Stockholm's Lesbian Bishopess With Her Partner |
(Stockholm) The Lutheran "Church of Sweden" separated de facto in 1526 by the Catholic Church, when King Gustav Vasa of the newly independent Kingdom of Sweden supported the Protestant Revolt. Until 2000, it was the established church of Sweden.
The most populous Lutheran Diocese of Stockholm is named after the capital of Sweden. It was not established until 1942. Its territory was separated from the old, formerly Catholic diocese of Uppsala and Strängnäs.
Stockholm is considered the liberal flagship diocese in the country. In 1998 Caroline Krook was selected as the first woman bishop. It was followed in 2009 with Eva Avantail as the first lesbian in Stockholm's Episcopate (pictured).
Pope Calls Transsexuals Twice
Spanish Transexual with fiance with the Pope
Where the levees have been burst with the Lutherans for several years, the Catholic Church has firmly held to the revelation of God, that He finds one of the worst abominations to be homosexuality. As at all times, voices were heard in the past few decades on the zeitgeist issue of homosexuality in the Catholic Church, which represented an "accommodation" of the Church to the world. The more insistent the gay agenda is the articulated social policy, the louder the voices are. Since Pope Francis has taken the reigns, this request for accommodation seems to have reached the top of the Church Itself.
On January 24, Pope Francis has received a Spaniard in audience, who now presents herself as a man through a sex change. According to information which had been released she was with her girlfriend in Seville shopping, when she was called by the Pope. That was on December 20, not as initially reported on Christmas Eve. In this call, the Pope offered the invitation to the Vatican and was already predicting the date and time. This was already the second phone call from the Pope. The first call was made on December 8, Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and was "a first contact," according to Avvenire , the newspaper of the Italian bishops' conference reported today.
"We Want to Start a Family" - Pope is "Pleased"
In the guesthouse Santa Marta the Pope had embraced the Spaniard, who now calls herself Diego. Likewise, the friend whom "Diego" brought in the Vatican. The transsexual told the Pope his "dramatic personal and religious thing," said Avvenire . The 48 year-old Spaniard today had undergone gender reassignment at 40 because she felt like a man. Since then they don't "feel" they are understood any longer in their home parish.
The transexual wants, with the girlfriend presented to the Pope - actually by his own admission - to "start a family". He claims the Pope said that "he was pleased". La Repubblica therefore headlined yesterday: "Pope Francis receives Spanish Transsexual in the Vatican with His Fiancée."
Move with Pocket Game Trick?
While Catholic teaching on homosexuality has not been previously on the Pope's lips, he already sent a variety of signals for "opening up." It does not change the explicit teaching, so they may be reduced by defenders of the Pope to pastoral individual cases. However, the published opinion summarizes the various signals and spreads the impression that the Catholic Church is making a complete change under Pope Francis. Above all, the widespread impression that homosexuality is not a serious sin any more. And if that's what the Pope "says", who wants to be "more Catholic than the Pope?"
The procedure is not new. Also the other foci of Pope promotes a gradual de facto change of climate without explicitly touching the Church's teaching. Some Catholic observers try the approach to the gay agenda to be interpreted only as an apparent approach. It's presented as a test by the Pope to take the Church out of the public line of fire. Secretum meum mihi, however, speaks of a "move" with which Francis only wants to make it only less vulnerable. He's known about the resistors, who would cause a change in the expressed teaching. He had developed his own "method", "around" these resistors. Although in real life instead, it provides basic perceptual changes in front of everyone, while critics may be unpleasantly forced to provide written proof, where the Pope had actually changed the doctrine. It's a billing system which can not be provided because the Pope does not take care of the writing. A "sleight of hand," says the Argentine website Traditio Catholica. The two phone calls in which transsexuals are an indication of a conscious "planned signal" by the Pope for considerable media attention, broad impact, and yet everything is done informally.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Catapulta / La Repubblica (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com