Edit: It's an amazing structure. It has housed the Vienna Boys Choir and children who were concentration camp victims. The leftist press isn't talking for obvious reasons.
Coverup: for almost two long days 'orf.at' -- the website of the former Nazi "Reichsender" Vienna -- reported absolutely nothing, that means not even one line.
The Left is Silent About Real Child Abuse
(kreuz.net) In Austria, the biggest pedophile scandal in the history of the nation has been uncovered.
As expected the crime has been overlooked by the leftist sex-crazed comrades.
Prostitution Operation in Girls' Home
The leftist pedophiles organized a prostitution business in the Vienna castle of
Wilheminenburg-- which was operated as a Girls' Home from 1961 to 1976.
On the contrary the left media bosses -- who have been outraged by the ecclesiastical trifles -- are now as meek as cripples.
A reader 'Logos" informs in the comments of an article on the website 'andreas-unterberger.at':

"Almost two days long and 'orf.at' [Former Nazi "Reichsender" Vienna] has reported nothing, that means not even a single line" -- he revealed.
Since the coverup wasn't working, Reichsender has changed its strategy.
"Now their new headline is: >>Doubt about Accusations of Abuse<< -- wrote 'Logos'.
He continued: "That belongs in the instruction manual of manipulation."
Caning is worse than Rape for the Left
'Logos' recalled then that the
caning administered by a priest of Vorarlberg and similar cases were in the headlines for days and entitled with words like "crime" and "sex abuse".
Church representatives had to appear to justify themselves while still portrayed as "guilty" or were at least called out as defendants.
'Logos' asks, if that would have happened to Austrian Chancellor, Comrade Werner Faymann or Vienna's Mayor, Comrade Micheal Häupl.
Child Murderer to Child Murderers
'Logos' also mentioned the anti-Church website 'diepresse.at'.
He wanted to post the fact that the National Socialist Child-enthusiast, Heinrich Gross († 2005), was a member of the SPÖ after the war: "Not publicly censured!"
Reader 'Logos' stressed that child murderers found a "logical home" after 1945 in the Socialist Party.
The SPÖ-Friends of Youth
He recalled the other comrades in the company of the SPÖ- Friends of Youth.
Comrade Julius Tandler († 1936) employed himself in the destruction or sterilization of "unworthy lives".
-Comrade Otto Mühl (86) busied himself as an SPÖ-promoted action painter and was condemned for molesting boys and girls. He paid his victims hush money out of government funds. High creatures from left-political and decadent society participated in his orgies.
-Comrade Peter Noever (70) hastily got back on the child molester mill after his imprisonment in a former Imperial Museum. Citation: "He has suffered and done penance enough."
- In the affair of the kidnapped Natascha Kampusch, 'Logos' insists that much evidence was sold or lent out. To Whom? Vienna's Red justice persistently prevented Miss Kampusch from appearing before a judge, that means, compelled to speak the truth.
The Red Barbarians Take Power
'Logos' recalled also that the Comrades of the SPÖ in Castle Wilhelminenburg put up a marble plaque: "Palaces... for children".
That is a citation from the battler against
unworthy life, Comrade Julius Tandler.
In this connection 'Logos' recalled the Austrian Economist, Ludwig von Mises († 1973).
He spoke of the "Red Barbarians" and warned of the impending horror which would take place if ever these men came to power.
'Logos' continued: "Men like Julius Tandler, Heinrich Gross and the United Social Democratic Party are these terrors."
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