Sunday, March 25, 2012

SSPX: A Spectacular Reading from the Pulpit

Bishop Fellay and Msgr Pozzo© Piusbruderschaft

 Edit:  A special announcement is to take place in Germany about the Preamble which will contain new information.  The day will also be the anniversary of the death of the Society's former superior, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who died 21 years ago in 1991.

Tomorrow a public statement will be read from the pulpit in the Priories of the German District of the Society of St. Piux X regarding the state of negotiations with Rome.

(  Today the website of the District of the Society of St. Pius X has produced a chronology of the talks with Rome.

The chronicle is an overview of a span of time from the Second Vatican Council to today.

It maintains that the Pastoral Council is supposed to have decided upon a "modernization of the Catholic Church".

For that reason the "Phalanx of the progressives" are supposed to have held sway against the "conservative Conciliar Fathers".

A Sensational Success

The Society of St. Pius X was founded on 1 November 1970 by Bishop François Charrière († 1976) of Freiburg.

The first superior was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (+1991).  He began with four seminarians.

The Pope Has Never Abrogated the Society  

The society was abrogated a year later by the modernistic French Bishops.

The chronicle comments:  "Now it states clearly in canon law, that an ecclesiastical society, which has been legitimately erected canonically, can only be abrogated by the Pope himself."

Indeed:  "Until the present day, such a Papal abrogation has not taken place."

The Media Bosses Work With False Reports

The chronicle went in detail into the talks between the Society and the Vatican:

 "Because of a sermon by the General Superior, Bishop Fellay on the 2nd of February in Winona, there were several media outlets in Germany which premptively described the talks as "broken down"."

The chronicle  denies this:  "Bishop Fellay broached the issue not of the fundamental relation to Rome, rather of the question, as to how the "Doctrinal Preamble" should be evaluated."

An Answer to an Answer?

As a last event, the chronicle lists the meeting of Msgr Fellay with the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith on the 16th of March.

At this even the Prefect explained in a written answer, that the offer of the Society is not sufficient to resolve the dogmatic problems.

On the morning -- of the 25th of March --  a further step will be announced.

"In Germany a word from the pulpit will be read to the faithful in relation to the talks with Rome."

Link to


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jesuit Cardinal Defends Homosexual Partnerships

Edit: Some will notice a certain similarity to statements by Cardinal Schoenborn and who defended it using the same argument.  Cardinal Martini just spells things about more explicitly in his new book.  Here's an interesting citation from the Jimmy Akin blog:

Cardinal Schönborn, who like his mentor Pope Benedict is a model of openness and transparency, invited the editors of Austria’s dozen or so major newspapers to a meeting at his residence in Vienna. How many bishops can you name who have extended such an invitation to the press? 

Italian Cardinal Martini breaks a lance for homosexual partnerships.

Rome (  The Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini has spoken out for homosexual partnerships.  Against fleeting contacts it is "not bad, when two people have a certain amount of stability in relationships",   wrote the previous Archbishop of Milan in a book, from the newspaper, "L'Espresso" published in the Friday edition.  "I do not share the position of people in the Church, who agitate themselves about civil partnerships",  confessed the 85 year old Cardinal.

If homsexuals are living in a stable relationship, the state could guide this, Martini thinks.  Surely, the traditional family must be defended because it supports society.  "If, however, people of different or the same sex would like to sign a contract, to give their relationship a certain stability, why should we be unyieldingly against it?", asks Martini, one of the most visible churchmen and theologians in Italy, in the volume >>Credere e conoscere<< (Faith and Understanding).

Moral teaching firmly holds "for good reasons",  that God wanted the difference between  man and woman.  Some people have decided themselves in honest conviction, because of their previous experiences and habits, from psychological reasons and "possibly also from an inborn inclination" to live in a same sex partnership.  This ought "neither be demonized nor outlawed".  A durable and true friendship between two people of the same sex have in their view a value, even if as a sexual relationship it can not be raised as a model of life as the family can.

Martini expressed the understanding, "not unanimous agreement", for street parades of homosexuals.    In that their necessity for self-expression is apparent, even if this appears "excessively provocative".    As far as the use of condoms the Cardinal said, this could be viewed "in certain situations as a lesser evil".  Other morally acceptable means such as abstinence should not be therefore moved into the background.

Link to original....

Articles of Interest

Cardinal Martini says human life doesn't start at conception.

Cardinal Causes High Level Vatican Meeting

Attacks Church Teaching in Book, "Nocturnal Conversations"

Repeated Defiance of Rome

Of course he's a Zionist

Friday, March 23, 2012

The "Colorful Miracle" of a Bishop: Koran Suras Read in a Catholic Church

(L'Aquila)  The Diocesan Bishop of Teramo-Altri, Msgr Michele Seccia is leading a pastoral visit to the community of Silvi in Italian Abruzzo.  For the beginning of spring on the 21st of March he experienced there a "colorful miracle".  As he visited the church entrusted to the Franciscans, The Assumption in the vicinity of Silvi Marina, a resort town on the Adriatic, there were some Muslim children in the church reading suras from the Koran in Arabic.  The unexpected performance, an expression what is in many aspects a psuedo-interreligious and naively charming mentality, took place before the tabernacle.  The Bishop, who took no part in the program, was faced with an accomplished fact, as Messa in Latino reported.

The incident is reminiscent of the severe abuse of children in a Catholic private school in France , who were brought to a "promotion of interreligious understanding" in a mosque, where they were taught Muslim prayer postures.

The Bishop's comment is unknown.

Source, katholisches...

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Messa in Latino

Munich Bishop Chosen to be President of European Union Council of Bishops

(Brussels) Reinhad Cardinal Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising, is the new President of the Commission of the Bishops' Conference of the European Community (COMECE).   Representative of the Bishops' Conference to the EU Member States chose him yesterday evening in Brussels to be successor of the Bishop emeritus of Rotterdam, Adrianus van Luyn SDB, who has held this office since 2006.  Cardinal Marxi has represented the German Bishops' Conference in the COMECE since 2006 and has been Vice President since 2009.

Link to katholisches....

The Persecution Continues: An Actual Ban on Confessions for Children and Youth

Fr. Skoblicki
Always the same:  An anti-Catholic journalist slanders a Catholic priest -- and the cowardly Diocese drives a knife at the same time in the clergyman's back.

(, Neuhoffen an der Ybbs)  Chaplain Andreas Skoblicki "for a start" may not hear any more children and youth confessions.

That was made known in a press release yesterday from the cowardly Dioocese of  Saint Pölten.

Real Old Liberal Grievance will be tolerated for decades

The Diocese reacted lightning quick because of a single slander article in the anti-Catholic Viennese newspaper 'Kurier'.

Fr. Skoblicki was driven from the Parish of Kopfing in the Diocese of Linz in January by the media bosses.

Since Feburary he's been active in the 2,800 population Parish Neuhoffen an der Ybbs for the neo-conservative Pastor Helmut Prader in the Diocese of  Saint Pölten.

The Cowardly Diocese Cringes

The 'Kurier' has disseminated the contention, Fr. Skoblicki is to have "insulted" two eleven-year-olds  in confession.

It consists in frank deceptive defamation.

For that reason the Diocese of St.Pölten went to its press conference in sackcloth and ashes.

Slander is welcome

Pastor Helmut Prader explained that he is in contact with "all involved" -- therefore with the slanderers .

He is then to clear up the situation and rectify it.

Fr. Skoblicki will, "for starters not hear any more confessions of children and youth", says Fr. Prader.

He will get familiar with the parish and the customs to gain the trust of the area.

Dastardly: The chaplain can not express himself in confession

Chaplain Skoblicki has not commented on these serious accusations.

He may  not openly discuss the contents or circumstances of conversations in confession.

He is sorry, in case he has hurt anyone, and apologizes to them never the less.

That was not his intention.

It possibly depends on the fact that German is not his native language.

Link to original...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Modernist Abbey Steeped in Dissent and Deceit

Edit: We received a post from an observant reader about the "Catholic Association of Lesbian Gay Ministry".  This  is the same organization which was forbidden from using a Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of St. Paul last February as reported by Lifesite News:

MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, February 23, 2011 ( – Fr. Leo Tibesar, a Catholic priest, was scheduled to host an upcoming Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministries (CALGM) Fund Raising dinner at his parish in Minneapolis later this month, until the event was suddenly cancelled yesterday.
 Fr. Leo Tibesar, dubbed a “well known and highly respected Same Sex Marriage and Gay Rights Activist” in official event announcements, has openly supported and been actively involved in movements that oppose the Catholic Church on the issues of marriage and homosexuality for many years.

The organizer of the event, a Father Bob Pierson is the treasurer for the sponsoring organization which features gay marriage.  Elizabeth D really summed it up beautifully, how this entire thing is interconnected and very much alive in the Archdiocese and the Monastery of St. John's in Collegeville.

The monk Fr Bob Pierson who was the contact person for this retreat is also Tresurer for the sponsoring organization "Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministry" and almost all the other board members of this group can be verified online to be involved in other organizations explicitly in favor of homosexual "marriage"; at least one board member (an "inferfaith minister") performs same sex ceremonies. Based on web searching, the retreat leader Bob Pileggi is apparently a fallen away Catholic, has been a staff member of the pro-gay-marriage "Lambda Legal Defense Fund" for outreach and as coordinator of "The Marriage Project", and he also offers his services as an interfaith minister conducting custom weddings and other ceremonies clearly including same sex "weddings".
According to the Abbey website, Father Bob Pierson is:

Father Robert Pierson OSB Born in Estherville, Iowa, 29 December 1955; ordained 2 June 1984 Father Robert earned his bachelor's degree in social science from Saint John's University and master of divinity degree from Saint John's University School of Theology/Seminary. He has served as a pastor, seminary rector, director of field education, spiritual director, vocations director, chaplain, director of campus ministry, faculty resident, member of the Saint John's Abbey Schola, cantor and abbey fireman.
Selected quotes and stories about Father Bob Pierson who organized this event:

On the Catholic Church, he writes in the Pray, Tell blog:

There are aspects of our life as a Church that need to die so that we can experience the power of the resurrected life that God holds out to us this Easter Day.
Father Pierson also lost his composure when an instruction was released in 2005 disallowing homosexuals from being in the priesthood.  He was justifiably ridiculed by Diogenes at Catholic Culture after Pierson resigned from the Campus Ministry at St. John's:  Brother Reinhart incredibly called the dissenting priest "courageous" and a man of "integrity".   Here's part of the what Father Pierson wrote:

"For quite some time I have wrestled with conflicting teaching by the church -- that gays and lesbians are to be respected, but that somehow we are not fit for work in the church," said Pierson, who announced his decision in an e-mail message Wednesday to staff and students.
"But with the new teaching, which says gay men are 'objectively disordered' and cannot relate properly to men and women, it became clear to me that I cannot continue in campus ministry," Pierson said.
"For me, I have decided that I am not disordered, that I can be an effective celibate gay priest, that I can relate effectively with men and women," he said. "I have chosen not to be dishonest about my thoughts and feelings, and to resign."
Despite frequent and vociferous dissent from Catholic teaching, Father Pierson, like many others at they moribund Benedictine Abbey continue their scandalous behavior and are permitted by superiors of all kinds to persist in creating a poisonous habitat for the students and laity they are supposed to be serving.

Collegeville: Gomorrist Retreat Allegedly Cancelled But the Disease Remains

Edit: Just received a message from one of the readers. It looks like "Father Guestmaster" has announced that the retreat is cancelled. This is a good time for an analogy.  Sometimes you can apply topical ointment to a festering patch of skin, or give pain killers, but those things won't necessarily address the underlying condition.

Also read the article on the Pine Curtain and he says that the Monastery still hasn't taken down its advert on its "guesthouse" page.

 The modernist monastery has not yet taken down the offending pages and the presenter of the retreat still has the affair up on his site, here.

At the present, the offending entry can still be seen here.  Yet it's entirely possible, considering the track record of the institution, that they'll have the retreat anyway.

This is too little too late, as they've been doing this sort of thing for years.

Thanks to 'Rorate Caeli 'for getting the word out in an unambiguous and sensible way, and anyone else who was angered enough by this travesty to help spread the word about this place which is sorely in need of an exorcism, or an interdict.

Austrian Media Continues to Slander Intrepid Priest

Edit:  Father Skoblicki is the former pastor of the Linz parish who was run out of town on a rail because the Austrian media and a few villagers hated the amazing success he was having there.  Full church, young children and adolescents in the pews, long confession lines and a strong emphasis on the truths of the Catholic Faith were there.  The harassment continues.

Hangman's journalism against Father Skoblicki:  the agitation paper 'Kurier' slandrs the clergyman, without consulting him.
Fr. Skoblicki with new Pastor Helmut Prader
© Pressebild  

( The anti-Clerical newspaper 'Kurier' continues to engage in polemics against the former Pastor of Kopfing, Fr. Andreas Skoblici. Since February the clergyman has been chaplain for the community of Neuhofen and der Ybbs in the Diocese of St. Pölten.

Lying Nursery Tales

The scandal sheet 'Kurier' is spreading the lie that Fr. Skoblicki has characterized two eleven year old boys as "disgraces and threats" before God.

One of the boys is supposed to have confessed to having forgotten to pray once.  The other is said to have quarreled with his brother.

These sins are supposed to have "infuriated" Father Skoblicki -- finds the 'Kurier'.

Windy Evidence

It is telling that the schmier paper had spread these lies without first talking to Father Skoblicke.

The paper refers to its anonymous denouncer, Hermann G.  He is described as the grandfather of one of the children.

 Link to original...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why Priests Have to Learn Latin

Edit: it sounds like candidates to the priesthood will not only have to be familiar with Latin, but will also be forced to use it in the classroom setting.
Gero P. Weishaupt am 25. Februar 2012 um 20:07

Vatican (kathnews)  Last Thursday, on the 23rd of February,  the Papal Institute for Latin Classics (Pontificium Institutum altioris Latinnitatis) at the Papal University of the Salesians in Rome held a congress on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Apostolic Constitution "Veterum Sapientia" Pope John XXIII. from 22 February 1962.  (Kathnews reported the event)

Founded by Pope Paul VI

The Pontificium altioris Latinitatis was brought to life by Pope Paul VI with the Motu Proprio Studie Latinitatis of the 22nd February 1964, therefore, toward the end of the Second Vatican Council.  There the Pope stressed as already had his predecessor two years before as well, the close connection between the study of the Latin language and the education for the priesthood as also the necessity of knowing the Latin language.

Secretary of the Congregation for Clergy was one of the Speakers

Probably with regard to Ash Wednesday, which fell on the 50th Anniversary, the Congress began a day later.  Next to the Prefect of the Congregation for Education, who is the Polish-born Curial Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski, one of the most visible promoters of the Latin language, who presided over the Congress, and the other speaker, the Secretary of the Congregation of Clergy, Archbishop Celso Morga Iruzubieta,  held an informative lecture. He presented the theme "Why the Priest Must Study Latin" (Perche i preti debono studiare latino).

Decline of Latin

Pope John XIII had already directed his attention to the decline of Latin at a Congress for Latinists in 1959.  In his lecture, recalled the Secretary of the Congregation for Clergy:  "When one retrospectively considers the present situation,  everything from then on, that the words of Bl. John XXIII, which he directed to a Congress of  Latin experts on 7 September 1959,  not only trailed off unheard, but that the use and even the instruction of the Latin language even in ecclesiastical contexts  were already in the grip of a powerful decline."

Encouraging Development in Our Day

Although despite the difficulties today among priests, there is a conviction to be found, "that the return of Latin has a purpose, to come closer to a civilization and to estimate its values, interests and their values as well as their doctrines and to test their theoretical foundations in view of a critical understanding of the past", continued the Curial Bishop further. That is surely, "an encouraging sign in the Church of today, which is ready to understand the study of the past not as a superfluous  and backwards looking view.,  which  unnecessarily longs in some way to recapture the past, rather  as a direct and immediate recapitulation of the message of an extraordinarily rich doctrinal, cultural and pedagogical heritage, one to a wide ranging, fruitful and deeply rooted intellectual heritage, as that could allow a severing from these roots."

Latin - means to recover their own cultural identity

Then the second man in the Congregation for  Clergy: "Under present circumstances, it seems unlikely that one brings to the priest - at least in the initial phase of his training -  an  estimate of the value of Latin as the  language, which has a refinement of  structure and  vocabulary and is able to promote an accurate, rich and harmonious style, full of grandeur and dignity, the seriousness and clarity, and insofar as is appropriate, moreover, to foster any form of culture, "humanitatis cultus" among the nations. And in this recovering its own cultural identity is the significance of the presence of the Latin language in the school curriculum of the candidates for the priesthood. And it is in this recapturing of an actual cultural identity that lies the importance of the ability to use the Latin language in the scholastic curriculum of the candidates for the priesthood.  Thus, the Latin language is exempt from unduly simplistic and inaccurate and superficial questions about its practical usefulness, and it is again  replaced in its role as a comprehensive formative field of instruction.

Link to original....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One Third of Seminarians in France are Connected toTradition

Bishop Dominique Rey of Toulon-Frejus
Edit: there was a take by the which fleshed out some of the report on Germany a bit more with a bit more of a positive outlook, considering that Econe is the largest seminary in the German speaking Zone.  Another thing is Messa in Latino's observation that the more the Bishops, even the Liberal ones, use the Traditional priests, the more vocations they get.

At least in France, even the Liberal Bishops have a use for Traditionalists.  In Germany at present, it appears that only the beleaguered Bishop Vitus Huonder is putting his Traditional priests to work.

Here's the translation:

(Paris)  In the academic year 2011/12 710 seminarians are preparing themselves for the priesthood in France.  That is down from the previous year's 732 candidates at about a decline of three percent, since the 2009/10 year already had 756 candidates.

In comparison the number of seminarians since the end of World War II till the end of the Council, were as much as six times as high.  In 1966, the year in which the Pastoral Council ended, France had 4536 seminarians. After the outbreak of the 68 Revolution it was not more than 1297.  In 2005, the year of the election of Pope Benedict XVI., it was 785.  "The decline has stopped , yet so long as there is a spirit in the parish communities unfavorable to vocations with little benevolence for the priesthood, it prevents discovery", says Liturgique Pax.

Lowest Number of Seminarians Since the French Revolution

Of the 710 Diocesan seminarians, there are number 65 foreign students, who are studying in France, the majority of these are studying for their home Diocese.   In the representation, the 60 seminarians from the Community of St. Martin aren't counted, who are all preparing for the ministry in French Diocese. In sum, the number of 710 seminarians is a snap shot of the current situation and corresponds to the lowest number since the French Revolution.  Just to stopping there though only shows half of the truth.  Within the French seminary, a fundamental upheaval taking place.

Development of the Priestly Ordination in the Diocese

96 priests were ordained in 2010 (excepting religious orders).  Initially the Commission report of the Bishops' Conference also allowed for the traditional Ecclesia Dei communities.  A further sign for the normalization and gradual recognition of the communities of Tradition as a secure part of the Church.  The next step will be a more explicit naming and not only a silent submissiveness.

In 2011 there were in France 111 Diocesan priests ordained (2010 was 96, 2009 was 89) .  This is careful to include the Society of St. Martin's  increase of 15 ordinations over the previous year, or an increase of 15.6 percent.  In any case, it can't be read as a general trend.  In 2011 there were merely 77 Deacons ordained,   who are to be ordained priests in the year 2012.

 The Soil from Which Vocations Flower is Damaged -- Yet Improvement is in View

Comparing the newly ordained to the retired clergy,  will put the scale of a "damaged landscape" (Paix Liturgie) in stark view.  There are about 100 newly ordained for the loss of 800 priests in death.  The Community of St. Martin is placed under "new communities" of Tradition next.  The Community celebrates the Liturgy in the ordinary form of the Roman Rite but in Latin, it uses the Gregorian choral,   Thomism and promotes among its seminarians a healthy disposition to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass [Immemorial Rite].  They have experienced an extraordinary blooming.  The Society numbers today  60 seminarians in comparison to the 43 of last year and are receiving ever more pastoral assignments from the Bishops.  There are often requests for priests from the Diocese, even the "progressive" Diocese.  The times of caution, as with the Bishop of Bayeux with a categorical "St. Martin in my Diocese, never!", is past for this Society.

The Little Diocese of Frejus-Toulon and the large Archdiocese of Paris Lead in the Number of Seminarians

Among all French Diocesan Seminaries, two Diocese and a inter-Diocesan seminary stand in the front rank.  If one were to give them a rank, then you'd have to give three first places.   It involves the seminary of the Diocese of Toulon-Frejus and the Archdiocese of Paris.  In both there are more than 70 seminarians preparing themselves.  When one considers that Frejus-Toulon, it is one of the smallest Diocese in France and that the Archdiocese of Paris is so many times larger, makes the extraordinary flowering of the Diocese from the south of France clear.  It is noticeable that the "sensibility" of the Bishops of both Diocese is very different from most seminarians.  The Bishop of Frejus-Toulon is explicitly close to tradition. The number of Parsian seminarians sank under Archbishop Francois Cardinal Marty (1968-1981) to a minimum of 50, experienced under Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger (1981-2005) a spike with almost a doubling, which under the reigning Archbishop André Armand Kardinal Vingt-Trois in 2007 back down to 54 and then rose to over 70 seminarians.  In the meantime the priest shortage has become appreciable in Paris, while in the surrounding areas it is positively dramatic.

The Communities of Tradition and Their Development

How does the situation look for Traditional communities?  It will only consider those societies whose status is comparable to that of Diocesan priests.  As with the Diocesan seminaries the Propaedeuticum doesn't get any consideration and only the French are counted in the statistical survey, but not foreign seminarians, who study in France.  Initially it is to be established that these two groups will be classified:  on the one side the official Ecclesia Dei Communities, which are known to be in union with Rome, on the other side is the Society of St. Pius X, whose present status in the Catholic Church is still not clarified.

The Ecclesia Dei Communities have 91 seminarians in France as of 2011, preparing for the priesthood.  Their number is largely stable.  It is a considerable number if one considers how slowly the number of parishes and pastoral assignments entrusted to them by the Bishops  were offered and  thus hindered their development.

The Society numbers 49 French seminarians in 2011.  Their portion has held consistently for years at aabout a third of all the seminarians (15) who are in the Society founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

280 of 710 Seminarians are Connected to Tradition

All together, the communities of Tradition have 140 French seminarians, who are preparing for the priesthood.  That includes exactly the number of seminarians, who are connected to Tradition in the Diocesan seminaries preparing to be priests.

In 2011 the traditional societies had ordained 18 priests all together, seven for the Ecclesia Dei Communities and eleven for the Society of St. Pius X.  In 2010 there were 16 new priests in total, of which 8 were for the Ecclesia Dei Communities and 8 for the Society of St. Pius.

The communities of Tradition in the strict sense consist of a sixth of all French seminarians.  Then if one counts the communities of Tradition with the seminarians connected to tradition, then every third seminarian in France is connected to Tradition.

The total number of Traditionally connected seminarians demonstrate a double positive trend.  They show indeed a slow but steady rate of growth up (2005: 120, 2007:130, 2009: 140, 2010 yet 144)   The tempo corresponds to their increasingly unrestricted use in the Diocese.  What the Community of St. Martin has already itself experienced ,  have the other societies yet to experience.  They will be ignored by the Diocesan Bishops and they are refused entrance in Parishes.  Although in these Communities of young ordained and educated priests are ready for pastoral care, they don't get into action. This continuous ostracism in turn brakes their own growth.  The more the Tradition connected priests are assigned to parishes, the more priestly vocations they are going to get, said Paix Liturgique about the publication of the statistics.

France -- Germany:  Same Repurcussions, Same Reasons

In comparison to facts, that a third of the Seminarians in the westerly neighbors who are bound to tradition know, and who also prepare for the celebration of the Old Rite of the Catholic Church,  the situation is almost like a wasteland.  The reason, which impedes the development of Tradition in France, is just as valid, only much stronger in the German Lands.  The Society of St. Peter, an Ecclesia Dei Community and thus a officially traditional within the Church,  is followed by young, faithful and well educated priests, who are not accepted by the Bishops either in Germany, Austria or Switzerland for pastoral service in parishes.  The entrusting of Father Peter Ramm of the Society of St. Peter by the Bishop of Chur, Msgr Vitus Huonder, with the responsibility for one of the two personal parishes erected by the Bishop of Chur for the purpose of the Old Rite, is a first step to tear down this wall of ostracism.

Text: Paix Liturgique/Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Diocese de Frejus-Toulon

Cardinal Brandmuller Recommends Tough Measures Against Schismatic Austrians

Edit: What with the way that the Swiss Catholic Bishops are treating the Rome-true Bishop Huonder these days, things are starting to well up from beneath the surface and the cracks are forming around the edifice as significant portions of the Church in the German speaking zone threaten to break off to form their own time-kept projects.

According to Chiesa, Cardinal  Brandmüller [83] is recommending sterner measures against the dissidents fomenting rebellion.

 A few days ago, we translated an article about a similar priest rebellion from which developed in Bohemia and Slovakia in 1908. That rebellion involved not a mere 400 signators of an internet petition, as is the case with the present schismatic "Pastor's Initiative" in Austria, but held 1300 priests in Czechoslovakia. The schism still exists today and contains about 100,000 members. Despite having many points in common with the Pastor's Initiative, they are still waiting for a change from Rome.

 Clearly, a certain  Bishop of Regensburg should be eager to take some lessons from history his own past notwithstanding,  if he intends to be the next to fill the shoes of Cardinal Levada, President of the Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith.

VATICAN CITY, March 20, 2012 – "How a schism was born": this is the title of an article that appeared recently in "L'Osservatore Romano" with the byline of the Bavarian cardinal Walter Brandmüller (in the photo). An article with an historical slant, but with explicit references to current events.

An article that from the very beginning recalls the anti-Roman movement "Los von Rom" that emerged in Austria between the 19th and 20th century, which "was able to drive about a hundred thousand Austrian Catholics to separate from the Church."

This movement – the cardinal continues, coming up to the present – "was revived following Vatican Council II." But not only that. "Similar tendencies seem to be reemerging from time to time in our days as well, in some of the appeals for disobedience toward the pope and the bishops.."

The Atlas of Rebellion -- Bishop Huonder is in the Cross Hairs of Anti-Roman Critics

[Katholisches, Switzerland] A view to the map shows that the anti-Roman Rebelion in the Catholic Church is focused in the German speaking countries.  The interdependence of the successes in Austria, Switzerland and Germany are clear.  Ultimately, it consists, from a span of five hundred years, to the exact same constellation as in the time of the Reformation, which led to the schism of the Church.  It was also a schism of the German people and a weakening of the Holy Roman Empire in Central Europe from which it never recovered.

Opposition Began in 1990 Against Bishop Wolfgang Haas

Thus, the rebellious  Memorandists are found scattered throughout the German speaking countries. The targeting by the insurgents currently  of the Bishop of Chur by rebels is a deja vu . Already in 1990  Bishop Wolfgang Haas had a hard time after he was appointed by John Paul II.  The opposition to him within his diocese was so large that he was carried away in 1997 to the Principality of Liechtenstein, which was removed from the diocese of Chur and even elevated to an Archbishopric.  Monsignor Haas has since resided in Vaduz. The rank increase over Chur signaled the unwillingness of Rome to address the whole transaction. Meanwhile, the old episcopal city   governed by Msgr Huonder on the Upper Rhine is a successor of  Bishop Haas.

Lenten Letter of 2012 Incites an Uproar

The particularity of this largest Diocese of Switzerland, which included the center of the Rebellion against Rome in the 16th century,  consists in that it is directly controlled by the Holy See.  The 19th century concordat concluded between the Confederation and Rome envisioned this privilege, that the selection of the Bishop takes place as an agreement between the Cathedral Chapter and the Holy See.  The Pope has the deciding word.  This was confirmed on the 6th of July in 2007 as Benedict XVI named Msgr Vitus Huonder, against whom now, because of his Lenten Pastoral Letter, stands many of his own priests and pastoral assistants as well as politicized laity and theologians.   Since the secular media in a religiously divided country like Switzerland tend mostly towards confrontation in any case, and the "Catholic" media has succumbed to the zeitgeist, the Bishop has a lot to endure. The leading Swiss media have attacked the Pastoral Letter with uncustomary unanimity as "as much explosive as absurd" and Archbishop Hunder as "archconservative".  These catch words are true to other anti-Church campaigns.

Pastor Refuses Reading in "our" Churches

The Lenten Pastoral Letter went out to all Parishes -- as is usual -- which is supposed to be read at all Liturgies, contained a statement which many could not endure, many parish gentlemen concluded.     Divorced and remarried  are to be refused the Sacraments.  Huonder represents here nothing but Church teaching.    That the Catholic ideal which is exorbitantly and quantiatively contradicted in practice in Switzerland, is what makes Catholic teaching a "scandal" for the world.  Bishop Huonder has hammered the nail onn the head with this, because Christianity must e a scandal to the world and especially in this time.  The Chur Superior Shepherd invoked Jesus, who defined marriage as indissoluble.  The divorced, who through their own free will have decided to engage in a new relationship have put themselves in a situation, which makes it impossible for them to receive the Sacraments.  It is not the Church that refuses them, but they themselves throuogh their own decision.    Divorced and Seperated, who live alone, give a precious witness for the indissolubility of marriage, says Bishop Huonder.

The Media Swell Inner-Church Critics

The media pour oil in the fire and outdo themselves with attacks: "Huonder isolated", "Again with Huonder?"  "Controversial Pastoral Letter".  On 11th March 2012 the Neue Zurcher Zeitung wrote: "The Chur Bishop, Vitus Huonder wants to close the Sacraments to those who are remarried" and demonstrated how little they, in any case, liberal quality newspapers know or want to know about Catholic teaching.   Such a lack of precision would allow them little else.

They drive the protest which has been spreading divisions among the priests and laity.  Church was made into an outpost of anti-Roman rebellion over night, whose manifest center had been Austria and the Bundesrepublic of Germany until recently.  The protest went even further, according to the Press Speaker of the Diocese, Giuseppe Graci who explained the motives for Bishop Hunder's business once again for the press.

For the Pastor of the Winterthur, Catholic Teaching is "Inhuman"

Clearly this is only the initial inflammation for an uproar that had been long formed underground.  The first to protest was a pastor of Chur, who openly declared, that the Pastoral Letter will not be read in "our" churches.  "We are also distancing ourselves from the form and also the content of such Pastoral Letters", wrote the Dean and Pastor of Winterthur, Hugo Gehring and made himself the speaker for "a lot of pastoral assistants" in the region of Winterthur and the lowlands of Zurich.  According to his opinion it is "in the weight of our experience, inhuman and not inferable from the Christian message",  in order to appeal to all the divorced members of the Catholic Church, to remain unmarried.    A Catholic Pastor, who describes Catholic teaching as "inhuman", appears in any case to have missed "Society" and "vocation".

Bishop Haas was replaced  and the Conflict continued underground

No Pastoral Letter had ever before unleashed such opposition, not even in  Bishop Haas's time.  Not because Bishop Huonder's position is so outlandish, his message is the message of the Catholic Church.  The inner process of fermentation against Catholic teaching since the 90s, when Haas was "replaced", has taken on a new dimension.  On the part of the Bishop of Chur it was explained that the aggressiveness of the opposition are with Bishop Huonder's measures to strengthen the orthodoxy and fidelity to Rome in his Diocese, because of the impatience of the protestors awoke at the same time, with which it "distanced" from those parts of the doctrine as they openly declare themselves.

According to Christian reitschmid, Press Officer of the Vicariate, Bishop Huonder took up a hot iron and those provoked more opposition than encouragement.  "The discussion was heavy all week.  The media of the entire region reported on the Pastoral Letter".  Breitschmid heard prevailingly "very critical comments" from the pastors.  According to his estimation, the majority of the Pastors had not read the Pastoral Letter and engage in practices prescribed by Rome and are ready also to provide the sacraments to divorced and remarried persons.

Zurich Pastoral Council "Distanced" itself from the Catholic Teaching on Marriage and Promote the Abuse of the Sacrament

The Pastoral Council of Zurich wrote a breathless document in which it thanked  "all of the spiritual counselors, who helped those divorced and remarried to find their way in the Eucharistic Community of the Church".  It is an open front against the Bishop and against Rome.  The Pastoral Council promoted the spiritual counselor to even allow the remarried to Communion and the Sacraments.  In the writing of the Bishop, the Council overlooked the "law of charity", which is called for by the Gospels.  "Are we not all sinners?", asked the pastoral representative of Zurich.

The pastoral counselors of the Canton Nidwalder  decided in one voice, "that this Pastoral Letter will not be read during the Liturgy.  Instead of announcing the good news, as our mission would be, we would be causing discord, disquiet and protest, and that is even in persons,  who have a particular need for a word of encouragement."  The pastoral counselors of Nidwalden will in any case will continue to allow the sacraments for remarried divorced persons.  "For us it is important, to be open to everyone, and not to exclude anyone", so said the pastoral counselors of the Canton.

"Mercy" Versus Revelation?

In Switzerland Pastor Conrad Burri explained:  "To send everyone away who I know is remarried is absolutely unthinkable for me."  According to his opinion, every question has to coincide with his conscience, if he receives holy Communion or not "We priests can't judge that", says Burri.  He directs a polemical question to Bishop Huonder: "Where is the mercy toward the sinner in this directive?"

Bishops' Conference Feels Itself "Provoked" by Bishop Huonder

The Chief Shepherd of Church appears also to have hardly any support from the Bishops' Conference., the media portal of the Catholic Church, representing the Bishops' Conference entitled tellingly: "Vitus Huonder Provokes Bishops"  The Church Bishop "provoked" his colleagues, who also have themselves a dissenting opinion of the Catholic Catechism.  The "Initiative of Liberal Colleagues"  has confirmed rumors that have been circulating for months, that Bishops of the German language areas are pushing for a change in the "praxis" about remarried and divorced persons.

Bishop Huonder:  "Following the teaching of the Church means to be merficul"

In the newspaper Matin Dimanche and Sonntagzeitung, the Bishop of Chur clearly explained himself:  "The concern to direct  remarried and divorced to the teaching of the Church, means precisely to show mercy".  Unpretentiously, but firmly he defended his Pastoral Letter with the words:  "I simply and plainly present the teaching of the Church."

"It is my right and above all my duty,  to call to memory the fundamentals of the Church", says Bishop Huonder.  Rome is silent at present still, whiel the wind of rebellion in the German speaking zone pipes ever more strongly.  The Diocesan Bishops appear not to have found a strategy, as they proceed against anti-Catholic faction in their own ranks, which continues to undermine the "Catholic Church while still claiming the name.

Translated from Katholisches....

Monday, March 19, 2012

Cardinal Dolan's Ultimate Plans for St. Patrick's Cathedral are Unclear

Edit: It's clear that the Cathedral of St. Patrick needs considerable restoration and repair.  At present, the authorities are making a good case that intervening now to "restore" the building is a worthy project.  But as the New York Times says, it's  $177 million dollars.  Why so much?

This will make it the most expensive renovation project on record at present.  Even Cardinal Mahony's garrulous and controversial Los Angeles project is only a bit more expensive at $189 million.

It is certainly  the case that at present, Catholic Churches are undergoing restorations that bring churches damaged by modern architectural experimenters and that there are also new Catholic Churches being built which look like churches, but there are still many churches undergoing these destructive attempts to "bring the Church into a new century", as Sacred Architecture opines:

It seems that the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 is now being used as the catalyst for renovation of some of the most significant parish churches, cathedrals, and basilicas in the country, many of them historic structures thus far preserved from the fashionable post-Vatican II renovations. At this writing the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption in Covington, Kentucky, the San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio, Texas, St. John Cathedral in Milwaukee, St. Andrew Cathedral in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the Cathedral of St. Mary in Colorado Springs are all in the midst of renovations, to help their respective dioceses “move into the new millennium,” but not without artistic and spiritual casualties. Each of these cathedral churches is being subjected to a similar program of interior remodeling justified by the “ongoing liturgical revolution.”

At present, it is unclear what Cardinal Dolan plans on doing with the $177 million dollar planned budget.   At this point, it would be interesting to find out just what the end game for this project is.  Will the Cardinal be planning on ripping out pews, pushing the sanctuary into the nave and disposing of the altar rail?   Or will this be what he maintains, all about maintenance.  Pretty expensive maintenance, we must say.

Will it resemble Cardinal Dolan's earlier artistic efforts by omission at the very least, when he allowed a bas relief commemorating Archbishop Rembert Weakland, (known for paying his homosexual lover half-a-million in hush money to keep quiet)?    Like this monstrosity?  It might seem premature to some to express concerns like this, but some officials have pulled a fast one in the past when it comes to these projects.

In case people are saying that these wreckovations are a thing of the past, look at what happened to Trent's big edifice, St. Maria Maggiore.  They've pulled the rug out before, and they will do it again.

Nude Guru Invites Monks and Students to Touch

Participants need not be Christian – simply comfortable with that environment. We’ll create a community of consciousness together, supporting one-another’s journey into and through the body to the Divine.  -Bob Pilaggi

Bob Pilagi at "Temple"
Edit::In an article by Matt Abbott in Renew America,  featuring a letter by Barb Krallis complaining to the Bishop of Dallas about Father Richard Rohr.'s counseling techniques involving nudity, she denounces him as a dangerous and heretical threat to purity.

Indeed, as Archbishop Sheen taught, anytime nudity is used in therapy or instruction, it is a sign of demonic influence.

Father Richard Rohr still at large, favors retreats where men get naked and touch each other to "release demons".    He writes:

The boy always gets naked, as you see in the sweat lodges, too. 
We have mentioned on a number of occasions that this technique of psychological instruction was used by sexually abusive monks at Collegeville, Minnesota.   It was employed by Abbot John Eidenschenk upon his novices with some predictable results.

Now, from the Pine Curtain, at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, the home of nearly a dozen credibly accused homosexual sexual predators, a counselor arrives on the scene advocating that students and monks touch each other.

The man to whom this allegedly Catholic institution is entrusting students, himself, teaches in the nude and does not share the Catholic Church's teachings on homosexuality.  One of Mr. Pileggi's admirers puts it like this in a blog post entitled, "When a Teacher of God 
Takes off His Clothes":

I realized that when I undress another man and allow him to undress me – as I have in workshops and private sessions in erotic spirituality and as I will at the Edward Carpenter Community’s Gay Men’s Week this September (The Dance Between Power and Intimacy) – we are creating the sacred space in which we can use erotic energy to transcend ego and come into a new relationship with Spirit.
Pine Curtain....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

SSPX: Some Details From the Two Hour Long Discussion

If the problem could be solved by a signature, no one would refuse to sign.
Candidates for Deaconal Ordination
for South American District
© Piusbruderschaft 

(, Vatican) The most recent letter to the Society of St. Pius X from the CDF renewed its request for the General Superior of the Society, Bishop Bernard Fellay, to sign the Dogmatic Preamble.

This was according to Andrea Tornielli at ''.

The signature of the Preamble is a precondition for the canonical reconciliation.

Tonrielli speculates that Msgr Fellay has been playing for time up until now without breaking the dialog with the Vatican off completely.

On the contrary, the Pope wants clear conditions.

On Friday Msgr Fellay spoke for two hours with the Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, Cardinal William Levada, as well as the Secretary of the Commission of Ecclesia Dei, Prelate Guido Pozzo.

Msgr Fellay was accompanied by his chief assistant, Father Alain-Marc Nely.

The Church has thrown the Traditional Faith Overboard

The Society Bishop explained, says Tornielli, that the Society has no problem signing with the initial Professio fidei -- Profession of Faith .

Additionally, it recognizes principles represented in the Preamble.

The problem consists not in the principles, rather in their application.

The Church fails in fidelity to the Magisterium -- explained Msgr Fellay, according to Tornielli.

Recognition is in the Drawer

The Vaticanist reported still further that for the Society, in case they accept the Preamble, are ready to complete an offer with a Canonical Structure of an Institute.

It would allow the Society a status of complete independence from the Bishops, which protection is enjoyed by no other traditional group.

There are Effectively Two Different Religions

Tornielli suspects that the problem with reconicliation is not in the text of the Preamble but also as a result of disunity within the Society.

The majority, inclusive of the General Superior, want unity with Rome.  They recognize the primacy of the Papacy with its government as being central to the Faith.

A strong minority of the Society are against the reconciliation.   They call on Rome to finally convert.

Link to original...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Alleged Predator Subprior of Monastery Retreats to Homosexual Haven

Edit: Is it true that Liturgical abuse is worse than the homosexual sexual abuse of minors? It's more often than not the case that a homosexual predator is also a dissident from Catholic teachings and commits sacrileges against the sacred things of the Catholic Church.
Rebel Nuns Playing Priestess

This was reported by Pine Curtain.

Well, the Subprior of St. John's Monastery in Collegeville is retreating to a place that doesn't agree with the Church's teachings on homosexuality, divorce or women priests.

 Brother Paul Richards has been a singular presence at St. John's in Collegeville for over 20 years.since 1979.  He has an extensive back ground in music, training students in voice.  In 2007, he stepped down as director of the choir in 2007 and is now the Subprior, desipte a recent accusation.

 This accusation, the substance of which is unclear,  has caused him to be put on leave, but the Abbey website still identifies him as Subprior on their website  Obviously, that doesn't prevent a credibly accused monk from continuing to represent the Catholic Church as Father Francisco Schulte does, or from travelling abroad without any supervision at all.  Monks who have been credibly accused are allegedly put on "restriction" but it appears that this is only related to certain areas of the University Campus and the athletic facilities.  This restriction doesn't prevent them from misrepresenting Catholic teachings, committing Liturgical abuses or traveling to Chicago, for example.

The Abbey does enough to cover itself legally and life goes on for the alleged predators much as before.

If they appear unconcerned about homosexual monks potential for future crimes against the students at Collegeville, they are even less concerned about doctrinal and Liturgical violations.

Brother Paul Richards claims that he needs to find himself, and to have a break, so he's going to a fake Monastery called Holy Wisdom, where those who disagree with the Church's teachings on sexual morality and authority can feel at home.   He joins there the former President of the heretical University of Collegeville, Father Koopman, also a musical educator.

DetractorsSyte Reitz, a member of Madison’s Cathedral Parish who blogs about Catholic issues, said disaffected Catholics are free to start their own churches, but they shouldn’t confuse people by suggesting they still are faithful Catholics.
 “Does it matter whether they are errant Catholics or not Catholics?” asks Reitz. “No matter what we label them, the laws of right and wrong and of morality still stand, and they and others will suffer from the mistakes that they make.”
 Reitz said because a male priest is not presiding over the Eucharist, the bread is not being turned into the body of Christ, thus depriving attendees of the Catholic Church’s central sacrament.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Society of St. Pius X in the CDF Again

Investiture and Ordination in the Seminary of
St. Pius X in Econe
Update:  The news has just come in from VIS, and it doesn't really bring up anything new.

  A meeting between some of the most Liberal Churchmen in the Church (++Schoenborn, ++Koch +Muller) with the former Archbishop of San Francisco, William Cardinal Levada, have expressed a negative judgment.

Regardless of their opinion, it really isn't all that negative, but  it should still be pointed out that Liberal "experts" have been ignored  in the past by a reigning pontiff, much to the chagrin of public opinion.  For example, when Humanae Vitae was promulgated by Paul VI.

Vatican. On Saturday the Priestly Society of St. Pius X will participate in another meeting with the CDF.  Supposedly, the Congregation will give its reaction  Society of St. Pius X's  answer to the Dogmatic Preamble.

Here's the pertinent text:

"At the end of today's meeting, moved by concern to avoid an ecclesial rupture of painful and incalculable consequences, the superior general of the Society of St. Pius X was invited to clarify his position in order to be able to heal the existing rift, as is the desire of Pope Benedict XVI". 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Local Bishop Supports SSPX Prior

Edit: This Prior seems bent on joining the local Diocese and leaving the SSPX.  Things may become clearer.

It appears as though the Society of St. Pius X Prior wants to turn to the local Diocese.   The opportunity has clearly been concluded.

( Last Sunday morning Msgr Jean-Marie Bonfils (82) of Ajaccio on the Island of Corsica  has made an unusual gesture.

'' reported this on Monday.

The Diocesan Bishop is Confirming at the St. Pius X Priory

The Bishop was at the church of the Society of St. Pius X in Ajaccio.

There he confirmed 19 candidates in the Immemorial Rite.  At the end he celebrated a Pontifical High Mass.

The Bishop has clearly held the confirmation at the priory of his own initiative.

One De Facto General Superior

Msgr Bonfils was ordained as a priest for the ‘Societé des Missions Africaines’ in December of 1954.

He was an instructor in Lyon and in Benin, West Africa, as a theology professor.

In March 2005 Msgr Bonfils retired as Bishop to Nizza.

In September 2011, he was named as the Apstolic Administrator of the crisis-stricken Diocese of Ajaccio on the isle of Corsica.

He will conduct the business of Administrator till April 14.

Then his successor, Msgr Olivier de Germay (51) will be consecrated as Bishop.

Presently, Msgr Bonfils is also the Papal Commissar for the Contemplative Sisters of St. John and also the de facto General Superior.

The Background

The action of Msgr Bonfils appears to have been done in conjunction with Father Herve Mercury -- the Society Prior of Ajaccio.

He is presently in consultation with Msgr Bonfils to become incadinated in the Diocese.

The most recent confirmation in Ajaccio was not the result of an arrangement with the General Council of the Society.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Fontgambault: Holy Father Loves Traditional Benedictines

As Pope Bendict XVI. saw the new Abbot and his predecessor a few months ago, he shouted out: "Fontgambault!"

The Traditional Benedictine Abbey of Fontambault is located by a 270 population village of the same name in the Departement of Indre in central France.

It has a stormy development behind it.

With the Old Faith, it Survived the Conciliar Collapse

In 1948, 22 monks from the Abbey of Solesmes setted from Fontgambault.

Today with over a hundred monks it is one of the largest cloisters of the Congregation.  Since 1971 -- in the midst of the Conciliar night -- the cloister formed four new foundations.

On October 7th the new director of the cloister, Abbot Jean Pateau was consecrated.

Meeting with the Pope

On the 9th of March the website '' reported some recent events at the cloister.

The webiste reported that the new Abbot and his predecessor, Abbot Antoine Forgeot, had travelled to Rome on November 23rd.

They were even invited by Pope Benedict XVI.  The meeting was not known about until today.

As soon as the Holy Father saw the two monks, he called out:  "Fontgambaul!"

The Pope enjoined the new Abbot, to hold fast to the line of his predecessors.

He had militated very strenuously against introducing any kind of concelebration.

Falling Back From the High Level

According to reports from '' vocations are also not falling back.

In the last year they haven't had any entrants.

Recently there were five monks in the Novitiate.

Last August two monks had made their simple and another monk made his solemn vows.

Presently, the Cloister is expecting numerous new entrants in the near future.

Monday, March 12, 2012

"Devout" Ex-President of Germany to Retire to Monastery?

Edit: no one knows what Monastery he's going to as yet, but there is some concern about descriptions of Wulff as "devout".

'Bild' makes itself laughable with its bonehead statement that the divorced Wullff is a "deeply devout" Catholic. The proof:  He had his child baptized Protestant.

(  The adulterous and former German Bundespresident Christian Wulff  (52) is going to hole up in a Cloister.

This is what the online edition of the German kiosk magazine 'Bild' said yesterday.

The Abbott Grants the Retreat?

Last Thursday a retreat was announced for Wulff (52) and his concubine, Miss Bettina Korner .

According reports from 'Bild', Wulff  had made public his intention to stay in a Monastery.

As to how long Wulff had been contemplating his retreat, is not known.

Checking the Health

On the other hand, the president, who found himself deposed by the media bosses,  is to undergo a prolonged check for his health.

First on the 23rd of February, he was admitted to a hospital in Berlin for an acute complaints  about  his kidney.

Confused Reporting of Bild

'Bild' has made itslef laughable with its erroneous statement that Wulff is a 'deeply devout' Catholic.

The proof:  "The Wulffs had their son baptized in a cloister in lower Saxony in Loccum."

Linus Florian is an illegitimate child of his illicit relationship with Miss Korner.  He was baptized as a protestant.

This cloister in Loccum described by 'Bild' has been abrogated since 1585.

Link to original...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Washington D.C.: Homosexual Agenda Leads to Yet Another Priestly Suspension

Edit: Yes, it's official, just as we said it would.  One of the most Liberal Cardinals in the American Church strikes a blow for political correction at the expense of the Catholic Faith.   The faithful priest, Father Marcel, has been suspended for doing his job.

After an effeminate apology from the chancery staff, insult is added to injury and a loyal priest now finds himself suspended.

This is becoming an all-too-familiar pattern Father Demets, Father Skoblicki and Father Micheal Rodriguez more recently. .  Many of your Lefty and more effeminate types out there make a study of ignoring these things when they happen and the etiology behind them.  But the Restore DC Catholicism blog recommends cutting off your donations.  We think that's a great idea.

Other blogs picking this up are Socon or bust, or less savory blogs like, DignityUSA, who gloats.

At least one blog recalls the neo-Con and lefty inspired running down of Father Corapi.

It's a wonder how these Old Liberal prelates have any expectation of obedience at all.

You can check out an excellent letter too, on this blog, it's right here.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

How Benedict XV Dealt With Czech Dissidents in 1919

About a hundred years ago there was a "Pastor's Initiative" of about 1200 priests against celibacy.  Rome reacted quickly and with great effectiveness.
The Main Church of the
Neo-Hussites in Prague

(  Calls from clerics, who are disobedient to the hierarchy, is nothing new.

This was revealed by the Bavaria born Church historian, Cardinal Walter Brandmuller (83), in an article for the Catholic newspaer 'Tagespost'.

The Cardinal recalled a revolt of clerics which took place in Bohemia at the beginning of the twentieth century and spread to Slovakia.

Without Jews, without Rome, we'll build the German Cathedral.

Cardinal Brandmuller explained about how the turn of the nineteenth century there was a "Break Away from Rome Movement" present in Austria.

The initiator was Georg Ritter von Schönerer († 1921).

He used anti-clerical and antisemitic ideas: "Without Jews, without Rome, we'll build a German Cathedral home."

This was the genesis of the National Socialists.

After a decade the propaganda persuaded then around a hundred thousand Austrian Catholics.

This movement found a sequel a half-century later -- said Cardinal Brandmuller: "in the turbulent time after the Second Vatican Council by the adherents of "We Are Church", "Church From Below" and the circles around the "Kirchenvolkbegehren [Church People Seeking Reform].

The Demand Was Changed After the Council

A similar parallel to the Austrian one man show 'Pastor Initiative' is what Cardinal Brandmuller sees in the "Czech-Hussite National Church".  They existed in the years after the First World War.

Czech clerics revolted after the collapse of the Habsburg Monarchy firstly against the Episcopate.

After that they demanded a supposedly democratized and Rome-independent National Church.

The movement called itself 'Jednota'.  They wanted a Liturgy in the national language, a shortened Breviary and married priests.

Additionally they demanded to elect their own Bishops by the clergy and the people, a democratization of the Church constitution and the abolition of clerical clothing.

Rome Reacts

At the end of February 1919 the Viennese Nuncio Teodoro Valfre di Bonzo (+1922) traveled to Prague, in order to form a picture of the situation.

In June 1919 delegates of 'Jednota' were invited by the Pope to Rome.

In the mean time, the Nuncio informed the Vatican State Secretary, Pietro Cardinal Gasparri (+1934).

The Nuncio promoted  an unmistakable and decisive  position against 'Jednota'.

The rebels were not won over by concessions.  Giving away would have only further disturbed the faithful.

The 'Jednota' -- demands -- especially for married priests -- were decisively rejected.

The sending of a 'Jednota'-delegation to Rome led, according to Cardinal Brandmuller, to a division of  minds.

For example, the theological faculty of the University of Prague had distanced itself from its Dean, who had participated in the 'Jednota' delegation.

1,200 Want End to Priestly Celibacy

As the next development was completed, a radicalization of the group took place, said the Cardinal.  These named themselves from then on as 'Ohnisko' -- for burn point.

Their members were already decided even before the trip of 'Jednota'- Delegation to Rome,  were prepared to transact their demands in case of a Roman rejection.

In August 1919 'Ohnisko' called upon Catholic Priests to marry civilly.

As one of the first steps, fallen priest Bohumil Zahradnik acted.   In any case he was already living in concubinage for ten years.

The 'Ohnisko'- priests were addressed by the State authorities and compensated.

In September 1919 they attempted to get a dispensation for a very large number, 1,200 priests from celibacy.

The National Church was Proclaimed

On January 8th of 1920 the anti-clerical Czech government declared a "Czechoslovakian Church".

As Patriarch, the lapsed priest, a certain Karel Farsky (+1927) was elected.

This National Church represented Modernism.

A Catechism by Farksy maintained that Jesus was only a son of God in the same sense that all men were sons of God.

Christ is only the greatest of prophets.

For Cardinal Brandmuller it was thoroughly clear that the roots of the problem lay deeper than in the area of practical, disciplinary changes:

"A large part of the clergy were in a shattering crisis of their Catholic Faith."

Rome Came with a Heavy Hand

A week after the founding of the State Church -- on the 15th of January 1920-- the Holy See condemned the schismatic coalition and anathematized them.

Priests who belonged to the National Church, were in any case in excommunicated automatically in all senses.

Benedict XV. insisted in a letter of the 29th of January 1920, that there was never an agreement on priestly marriage.

The Czech Bishops had shown themselves equal to the situation -- and he was grateful for the decisive shepherds.

The Church's Censure Showed Itself as the Right Way

In an address at the end of the year in 1920, Pope Benedict XV stressed that Rome would not endeavor making the rule regarding celibacy any less stringent.

Any deviating assertions are misleading.

It is clear that the Church has priestly celibacy to thank for a great part of Her power.

It must be wholely and entirely unaltered.

That  is " never before has it been more necessary in these times of moral degredation and unchecked vice" -- said the Pope on the eve of National Socialism and Fascism.

It will never happen that "this Holy Apostolic See will enfeeble or abolish this most holy law of priestly celibacy in any manner."

Back then: The Church Oriented Itself on Reality

Cardinal Brandmuller praised Romes decisive proceedings against the Czech rebels:  "There was an understanding that set in that this was something that couldn't be won by negotiations."

The rebels wanted to alter the foundations of the Catholic Faith and of Christendom.

That was shown, among other things, in a popular census in 1921.

According to that 3.2 percent of Czechs belonged to the State sponsored Church.

The other part of Catholics -- about 76.3 percent of the population -- remained Catholic.

Today, the rebel society calls itself the 'Czech-Hussite Church'.

They count on paper around 100,000 demoralized members.

Link to

Photo: © Che, Wikipedia, CC

Friday, March 9, 2012

Ukrainian Archbishop: Moscow Patriarchate Incapable of Asking Forgiveness

The Superior of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Union with Rome, Schwetschuk: "The Russian Clergy has not asked for forgiveness, for annexing our entire property."

Vienna (  An actual obstacle involving the  holdup of a meeting between the Pope and the Moscow Patriarch, is "the incapability of the Russian Orthodox Church, to recognize their own errors":  This is what the Superior of the Greek Catholic Church in Union with Rome, Senior Archbishop Swjatoslaw Schewtschuk (or Shevchuk),  told the organization "Pro Oriente" on Thursday as  reported by Italian Catholic news agency, "SIR".  The Moscow Patriarch Kyrill is saying  that the conflict between Western Ukrainian conflict between Uniates and Orthoddox must be resolved before a meeting can take place between himself and Pope Benedict, says Shevchuk.  The  Senior Archbishop considers this, however, as a pretext.

Schwetschuk recalled that the Russian Orthodox Church was used by Stalin's regime to liquidate the Greek Catholic Church.  "The Russian clergy have still not asked for forgiveness,  for annexing the entire property of the Greek Catholic Church,"  said Schewtschuk.  The ability, to ask for forgiveness, is yet an indicator of the presence of a living Christian conscience.

The Archbishop has made it clear that he is prepared, now as before,  take a long and common look at the "Psuedo-Synod" of Lwiw (Lemberg) in 1946, at which Stalin's intervention forced the unification of the Greek Catholic Church and the Moscow Patriarchate.   From 1946 to 2989 the Greek Catholic Church in west Ukraine only survived in the "catacombs".

As a positive example of ecumenical work on history and reconciliation, Schwetshuk described the apologies between the Polish Catholic Church and the Greek Catholic Church for the bloody conflicts in the years 1941-47 in the Polish-Ukrainian boarder area.   There are also efforts to make similar requests for forgiveness between the Polish Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church.  Unfortunately, between the Greek Catholic and Russian Orthodox Church, there isn't even a symbolic act of reconciliation being undertaken.

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SSPX and Traditional Seminarians Overtaking Diocesan in Europe

The Mass of All Ages at the Society
Pope Benedict XVI. really doesn't have any other alternative than to reconcile with the Traditionalists. Because  they are growing from year to year.. -kreuznet

(  Recently, the French website '' presented the numbers of the Traditionalist seminarians who are preparing in France for a vocation  in the care of souls.

Cloistered religious societies were excluded from the statistics.

The Society of St. Pius X has about 50 French Seminarians 

In the Society of St. Pius X, ther eare at present 49 seminarians who come from France.

This number hasn't altered from last year.

The French comprise approximately one third of all the Society seminarians.

They study almost all in Ecône which is by far the largest seminary in Switzerland.

The largest Seminary by far in Germany 

The French born Traditional seminarians in ecclesiastically recognized communities are presently 91.

This number is also stable.

The largest number of seminarians study in the Society of St. Peter seminary in Wigratzbad, which is by far the largest seminary in Germany.

The Numbers  Continue to Advance

In the last year there were 18 Frenchmen ordained in the Immemorial Rite of the Ancient Mass.

That meant that in France, 84 percent of the seminarians for the New and 16 percent for the Old Rite.

Additionally, about thirty percent of the official seminarians are friendly to the Old Rite.

Otherwise, the number of official seminarians is spiraling into the abyss while the number of Traditional seminarians climb.

In 2005 there were 120 seminarians and in 2011 there were 140 seminarians.

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