, the Church must strive to remain a people's Church, though not in a stale form."

 The Christian Democrat MEP Monika Grütters in a statement on 'zeit.de'.

Link to kreuz.net...

Cardinal Meisner Wants Nothing to do with Katholikentag

Cardinal Meisner
Edit: More of a pop concert, the Katholikentag, which has been going on since 1848 in Catholic Germany,  reports coming out tend not to favor this event.   Those who planned it and are participating  in it have a lot to answer for.  Cardinal Meisner of Cologne, Germany, wants nothing to do with it.  He's in the Holy Land doing his job.

Cologne (kathnews/RV)  The Cardinal of Cologne doesn't see a real chance for any breakaway in the Mannheim Katholikentag.  The numbers show, "that it clearly doesn't belong to a trend for Katholikentags.,"  said Joachim Meisner to the "Bonn General-Anzeiger" and the "Cologne Rundschau" this Wednesday.  The Cardinal criticized that such meetings are missing "the Catholic middle",  where unity with the Pope, Bishop, Priest and the people of God is palpable.   The Cardinal said:  "The Katholikentage is in my eye, no longer what it once was."

With a view to the 30,000  Mass goers in the Cologne Cathedral between Christmas and the Epiphany (Three Kings Feast) as well as the Trier Holy Robe pilgrimage with more than a half a million pilgrims he said:  "This is the breakaway.  The people of God even came on foot".  The Archbishop of Cologne did not participate in the Mannheim Katholikentag.  He will be blessing the Benedictine Abbey in Tagbha in the Holy Land during the same time, as +Meisner says: "Jerusalem is older than Mannheim."

Link to original....kath.news...

Civil War in the Conciliar Church

Since the Second Vatican Council the Communio-Ecclesiology has contrived that everyone in the Church fights against everyone else.  Because:  whoever rejects the primacy of reality,  lands in chaos.
Chance another departure.

(kreuz.net, Mannheim)  Already, at the beginning of the Mannheim anti-Catholic meeting on Thursday the president of the German President "Central Committee of Germany Catholics',  Alois Gluck, demanded the establishment of a diaconate for women.

Gluck is very impatiently wishing for women's ordination.

At the end of his address he gave an honor to Europe's largest Catholic website, 'kreuz.net'.

He criticized "groups" which defend the Western Christian values, but deny at the same time the "worth" to some Gomorrists -- which are be tramped themselves by the homosexuals' own feet.

Gluck thanked the weather vane Old Catholic Bishops for their distancing from 'kreuz.net'.

 A Bishop Says It's So

On Tuesday, the Hamburger Bishop Hans-Jochen Jaschke enthused about the deaconess propaganda.

He said in an article for "Christ und Welt' in the newspaper "Zeit":  "The question regarding the women's diaconate is not decided."

Another Bishop Says Otherwise

Bishop Franz-Josef Overback (47) of Essen criticized the women's ordination propaganda in the newspaper 'Rhenische Post'.

Pope John Paul II has clearly stated, "that the Church has no power, to include women in the priestly office."

Women's ordination is also viewed in the same connection.

It is a  a little beneficial that 'Central Committee' always proposes this theme.

Msgr Overbeck  would rather address problems which are solvable now.

"Very Important", but if only it were otherwise

Archbishop Ludwig Schick of Bamberg desired more influence from women at Katholikentag.

There won't be any ordination of women.  That has been allegedly "so affirmed" by Pope John Paul II.

The women should be department heads in Diocese:  "That would be very important".

Kindergarten teacher more important than a Kindergarten Liturgy --- Presider?

The Archbishop asked a question, "if  the service of a nun or the kindergarten teacher is more important for the kingdom of God than what a pastor does."

Msgr Schick said of the reconciliation with the SSPX that unification with "splintergroups" is a requirement for every Christian.

But that could not happen against the catastrophic Council and its abandonment.

Link to original kreuz.net...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bicentennial of Count Archbishop Jerome Colloredo

Bicennial of the death, on 20 May 1812 in Vienna, of the Count Jérôme Joseph François de Paule de Colloredo-Wallsee und Mels, Prince Archbishop of Salzburg from 1777 till the secularization of the Holy Roman Epire in 1803. Born on May 31st of 1832 he was titular prelate of Gurk in 1761. The Great Lord employed Leopold Mozart and his son Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. With the latter, the Archbishop had many conflicts with the musiccian which eventually ended in the two parting.

H/t: Francisco de M

Vatican Furious Over New Leak of Confidential Documents

Someone's Going to Jail!

(Vatican) The Holy See reacted with significant anger at the recent publication of confidential documents.  The successive so-called Vatican leaks which occurred recently have been presently investigated by a Vatican Commission which the Pope had appointed.  A statement of the Holy See deals with new publications "not any longer a mere journalistic initiative".  Much more do these new publications "show the definite signs of criminal acts".  Here has been "a violation of the personal rights of confidentiality and the secret correspondence of the Holy Father, several of his colleagues and the receiver of these letters.".

Link to Katholisches....

Viennese Gomorrah Diocese Out of Control: Parish Council Election Overturned

Edit: Vienna's Archdiocese is stonewalling, no pun intended, conservative pastors who are trying to keep parish committees from being stacked with un-Catholic elements.
Pornography Cardinal!

In the case of the homosexual parish council member of Stützenhofen, whom the parish pastor then rejected , only to be overturned by the Cardinal of Vienna, wasn't just a single incident.

 (kreuz.net) On May 3rd the Viennese homosexual pornography Cardinal Christoph Schönborn annuled the parish council election in Penzig.

This was reported by the Pastor there-- Fr. Christian Sieberer -- in an open letter on the parish website 'pfarre-penzig.at'.

Pastor Sieberer well known throughout Austria for his media work.

The annulment followed as a result of a so-called 'Expert Committee Parish Council -- Electoral Advisory of Vicariats in the City of Vienna'.

It was concerned with the election on March 18th.  This had considerable consequences.

The Archdiocese of Vienna Explains:  The Pastor has the Right of Veto

On the 20th of January Pastor Sieberer spoke in a long telephone meeting about the possibility of a pastor to reject unsuitable candidates.

The Cardinal then explained that a pastor has a right of veto to reject according to his opinion, which he doesn't need to substantiate.

He promised to address the question with the Prefect of the Clergy, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza.

On February 9th Pastor Sieberer received a written answer of the Viennese Ordinariat Chancellor, Prelate Walter Mick.

The Chancellor of the Ordinariat confirmed the right of veto.

He also cited an example where candidates will not fulfill the prescriptions for the right of veto.

The Pastor Used his Confirmed Right of Veto

Pastor Sieber used his right of veto confirmed in writing.

He explained n February 15th that there were objections raised against three people.

These candidates were not placed on the election list.

The Cardinal Breaks His Word

On the 23rd of February the Episcopal Vicar Dariusz Schutzki suddenly requested a reason for the veto of the pastor.

Fr. Sieberer began an "drawn out research", why he had to substantiate his veto.

He found that Cardinal Schönborn had changed his opinion through his Episcopal Vicar.

The Pastor conceded "as a sign of good will".

He offered a thorough reason.

The General Vicar Announced:  Forego Unsuitable Candidates

On the 13th of March the Episcopal Vicar Schutzki cited a discussion with the Viennese General Vicar, Nikolaus Krasa.

In the discussion Fr. Sieberer learned that the persons, against whom he had exercised his right of veto,  will "probably" have their candidacy forgone.

The election must take place in any case, on the 18th of March.

On the 14th of March the Pastor  informed the General Vicar Schutzki by telephone that the number of the twelve chosen candidates had to be reduced to nine, ten or eleven persons.

Election Advisory Confirms Proposals in Last Seconds

One hour later Fr. Sieberer received an e-mail from the Episcopal Vicar that the number of the chosen will be confirmed at nine.

That was not until six hours before the initial end of the nomination.

Pastor Sieberer announced as quickly as possible the candidates and that the election would take place.

The management of the election hired an attorney outside of the parish.

Because the Diocesan direction had given its final confirmation so lately, Father Sieberer could not make certain preparations as director holding the election board.

For that reason a timely announcement of the election and a correct presentation of the candidates was foregone.

Fr. Sieberer simply proceeded, assuming that his thoroughly justified veto against the candidature of three persons was valid.

Because:  The Diocesan direction had never told him otherwise.

Considering that, the Pastor went on the discussion with the General Vicar that the three people concerned would "probably" have their candidacy rejected.

What about an election committee that errs in its own form?

Finally, the parish committee election was annulled because of defects in form.

The short-term confirmation of the number of the candidates by the Vicariate Election Advisory had been unlawful.

Fr. Sieberer countered that the lack of form had been "solely the responsibility of the Diocesan direction and the Vicariate Election Committee".

But: "Probably no one in the Parish of Penzing will understand, why we needed this illegal proceeding >>on our backs<< [Auf unsre Kappe], with all of the expense and the agitation about the election being postponed an indeterminate amount of time."

Fr. Sieberer asked what the purpose of a Vicariate Election Advisory, "when this did not note procedural errors, which it considered after the election as >>massive deficiencies and errors<<."

He would have expected that those responsible in the Archdiocese as experts of their own proposed guidelines:

"I especially would have thought, that all the pretense of an election committee over the requirements of form can be dispensed."

In any case Pastor Sieberer is filing an appeal against the annulment in Rome.

He has also advised that he will file his veto against the unsuitable candidates in the next electin as well.

Link to original kreuz.net....

Catholic Boxing Champion Bullied by Left for the Faith

Edit: if only our Bishops would more frequently state things this clearly and consistently.
[Frontpagemag] Boxing champion Manny Pacquiao is guilty — of being true to his Catholic faith. The gay-marriage mob is guilty — of the very ugly bigotry it claims to abhor. And left-wing media outlets are guilty — of stoking false narratives that shamelessly demonize religion in the name of compassion.

The attempted crucifixion of Pacquiao this week was fueled by an online army of cultural shakedown artists, generously funded by billionaire George Soros and other so-called progressive philanthropists.

On Tuesday, a freelance writer for the Examiner.com published an interview with Pacquiao conducted at his Los Angeles residence. Journalist Granville Ampong asked the pugilist his views on gay marriage in light of President Obama’s flip-flop-flip on the issue. “God’s words first,” Pacquiao said. “Obey God’s law first before considering the laws of man.”
Link to Frontpagemag... 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wurzburg Germany: Porno For Children

Blasphemy in Wurzburg Dommuseum
The Diocese is resourceful, when it then essays to root the Faith already in the hearts of children.  by Gunter Annen.

(kreuz.net)  The ridicule of the Last Super of Christ in the Wurzburg Cathedral Museum has taken its opportunity.

The main instrument of it is the pornographic work of ridicule "Super and Twelve Companions".  It is arranged there permanently.

Portrayed as "Art"

The maker of the insult to God is the Munich painter Henning von Glerke (64).

He is an artist of a special rank.

Because he has manage to portray his  blasphemies to the official Catholic Church as "art".

Porno for Kids

The chief Wurzburg Church functionaries -- above all Bishop Friedhelm Hofmann (69) -- have been openly enthused.

On May 26th, they even invited children to look upon this pornographic work.

One would like to draw the hapless away that there won't be a "surprise" waiting for them.

A Poisonous Seed

It would be interesting to see how one will explain the pornographic masterwork to fine feeling children.

The seed, which is planted in the hearts of children, may grow in years to come.

It will effect what the enemies of the church themselves hope:  the destruction of the Catholic Faith and the disintegration of the Catholic Church.

We would like to ask you, Bishop Hofmann, to recall your special responsibility and recall Mathew 25:40.

Link to kreuz.net...

It's the Birthday of the Emperor of Russia, Nicholas II

Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, born 18 May 1868. Murdered by Bolsheviks 17 Jul 1918. Remains of Nicholas and his family were later identified and interred at St. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint Petersburg on 17 Jul 1998

H/t: TA

Long Live the Czar!

H/t: Adam

Greek Orthodox Church Tells Patriarch: "Mind your own business"

Orthodox dignitaries published a letter to the Patriarch of Constantinople

Constantinople (kathnews/RV)  The Orthodox Bishops of the land have decided against the "intermixing of the internal affairs" by the Ecumenical Patriarch.  At the meeting of the current Synod of Bishops in the last week, Orthodox dignitaries have directed a letter to the Ecumenical Patriarchate.  Therein they criticized an address by Bartholomaios I in March.  The Patriarch had asked the Greek Bishops to agree in one voice against the Greek Metropolitan.

He had engaged in a "tirade of hatred against the Pope, the Protestants and Ecumenicists".  Actually, the comment was "exaggerated" according to the Greek Bishops, on the contrary,  no Orthodox Bishop has the right to criticize another.  This contradicts the so-called territorial principle, coming from the notes of the current Synod.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

New Archbishop of Baltimore Talks About Fearless Witness

‘We must be loyal Americans by being bold and courageous Catholics,’ he states, as the U.S. bishops formally rejected Obama’s proposed ‘accommodation’ to the HHS mandate.


National Catholic Register

BALTIMORE — During an installation replete with striking pageantry, sounding trumpets and an enthusiastic crowd of 2,000, Archbishop William Lori passionately defended the cause of religious freedom as a defining issue for the American people and the Catholic faithful.

“We do not seek to defend religious liberty for partisan purposes, as some have suggested; we do this because we are lovers of a human dignity that was fashioned and imparted not by the government, but by the Creator,” Archbishop Lori said in a May 16 homily designed to bring the campaign from Capitol Hill to the parishes of Baltimore.

Addressing the congregation from the pulpit at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in north Baltimore, the cathedral church of the oldest Catholic diocese in the nation, the archbishop linked the U.S. bishops’ urgent First Amendment battle to the legacy of the city’s first bishop. He addressed a congregation that included his predecessor, Cardinal Edwin O’Brien; the papal nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano; a host of Church leaders; family members; local Catholics and a Knights of Columbus honor guard.

Installed at Baltimore’s Cathedral, Archbishop Lori Draws Line in Sand for Courageous Faith

Big Surprise, Ex-Catholics Against Catholic Teaching

Ed:  too bad more priests don't follow in their footsteps.  Notable here is ex-priest, John Estrem, who now works for Episcopalian Community Services.  He now has more authority to denounce Catholic teaching now.

Father Estrem was a horribly effete presence when he was at the Basilica and then even more deleterious as head of the misleadingly enttiled Catholic Charities. 

Even if we can't salute Estrem for his honesty by claiming to be an authority on Catholicism when he ditched the priesthood, we do salute the welcome news that he has departed.

At least National Public Radio is on his side!

80 ex-priests prefer Obama to Catholic teaching on same-sex marriage

Ex-priests come out against MN marriage amendment | Minnesota Public Radio News:

[NPR] "A group of 80 former Catholic priests on Thursday announced their opposition to the constitutional marriage amendment.

The November ballot measure would define marriage as between one man and one woman, and is strongly supported by the Catholic Church.

John Estrem, a former rector at the Cathedral of St. Paul who went on to head Catholic Charities, said the Church he knows is about love and inclusion.

"As a Catholic and former priest, I encourage all to vote no on this amendment," Estrem said. "Enshrining discrimination does not promote marriage. It simply diminishes us all.""

H/t: Catholic Church Conservation

Orthodox Priests Battle with Gomorrists in Georgia

Orthodox Priests BattleEvil
on May 17, 2012. (VANO SHLAMOV/AFP/Getty Images)
Edit: This just came in from a friendly reader.  Here's an excerpt from a really poor article which tries to make the decent Christians of these Slavic countries look like monsters.  These Orthodox in the country of Georgia aren't weighted down by the moral languor of the West.  Homosexual acts were legalized in 2,000.  Unlike Putin's Moscow, Georgia unfortunately allows such disgraceful displays to take place.

LONDON, UK – Religious protesters have halted a small gay rights march in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, leading to a fistfight and participants’ placards being smashed.
A few dozen marchers took part Thursday in the deeply religious, ex-Soviet nation’s first such demonstration, waving rainbow flags to mark the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia.
They had gathered outside the Tbilisi state concert hall and were preparing to march towards parliament when activists led by Orthodox Christian priests confronted them and a scuffle broke out, according to the Associated Press.

Link to global post...

Immemorial Mass of All Ages Celebrated in MIdwestern Seminary

Beautiful Image Stolen From NLM
Edit:  This would have been unthinkable 10 years ago at St. John Vianney Minor Seminary.  This was arguably one associated with one of the worst seminaries in the world at one point, the notorious St. Paul Major Seminary.

Some of the local 68ers must be absolutely downcast and inconsolable.  We can be sure that the 60s songster, Father Micheal Joncas will be weeping and wailing now this has come to pass.

Oh the humanity!

Link to New Liturgical Movement: St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, MN

Softball La Stampa Interview: Vienna Pornography Cardinal Justifies Himself

The incredibly duplicitous Porno-Cardinal is at it again and Tornielli lets him off the hook. The way that some of these official news sources stage handle the bad guys is really beyond the pale.

Edit: The Vaticantista Andrea Tornielli at La Stampa's 'Vatican Insider' asked some difficult questions but not the most obvious one, and allowed Prince Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn, to create a pretense of personal orthodoxy which is belied by this Cardinal's various public actions in years past. His treatment of a pastor who +Schönborn overruled, when he rejected the election of Florian Stangl, remains a disgrace that remains unatoned for. The priest later resigned after being hung out to dry by the Cardinal.

When Tornielli asks for an explanation of the Cardinal's feelings about Stangl, he demurred this time citing Stangl's privacy as a primary concern. This hasn't prevented the Cardinal from praising Stangl in the past.

What's even more disgraceful is that when asked about his dealings with Stangl, he claims he simply chose not to intervene. This again is not the truth. He intervened on behalf of Stangl against the pastor's decision.

+Schönborn also suggests, incredibly, that we're all sinners and that the Church's teaching on sodomy hasn't changed. Unfortunately, this isn't going to satisfy many on either side, but surely, many will regard this wink and a nod as am excuse. The Cardinal also dooesn't explain, nor does Tornielli ask how being an unrepentant homosexual living in homosexual concubinage qualifies one to be in a leadership position in Church. Surely, we're all sinners, some of us, like the Cardinal, tell blatant falsehoods, and others of us cause scandal by giving the active appearance of approval for sinful activity. The Catechism reads:
2284 Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. The person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor's tempter. He damages virtue and integrity; he may even draw his brother into spiritual death. Scandal is a grave offense if by deed or omission another is deliberately led into a grave offense.

Surely, the Cardinal is referring to himself when he justifies an unrepentant homosexual holding a position of authority in a Catholic parish, that being in a state of sin is no reason to remove a man from office?

Some dissent is ok, as the Cardinal dissembles about how he's going to non-handle other dissidents in Austria.  Surely, since he is preparted to discipline one-man-show, Msgr Helmut Schüller of Call to Disobedience and the Pfarrer's Initiative. Surely, he should be ready to NOT interfere and allow his pastor to do his job?

Will his neo-conservative supporters in the United States come to his aid, we wonder....

Vatican Downslider....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Canadian Bishops: Religious Freedom is no More

[From CCCB Statement] Unfortunately, religious freedom is far from being effectively guaranteed everywhere. Sometimes it is denied for religious or ideological reasons. At other times, although it may be recognized in law, it is hindered in practice by a legal system or social order which enforces strict control, if not a monopoly, over society.

According to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, more than 70 percent of the world’s countries impose legal or administrative restrictions which in practice annul the rights of individual believers and religious groups. Among these restraints are the forced registration of religious groups, prohibition of conversions, restrictions on foreign missionaries, favouring one religious group over another, fines, and harassment.
More subtle threats to religious freedom arise from the cultural predominance of radical secularism and “a subliminal relativism that penetrates every area of life. Sometimes this relativism becomes aggressive when it opposes those who say they know where the truth or meaning of life is to be found.”
Paradoxically, this relativism often posits the absolute relativity of all knowledge and meaning and then seeks to impose this absolutism on others, often in violation of conscience and religious belief. Whenever and wherever the right of freedom
Link to UCCB site...

Davenport Bishop Compromises with Evil

Edit: after doing the right thing initially, the Bishop of Davenport materially cooperates with moral evil and strikes a compromise with homosexual pressure group.

A young man receives an award from the group and no one seems to be worried about his immortal soul.

Patriarch Kirill Blessed Putin for Highest Office in Russia

Moscow, May 11, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia prayed for Putin's wise governance on Monday, the day of his inauguration.

"Majority of our people deliberately, reasonably and freely have chosen you the President of the Russian Federation. Today we ardently prayed in this old Kremlin, where many of your pious predecessors were blessed for the highest work for the Motherland, so that the Lord would be merciful to you and our country, give you spiritual and physical strength, wisdom, courage and strength of spirit," the Patriarch said addressing Putin after a prayer service in the Kremlin Annunciation Cathedral.

According to the Primate, to make the work successful, it is necessary to hear people's voice.

Read further at interfax...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bishop Fellay Speaks Through USCCB

Edit: the video is an attractive presentation with slick graphics.

Antifa-Neonazis Attack SSPX Church

Paint Ball Attack on Pius Church
in Stuttgart

(kreuz.net) "In the night of the 9th to the 10th of May we attacked Society of St. Pius X structures located in Stuttgart-Feuerbach."

That's how the Antifa-Neonazi website 'linksunten.indymedia.org' bragged on the 10th of May.

The entrance was made against the enemies of freedom and the open society.

The Headquarters of the German District

The Priory of St. Athanasius has been located in  Stuttgart-Feuerbach since 1981.

Since 1984 it has served as the Headquarters of the German District of the Society of Pius X.

The largest component of this Priory is the now Antifa-Neonazi painted Baroque church of St. Mary of the Assumption.  It was under construction from 1990-1995.

An Israeli Speaker

The occasion for the crime was a lecture at 'Conservative Action Stuttgart' on the theme "Self-Destruction of Europe".

The lecturer was the Israeli enemy of Islam, publicist Manfred Kleine-Hartlage (45) from Berlin.

Kleine-Hartlage publishes the blog 'korrektheiten.com'.

Communist Church Destroyer

"Who insists that the state is trying to orchestrate an event against the right, to legitimize the street troops of the Antifa, suffers from paranoia." --- explained the website 'sezession.de'.

The 'Conservative Action Stuttgart' explained:

"Probably for the first time since the end of the Brown and Reed dictatorship in Germany was a sacred structure attacked and damaged by Communist sympathizers."

Link to kreuz.net...

Islamists Take Over Syrian Town -- Drive Out All Christians

Edit: thank you Obama, Hillary and Western press for allowing this to happen!

(Damaskus) Islamists have taken the village of Qastal al-Burg in the Syrian province of Hama and driven all Christians from the area. This was reported by the Arabic language internet site UPI. The Jihadis attacked the village and forced ten families living there in the place to leave the vicinity. The Christians were not once given the opportunity to retrieve their property to take with them. The churches of the area were desecrated and used as command centers by the Islamists.

  Link to original...katholisches...

Sacked Australian Bishop Replaced

Edit: Is it open season on the dinosaur set stuck in the 60, following old scripts that no one is moved by any longer? His successor may not be much better.
[The Australian]
THE Pope last night announced the appointment of a NSW priest as Bishop of Toowoomba, replacing Bishop Bill Morris, who was effectively sacked last year.

The new bishop will be Monsignor Robert McGuckin, 68, a senior priest of the Diocese of Parramatta, where he is Episcopal Vicar for Health and Social Welfare.

He is also a part-time lecturer in the School of Law at the University of Notre Dame and has degrees in theology and church law.

After leaving school he worked in banking for several years before studying for the priesthood and being ordained in 1973.
Link to Australian...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Accompany the Last Phase of Reconciliation with "Prayer and Silence" --- says +Fellay

This Wednesday on the 16th of May the Congregation for Doctrine will confer in a principle meeting on the canonical recognition of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.  Then Pope Benedict will give the last word.

The General Superior of the Society, Bishop Bernard Fellay, who has a large majority behind him in striving for the reconciliation with the Holy See acknowledges that the reconciliation no longer excludes the separation of a part of the Society provoked by the reconciliation. In a CNS interview Msgr Fellay stressed that he considers the offer of Pope Benedict XVI as "straightforward" and that the Pope is the driving force behind the reconciliation.  Fellay himself wants to still wait till things can be more clear.  Probably also because the canonical structure of the Society will have to undergo a practical test for unity:  "But it probably really appears as though the Holy Father wants it to happen now."

The General Superior defended his course of reconciliation toward Rome in the CNS interview.  At the same time he cautions: "We don't want to commit suicide".  There is still no reunification, the Superior is cited as saying,  "It's still not too late."  There is above all the necessity of clarification whether the Vatican "proposed structures and qualifications are practical",   so that the Society may be "free to develop" itself.

A few days earlier the General House recognized the unauthorized publication of internal documents as "worthy of condemnation".  Those responsible were accused of a breech of trust amd to have "committed a serious sin",  which will "further strengthen the agitators of division".

In view of the delicate situation in the Church with the unification process, Catholics should respond with "prayer and silence", says Msgr Fellay and to accompany this phase of the talks with the Holy See with "doubled prayers, so that only God's will happens, for the good of the Church and the salvation of souls."

Link to katholisches....