This Lion is known everywhere he goes
He doesn't use a car or a television. For that reason he's often in the streets of the German capital in his soutane. by Marko Bader

( The Aachen born Provost Gerlad Goesche (51) is the founder of the Berline Institute of St. Philipp Neri.
In the year 2011, he began his 25 year Priestly Jubilee.
The Other Side
A previous article made a critical report about him.
Certainly there havee been people ever and anon, with whom he has had a falling out.
One has to see the other side.
Provost Groesche is at the present besides the Abbot of the Trappist Cloister of Mariawald in the Diocese of Aacen , the only Traditional Superior on German soil
He steps into the open
In Berlin he is known all over the place.
His Church -- St. Afra in the Berlin district of Wedding -- is full like a hopping club. The Church music is always the finest.
Prelate Goesche combines in his person a Catholic zeal, fine education and a baroque manner of life.
He doesn't use a car or television . For that reason, he's often in the streats of the German capital on the way in a soutane.
There he loves to give out wonderful coins and alms to the beggars.
Many Battles
His way to Tradition wasn't easy. In the German Seminary of the Old Liberal Jesuits in Rome he was already being discriminated against for flights of Catholicism.
As Pastor in the Community of Blindenmarkt in the Dicoese of St. Pölten he climbed into his chancel like the Lion of Münster.
He damned the then anti-Church initiatives of the Old Libeerals, which was called the "Church People's Referendum" and was supported by his Pastoral Council.
Similar to Pastor Andrzej Skoblicki of Kopfing in the Diocese of Linz, Fr. Goesche paid for his confessionalism with the loss of his pastorship.
He was moved
While as a retreat in the Traditional Benedictine Cloister Le Barroux in Southern France he found an attachment to the Old Mass.
He turned to Tradition, as he looked through the face of the all knowing new believers.
Without Provost Goesche and his good connections to Rome the Institute of St. Philipp Neri would never have existed.
Some conversions, increasing baptisms, a Sister's investiture and even Priestly ordinations are happening there.
He conquered the Monster
The purchase of the Institute Church was a risky financial adventure for Provost Goesche.
But actually the undertaking didn't cost more than the Old Liberal destruction of Freiburg [castle] of Münster.
After the Council St. Afra was the first Catholic Church in Berlin which was damaged by a wreckovation.
Actually, Provost Goesche reconsecrated the sanctuary of un-Catholic elements and put the monster down on the ground at the same time.
The Institute of Provost Goesche doesn't live on the Church-tax, rather from the Holy Ghost and gifts from the faithful, who feel personally responsible for the work.
Healthy Reversals
His activity for the healing of an immortal soul cost Provost Goesche with a heavy setbacks in health.
With thirty he sufffered a nervous breakdown, at forty a seizure. At fifty he contracted diabetes.
Never the less he is still in the spirit of the Good Shepherd, full of drive and energy.
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