Showing posts with label Piedmont. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Piedmont. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2016

"Amoris Laetitia" and the Practical Consequences -- the Pastors of Biella Will Now Give Communion to Divorced and Remarried

The Pastors of Biella
(Rome) The Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia by Pope Francis, with its conclusions from the two Synods of Bishops 2014 and 2015 about marriage and the family, has plunged the Catholic Church plunged into a big mess and is presenting its first real impact.
The papal document led to a major disagreement in  interpretation. The Pope's closest confidants celebrate the letter as "most important document of the last 1000 years" (Cardinal Walter Kasper). The "revolutionary" implications have dawned on  progressive church circles after an initial disappointment (Alberto Melloni, School of Bologna). "Conservatives" also try desperately to explain away Amoris Laetitia,  and to reinterpret the official Magisterium of the Pope as a "personal" and therefore non-binding statement  (Cardinal Raymond Burke). Traditional Catholics who do not withdraw from the substantive debate, speak of a "catastrophic document" (Roberto de Mattei). For external observers, there reigns the perfect mess.
Rarely has the Catholic Church shown itself so fractiousness and disunited on how conceive and implement a papal document. The confusion concerns the whole Church. They range from the very top to the very bottom. How  is it now dealing with the divorced and remarried? And how with the other people who live in an irregular relationship?
The priest Don Luca Mele wrote the Pope on Twitter: "Be a little more clear: do I have to absolve them or not? Do I have to give them Communion or not? Thank you!"

The example of the Piedmontese town of Biella

The pastor of the town Biella (45,000 inhabitants) in Piedmont, which is the from which the ancestors of Pope Francis came, made it known yesterday in the local news that they are "for the admission of remarried divorcees to communion". The explosiveness lies in the subtitle of the newspaper report: "Following the publication of Amoris Laetitia by Pope Francis". In other words, the pastor of the town had previously disagreed.
The German-speaking bishops had let the world know in advance: If Rome does not guarantee thaqt public adulterers receive Communion  that they would act alone. Given the "play room" (ZDF), which the papal document leaves means that the need for  "going alone" is no longer needed. The "revolution" is that there is no general rule any more. The categorical no by the Catholic Church to communion for public adulterers has been replaced by the large numbers of "case by case" solutions. One method applied by Amoris Laetitia to the so-called "divorced and remarried", could be applied equally well in a further step, including  also homosexuals and other groups of people and situations.
The part of the Church which was "loyal to Rome" under John Paul II., which had arisen in response to the post-conciliar upheaval, is proving itself spellbound. Some have, since 2013, left off progressive solutions  under the pretext of being "loyal to Rome." The rest are staring at the pope like the rabbit at the snake.  He is supposed to increase the brothers in faith and feed the flock and protect them from the wolves. The eventuality that he could lead the Church astray himself, was categorically excluded as a possibility of thought.
Now that it is in the opinion an of attentive observer, that this part of the Church acts as if paralyzed and on many it is beginning to dawn that their conception of the papacy may need to corrected.
The Catholic Church seems thus to be facing complex new upheavals as late effects of the undigested Vatican II are to be considered and  with that, unleashed forces.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Biellanews (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Diocesan Conference Hosts SSPX Italian Superior to Talk on Vatican II

Edit: Don Secci Alberto is a Diocesan Priest in Novara, Italy invites a surprise guest who held everyone enraptured by the clarity of his discourse and the Apostolic fire of his zeal.  Here's a brief stab at some google translate with some editing for the ever dependable Messa in Latino blog.  The following is an account of the Third Conference of Tradition in Verbania in the region of Piedmont, Italy:

We have received and published in the common perspective of "thinking with the Church". We thank the author for sending to us the article. AC 

"To deny the very serious crisis in which we find the Church is to deny the evidence ... as a result, those who say things as they really are, is considered an enemy of the Church."

With these sorrowful words  Don Secci Alberto opened the Third Conference of the tradition that took place, as planned, at the hotel "The Cloister" of Verbania. The conference room was packed with an audience and so the same Don Albert celebrated Holy Mass in the chapel at 17.30.

"While we deny the evidence" - continued the courageous priest of Ossola - "it often leads us to be astonished at the face we see in the mirror.

Coming to Verbania they listened to, for example, a radio interview with a Roman prelate. He went so far as to declare that ... this crisis has enabled the Church to provide, as always, the right medicine."

This medicine is called the Second Vatican Council. ... How do you get to this point?"

Shortly after he was presented, then the keynote speaker of the event was announced. A surprise came to the table and it was Don Pierpaolo Petrucci, the top guy of the Italian District of the SSPX: "We invited the Society of St. Pius X" - said Don Alberto - "because no one has in more than forty years of study and sacrifice, has been able to further investigate the reasons and meaning of this frightful crisis. The same Roman authorities, agreeing to discuss formally with the SSPX, have implicitly admitted that their positions are important and worthy of attention." [WOW!]

Don Pierpaolo Petrucci's summary then, in his clear speech about the historical reasons that led to the current situation: "The cause of all the troubles of the Church, throughout its history, is obviously Satan.

He, to act, however, needs of employees and always human, unfortunately, has found in the course of the centuries. "

He then summed up the history of heresies, and especially those that have plagued Christianity humanism forward.

"Luther, in practice, said: Christ yes, the Church no.

Then came the French Revolution and Liberalism have gone a step further: God yes, Christ no.

Finally, the atheistic Marxism: God is dead. "

Until the mid-nineteenth century all these heresies were rife in the world but the Church opposed it vigorously.

Then began a slow penetration, subtle and creeping into the Bride of Christ. St. Pius X was able to vanquish the modernism, the synthesis of all heresies, but after his death, the process continued slowly, until it explodes during and after the Second Vatican Council.

"Archbishop Lefebvre" - said Don Pierpaolo - "he told us, as indeed also stated, in the opposite perspective Card. Suenens, that the Council had been in 1789 the Church. In it imposed the three revolutionary motto: Liberté ( religious freedom), Fraternity, with ecumenism, Equality with the principle of collegiality. "

At the end of his speech, the Italian Superior of the SSPX has answered many questions presented by the most numerous and attentive audience.

Finally Don Alberto Secci concluded its work inviting everyone to "pray and respond."

"Of course, we pray that every grace comes to us from Heaven, but we also have to respond with clarity: many priests, usually in private, admit many of the considerations that we have done, but then, perhaps for understandable reasons of respect for the authorities, they were not the courage to expose themselves in the first person.

But we have to pray and respond with the proper methods but react! "

-Marco Bongi