Showing posts with label antifa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label antifa. Show all posts
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Antifa Thugs Were Ushered Into the Capitol to Draw in as Many People as Possible
Edit: Seeing these reports come up earlier. I saw this on Vlad Tepes. Looks like the protesters, including one identified by Antifa as a "White Supremacist" who is seen in several other pictures with the Qanon actor who poses as a Shaman and was present at the Arizona Stop the Steal.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
AfD-Faction Threatened With Anthrax
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Hamburg Parliament: picture alliance/dpa |
HAMBURG. Allegedly left-wing extremists have threatened the AfD faction in the Hamburg Parliament with an anthrax attack. On Wednesday, the faction received a threatening letter with a bag containing flour. The letter read: "G20. Bag content today: Flour. On July 7th, And 8.7. 2017 Anthrax. "According to information from JUNGE FREIHEIT, other factions in the Parliament have also received similar threats.
On the two days, the G20 summit will be held in Hamburg, where US President Donald Trump will also be expected in Germany for the first time. The President of the AfD Group, Bernd Baumann, sees the threat as a new dimension in political debate and a low point of political culture." Extreme Left terrorists are afraid of those who think differently and threaten them with the deadly substance Anthrax," he complained.
The police are switched on
The red-green Hamburg Assembly proposed to promote left-wing extremism through financial donations and the provision of premises. Baumann is calling for a change of course: "It is absolutely absurd to foster enemies of democracy, who are partly fighting our state by force." A faction spokesman told the JF: "We handed the parcel in question to the police now. We are convinced that they will take the incident seriously. "(Tb)
Trans: Tancred
Trans: Tancred
Sunday, February 22, 2015
"Aberro-Tolerance": Marian Statue Vandalized
(Rome) The face and chest have been smeared with blood. It seems that some have taken the statue of the Most Pure Virgin to heart. The blood flows down her white robe.Thus, the large statue in front of the church of San Giovanni Battista was found on the outskirts of the Italian city of Lecce. The statue had been bombarded with red paint. On the outer walls of the parish church, blasphemous slogans were smeared in the same "bloody" color: "God is Trans", "pedophile priests", "Mantovano Taliban."
The judge Alfredo Mantovano was from 2001-2006 and 2008-2011 State Secretary at the Ministry of Interior. In 2012 he left politics and has been a judge at the Higher Regional Court of Rome. He is regarded as a leading expert in family law. Since 1976 he has been part of the Catholic Alliance. Last week he was speaker at a meeting in the parish of the Catholic Alliance's "War Against the Natural Family Gender Ideology, was Organized Gay Marriage ". A current, but also dangerous subject.
Gay Intolerance
There are left-wing groups that do not accept the human right of free speech and assembly for others if they do not like the topic. The intolerance of aberrosexual groups has left a trace of verbal and physical violence more recently in Italy: from the assaults on the Italian Veilleurs, whom they describe as "standing guard." The original just like the French hold silent protests in places and minister against the "gay agenda" and the destruction of the family; or the political and media lynching of any organization or initiative, which promotes the natural family, mother and father, a union of man and woman. That violence is possible because there is more and benign neglect by "moderate" circles. Lecce is located in Puglia. The Italian region of Apulia is governed by the avowed homosexuals and leftists attacks WikiLeaks since 2005.
Now the usual violent offenders have struck in Lecce. The Association LeA - freely and openly wrote the day before the attack that events such as the meeting in the parish "in a democratic, secular and advanced society are harmful to the dignity of all people, not just homosexuals because they are opportunities to incite homophobic hatred, not to spread correct information on LGBT issues and to promote a climate of psychological terror." For this reason, the union announced a counter-rally - which was supported by a vast number of large and small groups of the homo-, left, and feminist spectrum, including anarchists and sectarian Communist groups - as always.
Virgin Mary statue "Crying" - blasphemous vandalism
The translation of the statement meant that the Catholic rally was intended to be prevented by occupation of the conference hall. In fact, the left-reinforced aberro hordes tried to storm the room, they threatened and insulted the conference participants. However, the pre-warned police managed to push them back and keep them at an appropriate distance.
A week later an attack was perpetrated on the statue in front of the church and spray painted messages were written on the church wall. The revenge for the foiled attempt on the meeting. An action against the Blessed Mother under cover of darkness and anonymity. The State Security has launched investigations, while parish faithful cleaned the walls. Purification of the Virgin Mary statue is proving to be difficult. The face of Mary was the main target.
"God is Trans" has been sprayed by aberrosexual activists in Lecce. It commemorates the slogan "God is woman" by the unspeakable political mercenaries of Femen. Both are expressions of ideological delusion and cultural stupidity.
The Catholics today are the main target of the new totalitarian gender thinking and the new kingdom of alleged rights. A totalitarian and intolerant thinking that will sink in the name of human rights, to attacking Christianity and the resulting civilization, the values themselves that have led to human rights. It's a dangerous game.
The statue of Lecce seems to cry even if it is only just color.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: LeP / AC
image: LeP / AC
Trans: Tancred
Monday, January 13, 2014
Anonymous Attacks Website of Madrid
You can read phrases like "not submissive and devout. I love free, cute and crazy" and it includes all kinds of videos and satirical images.
Edit: this just in from David with some google translating and editing to augment our rudimentary Spanish.
[Madrid] A series of emails sent this morning to very first time that include your email address in the word 'debian', an operating system and a distribution of free software widely used by computer 'hackers' known in Internet parlance as 'hackerese', warned that the web site of the Archdiocese of Granada had just been 'hacked'.
A page is 'hacked' when hackers manage to bypass all security checks and write what they see fit and remove the content provided.
This computer attack is claimed by #Anonymous, a movement to engage and counter, in his own words, certain behaviors of governments, administrations, or in this case, the Archdiocese of Granada.
In the case of Granada, and the publication of the book archifamoso criticizes entitled 'Marry and be Submissive' [ ‘Cásate y sé sumisa’]. "Although they currently still have not managed to compromise the homepage, they have done so in several sub-navigation menus. For example, they have posted a video entitled 'Compulsory Motherhood', the author is known as Fulminant Red.
There are also several satirical images in which the Archbishop of Granada is ridiculed in his greeting of parishioners. And in other menus # Anonymous salutes invites you to record that you have entered 'into the kitchen' from the website of the Archdiocese of Granada.
Link to ...
Edit: this just in from David with some google translating and editing to augment our rudimentary Spanish.
[Madrid] A series of emails sent this morning to very first time that include your email address in the word 'debian', an operating system and a distribution of free software widely used by computer 'hackers' known in Internet parlance as 'hackerese', warned that the web site of the Archdiocese of Granada had just been 'hacked'.
A page is 'hacked' when hackers manage to bypass all security checks and write what they see fit and remove the content provided.
This computer attack is claimed by #Anonymous, a movement to engage and counter, in his own words, certain behaviors of governments, administrations, or in this case, the Archdiocese of Granada.
In the case of Granada, and the publication of the book archifamoso criticizes entitled 'Marry and be Submissive' [ ‘Cásate y sé sumisa’]. "Although they currently still have not managed to compromise the homepage, they have done so in several sub-navigation menus. For example, they have posted a video entitled 'Compulsory Motherhood', the author is known as Fulminant Red.
There are also several satirical images in which the Archbishop of Granada is ridiculed in his greeting of parishioners. And in other menus # Anonymous salutes invites you to record that you have entered 'into the kitchen' from the website of the Archdiocese of Granada.
Link to ...
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Neo-Nazi Antifa Claim Responsibility for Burning Churches: Freiburg Prosecutor Can't be Bothered
Antifa gloat about burning churches and targeting their organs, which are often made from irreplaceable parts, a tremendous cultural loss, not to mention the works of art contained within the churches themselves.
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I can't even round up the usual suspects on this one. |
Freiburg ( / idea) With undisguised sympathy, the radical leftist group "Autonome Antifa Freiburg" reported arson attacks on churches in South Baden. On their website it says: "In Eimeldingen (in Lörrach) there was a fire on 26 November where the organ completely destroyed without the flaming rascal getting caught. In Uhlingen, birch village (near Waldshut) a sympathetic arsonist caused tremendous damage to the organ of the Catholic parish church of St. Margaret. " These crimes have been designated by the Antifa as "blessed acts" and were "in the spirit of Pope John XXIII", who once said: "Tradition means: guard the fire, do not keep the ashes." The police have received several references to the glorification of crime, said a spokesman for the Freiburg Prosecutor on request of the Protestant news agency idea.
It is being investigated whether they could bring criminal proceedings against the authors. "Tasteless publication" is still not a criminal offense. Similar reports had already been spread by the "Antifa". Two years ago, the prosecutor had come to the view that it constitutes "a tasteless publication," which, however, is "not criminally relevant". There was no request for a specific identifiable offense. The mention of institutions such as "the Church" or church buildings is not sufficient as a criminal offense.[What if they'd said Mosque or Jewish Schul?]
Moreover, it was not possible to determine the unknown author of the publication. According to police reports, the page is of an autonomous Antifa originating from an Icelandic company was made available. A request for mutual legal assistance the prosecutor appears to be hopeless. Just because the "antifa" appears to have used a Freiburger info store as a contact, does not mean that this is responsible for the content of the message, said the Prosecutor's office.
Edit: Well, it's a good thing they're not burning Synagogues and Mosques! Some will remember that Federal authorities were moving heaven and earth to find the identity of those responsible for, after the German speaking world's #1 Catholic website ridiculed an aberrosexual entertainer after he died.
Link to kathnet...
Photo still stolen from....
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Feminists Attack Cathedral of Bologna -- Protest Against Rejection of Estrela Report
(Bologna) A group of militant feminists profaned the Cathedral of San Petronio in Bologna this past Monday. Masked with hoods that recall the extreme left-wing Russian Anarchists ( see separate report ), abortion and aberrosexual activists protested against the rejection of the Estrela Report by the European Parliament. Before the altar, the Church opponents unfurled a banner reading: "You Occupy the Counseling Centers - We Fill the Churches" and shouted in chorus: "Get the Church Out of Our Ovaries."
The Estrela report, which the abortion and aberrosexual ideologues wanted to anchor as an official EU Directive, was rejected on the 10th December by the plenary of the European Parliament by a narrow margin. With the Estrela Report, named after the Portuguese Socialist Edite Estrela, the killing of unborn children in the EU would have been signed as a "women's right". The report also wanted to force all the EU Member States to legalize the artificial insemination of lesbians. The Austrian Green MEP and avowed lesbian Ulrike Lunacek had advocated significantly in the relevant equality committee for the measure. The MEP responded to the rejection of tts report with a hysterical attack, as representative Lunacek scolded: "With the vote of the European Parliament, it bows to the pressure of ultra-conservative and reactionary politicians and non-governmental organizations". The Estrela Report also wanted to restrict the right of conscientious objection by doctors, pharmacists and medical staff in connection with abortion, contraception and artificial insemination. (see the Estrela report and its rejection of the opinion by representative Ewald Stadler ) [Will finish later, perhaps].
The radical feminist group unloaded their protest by desecration of the Diocesan Cathedral Church of Bologna. It blames the Church for the rejection of the Estrela Report. The Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra had asked the MPs ahead of the vote in the European Parliament to vote no.
In a statement, the feminist church vandals state:
"We will not accept these medieval politics and morality, this dirty mixing of political and religious power, which leads us back to the time of deaths due to illegal abortions.
We will NEVER return back [emphasis in original].
We demand that the conscientious objection reference is [Italian abortion law] prohibited on the law 194 for all advisory bodies and public institutions, because it represents gender, class and racial discrimination, and a violation of our rights to health and self-determination.
And if the Pope publicly declared that the Church must give space to women, we take the opportunity to just speak to the Madonna because she has also taken a Conscientious Objector on the way to Bethlehem.
Conscious abortion is a right of all women.
Nobody touches on our free sexuality!
And if the lifers, Catholics and Conscientious Objectors penetrate into the public hospitals and counseling centers, then we penetrate with our bodies, our desires and our self-determination into the churches! "
Claiming that a ban on abortion is misogynistic because women will die from illegal abortions conducted in back rooms is part of the standard repertoire of the abortion lobby, which has long since been debunked as a propaganda lie. Recently, the militant attacks of fanatical supporters of abortion on Catholic churches accumulate. Signs of coarsening and increasing hostility to the church (see the reports of Argentine Catholics protect Cathedral From Feminist Attack - Pope Francis burned in effigy , as well as Pro-Abortionists Violate the Cathedral of Santiago de Chile and Putin meets with Pope Francis - Church Enemies Desecrate Church in Rome "Until the Last Pope is Overthrown" )
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Pro Life News
image: Pro Life News
Trans: Tancred
Friday, October 5, 2012
HLI Offices in Vienna Vandalized during World Congress
The Viennese Comrades and their allies in the Old Liberal establishment are silent against the violence of the red lacquered Nazis and are pleased too.
(, Vienna) Till Sunday the international representatives of pro-life organizations are meeting at a big "World Prayer Congress for Life".
The organizer of the event is the world-wide pro-life organization 'Human Life International'.
The event is being held in the noble Palais Niederoesterrech in Vienna's center.
The program has a long line of lectures by Neoconservative priests, prelates and bishops.
The Pro-lifers go to the Street
Two events during the Congress deserve some attention.
On Saturday the emeritus Bishop of Feldkirch, Msgr Elmar Fischer, held a New Mass. After that, he amazingly joined life protectors in a prayer vigil outside of one of Vienna's abortuaries.
On Saturday evening Bishop Klaus Kung of St. Polten held a Marian vigil in the centermost Church in the city.
Then he led a procession of light to the tomb of the innocent which took place in front of the Church. There he bestowed a Marian blessing.
Vienna's Police Permitted Violence
Abortion fanatics have called for violent counter-demonstrations during the Congress.
One of the hate placards showed a masked woman who was scantily clad, with a weapon in her hand and a bull horn in the other.
The target was described as: "Vatican"
It is a unimaginable in legitimate countries that the police -- even among the Communist-ridden Viennese police department -- that such demonstrations are tolerated.
Attack on an Office of 'Human Life International"
The left violence took place in the night on Thursday to Friday.
The antifascist Neonazis effected an attack on the office of 'Human Life International' in Vienna.
The extremists threw mason jars through the glass entrance door of the office. The doors were completely destroyed.
Politics and the Police Protect the Antifascist Neonazis
The mason jars contained black paint.
It covered a computer, some office furniture and the floor of the office.
One of the jars didn't break. It was taken as evidence by investigating police officers.
An earlier attack in 2010 on HLI:
Link to

The organizer of the event is the world-wide pro-life organization 'Human Life International'.
The event is being held in the noble Palais Niederoesterrech in Vienna's center.
The program has a long line of lectures by Neoconservative priests, prelates and bishops.
The Pro-lifers go to the Street
Two events during the Congress deserve some attention.
On Saturday the emeritus Bishop of Feldkirch, Msgr Elmar Fischer, held a New Mass. After that, he amazingly joined life protectors in a prayer vigil outside of one of Vienna's abortuaries.
On Saturday evening Bishop Klaus Kung of St. Polten held a Marian vigil in the centermost Church in the city.
Then he led a procession of light to the tomb of the innocent which took place in front of the Church. There he bestowed a Marian blessing.
Vienna's Police Permitted Violence
Abortion fanatics have called for violent counter-demonstrations during the Congress.
One of the hate placards showed a masked woman who was scantily clad, with a weapon in her hand and a bull horn in the other.
The target was described as: "Vatican"
It is a unimaginable in legitimate countries that the police -- even among the Communist-ridden Viennese police department -- that such demonstrations are tolerated.
Attack on an Office of 'Human Life International"
The left violence took place in the night on Thursday to Friday.
The antifascist Neonazis effected an attack on the office of 'Human Life International' in Vienna.
The extremists threw mason jars through the glass entrance door of the office. The doors were completely destroyed.
Politics and the Police Protect the Antifascist Neonazis
The mason jars contained black paint.
It covered a computer, some office furniture and the floor of the office.
One of the jars didn't break. It was taken as evidence by investigating police officers.
An earlier attack in 2010 on HLI:
Link to
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Antifa-Neonazis Attack SSPX Church
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Paint Ball Attack on Pius Church in Stuttgart |
( "In the night of the 9th to the 10th of May we attacked Society of St. Pius X structures located in Stuttgart-Feuerbach."
That's how the Antifa-Neonazi website '' bragged on the 10th of May.
The entrance was made against the enemies of freedom and the open society.
The Headquarters of the German District
The Priory of St. Athanasius has been located in Stuttgart-Feuerbach since 1981.
Since 1984 it has served as the Headquarters of the German District of the Society of Pius X.
The largest component of this Priory is the now Antifa-Neonazi painted Baroque church of St. Mary of the Assumption. It was under construction from 1990-1995.
An Israeli Speaker
The occasion for the crime was a lecture at 'Conservative Action Stuttgart' on the theme "Self-Destruction of Europe".
The lecturer was the Israeli enemy of Islam, publicist Manfred Kleine-Hartlage (45) from Berlin.
Kleine-Hartlage publishes the blog ''.
Communist Church Destroyer
"Who insists that the state is trying to orchestrate an event against the right, to legitimize the street troops of the Antifa, suffers from paranoia." --- explained the website ''.
The 'Conservative Action Stuttgart' explained:
"Probably for the first time since the end of the Brown and Reed dictatorship in Germany was a sacred structure attacked and damaged by Communist sympathizers."
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