Edit: just received this poll result from Una Voce Miami.
Ten years after the motu proprio, we have decided to complete our 2009-2011 European survey campaign regarding the reception of Pope Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio. This campaign covered the continent's principal Catholic countries, whether in the wake of papal visits (Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain) or at the request of our local partners. However, it had overlooked the highest-ranking country in terms of Church vitality: Poland. We therefore decided that the time had come to survey the country of Pope John Paul II.
Rather than commissioning a survey from a commercial institute, we followed the advice of Una Voce Poland and turned to the Institute for Catholic Church Statistics (ISKK). It was founded in 1972 by the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (the Pallottines) and works for the Polish Bishops’ Conference. The institute’s Catholic character means that the survey was taken directly on a group made up of committed Catholics (1) which gives this poll an original importance since it deals only with practicing Catholics. After gathering over 800 responses, they selected 635 that matched the distribution of committed Catholics in the Polish population.
Survey conducted by the ISKK (Institute for Catholic Church Statistics) from May 13 to June 4, 2017. Online panel method on a cross section of 635 committed Catholics. (1)
> 1: Do you go to Mass? (1)
Every Sunday and holy day: 93.6%
Nearly every Sunday: 5.8%
Once a month: 0.6%
> 2: In July 2007 Pope Benedict XVI said that the Mass could be celebrated both in its modern form, termed “ordina ry” or “of Paul VI”—with the priest facing the people—and also in its traditional form, termed “extraordinary” or “Tridentine”—in Latin, the priest facing the tabernacle. Were you aware of this?
Yes: 89.5%
No: 6.9%
No answer: 3.6%
> 3: What is your opinion of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form (in Latin and facing the tabernacle)? (Note: the total is above 100% because the pollster allowed multiple answers)
It is an expression of fidelity to the Church’s tradition: 49.9%
It is something normal: 37.3%
It does not correspond to contemporary culture: 17.6%
It is a strange practice: 4.2%
Other: 16.7%
Hard to say: 12.1%
> 4: If the older Mass were celebrated (in Latin and facing the tabernacle) in YOUR parish, would you attend?
Weekly: 28.9%
Once in a while: 51.6%
Never: 15.1%
Hard to say: 4.4%
Polish Catholicism, a leaven of victorious resistance to Communist dictatorship, went through a triumphant era in the late 20th century. From a doctrinal and liturgical point of view, it was less exposed to the “Springtime of the Council” and its abuses. Even today, Gregorian chant and Communion on the tongue remain the norm in most of the country’s parishes.
In this rather conservative and isolated context, it is interesting to note that the extraordinary form —so often presented as a reaction to abuse— would draw one worshipper in four every Sunday if it were part and parcel of ordinary parish life. A result that corresponds to the average found in the other countries (19% in France in 2008; 25% i n Germany in 2010; 27.4% in Spain in 2011; etc.).
1) The Poles are aware of the extraordinary form’s legitimacy
In Poland, nine committed Catholics (1) in ten know that the extraordinary form has full citizenship in the Church. This is a very high result. Besides the fact that it seems normal for committed Catholics to be informed on the different aspects of the life of the Church, one may also think that after ten years knowledge of Benedict XVI’s motu proprio has made some headway: in the first place through local word-of-mouth, then through the place that the extraordinary form has on social networks, and also thanks to the work of associations such as Una Voce Poland that organize lectures, ceremonies, and pilgrimages to promote the Latin and Gregorian liturgy.
2) A Catholicism preserved from the liturgical wars
The answer to question #3, which was slightly modified by the ISKK pollsters as compared to our usual item (2), brings out the fact that only one in 25 committed Catholics sees the older liturgy as a “strange practice.” Furthermore, less than one in five (17.6) considers that it does not conform to contemporary culture. In any event one may imagine that for some this answer is not a negative, since it only notes the incapacity of the contemporary world to make room for tradition.
On the other hand, the fact that one committed Catholic in two sees the extraordinary form as “an expression of fidelity to the Church’s tradition” is unambiguous. This survey therefore shows us the face of a church which, while it certainly has suffered along with the whole Church from the break imposed by the liturgical reform, nevertheless has by and large remained immune to a “progressive” opposition against the older liturgy as well as to the rupture that has harmed, and continues to harm, our Western European churches.
3) 8 Polish Catholics in 10 . . .
. . . would gladly attend the extraordinary form if it were celebrated in their parish: 28.9% would prefer to do so and 51.6% would do so once in a while. The close to 30% of Massgoers who would attend the traditional Mass every Sunday if it were celebrated conveniently in their parish (19% in France in 2008, 40% in Italy, 25% in Germany, etc.) shows the true weight of the extraordinary form. This again confirms the existence of a vast silent mass (at least one in four Catholics) that aspires to more sacrality and solemnity in its liturgical and spiritual life. Only 15% of practicing Polish Catholics express no attraction to the extraordinary form, which leaves a great field for the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum to make its way, patiently, among that country’s parishes.
4) The scientific confirmation of all our earlier surveys
The fact that, thanks to the ISKK’s specific competency, this Polish survey bears only on practicing Catholics makes it a reliable benchmark for analyzing the results of our earlier national surveys. All of our other surveys targeted Catholics generally, i.e. both Massgoers and non; at our request the polling institutes highlighted the answers specific to practicing Catholics. Because of the dramatic drop in even monthly Mass attendance among West European Catholics, however, the samples of Massgoers might be considered too small to be fully representative.
In reality, scientists are well aware that the more samples are numerous, the more the statistics are reliable. The consistency of the results obtained in the seven countries of our earlier surveys —France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Great Britain, Switzerland, and Spain— was already a significant statistical element. Their agreement with the results of the Polish survey, obtained from a cross section exclusively made up of practicing Catholics, strongly confirms their validity.
Showing posts with label Una Voce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Una Voce. Show all posts
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Cardinal Burke in Vienna -- Pontifical Mass in Karlskirche on November 4th
(Vienna) This coming November 4th a Tridentine Pontifical Mass will be celebrated in St. Charles Borromeo Church in Vienna for the feast of the church patron, St. Charles Borromeo. The celebrant will be Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura.
The music will be sung by the Cappella Borromea in the Messa a cinque voci of Giovanni Rovetta (1596-1668) and the hymn from the Graduale Medicæum (1613/1614). The organizer is Una Voce Austria, a Catholic lay association, which is connected in a special way the Holy Mass and the sacraments in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
The association is committed to the preservation and maintenance of traditional Latin liturgy, in a special way "for serving her musical tradition, in particular of Gregorian chant." Una Voce Austria also seeks "the transmission of genuine faith, that is expressed in an unsurpassable way in this liturgy."
Last year, Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur celebrated the Pontifical Mass (see picture).
The Pontifical Mass begins at 6 pm in the Karlskirche, Karlsplatz, near the State Opera.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Una Voce Austria
image: Una Voce Austria
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Monday, February 10, 2014
[Update] End the “Scandalous” Handling of the Franciscans of the Immaculate -- Pressure Grows
(Rome) The treatment of the Order of the Franciscans of the Imaculate Conception has become a scandalous case, says Corrispondenza Romana. In contrast, Church internal resistance has been encouraged by some cardinals and by a new international signature campaign, which was launched last Saturday. It is supported in the German-speaking area by Pro Missa Tridentina .
Some cardinals and bishops who appreciate this extraordinary apostolate Order have sent Pope Francis an extensive and detailed documentation on the beneficial action of the Franciscans of the Immaculate and also the current treatment by the Congregation of Religious and the Commissioner appointed by them. An "outrageous" treatment of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, who were placed under provisional administration because they adhere to the traditional liturgy and the unabbreviated doctrine of the Church.
Last 4 February the traditional news agency of the historian Roberto de Mattei Corrispondenza Romana sent to Secretary of State Pietro Parolin a petition with 8,000 signatures which demands the resignation of the Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscans of the Immaculate , Fr Fidenzio Volpi.
At the same time, an international petition began on the 8th of February. It’s a Sign of how much the drastic intervention of the Congregation of Religious is understood in a part of the Catholic Church as a fundamental attack on tradition and its affiliated communities and believers. The new signature collection is supported internationally by several organizations, this includes the German-speaking Pro Missa Tridentina, in the Netherlands Ecclesia Dei, in Canada, theVancouver Traditional Mass Society , in New Zealand the Ecclesia Dei Society and Una Voce Austria .
With the new international call "justice and self-determination for the Franciscans of the Immaculate" is demanded. The signatories of the international petition are calling for the restoration of the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception or a new status according to their choice. 240 brothers, more than half, have already provided a request last fall for establishment of a new order, without obtaining a response about it from the Holy See.
The petition also calls for full respect and "unmolested implementation" of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI., it frees any priest to celebrate in the Old or the New Roman Rite. A legally binding provision for the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception is not being respected. The petition can be downloaded in different languages from the website Pro Missa Tridentina (here is the English version of the petition ). A detailed documentation of the Franciscans of the Immaculate is presented together with the Dutch Association of Ecclesia Die.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos to Una Voce: "Pope Francis Has no Intention to Limit the Old Rite"
(Rome), Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos took part in the Annual General Meeting of the International Federation Una Voce (FIUV) in Rome. In his speech he referred to the Franciscans of the Immaculate . The Cardinal tried to appease the case of the traditional Franciscan Order, which was triggered by a radical intervention of the Congregation of Religious in July, and said Pope Francis would only insist on the Novus Ordo " because of internal disagreements" as Catholic World News reported.
The former Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy and former President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei assured that Pope Francis has absolutely no intention to limit the celebration of Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman rite. The cardinal is quoted as saying to Una Voce delegates: "I met Francis Pope recently and he told me that he has no problems with the old rite nor problems with groups and associations such as yours, which are promoting it."
As to questions by the FIUV delegates to the tensions surrounding the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate the cardinal told them that the Pope this order only because of the persistence of internal disputes over the new rite, but not because of an unfavorable opinion of the traditional liturgy.
The elected at the AGM FIUV new chairman, the Attorney James Bogle said: "We are very grateful to His Eminence Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, His Eminence Cardinal Brandmüller, and to Archbishop Pozzo for taking part in our General Assembly of the International Federation Una Voce". Opposite CWN Bogle said: "We are very pleased with the way the celebration of the traditional Mass is now going worldwide. We are obviously very grateful to Benedict XVI and also our present Pope Francis for all the support that they have given us in our right to worship in the traditional Roman rite."
A video offers a glimpse into images in the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, previously, evangelizing, missionary alternately, with the traditional rite and with numerous vocations. As to how the further development after the intervention of the Congregation of Religions and Pope Francis will be, it remains to be seen.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: FIUV
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: FIUV
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest May Take Over Deserted Former Papal Seminary
(Alghero) The traditional Institute of Christ the King and High Priest (ICRSS) is negotiating with the Government of the Italian Mediterranean island of Sardinia for the purchase of the former Pontifical Seminary of Cuglieri (not to be confused with the Sardinian town of Cagliari). The region had bought the seminar after its abandonment in 1976 but since then it has not been used. For cost reasons, they want to sell it.
Canonically erected in 1990, the Old Rite Institute of Christ the King in submitted an offer to take over the entire building complex in April 2012, as it has experienced strong growth due to many vocations.
In the Sardinian Parliament a parliamentary motion was introduced, with which the government has been asked why the transfer to the Institute has not yet been done. Una Vox Cagliariits is suspicions that after the posting of the sale, the regional government has been pressured by the bishops of Alghero and Oristano to prevent the establishment of the traditional institution on the island. How Messa in Latino reported, other bishops had initially welcomed the establishment of a branch of the ICRSS. But their approval was withdrawn under pressure from the bishops of Alghero and Oristano. Meanwhile, the believers of Cuglieri have started a petition for the handing over of the seminar complex to the traditional priest affiliated institution.
The bishops of Sardinia asked the Pope for financial support after the First World War for the construction of a joint seminary for the island. In 1924 Pope Pius XI. met the request and the seminary was built at the expense of the Holy See, which is why it was given the honorary title "Pontifical Seminary." The seminary was inaugurated in 1927 was built in the Pisan style of the 1300s and is similar in appearance to a medieval monastery. The simple style fitted well into the landscape of the houses that are built, modest and sober. The management of the houwse was handed over to the Jesuits. In 1970 the seminary was moved to Cagliari. Six years later the empty building was purchased by the Region of Sardinia.
Text: Paix Liturgique / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Una Fides
Image: Una Fides
Monday, November 5, 2012
Rome Pilgrimage: Secretary of State Manipulates Papal Letter
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Staatssekretär Tarcisio Kardinal Bretone © Catholic Church (England and Wales), CC BY-NC-SA |
(kreuz.net) The Traditionalists have to "recognize" the New Mass.
That was in the words of greeting by Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone to the Pilgrims of the Traditional Pilgrimage "Una cum Papa Nostro".
Its high point was a Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite. It took place on Saturday afternoon in St. Peter's Basilica. The welcoming speech was read during the Mass.
The text appeared today at the Vatican newspaper 'L'Osservatore Romano'.
"Not Excluded"
Cardinal Bertone explained that the Pope had responded to the expectations of the Traditionalists with the Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum'.
He cited from the accompanying letter of the Pope on the Motu Proprio, which was directed to the Bishops.
There it was said that "the celebration is not to be excluded according to the new Liturgical books".
And: "A complete exclusion in any case would not even be in agreement with the recognition of the values and the sanctity of the rite in its new form." -- said the letter.
"Completely recognize"
In contrast to that the Cardinal formulated in his words of greeting that "the value and sanctity of the Ordinary Form is to be completely recognized".
He required to bring the unity of faith in the year to expression.
Only: In the disintegrating Conciliar Church everyone believes what he wants.
Link to kreuz.net...
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Cardinal Cañizares Celebrates Mass in St. Peter's in Immemorial Rite of All Ages

Vatican City (kath.net/KNA) As planned the Old Mass will be celebrated on the main altar for the second time since the freeing up of the Mass by Pope Benedict XVI. The celebrant of the Pontifical High Mass will be the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Cardinal Canizares Llovera on November 3rd. It would be the first time since the publication of the Papal permission "Summorum Pontificum" in July of 2007 that a Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship has celebrated Mass in the Old Rite.
In May of 2011 the Curial Cardinal Walter Brandmüller had celebrated High Mass on the main altar of St. Peter's Basilica in the Extraordinary Rite. Since then a Pontifical Mass at the cathedral altar with Cardinal Llovera as celebrant was announced. For unknown reasons Cardinal Brandmüller was replaced by the Spaniard. The Old Rite has been regularly celebrated in a side chapel for a long time.
The Mass with Cardinal Llovera is taking place in association of a Pilgrimage associated with those attached to the Old Rite. The co-organizer is the Italian branch of the society "Una Voce". It is an association of Catholic laity, who are attached to the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite and have committed themselves to the preservation of the Gregorian Choral.
With the allowance "Summorum Pontificum" Benedict XVI had freed the Tridentine Mass on September 2007. The latin language service in the Old Rite will be designated, as it was prescribe after the Council of Trent (1545-1563) in the Catholic Church for the whole world. These Mass books were gradually replaced at first after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) by a new Liturgy, which was to be celebrated in the respective national languages, Latin was still allowed, however. [Actually, it was expected]
Monday, October 22, 2012
Summorum Pontificum: A Source of Priests and Religious Vocations -- Interview With Abbé Claude Barthe
(Rome) From the 1st to the 3rd of November the first great international pilgrimage of Tradition since the promulgation of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum to Rome will take place. The pastoral assistant of the pilgrimage is the French priest, Abbé Claude Barthe. During the International Pilgrimage the Immemorial Mass of All Ages will be celebrated by three high dignitaries of the Roman Curia, Antonio Cardinal Canizares Llovera, Walter Cardinal Brandmueller and Curial Bishop Giuseppe Sciacca, the General Secretary of the Governorate of Vatican City. The Pontifical High Mass at the conclusion of the Pilgrimage in the St. Peter's Basilica will be celebrated by Cardinal Canizares.
Abbé Barthe who is one of the driving forces for the execution of the Una cum Papa Nostro Pilgrimage and gave Alberto Carosa of Vatican Insider the following interview.
Abbé, there are requests of your person from several sides. Would give us a brief resume of your education and vocational path?
I was born in Fleurance in 1947 in south western France. My priestly vocation went back to my Catholic childhood. I studied at the Catholic Institute of Toulouse as a Diocesan seminarian. The post-Concliar Revolution forced me therefore to leave the seminary. I then received a degree in History and Jurisprudence. I felt so bound tot he traditional liturgy, that I entered into the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X in Econe. In 1970 I was ordained a priest by Archbishop Lefebvre. I belonged then to the "hard" wing of the Traditionalists, but I became increasingly Roman and finally a diocesan priest. Today I am an instructor in the subject of Liturgy in a seminary of Tradition. One could also say that I am a "published priest" because of my numerous, perhaps too numerous books and articles.
How did this idea of a pilgrimage of Tradition take place and how were you selected as the pastoral assistant?
The idea of a pilgrimage and for a Traditional Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for the "People of Summorum Pontificum", as well as the diocesean and also the communities, along with the SSPX, has been in existence for about a year in the so-called Roman circles of the "Reform of the Reform", who really see in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, a supporting pillar for true Liturgical renewal. Because of the very diverse roles of a Pastoral Assistant they probably thought of me, because I was seen as a party follower who sees "unity in all living powers", a kind manner of border runner between all directions of Tradition.
On the 10th of September you held a press conference, which announced the Pilgrimage. Could you tie together some of the central aspects?
In the first line I wanted to establish that it would be a pilgrimage of thanksgiving. The pilgrims will offer above all a thanksgiving Mass in the extraordinary form and and as support for the Holy Father on the 5th Anniversary of the promulgation of the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, which is generally known to have come into power on September 14th, 2007. For many diocesan -- and religious priests who offer their daily sacrifice of the Mass in the extraordinary form, it acted like a spiritual victory, even for the faithful who -- still sadly too few -- parishes, who could feel joy at this Liturgy and its mysticism. One can say that in this decision by Benedict XVI. an entire Summorum Pontificum-people was created. This people will thank him for this.
And how about the other aspects?
I must say that it also will act as a recognition of loyalty to Peter. The second reason is to announce our love for the Church and our loyalty to Peter, just as and especially in this current time of a bitter and difficult situation. We are full conscious that the efforts, which the Pope has confronted has been difficult. The Traditional Roman Mass, especially the High Mass, will always be a wonderful sign of faith of the Church as Mater et Magistra: it is this Liturgical recognition which we bring to expression at the tomb of the Apostle, for the successor of Peter. It will be a gift and a plea. We will especially offer a gift to God, to ask him for graces for the reigning Pope, in order for him to continue his wonderful work, which he has completed since the beginning of his pontificate, especially today in the midst of cross and trial.
The pilgrimage is taking place along with the opening of the Year of Faith, is there a relationship between the two events?
Naturally. Our pilgrimage will also express our participation in the mission of the Church. Would would like to introduce the contribution of the always youthful traditional Liturgy for the New Evangelization, which the Holy Father is asking for during the Year of Faith. It is clear that this is an initiative with the support of a large number of families, and that it is a source of increasingly larger numbers of religious and priestly vocations, something, which has shown itself as proven to extremely valuable in the Western world at present.
It appears that has not sufficiently considered this completely other vocations "crisis", which the institutes of Tradition are experiencing, in which they are forced to refuse those waiting for priestly office because of a shortage of places and facilities, a crisis which is the exact opposite of the Diocesan.
I would even say that one must especially stress this point. By the grace of God, the Traditional Liturgy promoted without filling all the holes, there has been a significant growth in vocations in certain countries like France and the USA -- still, the phenomenon could widen itself. In France for example there are 710 diocesan seminarians against 140 seminarians (50 from the SSPX) in seminaries of Tradition, this corresponds to 16%. This relationship also effects those who are ordained to the priesthood. This year there were 21 new priests of tradition against 97 diocesan priests. Additionally there has been a complete transformation and realignment of the diocesan clergy. The young dicoesan priests and the seminarians of the diocese are drawn to both forms of the Roman Rite and say this quite openly. It is not to underestimate if the same goes for Ffrance, that a third of the diocesan priestly candidates could be described as candidates for Summorum Pontificum. "Le petit people", as one says in the French, the simple faithful, stand by the Holy Father to follow the mission of the Church.
How do you explain the criticism and irritation about the pilgrimage, which has come from certain circles?
I can tell you that I have recommended that the organization committee is formed around Una Voce, because it works for unification, which is held int he world of Tradition as "neutral" and therefore liable to have the least criticism. The conflicts and directions within the groups of Tradition considered, it seemed a good idea, to support them first by a hastily established committee, in order to avoid jealousies and rivalries. Some critics appeared from the worry in the success from it that a new organization could be created, which would encompass the entire world of Tradition. If that had been our intention, we would surely have already succeeded to make the earth square. I think that around the earth in the meantime have the understanding that we have solely organized a modest organizational committee for this event, which will direct the pilgrimage and dissolve on the evening of the 3rd of November.
What message do you want to finish this interview with?
I don't want to finish with theological words, but with those which the faithful can understand that the Holy Mass on the 3rd of November is a giant "parish Mass" of Catholics from the whole world, who come in order to be together with the"Universal Pastor", to pray with the Pope. They want want to be together for him and to pray with him in the Gregorian Latin Liturgy, which out of their very own understanding is a community Liturgy.
Abbé Claude Barthe was born in 1947 in the Archdiocese of Toulouse, studied at the Institut Catholique de Toulouse from 1964, where he acquired a degree degree in history and in civil law. In the post-Conciliar upheaval he adopted traditionalist positions and entered the seminary of the Society of St. Pius X . in Econe Switzerland. In 1979, he was received by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the SSPX priest. Because of sedevacantist positions he was expelled from the SSPX in 1987. He was among the founders of the magazine Catholica, which he edited for several years and is one of the sharpest critics of the Church crisis, the brilliant theologian and liturgist the took a teaching position at the seminary of the Institute Bon Pasteur. After years of a canonically unclear status, Barthe approached together with the founders of the Institute Bon Pasteur increasingly to Rome and finally returned back to full unity with the Holy See. In 2005 the canonical status was finally resolved by a decision of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and he was issued a Celebret. He now teaches Liturgy at the seminary of the Institute of Christ the King and High Priest. Abbé Barthe has written many books that are not available in English.
Link to Katholisches original....
Interview: Alberto Carosa/Vatican Insider
Translation into German: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Wikicommon
Translation English: Tancred
Abbé Barthe who is one of the driving forces for the execution of the Una cum Papa Nostro Pilgrimage and gave Alberto Carosa of Vatican Insider the following interview.
Abbé, there are requests of your person from several sides. Would give us a brief resume of your education and vocational path?
I was born in Fleurance in 1947 in south western France. My priestly vocation went back to my Catholic childhood. I studied at the Catholic Institute of Toulouse as a Diocesan seminarian. The post-Concliar Revolution forced me therefore to leave the seminary. I then received a degree in History and Jurisprudence. I felt so bound tot he traditional liturgy, that I entered into the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X in Econe. In 1970 I was ordained a priest by Archbishop Lefebvre. I belonged then to the "hard" wing of the Traditionalists, but I became increasingly Roman and finally a diocesan priest. Today I am an instructor in the subject of Liturgy in a seminary of Tradition. One could also say that I am a "published priest" because of my numerous, perhaps too numerous books and articles.
How did this idea of a pilgrimage of Tradition take place and how were you selected as the pastoral assistant?
The idea of a pilgrimage and for a Traditional Mass in St. Peter's Basilica for the "People of Summorum Pontificum", as well as the diocesean and also the communities, along with the SSPX, has been in existence for about a year in the so-called Roman circles of the "Reform of the Reform", who really see in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite, a supporting pillar for true Liturgical renewal. Because of the very diverse roles of a Pastoral Assistant they probably thought of me, because I was seen as a party follower who sees "unity in all living powers", a kind manner of border runner between all directions of Tradition.
On the 10th of September you held a press conference, which announced the Pilgrimage. Could you tie together some of the central aspects?
In the first line I wanted to establish that it would be a pilgrimage of thanksgiving. The pilgrims will offer above all a thanksgiving Mass in the extraordinary form and and as support for the Holy Father on the 5th Anniversary of the promulgation of the Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum, which is generally known to have come into power on September 14th, 2007. For many diocesan -- and religious priests who offer their daily sacrifice of the Mass in the extraordinary form, it acted like a spiritual victory, even for the faithful who -- still sadly too few -- parishes, who could feel joy at this Liturgy and its mysticism. One can say that in this decision by Benedict XVI. an entire Summorum Pontificum-people was created. This people will thank him for this.
And how about the other aspects?
I must say that it also will act as a recognition of loyalty to Peter. The second reason is to announce our love for the Church and our loyalty to Peter, just as and especially in this current time of a bitter and difficult situation. We are full conscious that the efforts, which the Pope has confronted has been difficult. The Traditional Roman Mass, especially the High Mass, will always be a wonderful sign of faith of the Church as Mater et Magistra: it is this Liturgical recognition which we bring to expression at the tomb of the Apostle, for the successor of Peter. It will be a gift and a plea. We will especially offer a gift to God, to ask him for graces for the reigning Pope, in order for him to continue his wonderful work, which he has completed since the beginning of his pontificate, especially today in the midst of cross and trial.
The pilgrimage is taking place along with the opening of the Year of Faith, is there a relationship between the two events?
Naturally. Our pilgrimage will also express our participation in the mission of the Church. Would would like to introduce the contribution of the always youthful traditional Liturgy for the New Evangelization, which the Holy Father is asking for during the Year of Faith. It is clear that this is an initiative with the support of a large number of families, and that it is a source of increasingly larger numbers of religious and priestly vocations, something, which has shown itself as proven to extremely valuable in the Western world at present.
It appears that has not sufficiently considered this completely other vocations "crisis", which the institutes of Tradition are experiencing, in which they are forced to refuse those waiting for priestly office because of a shortage of places and facilities, a crisis which is the exact opposite of the Diocesan.
I would even say that one must especially stress this point. By the grace of God, the Traditional Liturgy promoted without filling all the holes, there has been a significant growth in vocations in certain countries like France and the USA -- still, the phenomenon could widen itself. In France for example there are 710 diocesan seminarians against 140 seminarians (50 from the SSPX) in seminaries of Tradition, this corresponds to 16%. This relationship also effects those who are ordained to the priesthood. This year there were 21 new priests of tradition against 97 diocesan priests. Additionally there has been a complete transformation and realignment of the diocesan clergy. The young dicoesan priests and the seminarians of the diocese are drawn to both forms of the Roman Rite and say this quite openly. It is not to underestimate if the same goes for Ffrance, that a third of the diocesan priestly candidates could be described as candidates for Summorum Pontificum. "Le petit people", as one says in the French, the simple faithful, stand by the Holy Father to follow the mission of the Church.
How do you explain the criticism and irritation about the pilgrimage, which has come from certain circles?
I can tell you that I have recommended that the organization committee is formed around Una Voce, because it works for unification, which is held int he world of Tradition as "neutral" and therefore liable to have the least criticism. The conflicts and directions within the groups of Tradition considered, it seemed a good idea, to support them first by a hastily established committee, in order to avoid jealousies and rivalries. Some critics appeared from the worry in the success from it that a new organization could be created, which would encompass the entire world of Tradition. If that had been our intention, we would surely have already succeeded to make the earth square. I think that around the earth in the meantime have the understanding that we have solely organized a modest organizational committee for this event, which will direct the pilgrimage and dissolve on the evening of the 3rd of November.
What message do you want to finish this interview with?
I don't want to finish with theological words, but with those which the faithful can understand that the Holy Mass on the 3rd of November is a giant "parish Mass" of Catholics from the whole world, who come in order to be together with the"Universal Pastor", to pray with the Pope. They want want to be together for him and to pray with him in the Gregorian Latin Liturgy, which out of their very own understanding is a community Liturgy.
Abbé Claude Barthe was born in 1947 in the Archdiocese of Toulouse, studied at the Institut Catholique de Toulouse from 1964, where he acquired a degree degree in history and in civil law. In the post-Conciliar upheaval he adopted traditionalist positions and entered the seminary of the Society of St. Pius X . in Econe Switzerland. In 1979, he was received by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, founder of the SSPX priest. Because of sedevacantist positions he was expelled from the SSPX in 1987. He was among the founders of the magazine Catholica, which he edited for several years and is one of the sharpest critics of the Church crisis, the brilliant theologian and liturgist the took a teaching position at the seminary of the Institute Bon Pasteur. After years of a canonically unclear status, Barthe approached together with the founders of the Institute Bon Pasteur increasingly to Rome and finally returned back to full unity with the Holy See. In 2005 the canonical status was finally resolved by a decision of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and he was issued a Celebret. He now teaches Liturgy at the seminary of the Institute of Christ the King and High Priest. Abbé Barthe has written many books that are not available in English.
Link to Katholisches original....
Interview: Alberto Carosa/Vatican Insider
Translation into German: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Wikicommon
Translation English: Tancred
Friday, September 14, 2012
Announcing "Friends of the International Federation Una Voce"
Edit: we thought this might be of interest.
The FIUV has recently approved the creation of ‘Friends of the International Federation Una Voce’. We hope that individuals of good will across the world will take the opportunity to support the work of FIUV and to keep themselves informed about its activities. We are inviting them to send us a few contact details: name, e-mail address, Country of residence, and to make an annual donation through the FIUV website. In return, we will put them on a circulation list for FIUV publications and regular news bulletins and Mass will be offered for them each month, whether living or dead.
It would be extremely kind if you could let the readers of your excellent blog know about this initiative. This text might be a useful summary:
Become a ‘Friend of the International Federation Una Voce’. It’s an easy way to support the work of the Federation for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and to keep yourself informed about its activities.
You can become a Friend by e-mailing your details to friends@fiuv.org and making an annual donation using the PayPal button on www.fiuv.org Please give your name, e-mail address and Country of residence.
You will be included on the mailing list for publications and regular bulletins but your details will not be shared with others.
Two Masses will be offered in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite each month, one for living and one for deceased 'Friends of the International Federation Una Voce’.
You can become a Friend by e-mailing your details to friends@fiuv.org and making an annual donation using the PayPal button on www.fiuv.org Please give your name, e-mail address and Country of residence.
You will be included on the mailing list for publications and regular bulletins but your details will not be shared with others.
Two Masses will be offered in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite each month, one for living and one for deceased 'Friends of the International Federation Una Voce’.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Priest Discovers the Ancient Mass: "Here, Far Away From Europe, The Youth Are Attracted To It"

For the priest of the Archdiocese of San Jose in Costa Rica the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum is a great grace and a fortune, in any even it's not a problem as some insist. He was excited and took up the invitation of Pope Benedict XVI. The more he celebrated the Mass, the more he realized the riches of the ancient Mass and decided in short order to only celebrate Holy Mass in the classical form of the Roman Rite.
In time Don Jose began also to pray his breviary in the Old Rite. He insists that the youth in "this part of the world, far from Europe", are drawn to the traditional Liturgy, which gives them a certainty that conveys the Catholic Liturgy and the truths of the Faith in its integrity.
An effect of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI in 2007 is that even more priests and laity can offer the traditional Mass and receive its spiritual treasures.
The complete interview of Don Jose Pablo Jesus Rodriguez Tamayo is published on the blog of Una Voce, Costa Rica. The interview is held by Daniel Arturo Varga de La Mata (President of Una Voce, Costa Rica) and Javier Luis Candalario Dieguze (President of Una Voce Cuba).
Opus Cordis Eucharistici, founded in 1982, is a confluence of promoting Eucharistic adoration and consciousness of the real presence of Jesus Christ in the most holy sacrament of the altar.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Una Voce/Una Voce Costa Rica
Link to Katholisches...
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Will Pope Say Upcoming Pontifical High Mass in Rome?
(Rome) The past five years the existing parishes, groups, societies and movements have shown themselves to be strongly alive. The various traditional lay groups in Rome founded the Coetus Internationalis Pro Summorum Pontificum. The first concrete accomplishment of Coetus Internationalis is the formation of an international pilgrimage of Tradition to Rome, which will take place during Pope Benedict XVI's proclaimed year of faith. The public statement for the event has planned for the 10th of September. The international pilgrimage of the Pro- Summorum Pontificum -- groups will conclude on the 3rd of November with a Pontifical High Mass in St. Peter's Cathedral.
Pilgrimage and High Mass should be an expression of gratitude for the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, and provide a large public for the classical form of the Roman Rite. It is said in Coetus Internationalis, that a personal gesture is hoped for from Pope Benedict. The unspoken hope for some is that the Pope himself will celebrate it himself for the first time as head of the Church. It would in any case be the first High Mass in the old Roman Rite, that has been celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica. On the 17th of May 2011, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller celebrated a Mass at an event for Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum in Rome. The German Cardinal didn't celebrate over the crypt of St. Peter, but at the altar behind St. Peter's chair.
According to internal Vatican statistics the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass said according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum is said in about 1,500 locations with the Old Mass. In addition there are also 700 Mass locations of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X which aren't included in the statistics.
The lay group which has brought life to the pilgrimage, Coetus Internationalis Pro Summorum Pontificum, belong to ...the Italian umbrella organization of Summorum Pontificum.
Link to katholisches....
Edit: also, Southern Orders thinks that a Papal Mass in the old Rite would be too complicated to pull off. There's some truth to this for we were told by a priest that it would require almost a year of planning to put together the event.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Swiss Bishop Creates Two Traditional Parishes
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Bishop Vitus Huonder |
(kreuz.net) Since Monday morning it's official. On the 22nd February, Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur erected two traditional personal parishes.
The Diocese published this information in a broadcast.
The Bishop described the two parishes as "two living centers for pastoral care." The various modern parishes of the Diocese of Church which have been ruined by Old Liberals are without exception, clinically dead.
The Old Mass has Been Celebrated Here for 35 Years
The first traditional personal parish is located at the Immaculata-Marienkapelle in the 1600 population vicinity of Oberarth in central Switzerland.
Oberarth belongs to the 11,000 population community of Arth, fifty kilometers southerly of Zurich.
The Bishop of Church had already allowed the celebration of the Old Mass in the eyar 1977. Since 1999 it has been offered daily.
A Living Community
On Sunday in Oberarth there are two Holy Masses celebrated.
For pastoral activity, there is also Catechism for school children, devotions, baptisms, sick calls, burials, pilgrimages and spiritual exercises.
The new parish is called Maria Immmaculata.
The first Pastor is the Chur Canon Martin Burgi. [He has some say in who the Bishop will be]
First Beginnings in 1971
The second perosnal parish is located in an area of the city of Zurich.
Since 1971 there was an old Mass in Herz Jesus Parish Church in Zurich-Oerlikon celebrated every Sunday evening.
The organizers of the liturgy was the Lay Organization 'Una Voce'. They requested various priests for pastoral services.
Society of St. Peter Takes Over
In April 1998 a pastoral center was taken over by the traditional Society of St. Peter.
Till 2005, workday Masses have been taking place in an improvised chapel in a nearby store.
This place was given up, when the possibility presented itself, to celebrate two workday Masses in the church of St. Josef in Zurich.
No Certain Church
Once in a each month, in the 8,000 population community of Egg -- forty kilometers south of Zurich -- one workday Mass takes place in the old Rite.
Since 2002, the church in the Zurich suburban communities Birmensdorf and Uitikon have been available for the celebration of Holy Week.
The Christmas has been celebrated for several years in the crypt of the Church of St. Gallus in the Zurich-Schwamendingen.
Peter Martin Ramm is the Pastor
The personal parish has been consecrated as St. Maximilan Kolbe. The first Pastor is FSSP Priest Martin Ramm.[Asked for by the Bishop himself]
The location of the new personal parish is in the Zurich suburb of Thalwil.
The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter have their branch there.
The "Sects in the Church" are the Old Liberals
The Bishop stressed that it is "an act of righteousness", "that the faithful no longer left in a canonically unclear provisorium.
Msgr Huonder confessed, to "understand well" some of the obstacles against the erection of these personal parishes.
This fear has been cultivated above all by the Old Liberals, who have operated within the Church of Christ for years like a sect.
Link to original...
Photo: © Pressebild
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Una Voce Gets Four New Associations in Communist Sphere
Edit: Una Voce, an organization devoted to spreading the Immemorial Rite of the Mass throughout the world is growing. Even in Cuba.
The International Federation Una Voce Welcomes Four New Members.
The International Federation Una Voce is pleased to announce the admission of four new members. The Federation Council has approved applications from:
Una Voce Albaruthenia (Belarus),
Una Voce Natal (Brazil),
Una Voce Cuba,
Una Voce Ucraina (Ukraine).
Link to Federation Website, Una Voce...
Here's a website we got the photo of Castro from. It actually lists his sexual preference? Up until recently, homosexuality was illegal in Cuba. Perhaps the fact that many of Cuba's benefactors objected to this that the law was changed?
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Hey, Raoul, Let's go to Mass |
The International Federation Una Voce Welcomes Four New Members.
The International Federation Una Voce is pleased to announce the admission of four new members. The Federation Council has approved applications from:
Una Voce Albaruthenia (Belarus),
Una Voce Natal (Brazil),
Una Voce Cuba,
Una Voce Ucraina (Ukraine).
Since the promulgation of the motu prorio Summorum Pontificum in July 2007 the Federation has admitted twelve new associations: from Malta, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Chile - Casablanca, Philippines, Japan, Portugal, and now the four associations named above. We are also in active discussions with another five groups in Latin America and two in Asia. What is especially encouraging is that all these groups are being formed and led by energetic young people who have found in the traditional liturgy a spirituality they have not been able to find elsewhere. This is our hope for the future in that young lay people will be working with young clergy and religious to ensure that the traditions of the Church will be preserved and fostered.
Link to Federation Website, Una Voce...
Here's a website we got the photo of Castro from. It actually lists his sexual preference? Up until recently, homosexuality was illegal in Cuba. Perhaps the fact that many of Cuba's benefactors objected to this that the law was changed?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Serving Prelate from Philippines Dies

Philippines, on 18. Oktober, the rector of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Prelate Melencio De Vera, at 86 passed away. This is according to the lay movement, "Una Voce Philippines". The Prelate is numbered among the few priests, who never once stopped celebrated the Immemorial Rite of the Mass.
Original, from kreuz.net....
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