Showing posts with label Social Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Engineering. Show all posts

Thursday, May 23, 2013

An Appeal to the Manif Pour Tous in France Against Aberromarriage

[Galliawatch] The Manif Pour Tous, on the occasion of the promulgating of the law known as "marriage for everyone", issued the following appeal to all Frenchmen concerned about the law and its consequences for France and for civiization:

This law consecrates the abolition of the fundamental principle of marriage between a man and a woman. It implies, through full adoption for everybody, that a child presumably can be born of two men or two women; it consecrates the law of gender despite the universal nature of feminine and masculine sexual identities. It is a major upheaval of civilization!

Note: "Gender" is a term imported to France from the United States. It refers to the fantasy that a baby is born "neutral" and is free to "choose" to be a man or a woman. This "gender theory" is now being taught in French schools.

We have not ceased, for many months, alerting Monsieur Hollande about what the stakes are. We are profoundly offended by the arrogance and the contempt displayed for months both by the president of the Republic and the ministers, the legislators and the CESE.

Read further and scroll down...

It's uncertain if these sorts of staged events win over anyone or discourage anyone, but this one certainly points to the demonic in our mind:

[Huffington Post] A topless activist of the FEMEN movement was arrested inside Notre Dame Cathedral Wednesday, one day after far-right essayist and historian Dominique Vesser committed suicide in the Paris landmark.

The bare-chested woman was photographed in front of the altar, pointing a fake gun at her mouth. The slogan "May Fascists Rest In Hell" was written across her torso.

FEMEN leader Inna Schevchenko commented to Le HuffPost that the protest was a message to "anyone who supports fascism and who honored the memory of the extreme-right militant who committed suicide at Notre Dame."

Huffington Post...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Tulsa Catholic Charities Rejects Government Funding in Tulsa

Edit: here's something you don't see every day.  They're rejecting government funding? 
[Acton Institute] Acton President Rev. Robert A. Sirico and Research Director Samuel Gregg were interviewed for a article about a decision by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Tulsa to rely strictly on private donations for its work. Reporter Ben Johnson observed that the policy shift “stands in stark contrast to most of the benevolent institution’s other affiliates. Catholic Charities around the country received $1 billion from the government, approximately two-thirds of their funding.” Johnson:
Some critics believe only foregoing government funds altogether will prevent the state from coercing religious organizations to violate their faith. “What Catholic Charities of Tulsa is doing is showing the way forward for Catholics and other Christians who want to be faithful to the ancient Church’s age-old moral teachings, and who want to assist those in need without compromising the truth of the Gospel,” wrote Dr. Samuel Gregg, research director at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, in a statement e-mailed to

Link to read further... 

H/t: Pewsitter

Monday, November 21, 2011

USCCB Hooked on Girl Scouts USA

There has been a substantial amount of negative response from the laity as well as a recent news report from Lifesite, about United States Catholic Council of Bishops [USCCB] and its questionable relationship with the Girl Scouts. Despite the fact that Girl Scouts USA partners with and supports Catholics for choice, there is the typical non-response from the USCCB. They express concern about the the grievances of Catholics involved with the program, but don't actually do anything about it. (, (GSUSA supports "Catholics for Choice" on pg 2 of the article). Here's the non-response:

Many Catholic Girl Scout leaders are feeling torn between their commitment to Girl Scouting
and their commitment to their Catholic teachings because of the real or perceived relationship
between GSUSA and organizations like Planned Parenthood. The NFCYM approach to this
complex issue has been one of engagement, rather than detachment or withdrawal. NFCYM,
through NCCGSCF, needs to stay connected to GSUSA not only because thousands of Catholic
girls and Catholic adult leaders are involved in scouting, but because Girl Scouting—like Boy
Scouting—provides excellent character development for young people through their programs.
NFCYM can only influence secular organizations by staying in relationship with them . . . by
being at the table.

In addition to releasing their public statement, GSUSA has taken two other actions:

1. On Thursday, January 27, GSUSA conducted a conference call with their council
executives to assist them in working more closely with faith based organizations.
NFCYM sees that as a significant action in promoting our religious recognition

2. GSUSA has agreed to a follow-up meeting between their national leadership and
NFCYM leadership this summer to continue to review and access our relationship and
the critical issues.

NFCYM will continue to closely monitor any new issues that arise and, through our NCCGSCF,
continue to engage GSUSA leadership in their active support of NFCYM religious recognition

More recently, there is another story related to Girl Scouts USA where, true to their essential character, they are making accommodation for a child who is undergoing a sex-change operation. It's indisputable that there are those within the USCCB who have difficulties articulating and acting on the Church's teachings regarding sexuality and it also seems unlikely that any change will take place from within. Here's the recent National Review Story:

‘Bobby identifies as a girl, and he’s a boy,” a Denver mother told a TVstation in a news story about her son, who has been accepted as a Girl Scout.

“He’s been doing this since he was about two years old. He’s loved girl stuff, so we just let him dress how he wants, as long as he’s happy,” she explained.

When she first approached the Girl Scouts’ local troop leader about joining, the answer was pretty sensible: But he’s a boy.