Friday, August 12, 2011

Auxiliary Bishop Says Communion In the Hand is a Calvinist Novelty

Not Even Martin Luther Would Have Done It

In the last century the Old Liberal Bishops promoted hand Communion.  They used a historical lie toward this end.

Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider

( day Communion in the Hand has no roots in the early Church.

This was stressed by Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider (50) of Astana in Kazakhstan on the 19th on the radio station 'Radio Maria Südtirol'

Msgr Schneider is a Patristic expert.

Hand Communion was contrived "all new" from the Second Vatican Council -- the Auxiliary Bishop firmly said.

The antique Church had practiced a completely different form for the reception of Communion.

In that period the hand in which Communion was received was purified before and after.

Additionally, the faithful would take the Body of the Lord from their hand in a disposition of prayer with his tongue:

"If anything it was more of an oral reception of Communion than in the hand".

After Communion, the communicant had to lick their hands with their tongues, so that even the smallest particle should not be lost.

A Deacon supervised the purification.

The Auxiliary Bishop cotinued: "This concern and care stands in direct opposition to indifference and carelessness with which so called Communion in the hand is dispensed."

Women never held Communion simply on the flat of the hand.

They spread a white cloth, a manner of corporal over their hand.

Then, they would receive Communion directly to their mouth from the linen cloth.

"That is a tremendous contrast to the present form of Communion in the hand" -- insisted Msgr Schneider.

The ancient faithful never took Communion with their fingers: "the gesture of hand Communion was completely unknown in the Church."

The Antique Form of Giving Communion Was Impractical in the Final Analysis

In the course of the centuries the Church developed a form of giving Communion which "surely came from the Holy Ghost".

Msgr Schneider explained that the Eastern Church had already completed this step by the 5th Century, the West somewhat later.

The transition took place worldwide, organically, instinctively and peacefully.

The Auxiliary Bishop reports that Pope Gregory the Great († 604), gave Communion in on the tongue.

French and Spanish Synods of the 8th and 9th Centuries sanctioned against touching the Host with excommunication:

"If a Synod can make such a strict threat, this form will be forbidden in a short time."

Communion in the Hand Comes from the Calvinists

According to the Auxiliary Bishop, communion in the hand comes from the Dutch Calvinists of the 17th Century.

Calvinism denies the real presence of Christ in the Host.

One such communion in the hand wasn't even practiced by the Lutherans:

"The Lutherans have until quite recently, and till today in Scandinavian lands, preserved communion kneeling and on the tongue."

Coming up: Communion in the hand destroys piety.

Link to original, kreuznet...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Anniversary of The Miracle on the Vistula: Poland Defeats the Red Army in 1920

Edit:  Today is the anniversary of the first day of the Battle of Warsaw wherein the Poles, under the cautious but inspired leadership of Józef Piłsudski drove back the Red Army at the gates of Warsaw. A poorly equipped but motivated Polish Army won out against the odds and expectations of their European supporters.  This victory was the fruit of brilliant planning on the part of the Poles and granted to them by Our Lady as many Poles went to the Monastery of Czestochowa to get intercession:
When the Russians were at Warsaw's gates in 1920, thousands of people walked from Warsaw to Czestochowa to ask the Madonna for help. The Poles defeated the Russians at a battle along the Wisla (or Vistula) River. Today, every school child knows the victory as "The Miracle on the Wisla."[here]  
This great victory is also the subject of a new film set to be released in October by Jerzy Hoffman.  In contrast to his other films, the famed Polish director now has an opportunity to portray the Russians as the enemy, which he avoided doing in his earlier dramatizations of Henry Sienkiewicz's Trilogy.  It's amazing what not having a few Soviet Shock Armies at your doorstep will do for artistic freedom and the Catholic faith.  This film has a notable religious dimension and underscores Poland's growing religious feeling.

Micheal Voris Discusses the Spanish Civil War and Modern Spain

Edit: "You shall burn like in 36"  Voris describes the anti-clerical atmosphere of post-Catholic Spain.  Twenty five percent of the Spanish population is Atheist. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mel Gibson Wears Miraculous Medal and Visits Amazing Twins

Editor: Mel has been very publicly shamed, but there is public reparation too and an example to be set by someone in his favorable, and often not so favorable, position.   While visiting twins he gets to tweak the consensus in two ways, while amending his life and setting an example:  In one way, he's demonstrating that these two beautiful and happy children with very challenging physical conditions can be full of joy and a powerful desire to live.  On the other hand, he's wearing the Miraculous Medal, whose image was entrusted to Saint Catherine Labouré and popularized in great part by Jewish convert  Marie-Alphonse Ratisbonne of Strasburg. 
This is a tragedy turned to joy for human souls in the image of God expressing the ineffable mysteries of our mortality.  These courageous Guatemalan girls also bear striking names: Maria de Jesus and Maria Teresa.
Mel Gibson checks on formerly conjoined twins
(CBS News)  Guatemalan conjoined twins who were separated nine years ago turned 10 this past weekend.
The twins, Maria de Jesus and Maria Teresa, were connected at the skull, but were separated in 2002 at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in a painstaking 23-hour procedure that required untangling and disconnecting the babies' shared blood vessels.

Pictures: Mel Gibson attends party for formerly conjoined twins

The sisters returned home to Guatemala, but Maria Teresa contracted a devastating case of meningitis and the twins returned permanently to the United States for ongoing care.

Link to CBS News...

Saint Lawrence Feast: Immemorial Mass Returns to Melbourne Cathedral

Link to Newman Society, here...

10 AUG 1792 - Attack on Tuileries Palace Anniversary: The Fall of the Gallant Swiss Guard

Editor: You fought like Lions against the madness of a Nation and obeyed your King to certain death. Let all look to the sacrifice of your precious youth and shed a tear, though your glory was not in vain.

After driving back the crowd in the face of hostile canon, they were ordered to surrender but no quarter was given by the mob worked to fury by the lies of the Jacobins.

To the Honor and Glory of the Swiss

Inscription translation for the dedication to the courageous Swiss who died in the defense of the Royal Family and the destiny of France with thanks to M. Canard:

To the loyalty and bravery of Swiss

On the days of the 10th of August 2nd and 3rd of September 1792

Here are the names of those who did not betray their oath

With great bravery, fighting, died.
here below are carved the names of the dead officers
Survived because of the effective help of friends
here below are carved the names of the survived officers

The following is some commentary from Imperial.opal on the forum Alexander Palace Time Machine:
The Lion Monument or Lion of Lucerne was designed by a Danish sculptor Bertel Thorwaldsen and was hewn into the sandstone cliff between 1820 and 1821, it is dedicated to the memory of the brave Swiss Guards who defended the Tuileries Palace in 1792, who were forced to lay down their arms by the order of Louis XVI which resulted in their massacre. Depicting a dying lion with its paw poised over the shield bearing the fleur- de- lys of the Bourbon king, a broken lance pierces its heart, signifiying its loyalty in protecting the sheid to its death. Mark Twain called it the ''saddest and most moving piece of rock in the world''

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Joliet Pastor Praises Islam and Demeans the Mass of All Ages

Joliet's Finest

Edit: Today is the feast of St. John Vianney, patron of Priests, feared of the Devil.  It is a terrible mockery that on this feast, we're presented with someone who is an anti-Cure, and were it not for his approved status, we'd think he was an imposter.  He thinks no differently, actually, than the rebellious priests on the Viennese Cardinal's  watch who say a lot of the same things he does.

The following is a parish bulletin file from the Parish of Divine Savior in Downers Grove, Illinois, we received from "Concerned Catholic". He says that the pastor, Father William Conway, is downplaying the Immemorial Mass of All Ages. In another bulletin this priest even praises Allah and Islam.

You can also contact the Diocese about this individual:

Diocese of Joliet
Bishop R. Daniel Conlon
Bishop of Joliet
Office of the Bishops
425 Summit St.
Joliet, IL 60435-7193

phone: 815-722-6606
fax: 815-722-6632

Father, despite his spiritual and liturgical eccentricities, does make a good point, though, as the designation of "extraordinary" seems to make the Mass of all Ages into a preferential luxury.

We also noticed that his reading list leaves something to be desired. Can anyone who holds Karl Rahner SJ as an authority on Liturgy really expect anyone to believe they're Catholic? In any wise, what would happen to Father Bill if the norms of the Vatican Council II as he understands them were suddenly rejected and the Immemorial Mass of all Ages were to be recognized as the norm, as Cardinal Ranjith maintains? We suspect he'd take his pension and become an non-denominational pastor somewhere.

Moreover, Vatican II is a lot like Wittgenstein's famous Duck Rabbit. It can mean just about anything you want it to mean, unless you want it to mean something Catholic according to these Old Liberals who throw their poisoned darts. We've taken some effort to parse the comments.

It Doesn't Matter As Long As You're Not Catholic

Take a look at the parish council. Most of these people will be gone  in twenty years, God willing.

It is worth one’s time to consider what some of the Church’s leading theologians at the Second Vatican Council thought and wrote concerning the Eucharist and liturgy. In recent years one hears some speaking of the role of the priest in the liturgy as acting in persona Christi (in the person of Christ). My fear with such language is that it may have the effect of clericalizing [ Ah, this familiar old complaint. Destroy the priesthood and you destroy the Church] the celebration of the Eucharist, making the assembly once again a passive observer. At. Augustine reflecting on the meaning of ecclesia as the unity of the Body of Christ.

The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum, Concilium) clearly underscores this understanding when it states the when we are gather at the Eucharist Table, it is in that moment that we are truly Church (ecclesia). Furthermore, in the gathering through the Holy Spirit we act with Christ, the High Priest, in offering the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to the Father. On this idea of the sacerdocio of the assembly in the Eucharist Yves Congar, O. P. cites the words of St. Peter Damian – words that at first glance appear somewhat contemporary: “the sacrifice of praise is offered by all the faithful, not only by men but also by women, even though it might appear to be offered in a special way by the priest alone (p. 26)”. These words were written a thousand years ago! Would that those who wish to restrict or limit the presence and active participation of women in the liturgy take heed of the words of St. Peter Damian.

While I respect the decision of the Holy Father to permit the extraordinary rite of the Tridentine Mass (please note “extraordinary”),[It never stopped you from using Eucharistic "Ministers", no doubt] my criticism of this form is that by the very manner of its celebration it renders the role of the laity to being little more than onlooker.  [Assuming the passivity of those present at the Immemorial Mass is a serious slur] In fact, it was precisely because of this that the Council Fathers in Sacrosanctum Concilium mandated the reform of the Latin Rite of the Catholic Mass: “In the restoratio and promotion of the sacred liturgy, this full and active participation by all the people is the aim to
be considered before all else (#14)”. [Active participation doesn't mean that you have a hoard of EXTRAORDINARY ministers, either]

Phrases, such as “in persona Christi”, “ad orientem”, I believe run contrary not only to the spirit of Vatican II but to the very tradition of the Church. [If you'd bothered to read Cardinal Ratzinger's, "Spirit of the Liturgy", you'd know that it actually is] reclined at table with them.

It is worth noting the language of the Eucharistic prayers of the Church concerning the role of the Holy Spirit in the Eucharist. The Holy Spirit is not only the one who sanctifies and makes holy, but also makes us the “communio sanctorum” one in Christ: “may all of us who share in the body and blood of Christ be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit (Euch. Prayer II).[This Prayer was made up out of whole cloth]

Be it Yves Congar, Odo Casals, Virgil Michels [SIC. Father Virgil Michel OSB, belongs on this list, but you should spell his name right.], Karl Rahner, Hans Kung, Schillebecxks, Joseph Ratzinger, or other theologians, I am grateful for their insights that have deepened my appreciation and wonderment for the Eucharist as the prayer of the People of God.

- Fr. Bill Conway

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cristero Film to Be Released at World Youth Day

Edit: You've been awaiting it, eagerly. It's our hope that the release of this film will inspire Americans to revere the gallant Cristeros and their struggle. Let's turn multi-Culturalism on its head. Excerpts will be shown at World Youth Day in Spain. This is what Kneeling Catholic has to say from his own source:

[[not a rumor anymore!! Director Wright let's us in on the fact that the World Youth Day attendees will witness selected scenes. The release is yet to come, but soon we will hear the prospective date!]]
Dean Wright>>>>>CRISTIADA in Madrid, Spain!There will be a special presentation of selected scenes from CRISTIADA on 17 Aug., as this year's "World Youth Day" kicks off with a "Day of Cinema". As Director, the hosts have invited me to speak about the movie & my experiences making it. I'll also be speaking about NARNIA. <<<<

Link to photo, here...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Oriental Pagans Welcomed at Benedictine Monastery Teach Worship of False Gods

Editor:   Tibetan Buddhism has nothing to do with Catholicism.  Catholic Missionaries to the country were not always met with open arms., and even endured terrible persecutions to bring the Gospel there.  Of course, since the Dalai Llama said he was a Marxist, it does make sense that some of his co-religionists would arrive at the Modernist Monastery to teach their false religion.  The following excerpt is an advert for an event which took place in June for a retreat.

Exploring the Nature of Mind
A Path of Liberation Meditation Retreat
with Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche
May/June 2011

This practice retreat presents a rare opportunity to receive in-depth teachings on the nature of mind from Drubwang Tsoknyi Rinpoche. The nature of mind teachings are drawn from the paths of Mahamudra and Dzogchen, the highest and most profound meditative teachings of the Kagyü and Nyingma Schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The retreat is a practice intensive. Each day will include 6-8 hours of formal meditation practice, along with a daily teaching and periodic small group discussions, led by Tergar instructors.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche will lead the retreat from May 28th to June 3rd, during which time he will give daily teachings and offer small-group interviews. The first and last weeks of the retreat will include video teachings by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, along with instruction and group practices led by Tergar instructors and lamas.

A Temple For Strange Gods

The mission of the Tergar Meditation Community is to make the ancient practice of meditation accessible to the modern world. For centuries, the practice of meditation has been used by countless individuals to transform suffering into joy and confusion into wisdom. Tergar meditation and study programs are designed to facilitate this transformation. Under the guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, a remarkable teacher celebrated for his ability to make the practice of meditation accessible to people of all backgrounds, the Tergar community of meditation centers and practice groups provides a comprehensive course of meditation training and study, with programs for Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.

Victim of the National Socialists to be Beatified

Bl. Carl Lampert

On the of November, the Vorarlberg Priest Carl Lampert (†1944).  This has been reported by the Diocese of Feldkirch last Friday.  The Martyr saw the light of the world in January in 1894 in what is today the 3.000 population village of Göfis in the state of Vorarlberg in Western Austria. He was condemned with ten other men, two of whom were priests, for "the Degradation of national security and radio broadcasting violations," on 13. November 1944.  The beatification will be celebrated by the Prefect for the Congregation for Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints,  Cardinal Angelo Amato.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

German Bishops Conference Cooperates With Abortionists

It is an open secret that the staff of the Cardinal  is infiltrated by neo-Liberal abortion lobbyists .  By Markus Miller.

( In Germany there is a 'Catholic Federated Society of Works for Marriage, Families and Life Counseling, Telephone Counseling and an Open Door'.

It was established by the Bishops Conference as a Super-Diocesan point of contact for questions of Marriage, Families and Life Counseling.

A Determined Life Defender

Its current chair is the Diocesan Administrator for Marriage, Family, Life Issues in the Archdiocese of Cologne, Dr. Hannspeter Schmidt..

The Association resides in Bonn and also the Archdiocese of Cologne.

Joachim Cardinal Meisner of Cologne has always presented himself personally as a determined defender of life.

He has courageously compared the murder by abortion of millions of innocent children with the atrocities of King Herod and also of Hitler and Stalin.

He also gets to be cursed by the mass media, which finds itself safe in the hands of the international abortion mafia.

Entangled with the hard core abortion lobby

It is, however, an open secret that Cardinal Meisner's staff is infiltrated by neo-Liberal abortion lobbyists.

The Cardinal appears to be effectively powerless against this.

An example?

The so-called 'Catholic Work Association' has participated for years in a collaborative effort.

This bears the name 'German Work Team for Marriage, Youth and Family Planning.'

The other members of the 'Work Team' are:

- a 'Conference Assocation for Childcare'

- a 'German Work Society for Youth and Marriage Counseling'

- the 'Evangelical Conference for Families and Life Planning'

- the Association 'Pro Familia'.

That is an bitter enemy of the Church

'Pro Familia' is a charter member of the 'International Planned Parenthood Federation'.

The first president and founder of 'Pro Familia' was the former National Socialist politican and racist Hans Harmsen († 1989).

'Pro Familia' insists upon the right of a mother to abort her own child.

The grouping is part of a world wide string pulling operation of the international abortion industry.

In Germany 'Pro Familia' operates numerous abortion facilities.

These are advertised to the public deceptively under the euphemistic title "Medical Center".

Such places for the killing of children are located in places like Rüsselsheim, Bremen, Saarbrücken, Mainz, Kassel and Berlin.

'Pro Familia' propagates a sexual morality that is diametrically opposed to Catholic teaching.

This is the Consequence

The so-called 'Work Team' sees its mission under the direction of 'Pro Familia' as, providing "Essentials and Standards in Institutional Planning" of youth, married couples, families or even pregnancies.

For this purpose, the counselors have partners to cooperate with.

For that reason the website of the Work Team has published a written literature.

These are also combined together with the 349 Marriage, Family and Life Planning operated by the Catholic Church and their 1.200 skilled employees.

The publication list contains among other things advertisements for 'Pro Familia Magazine'.

That is the house newspaper of the German abortion lobby.

Read original....

Protestors Challenge Liberal Archdiocesan Church Closing Plan

Edit:  The very expensive Archdiocesan Communications Director,  Dennis McGrath, addressed a group of people protesting today in front of St. Paul's Catheral in front of the chancery about the closing of their Church.  There were Polish flags flown and people were understandably upset.  It would be nice if they got upset when priests taught heresy.  It's actually kind of disturbinb in a way too, because the people's ire is primarily directed at a decision which affected them negatively, and that's all.   They don't care about McGrath's statement that the closing was necessitated because of demographic shifts.  But then, all we know about what they're saying is from the anti-Catholic newspaper, also.

The parish in question is a fairly conservative one, but you won't find that discussed in this local, left, anti-Catholic Star and Tribune .  You may hear Dennis McGrath insist that parishes had to be closed because of demography, but that certainly wasn't the case with St. Augustine's which operated in the black.  Perhaps this would have been a good time to close, St. Francis Cabrini with its pro-Homosexual pastor and put him on retirement? 

You also won't hear that the man who managed the parish closing process, Father John Bauer, is pastor of one of the most dissident parishes in the entire Archdiocese, the Basilica of St. Mary's, which frequently in the past has featured speakers opposed to Catholic teaching, a homosexual promoting block party and even had a Rabbi speak this last Good Friday.

Long Live the Republic
All of this is met with almost complete indifference on the part of the Archdiocesan Staff.  It's not even mentioned, but meanwhile, the daughters of hard working Polish immigrants and their husbands will have to go to Mass somewhere else.

[Star and Tribune] Hoisting red-and-white Polish flags and photos of Pope John Paul II, about 50 Roman Catholics gathered in the shadow of the St. Paul Cathedral Saturday morning.

They were protesting the decision by the leaders of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis leaders to close 21 parishes, a move the leaders say was prompted by finances and demographics.

It was the first public pushback against the closing plan, featuring almost exclusively members of the Church of the Holy Cross, a northeast Minneapolis parish that has served Polish-Americans for 125 years, including with Polish-language masses.

Link here...

Sometimes You Have to Take a Beating For Your Efforts

Editor: This is from  Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit about what happened to Inigo when he outsmarted the local authorities by a bit of cleverness and got caught. 

The regent thrice warned him of what would be the result, and at length made his complaint to the principal. Gouvea was furious, and gave orders that next day Loyola should be subjected to the most disgraceful punishment the College could inflict. This running of the gauntlet, known as la salle,was administered in the following manner.

Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit: Ignatius Was Made To Run The Gauntlet

Friday, August 5, 2011

Christians Driven From Their Homes in Occupied Palestine

Palestinian Catholic Bishara Michael makes the sign of the cross on his son, 3-month-old Gabriel, during an annual Franciscan-led pilgrimage to the Qasr el-Yehud baptism site by the Jordan River in October 2010. (CNS/Debbie Hill)
Printer-friendly versionPrinter-friendly versionSend to friendSend to friendPDF versionPDF versionLONDON -- By now, the threat facing Christianity in its birthplace is depressingly clear. Christians represented 30 percent of British Mandate Palestine in 1948, while today in Israel and the Palestinian Territories they’re 1.25 percent. The Catholic patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, warns that the Holy Land risks becoming a “spiritual Disneyland” -- full of glittering rides and attractions, but empty of its indigenous Christian population.
That decline is part of a Christian exodus all across the Middle East, the reasons for which are well-known:
  • Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which affects Arab Christians as much as Arab Muslims;
  • Lack of economic opportunity;
  • Rising Islamic fundamentalism;
  • Christians in the area tend to be better-educated and more affluent, and thus stand a better chance of getting out. As one observer says, in the Middle East frustrated Christians emigrate physically, while frustrated Muslims emigrate ideologically.

Vatican: Russia is the Most Religious Country in Europe

marco tosatti

A huge majority of Russians believe in God: 82% according to a report published by the Public Opinion foundation and Wednesday, a sociological institute associated with the synod of the orthodox Russian church for youth. The report has a database of responses gathered during the last few months from 1,500 people from the age of 18 years and older and residing in 44 regions in Russia.

The outcome is very surprising. In a country where atheism has been taught for several generations, which has established university faculties and at least one museum dedicated to the topic, and which has tried to spread it in many parts of the world, only 13 interviewees stated that they were definitely atheist, while 5% said they were not sure. Most of the atheists are men (68%), while only 32% are women. Atheism seems to be more popular in the lower social classes, namely workers or poor people who do not even have enough to eat. 27% of those who said that they believe in the existence of God do not belong to any organized religion. This was the response of 34% of young people between 18 and 24 years of age and 38% of students. 4% stated that they are Muslim; there were very few Buddhists, Catholics, Protestants, or Jews. 50% of the believers are Orthodox Christians and most belong to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Link to source, here...

H/t: AQ

Pope Receives First Challenge From Relativism Before Assisi

Edit: We'll have to see if indeed the claim of a protestant friend that Pope Benedict was going to use this event as a challenge to relativism is what is planned. How the Pope responds to this request will be very telling on that account.

ROME, August 5, 2011 – The controversy has gone mostly unnoticed, but has brought into grave doubt the presence of the Jews at the "Day of reflection, dialogue, and prayer for peace and justice in the world" convened by Benedict XVI for next October 27 in Assisi.

The spark was an article by Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the pontifical council for Christian unity, in "L'Osservatore Romano" on July 7, illustrating the meaning of the Day.

In the final part of his article, Cardinal Koch called the cross of Jesus "the permanent and universal Yom Kippur," and identified in it "the decisive way that Jews and Christians above all [...] should accept in a profound interior reconciliation."

Link to Chiesa...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Archbishop Hlib Installed as Exarch of the United Kingdom

[The Eponymous Flower, London] As reported by the Society of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop Kyr Hlib Boris Sviatoslav Lonchyna was named as the Fifth Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in Great Britain in June.  While on August 3rd, this last Tuesday with His Beatitude Major Archbishop Sviatoslav, he was installed. The ceremony took place at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Family in Exile, London. 

Also present was the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Antonio Meninni was present. The Archbishop has a long-standing history of engaging Orthodox and Eastern Rite Catholics.

Even the Archbishop's mother was able to make the journey at the age of 85.

Photos and reportage courtesy of, RACH.

Church Bombed in Iraq

Church Bombed in Iraq

Pointing out the Double Standard: Pederasty Has Its Upside

Edit: Well, at least Shea's doing something useful for a a change, and he correctly points out that the obvious hypocrisy we've been pointing out all along. Touchay, sashay Shea, you hired gun, you. We've been pointing out the media's inability to judge homosexual celebrities engaging in pederasty with the disapproval it deserves, while it invariably attacks the Catholic Church.

This kind of special pleading needs to be pointed out, especially when Mark Shea does it.

From my “Toldja So” files: I dust off this little piece I wrote on my “Catholic and Enjoying it” blog a couple of years ago:

Kate Harding labors to bring our Polanski-adoring elites back to the central point: Roman Polanski raped a child.

I hate being right all the time, but I predicted exactly this years ago. The reality has never been that our elites much care about victims of sexual abuse: They care about having a useful tool to bash the Church, which some pervert priests and (far more) some spectacularly bad bishops have handed them. But the fact remains that, when the Right Sort of Roman rapes a kid, the people who were cursing and swearing about sexual abuse will turn themselves into pretzels to justify it.

Indeed, Kathy Shaidle is quite right (she agrees with me! How could it be otherwise) to note that our chattering classes have been quietly laboring to mainstream pedophilia for quite some time now. Mark my words: The Church will one day be condemned for forbidding what some of her neglectful and corrupt ministers are presently condemned for having allowed.

Read more:

Voris: The Knights Can't be Reformed From Within

Edit: the Knights of Columbus is not divinely established and can be abolished.  He recommends that individual counsels resign from the central organization, since they can't admonish pro-Abort or even Masonic members.

It's pretty telling that those professional Catholics have chosen to stick with the CINO organizations representign assets close to a billion dollars, rather than stick with the truth, but what's especially reprehensible is that they've attacked those voices calling attention to these deviations from Catholic truth.

Cardinal Burke Says Religion "Purifies" Politics

.- Cardinal Raymond Burke, head of the Vatican's highest court, said on Aug. 2 that without religion in society, political leaders run the risk violating the fundamental human rights of citizens.

“All nations should guarantee the free exercise of religion, which aims to protect the teaching and practice of religious faith for the sake of the common good,” said Cardinal Burke, prefect of the Apostolic Signatura.
“When reason is not purified by faith in the political realm,” he warned, “the powerful and influential of the time exercise a tyranny which violates the fundamental rights of the very people whom political leaders are called to serve.” 

Link to cna, here...

Maximilian Krah Implies Legal Action Against Ignis Ardens, Again

Agent Without Portfolio
Editor:  Maximiilian Krah is the mouthpiece of the Society of St. Pius X.  He's made legal threats against TIA before and he's done so again, sending this polite but menacing letter to one of the forum administrators, Clare. Of course, moderator Patricius is refusing to abide those threats and has even offered to remove Doctor Krah from the IA forum:
It is absolutely fine when there are discussions about the Williamson trial on Ignis Ardens, including my witness, which I gave on request of the defence and to their full satisfaction. Anyway, I kindly ask you for deleting such comments which once again refer to so-called 'krahgate' or are simply aggressive against me. A serious part of statements in the discussion on the 'Bishop Williamson Appeal' is a 'krahgate' revival. There was a clear statement by Fr Morgan about it, and I hope you will accept and enforce it. As shown with the sedisvacantist page, the SSPX is not accepting such slanderous campagns in the web any longer. A page like IA which states its SSPX-friendship must not take part in such campagns. It is, for example, hard to understand when a declared atheist like Lady Renouf is alowed to blame the chosen authority of the SSPX, Bishop Fellay. All this happens under your responsibility.

So please delete all 'Krahgate'-related comments in the 'BW appeal' thread.

If you have any further questions, please don't hesistiate to email me: [edit] - it is definitly better to speak with somebody instead speaking about him, isn't it? We are both Catholics and SSPX-faithful und should be able to handle this issue without the hepl of a secular judge.

Sincerely yours,


PS: When reading the hate-inspired comments of persons like 'Ethelred' (whose German comments were published under names like 'Leon' and 'Carl') you should see that those who blame me not honourable men, to say the least.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Alleged Sexual Misconduct by Fr. Mel Taylor at Modernist Monastery

Edit: Father Taylor is an alleged Benedictine who was once active at the Modernist Monastery of Collegeville in Minnesota.  He is presently in the Bahamas, according to the Pine Curtain.  He was born in Sligo, Ireland.  This priest was occasionally and very publicly drunk, he was overly friendly on occasion with the students, especially when he was drunk, occasionally wrestling with them which was odd in a way, but there were times when it was downright embarrassing to see him embrace a boy and cherish him in his arms. He was Residency Dean in the Dormitories and as intelligent, streetwise and vigilant as he was, you'd have to be paid handsomely not to believe he wasn't aware of Father Dunstan Moorse, Father Allan Tarelton, Brother John Kelly's homosexual predations.

One student in particular would frequently come to Father Moorse's bedroom suite and even had a key. This student was, it was said, suffering from a profound personal loss.

The student was frequently seen unlocking Father Moorse's door and letting himself in at various hours of the day and night as he passed through  the common areas.  Father Moorse has multiple accusers.  Here's the story sent to the Pine Curtain:

Fr. Mel Taylor used his master key to enter my locked dorm room without my permission. Looking back, I am certain that Fr. Mel knew I was in the room and in my bed enjoying some “private time.” I believe this to be true because he unlocked my door, entered, locked the door and was sitting on my bed … before I was even able to fully pull up my underwear.

Statement from Victim of Fr. Mel Taylor
June 29, 2011
My name is XXXXXX. I am XX years old and currently live in XXXXXX.
Part of my high school education was spent at St. John’s Preparatory School in Collegeville, Minnesota. While attending the “Prep School” in the early 1980s, I lived in the dormitory with dozens of other male Prep School students.

Fr. Mel Taylor, a monk from Saint John’s Abbey, was one of several adult male supervisors, or “prefects”, who lived in a separate section of the dormitory building. During my junior year, Fr. Mel’s official title was “Residency Dean.”

On one occasion during my junior year, Fr. Mel Taylor used his master key to enter my locked dorm room without my permission. Looking back, I am certain that Fr. Mel knew I was in the room and in my bed enjoying some “private time.” I believe this to be true because he unlocked my door, entered, locked the door and was sitting on my bed, all in a matter of seconds. Precisely, before I was even able to fully pull up my underwear.

When Fr. Mel sat down, I was sitting up in the bed without a shirt and had the sheet up to my waist. Fr. Mel began rubbing my chest and then my nipples. He was obviously trying to keep me aroused. He must have sensed that I was uncomfortable because he kept saying things like: “relax” “calm down” “this is ok” and “you are too tense”.

It was difficult for me to react to Fr. Mel’s advances (given his position as priest and prefect) and it took me a few moments to process what was happening. It was clear that Fr. Mel was trying to convince me that his homosexual advances were something I desired though I had never before, nor since, desired such contact. Fr. Mel continued to touch me and it was apparent that he was working himself up to something I knew I did not want.

When I finally did react, I pushed Fr. Mel off the bed. I got out of the bed, with Fr. Mel facing me, and pulled up my underwear. When Fr. Mel didn’t leave, I pushed him physically toward and out of the door.

I never reported this before. I was too embarrassed to deal with the incident or talk about it at the time.

After the incident, I had many questions. Did I do something to provoke Fr. Mel? Why did he choose me? How did he know what I was doing in the room?

At the end of my junior year, I was asked to not return to the Prep School. No specific reason was given other than I was a not a positive influence in the community. I believe that Fr. Mel was part of that decision process. I was allowed to return for my senior year, though under a performance contract.

Fr. Mel Taylor did not return as Residency Dean for my senior year. There were rumors about Fr. Mel’s drinking and about the special attention he paid to his favorite students.

During my senior year, I became more rebellious. My issues with authority increased and I was ultimately kicked out of the school. I graduated from XXXXXXX High School in 19XX.
I cannot help but wonder how many other students were victim to Fr. Mel’s inappropriate homosexual advances — and how many of those young men weren’t able to react in time. And I still wonder how he was able to know what I was doing in the privacy of my own room.
When I found out that Fr. Mel Taylor was still an active priest (in the Bahamas) I felt compelled to tell my story. Fr. Mel Taylor should have been removed from ministry a long time ago.
It has taken years for me to start addressing the issues Fr. Mel created for me. I do not wish this pain or confusion on anyone.
Name Removed

Phone Removed

Regarding Misconduct by Fr. Mel Taylor

Response to Attack on Otto Habsburg

Archduke Otto: Responding to Dr. Trifkovic

[Subscribe online to Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. Click here for details].
feature photo I read Dr. Srdja Trifkovic’s highly coloured article on about the recently deceased Archduke Otto of Austria with a mixture of surprise and concern.  Not a single one of his sources supported the entirely negative picture that he drew.
Let’s see why.
“Habsburg was an enthusiastic supporter of the Jihadist side in the Bosnian civil war, visited Sarajevo repeatedly during that war, and had several meetings with Alija Izetbegovic.”

Link to original...

There's a Lot of Discussion About Father Kimmel's Defection to the Orthodox

Editor:  Seems to us that the quest for Orthodoxy is a desire fed as much by multiculturalism, as it is by the craving for novelty and spiritual homelessness of the West.

[TitusOneNine] Fr. Kimel is to be ordained into the Orthodox Church on Pentecost Sunday (i.e. today) by Bishop Jerome of the Russian Church Abroad, for the Western Rite.

For those of you who may not know, Al is the former rector of Holy Communion, Charleston, S.C. In 1998 it was written about him:
Father Alvin Kimel, Jr. became the 15th rector of the parish in November 1996. He is a scholar and accomplished liturgist. His efforts include an emphasis on improving music to complement the choral Eucharist and to generally raise the beauty of worship. Father Kimel is a superb teacher from the pulpit, in the classroom, and by published worship aid always available in the Church. He is well on his way to a successful ministry and the future of the Church of the Holy Communion looks bright.

Link to this.,..

And to Vivificat...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Yesterday Was the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Commemoration of SAINT IGNATIUSIn the year 1521 a cannon ball fractured the left leg of Captain Ignatius Loyola, the future founder of the Jesuits. While he was convalescing, Ignatius read about Christ and His saints and thus turned wholly to God. He then undertook to equip himself for Christ's service by acquiring a good classical and theological education. On the feast of the Assumption, 1534, the seven pioneer Jesuits pronounced their vows in Paris. The members of the Society of Jesus became the shock troops of the Church in the battle against the spread of Protestantism in Europe, as well as one of the greatest foreign mission organizations that the world has known. Ignatius died on July 31, 1556.

Link, here...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's Still Open Season on Men: Neophyte Back From Suffragette City

We can't all be "real" Men

Editor:  The following is some kind of rant by a woman with a Doctorate in Music who reads all of the approved authors.  She is what we'd call a, "Suffragette Catholic".   She's real big on left coast hauteur and very small on sympathy for the sensus catholicus and those boys and girls who are disposed to try and live accordingly, some of whom she dated.

We're not saying she's a homosexual, but there are some troubling dimensions to what we can only describe as her homophobia, since she claims to know what a real man is but never explains what it's supposed to be.  What's her idea of the perfect man?

Someone mature... self-confident

How would she know what a real man was?  This has been posted because it addresses a real concern about self-flagellation from Catholics and those outside.  This individual is a neophyte from a fairly rarefied professional millieu in New York.  Those  wishing to feel sufficiently and duly chastised by the ruminations of an unsuitably qualified analyst with an axe to grind might take a look.  Suffice it to say that this is a specimen of that polite late Twentieth Century hobby of  venting that ever-popular man hating spleen.

It's common enough, be prepared to counteract it by swift action on your part which might include shrugging your shoulders and going back to work on whatever it is you're supposed to be doing.

Have a nice day and take it for what it's worth.

Real Men

When, after a lackadaisical childhood catechesis, years spent doing my own thing, and a dramatic conversion experience, I came back to the Catholic Church in 2002, I found that there was a New York City subculture I had never known existed: the subculture of young orthodox and Traditionalist Catholics.  Many of this subculture’s adherents were actively looking for a mate, and I dated a few of them, which was an experience unlike anything I was familiar with from my own long romantic struggles. 

Link to Pentimento...

Cardinal Marx Reaffirms the Church's Teaching on Homsexuality and Divorce

Cardinal Marx Tricks The Homosexuals

Homosexually disordered persons may be certain: the Church will not "accommodate a negative pastoral approach" -- and the same goes for sodomites.
Clever as a Snake

(, München)  Yesterday Reinhard Cardinal Marx of Munich and Freising explained his most recent statement primarily related to the Munich Diocesan paper, that adulterers and homosexually perverse are "failed and broken people".

On the same day he made a statement to the ‘Süddeutschen Zeitung’, with which he took the  homosexual paper for a ride.

He employed a similar tactic for his own homosexual paper.

The Cardinal began by deflecting the comments, saying, He was "very unhappy" with the reportage of his statements.

You would supposedly "not say that homosexuals-- or even the divorced -- were failed people."

Because: people can always begin again.

Actually, he presumed that an unrepentant, homosexually disturbed individual is a failure.

The Homosexually Perverse Go with Hair and Skin to Hell

Somewhat curious is the Cardinal's insistence, to this that such a person only "Fails in one's course of life, but not actually in his person, because that itself is the creation and likeness of God".

Saintly Doctor of the Church Petrus Damianus († 1072)

"The [homosexual]contagion undermines the foundation of the Faith, weakens the strength of hope, destroys the bond of Love. It removes justice, undermines strength, banishes chastity, enfeebles refinement and prudence."

If the Cardinal were to desirous to deny the existence of Hell with this statement, he would no longer be in the bounds of the Gospel.

So answered Jesus Christ in the 13th Chapter of the Gospel of Luke to the question if few are saved:

"Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able."

That is applicable especially to homosexual depravity, which according to the witness of the Old Testament highly prized by the Jews is a sin which cries to heaven for vengeance.

Actually, it follows from the context that the Cardinal simply said that the person, so long as he lives in this world, at least has the chance, theretically speaking, to do penance before the end.

God to Catherine of Sienna († 1380):
"The sin against nature is even repulsive to the Demons, not because they abhor the evil or rejoice in the good, rather because of their angelic nature and therefore is repulsed, if they see, how such an enormous sin is committed."

Thomistically Well Formulated

Finally, the Cardinal explained: "A homosexual may be condemned as any other person, not actually, therefore, how he is."

That is well formulated thomistically.

Because sin -- even homosexual degeneracy -- is not a part of being, rather a disorder and therefore a deficiency of being.

They are also to be condemned for their deficiency in being.

The Cardinal then explained joyfully on this, that "in our present time" homosexually disordered people are no longer condemned.

The phrase "no longer" is a suspicious appeal to the Enlightenment, that people are damned solely on the basis of their own being.

This is how the Enlightenment thinkers mistook blacks for animals.

No one will be "accompanied in a pastorally negative way"

In reality and Church teaching Cardinal Marx doesn't skim: "As the Church we clearly say that the fulfillment of human sexuality is expressed by a person in the matrimonial bond of man and woman, which is a life-long connection and open to the procreation of life."

In other words: perversity is unfulfilled sexuality.

Saint Pius V († 1572)

Every horific crime, for which the corrupt and obscene cities (Sodom and Gomorrah) were burned by Divine punishment, fill us with the most bitter pain and spur us considerably on, to quell such crimes with the utmost zeal.

Then the Cardinal acknowledges that for "many people" -- as the Cardinal expresses it -- is not possible.

With the expression "many people" he means adulterers and the homosexually disordered. The turn of phrase "not possible" is a description of their failure.

These failed people must "receive a positive pastoral accommodation" by the Church.

That is the truism which is valid for every manner of pastoral accommodation.

Because the Church doesn't want to greet anyone on his way through life with a "accommodated to a negative pastoral approach".

Friday, July 29, 2011

Weigel the Gallican, Weigel the Febronian, Weigel the Jacobin?

Garibaldi, the Scourge of the Church

Unlike some of the following bloggers, Weigel just can't seem to get it straight whose side he's on. Shall we take him at his word?

Vatican Accuses Enda Kenny of attacking the Church to divert attention from euro crisis [Tablet]

Ego te Absolvo...

Father Zuhlsdorf's commentary on Intimidation...

Even the left listing Allen of NCR gets it, here.

But the critics of the Church and the Vatican conveniently and repeatedly refuse to acknowledge what underlies the problem in the first place, here. They repeat the lie often enough and plenty of people believe them.

Erin Go Bonkers - George Weigel - National Review Online


In case you're wondering what Febronianism is, it's here.

The politico-ecclesiastical system outlined by Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim, Auxiliary Bishop of Trier, under the pseudonym Justinus Febronius, in his work entitled "Justini Febronii Juris consulti de Stata Ecclesiæ et legitimâ potestate Romani Pontificis Liber singularis ad reuniendos dissidentes in religione christianos compositus" (Bullioni apud Guillelmum Evrardi, 1763; in reality the work was published by Esslinger at Frankfort-on-the-Main). Taking as a basis the Gallican principles which he had imbibed from the canonist Van Espen while pursuing his studies in Louvain, Hontheim advanced along the same lines, in spite of many inconsistencies, to a radicalism far outstripping traditional Gallicanism. [u]He develops in this work a theory of ecclesiastical organization founded on a denial of the monarchical constitution of the Church. [/u]The ostensible purpose was to facilitate the reconciliation of the Protestant bodies with the Church by diminishing the power of the Holy See.

^Underlining ours.

USCCB Response to Budget Vote in the Legistlature

Editor: Old Bishop Hubbard went to the cupboard ...

July 27, 2011

Bishops to House: Budget Cannot Rely on Disproportionate Cuts in Services to Poor Persons, Requires Shared Sacrifice by All

WASHINGTON—In a July 26 letter to the U.S. House of Representatives, Bishop Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, California, and Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, New York, called on Congress to remember the human and moral dimensions of the ongoing budget and debt ceiling debate.

The bishops wrote, “A just framework for future budgets cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor persons. It requires shared sacrifice by all, including raising adequate revenues, eliminating unnecessary military and other spending, and addressing the long-term costs of health insurance and retirement programs fairly.”

Bishop Blaire and Bishop Hubbard respectively chair the Committees on Domestic Justice and Human Development and International Justice and Peace of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

The bishops wrote that every budget decision should be assessed by whether it protects human life and dignity, how it affects “the least of these,” including the hungry and homeless, and how well it reflects the shared responsibility of the government and other institutions to promote the common good of all, especially workers and families struggling in the current economy.

The full text of the letter is available online:
Keywords: Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, budget, deficit, debt ceiling, U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives, Justice, Peace and Human Development, Domestic Justice, International Justice and Peace, human life and dignity, homeless, hungry, poor, essential services, disproportionate cuts, USCCB, U.S. bishops

Link to USCCB...

H/t: Roccopalmo

Franciscan Imitates St. Francis, Rebuilds Church Alone for Fifty Years

Editor: Franciscans are "friars" not monks.

God Willed It

The unbelievable story of Father Pietro Lavini: From 1954 to 2003 he rebuilt a monastery completely alone, in an untraveled mountain area in the Apennines.

Montemonaco ( In the spring of 1954 Father Pietro disappeared without a trace from his Cloister to rebuild a ruined Monastery in the Apennines Mountains. In the summer of 2003 the Bishop of Father Pietro received a letter with the sentence: "The Monastery is finished."

Andreas Englisch told the story of the Italian priest in his book "Traces of God: Miracles of the Catholic Church". Englisch had also related this story to the Hamburg evening news.

In the spring of 1954 the Abbot of the Franciscan Cloister by Ascoli Piceno in Adria noticed that Father Peitro had vanished. After a fruitless search he was removed from the list of priests, which entitles them to government support. He was reported as missing.

In the Summer of 1971, in the mountains near Gola del Infernaccio, a deep canyon in the middle of the Apennines mountains, which are famous for falling stones and avalanches, a mountain climber met the monk and told his Bishop: "The priest had very long, matted hair and a filthy beard. He lived in the cold of the high mountains in a kind of improvised hut made only from a few branches and a torn plastic tarp."

He sustained himself with heavily moldy bread, greens and tree bark. With self-made tools, he broke stones from the cliffs, there he was completely alone, without money or machines, where he wanted to rebuild the ruins of a Monastery. He had even built an aqueduct which carried water across the canyon. He collapsed from work many times, suffered broken bones, which he cured by himself with herbs. He showed me his serious injuries. I feared, the man was severely mad."

The Bishop then sent an inspector with the mission to bring the priest to a psychiatric clinic of the Franciscans. After his expedition, the inspector reported to the Bishop that after many discussions attempting to persuade Father Pietro, that "the brother isn't mad, rather he is a saint. I bid his blessing and hope that the Church will leave him there, where he is, completely close to God. I fear our time is mad, so that for us, the example of a man like Father Pietro is so rare." All attempts by the social office of the Bishop to induce the Priest to return, were unsuccessful.

Father Pietro had contact with a family from the village of Montemonaco, which lays some 20km from Father's abode. The father, Franco D'Agonsino, then wrote to the Bishop, "I don't wonder that he doesn't starve up there! The climb is difficult, and I bring Father Pietro something to eat, and every time his larder is bare. he appears not to be concerned by it. When the snow falls, he is cut off for months at a time. I don't know how he endures."

In the summer of 2003 a letter arrived at the Diocese of Ascoli Piceno: Father Pietro wrote only one sentence: "The Monastery is finished." The Bishop traveled by helicopter to the place and wrote a report to the Vatican thereon only one sentence: "What I have seen, is a wonder."

The Village of Monemonaco in central Italy has about 700 inhabitants and lays about two hours by car from the beaches on the Adriatic. And suddenly visitors from all parts of the world came to the village to ask the way to the Gola del Infernaccio
canyon in order to see "a saint". Great gaps in the cliff walls are witness thereto, how over decades of work by hand, block upon block had been separated from the cliff.

After four hours of climbing the visitor suddenly arrives at a beautiful Monastery building. Father Pietro Lavini receives visitors happily and says: "Naturally, I could never have built these great buildings alone. That was beyond the power of a man, God desired it. God had given me this life's dream: 'Build me there, where it is impossible, a house under impossible conditions, and I will sustain you, heal your sickness and give you to eat, even when you think you must starve.'

The video in Italian is here.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Young Swiss Guard in Spain

Edit: In order to make the Pope feel at home when he comes to Spaain, seamstresses have worked up to 5,000 hours to make the uniforms for 60 children to stand guard many hours in the hot Madrid sun.

Breivik Worshiped the Israeli State and its Army

Editor: Surprisingly, it doesn't seem like anyone's mentioned the obvious connection between this individual and Varg Vikernes, who essayed to blow up Norway's oldest church with 150kg of explosives and was implicated in numerous church burnings. The Wikipedia seems to lose sight of the fact that he is a convicted murderer, but that's Wiki for you.

The Norwegian Butcher fantasized about a return to the past in order to kill Hitler: "If there is a single person who I hate, then that is Adolf Hitler".

( The Norwegian perpetrator Anders Breivik, didn't make an enemy Islam as an enemy, but also made a friend, - "the Jewish World, which he views as a sure anti-Islamic bulwark".

Sect Specialist, [and Sociologist] Massimo Introvigne (56), said this on the 25th of July for the Italian website, ''.

Breivik Loves the Israeli Army

The terrorist indicated in his 1500 page book "2083, A European Call to Independence" an "actual cult for the State of Israel and its Army".

This Israel Cult involved a deep animus against the National Socialists:

"If there is a personality that I hate, then it's Adolf Hitler" --wrote the mass murderer.

He fantasized about a return to the past in order to kill Hitler.

The Purest and Noblest Inhabitants of the West

Breivik was a participant in a Norwegian neo-Nazi Internet forum.

There he explained that certain National Socialist statements about the ethnic salience of the West were correct.

But: "Hitler's most obvious error consisted, according to Breivik, that he hadn't understood, that the purest and noblest inhabitants of Europe were the Jews" -- recapped Introvigne.

If National Socialism should have killed anyone, they would have better sorted out the Muslims in the near east.

Breivik Canvasses the Homosexuals

For Breivik, National Socialism, Communism and Islam were three sides of the same anti-Western doctrine.

He wouldn't to abolish all three.

But actually, the emphasis was all on the battle against Islam.

For him, every actual or potential enemy of Islam is a potential ally.

Breivik not only encouraged Christians, rather also militant Atheists, who are seemingly all too common in Norway, as well as homosexual deviants, to combat Islam.

The latter he pointed out, would be "persecuted" in a world ruled by Islam.

Contacts to "The Church of Satan"

Introvigne is not astonished by Breivik's contact to the "Church of Satan".

This organization preaches a form of "rationalist" Satanism and values the mastery of the strong over the weak as well as a wild Capitalism.

Breivik also cites the theories of the Jewish-Russian US-Writer, Ayn Rand († 1982).

Breivik even believes that the Gypsies are not as the majority of Historians see them, from th Hindus, rather outcasts from Islamic societies.

Breivik is well-disposed to gypsies.

He calls them to the war against Islam and promises them a free and independent state in his new Europe. article...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Oslo Butcher is For Abortion: Satanism

For a time Anders Breivik wanted to be Catholic.  Actually he remarked that Benedict XVI is a "cowardly, incompetent, corrupt and illegitimate Pope".

( It is "thoroughly tedious" that the police continuously and immediately describe the Oslo Butcher, Anders Behring Breivik (32) as a "Christian Fundamentalist".

This revelation comes from the famous Italian specialist in cults and sects Massimo Introvigne (56) on the 25th of July.

According to Introvigne, who studied at the Vienna Observatory for Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, insists that the concept "fundamentalism" can be a tool of anti-Christian discrimination.

Introvigne insists that the concept has a precise definition. It describes a very anti-Catholic current in protestantism.

Actually Brevik must be understood according to the following sources:

-his profile on the social networking site ''
-sixty site posting on an anti-Islamic, Norwegian website
-his 1500 page book "2083, A European Declaration of Independence", which he sent a few hours before the massacre to friends and the media.

A Fundamentalist Looks Differently

Breiviks membership in the anti-Catholic Masonic Lodge was made known by an entry in his ''.

Introvigne explains that his present Lodge practices the Swedish Rite. This "Christian belief" is explained by his membership.

Fundamentalism is very ill-disposed to Freemasonry according to Introvigne.

Otherwise it comes from Breviks 'Facebook' profile that he has a friendship with the operator of the largest Norwegian porn-site -- "despite his decrpit morality" -- added Breivik.

It is also the case that Breivik had sent his book to an ordained minister of "The Church of Satan".

He published the botch job on the 23rd of July on the Internet. The "Church of Satan" is very widespread in Scandinavia.

He dreamt of a prostitute

The tone which Breivik struck reminded Introvigne of the Dutch Homosexual, Pim Fortuyn († 2002).

Fortuyn founded an anti-Islamic party in his country.

Still more, Breivik indicated in his book that abortion is acceptable.

The supposed fundamentalist reported additionally that he laid down two million Euros on the site.

He wanted to pay the money for the execution of his "mission" with a prostitute "of high quality, a real top-model".

The great hierarchy-free Oecumene

According Introvigne's assessment, Breivik's biggest concern isn't religion, rather the 'war against Islam', which in his mind threatens to overwhelm Europe.

Breivig wrote that he had received baptism and confirmation at the age of fiteen.

He himself comes from a wealthy and Godless family, who allowed him "free choice".

Some years after veering into Protestantism Breivik came to the view that the Protestant community was dead and that it had fallen to multi-culturalism and philo-Islamic ideology.

For a time Breivig desired to become a Catholic, according to his own admission.

Actually, in his opinion the Church was sold to Islam, as the Pope then had decided, to engage in so-called inter-religious dialogue with the Moslems.

About Benedict XVI, he said, that he had lost "Christendom and the European Christians".

He must be termed as a "cowardly, incompetent, corrupt and illegitimate Pope".

For that reason Breivik wanted to eliminate the protestants and the Church, and a "Christian Congress of Europe".

From that he expected a completely new "European Church" to arise.

Link to