Cardinal Koch describes worship in February as a great symbol of unity
Zurich ( In Geneva, the city of Calvin, an ecumenical event of historical importance is imminent: On February 29, 2020 (the coming year is a leap year), a Mass will be celebrated in the Cathedral of St. Pierre in Geneva for the first time since 1535, by the Catholic Bishop of Geneva-Lausanne-Friborg, Charles Morerod. The Swiss President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, Cardinal Kurt Koch, described the upcoming event in a capital of Protestantism as a great symbol of Christian unity. It was pointed out in Swiss and French media that such a process would have been absolutely unthinkable just a few years ago.
St. Pierre is the main church of the Reformed in Geneva. Ecumenical hospitality for Bishop Morerod in this church is therefore of particular importance. According to a sermon by Guillaume Farel, who announced the principles of the Reformation in St. Pierre on August 8, 1535, the signs of Catholic cult had been erased from the Geneva cathedral. Jean Calvin then worked as a preacher in St. Pierre for 23 years.
Edit: Morerod is an Old Liberal 68er. Not much unity here. The Calvinists will like the sacrilegious Communion in the hand.
Showing posts with label Switzerland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Switzerland. Show all posts
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Monday, May 6, 2019
Did Bishop Williamson Lie About Bishop Huonder at SSPX Episcopal Consecration?
Edit: Interestingly, there is no mention of this in the American or German Society pages. Also, to be fair, Bishop Williamson only said it was “fairly certain” Bishop Huonder would be the consecrator.
"The Roman Catholic corporation of the Canton of Zurich, with its unjust attack on Bishop Huonder, is more likely to have damaged the concern to influence the Chur bishop election in its own right."
By Roland Noé
Zurich ( The Roman Catholic Corporation of the canton of Zurich (a structure created by the state, independent of the bishop, which collects and administers the Church-tax) has been publishing for some time verbiage against the diocese of Chur, which belongs to the Canton of Zurich. The existing bodies in other cantons are interested in remaining socio-politically in the majority in order not to jeopardize the Church-tax system. They fight, therefore, against Catholic positions like the celibacy or the Chrich’s teachings on sexual morality, which are not within the society’s majority. And they wish for the same reason a bishop willing to adapt to the spirit of the times, as in the diocese of Basel and St. Gallen.
In the run-up to the upcoming election of a new Bishop of Chur, the Zurich corporation had published several articles on its homepage in which the Holocaust denier [Oh, no!] Richard Williamson, who is excluded from the Society of St. Pius, spreads falsehoods, for example the assertion that the Bishop of Chur would serve on the past White Sunday to consecrate two bishops for the Society of Saint Pius X.
Now Williamson is spreading new falsehoods, and the Zurich Corporation is publishing these again on their homepage, which also serves as the mouthpiece for the Canton of Zurich Bishop Vicar of the diocese of Chur, Josef Annen.
This time, the Corporation homepage and the episcopal vicar are claiming that the Bishop of Chur is an opponent of Pope Francis and wants to bring the Society back to the Catholic Church to harm the Holy Father.
At the request of, the diocese of Chur explains: "We are not commenting on the conspiracy theory of a Holocaust denier. We note, however, that Pope Francis wants to accompany and integrate rather than to exclude. In this sense, the Holy Father also wants to proceed with the Society of Saint Pius X and seek rapprochement. This wish is fulfilled by the Bishop of Chur through his contacts with the Society. Theories that construct a contrast between the wishes of the Pope and the diocese of Chur have no foundation.”
In the Vatican, it is an open secret that Pope Francis has maintained personal relations with the Society since his time in Argentina.
The Zurich corporation is therefore ill-informed and likely to have hurt with their attack on Bishop Huonder, rather with the intention to influence the episcopal election of Chur. The question remains whether the bishop vicar responsible for Zurich is behind the attack on his superior.
Trans: Tancred
Monday, April 8, 2019
Progressive Apparatchiks in Switzerland Threaten Split If They Don’t Get Reformist Bishop in Chur
The truth is that the anti-Church reforms would just cause the split. This is true for anyone who wants to change the Church using synodal or other ways - The Monday kick by Peter Winnemöller
Linz ( Episcopal election campaign is a strange term. Nevertheless, he somehow uses it to address the incidents in Zurich. To use funds of the Church for an anti-church action behind the back of the bishop, in fact, that is only possible in Switzerland. The state churches manage the funds, the bishops have no say. This is an untenable situation, against which, however, only a few bishops resist.
One who resists this is Bishop Vitus Huonder. Already immediately after his election he was attacked and slandered. The Left media had him in mind from the beginning. A bishop who represents the Church's teaching in faith and morals, is an abomination to the world.
The term of office of Bishop Huonder is coming to an end. He will be on duty until Easter, when he will soon be on retirement. The mice are already rehearsing the dance on the tables. Most recently, the Regional Vicar of Zurich, Josef Annen, who recently, together with Synodal President Counselor, Franziska Driessen-Reding, wrote an open letter to Pope Francis as an ad in various newspapers published at the expense of the Church.
The background is the desire to get a bishop in the diocese of Chur in the future, who is amenable to the national church and no longer tries to interfere. Where the future bishop should be in matters of faith is clearly visible in the contents of the open letter.
The age-old reform agenda of the mission of Church sexual morality, the democratization of the Church and the women's priesthood are embossed in the paid advertisement. In many places in the Church - like the synodal path of the DBK - it shows how constant drops slowly hollow the stone. But consider at this point that reforms that take place against faith and custom are not in the truth.
Reforms of this kind do not change the Church, they do not change the teaching and certainly not the faith. They only inevitably lead to schism. The would-be reformers know that, because it is not for nothing that in the open letter designed as an ad, a split is blatantly mentioned as a threat. It is perfidious to use separation as a pressure medium in this form. It is diabolical, therefore, where there are threats of a split demands for required reforms are not met.
The truth is that the anti-Church reforms would just cause the split. This applies to all who want to change the Church in synodal or other ways. They do not change the Church, they divide parts of the Church and take many of good faith into the spiritual abyss. That is the danger that must be counteracted.
After the term of office of the current bishop of Chur, it is therefore not important to have a bishop who is after the hearts of the reformists. A bishop is needed who can continue to proclaim the faith without any curtailment and who can and wants to defy the unhealthy ecclesiastical system in Switzerland.
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Permanent Apostolate of the FSSP in South Tirol
(Innsbruck) The Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) now extends its pastoral activity and now has a permanent apostolate also in the Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone.
Already 15 years ago the first contacts to South Tyrol had been made. Priests of the Society of Saint Peter were invited to their parishes by friendly priests. 300 of the faithful had asked the diocesan bishop with their signature for the erection of a Mass location in the traditional rite. However, the promising start failed because of the then Bishop of Bolzano-Bressanone. The time was obviously not ripe yet. The Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum created by Pope Benedict XVI. initially freed the Mass in September 2007.
In the diocese, within two years there were two bishop changes. Since autumn 2011, the diocese has been headed by Bishop Ivo Muser. New possibilities opened up. Since June 2013, an FSSP priest celebrates Holy Mass once a month in the German church of Bolzano in the traditional form of the Roman Rite. From the summer of 2014, a second location in Bressanone followed in the same rhythm. Since then, the two episcopal cities, the ancient episcopal city of Bressanone (since about 960) and the new episcopal city of Bolzano (since 1964) have been reached by the Priestly Society of St. Peter.
The two Mass locations were looked after at the German church in Bolzano and the Mariahilf church in Brixen by the Upper Bavarian Mittenwald, which is itself looked after by Innsbruck already.
Additionally, contacts were established with the only Tyrolean Benedictine monastery, the Abbey of the Heiligenkreuz in Säben. It's a connection that blends well with the two Mass locations. Not only because the monastery is geographically located exactly between them, but because Säben from the 6th -10th Century was the first and oldest episcopal see of the diocese of Brixen.
The old bishop's palace, today's monastery, towers like a strong fortress of God on the Säbener mountain high above the Eisacktal. At the foot of the mountain, which for early Christians had been a safe haven, lies the small town of Klausen and the castle of Branzoll. The ascent to the monastery takes place from there on foot. The high age of Christianity on this venerable "Holy Mountain of Tyrol" can be felt everywhere.
Since 1686 there is a daughter of the Abbey Nonnberg in Salzburg on the mountain. Since then, contemplative Benedictine nuns live here in strict retreat. They dedicate themselves to choral prayer, domestic work and the gardens. Fr. Sven Connrade, the first priest of the FSSP, found a friendly reception with the nuns. Thus, the FSSP has its first office in Tyrol.
The monastery is the destination of many pilgrims to the Heiligenkreuz Church, one of the three churches of the monastery. There is also a guest house that is open to people looking for more than a few days more than just a hotel. Interested women can live in the monastery community.
From Säben the FSSP has looked after the two Mass locations whereby in Bressanone it was extended by the constant presence of a priest. In the Church of Mariahilf, the Holy Mass is now celebrated on every Sunday and public holiday in the traditional rite. This is a big win for the faithful in South Tyrol, which is gratefully accepted.
P. Conrad took over in the meantime new tasks in Bettbrunn. The South Tyrolean sites are now looked after by P. Bernward van der Linden, an FSSP priest with experience of the Benedictine charism, which is why he feels at home in the Benedictine Abbey on the Säbener Berg.
So there is the hope that in future in Bolzano on all Sundays and public holidays, Holy Mass can be celebrated in the traditional form of the Roman rite.
P. Bernward van der Linden
Säbener Aufgang 10
39043 Klausen
Mass Locations:
Pilgrimage church Mariahilf in Zinggen
Brennerstrasse 37, 39042 Bressanone
4th Sunday of the month at 6 pm, all other Sundays and holidays at 9.30 am
Bolzano (Bozen)
German Church of St. George
Weggensteinstraße 14, 39100 Bolzano
3rd Sunday of the month at 6 pm
See also:
Text: Martha Burger
Image: Wikicommons / Information Sheet of the FSSP (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Trans: Tancred
Summorum Pontificum,
Monday, March 4, 2019
Bishop Huonder of Chur to Keep Contact With SSPX for The Vatican as He Retires
Acceptance of the age-related resignation of the 77-year-old Swiss bishop is expected shortly - Diocese Chur recently confirmed that Huonder is keeping contact with the Society for the Vatican
Edit: he’s been one of the most Catholic Bishops in Europe, who has remained astonishly in his post till past retirement in a hostile diocese run by professional Catholics in a hostile Church that destroys its best disciples and exults evil ones.
Vatican City ( Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur was received on Monday by Pope Francis in private audience. Details of the conversation were not announced by the Vatican and the Swiss diocese. Vitus Huonder (76) has been Bishop of Chur since 2007; In April 2017, the Pope had extended his term by two years. As the acceptance of his resignation is expected shortly, on April 21 Huonder will complete his 77th year of life.
As the diocese confirmed at the end of January, Huonder wants to retire to Wangs in the canton of Sankt Gallen. There he will keep contact with the Society for the Vatican. The "Society of Saint Pius X" runs a school in Wangs, the "Institut Sancta Maria".
In January, Pope Francis dissolved the Vatican Commission "Ecclesia Dei" responsible for the dialogue with the Society of Saint Pius X and integrated its task into the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In the dispute with the Society, there were only differences in Church doctrine, and for this, only the Congregation itself was responsible, it was said in the Pope’s decree.
Trans: Tancred
Trans: Tancred
Friday, February 22, 2019
Was McCarrick a Communist Agent?
(Rome) While the Pope Francis' summit on sexual abuse of minors is taking place in the Vatican, new revelations about the ex-homosexual cardinal and ex-priest Theodore McCarrick have become known.
According to Vatican planning, the Abuse Summit wants to avoid the main motive of sexual abuse: homosexuality [Let's not try to be neutral about this scourge, call it aberrosexuality.] At least 80 percent of all abuse victims of clerics are male adolescents 11 and up.
Now, new revelations surrounding homosexual McCarrick, whose case set the abuse summit rolling, became known. Besidss this, there is a connection between homosexuality and the summit. This is especially true because of the great influence that McCarrick exercised by his offices, his rank, the Papal Foundation initiated by him and not least by the Sodo-Cliques.
Church Militant's American Michael Voris reported "explosive" news late yesterday evening:
"The Communists have been incredibly successful in infiltrating the church. McCarrick was one of her men. "
Voris is convinced that the Abuse Summit is a major diversionary tactic of homosexual clerics in the Church. For decades, the same cliques have covered McCarrick, who - following Frédéric Martel's statement in his new book "Sodoma" - was one of the heads of the homosexual network.
Michael Voris
Church Militant relies on information from former communists who "played a key role" after the Second World War in building a secret network of communist training and education centers in Europe. Their information "implies" a direct involvement by McCarrick, Voris said.
According to him McCarrick was in his early years, "secretly trained in Europe by Soviet Communists" with the aim to implant him as a communist "in the heart of the Church.”
When Stalin took control of the Soviet Union in the 1920s, it was one of his plans, so much is certain, to weaken the influence of the Catholic Church, if not entirely eliminating it. This was "part of the communist world domination plans that Our Lady warned in Fatima in 1917.”
A central point of the plan, according to Voris, was the "infiltration of seminaries with young men who were to work to undermine the Church's moral code".
This strategy was confirmed by Bella Dodd (1904-1969), a senior member of the US Communist Party (CPUSA). She herself, according to her own information, placed 1,100 men in US seminars. The teacher Dodd was a leading communist activist and trade unionist in the 1930s and 1940s. She began to withdraw herself internally from communism in the course of a purge of exclusion from the party in 1949. Under the leadership of Fulton Sheen, then Auxiliary Bishop of New York, she returned to the Catholic Church and became an opponent of dialectical materialism.
Dodd revealed that according to Stalin's order, "immoral men", especially homosexuals, were to be introduced to the Church.
"Dodd's testimony is important because it not only reveals the infiltration plan, but also the connection between communism and homosexuality in this plan," which was not limited to the US.
When the Iron Curtain fell in 1989 and the Soviet empire collapsed in 1991, information from the KGB became known that the Polish seminaries had been infiltrated with hundreds of Communist agents. "The reality that the Church was besieged from within for decades shook Polish Catholics to the core," Voris said. At the same time, Catholics in Lithuania had to realize that their "hierarchy was interspersed with Soviet agents."
"Liberation theology had been carried to Latin America by KGB agents to undermine the Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order."
To train young men who would not be noticed in their home countries, various training centers were set up. One, according to Church Militant, existed in St. Gallen, Switzerland, where McCarrick was around 1950. He came from a poor family. The father had died young and the mother struggled with simple work to make ends meet.
Bella Dodd
In 2001, McCarrick told the New York Times about his time in Europe right after graduating from college. He had "no plans for his life" back then. "A friend" invited him to Switzerland, where he stayed for a whole year, without saying where he had the money for such a trip and the long stay. Something that at that time only wealthy could afford.
That McCarrick was in St. Gallen is known by James Grein, one of his sexual abuse victims. Church Militant points out that one of the Communist training centers in the West was located in Sankt Gallen, where recruited young men were trained, among other things, to be introduced to the Church.
McCarrick told the New York Times he found his priestly calling during his time in Europe. Voris:
"McCarrick would have been the ideal candidate for Soviet recruitment: a fatherless young man with homosexual inclinations and no particular ambition in life. It was a perfect match for the pattern, especially the homosexual dynamic, which made it easy to control it by blackmail. "
The fact is that McCarrick entered the seminary of the Archdiocese of New York on his return to the United States and was consecrated there in 1958.
"If McCarrick was actually recruited as a Soviet agent to undermine the Church, he fulfilled his clients' wishes perfectly."
"He rose quickly and spread moral, doctrinal and spiritual confusion on every level, inflicting injuries - not just his victims among the seminarians and other young men."
Indeed, if McCarrick had been a communist agent steeped in Marxist thought and a socialist worldview at an early age, that would explain a great deal how his way in the Church in the United States was struck by his rise to power..
The so-called "Social Justice" wing in the Church of the United States became a leader under McCarrick who is one of its central figures. Under US President Bill Clinton, he was even able to extend his influence to the government by sitting for three years in the Foreign Affairs Committee on Religious Freedom from 1996 onwards. From 1999 to 2001 he was also a member of the US Commission for International Freedom. The membership in both committees enabled him numerous foreign trips. During a ceremony, Clinton joked that these constant trips abroad were more for diplomats than archbishops.
While Benedict XVI. Restricts McCarrick's room for maneuver and imposed sanctions on him for the strong suspicion of sexual misconduct, Pope Francis rehabilitated him and made him his special envoy to the Communist People's Republic of China. As such, McCarrick was involved in preparing the secret agreement between the Holy See and Beijing, signed in September 2018, and caused critic s to call him a "seller of the Chinese Church."
The proof of Michael Voris is thin, which he knows himself. But he is right in pointing out that the evidence is too numerous to dismiss the revelations. McCarrick had "routinely bribed" and paid Roman curial officials with "benefits and probably cover-ups".
"He has been instrumental in propagating social justice that has dominated the life of the Church in the United States for decades - a movement that hides behind a language of charity, but regularly reveals its left-wing policies and its links with socialist organizations of which many are offshoots of Saul Alinsky. "
Voris also links Saint Gallen with the secret circle of high and highest progressive Church representatives founded by Cardinal Martini in the 1990s, which played a central role in the election of Pope Francis. The association of Church progressive to political left is obvious. The decidedly political action of Pope Francis confirms this. In fact, his election not only brought with it the immediate lifting of the sanctions imposed on him, but also granted him unprecedented influence in the Vatican.
Voris concludes from his information and agrees that McCarrick's case is not only closer to sexual abuse, but much broader. His entire influence on the Church in the United States and on the Universal Church should be scrutinized - and his year in Switzerland.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Militant (Screenshots)
Bild: Militant (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Bishop Huonder's Retirement Postponed -- "It's a Complete Surprise"
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Bishop Huonder |
(Chur) "The surprise is complete," the reaction of a Swiss priest friend last night when he communicated the news. Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur has had his retirement put off for another two years by Pope Francis. Hardly anyone reckoned with this confirmation, even those closest to the bishop.
Msgr. Huonder has been bishop of the oldest Swiss diocese since 2007. On the 21st of April, he completed his 75th year and submitted his resignation on the same day. "That's it," was what the same priest said ten days ago.
Yesterday, Bishop Huonder wrote a letter to "all priests, deacons and pastoral staff in the Diocese of Chur".
"On April 21, 2017, I offered Pope Francis my resignation as a diocesan bishop. In the meantime Pope Francis, after weighing all the circumstances, has already decided and told me that my resolution, now pro-doc, has now been accepted. 'Tunc', so 'then', will be Easter 2019. I will be able to work as a diocesan bishop for two more years."
The Bishop recalls that the Holy See also left his predecessor in the office, Monsignor Amédée Grab, who remained until the age of 77, and till an Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese was appointed until the election of a successor.
Since this was the course under Pope Benedict XVI., however, nobody had expected the usual procedure under Pope Francis. Last autumn, a campaign had been launched against Bishop Huonder, who was already seeking his successor. It was requested that no bishop at all be appointed.
The surprise is also "complete," since Bishop Huonder, with has opposed Amoris Laetitia with the "excellent" Pastoral letter "The Holiness of the Marriage", against the Kasperians and the ambivalent attitude of Pope Francis, who refuses to make a clarification. This faithful confession of the traditional faith and morality has met with little satisfaction in the past few months at the papal court.
Bishop Huonder wrote in his letter:
"The sign of confidence on the part of the Pope, which is connected with his decision, has stirred great gratitude within me. I will continue to use all my powers to continue pastoral service, together with our Auxiliary Bishop Marian, with all priests, deacons and pastoral staff, for the salvation of the souls and the well-being of the Church of Chur.""I am grateful to Pope Francis for his decision favoring continuity for our diocese. And I thank him for giving me the opportunity to continue and accompany non-completed work within the diocese as well as at other levels."
Bishop Huonder is the first diocesan bishop of the German-speaking world and beyond, who has appointed his own diocesan vicar to the faithful attending the Immemorial Roman Rite in his diocese. Since diocesan vicars are appointed by the incumbent bishop, the extension also applies to Father Martin Ramm of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.
"The surprise is complete," as the Swiss friends repeated.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Bishopric of Chur (screenshots)
Image: Bishopric of Chur (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Monday, March 13, 2017
19 Year Swiss Man Stabbed at Shisha Bar by Syrians
[Epoch] A brutal murder has shattered the Lake Constance region. A 19-year-old man from Switzerland was involved in a quarrel at a Konstanz shisha bar. In the parking lot, one of the attackers drew a knife. A little later the 19-year-old died in the hospital. The offender is said to have been a Syrian, which the police neither denied nor confirmed. The deadly stab wounds are alleged to have been directed specifically against the heart and throat of the 19-year-old.

Symbolic image: Shisha water pipe whistle Photo: Public Domain
The investigation by the 50-member special commission of the Kriminalpolizei of Friedrichshafen found several young me. in the course of Sunday, who are suspected to have been involved in the lethal dispute before a Konstanzer Shisha bar. Four suspects were arrested. The role of the persons involved in the event is currently under investigation.
Also on Sunday an autopsy was performed on the 19-year-old victim. The result is expected for today, Monday.
Homicide at shisha bar
In the night of Saturday, March 11, 2017, a deadly conflict broke out at 1.30 am in the parking lot in front of the shisha bar "Pasha of Dubai" on the Fritz-Arnold-Strasse in the industrial area of Constance.
For hitherto unknown reasons, two groups of people were involved in an argument, during which a 19-year-old Swiss man was stabbed, presumably with a knife. While the victim was still able to go to the bar, where he collapsed, the culprit escaped with his companions." (Police authority)
"In spite of immediately initiated rescue and resuscitation measures, the 19-year-old died a little later in the hospital," said police officer Markus Sauter from Constance.
The investigation by the 50-member special commission of the Kriminalpolizei of Friedrichshafen found several young me. in the course of Sunday, who are suspected to have been involved in the lethal dispute before a Konstanzer Shisha bar. Four suspects were arrested. The role of the persons involved in the event is currently under investigation.
Also on Sunday an autopsy was performed on the 19-year-old victim. The result is expected for today, Monday.
Homicide at shisha bar
In the night of Saturday, March 11, 2017, a deadly conflict broke out at 1.30 am in the parking lot in front of the shisha bar "Pasha of Dubai" on the Fritz-Arnold-Strasse in the industrial area of Constance.
For hitherto unknown reasons, two groups of people were involved in an argument, during which a 19-year-old Swiss man was stabbed, presumably with a knife. While the victim was still able to go to the bar, where he collapsed, the culprit escaped with his companions." (Police authority)
"In spite of immediately initiated rescue and resuscitation measures, the 19-year-old died a little later in the hospital," said police officer Markus Sauter from Constance.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Update in Switzerland: Attacker Still at Large?
Edit: several people were stabbed along the way to Mass, which is a strong indication, including alleged eyewitness accounts that the attacker was Muslim. There is no confirmation yet as to any religious motivation for the attack.
[Gates of Vienna] More information is trickling in on the stabbing of people on their way to church on Christmas Day in the Valais canton of Switzerland. (See the previous reports from yesterday and earlier today.)
The original assertion that the perpetrator was a Muslim cannot be confirmed, but it has not yet been definitively ruled out. The latest reports say that the dead man may not in fact be the one who carried out the stabbings, and thus the perpetrator may still be at large.
I still don’t know where the original source ( obtained the information that the attacker or attackers were alleged to be Muslim.
Many thanks to Ava Lon for translating this article from the French-language Catholic news portal
[Gates of Vienna] More information is trickling in on the stabbing of people on their way to church on Christmas Day in the Valais canton of Switzerland. (See the previous reports from yesterday and earlier today.)
The original assertion that the perpetrator was a Muslim cannot be confirmed, but it has not yet been definitively ruled out. The latest reports say that the dead man may not in fact be the one who carried out the stabbings, and thus the perpetrator may still be at large.
I still don’t know where the original source ( obtained the information that the attacker or attackers were alleged to be Muslim.
Many thanks to Ava Lon for translating this article from the French-language Catholic news portal
Valais: One death and three assaults on the route to the hermitage at LongeborgneLink to Gates of Vienna...
by Raphaël Zbinden December 26, 2016
On December 25, 2016, several people were stabbed on the way to the hermitage of Longeborgne in Valais. One person was found dead. This death is probably related to the attacks.
A heavy police deployment was set up in Bramois on the morning of December 25, in the Borgne gorges, reports the Valais daily Le Nouvelliste. Three people were injured. A dead body was found in the bed of the Borgne in the afternoon. The attacks took place as the faithful went to Christmas Mass.
Monday, December 26, 2016
Islamist Invaders Murder Man Going to Midnight Mass in Switzerland
Edit: we picked this up initially at Gates of Vienna. Now one of the victims has died as reported in Le Temps, although the leftists at that newspaper still can't or won't admit the Islamic nature of the attacks.
Switzerland: Anti-Christian attack in Longeborgne: three wounded, including one seriously
by Christian Larnet
December 25, 2016
December 25, 2016
Christians were attacked with cold steel — always the weapon of Islam — for going to Mass this Sunday morning at Our Lady of Longeborgne, Brumous.
On the social networks, eyewitness reports speak of a knife attack against three faithful of the Hermitage of Longeborgne — one of which was seriously wounded — who were on their way there.
One of them succeeded in crossing the roadblock made by the aggressors, and arrived in Longeborgne with his face covered in blood. He was taken to the hospital as soon as the police arrived. According to the priest, his condition was not worrisome, but another victim was reportedly found by the policemen on the ground and seriously wounded.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Diocese of Chur: Conflict Regarding the Successor of the Faithful Bishop Huonder Ignites
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Progressive Insurrection in the Diocese of Chur |
The Diocese of Chur in Switzerland is one of the oldest and most important diocese in the German-speaking world. It also includes Romansh Switzerland and the Italian valleys of Graubünden. Once, parts of Tyrol and Vorarlberg and Liechtenstein belonged to the diocese.
Progressive fight against Chur's Bishop
Not only is Graubünden subject to the Bishop of Chur, but also other Swiss cantons, namely Schwyz, Nidwalden, Obwalden, Uri, Glarus, and the canton of Zurich, which has been reformed for 500 years and has been liberal for 200 years. This has not a little to do with the attacks by progressive Church circles against the Chur bishops, which have lasted for decades.
Bishop Wolfgang Haas, who was enthroned in 1990, had so much resistance against him that the Vatican withdrew him. For this, the Principality of Liechtenstein was separated from Chur and designated as an independent diocese. In order to express the disapproval with the Swiss progressives, the Vatican made Vaduz an Archdiocese and Haas its first archbishop.
As Bishop of Chur he was followed for ten years by the hermit Benedictine Amédée Grab. The Liberals, whom he tried to involve, calmed down somewhat, but then, with all the greater intolerance, have rebeled against Bishop Vitus Huonder, who has been in office since 2007.
Yesterday: Own Diocese of Zurich - Today: no Bishop
Occasions are always found when the basic consensus is denied, because a "different" church has long been desired. Since it was not possible to force Bishop Huonder to his knees, the canton of Zurich wants to secede and establish itself as an independent diocese. 30 per cent of Zurichers profess themselves as Reformed, 27 per cent as Catholics.
On April 21, 2017, Bishop Huonder will complete his 75th year of life. In Chur no one really expects that Pope Francis would extend his office.
It's about the succession. The progressive church circles dream of a "reformed" church, which is remote from Rome. In this picture the Pope is especially disturbing to these same circles, even if he is called Francis. For this reason, there is a demand for a separate diocese of Zurich has now been abandoned. Chur is an ancient diocese, Zurich would be a new diocese and would be more directly under the supervision and control of Rome. They do not want that at all!
This is why the new suggestion by Bishop Sikar Kopp is not to appoint a successor but to appoint an apostolic administrator. The Progressives want to prevent a second bishop Haas or a second Bishop Huonder and would like to have a bishop separate from Rome.
"Without a new beginning the Diocese of Chur is dead," exclaimed episcopal vicar Martin Kopp on 24 October in the Daily News, which repeatedly turned to attacks against Bishop Huonder and the Catholic Church. "It can not go on like this so far," says Kopp, who had already conflicted in the past with his bishop and closest collaborators. He has defended "homo-blessings" and liturgical slapstick.
"Tensions" provoked by Progressives
The faithful Chur Society of Priests replied on the 26th of October that although we share Kopp's view that "tensions in the diocese of Chur" must be overcome. "However, regardless of whether the diocese is governed by a newly elected bishop or an apostolic administrator, this person must fulfill the mission of the Church, which every bishop assumes upon his consecration." And further: "To reduce tension in the diocese of Chur, Chur's priesthood pleads for more prudence and self-reflection, with the help of the Gospel. The latter moves us to contradict the regional Vicar-General: Hope dies last, and for the diocese of Chur, the proverb is that those declared dead live longer!"
The "tensions" in the Bishopric of Chur are attributed above all to the public-law Landeskirchen. Their existence is a peculiarity of Switzerland, which is connected with the Reformation and with the victory of the Liberals in 1847. In contrast to the state, the diocese is not a corresponding partner (church tax, parish property, finances, annual budget, employees), but to the canton which a corporation in public law, called a "Landeskirche", which must be democratically constituted by law. What applies to the cantonal level continues in every parish. In addition to the church-legal structure there is a state-church structure parallel to all levels (federation, cantons, municipalities).
In the historically Catholic cantons, the church has more room for maneuver. In the historically reformed cantons, including Zurich, the Protestant constitution is imposed upon the Catholic Church. The tone is not given by the diocese, but by the public-law body "Roman-Catholic Landeskirche". As is known in the Catholic Union in the Federal Republic of Germany and in Austria, the bodies of these committees are very progressive. And 500 years of the formation of the Reformation seem to encourage new elements of Protestantism imposed upon parts of the Catholic Church.
The progressive initiative wants petition to continue by the end of the year, then the petition, including signatures will be handed over to the Apostolic Nuncio and the Swiss Bishops' Conference.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Diocese of Chur / SMM (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
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Image: Diocese of Chur / SMM (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
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Thursday, August 18, 2016
Human Sacrifice Simulated at CERN Nuclear Research Facility?
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Human Sacrifice CERN - Nuclear Research Center in Canton Genf |
From the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN, the world's largest nuclear research center in the world with headquarters in the Swiss canton of Geneva, internal investigations were initiated in order to clarify the distribution of a video that was recorded on the research area and snowed people there carrying out a human sacrifice.
In the video, published on August 11, on the Internet, figures cloaked similarly to monks can be seen, like Satanists and occultists are popularly shown. Because the hoods are drawn over their heads no faces are recognizable. The figures form a circle in front of about four feet high idol representation, which is apparently the Hindu god Shiva Nataraja. Nataraja is the four-armed Shiva and is supposed to demonstrate the anthropomorphic "cosmic dance."
While the hooded figures form a circle, a young woman in white is at the center of the circle in a white undergarment, who lays down on the floor. In the video one of the hooded figures, presumably another young woman, armed with a knife approaches the fallen woman and stabs her. Whoever was by chance, filming the obscure events from a nearby building, was so horrified about what he saw, that he lost hold of the camera and no longer filmed any further events.
Has there been a terrible crime committed to the secured CERN research center? Is there a bloody Satanic spectacle inside the world's leading nuclear research institution instead?
The images represent a mystery to the CERN management. Bloody serious or just acting? Who conducted what and why?
In addition, security issues of primary importance arise. Could outsiders have penetrated into the grounds in Meyrin in Geneva? Or are these macabre employees?
CERN, founded in 1954 represents 22 countries, including as the largest donor, the Federal Republic of Germany, but also France, Britain, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland and of course Israel. The research center employs about 3,200 people. The annual budget amounts to more than one billion euros.
As the British The Guardian reported, they confirmed that the CERN video footage was taken on the grounds of the research facility. The official statement reads: "We have thousands of scientists from around the world, and some of them have a sense of humor that goes too far. This has happened on this occasion."
Core researchers who simulate human sacrifice for amusement? And what about the four meter high Nataraja sculpture in the research area? It will hardly be sufficient that nuclear scientists with doubtful "humor" to account for the gruesome spectacle on the grounds.
Is it also not. The Shiva sculpture was erected according to CERN information on 18 June 2004 under the former French Director General Robert Aymar as a "new landmark" in the nuclear research site. It was a gift of India, who enjoys observer status in CERN, "to celebrate the long-term cooperation".
The sculpture was was permanently based between buildings 39 and 40 not far from the main building.
The video contains profane language.
The video contains profane language.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Wikicommons/CERN/ Guardian Video
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Sunday, April 24, 2016
Potato Sack Bishops Form Potato Sack Priests
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For the rebellious 68er old progressivists, who have the say in today's modern Church, the potato sack bishop is no danger. On the contrary he serves as welcome cover. |
(Berlin / Vienna / Bern) It is now nearly twelve years since Don Reto Nay, priest of the diocese of Chur in Switzerland, the spiritual father of (1999) and (2006), wrote the essay "St. Pölten is Lays Between Linz and Vienna ". In it he dealt in a section with priestly vocations, seminarians and bishops. His thoughts were related in a special way to the situation of the Catholic Church in the German language. They have lost none of their relevance. The title for the section was chosen by the editors.
Potato sack bishops produce potato sack-priest
by Don Reto Nay
A bishop who wants to serve real peace, must take care of order first. How will notice whether or not he has put his diocesan house in order? It is in Matthew: if the fruits are fine.
And the first and best fruits of a diocese are their seminarians. Therefore, one needs to see when a bishop is good, not to listen to his sermons - paper is patient. You have to take a look into the seminary and consider the seminarians. A tree is recognized by its fruits, so you recognize the Bishop in the seminarians that he has or has not.
Earlier, this may still have been different: But today a young person will only see the diocesan bishop probably twice before choosing a diocese: Election Day is payday here. Of the old Catholic parties there was a saying that they have a potato sack they can nominate and that this would have been elected without any problems. It remains to be seen whether this would be different today, not only in the Catholic parties. But one thing is certain. In the church, the potato sack policy no longer works. No sensible young person nowadays promises his life to a potato sack in his hands. If a seminarian does anyway, you will need to ask yourself, are there unhealthy motives.
The tragedy is that the potato sack bishop in the Church today is for a long time not a discontinued model, but is considered by those in charge as really a Godsend. It is popular because he stays put in one and then is no longer to be stirred. It is breathed that be brings no "unrest" in his immobility - sin of sins transgressing that which is owed to the times - in the diocese. One reason is that he has the press on his side. These praise the potato sack as the father of peace. The fact that Christ came to earth in order to be a sign of contradiction, to bring the peace of God - not of this world - remains an exegetical detail. In everyday pastoral, one follows another, slightly different Bible verse: I came to cast tire extinguishers on the earth.
Why are potato sacks popular with the press? Because they do not go to war. When the wolf breaks into the herd, they will not sound the alarm to produce any unnecessary anxiety. The main thing, the wolf does depend on his business not being declared from the rooftops. What I do not know will not hurt me. For the rebellious 68er old progressives who have a say in the Church today, the potato sack Bishop is no danger. On the contrary, he serves as a welcome cover. For a potato sack suppresses only those who have the misfortune to be under him: the obedient.
Only one thing a potato sack bishop lacks: seminarians.
No one will sell his birthright for a dish of potatos. The price to become a priest is high, much higher than for any other profession. A pious, generous and intelligent young man will gladly pay the price for the pearl of the priesthood. But will he be smart enough to distinguish a sham from the original. Here the problem starts. The potato sack-Bishop is a sham, and he represents a fake packaged priestly formation and fake packaged priesthood.
What is to be thought of a young man, who is resigned to five years of priestly formation at kindergarten level, five years without complaint to being occupied with theological chat rooms, for whose examination it is sufficient that spend the night before studying in advance, and then voluntarily into a disappearing and wind addicted pastoral where every smallest renewal attempt is a serious crime, through which one gets into the deadly reputation of being a "conservative"?
Nobody would have ever known the names of St. Dominic, St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer or Saint Teresa of Avila today, had these saints then embarked on such a puppet show. St. John Vianney struggled in his priestly formation even with the Latin language. What hurdles await the modern seminarist, except that it is more difficult from year to year, to get up in the morning? Potato sack bishops produce potato sack priests. But that seems to escape everyone's notice: the main thingis that the sacrosanct peace is not disturbed. This has the disadvantage that no young person who has his mind still halfway together, may reasonably bring himself to take something like this up. A generous intelligent young man rightly expects an intelligent and challenging training and a job that is more than a sandbox game. Of reputable deals in the private sector there are enough! Would the latter nowadays operate in the style of our dioceses and parishes, we would have long ago become the grass skirt wearing residents of third world countries.
Don Reto Nay: St. Pölten is Between Linz and Wien, Theologisches, Vol 34, No. 8, August 2004, Sp 463f.
Image: Sant'Alessandro (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
From Empty Seminaries to Full Seminaries -- Ordinations at the Society of St. Peter
(Wigratzbad) Last Saturday, Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur ordained 11 subdeacons of the Fraternity of St. Peter. At the same time the Bishop of Chur ordained 15 seminarians in the traditional rite to minor orders as porters and lectors. Five seminarians were ordained exorcist and acolyte. All ordinands are preparing for the priesthood at the International Seminary of the Society St. Peter of Peter (FSSP) in Wigratzbad in the diocese of Augsburg near Lake Constance.
This coming February 20th, there will be another 13 subdeacons ordained at the second international seminary of the FSSP in the US. "Therefore, there is a realistic prospect that in 2017, 24 new priests are to be ordained for this old ritual community," said Messa in Latino .That would be twice the average of the past twelve years.
"Perhaps we should make the Holy Father aware that there are not just empty seminaries, but also full seminaries when he complains of the lack of priests next time. And that there will be a reason when there are the seminaries of tradition that are full," says Messa in Latino alluding to the speech of Pope Francis last February 1st, to participants at the conclusion of the Year of Consecrated Life .
At the Pontifical Mass, Bishop Huonder was assisted by Father Arnaud Evrat, the General Secretary of the Society of St. Peter, Father Jean-Laurent Lefevre, House Master of the Establishment at Fontainebleau, and Father Christian Jäger, Administrator for the Apostolate of the Society of St. Peter in Munich.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: FSSP Wigratzbad (Screenshots)
Bild: FSSP Wigratzbad (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Bishop Huonder -- A Tower of Strength

Edit: they may feed Catholics to the lions before long. We know that the author may not appreciate the problems with the terms "homosexual" and "gay". It's best of all not to use these terms as they accept some false premises about the sin which cries out to heaven for vengeance.
Chur ( A few days ago the Bishop of Chur, Vitus Huonder has outlined the Catholic view of marriage in a 50-minute presentation at the congress "Joy of Faith" in Fulda. In a few sentences began to speak homosexuality, and quoted the passage from the Old Testament Book of Leviticus: "One who lays with a man as with a woman, then you have committed an abomination. Both are punishable by death. Their blood shall be upon them." The media has raged ever since that Huonder had therefore demanded the death penalty for the practice of homosexuality.
But what the makers of public opinion suggest, appearing in the context of Huonders speech and in the light of the New Testament mercy, is downright absurd.
The reason for this willful ignorance is clear: The only German Swiss Bishop who dares to proclaim what is not only the Christian revelation but also the simple view of reality, should be muzzled. But the truth is that homosexual acts are disordered and destructive in themselves and not originating from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. While teaching the gospel the Bishop Huonder shows mercy to all sinners, to which he himself knows himself to belong.
The sin itself can not for that very reason ever be approved. Homosexuals' pastoral care is therefore for Christians especially in people with homosexual orientation - as far as this goes - to accompany them from their unintentionally disordered inclination. But this point of view puts the gay lobby in a blank rage in contrast to many ex-gays and ex-lesbians who lead a happy life today.
The Swiss gay umbrella organization Pink Cross has even filed criminal charges against Huonder of the crime of public incitement. The time for an outcome of the proceedings within the time for the initiation of a criminal procedure by Pink Cross is probably not (yet) ripe. The direction, however, is clear: the totalitarian gay lobby and its allied mainstream media it comes to force Christians by any means in the recognition of their not so funny ("gay") lifestyle.
Indeed, as the research shows, among other things, young people are usually introduced to homosexuality by a significantly older adult partner, while the sexual initiation among heterosexuals usually takes place within their age group. Homosexuals experience sexual abuse much more frequently as a child or youth.
Gays are much more likely to be exposed as adults to sexual abuse. Homosexuals of all ages are both physically and mentally, considerably less healthy than the average population: Big differences consist, inter alia, depressive disorders and suicidal tendencies. There is no connection between the health of homosexuals and possible social discrimination.
In contrast, the instability of the family situation and early sexual activity seem to be factors that can lead to self-harm. According to a study by the University of Zurich from 2006 only 30 percent of gay men accept their sexual orientation. Almost half had in the four weeks preceding the survey at least, one time when they used alcohol excessively. Even where drugs and intoxicants are concerned, gays exceed the average of men by many times. Homosexual men are also the largest risk group for contracting HIV and other STDs: The likelihood of contracting HIV among gays up to 100 times greater.
The abundance of these empirical facts which indicate clearly the problematic nature of the homosexual inclination, actually should provide the St. Galler Bishop, Markus Büchel, the backbone to stand up for Catholic doctrine, instead of stabbing his brother bishop of Chur publicly in the back. But the noise of the roaring lion seems more impressive act to many than he who show how truth of things lie before our eyes. It is all the more important that there are still people who speak this truth clearly and calmly all. Come what may!
Lecture by Bishop Huonder in Fulda
Trans: Tancred
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