Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Bishop Williamson on Crisis in Ukraine
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
"My Body Belongs to Me" or "Your Body Belongs to Me" --- Superior of SSPX Unconvincing Opposition to Corona
Father Davide Pagliarani's warning about the Corona crisis, which is not convincing.
Thoughts by Giuseppe Nardi
(Menzingen) The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (FSSPX), Fr. Davide Pagliarani, spontaneously commented on December 11 at a conference in the USA at the request of participants "also on the subject of Covid-19 and vaccination". On January 18th, the Society of Saint Pius X published his free speech in a German translation. Excerpts had already become known and sparked polemics. Father Pagliarani takes a more detailed and differentiated position than most bishops do. In the German-speaking area, there is governmental servitude in this regard. The bishops' conferences and their presidents sound like government mouthpieces. But P. Pagliarani's "admonition" also calls for a few comments. So he says:
"How long will the problem last? Is this all complicated? Yes! Is this all a bit crazy? Yes! Is the stress that weighs on all of humanity understandable? Yes! Is it permissible to ask questions about all these problems? Yes! Is it legitimate to be against mandatory vaccinations? Yes! But …!"
The "but" is explained in the following sentence:
“But this major problem is linked to a medical issue. That is the main reason why the Society does not speak directly on this issue.”
That is the crux of the matter. The Corona problem that moves people, whether on one side or the other, is not a medical question, but a political one. Governments have turned a medical issue into a political one. The entire discussion, the multitude of problems, conflicts, fears, coercion are connected with this political interference. That could not be said and seen through with certainty in the first few weeks of the ongoing Corona issue. Some professionals like Prof. Bhakdi and Dr. Wodarg did it back then and should be right with their assessment. Since May 2020, however, it can be generally seen through if you want to see. Since then, numbers have been on the table, and these facts have become more and more important. This includes the ongoing cover-up and obfuscation by governments and their cronies, which is perhaps even more telling.
It is appropriate to stay out of the medical question, it belongs to the doctors, at least as far as it does not touch on moral questions. But it's not about the medical question, it's about the political one. If politics, if governments, had not interfered, Corona would have passed humanity long ago without attracting any attention. "If there had been no PCR tests worldwide, I don't think anyone would have noticed," said Prof. Franz Allerberger, head of AGES, the Austrian Robert Koch Institute, in a video interview on June 19, 2021. Allerberger described the effect of protective masks outside of hospitals and homes as not a medical but a political question. It's all about this. As of January 2020, Corona is primarily a psychological war, a war started and waged by someone. In the meantime, those responsible cannot be fully named, but they can be named to a large extent.
Pagliarani's reference that one does not comment on the matter because it is a question of medicine must therefore come to nothing. It is about the political question for which a medical question is used as an occasion or pretext. Nobody expects an opinion on a medical question from bishops, communities or even the Society of Saint Pius X, but they do expect orientation on moral questions, questions of natural law and social teaching. According to Prof. Allerberger, the Corona crisis, which was triggered or staged without any need, is shaking the entire social fabric, from the state down to the family. A schism was created according to plan, the artificial genesis of which took place before everyone's eyes and which now runs through almost every community. There has not been a more devastating situation since the end of the war. And nothing in this spiral of decomposition has anything to do with the medical question, but everything has to do with the political question.
Why P. Pagliarani cites aspects of "globalism and conspiracy" as the reason why "the Society is holding back" remains incomprehensible on the basis of his further comments on this chapter. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to take a stand and put the current events into the "big picture" in order to make the connections clear? So he says:
"The main expression of globalism, namely the destruction of the natural moral law and order that the Church has preserved and protected, is the creation of a new 'world' with new 'laws', with a new authority. With or without Covid, with or without vaccination. This globalism didn't just start a year ago. It's much older."
Doesn't it seem reasonable to assume that Covid and the "vaccination" are not outside of "this globalism", but rather are a genuine expression of it? Instruments to realize exactly the goals outlined by P. Pagliarani against the natural, the divine order?
In the important chapter on sin, the Superior General, despite the resolution not to comment on a medical question, suddenly dares to go far ahead when he says: "Even traditionists and Catholics who are faithful to tradition are dying of Covid!" Of course, "also traditionalists and traditional Catholics" must die. No one should have doubted that. However, the postulate with the exclamation mark indicates that P. Pagliarani seems to be convinced that the officially counted "corona deaths" actually died of Covid-19". At least that's daring. The diagnosis "Covid-19" is, and that too is initially not a question of medicine, but of what government policy wants. Think of the phrase “deceased from or with” that was unknown until the Corona crisis; one thinks of the factually exclusive corona diagnosis based on the PCR test, which cannot distinguish corona from influenza, which is why the officially stated numbers say nothing about how many corona intensive care patients are due to Covid-19 or for a completely different reason are in the intensive care unit; think of the highly dubious way of counting the “corona deaths”. These are all not medical, but politically desired decisions.
The statements of the Superior General in his last chapter “False Principles” are embarrassing. Roughly speaking, Father Pagliarani says that because there are also “wrong” people, he calls “leftists” and “extreme leftists”, the Society of St. Pius X can not join a position. What is the purpose of distancing? Why so polemical? The question can only be: Does someone say and do the right thing? I saw Society members at a rally with their flags walking alongside Che Guevara apologists and Catholics with depictions of the Sacred Heart. That was what happened on the train and offered the observer an unusually interesting picture. The named may not otherwise have much in common, but on this issue they are united and walk side by side. Good this way.
Pagliarani's last "reason" why the Society "does not speak directly on this subject" then becomes a real own goal. Let's hear for ourselves:
"In one sentence: 'My body belongs to me!' I do what I want with my life. That's why I decide for myself whether I want to be vaccinated or not. We find the same slogans of the 1960s and 1970s - 'My belly belongs to me' - in a certain 'women's movement'.”
P. Pagliarani insinuates that the opponents of the Covid injection, which is ineffective against Corona but more deadly than the official figures for the Corona virus show, have the same spirit of the abortion advocates. Isn't the opposite actually the case? The pro-abortionists say “my belly is mine” when they really mean “your body is mine”, that of the unborn child they want to kill. We are now experiencing the same mentality among vaccination fanatics and vaccination advocates. They also say "Your body belongs to me" to the government, which wants to dispose of it. A wrongly used slogan, as is done by the abortion lobby, is therefore wrong, neither per se nor in other situations. In the specific case, the rejection of a fact-free, dangerous, only for BigPharma profitable corona vaccination obligation, the slogan "My body belongs to me" is correctly opposed to the mendacious postulate "Your body belongs to me". This is what the Society of Saint Pius X might point out, along with the broader categorization that the body ultimately naturally belongs to God. Personally, I can say that I was delighted when I was finally able to read the unspeakable abortion slogans at rallies against the Corona measures in a justifiable context. Tactical cleverness can also be cited for the use of this slogan.
This last “reason” also makes Pagliaranis uncomfortable because he does not address the question of unethical Covid substances in his remarks. The fact that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the “Note” published on December 21, 2020, waved through the production of all Covid substances previously approved in the EU using aborted children does not change the question of conscience for the individual. Leaving this unmentioned, as already done by the bishops' conferences and the Ecclesia Dei communities in the German-speaking world, makes the previous polemic even more dubious because of the identical slogans (but not content). Comprehensive information is required to make a responsible decision in favor of a Covid injection. In this regard, there is an almost unbelievable gap. In the vaccination streets is not enlightened, but work on the assembly line. Even the superior general does not try to close this gap. Perception remains selective.
In this context, should Pagliarani not blame the multitude of broken promises made by the governments, the many lies they have told, the false figures they have presented, the revealingly one-sided decisions they have made, the hideous discrediting and hostilities, which they have triggered or approved of, the many hardships into which they have thrown countless people, whether through irresponsible fear-mongering or through threats to their existence?
Finally, it should be remembered that remaining silent about an apparent wrong has morally relevant implications. P. Pagliarini does not even dare to refuse vaccination. Even the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith did that when Pope Francis did the opposite in the Vatican and gambled away another piece of his already tarnished credibility. Silencing an injustice includes the failure of the Church hierarchy, which is plainly evident to all. Where others do not want to raise their voice or believe that they cannot raise their voice, the Society of Saint Pius X would at least have to make it clear that the Church, with all recognition of the state and its authority, is not a bailiff of the government. But the Superior General is also silent on this point. Why? Who, if not he, is free from the shackles of concordat and episcopal pressure to speak out?
The overall impression? P. Pagliarani moves in a more differentiated way, but still on the line of the bishops' conferences. That surprises and leaves a little perplexed.
The medical question seems to be pretend so as not to have to comment on the political one.
The current leaders, who are in office today and in Silicon Valley tomorrow, are treated with kid gloves as if they were a higher authority than the Church. That sounded different from the mouths of representatives of the Society of Saint Pius X in the past. Pagliarani also hints at it when he refers to currents and enemies that go back much further in history, but then retreats and, where it becomes concrete today, avoids it.
Image: fsspx.de (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Saturday, January 2, 2021
Evil Voris Lies About Former SSPX Priest
Voris lies about his seminary formation. He didn't have his crisis in the seminary as Voris claims. Voris lies about details in this man's life to sensationalize in part, and just pure laziness in the other.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Bishop Schneider Calls Out the Rabid and Unjust Aberrosexual, Voris
[Gloria.tv] Bishop Athanasius Schneider commented on the fact that “from various sides,” the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has been made a target of attacks in connection with cases of sexual abuse (LifeSiteNews.com, December 3).
In fact, it is only one side/website which attacks the SSPX, i.e., ChurchMilitant.com while constantly complaing that no Catholic website is jumping on that bandwagon.[reading ChurchMilitant.com] Schneider received the impression as if the SPPX were "the only Catholic religious organisation which had to respond to such accusations.” Schneider also notices that it cannot be dismissed that some of the accusations [by ChurchMilitant.com] were conducted "in a biased manner.”
He underlines that in all dioceses and religious communities around the world there are shortcomings in investigating cases of homosexual abuse, maybe to the same or to a greater extent, and he warns [ChurchMilitant.com] that one cannot hold the SSPX responsible for crimes which members or employees committed AFTER they parted company with the group or were dismissed.
In this logic, Schneider explains, the Augustinian order would be responsible for the anti-Semitic statements of Martin Luther, their former member. [Of course, these kinds of statements are as unhelpful as they are absurd.]
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Gary Voris is a Twit
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Many will recall that when Gary the Fairy went public with his aberrosexual history, he appeared to be doing so to get out in front of the release of that news by the Archdiocese of New York. Sources he never revealed told him the archdiocese was about to do this and he just had to come clean. Up until that time, he had his staff continuously expunging comments alluding to his past on the Real Catholic TV website. The task was quite onerous. But, it was all an open secret among those he had shared his much touted career in secular news reporting. Many will also remember his reticence immediately prior to the announcement and for several days afterwards. When he did appear, he was visibly shaken and it looked like the effects of HIV had intensified. Former fans and donors thought he would never rebound.
For weeks prior, he had been hitting Dolan and the Archdiocese hard; on a daily basis. There was a lot of merit in what he was doing and they had it coming. Still, the motives seemed very vindictive and personal. It was all out of proportion during a time he would brook no criticism of Francis. Still, the idea that New York was about to do him in was a paranoid delusion. He wasn't on the radar at 454 Madison, and up the road at the insular Dunwhoopie, few had ever heard of him. Gary just wasn't as famous or infamous as he had fantasized. No, it was his past that was doggedly pursuing him.
Now, he has unleashed himself upon the SSPX. He seems driven by a rage not unlike the one we witnessed four years ago. What is driving him? I, for one, would be happy to find out that the SSPX is sitting on something very embarrassing to him. But, then I realize, he has no shame.
The motives of his sidekick and erstwhile stalker Budgie Niles are equally suspect.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The Second Vatican Council Was Manipulated Through Obvious Acts of Sabotage
The Second Vatican Council must be discussed, says the Vaticanist Americo Mascarucci.
(Rome) Much attention is being paid to the debate on a revision of the Second Vatican Council, which was started by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. It moves Catholics who take their faith seriously and live and suffer with their Church. The journalist and Vaticanist Americo Mascarucci, author of two books on the pontificate of Pope Francis, also speaks. In 2018, "The Revolution of Pope Francis was published. How the Church transforms from Don Milani to Luther"[1] and in 2019 a book on the changes in the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) "The Church in Politics. How the CEI has changed from Ruini to Pope Francis"[2] Marco Tosatti has published the statement of his colleague on the proposal of Archbishop Vigano.
After a short introduction, "I am not a theologian", but "a simple journalist who is passionate about Vatican affairs," Mascarucci comes straight to the point.
"The historian Roberto De Mattei refuted in his book "The Second Vatican Council: A Hitherto Untold History" the thesis of the hermeneutics of continuity, which both Wojtyla and Ratzinger were so concerned with, and proved that it is impossible to separate the Council from the errors that followed it. (...) Today, De Mattei's thesis seems to be taking shape in the face of certain behaviours typical of the current pontificate, precisely where the Council becomes the cover for certain, at least questionable, positions to be reclaimed."
Pope Francis was "perhaps the best example of how the Second Vaticanum, far from renewing itself in the sign of continuity, was rather the event that put an end to the Catholic Church as the only Church of Christ in apostolic continuity, the one and only Church in which salvation lies."
According to Mascarucci, the theologian and philosopher Karl Rahner's thesis, "a great supporter of the Council as a break with tradition," according to which it is not belonging to the Church that guarantees salvation, but that the just conscience, which is oriented towards good, brings people closer to God, even if they do not believe in him (the theory of the 'anonymous Christian'), "seems to be the guiding star today, on which the current Pope orients himself."
"It is no coincidence that he is applauded and praised more by atheists than by practicing Catholics, and that he has never made a secret of having a greater affinity for certain infidels like Eugenio Scalfari than with the so-called traditionalist Catholics."
Thus, if it is not possible to separate the errors from the Council, "then it is not possible to believe that the schism of Isolotto, which developed in "Catho-Communist Florence," which gathered around the ideas of Giorgio La Pira, was the result of a false interpretation of the Counciliar spirit".
This entreaty requires a little excursion.
The schism of Isolotto
The schism of isolotto from 1968 refers to the one between the pastor of the Florentine district of Isolotto, Don Enzo Mazzi, and his archbishop. Don Mazzi, a "worker priest" who seemed to have more in common with Communists and Socialists than with the Christian Democrats, followed his own course. He justified this with the aim of "overcoming the dividing lines between believers and unbelievers, between good and bad, between priests and laymen, between the sacramental and the profane, between the parties." He made changes to the liturgy by introducing the vernacular and celebrating Mass facing the people. He was supported by Giorgio La Pira, then the mayor of Florence on the left.
Don Mazzi demonstrated against the Americans in Vietnam, showed solidarity with blacks in the United States, and supported a group of students from the Catholic University of Milan, which occupied Parma cathedral in September 1968 as part of the student protests. While Pope Paul VI condemned the action, Don Mazzi showed solidarity with the students. When Don Mazzi held a "basic democratic" meeting of his parish, even though his archbishop had forbidden it, he deposed him as a pastor.
Don Mazzi did not, however, depart, but founded a "base community" in the District of Isolotto as a substitute for the deprived parish, which became the model of the base communities in Europe. That was the schism. In 1974 he was suspended a divinis and was no longer allowed to exercise his priesthood. Shortly thereafter, he was transferred back to the layman. Although the basic community was not recognized by the Church, it was visited by like-minded priests from all over the world who celebrated there.
Mazzi himself became a permanent columnist for the left-leaning daily La Repubblica by Eugenio Scalfari and the Communist daily Il Manifesto. His last book, "The Value of Heresy"[3], was published there in 2010. Mazzi died in 2011 at the age of 84. According to his final request, his body was burned.
So we return to Mascarucci's remarks.
Therefore, the commitment of many Catholics to the side of the Communist Party or the support of divorce in the referendum by well-known priests and theologians was not the result of a "false interpretation" of the Council. Nor was it due to a "misinterpretation" that Giacomo Cardinal Lercaro, Archbishop of Bologna from 1952 to 1968 and one of the four Council moderators, "in the middle of the Cold War, delivered his famous sermon against the Vietnam War and American imperialism, while the Communists drowned the uprisings in the countries of Eastern Europe in blood and tortured priests and religious."
The Second Vaticanum was manipulated by outright sabotage
Archbishop Vigano had rightly pointed it out:
"The Second Vatican Council was in fact manipulated by veritable acts of sabotage, which, inside and outside, saw proper centers of conspiracy at work. Among these, an organization called Opus Angeli deserves attention, whose main initiators were the ultra-progressive Belgian Cardinal Léon-Joseph Suenens and the Brazilian Bishop Helder Camara, one of the most important representatives of the liberation theologyoften praised by Francis."
They tried "with the support of powerful media they attempted to influence the work of the Council and, above all, its final result.
"Although they failed, that the Council should approve their civil rights agenda, the abolition of priestly celibacy, the opening up to the priesthood of women and the change in sexual morality by allowing the laity to use artificial contraceptives for birth control by colusion with the state, they were very adept at clouding the clear water, confusing the contents and contaminating the texts, so that a free and ambiguous interpretation of the council documents and the doctrine of faith was opened to a modernist key, which became the basis for the errors following the Council.'Pope John Paul II recognized many of the wrong developments and made an active, sometimes courageous, effort to put the Council on the right path in its perception and effect. He was tirelessly supported by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, his Prefect of Doctrine and the Faith.
"But he too was misled on some issues that abounded, perhaps because he was the first foreign pope in the midst of a Vatican curia still wholly controlled by Italians, the heirs of the Montini era, who themselves were often associated with the Council period and its errors."In other words, Mascarucci says, the hard line taken against Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the great critic of the Council, and the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, which he founded, cannot be explained. A line vigorously defended by Cardinal Secretary of State Agostino Casaroli (1914–1998) and his spiritual son Achille Cardinal Silvestrini (1923–2019), even after the death of Paul VI, as well as both influential defenders of the Eastern Policy and its rapprochement of the Church with the Soviet Union and the Communist Eastern Bloc.
"Archbishop Lefebvre was excommunicated in 1988, as demanded by the most left-wing sectors of the Roman Curia, although Cardinal Ratzinger had spoken out against it."However, according to the above-mentioned sectors, the French archbishop had to be punished precisely because "he denounced with the greatest determination the lack of continuity of the Second Vatican Council".
John Paul II could not completely contain the "Spirit of Assisi" and other excesses, "as even his friend and great admirer Vittorio Messori repeatedly lamented."
"Messori noted the unacceptable episode of the World Day of Peace,which took place on 27 May. On October 1, 1986, in Assisi, in the presence of representatives of all world religions, pagan rites took place in the Basilica of St. Francis, chickens were slaughtered on the altar of the Basilica of St. Clare, esoteric dances and other, denounced excesses that had themselves escaped the attention of Cardinal Ratzinger, who had intervened vigorously in the days before to prevent other questionable and sacrilegious initiatives."
The German influence on the Church
Mascarucci concludes from the development:
"All this has laid the foundation for this ecumenism, which, far from promoting a relationship of mutual respect between the different faiths in the spirit of dialogue, has led to the legitimisation of the idea of a universal church, the one and the same God for all, for a person who is almost entirely free to choose the Church that best suits his preferences, because it is sufficient to believe in the true God in order to find salvation independently of baptism.
An idea that, in the years since the end of the Ratzinger era, which was marked by Benedict XVI's attempt to counter the projects of the German episcopate, based on ideas of the theologian Hans Küng to accelerate the break with tradition, by affirming the hermeneutics of continuity, especially in the ethical questions and independence of the national Episcopal Conferences from Rome. Under Bergoglio, these projects fall on fertile ground thanks to the influence exerted on the current Pope by the German Cardinal Walter Kasper, the keynote speaker for the Family Synod and the openings to remarried divorcees, dissolute marriages and homosexuals. Kasper also has the promotion of ever closer relations with that of the Lutheran and Protestant worlds as a whole."Cardinal Walter Kasper and his influence on the pontificate of Pope Francis
The Amazon Synod was the logical consequence of a policy "aimed at affirming the triumph of syncretism in the name of the only God of a world unity religion." As such, this could be "recognized and revered under every form, symbol and deity, whether Christian or pagan."
The result is a Catholic Church "which, despite assertions to the contrary, is reduced to a mere agency for the promotion of good, a kind of NGO empowered solely for support, solidarity and hospitality without any conversion purpose, and rather interested in subjecting faith to the project of planetary globalism. Only in this way can the Koran recited in the Church be declared a sign of respect for Muslim migrants who are welcomed in the name of universal Soros goodness."Archbishop Vigano is therefore right, says Mascarucci:
"The time has come to discuss the Second Vatican Council and the fruits it produced, in the hope that the future Pope will submit the request for a profound revision in the sign of the only true faith, the only true Gospel, the only true Magisterium and the only true Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the God incarnated for the salvation of mankind, as its own."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Picture: MiL/Vatican.va (Screenshot)
[1] Americo Mascarucci: La rivoluzione di Papa Francesco. Come cambia la Chiesa da don Milani a Lutero, Historica Edizioni, Cesena 2018.
[2] Americo Mascarucci: La Chiesa nella politica. Come cambiata la CEI da Ruini a papa Francesco, Historica Edizioni, Cesena 2019.
[3] Enzo Mazzi: Il valore dell'eresia, ManifestoLibri, Rome 2010.
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Ohio congressman shows masks are unsafe.
Ohio representative Nino Vitale demonstrates how masks are unsafe. How will his overlords silence him now? So far, they've tried to say he's an anti-semite and a racist.
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Maybe call him a gun nut for his NRA rating and for teaching Concealed Carry in Ohio? |
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Will they say he has too many kids? Or, say he defeated an unqualified sodomite?
The best bet is probably to get the archdiocese of Cincinnati to say he's a schismatic for preferring the TLM.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Voris Lies About His Opus Dei Backing
Saturday, April 25, 2020
It Is Completely Unethical To Accuse The SSPX of Being Pederasts When No ONE Has Been Indicted!
Even Holy Skojec isn't on board with this. AMDG
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Will Church Militant Be Litigated and Legislated Out of Existence After This Amateurish Hack Job?
The Society of Saint Pius X has responded. Just for the record, especially since it seems people are confused on this point, the Society has publicly admitted that it has had problems with gay sex predators in its ranks and had even been consulting with the CDF to address the problem. I'm sure some of us remember Father Carlos Urrutigoity. As recently as 2018, we helped air a story by Swedish TV involving two priests who'd been dismissed from the Society and who had found refuge with Bishop Williamson's "SSPX Resistance". So no, the entire SSPX does not promote and defend Sex Abuse as Niles and Voris would have it.
This is a real loser for CM TV. We've always defended Michael and to a lesser extent Christine in the past, but we will enjoy watching them be sued for libel, as Comrade Stalin asks on twitter:
We once thought Michael Voris was generally above these kinds of tactics, but this is beyond the pale and demonstrates what I found hard to hear from E. Michael Jones in the past, that Michael Voris' sexual predilection leads him to make very bad decisions. It's especially disgusting that he's teaming up with self-promoting narcissist, "Holy Rod" Dreher, as Canon212 calls him.
Interestingly, we've been reminded of Randy Engel's piece on Voris and revisit it here. It's also critical of E. Michael Jones and all roads lead back to Opus Dei. And Chris Ferrara on Voris' tizzy, here. Is there a civil war in OD?
Then there's this piece which addresses Voris' 180 degree turn on behalf of Opus Dei, here by Doctor John Smythe.
Catholic Family News.
As if the timing weren't perfect enough, Bergoglio is building consensus to shut down the Universal Indult (Which plays into the notion that the Society will be the purveyor of Tradition under Francis, btw.)
Castling of the Leadership at the SSPX
The departures
- Bishop Bernard Fellay, the third Superior General until 2018, leaves the General House in Menzingen and moves to the Seminary of St. Thomas Aquinas in the USA.
- Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, suffering from ill health, is being referred to the Seminary of St. Pius X in Ecene as a retreat.
- Fr. Christian Thouvenot, until now Secretary General of the General House, becomes a professor at the seminary in Ecene.
- Fr. Franz Schmidberger, until now Rector at the Seminary of the Heart of Jesus in Zaitzkofen, moves to the district of Germany.
- Fr. Jürgen Wegner, until now district superior of the DISTRICT USA, moves to the district of Austria.
- Fr. Philippe Brunet, until now Superior of the Autonomous House of Spain-Portugal, becomes professor at the Seminary U.L.F. and co-saviour of La Reja in Argentina.
- Fr. Mario Trejo, previously district superior of the District of South America, moves to another assignment in the District of South America.
- Fr. Daniel Couture, previously district superior of the District of Canada, becomes Prior of the contemplative House of Notre-Dame de Montgardin in France.
- Fr. Pierre-Marie Laurenon, previously Prior of the contemplative house of Notre-Dame de Montgardin, moves to the district of France.
The Promoted
- Fr. Jorge Amozurrutia, previously district superior of the District of Mexico, becomes Superior of the Autonomous House of Spain-Portugal.
- Fr. Pascal Schreiber, until now District Superior of the District of Switzerland, becomes Rector at the Seminary Of The Heart of Jesus in Zaitzkofen.
- Fr. Daniel Themann, previously Rector at the Holy Cross Seminary in Australia, becomes District Superior of the District of Australia.
- Fr. John Fullerton, previously District Superior of the District of Australia, becomes District Superior of the District of the United States.
The New
- Fr. Foucauld Le Roux becomes the new Secretary General of the General House.
- Father Thibaud Favre becomes district superior of the district of Switzerland.
- Fr. Robert MacPherson becomes Regens at the Seminary of the Holy Cross in Australia.
- Father Pierre Mouroux becomes district superior of the District of Mexico.
- P. Joaquin Cortés becomes district superior of the District of South America.
- Fr. David Sherry becomes district superior of the District of Canada.
Nardi Picture: fsspx.org (Screenshot)
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
SSPX Continues to Minister to the People of God Despite the Plague -- Taylor Marshall Comes to Mass With SSPX!
[SSPX] The District of the United States for the Society of Saint Pius X is saying Mass at its chapels each day "for protection and deliverance."
As Father Wegner stated in his letter of March 14, 2020, the first measures the U.S. District will take against this malady are of a spiritual nature.
In these times, not only do we want to take the precautions to prevent the spread of disease, but we must redouble our prayers and penance, begging for God’s mercy. We will offer a Continuous Mass. This Mass will be the Mass of the day of Lent and the intention is “for protection and deliverance”. We will assign each priest of the District a day where he will say his Mass for this intention and will let you know which priest will say the Mass and where.
Friday, January 17, 2020
The Man Who Gave Us the Angelus Missal
On this last anniversary, the American Angelus Press has voted in favor of the publication of the eighth edition of their excellent Latin-English Roman Catholic Daily Missal, as a jubilee issue not of liturgical reform, but of the first, specifically datable beginnings of the Society of Saint Pius X.