Homosexual Enabler Par Excellence |
publicist Peter Canisius is being taken to task by the local blog written by a man posing as a Catholic to promote the cause of Sodom.
Pretty Boy Peters got the word out to thousands of people, and the event got canceled by Archbishop Ninstedt. Now the
Wild Reed is having a tizzy, insisting his innocence and the innocence of the church's pastor, Father Leo Tibesar and the untruth of Canisius' statement:
Here’s one example of misleading and inflammatory language used by PC: The parish priest, Leo Tibesar, is described as a “well known and highly respected same sex marriage and gay rights activist.” Can you imagine members of a Catholic parish going public with such a statement – even if it was true? It’s just asking for trouble (and PC knows it).
This isn't the first time Tibesar has been in trouble or hosted unCatholic
activities at his gathering space, even being on the board of
Archbishop Nienstedt's predecessor, Archbishop Flynn, was understandably
blasé about Tibesar's activism, and
Father Z gave him a pass too. C'mon, how many times do you have to have evidence that someone clearly doesn't represent Catholic teaching before you call him into the office and send him packing.
Surely, Father Tibesar would be more comfortable at Collegeville? No, wait, they still claim to be Catholic? Oh, well, putting them together might have advantages.
In any event, now even the Wild Reed is trying to defend the innocence of the homosexual enabler, Father Leo Tibesar.
The Archdiocese released the following statement in the wake of one of the last controversies in December 2007 with Father Z's bolding:
Various bloggers and websites have reported that Father Leo Tibesar, of Saint Frances Cabrini Parish in Minneapolis announced his intention to bless same sex marriages. Those reports are not true. Father Tibesar has never blessed a same sex marriage nor does he intend to do so, which would be a violation of his priestly vows and state. He made this very clear in a public clarification issued by Saint Frances Cabrini’s parish council and following a meeting with Archbishop Harry J. Flynn.
During his meeting with Archbishop Flynn and Auxiliary Bishop Richard Pates, Father Tibesar also agreed to remove any language from the St. Frances Cabrini parish website that is in opposition to Roman Catholic Church doctrine and to refrain from statements in any form that are contrary to Church teaching. He confirmed these commitments to Archbishop Flynn in a letter following their meeting. Communications Office, Archdiocese of StP&M
Father Z went on to say about Tibesar:
I am posting about this because I am pleased with content of the statement. It is a very good thing that people know that a Catholic priest, in the midst of controversy, has never done what he was accused of doing. He didn’t in fact do something so scandalously irresponsible as bless a same-sex "marriage". [Heaven forfend, you OMIT to say that he was willing to do one and dissents from Church teaching on the issue in the first place] That should make people happy and relieved. Also, steps are being taken to remove improper language from the website. Moreover, Archbishop Flynn has taken the matter in hand. All these are good things.
Actually, Tibesar broadcast his willingness to perform those evil ceremonies on his website. Tada... Conveniently, Father Z left that part out.
Maybe Father Z thinks he can get back in the good graces of the Archdiocese by playing damage control for them when they get caught being less than honest?
What's clear to us in this case is that there are a lot of people out there who care about their Catholic Faith, and those people are not to be confused, necessarily, with the Clergy, who seems incapable of pleasing anyone, not the
CCPSM people, nor the other alphabet soup Soviet-Style Acronym groups that don't like what the Church teaches.
Other efforts stopped in the past by
CCCR, and
H/t to Stella too, with appraisal of Archbishop Nienstedt,
On the World Scene
Virtually every single Diocese in the developed world has a parish like Cabrini,
here, Australia's "acceptance Mass"
here, and on +Schoenborn's watch in