Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Have Archaeologists in Turkey Discovered Apostle's Tomb?

An international group of archaeologists are attempting to identify the grave of the Apostle Philipp in Turkey.

Lecce ( An international group of archaeologists are attempting to identify a grave of the Apostle Philip in Turkey. The resting place of the twelve closest followers of Jesus is located in Hieropolis near Pamukkale in the southwestern part of the country, reported the Italian newspaper >>Lecce Prima<< (Online Edition Monday). The scientific team has discovered a second church beneath the St. Philipp Church from the 5th century, which contains a Roman grave which was erected in the first century, explained the leader of the campaign, the archaeologist Francesco D'Andria of the University of Salento in Italy.

D'Andria describes the previous church as a hall church, a building whose aisles are as tall as its nave.  As to the identification of the grave of St. Phillip, the scientist is quoted by the paper as saying that it is ascribed to >>Tradition<<. The report described those taking part in the expedition as a team of 65 Italian scientists. The Apostle Philip should have suffered martyrdom in his 80th year in the vicinity of modern day Ukraine. Another tradition puts his death in southwest Turkey.

Link to

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Record Numbers Catholic of Seminarians in Muslim Country

(Jakarta) In central Java, a part of Indonesia, in which there are strong radical tendencies registering among the population, the Catholic Church is experiencing a substantial increase in vocations.  The Jesuit led seminary of St. Peter Canisius in Mertoyudan has recorded a record number of candidates to the priesthood.  The largest part of the 250 seminarians come from the Diocese of Semarang.  The seminary celebrates in 2012 its  100th year since founding.

On the island of Java there is a seminary and three junior seminaries in Wacana Bhakti, in Garum and in Yogyakarta.  In the academic year 
 2011/2012, 256 young Indonesian Catholics are preparing for the priesthood  in the previous year 225, 2009/2010 198 and 2008/2009 there were 166. The Diocesan Bishop Msgr. Julianus Sunarka, himself a Jesuit, has shown himself pleased.

Link katholisches....

SSPX: There is Already a New Dogmatic Preamble

The Society of St. Pius X is on a sound path.  On the other hand, the German speaking Bishops now as ever are striving with every effort to prevent them from attaining full unity with Rome.  by Jacqueline Jeannerat [translation]
'The German Bishops' Conference' Endorsement  of Würzburg Synod 

( The General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X., Bishop Bernard Fellay (53) has produced a new Dogmatic Preamble for the Congregation of the Faith.

This comes from reports unconfirmed so far.

The new version should be signable by the Society.

A possiblity Existed Already in 2001

Already in 2001 there was the possibility that the Society had received from then Pope Johannes Paul II. († 2005) even without a signed consent, to receive a Apostolic Personal Prelature.

At this point however, the preconditions which Bishop Fellay was seeking were still not fulfilled.

The three were: the rehabilitation of the Old Mass, a lifting of the excommunications of the four Pius-Bishops and the possibility of a theological dialog between the Vatican and the Society.

The next big problem

Through the critical exploration of the non-dogmatic conclusions of the second Vatican Council the Society would like to bring a fruitful dialog process into play.

Against that the German dialog Bishops are against any further dialogue.

Even so the schismatically oriented German speaking Bishops are refusing to reach any efforts in order to bring full unity with Rome.

These are the terms

The following terms would be necessary:
- The withdrawal of the immoral Königsteiner Declaration of August 1968. [When the German Bishops met in opposition to Paul VI's Humanae Vitae on behalf of 'primacy of conscience'. It was a rebellious act against the Papacy.]

- The withdrawal of the Würzburg Synod. [It was formed by dissident priests of Würzburg, in order to distort the conclusions of the Second Vatican Council. It was endorsed by Julius Cardinal Döpfner of Munich and Freising.]

- The understanding that withdrawing from the Church will not include excommunication [German Catholics have legitimate reasons to leave the Church so as not to pay the Church-tax and support the leftist and heretical agendas of the German Bishops, including their participation in abortion and pornography.]

- The correction in German of the poorly translated words of institution [The German Bishops are steadfastly resisting the Holy Father's efforts to change the words of institution to "many" vs. "all".]

- Public reparations for the participation of the Old Liberal official Church in the mass murder of abortion, - the freedom of making declarations free of heresy,

- support for societies true to Rome,

- compliance of lay instruction,

- the greatest possible promotion of the Old Mass.

Link to

Monday, February 6, 2012

Connecticut Catholic School Abolishes Skirts

Edit: The rationale employed by the administration is as ridiculous as the overall homogenization of human sexuality by the state.

It would be interesting to know if the faculty and administration actually believed the Catholic Faith.  They often don't.
St. Bernadette Catholic School will be updating the girls uniforms next fall. After many female students have been rolling up their plaid skirts to make them shorter, the school has decided to ban their current skirts and jumpers and replace them with khaki pants. Parents are upset that they'll have to shell out more money for new uniforms, but they're also angry that their daughters will look less feminine.

According to the New Haven Register, principal Sherry Steines recently wrote a letter to parents claiming the new dress code is the result of "many conversations and input from the school survey." Apparently some parents never took any such survey or were consulted about the dress code. As a result about 20 parents signed a petition to meet with the the principal about the changes, but they were ultimately turned away.

"They said the jumper is going to last a couple of years and then, boom, it's gone," parent Brenda Abel told the Register. She said tuition is costly enough and she'd prefer not having to buy new uniforms. Her daughter, Jessica, is in sixth grade and keeps her skirt at the required knee length. Several mothers told the Register the school should forbid skirt rolling, but let them keep their uniforms. One parent who wished to remain anonymous told the paper, "I would like to carry on with the beautiful tradition that the kids wear their proud uniform." Kayla Bailey agreed, saying, "People see my daughter and they know she goes to St. Bernadette." Nancy Owens, who crafted the petition, said she too prefers the current recognizable plaid girls uniforms. "I don't want my kid looking like a magnet school kid," she said. 
Link to article...

Hungary's Prime Minister: "If the Church Were Stronger, The Nation Would be Much Stronger"

The Hungarian Prime Minister is a lighthouse in a circle of unscrupulous political criminals, who want to impose their absurd Democracy.

( Hungarian Constitution asserts that the foundation of all life has its origins in the family.

That's why homosexual unions are not protected by the same rights as families.

It forbids homosexuals to adopt children.

Viktor Orbán (48)anounced this at the end of January in an interview with journalist and musician Jan Pospieszalski (57) in a broadcast for ‘Blizej’ on Polish state television.
Orbán is evangelical reformed and the father of five children.

As a younger politician he belonged to the opposition against dehumanizing Communism.

The interview discussed above all the giant majority of the new Constitution of Hungary. It is a milestone of progress.

That is the reason why it was bitterly fought against by obscurantist left circles.

A European Politician

The Hungarian Constitution declares that human life must be protected from the beginning.

With that it struck the barbarism of abortion down.

Orbán stressed that the defense of human life isn't merely valid for Hungary, but concerns all of Europe.

No Money for the Violence of Abortion

Orbán will be distorted by a left-obscurantist discussion.

These despisers of people are angered that the Hungarian Government are distributing the EU-payments to the promotion of adoption instead of abortion.

One inhuman individual attacked Orbán even in the EU-Parliament.

In his answer Orbán insisted that life is still widely "not respected".

That is -- according to Orbán -- a relic of the Communist regime, which hold people and life in contempt.

He continued: "If we had a strong Church, then the nation would be much stronger."

And: "I in the process of attempting an alliance with politicians, for whom Christendom and traditional values are important."

That is a great power for me

Orbán also stressed that prayer has a long tradition in Central Europe:

"For me this tradition has great significance."

Before difficult undertakings people would pray for him: "That is a great power and help for me."

"I would like to thank you for this talk and wish God's blessing on every single citizen of the Polish nation."

Here's the Interview in German, unfortunately, where he also thanks Poland for its demonstrations on behalf of Hungary:

German Jesuit to Receive Cardinal's Hat After All [?]

[Update]  The report from the German District website was from January 6th and has since been corrected to reflect the current situation that the German Jesuit, Father Becker, is NOT to receive a Cardinal's hat at the Consistory.  It is thought that the situation will be corrected, since someone in the Vatican is confused about Father Becker's state of health.  Thank you for your patience.

About three days ago, the traditional portal 'Rorate Caeli' reported that Father Karl Becker was to be passed over for a Cardinal's hat "for health reasons".  Today it is revealed that this is not the case. In fact, Father Becker is in very good health, and is looking forward to continuing his work in the service of God and of his holy Church.

Vatican Information Service had reported:
Today's communique also announces that, due to ill health, cardinal-designate Fr. Karl Josef Becker S.J. will not be created a cardinal during the public ceremony of 18 February, but in private at another time.

Imagine Father Karl Becker's astonishment at being told he was in bad health. Now the German District of the Jesuits is reporting that Father Karl Becker, one of the architects of the hermeneutic of continuity, is going to receive the honor after all. The translation as follows:
On the 6th of January the Vatican has announced that Pope Benedict XVI will name 22 Cardinals on 18. February 2012. One of them is to be the German Jesuit, Professor Dr. Karl Josef Becker SJ. The German Province of the Jesuits warmly congratulates him for this appointment.

The German Jesuit was a key figure in the doctrinal discussions with the Society of St. Pius X.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Augsburg: Fr. Oblinger Gets Promotion from Bishop

Edit: thinks he is still being treated unfairly by his Bishop and insists that loyalty at the expense of the truth is not Catholic.

"As far as the loyalty I have to my Bishop, I haven't allowed a single doubt This is the central point of lived Catholicity," said Pastor Oblinger.

Augsburg ( Bishop Konrad Zdarsa has assigned Alois Oblinger, who received ban from writing for "Junge Freiheit" a few weeks ago, to a new pastoral assignment. Pastor Oblinger, who has since 2004 been Pastor and director of the Parish Community of Ichenhausen, will be moving 1. September 2012 to Bodensee. In Lindau he will take over from Monsignor Ortwin Gebauer the only parish community in the Diocese of Augsburg which includes and island, the Parish Community Lindau. As Parish Community Lindau, there are two Parishes, Basilica of Our Dear Lady in Linda, Maria Queen of Peace in Lindau-Zech and St. Josef in Lindau-Reitin.

Pastor Oblinger is overjoyed over the new assignment, which Bishop Zdarsa had assigned him and regretted a message from the Diocese that the Bishop had caught fire over an "internal personnel" decision in some circles. "It is a shame that in the past weeks, various sides have attempted to put a wedge between Bishop Zdarsa and myself. As far as the loyalty I have to my Bishop, I haven't allowed a single doubt," he said in a message.

George Alois Oblinger was born in Saarlouis in 1967. In 1995 he was ordained a priest and was active till 1997 as a Chaplain in Donauwörth. Coincidentally he was assigned a benefice in 1999 in Immenstadt and also active since 1999 as Pastor in Bliensbach tätig. In 2004 he was the Pastor of Oblinger and director of the Parish Community of Ichenhausen.

Link to original...


  Loyal Pastor Persecuted

  Bishop's Cousin Connected with Junge Freiheit

No "Non Possumus" -- Attempt to Sidetrack the Talks of the SSPX with Rome

Edit: looking at the German media figures like Jeff Mirus, Armin Schwibach, or the Italian Vaticanista, Alessandro Speciale, you can see that there's a reflexive desire to inaccurately portray Bishop Fellay's words.
(Rome/Econe) On 3. Februar 2012 Cardinal William Levada met with the Pope. The Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and Faith and reported to the Pope about the situation with the negotiations between the Holy See and the Society of St. Pius X. Primarily, it focused on the second response of the Society to the "Doctrinal Preamble". Since then, the Vatican is on the train. The congregation, led by Cardinal Levada and examined the response to the Pope in order to determine the next steps by the Holy See. The outcome of the audience is not known.

The whole day was accompanied by a media barrage. Not for the first time did it seem to some that the failure of the talks was not going fast enough. A new wave in talking up this failure was accompanied as a sort of background music for the conversation yesterday in the Vatican.

The opening was taken up by Alessandro Speciale and unchecked by other journalists, including Vaticanistas. In the German speaking zone, Armin Schwibach dashed forth with the sensational headline, "Bishop Fellay: possumus Non!" Thus, the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Bernard Fellay, was supposed to have declared in a sermon at the seminary of the Society in Winona in the United States when he actually said yesterday that it is possible for the Society to accept the preamble. He did so, according to Speciale, which provoked a domino effect Schwibach and many others, a "non possumus" announced.

It had created the impression that the Fraternity's turn on the negotiations with Rome had made a definitive stand. The exact opposite is the case. The Holy See's turn and for this reason was held yesterday behind closed doors in the Vatican meeting between Pope Benedict XVI. and Cardinal Levada instead. For this reason alone was the Superior General of SSPX had no reason to trumpet just the day before a categorical "nyet" to the world. The domination of small diplomatic Bishop Fellay has multiplication table since the beginning of the talks with Rome, or rather, since he received from Pope Benedict XVI. In the summer of 2005 provided sufficient proof, as that he would make no such inappropriate move while he waits for the response of the other side.

So the day was at least in the sense of the media, had "run" its course. The uncritical dissemination of a false report says especially a lot about the wishful thinking of some journalists. [Jeff Mirus] In this case, the question arises as to the Cui bono. It has long been known that a possible and desired agreement by Pope Benedict XVI between the Holy See and the SSPX of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre has many opponents, on both sides.

In Italy, fought over the news. The starting point is for all the alleged "refusal" Msgr Fellays in Winona. However, it is a hoax in the classical sense, as revealed Rorate Coeli. Monsignor Fellays never made the statement attributed to him, never, not in Winona, and not elsewhere. In his homily, the Superior General of the Society briefly outlined the current progress of the negotiations with Rome and stated here that the "preamble", as on 14 September Preamble, the Brotherhood, would not be accepted. It has long been known and does not correspond to general rejection, but is part of the negotiations. The Vatican admitted to the Brotherhood with delivery right to propose amendments to express their wishes to propose more appropriate formulations. This option is exercised by the Society which is waiting their turn for the reaction of Rome, which the last topic of conversation between Benedict XVI. and Cardinal Levada.

You will therefore need to wait a little longer, until Rome makes its answer to the SSPX known what the result of the talks have been, as some have rejoiced too early, intending to speak and write you a failure cause.
Link to original...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Holy Father and Cardinal Levada Deliberate Over Fate of SSPX

Cardinal Levada is with Pope Benedict XVI are a meeting.

Vatican City ( KNA) Pope Benedict XVI. is publicly in meetings with Cardinal Levada. The Pope invited the Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith to an audience on Friday, as the Vatican considers further steps. The main part of the discussion may have been to cover the report of his administration of the US Cardinals in their plenary meeting, at which will also be discussed the dialog with the Society of St. Pius X.

At the yearly plenary conference of the CDF from the 24th to the 27th of January the most recent answer of the Society to the "Doctrinal Preamble" of the Vatican was considered as part of the program. In this clarification which was formed on the 14th September 2011 are the result of an eighteen month long discussion of principes for the possible reunification with the Priestly Society of St. Pius X. The discussion afterward relates to the second and first answer which both require a clear adherence of Tradition to the Church's Magisterium and to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965)
Link to original.... .

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bishops to +Fellay: "Toss the Council to the Side, Forget it!"

Bishop Fellay at Candlemass 

Edit: Rorate reports that Italian commentators are having trouble understanding what Bishop Fellay is saying.  Actually, he's been overwhelmingly positive and is finding a tremendous amount of support from REAL Vatican Insiders and even Bishops.

Bishop Fellay cited the thesis of one of his Vatican collaborators.  This one came to the conclusion that the Pastoral Council has the doctrinal authority of a sermon from the 1960s.

( The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X is fighting "with and against Rome" at the same time.

That said, the Superior General of the Fraternity, Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Feast of Canlemas, during a Sermon in the 30,000 population city of Winona in Minnesota.

An audio of the sermon is posted on the Seminary's website.

It would be Better Outside

There have been many attempts within the Conciliar Church to get rid of the Society -- explained Bishop Fellay.

According his information, it may be better for the Society to remain "outside".

Because: Then they would receive better treatment from the Church.

As an example, the Bishop recalled how friendly the Church is for the Godless protestants, who come to the Conciliar Church's door and find it opened.

Those are Dogmas

The main problem is identified by Msgr. Fellay "in the Magisterium".

Rome maintains that the past Magisterium can be differentiated from.

Msgr Fellay counters: "The truth is not dependent of the time. Reality is above it."

What was once defined is binding for all time: "These are dogmas."

Very Accomodating

The Society has received an "invitation" for canonical regularization of their situation -- said Msgr Fellay.

The Vatican has been very accomodating "It met all of our requirements."

Actually, for Msgr. Fellay, the difficulties are on the level of the Magisterium. Even here the Roman proposals went "far -- very far."

The Society must accept that the ambiguous points in the Second Vatican Council -- such as ecumenism and religious freedom -- must be understood in accordance with Catholic doctrine.

Msgr. Fellay is "astonishingly" positive.

The application makes problems

Msgr. Fellay sees problems in the implementation of these instructions.

Then that led to that the Society could not accept the offer.

As an example for the application of those principles from Rome are ecumenism and religious freedom.

Thsi should be understood in terms of the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church'.

But it is precisely this understanding which the Society has criticized -- said Msgr. Fellay.

A Maximum to Confusion

Rome recognized that there may be a break between the new and old doctrine.

Therefore that the old teachings on ecumenism and religious freedom would be maintained anyway.

On the contrary, the Society couldn't swallow that.

For Bishop Fellay this point reached a maximum of confusion.

That was the reason why the reconciliation could not be signed.
The Roman conclusion, where a new teaching could automatically correspond to the ancient doctrine, could not be agreed to.

Without Ecumenism and Without Religious Freedom

Bishop Fellay stressed that in the Vatican there is a true desire to accept the Society.

The Soceity is for its side ready for reconciliation:

"If you accept us, as we are, without changes, without making us duty bound, to accept ecumenism and religious freedom, then we are ready."

Even Ignore the Pastoral Council?

Bishop Fellay suggested that the situation in ten years looks quite different.

Then the old liberal Conciliar generation will be gone.

Several bishops had said the Society, you take the Pastoral Council far too seriously. Their advice: "Toss the Council on the side forget it!"

But Msgr. Fellay notes that the Council "because of the damage that it has caused," is to be taken seriously.

Regarding the Dogmatic authority of the Pastoral Council, he cites the Roman doctoral thesis of an unnamed Vatican employee.

He came to the conclusion that the Pastoral Council possesses the same authority as a sermon from the 1960s.

Unhappy progressives

Mons. Fellay ventured no predictions about the future of the Society or the Church.

He could only promise that the Church is in a Conciliar winter with no new beautiful springtime.

But one thing he knows, "that progressives are not happy."

Link to

Photo: © Piusbruderschaft

Herod, Henry VIII, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, and now Obama

Obama vs. Catholic Church

Edit: Herod, Julian the Apostate, Frederick II, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Cromwell,  Napoleon Bonaparte, Victor Emmanuel,  Bismarck, Hitler, Stalin and now Obama.

The Catholic Church has had colossal foes of profound stature and like the Dragon of John the Evangelist, have waited outside the womb to devour the child.  Each has been vanquished in turn, if not by the power of the Church, but the power of God acting through the Church

Each has been struck down or stymied in his own way from his horse, humbled in his power and majesty.  They have all fallen into the stream of history to be washed away like Pharaoh's army.

Leo I Confronting the Hun
Painting from, Raffello da Urbino/

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Cool Headed Conciliar Fathers Warned Against the Vatican Council

"Countless Interpretations of Sacred Dogmas"
The Mass of All Ages at Vatican II

The far sighted Cardinal James Louis McIntyre of Los Angels warned expressly against intervening in the traditional Rite and a suppression of the language of the Church.

( Cool headed Conciliar Fathers warned against the Second Vatican Council: A change in the Liturgy means a change in Dogma.

The Italian historian Roberto de Mattei (63) wrote this in his book, "The Second Vatican Council. A Story Untold Till Now."

The prize winning work appeared this December in Germany in "Edition Kirchliche Umschau."

"The Holy Mass Must Stay, as it is."

The far-sighted Cardinal James Louis McIntyre († 1979) of Los Angeles expressly warned of a change in the traditional Rite and the language of the Church.

De Mattei cited the Cardinal's remarkable summation:

"The attack on the Latin language in the Holy Liturgy means an indirect attack, but in the truest sense on the stability of the Holy Dogma, because the Holy Liturgy necessarily contains the Dogma in itself."

The Prince of the Church then recalled that in the language of the people the meaning of words are fundamentally changed.

From that he concluded: "If the Liturgy is degraded in the common language of the people, then the unalterability of doctrine would be endangered.

From that he concluded that the Mass must remain as it is.

The Liturgy is understood visually

In the Preces of the Benedictine Congregation of Beuron, Archabbot Benedikt Reetz, warned against reform in the Liturgy.

He rejected the thesis, that one must use the language of the people, in order for them to understand the Liturgy:

Even the priest doesn't understand everything -- argued the Benedictine.

"The active participation of the faithful consist not so much in singing and prayer, rather in the visual apprehension of things, which happen on the altar."

Symbolic: the humbled Guardian of the Faith

De Mattei took up the enlightening case of Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani († 1979), who as prefect of the Holy Office, had his microphone shut off during the Conciliar negotiations.

Cardinnal Ottaviani criticized the proposals for reform of the Liturgy.

He warned of "excessive alterations", which would harm the faithful, if not even bring them to vexation.

The Cardinal went over his allotted time to speak by ten minutes.

Thereupon the Old Liberal destroyer of the Church, Bernard Jan Cardinal Alfrink(† 1987) of Utrecht in the Netherlands, sounded the bell.

The Supreme Prefect was humbled.

The Old Liberal faction greeted the humiliation with applause.

Next time: The linguistic Nationalism was the beginning of the end.

Link to

Benedictine Monastery Streams Sung Liturgy of the Hours on Line

Edit: want to help the Church?  Want to see what it's like to be a monk? Pray the Liturgy of the hours on line.

(Le Barroux) The monks of the Benedictine Abbey of St. Madeleine de Le Barroux have made a special Christmas gift for the faithful.  Over the internet site of the Abbey it is now possible, four times a day, to directly participate in the Divine Office of the Convent.  The monks present the sung Office completely in the Immemorial Roman Rite.  The faithful in the entire world may pray along over iPhone, over iPad in the small hours of Prime, Sext as well as the Grand Hours of Vespers and Compline.

The monk's day begins at 
3.20 and ends at 20.30 hours. The Liturgical day begins at 3:30 with Matins and is complete at 19.45 with Compline.

Live streaming Liturgy of the Hours:

• Prime : 7.45 Uhr oder 8 Uhr (see calender)
• Sext : 12.15 Uhr
• Vespers : 17.30 Uhr
• Compline : 19.45 Uhr
For all who want to celebrate the Liturgy of the Hours in the Old Rite itself, the Cloister Store of Le Barroux has a complete Office of the Hour or appropriate Liturgical Calender in a single volume.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Abbeye du Barroux

Why Does the Media Despise Breast Cancer Awareness?

Edit:  It's interesting to see the government news media monopoly go into full swing in defense of what is a criminal organization with a Nazi past and present.

Apparently, some of the zealous defenders of Planned Parenthood have also seen fit to hack Komen's website as well.

There are now numerous articles that have been written attacking Komen's Breast Cancer Awareness organization with Planned Parenthood.  What do they have against breast cancer awareness and women's health?  What is taking place has all the earmarks of an orchestrated state media campaign designed to defend the principles of revolution and attack any departure from party orthodoxy.

What's interesting about all of these articles is that they all associated Planned Parenthood with women's health.

What's more interesting is how they are attempting to link women's health in terms of breast cancer with women's health in general by defending a mendacious and criminal organization, [like when Kathleen Sebelius destroyed evidence] like Planned Parenthood with its own National Socialist past and present?

According to Jeff Goldberg, concerned citizens have rallied behind the criminal organization with Nazi ties to replace the money Komen would have given.

Well, that's less money that can go to fund other things that Liberals love besides abortion and National Socialism.

Rachel Madow...

Huffington Post... gloating about Komen losing support in wake of decision.

NPR... describing the feeding frenzy.

Top Komen Official Resigns....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Freemasons Cast a Long Shadow on the Elysee Palace

(Paris) The initials appear to be harmless: CIU Cercle interuniversitaire [Circle Inter-Universal]. Actually behind this clever sounding society of French academics conceals in actuality a Freemasonic super lodge. The initials are the same, on the contrary sounded in the actual name: Confraternité initiatique universelle [Universally Initiated Brotherhood]. If some members are university professors, who are interested in questions of Freemasonry, then others are involved in close connection with French politics. This is concealed in the reportage of Le Point. The weekly magazine has already published numerous articles about Freemasonic networks in France. In this case Le Point investigates members in the election process of the most important Presidential candidates.

Candidates of the Greens and the Extreme Left Are Freemasons

Two French Presidential candidates of the second rank are self-described Freemasons: Jean-Luc Melenchon, candidate of the extreme-left is a member of the Grand Orient of France; Corinne Lepage of the Greens, wife of the former Minister for Environment and CIU-associate Christian Huglo, belongs to the Ladies Grand Lodge.

Disregarding the clear connections between radical and extreme leftists in the Freemasonic network, it is clearly interesting that Le Point counts 13 Freemasons in the election entourage of Nicolas Sarkozy including François Baroin, Labour Minister Xavier Bertrand, Defense Minister Gérard Longuet, Minister of the Interior Claude Guéant, Justice Minister Michel Mercier, Minister of Sports David Douillet, Minister for Relations with Parlament Patrick Ollier, the Minister for the International Cooperation Henri de Raincourt and Education Minister Luc Chatel.

Sarkozy's Freemasonic Friends

The latter two ministries were in the history of the French republic entrusted almost all Freemasons. Corresponding significance of membership in a lodge in a total staff of officials of these ministries and the French state schools. Prime Minister Francois Fillon, not even a Freemason appears in Sarkozy's cabinet, however, represent an exception. The Government of the French President could be aptly described as a large box. Many of the ministers are close to the mysterious CIU. This does not mean that this is consistent with the direction of the majority of French Freemasonry, the Grand Orient. Sarkozy himself is closely connected with Alain Bauer. The well-known criminologist, son of Georg Bauer and Monika Ejzenberg who survived the persecution of Jews in the East, was Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France. Since his youth was a member of the Socialist Party of Sarkozy Bauer was entrusted with important tasks. Le Point also know suggests that it was amazing, at least for someone who is stressed again and again to be a Freemason, that adorns some of Sarkozy's signature with three points as the "brothers" to. The correspondence as Interior Minister in the Chief of Police or the police union was "marked" by it. It is generally known in France that are all Freemasons to the leadership of the police.

The Grand Orient of France Oggles Hollande

Should the Socialist candidate Francoise Hollande win, who is has clear sympathies to the Grand Orient, would not change much from the Freemasonic point of view. In the team, who organize Hollandes election, Le Point counts ten Freemasons including the Senate president Jean-Pierre Bel, former Minister Michel Sapin and Jean-Yves Le Drian, the Mayor of Lyon Gérard Collomb and Hollande's press speaker, Manuel Valls.

Given this band of "brothers" can someone who does not trust the French Freemasonry be tempted to choose the candidate Francois Bayrou center or the right candidate Marine Le Pen. As Le Point assures us, the Lodges have also already taken steps in this regard or are busy here. Bayrou is on the side of the former Senator and Member of Auditors Alain Lambert. He belongs to the same Lodge from which the mysterious CIU has emerged. From the same back ground comes Dominique Paillé, the former spokesman of the Sarkozy's UMP party. He is not even on the entourage of Bayrou, but this was the victor in his novel "Panic in the Elysee Palace" and is considered particularly influential in the circles that support the candidate Bayrou.

Freemasons open Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen seems to be the only candidate for the highest state office, who is not surrounded by "brothers". In the retinue of Marine Le Pen, Le Point has identified only one single Freemason. It is Gilbert Collard. The lawyer who most frequently appeared in the French media was initiated in the Grande Loge de France, then moved to the Grande Loge Nationale Française (GLNF), which is described from Masonic point of view as "traditional" and obedience is the ground on which the CIU was created. It seems a lot of water from the Loire and Rhone has flowed since the "brothers" of the Grand Orient were threatened with expulsion in the 80s if they were members of the National Front, which was then headed by Marine Le Pen's father. Even those who were threatened, to those who dared to seek the support of the FN, or were suspected, such as former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Soisson, defend those who sought for the second ballot the votes of FN to his position as president of the National Council of Burgundy. Maybe nothing will come of it. The Grand Orient at least seriously discussed the possibility to invite Marine Le Pen to a meeting behind closed doors, "to give her the opportunity to present the 'brothers' her program," as it has been granted before to the other presidential election candidates. The very thought would have been unthinkable a few years ago. Jean-Marie Le Pen was never offered this "privilege". Freemasonry opens Marine Le Pen, Le Pen is open Freemasonry? Le Pen's environment shows a strong resistance against it: "It would end with a crushing hug," is how it would look from the environs of the FN-Candidate.

Masons also want to retain influence after the election in 2012

The diverse landscape of France Masons has numerous differences in positions. But there are certain threads that connect them and in the end, French Freemasonry succeeds in having more political weight than in other countries in terms politics. The approximately 150,000 Masons in France seem determined to preserve their influence, in France specifically, even around the presidential elections in 2012.

Text: BQ/Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Bussola Quotidiana

 Link to original, katholisches...

Austria's Fishwraps Are Losing Subscribers Like Crazy

Edit: faithful Catholics are cancelling their subsciptions and going to places like,, Anywhere but the old dinosaur, Church-tax supported Liberal dribble.

Every Year Liberal Linz Paper Loses 1,000 Subscriptions

Austrian Church newspapers are losing still a significant part of their readers -- Salzburg's "Rupertsusblatt" has 8.800 subscriptions, Kärntner Kirchenzeitung: 6.300 subscriptions, Wiener Kirchenzeitung: 13.617 subscriptions, Linzer Kirchenzeitung: 33.090 subscriptions

Vienna-Linz ( The Austrian Church news is continuing to lose a massive part of their readership. These statistics were published in December at the Austrian Circulation Control(ÖAK), where it appeared in four Austrian Church newspapers. In the statistics of the first half-year of 2011, for example, "Sunday", which is the Church newspaper of the Archdiocese of Vienna, it only expected weekly direct sales of 13,617 (of which 8,456 are subscribers). In comparison: „Sunday“ had in its 2nd half of year 2010 still 14,245 editions in direct sales. Further, in the 2nd half year 2009 it iwas 14.984 and a year before that even 15.561 copies!

Even at the especially liberal Linz "Kirchenzeitung" the decline in readers was still more massive. For the first half year 2011 it was still reporting 33.090 editions in direct sales, the current numbers, which were haven't been published yet, could still turn out to be lower. In comparison to that, they were in their 2nd half-year of 2010 still reporting 34,002 in direct sales. In the years before in 2009 34,947 editions and in 2008 another 36,334 editions. For this reason the Linz "Kirchenzeitung", which is almost never read by Catholics true to Rome, have lost approximately 1,000 subscriptions per year. This corresponds to a subscription price of 43.50 Euros which is after all over 40,000 Euros in lost revenues.

Another loss, if even on a lower level, were the number of subscriptions of the Salzburg "Rupertusblatt" reported by the ÖAK. For the Church paper of the Archdiocese of Salzburg, the first half-year of 2011 only reported more than 8,839, a half-year before the circulations in the second half of 2010 was still at 9.011 editions. In the years before in 2009 it was 8,307 subscriptions and 2008 8.425. The Rupertusblatt had wanted for Catholics in the last years for discussion, because they had de facto cancelled the weekly column of the conservative Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun. The outcome were some cancellations by faithful Catholics and still more financial support from the Church-tax payers. This subvention should be number in the six figure range.

Still more drammatic are the numbers of the Diocesan paper of the Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt. For the first half-year in of 2011 it reported 6,366 in direct sales, a half-year previously it was still 6520 copies in 2010. In 2009 the Church news of Gurk-Klagenfurt had 6,655 and in 2008 still 6.801 subscriptions.
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CDF Rejects SSPX's 2nd Response Forwards to Pope

Edit: here it is courtesy of Columba at AQ.  The CDF's recommendation, made in consultation with three Bishops whose Catholicism leaves much to be desired, has been forwarded to the Holy Father.

The situation is analogous to Humanae Vitae which Paul VI wrote against the advice of his own Liberal and dissident theologians.

It's a good time to take recommendations made for redoubled prayers of the Rosary in the SSPX's Third Rosary Crusade.

Google translation from the original French: 

Pope Benedict XVI at the failure of negotiations with the fundamentalist 
Jean Mercier 

After a final review of the record fundamentalist by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Benedict XVI is to decide now if the dissidents Lefebvrists can be reintegrated into the Catholic Church. The pope, who has worked hard for a reconciliation, faces the fundamentalist rejection of the legacy of Vatican II. 

Never the solitude of the head of the Catholic Church has been greater. Pope must decide the issue of reconciliation between the Catholic Church and dissidents Lefebvrists. The Pope must rule after the balance achieved by the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), met from January 24 to 27, who worked on this issue among other topics. 

At this asemblée, the prelates of the CDF members scrutinized the answers that the Priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has given the Preamble doctrine that had been submitted in September 2011. First, the initial response of Bishop Fellay, head of the SSPX, sent to the Vatican in December 2011 and which led to a request for clarification. Then, the second response sent by Bishop Fellay in mid-January 2012. However, sources relayed by the agency I. MEDIA, the second response did not satisfy members of the CDF. Indeed, the FFSPX involves much of the legacy of Vatican II. Officially, according to Monsignor Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Commission Ecclesia Dei, joined by La Vie , the evaluation phase of the response Lefebvrist is completed. The outcome rests in the hands of Benedict XVI. But it is unlikely that the Pope is pronounced differently from the bishops of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. 

Romanian Orthodox Church in Trouble With EU for Union Busting

Edit: just another bit of caesaropapism without the Caesar. What happens when priests want to go on strike?

Orthodox Archdiocese of Oltenia (Lesser Wallachia) had opposed the plans for the formation of a union, the European Court of Human Rights has made a decision

Strasbourg ( / CBA), the European Court of Human Rights declared the founding of an Orthodox priest in Romania for trade union legal.   Such a ban violates the right to freedom of association, the judges ruled on Tuesday in Strasbourg.

In 2008, 35 members of clergy and lay employees of the Romanian Orthodox Church organized to establish a union. The Archdiocese of Oltenia (Lesser Wallachia) opposed the plans. 

State agencies and courts initially recognized the union. On appeal, however, the foundation was prohibited by the court. The Romanian judges ruled the statutes of the Orthodox Church foresaw no unions.

The Human Rights Court has now decided that priests and laity who are employed by the Orthodox Church in Romania since their salaries were mainly from the state,  they are subject to social insurance. The contracts could not therefore be classified as if they were entirely outside the civil law. This applies especially for the laity. Restrictions on trade union rights should exist only in very exceptional cases. The ban was disproportionate. The plaintiffs were awarded € 10,000 compensation.

(C) 2012 Catholic News Agency KNA Inc. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tell that to the Pope

Edit:  interesting that this otherwise conservative Bishop needs to clarify the situation.  Other authorities can posit a correlation between "standing" and lack of reverence, though.  

“The proper posture is standing”

Oakland bishop provides detailed instructions on receiving Holy Communion in his diocese

(The following undated “Instructions on Receiving Communion Properly” by Oakland Bishop Salvatore Cordileone have been posed on the website of the diocesan Office of Worship.)

All Catholics, before receiving Communion, are to be free from serious sin and fast from all food and drink (except water and necessary medicine) for one hour before receiving. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 1385; Code of Canon Law, canons 916 and 919)

The proper posture for receiving Communion is standing. This is to show the respect that is due the Most Blessed Sacrament (in our culture, standing up shows respect to someone of importance who enters the room); the bow before receiving Communion signifies the humility with which we must approach the Sacrament.

The deeper meaning of this posture, though, is that the position of standing is symbolic of the Resurrection, and so -- as is done in the Eastern Rites of the Church -- we assume this position when we receive the Sacrament of our salvation. 

Link to California Catholic, here...

Presbyterian Aids and Abets Liturgical Abuse in Belfast

Edit: What would Ian Paisley think?

On Sunday Jan. 22nd 2012, "Rev." Ken Newell, "Minister" Emeritus of Fitzroy Presbyterian Church preached at all the "Catholic" Masses in Clonard, west Belfast N.Ireland:

Bishop of Trier Says Indulgences Frustrate Ecumenism

Edit: The Holy Robe is a Catholic sacramental.  The local ordinary of the Imperial City of Trier doesn't mind people visiting the Robe, even on a pilgrimage, but he draws the line at indulgences.  They're too Catholic and will impede the ecumenism, he cries.

Msgr. Stefan Ackermann is hardening himself in his scandalous decision to deny the faithful an indulgence. At the same time he is digging himself in behind Protestants and Old Liberal wobbly believers.

Bischof Stephan Ackermann
© Pressedienst Bistum Trier

(, Trier)Bishop Stefan Ackermann of Trier is standing by. At the pilgrimage to the Holy Robe on the 13th of April to the 5th of May, there will be no special indulgence.

The speaker of the Diocese, Stephan Kronenburg, in a written answer to convert and Catholic bloggerette, Barbara Wenz.

The response was published on the site ''. Msgr Ackermann has "abstained" from requesting an indulgence from the Pope.

The justifications, which the Bishop makes known through Kronenburg, have a lot to offer.

The Protestants Don't have such considerations

The possibility of an indulgence was "for the efforts of an ecumenical formation of the pilgrimage, a stone of contention" -- moralized Kronenburg.

He waxed nostalgically about the 16th Century: The teachings about indulgences are a central point of division in ecumenism.

The participation of Protestants on the pilgrimage was welcomed by the press speaker as the "highest good".

This could be supposedly endangered by a supposedly "undue stress on theologically controversial and polemical" themes -- what is meant is the fundamentally Catholic teaching on indulgences.

Initially on the 21st of January -- without any concern for false ecumenism -- their homosexual preachers promoted sodomy, which cries to heaven for vengeance, in their house of prayer in Saxony.

Misunderstanding is the Criterion

Kronenburg's second "justification" is still more painful:

"It is also the case that even among Catholic faithful, the practice of indulgence and the piety associated with it is not just uncommon, but increasingly misunderstood."

Actually: The same goes for the Holy Rock, or revolves around the office of the Bishop of Trier.

The two could be disposed of with indulgences.

Link to

German Reactionaries Complain about School Mosque Prayer

The ridiculous homosexual, abortion and decadent Germans push the blame for their unstoppable decline on the innocent Muslims.

( In the city of Gelsenkirchen an in school prayer service of the Martin School in a Mosque.

The anti-Islamic German website '' hurried to report this on the 29th of January.

The "Martin School" regularly operates as a Martin-Luther_School.

It is the only urban Evangelical grade school in Gelsenkirchen and is located on the south west part of the city of Feldmark.

Painful cant

Again, "another piece of German" has been surrendered -- cried ''.

This is painful, when the Homosexual, Abortion and German decadents blame their decline on innocent Muslims.

The Rest of the Germans should learn Turkish

The city appointed, Comrade Albert Ude, put an inquiry to the authorities as to why a prayer service took place in a Mosque.

The city explained that they happily received the invitation to the Cultural event in the Mosque, "particularly for the religious instruction of children declared as Christians which their own religious services won't provide."

And so it is that paragraph 26 of the school rules in Nordrhein-Westphalia are a dead letter.

It says there that an education based on Christian values and culture must be taught.
Link to

St. John Bosco's Dream

Edit: today is the feast of the Saint, Dom Bosco. Here is his dream, which is one of the most poignant and fascinating things about him.

The Holy Saint John Bosco had a Prophetic Vision of Hell in 1868 A.D., (*which is recorded in its entirety below.) Many of the dreams of St. John Bosco could more properly be called visions, for God used this means to reveal His will for the Saint and for the boys of the Oratory, as well as the future of the Salesian Congregation. Not only did his dreams lead and direct the Saint, they also gave him wisdom and guidance by which he was able to help and guide others upon their ways. He was just nine years of age when he had his first dream that laid out his life mission. It was this dream that impressed Pope Pius IX so much that he ordered St. John Bosco to write down his dreams for the encouragement of his Congregation and the rest of us. Through dreams God allowed him to know the future of each of the boys of his Oratory. Through dreams God let him know the boys' state of their souls. On February 1, 1865 St. John Bosco announced that one of the boys will die soon. He knew the boy through the dream the night before. On March 16, 1865, Anthony Ferraris passed away after receiving the Last Sacraments. John Bisio, who helped Anthony and his mother during the former's last hour, confirmed the story of his part in this episode by a formal oath, concluding as foIlows: "Don Bosco told us many other dreams concerning Oratory boys' deaths. We believed them to be true prophecies. We still do, because unfailingly they came true. During the seven years I lived at the Oratory, not a boy died without Don Bosco predicting his death. We were also convinced that whoever died there under his care and assistance surely went to heaven."
Link to source...Today's Catholic World. H/t: news.

Rome Announces Massive Appointment for Venice Patriarchate

Edit: of course you probably would have heard it here, first.
VATICAN CITY, 31 JAN 2012 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

 - Appointed Bishop Francesco Moraglia of La Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato, Italy, as patriarch of Venice (area 871, population 375,790, Catholics 372,032, priests 394, permanent deacons 29, religious 755), Italy.

 - Appointed Bishop Filippo Iannone O. Carm. of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo, Italy, as vice gerent of the diocese of Rome (area 881, population 2,816,706, Catholics 2,473,000, priests 4,922, permanent deacons 116, religious 27,375), conferring upon him the dignity of archbishop.

 - Appointed Msgr. Matteo Maria Zuppi of the clergy of the diocese of Rome, pastor of the parish of "Santi Simone e Giuda in Torre Angela", and Msgr. Lorenzo Leuzzi of the clergy of the diocese of Rome, director of the vicariate of Rome's office for pastoral care in universities, rector of the church of "San Gregorio Nazianzeno in Montecitorio" and chaplain of the Italian parliament, as auxiliaries of Rome. Bishop-elect Zuppi was born in Rome in 1955 and ordained a priest in 1981. He has served in various pastoral offices within the diocese of Rome Bishop-elect Leuzzi was born in Traini, Italy in 1955 and ordained a priest in 1984. Before becoming a priest he qualified as a medical doctor. He has worked in pastoral care in his native region of Puglia and in Rome, and is author of a number of books.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Baby Jesus of Brooklyn: Candlemass

Mexican Traditions help wayfarers against their homesickness -- Candlemass, in the Spanish is called, 'Candelaria',  brings the Christ Child into the Church.  by Gundula Schmidt-Graute [KNA]

New York ( Life in New York is hard, especially for Mexican newcomers, who are often without official papers.  The Feast of Candlemass, which will take place on February means home and warm to them.  In their home, in Mexican, Candlemass is an important feast day.  Actually the Mexicans in New York can not travel back home in the middle of winter.  So they make themselves as comfortable as possible in the sleet and cold.

Some participate in traditional services in The Church of the All Holy in Brooklyn.  The church is brightly lit on the 2nd of February, the many holy figures look homey and warm between the neo-Gothic columns.  The people speak softly, mostly in Spanish.  Even the children are quiet and serious.  One sees many indian faces there.  Adults carry little baskets or stick puppets with elaborately decorated and dressed baby puppets.  Some of the figures have white, but most are in colorful dresses.  It is the Jesus Child from the family crib -- much larger than any, which one would find in a European crib.

 >>At Candlemass, which is 'Candalaria' in Spanish, the Jesus Child is brought into Church<<, explained Juan Carlos Aguirre of the Mexican Cultural Association 'Manoamano' [Hand in hand].  >>As Jesus, according to Jewish tradition was brought into the Temple in Jerusalem 40 days after his birth.  That is also the Liturgical end of the Christmas season.<< It begins in Mexico on the 16th of December.  >>One goes from house to house on the 25th and plays Mary and Joseph looking for lodging.<< , explained Aguirre.  >>These are called 'Posadas' [Inns].  On Christmas Day the Jesus Child will be lain the a crib.<<

The Feast of the Three Kings is also important in Latin American Tradition.  In East Harlem, the largest Hispanic concentration in Manhattan, a parade takes place with countless Kings and real camels.  Mexican families break bread: >>rosca<< as it is called;  a kind of cross bun, in which a small figure of Jesus is baked inside.  Whoever finds it is the Godfather of the Jesus Child and responsible for the dressing and eventual repair of an older crib figure.  The Godfather must also have a small party in their home after Mass. >>The object hidden in the bread also has special meaning.<<, said a member of the Cultural Association.  >>King Herod wanted to kill the child, who he learned from the wise men from the East would be declared as a new king.<<

At Maria Candlemas the Priest is dressed completely in white.  All of the songs sung will be Marian, and the Ave Maria will be prayed.  Newborns are brought to the altar and the priest blesses them.  The largest part of the service takes place in Spanish.  >>We pray for families who've been the victims of violence.

Link to original...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

France: Judge Wants Murdered Trappists Exhumed

The background of  the murder of Trappists in Algeria  1996 are still unclear today.  The corpses were never found, rather only their decapitated heads.

[Kathnet] The background of the murder of Trappists in Algeria in 1996 and seven murdered Franciscans has a judge wanting to exume their skulls.  According to the story by the newspaper >>Marianne<< [Friday].  Judge Marc Trevidic has made a corresponding inquiry to authorities in Algeria.  A DNA-analysis is required, in order to identify the victims.  The judge has already received the approval of family members in October.

The motives for the murder of the Trappists is still unclear. The corpses were never found, rather only the decapitated heads. A French General testified in 2009 that the Algerian Military accidentally killed the monks by a helicopter attack on an Islamic position. The Algerians disagree however, that the Islamic movement GIA had beheaded the religions after a month of captivity.

The case was treated in  2010 film by French director, Xavier Beauvois in his film "Of Men and Gods".  The work received numerous prizes, among others the film festival in Cannes.

See the German language trailer, here...

The Lion of Berlin

This Lion is known everywhere he goes

He doesn't use a car or a television.  For that reason he's often in the streets of the German capital in his soutane.  by Marko Bader

( The Aachen born Provost Gerlad Goesche (51) is the founder of the Berline Institute of St. Philipp Neri.

In the year 2011, he began his 25 year Priestly Jubilee.

The Other Side

A previous article made a critical report about him.

Certainly there havee been people ever and anon, with whom he has had a falling out.

One has to see the other side.

Provost Groesche is at the present besides the Abbot of the Trappist Cloister of Mariawald in the Diocese of Aacen , the only Traditional Superior on German soil

He steps into the open

In Berlin he is known all over the place.

His Church -- St. Afra in the Berlin district of Wedding -- is full like a hopping club. The Church music is always the finest.

Prelate Goesche combines in his person a Catholic zeal, fine education and a baroque manner of life.

He doesn't use a car or television . For that reason, he's often in the streats of the German capital on the way in a soutane.

There he loves to give out wonderful coins and alms to the beggars.

Many Battles

His way to Tradition wasn't easy. In the German Seminary of the Old Liberal Jesuits in Rome he was already being discriminated against for flights of Catholicism.

As Pastor in the Community of Blindenmarkt in the Dicoese of St. Pölten he climbed into his chancel like the Lion of Münster.

He damned the then anti-Church initiatives of the Old Libeerals, which was called the "Church People's Referendum" and was supported by his Pastoral Council.

Similar to Pastor Andrzej Skoblicki of Kopfing in the Diocese of Linz, Fr. Goesche paid for his confessionalism with the loss of his pastorship.

He was moved

While as a retreat in the Traditional Benedictine Cloister Le Barroux in Southern France he found an attachment to the Old Mass.

He turned to Tradition, as he looked through the face of the all knowing new believers.

Without Provost Goesche and his good connections to Rome the Institute of St. Philipp Neri would never have existed.

Some conversions, increasing baptisms, a Sister's investiture and even Priestly ordinations are happening there.

He conquered the Monster

The purchase of the Institute Church was a risky financial adventure for Provost Goesche.

But actually the undertaking didn't cost more than the Old Liberal destruction of Freiburg [castle] of Münster.

After the Council St. Afra was the first Catholic Church in Berlin which was damaged by a wreckovation.

Actually, Provost Goesche reconsecrated the sanctuary of un-Catholic elements and put the monster down on the ground at the same time.

The Institute of Provost Goesche doesn't live on the Church-tax, rather from the Holy Ghost and gifts from the faithful, who feel personally responsible for the work.

Healthy Reversals

His activity for the healing of an immortal soul cost Provost Goesche with a heavy setbacks in health.

With thirty he sufffered a nervous breakdown, at forty a seizure. At fifty he contracted diabetes.

Never the less he is still in the spirit of the Good Shepherd, full of drive and energy.

Link to

Vatican Head Complains about Anonymous Blogs

Edit: Slandering Bishops and the Pope is ok if you're Radio Vatican

The Vatican Fears the Truth?

Vatican. [] The President of the Papal Social Communications, Claudio Maria Celli (70), criticized internet sites with "heavily biased origins", which confront the Bishops or the Pope.  This was reported by of all people, the anti-Catholic and anti-Papal 'Radio Vatican' under the title "Vatican reproves anonymous blogs, which attack Bishops".  Archbishop Celli promotes at the same time a passion for -- what is scorned by the typical Conciliarist -- truth.

From ...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

America: 1861-1865 - Stephen Heiner with Charles Coulombe

Bishop Schneider: The Problem Lies -- Even Without Abuses -- In the Rite Itself

Edit: He stops short of saying for Vatican II what he says of the New Rite of the Mass. He's not just criticizing abuses in the Liturgy, or Communion in the Hand, but the Rite itself.

The new Eucharistic celebration gives the impression of a gathering and not the unbloody renewal of the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross.

Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider
© Marko Tervaportti, Wikipedia,CC

( Priests and Bishops supposedly had to regard the Liturgical Revolution of Paul VI. († 1978) "with awe", because it had been "formed by the Church".

This is the opinion of Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider (50) of Astana in Kazakhstan at the end of October for the video site ''.

The Auxiliary Bishop assures that it may be possible to celebrate the new Mass worthily.

A Work of Man

The infallibility of the Pope does not correspond to the Liturgical reform -- remarked Msgr Schneider.

No human labor is complete and the Liturigal Reform is a human work.

The Auxiliary Bishop commented in the Pope's declaration in the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum" on the mutual enrichment between the Old Mass and the Eucharistic celebration.

For him the enrichment is if anything, one sided: The new Eucharistic celebration should be enriched by the elments of the Old Mass.

The Meal is only a part of the Mass

Msgr. Schneider is turned against a Mass celebration with the back to God.

There is no precedent for it in Church history.

The Supper Table makes a gathering or a meal out of the Mas. The representation of the Sacrifice on the Cross of Christ disappears into the back ground.

In reality the elements of a meal appear first at the distribution of Communion: "There is the table and the table cloth."

On the contrary, both -- the Communion rail and the Communion cloth -- have been eliminated.

The Problem is in the Rite

In the new Sunday Mass there is -- even without abuses -- the impression of a meeting.

As causes Msgr Schneider described the celebration facing the people and the fact, that laity stand, go into the sanctuary and read readings or accomplish other activities.

In the new Mass, everything is loudly recited. Everything must be seen.

There is too little room for the contemplative, the silence and prayer.

Msgr Schneider believes that the Liturgical Revolution had never been the intention of the Conciliar Fathers.

The true intention of the Conciliar Fathers is still not realized.

Link to original...