(Rome) On Monday, Pope Francis celebrated the first Mass since the re-admission of public services in Italy - and that versus Deum. It should also be the last to be broadcast on the media due to the Corona crisis.
Among all the measures that have been taken because of the Coronavirus by the Church, this was Pope Francis' most radical. In his diocese of Rome he had all services suspended on March 8th and all churches and chapels closed on March 12th. No diocese worldwide has gone this far. After only 24 hours and an impending uprising, the priests rowed back. At least the parish churches were reopened, all other churches and chapels remained closed. The Pope's diocese remained on the most radical path. The corresponding decrees were signed by Cardinal Vicar Angelo De Donatis, who heads the diocese on behalf of the Pope. The cardinal vicar is formally an auxiliary bishop who acts as vicar general. Cardinalatial dignity has been associated with this since 1558. De Donatis indicated that the order had come directly from Francis. No other would be conceivable. No vicar general would take such a drastic and historically unprecedented step on his own. Since the Vatican had hermetically sealed itself at the beginning of March, Pope Francis also celebrated without the people in the past ten weeks . Only two or three priests, a religious and an organist took part in the morning celebrations in Santa Marta. In return, the Pope's morning mass was carried over the world through direct channels. The Mass last Monday morning was the last to be broadcast because public services have been allowed again in Italy since the same day.
Franziskus at Sebastian's Altar (St. Peter's Basilica)
The direct transmissions were not concluded from Santa Marta, but from St. Peter's Basilica, namely from the Sebastian chapel. It is located in the north aisle in front of the chapel. The tomb of John Paul II has been under the altar of this chapel dedicated to the proto-martyr, since 2011. The remains of the Vatican Grottoes, the first burial place, were brought to the beatification. The canonization took place three years later, on April 27, 2014.
At the Sebastian's altar above the tomb of the Polish Pope, who ruled the Church from 1978 to 2005, Pope Francis celebrated the last of the morning Masses that were broadcast. The occasion was the 100th birthday of John Paul II, who was born on May 18, 1920 in the Polish town of Wadowice. Here Pope Francis celebrated versus Deum . It's a direction of celebration that gives his House Liturgist, Andrea Grillo, a flush of anger.
Pope Francis had already celebrated at the Sebastian Altar in the past and in each case versus Deum as an alternative to the direction of celebration that was taken for granted in Church tradition, in the direction of the rising sun, towards the returning Christ who would come from the east.
For the first time, however, the celebration was broadcast by the media on Monday, which is why the unusual direction of celebration since the great liturgical reform of 1969/70 was given special visibility. Photos of the celebration were also distributed by international press agencies such as AFP.
The tomb of John Paul II has been under the altar since 2011
It is said that the Pope celebrated "with his back" to the people, as the actual direction of celebrations has been discredited for half a century, because the previous way of things were adhered to. In plain language: There is no "people's altar" in the chapel of St. Sebastian. Another inaccurate claim, because in the past it has been demonstrated many times over how quickly a portable altar can be set up at any location. Pope Benedict XVI had one removed from the Sistine Chapel, where John Paul II usually celebrated. For the Thanksgiving Mass with the Cardinals, his first mass as Pope the day after the election, Francis had it brought back to the Sistine Chapel.
The unusual orientation for Francis was no tribute to John Paul II. Be that as the people's altar was shuffled into the Sistine Chapel, undoubtedly the celebration versus populum is preferred.
Liturgical gestures by Benedict XVI. paid special attention because Francis knew how serious the liturgical question was to him. The media rush to judgement. Probably for the exact opposite reason of his predecessor.
Gestures that cannot really be classified are an essential feature of the current pontificate.
In a new interview, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano criticizes the fact that a connubium of modernists and Freemasonry wants to create a "neo-church".
(Rome) Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has been one of the most internationally renowned Church representatives since his sharp criticism of Pope Francis in the McCarrick case.In an interview published yesterday, he spoke about the attempt to replace the Church of Jesus Christ with a "neo-church" and about the Third Mystery of Fatima.
Cardinal McCarrick had risen to become the most influential cardinal in the United States under Pope Francis. Although in June 2013, in his capacity as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Vigano had informed the Pope in detail about Cardinal McCarrick's homosexual double life and his corruption of priests and seminarians, Francis remained inactive.
It wasn't until the New York Times published McCarrick's legacy in July 2018 that Francis stripped him of cardinalship. But when the head of the church declared that he knew nothing of all that he had otherwise acted earlier, it was too much for Archbishop Vigano. He accused Francis of in fact covering up McCarrick's machinations for more than five years and making him his adviser. The archbishop accused Francis not only of cover-up and omission, but also of lying, and called on him to resign. Francis declined to comment.
Archbishop Vigano, on the other hand, has been living in secret "for fear of retribution" ever since and only goes public in writing. An exception was the Acies ordinataagainst the "Synodal Way" of the German Episcopal Conference, which took place in Munich last January. Archbishop Vigano surprisingly mingled with the participants.
Yesterday he gave an interview to the Portuguese newspaper Dies Iraein which he also commented on the Third Secret of Fatima.
DIes Irae: Excellency, thank you for giving us this interview. We are in the midst of the COVID-19 epidemic that has affected the lives of millions of people in recent months and has even caused the deaths of many of them. In view of this situation, the Church, through the Episcopal Conferences, has decided to close virtually all churches and to deprive the faithful of access to the sacraments. On March 27, In front of an empty St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis led a hypothetical prayer for humanity in an apparently media-friendly manner. There have been many reactions to the way in which the Pope carried out this moment, one of which tried to link the lonely presence of Francis with the message of Fatima, that is, with the Third Mystery. Do you agree?
Archbishop Vigano: First of all, allow me to say that it is a pleasure for me to give this interview to the faithful of Portugal, to whom the Blessed Virgin has promised to keep it in the Faith even in these times of great trial. You are a people with great responsibility, because you may soon have to preserve the holy fire of religion, while other nations refuse to recognize Christ as their king and the blessed Mary as their queen.
The third part of the message, which Our Lady entrusted to the shepherd children of Fatima so that they may deliver it to the Holy Father, is still secret. Our Lady asked for it to be revealed in 1960, but John XXIII issued a press release on 8 February of that year declaring that the Church "does not want to assume the responsibility of guaranteeing the truthfulness of the words which the shepherd children say the Virgin Mary addressed to them." With this distancing from the message of the Queen of Heaven, a cover-up operation began, apparently because the content of the message would have revealed the terrible conspiracy against the Church of Christ by its enemies. Until a few decades ago, it would have seemed unthinkable that one would go so far as to silence even Our Lady. In recent years, however, we have even experienced attempts to censor the Gospel, the word of her divine Son.
In 2000, during the pontificate of John Paul II, the Secretary of State, Cardinal Sodano [1990–2006], presented his own version as the Third Secret, which, due to some elements, clearly seemed incomplete. It is not surprising that the new Secretary of State, Cardinal Bertone [2006–2013], tried to draw attention to an event from the past, only to make the people of God believe that the words of the Virgin had nothing to do with the Church crisis and with the interaction of modernists and Freemasonry behind the scenes of the Second Vatican Council. Antonio Socci, who has carefully examined the Third Secret, exposed this deliberate behaviour of Cardinal Bertone. At the same time, it was Bertone himself who strongly discredited and censored the tears of Tears of Our Lady of Civitavecchia, whose message perfectly matches what she had said in Fatima.
Let us not forget the unnoticed appeal of Our Lady to the Pope encouraging all bishops to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart in order to defeat Communism and atheist materialism: not to consecrate "the world, not that nation that you want us to consecrate to you ", but "Russia". Did it cost too much to do that?
Obviously yes for those who have no view of the supernatural. One preferred the path of détente with the Soviet regime that Roncalli had taken, without understanding that peace is not possible without God.
Today, with a President of the Russian Federation who is certainly a Christian, this request of the Virgin could be fulfilled in order to avert further catastrophes for the Church and the world.
Benedict XVI also confirmed the topicality of the message of the Virgin Mary, although according to the interpretation spread by the Vatican, it is to be regarded as complete. Those who have read the Third Secret said in all clarity that it concerns the apostasy of the Church, which began at the very beginning of the 1960s and has now reached such an obvious stage that it is recognized even by inexperienced observers. This almost compulsive insistence on issues that the Church has always condemned, such as relativism and religious indifferentism, false ecumenism, Malthusian ecology, homoheresy and mass immigration, has found in the Abu Dhabi Declarationthe fulfilment of a plan conceived by secret sects for more than two centuries.
DIes Irae: In the middle of Holy Week and after the Synod of Amazons, the Pope decided to set up a commission to discuss and study the women's diaconate in the Catholic Church. Do you think that this has the purpose of paving the way for the clericalization of women, or, in other words, an attempt to manipulate the priesthood that our Lord Jesus Christ instituted on Holy Thursday?
Archbishop Vigano: The Sacrament of Holy Orders can and will never be changed in its nature. The attack on the priesthood has always been at the heart of the actions of the heretics and their inspirer, and it is understandable that attacking the priesthood means destroying Holy Mass and the Most holy Eucharist, as well as the entire sacramental structure. Among the conspiratorial enemies of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, there was, of course, no shortage of modernists who, since the 19th century, have theorized a Church without priests or with priests and priestesses. These delusions, anticipated by some representatives of modernism in France, subtly resurfaced at the Second Vatican Council in an attempt to imply a certain equivalence between the official priesthood resulting from the Sacrament of Holy Orders and the general priesthood of the faithful emerging from baptism. It is significant that it is precisely through the play with this deliberate misunderstanding, the reformed liturgy [Novus Ordo] is also affected by the doctrinal error of Lumen gentium, going so far as to reduce the consecration to mere presiding in a meeting of [general] priests. The priest is in reality an old Christ, not because the people appoint him, but through the ontological alignment with the high priest Jesus Christ, whom he has to imitate in the holiness of life and in the absolute devotion, which is also represented by celibacy.
The next step therefore had to be necessarily followed, if not by the extinguishing of the priesthood, then at least by making it ineffective by extending it to women who cannot be consecrated. It is precisely what has happened in the Protestant and Anglican sects, which today are also experiencing the embarrassing situation of having lesbian bishops in the so-called Church of England. It is obvious that the ecumenical "pretext" – that is, the approach to deviating communities, even by accepting the latest errors – is based on Satan's hatred of the priesthood and would inevitably ruin the Church of Christ. At the same time, ecclesiastical celibacy is also the target of the same attacks, because it belongs unmistakably to the Catholic Church and is a valuable protection for the priesthood, which tradition it has kept vigorously throughout the centuries.
The attempt to introduce a form of consecrated women's ministry in the Church, despite the repeated declarations of the Magisterium, is not new. John Paul II, too, clearly defined, with all the canonical requirements of an infallible ex-Cathedra declaration, that it is absolutely impossible to question the doctrine on this subject. But just as one has put one's hand on the Catechism to declare the death penalty "not in conformity with the Gospel", which is unprecedented and heretical, so today one tries ex novo to invent some form of female diaconate – propaedeutic, of course, for the future introduction of the women's priesthood.
The first Commission set up by Bergoglio years ago issued a negative opinion and confirmed what could not even have been discussed. Because a commission was unwilling to obey Francis' wishes, this does not mean that another commission whose members he chooses could not be more "docile" and more willing to destroy another pillar of the Catholic faith. I have no doubt that Bergoglio has convincing methods and that he can put pressure on the Theological Commission. But I am equally sure that in the unfortunate event that this consultative body should give a favourable opinion, it will not necessarily need an official statement by the Pope to see the introduction of deaconesses in the dioceses of Germany or Holland – while Rome is silent on this. This method is well known and makes it possible, on the one hand, to attack the priesthood and, on the other hand, to provide a pleasant alibi for those within the ecclesial structures who thus claim at all times that "the Pope has not allowed anything new". This is exactly what they have done by authorizing the Episcopal Conferences to allow autonomous hand-Communion, which was enacted by abuse and has now become a worldwide practice.
We should remember that this approach to the dogmas of the Church confirms an undeniable fact: Bergoglio has adopted the so-called situation theology, whose loci theologici, theological places, random facts or themes are: the world, nature, the feminine, young people... This is a theology which does not focus on the immutable and eternal truth of God, but on the contrary starts from observing the imperative urgency of phenomena in order to give answers that correspond to the expectations of today's world.
Dies Irae: According to renowned historians, the Second Vatican Council was a break between the Church and tradition. Hence the appearance of ways of thinking, which they want to transform into a mere humanitarian association that embraces the world and embraces its globalist utopia. How do you see this serious problem?
Archbishop Vigano: A church that presents itself as new in contrast to the Church of Christ is simply not the Church of Christ! The Mosaic religion, that is, the "Church of the Old Law", which was wanted by God to lead His people to the coming of the Messiah, has found its fulfillment and completion in the New Covenant and was finally revoked on Calvary by the sacrifice of Christ. From his open side came the New and Eternal Covenant, which replaced the synagogue. It seems that the post-Conciliar, modernist and Freemason Church also aims to transform, overcome, and replace the Church of Christ with a "neo-church", a disfigured and monstrous creature that does not come from God.
The purpose of this neo-church is not to get the chosen people to recognize the Messiah, just as it is not the purpose for the synagogue to convert and save all peoples from the second coming of Christ, which is the purpose of the Catholic Church. Its purpose is rather to constitute itself as the spiritual arm of the New World Order and to promote the One World Religion. In this sense, the Council Revolution first had to destroy the heritage of the Church, its thousand-year-old tradition from which it drew its vitality and authority as the mystical body of Christ. Then it was a matter of getting rid of the representative of the old hierarchy, and only recently she began to show herself to be what she wants to be, without pretense or camouflage.
What you call utopia is in fact a dystopia, because it represents the concreteization of the plan of Freemasonry and prepares the appearance of the Antichrist.
I am also convinced that the majority of my confreres, and especially almost all priests and believers, are not fully aware of this hellish plan, and that recent events have opened the eyes of many. Their faith will enable our Lord to gather the pusillus grex, the small flock, before the final confrontation around the true shepherd.
Dies Irae: In order to restore the ancient splendour of the Church, it will be necessary to question many aspects of the Council's teaching. What points of the Second Vatican Council would you question?
Archbishop Vigano: I believe that there is no shortage of important personalities who have already expressed the critical points of the Council better than I have. There are those who believe that it would be less complicated and certainly wiser to follow the practice of the Church and the Popes as it was used in the Synod of Pistoia. It also contained good things, but the errors it claimed were considered sufficient to make them forgotten.
This Irae: Is the current pontificate the culmination of a process that begins with the Second Vatican Council and was longed for in the so-called "Catacomb Pact", or is it still an intermediate phase?
Archbishop Vigano: As with any revolution, the heroes of the first hour often fall victim to their own system, as was the case with Robespierre. Those who were regarded yesterday as the flag bearers of the Council Spirit now appear almost as conservatives: the examples of this are visible before all eyes. There are already those who, in the intellectual circles of progressivism (such as those frequented by a haughty Massimo Faggioli), begin to dispel doubts here and there about Bergoglio's real abilities, to make "courageous decisions" – for example, to abolish celibacy, to allow women to the priesthood, or to legitimize the Communicatio in sacris with heretics – almost as if he were hoping that he would step down in order to elect a pope who was even more obedient to the elites who had their most unscrupulous and determined followers in the Catacomb Pact and in the Mafia of St. Gallen.
This Irae: Our Excellency, we Catholics today often feel isolated from the Church and almost abandoned by our shepherds. What can you say to the hierarchs and believers who, despite the confusion and error that are spreading in the Church, are trying to persevere in this tough struggle to maintain the integrity of our faith?
Archbishop Vigano: My words would certainly be inadequate. I confine myself to repeating the words of our Lord, the eternal word of the Father: "Be sure, I am with you all the days until the end of the world." Of course, we feel isolated: but did the Apostles not feel that way, and all Christians? Didn't even Our Lord feel abandoned in Gethsemane? These are times of trial, perhaps of the last trial: we must drink the bitter cup, and even if it is human emanating from the Lord to let him pass by us, we must repeat with confidence: "But not as I will, but as you will" and remember His words of consolation: "In the world you are in affliction; but have courage: I have conquered the world."
After trial, however hard and painful it may be, the eternal reward will be prepared for us that no one can take away from us. The Church will once again radiate the glory of her Lord after this terrible and long-lasting Easter triduum.
Although prayer is undoubtedly indispensable, we must not relent on fighting the good struggle, but should make everyone witnesses of a courageous spirit of struggle under the banner of the Cross of Christ. Let us not allow the finger to be pointed at us, as the maid did in the court of the high priest with Saint Peter: "You also were one of his disciples," and then he denied Christ. Let us not be intimidated! Let us not allow the gag of tolerance to be applied to those who wish to proclaim the truth! Let us ask the Blessed Virgin and Our Lady Mary that our tongue can courageously proclaim the kingdom of God and Hs righteousness. May the miracle of Lapa be renewed, where the blessed Mary gave back the voice to little Joana, who was born dumb. May she also give us a voice, her children, who have remained silent for too long.
Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of Victories, ora pro nobis.
Introduction/translation: Giuseppe
Nardi Picture: Corrispondenza Romana
Francis and the Amazon Synodal - sophisticated regional circles with pre-fabricated results and global ramifications.
By Roberto de Mattei *
The message we anticipated was in the air. The confirmation is sent to us confidentially by some bishops who have received part (not all) of the post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis on the Amazon Synod. This part essentially deals with paragraph 111 of the Synod's final document.
“Many church communities in the Amazon region have enormous difficulties in accessing the Eucharist. It takes months or years for a priest to return to a church to celebrate the Eucharist, to offer the sacrament of reconciliation, or to celebrate the anointing of the sick for the ill in the church.
We value celibacy as a gift from God insofar as this gift enables the missionary disciple ordained to the priesthood to devote themselves fully to the service of the Holy People of God. It stimulates pastoral love, and we pray that there are many vocations that live the celibate priesthood. We know that this discipline 'is not required by the nature of the priesthood itself' (PO, 16), although there is a ratio of usefulness to it for many reasons. In his encyclical on priestly celibacy, St. Paul VI. upheld this law and exposed the theological, spiritual, and pastoral motivations that motivate it. In 1992, the post-synodal exhortation of St. John Paul II for priestly training confirmed this tradition in the Latin Church (PDV, 29). In view of the fact that legitimate diversity does not affect the community and unity of the Church, but expresses it and is at its service (cf. LG, 13; OE, 6), as evidenced by the existing diversity of rites and disciplines, we propose that within the framework of Lumen Gentium 26, the competent authority shall lay down criteria and provisions for the ordination of suitable and recognized men of the congregation to priests who practice fruitful permanent diaconate and receive adequate priestly training to support the life of the Christian community to be supported by preaching the word and celebrating the sacraments in the most remote areas of the Amazon. "
So the breach has been made. There is then no reason to ban what other regions of the world will allow in some areas of the Amazon. The German bishops, and not just them, are ready to open priesthood to married men who are deemed appropriate by the competent authority. What is thereby liquidated is not only a changeable "Church discipline", but a law of the Church, which is based on a commandment of divine and apostolic origin.
Fifty years ago at the symposium of European bishops in Chur in July 1969, Cardinal Leo-Joseph Suenens read an appeal by Hans Küng to abolish the celibacy of priests in his closing speech. This demand coincided with the role assigned by the progressive theology of sexuality: an instinct that man should not suppress by asceticism, but "liberate" by finding a form of "realization" of the human person in sex. Since then, this demand has expanded and has gone hand in hand with the Church's process of secularization and self-destruction.
In reality, the violations of celibacy and simony were always the great plagues that afflicted the mystical body of Christ in times of crisis. And the call for abstinence and poverty, as the Gospel calls it, were the banner of the great saints of church renewal. In the coming days of February, the anti-reformer will not, as is so often the case, be a bishop or a group of bishops, but the successor of St. Peter.
Ecclesiastical celibacy is the glory of the Church, and what makes it so is the will of Christ, which the apostles have handed down to our times.
Is it conceivable that the Catholics can remain silent in the face of this scandal?
* Roberto de Mattei, historian, father of five, professor of modern history and history of Christianity at the European University of Rome, chair of the Lepanto Foundation, author of numerous books, most recently in German translation: Defense of Tradition: The Insurmountable Truth of Christ, with a foreword by Martin Mosebach, Altötting 2017 and The Second Vatican Council. A previously unwritten story, 2nd adult Edition, Bobingen 2011. [His books are available in English on Amazon.com]
Books by Prof. Roberto de Mattei in German translation Martin Mosebach's books can be obtained from our partner bookstore.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Where hope is missing: Noa Pothoven and the cruel culture of death.
Edit: now the evil Gabriel will turn on the Pope.
(Rome) Pope Francis found clear words against suicide and euthanasia. He spoke of a "defeat for all". The papal statement was made in response to the death of 17-year-old Dutch girl, Noa Pothoven. A message that is shocking indeed.
Pothoven was euthanized last Sunday because of "depression.” So it was reported yesterday by numerous media. The killing was done in a so-called "Lebensendeklinik" [End of Life Clinic]. By this euphemism is meant no medical device, as the name implies, but a killing device.
Noa Pothoven was sexually molested at the age of 11 and 12, and was raped by two Muslims at the age of 14. The rape caused post-traumatic stress, anorexia and depression. Last Sunday, on the basis of the Dutch euthanasia law and with the permission of the parents, the killing of the girl took place.
However, the news of Noa's euthanasia turned out to be a hoax. It is not wrong, however, that the girl is actually dead, in no less dire circumstances.
Stand by the Sufferer
Therefore, Pope Francis took a stand not only against euthanasia but also against suicide.
The news is so incredible that it is hard to believe. Instead of helping their daughter, the parents agreed to have their child killed. But even the ultraliberal euthanasia law of the Netherlands does not allow euthanasia because of depression.
Because she was denied euthanasia, Noa Pothoven, according to the current reconstruction of events, starved and died of thirst by refusing food and fluid intake. And at home and with the consent of her parents.
Noa herself had announced her death on the social networks, including on Instagram. She herself complained there that she was denied euthanasia, "because I am too young." She would have had to undergo psychiatric or psychological therapy first. Only then could she have been killed at the age of 21, "when my brain is fully mature".
"I'm devastated because I can not wait that long," said the 17-year-old.
The cruel suicide is likely to trigger a new discussion on the further expansion of the euthanasia law in order to "spare" those who "wish" such a dreadful death.
Today, Pope Francis responded with a tweet to the dire news of Pothov's death:
"Euthanasia and assisted suicide are a defeat for all. The answer to which we are called is never to let the sufferer down, never to resign, but to accept with care and love, to give hope. "
Tweet by Pope Francis.
Tweet by Pope Francis.
On the German Twitter account of the Pope, the majority of reactions were negative. The Christian understanding of suffering and death is barely or not at all present in many. However, in the face of pain and death, the delusion of unlimited self-determination reaches its limits anyway.
Some German reactions of incomprehension to the position of the Pope:
The Kroisos Newsleaf writes:
"One wonders, on which planet this #Franziskus lives ... Go to a hospital, and look at some bodies - people are no longer - who vegetate uselessly under mad pain. To them, death is a true, only salvation. "
Thomas Martin wonders:
"Suffering for the sake of suffering?"
Lady [[[Luna Flausn]]] from the Schnuffel round:
"Does that really fall under self-flagellation?"
Nell Hitchens #noAfD:
"Like Mother Teresa? No thank you."
"And if hope is only death?"
Photographer A. Lauer:
"Who are you that you try to impose your masochism on others?"
The Commentator answered with two tweets:
"Every animal may be euthanized so that it does not have to suffer! And man as a thinking, sensitive being must suffer and vegetate? This is neither Christian nor human! Relatives who think otherwise are selfish & unfeeling. "
"Old man, you are a senile, senile old man and have no idea of real life!"
Colonel Guillaume:
"Comrade Holy Father, are not you of the opinion that every human being must decide this question for themselves? So why are you denying people the opportunity? "
"And who cares about all abuse victims of the church Franzi?"
Sandra Müller:
"Only everyone can make that decision for themselves, their decision must be respected by others. No ifs and buts."
There were other dumbfound reactions published on the pope’s other accounts.
5novembre 2020 writes:
"Jesus decided of his own free will to kill himself."
Gabriele writes:
"Noa needed the only possible medicine: Jesus. The fact that she did not get this medicine is the fault of the world! "
Word has come to the EF that Enzo Bianchi, "prior" of the Bose Monastic Community and confidant of Pope Francis, has communicated to the leadership of the Federation of "Evangelical" "Churches" in Italy that Pope Francis has finally accepted Jesus Christ as his "personal Lord and Savior" and has thus been "born again." We at the EF believe that this conversion bodes well for the authentic reform of the Vatican. Naturally, given how prone the Curia is to maintaining the status quo, the Pope's conversion has of yet borne no visible fruit, but certain power players in the Vatican are now apparently afraid of being fired, should the new "Evangelical" pope seek to clean the Augean stables of his own staff. CardinalCoccopalmerio ("Cardinal Cocco" for short) and his fellow partiers, for instance, have threatened Pope Francis with blackmail should he actually follow through on his newfound convictions. They, apparently, have proof that the Pope is actively plotting to interfere in the next American election so as to thwart Putin's foreign policy and to secure the election of Beto O'Rourke. Oh, and apparently the Pope likes Beto's "poetry" too.
Pope Francis worried about homosexuality in the Church: "In our societies, it seems that homosexuality is a fashion, and this mentality also influences the Church in some way"
Rome (kath.net) Pope Francis is worried about homosexuals in the Church. "In our societies, it seems that homosexuality is a fashion, and this mentality also influences the Church in some way," said the head of the Church in a recent interview, which will be published in a book on Monday. This was reported by “ORF.” According to the interview, Francis is worried about homosexuals in the clergy and seminaries. [What about his close circle?]
It was - said the Pope - a "mistake" to believe that gays in the priestly education are "not so bad" and homosexuality is just a form of affection. "In consecrated life and in priestly life, this kind of affectation has no place." This is a "very serious matter". Francis also wants people with "these deep-rooted tendencies" not to be admitted into seminaries. Next week, the book by the author Fernando Prado entitled "La fuerza de la vocacion."
[Sir] "It's an unprecedented situation because so far the Pope was not attackable". This is how Cardinal Walter Kasper, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, comments on the attacks on Pope Francis that are taking place during this period. For years the cardinal worked in the Vatican, as a close collaborator of the Pontiffs. Today, in an interview with Sir on the sidelines of the "Ponti di Pace" meeting in Bologna (which will be published in full tomorrow), he recalls: "One could obviously disagree. But the Pope is the symbol of unity and has authority not only in the Church; it is a moral authority in the world. Destroying this authority as they do, it is completely irresponsible. And for a bishop, a cardinal, it is impossible to do it. I personally think that when you do not agree, sometimes you can even shut up. We must stop this destruction. The majority of Christians who are in favor of the Pope should not be silent in this situation and must say: we are with the Pope, for the Pope. But this is missing. The majority is silent while the others speak loudly and have a network between them. But they have no future because they are a minority, only a minority, that speaks aloud ". The cardinal pauses to speak also of what is emerging in the Church regarding facts and scandals. "The Church - he says - is weakened by these scandals. Abuses are a shame. But they show that the Church is always a Church of sinners. If it were not, I could never belong to this Church as a sinner. Prayer is needed. Praying for the Pope, for the unity of the Church, for our societies. Prayer is a force that we have, it is the greatest strength that God has given us, together with the witness ".
Freemasons: new attempt to come closer by Lodge Members and Church Representatives
(Rome) Next October 19, an elite study conference between members of the Catholic Church and Freemasonry will take place in a medieval castle near the central Italian city of Gubbio, now a luxury hotel.
The city of Gubbio, whose name is mainly associated with St. Francis of Assisi, belongs to the diocese of Assisi. On the website of the diocesan website it describes the conference:
"In a delicate phase of the pontificate of Francis, the [...] event arouses special interest in a historic moment in which more open positions within [the Church] are coming forth, such as those recently received by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the President of the Pontifical Commission For Culture.”
Lodge-Church Conferencein the Diocese of Assisi
Specifically, with the open letter "Dear Brother Freemasons", which Cardinal Ravasi published on 14 February 2016 in the Italian business paperIl Sole 24Ore, declaring himself “more prepared to dialogue and more open to different positions.” Overall, Freemasonry shows amazing satisfaction about the administration of Pope Francis, who is mentioned in the diocesesan statement (see The Bishop "Veryclose" to the Pope Congratulates the Masons). These include more recent attempts at "dialogue". First attempts of this kind came after the Second Vatican Council, especially in the 70s. For the Church, membership in the Church of Jesus Christ and membership in a Masonic Lodge is considered incompatible.
The Bishop of Assisi is Msgr. Domenico Sorrentino, who was secretary of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship and the Order of the Sacraments from 2000 to 2005 (Pope Francis' Mysterious Liturgy Commission).
The Catholic Church is not represented in Gubio, but a certain part of the Church. Among the speakers is a pastor of the Waldenses. Their origin dates back to the High Middle Ages. Since the 16th century, however, Italian Calvinism is actually forming. Especially in Piedmont, but also in Tuscany, the Waldenses have traditionally had close ties with Freemasonry. The press release of the diocese of Assisi uses the term "church" for the Waldenses. According to the doctrine of the Church, as it is written down in the catechism of the Catholic Church, only those communities that have apostolic succession have a share in the Church of Christ, which was never the case for the Waldenses.
Other speakers include the Catholic priest, Don Gianni Giacomelli, prior of the Camaldolese monastery Fonte Avellana; the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, Stefano Bisi and the President of the College of the Reverend Masters of the Masonic Lodges of Umbria, Luca Nicola Castiglione.
The conference's motto is: "Church and Freemasonry: Is Dialogue Possible?"
Organizer of the meeting is the Association of Catholic Workers ACLI in the Catholic Action. But the final word will be Stefano Bisi’s, Grand Master of the Grand Orient, Italy's most influential freemasonry.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Diocese of Assisi
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com