Showing posts with label Synod. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Synod. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Pope's Intimate: "Feels Revulsion" for the Publication of the Letterof Complaint

(Rome) Bishop of Albano, Marcello Semeraro, secretary of the  C9-Cardinal Advisors, expressed his disquiet that the complaint letter was published by 13 Cardinals.  I sense a feeling of revulsion about the publishing of the letter," said the Bishop.  He then corrected himself and spoke for the entire synod. "That is the general opinion." 
Bishop Semeraro belongs to a circle of confidants around the Pope. His outburst is difficult to separate from his job in the Synod. He belongs to that group of whom the Cardinals had been directly critical. Semeraro is a member of the ten member editing committee of the  Relatio finalis, whom Pope  Franziskus named publicly on the 2nd of October.
The Cardinals had criticized in their letter  that the membership of the committees gave a "decisive majority" to the  partisans of the "new mercy", as  Vaticanista  Sandro Magister noted. Cardinal  Napier, one of the signatories of the letter said, "We preferred not to see the same kind of person there, who had already caused us pain previously.“ What was meant were the passages on remarried divorced and homosexuality in the middle report and in the final report of the Synod of 2014.
Semeraro's  provided  evidence that the  Cardinal's criticism was understood. The bishop chose offense as the best defense and was encouraged to downplay the significance of the critique.  By showing disapproval of form and procedure, he  distracted from the vital content. 

Semeraros condemnation, really: "I don't understand this letter"

To make the complaint letter public had  "not been  proper," and did not "serve a noble purpose,"  says Semeraro. It really looked like a, "disruptive action." The critic pointed his finger at the Vaticanista  Sandro Magister, without naming him, but he really meant the signer of the complaint letter, no less than  Gerhard Müller, the Prefect of the CDF.  Despite the apodoctic condemnation, the bishop clarified himself in the next sentence. "I don't understand this letter." 
The composition of the editing committee he explained that the Pope intended it not be "too Eurocentric."  As to the onsidedly progressive composition of the editing committee, Semeraro had nothing to say.  Initially he disregarded the charge of onesidedness, just reintroduced  yesterday by  South African Cardinal Napier. The question if it were "Eurocentric" or not, was not addressed in the critique. Yet the Archbishop of South Africa expressed the fear that the voice of Africa should not be misaligned with a progressive inclination.  

Question of the Remarried Divorced "Open"

As to the question of Communion for the remarried divorced  Bishop  Semeraro considers it "open," but "there is really still no  answer yet."  A onesided party of papal intimates, for which the signers of the complaint letter is not an open question, because the changing of doctrines "is impossible."   It is a new question and the life of the Church will not be handled on a theoretical basis.  In the direction of the critics, he said: "Above all it is to be avoided to portray those, who don't think as I do, heretics." 
Finally he said: "There has to be more time to deepen the questions. The Church discussed for several centuries of the mother of God was conceived without sin […]. Moreover, there are dogmas, like the Immaculate Conception which are not as important to the concrete lives of people, about which we are talking in the Synod. This should make us more reluctant and concerned, if we take a position."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred

Monday, October 12, 2015

Archbishop FÜLÖP KOCSIS: The Synod Must Name Satan as the Chief Adversary of the Family

Edit: this translation is from VOTF.

[Voice of the Family] I am focusing my observation on paragraph 8 of chapter 1, but in truth I sense a general deficiency in the text as a whole, the lack of something that should penetrate our vision regarding these themes. For this reason, I could still indicate all of the paragraphs that, analyzing the contemporary situation, speak of a changed society and epoch, calling these difficulties which have appeared in recent times “challenges.”

It appears to me that the text misses a clarification which is more precise from its inception, from the root of these changes: from where do they come? The great part of these are not compatible with the plan of God; they do not come from Him. If it is thus, then it must be said: From where do these changes, these difficulties, derive?

We must say with clarity that in our very spoilt world the family and the man of good will with good intentions is under attack, under a ferocious and enormous attack. And this attack is of the Devil. We must call these diabolic forces which have a role to play with these phenomena by name because this way we can find some indications even for the research of possible solutions.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Progressive Agenda -- The Horrifying Example of the Diocesan Synod of Bozen-Brixen

Circular Synod in the Diocese of Bozen-Brixen: "All Concerns
Will be Addressed"
(Bolzano) The fact that the diocese of Bolzano-Brixen is part of German-speaking regions, it is impressive, however, is currently proving to be negative.  The German Bishops' Conference and progressive circles would be thrilled.
In June 2013 Bishop Ivo Muser, since 2011 in office, had surprisingly announced the convocation of a diocesan Synod. Catholic observers are tearing their hair in horror over the bishop's genuflection before the influential green left   rooted in the group of priests and laity. Anyway, you know who is in charge in the diocese.
The reason why the Synod of Bishops called the 50th anniversary of the Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone has to do with the recent political history of South Tyrol. A weak motive, finally, since the Diocese of Brixen boasts a 1500 year  history. But it's no accident what hides behind it, if even a dubious change of agenda: there has only been a Church  since the Second Vatican Council.

Long on Palaver with Fixed Progressive Output

The Synod "Heed Your Word ... With Joy and Hope"  is two years in expectation. The magic incantation is: dialogue, but the unilateral line of approach was - not difficult to predict - already firmly fixed with the chosen form of a mixed Cleric-lay Synod.   As many (selected) Catholics should in as many committees, discuss as long as possible. The Goal? At the end of the great palaver the progressive agenda is to learn with the appearances  "basic democracy"  officially confirming sham marriage. 
In the Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone, the leading European full-time church apparatus and the tips of the Catholic voluntary sector have slipped to the left since the 1980s. They responded enthusiastically to the Synod announcement.   Faithful Catholics, however, stood shaking their heads to the question: What good is that? The fact that the intolerant progressives would usurp this forum and draw on one side,  was clear from the outset, is the form of the diocesan "lay Synod" which is its conciliar invention. Faithful Catholics were naturally "brought". The dialogue professionals had already reserved the marginal places for them. Whoever engages in the defense of Catholic doctrine, is demonstratively identified as a "troublemaker". You sense who "belongs" and who does not. The bishop himself seems more interested in belonging, than  to be seen  conducting and directing. The Synod decisions are not binding for him, but put him under severe pressure for non-compliance. The question is unanswered in the room, what really prompted him to offer the already vociferous heretical part of the diocese such a stage.

"The Majority of the Baptized Expected Long Been Impatient of Reforms"

Bishop Ivo Muser offers progressive forces a large stage
Now  the first results of the Synod are on  the table. The Synod majority speaks openly of "demands for reform", which have been looked for "since the 60s". The Church has not taken the social changes since then  into account. They are very democratic, "majorities" relied: "The majority of these people of the baptized who profess as Catholics have  impatiently expected reforms for a long time. The gap between the Magisterium of the Church, the Church hierarchy and the reality of life for the people is visible. "
The final documents of the  Chair Circle Synod confirm the fears of faithful Catholics who have to deal with the negative experiences of the "70s Synodalbewegung" [Synod Movement of the 70s]. At that time a first Synod was held in the Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone. Numerous formulations appear to have been brought forth out of mothballs from that first Synod.  There are now a lot of new "vision papers". They are untimely and wordy documents at a loss for substance. The same with the product of chair circles of all sizes, from the mini-circle of chairs to Paul Zulehner-circle of chairs. But what good is it if you listen to the wrong "Master"? In a circle of chairs one always looks at himself, not to God. It's a form of self-fixing. The previously submitted "vision papers" thus provide exemplary examples of haughty rebellion against the doctrine and the discipline of the Church.

"The Synod Opens Towards Aberrosexuals and Remarried"

The faithful will be annoyed with meaningless empty formulas as: "The Way the Synod is Man" or "The Church is Always Open and Dynamic". And the disbelieving people show themselves not the least impressed in the religious. There are many politically correct slogans, summarized in the biggest media headlines describing the biennial spectacle: "The Synod opens towards homosexuals and remarried". On the Facebook page of the Synod  a Catholic commented with bitter irony: "yielding to the world and betraying Christ ... good job."
Previously, the Synod had made a mandatory Mea culpa: "We apologize to whomever we have otherwise referred to as 'other'.".Those referred to were "single mothers, people who opt for a pre-marital and non-marital cohabitation, extra-marital children, remarried and homosexuals." They all had been "injured" by the Church. The synod informed the public: that if people do not live according to the will and the order of God, then the church has not only adapt, but also   to apologize for it that she dared to proclaim the commandments of God and to exhort compliance.

"Cry of the People" and "Women Priests"

Synod with many "vision papers"
Against this Church of the past, the Synod will prove to be capable of learning, such as with the motto: "Where  all are the same, there is indifference." It could have been borrowed  from a manifesto of the Green Party.  Progressive denial of reality arise even in formulations that reveal especially the Marxist foundation of the authors: "We must not be deaf to the cry of the people who expected a bold and accurate response towards a path of renewal". That "renewal" means first of all for Christians, conversion and personal conversion, is a spiritual and not a structural process.  The Synod in Bozen-Brixen is obviously an uncharted territory, that has been completely avoided to stay on the safe side.
The Synod has abandoned the vertical and transcendent level. Instead, it says: "Our church has a common project that unites all of us in out  diversity. Our Earth is a home for all, in which each and every one participates in the construction of the common good."
The Synod has announced after two years of wanting consecrated  women as "priestesses" for the Church. Indeed, the Church offers the image "of an aging patriarchal ecclesiastical structure. Especially the younger generation of women feels increasingly in such a male-dominated Church, they are not to be taken seriously and have investigated other spiritual services."  In addition, the Synod announces a church,  which "is open to other forms of cohabitation, not only for  sacramental marriage, and a church that "those individuals and families are respected who fail in their relationships and accompanies them without restrictions in ecclesial praxis." The Vision Paper 8  states, "How a Christian Can Live Marriage and Family in Various Forms Today?"
The Catholic premises could  barely be distorted any further. According to self-definition, the Synod sees itself as follows: "We are a Church that lives and proclaims the Gospel primarily through the life and witness of faith. We are a Church that speaks in community  with a language adapted to the time. "
For this reason, the Synod utters not a word about the murder of the unborn children.
In the autumn there will follow three more synodal assemblies. On December 8, the nightmare will have then come to its end and many papers will be produced for the drawers. Yet on the Facebook page of the Synod states already satisfied: "We now look forward to the fruits". This could take a very long time.
Text: Martha Weinzl
Image: News Cattolici / Facebook (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pope Receives Ecclesia Dei Secretary Pozzo Shortly Before the Meeting With Cardinal Müller and Bishop Fellay

(Vatican) Pope Francis has received Curia Archbishop Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei in audience on 18 September.
There is nothing at present of the content of the meeting between the Pope and the Titular Archbishop of Bagnoregio on Lake Bolsena, north of Rome. The audience took place a few days before the meeting announced for September 21  between Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation, and Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X. Both the Holy See and the SSPX confirmed the upcoming meeting,  but didn't give an exact date. Officially there was talk of a date in "near future".
The Commission Ecclesia Dei is part of the CDF. Its President is Cardinal Müller. He is one of the nine outstanding Cardinals, including some heads of departments of the Roman Curia, who came in these days with two international publications in defense of Catholic teaching on marriage against the theses of Cardinal Walter Kasper to the public.
Cardinal Kasper responded, insulted and is hiding behind Pope Francis. Everything he did, "is agreed to by the Pope."
Bishop Fellay had said last April to Kasper's theses: "We can not to wait until the Synod meets in the autumn in its  devastated spirit, which Cardinal Kasper wants to give it, without raising our voices. (...) A Pastoral, which suggests the express teaching of Christ about the indissolubility of marriage is not merciful, but insults God  Who imparts His grace sufficiently to everyone; moreover they are cruel towards   souls, who are in difficult situations and receive that Grace which they need to live a Christian life and to grow in virtue, even to heroism "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: SSPX / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bored by Synod: Cardinal Meisner Encourages Going to Confession More Often

"Since then, it hasn't been going forwards, but backwards."

Edit: in other words, it's not just going to confession, but having a good resolution to do something about your obligations and the state of your Diocese.

Nothing besides the Sacrament of Penance:  Joachim Cardinal Meisner recommends going to confession more often -- instead of solving the problems in the Church.

(  "We have sat here since the past week and have listened to the interventions from early morning until the evening -- which are very interesting."

The Neoconservative Cardinal Joachim Meisner Cologne reaffirmed this yesterday for his Old Liberal Flamer-Site '' [They were preaching out against the "sins" of homophobia, earlier and Cardinal Meisner hasn't done anything to correct them.]

When he was asked to explain "very interesting", he explained:  "Everyone has the opportunity, to give an intervention.  This makes the work a bit laborious.

Because: "Getting down to business" in discussion circles -- where the Germans stew in their own juices.

Bla-bla Isn't Enough

The Cardinal spoke of a "disappearing faith".

One has to ask "very seriously":  "What have we done wrong?"  -- he asked.

He described himself as a veteran of synods who has participated in ten such gatherings.

Only: "Since then, it hasn't gone forward, but backward."  -- insisted the Cardinal soberly.

Certainly he could not bear the hard reality for long, but  quickly got out of it by talking about the "Holy Ghost".

Despite which -- according to his own account -- the ten Bla-bla Synods he had gotten through, he still effused optimism:  "I am of good hope that the Snod can have a good result."

More Penance?

His website  attempted to hack back into it:  "Can you talk about what has been done wrong up until now?"

Cardinal Meisner retreated:  "I can only say what I've done wrong."

Or:  "And that's something you must also ask yourself."

Here is a solution:  "Are we going regularly to confession, that the sins of our life will be effaced and we will make room for the Holy Ghost?"

Fact: At least based on the situation of the Church in Cologne and in Germany it can be concluded that Cardinal Meisner isn't going to confession enough.

The Problem is not the World

He cited John Paul II:  "The conditions in the secular society have become significantly more difficult."

Still, the problem isn't the world, but the priests and bishops who've become more worldly -- and its vanishing faith.

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