Also, Cardinal Kasper is in the same boat. And there’s some suspiciously sub-par reporting from the commerce bloggers at Patheos, which doesn’t even mention +Zollitsch’s full statement.
(Freiburg im Breisgau) Always the same talk of reform, forever old issues, meaningless language. At the end of the Freiburg Diocesan Assembly which met from Thursday to Sunday, Archbishop Robert Zollitsch has announced plans to implement the 300 delegate approved recommendations for developed proposals for church reform. 300 "Christians and experts" from the Archdiocese had worked in groups, such as "Church must change” to a "changing society” and continuing “to be close to Christ and the people" - such is the motto of the Diocesan Assembly. The chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference is quoted to say: "Nothing is forgotten or lost. I am responsible for ensuring that the issues remain on the table ".
Among other things, Archbishop Zollitsch wants to make a strong proposal for a "specific diaconal ministry for women". He was doing this "on the basis of the teaching of the Catholic Church." Another point concerns the admission requirements of remarried divorcees to receive the Holy Eucharist. "I am concerned without putting the indissolubility of marriage in question, to take the women and men affected seriously.” [We’d think that has been done already by the Church historically speaking] The Archdiocese of Freiburg is therefore considering a so-called pastoral "handout" to "encourage companionship" for all parishes issue that could officially authorize example remarried to Eucharistic reception under the condition that those concerned acknowledge in conversations with pastors expressed that their first marriage was not terminated lightly. Furthermore, a new form of blessing should be given for a second marriage.
Other reform proposals that Archbishop Zollitsch would check and implement where possible, relate to Blessing Celebrations for same-sex couples and the possibility that women may preach in Sunday services.
Text: Martha Weinzl
Image: Wikicommons
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Image: Wikicommons