Incomprehensible but completely in the spirit of the Council, which is stated in the Constitution “Nostra Aetate”:
The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth,(5) who has spoken to men
We learn how this “adoration” appears in practice from the Augustinian Church in Würzburg. There the Islamic Sufis dance at the beginning of Lent!
The Augustinian Church looks like a museum or a gathering hall after its renovation, than a Church. But as the “Dance of the Sufis” takes place, its formal desecration a church is complete.
Why the Bishop of Würzburg is also “silent” here remains a mystery.
In the announcement on the homepage is is described as an “Ensemble for Islamic Music”:
In the context of the 12th Würzburg Lenten Courses in the Augustinian Church, there will be traditional Islamic Dervishes dancing on Saturday (7:30). The course of the evening will be in the hands of Seref Dalyanoglu, who is also the representative for the Dervishes and other musicians of the Ensemble for Islamic Music.
Worse still is a participant's obituary of the event. It had not only been a dance, “but much more a special form of prayer to God by the Sufis”.
Source is piusbruderschaft.de, with more photos...