Thursday, March 8, 2012

Cardinal Eijk Sends Warning to Liturgical Vandals in Holland

Correction:  the person committing these abuses was not actually a priest, but a layman.   It was he/she who was giving the homilies and inviting the laity to pray the Canon of the Mass.

Utrecht (Katolische Nachrichchten) Cardinal Wim Eijk, the Archbishop of Utrecht wrote a letter to all priests, deacons and laymen in pastoral ministry in his Archdiocese which addressed the observance of liturgical norms.  The occasion involved a pastoral assistant [a layman] who had grossly violated the liturgical norms in the Archdiocese of Utrecht a few weeks ago which he committed during Holy Mass in the homily and in prayers in the Canon [Eucharistic Prayer]. The pastoral assistant was subsequently punished by the Archbishop and removed from Missio Canonica [faculties to act as a priest].  Meanwhile, the Cardinal has put him back in office, following his public apology for liturgical abuses and explained his understanding of the importance of keeping the liturgical norms in the future.

Archbishop Announces Canonical Penalties

In his letter, Cardinal Eijk endeavors "to promote general order of the entire Church and therefore to press for the osservance of all ecclesiastical laws" to the canonical obligation of Bishops (can. 392 § 2).  He calls on all pastoral personnel, "to know and observe carefully", the liturgical norms.  He admonished all  "If in the future, unexpectedly, that the current norms for the Sacred Eucharist are violated, then I will not hesitate to impose canonical sentences, and also the withdrawl of Missio Canoninica [faculties] will not be ruled out.

The Archbishop stresses that penalties will be issued to those committing liturgical abuses all the way up to dismissal from the canonical state and lists the proper prcedures in canon law he will undertake in courts trying perpetrators.

Among the abuses he identifies are lay homilies, or attempts to encourage the laity to pray aloud the parts of the Eucharistic prayer.  The Archbishop stresses that these prayers are meant to be said by the priest alone.

He urges that Catholics have a right to object to liturgical abuses and make them known without any acrimony on the part of Diocesan officials.

The letter continues to urge Catholic laity to report liturgical abuses as they occur also to the Roman authorities.

Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith 
Piazza del S. Uffcio, 11 
I-00193 Roma 

Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sakramtenordnung 
Piazza Pio XII, 10 
I-00193 Roma .

Link to kathnews...

H/t: Fr. Gero Weishaupt

Sacramento Diocese Puts Hammer Down on Dissident Social Justice Types

Edit: It looks like legitimate concerns about CCHD and consistent Catholic teaching in social services are starting to bear fruit

SACRAMENTO, CALIF -- SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The Catholic Diocese of Sacramento no longer will fund programs at Francis House, a nonprofit agency that serves homeless people, because of its new director's views supporting abortion rights and gay marriage.

In a letter last month, the diocese's director of social services said the Rev. Faith Whitmore's public statements on the issues clash with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Therefore, said the Rev. Michael Kiernan, the social services director, it is "impossible for the diocese to continue funding Francis House" as part of its annual Catholic Appeal.

Each morning, dozens of poor people line up at Francis House, located in Sacramento's homeless services epicenter, for help with basic services such as housing and transportation. Now in its 42nd year, the organization is one of the largest homeless services agencies in the Sacramento region, serving upward of 25,000 people. It has an an annual budget of about $500,000.

Catholic Diocese halts funding homeless agency because of new director's views -

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Catechism Contradicts Doctrine: "The Church is Divided"

Mother Church is One and Not Divided

(  The 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' from the 90s is not in touch with other works since the Counter Reformation  in terms of faithfulness.  This is what Bonn philologist, Heinz Lothar Bart stated in an article for the orthodox monthly magazine 'Kirchliche Umschau'.

Barth refers to the important Dutch Dominican, Father Johannes van der Ploeg (+2004).

Reality is Silenced to Allow Error

Father van der Ploeg noticed that the texts of the traditional Liturgy are not mentioned in the Catechism -- as if this Liturgy had never existed.

Although it is an excellent source of Church doctrine.

In place of this the Catechism chose the Pastoral Council as the main source.

Father van der Ploeg criticized the unclear language of the Council and the Catchism.  This manner of expression is dishonest.

Luther as a Master Teacher

Barth warned of an overemphasis on the universal priesthood.

As the source for this, he described the schismatic, alcoholic and polygamist Martin Luther (+1546).

Barth cited Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki of Berlin.  He spoke in November 2011 about this that Martin Luther's concerns had been taken up by the Church.

As an examples he described the stress on the priesthood of all the faithful as well as so-called religious freedom.

The Church contains the Unity in Itself

Barth also takes note of the fact that the Catechism writes that the Church was divided.  As it says in paragraph 1398: "So you feel the painful divisions in the Church" -- in Latin, "Ecclesiae divisiones".

Catholic Faith had -- says Barth -- spoke of a "division fo the Church -- in Latin, "separationes ab Ecclesia".

Because the Church, as opposed to Chiristendom, as well as the Community of the baptiszed, is divided.

Unity is a mark of the Church. It is indestructible.

Barth cited St., Cyprian of Carthage (+258):

"The unity can not be rendered, the body can not be torn apart by the loss of its structure, can not be fragmented through inner tearing."

What is separated from the womb, can not survive alone, and loses the most important precondition for holiness -- said the Saint.

Link to

German SSPX Recommends Not Paying Church-Tax

A large part of the money is used so that 'all of the lay organizations, counsellors and functionaries can be paid, which basically work to destroy the Church' --  leaving is limited to a 'Legal entity according to the law'.

Stuttgart (  The traditional Society of St. Pius X is calling upon "Catholics true to Tradition", not to pay any more Church-tax and to give the money instead to 'those works which are true to Tradition and the Church'.  In the March edition of their "Bulletin" there is a form with which a person can declare their 'Exit from the Church'.

In clairification, it is specified that it is limited to leaving "soley and exclusively the Church as public and legal entity".  The reason they give is the "abuse of Church-tax money", which is used "for the destruction of the Faith of the Church".

A large part of the money is used for that, "to pay each of the lay organizations, counsellors and functionaries who are basically destroying the Church," it says.  The money should be applied instead "to those works which remain true to Tradition and therefore to continuing the building of the Church."

The Society of St. Pius X bases itself in its recommendation to exit on Rome.  In the eight page dossier of the Stuttgart published "Bulletin" appears under the heading "Remain Catholic Without Church-tax" referernces a clarification of the Papal Council for Legal Documents, according to which it clarifies that exit from the Church according to state recognition does not result in excommunication, therefore suffices for being stripped of all rights in the Church.  This 2006 "Clarification" the German Bishops refused to obey.

The President of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, briefly explained that the German Catholic Bishops are in "discussions at this point with Rome".  Zollitsch is confident, "that we we will come to a way of going forward that will be bearable for everyone."

(C) 2012 Catholic News Agency KNA Inc. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cardinal Schönborn Possessed by His Demons in the Cathedral

For about two years the bare breasted grotesque has defaced the Viennese Stephansdom and the memory of a Nun murdered by the National Socialists.

(, Vienna) On Saturday evening the Old Liberal Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn opened an exposition with the theme "The Cross in Sculpture" in his Cathedral museum.

This was reported by the Austrian news agency "kathpress".

On display are about sixty works from sixteen who hate the Church.

Among them is a satire of the cross, Blasphemers by Alfred Hrdlicka (+2009).

Hrdlicka considered himself to be an admirer of the Soviet murderer of peoples, Josef Stalin (+1953).

Cardinal Schönborn is enchanted by Hrdlicka's blasphemies.

Old Catholic Baptism as an Opportunity

For his opening speech, the Cardinal went especially to Hrdlicka's botched works.

He struggled to describe Hrdlicka's parents, who had been slaves of Communism, as victims.

So they had allowed their son to be baptized Old Catheolic for that reason, so that their six year old son would not suffer any disadvantages during the glorious government of martyr and Bundes Chancellor Engelbert Dolfuss (+1934).

Actually, Dolfuss didn't belong like Hrdlicka or the Cardinal, to an Old Catholic or Old Liberal sect, rather the Church.

He was murdered by the National Socialists.  Even that would have been -- had he lived in this time -- not have happened to the opportunistic Cardinal.

Hrdlicka was always demonstrably atheist.  He was buried in 2009 by the Viennese scandal pastor, Anton Faber, in an enormous and public Catholic Funeral.

Cardinal Praises the Grotesque

Even more striking the Cardinal mentioned a shameless 80,000 Euros which was paid in 2009 for the Hrdlicka ordered Demon Display which hangs in the Cathedral today.

The figure defaces a memorial of the Holy Nun, Sister Restituta Kafka (+1943).

Se was murdered by the anti-Catholic National Socialists.

The bust in the Saint Stephen's Cathedral shows a black haired whore with bare breasts.

The names of Communist political prisoners are engraved on it.

Heaven and Hell Can Not be Together

Cardinal von Schönborn  praised the disgraceful connection of the saintly nun with the Communist hooligans.

That shows that Sister Resituta was hung "in the middle of Communist street car workers in the Brigittenau" [20th District of Vienna].

The crucial difference between the two was not noted by the Cardinal:  while Sister was received into heaven, the executed Communists who went to their deaths despising God did not."

Communists Hate Mercy

The prince of the Church found touching words for the political criminals.

As they supposedly  had committed "only crimes" in the eyes of the National Socialists, the Cardinal determined that the crosses on the graves of the "colleagues" could have been placed:

"In the Christian understanding, this deed was an act of mercy" --  as the Cardinal had a misfire.

Sister Restituta was supposed to have grown very close to the Communistic dregs in prison -- slandered the Cardinal.

Hrdlicka had memorialized this connection, in which he engraved the names of the Communists on the bare breast of his representation of  a witch.

Link to

Monday, March 5, 2012

Diocese of Aachen Distributes Birth Control Financing

Old Liberal Bishop of Aachen,
Msgr Heinrich Mussinghoff
© iba, Pressefoto Bistum Aachen
The inhuman Aachen 'Caritas' has set itself against morality.  In that they mirror in any case, the opinion of the Bishop and in essence, the entire compromised Bishops' Conference.

(, Aachen) The city area of Aachen has set aside a cost subsidy for birth control.

This was reported by Stefan Rehder yesterday in the Catholic newspaper 'Tagespost'.

His report appeared under the cynical title: "Now Everything is OK"

Subtitle: "In the Diocese of Aachen citizens of the region even in Catholic helpline offer support for sterilizations and long-term birth control protection."

Multi-lingual:  The Muslims are Target Groups

The advertising for the birth control assistance appears in German, English, French, Arabic and Turkish.

The birth control fund has given 30,000 Euro this year.

The things requested were long-term birth control like contraceptive coils, hormone implants or sterilizations.

In some circumstances the fond even pays for abortifacients. [anti-child pills]

Birth Control Advertisements in Kindergarten

Information pamphlets for these inhuman actions were even distributed in the schools of Aachen and in kindergartens.

That isn't enough.

On the back side of the pamphlet there is contact information for the collaborating help lines.

It is presented as an advice line of the 'Caritas Organization for the Diocese of Aachen', of the 'Caritas Organization for the Region of Eifel' and the 'Catholic Womens' Social Services".

Interested persons could make an application at all the listed help lines.

Sterilization?  No Problem!

Rehder gave a sample of an inquiry.

He called the Counselor "Advice and Help" of the 'Catholic Womens' Social Services" about a sterilization.

The answer on the telephone:  "We can set up a simple appointment, at that we can then get a picture of your  earning capacity."

If he were qualified, then the rest would be no problem.

Artificial Birth Control:  Something for everyone

After that Rehder confronted the supposedly Catholic 'Caritas Organization for the Diocese of Aachen' with the results of his research.

The social service made a statement without shame, to work with a procedure.

It didn't result, however, in a "distribution of contraceptives".

The people were passed into a situation, through the mediation of the contraceptive-subsidy to come to a supposedly informed decision.

The prevention of  children is a mortal sin, which every informed conscience detests.

Knowledge and ignorance is the same here

At that point the statement, that the Church's moral teaching is discretionary "to the use of chosen methods for the knowledge of those concerned."

"Knowledge" is meant in the same connection with ignorance.

Rehder found the statement "more than questionable".

He cited the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church', which the inhuman sterilization and artificial birth control are strenuously condemned.

The Bishop of Aachen also hides under this cover

A colleague of the contraception campaign said to Rehder, that it was "generally not" difficult, to get the Catholic help lines to cooperate.

The crowning of the scandal was published by Rehder at the end of the article.

He asked the press speaker of the Diocese of Aachen, Franz Kretschmann, for a clarification.

Kretschmann explained:

"Assume that the opinion of 'Caritas' also reflects the attitude of the Diocese."

Link to original...

Cardinal Ranjith Against UN-Resolution on the Civil War in Sri Lanka

Arcbishop of Colombo: "Improper intervention in national sovereignty" -- but government should effect recommendations, which the national reconciliation commission have worked out.

Vatican City/Colombo (  The Archbishop of Colombo, Albert Malcom Cardinal Ranjith, has spoken out against a UN-Resolution for the investigation of war crimes in Sri Lanka.   Such a step would be an "Improper invervention in national sovereignty",  said the Archdiocese according to reports of the Vatican Mission Press Services "Fides" on Saturday.

At the same time the Cardinal has called on the government of the land to put the recommendations quickly into effect, which the national reconciliation commission have worked out.  At the same time Ranjith promotes avoiding the "discrimination of races or religions".

The UN-Human Rights Council planned a resolution for Sri Lanka by reason of thousands of deaths in the end phase of the civil war from 1983-2009.  The National Army declared the defeat of "Revolutionary Tigers of the Tamil Eelam" (LTTE) in May 2009.  Human rights organizations estimate that about 40,000 civilians lost their lives in the last weeks of the civil war.  The government estimates about 9,000 deaths.

Link to 

An Open Letter to Defend Faithful Priest in Washington D.C.

Edit in an atmosphere like this, the last thing those in authority should do is give credence to the frivolous and unjust demands of minority groups.

Here's a call to arms, to address the Cardinal respectfully in an attempt to address the issue in the way it deserves.  His office's behavior with respect to this good priest were unjust.

His Excellency Carlo Maria Vigano 3339 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20008 Your Excellency: Your Excellency is undoubtedly aware of a recent unbelievably scandalous situation that has surfaced in the past several days in the Diocese of His Eminence Cardinal Wuerl. I am referring, of course, to the denying of Holy Communion to a woman living proudly in a state of mortal sin by a priest during the funeral mass of this person’s mother. Incredibly, the Diocese has apologized to the mortal sinner, a woman engaged in the unnatural vice of lesbianism. Your Excellency, enough is enough.
We suffering Catholics, hanging on to the Faith by a thread, are sick and tired of our Bishops knifing us in the back whenever they are confronted by a hostile media or the homosexual mafia. We are sick and tired of their cowardice, their weakness, their refusal to speak the truth boldly. Things have come to such a sorry pass in America, things have sunk so low that we are now confronted by the spectacle of a Bishop apologizing to a practicing homosexual and what’s worse, reprimanding a dutiful priest for doing his job. This, Your Excellency, is the legacy of Americanism, condemned by Pope Leo XIII in Testem Benevolentiae. But now the time has come to end this attitude.

As more facts about this case surface it is now clear that this wretched woman paraded her perversion to the priest prior to the Mass, whereupon he politely informed her privately to refrain from approaching the Sacrament. When she did anyway, he did what a priest should do. And for that he is humiliated by his own Chancery. The Chancery has just handed the Church’s enemies another club with which to beat us.

Our Bishops are now rightly concerned with the evils coming from Washington (at long last) but if they are going to be obsequious to homosexuals of all people then their chances of turning public opinion around in their favor will be nil. If these Bishops continue (like His Eminence Cardinal Dolan, sadly) to tolerate homosexuals by not shutting down these atrocious “gay masses” in their respective dioceses they will not have a leg to stand on when militant, arrogant homosexuals start getting really aggressive.

Your Excellency, this must stop now. I am asking you to instruct His Eminence the Cardinal and the Bishop who wrote the letter of apology to this lesbian harridan to publicly and unequivocally re-state the Catholic position on the heinousness of the mortal sin that homosexuality is. We want no more weasel words like “sexual orientation” used to cloud the issue; we want clear, undiluted teaching.

I further put this next point as a demand, that Your Excellency demand that the Chancery apologize to the priest in question, and to protect him from the viciousness of these drooling homosexual jackals who are calling for his head.

Enough is enough, Your Excellency. The Church’s policy, dating back to at least Pius XII, of taking the kindly, “pastoral” approach has not worked. It is a failed policy. This policy of being “nice”, of not confronting our non-Catholic friends with the truths of the Faith, of gentle persuasion, indeed of Americanism, has been an unqualified disaster. This policy has produced two generations of Mass-going Protestants. It has paved the way for easy divorce, contraception, abortion and now acceptance of homosexuality. It is long past time that Rome abandons this policy and begins to govern with a gentle but firm hand. And here now is a case presented to the Church to institute this better kind of policy.

The world is watching to see what the Church will do now, Your Excellency. Let the world see justice, strength, courage and holiness – not vacillating and weakness. I urge Your Excellency not to let this matter grind through the usual slow Roman channels. Swift action is now required. Souls are at stake. How are souls at stake? Your Excellency knows well that the Chancery’s apology to an avowed lesbian will harden her in her disordered lifestyle and should she die in such a tragic state, she will suffer the torments of Hell.

I urge Your Excellency to deal with this matter without further delay.

With every good wish,


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hideous Art in Innsbruck Followed by Dissident Theologian's Lecture

 At the Innsbruck Basilica of Wilten there are concerns about an offensive sculpture for the agitation of the faithful -- accompanying this is a course by Roman Siebenrock, a signator of the anti-Roman Theological Memorandum.

Innsbruck (  After the outrage surrounding the photo exhibition in the Innsbruck Cathedral, the Faithful are reporting now another noteworthy scuplture in the Basilica of Wilten,  which has aroused the displeasure of some of the faithful.  The exhibition "Ecce homo" by the south Tirol artist Lois Anvidalfarei was displayed at the beginning of Lent in the Wiltener Basilica.  Accompanying the sculpture is a religion course taught by theologian Roman Siebenrock. Siebenrock received his doctorate studying under Peter Hunermann in the Theological Faculty of Tübingen and is a signator of the anti-Roman Theological Memorandum.

Link to video...

Vienna's Cathedral Pastor Says Watching Porn Isn't a Serious Sin

"I Fall in Love a Lot"
Wherever the heart is full, the mouth overflows. The Viennese Cathedral Pastor, Anton Faber, has vomitted in a women's gossip magazine.

(, Vienna) Of him he says he would "ever and anon be addressed about his circumstances".

The Viennese scanadal priest, Father Anton Faber,  was interviewed by the Austrian women's gossip magaizine 'woman'.

The best stories from the Confessional

Fr. Faber  chatted about the most interesting confessions ever to come his way which he'd heard -- allegedly a former whore.

She had been abused by her own father and sold by her mother.  From the milieu of prostitution she fell into drugs.

Just before she was about to kill herself, she put her counsel in the hands of Father Faber.

[Edit: it sounds remarkably like the film "Into Temptation'.]

I've never been touched by a man like that before

The clergyman "listened to her for a long time, layed his hands on her forehead and prayed for her"

At the end the former whore said, that she is supposed to have been "never been touched by a man like that before".

She was clearly not talking about being touched by grace.

The words of sin and forgiveness did not arise in the description of Father Faber's confession either.

Still haven't become weak

In an interview Fr. Faber gloated about how, in the course of time  there was "not just one" immoral of made to him.

But he "still never became weak" as a priest --   he said with pride in the Virgin and the Martyrs.

His is -- on the contrary -- "painfully touched", when "men and women engage in sexual practices as if they were just shaking hands."

Watching Pornography Films is "Probably not a Serious Sin"

As tot he question, if priests are allowed to consume pornography, Fr. Faber denied Catholic moral teaching.

He avered for the feminine readership, that gawking at pornographic films is "probably not a serious sin".

The Evil are Other

The clergyman left not question desired unanswered: it happened to him that he was in love, "not just once".

Actually, he quickly redirected himself and insulted "supposedly pure ascetic priests, whom women avoid like the devil avoids holy water."

These clergymen supposes the supposedly tolerant Cathedral Pastor, are "so nasty to others and also themselves, mostly",  that they couldn't possibly love.

Women used and then left behind

True to heart, Fr. Faber is supposed to have commited many youthful sins with "many girlfriends".

If he had been a "good lover", you'd have to ask his partners in depravity, whom he reduced to prostitution.

He had moved like a "fish in many waters" in his youth.

A problem of a point in time?

The interview became especially bawdy during the question of the "first time".

He had fallen in "too early" with an accomplice -- wept the penitent Faber.

He describes this today as "not to be strictly recomended".

In that wazy, he way he must have surely "also wounded many".

He says he didn't want to marry any of them.

Thankfully he chose the priesthood

The Cathedral rector became a priest out of a false motivation.

As an 18 year old he was threatened by kidney failure.

He was so thankful for his life that he he supposedly committed himself to God.

It's still a white lie

Fr. Faber found a heaven for everyone.

Those who are gone have passed, "to a higher place of rest".

There they will have found the happiness that they "only partially could have enjoyed on earth".

In heaven one may "is spared all of the earthly crap" and is "simply super for it and completely fulfilled".

Link to

Ireland's Heart Has Been Stolen

Edit this Saint died in the 12th century in Normandy.   His heart has rested undisturbed in Dublin Cathedral  for  seven centuries until now where it was the site of many miracles and the edification of droves of Ireland's faithful.
[RTE] The Cathedral was opened at 9.30am, to no alarm activation and no sign of any break-in. 
The heart was believed to be stolen between last night and noon today. 
The Heart of St Laurence O'Toole was kept in a wooden heart shaped container sealed within a small iron barred box.
Link to original..RTE.

H/t: BA

Friday, March 2, 2012

Kneelers and Communion Rail Ripped From Conciliar Church of Trent

(Trent) The church in which part of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) met, was reopened after extensive archeological excavations in (2007-2010) and renovations.  It surrounds the Marian Church, St. Maria Maggiore of the north Italian city of Trent.  In the course of excavations and rennovations even the pews, kneelers and communion rail was removed from the church, as the Trent internet site Libertà e Pensiero.

In the first Christian centuries, the church was a Bishop's church in the Diocese of Trent.  The Bishop of Trent was from 10-27-1803 also a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire (The German Nation)  and Ecclesial Principality.   Since the 20th century of the previous century, the Diocese was raised to an Archdiocese.  In Saint Maria Maggiore the Council took place in its third period from 1582-1563.  In this church there were various conclusions made, which after the Protestant Revolt and schism led to a phase of renewal and a new blooming.

"The excuse, to remove the kneelers and communion rail is doubly astonishing,  since this after all happens to be a church, in which the Council met, which strengthened the pious knee in the Holy Liturgy and opposed the human conception of the Reformation [Protestant Revolt]," says Libertá e Pensiero..

It reads in the General Instruction to the Missale Romanum of 1975:

Movements And Postures

20. The uniformity in standing, kneeling, or sitting to be observed by all taking part is a sign of the community and the unity of the assembly; it both expresses and fosters the spiritual attitude of those taking part.[28]

21. For the sake of uniformity in movement and posture, the people should follow the directions given during the celebration by the deacon, the priest, or another minister. Unless other provision is made, at every Mass the people should stand from the beginning of the entrance song or when the priest enters until the end of the opening prayer or collect; for the singing of the Alleluia before the gospel; while the gospel is proclaimed; during the profession of faith and the general intercessions; from the prayer over the gifts to the end of the Mass, except at the places indicated later in this paragraph. They should sit during the readings before the gospel and during the responsorial psalm, for the homily and the presentation of the gifts, and, if this seems helpful, during the period of silence after communion. They should kneel at the consecration unless prevented by the lack of space, the number of people present, or some other good reason.

But it is up to the conference of bishops to adapt the actions and postures described in the Order of the Roman Mass to the customs of the people.[29] But the conference must make sure that such adaptations correspond to the meaning and character of each part of the celebration.

Edit: It's not like anyone reads the rules, though.

Translated from, katholisches, which got the story from an Italian site...

Father Jolie says Dissidents are not Catholic

Edit:  He heads the German "Netork of Catholic Priests" and promotes the old Mass while  residing in one of the worst Diocese in Germany.

It is absurd to describe normal priests as conservative. It's like insulting someone who stops for a red light while others keep going, with the term right-wing radical.

 ( The German dialog process is the attempt to cover the substantial fracture in the German Church with the motto "we can discuss anything".

Pastor Hendrick Jolie of Mühltal in the Diocese of Mainz said on the 22nd of February for the Old Liberal Cologne 'Domradio'. [Cathedral Radio]

Fear of the word "Schism"

Things were discussed that weren't just describing physical location.

The clergyman stressed that no one wants to knowingly promote a schism.

But still there is increasing polarization.

Wheelchair Reformers Roll Offside

The one man show, 'Pastors' Initiative' of Fr. Helmut Schüller, which promotes women's ordination in Austria, isn't in the the Church any longer, according to Father Jolie.

In this case it is not the dialog about the means, rather a theological clarification, about what is Catholic.

Fr. Schüller is right to say, however, per Fr. Jolie, that "Communion for all" has long been a practice in most communities.

At the same time Fr. Jolie remarked: whoever stands against such grievances and defends the Faith, will find himself in serious difficulties.  Fr. Jolie didn't say from whom -- but it's the Old Liberal Bishops.

The request of "Network of Catholic Priests' to the Bishops, is for them to step forth as defenders of the Faith, is described by Father Jolie as a "call for help".

That's going to fall to the helpless.  

The Society of Saint Pius X is certainly not Heretical

As to the question if there is the possibility of splits like the Priestly Society of St. Piux X, Father Jolie said:

"Because  you can only say where the extremes meet"

There is danger "on both extreme sides",  which can lead at least de facto from the authority of the Pope.

Whoever leaves the ground of common Faith, creates their own church.

The Moderates are in the Middle? 

Fr. Jolie calls for the Priest Network, to stand "in the middle".

His reasoning:  "We say, we're not doing anything extreme, nothing strident, but we want to be Catholic priests."

It is absurd to be regarded as conservative or rightist.

That is, like "when you stop for a red light, and everyone else goes thorugh, and you are regarded as a  >>radical rightist<<."

As necessary reform measures Fr. Jolie named the promotion of the Old Mass, or a the interpretation of the Pastoral Council in the light of Tradition.

Link to original

Thursday, March 1, 2012

CDF Favorite: Hostile to Tradition, Doctrine and Advocates Liberation Theology

Edit: in addition to other issues with this Bishop who is hostile to Tradition, are his sympathies to Liberation Theology. We've been following this for the last few months as it's been coming from Germany. John Allen was trying to spin his conservative reputation at the Distorter.

In 2008, he accepted an honorary doctorate from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, which is widely seen as a bastion of the progressive wing of the Peruvian church. On the occasion, he praised Guttierez and defended his theology.

“The theology of Gustavo Gutiérrez, independently of how you look at it, is orthodox because it is orthopractic,” he said. “It teaches us the correct way of acting in a Christian fashion since it comes from true faith.”

In the same speech, Müller described "neo-liberal capitalism" as the "infamy of our age."

All that suggests the church might be in for some surprises should Müller indeed inherit the Vatican’s top doctrinal job.

Saint Louis Diocese Backs its School Administration Firing Homosexual Teacher

Edit: This is an interesting contrast to what Cardinal Wuerl is doing in Washington D.C.. A Saint Louis School is firing its music teacher, since the administration became aware of his intention to "marry". You might as what Al Fisher is doing in the school in the first place, but at least they're getting rid of him. More should follow and once the canons are faced, more in positions of responsibility will be courageous enough to resist this perpetual media assault on the Church and Her institutions.

Some may point out that both Diocese are following protocol agreed upon by both parties, but actually, only one of the parties is concerned about defending Catholic moral teaching against its enemies and seems largely unmoved by media pressure.

Archbishop Carlson of St. Louis once threatened to close down Catholic social services when he was Bishop of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. He will not be moved by the distortions such as are frequently available at Huffington Post.

This school teacher signed a document agreeing he wouldn't publicly challenge the Church's teachings. He's done.

[] The Rev. Bill Kempf, St. Ann's pastor, said in an emailed statement that the parish was "recently informed by one of its teachers of his plan to unite in marriage with an individual of the same sex. With full respect of this individual's basic human dignity, this same-sex union opposes Roman Catholic teaching as it cannot realize the full potential a marital relationship is meant to express. As a violation of the Christian Witness Statement that all Catholic educators in the Archdiocese of St. Louis are obliged to uphold, we relieved this teacher of his duties."

The Christian Witness Statement, which educators sign when applying for Archdiocese work, says all who serve in Catholic education should, among other requirements, "not take a public position contrary to the Catholic Church" and "demonstrate a public life consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church."

The Roman Catholic Church does not condemn homosexuals who remain "chaste," but it takes a strong stance against same-sex marriage and homosexual acts.
Read more:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wurzburg: Blasphemy on Display Reveals the Modernism

The Conciliarism leads to this: it attempts to lead the world to believe, that our Savior Jesus Christ has no place in it.
© Markus Hauck (POW)

( The Diocese of Wurzburg is displaying in its Cathedral museum  a mockery of the Last Super on a permanent basis.

The Diocese of Wurzburg reported that today,

The abomination was born of the Munich painter and stage builder, Henning von Gierke (64).

Faces from the Familiar

The faces on the figures of the Last Supper mockery have been borrowed from his immediate surroundings.

So it is that on this picture his wife, both of his children and his mother are depicted.

Christ is Absent

The male and female pictures of the Last Supper parody are partly clothed and partly unclothed.

A naked man lies under the table.

The place of Christ in the Last Supper mockery is empty.

In the mean time a projector will play the face of the current visitor, even as he sits on the bench before the abomination.

Ivory Tower Bloviating

The art director of the Diocese of Wurzburg, Jurgen Lenssen, dutifully praised the representation.

They present existential questions -- he blundered on.

The naked figures were allegedly meant to represent "the woundedness of people".

Whoever steps into the room will be drawn into the "stage of life" and must find a place there:

"The Last  Super to me, everything, where the celebration of life happens" --  Lennssen dissolves the core even of Christianity into nothing.

Conservative Linz Pastor Called to Rome: New Auxiliary for Linz?

I know nothing! Bishop Schwarz
© Pressefoto Bistum Linz
Something is Going on Behind the Scenes in the Scandal Diocese of Linz, Austria

It will not be simple for the Vatican to name a new Bishop for Linz.  Because in the meantime, Catholics are in the balance.

( Linz diocesan insiders are estimating that there is going to be another attempt by Pope Benedict XVI., to name an Auxiliary Bishop for the scandal Diocese of Linz.

Previously it is being aired that this could be the case by Easter.

In the meantime most are of the opinion that the appointment won't happen till the summer.

An Episcopal Denial Means Nothing

On Sunday the Old Lieral Bishop Ludwig Schwarz of Linz spoke to the Viennese boulevard magazine, 'Krone'.

He denied that there is an impending appointment of an Auxiliary Bishop.

Actually, that doesn't mean much.

Nothing is known about the Content

Recently, the rejected Linz Auxiliary Bishop, Pastor Gerhard Maria Wagner of Windischgarsten has been called to Rome.

He may have become aware of this date himself.

There is nothing available surrounding the content of the discussion.

Link to original...

Russian Morality Bill Meets With Disbelief and Threats

Edit: This English language Russian news source bemoans the upcoming passing of this legislation and threatens tourism to St. Petersburg.  Actually, it sounds like a great place to spend the Spring, visiting the famous Hermitage Museum and Imperial Palace.

Perhaps the UN will invoke sanctions for these just laws prescribing vice and protecting Russia's youth as they tried to do when  Lithuania passed a similar law?

[St. Petersberg Times] An anti-gay bill looked likely to pass during its third reading in St. Petersburg on Wednesday, after Friday’s hearing at the Legislative Assembly degraded into a farce, gay rights activists say. But the passing of the bill, which will outlaw “the promotion of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism” might have surprise negative effects for the authorities, they warn.

According to a press release issued by LGBT rights organization Coming Out, United Russia deputy Vitaly Milonov, the author of the bill, brought a group of aggressive supporters to the hearing, who insulted and threatened gay rights activists and the experts they had brought with them.

Milonov himself sat next to a man who was wearing a T-shirt reading “Orthodoxy or Death,” while the crowd chanted “You are not people,” Coming Out said, describing the hearing as a “triumph of militant ignorance.”
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+Wuerl Chancery Issues Cowardly Apology in Face of Media Frenzy

Edit:  the days when the American Church could be counted upon to withstand public opinion seem far away.  Many prelates will use public opinion to their advantage, but when it really comes to defending the Sanctity of the things they're sworn to defend, they cower like hirelings before the baying of the wolves that are threatening the flock.

Here's how it's going to play itself out, more or less: the next step will be to summon Father Guanizo for a meeting where he will be expected to apologize, and he'll be expected to undergo counselling as well while the Diocese considers his suitability for future ministry.

“You brought your politics, not your God into that Church yesterday, and you will pay dearly on the day of judgment for judging me,” she wrote in a letter to Guarnizo. “I will pray for your soul, but first I will do everything in my power to see that you are removed from parish life so that you will not be permitted to harm any more families.”

Late Tuesday, Johnson received a letter of apology from the Rev. Barry Knestout, one of the archdiocese’s highest-ranking administrators, who said the lack of “kindness” she and her family received “is a cause of great concern and personal regret to me.”

“I am sorry that what should have been a celebration of your mother’s life, in light of her faith in Jesus Christ, was overshadowed by a lack of pastoral sensitivity,” Knestout wrote. “I hope that healing and reconciliation with the Church might be possible for you and any others who were affected by this experience. In the meantime, I will offer Mass for the happy repose of your mother’s soul. May God bring you and your family comfort in your grief and hope in the Resurrection.”

Johnson called the letter “comforting” and said she greatly appreciates the apology. But, she added, “I will not be satisfied” until Guarnizo is removed.

The priest’s action has also triggered an uproar among gay rights activists and enlivened some religious conservatives. It came just days after the Maryland Senateapproved legislation legalizing same-sex marriage in the state; Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) is expected to sign it this week.

Link to D.C....

H/t Religion News Roundup....

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

German Catholicism -- the Old Liberals of Yesteryear

The object is derived from the same pattern:  One talks about "reform" -- and really wants to ditch religion.  The end result is dissolution.
Silesian Apostasy-Priest and Nationalist
Johannes Ronge (+1887)

(kreuznet)  German Catholicism was a phenomenon of the 19th century.  It was also called the German Catholic movement.

Since the middle of the 1840s the movement was active in the German Federation.

"Rigid and Reactionary"
The German Catholics did not want to follow the faith of the Church any longer.

They considered these to be "rigid and reactionary".

The initial event of their rise was a protest against the display of the Holy Robe by Bishop Wilhelm Arnoldi (+1864) in Trier.

This happened in 1844.

Nationalism Instead of Religion

The German Catholic Movement was affected by the ideology of Social Liberalism and German Nationalism.

After the collapse of the nationalistic March Revolution in 1848/49, they were initially thrown in the crate by the anti-nationalistic Principalities.

German Catholicism formed itself together with the originally protestant Lichtfreunden [Friends of Light] in a "Free Religion Movement".  This finally disintegrated.

The Back Ground

After the coronation of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (+1861) in Prussia, the Kulturkamp [cultural war against Catholicism] and the persecution of Catholics ceased.

The most visible expression of this was the allowance of Trier's pilgrimage to the "Holy Robe".

It was an indescribable success.

Within fifty days, half a million pilgrims drew near the reliquary.

A Luther too Late

The Silesian apostasy-priest and Nationalist, Johannes Ronge (+1887), protested with a public outcry against this "charade".

That was an opportunity for him to turn against the allegedly "tyrannical power of the Roman hierarchy."

Ronge fell into the role of a second Martin Luther in the eyes of Catholics.  He found, none the less, an echo chamber in the anti-Church media.

Modern to the Death

The movement initiated by Ronge contrived to make the overwrought Protestantism new.

It subjected Biblical exegesis to a rationalist ideology, which it asserted absolutistically as the only norm.

He rejected the Catholic Magisterium and Papal Primacy.

Naturally he disparaged the language of the Church, the veneration of Saints, Penance [Confession], and above all, celibacy and the traditional form of the Liturgy.

It was merely baptism and the "Meal" which he recognized as Sacraments.

He also opposed the Church's practice regarding mixed marriages.

A New Morality

Under Ronges' leadership the last German Catholic Council too place in Leipzig in 1845.

It was organized  by the soon to be hung Nationalist, Robert Blum (+1848) from Vienna.

Blum was a media boss and a skirt chaser, who impregnated many women and left them in the lurch.

And then the Spirit Left

The center of German Catholicism were the industrial regions in Silesia and Saxony as well as in Rhineland.

In 1847 there were around 250 communities with about 60,000 members, a quarter of whom were former protestants.

The German Catholic Movement was not religiously oriented, rather it was a religious breakaway movement.  It would only last for a few years.

Will Cardinal Wuerl Suspend Courageous Priest?

Update: the Diocese has apologized to this woman who attempted to commit an act of sacrilege and has publicly thrown its priest to the wolves in one sense.  Disciplinary actions are sure to follow since the perpetrator now wants to inflict harm on the man just doing his job.  Hey, if you don't agree with the Church's teaching, don't believe it and don't expect its ministers to act in a way that aids and abets your errors.

Here's the pathetic response from ++Wuerl's anemic chancery:

Late Tuesday, Johnson received a letter of apology from the Rev. Barry Knestout, one of the archdiocese’s highest-ranking administrators, who said the lack of “kindness” she and her family received “is a cause of great concern and personal regret to me.”

“I am sorry that what should have been a celebration of your mother’s life, in light of her faith in Jesus Christ, was overshadowed by a lack of pastoral sensitivity,” Knestout wrote. “I hope that healing and reconciliation with the Church might be possible for you and any others who were affected by this experience. In the meantime, I will offer Mass for the happy repose of your mother’s soul. May God bring you and your family comfort in your grief and hope in the Resurrection.”

Edit: This is about denying communion to those who cause scandal. It's the right of a priest and an obligation to do it. It's what Cardinal Wuerl has been urged to do.

Well, another priest who is presenting the authentic but non-PC teaching on the sin that cries out will in all likelihood be punished. You'll remember the great Father Gomez who was recently suspended for telling it like it is, or the Linz Pastor, Father Skoblicki, who was hounded from his post just for being offensive to a few people who rarely went to church and the Austrian media.

 Not surprisingly, this particular priest may find himself punished in turn.  He is of the Archdiocese of Washington D.C..  The See of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, who may be overseeing disciplinary action against him for being culturally insensitive to a scandalous woman whom the priest had the courage to publicly chastise.

Cardinal Wuerl has himself been a scandal in the past, and seems eager to add further wounds to the body of Christ by giving tacit approval to behavior well outside of Catholic moral teaching.

Why is the priest allowing "lay eulogies" anyway? And why would he be suspended for doing the job many Bishops have been refusing to do for more than half a century with respect to pro-abort and Liberal politicians? Surely, this priest should be able to find a home in a Diocese that's not so hostile to the practice of the Catholic Faith in the event that the ensuing media storm extracts action from Cardinal Wuerl to act on behalf of the Zeitgest?

The following excerpt of an article from USCatholic underscores the confusion.  The public scandal caused by a homosexual couple living in sin certainly does constitute scandal.  Not sure how a priest doing his job causes scandal, but USCatholic thinks so.  On the other hand, where does this writer's expertise lie, save perhaps in suffering from a disordered state himself?

Predictably, the anti-Catholic and inaptly named USCatholic is "shocked" by such "callous" behavior.

We're still shocked they're still allowed to describe themselves as Catholic. Isn't that false advertising?

From the category of "you cannot be serious": A priest of the Archdiocese of Washington, Rev. Marcel Guarnizo, has,according to the Washington Post, denied communion to woman at her mother's funeral because she is a lesbian and living with a woman. He informed her of that in the communion line. He also left the altar when she delivered the post-communion eulogy for her mother.

What? Now Catholic women who are lesbian cannot even be heard in church? So far the best the archdiocese has done is restate its policy that denying someone communion should be explained in a private, pastoral setting. What it doesn't say is that it is up to the conscience of the communicant whether to present herself for communion and, as a general rule, the minister offering communion is not to question that judgment, except in cases of scandal. I hardly think that a daughter wanting to receive communion at her mother's funeral--not even at a regular Sunday Mass--would cause such a scandal. Nor does living with a woman rise to "obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin," in the proper understanding of canon 915. (Ask any canonist.) This priest's behavior, on the other hand, has scandalized Catholics the world over.

What we are witnessing can only be described as the small-minded behavior of people that don't even understand Catholic history or tradition, the intricacies of canon law--including and especially canon 915 (and the linked commentator doesn't get it either)--and the rights of the faithful, or even the demands of charity. The fact that a man who could so callously display his disdain for one of the baptized daughters of the church is even ordained is breathtaking.
Link to USCatholic...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Swiss Bishop Creates Two Traditional Parishes

Bishop Vitus Huonder
Both Mass centers have existed since the 70s. They are the only blooms on the Diocese of Chur's withering tree.

( Since Monday morning it's official. On the 22nd February, Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur erected two traditional personal parishes.

The Diocese published this information in a broadcast.

The Bishop described the two parishes as "two living centers for pastoral care." The various modern parishes of the Diocese of Church which have been ruined by Old Liberals are without exception, clinically dead.

The Old Mass has Been Celebrated Here for 35 Years

The first traditional personal parish is located at the Immaculata-Marienkapelle in the 1600 population vicinity of Oberarth in central Switzerland.

Oberarth belongs to the 11,000 population community of Arth, fifty kilometers southerly of Zurich.

The Bishop of Church had already allowed the celebration of the Old Mass in the eyar 1977. Since 1999 it has been offered daily.

A Living Community

On Sunday in Oberarth there are two Holy Masses celebrated.

Additionally, there are confession times and spiritual counselling, which are in high demand.

For pastoral activity, there is also Catechism for school children, devotions, baptisms, sick calls, burials, pilgrimages and spiritual exercises.

The new parish is called Maria Immmaculata.

The first Pastor is the Chur Canon Martin Burgi. [He has some say in who the Bishop will be]

First Beginnings in 1971

The second perosnal parish is located in an area of the city of Zurich.

Since 1971 there was an old Mass in Herz Jesus Parish Church in Zurich-Oerlikon celebrated every Sunday evening.

The organizers of the liturgy was the Lay Organization 'Una Voce'. They requested various priests for pastoral services.

Society of St. Peter Takes Over

In April 1998 a pastoral center was taken over by the traditional Society of St. Peter.

Till 2005, workday Masses have been taking place in an improvised chapel in a nearby store.

This place was given up, when the possibility presented itself, to celebrate two workday Masses in the church of St. Josef in Zurich.

No Certain Church

Once in a each month, in the 8,000 population community of Egg -- forty kilometers south of Zurich -- one workday Mass takes place in the old Rite.

Since 2002, the church in the Zurich suburban communities Birmensdorf and Uitikon have been available for the celebration of Holy Week.

The Christmas has been celebrated for several years in the crypt of the Church of St. Gallus in the Zurich-Schwamendingen.

Peter Martin Ramm is the Pastor

The personal parish has been consecrated as St. Maximilan Kolbe. The first Pastor is FSSP Priest Martin Ramm.[Asked for by the Bishop himself]

The location of the new personal parish is in the Zurich suburb of Thalwil.

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter have their branch there.

The "Sects in the Church" are the Old Liberals

The Bishop stressed that it is "an act of righteousness", "that the faithful no longer left in a canonically unclear provisorium.

Msgr Huonder confessed, to "understand well" some of the obstacles against the erection of these personal parishes.

This fear has been cultivated above all by the Old Liberals, who have operated within the Church of Christ for years like a sect.

Link to original...

Photo: © Pressebild

Flawed YouCat Youth Catechism by Flawed Cardinal Selling Well

Edit: The Catechism published by the German Bishops' pornography distributor, Weltbild, seems to be enjoying a great deal of popularity despite questions about its truthfulness to Catholic teaching. It is the brainchild of Cardinal Schoenborn.

Best selling Catholic book worldwide?

New Youth Catechism

The following comes from a February 23 story by the Catholic News Agency 

The co-creator of the Church’s catechism for young people has revealed that it's now the top selling Catholic book in the world. 

“The latest figures show that Youcat has sold 1.7 million copies worldwide. It’s been a great success in nearly every country where it has been published,” said German publisher Bernard Meuser in a Feb. 23 interview with the Catholic News Agency. 

“For example, it is number one in Spain, number one in America, and number one in Germany along with the Pope’s latest book.” 

Link to article...
H/t: Stella Borealis....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Bishop Schneider Pontifical High Mass in the Immemorial Rite

Edit: Like heaven on earth.  No abuses, no irreverence.  This is quite literally, the school of virtue.  You could never mistake this for a Calvinist Liturgy.

Mel Gibson's Upcoming "Berserker" and "Maccabees" Will be Catholic Films

Saint Olaf II, Martyr

Edit: There's an old platitude that to know history is to be Catholic, and so Mel Gibson is taking on two historical projects guaranteed to treat Christian themes.

On the one hand, you're bound to see the heroic resistance of the Christians as the terrible Vikings come down and destroy their world.  Perhaps we will hear of the brave resistance of Alfred the Great and how he magnanimously introduced the Vikings he conquered into his household?

Perhaps he'll tell the story of the conversion of St. Olaf who went down fighting gloriously at the Battle of Skittelstad on July 29th 1030 and accomplished more as a martyred Saint, than a great but merely heroic epitome of valor, to win over his battle hearty people to the true religion of peace.

Our speculations aside, it's clear that the Viking film is going to be made, it's going to be called "Berserker" [Literally, bare shirt fighter].  He looks determined to make it.

Despite his efforts to make a film about the scirptural story of Maccabees , there are many who look in askance at the effort.  They view it cynically as an attempt to coddle Jewish sensibilities in the wake of his "tirade".  In reality, Maccabees is a Catholic story which should cause modern Jews, and not a few Catholics,  to reconsider what they believe.  It is a story of how God used a small band of Jews to liberate Palestine in one of the most amazing upsets in history.

Don't look for it in a protestant Bible, unless it says "apocrypha" included.  Also, it's not really Apocrypha, it's part of the Biblical Canon and the reservations of a few biblical scholars and Protestants should not stop you from meditating on how it points to Catholic teachings like purgatory.

"2 Maccabees 12:46: "Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from sin."

If you're a Catholic, you should expect to see a lot of Catholic references in both films.  Mel's trying to make up for his failings by doing good works, like helping Whitney Houston with her addictions, which earned him some admiration and gratitude from the family who invited him to her funeral in Newark, New Jersey.

Whatever he decides to do with these complimentary and beautiful subjects, they will be two things:  great stories,  Catholic stories.

The following is an interview and it was well done:
Los Angeles Times] Reserved and reflective, Mel Gibson came to the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood to celebrate the legacy of his “Mad Max” films but, of course, the 56-year-old star’s recent career calamities were the silent passenger that accompanied him during the trip down memory lane.
Thirty-three years have passed since ”Mad Max” exploded on the scene with a high concept and a low budget (about $400,000) and began the minting of an international movie star. Sitting in the dark with the time-capsule moment, Gibson found it hard to recognize his 21-year-old self up on the screen. “I thought,” he said, “it was one of my kids.”
Above, you can watch the full video from the American Cinematheque event where I interviewed Gibson about the career-launching franchise and you’ll hear that the conversation veered off at times to his filmmaking future, the TMZ era and the emotional wear and tear of recent seasons. There was also a lot of applause — and two standing ovations — from the sell-out crowd. And, for that, the two-time Oscar winner seemed truly thankful.
Watch video, here....

Elvis' Old Friend Returns to Holywood a Witness of Religious Life

Edit:  She looks terribly refined in that garment, a sign of contradiction.   The secret is that there is an entire universe in the cloister, a beautiful halo of stars about the house at night and incredible wonders in a life lived with childlike purity.

Perhaps sister will inspire more young women to evaluate their course in life and embark on an adventure most men would be too timorous to undertake themselves.

Of course, the habit works on a lot of different levels, there's a level of wonder and a reflection on what it means, it's a prayer.
If you plan to watch the Oscars this Sunday, keep your eye out for Dolores Hart, the 1960s starlet who starred opposite Montgomery Clift, Robert Wagner, and Elvis Presley — twice.
She’ll be easy to spot: just look for the cheerful-looking woman in the nun’s habit. That’s because Hart, who famously shared one of Presley's first on-screen kisses, is now Mother Prioress Dolores, Benedictine nun. Her unusual life story, from the glitz of Tinseltown to a cloistered convent in Connecticut, where she now lives, is the topic of a new HBO documentary, “God Is The Bigger Elvis.”
 Hart, now 73, grew up in Chicago and got her start in acting at the age of 19 locking lips with Elvis as one of his love interests in the 1957 movie, "Loving You." She went on to star in a series of high-profile movies and Broadway productions, and was nominated for a Tony Award in in 1959. She also got engaged to Don Robinson, a Los Angeles architect.

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