Monday, March 28, 2011

Attorney: St. John's Abbey abuse suits settled

Editor: Make a decision. What is St. John's Abbey anyway? You want to be social workers, political activists, cavaliers or Monks? Is there anyone who thinks that this place will change its stripes without significant personnel changes? You can tell on the Prey, Tell blog that nothing's changed over there. They're still making excuses for irresponsible behavior and dishonesty over there.

If they're not capable of following even simple rules with respect to praying the Liturgy, you can't expect much else of them. It's probably a safe bet that they'll continue living double lives like David Berger, and they will continue ignoring whatever comes from Rome that doesn't comfit with their lifestyle, including the vow of chastity they took. It was part of Benedict of Nursia's famous Rule.

Anyhow who has read the rule, and knows this Modernist place of diabolical delusion will understand the great abyss that separates how these men live the Rule of St. Benedict and the Rule itself; sexual continence is more of a suggestion and don't get us started about poverty. Like parasitic worms, the Monks do almost none of their own labor; They subcontract, again, forget about the rule of St. Benedict on that subject:

Mar 28, 2011 10:53am

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Nine men who filed lawsuits claiming sexual abuse at the hands of monks or priests have reached settlements with St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, the plaintiffs' attorney said Monday.

The accused clergy all taught at St. John's Preparatory School or were assigned to parishes, attorney Jeff Anderson said. He declined to disclose a dollar amount.

The alleged abuse occurred from the 1960s to 2004, Anderson said. At least one of the alleged offenders is now dead.

The settlement requires St. John's to send a letter to anyone who attended the prep school, disclosing the names of alleged offenders against minors, Anderson said.

Anderson distributed a draft of the letter, which names 17 priests and brothers, to reporters on Monday. Anderson said he expects Abbot John Klassen, who heads the monastery, to sign the letter according to the terms of the settlement.

None of the men accused in the lawsuits still works at the school and none has ever been criminally prosecuted, Anderson said.

Link to article...

KMSP news, no financial settlement, but it frees those who were part of other settlements to speak.

More Accusations Against Leftist "Monks" at Modernist Monastery

Saint John's is a place where you can see a performance of the Vagina Monologues, see modernist architecture, watch pagan ceremonies and see conferences promoting vice of every kind. What you'll be hard pressed to find is Catholicism, because they haven't taught much resembling it for years, just enough to fool those donors who might be attached to it, and the occasional Opus Dei member on the board. Just allow us to maintain plausible deniability, that's all we ask.

Abbot John Klassen continues to deceive. Using Kinsey style tactics to exploit their inferiors and hiding behind a Potemkin Monastery, the "monks" of St. John's have at some point, acquired spiritual and economic capital they did nothing to produce and what's worse, they've used it to defame and defile the name of the Church and the students entrusted to their care who are, almost uniformly, if not already apostated before coming to St. John's University, certainly are before they leave.

Despite the certain testimony of Abbot Klassen at present, more people are stepping forward who claim that they were mistreated and assaulted by the vulgar men he continues to protect. According to Behind the Pine Curtain, more alleged victims will be stepping forward to accuse these charlatans of their crimes.

Abbot Eidenschink has been the recipient of several awards, but as early as the 60s, he was preying on his Novices, men we can be assured, later went on to prey upon others in their stead. In a testimony to human credulity and indifference to evil, St. John's Abbey has honored this man with a very public display of praise, irrespective of the innocent lives he'd irrevocably touched by his depravity.

So, not only was he responsible for preying upon his inferiors, but he was given an award as well, and played no mean part in the destruction of the Liturgy where his pupils, those who no doubt acquiesced to his treatment of them, went on to work their own destruction of the Liturgy, of Catholic religion and education, which is evident from the work accomplished over the years by Father Virgil Michel's "Orate Fratres", which is now called "Worship" whose assistant editor, and Liturgist, is a man who systematically preyed on his students over a period of five years in the early eighties. Like Eric Gill, the man who executed the cover art for the first Orate Fratres, Father Dunstan Moorse is a vicious and heretical reprobate who continues to this day, carrying out the work of Godfrey Dieckman, Frank Kacmarcik, James Moudry and so on.

The deeds of these men is only part of the puzzle, which reveals a massive campaign aimed at the destruction of the Catholic Church's influence in this country and throughout the world.

Interesting photo brought to you by the purveyors of heresy in stone, McGough Construction.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bishop Morlino Says No to Sentimentalism at Funeral Masses

Editor:Most people don't know how to act in a variety of situations. Especially at a Requiem Mass. Most of them don't know what it's for. Not entirely their fault. Their parents didn't tell them what Catholicism was about, their Bishops were busy attending the theater or having Zen workshops.. Generally, people in suburbia get up and cover themselves and their families in shame by giving eulogies. Heaven forbid that you call them on it either. This is a very good sign for orthopraxis, and a sign of orthodoxy.

Of course, there's going to be a mealy mouthed jackass who's going to whimper bitterly about this and how he's going to join the Ba'hai or some such thing.

The Badger Catholic: Bp Morlino takes heat for correcting funeral liturgies in his diocese

Pope Benedict Tries on New Hard Hat

Vatican.  At as brief audience Pope Benedict XVI received a hard hat as a gift.  This was according to the Hamburg news 'Morningpost'.  The Pope put on his hardhat for the camera.  The helmet bears the inscription.  "Benedict XVI".

Link to kreun.zet.

New Bishops For Japan

Vatican.  On the feast of the Annunciation Pope Benedict XVI named two Japanese prieests as Bishops.  Msgr Eijiro Suwa [63] will be the new Bishop of Takamatsu in the South of Japan.  His Diocese has 26 Parishes containing around five thousand Catholics.  Additionally, the Pope named a priest from the Archdiocese of Nagasaki, Msgr Paul Hamaguchi [62], at the new Bishop of Oita -- also in the south of the Land.  This Diocese contains 26 parishes with six thousand Catholics.

Link to original...

Father Mike Tegeder is Paddling into Dangerous Pastoral Waters

Stolen From Father T's FB

Father Mike Tegeder is paddling into dangerous pastoral waters on behalf of liberal ideology -- the popular, freeze-dried, liberal, Alzheimer's theologian is crossing the line when it comes to the new rules about unlettered old women lecturing the laity. He's going for broke. Pulled out all the stops.  He is being praised by the liberal media and chastised by the local ordinary for sitting back and letting the laity do all the work, "preaching" in this case. Of course he's not the worst priest in the Archdiocese, is he? He's been brought to us out of the theological backwoods of Collegeville, a runoff byproduct, as it were, where you can watch avant garde plays minimizing the moral severity of pederasty. But who needs the priesthood anyway, someone to moralize to us about right and wrong? We're being Church now. [Isn't that creepy?]

Let us sing Mike's Newchurch into being.

Liberal reporters love to harp on "the priest shortage". They imagine it's been caused by the demands placed on the priest by an unyielding, dogmatic male-centered power structure which is anti-woman and dehumanizing. Freeze dried women and their defeated husbands in tow were "vital" in undermining this understanding as they left behind their children for careers and other forms of "fulfillment" as they tended to move out to the suburbs, practice birth control and send their children to liberal Colleges where they would leave behind the Catholic Faith.

Father Mike Tegeder has created a "ministry" for his gals where they can "preach" like Gloria Steinem on various abstruse subjects...

Archbishop Nienstedt, for his part, has been very adamant about this suburban pastor following the rules. It's been a wait-and-see approach. When Father "Mike" decided to have a Zen garden where people's cremation urns were placed, the Archdiocese acted and Father "Mike" Tegeder dodged a bullet and presented papers indicating that his Zen cemetery garden is canonically and civilly legal.

The article below talks about an alleged "priest shortage". Actually, these kinds of illicit pastoral initiatives, including altar girls and women lectors, are surefire vocations killers. It's why comparatively few men go to Mass in the first place. Take a look around you next time you go to Mass. You'll see a few young women, small families with a few children and a bunch of freezedried, Alzheimer's theologians who are busy running the parish, into the ground, behind the scenes.

Young women who are looking for a good husband at church probably aren't going to find him. He's fast asleep at home on Sunday morning, probably because Father "Mike" told him that the institutional isn't all there is. Probably because some priests, possibly Father "Mike", told him that it doesn't matter what religion you belong to. Not much of an incentive, and why get married anyway? That involves rules, don't it? Father "Mike" don't follow the rules. He even insults his boss and gets away with it. I think I'll stay in bed on Sunday to recover from last night.

[CBS Minnesota] So why did it take the archdiocese four years to begin enforcing the 2004 Vatican policy change?

Tegeder said he believes the new archbishop had a hand in ending lay preaching. Archdiocese spokesman McGrath said Flynn's letter had nothing to do with Nienstedt, whose adherence to orthodox church doctrine has engendered fierce criticism from Tegeder and many Catholic lay people.

"We're a 2,000-year-old institution and sometimes things move kind of slowly," McGrath said. "I don't know what the pattern was in other archdioceses and dioceses. It just takes a while sometimes to implement changes."

Related Articles:

Minnesota Pastor Challenges Archbishop's DVD

Where Heresy and Dissent Abound [Father Mike Tells the Guys upstairs off]

Friday, March 25, 2011

Father Corapi Exonerated?

Editor: It's starting to look like all the pusillanimous types secretly crying for this man's blood, and posting strange time-lines of his supposed metamorphosis into Anton Levey are going to be kind of disappointed. It is to be hoped that Father's bishop goes to bat for him and sends this harridan packing.

KALISPELL, Montana, March 25, 2011 ( - A leader of the company that manages Rev. John Corapi’s media has claimed that the recent accusations against the popular priest were launched by a “disgruntled” former employee who vowed to “destroy” Corapi’s reputation.

Corapi, a well-known Catholic personality and member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) who has been extremely outspoken on the life and family issues, has been placed on “administrative leave” in consultation with the diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas, where SOLT is based.

The move was in reaction to a letter by a former employee of the media company sent to several bishops and claiming that Corapi was addicted to drugs and sexually involved with multiple women.

Read further...

H/t: Stella Borealis

The White Tree of England Will Return

Last December just before Christmas, one of the most enduring and fantastic pilgrimage sites in England was brutally vandalized. It is the site of the place where St. Joseph of Arimathea traveled whose wooden staff was planted there and took sprout into this ancient tree. He brought with him the Holy Grail.

[the daily mail] As a Christian symbol, it seems appropriate that its resurrection took place in time for Easter.

Glastonbury's Holy Thorn tree began to show new buds this week, three months after it was savagely cut down by vandals.

According to legend, Joseph of Arimathea – who some say was Jesus's great-uncle – travelled to Wearyall Hill after the Crucifixion and stuck a wooden staff belonging to Jesus into the ground before he went to sleep.

Read more:

Photo taken from, here.

Irish Bishops Are Fasting During Lent

Editor: Wow, good job you Bishops. You're supposed to be fasting on Fridays during Lent already. And you should be fasting and praying for promoting homosexuality and modernism.

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin and Cardinal Sean Brady at a launch event for the international Eucharistic Congress Related news: • As Vatican probe nears end, officials see signs of repentance and renewal in Ireland • Irish bishops say this week's election crucial for country's future • Letter from 1997 shows Vatican concern to ensure abuse verdicts, officials say • Papal appointees begin apostolic visitation of Irish Church

The Catholic Bishops of Ireland have committed themselves to prayer and fasting on the first Friday of each month in reparation for abuse by clergy and the failure of Church leadership to respond to the crimes. These actions will "renew our commitment to the tradition of Friday penance with a particular emphasis on remembering the suffering of those who have been abused," the bishops wrote in their March 19 pastoral letter

"Towards Healing and Renewal." The abuse of children by some priests and religious was "an appalling wrong," they said, adding that the inadequate response from Church leaders has "left a deep wound that may never be fully healed."

"We are deeply ashamed of this and we are profoundly sorry for any failures on our part," the bishops said. Bishop Colm O'Reilly of Ardagh and Clonmacnois, in his March 19 homily at the Cathedral Centre in Longford, also discussed the letter.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Target Is Suing Desperate Homosexual Group Lurking Outside its Stores

Gay rights for everyone whether they want them or not. We're wondering of the government is helping these pests out with funding? Homosexual pressure groups have been fact finding and canvassing on behalf of the normalization of the things they like to do. They've even gotten the White House involved in their antics by creating a false flag operation to convince Latin American countries, cynically to vote for their UN Resolution.

Now their aggressive proselytizing has gotten them in legal trouble. That's probably the last thing anyone wants to be thinking about when they've got to go to Target to purchase an item. Of course, homosexuals are vindictive as a group and they will undoubtedly retaliate by refusing to shop at Target.

Target is making some nasty headlines for itself once again in its apparent attempt to embrace a policy of indiscriminate discrimination. In recent years the big box superstore has settled multiple discrimination lawsuits with former employees (racial and/or disability discrimination) to make it seem as though the company just hates all people. Perhaps Target is meant to be pronounced with a French accent after all.

But in the past year, Target has gone on the offensive. Last July, the Minneapolis-based company made a 6-figure contribution to purchase campaign ads for anti-gay Minnesota gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer. Following an uproar from employees and the media, Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel apologized. The company struck a deal with Lady Gaga to sell a deluxe limited edition run of her upcoming album, , due out in May. But Gaga backed out earlier this month citing Target's insensitivity to the LGBT community, having no assurances that Target wouldn't continue funding political candidates with anti-gay agendas.

Now Target is suing a group San Diego pro-gay marriage activists to stop them from canvassing -- or talking to patrons about gay marriage -- outside its stores, specifically the Poway location. The lawsuit was filed on March 8. Target was denied a temporary restraining order against between Target and Canvass for a Cause by the San Diego County Superior Court judge. The trial was set to begin today. But, once again, it's not an anti-gay thing, Target assures.

Jesuits Take a Crap on Marriage

Editor: Isn't there some kind of law somewhere about false advertising?

Jesuit [ˈdʒɛzjʊɪt]
1. (Christianity / Roman Catholic Church) a member of a Roman Catholic religious order (the Society of Jesus) founded by the Spanish ecclesiastic Saint Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) in 1534 with the aims of defending the papacy and Catholicism against the Reformation and to undertake missionary work among the heathen

Here's what Dan had to say:

Jesuits Abandon "Marriage" for Today's Fashion

Marquette University will abandon any pretense of "Catholicism"--and for that matter, of "witness."

Marquette University plans to start offering domestic partner benefits to its employees in 2012, ...

...“If we are truly pastoral in our application of the Jesuit principle of cura personalis, I asked myself if I could reconcile that with denying health benefits to a couple who have legally registered their commitment to each other,” Wild said. In Latin, cura personalis means "care for the entire person." [said Fr. Wild]

Sure, Father, so long as that "entire person" doesn't have an eternal soul--you know, like in "cura animarum."

G K Chesterton had two applicable quotes.

Link to read a few more pages and gets the links, here.

CNA Consults with Folk Singer About Eternal Salvation

Not sure why CNA talked to John Micheal Talbot about this new book. They should be more careful about asking recent converts the hard questions. In any event, Talbot is a hippie folk singer, not a Catholic theologian. You may have been tortured by his music at a Mass near you at some point in your life:

The Catholic Church denies the possibility of either post-mortem repentance or a temporary hell, and most Catholic theologians have regarded universal salvation as an impossibility. Pope John Paul II wrote that the “silence of the Church” was “the only appropriate position” on the question of whether any particular person was saved or lost.

Bell also speculates that some non-Christians may reach salvation through a type of implicit or unconscious relationship to Christ. The Catholic Church accepts this notion as a possibility, in instances where individuals have failed to receive the Gospel message by no fault of their own.

John Michael Talbot, a Catholic recording artist with close ties to the evangelical world, told CNA that all Christians must be careful in approaching the subject of death, judgment, and the afterlife – particularly those who rely upon “scripture alone,” without the Church's definitive teaching authority.

Talbot, who left evangelicalism and founded a Franciscan brotherhood, described many contemporary evangelicals as feeling “a hunger for something less legalistic, more mystical and intellectually rich,” than the “rather shallow answers” they are often given in response to questions about salvation and judgment.

But Talbot said Bell, and other like-minded evangelicals, “lack the full set of tools to find those deeper answers” – which Catholics are given through “sacred scripture, apostolic tradition, and the magisterium [sic], or teaching authority, of the church.”

He indicated that Catholic teachings on salvation could provide more definitive answers to the kinds of questions that led Bell to write “Love Wins.”

“Those who have never had the good news of Jesus written on their hearts by the Spirit are only responsible for what they know,” Talbot said, paraphrasing what the Second Vatican Council taught in its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church.

“Therefore,” he stated, “those who are not Christians may be saved.”

Link to full article, here at CNA.

If JMT sounds familiar, it's probably because his act is inspired in part by the work of a child predator and fellow folk musician, Peter Yarrow. What does Peter Yarrow have to do with Talbot? Neither one of them should be consulted for Catholic teaching, and it's certain that neither should be left near Catholic children either.

Don't get us started on Gandhi...

Lebanon Gets New Maronite Patriarch

In addition to the new and very young Patriarch to replace the outgoing Old Liberal, papabile, ++Lubomyr Husar in the Ukraine, the Maronites are getting a new Patriarch too [their 77th] who is going to probably continue the increasingly understated presence of the Patriarchate in party poltics, says Phalange Party official, to represent almost a million Maronite Catholics, who are an ancient Arabic lineage in Union with the Holy See of Rome and always have been.

Following the 2005 elections, the rivalry between the two-biggest Christian blocs in the Lebanese Parliament led to the FPM distancing themselves from the church leadership at Bkirki over Sfeir’s stances regarding Lebanon’s political disputes.
“Rai’s election is a great achievement for Lebanon … and he has a strong relationship with everyone in the country,” said Abi Ramia.

The election of Rai has led to uncertainty within the country as to how the policies of the church’s leadership will respond to the country’s major issues.

“Bkirki should be completely removed from the competition between political parties, which drag the church into routine conflicts resulting from the rivalry of parties to attract electoral votes,” Abi Ramia added.

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

Related Articles:

+Rai Remembered as Caring in Formative Years

Lebanon Celebrates al-Rahi's Inauguration With High Ranking Officials Present

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Russia Refuses to Sign Useless UN Resolution on Sodomy

Editor:  The other day, we got wind that the White House had lied to Mexican representatives about what the Vatican thought of their resolution. The Obama Administration lied about something. Anyhow, it's not too surprising. There are really messed up countries who signed this. What a lot of spilt ink for a population that comprises two or three percent of the population at best. Notice some of the exceptions, though, Russia didn't sign. Go Putin. Ireland signed? That's ridiculous. All we can say now is, go Putin, go Medvev.

Bulgaria signing this would be sort of understandable, but Ireland?

Joint statement on ending acts of violence and related human rights violations based on sexual orientation & gender identity

Delivered by Colombia on behalf of: Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, the Central African Republic, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala,  Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the former-Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malta, the Marshall Islands, Mexico, Micronesia, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Samoa, San Marino, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tuvalu, the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Ukraine, Uruguay,  Vanautu and Venezuela
1.       We recall the previous joint statement on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity, presented at the Human Rights Council in 2006;

Read the whole article, here...

Father Corapi and Cardinal Bernardin

Hey guys.

Editor: there are a number of people comparing Father Corapi to Cardinal Bernardin. Is it a simple case of people who defend Fr. Corapi are Catholic and people who attack him are probably not, while people who defend Cardinal Bernardin are probably homosexuals? Maybe. It's difficult to think of two men who are more different. Yes, they are both Homo sapiens who are priests and one of them is actually Catholic, but that's where any similarity ends. Cardinal Bernardin, while he was alive, maintained many controversial positions in terms of theology, liturgy and while acting as a pastor. The late Father Fiore maintains that the Cardinal was an active and predatory homosexual and the man who accused the Cardinal of abusing him, Mr. Cook, never retracted his statement about being one of the Cardinal's victims, even after receiving a chalice and a large cash settlement. [From Matt Abbott's Column]

Another strange event pointing to the Cardinal's unsavory character occurred when one of his flock was murdered. A choir director named Frank Pellegirini, whose girlfriend maintains, was in a homosexual relationship with a man whom she says belonged to the "Chicago Boy's Club":

One of the puzzling mysteries surrounding the murder involved Cardinal Bernardin. According to the police who were present at the crime scene, shortly after Pellegrini's body was discovered, Cardinal Bernardin arrived at the murdered man's home to quiz the officers about the killing. The cardinal told police that he did not know the murdered man. This raises the obvious question of how he learned of the killing so quickly and of what special interest was Pellegrini to him since he did not know the victim. The Pellegrini case was reopened in the early 1990s, but to date, the crime remains unsolved and Father Greeley remains silent ...

Strange that people are still attempting to clean the reputation of this evil individual. We've often found it strange that his truly great crimes, those of heresy and the fruits thereof are seldom pointed out. Unfortunately, people don't challenge his repute on his statements regarding biblical inerancy, when he claimed that the Gospel of John could no longer be taken as definitive teaching with respect to the Jews, but never mind.  It's also clear that he wasn't on board with respect to the theory of clerical chastity, even if he seems to have lacked care for it in practice. In any event, it's a little hard to understand how a man who had the "Windy City Gay Men's Chorus" sing at his funeral while Freemasons acted as pallbearers, can inspire a defense of the man's catholicity, but there it is. How sad that the Church is run by men of this stripe.

Of course, there are people out there who are still defending Father Maciel of the Legion of Christ, who had problems of his own with respect to orthodoxy.

It says a lot about a person, whom they defend and why. One tends to think that those who defend Cardinal Bernardin are like-minded when it comes to the sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance and are, appearances notwithstanding, ecclesiastical dissidents.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gradeschoolers Are Corrupted with Porn in English Schools

Editor: Why worry about the Catholic Church abusing your kids when the British Educational System and Government will do it for you? There are some concerns coming from parents and associates of the 'Christian Institute'. Some of the photos can be seen at This is sex abuse being presented under the guise of education. There are even some examples of child pornography. Why a five year old needs to know these sorts of things, even in England, is unclear, but many parents are justifiably angry and trying to opt out of this program.

Despite children being unprepared for this sort of thing, at least as far as some of the experts are concerned, homosexuality gets special mention:

Prof Almond, commenting on the materials highlighted in The Christian Institute’s report, warned: “There are comic-book-style pictures of different sexual positions, cartoon explanations of masturbation and orgasm, and crayoned drawings that are supposed to explain the difference between heterosexuality and homosexuality — with anal sex getting a special mention.”

Sex education resources should be licensed to ensure they are age-appropriate, an MP has said, following concern among parents about “inappropriate” materials.

Andrea Leadsom’s comments come in the same month that a report by The Christian Institute highlighted shocking resources being pushed by public bodies for use in schools.

One such resource encourages primary school pupils to learn about anal intercourse, oral sex and prostitution.

Mrs Leadsom, the MP for South Northamptonshire, asked if the Education Secretary Michael Gove was “aware of the great concern of some parents about the inappropriate material being shown to their five-year-old and seven-year-old children under the guise of sex and relationship education”.

She added: “Will he take steps to start a licensing regime to ensure the material being shown is age-appropriate?”

Education Minister Tim Loughton replied, saying he shared some of her concerns. He noted the current Government review into personal, social and health education, of which sex and relationship education “is a key part”, and said he would “welcome” the MP’s “further input into the review”.

Mr Loughton also commented: “It is crucial that whatever we do should be age-appropriate”.

Read further at home page of 'The Christian Institute'

Orissa: another Christian killed in Kandhamal

by Santosh Digal
Angad Digal, a Catholic man from Mondasoro, was killed on 10 March. He had gone to a neighbouring village with two Hindu acquaintances. Police arrest one of the two suspects, but have not yet found Digal’s body. A priest slams the atmosphere of impunity created by law enforcement inertia.

Bhubaneswar (AsiaNews) – In Orissa, Christians continue to suffer from persecution. On 10 March, Angad Digal, a Catholic man from Mondasoro (Kandhamal), went missing. Local sources say he was killed in Tilakapanga, where he travelled in the company of a couple of Hindu acquaintances. For days, family, volunteers, and human rights activists in Cuttack diocese have been searching for his body, without success.

One of the men suspected in Digal’s murder has been arrested, Fr Laxmikant Pradhan, a local priest, said. “The authorities’ inertia is making matters worse for the family and Christians in Kandhamal,” he added.

People are in shock and afraid. “We must find Digal’s body and stop this culture of impunity,” the priest noted.

Related Articles:

For Christians, the Terror Returns.

Hindu Convert to Christianity Slain

The Elephants of Orissa

Video of Christians Being Beaten in Orissa

Man Sentenced to Ten Years of Prison for an Abortion

Editor: someone's going to suggest that the Doctor wasn't actually sentenced for murdering his child but for endangering the life of his illicit sex partner, presumably to keep the information from his wife and colleagues. So be it.

This in from another poster on another forum:
Actually, abortion is illegal in Germany, even if many people (including Germans) don't know this.
The German Constitutional Court has decided (in a "reverse" Roe vs. Wade ruling), that legal abortion is unconstitutional. Unfortunately, after that ruling, German politicians have invented a system of "crime without punishment", meaning that abortion is still illegal, but (under certain circumstances) not persecuted. In this case the abortion would have been punishable, because the conditions of non-persecution were not existing. However the court obviously decided to go for an attempted murder ruling.

Germany in 2007 a married German Doctor 41 wanted to abort his child with a another woman at home. He mixed blood thinner in her tea, in order to induce a premature birth. Because of nasal and bleeding gums the mother went into the hospital. There the doctors noticed the life threatening low blood pressure and managed to save the her but not her child. On Monday the Court of Coburg condemned the Doctor to ten years of prison and 20,000 Euros damages, for attempted murder. The condemned man has challenged the deed to the last and will appeal the case.

Link to original,

A Promotional Video About the SSPX in India

Editor: It's a whole new frontier. They're in a city of sixty million and run eight chapels, have three priests in their priories, run a school and are associated very closely with an orphanage. All that after 25 years work. Not bad.

H/t to POG at Ignis Ardens.

Liberals in Chur Switzerland are Screaming like the Possessed

The Archbishop of Chur, Switzerland is being attacked by his Deans. The tax church has been screaming for his dismissal. This looks like a contest of wills with the tax-administrators trying to run the traditional Bishop out of town. They don't like that he's going to be serious about having the Immemorial Mass of All Ages said. They don't like his attitude, but that's about all they can do, because there appears to be no move to get rid of him and no interest in Rome for replacing him either. Actually, when the Cardinal of Vienna does terrible things and his laity cry out to Rome, they don't do anything there either.

There's a petition you can sign, here. There are also two other stories on this blog, here and here.

All Deans are Against the Church Bishop

Swizterland: All fourteen Deans int the Diocese of Church have attacked Bishop Vitus Huonder in a press release yesterday. This is according to 'Radio Vatican'. The Deans have complained that the Bishop -- in sight of unrest in the Diocese -- has canceled the next Meeting of the Priest Council and of the Council of Lay Theologians. The Deacons insist that Msgr Huonder, revoke his order "as soon as possible" and hold these senseless Advisory Boards.

Link to original,

Combat in Ivory Coast: Christians Are Being Annihilated

The outgoing, officially Christian, president doesn't want to give up his office, his supporters are engaged in battle against the supporters of the new Muslim president -- what looks like a civil war situation: 40,000 people seek protection in churches.

Abidjan ( In the appearances of civil unrest in the West African country of Ivory Coast, Christians are being annihilated. They have been attacked by Islamic extremists; a number of churches have been burned down, according to the President of the US-branch of the relief organization Open Doors, Carl Moeller (Santa Ana/State of California) to the information service of Mission Network News.

According to reports from Church workers in the Ivory Coast there have also been Christians murdered. About 40,000 people are seeking asylum in churches to escape the unrest in the city of Abidjan.

The harbour city is a center of the fighting between supporters of the President-elect Laurent Gbagbo and of the internationally supported Alassane Outtara, who had been declared the winner.

Ggagbo refuses to recognize his electoral defeat and is holding tightly to his office. He identifies himself as a Christian, while Ouattara is a Muslim.

In the fighting between the supporters of both camps, more than 400 people have been killed. UN estimates the number of refugees within the country have climbed to 300,000. Around 100,000 are on the other side of the boarder having fled Liberia. The Federal Government has increased its foreign aid by 500,000.

About 20 million inhabitants are Muslims with about 38 percent as the strongest group. 27.5 percent are Christians, of which 22 percent are Catholics and 5.5 percent are protestants. The remaining citizens are mostly members of various native religions.


Related news, here.

Gun Battles Erupt in Ivory Coast [Reuters]

Ivory Coast, Getting out Alive.

Schönborn: "The Crisis Will Make the Binding Power of the Church More Clear"

Editor: What you don't get in this discussion is what sees as the Cardinal's customary ambiguity, and putting out a discussion like this on the national level so that he can attempt to vitiate the Church's actual position. Moreover, the Cardinal states that the reason for so many people leaving the Church this year was their "orchestrated" sex abuse scandal, as says:

The real reason that people are leaving the Church is for the fact that over ninety percent are paper Catholics -- among whom are many priests and even Bishops -- there's no real connection to the Church there.

Here's the story:

With a view on controversial themes within the Church ++Schönborn pleads for an "open debate". This is also applicable to celibacy, for there is "good cause why we should discuss it."

Brixen ( the crisis the binding power of the Church will again be made clear. The president of the Austrian Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said this to the media in Brixen, with a view on the large numbers of those leaving the Church last year. The meeting of all the entire Bishops conference will deal intensively with the questions of church losses and also the legal measures against sexual abuse. The sex abuse crisis has been naturally blamed for the climbing numbers of church defections.

But there are also "signs of hope for a spring in the Church", urged the Viennese Archbishop, who spoke for an "open debate" within the Church about polemical themees. It needs consideration that people today can decide to live in the context of a plural and multi-religious society. This new freedom is also positive: "Christianity will be more a point of conviction, and we will have a free Church in a free society", emphasized the Cardinal and said: "The binding power of the Church will also become clearly stronger -- despite the abuse crisis."

More signs of hope are in the engagement of many young people, who are showing much concern for civil society and increasing interest in religious themes. For this back ground is pivotal, "the questions of faith, of God are wakening and taking hold in the midst of society", said the Cardinal. With a view upon controversial themes within the Church he pleads for an "open debate". This suffices also for celibacy, for it is " a good reason to have a discussion about it."

The Austrian Episcopate is preoccupied with its measures against sex abuse and correcting the configuration of the established guidelines. In the last year there is an increasing responsibility and "consciousness on to stand on the side of the victim". There are "clear standards" as well as working to know the truth and prevention. "I dare now to say that the Church has forged its way exemplarily", said the president of the Bishops' Conference, and effect a "positive example" at the national level.

The discussion with media representatives from Italy and Austria took place immediately before the begin of the four day plenary assembly of the Austrian Bishops' Conference, which intitially will meet in South Tyrol. Cardinal Schonborn will give a press conference about the Plenary Assembly on the 25th of March at 10.00 O'Clock in the "Club Stephansplatz 4", 1010 Vienna.

Read original at

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chinese church shortage prompts call to make altars at home - CathNews

Editor: These people are suffering under an evil Communist regime in China. Why aren't you kneeling Mr. Suburbanite?

Chinese church shortage prompts call to make altars at home - CathNews

Empty Rhetoric: Cardinal Meisner Complains About Theology Memorandum

Editor : The same sorts of problems occur over here, although our Bishops tend to avoid responsibility for the Theology faculties altogether by saying that they have little power to effect what happens in their Universities.

The Cardinal of Cologne complains about the theologians, whom he himself had named, and about the situation with religious instruction where he has unleashed church haters and homosexually disturbed persons upon the children.

Six weeks late the neo-Conservative Cardinal of Cologne has criticized the Old Liberal theologians' pamphlet against celibacy.

The Cardinal's statement was published in the Newsletter of the Archdiocese of Cologne.  The pamphlet being criticized appeared in the beginning of February.

"In my episcopal service -- in any case almost thirty six years -- there has seldom been an announcement from the theological side made known to me which was so shocking and saddening as this Memorandum"  -- the Cardinal emotionally explained at the beginning of his address. 

The specifications and suggestions of the pamphlet must be contradicted "almost in every point".

Then followed the obscure verbiage.

For example, this:  "That I have to take it on myself to express there is already a disagreement:  for the first and foremost belongs foremost thing is the service of the office in the Church: to spread the truth of Christ, 'if one will hear it or not'. 

Or, directly after:  "This proclamation is in no way a "message of biblical freedom", rather in the power of the Holy Ghost in the passing down and continuation of the word and grace of the Son of God made man."

Wishy-washy in place of clear words

One can not bring concerns and criticism in such a way as if the Church were just "any human institution" -- said Cardinal Meisner.

A fruitful discussion within the Church can only succeed if one affirms the Church in its "deepest natures".

These "deepest natures" the Cardinal defines with a wishy-washy term used in the Church Constitution of the Second Vatican Council, "universal sacrament of salvation".

All Are Guilty, Just Not the Bishops

  He locates the problems particularly -- where the blame should fall squarely on the Bishops  -- on deficits in the faith knowledge and in a widespread lack in living the faith.

These should bring the theologians "to thinking to what extent this actually casts their bad influence in their ranks upon their brothers and sisters in the faith-- and just look at what is taught in religious education!"

The Bishops are responsible for the quality of religious instruction -- not the theologians.

The teachers were appointed by the Bishops

The the Cardinal turns a melodramatic pirouette.

"I can not conceal my greatest concern"  - he sighs:

"How can I entrust the Church to future priests, deacons, religious instructors and pastoral caregivers whose lives are a deficit to the life of the Church."

The Cardinal is not one to cry over this like a woman, what he won't defend like a man.

The following active Cologne theologians have signed the pamphlet:

-The lay theologian Michel, Andreas, since 2006 at the University of Cologne

- The lay theologian Saskia Wendel, since 2008 at the University of Cologne

- The lay theologian Hans-Joachim Hohn, since 1991, at the University of Cologne

Cardinal Meisner has been in office as Archbishop of Cologne since February of  1989.

He appointed these theologians and should do justice by them.

Original,, here...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Christian Palestinian victim 'stabbed 10 times [allegededly] by Zionist haredim' terrorists!

Editor: You've got to pick a side.  We're on the Catholic side, every day, all day, to the death.  If a Jew fell upon a Catholic in Palestine, would anyone hear about it?  Let's hope the Israeli government, which has almost nothing to do with authentic Judaism as many Orthodox Rabbis will attest, does something to put a stop to this.  Christians have been leaving Palestine over many years for obvious reasons.

Hassan Shaalan
Published: 03.20.11

Alber Halul, who was stabbed Saturday night by a group of masked men he claims are haredim, recounted the attack Sunday. "They threatened to shoot us if we resisted and stabbed me 10 times – in my head, my leg, and my neck," he told Ynet.

Halul, a 22-year old Christian Arab from the Galilee town of Gush Halav, was assaulted while with a group of friends at Ein Zeitim forest, near Safed.

He says that at around 12:30 am two vehicles arrived at their gathering place and eight masked men alighted, and attacked them. Halul is currently being treated for wounds in his back, head, and legs at Ziv Hospital in Safed.

"At around 12:30 five masked drove up in a Nissan jeep and began driving in circles near us. Then they left and came back with another vehicle, and came closer," he recalled from his hospital bed.

"They threw stun grenades and fired in the air. Then eight masked men got out of the car and began to attack us. The guys I was with ran away but I stayed to protect a girl who was with us. They stabbed me 10 times in my head, my leg, and my neck until they hit me hard and I fell to the ground."

Halul says he knows the men were ultra-Orthodox Jews although they wore masks. "While they were attacking us one of the said that if we dared to resist they'll shoot us and we knew from their accent and their clothes that they were ultra-Orthodox," he said.

It wasn't the first time the 22-year old was attacked due to his race. "I won't return to the forest again. The Jews' hatred and racism against us has reached a point of real violence that threatens our lives," he said.

"I don't want to blame anyone and hope that the police will reach the people behind this attack because such people shouldn't be walking the streets – they are a menace to the Jewish and Arab public."

But police have not yet made any arrests in the case, and say they have no suspects. "The case is still being investigated," police said in a statement.,7340,L-4045047,00.html

Ave Maria "Catholic" Boondoggle Now Bottom Ranked Law School

Dominoes recently changed its strategy and its product in the face of unfavorable reports about its product.
Frank Lloyd Wright isn't what you should be emulating, unless you like ugly as sin.

Perhaps Ave can make its image and product more attractive by eliminating the Catholicism contained in it? Its "Law" School is ranked at the bottom tier. Hey, c'mon now. It's one of the top-ten Law Schools in Florida.

As noted previously, Ave has a habit of supporting local Frankenstein labs, ugly architecture, pentecostal weirdness and the lowbrow Americanist, Tom Monahan, pizza king.

Photo stolen from, here.

And Stop Wearing Ugly Vestments and Bath Robes

Of course, Tom Monahan isn't the only neo-Con to be taking it on the chops. EWTN is getting hit, but they deserve it.  Still, we're a little concerned about due process here.  The Hen house is out of control over at Anchoress with calls all around to perhaps, maybe possibly, presume guilty until proven innocent? Anchoress is correct that Father Corapi isn't a divinity, but for a lot of people, he's the only virile and mostly orthodox male voice talking about Catholicism any of them hear.  Understandably, a lot of people are very loyal to Father Corapi. Understandably so, I repeat, because for many of them, Father Corapi was the first dose of real Catholicism they ever got; you always remember the people who fed you when your Bishops, parish priest or religious sisters left you to starve. [Editor: I'd never seen a straight looking, straight acting priest before Father Corapi] Anchoress may not want to give Father Corapi the benefit of the doubt, but she'll go to bat for the generally cowardly, less than orthodox and litigation shy American Bishops.   Here's a sample of what the Cancerous writes in response to an e-mail poster who said that Father Corapi is the only voice of Catholicism:

What astonishing nonsense; what an untruth! What a slanderous and diminishing insult to the thousands [We've met a handful out of hundreds personally, but even so, there's a RING of truth in what he says.] of fine, orthodox faithful priests and religious, deacons, seminarians and lay people [inclusive language is never a good sign] who put their whole hearts and souls into serving this church and its truth with fervor, courage and complete fidelity. [Not sure she has the same concerns or idea of fidelity we do, but we're just mean old Traditionalists, here] Fr. Corapi is a very fine preacher and a priest who has worked with the Holy Spirit to bring many souls back to Christ or to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of his Bride, the church. To say anything more than that is to betray something unhealthy beneath all the admiration.[Not so sure the Cancerous understands what the man was saying, or whether or not she would know orthodoxy if it showed up on her doorstep wrapped in filthy rags and suffering from leprosy, anyway...]  Corapi, I am sure, would be the first to refute that bizarre claim as the unloving, uncharitable, un-church-serving slander it is. [That might be true, but he always reminded people that there were a lot of Bishops and priests out there who didn't know what they were doing].

In any event, neo-Conservatives like the Anchoress, being for the most part, Straussians of one sort or another, don't have as much of an objective concern  about truth as would be hoped, they care about appearances, and a culturally determined scale between means and extremes that are based more upon their own prejudices and mental blocks than they are on reality or things as they are.  You see it on Catholic Answers all the time, and it's really what is part of the problem with personality cults in the first place.

Make no mistake, Father Corapi is himself a neo-Conservative who insisted at one point that failure to participate in the American electoral process consisted in a serious sin. Come now Father, don't you realize that Republicans promise big and deliver the other side's agenda when it comes? That's what comes of lacking a reverence for principles, of the truth, but never mind. Perhaps this will re-alloy Father's love and appreciation for the truth?

In any case, in Father's defense, it's important to highlight what's been going on with the abuse hoax and how it's served to complicate things.  Wow, if it's not bad enough dealing with the hen house, you've got to deal with the cowardly administration taking seriously any accusation, no matter how uncredible, or even false, against you, and putting you on administrative leave.  This makes a man look guilty before he's been declared innocent; or depending on your Pharisaical point of view...   In any event, the Pharisees are out for blood and whether or not Father is guilty, he's absolutely right.  His reputation and the good work he did, the reason why people were willing to pay hundreds of dollars to hear him speak, is damaged.  Here's what Father said, and it's spot on, priests are falsely accused and it seems very likely, especially if we can believe Father Corapi, that this is one more example of that:

"On Ash Wednesday I learned that a former employee sent a three-page letter to several bishops accusing me of everything from drug addiction to multiple sexual exploits with her and several other adult women. There seems to no longer be th...e need for a complaint to be deemed “credible” in order for Church authorities to pull the trigger on the Church’s procedure, which was in recent years crafted to respond to cases of the sexual abuse of minors. I am not accused of that, but it seems, once again, that they now don’t have to deem the complaint to be credible or not, and it is being applied broadly to respond to all complaints. I have been placed on "administrative leave" as the result of this."

Photo stolen from, here.

More stuff on Father Corapi, today:

Also, Doctor Kopp made a point about Father Corapi's wealth.  Not only was he collecting substantial fees for his skills as a speaker, but he won a substantial amount of money from a lawsuit recently.  Can you say, "out of court settlement?"

Now The Hate Will Fall Upon the Christians

Editor: while NPR and various news organs like the Crescent News Network and the Obama administration were celebrating the Arab Revolt, many others who were more aware of previous Arab uprisings were not so enthusiastic.

As the Coptic Pope has aligned himself against the Egyptian Pseudo-Revolution, all had joined the uproar about him. Now no one is apologizing to the man.

In Egypt, the tensions between Muslims and Christians are growing day to day. This was from the website '' on March 13th.

After the fall of the old President, General Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian Generals are concerned about power, not for the religious freedom of the Christians.

Their disposition has intensified the unrest tremendously.

Recently, soldiers have fired on monks.

In the last days there have been violent confrontations.

In Cairo thirteen people were killed and over 100 wounded when Copts were attacked at a sit down strike.

The reason for the strike: Muslims had destroyed homes of Christians and the Coptic Church of St. Mina and George in the distant village of Soul Atfif.

The soldiers who were called up for this fired upon the Christians and not the aggressing Moslems.

"From the Arabian upraising against despots there has arisen an Arab uprising of hate against religious minorities" - maintains the Free Assemblywoman of the Austrian National Parliament, Dr. Susanne Winter.

What is of particular concern for Frau Winter is the roll that the military government, supported by the USA, which fired on the Christian minority.

On the other side members of the Islamic underground organization "Islamic Jihad" have been set loose, who had assassinated the President Anwar el Sadat in 1981.

"It is all too understandable that many Copts have little euphiria for the future after the collapse of the government in Egypt because of this religious unrest -- said Frau Winter.

The provisional government has made no signals about religious freedom, rather they have fanned the distrust and conflicts beetween Christians and Muslims.

On the supposed "way to Democracy" in Egypt, the rights of all religious minorities must be recognized.


And in a related story, thousands of Africans are leaving Islam. Who can blame them, when things like these church burnings which happened recently in Ethiopia, happen?

Pope Benedict Consecrates New Church in "Little Hell"

Italy. Yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI consecrated the new Titlular Church of Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising, the new parish church of St. Corbianiano in the Roman suburb of "Infernetto". The name is translated as "little Hell". In his Sermon the Pope recalled that St. Korbinian († 730) traveled to Rome and had his mount ripped from under him. Thereupon he put his burden on the bear. As he came to Rome, he turned the animal free again.

Brought over from

It's Even Funnier Now

Editor: In light of the current crisis in Libya, this photo from a few years back came to mind. Hope you like it.

A New List of Three Episcopal Successors for the Archdiocese of Berlin

Editor: Bishop van Elst was the favorite last time we heard about this to replace the Old Liberal Archbishop Georg Sterzinsky. So that's two major Archdiocese up for new Bishops, including Milan right now.

Berlin Air

Germany. Either the Nuncio or the Berlin Cathedral have compiled a three list for the selection of the new Archbishop of Berlin, which should have the following three names: Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst (51) von Limburg, Archbishop Ludwig Schick (61), or Berlin's current General Vicar, Msgr Ronald Rother (67)

According to

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Russian Orthodox Church hierarch calls for strategic alliance with Catholics, Protestants

Editor: The only course is through true ecumenism. The problem will be highlighted by the fact that most protestant organizations don't find abortion, birth control or the dissolubility of marriage to be problematic.

Moscow, February 28, Interfax - Russia's moral and demographic situation raises a question about its future, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations, said.

"I often say that today there is a bad need for a 'strategic alliance' between Orthodox believers and Catholics, members of the ancient eastern Churches, traditional Protestants, that is to say all those who defend true Christian values - the family, children's upbringing, indissolubility of marriage, the value of human life from inception until death," the Metropolitan said in an interview published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily on Monday.

All these notions are being "totally reviewed, and we must oppose this," he said.

"Otherwise, both Russia and the Christian civilization in general will over [not so much] time lose their 'salt,' lose their image and remain just a subject of study for historians and archeologists," the hierarch said.

Russians "are beginning to get used to their country's "severe demographic crisis," he said.

Asked what the Church can suggest to change this situation, he recalled the recent major initiative by Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, involving a set of proposals to fight abortions, to support families with many children, to help children left without parents and to pass new legislation to protect families and childhood.

Link to interfax...

Anniversary of Msgr Lefebvre's Death

The Society of St. Pius X’s District of Switzerland invites all the faithful to come to Econe on March 25, 2011, for the 20th anniversary of the death of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

10:30 Sung Mass. Fr. Franz Schmidberger, District Superior of Germany and former Superior General of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X will preach in French and in German.
12:00 Ceremony at the grave.
13:00 Picnic lunch (a warm soup will be served to all)
14:00 Memories of the life of Archbishop Lefebvre

Séminaire International Saint-Pie X
CH-1908 Riddes
Tel: (0)27 305 10 80

Read article, here at DICI.

H/t Marie at AQ

George Weigel Defends Americanism: Again.

Once again George Weigel proposes something for the reasonable consideration of Roman Catholics in the USA. He banks on the fact that most Americans are unaware of what was at stake when the Masonic Garibaldi finally triumphed over the Papal forces to unify Italy in that fateful year of 1870, while the Prussians trounced the French further north, and he does not fail to disappoint in that he adds more confusion than clarity in the bargain while running rough shod over Church teaching in the bargain. In his latest article for the National Review he says, after piling some well deserved abuse on the Masonic republics that have ruled Italy since 1870, that the Church somehow benefited from the loss of its temporal power. He even gets a few licks in on the old Soviet Union, continuing to try to convince us that Communism was overcome and that John Paul II had something to do with it. Perhaps what he's selling is favored with a few in the modern Papacy, but his verbiage would have been regarded unfavorably by sensible churchmen before 1965.

Weigel is aware of these things, but he explains sentences like this away by an appeal to a historical argument, suggesting a decided Modernist cant to his daring do.
76. The abolition of the temporal power of which the Apostolic See is possessed would contribute in the greatest degree to the liberty and prosperity of the Church. —Allocutions "Quibus quantisque," April 20, 1849, "Si semper antea," May 20, 1850. (Condemned as error).

He even makes a citation of good old Evelyn Waugh writing in his Sword of Honor, citing the incomparable Norman, Guy Crouchback:

News of the King’s flight came on the day the brigade landed at Salerno. It brought Guy some momentary exhilaration.

“That looks like the end of the Piedmontese usurpation,” he said to his father. “What a mistake the Lateran Treaty was. It seemed masterly at the time — how long? Fifteen years ago? What are 15 years in the history of Rome? How much better it would have been if the Popes had sat it out and then emerged, saying, ‘What was all that? Risorgimento? Garibaldi? Cavour? The House of Savoy? Mussolini? Just some hooligans from out of town causing a disturbance. Come to think of it, wasn’t there a poor boy whom they called King of Rome?’ That’s what the Pope ought to be saying today.”

Mr. Crouchback regarded his son sadly. “My dear boy,” he said, “you’re really talking the most terrible nonsense, you know. That isn’t what the Church is like. It isn’t what she’s for.”

It's interesting reading, but is that really what Evelyn Waugh had in mind to reconcile the Papacy's concordat with Italy in 1933? He leaves this unanswered and proceeds on to defend the erroneous notion that the Papacy need not have had its temporal power, and that this temporal power was an impediment.

George Weigel is in love with the State, but like Frederick II of Prussia, he knows the importance of religion to the run of the mill out there, and he writes for them, he influences them in terms they appreciate and understand, even if he leads them down the wrong path in the end.

You can have the Church as the institution She claims to be, with the rules she's always had, or you can deny that she has those rights ascribed to her in the Syllabus of Errors, but you can't have it both ways. If you're not a Catholic of all times, you're not really a Catholic at all, you're just an apologist for Modernism and Freemasonry, which is what Weigel has always been. No friend of the Church is he.

Next thing you know, old George Weigel will be saying that the Church was wrong about there being no separation of Church and State, cheeky devil.

Read further...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Evil Nun to Receive Award from Fake Jews

Editor: If St. Patrick could chase all the snakes out of Ireland, can he chase all the Modernists out of Minnesota? No sooner have we been talking about the Visitation which is supposed to straighten dysfunctional elderly Nuns than this pops up. Also prominent is part of the "theology" department at the University run by the Modernist Monastery and the heretical Fr. Micheal O'Connell. It's a love fest involving all of the evil forces in the Midwest. Be sure to contact the number below and the Archdiocese of St. Paul to let them know how much you appreciate the fact that they've made a comfortable zone for evil and Modernism.

Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
226 Summit Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55102

Map & Driving Directions

Phone: (651) 291-4400
Fax: (651) 290-1629

Sister Marge Boyle to receive interfaith award from Temple Israel

By Larry Etkin
Free Speech Zone
March 17, 2011

On March 25, 2011, Minneapolis Reform Jewish congregation Temple Israel will bestow its 2011 Interfaith Award to Sister Marge Boyle, Minneapolis. The award is given to exceptional leaders who have worked to build bridges and facilitate dialogue and interfaith understanding with the Jewish community.

Created in 1990, during the tenure of the late Rabbi Max Shapiro, the award recognizes individuals in other faiths who have worked tirelessly toward interfaith understanding. It's symbol is a "shofar," a ram's horn, given to award recipients. The shofar is used to symbolize the Jewish call to listen to the voices of others.

"In her Catholic community Marge is an incredible advocate for the Jewish people," said Temple Israel Senior Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman. "She is devoted to the study of Judaism and has been a part of our Temple family for many years." Sister Boyle has been heavily involved with Catholic-Jewish reconciliation activities for more than 30 years.

She will blow the Shofar Horn

Past award recipients have included Father Michael O'Connell, current pastor of the Church of the Ascension in North Minneapolis, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University professor of theology John C. Merkle, and most recently, in 2009, Reverend James Gertmenian of Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis.

The award will be presented by Rabbi Zimmerman during the Friday evening Shabbat service, which begins at 6 p.m. Sister Boyle will deliver the evening's sermon. The service will be followed by a Congregational Dinner, requiring reservations and for which there will be a charge, and that will be followed by a discussion session with Sister Boyle which will begin at 8:15 p.m. Contact Temple Israel for more information: 612-377-8680.

Sister Boyle is a graduate of Stanford University, and earned a Master's Degree from the University of California at Berkeley, where she was involved in various social justice issues and interfaith activities, particularly Christian-Jewish activities.

In 1982, while in Israel, Marge encountered the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, a small Roman Catholic international congregation. The primary work of the Sisters of Sion is Catholic-Jewish reconciliation.

Known formally as The Congregation of the Religious of Our Lady of Sion, the order was founded in 1843 by an Austrian convert from Judaism. Their principles, notes their website, include "a particular responsibility to promote understanding and justice for the Jewish community, and to keep alive in the Church the consciousness that, in some mysterious way, Christianity is linked to Judaism from its origin to its final destiny."

Sister Boyle's passion for interfaith work includes regular participation in interfaith and adult learning activities at Temple Israel, such as the weekly Saturday morning Torah Study. She also contributes her time an energies to broadly working for justice and equality in many arenas of society. She actively supports worker rights to collectively bargain and society's need to assist the disadvantaged.

The Interfaith Award Program is supported by the Knelman Family Fund for Interfaith Relations at Temple Israel.

H/t: Tom at AQ

Article Source, here...

Requests to Flyer Cardinal Mahony's Love Fest

Catholics Urged to Leaflet Cdl. Mahony's Giant Pro-'Gay,' Pro-Radical-Feminist, Faith-Subverting Dissent-Fest   L.A.'s Cardinal Archbishop to Host Many Speakers Who Undermine Catholic Teachings on Key Issues

ANAHEIM, Calif., March 17, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- "This is an emergency -- we're calling all Catholics to come join us and leaflet Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony's latest dissent-fest," says Kenneth M. Fisher, chairman of Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc. (CRCOA). "He'll make tens of thousands of Catholics hear Faith-subverters, dissenters who get people to defy the Church on abortion, homosexuality, contraception, New Age practices and ordination of women."

Fisher announced that on Saturday, March 19, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., his group will leaflet Cardinal Mahony's annual Religious Education Congress, the world's largest training event for Catholic schoolteachers.

(The Congress will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center, March 17-20. The Saturday leafleting will be outside the Center's main exhibit hall.)

Fisher said, "Many of the presenters aren't objectionable, and Cardinal Mahony does have a few well-known 'token' orthodox Catholic speakers. But he's also bringing in speakers with long track records of dissent from Catholic doctrine." 

H/t: Tom AQ

Read further...

Viennese Disco Masses are at an End

Editor: Sugar and spice, everything nice...

It says "Mass" outside. But it's a Rock concert on the inside. This thief's pastoral initiative doesn't serve the youth, rather it serves the blathering of the official Bishops, providing them a diversion from the shattering glass of their Olde Liberal Church destruction.

(, Wien)The sacrilegious Viennese Rock Eucharist "find-fight-follow" are at an end.

DISCO With Auxiliary Bishop

This was according to the Old Liberal Viennese youth pastor, Fr. Gregor Jansen, for the Austrian news agency 'kathpress'.

In the last nine years there have been over fifty such Rock events with pancake "Eucharists".

The Viennese Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn stood for two of these sacrilegious, pancake disco Eucharists.

On 29 May the last sacrilegious disco Eucharist will be held in the open air.

Fr. Jansen has named no reason for the end.

Celebrate, why?

The disco-Eucharists have drawn massive criticism. They also hardened the reputation of the Viennese Cardinal as an Olde Liberal Church destroyer.

All the same it is yet to be seen if any reproof from Rome had brought their end.

It's probable that the organizers of the event up until now have lost their desire and there are no successors in sight.

Fr. Jansen explained that the originators only desired "a break".

They have to install for each and every Disco-Eucharist their own text in alleged "youth speech", find Rock Bands and install lighting in the various church spaces.

Fr. Jansen laments that the ending project had brought "much Holy Ghost".

The Rock Eucharists would have struck the "nerve of the time and the youth".

He believes that they would had "simply begun celebrating" -- he neglects to mention just what they were celebrating.

Mandatory Program

There are relatively many youth who come to these Disco-Eucharists.

Actually there's a reason for that: the events belong to the Mandatory Program for Confirmation of the Archdiocese of Vienna.

Now Fr. Jansen wants to make a request about the "Know How" to give Rock-Eucharists.

Ideas about how music or light effects of the Disco-Order of Mass were catching on in many Viennese Parishes -- so said Fr. Jansen.

Rock-Eucharists can also be organized in future without the motto 'find-fight-follow'.

Vatican Removes Head of Chile's Ursuline Sisterhood

Editor: We eagerly await what will happen in other Monasteries where the Nuns have been running amok for over forty years as the Visitation makes its recommendations. Of course, the Vatican is being vague about what has happened. At least in the good old days an auto de fey could provides some much needed light and warmth.

Written by Ignacio Gallegos   

Wednesday, 16 March 2011 21:45
[Santiago Times] Isabel Margarita Lagos of the Ursulinas sisterhood in Chile, better known as Mother Paula, was removed from her position by Vatican authorities, who alleged "illegitimate use of her power as Mother Superior."

Parents of schoolchildren at the Santa Úrsula were called for an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, where Mother Angela Gandner, headmaster of the school, read a letter from the Archbishop of Santiago. The letter mentions the "illegitimate use of power as Mother Superior ... which has lasted longer than it is established by the Ursulinas constitution."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Patriarch of Venice is in the Running for the Diocese of Milan

Naturally all questions fall under the seal of papal secrecy. In other words: everyone knows everything.

( Patriarch of Venice, Angelo Cardinal Scola (69) and the prefect of the pointless Pontifical Council for Culture, Gianfranco Cardinal Ravasi (68)are the front leading candidates for the Archdiocese of Milan.

The Milan paper 'Il Giorno' reported this on Saturday.

With 4.9 Million Catholics Milan is one of the largest Diocese in the world.

The current office holder, Dionigi Cardinal Tettamannzi is 77 years old now.

As of March 2009 his age of retirement arrived, and Benedict XVI lengthened his mandate for two more years.

But 'Il Giorno' points out that the appointment of his successor is imminent.

In the beginning of March the Nuncio of Italy sent a letter to all Diocesan Bishops of Lombardy, Auxiliary Bishops of Milan, the Presidents of the regional Bishops Conferences and all Italian Cardinals and even lay representatives of the nation.

Among the lay representatives are members of the left leaning 'Catholic Action' and the neo-Conservative movement 'Communion and Liberation'.

They were all asked to recommend candidates for Milan.

From the applied names the Nuncio produced a list of three which was put to the Vatican Congregation of Bishops.

The prefect of the Bishops Congregation, Marc Cardinal Ouellet, compiled a definitive list of three which is sent to the Pope.

Then finally he makes a decision completely independently.

Actually the consultation till now has proceeded under the so-called "papal secret".

But that doesn't mean anything.

Because 'Il Gioarnno' knows the names which are on the list of three: Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Cardinal Angelo Scola and Bishop Gianni Ambrosio (67) of Piacenza-Bobbio.

Cardinal ravasi and Cardinal Scola were ordained in Milan as priests.

Original, translated from