Showing posts with label Saint Pius X. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint Pius X. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Pope Prays Among the Faithful at the Altar of Saint Pius X

Edit: found this at Vatican Insider, Italian version, and thought it might be interesting. Looks like the priest saying Mass here was saying it ad orientem.  The article continues on to draw similarities between Pope Francis' predecessor and himself, as the sainted Pope was not one to stand on formalities and intended to reform the curia.  It should be noted that Tornielli, writing for the center-left La Stampa, is quite a devotee of Pope Francis and an advocate for "pastoral solutions." Nothing to be trepidatious about or look much into, but there it is:

Yesterday morning Francesco prayed on his knees in front of the body of his Venetian predecessor, remembered for his Catechism and extending the Eucharist to children. "I am his devotee," he confided Bergoglio, who moved the nativity  in St Peter so as not to cover the the saint's tomb


"I am a devotee of St. Pius X ...". With these words, Francis explained to Monsignor Lucio Bonora - Treviso Prelate of the Secretary of State,  scholar of Pope Sarto - his presence among the faithful at the chapel in St. Peter's, which exhibits the relics of the Venetian Pontiff.  Bergoglio, after he celebrated early morning Mass on Friday, August 21, the day when the Church celebrates  the memory of St. Pius X, , took to the basilica to pray before the body of his predecessor. While he was kneeling before the altar, a Mass  began, celebrated by Fr Bonora, who arrived in the chapel before  fifty faithful, including the Pope. Francis, as reported by the website the diocesan weekly of Treviso "The life of the people",  had decided to remain, participating in the celebration. He got up from the bench to receive the kiss of peace, and got in line to receive communion, continuing the time of worship and offering thanksgiving on his knees. "At the end the celebrant - writes "The Defence of the People" - he urged those present who had meanwhile gathered in large numbers to the chapel, to entrust to St. Pius X all the needs of their families and the Church, and especially the person of His successor, Pope Francis." Bergoglio, at the end of the Mass confided to Monsignor Bonora to pray especially for catechists. In Argentina, St. Pius X, the "Pope of the Catechism" is the patron saint of catechists, and as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, on the feast day of Saint Pius X, the Pope met with the catechists of the diocese. "I came to my prayer - he told Francesco Bonora  - because I had already celebrated mass early, but then I saw that you were coming to the altar to celebrate, and then I stopped ... I told you that I  am devoted to St. Pius X ."

Link to Vatican Insider...


Monday, October 27, 2014

SSPX With Bishop Fellay and Bishops Celebrate Immemorial Mass at Lourdes Shrine

Edit: the Society of Saint Pius X has celebrated Mass at the modernist St. Pius X, at the Lourdes Shrine in France. It's a crowning even in the pilgrimage whose motto is, "To Our Lady in the Footsteps of St. Pius X."  Despite the large size of the church meant to accommodate throngs of pilgrims, it looks practically full. The building can accomodate 25,000 worshipers.  The celebrant for this Christ the King Mass was Bishop Fellay with Bishops de Galaretta and Tisser de Mallerais in attendance, is part of a celebration for the centenary of St. Pius X.
Amazingly, they got permission to do this from the authority in charge of the site which must have been high level indeed. This is a signal event.

Messe du Christ-Roi en la Basilique Saint-Pie X (26 octobre 2014) from DICI on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Immemorial Mass of All Ages Celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica by SSPX

Edit: as reported by Rorate, permission was granted, but this has been going on for some time, with Society Priests saying Mass at St. Peter's.

The Mass in the Vatican Basilica was celebrated by Fr. de Sivry on August 9, 2014, during this special centennial year of thedies natalis of Saint Pius X.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Centenary of the Death of St. Pius X

Edit: he fought tirelessly against the sins of Modernism.  Yet he was laid low by the war, which broke his heart.  There are no commemorations of his memory in Rome that we know of, although Rorate has a nice writeup.

The battle goes on.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Great Error of the Modernists: For Them, There Is Nothing Unchangable

St. Pius X wrote in his encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis of 8 September,  1907 to his "venerable brothers", the "patriarchs, primates, archbishops, bishops and other local ordinaries, who have peace and communion with the Apostolic See” when wrote about the Modernists:

Thus then, Venerable Brethren, for the Modernists, both as authors and propagandists, there is to be nothing stable, nothing immutable in the Church. Nor indeed are they without precursors in their doctrines, for it was of these that Our Predecessor Pius IX wrote: These enemies of divine revelation extol human progress to the skies, and with rash and sacrilegious daring would have it introduced into the Catholic religion as if this religion were not the work of God but of man, or some kind of philosophical discovery susceptible of perfection by human efforts.' (Encyclical Qui pluribus, November 9, 1846)

These men are certainly to be pitied, and of them the Apostle might well say: They became vain in their thoughts. . . professing themselves to be wise they became fools (Rom. i. 21, 22); but, at the same time, they excite just indignation when they accuse the Church of torturing the texts, arranging and confusing them after its own fashion, and for the needs of its cause. In this they are accusing the Church of something for which their own conscience plainly reproaches them.”

  Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cardinal Burke: Catechism of Pius X is Also Today a Sure and Indispensible Reference Point

"St. Pius X saw with clarity how religious ignorance not only leads individual lives, but also to the decay of society and a lack of balanced thinking in the most serious problems," said Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura at event surrounding the Catechism of St. Pius X 100 years after its publication, by the Kulturkreis of John Henry Newman on the 24th of May.  It was organized in Seregno.
In his "extraordinary and brilliant lectio" says Catholic writer Cristina Siccardi,  Cardinal Burke maintains of Saint Pius X (1835-1914) that "ignorance of Christian doctrine is recognized as the main cause of the decline of faith and therefore  sound catechesis is of paramount importance for the restoration of faith. It is not difficult to see how current the observations and conclusions of St. Pius X are. They are really recognizable in the motives that has led Pope Benedict XVI. to proclaim the year of the faith. "
The observations and conclusions of Pope Sarto were the result of his long and deep experience as a shepherd. He described the effects of lack of catechesis in the spiritual life of Christians with a very specific words and also the dangerous consequences for their salvation:
"In fact, the actions that the heart of the Christian people nowadays are very many who need to go live in complete ignorance of the salvation of knowing, and this is generally not unjustified. We understand Christian people not only the quantity or the members of the lower class, the ignorance of this can often be somewhat excused by the fact that the strict and obedient service to their masters can be left them no time for themselves. Also in the circles where it is not lacking in spirit and form, so here most of all, providing you with ample Although secular science, but lives very measured and kenntnislos in religious terms there. "(Encyclical Acerbo nimis of Pius X)
Cardinal Burke recalled  Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman (1801-1890) in this context, who in his autobiographical masterpiece Apologia pro Vita Sua , in a discussion about the true teachings of the Catholic Church, took up the Eighth Commandment, specifically, mainly on the question of whether it is morally allowed to say the wrong thing:

"And now, if Protestants wish to know what our real teaching is, as on other subjects, as did one of lying, let them look, not at our books of casuistry, but at our catechisms. Works on pathology do not give the best insight into the form and the harmony of the human frame, and, as it is with the body, so is it with the least The Catechism of the Council of Trent that drawn up for the express purpose of providing preachers with subjects for their Sermons, and, as my whole work has been a defense of myself, I may say here I did rarely preach a sermon, but that I would go to this beautiful and complete Catechism to get both my matter and my doctrine. "((Since my German edition of the Apologia pro Vita Sua just is not available, the original quotation from Cardinal Newman's book, as it was presented by Cardinal Burke.))

 The core message of the talk by Cardinal Burke was to emphasize the practical importance of the Catechism published in 1912, which is not merely a religious artifact, which now belongs to the past. The Catechism of St. Pius X, the cardinal said, was a safe and indispensable reference point today. 

Text: CR / Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

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