The "erotic Buddhist" Pablo d'Ors a heretic
(Rome / Madrid) The writer, a Catholic priest and "erotic Buddhist" Pablo d'Ors from Spain has been a consultant since 1 July 2014
, Adviser, for the
Pontifical Council for Culture at the Vatican (see
Pontifical Cultural Council for Women priests -? The "Erotic Buddhist" that Francis made the Consultant ). His appointment has already caused amazement. Now Msgr. Jose Rico Paves, the auxiliary bishop of Getafe in Madrid, has accused Pablo d'Ors who wrote an essay in an article published on June 26 of a "Wealth of Doctrinal Heresies". The President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, just appeared in the headlines because of his active participation in the Pachamama cult, a
Pagan Mother Earth Cult .
essay by Pablo d'Ors appeared in the Spanish magazine
Vida Nueva (New Life) with the subtitle "A dedicated voice in the Church." The
Consultant maintains therein that the actions in the Eucharistic celebration are "fundamentally magical and not religious." Pablo d'Ors: "The sacraments of the Church mean nothing to the vast majority, to those who belong to it, as good as nothing. A character whose meaning they do not understand, it's not a sign, but magic. The Christian rites and symbols have degenerated to, for the majority of believers, pure magic." Words and gestures to "be carried out automatically and in an irrational manner, do not connect with the transcendent," said the Spaniard, whom Pope Francis has made a consultant.
"Our Masses Remind Me of the Absurd Theater of Beckett"
He continued: "I maintain that much is fundamentally magical and non-religious from the behavior of the priests and the laity during the Eucharistic celebration. Can you imagine that the apostles knelt before the bread or picked up crumbs after Jesus?"
Therefore, "Our Masses remind me of the absurd theater of Beckett," said d'Ors. "For example, take the Eucharist, whose symbols are the bread and wine. The bread is of course commonplace, soft and nutritious. That the bread is a symbol of God means that God is an everyday occurrence, that God is soft and that God is nutritious. If the symbol of bread is broken, distributed and consumed as a sign or sacrament, that means not only giving, consciousness of other bread, but to make himself the food for the needs of others. The same applies to the wine [...] But why should we use it to keep the Eucharist in a tabernacle? Have we not said that it is the true sign and to share it? The proof that our mentality is magical, if we think that God is more in a box than outside. But this is ... is absurd! "
Statements by Pablo d'Ors "Full Doctrinal Heresies"
Bishop Rico Paves responded with a
paper, in which he condemned the text by Pablo d'Ors as "full doctrinal heresies".The views expressed by D'Ors would have "dramatic consequences for the Christian life". Pablo d'Ors was a priest, who "does not believe in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and makes fun of the worship and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and His constant presence in the tabernacle of the Church".
Bishop Rico Paves also expresses its concern because the author of these heresies is a "Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Culture." The Bishop sees in "the doctrinal confusion by d'Ors, a faith problem". The auxiliary bishop writes: "Why did he not even mention the word faith? He thinks that one can understand the sacraments without faith." Also: "How can it be that 50 years after publication of the encyclical Fidei Msyterium by Pope Paul VI. the misconceptions rejected at the same time about the Eucharist and the sacraments are represented?"
Pablo d'Ors is incardinated in the Archdiocese of Madrid. Will he suspended from his priesthood, to which he has publicly turned his back? Will he be released as a Vatican dicastery Consultant?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred
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