Edit: We translated an article previously about
Father Stefano back in April long after its appearance in Katholisches. Father is not well known in the English-speaking world, and it's our hope that he becomes so. He is currently undergoing the same kind of persecution undergone by faithful priests all over the world.
(Rome) The
Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, under the baton of Riccardo Cascioli and supported by prominent sociologist and former OSCE Representative against discrimination and intolerance against Christians, Massimo Introvigne, the Archbishop of Ferrara, Bishop Luigi Negri, Radio Maria and life rights groups, led a conversation with a priest of the Diocese of Rome, Ariel S. Levi di Gualdo (born 1963) about homosexuality in the Church. The subject had been addressed by a Jewish convert about a chapter in his latest book
The Devil Made Himself Triune. Relativism, individualism, disobedience: dedicated to an analysis of the Catholic Church in the third millennium.
In his Christmas message to the Roman Curia, Pope Benedict XVI. delivered a withering verdict on 21 December on the gender ideology. The Pope referred to them at the same time as a threat to the faith and the Church. Levi di Gualdo denounced that gender ideology today in a commentary for
Nuova Bussola Quotidiana to that theological journal
Concilium, the flagship of the progressive recently with benevolent tones dedicated an entire issue (No. 4/2012). That ideology, Pope Benedict XVI. explicitly designated as anti-God. With its eleven editions in as many languages,
Concilium is one of the world's most influential theological forums. Given this fact, says Levi di Gualdo, only one of the full implications of that statement will not understand the importance when the Pope speaks not only of an external enemy, but also, and especially, of one within.
Don Ariel, you describe homosexuality within the Church as the "Via Crucis". Why?
The specification "within the church" is important because I have never fought against homosexuals as such. I have always treated everyone with homosexual tendencies who has approached me with the utmost respect. Some asked me for spiritual help, others came to my confessional, from which no one was sent away without absolution. My job is to manage the grace and forgiveness of God. The motives and socio-psychological influences are numerous, to entice the youth of the 21st century from a lifestyle which is "bad" or "disordered", who don't easily bear these words. I prefer the fatherly manner and prefer to speak of a "non-Christian lifestyle," as I think of the saying of the Lord: "publicans and the harlots go unto the kingdom of God" (Mt 21,32). For this reason, I write: "The homosexuals are perhaps more compatible with paradise than other types of sinners that are often tolerated by the best Catholic morality with great diplomacy. They are not for the priesthood, in the midst of a male world, consisting of men, of whom psychological balance and sexual abstinence is required, which can be reached, but is not easily accessible and not easy to maintain."
When I was ordained a priest, the bishop asked me to, "Be always be yourself". But how can you say to a homosexual priest: "Always be yourself" or maybe you can build the priesthood on a fiction, a double life? Instead of being with the Lord as the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35), homosexual priests will be constantly on a self-centered
Via Crucis that they will not find in the stone rolled from the empty tomb. The result is serious damage to themselves and to the Church. That's not because they are persons with homosexual tendencies, for which forgiveness, grace and salvation are not closed, but because they are not free and happy to be themselves. Therefore, the homosexual priest runs, as opposed to homosexuality laity, into serious dangers to forgiveness, for grace and salvation remain closed to him.
Why have you decided to publicly denounce this phenomenon? What goals have you set it? Some will say: Would it not have been better to spread over it a cloak of silence?
Because my divine "employer" is the Word made flesh, in order to proclaim the truth better, He assumed our human nature. The divine truth in Jesus and through Jesus takes shape in a body, has a face, gestures and facial expressions in front of the large crowds, who listened and followed after Him. The phrase, "And the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us" (Jn 1:14), is to say, the truth is visible, even become tangible. This concreteness contained in the Gospels shows us a conduct and behavior, for example: "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better if a millstone were hung around his neck in the deep sea were drowned "(Mt 18.4 to 7, Lk 9, 38-47). For this reason I explain in the first part of the book, what is charity, and that it remains incomprehensible without truth and justice. Whenever necessary, charity is to practiced, what concretely also means reflecting the doctrine and authority of the Church. Not to do so, leads to the corruption of the idea of charity, in which it would be emptied of its true sense, transformed into a parody. If the Christological charity is transformed into a clerical "charity", creates a thousandfold miserable silence, ultimately the aim is really to place the actual Divine with the potentially Human.
The goal I set for myself as a man and a priest, is to be more alive, an active servant of truth, who is the Word made flesh. The harsh and direct words of Jesus against the immorality of the corrupt power of decadent Jewish priesthood of his time, took him to fail on the cross, but shortly afterwards the glory of the resurrection, because Jesus, the Word, "was God" (John 1:1) . Today, Jesus would use against the immorality of the corrupt power of a decadent Catholic clergy the same words: "brood of vipers" (Luke 3:7), "for ye are as graves" (Mt 23,27). , who, if he had come upon these branches of Sodom and Gomorrah, in which some in the Vatican have been transformed, who provoked the Pope to say: "Pray that I will not flee for fear of the wolves" (Homily of April 24, 2005). Who knows how many scourges He would administer to the modern temple dealers (Mark 11:15-19). He would probably call not only use the words of the prophet Jeremiah: "Is it in your eyes this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers?" (Jer. 7:11). Perhaps he would say: "A tavern and a brothel of robbers intoxicated by the incense of homosexuals surrounded by lace and baroque vestments". And again he'd see the Sanhedrin and the cross. And who knows how many bishops, priests and theologians would accuse Him of arrogance that would deny him any credibility, claiming that he had no right to speak: "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? "(Mt 13,55).
What are the objectives of this lobby? What mechanisms do they use?
Destruction of the Church from within, that is obvious! Some years ago I was trained as an exorcist. My bishop entrusted me with this task, although I've only exorcised twice. Compared with alleged cases of obsession I'm very skeptical. Almost all cases are mental disorders that are sent to the appropriate specialists. I was involved in a real case, however, as indicated already, and is my perception, I had not understood how much the mystery of evil intelligence is in its pure form for none of us can fight with our own powers. The devil has even tempted God incarnate (Matt. 4:1-11, Mk 1:12-13, Lk 4:1-13). To achieve its goals, Satan uses refined, superhuman skills by confusing and creating structures, in which the divine order is turned on its head, from the good to the evil and evil seems to be for the good, virtue is vice and vice virtue, sound doctrine a heresy, and heresy to sound doctrine. Hence the metastases have developed, which have infested the ecclesial body. They caused a lack of leadership at the various levels of resolve in one a Gnostic theological relativism, an exaggerated individualism and disobedience to the weakened Church, Pope and bishops. This mechanism of
inversion is aimed to replace God with own's own ego. It is enough to listen to some priest-theologians in suits and ties who have created their personal
egonomic Council in the post-Conciliar period and the teaching of the chairs at the pontifical universities only their own dubious teaching. Not by chance are the most commonly used formulas: "How do I mean," "I have written", "like I said."
Why do you think there is such a massive presence of men with homosexual tendencies in the sanctuary? What draws these men to the priesthood or to pay for the training in seminaries helping to give rise to these trends? Where does this alleged compatibility between the consecrated life and a homosexual personality?
In my book I talk about the homosexualization of the church that results from complex historical and social problems. I am 49 years old and think of the priests of my childhood. Before me, I see only men who are above suspicion. If there were occasional problems, it came to women, sometimes even giving up the priesthood. Nevertheless, caution is advised to beware of generalization, the clergy was healthier "back then". Society was different. No one would have acted out homosexual tendencies. To address this issue seriously, it needs honesty above all. In the book I write: "Having been shot through for long of sickly Jansenism on sexuality, as if it were the sin of all sins, we are now experiencing the recoil in the opposite direction and to account for acts and omissions, we priests can appear as the least suitable to speak credibly about sexual morality and bioethics, considering on the one hand, the numerous cases of priests who are affected by sexual disorders that incline them to be incompatible with the priesthood and the episcopate, on the other violations of human dignity, which are also within the Church."
We have created papal councils for peace and justice for the family, for the health and bioethics, but it seems as if the wolf has just put on a thicker skin, but not lost his vice. Or to put it more concretely: When I brought evidence and witnesses to Rome to show that a priest gave a group of hustlers money from the Church, I was not only removed from that basilica, but I was even had my celebret from the Diocese of Rome. And in the diocese, whose bishop is officially the Pope, the Roman Catholics of Ireland accused in an exaggerated fear for the scandal that was held up to the Church in 2010, which would have meant that the canonical punishments were not timely and not applied with sufficient rigor against those clerics, who had failed. On my entries I made at different departments of Rome, including the Secretary of State, I did not even receive a response. I mean, when I speak of the mechanisms of inversion: justice is injustice and justice is injustice.
The truth is that since the late 60s the strict equilibria were broken in the seminaries, which were based on forms of sexual repression. In just 30 years, the doctrine has been attacked and the deposit of faith called into question. Everything was relatively eccentric or subject to experiments. One need only think of the liturgy or to that, what some call the anthropological theology. Finally we came to the homosexualization of Church and the homosexualization of power. It is urgent to reassess the seminaries as quickly as possible, where the future priests are made clerics in the head, instead of Christians in the heart. Often in the seminaries, education is missing, because before you train, it is necessary to have even enjoyed a healthy and solid education. For this reason I have found myself repeatedly in the situation of getting young men, destroyed on the ground, some in the middle of a crisis of faith, because they had been cast as heterosexuals by more or less homosexual educators from seminaries, who are also obviously protecting gay seminarians. To not even to speak of certain ancient orders, which looked down from above on the "poor", "plebeian" secular clergy. What lessons life gives when the proud crash from their thrones! Today, when you enter the novitiate of certain thousand year old abbeys or some monastic Universities, you're afraid to get a sexually transmitted disease just from breathing.
To avoid having to be restrictive, certain venerable orders are so fallen, that they receive all the ones we throw out of the seminaries. It seems superfluous to mention: for serious moral reasons. This apparent reconciliation between the consecrated life and a homosexual personality arises from this precarious situation, which has produced a real coup for homosexualism. Or to put express it more frankly: some seminarians in the seminaries, religious brothers who 'spearheaded in the 70s and 80s are today bishops, and no sooner had they got it, then they have to be first surrounded with like-minded subjects who are placed systematically in all key positions in the diocese, including the seminaries, in order to correspondingly protect and reproduce," as they could euphemize the faith and homosexualize the Church.
What remedy do you propose to solve the problem?
The apostolic authority. The word "authority" is frightening because many egomaniacal theologians have confused "more collegiality" and "democracy" with authoritarianism and autocratic arbitrariness: Especially with that authoritarianism, represented with the aggressiveness of the ultra progressive groups or certain sectarian lay associations against those who do not think like them. The Church is the rightful custodian of a power that has been entrusted to Her by God and by which it decided, if necessary must make use of it to avoid any form of anarchy in its interior. An inquisitorial police state is not meant with this power, but the resolute defense of truth against error and the impertinent rebellion of people blinded by individualism. The Holy See has issued various documents and statements in this sense, but day by day I'm a new witness to its non-application. We are facing a veritable plague. Since there is no other solution but to do so, as the Gospel tells us: "If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and it is gone! For it is better for thee that one of thy members lost, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away! For it is better for thee that one of thy members lost, and not that thy whole body go into hell. (Mt 5,29-30). We, however, continue to drip a chamomile extract in the eye, as we comfort ourselves with the notion that the Church "had survived worse moments." But this is wrong, because in previous eras, the Church was attacked by forces from outside who could only hope for more or less numerous traitors inside her. Today, she is attacked but not only from the outside, but produced in their interior the evil that they consume, the risk of making her an institution consumed by sin, manufacturing the sin. In what bygone era in which anything like this happen? Not even the time of John XII., who was chosen at the age of 18 years as pope in 955, and died at 26 in a less than edifying manner.
What were the Reactions to your Advice? How did your Brothers React?
Seemingly with complete indifference. On a personal level, several prelates have been cited me who unanimously assured me that I did the truth a good service. Someone went so far as to use such flattering terms that I was embarrassed, perhaps a proof that the devil when he knocks on vanity, is always dressed in Prada red? Excellent. Specifically, however, what did this solidarity compliment forge for the dissemination of the book which they have referred to as "service to the Church"? Nothing. Although they know that I'm under the bombardment of the homosexualistic snipers, powerful Clerical-gay mafia, what they have they done to disarm them or to protect myself? Nothing. To be reduced to cattle for slaughter is part of the occupational hazards for our priests. The priesthood received by us is indelibly inscribed, because we are called to be one with the sacrificial Lamb, Christ Redeemer. Finally, whoever is a little familiar with the real essence of theology and its complex history knows that in 20 centuries, and after numerous councils in the history of the Church, only one decision was taken by a unanimous collegiality, without contradiction and without dissent: "Then leaving him, they fled" (Mark 14.50, Mt 26.54). In any case: I'll never be alone. Christ is always with me. He trusts even my hands to be living body and living blood, the visible presence in His Church and food for the people of God. I could not be happy in this life and in the future, given the fact that I am a priest of Christ and that I will be for all eternity?
I thank your Internet daily for information work that your operating on this topic by you, in which you break the wall of silence. which surrounds this epidemic drama. Christ will reward you and the Church will benefit greatly benefit by it through long suffering, piece by piece.
Interview: Roberto Marchesini / Nuova Bussola Quotidiana
translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Fides et Forma
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
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