Showing posts with label morality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morality. Show all posts

Monday, October 11, 2010

Philosophy Professor Says All Forms of Sexual Immorality Must be Confronted to Oppose Abortion

August 19, 2010 ( - Among advocates of homosexual "marriage," one of the more popular statements from Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling overturning Proposition 8 is that the state is obligated to "treat its citizens equally, not to 'mandate its own moral code." In an interview with, however, writer and philosopher Dr. Edward Feser pointed out that Walker's ruling is not neutral and, in fact, imposes its own moral code. He also called on conservatives to begin defending the whole spectrum of traditional sexual morality in the public sphere.

"If Christians and conservatives are not prepared to defend traditional sexual morality in general, then they are going to lose the battle over 'same-sex marriage,'" he said. "And that means that they are going to have to be prepared to criticize homosexual behavior itself, as well as sex outside of marriage, divorce, pornography, and all the rest."

"The other side is motivated by a moralistic fervor, and they frame the debate in terms of rights, justice, compassion, and so forth. That sort of rhetoric cannot effectively be countered except with equal and opposite moral force."

Read further...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Ridiculed Bishop Strikes Back: More Fallout From "Loveparade"

A well known Austrian Auxiliary bishop is not prepared to take the unjustifiable pummeling of the media bosses: Loveparade is not a "harmless celebration" -- If God "punishes", He does this with the intention to bring men around, God punishes out of love.

[, Salzburg] This Friday the Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun of Salzburg wrote a careful article about the Massacre-Loveparade in Duisburg.

The text appeared in the neo-Conservative Linz commercial website ''.

The in the meantime suspended, so-called Loveparade was the biggest alcohol, drug and sex event of Western Europe.

Msgr Laun stated from the start, that no one is in the position, to directly order God's punishment for a sin.

There is not a single person who can condemn the dead and point to that as God's punishment.

Quite independently from the sympathy with the victims the Bishop wrote about the "repellent image" of the horrific event.

God is not and Indifferent God

The Auxiliary Bishop emphasized the truism that God punishes sins -- and really "with the intention to bring people to repentance, God punishes out of love!"

"Can one believe in a punishing God? Contradiction: <>

Would not a God without this indifference be an <>, and therefore unrighteous God -- not really the God, in whom we believe?"

The Auxiliary Bishop described Hell not as the punishment of God, rather as the self-alienation of the sinner from eternal Holiness.

The Media Bosses Damn

The original short text of the article will bring the Auxiliary Bishop to the gallows:

"Loveparade is not a 'harmless celebration' -- if God 'punished', he did this with the intention, to bring people to penance -- God punishes out of love!"

This was seized upon by the Austrian News Agency 'APA' and even mentioned in the evening news of 'Austrian Television'.

The German regional daily 'Hamburger Morgenpost' ridiculed the Auxiliary Bishop with the paltry title: "Bishop Ridicules Victims of Loveparade".

The Bishop Strikes Back

Yesterday evening Msgr Laun published a second article on the theme for ''.

He criticized the "scandal monger journalism" for his description.

His text asks "for a fair and precise reader not to be misled."

Msgr Laun is "disappointed", that the public dialogue will not take place: "why, my ladies and gentlemen, could and would you not believe me, what I describe precisely?"

The Auxiliary Bishop renewed with exclamation points:

"I am also not convinced, that we men do not have the right, to pass over other men a just judgement, that belongs only to God!"

Msgr Laun underscored that he may not judge and has not done it. Really he will be condemned -- for the claims, that he is supposed to have expressed.

Thereby he does not believe his "dear critics", "that you really believe, that I think, what you have ascribed to me."

The Auxiliary Bishop then recalls, that every religion believes in a God, "who is also a judge of people."

In conclusion he emphasizes again, that he has not assumed this office which is God's alone.

Related article: Loveparade Ends in Tears

Original article, here.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 17th, 1947: Protecting young from university, dancing and books

FROM THE ARCHIVES: In his instructions for Lent in 1947, Archbishop John Charles McQuaid of Dublin set out uncompromising views on a number of his favourite concerns, including education and “mixed” marriages.

– PARENTS, THE Archbishop says, had a most serious duty to secure a fully Catholic upbringing for their children in all that concerned the instruction of their minds, the training of their wills to virtue, their bodily welfare, and the preparation of their life as citizens. In the education of Catholics every branch of human training was subject to the guidance of the Church, and those schools alone which the Church approved were capable of providing a fully Catholic education. Therefore, the Church forbade parents to send a child to any non-Catholic school, whether primary or secondary, or continuation or university.

“Deliberately to disobey this law is a mortal sin,” added His Grace, “and they who persist in disobedience are unworthy to receive the Sacraments.”

Read this fascinating article further...