Edit: being a specialist at covering up sexual abuse in Vienna, promoting Islamic invasion, promoting Freemasonry, selling porno and running the Church down, he's not one to talk. Gloria.tv has it right about John Paul II. He had terrible appointments.
[Gloria.tv] Vienna's Cardinal Schönborn, who could not praise John Paul II enough in his lifetime, attacked him for his 100th birthday.
Talking to the Vienna diocesan newspaper, he criticized John Paul II’s choice of bishops and his “inability to cope with the abuse scandal." Schönborn was made a bishop by John Paul II.
He complains that John Paul II sometimes appointed bishops "bypassing all institutions," although, with Francis, whom Schönborn adores, this has become the rule.
Schönborn concedes that this method has also led to "great bishop personalities". As an example, he names the anti-catholic Milan Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini (+2012).
John Paul II appointed almost exclusively modernist and occasionally neo-conservative bishops. The latter - for example Schönborn - are loyalists without convictions who adapt their ideology to the respective regime.
Showing posts with label Vienna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vienna. Show all posts
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Knights of Malta Sponsor Degenerate Event with Drag Queen
VIENNA, Austria, December 3, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) ― More than 120 people answered a young Catholic hero’s summons to pray outside his nation’s most important cathedral while a sacrilegious pro-LGBT event happened inside.
Alexander Tschugguel, 26, has released a video in which he described the rosary held outside Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Cathedral on the night of Saturday, November 30. “It was a wonderful evening,” he said. “So many fantastic people were here.”
Tschugguel said that more than 120 people assembled and prayed three or more rosaries. They also sang Advent hymns. The Catholic activist, who became famous in October after removing pagan idols from a Catholic church in Rome and throwing them in the Tiber, was filmed by Gloria TV addressing the crowd in German.
The group prayed for those who were attending the pro-LGBT “Believe Together” concert organized in St. Stephen’s Cathedral by the Austrian Knights of Malta and gay rights activist Gery Keszler. Ostensibly to raise funds for HIV/AIDS relief, the event featured Austria’s most famous drag queen Thomas Neuwirth.
Alexander Tschugguel, 26, has released a video in which he described the rosary held outside Vienna’s St. Stephen’s Cathedral on the night of Saturday, November 30. “It was a wonderful evening,” he said. “So many fantastic people were here.”
Tschugguel said that more than 120 people assembled and prayed three or more rosaries. They also sang Advent hymns. The Catholic activist, who became famous in October after removing pagan idols from a Catholic church in Rome and throwing them in the Tiber, was filmed by Gloria TV addressing the crowd in German.
The group prayed for those who were attending the pro-LGBT “Believe Together” concert organized in St. Stephen’s Cathedral by the Austrian Knights of Malta and gay rights activist Gery Keszler. Ostensibly to raise funds for HIV/AIDS relief, the event featured Austria’s most famous drag queen Thomas Neuwirth.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Schönborn Covering up for Financial Irregularities of His Bishop
Works Council Chairman of the Catholic Church Carinthia is sharply criticizing Schönborn: he should cease to write the public of as stupid. Rome has long been aware of all the information. "Profil”: Schwarz also in the Economic Council of the Archdiocese of Vienna
Vienna (kath.net) The Viennese Cardinal Christoph Schönborn is now under pressure in the Causa "Bishop Alois Schwarz". He said in an interview with ORF Niederösterreich on Wednesday that he was "confident" that there would be an "honest clarification" of the allegations against the former Carinthian Bishop Alois Schwarz. "If charges are made against a bishop, then you have to of course explore, examine and look at it.” This statement makes Carinthia shake his head.
On Thursday, Gabriel Stabentheiner, Organizational Officer in the Church Contribution Service of the Diocese of Gurk-Klagenfurt and Chairman of the Works Council of the Catholic Church, Carinthia, published an open letter to Cardinal Schönborn. Schönborn is sharply criticized in this letter. And Schönborn is called upon to stop "constantly placating the public with such statements or writing them of as stupid.” According to Stabentheiner, Rome has known about everything for a long time. He himself was with a group of people a few years ago to visit the competent Bishop, Alois Kothgasser to inform him about the conditions in the diocese, writes Stabentheiner and who continues to ask. "Why was Schwarz made the financial bishop?" However, he already knew everything, Stabentheiner then asks Schönborn why he also made Schwarz the financial bishop of the Episcopal Conference. Schwarz himself is silent to all accusations so far.
Meanwhile, in the Cause "Bishop Schwarz" now another Austrian news magazine has weighed in. As reported by the news magazine "Profil", the Diocese of Gurk owns a house on the Rabensteig in downtown Vienna, in which Schwarz rented an apartment. The rent for the apartment, which has more than 100 square meters, is estimated at 1900 euros. However, Black paid less than half of it, reports "Profil." According to a spokeswoman the present bishop of St. Pölten, Schwarz, has dissolved the lease.
In addition, according to the magazine Schwarz has violated canon law. This is evident from the test report submitted by the Gurk cathedral chapter, which at the beginning of the year 2018 dissolved the economic council provided for in the statutes of the diocese of Gurk. Incidentally, according to "Profil,” Schwarz is even on the Economic Council of the Archdiocese of Vienna, where he supervises its conduct.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Saturday, May 12, 2018
More Violence in Hospitals Since the Migrant Invasion in Vienna
representatives in the well-known Viennese Wilhelminenspital have raised the alarm: drawn knives, threats, insults and brawls have increased since the
migrant movement in 2015.
Vienna (kath.net) "The violence in the hospitals in Vienna has increased since the migration movement in 2015. No one dared say it so far." Heinrich Schneider, the staff representative in the well-known Viennese Wilhelminenspital, explains this for Krone. Schneider now demands that only one accompanying person be allowed each patient. Schneider explained that in the ambulances, when Austrian people have come for medical reasons, there are always riots. Then there would be drawn knives, threats, insults and brawls.
"We need signs in German, English and Arabic that only one additional person per patient is allowed." he explains. Also more security employees have become necessary, according to Schneider. He also wishes that refugees be educated about how the home health system works. The sentence "I do not want to be treated by a woman" is common. "Doctors are not accepted, arrangements questioned or not followed."
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Vienna (kath.net) "The violence in the hospitals in Vienna has increased since the migration movement in 2015. No one dared say it so far." Heinrich Schneider, the staff representative in the well-known Viennese Wilhelminenspital, explains this for Krone. Schneider now demands that only one accompanying person be allowed each patient. Schneider explained that in the ambulances, when Austrian people have come for medical reasons, there are always riots. Then there would be drawn knives, threats, insults and brawls.
"We need signs in German, English and Arabic that only one additional person per patient is allowed." he explains. Also more security employees have become necessary, according to Schneider. He also wishes that refugees be educated about how the home health system works. The sentence "I do not want to be treated by a woman" is common. "Doctors are not accepted, arrangements questioned or not followed."
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Schönborn: the Cross Should Make the World Fairer
Viennese Cardinal in "Today" -column: If the cross in the courtroom, classroom and hospitals is not for change, it is merely an ineffective piece of culture
In the courtroom, according to Schönborn, "it should remind the judges that God expects them to be righteous and not partisan," and that "the poor and defenseless are to be treated just as well as the rich and powerful." In the school, the cross calls to mind "that children are not bullied, that teachers should support the weak." In the hospitals, the cross shows "that the suffering man has his dignity, even if he is destitute."
The Cardinal has been at a distance from the current cross-debate, which was triggered by the discussion about head coverings and burkas. Some would call for "ideological neutrality" in public space and wanted to "ban or even ban anything that recalls a religion." Others have described the cross - but not the Burka - as part of the culture. "This discussion is a dead end," says Schönborn.
Vienna (kath.net/KAP) According to Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, the Cross has important functions in public space. "The cross should change something, make the world more equitable, otherwise it is an ineffective piece of culture," the Viennese Archbishop said in his Friday column of the free newspaper "Heute" in the current cross-debate. The symbol of Christians should not be seen as a "jewel in a cultural museum," but rather as a reminder.
In the courtroom, according to Schönborn, "it should remind the judges that God expects them to be righteous and not partisan," and that "the poor and defenseless are to be treated just as well as the rich and powerful." In the school, the cross calls to mind "that children are not bullied, that teachers should support the weak." In the hospitals, the cross shows "that the suffering man has his dignity, even if he is destitute."
The Cardinal has been at a distance from the current cross-debate, which was triggered by the discussion about head coverings and burkas. Some would call for "ideological neutrality" in public space and wanted to "ban or even ban anything that recalls a religion." Others have described the cross - but not the Burka - as part of the culture. "This discussion is a dead end," says Schönborn.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Schönborn: No Understanding Why There is Resistance Against Pope Francis
Cardinal in prayer for peace in the cathedral: People are grateful world that Francis "exemplifies the Gospel", within the church, there are hostile - Call for "patience" for Vatican ruling on Medjugorje
Vienna (kath.net/KAP) Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has expressed shock at the resistance from Church circles against Pope Francis: "It hurts me that he faces so much hostility - within the Church. What is this? He is the successor of Peter! He's the pope!" said the Archbishop of Vienna on Tuesday in his homily during the Medjugorje prayer of peace, "Message for you" in the cathedral. Many people in the world are grateful for the witness of Pope Francis. "For his kindness and his love for the poor and the fallen. It is the gospel that he teaches us," said Schönborn. To learn that the Pope is receiving "so much resistance" from his own ranks, was completely incomprehensible to him. It is important to pray for the Pope.
Regarding the so far not carried out confirmation by the Vatican for the alleged [and heretical] Marian apparitions in Medjugorje, the Cardinal called on the faithful to be patient. You should "persevere and remain faithful in prayer and intercession," said Schönborn, and continued: "I think to myself, God knows why he is linked to Medjugorje, so patience requires of us thus our heart is willing.. " As one of the positive consequences of the events of Medjugorje, Schönborn described the emergence of numerous prayer groups around the world and also in Austria. It was particularly noteworthy that these groups since their inception in the 1980s - the Viennese Dominican Church was then a starting point - would largely continue to exist to this day, said the Archbishop of Vienna.
The Medjugorje prayer groups were the focus of this year's Peace Prayer again with around 4,000 believers who had come to St. Stephen's Cathedral. Currently I am tempted to link the dozens existing groups in Austria with each other more, explained Christian Stelzer of the prayer community "Oasis of Peace", who had organized the prayer for peace.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Thursday, June 23, 2016
"Cardinal Schönborn Like You've Never Seen Him Before" -- Visits Sikh Temple
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"Cardinal Schönborn like you've never seen him before"-- The Cardinal sitting cross legged with orange head scarf in a Sikh Temple in Vienna |
(Vienna) "Cardinal Christoph Schönborn live you've never seen him before: cross-legged with an orange stole as a headscarf. Occasion: Schönborn attended the Sikh temple in Meidling (12th district) on Sunday, in which he paid tribute to the freedom of religion. It was the first official visit to this religious community" reported the Austrian complimentary newspaper Heute.
The Sikh religion was founded just over 500 years ago by their first Guru (master) Nanak in the Punjab. Nanak was born into a Hindu family and belonged to the caste of traders. The Punjab had been subjected in the early 13th century by Muslim sultans. Nanak attempted to overcome this opposition and the Hindu caste system through a combination of Hinduism and Islam in a new syncretic religion. So he gathered the Sikhs around himself, which means "student." Nanak's birthplace is now in Pakistani Punjab, the Golden Temple of Amritsar, the center of Sikhism, in contrast to the Indian Punjab.
Worldwide, the number of Sikhs is estimated at around 25 million. 80 percent of them live in India, and three quarters of them in the state of Punjab. The Punjab is the historic and current center of Sikhism. Only two percent of Indians are Sikhs, but almost 60 percent of the inhabitants of the Punjab. In the partition of British India, which evenly divided the Punjab between India and Pakistan, there was an exchange of populations by expulsion, deportation and resettlement. Since then, there are hardly any Sikhs living in the Pakistani Punjab.
Around 10,000 Sikhs in Austria
The number of Sikh people living in Austria is estimated at 10,000, just over half of whom live in Vienna. The number of almost 3,000 in the last state religious survey of 2001 is long outdated. In the past 15 years, their share has more than tripled.
Because what was written in 2001 about the religion is no longer applicable, there is no certain information about the rapid growth of these and other foreign religions. The lack of surveys, which is based on the fact that religion is a "private matter," makes the quick shifts caused by mass immigration invisible.
Murder of a guru in Vienna
On 24 May 2009 the Austrian Sikh community was put in the spotlight as a guru of the Ravidas sect was murdered in their temple in Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus (15 district of Vienna). Sant Rama Nand was revered by his followers as a "saint." Six Sikhs attacked the worshipers present in the temple with daggers and firearms. The guru was murdered while 15 worshipers and an attacker were injured, some seriously.
The conflict had to do with the caste system. The victims were members of the lower caste Dalits, the untouchables. The attackers, also Sikhs, belonged to a higher class. For them, the Ravidasis are a despicable sect because they adore living gurus as "saints" and not just the ten classical gurus who lived from 1500 to 1800. The Ravidasis are branched mainly from the caste of Dalits, which makes the religious conflicts a caste conflict, although the Sikhs officially reject the Hindu caste system, the Indian legal system also really doesn't recognize it either, daily life in Indian society, which includes the Sikhs, however, continue to be determined by the caste system.
The violence sparked a discussion that cultural, historical and political conflicts are also imported by mass immigration.
No recognized religious community
Sikhs have arrived especially since the 80's, as the newspaper publisher Mediaprint procured exemptions from the Residence Act so it could procure cheap labor for its newspaper distribution. Most remained, brought their families and received Austrian citizenship.
In Vienna there are two Sikh Temples, which Cardinal Schönborn visited, one in Meidling (12th district) and another in Donaustadt (22nd district). Plus, there's the aforementioned Ravidas Temple in the 15th district. The Ravidasis split off after the assassination of the Sikhs and see themselves since then as an independent religious community.
Neither the Sikhs nor Ravidasis enjoy neither the status of a recognized, nor even of a registered religious community in Austria. Both are organized as "religious associations."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Today (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholishes...
Picture: Today (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholishes...
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Finally the Toni-Faber-Fetzen (Rag) is Gone!
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God replaced by modernist Pseudo-"Kunst". Dom of St. Stephan in Vienna, after the Apostasy |
Fast Veils
[Kreuz.net] For about 1000 years the view to the altar during Lend has been shrouded by the "Lenten Veil" (also "Hungertuch") to signify that sinful man is not worthy to see God.
Often these Lenten veils narrate the life of Christ, so also the Carinthian Lenten veils of Gurk, Haimburg, St. Stefan am Krappfeld or Maria Bichl, dating from the 15th to 17th centuries.
Religious Illiteracy
These Lenten veils were intended to bring the proportion of the population who could not read (the illiterate), more powerfully closer to the life of Christ in a kind of poor man's Bible.
Today, the fast veils would have the task to bring the faith closer to the religiously illiterate of our time.
Faithless Pseudoart
Instead, the Lenten veils have become a field of artsy agitation for those church officials who are obviously weak in faith.
In this way, the St. Andra Church in Graz modernist pastor, Fr. Glettler, blighted the high altar with a holey carpet, while in the University of Vienna church the image of God was replaced by an image of the (pagan) Karnikels (Hare) .
2016: Waste in the St. Stephen's Cathedral
The masonic affine and former Red Hawks-socialist Fr. Toni Faber, now Cathedral Priest of St. Stephen in Vienna, has a penchant for self-expression, beliefs, and further, pseudo art.
The perverse Hermann Nitsch counts, along with the Communist Alfred Hrdlicka as the favorite "artists" of Fr. Faber.
For 2016 Fr. Faber has something "special" devised: a fast veil that has nothing to do with beliefs.
It consists of some drop cloths sewn together by a Slovene "multimedia artist."
"My top installations express the idea through a bond structure and the phenomena of Networked-being, as part of our people, both in our souls and bodies as psycho-biological process, as spiritual phenomena," wrote Fr. Faber citing the pseudo artist on a plaque in the cathedral - what that has to do with beliefs, can not be seen without an apron and compass.
Thus Fr. Faber recognizes the garbage as "art", he has also appointed a (well-paid) curator (three-quarters bald, braided ponytail and goatee).
Neither "artist" nor curator have been noted by a special closeness to the Church - but maybe that's just the ideal selection criterion for the Church pandering to modernity.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Fraternity of Saint Peter Relocated from Capuchin Church in Vienna to Paulaner Church
(Vienna) The Vienna branch, which was founded in 1988 FSSP, will lose after 18 years, the famous Capuchin Church as a permanent Mass site.
"After about eighteen years in which we were allowed to be hosted by the Capuchins, we have to give up the cherished Capuchin Church in downtown as a place of worship," announced the local superior, Father Florian Grafl, in his preface to the March newsletter, has received "a melancholy aftertaste" this year of "joy and jubilation over the high holy Easter."
April 2nd, the white Saturday in the Octave of Easter "will be the last day on which the weekday Mass at 8:00 am will be said in the Capuchin church."
There is No Reason for the Eviction
One reason for the termination of the right of hospitality by the Capuchins was not disclosed.
The "termination" took place a complete surprise.Nevertheless, it was Father Grafl, who will announce a new Mass location: "On White Sunday, April 3, Holy Mass will be said in the traditional Rite in the Schutzengelkirche (Pauline Church) [Church of the Guardian Angels] at Wiedner Hauptstraße."
The Fraternity of St. Peter was offered by Msgr. Franz Wilfinger, the pastor at the Paulaner Church, "generously, a new home."
The Guardian Angels Church, also known as Pauline Church, is the parish church of the district of Wieden at Wiedner Hauptstraße Nr. 21 in the fourth district of Vienna. The first mention of the church dates back to 1211. It came to be through a donation in 1353 by the Equestrian Order of the Holy Spirit founded by Louie Anjou. In 1529 the Church was destroyed during the first Turkish siege. Since the members of the Order were scattered, it was dissolved.
"New home" in the Wiedner Parish
In 1626 Emperor Ferdinand II. in the course of the Counter-Reformation, called upon the Pauline Order founded by Francis of Paola 1435, to Vienna. The "Least of Brothers," as the members of the strict mendicant order call themselves, erected the first Paulaner church in 1651, consecrated to the Holy Guardian Angels. During the second Turkish siege of 1683, the church was destroyed again. This time as a precaution by the Vienna City defenders to leave the Turks no secure position for the attack. After the war, the third and present church was built.
The storming of the monasteries of Emperor Joseph II. was in 1784 and the Viennese Paulaner monastery was a victim.The monastery buildings were almost completely raised. The only remainder is the presbytery which is used for that purpose today.
The Fraternity of St. Peter in Vienna does not have its own church and is therefore dependent on hospitality at a parish or religious order, the church of a rector. A canonical erection as an Old Rite personal parish for the Archdiocese of Vienna has not been previously discussed. So far there is not one in all of Austria.
The Vienna Capuchin convent currently consists of ten brothers. seven of whom are priests. One of the tasks of the monastery is the custody of the Capuchin Crypt, the place of repose until 1918, of the ruling house of Habsburg. The last, Otto von Habsburg and his wife Regina von Saxon were buried in the Imperial Crypt in 2011.
The Capuchins describe "necessary renovations" as the reason for the eviction. Finally, the church interior was subjected to a thorough renovation in 1976.
Text: Martha Weinzl
Image: Wikicommons
Image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
U.S. Secretary of State Attends Latin Mass in Vienna
Edit: certainly he's continuing his practice of sacrilegious Communions.
Vienna (kath.net/KAP) U.S. Secretary of State popped into the Saint Stephen's Cathedral on Sunday just before the conclusion of his Austria trip. "Kerry came just before 11 by the side door into the Cathedral and took part in the Latin Mass.", said Sacristan Georg Rejda for "Kathpress" (Monday). About an hour before the start of Mass officials of the Federal Police and the U.S. Delegation checked out the situation in the Cathedral. The visit of the U.S. Representative was unremarkable, a private person - as stated. The political significance of the important guests, was only revealed by the security detail.
Kerry was occupied for a good two weeks negotiation in the nuclear dispute surrounding Iran between the 5+ 1 group (the five UN voting powers and Germany) and Iran. The dispute surrounded the West's concern for ascertain able and believable guarantees that the Islamic Republic will not develop nuclear weapons and only use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. In return, Western sanctions will be discontinued.
The 71 year old travels with his 50 man entourage from the noble Hotel Imperial zum Coburg, where he is negotiating, and unleashes a chaos of traffic. Kerry is the first Catholic Secretary of State since the early 1980s. The Democrat from the eastern State of Massachusetts is considered to be a friend of Europe in Washington. Kerry visited Pope Francis initially last January.
Kerry has family roots in Austria: his father's family is from Bennisch in former Austrian Silesia (today Horni Benesov in Czech Republic ). His grandfather Fritz Kohn (1873-1921) converted in 1901 from Judaism to Catholicism, emigrating with his family to the U.S. and changed his surname to "Kerry".
Copyright 2015 Katholische Presseagentur KATHPRESS, Wien, Österreich
Thursday, June 25, 2015
March for Life Vienna-- Report of a Participant
Wolfram Schrems *

The intention was to stand up for marriage and against its perversion, for the promotion of the family, for parental authority and against the seduction of school sex education, to gender mainstreaming and the inviolable right to life from conception.
Rally at Stephansplatz
A few hundred people were gathered at the beginning of the rally at 15.00 in an area the cordoned off by the police. The the police released in a number to OTS "about 200" which is clearly a huge underestimate. As film reports make clear, there were at least twice as many. Groups from Upper Austria, Salzburg and Carinthia had arrived. The latter was led by a very meritorious priest.
There was also a group of young Poles living in Vienna.
Children were also present, which, given the aggressiveness of the counter demonstrators, of course did not appear to be wise.
The organizers planned several speeches. Contrary to the announcement Representatives Gabriele Tamandl (ÖVP) and Carmen Schimanek (FPÖ) had not appeared.
The first speaker was the Syriac Orthodox priest and Choral Bishop Dr. Emanuel Aydin. He is a holder of the Grand Golden Medal of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria. In sharp words he turned against the seduction of children by school sex education and against abortion. This he likened to the infanticide of Herod. In the words of the Apostle Paul, he reminded that "effeminate and homosexuals" will not enter the kingdom of God (1 Cor 6,9). In his Aramaic language, the language of Jesus, he blessed all those present.
Member of Parliament Dr. Marcus Franz (ÖVP), his occupation is doctor, who assisted the cause in matters big and small. But he pleaded for dead lines (which was also against the expansion of abortion by its complete removal from the Criminal Code) and the Reproductive Medicine Act. This he described as painful compromise that is better than a legal vacuum. He spoke out against the manipulation of children by sex education.
District Chairwoman Ursula Stenzel (ÖVP) referred to in her speech demonstrations being increasingly held in the first district, and particularly on the Ringstrase as an "abuse of the right to demonstrate". Some of them are also based purely in commercial interests. "But your rally is not an abuse of the right to demonstrate," she told the rally participants. Stenzel addressed a request by a journalist on the objectives of the march.
The lectures and TV appearances well known to many of the Classicist and Dominican Sr., Dr. Katharina Deifel defended, as a widowed mother, and nun, the plan of creation of gender polarity.
The last speaker was the former Slovak Minister of Justice and Prime Minister Dr. Jan Čarnogurský who had been involved in the late 80s as a Catholic activist prisoner of the communist regime and with many like-minded people contributed significantly to the 1989 coup. He compared the totalitarian gay propaganda nowadays with the communist propaganda in his home 30 years ago. As the latter had disappeared, so the former will soon disappear. Incidentally, it will be the children and grandchildren of faithful Christians who will pay the retirements for childless homosexuals and left-wing activists.
During the rally police pressure to shorten the event could be seen as the operational control and compete the march early. This pressure, which is most likely due to political requirements was resistend by the organizers, however.
March - the Usual Provocation
However, the original demonstration route was not realized due to an unapproved counter-demonstration.
There came to the barrier on Tuchlauben corner there was a " very aggressive "attack on the police, who had to use pepper spray. According to police, there were two arrests, a third person was still in detention on Saturday. Several complaints were filed in accordance with the administrative or criminal law.
There came to the barrier on Tuchlauben corner there was a " very aggressive "attack on the police, who had to use pepper spray. According to police, there were two arrests, a third person was still in detention on Saturday. Several complaints were filed in accordance with the administrative or criminal law.
Protesters and provocateurs kept coming up close to the demonstration throughout. Incomprehensible hatred was visible here. In curses of all kinds were hurled in choruses ("you should have been aborted").
Final Rally at Minoritenplatz
The spokesman of the Vienna Akademikerbund, Mag. Christian Zeitz, pointed out in his very emotional speech on perversion that of all the Ministry of Education (located at Minoritenplatz and flying a rainbow flag) developed the plans for sexual manipulation of children and adolescents. The Minister is himself childless, so will never be able to understand the concerns of the parents.
Even though the event was not intended as a religious, but was called for the values of natural law, the proportion of Christian activists was of course very large. Some clergy, priesthood candidates and sisters were visible, as well as a priest of the Society of St. Pius X gave his blessing at the Minoritenplatz.
Thus, the event ended at about 17:30.
Thanks to the "man-made global warming" the temperature did not come about 15 degrees out with frequent rains. This had the positive side effect that kept the shamelessness with the concurrent orgiastic parade through the ring in limits.
A look beyond the borders of Austria
Here is quite good news to report:
At the same time the Vienna march for the family about one million people were gathered, namely, in Rome for the Family Day in front of the Lateran against the perversion of marriage ("opening" for homosexuals) and against the political forces, "who want to massacre the family" (as Ex Maurizio Gasparri -Minister). The event had been called by Catholic associations.They were supported by secular forces and opposition parties.
On the following day, Sunday, 21 June, in the same cause of defense for children more than 4500 people had gathered in the center of Stuttgart. Given the massive terror of the omnipresent counter-demonstrators, it was a considerable contingent.
A brief comment
1. Apparently many parents are not aware of the importance of moral attack, otherwise many more times would have appeared as participants at the rally.
2. It is incomprehensible and scandalous that the Catholic hierarchy basically shows no interest in protecting the faithful entrusted to them. The ecumenism proved once again to be unusable. Where are the shepherds, when you need them?Only Choir Bishop Aydin rescued - in addition to the participating Catholic priests - the honor of the clergy.
3. It was a pleasant surprise that the ÖVP politicians identified with the objectives of the march. Especially the participation of District Chairwoman Stenzel was perceived as pleasing. One can only hope that it will also bring the party leadership to rethink their position.
4. It has been shown once again how much the radical left and elaborate "anarchist" demonstrators, serve the prescriptive policy agenda from above. Here the degree of astonishment indoctrination, hatred and - paradoxically - even self-contempt. The latter is recognizable where many chanted slogan "Your children will be like us". Apparently, these misguided people, usually in their third or fourth decade of life, have no high opinion of themselves as they put themselves as a negative example. So one wonders with considerable anger, who has managed to turn young people into such undignified zombies. Particularly unworthy are those people who you know, are always screaming against "Bullen" [The Pigs] even after calling after the police. Since many of those are screaming with a Federal German accent, you have to realize with horror how successful the "character wash" or "reeducation" has succeeded in the third generation now.
5. The terror in the streets stands in connection with police behavior: Although the individual officers act quite professionally, as a rule and enabled the exercise of the right to rally, at least ideologically political instructions to the police line are noticeable. It is clear that politically unpopular rallies are in a difficult position in "Red Vienna". Summary
Thanks and appreciation to organizers, co-organizers and participants. It was worth it. And it will go on!
* MMag. Wolfram Schrems , Linz and Vienna, a Catholic theologian and philosopher, ecclesiastical sent catechist, many years of experience in the protection of life
Picture: Platform Family
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Friday, November 14, 2014
Suspicion of Sexual Abuse Against Viennese Pastor
Edit: if they have pornography, it should be a done deal. Some will remember Father Fabian Vordermayer who was sentenced to four years in prison. The accused priest's name isn't mentioned here. Further inquiries will be made.
Archdiocese puts clergyman on leave from duty as "precautionary measure" till clarification
Vienna (kath.net/KAP) A priest engaged in pastoral ministry in Vienna is under investigation for sexual abuse. According to a report on derstandard.at it is alleged to be the result of the sexual assault of a young person. Nina Bussek, spokesman for the Vienna public prosecutor's office, confirmed the report Wednesday on APA. The man will also accused of possessing child pornography images. In a search on Friday a week ago, several media were seized, which are now be evaluated, says Bussek.
The Archdiocese of Vienna has published a statement on its website. Thus the priest was placed on leave from duty "as a precaution" pending clarification of suspicion by the state authorities. This service exemption was no prejudice. This corresponds to the guidelines of the Austrian Bishops' Conference for measures against abuse and violence, maintains the Archdiocese. It is hoped that eventually the respectability of the priest will be facilitated by governmental investigations and point out that he is presumed innocent. The priest also rejects all accusations.
All concerned have been offered professional guidance by the archdiocese, it said in the statement. The parish will be led during the leave of absence by the relevant dean and other priests. Copyright 2014 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria All rights reserved.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Kathnet...
Archdiocese puts clergyman on leave from duty as "precautionary measure" till clarification
Vienna (kath.net/KAP) A priest engaged in pastoral ministry in Vienna is under investigation for sexual abuse. According to a report on derstandard.at it is alleged to be the result of the sexual assault of a young person. Nina Bussek, spokesman for the Vienna public prosecutor's office, confirmed the report Wednesday on APA. The man will also accused of possessing child pornography images. In a search on Friday a week ago, several media were seized, which are now be evaluated, says Bussek.
The Archdiocese of Vienna has published a statement on its website. Thus the priest was placed on leave from duty "as a precaution" pending clarification of suspicion by the state authorities. This service exemption was no prejudice. This corresponds to the guidelines of the Austrian Bishops' Conference for measures against abuse and violence, maintains the Archdiocese. It is hoped that eventually the respectability of the priest will be facilitated by governmental investigations and point out that he is presumed innocent. The priest also rejects all accusations.
All concerned have been offered professional guidance by the archdiocese, it said in the statement. The parish will be led during the leave of absence by the relevant dean and other priests. Copyright 2014 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria All rights reserved.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Kathnet...
Monday, May 5, 2014
Anarcho-Leftists Damage Famous Karlskirche in Vienna

Arson Attack Against Mary Our Lady Church in Bregenz
Arson against Mariahilf heroes thanks church Bregenz
In Bregenz on Lake Constance unidentified perpetrators engaged on Saturday night in an arson attack on the Mariahilf Church. At about 1:20 AM, a 52-year-old woman discovered the fire. With the help of a a 62-year-old man, she tried to extinguish the fire. She had to be treated for suspected smoke inhalation in the State Hospital. The perpetrators had doused the church door with chemicals and set it on fire.
A canister was secured near the church door. The police are asking the community for evidence in both cases.
In March, several churches of Vienna had been damaged. A 37 year old man was detained and confessed to six acts he is alleged to have done on a "divine mission". The police suspect a single perpetrator in this case. The situation is different in the attack on the Karlskirche, which carries clear political handwriting and reveals hate for the Church.

The Mary Our Lady Church in Bregenz is the parish church of the Vorkloster-Rieden district. It was built in 1925-1931 according to the plans of the architect Clemens Holzmeister. The parish church is also dedicated to heroes for the fallen soldiers in the First World War.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Ibrahim A. -- A Ghanian Asylum Seeker as Church Desecrator
On Saturday afternoon of the 29th March 2014 there were four churches of Vienna which suffered severe, religiously motivated criminal damage, especially statues of saints and sacred objects. Alleged perpetrators: an asylum seeker from Ghana.
- Has the Archdiocese of Vienna and kathpress has hidden the (alleged) vandal, Ibrahim A.'s religious belief so as not to mess up the Caritas business with the asylum seekers? [Image: National Police Headquarters in Vienna, image quote by orf.at]
Systematic property damage
- the statue of St. Jude Thaddeus was pushed from its by its marble base, in Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral,
- in the parish church Breitenfeld four statues was overturned and the lid of the baptismal font destroyed,
- in the Lazaristenkirche of Vienna in the fingers of a stone statue of Saint Vincent had its fingers chopped off, all (!) statues in the church damaged or destroyed, the "wooden body a crucifix" (ie Christ) was torn down and demolished while his arms were chopped off,
- in the parish church Neuottakring there was property damage.
- The "Kronenzeitung newspaper" reports of possibly three other acts of vandalism at churches in the district of Meidling.
Ibrahim A. - religiously motivated offenders
In a press release from the Police Headquarters in Vienna from 30March 2014 they describe damage to property in St. Stephen's Cathedral: "On 29.03.2014 at 17:15 hours an unidentified man threw a statue of the saint in the church of St. Stephen from its marble base. A moment later the man wanted to leave the church. Many passers-by forced the 37-year-old Ibrahim A. to the ground in front of the cathedral shop and held him until the police arrived. The accused described religious reasons as his motive. He was arrested."
The Vienna Cathedral Parish Priest Fr. Anton Faber supposed that the offender Ibrahim A. had "been a madman [I], who was playing religious themed music prior to the incident on his iPod." In addition, the offender Ibrahim had suffered a "psychotic episode" and been seized by an "internal disturbance".
Ibrahim A. was prevented from the destruction of the Sacred Heart image.
In the course of detention by those present, Ibrahim A. had also injured a person slightly.
Offender set free - warned by police against renewed arrest
The spokesman for the Vienna State Police, Roman Hahslinger, although the presumption was obvious that the perpetrator was a serial offender, he was not arrested apparently.
Rather, the police didn't question Ibrahim A. at the time. Not until this week will he be asked about the other crime scenes. - Thus, if he can be found again the police have pre-announced his timely arrest.
Oddly enough the police did not consider the grounds for detention (such as the danger of recidivism).
Ibrahim A. - an asylum seeker from Ghana
In media reports, the origin and status of the (alleged) church vandal is mostly concealed.
He is the 37-year old Ibrahim A., an asylum seeker from Ghana, who is housed in the care center in Lower Austria Traiskirchen.
How fortunate that he was able to save, despite the assuredly alleged persecution in Ghana, his iPod from his African tormentors. Otherwise he would not have gotten the "inspiration", to "proceed against religious statues."
The fact that he referred to the Catholic faithful as "puppets", fits well into the picture.
Whitewashing by the Archdiocese of Vienna and the Catholic Press Agency (kathpress)
Characteristically, the Archdiocese of Vienna and Catholic press was silent on their websites about the origin of the offender and the Cathedral Parish Priest Fr. Faber himself and the release of the police referred to the religious motivation of the Ghanaian asylum.
The other assessments of the offender by Father ("seized by an inner disturbance" or "psychotic episode") Faber, however, were cited.
In the OTS- broadcast, the Catholic press (on the following day at 14:02 clock) is rather pointed out that "the uncharacteristic act of vandalism for the otherwise peaceful life of religions in Vienna" and that "also no one was [would be] harmed."
Why is there silence about the Muslim religious devotion of the (alleged) perpetrator?
For legal reasons, the presumption of innocence for the asylum seeker from Ghana, Ibrahim A. applies. [Naturally!]
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Friday, December 20, 2013
Schönborn's "Christmas Nonsense" in Milan -- Church Crisis Manufactured Between Rhetoric and Reality
(Vienna / Milan) The traditional website Messa in Latino has been critical of the appearance of Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn in Milan. He who does not have a handle on his own diocese, can hardly give advice to others, thus the criticism.
Cardinal Schönborn had been invited by Archbishop Angelo Cardinal Scola to Milan. In a crowded cathedral, the Archbishop of Vienna spoke about evangelism in a big city. Critics of the Austrian cardinal abroad find clearer words than at home, where the presence disobedient priests, a laity indifferent to Catholic doctrine, liturgical sprawl and moral relativism are widespread. In fact, the Cardinal earned a lot of praise for his Milanese appearance from almost all sides: "striking hot iron", "in touch with this time" "strong words" it said in the report. "Fog, honey, applause from the left, and even applause from the right: the Cardinal seems again to have succeeded in squaring the circle, but the reality," looks different at home, so Messa in Latino .
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Pontifical High Mass in Vienna’s Karlskirche
(Vienna) On the Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo the Bishop of Chur, Vitus Huonder, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Saint Charles Church consecrated in Vienna on November 4th. The Mass was offered in the magnificent Baroque church in the awe-inspiring sacred liturgy of the Immemorial Rite, in which the worship of the Triune God and the realization of the bloodless sacrifice of the Cross of Jesus Christ are commemorated.
This was organized by Una Voce Austria. There Mass for five voices was performed by Giovanni Rovetta. The chorale was sung according to the Gradual Medicaeum. In 1713 during the great plague, the Viennese Emperor Charles VI., promised his patron saint, Saint Charles Borromeo, who also undertook the pastoral care of plague victims as cardinal and brought them Holy Communion, to build a Church.
It was built according to plans by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach. The church was consecrated in 1738. It has been cared for ever since by the Knights of the Cross with the Red Star, founded in Prague in 1233. From 1783 to 1918, the Emperor exercised itself the right of patronage.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Una Voce Austria
Image: Una Voce Austria
Monday, November 18, 2013
Schönborn’s Most Appealing Pastor Goes to Court
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Fr. Vordermayer (right) and his highly respectable, tattooed legal representative Anti-Catholic Boulevard Mags. |
Since when does the alimentary and socialist tax money paid mainstream media suddenly crow on behalf of a pastor? Whence comes this strange change of heart?
The currently proletarian produced mass media is as friendly to Catholics as at the time of introduction of the National Socialist Church Contribution (1939), from which to this day not the smallest letter has been changed.
Once the socialist broad sheet elite whines for a priest, then it can only deal with great difficulty with this pastor as a Catholic priest in the true sense.
Either this pastor is a very pope-hostile priest who is out to destroy the Church from within, or by a priest who conducts appropriate victims for the Victims Commission for Church homosexual - or both.
This pastor can be so deployed by the gay lobby or by the Socialist-Jacobin church battle front - or both.
Unlike the laughable entrance of a broadsheet on behalf of a pastor is absolutely inexplicable. Namely, if a Catholic priest is really bullied, then our socialist boulevard magazines are at the forefront of the Church-hater front.
Left Street Boulevard Journal Fighting for Accused Abuser
The richly endowed with taxpayer money, “Österreich" is reporting about the former pastor of Traiskirchen, Fabian Vordermayer, against whom serious abuse allegations were brought to the prosecutor for trial.
Is Everything Just “Bullying"?
The indictment by the prosecutor of Wiener Neustadt includes such details as: rape, sexual abuse of defenseless persons (plural), multiple assault, persistent stalking, multiple injury.
A populist parish council of the city of asylum industry, Traikirchen, acknowledged the allegations saying: "Homosexuality is a private matter."
One of several boys who are involved in this case, has lived in the guest house of the vicarage. The drug flunitrazepam (knockout drops) was found in the hair of another (or the same) boys .
Given our ideological justice minister, this is probably more than a sure acquittal. However, if he were to stand up for the truth (Jesus Christ), he would have had a very bad hand. But not in this case.
The priest pretender of Traiskirchen who stopped therapy is reported to have said in a sermon: "I give communion also divorced and remarried."
His Abbot subordinates himself with the rainbow stole minister in a tie, because he is supposed to have advised him to commit suicide.
Moral Theologian at the University in Heiligenkreuz!
The priest, exempted from service at the Benedictine Abbey of Melk and disregarding all instructions given by his wealthy Abbot, Pastor Fabian Vordermayer naturally also received a lectureship at the "Philosophical-Theological College Benedict XVI. Heiligenkreuz", to which also the ÖVP-gay lobbyist Univ.-Doz., Dr. theol. hab., Mag theol., Andreas Schnider has been brought into position. From the neo-Catholic Schnider one hears such things that go in the direction of a gay marriage sacrament.
Pastor Fabian Vordermayer naturally instructs priests in questions moral theology as an Institute member of the Institute for Moral Theology at the University of the Heiligen Kreuz.
Cardinal Schönborn's Lunchtime Therapy
The priest of Traiskirchen could finally solve all his problems by simply enjoying a delicious lunch with Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.
Link to kreuz.net…
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Is Cardinal Schönborn an Apron Chaser?
Thursday 24 October 2013
Archbishop of Vienna, the son of a deserter and Freemason stands is in demand at the Jewish B'nai B'rith Lodge.
Cardinal Schönborn's friends at the Lodge [Image: "Heute", free newspaper, 24 October 2013, p 5]
The "Red Cardinal" König and the Soviet Bigwig
But Cardinal Schönborn is not the first Archbishop of Vienna, who has been close to Republican Lodges.
For example, there is Cardinal König, who had opened wide the flood gates to socialist influence on the Catholic Church in Austria, is said to have belonged to Freemasonry.
That gave him the name "Red Cardinal".
The statement in Professor DDr. Robert Prantners memoirs "Between Ballhausplatz and the Vatican" remains unchallenged to this day, stated on page 174: "On the grave of the open bier Cardinal König lay at his feet one, honorific apron the Fremasonic Fraternal chain'." Some would want to see this as confirmation of these rumors.
Just like the "Red Cardinal" that Fat Cat and social climbing SPÖ Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky received support and high accolades from the Jewish Lodge.
Schönborn and the Lodge
The current Archbishop of Vienna, is the son of Hugo Damian Schonborn, an army deserter and Freemason. However, the paternal influence is estimated to be rather low, since he had left his family in the lurch at an early time.
Now Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has been included among the "friends" of the Jewish B'nai B'rith lodge brothers.
Allegedly this is because of his commitment to ensure that the Jews may continue to circumcise their male children without their consent, while that of African tribesmen of girls has been banned as mutilation.
To avoid misunderstandings
Just like exercises for unteachable students? Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. etc., etc.
Link to kreuz.net....
Archbishop of Vienna, the son of a deserter and Freemason stands is in demand at the Jewish B'nai B'rith Lodge.
Cardinal Schönborn's friends at the Lodge [Image: "Heute", free newspaper, 24 October 2013, p 5]
The "Red Cardinal" König and the Soviet Bigwig
But Cardinal Schönborn is not the first Archbishop of Vienna, who has been close to Republican Lodges.
For example, there is Cardinal König, who had opened wide the flood gates to socialist influence on the Catholic Church in Austria, is said to have belonged to Freemasonry.
That gave him the name "Red Cardinal".
The statement in Professor DDr. Robert Prantners memoirs "Between Ballhausplatz and the Vatican" remains unchallenged to this day, stated on page 174: "On the grave of the open bier Cardinal König lay at his feet one, honorific apron the Fremasonic Fraternal chain'." Some would want to see this as confirmation of these rumors.
Just like the "Red Cardinal" that Fat Cat and social climbing SPÖ Chancellor, Franz Vranitzky received support and high accolades from the Jewish Lodge.
Schönborn and the Lodge
The current Archbishop of Vienna, is the son of Hugo Damian Schonborn, an army deserter and Freemason. However, the paternal influence is estimated to be rather low, since he had left his family in the lurch at an early time.
Now Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has been included among the "friends" of the Jewish B'nai B'rith lodge brothers.
Allegedly this is because of his commitment to ensure that the Jews may continue to circumcise their male children without their consent, while that of African tribesmen of girls has been banned as mutilation.
To avoid misunderstandings
Just like exercises for unteachable students? Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. Cardinal Schönborn is not a Freemason. etc., etc.
Link to kreuz.net....
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