Saturday, January 28, 2012

Prelate Georg May: "The honor is an incentive to continue my service for the Church and in research even more selflessly and intensively than before."

Kathnews-Chefredakteur Benjamin Greschner im Gespräch mit Prälat Georg May. Erstellt von Benjamin Greschner am 27. Januar 2012 um 18:40 Uhr

Mainz (kathnews-exklusiv). As kathnews has already reported, the renowned Canon Lawyer Dr. Georg May has been named by Pope Benedict XVI. as Apostolic Protonotary. Today kathnews Chief Director, Benjamin Grescher spoke with the Prelate about his pastoral and academic work and his reception of an Papal title of honor. Right at the beginning of the interview, George May expressed his astonishment at the naming: "I neither petitioned, nor was I eager to receive this honor. I received it without any effort on my part," said the clergyman. For him it is clear, that he was not counting on resting after this papal recognition: "The honor is an incentive to continue my service for the Church and in research even more selflessly and intensively than before."

At the same time Professor May understands that his naming to Apostolic Pronotary is not solely an honor for himself, rather for the faithful, who have assisted with him at Holy Mass: "I take the honor as a sign of recognition for my community, as in war, a medal for bravery is a recognition for the fidelity of the support an officer has received from his men. The faithful of his community would rather see him carried, encouraged and blessed, continued the Prelate. "I would not have been able to carry out my work over the years, yes decades, without the willing sacrifices and accompanyment of the faithful," stressed the most worthy May.

Actually, how does the naming to Apostolic Protonotary change the priestly life and work of the Theologian? For Prelate May there was no question: "It is without question that I will make no use of the title, and remain as before a priest -- that is my dearest occupation -- and naturally professor, which means to be a witness to Christian and Catholic truth!"

After the Second World War Georg May studied Theology and Philosophy. On the 1st of May 1951 he received the Sacrament of Holy Orders for the Archdiocese of Breslau [Wrocław]. Other studies followed in which the priest graduated and was certified as a PhD. His teaching activity began at the University of Freiburg, ere he took the chair for Canon Law at the University of Johannes Guttenburg in 1960, he undertook civil law and Ecclesiastical Legal History. Since 1994, Professor May occupied this chair. Click here to look at the letter by his Lordship.
Link to kathnews...

Critic of Vatican II Made Apostolic Protonotary

Bishop of Regensburg Congratulates with Personal Letter

Edit: after his scathing attack on Cardinal Kasper, and being passed over for a Cardinal's hat, he is to be a Apostolic Protonotary. Whether it is a functional or purely honorific title, we don't know. The following is an exclusive about the brilliant Prelate receiving a letter from the Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller, rather than his own superior in the ultra Liberal Diocese of Mainz by Mr. Benjamin Greschner at 'kathnews.'

Mainz (kathnews-exklusiv) Already in December kathnews made an exclusive report that the naming of Dr. Georg May as Apostolic Protonotary would take place in the near future. The naming should, as kathnews learned from a reliable source, on the recommendation of Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller of Regensburg and not, as it consequently would be, on the recommendation of the Diocesan Bishop, in whose Diocese the candidate is incardinated, respectively is active -- in this case it SHOULD [emphasis ours] have been Cardinal Karl Lehmann as Bishop of Mainz. Now the kathnews-editor has received an exclusive letter from the Bishop of Regensburg, with which it congratulates Professor May officially on his naming as Apostolic Protonotary and the approach of the Papal letter of appointment.

Promoting the unabridged Catholic Faith

In his writings to Professor Dr. May, Bishop Dr. Gerhard Ludwig Müller explained that it was a "honor and a joy" for him to inform him about the coming Papal certificate of appointment. Finally, the Bishop went into the engagement and life work of the Professor. "For this high distinction, with which the Church values your decades long academic and pastoral efforts, your outstanding sentire cum ecclesia and bringing to expression your conscientious pronouncement of the unabridged Catholic Faith, I warmly congratulate you," wrote Bishop Gerhad Ludwig Müller.

Strengthening of Tradition in Germany

The naming of Professor May as Apostolic Protonotary is combined with a tremendous signal victory for ecclesiastical Tradition in Germany. May has been highly prized for many yeas as an incisive critic of the post-Conciliar development in Theology and Liturgy and is counted among the greatest friends and promoters of the Liturgical Tradition in the Church. On the side of the Diocese of Mainz there has been no official statement on the naming of Georg Mays as Apostolic Protonotary.

Professor May: A Life for the Church

After the Second World War Georg May studied Theology and Philosophy. On the 1st of May 1951 he received the Sacrament of Holy Orders for the Archdiocese of Breslau [Wrocław]. Other studies followed in which the priest graduated and was certified as a PhD. His teaching activity began at the University of Freiburg, ere he took the chair for Canon Law at the University of Johannes Guttenburg in 1960, he undertook civil law and Ecclesiastical Legal History. Since 1994, Professor May occupied this chair.
Click here to look at the letter by his Lordship.
Coming soon, some personal comments in an interview with Mr. Greschner.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Holy Father Recalls Dietrich Hildebrand's Warning About False Irenicism

Pope Benedict XVI delivers the Urbi et Orbi (to the city and to the world) Christmas Day message from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City, on December 25, 2011. In his traditional Christmas Day message, Pope Benedict XVI urged the faithful to seek a "spiritual union" with the less fortunate around the world. UPI/Stefano Spaziani 

VATICAN CITY, Jan. 27 (UPI) -- Pope Benedict XVI said Friday at the Vatican the world faces a crisis of faith and warned against indifference to doctrine in the name of religious unity. "Today we see a number of good results caused by ecumenical dialogue, but we must also recognize that the risk of a false Irenism and indifference, quite alien to the mind of Vatican II, demands our vigilance," the spiritual leader of the world's Roman Catholics said Friday at a meeting of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Irenism was an ideology conceived by Dutch theologian Erasmus that sought to mediate differences between Protestants and Catholics, the Italian news agency ANSA said.

 Read more:

Edit: A few may remember the words of Dietrich Hildebrand on False Irenicism.  It's clear that the Holy Father does.

"False irenicism is motivated by a misconceived charity at the service of a meaningless unity. It places unity above truth. Having severed the essential link between charity and defense of the truth, irenicism is more concerned with reaching a unity with all men than with leading them to Christ and His eternal truth. It ignores the fact that real unity can be reached only in truth. Our Lord’s prayer ‘that they may be one’ implies being one in Him and must not be separated from His words in John: ‘And other sheep I have that are not of this fold. Them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice. And there shall be one fold and one shepherd.’"

Cardinal Siri Man Appointed to Patriarchate of Venice

Edit: Stay tuned for other good news. Cardinal Siri was among the Traditionalist Cardinals in Vatican II who did his best to resist Liberalism within the Church and preserve a remnant for the future.  It seems that his tree is bearing fruit.

(Venice, katholisches)The new Patriarch of Venice is one of three such bishoprics in in the Latin Church, which has this honorary title. Pope Benedict XVI has decided for Msgr Francesco Moraglia, the current Bishop of La Spezia. The official release is expected in eight days.

The occupation of the new Head in the city of lagoons may take place in March. The coming Patriarch of St. Mark's was 25. Mai 1953 in Genoa. He comes from the school of Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, who from 1946-1986 was Archbishop of Genoa. Msgr Moraglia is considered to be a "Sirian" and a "Ratzingerian".

Msgr Moraglia was ordained in 1977 by Cardinal Siri. He proved himself as an outstanding theologian. The Dogmatician found himself in agreement with Pope Benedict XVI. "Ratzingerian" describes Msgr. Moraglia not only in theological, but also in Liturgical views. He teaches Christology, Christian Anthroopology, Sacramental Theology and History of Theology in the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy. In 2003 he was the consultant of the Congregation of Clergy to the Roman Church. From 2005 he addressed a symposium with the theme "Reason and Faith in Christendom". In 2007 he was called by Pope Benedict XVI. to be the Bishop of the Diocese of La Spezia in Liguria. He also held the position for oversight of the media for the Italian Bishops' Conference.

As a Bishop he has expounded a diversity of social questions and situation of the financial crisis, above all those who became unemployed in his Diocese. He went and visited individually the depressed areas of his Dicoese after the past year of storms, and sent seminarians out to assist with evacuation and clean up. "That is the school for life," he said of the action. His appointment will be happily greeted by those loyal to Rome and tradition bound Christians.

AS the Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli writes, the appointment will not be discussed in the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops' Congregation.' The Prefect of the Congregation, Marc Cardinal Ouellet and the new Apostolic Nuncio in Italy, Msgr Adriano Bernardini, in office since November 2011, had prepared the appointment so that Pope Benedict XVI made an immediate decision. The Patriarchal See has been vacant for seven months, after the Pope had named Cardinal Scola as new Bishop in Milan in 2011. Link to original... Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Cathopedia

Immemorial Mass Commemorating Feast of Bl. Charlemagne the Great in Aachen

Germany. Next Saturday the Diocese of Aachen, the Imperial Capital of old, celebrates the Feast of Charlemagne the Great († 814 on January the 28th at the church of St. Gertrud „In virtute tua”. The event is going to be celebrated by Pastor Guido Rodheudt von Herzogentrath at the usual Saturday Mass time at 9:00. It will be preceded by a lauds at 8:15. The Aachen 'Schola Carolina' will sing under the direction of Dr. Micheal Tunger. This was according to the page ''.

A prayer borrowed from Tradition in Action and Dom Prosper Gueranger's Liturgical Year:

“Hail, o Charles, beloved of God, Apostle of Christ, defender of His Church, protector of justice, guardian of good customs, terror of the enemies of the Christian name! 

"The tainted diadem of the Caesars – purified by the hands of Leo – sits on your august forehead; the globe of the Empire rests in your vigorous hand; the ever-victorious sword in your combats for Our Lord is sheathed at your waist, and on your forehead the imperial anointing was added to the royal unction by the hand of the Pontiff who consecrated you and confirmed your authority. As the representative of the figure of Christ in His temporal Royalty, you desired that He would reign in you and through you.

OffersChurchtoOLady.jpg - 42093 Bytes

Above, Charlemagne offers the Royal Chapel of Aix-la-Chappelle to Our Lady and Our Lord.
Below, the Basilica of Aix-la-Chappelle.
A02_AachenRoyalChapel.jpg - 64928 Bytes
“Now God rewards you for the love you had for Him, for the zeal you displayed for His glory, for the respect and confidence you showed toward His Spouse. In exchange for an earthly kingship, transitory and uncertain, you enjoy now an immortal kingdom where so many million of souls, who by your hands escaped idolatry, today honor you as the instrument of their salvation. 

“During the days of celebration of the birth of Our Lord by Our Lady, you offered to them the gracious temple you built in their honor (the Basilica of Aix-la-Chapelle), and which is still today the object of our admiration. It was in this place that your pious hands placed the newborn garment worn by her Divine Son. As retribution, the Son of God desired that your bones should gloriously rest in the same place to receive the testimony of the veneration of the peoples. 

"O glorious heir to the three Magi Kings of the East, present our souls before the One who wore such a humble garment. Ask Him to give us a part of the profound humility you had as you knelt before the Manger, a part of that great joy that filled your heart at Christmas, a part of that fiery zeal that made you realize so many works for the glory of the Infant Christ, and a part of that great strength that never abandoned you in your conquests for His Kingdom. 

“O mighty Emperor, you who of old was the arbiter of the whole European family assembled under your scepter, have mercy on this society that today is being destroyed in all its parts. After more than a thousand years, the Empire that the Church placed in your hands has collapsed as a chastisement for its infidelity to the Church that founded it. The nations still remain, troubled and afflicted. Only the Church can return life to them through the Faith; only she continues to be the depositary of public law; only she can govern the powerful and bless the obedient. 

"O Charles the Great, we beseech you to make that day arrive soon when society, re-established at its foundations, will cease asking liberty and order from the revolutions. Protect with a special love France, the most splendid flower of your magnificent crown. Show that you are always her king and father. Put an end to the false progress of the faithless empires of the North that have fallen into schism and heresy, and do not permit the peoples of the Holy Empire to fall prisoner to them.”  H/t:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tubingen Theologian: 'The Church Tends to Live a Half Heresy'

Edit: the theologian admits that the Church has "a tendency to half-heresy" whatever that means. He strikes one as schizophrenic. At one point he complains about how the Pope wasn't ecumenical enough during his trip to Erfurt and that the there was a positive ferment before the Pastoral Council, then he's saying things like "ecumenism can't come at the price of truth".

He is the lay successor of Cardinal Kasper and the Holy Father.

Dogmatic Theologian Hilberath:  Instead of the Pope and Bishops, only the Pope and the Curia lead the Church -- Better not to have a 'Third Vatican Council', there isn't any progress expected from the curia in terms of current occupants of the Episcopal chairs.

Stuttgart ( / CBA) Dogmatic theologian, Bernd Jochen Hilberath holds that a Third Vatican Council is not currently desirable. Whether the current staffing of the bishops is not occupying expected episcopal offices, there are no steps currently for the future, said the Catholic theologian on Tuesday evening in Stuttgart.

He fears in one such case many more backwards steps for the Catholic Church. For a further Council, he foresees the need for "a comprehensive process of fermentation" in the entire population of the Church, as was also present in the years from 1962 to 1965.

The Church lives according to Hilberath's estimation, "tending to a half heresy", therefore with false doctrine: in the sense of the Second Vatican Council all of the Bishops and the Pope had to lead the Church together, however the Church was headed de facto only by the Pope and the Roman Curia.

The theologian directed criticism at the ecumenical meeting of Pope Benedict XVI in the wings of his Germany visit in Autumn. The testimony that he gave at the Erfurt meeting with representatives of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) where no "ecumenical gift" [Some concession or praise for Lutherans in general was expected in some circles] was brought was "below par". It went without saying that ecumenism can not be accomplished at the expense of truth.

In the view of the theologian some of the ecumenical problems within the Church itself would be resolved, if Christians were more involved with the fight for justice. 99.9 percent of humanity is not particularly interested in the question of apostolic succession, but are very interested, however, in questions of justice. Hilberath stressed, in the sense of a saying of the Ex-Constitutional Judge Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde, the Church also exists from presuppositions which they could not make, and had not made. The Church lives not for itself, rather for the Gospel.

Hilberath spoke at an event in the house of the Catholic Church in Stuttgart. The layman occupied the Professor's chair, which was held previously by Cardinal Kasper, and before that Joseph Ratzinger, today Pope Benedict XVI.

Loyal Pastor Continues to be Persecuted, FatherZ-like

Edit: Augsburg's Bishop, Konrad Zdarsa, is starting to list under pressure from German media friendly to the conservative views of 'Junge Freiheit' and the Father Georg Oblinger.  Even Pope Benedict is aware of the situation according to a sympathetic director of 'Junge Freiheit'.  Bishops often allow themselves to be manipulated by the media and their advisers at the expense of some of the best defenders and promoters of the Church.

The muzzle for Pastor Georg Alois Oblinger of Ichenhausen throws a lurid light on the eagerness of the German capitulation Bishops to give away under public pressure.

Bishop Konrad Zdarsa of Augsburg

( The Pope knows the readiness of the German Bishops to capitulate to the socalled Zeitgeist.

 For that reason he is to have recommended a severe withdrawal from the world.

 This is according to Dieter Stein (44)-- Chief director of the opposition German weekly 'Junge Freiheit' -- yesterday on the website of his paper.

  Bishops as Hunters of Catholics

Stein commented on the muzzle, which the Augsburg Bishop Konrad Zdarsa put on the Ichenhauser town Pastor, Fr. Geeorg Alois Oblinger, because of his published activity at 'Junge Freiheit'.

Stein says this throws "a lurid light on the eagerness of the Church to crumble under public pressure."

He cited from an interview with the Catholic philosopher, Robert Spaeman in his paper.

Spaemann explained further, that theologians, who are obedient to Catholicism, will for the most part be regularly bullied in the Church.

The case of Oblinger is in line of a series of numerous intrigues against pastors, who promote the Catholic Faith.

Nothing to write home about

"This is all happening in the back ground of an accelerating ecclesiastical dissolution"  -- is Stein's analysis.

"The member numbers as well of the Catholic as well as Evangelical Churches is declining in Germany".

Stein cited numbers: in 1990 there were still 67 million Church members, then in 2010 there were only 48 million."

Old Liberal theologians continuously give their prescriptions for the Church like a "mantra". So Stein explains:

"So it is with married women priest, lifting of celibacy, blessing for homosexual marriage and the rejection of the authority is nothing to write home about, because it has seen the decline of the evangelical church, whose adherents who are quicker to flee from the flag and whose church services are even more empty."

Waves of Solidarity

For Stein the muzzle for Pastor Oblinger "is not just a blow to freedom of opinion and press".

It also turns itself against those in the Church, who inveigh themselves for the "strengthening of the Faith and evangelization".

Stein is pleased over the waves of solidarity, which has come out for the priest who has been abused by his Bishop from Christian publishers and theologians.

The Muzzle-Bishop is wanting for courage

At his conclusion, Stein divulged that bishops all in all like to tell the tales of their advisers.

The Bishop of Augsburg apparently is maneuvered "by advisors" into a situation.

This makes a correction of his poor decision only possible at the price of greater headwinds:
"The courage for that is wanting in him."

  Link to

Photo: © BOGoerlitz, Wikipedia, CC

Rome: After the Secret Meeting, Everything is As Before

Edit:  when three hundred bad priests are foolish enough to sign their names to a petition suggesting they no longer believe what the Church teaches and don't intend to obey what it commands, it's time to take them at their word.  The Pastors' Initiative has been ballyhooed in the Austrian and a bit in the world press for a few months now, but not a single word about the Pastors Initiative to OBEDIENCE, which actually has more signators.  At least ORF [Ex-Reichsender Vienna] mentioned it recently.

Pastors File Advertisement

About 400 Austrian priests under the title "Call to Disobedience" [Let's see how disobedient they are when they are sent packing with a small severance] are seeking reforms like the allowance of women and married to the office of the priesthood, have caused the formation of a counter-movement.    Under the Motto "Call to Obedience", they view themselves as Catholics true to Rome. [They go on to mention the 1,500 singers of "Call to Obedience".  Actually, there are now  2241 of which around four hundred are priests and religious.]

Pfarrer schaltete ZeitungsinseratNachdem rund 400 österreichische Priester unter dem Titel "Aufruf zum Ungehorsam" Reformen wie die Zulassung von Frauen und Verheirateten zum Priesteramt verlangen, hat sich nun eine Gegenbewegung gebildet. Unter dem Motto "Aufruf zum Gehorsam" sehen sich die Initiatoren als Rom-treue Katholiken.

Here's an analysis of the present state of negotiations regarding the issue in Rome right now.  Members of the Congregation want more action, but nothing decisive.

No one has the courage, to challenge the media bosses and their useful idiots.  The cowardice is rampant among the Austrin Bishops -- and in the Vatican.

(, Wien) The meeting between Austrian Bishops with the Roman Dicastries about the Old Liberal one man show "Pastor's Initiative" will have no "dramatic consequences".

This not so surprising information was played out by the Bishops to the anti-Church Vienna daily, 'Kurier'.

The Bishops haven't "received any homework from the Vatican".

The Old Liberal speaker of the Austrian Bishops Conference, Paul Wuthe, referred banally to the meeting as "working discussion, as it regularly appears."

From This The Vatican Hasn't Learned the Truth

The journalist Guido Horst awoke in 'Die Tagespost' the impression, to know more.  Actually his reports were also vague.

The discussion about 'Pastor's Initiative' have taken place on Monday afternoon.

Four Austrian Bishops met with the Prelates of the Secretary of State as well as the CDF, Bishops and Congregation for Clergy.

The members of the Austrian delegation in rome were Cardinal Christoph Schönborn von Vienna, Archbishop Alois Kothgasser of Salzburg, Bishop Klaus Küng of St Pölten und Bishop Egon Kapellari von Graz-Seckau.

Horst believes that for the Pope and the Curia the moment has come  to cease "merely observing the break from Rome movement without decisive action."

The Vatican side of the meeting attempted, "through intentional and detailed questions to measure the weight of the threat of the Pastor resignation, if it were [allegedly] to result in a Church schism."

The Media Bosses Rule in the Church

Cardinal Schönborn doesn't want to do anything else but de-escalate -- says Horst.

The Prince of the Church hesitates to direct the taking of canonical steps.

A clarification could lead from a till now latent, to an open schism.

This is the fearful view that the Viennese Cardinal has portrayed for the Vatican.

Actually that is a bluff:  Because you can't base a church with only with the media bosses and individual faithfuless clerical retirees.

Where is the concern?

A few voices in the Roman Curia would like that the Bishops not put up with the creeping schism any further, writes Horst.

The faithful need orientation, even if the clear words might mean that one loses a [nominal] part of the Church membership -- which one would lose in the long run anyway.

Even the Pope is concerned about the alleged rebellion of the media bosses in Austria.

One pushes his inaction to the next

Even Horst views the Curial Cardinal of Vienna as the problem.

One wants to avoid the impression that Rome will act against dissenters.

It would be easier to  see, "if the competent bishops, that is, the pastors in the Alpine Republic of Austria, would effect a clarification among their priests."

Cardinal Schönborn, declares Horst, travels lightly back to his breakaway Archdiocese.

Because:  "If the 'Pastors' Initiative' can be given an international reach, then the opportunity to portray it as a purely Austrian phenomenon will be lost."

"Then the Vatican will have to intervene at last."

But then, the "international reach" would be the same bluff as the fear of an alleged schism.

Link to

Here's Austrian Independent, which writes, describing the dissident group's leader's attempt to go international and Cardinal Schönborn's response:

Schönborn said in several interviews that he was not denying the urgent need for reforms of the Church. However, the archbishop also spoke out against Schüller's suggestions which conservative representatives of the Church consider as radical propaganda.
They also accuse Schüller of trying to split the Church. Schüller said the Church was on the brink of breaking up indeed – because of its leaders’ unwillingness to react to significant developments in today’s society. Austrian Church officials did not confirm that the Preachers’ Initiative was spoken about in the Vatican on Monday. Newspapers report that the movement’s appeals were discussed indeed. Schüller said today he was not afraid of consequences over his actions.
The ex-Caritas Austria president announced: "I appreciate that the Worldwide Church starts thinking about our ideals. Maybe this was the start of something." Schüller said last week he planned to cooperate with priests abroad who shared his opinions. "We receive a lot of approval from Catholic reform movements all over the world," he said. The Probstdorf parish priest also criticised the Vatican for its conservative attitude. Schüller claimed it bore resemblance to an "absolutist monarchy". He added: "The Catholic Church must finally start taking its members seriously."

Photo: Markus Göstl

Aerial Photo of Europe's Grandest Cathedral

This photo is  magnificent aerial photo of the trademark coloured tiles of Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral. The emblem on the roof is the Double Eagle, symbolizing the Austro-Hungarian Empire of the Hapsburgs.

It was severely damaged by fire and desecrated by looting Soviet  troops after the city was captured by the Red Army in World War II.  The Red Army was a force even more oppressive and alien to the West than the Turk.

Photo: by permission of Georg Gatnar.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

35,000 Flee Islamic Violence in Northern Nigeria

Edit: this is for a disgruntled Liberal Catholic, Liam Neeson, who's contemplating membership in the religion of peace.

Austria's 'Kirche in Not' [Church in Need] has reported: 35.000 people are fleeing from the North from the Islamic sect, Boko Haram.

Vienna ( Approximately 35.000 people in northern Nigeria have left their homes because of unceasing violence. This was reported by a representative of the Church in Nigeria of the International Catholic Aid Organization 'Kirche in Not'.

Abul Qaqa, speaker for the Islamic sect, Boko Haram, had made a three point ultimatum to Christians, to leave the north. "The foreseeable goal of Boko Haram is to drive all Christians from the north", said a witness to 'Kirche in Not'.

Eyewitnesses report: "The people are just running away. They are fleeing to areas like Jos and further south, in which they believe that they will be safe." A refugee confirmed: "There is panic everywhere. Many have left everything behind and fled for their lives, because they do not know, when the violence will come crashing down."

A large number of refugees are Christians. They report, that churches in Maiduguri [see photo], in the State of Borno and in Bauchi were destroyed last Sunday.

Human Rights Watch has reported that since the founding of Boko Haram, 935 people have been killed. That number includes the more than 250 victims since the beginning of 2012.
Link to original...

Secret Meeting: Austrian Bishops Manipulate the Pope

Kardinal Christoph Graf von Schönborn von Wien
© Henning Klingen, Pressefoto
Edit: are they going to discuss the Austrian Church's problems with their hospitals supplying abortions and the Holy Father's brother, Msgr Georg's intervention?

The problem with the Austrian Church isn't even the preoccupation of the Old Liberals with sexual issues, rather its weak faith, faltering piety and the lack of interest on the part of Bishops and priests in religion.

(, Vatikan) At present the Austrian Bishops are advising with the Vatican Dicastries over the -- media inflated -- Old Liberal One Man Show 'Pastor Initiative'.

The regional news 'Salzburger Nachrichten' is talking about a secret meeting.

The members of the Austrian delegation in Rome is Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, Archbishop Alois Kothgasser of Salzburg, Bishop Klaus Küng of Saint Pölten and Bishop Egon Kapellari of Graz-Seckau.
This morning they attended a pointless general audience with Pope Benedict XVI.
Otherwise they met with various Roman Dicastries.

There they can brown nose with the various Roman Dicastries, in order to provide cover for their Old Liberal schism-society.

It is being presented as an "exchange of information of the Austrian Bishops in the Vatican" -- reported the Austrian Church's, news organ, 'kathpress'.

The Old Liberal press speaker for the Archdiocese of Vienna and father of eight, Micheal Prüller confirmed the Rome trip for them:

"The Bishops have used the opportunity on the beginning of a session of various Vatican authorities, to be informed by representatives first hand."

This exchange will enable the Bishops, "to communicate a different picture of the Church in Austria."


Russia Names New Submarine After Saint

Edit: Russia continues to defy expectations. Most westerners have a serious problem with associating religion with militarism, this isn't the case with the virile Russian state. Here's a brief history of St. Alexander Nevsky for whom this amazing weapon is named.
He was born on May 30, 1219 at Pereaslavl, a fief of his father, Prince Yaroslav, who was of the house of the Grand Prince of Suzdal. He spent the first years of his life in this small city which stood on the shores of a lake among the trees and meadows and was defended by a simple wooden palisade. His parents, real country nobility, were very devout, they contributed to the adornment of the cathedral and of a monastery established nearby on a hill and they were present at all the divine services celebrated in a small chapel which was connected with their residence by a wooden arcade.
Here's the article from Ministry Values:
By Stephen K. Ryan

A new  Russian nuclear submarine has been named after Saint Aleksandr Nevsky of Russia, and will be fitted with its own Orthodox chapel after the vessel finishes its sea trials. It has become the second nuke-carrying sub equipped with a sanctuary in addition to ballistic missiles. 

Veneration of Saint Alexander Nevsky as a saint began soon after his death. The remains of the prince were uncovered in response to a vision, before the Battle of Kulikovo in the year 1380, and found to be incorrupt. He was glorified (canonized) by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1547. His principal feast day is 23 November. By order of Peter the Great, Nevsky’s relics were transported to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg where they remain to this day

The military chapel on the submarine will allow sailors to attend religious services right on board during the sub’s long missions. 

Spanish Government Plans Partial Rollback of Liberal Abortion Laws

The conservative Government wants to take the liberalization by the Zapateros partly again out of power.

[Globality] Spain's conservative government plans to tighten the country's abortion law to oblige girls aged 16 and 17 seeking the procedure to have their parents' consent, its justice minister said Wednesday.

Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon said he was drawing up a bill to change the former Socialist government's 2010 law which fully legalised abortion up to 14 weeks of pregnancy.

"Some of the principles announced by our party such as the requirement of parental consent in the case of minors (seeking abortion) will be included in this bill," Gallardon told a parliamentary commission.

Link to Globality to read further...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

German Jesuit: Jesus Was Blasphemous to the Core

Edit: a few days ago the Diocese decided to respond to the blasphemous play, Golgotha Picnic, so they sent a Jesuit.  What are you complaining about?  Even Jesus committed blasphemy, said the Jesuit.

Yesterday the theater piece "Golgotha Picnic" was performed -- at its conclusion a sanguine Jesuit Priest, Breulmann said:  Even Jesus had as his last words, "My God why hast thou forsaken me" which is at its core, blasphemous.

Hamburg ( / CBA / red) On Monday evening in Hamburg, the controversial play "Golgotha Picnic" was performed in Germany. The SSPX has previously called for protests yesterday evening and had also called for a vigil outside the theater. According to the CBA the protest was attended by about 20 people, according to the "Star" magazine, there were 60 participants. Following the play there was a panel discussion at which the ministers who attended, a Catholic school rector, Jesuit, Father Hermann Breul.

He was "neither amused nor shocked, but thoughtful," said the degreed philosopher of religion. "It was strong stuff, but I have found points where I can say, this piece has something." It raises questions and has an >>intensely deep grammar<<. If you have read Nietzsche, not all of its alienation from God is strange, said Breulmann. Actually it poses a question about all freedom of art, if the aesthetic of the piece has crossed any borders. I would not, however, characterize the play as blasphemous. "I would have thought that the Good Lord would have let things be cool," said the elderly Jesuit. Breulman, not wanting to associate himself with the criticisms of the protesters said: even Jesus said with his last words, "My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" which in its core would have been blasphemous.

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Obituary: A Holy Jesuit Priest from Canada

Edit: rather than take the bus, this Jesuit liked to walk.  He lived a simple life with few comforts save for the joy of learning and inventing.  His simplicity was an inspiration to many.

June 12, 1931 - January 22, 2012

Fr Lawrence Abello SJ, renowned professor, inventor and a devout companion of Mother Teresa passed away on January 22, 2012 at St Xavier's College, Kolkata. Born in Leuven, Saskatchewan, Fr Abello joined the Jesuits in 1956; he volunteered for the Darjeeling Mission, and took his final vows in 1974. He taught philosophy in India, earned a PhD in physics from Wayne State University, Detroit and held two patents for his inventions. Fr Abello was a champion of the unborn, immersed himself in the service of the poor and guided many who chose to work with the poor in Kolkata. He is survived by brothers Fr Louis and Tony Abello and sister Ms Giacinta Auser. He will be sadly missed by many. Fr Abello will be laid to rest in the Jesuit cemetery at Kolkata. 

Donations in his memory may be send to: Canadian Jesuits International,
70 Saint Mary Street,
Toronto ON Canada, M5S 1J3
Tel: 414651824, Toll Free             1-800-448-2148

Image from Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit.

Football Coach Consents to Abuse of Students by His Silence

Edit:    Football coaches are notorious for being out of touch with the day's popular culture trends and the hip new sensitivities of the students.  It's often the grist for wacky comedies, but John Gagliardi, football's most winning coach for Mondernist Abby's "University",  has maintained silence in the face of years of betrayal, and that isn't so funny.  Some of the most winning  coaches have been notorious for getting "out of hand" with the physical discipline of their players.  Bobby Knight comes to mind.  Our society tends to punish men acting the way men have acted in ages past.  Nothing Bobby Knight ever did comes close to the crimes committed by other educators.

Then there are coaches who allegedly commit sins of omission and participate in the crimes of their employers and silence implies consent.  John Gagliardi, head coach of St. John's University Football Team, doesn't have a problem with the denial, the stonewalling and cynical demeanor of the Abbey and its "monks".  This is what happens when, being aware of something sinister going on, nothing is done by the knower.

It is perfectly understandable that John Gagliardi, one of the most winning coaches in the history of the sport of football, wants to put the accusations of sexual abuse at the Monastery of St. John's Abbey behind him, and disavow any connection, as he laments Joe Paterno's death, but he can't, because the truth is that he consents to the crimes committed , there, but football, if not confession, covers a multitude of sins.

Despite being well aware of the predations of homosexual monks at Collegeville, Gagliardi has remained silent and downplayed the obvious problem at the heart of his school by his silence and his recent public statements  It doesn't matter as long as you're winning games.  Actually, Gagliardi's relationship with Collegeville goes a long way to explain why the monks who reside there, and continue to undermine the Church's teachings, are allowed to get away with what they do.

Too many people who are aware, remain silent and even accuse those who've made accusations of being "liars", as Pat Marker describes the response from an interview with a Gagliardi family member's idea of the numerous and credible accusations against homosexual predators.  When Marker asked this individual about Father Allen Tarleton's self-admitted molestation of his minor students, he/she said, "ohhh yessss".

Pat Marker at Pine Curtain recently took umbrage against Gagliardi's soft-peddling and indifference to what is really a cancerous and deplorable situation, in an interview with the Philly Inquirer.  Marker's asking, so you're a great coach, but where's the moral backbone, where's the integrity?

Gagliardi has the gall to claim he had no connections with the events happening at Collegeville, but didn't do anything when it happened.  When you're the winningest coach in football, why not resign and coach somewhere else?  Why continue to support an institution which has persistently violated its obligations to represent the Catholic Faith and protect the purity of its students?

Gagliardi was well aware of the situation when he allegedly warned Abbot Jerome Theisen in the eighties to "keep his monks away from my players" in an unconfirmed story.   If he were aware,  this is plainly what they call a, "sin of omission".  According to Catholic Encyclopedia:

 "Omission" is here taken to be the failure to do something one can and ought to do. If this happens advertently and freely a sin is committed. Moralists took pains formerly to show that the inaction implied in an omission was quite compatible with a breach of the moral law, for it is not merely because a person here and now does nothing that he offends, but because he neglects to act under circumstances in which he can and ought to act. The degree of guilt incurred by an omission is measured like that attaching to sins of commission, by the dignity of the virtue and the magnitude of the precept to which the omission is opposed as well as the amount of deliberation.

We're convinced Gagliardi is well informed of the situation.  Despite the evidence and the credible accusations, he remains silent.

He was silent when the still missing Josh Guimond disappeared in 2002.

So much for a great resume.  If you have no integrity, what good is it?

Hand Communion Causes Loss of Faith

That Can't be Denied

Hand Communion is a Calvinist Invention
© Catholic Westminster, Flickr, CC
Hand Communion promotes the erroneous assertion that the Host is a precious little piece of bread,  that one can simply snap up.

( Hand Communion could not be banned like a revolution.

This is what Msgr. Schneider (50) of Astana in Kazakhstan for the website '' on the end of October.

Msgr Schneider is a sharp critic of hand Communion.

 He recommends that the faithful can be led to kneeling Communion on the tongue with much patience and catechesis.

The Calvinist Form Leads to Calvinist Content

Msgr Schneider argued psychologically against the Calvinist practice of hand communion stemming from the sixteenth century.

One takes ordinarily with one's fingers what one wants in a commonplace way.

On the other hand, kneeling Communion on the tongue is a "complete gesture of sacrality, which expresses  the sublime."

No mature person goes to a knee, to receive a meal.

Hand Communion promotes an erroneous understanding that the Host "is more bread, that one can take."

Above all children may no longer experience, because of the daily form of hand Communion, the sublimity and greatness of Holy Communion.

That Wasn't Hand Communion

Hand Communion has let the belief in real presence and in the transubstantiation of the bread disappear.

The traditional form of the Mass impresses this belief much better than in the New Eucharistic Celebration.

Msgr Schneider stressed that the ancient form of the reception of Communion was on the tongue.

The faithful merely received the Host on their hands.

BUT:  They bent themselves down from below, in order to take the Communion with their tongue.

The transition to direct distribution of Communion in the mouth in the 6th and 7th centuries is something that was a logical consequence of a deepening Eucharistic understanding, according to Bishop Schneider.



Hand Communion Must Go

Hand Communion is an Abuse

Bishop Says Should Receive Communion on the Tongue

A Case Against Communion on the Tongue

Monday, January 23, 2012

CDF Will Deliberate Starting Tuesday On SSPX

Edit: Isn't the presence of the Vienna Cardinal at these deliberations stretching credulity a little much?

Society of St. Pius X is having its answer to the Vatican for reconciliation looked over.

 Rome ( Vatican Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith is beginning its plenary meeting in the Vatican.  The plenum will be led by the Prefect of the Congregation, Cardinal William Levada.  The meeting of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith will take place with Cardinals Kurt Koch and Kasper as Ecumenical experts as well as Vienna's Christoph Schönborn among the three German speaking Cardinals.  Even the  64 year old Regensburg Bishop Gerhard Müller is a member and is listed as one of the three favorites to succeed Cardinnal Levada after his foreseen retirement in April.

One of the themes of the plenary meeting is the addressing of the Society's answer to the Doctrinal Preamble.  The CDF is standing on a historical decision.  In schism from Rome since 1988 [sic] the Society has made its answer to the Levada Congregation, accompanying it with qualifications for reconciliation.

Between October 2009 and April 2011 three experts of the Vatican Commission "Ecclesia Dei" had and the Society of St. Pius X sounded out differences in existing teaching and arranged for the possibility of unification in eight meetings.  In the middle were the different positions on the Second Vatican Council and its statements on Ecumenism, Religious Freedom and Interrelgious Dialogue.

At the conclusion Cardinal Levada reached out in last September to the Superior of the Society, Bernard Fellay, with a "Doctrinal Preamble".  It contained a communique "some principles and criteria for interpretation of Catholic doctrine, which are necessary, in order to guarantee the true teaching office of the Church."

Till then the Preamble has been neither published, nor has the content of the Society's letter.  Clearly the society desires textual alterations, it has been maintained in well-informed circles.  New negotiations over the content of the clarification had been categorically ruled out by the Vatican. [?]

New negotiations or final break?

The really decisive question, whether the requested alterations by the Society are as changes in the subject or will merely be restatements.  In the first case the Roman answer would probably mean a final break.  Should in any case the majority in the CDF be prepared, to allow additional readjudication,  then this would mean a new round of negotiations.

The middle way would be to freeze the current situation.  The CDF would determine any lingering points of dissent and next declare any present further integration of the Society in the Church impossible.  With that, both sides could save face.

Link to

Prosecutor Investigates Blasphemous Play

Since in Germany one is eager to take up the catchword "sedition", that one must react in this case -- otherwise credibility is gone.

(, Weinheim)The Hamburg Prosecutor initiated investigation, number "7101 J 33/12" on January 17th January. It is being directed against Thalia Theare Ltd. The person in charge of the company, Joachim Lux. The inquiry involves an offense against faiths, religious societies and ideological groups. The place of the crime is the bigoted piece known as "Golgotha Picnic". It is in the theater on the program.

The blasphemous work has already been subject to significant protests in France.

Among others it portrays Jesus Christ as a terrorist and wallows in blasphemy.

If the opening of the investigation by the Hamburg State Prosecutor is a result of the performance of the smear piece, was not made known.
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Bonn, Germany: Violence Against the Mother of God

Gewalt gegen die Muttergottes
Germany: Unknown persons have damaged a Marian Statue in the Rüngsdorfer Chapel. This was reported in Bonn's 'General-Anzeiger' on January 20th. Rüngsdorf is a municipality with 7.000 population in the city zone of Bad Godesberg in Bonn. Dean Wolfgang Picken is convinced of "intentional and religiously motivated vandalism". Nothing as stolen "The perpetrators had clearly intended to defile the place and damage the Madonna.", Explained the Dean. It is the fifth such attack against the Mother of God in five years. Image from Blickpunkt.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Spanish Toughguy Priest at 100

Edit: He's in the 77th year of his priesthood. Persecution hurts, but the Church is eternal. The article below also mentions the massacres inflicted upon the Church in Spain by the Communists. This priest is losing teeth, his memory's not as good as it used to be, but he's not giving up.
[]Ask any dedicated Catholic priest how he would prefer to die, invariably the answer is “At the altar.” And in Spain, once a bastion of the Catholic faith, there is at least one priest that who is well on his way to fulfilling that wish.

Rev. Serafín Rodal Fandiño celebrated his 100th birthday on January 10 by celebrating Mass in Teis, a locale near Vigo in northern Spain. Don Serafín has served in the priesthood for 75 years and despite his age is able to read the Gospel at Mass without the aid of eyeglasses while he sits beside the altar in his wheelchair.

He still celebrates Mass every day despite his age and infirmity. Joined by his many friends, neighbors, and relatives, the centenarian wept in appreciation of the their good wishes as they sang Happy Birthday. A living testimony to faith, a fellow cleric, Brother Antonio Donaire, said of Don Serafín, as he is known, “He helped to get jobs for a lot of people in the Ascón shipyards; he has done a great deal of good.” Don Serafín has lived a facility operated by the Spanish Missionaries to Poor and Infirm for the last decade in the working class neighborhood.
Link to article...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

German SSPX Threatens Theater Staging Blasphemous Play

The director of the Thalia-Theater (who is directing a piece mostly offensive to Christians "Gólgota Picnic") must have explained to him, that he may be liable to punishment under §166, Abs. 1. This paragraph of the StGB [Penal Code] has been applied in other cases much more minor than this:
In 2006 someone was condemned for putting the words in Arabic "Koran, the holy Koran" on toilette paper and was condemned.

The course of events can be read as to what happened and which legal steps the Society will take against Thalia.

In 2006 a 61 year old man from Munster was punished by the force of the law under §166, because he had printed toilette paper with the sentence "Koran, the Holy Koran". The court of Ludinghausen condemned him because of insulting a conviction and disturbing the public peace for a prison sentence of a year to probation. The time of parole was extended to five years. [Source: Tagespiel]

Should the director fail to show concern for the religious feelings of Christians in this land, the Society of St. Pius X will file a criminal complaint against the Thalia-Theater.

In the moment the legal department of the Society of St. Pius X is working in the high alps. A legal complain is already impending to the Court of Hamburg's civil department against the Thalia-Theater.

So far as has been informed, that the circle of Hamburg citizens around Dr. Oppermann, who has put the appeal to the regulatory authority, has subsequently made a request for interim control order
Next, the notification to the Hamburg public prosecutor is already finished: If the director does not renounce this idea, the Society will be force to report a violation of f § 166, paragraph 1 of the penal code.

This will provide a good chance that the theater is convicted

The legal department of the Society in Germany has confirmed the following facts: The public mockery of Christianity and Christians themselves may have already constituted a disturbance of public peace as defined in f § 166, paragraph 1.

"The massive defamation of the Christian faith contributes to a climate of hostility and decision of Christians, and makes it impossible for them to permanently live and profess their faith openly, without being subjected to this abuse and ridicule. It is already a disturbance of public peace as seen in the meaning of § 166." (see Nuremberg, NStZ RR-99, 240; Federal Administrative Court, NJW 99, 304; OVG Koblenz, NJW 97, 1176; Schönke / Schroeder Before § 166 para. 2, § 166 para. 12).
"He who fights without violence, must therefore not be a coward!"
Please participate in the call to the clerk's office in Hamburg.

Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Department of the Interior and Sport John Wall 4 20095 Hamburg Fax (0 40) 4 28 39 - 19 08

Altona District Office Specialist Office of Consumer Protection, Trade and Environment Jesse Street 1-3 twenty-two thousand seven hundred sixty-seven Hamburg Fax: 040 42811-6045

Order Office Hamburg Mitte Amsinckstraße thirty-four Hamburg 20 097 Fax: 040-42854-4114

Note: Should you be a citizen of Hamburg, we recommend that in addition to the mail to actually send a fax or a letter.

You can also print out like the protest of Dr. Oppermann signed and send to the Office.

Long live Christ the King! 

Link to original.... Related, the SSPX Petitions German Bishops to Protest Blasphemous Play....