Showing posts with label deportment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deportment. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Silence in The Liturgy

Edit: we're not sure what's going on in a nave where there's a lot of idle chit chat before and after Mass, but it's probabaly not holy. The Sisters of St. Joseph Crandolet, even as they were declining in the seventies used to whack us and give us severe looks for talking before and after Mass. This is probabaly before Father Whackadoodle had instilled a sense of celebration and secular merriment in their minds. This article is long overdue:

[Liturgy Guy] I remember the general quiet and stillness associated with test taking back when I was in school. Everyone understood the necessity of maintaining silence in order to allow for each student to achieve his or her best possible results. Teachers for their part facilitated this by establishing an atmosphere conducive to learning through limiting noise and movement.
Schools of Prayer
What do you experience when you participate in the Holy Mass each Sunday? Do you enter into the sacred, thereby experiencing the same comparable stillness that you would expect to have in a classroom at school? Is noise and motion minimized so that concentration and silence can be maximized? Does your parish allow for the necessary environment that is conducive to deep prayer?
In his 2001 Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Inuente Pope St. John Paul called for our christian communities to become “genuine schools of prayer”. He continued:
Learning this Trinitarian shape of Christian prayer and living it fully, above all in the liturgy, the summit and source of the Church’s life…is the secret of a truly vital Christianity, which has no reason to fear the future, because it returns continually to the sources and finds in them new life. (NMI, 32)


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn Texts at Mass

Münchner Kardinal: „Keine SMS während der Messe verschicken“

Edit: Cardinal Reinhard Marx is really laying down the law in Germany.  "Do not send texts during Mass".

Reinhard Cardinal Marx warns against populism in the Church.  In the internet one might see how contentious things are -- even about Bishops and reforms.
Texting during Mass

(, München) "These are difficult times to be a Bishop."

This is the Old Liberal Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich and Freising speaking at the Munich press club as reported by "Münchner Merkur".

As far as the ecclesiastical handling of adulterers the Archbishop said:  "That is very depressing even to me."

 He can offer those in mortal sin "no simple solution".

The courage of John the Baptist isn't needed to call these sinners to repentance.

Cardinal Marx reads too much ''

Within the Church the Cardinal warns against "populism after the motto <>."

That is explicitly the case in Church circles.

Obviously, that is a tactic of the Old Liberals: to give complicated answers to simple questions.

As an example he described the Internet.  There you can see, "how much argument there is -- even about Bishops and reforms."

Never the less the dialog process between the Bishops and the "laity" -- in which it is meant media bosses -- must continue on.

Using cell phones in Church is unacceptable

In one of his numerous interviews with 'Bildzeitung' the Cardinal  criticized the use of cells during Mass:

"Whoever texts on his cell or simply stares at it during a conversation, shows to the other that he isn't important.  No one should dare do that to anyone, especially not to the dear God."

The most famous cell phone user during Mass is Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn.

In his youth Masses, the youth were encouraged to send texts, which were put on a projection screen during Mass.

Cardinal Schönborn was busted on his own cell phone texting at various youth Masses --  at disco Masses in October 2005 in Vienna or at a youth pilgrimage to Mariazell in August 2010.

At his youth pilgrimmage Auxiliary Bishop Franz Scharl of Vienna, Msgr Stephan Turnovsky of Vienna and
 Msgr Franz Lackner of Graz, seated next to the Cardinal all had their cell phones.

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